Demtroeder Rotovibrazioni PDF
Demtroeder Rotovibrazioni PDF
Demtroeder Rotovibrazioni PDF
which consists of the time average of the kinetic Inserting the product (9.80) into (9.79) gives, as
energy of the electrons and the total potential energy has been already shown in Sect. 4.3.2, the following
of electrons and nuclei. The total energy equation for the radial function S(R):
$ %
E n,k = E kin + E n(o) (9.77) 1 d 2 dS
R (9.80)
R2 dR dR
of the nonrigid molecule is the sum of the kinetic energy , -
2M J(J + 1)!2
of the nuclei and the total energy of the rigid molecule. + 2 E − E pot (R) − S=0.
Equation (9.75b) is explicitly written as ! 2MR2
,$ % - For the spherical surface harmonics Y(ϑ, ϕ) we obtain
−!2 −!2 (n)
∆A − ∆B + E pot (Rk ) χn,m (Rk ) the Eq. (4.88), already treated in Sect. 4.4.2:
$ %
= E n,m χn,m (Rk ) . (9.78) 1 ∂ ∂Y 1 ∂2Y
sin ϑ + 2 (9.81)
sin ϑ ∂ϑ ∂ϑ sin ϑ ∂ϕ2
In the center of the mass system this translates to
, 2 - + J(J + 1)Y = 0 .
−! (n)
∆ + E pot (R) χn,m (R) = E n,m χn,m (R) While the first Eq. (9.80) describes the vibration of the
diatomic molecule, (9.81) determines its rotation.
where M = MA MB /(MA + MB ) is the reduced mass of
9.5.2 The Rigid Rotor
the two nuclei and the index m gives the mth quantum
state of the nuclear movement (vibrational-rotational A diatomic molecule with the atomic masses MA and
state). MB can rotate around any axis through the center
The important result of this equation is: of mass with the angular velocity ω (Fig. 9.42). Its
rotational energy is then
The potential energy for the nuclear motion in
E rot = 12 Iω2 = J 2 /(2I) . (9.82)
the electronic state (n, L, Λ) depends only on the
nuclear distance R, not on the angles ϑ and ϕ, i. e., Here I = MA RA 2
+ MB RB2 = MR2 where M = MA MB /
it is independent of the orientation of the mol- (MA + MB ) is the moment of inertia of the molecule
ecule in space. It is spherically symmetric. The with respect to the rotational axis and |J| = Iω is its
wave functions χ = χ(R, ϑ, ϕ), however, may still rotational angular momentum. Since the square of the
depend on all three variables R, ϑ, and ϕ. angular momentum
and the rotational energy becomes spin S precesses independently around the z-axis with
a projection
J(J + 1)!2 J 2 (J + 1)2 !4
E rot = − (9.93)
2MRe2 2M 2 kRe6 )Sz * = Ms h . (9.96b)
3J 3 (J + 1)3 !6 Both projections add to the total value
+ ±... .
2M 3 k2 Re10
Ωh = (Λ + Ms )h . (9.96c)
In the case of strong spin-orbit coupling L and S couple
For a given value of the rotational quantum to J el = L + S with the projection
number J the centrifugal widening makes the mo- * el +
ment of inertia larger and therefore the rotational Jz = Ω × h
energy smaller. This effect overcompensates for
(see Sect. 9.3.3).
the increase in potential energy.
The total angular momentum J of the rotating mol-
ecule is now composed of the angular momentum N of
Using the term-values instead of the energies, (9.94) the molecular rotation and the projection Λh or Ωh. For
becomes Ω + = 0 the total angular momentum J of the molecule
is no longer perpendicular to the z-axis (Fig. 9.45).
Frot (J) = Be J(J + 1) − De J 2 (J + 1)2
+He J 3 (J + 1)3 − . . . Since the total angular momentum of a free mol-
ecule without external fields is constant in time,
(9.94) the molecule rotates around the space-fixed direc-
tion of J and for Λ + = 0 the rotational axis is no
with the rotational constants
longer perpendicular to the molecular z-axis.
! !3
Be = 2
, De = , (9.95)
4πcMRe 4πckM 2 Re6 In a simple model, the whole electron shell can be re-
3!5 garded as a rigid charge distribution that rotates around
He = . the z-axis. The rotating molecule can then be described
4πck2 M 3 Re10
as a symmetric top with two different moments of in-
The spectroscopic accuracy is nowadays sufficiently ertia: 1.) The moment I1 of the electron shell rotating
high to measure even the higher order constant H. around the z-axis and 2.) the moment I2 of the molecule
When fitting spectroscopic data by (9.95) this constant,
therefore, has to be taken into account.
