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Faridpur Med. Coll. J.


Original Article

A Comparative Study of Oral Ivermectin and Topical 5% Permethirn Cream in

the Treatment of Scabies in Patient Suffering from Diabetes Mellitus
MMU Khan1, ARS Ahamed2, MA Islam3, K Mostofa4, MIA Khan5,
KM Walid6, MS Showkath7, AM Khan 8, MN Islam9, T Akter10
Abstract :

Scabies is one of the commonest diseases among all age groups. Topical permethrin is a widely used treatment option
for scabies. Ivermectin is a newer oral agent for the treatment of scabies. This study was done to compare the
efficacy of permithrin and oral Ivermectin in the treatment of Scabies in patient suffering from Diabetes mellitus. This
comparative clinical trial was carried out in the outpatient department of Dermatology & Venereology, Diabetic
Association Medical College Hospital (DAMCH), Faridpur from January 2012 to December 2012. A total 60 cases
were enrolled purposively and divided into 2 groups. Group I received 2 doses oral Ivermectin and group II treated
with 5% permethirn cream. Patients were followed up at the 3rd and 4th week. Total 86.6% patients of Ivermectin
group and 90% of permethrin group were cured. Though permethrin showed somewhat more effective, the difference
was not statistically significant. The study found that both ivermectin and permethrin were similarly effective in the
treatment of scabies in patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus.
Key words: Scabies, Ivermectin, Permethrin, Diabetes Mellitus.

Introduction :

Scabies is a highly contagious skin infections caused by

the mite Sarcoptes Scabiei var hominis. It is one of the most common pruritic dermatoses usually associated
with low socio-economic conditions, overcrowding and
1. Dr. Md Mesbah Uddin Khan, MBBS, DDV (Skin & VD), Assistant poor hygiene1. Scabies affects all age groups but most
Professor, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Diabetic common in children younger than 2 years2. It occurs
Association Medical College, Faridpur.
worldwide but is endemic forms in the tropics. The
2. Dr. Abu Reza Sayem Ahamed, MBBS, DDV, MCPS, FCPS (Skin incidence of Scabies is 3 million per year throughout
& VD), Junior Consultant (Skin & VD), Brahmanbaria Sadar the world3. The exact incidence of Scabies in
Hospital, Brahmanbaria.
Bangladesh is not known. A study showed that the
3. Dr. Muhammad Aminul Islam, MBBS, MCPS, FCPS (Skin & prevalence of Scabies was 21.86% in Bangladesh4.
VD), Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology and Scabies causes substantial morbidity from secondary
Venerology, Northern International Medical College, Dhaka.
infections and post infective complications such as
4. Dr. Md. Kamal Mostofa, MBBS, DDV (Skin & VD), Junior acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis5. Lesions
Consultant (Skin & VD), Faridpur Medical College Hospital, consist of tiny gray specks, burrow, or both non specific
lesions consists of papules and itchy excoriation and
5. Dr. Md. Isahaque Ali Khan, MBBS, D Card (Cardiology), crusts. The lesions are usually found in inter digital
Assistant Professor, Department of cardiology, Diabetic folds, nipples, areolas and the periumbilical area6.
Association Medical College, Faridpur.
Disease control requires treatment of the affected
6. Dr. Khalifa Mahmud Walid, MBBS, DEM (Endocrinology), individual and all people they have been contact with,
Assistant Professor, Department of Endocirnology, Diabetic but is often hampered by inappropriate or delayed
Association Medical College, Faridpur.
diagnosis, poor treatment compliance, and improper use
7. Dr. Mohammad Shohel Showkath, MBBS, MPhil (Microbiology) of topical compounds such as benzyl benzoate7. In
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Diabetic addition to concern over the toxicity of such
Association Medical College, Faridpur.
compounds, parasite resistance seems to be increasing.
8. Dr. Abdul Mazid Khan, MBBS MPH, Lecturer, Department of Treatment of scabies in developing countries need to
Community Medicine, Faridpur Medical College.
integrate drug treatment programs with efforts to
9. Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam, MBBS, FCPS (ENT), Assistant Professor, improve the socioeconomic conditions and education to
Department of ENT, Diabetic Association Medical College, reduce stigma8.
10.Dr. Tahmina Akter, MD (Paediatrics) Asst. Prof. of Paediatrics, Treatment options that were formerly available
Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur. included sulfer, crotamiton lotion and 25% benzyl
Address of correspondence : benzoate. Sulfur in 5-10% petrolatum is relatively
Dr. Md Mesbah Uddin Khan, MBBS, DDV, Assistant Professor, cheap, but must be applied on three successive nights to
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Diabetic Association be effective. Permethirn, malathion have become
Medical College, Faridpur. Mobile: +8801196132282
E-mail: damcf@yahoo.com
A Comparative Study of Oral Ivermectin and Topical 5% Permethirn Cream in the Treatment of Scabies in MMU Khan et al.
Patient Suffering from Diabetes Mellitus

