TECO Uniservia Background
TECO Uniservia Background
TECO Uniservia Background
1. TECO Uniservia Background
TECO provides products focused on enterprise-wide integration and
efficiency of corporate IT functions.
Such products typically require approval by the U.S. government before
they can be exported. Uniservia has this approval.
TECO annual revenues exceed $15 Billion, with about 11% of revenues
in Emerging Markets (Austral-Asia/Africa/ME/LA)
New product development cycle is 2-3 years from concept to commercial
launch. Typical cost of development is $100-200 Million.
Prior to Uniservia, the only available alternative for MNCs were to
purchase separate equipment for each area of the company, at a cost that
was in excess of 2X that Uniservia (i.e. > $3.2 Million).
Form of government
Canada is a federation, which means that powers are divided between a central
government and 10 provinces. Since 1982, the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms is entrenched in the Constitution. Despite these changes, Canada
remains a constitutional monarchy and the Queen of the United Kingdom,
Elizabeth II, is still the Queen of Canada.
The Russian Federation is made up of 21 autonomous republics with the
capital being in Moscow. The Russian Federation is fundamentally structured as
a multi-party representative democracy, with the federal government composed
of three branches: Legislative, Executive, Judiciary.
The Federal Council has 176 members. There are more than 20 parties
currently competing in Russian politics.
In the area of political structure and ages, Russia does not fit easily into any
category and that has not had a lot of experience with democracy.
Australia’s system of government is founded in the liberal democratic
tradition. Based on the values of religious tolerance, freedom of speech and
association, and the rule of law, Australia’s institutions and practices of
government reflect British and North American models. Australia is known as a
constitutional monarchy. Australia's head of state is Queen Elizabeth II (also
Queen of the United Kingdom) but the two positions now are quite separate,
both in law and constitutional practice.
In practice, the Queen is plays no role within the Australian political system
and is merely a figurehead. In Australia, the Queen is formally represented by a
Governor General whom she appoints on the recommendation of Australia's
Prime Minister.
Relative to some other countries, Australia’s political parties and their internal
operations are comparatively unregulated, but internal party discipline is
extremely tight. Australia has four main political parties. The Australian Labor
Party (ALP), the Liberal Party, The National Party of Australia, formerly the
Country Party, The Australian Greens.
Australia’s major political parties have structured ways to involve their
members in developing party policy on issues. Elected politicians rarely vote
against their parties in parliament.
The Peoples Republic of China take place in a framework of the single-party
socialist republic. State power within the People's Republic of China (PRC) is
exercised through the Communist Party of China, the Central People's
Government and their provincial and local counterparts. The ruling Communist
Party committee at each level plays a large role in the selection of appropriate
candidates for election to the local congress and to the higher levels.
However, many Chinese and foreign observers see the PRC as in transition
from a system of public ownership to one in which private ownership plays an
increasingly important role. Privatization of housing and increasing freedom to
make choices about education and employment severely weakened the work
unit system that was once the basic cell of Communist Party control over
society. China's complex political, ethnic and ideological mosaic, much less
uniform beneath the surface than in the idealized story of the Propaganda
Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, resists
simple categorization
As the social, cultural and political as well as economic consequences of
market reform become increasingly manifest, tensions between the old—the
way of the comrade—and the new—the way of the citizen—are sharpening.
Level of terrorism
Australia Canada China Russia
Political stability
Political stability can be defined as the state of peace that is experienced in a
country, thanks to the activities of the government. The government in this case
makes decisions keeping in mind the best interests of the people. According to
Failed States Index(FSI) of the United States think-tank Fund for Peace. A
failed state has several attributes. Common indicators include a state whose
central government is so weak or ineffective that it has little practical control
over much of its territory; non-provision of public services; widespread
corruption and criminality; refugees and involuntary movement of populations;
sharp economic decline.
