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The key takeaways are that this standard specification outlines requirements for electrodeposited coatings on threaded fasteners including coating thickness, corrosion resistance, and managing the risk of hydrogen embrittlement. It also provides coating accommodation tolerances for different thread sizes.

The purpose of this standard specification is to specify the application, performance, and dimensional requirements for electrodeposited coatings on threaded fasteners with unified inch screw threads. It covers topics such as coating thickness, supplementary finishes, corrosion resistance, and hydrogen embrittlement risk management.

Some recommendations for managing the risk of hydrogen embrittlement include cleaning fasteners in non-cathodic solutions, using abrasive cleaners for hardened fasteners, controlling plating parameters like current density and temperature, selecting materials with low hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility, and periodically testing according to a verification plan.

Designation: F 1941 – 00

Standard Specification for

Electrodeposited Coatings on Threaded Fasteners (Unified
Inch Screw Threads (UN/UNR))1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1941; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


This specification covers the coating of steel unified inch screw threaded fasteners by electrodepo-
sition. The properties of the coatings shall conform to the ASTM standards for the individual finishes
Coating thickness values are based on the tolerances for 1A and 2A external Unified Inch Screw
Threads. The coating must not cause the basic thread size to be transgressed by either the internal or
external threads. The method of designating coated threads shall comply with ASME B1.1.
With normal methods for depositing metallic coatings from aqueous solutions, there is a risk of
delayed failure due to hydrogen embrittlement for case hardened fasteners and fasteners having a
hardness 40 HRC or above. Although this risk can be managed by selecting raw materials suitable for
the application of electrodeposited coatings and by using modern methods of surface treatment and
post heat-treatment (baking), the risk of hydrogen embrittlement cannot be completely eliminated.
Therefore, the application of a metallic coating by electrodeposition is not recommended for such

