A GIS-Based Assessment of Liquefaction Potential of The City of Aqaba, Jordan
A GIS-Based Assessment of Liquefaction Potential of The City of Aqaba, Jordan
A GIS-Based Assessment of Liquefaction Potential of The City of Aqaba, Jordan
Department of Geosciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 5100 Rockhill Road,
Kansas City, MO 64110
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Missouri-Kansas City,
5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110
Key Terms: Liquefication, GIS, Aqaba, Jordan, Earth- historically experienced liquefaction were found to
quake, Dead Sea Transform exist within the high susceptibility zone as well,
supporting the findings of this study.
The city of Aqaba, Jordan, located along the
northern shore of the Gulf of Aqaba, is built over the The modern city of Aqaba lies at the north shore of the
seismically active Dead Sea Transform plate bound- Gulf of Aqaba, in southwestern Jordan, about 320 km
ary fault system. The subsurface stratigraphic south of the capital Amman. It is the only port for the
sequence underlying the city is composed of alluvial country of Jordan and is a vital commercial, economic,
fan deposits containing varying amounts of clay, silt, and tourism center. The city straddles the seismically
sand, and gravel interbedded within the coastal areas active Dead Sea Transform (DST) fault system (Figure 1).
with aeolian and beach sand. Groundwater levels Historical accounts and other macroseismic data suggest
along the coastal areas are very shallow. The that Aqaba has experienced severely damaging earth-
groundwater levels increase to the north and north- quakes in the past (e.g., Ambraseys and Melville, 1989;
east to depths greater than 17 m about 5 km from the Ghawanmeh, 1992; and Ambraseys et al., 1994). The
shore. The liquefaction potential of the city of Aqaba archaeological record confirms that major destruction in
soils was analyzed using the Simplified Procedure of Aqaba occurred to the Late Roman-Byzantine structures
Youd and Idriss and the modified Chinese criteria of in the AD 363 earthquake (Parker, 1999) and to the
Wang. Maps of the liquefaction susceptibility of areas Islamic city of Ayla, located within the hotel district in the
in the city of Aqaba were displayed using the central part of the city, in the AD 1068 earthquake
Geographic Information System (GIS). Application (Whitcomb, 1994). Maps of modern seismicity show that
of the modified Chinese criteria indicates that the the city of Aqaba lies within a zone of high seismic hazard
cohesive subsurface layers are predominantly non- and is potentially susceptible to major damage in a future
liquefiable. The types of sediments most susceptible to earthquake (Figure 2). Based on previous observations at
liquefaction are saturated silt and sand deposits. Two other sites, the types of seismic damage that the city could
classification schemes were developed in this lique- expect include surface rupture, soil differential compac-
faction analysis. Our results indicate that the coastal tion, and soil liquefaction. Liquefaction can cause
areas of Aqaba have a high potential to liquefy, reduction of foundation bearing capacity, lateral spread-
whereas the eastern parts of the city lie predomi- ing, ground settling, and other destructive ground failures.
nantly within a nonliquefaction zone. The critical Earthquake awareness was significantly heightened in
facilities were overlaid with the liquefaction hazard the countries bordering the Gulf of Aqaba after the
map of the city and show that only the hotel and the Nuweiba earthquake of November 22, 1995. This
commercial districts lie within a zone of high magnitude MW 7.3 event (Dziewonski et al., 1997) (MW
susceptibility to liquefaction. The areas that have 7.2 in Hofstetter et al., 2003) was the largest earthquake
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Liquefaction Potential of Aqaba, Jordan
Figure 2. (A) Map of recorded earthquakes along the Dead Sea Transform (Jordan Seismological Observatory, Natural Resources Authority). (B)
Schematic diagram of the structure of the Gulf of Aqaba showing location of active faults, pullapart basins, and the epicenter and rupture length of the
1995 Nuweiba earthquake (map modified after Ben-Avraham, 1985; epicenter and rupture length after Baer et al., 1999).
to three stories high, whereas commercial structures vary specifications, provisions for site amplification or other
from one story to five stories high. A few 10- or more site-specific seismic response spectra do not exist. Most
story buildings exist in the central part of the city, within buildings are designed to carry only gravitational load, not
the hotel district, along the beachfront. lateral acceleration (Malkawi et al., 1999b). Seismic
Using catalogues of instrumentally recorded and engineering ground-motion data for specific locations,
historical earthquakes, Malkawi and Fahmi (1996) de- such as the Port of Aqaba (Fahmi and Malkawi, 1998), are
veloped a ground motion attenuation model for Jordan part of ongoing efforts by the Aqaba Region Authority to
that relates peak ground acceleration (PGA) to epicentral upgrade the building code of Jordan.