9.5.4 The Influence of the Electron Motion →
Up to now we have neglected the influence of the elec- L
tron motion on the rotation of molecules. In the axial
symmetric electrostatic field of the two nuclei in the
nonrotating molecule, the electrons precess around the
space-fixed molecular z-axis. The angular momentum
L(R) = Σli (R) of the electron shell, which depends on
the separation R of the nuclei, has, however, a constant A Λh B z
projection R
)L z * = Λh (9.96a)
independent of R. For molecular states with electron Fig. 9.45. Angular momenta of the rotating molecule
spin S += 0 in atoms with weak spin-orbit coupling the including the electronic contribution
354 9. Diatomic Molecules
(nuclei and electrons) rotating around an axis perpendi- depend on the integer vibrational quantum number v =
cular to the z-axis. Because the electron masses are very 0, 1, 2, . . . .
small compared with the nuclear masses, it follows that They are equally√ spaced by ∆E = !ω. The
I1 ' I2 . frequency ω = kr /M depends on the constant
The rotational energy of this symmetric top is kr = ( d2 E pot / dR2 ) Re in the parabolic potential and on
the reduced mass M of the molecule. The lowest vibra-
Jx2 Jy2 J2
E rot = + + z (9.97) tional level is not E = 0 but E = 12 !ω. The solutions
2Ix 2I y 2Iz of (9.80) with a parabolic potential are the vibrational
with I x = I y = I1 + = I z = I2 . eigenfunctions
From Fig. 9.45 the following relations can be obtained: S(R) = ψvib (R, v) = e−πMω/h R · Hv (R) (9.102)
= 〈R〉 1 Bv
Re2 = = 〈R〉
R2 Be
b a 2
1 1
0 0
0.8 1 1.2
Fig. 9.48. Mean internuclear distance )R*
and rotational constant Bv ∝ )1/R2 * for the
a) Re R b) Re R harmonic (a)and anharmonic (b)potential
9.5. Rotation and Vibration of Diatomic Molecules 357
The term value of a rotational-vibrational level can then and also to the coefficients an in the general potential
be expressed as the power series expansion (9.114) [9.10].
T(v, J) = Te + ωe (v + 12 ) − ωe xe (v + 12 )2
/ 9.5.8 Rotational Barrier
+ ωe ye (v + 12 )3 + ωe z e (v + 12 )4 + . . .
. The effective potential for a rotating molecule (see
+ Bv J(J + 1) − Dv J 2 (J + 1)2
/ (9.80))
+ Hv J 3 (J + 1)3 ∓ . . . . (9.113a)
eff (v) J(J + 1)!2
E pot (R) = E pot (R) + (9.117)
For a Morse potential this series is reduced to 2MR2
includes, besides the potential E pot (R) of the nonrota-
T Morse (v, J) = Te + ωe (v + 12 ) (9.113b)
ting molecule, a centrifugal term that depends on the
− ωe xe (v + 12 )2 + Bv J(J + 1) rotational quantum number J and falls of with R as
− Dv J 2 (J + 1)2 1/R2 (Fig. 9.49). For a bound electronic state this leads
to a maximum of E pot (R) at a distance Rm , which can
where only five constants describe the energies of all be obtained by setting the first derivative of (9.117) to
levels (v, J) up to energies where the Morse potential zero. This distance
is still a good approximation. , -1/3
J(J + 1)!2
Rm = (9.118)
M( dE pot / dR)
9.5.7 The Dunham Expansion
depends on the rotational quantum number J and on the
In order to also reproduce the rotational-vibrational slope of the rotationless potential.
term values T(v, J) of a rotating molecule for a more The minimum of the potential is shifted by the ro-
general potential (9.107) tation of the molecule from Re to larger distances and
! the dissociation energy becomes smaller.