1. Scope B 117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus2

1.1 This specification covers application, performance and B 487 Test Method for Measurement of Metal and Oxide
dimensional requirements for electrodeposited coatings on Coating Thickness by Microscopical Examination of a
threaded fasteners with unified inch screw threads. It specifies Cross Section3
coating thickness, supplementary chromate finishes, corrosion B 499 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness
resistance, precautions for managing the risk of hydrogen by the Magnetic Method: Nonmagnetic Coatings on Mag-
embrittlement and hydrogen embrittlement relief for high- netic Basis Metals3
strength and surface-hardened fasteners. It also highlights the B 504 Test Method for Measurement of Thickness of Me-
differences between barrel and rack plating and makes recom- tallic Coatings by the Coulometric Method3
mendations as to the applicability of each process. B 567 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the by the Beta Backscatter Method3
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information B 568 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness
only. by X-Ray Spectrometry3
1.3 The following precautionary statement pertains to the B 633 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc
test method portion only, Section 9, of this specification: This on Iron and Steel3
standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, B 659 Guide for Measuring Thickness of Metallic and
if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user Inorganic Coatings3
of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health B 766 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Cad-
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita- mium3
tions prior to use. B 840 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc
Cobalt Alloy Deposits3
2. Referenced Documents B 841 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc
2.1 ASTM Standards: Nickel Alloy Deposits3
B 842 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc
Iron Alloy Deposits3
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-16 on
Fasteners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F16.03 on Coatings on
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 2000. Published March 2000. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.02.
published as F 1941–98. Last previous edition F 1941–98. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.05.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 1941
E 376 Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by
Magnetic-Field or Eddy-Current (Electromagnetic) Test
F 606 Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Prop-
erties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners,
Washers, and Rivets5 NOTE 1—Black dot (•) indicates test surface.
F 1470 Guide for Fastener Sampling for Specified Mechani- FIG. 2 Significant Surfaces on Internally Threaded Fasteners
cal Properties and Performance Inspection5
4. Classification
F 1624 Test Method for Measurement of Hydrogen Em-
brittlement in Steel by the Incremental Loading Technique6 4.1 Coating Material— The coating material shall be se-
F 1940 Test Method for Precess Control Verification to lected and designated in accordance with Table 1.
Prevent Hydrogen Embrittlement in Plated or Coated 4.2 Coating Thickness—The coating thickness shall be
Fasteners5 selected and designated in accordance with Table 2:
2.2 ASME Standard: 4.3 Chromate Finish— The chromate finish shall be se-
B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread lected and designated in accordance with Table 3.
Form)7 5. Ordering Information for Electroplating
2.3 National Aerospace Standard (AIA):
NASM-1312-5 Fast Test Method - Method 5: Stress Dura- 5.1 When ordering threaded fasteners to be coated by
bility8 electrodeposition in accordance with this specification, the
2.4 IFI Standard: following information shall be supplied to the electroplater:
IFI-142 Hydrogen Embrittlement Risk Management9 5.1.1 The desired coating, coating thickness and the chro-
mate finish, or the classification codes as specified in Tables
3. Terminology 1-3. (for example, Fe/Zn 5C denotes yellow zinc plated with a
3.1 Definitions: minimum thickness of 0.0002 in. on significant surfaces.)
3.1.1 local thickness—the mean of the thickness measure- 5.1.2 The identification of significant surfaces (optional).
ments, of which a specified number is made within a reference 5.1.3 The requirement, if any, for stress relief before elec-
area. troplating, in which case the stress-relief conditions must be
3.1.2 minimum local thickness—the lowest local thickness specified.
value on the significant surface of a single article. 5.1.4 The requirements, if any, for hydrogen embrittlement
3.1.3 reference area—the area within which a specified relief by heat treatment (baking) stating the tensile strength or
number of single measurements are required to be made. surface hardness of the fasteners and/or baking time and
3.1.4 significant surface—significant surfaces are areas temperature.
where the minimum thickness to be met shall be designated on NOTE 1—Fasteners with a specified maximum hardness of 34 HRC and
the applicable drawing or by the provision of a suitably marked below have a very low susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement and do
sample. However, if not designated, significant surfaces shall not require baking.
be defined as those normally visible, directly or by reflection, 5.1.5 The requirements, if any, for the type of electroplating
which are essential to the appearance or serviceability of the process (barrel-plating or rack-plating). See Section 10 and
fastener when assembled in normal position, or which can be Appendix X1.
the source of corrosion products that deface visible surfaces on 5.1.6 The designation of coated thread class shall comply
the assembled fastener. Figs. 1 and 2 illustrate significant with ASME B1.1.
surfaces on standard externally threaded and internally
threaded fasteners. 6. Requirements
6.1 Coating Requirements—The electrodeposited coating as
ordered shall cover all surfaces and shall meet the following
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.03. requirements:
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.08.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.03. 6.1.1 The coating metal deposit shall be bright or semi-
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 345 E. bright unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, smooth, fine
47th Street, New York, NY 10017.
grained, adherent and uniform in appearance.
Available from Standard Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111–5094, Attn: NPODS.
6.1.2 The coating shall be free of blisters, pits, nodules,
Available from Industrial Fasteners Institute (IFI), 1717 East 9th Street, Suite roughness, cracks, unplated areas, and other defects that will
1105, Clevland, OH 44114–2879. affect the function of the coating.

NOTE 1—Black dot (•) indicates test surface.