40 80.9 77.1
25.4 26
Australia Canada China Russia
Economic system
The economy of Australia is one of the largest capitalist economies in the world
with a GDP of US$1.57 trillion. This economy is dominated by its service
sector, comprising 68% of GDP
Canadians has one of the world’s greatest economic systems. Today, Canada is
the 9th largest economy in the world based on GDP (nominal) and the 14th
The socialist market economy of China is the world’s second largest economy
after the US. Economic restructure is one of the most crucial elements of
China's reform and opening-up policy because of encouraging the development
of diversified economic elements whilst retaining the dominance of the public
sector; creation of a modern enterprise system to meet the requirements of the
market economy; a unified and open market system across China, linking
domestic and international markets, and promoting the optimization of
resources; transformation of government economic management in order to
establish a complete macro-control system; encouraging certain lead groups and
areas to become rich first, enabling them to help others towards prosperity too;
the formulation of a China-appropriate social security system for both urban and
rural residents, so as to promote overall economic development and ensure
social stability. According to the plan, China is forecast to have a relatively
complete socialist market economy in place by 2010 and this will become
comparatively mature by 2020. The Chinese government has reformed the
economy from a planned economy to a more market-oriented economy.
The economy of Russia is the 8th largest economy in the world by nominal value
and the 6th largest by PPP.
In 2012, It was worth 1520.6 billion US dollars, according to the World Bank
Group. From 1960 until 2012, Australia GDP averaged 325.7 USD Billion
In 2012, it was worth 1821.40 billion US dollars. From 1960 until 2012, Canada
GDP averaged 524.8 USD billion.
=> From 1989 until 2013, China GDP Annual Growth Rate averaged 9.2
Percent reaching an all time high of 14.2 Percent in December of 1992 and a
record low of 3.8 Percent in December of 1990
Unemployment rate:
In recent years, FDI flows into Canada have been diversified across many
industries. The values of FDI in Canada reached 349.4 USD billion in 2002, as
compared with 130.9 US billion dollars in 1990. At the end of 2002,
approximately 23% of the total stock of FDI in Canada was in the energy and
minerals industry ($79.7 billion)
Canada ranks 6th out of 16 countries on inward FDI in 2011, but earns only a
“D” grade. Canada attracted 2.7 per cent of the world’s FDI in 2011 and
accounted for 2.5 per cent of world GDP
Although the manufacturing sector still occupies the top position, at 32 per cent
of inward FDI stock, Canada’s mining and energy sectors have slowly climbed
to second place, at 19 per cent. Management of companies and enterprises has
crept into third place (18 per cent), while the share for finance and insurance
industries is in fourth place at 13 per cent.
In 2012, FDI into China amounted to USD 111.7 billion, down by 3.7% y-o-y.
FDI into China fell for seven consecutive months from June 2012 to December
2012 with lingering concerns that China’s economic development will continue
to slow in 2013.
According to the Bank of Russia, FDI inflows in Russia were US$ 75.5 billion
in 2008 and US$ 38.7 billion in 2009. Russia has recently been narrowing this
gap and has become the leader among post-communist countries in total FDI
Some corporation markets like I.T. Group Co., Armada, Medical Technologies
Ltd., SMART SOLUTIONS Software Engineering Company.
10000 14,037
Australia Canada China Russia
Unemployment rate(2013)
0.057 0.058
Australia Canada China Russia
0.02 0.025
Australia Canada China Russia
Growth rate
0.07 0.077
0.03 0.036
Australia Canada China Russia
Canada has one of the lowest debt to GDP ratios of the major
developed nations, giving it exceptional financial flexibility and
reducing the risk of Canada being forced to debauch the currency
and create excessive inflation All of the above mean that Canada´s
economy, while not immune to the global economy, is better
positioned than those of almost any major nation in the world.