distance, surface wave magnitude, and Mercalli intensity. Calculation of local expected PGA is one of the most
A PGA model in conjunction with a model for prob- relevant parameters for use in structural design of
abilistic earthquake recurrence was used by Malkawi and buildings. PGA is calculated based on expected magni-
others (1995) and Fahmi and others (1996) to produce tude and distance to the epicenter of a future earthquake.
seismic zonation maps of Jordan. However, according to Other elements of seismic hazard analysis involve
Saffarini and Kabalawi (1999), although the Jordanian assessment of seismically induced ground failure, in-
building code adopted in 1985 has earthquake-resistant cluding landslides, liquefaction, and lateral spreading, as
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susceptibility may be very high because high pore differential settlement, lateral spreading, and separation of
pressure will not dissipate to the surface. Several recent foundations, mostly along the shoreline area. They did not
studies also indicate that gravel may be liquefiable, and observe any direct evidence of liquefaction such as sand
instances have been reported in Japan, China, New boils or dikes.
Zealand, and the United States (e.g., Seed et al., 1985; In an archeological study, Whitcomb (1994) excavated
Stokoe et al., 1988; and Obermeier and Pond, 1999). Most the ancient walled city of Ayla that is located adjacent to
commonly, liquefaction originates at depths of 2 to 5 m the beach and extends a few tens of meters north of the
below the ground surface, but it can also originate at shoreline (Figure 3). Ayla was founded in the eighth
depths of up to 20 m or more (Seed and Idriss, 1982). century AD. Whitcomb (1994) shows, from detailed
Liquefaction can be explained as the process of mapping of the ancient architecture, that this ancient city
trapping excess pore pressure as a result of cyclic loading experienced subsidence caused by several earthquakes.
generated by ground shaking. The overburden pressure of Historical records describe the subsidence of the ancient
a non-cohesive soil produces contact forces between each Ayla City as ‘‘swallowed by the earth’’ after the AD 1068
grain and its neighboring particles, creating soil strength. earthquake (Ghawanmeh, 1992). This description of the
When water saturates the soil, pore pressure counters the damage can possibly be explained by the liquefaction
overburden pressure. If a rapid loading such as that of phenomenon. Geotechnical research at ancient Ayla by
seismic ground shaking is applied, the particles tend to Al-Homoud and Tal (1998) indicates that tilting and
move into a denser configuration as a result of shearing sinking of portions of the exterior walls may have been
and temporary loss of grain-to-grain contact. The loss of the result of liquefaction.
grain-to-grain contact temporarily transfers some or all of
the overburden stress to the pore water. As a result, the BOREHOLE DATA
pore pressure reduces the contact forces between the
particles, and consequently, the shear strength of the soil An evaluation of the liquefaction hazard in Aqaba was
will decrease, and the soil may behave as a fluid. conducted based on Seed and Idriss’s stress approach
Literature on liquefaction-induced features and the (1971, 1982), updated by Seed and others (1985) and
associated damage within the city of Aqaba and the Youd and Idriss (1997). This method utilizes Standard
adjacent areas is very limited. Most of the reported Penetration Test (SPT) blow count data. This common
liquefaction damage is related to the Nuweiba earthquake technique uses the corrected blow count for an energy
of November 1995 (Wust, 1997; Malkawi et al., 1999c). ratio of 60 percent and an effective overburden pressure
Other studies concerned with archeological structures of 1 ton/ft2 (95.76 kPa) as a function of the soil type,
within the city reveal evidence of paleoseismic events (N1)60. The total and the effective overburden pressure at
associated with liquefaction (Ghawanmeh, 1992; Whit- the point of interest, as well as the earthquake magnitude,
comb, 1994; and Al-Homoud and Tal, 1998). must be established to perform an empirical correlation
Damage assessment reports from the 1995 Nuweiba between the cyclic stress ratio (CSR) and the corrected
earthquake (as previously discussed) indicate that several blow count of the SPT to estimate the cyclic resistance
areas experienced liquefaction damage as well as ratio (CRR). The borehole data included in this study
liquefaction-induced features. Wust (1997) surveyed the consist of the logs of 109 boreholes compiled from
post-seismic damage from this earthquake within and different studies and geotechnical investigations carried
around Aqaba, Elat, and the eastern Sinai Peninsula. He out in the city of Aqaba. The data were compiled mainly
reported that the failure features and lateral spreading from Malkawi and Fahmi (1996), Malkawi and others
within Elat’s hotel district were caused by liquefaction as (1997), Al-Homoud and Tal (1998), the Jordanian
a result of local amplification of ground acceleration in the Natural Resources Authority (NRA) in collaboration
unconsolidated alluvial fan and sabkha material on which with the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), and private
the city is built. Sand boils were reported both in natural geotechnical companies.