FIG. 1 Significant Surfaces on Externally Threaded Fasteners

F 1941
TABLE 1 Designation of Common Coating Materials GO thread gauge acceptance.
Coating Designation Coating Type Internal Threads— Maximum coating thickness of
internal threads must provide for class 1B, 2B, or 3B Go thread
Fe/Zn Zinc gage acceptance.
Fe/Cd Cadmium
Fe/Zn-Co Zinc Cobalt Alloy Surfaces such as threads, holes, deep recesses, bases
Fe/Zn-Ni Zinc Nickel Alloy of angles, and similar areas on which the specified thickness of
Fe/Zn-Fe Zinc Iron Alloy deposit cannot readily be controlled, are exempted from
minimum thickness requirements unless they are specially
designated as not being exempted. When such areas are subject
TABLE 2 Designation of Coating Thickness
to minimum thickness requirements, the purchaser and the
NOTE 1—The conversion factor from inch to microns is 2.54 3 104 (for manufacturer shall recognize the necessity for either thicker
example, 0.0001 in. 5 2.54 µm). deposits on other areas or special racking.
Thickness Designation Minimum Thickness in. 6.3.2 Applicability to Unified Inch Screw Threads: The applicability of the required coating to unified
3 0.0001 inch screw threads is limited by the basic deviation of the
5 0.0002
8 0.0003
threads, and hence limited by the pitch diameter, allowance and
12 0.0005 tolerance positions. Refer to Appendix X3 as a guideline for
the tolerances of the various thread sizes and classes and the
coating thickness they will accommodate.
TABLE 3 Designation of Chromate Finish Because of the inherent variability in coating thick-
Designation Type Typical Appearance ness by the barrel-plating process, the application of a mini-
mum coating thickness of 0.0005 in. is not recommended for a
A Clear Transparent colorless with slight iridescence standard screw thread by this method due to the fact that
B Blue-bright Transparent with a bluish tinge and slight dimensional allowance of most threaded fasteners normally
C Yellow Yellow iridescent does not permit it. If the size of the fastener is large enough to
D Opaque Olive green, shading to brown or bronze economically use the rack-plating process, then the latter shall
E Black Black with slight iridescence
F Organic Any of the above plus organic topcoat
be used to obtain this thickness requirement. If heavier
coatings are required allowance for the deposit buildup must be
made during the manufacture of fasteners.
6.1.3 The coating shall not be stained, discolored or exhibit 6.3.3 Applicability to Wood Screws and Thread Forming
any evidence of white or red corrosion products. Screws—Any classification code in Table 2 may be applied to Slight discoloration that results from baking, drying, screws that cut or form their own threads.
or electrode contact during rack-plating, or all of these, as well 6.4 Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief:
as slight staining that results from rinsing shall not be cause for 6.4.1 Requirement for Baking—Coated fasteners made from
rejection. steel heat treated to a specified hardness of 40 HRC or above,
6.2 Corrosion Resistance—Coated fasteners, when tested case-hardened steel fasteners, and fasteners with captive wash-
by continuous exposure to neutral salt spray in accordance with ers made from hardened steel shall be baked to minimize the
9.3, shall show neither corrosion products of coatings (white risk of hydrogen embrittlement. Unless otherwise specified by
corrosion) nor basis metal corrosion products (red rust) at the the purchaser, baking is not mandatory for fasteners with
end of the test period. The appearance of corrosion products specified maximum hardness below 40 HRC.
visible to the unaided eye at normal reading distance shall be
NOTE 2—With proper care many steel fasteners can be plated without
cause for rejection, except when present at the edges of the
baking by correlating process conditions to the susceptibility of the
tested fasteners. Refer to Annex A1 for neutral salt spray fastener material to hydrogen embrittlement, and by applying adequate
performance requirements for zinc, zinc alloy and cadmium process control procedures, such as those outlined in Appendix X4.2. Test
coatings. Method F 1940 is a recognized verification method for process control to
6.3 Thickness—The coating thickness shall comply with minimize the risk of hydrogen embrittlement. Upon agreement between
requirements of Table 2 when measured in accordance with the supplier and the purchaser, this test method can be used as a basis for
9.1. determining if baking should be mandated in a controlled process
6.3.1 Restrictions on Coating Thickness—This specification
imposes minimum local thickness requirements at significant 6.4.2 Baking Conditions—At the time of publication of this
surfaces in accordance with Table 2. Thick or thin local specification it was not considered possible to give an exact
thickness in a location other than a significant surface shall not baking duration. Eight hours is considered a typical example of
be a cause for rejection. However the following restrictions baking duration. However, upon agreement between the pur-
apply: chaser and the manufacturer, baking times between 2 and 24 h Minimum coating thickness at low current density at temperatures of 350 to 450°F are suitable depending on the
areas, such as the center of a bolt or recesses, must be sufficient type and size of the fastener, geometry, mechanical properties,
to provide for adequate chromate adhesion. cleaning process and cathodic efficiency of the electroplating External Threads— Maximum coating thickness at process used. The baking conditions shall be selected based on
high current density threaded tips must provide for class 3A the results of recognized embrittlement test procedures such as