E pot (R) = an (R − Re )n , (9.114)
Energy levels E(v, J) above the dissociation energy
E D can be still stable, if they are below the maximum of
$ %
1 ∂ n E pot
an = . E
n! ∂Rn Re hc
/ cm−1 J = 275
9,000 Predissociation
Dunham introduced the expansion
!! . /k 8,000 J = 250
T(v, J) = Yik (v + 12 )i J · (J + 1) − Λ2
i k 7,000
where the Dunham coefficients Yik are fit parameters
chosen such that the term values T(v, J) best repro- J = 200
duce the measured term values of rotational levels in v = 10, J = 200
J = 150
vibrational states of the molecule. 4,000 v = 25, J = 150
With (9.115) the energies of all vibrational-
3,000 D = 6,000 cm−1
rotational levels of a molecule can be described by
a set of molecular constants. These constants are re- 2,000 J = 120
lated to the coefficients in the expansion (9.113a) by
the relations 1,000 J=0
The integration extends over all 3(Z A + Z B ) electronic function χ(R); which only depends on the nuclear coor-
coordinates and over the six nuclear coordinates. Often dinates. Inserting (9.120, 9.121) into (9.119) the matrix
only one of the electrons is involved in the transition. In elements is written as
this case the integration over dτel only needs to be perfor- 11
med over the coordinates of this electron. The vector p Mik = Φi∗ χN,i
∗ ∗
( pel + pN )Φk χN,k dτel dτN .
is the dipole operator, which depends on the coordina- (9.122a)
tes of the electrons, involved in the transition and on the
nuclear coordinates. In Fig. 9.51 it can be seen that Rearranging the different terms gives
! 1 ,1 -
p = −e ri + e(Z A RA + Z B RB ) = pel + pN ∗ ∗
i Mik = χi Φi pel Φk dτel χk dτN (9.122b)
(9.120) 1 ,1 -
∗ ∗
where pel is the contribution of the electrons and pN + χ1 pN Φi Φk dτel χk dτN .
that of the nuclei.
We distinguish between two different cases (Fig. 9.52):
Note that for homonuclear molecules Z A = Z B but
RA = −RB . Therefore pN = 0! • The two levels |i* and |k* belong to the same elec-
tronic state (Φi = Φk ). This means that the dipole
Within the adiabatic approximation we can separate transition occurs between two vibrational-rotational
the total wave function ψ(r, R) into the product levels in the same electronic state Φi . In this case
the first term in the sum (9.122b) is zero because the
ψ(r, R) = Φ(r, R) × χN (R) (9.121) integrand r|Φi |2 is an ungerade function of the elec-
of electronic wave function Φ(r, R) of the rigid mol- tron coordinates r = {x, y, z}. The integration from
ecule at a fixed nuclear distance R and the nuclear wave −∞ to +∞ therefore gives zero.
2 (R)
levels E'(J')
v' = 3 ED
v' = 2 Vibrational
v' = 1 states E'(v')
v' = 0
1 (R)
levels E''(J'')
Eel el
2 − E1 ED
v' ' = 3
v' ' = 2
v' ' = 1 states E''(v'')
v' ' = 0
= χi∗ Mikel (R)χk dτN . (9.125) The structure of the vibration-rotation-spectrum and
the pure rotation spectrum can be determined as follows.
Since the interaction potential between the two
We will now discuss both cases separately. atoms is spherically symmetric, we choose spherical
coordinates for the description of the nuclear wave
function χN (R, ϑ, ϕ).
If the interaction between rotation and vibration is
9.6.2 Vibrational-Rotational Transitions sufficiently weak we can write χN as the product
All allowed transitions (vi , Ji ) ↔ (vk , Jk ) between two χN (R, ϑ, ϕ) = S(R)Y JM (ϑ, ϕ) (9.127)
rotational-vibrational levels in the same electronic state
form for vi + = vk the vibrational-rotational spectrum of of the vibrational wave function S(R) in (9.102) and the
the molecule in the infrared spectral region between rotational wave function Y JM (ϑ, ϕ) for a rotational level
λ = 2 − 20 µm. For vi = vk we have pure rotational with angular momentum J and its projection M · ! onto
transitions between rotational levels within the same the quantization axis, which is a preferential direction
vibrational state, which form the rotational spectrum in the laboratory coordinate system. For absorbing tran-
in the microwave region with wavelengths in the range sition the quantization axis is, for instance, the direction
0.1−10cm. of the incident electromagnetic wave, or the direction
The dipole matrix element for these transitions is of its E-vector.
according to (9.120) and (9.124) With R = |RA − RB | and RA /RB = MB /MA
1 (Figs. 9.42 and 9.51) and p̂ = p/| p| the dipole moment
Mikrot vib = e χi∗ (Z A RA + Z B RB )χk dτN . (9.126) can be written as
MB · Z A − MA · Z B
For homonuclear diatomic molecules with Z A = Z B pN = p̂ · | pN | = e · R · p̂
and MA = MB is RA = −RB and therefore the integrand
is zero ⇒ Mikrot vib = 0. = C R p̂ . (9.128)
9.6. Spectra of Diatomic Molecules 361
∆J = J 2 − J 22 = +1 8
are P-transitions.