environments and in conjunction with man-made struc- The borehole logs contain detailed stratigraphic de-
tures such as landfills, ramps, ditches, and levees. This scriptions and different geotechnical test data, especially
suggests that liquefaction (accompanied by water-table SPT data. The boreholes were drilled to depths ranging
fluctuations) was an active process during this earthquake. from 2.3 m to 20 m. The NRA drilled only three boreholes
On the other hand, the damage within the city of Aqaba, to the depth of bedrock (Malkawi and Fahmi, 1996). In
according to Wust (1997), was most severe along the addition, three boreholes were drilled using a hand auger
shoreline areas around the Alcazar Hotel, Miramar Hotel, to aid in determination of the shoreline areas, subsurface
and Aqaba Gulf Hotel because of different construction stratigraphy and to confirm the depth to groundwater. The
standards and reactivation of the fault lines in the alluvial data include coordinates of the borehole, surface eleva-
fans under Aqaba. Earthquake damage in Aqaba was tion, the variation of the soil profile with depth,
reported by Malkawi and others (1999c) and included groundwater depth, and laboratory test results performed
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Figure 4. Cross section trending NNW–SSE showing the elevation of the different stratigraphic layers along the gulf shoreline, groundwater
elevations, and the N-value of the SPT where tested. See Figure 15 for cross section location.
on samples from specific depths. These laboratory tests The geological, hydrological, and geotechnical data were
included Atterberg limits and natural moisture content. entered into a computer-based GIS. The database included
The field N-value of the standard penetration test data is a base map of the city of Aqaba, digitized at a scale of
recorded as a separate parameter included in the borehole 1:10,000, including roads, utilities, and various critical
logs. Figure 4 presents a generalized cross section features. Three layers were spatially registered to the base
constructed from boreholes located along the shoreline. map: (1) geologic map with fault locations, (2) ground-
The cross section shows a detailed stratigraphic sequence, water levels from borehole data, and (3) geotechnical data
water levels, and the N-value of the SPT. The correlation and subsurface lithology based on borehole data. The
between soil consistency and Peck’s N-value of 1974 analysis component included total and effective over-
were also used in this study (Table 1). A semiquantitative burden stress calculations, ground motion parameters, and
description of the relative density or compactness, ranging liquefaction evaluations. These steps are discussed in
from very loose to very dense, is correlated to the N-value. more detail in the following sections.
The analyses involved evaluating the subsurface
stratigraphy and the groundwater conditions, analyzing GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS
the geotechnical borehole data, and using various values
for earthquake magnitudes and PGA derived from Groundwater depth plays a key role in liquefaction
recorded accelerometers and response spectra developed evaluation because it results in increased saturation and
by previous studies (Fahmi and Malkawi, 1998; Malkawi reduces the effective vertical stress. Shearing disrupts the
et al., 1999b,c). The average soil unit weights (dry and depositional grain packing and results in a more closely
saturated) of Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) were used in packed grain structure, forming a denser material.
the liquefaction evaluation (Table 2) to calculate the Mapping groundwater conditions within the city of
vertical overburden stress. Aqaba is based on a compilation of groundwater level
A multi-layer spatial analysis was conducted to provide data from geotechnical borehole logs that have been
the first point-based liquefaction hazard map of the region. drilled, for engineering purposes, throughout the city.
302 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320
Liquefaction Potential of Aqaba, Jordan
Table 1. Correlation between soil consistency and the N-value of the Table 2. Typical soil unit weights used for calculating the overburden
SPT. pressure.