Canada is definitely one of the best countries in the world from a
stability point of view. Centurion Apartment REIT only invests in
apartment properties in Canada
Legal system
Software Piracy Rate (BSA Ranking of Software Piracy Rates, GIPC Index
Countries Samples,2013)
70% 77%
40% Rate
20% 27%
Australia Canada China Russia
The Software Piracy Rate reports the proportion of installed software that is
pirated. It is very dangerous to launch a new software product into a market
with low rate because it is very easy to steal and copy. Australia Market and
Canada Market have an equivalent low rate, so enter the two markets is more
Tax laws
Australia Corporate profit tax:30%
Withholding dividend tax: 0-15%
Canada Corporate profit tax: 15%
Withholding dividend tax: 5%
China Corporate profit tax:25%
Withholding dividend tax:10%
Russia Corporate profit tax:20%
Withholding dividend tax:5%
It is easy to see that, tax is very important factors that make investor
choose the market. Tax in Canada is low for US investor due to
NAFTA. And for all of information’s presented above, Canada is a
good choice for TECO Company According To Regulatory.
Some characteristics of technology in 4 countries
Strength Weakness
Australia The Australian IT industry is Australia has failed to foster an
booming in recent years environment that encourages
which have created a number creativity.
of IT jobs. Missing a master plan for the
Availability of local Australian technology and
technology skills in short software sector that articulates
supply how the industry might look in
Australia’s IT service five, 10 or 20 years.
accounts for 4% GDP and
reach the second most
competitive IT industry in
Asia Pacific and the seventh
globally (EIU)
The Australia Workforce and
Productivity Agency in 2011,
51% of all ICT graduates
aged 20 to 29 years were not
employed in ICT professional
Russia The demand for new Lack of modern technologies
manufacturing technologies Level medium of technology
and machine tools continues Not really good technical skills
to grow due to the planned and supply
modernization of production One of the major incentives for the
facilities both at aircraft and rapid technological upgrade of
helicopter production plants. Russian refineries is the official
The competitive situation in ban on the production of low-
the chemical market will quality fuels. However, the ban on
force local producers to production of Euro-2 fuel,
upgrade their technologies to originally scheduled for December
meet growing demand for 31, 2010, has been postponed
new materials and products. twice, because most Russian
In the next five years, the best refineries failed to upgrade their
opportunities for U.S. facilities to the level necessary for
exporters will be production the production of Euro-3 fuel
software. In the Russian, refining industry
Russia is demonstrating its use of old technologies
interest in implementing
smart grid technology
through cooperation with the
United States
Strength Weakness
China By 2010, and, after Chinese firms encounter much
overtaking Japan in 2002, difficulty in attaining
China is expected to overtake sophistication in technology.
the United States to become Lack the necessary capabilities
the world’s largest PC Have price wars, patent
market. infringements, and generally
According to a recent United speaking, a difficulty upgrading to
Nations report, China was the more sophisticated technology.
tenth largest high-tech
exporting country in the
Canada Canada's information and Information and comunnications
communications technology technology council (ICTC)-
(ICT) sector is an important Outlook for Human Resources is
“alarming” labor shortage
part of the Canadian
economy. The ICT sector
currently represents 5 % of
Canada's gross domestic
product (GDP) and accounted
for 11.5 % of all real GDP
growth since 2002.
Employees in the ICT sector
are well educated and earn on
average $62 000 or 47 %
more than the national
The Government of Canada
identified the ICT sector as
one of four priority sectors in
its 2007 Science and
Technology Strategy, and has
increased funding for
research and innovation
the agreement between
Canada and the United States
on Emergency Management
Cooperation effective sharing
of information.
Tight Innovator can and will translate innovation into superior
appropriability returns!
regime Innovator has time to access needed complementary
Innovator may license innovation to gain generic assets
Innovator can commit $ to acquiring specialized or
cospecialized CA’s AND
Innovator has time to refine product concept before DDP
Weak Innovator must let basic design “float” until it is clear
appropriability which design will become industry standard.
regime Innovators must be linked to market asap so that user
needs can influence design
Firms “ramp up” for mass production by acquiring
specialized tooling &distribution: “irreversibilities”.
Prices become Less important -access to complementary
assets CRITICAL.
Since core technology easy to imitate, commercial
success depends on terms of access to CA's
Monopoly holders of CA’s could capture all profits from
Canada, Australia and Russia are tight market, besides, China market is
weak. In the case of TECO, a multinational technology company, they want to
enter a tight market due to these advantages.