treatment of choice9. Currently, 5% topical permethrin from the study. Patient suffering from diabetic
cream is considered by many as the drug of choice in nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy
treatment of Scabies10. Permethrin is a synthetic were also excluded from the study.
pyrethroid and was one of the first thermostable and
photostable insecticides developed following the A total of 60 cases were enrolled and divided into 2
elucidation of the chemical structures of natural equal groups each containing 30 patients who were
pyrethrins in 194711. Permithrin demonstrates extremely almost matched in terms of age and sex. Sampling and
low mammalian toxicity, combined with insecticidal group allocation were done purposively. Before
activity even higher than natural pyrethrins. These enrolment each patient was examined thoroughly for
properties, backed by extensive experience of safety signs of scabies. Burrows were identified by
magnifying lens and microscopy of skin scrapings was
over 20 years in the veterinary and agricultural study, done to search for mites, ova or fecal pellets.
made this compound and ideal candidate for use as a
treatment of scabies12. But it has the disadvantages of Group A 30 patients received oral ivermectin, 2 doses
being cumbersome time consuming and associated with 200 microgram per kg body weight separated by one
treatment failure caused by poor compliance, week. Remaining 30 patients were allocated to group B
insufficient application and inappropriate technique of who received local treatment with 5% permethrin.
application7. Permethrin cream was applied according to the
standard method for 12 hours and was repeated once
Oral Ivermectin has been introduced within the last after one week. Patients were advised to bath with
decade as an alternative to the topical agents in the warm water before application of permethrin cream. If
treatment of scabies. It is a semi synthetic macro there were sign of super infection, it was treated with
cycleclic lactone antibiotic agent. Some studies showed antibiotic before intervention. Any symptomatic
that it is safe and effective in the treatment of scabies13-15. contacts were also treated but not enrolled. Subjects in
Ivermectin is a novel antiparasitic agent effective both groups were instructed to wash their clothing and
against a variety of endoparasites and ectoparasities. bed linens in hot water and to dry them in the sun for 3
With a single oral dose, ivermectin is effective against days.
intestinal nematodes and appear to be a promising
treatment for head lice infestation, which are common All patients were followed up at 3rd and 4th weeks to
co-infection in developing countries16. It is not yet assess treatment efficacy. Efficacy was evaluated by
relief of symptoms and disappearance of lesions.
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for
the treatment of human scabies17. Initial reports have Result:
highlighted the utility of oral ivermectin in the
treatment of scabies. Hence it is considered worthwhile A total of 60 clinically diagnosed cases of scabies were
to generate more data regarding the human use of included in study.
ivermectin in the treatment of human scabies,
comparing the result with the currently available first
line treatment of scabies, permethin18. We undertook
the present study to compare the efficacy of oral Table I: Comparison of outcome of large chalazion
ivermectin with topical 5% permethrin cream in the between two groups..
treatment of scabies in patients suffering from diabetes
Characteristics Ivermectin Permethrin
Materials and Methods: Group Group
Age (Years)
This open labeled comparative clinical trial was carried 16-25 5 (16.67%) 10(33.33%)
out at the outpatient department of Dermatology and
venereology of Diabetic Association Medical College 26-35 15 (50%) 8(26.66%)
Hospital, Faridpur. During the period of January 2012 36-45 6 (20%) 8(26.66%)
to December 2012 a total of 60 Clinically diagnosed >45 4(13.33%) 4(13.33%)
cases of scabies were studied. Patient's data were
recorded on pre designed case record form. Patients of Total 30(100%) 30(100%)
either sex suffering from Diabetes mellitus & Scabies
were included. Patients had to satisfy at least 3 of the Sex
following criteria 1). Family or Contacts with similar
type of illness 2). Serious itching all over the body Male 21(70%) 20(66.66%)
which increases during night 3). Presence of papules, Female 9 (30%) 10(33.33%)
nodules or vesicles on typical body sites like finger
webs, wrists, periumbilical regions and genital areas 4). Socioeconomic
Presence of scabies barrows and 5) Positive Status
microscopic examination (Mite, ova or feces).
Pregnant or Lactating mother, patient treated for Poor 25(83.33%) 18(60%)
scabies within last 4 weeks or treated with
corticosteroids within last one week were excluded Middle Class 5 (16.67%) 12(40%)

Faridpur Medical College Journal Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2014

In Ivermectin Group 70% were male and 30% were A total 60 clinically diagnosed cases of scabies were
female, in permethirn group 66.66 % male and 33.33% studied for a period of 4 weeks. The study demostrated
that Ivermectin is similary effective as it has more
were female. advantages than topical treatment. However, the
availability of an effective oral scabicidal agent opens a
Table II: Effectiveness of treatment after 4 weeks. new era in the management of oldest identified diseases
of men, leaving hopes of even eradicating the disease24.
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