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Figure 5. (A) Contour of the depth to the water table in meters, derived from modeling the groundwater depth recorded in borehole data. See Figure
14 for detailed location of boreholes. Coordinates in the Palestine Belt Grid. (B) Cross section showing the general groundwater elevation within the
study area (see next page).
may be considered very reasonable, based on the Idriss (1971). This procedure has been revised and
previous discussion of the tectonic setting and updated by several studies (Seed and Idriss, 1982; Seed et
the historical records as well as the most recent PGA al., 1983, 1984; NRC, 1985; NCEER, 1997; and Youd
attenuation equation by Malkawi and Fahmi (1996). and Idriss, 2001). The method of evaluating a soil’s
ability to resist liquefaction, expressed in terms of the
LIQUIFACTION ANALYTICAL METHOD cyclic resistance ratio (CRR), is based on the correlation
between the seismic demand placed on a soil layer,
A basic method to evaluate liquefaction (called the expressed as the cyclic stress ratio (CSR), and the
Simplified Procedure) was first proposed by Seed and corrected blow count of standard penetration resistance
304 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320
Liquefaction Potential of Aqaba, Jordan
Figure 5. (continued)
(N1)60. Figure 6 presents the relationship between the of silt and clay is controlled by grain size, water content,
CSR causing liquefaction and the (N1)60 values for an and liquid limit. Perlea and others (1999) modified the
earthquake of magnitude 7.5. The plot of the CRR shows Chinese Criteria (Wang, 1979) based on the difference
the calculated CSR and (N1)60 data from different sites between the soil index properties determined by the
where liquefaction effects were or were not noted fol- Chinese standards and the American Society for Testing
lowing major earthquakes, along with the variations in and Material (ASTM) methods. Their results to delineate
fines content (Seed et al., 1984). The curve represented liquefaction and non-liquefaction based on the soil index
by fine grain-size content less than 5 percent is the basic properties are presented in Figure 8. The Simplified
criterion for the simplified procedure and is referred to as Procedure for liquefaction evaluation and the modified
the ‘‘simplified base curve.’’ This curve is valid only for Chinese Criteria are used in this study to evaluate the
earthquakes of magnitude 7.5. A magnitude scaling liquefaction hazard, taking into account the revision
factor (MSF) recommended by the National Center of and the updates, where possible, based on the available
Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER, 1997) is data.
used to adjust the CRR7.5 curve to CRR for other According to Seed and Idriss (1971), the CSR is
magnitudes as shown in Figure 7 and the following expressed as the ratio of the average shear stress to the
equation: initial vertical effective stress as follows:
MSF ¼ 102:24 =M2:56 ð2Þ CSR ¼ ðs=r9V8 Þ ¼ 0:65ðamax =gÞðrV8 =r9V8 Þrd ð3Þ
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Figure 6. Relationship between CSR causing liquefaction and the corrected blow count of SPT (N1)60 for clean sands in an M7.5 earthquake showing
the Simplified Base Curve for calculating CRR (modified from NCEER, 1997; after Seed et al., 1985).
amax ¼ the peak horizontal acceleration at the ground r9V8 ¼ rV8 u ð4Þ
surface generated by an earthquake.
g ¼ the gravitational acceleration.
rV8 ¼ the total overburden stress at the same depth. where:
rd ¼ the stress reduction coefficient. r9V8 ¼ the total vertical effective overburden stress at the
point of interest.
The vertical effective stress acting at a point of u ¼ the pore pressure.
interest below the ground surface can be estimated as rV8 ¼ the total overburden stress acting at the same
follows: point.
306 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320
Liquefaction Potential of Aqaba, Jordan
Figure 7. Magnitude Scaling Factor (MSF) derived by various investigators (after NCEER, 1997).
The pore pressure can be calculated based on Eq. 5, and Nm ¼ the measured field blow count.
the total overburden stress can be estimated using Eq. 6 CN ¼ the correction expression for the effective
as follows: overburden pressure.
CE ¼ hammer energy ratio.
u ¼ cw 3 hw ð5Þ CB ¼ borehole diameter.
CR ¼ drilling rod length.
where: CS ¼ type of sampler.
cw ¼ the water unit weight.
hw ¼ the depth below the water table to the point of Because the available borehole data lack information
interest. regarding borehole diameter and drilling rod length,
a more simplified equation is used in this study. The
factor CS is taken as 1.0 for a standard sampler, and an
rV8 ¼ ðc1 3 h1 Þ þ ðc2 3 h2 Þ þ þ ðci 3 hi Þ ð6Þ average value for the energy ratio of 60 percent given by
Seed and others (1985) is assumed, then the corrected SPT
blow count can be calculated using the following equation:
c1, c2, ci ¼ the unit weight of soil layers 1, 2, and ith.
