ASCE 7-05 Diaphragm Design Forces
ASCE 7-05 Diaphragm Design Forces
ASCE 7-05 Diaphragm Design Forces
1: Diaphragm
Design Forces
August 2010 » Columns » CODE SIMPLE
In seismic design, a diaphragm must be designed for the larger of the following two different
design forces that are specified by The American Society of Civil Engineers’ Minimum Design
Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-05):
· The seismic design forces, Fx at Level x, determined from elastic analysis of the vertical
seismic force-resisting system; these forces are typically determined using either the
Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure of Section 12.8 or Modal Response Spectrum
Analysis of Section 12.9.
· Inertia forces determined from Equation 12.10-1:
Equation 12.10-1 gives the diaphragm design forces as a function of story shear in the story
below the diaphragm and the ratio of the weight of the diaphragm to the weight of all the
diaphragms resisting the story shear below the diaphragm. A (non-mandatory) upper-bound
value and a (mandatory) lower-bound value are also given as 0.4SDSIwpx and 0.2SDSIwpx,
The inertia force equation is simply an approximation of the response acceleration at the level of
the diaphragm times its distributed mass. Equation 12.10-1 (with the lower-bound value of
0.2SDSIwpx) typically results in a higher diaphragm design force than the seismic design force
from structural analysis.
Table 1 illustrates the determination of the diaphragm design forces for the three-story building
shown in Figure 1 where SDS = 1.0 and I = 1.
S.K. Ghosh Associates Inc., is a structural seismic and code consulting firm located in Palatine,
Ill., and Aliso Viejo, Calif. Presidents S.K. Ghosh, Ph.D., and Susan Dowty, S.E., are active in
the development and interpretation of national structural code provisions. They can be contacted
at and, respectively, or at