F 1941
Test Methods F 606, F 1624, F 1940, or NASM–1312–5. 8. Sampling Bake time and temperatures may require lowering to
8.1 Sampling for coating thickness, salt spray and embrittle-
minimize the risk of solid or liquid metal embrittlement
ment testing shall be conducted based on lot size in accordance
resulting from alloy compositions such as those containing lead
with Guide F 1470.
or from the lower melting point of cadmium (610°F) in
comparison to zinc (786°F).
9. Test Methods Fasteners must be baked within 4 h, preferably 1 h
after electroplating. Baking to relieve hydrogen embrittlement 9.1 Coating Thickness—Unless otherwise specified, the re-
must be performed prior to the application of the chromate quirement to measure coating thickness is applicable to sig-
finish because temperatures above 150°F damage the chromate nificant surfaces only. The test methods for determining the
film thereby negating its performance. coating thickness are defined in Test Methods B 487, B 499,
6.4.3 Hydrogen Embrittlement Testing—Hydrogen em- B 504, B 567, B 568, Guide B 659, or Practice E 376 as
brittlement testing is mandatory for fasteners with a specified applicable.
hardness of 40 HRC or above unless the electroplating process 9.2 Embrittlement Test Method—The embrittlement test
has been qualified in accordance with Test Method F 1940 (that method shall conform to those specified in Test Methods
is, the process has been shown not to cause embrittlement for F 1940 for process verification, or F 606, F 1624, or NASM-
a given product or class of product). This specification does not 1312-5 for product testing.
require mandatory testing of fasteners having a specified 9.3 Corrosion Resistance—The requirement to determine
hardness below 40 HRC, unless otherwise specified by the corrosion resistance is applicable to significant surfaces only.
purchaser. When specified in the contract or purchase order, a salt spray
7. Dimensional Requirements test shall be conducted in accordance with Practice B 117. To
secure uniformity of results, samples shall be aged at room
7.1 Threaded components, except those with spaced and temperature for 24 h before being subjected to the salt spray
forming threads, supplied for electrodeposited coating shall test.
comply with ASME B1.1. Screw threads that are specifically
manufactured to allow the application of 0.0005 in. or greater 10. Electroplating Processes
coating thickness by the barrel-plating process, must adhere to
a special allowance specified by the manufacturer or in ASME 10.1 Two electroplating processes are most commonly used
B1.1. The other dimensional characteristics shall be as speci- to apply a metallic coating by electrodeposition on threaded
fied in the applicable standard or drawing. It should be noted fasteners: barrel-plating and rack-plating. When thread fit or
that modifications to the threads of a fastener could affect its thread integrity, or both, is a concern for externally threaded
properties or performance, or both. Refer to Appendix X3 for fasteners, rack-plating is preferable to barrel-plating. Refer to
further information on effects of coating on pitch diameter, Appendix X1.
allowances and tolerances for external and internal threads.

F 1941


(Mandatory Information)


TABLE A1.1 Classification Code and Neutral Salt Spray Corrosion Protection Performance of Zinc and Cadmium Coatings
First Appearance of First Appearance of First Appearance of
Chromate Finish White Corrosion Red Rust Red Rust
Classification Code Coating Thickness,
Designation Product, Cadmium, Zinc,
(hour) (hour) (hour)

Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 3A 0.0001A A 3 24 12

Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 3B ... B 6 24 12
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 3C ... C 24 36 24
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 3D ... D 24 36 24

Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5A 0.0002 A 6 48 24

Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5B ... B 12 72 36
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5C ... C 48 120 72
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5D ... D 72 168 96
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5E ... E 12 72

Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8A 0.0003 A 6 96 48

Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8B ... B 24 120 72
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8C ... C 72 168 120
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8D ... D 96 192 144
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8E ... E 24 120 72

Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 12A 0.0005 A 6 144 72

Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 12B ... B 24 192 96
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 12C ... C 72 240 144
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 12D ... D 96 264 168
Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 12Bk ... E 24 192 96

Low coating thickness impairs chromate adhesion and performance.

F 1941
TABLE A1.2 Classification Code and Neutral Salt Spray Corrosion Protection Performance of Zinc-Cobalt Coatings
Minimum Appearance of First
Classification Coating Zinc Alloy Appearance of
Code Thickness, Corrosion Red Rust
in. Product (hour)

Fe/Zn-Co 5C 0.0002 C 96 240

Fe/Zn-Co 5D ... D 96 240
Fe/Zn-Co 5E ... E 100 240
Fe/Zn-Co 5F ... F 196 340

Fe/Zn-Co 8C 0.0003 C 96 240

Fe/Zn-Co 8D ... D 96 240
Fe/Zn-Co 8E ... E 100 240
Fe/Zn-Co 8F ... F 200 340

Fe/Zn-Co 12B 0.0005 B 12 240

Fe/Zn-Co 12C ... C 96 400
Fe/Zn-Co 12D ... D 96 400
Fe/Zn-Co 12E ... E 100 400
Fe/Zn-Co 12F ... F 196 500