ðN1 Þ60 ¼ Nm CN ERm =60 ð8Þ
h1, h2, hi ¼ the thickness of layer 1, 2, and ith.
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Figure 8. Chinese Criteria adapted to ASTM definition of index soil properties (after Perlea et al., 1999).
to estimate the average values of rd, considering the depth Chinese Criteria (Perlea et al., 1999) is simplified by the
below the ground surface (Z) as proposed by Liao and flow chart presented in Figure 10.
Whitman (1986b): Figure 10 shows how liquefaction hazards data were
generated. Each soil profile is divided into several
rd ¼ 1:0 0:00765 Z for Z 9:15 m ð10Þ sublayers based on stratigraphic variation and saturation
rd ¼ 1:174 0:0267 Z for 9:15 , Z 23 m ð11Þ condition in order to calculate the overburden stresses
used in the analysis. For the analyses at each location, the
depth was determined based on the groundwater depth
To plot the results accurately and to calculate the factor
because liquefaction cannot be generated under dry
of safety against liquefaction initiation, an empirical
conditions. The liquefaction analyses were also based
equation that represents the ‘‘simplified base curve’’ was
on applying four different cyclic loading scenarios at
required. In this study, the following formula, derived by
PGA equal to 0.1 g, 0.2 g, 0.3 g, and 0.4 g. Laboratory
Robertson and Fear (1995) and recommended by the
tests carried out on the different cohesive layers
NCEER, is used to plot the results of the liquefaction
encountered at the borehole locations are characterized
analyses. The equation allows us to compare the CSR and
by high liquid limit values and low moisture content.
the CRR7.5 to present the results at a detailed scale where
These values fall in the non-liquefiable zone based on the
the liquefaction hazard can be subdivided along several
modified Chinese Criteria presented in Figure 8. On the
boundaries. This equation, according to Robertson and
other hand, the same layers play a major role in trapping
Fear (1995), is valid only for (N1)60 less than 30 as follows:
the excess pore pressure after liquefaction within the
cohesionless layers. The results of the liquefaction hazard
100 3 CRR7:5
evaluation, as determined by applying the modified
¼ 95=½34 ðN1Þ60 þ ½ðN1Þ60 =1:3 0:5 ð12Þ Simplified Procedure to the cohesionless layers encoun-
tered in all boreholes, are presented in Figure 11 for
Finally, the factor of safety (FS) against liquefaction different values of PGA as point-based values for each
initiation is expressed in the following equation. It takes borehole location.
into consideration the magnitude scaling factor (MSF) These results lack the spatial distribution of the
correction as proposed by Seed and Idriss (1982): liquefaction hazard within Aqaba City. To overcome this
problem, a GIS approach is used to overlay the result
FS ¼ ðCRR7:5 =CSRÞ MSF ð13Þ onto a base map as discussed later.
A PGA of 0.1 g reveals only one location that may be
The previous method of analysis using the Simplified susceptible to liquefaction, as shown in Figure 11A, but
Procedure and the index soil properties of the modified significantly more locations pose a liquefaction hazard if
308 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320
Liquefaction Potential of Aqaba, Jordan
Figure 9. The stress reduction coefficient (rd) versus depth curves developed by Seed and Idriss (1971) (after NCEER, 1997).
a higher PGA is applied as indicated in Figure 11B–D. cock et al., 1999). GIS is able to handle a large volume of
Subsurface conditions within the city of Aqaba reveal data, display maps at different scales, combine source
three zones of liquefaction hazard. These zones are non- data, and perform unique analyses to display these data in
liquefaction zones, marginal liquefaction zones, and a form that conveys the results used in decision making.
