Piping Arrangement Around Pump
Piping Arrangement Around Pump
Piping Arrangement Around Pump
What is pump? It is a device for moving a fluid place to another thru pipes and channels.
1 Types of pumps
a. Positive displacement
b. Kinetic
-centrifugal pumps
2.Data Gathering
-Plot plan
-Piping and Instrumentation diagram
-Pump Vendor drawing
-References and practices
-Standards (supports, dimension)
3.Conceptual layout
-Detail component
-Verification and total dimension
-Pump spacing
-Pump foundation height & size
-Pump maintenance / inspection space
-Straight run
b.Discharge Piping (Piping assembly):
-Discharge valve
-Check valve
c.Auxilliary piping
1. Layout
a. Layout philosophy
-The compressor should be laid out to minimize the pressure loss of the system on the suction
-The compressor should be laid out to facilitate maintenance work.
-As electrical and instrumentation cables are used for the compressor, this compressor should
be laid out close to the control room and substation.
b. Basic layout
-A number of electric and instrumentation cables are used for the compressor. Also, the
distance between this compressor and the control room/substation
should be as close as possible, in consideration of the operation of the compressor in case of
an emergency.
-In particular, care should be taken to prevent the compressor and other items of equipment,
building, etc. from coming closer, and each foundation from combining, in order to avoid the
transmission and effect of the vibration from the compressor.
-Basically, sleeper piping should be adopted and the area for this piping should be secured, to
provide measures for piping vibration-proofing.
c. Sleeper
-A compressor suction line and a discharge line are liable to suffer vibration. Therefore, these
lines are arranged on the sleeper to facilitate the fixing of these lines.
-The layout of sleepers should be studied to prevent vibration from directly transmitting the
surrounding building, structure and equipment. The sleeper should be as close to the
compressor as possible, considering the vibration of piping between the sleeper and
compressor (a long line is liable to suffer vibration).
d. Installation height
-The distance between the drain piping and operating floor level for the compressor snubber
should be 150mm or larger.
-The compressor should be installed at such a height that a pocket portion should not be
produced in the process piping between the sleeper and compressor.
2. Piping arrangement
a. General items
-As piping handles gaseous liquid, a free drain line should be adopted to prevent the
accumulation of gas condensate in the line. If a drain pocket should be produced in the piping
system, measures should be provided to allow drain to be completely drawn off.
-The route of each line should be shortest. However, compressor outlet piping and steam
piping connected to the turbine driver should be flexible enough not to cause a problem due
to thermal expansion (effect on equipment nozzle).
-The valves, instruments, etc. of the piping connected to the compressor should be installed to
facilitate the operation of the switch-off operation of the
-Piping supports should preferably be provided on the ground to facilitate vibration measures.
Therefore, lines should be arranged on the sleeper as far as possible.
-If trench piping is adopted around the compressor, studies should be done on whether or not
gas (especially propane gas which is heavier than air) accumulate within the trench and
involves risk.
-The piping route should be planned not to hinder the compressor operation and maintenance.
After piping engineers understand the line flow, satisfy process requirements and know
which line requires measures against vibration and thermal stress, in advance, they should
arrange lines in detail and plan piping supports.
-As in the case of other rotary machinery, the installation point of each nozzle is
automatically fixed from type and constructional viewpoints. Therefore, the manufacturer
fixes the nozzle orientation, unless otherwise instructed.
-Piping arrangement on the sleeper facilitates the installation of supports from the ground,
which becomes advantageous for vibration-proofing measures. Also, the installation point of
valves, instruments, etc. is not high, and these items can be operated from the access way for
inspection, thereby allowing the
economic design of the structure. This arrangement method is generally more used. In this
method, the gas liquid handled does not condense with steam trace heating.
-Valve layout: A suction valve is operated in connection with the operation of the startup and
shutdown of the compressor. It is therefore preferable to lay out the valve as close to the
compressor as possible.
-Strainer: Fine mesh screens are generally used for the suction-line strainers in the process
compressor during the initial startup operation. Also, it is preferable to install the strainer as
close to the compressor nozzle as possible.
The discharge-piping route should be planned after studying the following items, bearing in
mind the concurrent action of piping vibration due to liquid pulsation and piping stress due to
piping thermal expansion arising from compressed heat.
3. Support Plan
In order to satisfy these two contradictory conditions, support measures must be provided by
fully considering these conditions. Piping supports must basically be planned, designed and
selected according to the following pertinent standards. The following covers the
considerations, etc. of layout and installation of support types (typical) for vibrating lines
around the compressor.
a. Support type
-The types of supports can be identified by the difference in the hardware to be fixed to the
top surface of the foundation. The major objective of the sleeper around the compressor is to
arrange lines in a group, as in the case of normal sleepers.
-Vibration-proofing supports are used as supports used exclusively for vibration proofing of
piping, which vibrates along with thermal expansion.
The proper supporting clearance of supports is determined based on the vibration analysis
results of the piping system.
• U-bolts should not be used as far as possible. Instead, U-bands or straps should be used. (As
U-bolts are in linear contact with the pipe in the axial direction,
satisfactory constraint cannot be expected. Therefore, U-bolts should not used for large
vibration load lines.).
-Vibration-proofing supports of bolting construction should be of double-nut types.
-If piping supports are installed directly from buildings, etc., the vibration of buildings, etc.
should be studied.
Masalah instalasi di nozzle compressor