TABLE A1.3 Classification Code and Neutral Salt Spray Corrosion Protection Performance of Zinc-Nickel Coatings
First First
Minimum Appearance of Appearance
Coating Zinc Alloy of
Classification Code Finish
Thickness, Corrosion Red Rust
in. Product (hour)

Fe/Zn-Ni 5B 0.0002 B 20 150

Fe/Zn-Ni 5C ... C 120 500
Fe/Zn-Ni 5D ... D 180 750
Fe/Zn-Ni 5E ... E 100 500
Fe/Zn-Ni 5B/F ... B/F 150 300
Fe/Zn-Ni 5C/F ... C/F 240 620
Fe/Zn-Ni 5D/F ... D/F 300 1000
Fe/Zn-Ni 5E/F ... E/F 220 620

Fe/Zn-Ni 8B 0.0003 B 20 240

Fe/Zn-Ni 8C ... C 120 720
Fe/Zn-Ni 8D ... D 180 960
Fe/Zn-Ni 8E ... E 100 720
Fe/Zn-Ni 8B/F ... B/F 150 400
Fe/Zn-Ni 8C/F ... C/F 240 840
Fe/Zn-Ni 8D/F ... D/F 300 1200
Fe/Zn-Ni 8E/F ... E/F 220 840

Fe/Zn-Ni 12B 0.0005 B 20 500

Fe/Zn-Ni 12C ... C 120 960
Fe/Zn-Ni 12D ... D 180 1000
Fe/Zn-Ni 12E ... E 100 960
Fe/Zn-Ni 12B/F ... B/F 150 620
Fe/Zn-Ni 12C/F ... C/F 240 1080
Fe/Zn-Ni 12D/F ... D/F 300 1500
Fe/Zn-Ni 12E/F ... E/F 220 1080

F 1941
TABLE A1.4 Classification Code and Neutral Salt Spray Corrosion Protection Performance of Zinc-Iron Coatings
First First
Minimum Chromate Appearance of Appearance
Classification Code Coating Finish Zinc Alloy of Red Rust
Thickness, in. Designation Corrosion (hour)
Product (hour)

Fe/Zn-Co 5E 0.0002 E 144 312

Fe/Zn-Co 8E 0.0003 E 144 312

Fe/Zn-Co 12E 0.0005 E 144 480


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Barrel-Plating Process—The preparation and metallic accentuated with increasing length and decreasing diameter of
coating of threaded fasteners is usually accomplished by the the screw or bolt. The extremity-to-center coating thickness
barrel-plating process. In this process, quantities of an item are ratio increases with increasing length and decreasing diameter,
placed within a containment vessel, called a barrel. The barrel but is also a function of process parameters such as plating
is designed to move the group of items, together, through each solution chemistry and efficiency, anodic/cathodic efficiency,
of the process steps, allowing ready ingress and egress of average current density and plating time.
processing solutions and rinses. As the barrel is moved through
the process steps, it is also rotated such that the individual X1.2 Rack-Plating Process—The preparation and metallic
items are constantly cascading over one another. This can coating of threaded fasteners can be accomplished by the
damage the external threads of fasteners. The effect of thread rack-plating process, particularly on large size fasteners where
damage is worse on heavy fine threaded fasteners than on light thread fit and/or damage is a concern, or for smaller size
course threaded fasteners. In some of the process steps, notably fasteners, when it is economically feasible. In this process,
the electrocleaning and electroplating steps, an electric current quantities of an item are placed on a support, called a rack. The
is applied to the group of items. The cascading action randomly rack is designed to move the group of items, together, through
exposes the surface of each individual piece to the process each of the process steps, allowing ready ingress and egress of
electrodes while also maintaining electrical continuity between processing solutions and rinses. In some of the process steps,
all of the parts. The local coating thickness on a part is a result notably the electrocleaning and electroplating steps, an electric
of the electrical current density at that location. Therefore, the current is applied to the group of items. The electrical
coating thickness on an individual screw or bolt tends to be continuity is maintained between the parts by the rack itself.
greatest at the extremities (head and threaded tip). The extremi- The average current density is usually low enough such that the
ties being the high current density areas receive the greatest extremity-to-center coating thickness ratio is much lower than
coating thickness. In contrast, the center or recesses such as the with barrel-plating. The external thread damage is also mini-
bottom of the threads, which are the low current density areas, mized in comparison to barrel-plating due to the absence of
receive the lowest coating thickness. This phenomenon is tumbling.