liquefaction zone. Some areas that have a tendency to GIS technologies are used in this study to combine
liquefy, or are considered as marginal liquefaction areas different base maps with geotechnical data, groundwater
under high PGA, pose no liquefaction hazard under levels, and PGA to provide a point-based and zonation
a lower PGA. On the other hand, certain locations in the liquefaction hazard map for Aqaba. Input to the GIS
central parts of the city tend to liquefy under a PGA of system consists of four main layers: (1) base map of the
0.2 g and higher. Therefore, specific classification criteria city of Aqaba, displaying different land uses such as
that combine different PGA values are required to present residential areas and critical facilities, (2) geologic map
the liquefaction results, taking into consideration a hazard with the location of active faults, (3) geotechnical database
magnitude (e.g., low or high liquefaction hazard) to that includes subsurface soil profiles and various engi-
simplify the numerical results. neering properties, and (4) groundwater level data. Output
includes the following: (1) liquefaction hazard maps using
SPATIAL INPUTS USING GIS several hazard-rating schemes, (2) liquefaction potential
reported in table and chart formats, (3) overlays of critical
One of the main goals of this study is to present the facilities (hospitals, hotels, and schools) in Aqaba with
liquefaction hazards in Aqaba in a form that is clear, easy hazard ranking, and (4) interpolation between the point-
to access, and capable of being updated as a result of based results to cover areas that lack geotechnical data.
future work and acquisition of new data. GIS technolo- Figure 12 shows a schematic diagram of all the spatial
gies provide an important method to achieve such goals. layers and types of data used in this study to perform the
With GIS, large amounts of data can be processed easily, liquefaction analyses.
and the results can be updated when additional data are The base map used in this study is a regional planning
acquired. Several recent studies have used GIS to map at a scale of 1:10,000, provided by the Aqaba Region
incorporate site-specific engineering, geological, and Authority, of the city of Aqaba. This paper map is
seismological information to areas likely to experience displayed in an equal-area geographic projection set based
liquefaction hazards (e.g., Rockaway et al., 1997; Hitch- on the local Palestine Belt Grid Coordinate System. The
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320 309
Mansoor, Niemi, and Misra
Figure 10. Flow chart showing the process of performing the liquefaction analysis.
310 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320
Liquefaction Potential of Aqaba, Jordan
Figure 11. Liquefaction hazards results from Aqaba. Results based on a PGA of 0.1 g (A), 0.2 g (B), 0.3 g (C), or 0.4 g (D).
paper map was digitized using a Calcomp tablet running The Quaternary fan units of the Wadi Yutim surficial
under ArcView version 3.2 GIS software. The digitizing deposits were digitized in a separate spatial layer based
process included converting point, line, and polygon on the aerial photograph interpretations of Niemi and
features into spatial data stored in a GIS format. The error Smith (1999). These digitized features included (1)
limit used in the digitizing process was set to 0.004 in. (0.1 different Quaternary fan units, (2) bedrock boundary,
mm). The base map covers an area of about 75 km2 and (3) location and extent of active fault segments, and (4)
includes the following themes within Aqaba’s municipal location of archeological sites. The edge matching and
boundary: gulf shorelines, residential, hotels, commercial rubber sheeting processes were very tedious herein
and industrial areas, community service institutions, city because of distortion in the aerial photographs to match
port, government institutions, tourism and camping the exact location of the superficial deposits with their
locations, park area, stadiums, sewage treatment plant, corresponding field locations and according to selected
mosques and churches, schools, and hospitals (Figure 13). coordinate points. Sites that experienced liquefaction,
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320 311
Mansoor, Niemi, and Misra
Figure 12. Schematic diagram showing the types of spatial layers and data used in the liquefaction analyses.
based on the damage reports of the Nuweiba earthquake texture description, SPT and laboratory tests obtained
of 1995 and several previous studies, were also added to directly from drill reports with laboratory data from
the map, in a separate polygon theme, to validate the final boreholes located within the study area. Each borehole is
liquefaction hazard results within Aqaba. georeferenced spatially, corresponding to the local
The tabular database input consists of four main Palestine Belt Grid Coordinate System and surface
categories: (1) geotechnical information, (2) groundwater elevation based on mean sea level. The database compiled
levels, (3) trenching locations, and (4) considered from the boreholes was summarized and added into
earthquake magnitude. The geotechnical information a separate theme table. The data include (1) the type and
contains 109 point-based subsurface data including soil depth of the different subsurface soil units, (2) depth to
312 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320
Liquefaction Potential of Aqaba, Jordan
Figure 13. Base GIS map of the city of Aqaba showing facilities within the municipal boundary. Source of map: Aqaba Town (Land Use and
Transportation Revised Master Plan 1995–2020), Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre, September 1995, scale 1:10,000. Provided by Aqaba
Regional Authority.