IT infrastructure
IT infrastructure
consists of all components
that somehow play a role
in overall IT and IT-
enabled operations. It can
be used for internal
business operations or
developing customer IT or
business solutions.
IT infrastructure included 3 main factors:
Infrastructure and digital content: Electricity production, Mobile network
coverage rate, International Internet bandwidth, Secure Internet servers,
Accessibility of digital content.
Affordability: Mobile cellular tariffs, Fixed broadband Internet tariffs,
Fixed broadband Internet tariffs, Internet and telephony sectors
competition index.
Skills: Quality of educational system, Quality of math & science
education, Secondary education gross enrollment rate, Adult literacy
IT Infrastructure average point
6 6.4
5 5.5
Australia Canada China Russia
Technology index
The technology index denotes the country's technological readiness. This index
is created with such indicators as companies spending on R&D, the creativity of
its scientific community, personal computer and internet penetration rates.
Technology index
5.05 4.93
3.72 3.75
Australia Canada China Russia
TECO provides products focused on enterprise-wide integration and
efficiency of corporate IT functions. Based on the competitive above,
TECO should choose Canada is the country to launch the new product.
From many benefits, TECO should choose Canada to apply their software.
Mode of entry
There are many kinds of modes of entry, in thus, subsidiary seem to be the one
that most suitable with TECO in Canada.
For the sixth consecutive year, the World Economic Forum has declared
Canada’s banking system to be the soundest in the world, it can be said
that Canada has stability financial.
It would be an opportunity if TECO apply the software in Canada,
because of the advantages between Canada and The US’s relationship, in
The United States and Canada agree on important foreign investment
principles, including right of establishment and national treatment. The
1989 Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) and 1994
North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) recognize that a
hospitable and secure investment climate is necessary to achieve the full
benefits of reduced barriers to trade in goods and services. The
agreements establish a framework of investment principles sensitive to
U.S., Canadian, and Mexican interests while assuring that investment
flows freely and investors are treated in a fair and equitable manner. Both
governments are free to regulate the ongoing operation of business
enterprises in their respective jurisdictions provided that the governments
accord national treatment to both U.S. and Canadian investors.
Canada and the United States are free to tax foreign-owned companies
on a different basis from domestic firms, provided this does not result in
arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination
More details, the main purposes of the Canadian-United States Free
Trade Agreement were:
a. Eliminate barriers to trade in goods and services between Canada
and the United States
b. Facilitate conditions of fair competition within the free-trade area
established by the Agreement
c. Significantly liberalize conditions for investment within that free-
trade area;
d. Establish effective procedures for the joint administration of the
Agreement and the resolution of disputes
e. Lay the foundation for further bilateral and multilateral
cooperation to expand and enhance the benefits of the Agreement.
Canada is a signatory of the WTO Government Procurement Agreement,
and has made government procurement market access commitments
through NAFTA and the U.S.-Canada Agreement on Government
Procurement. The U.S.–Canada Agreement on Government
Procurement, which came into effect in February 2010, provides
permanent U.S. access to Canadian provincial and territorial
procurement contracts in accordance with the WTO Government
Procurement Agreement (GPA). The U.S.-Canada Agreement provided
Canadian companies with reciprocal access to 37 states subject to the
GPA, as well as a limited number of projects under the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The NAFTA prohibits the United States or Canada from imposing export
or domestic content performance requirements, and Canada does not
explicitly negotiate performance requirements with foreign investors. For
investments subject to review, however, the investor's intentions
regarding employment, resource processing, domestic content, exports,
and technology development or transfer can be examined by the
Canadian government. Investment reviews often lead to negotiation of a
package of specific "undertakings," such as agreement to promote
Canadian products.
There are some recommends about price of subsidiary in foreign country.
The company should focus on transfer pricing, which mean that in what
case the company have to pay some tax, or just pay no tax, and how to get
tax repayment.