X2.1 Short screws and bolts are those with a length-to- X2.2 Tables X2.1 and X2.2 indicate the recommended
diameter ratio equal to or less than 5. Long screws and bolts electroplating process for each size of externally coarse (UNC)
have a length-to-diameter ratio greater than 5 but less than 10. and fine (UNF) threaded fasteners for all thickness classes in
Special processing is normally required for bolts with a ratio Table 2. For externally threaded fasteners with UNS and UN
greater than 10 in order to minimize the extremity-to-center thread series, rack-plating is recommended. For internally
thickness ratio. threaded fasteners barrel-plating is generally suitable.

F 1941
TABLE X2.1 Recommended Electroplating Process for Each Size of Externally Coarse Threaded Fasteners (UNC)

NOTE 1—Barrel-plating process (B) and rack-plating process (R).

Diameter Length (L)
5D < L # 10D 10D < L # 20D < L #
L # 5D 20D 30D L > 30D

14 ⁄ B B B B R

5 16 B B B B R
38 ⁄ B B B R R

7 16 B B B R R
12 ⁄ B B R R R

9 16 B B R R R

58 B B R R R

34 B R R R R
7⁄8 R R R R R
1–4 R R R R R

TABLE X2.2 Recommended Electroplating Process for Each Size of Externally Fine Threaded Fasteners (UNF)

NOTE 1—Barrel-plating process (B) and rack-plating process (R).

Diameter Length (L)
5D < L # 10D 10D < L # 20D < L #
L # 5D 20D 30D L > 30D

14 ⁄ B B B B R

5 16 B B B R R
38 ⁄ B B B R R

7 16 B B R R R
12 ⁄ B B R R R

9 16 B B R R R

58 B R R R R

34 R R R R R
7⁄8 R R R R R
1–4 R R R R R


X3.1 This specification does not impose maximum thick- TABLE X3.1 Coating Accommodation Tolerances for Externally
ness values on high current density areas, where the coating Coarse Threaded (UNC) Fasteners
thickness tends to be the greatest. On an externally threaded Maximum Allowable
Pitch Diameter Allowance
Coating Thickness
fastener this occurs at the threaded tip. Measuring coating Thread Pitch, Diameter, for 1A and 2A
TPI in. Thread Classes,
thickness on the threaded portion of a fastener is possible but in.
Threaded Tip,
3 0.0001 in.
impractical for in-process quality control verification. For this
reason the control mechanism specified in this document is by
20 14 ⁄ 0.0011 2.75
means of GO thread gauges. Nevertheless Tables X3.1-X3.4 18 ⁄
5 16 0.0012 3.00
illustrate maximum coating thickness permitted by Class 1A 16 38 ⁄ 0.0013 3.25
14 ⁄
7 16 0.0014 3.50
and 2A allowance, and are supplied as an informative guide- 13 12 ⁄ 0.0015 3.75
line. 12 ⁄
9 16 0.0016 4.00
11 58⁄ 0.0016 4.00
NOTE X3.1—The following information is based on ASME B1.1 10 34⁄ 0.0018 4.50
Section 7. That standard should be consulted for more detailed informa- 9 7⁄8 0.0019 4.75
tion. 8 1 0.0020 5.00
7 1 1⁄8 and 1 1⁄4 0.0022 5.50
6 1 ⁄8 and 1 1⁄2
3 0.0024 6.00
X3.2 Size limits for standard external 1A and 2A thread 5 1 1⁄4 0.0027 6.75
classes apply prior to coating. The external thread allowance 4 1⁄2 2 and 2 1⁄4 0.0029 7.25
4 2 1⁄2 0.0031 7.75
may thus be used to accommodate the coating thickness on 4 2 3⁄4 and 3 0.0032 8.00
threaded fasteners, provided the maximum coating thickness is 4 3 1⁄4 and 3 1⁄2 0.0033 8.25
no more than 1⁄4 of the allowance. Thus, threads after coating 4 3 3⁄4 and 4 0.0034 8.50

are subject to acceptance using a basic Class 3A GO gage and

a class 2A gage as a NOT-GO gage.