groundwater, (3) the N-value of the Standard Penetration different earthquake scenarios resulting in different
Test, and (4) the soil index properties from laboratory PGAs. Figure 14 presents a flow chart explaining the
tests, where available, as well as the normalized unit details of the first scheme. Six liquefaction susceptibility
weight of the different soils, based on the estimations of classes were used in the first scheme, from extremely
Kulhawy and Mayne (1990). susceptible to non-liquefiable. Each considered PGA
value was applied in the analysis component to calculate
the ratio between the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) and
LIQUEFACTION SUSCEPTIBILITY the cyclic stress ratio (CSR). If the ratio of the CRR to
CLASSIFICATION SCHEMES CSR is less than 1, the site is considered to be susceptible
to liquefaction; i.e., the correlation between the (N1)60
The Simplified Procedure forms the basis of the and the CSR falls within the liquefaction boundary based
liquefaction analysis process used in this study. The on Figure 6. If the ratio is equal to or more than 1 at low
modified Chinese Criteria were also used to depict PGA, then the site is non-liquefiable under the considered
liquefiable areas within the cohesive soil units. Limited PGA and should be tested under a higher PGA. The
laboratory data are available regarding the subsurface subsequent analyses involved applying the higher PGA
cohesive units; therefore, application of the modified to determine the liquefaction susceptibility at the con-
Chinese Criteria was not included in the GIS analysis sidered depth on the same bases used before. The com-
component but was performed separately to depict the bination of these application processes forms the final
liquefaction hazard results. concept in displaying the liquefaction hazard results.
Two classification schemes were developed for this In order to interpolate the results into areas that lack
study. The first scheme is a combined method based on point-based geotechnical information, several factors
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320 313
Mansoor, Niemi, and Misra
Figure 14. Flow chart showing the combined classification scheme used to display the point-based liquefaction hazards.
should be considered in a classification scheme because contours were used to set barriers to divide areas that may
the geotechnical properties can vary significantly from represent similar subsurface conditions. This interpola-
one location to another, and, therefore, interpolation and tion process requires a different classification scheme,
extrapolation may represent false conditions. To over- using a unique PGA value in order to depict the
come this problem, the boundaries between the Quater- liquefaction susceptibility results under similar condi-
nary fan units, the gulf shoreline, and the groundwater tions. Table 3 presents the second classification scheme
314 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320
Liquefaction Potential of Aqaba, Jordan
Table 3. Liquefaction susceptibility classification scheme based on values to present a hazard zonation map within areas that
applying 0.3 g PGA. represent similar subsurface conditions.
The areas that are susceptible to liquefaction were
FS ¼ CRR/CSR Liquefaction Susceptibility
identified and displayed using the spatial analyses and the
.1.101 Non-liquefiable classification techniques of the GIS. The liquefaction
1.000–1.100 Marginal liquefaction susceptibility overlays within Aqaba are presented in
0.801–0.999 Low susceptibility several forms that can be used according to the user’s
0.650–0.800 Moderate susceptibility
,0.65 High susceptibility interest. The results are presented in four displays as
follows: (1) liquefaction susceptibility overlays based on
the combined classification scheme presented in Figure 15
developed for this purpose, in which the ratio between the at each borehole location, (2) liquefaction susceptibility
CRR and the CSR was divided into five different classes display based on the developed scheme presented in Table
based on considering a PGA of 0.3 g. This classification 3 by applying a PGA of 0.3 g, (3) point-based liquefaction
scheme was used in displaying the liquefaction hazard results with location of the critical facilities, and (4)
and thereafter performing interpolation between these a liquefaction susceptibility zonation map that interpolates
Figure 15. Point-based liquefaction susceptibility map of the city of Aqaba based on the combined classification scale. Locations of all boreholes are
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320 315
Mansoor, Niemi, and Misra
Figure 16. Point-based liquefaction susceptibility map of the city of Aqaba based on a PGA of 0.3 g.
the point-based hazard results into other areas that may characterized mainly by moderate to high susceptibility.