F 1941
TABLE X3.2 Coating Accommodation Tolerances for Externally Fine Threaded (UNF) Fasteners
Pitch Diameter
Maximum Allowable
Thread Allowance for 1A
Diameter, Coating Thickness
Pitch, and 2A Thread
in. on Threaded Tip,
TPI Classes,
3 0.0001 in.

28 1⁄4 0.0010 2.50

24 ⁄ and 3⁄8
5 16 0.0011 2.75
20 7⁄16 and 1⁄2 0.0013 3.25
18 9⁄16 and 5⁄8 0.0014 3.50
16 3⁄4 0.0015 3.75
14 7⁄8 0.0016 4.00
12 1, 1 1⁄8 and 1 1⁄4 0.0018 4.50
12 1 3⁄8 and 1 1⁄2 0.0019 4.75

TABLE X3.3 Coating Accommodation Tolerances for Externally allowance for coating thickness.
Threaded (UNS) Fasteners
X3.3.2 Where the external thread has no allowance, such as
Pitch Diameter Allowance Maximum Allowable
Diameter, for 1A and 2A Coating Thickness on
Class 3A threads.
Thread Pitch, TPI
in. Thread Classes, Threaded Tip, X3.3.3 Where allowance must be maintained after coating
in. 3 0.0001 in.
for trouble free thread fit.
14 1 0.0017 4.25
X3.4 Tables X3.1-X3.4 provide maximum thickness values
based only on the allowance for the 1A and 2A thread classes.
X3.3 In certain cases size limits must be adjusted, within
It assumes that the external thread pitch diameter is at the
the tolerances, prior to coating, in order to insure proper thread
maximum and that the internal thread pitch diameter is at the
fit. This applies to the following cases:
minimum of the tolerance (see Fig. X3.1).
X3.3.1 Standard internal threads, because they provide no

F 1941
TABLE X3.4 Coating Accommodation Tolerances for Externally
Threaded (UN) Fasteners
Pitch Diameter Maximum Allowable
Thread Allowance Coating Thickness
Pitch, for 1A and 2A on
TPI Thread Classes, Threaded Tip,
in. 3 0.0001 in.

8 1 1⁄8 and 1 1⁄4 0.0021 5.25

8 1 3⁄8, 1 1⁄2 and 1 5⁄8 0.0022 5.50
8 1 3⁄4, 1 7⁄8 and 2 0.0023 5.75
8 2 1⁄4 and 2 1⁄2 0.0024 6.00
8 2 3⁄4 0.0025 6.25
8 3, 3 1⁄4 and 3 1⁄2 0.0026 6.50
8 3 3⁄4 and 4 0.0027 6.75

FIG. X3.1 Relationship of Pitch Diameter Allowance for Classes

of Fit on 1⁄2-13 UNC Thread


X4.1 Cleaning of Basis Metal—Thorough cleaning of the chloride or acid cadmium.

basis metal is essential in order to ensure satisfactory adhesion, X4.2.1.5 Control the plating bath temperature to minimize
appearance and corrosion resistance of the coating. the use of brighteners.
X4.2 Hydrogen Embrittlement Risk Management: X4.2.1.6 Select raw materials with a low susceptibility to
hydrogen embrittlement by controlling steel chemistry, micro-
X4.2.1 Process Considerations—The following are some
structure, and mechanical properties.
general recommendations for managing the risk of hydrogen
embrittlement. For more detailed information refer to IFI-142 X4.2.2 Process Control Verification—Test Method F 1940
“Hydrogen Embrittlement Risk Management”. should be used as a test method for process control to minimize
X4.2.1.1 Clean the fasteners in non-cathodic alkaline solu- the risk of hydrogen embrittlement. Periodic inspections
tions and in inhibited acid solutions. should be conducted according to a specified test plan. The test
X4.2.1.2 Use abrasive cleaners for fasteners having a hard- plan should be designed based upon the specific characteristics
ness of 40 HRC or above and case hardened fasteners. of a process, and upon agreement between the purchaser and
X4.2.1.3 Manage anode/cathode surface area and efficiency, the manufacturer. The testing frequency should initially estab-
resulting in proper control of applied current densities. High lish and subsequently verify over time, the ability of a process
current densities increase hydrogen charging. to produce parts that do not have the potential for hydrogen
X4.2.1.4 Use high efficiency plating processes such as zinc embrittlement.

F 1941
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (


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