have similar subsurface conditions. Each of these maps The same result of mostly moderate to high susceptibility
can be presented at a smaller scale to display liquefaction is also found based on applying a PGA of 0.3 g as shown
susceptibility within a limited area for design consider- in Figure 16. In order to get a clear idea about specific
ations. The data can also be represented in tables, charts, structures and facilities that are likely to be affected by
and reports. This is accomplished by selecting a specific liquefaction within Aqaba, only critical facilities in-
area with known coordinates or within a specific facility cluding hospitals, schools, and the high-rise buildings
or geologic theme. These reports and charts provide represented by hotels and commercial structures were
numerical values of the liquefaction hazards and the extracted from the base map and overlaid on the point-
subsurface conditions at each location used in the various based liquefaction susceptibility hazard map, as shown in
design calculations and the settlement considerations. Figure 17. The map shows that hospitals and schools are
The point-based liquefaction susceptibility results located within areas not susceptible to liquefaction but
based on applying the developed classification scheme that the hotel and the commercial district lie within a high
are presented in Figure 15. The analyses show that most of liquefaction hazard zone and should be reconsidered from
the considered boreholes along the gulf shoreline are a design point of view.
316 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320
Liquefaction Potential of Aqaba, Jordan
Figure 17. Liquefaction susceptibility zonation map within the hotel and commercial district of Aqaba within the coastal zone.
On the basis of the subsurface data from the boreholes susceptibility results derived from this study. Ayla is
supplemented by the mapped Quaternary alluvial units located within a zone of high liquefaction susceptibility,
and the depth of the groundwater levels around the hotel as shown in Figure 17.
and the commercial areas, similar subsurface conditions
may be assumed within this particular region. If this CONCLUSIONS
assumption is valid, the results can be interpolated into
areas that lack geotechnical data. The interpolation Subsurface data from Aqaba indicate that the sedimen-
process is based on considering the nearest 12 calculated tary deposits underlying the city consist predominantly of
values of the ratio between the CRR and the CSR, and the poorly consolidated silt, sand, and gravel with occasional
results are presented in Figure 17. The overlay shows that lenses of clay. Sorted, wind-blown, beach sand becomes
the liquefaction susceptibility decreases toward the north more dominant along the gulf shoreline. Groundwater
and east, where the groundwater depth decreases and the levels along the coastal areas are very shallow. Ground-
age of Quaternary fan deposits becomes older. These data water levels increase to the north and northeast to depths
suggest that the schools apparently lie within a non- . 17 m at about 5 km from the shoreline. Application of
liquefiable hazard zone. However, site-specific studies the modified Chinese Criteria indicates that the cohesive
should be conducted at these locations to verify the layers are non-liquefiable, but they can trap excess water
interpolated data at these important facilities. pressure induced by seismic shaking. Different strati-
Finally, overlaying the areas that experienced sub- graphic units are divided into liquefaction, marginal
sidence in the Nuweiba earthquake of 1995 with the liquefaction, and non-liquefaction zones by applying the
liquefaction hazard results shows good agreement be- Simplified Procedure. Certain locations that have
tween the results obtained in this study and their a tendency to liquefy or are considered as marginal
investigations (Figure 17). These previous studies con- liquefaction under high PGA pose no liquefaction threat
cluded that areas within the hotel district are most under lower PGA. Areas that are susceptible to liquefac-
susceptible to liquefaction and are characterized by major tion were identified and displayed using the analyses and
earthquake damage. The historical liquefaction-induced the classification techniques of GIS. Hazard maps can be
features documented by Ghawanmeh (1992) and Al- updated by acquiring additional geotechnical data and
Homoud and Tal (1998) for the archaeological ruins of the groundwater levels to depict the liquefaction potential
ancient city of Ayla also agree with the liquefaction within areas that lack information in this study.
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. X, No. 4, November 2004, pp. 297–320 317
Mansoor, Niemi, and Misra
Most of the soils considered, as represented in the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Funding for this
boreholes along the gulf shoreline, are characterized project was made possible through an American Associ-
mainly by moderate to high susceptibility, in agreement ation of Petroleum Geologists Grant-in-Aid of Research to
with the conclusions of Malkawi and others (1999a). The N. M. Mansoor. We are extremely grateful to Dr. S.
soils represented in boreholes located to the north and Thomas Parker, director of the North Carolina State
northeast, within the older Quaternary alluvial fan University’s Roman Aqaba Project archaeological exca-
deposits, are predominantly non-liquefiable. The critical vation, for providing room and board and other logistic
facilities extracted from the base map of Aqaba were support during field research for this project.
overlaid with the liquefaction potential. These maps show
that the hospital and the schools apparently are located
within areas not susceptible to liquefaction. However,
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