All allowed rotational transitions appear in the spec-
trum as absorption- or emission lines (Fig. 9.54). All
rotational lines of a vibrational transition form a vi- ν0 ν
brational band. Its rotational structure is given by the Fig. 9.55. Fortrat diagram of the P- and R-branch of
wavenumbers of all rotational lines vibrational-rotational transitions
v'' 2 1 0 0 0 0
v' 0 0 0 1 2 3
c) The Vibrational Structure it follows that the electronic transition takes place at
and the Franck–Condon Principle a nuclear distance R∗ where the kinetic energies of the
vibrating nuclei in the upper and lower state are equal,
2 22
The vibrational structure of electronic transitions is go- i. e., E kin (R∗ ) = E kin (R∗ ). This can be graphically
verned by the Franck–Condon factor (9.136), which in illustrated by the difference potential
turn depends on the overlap of the vibrational wave 22
U(R) = E pot 2
(R) − E pot (R) + E(v2 ) (9.144)
functions in the two electronic states. In a classical
model, which gives intuitive insight into electronic tran- introduced by Mulliken (Fig. 9.63). The electron jump
sitions, the absorption or emission of a photon occurs from one electronic state into the other takes place at
within a time interval that is short compared to the vi- such a value R∗ , where Mulliken’s difference potential
brational period Tvib of the molecule. In a potential intersects the horizontal energy line E = E(v22 ), where
diagram (Fig. 9.62) the electronic transitions between
the two states can be then represented by vertical ar- U(R∗ ) = E(v22 ) .
rows. This means, that the internuclear distance R is In the quantum mechanical model, the probability
the same for the starting point and the final point of the for a transition v2 ↔ v22 is given by the Franck–Condon
transition. Since the momentum p = hν/c of the absor- factor (9.136). The ratio
bed or emitted photon is very small compared to that of
the vibrating nuclei, the momentum p of the nuclei is ψ 2 (R)ψvib
(R) dR
P (R) dR = 6 vib2 (9.145)
conserved during the electronic transition. Also, the ki- ψvib (R)ψvib22
(R) dR
netic energy E kin = p2 /2M does not change. From the
energy balance gives the probability that the transition takes place in the
interval dR around R. It has a maximum for R = R∗ .
2 22
hv = E 2 (v2 ) − E 22 (v22 ) If the two potential curves E pot (R) and E pot (R)
= E pot (R) + E kin 2 22
(R) − [E pot 22
(R) + E kin (R)] have a similar R-dependence and equilibrium distan-
2 ces Re2 ≈ Re22 the FCF for transitions with ∆v = 0 are
= E pot (R∗ ) − E pot
(R∗ ) (9.143) maximum and for ∆v += 0 they are small (Fig. 9.62a).
∆v > 0
U(R) difference
The larger the shift ∆R = Re2 − Re22 the larger becomes transferred to the Rydberg electron, which then gains
the difference ∆v for maximum FCF (Fig. 9.62b). sufficient energy to leave the molecule (Fig. 9.65). The
situation is similar to that in doubly excited Rydberg
atoms where the energy can be transferred from one ex-
9.6.4 Continuous Spectra
cited electron to the Rydberg electron (see Sect. 6.6.2).
If absorption transitions lead to energies in the upper However, while this process in atoms takes place wi-
electronic state above its dissociation energy, unbound thin 10−13 −10−15 s, due to the strong electron-electron
states are reached with non-quantized energies. The ab- interaction, in molecules it is generally very slow (bet-
sorption spectrum then no longer consists of discrete ween 10−6 −10−10 s), because the coupling between
lines but shows a continuous intensity distribution I(ν). the motion of the nuclei and the electron is weak.
A similar situation arises, if the energy of the upper In fact, within the adiabatic approximation it would
state is above the ionization energy of the molecule, be zero! The vibrational or rotational autoionization
similarly to atoms (see Sect. 7.6). of molecules represent a breakdown of the Born–
In the molecular spectra the ionization continuum is, Oppenheimer approximation. The decay of these levels
however, superimposed by many discrete lines that cor- by autoionization is slow and the lines appear sharp.
respond to transitions into higher vibrational-rotational In Fig. 9.65 an example of the excitation scheme of
levels of bound Rydberg states in the neutral elec- autoionizing Rydberg levels is shown. The Rydberg le-
tron. Although the electronic energy of these Rydberg vels are generally excited in a two-step process from
states is still below the ionization limit, the additio- the ground state |g* to level |i* by absorption of a pho-
nal vibrational-rotational energy brings the total energy ton from a laser and the further excitation |i* → |k* by
above the ionization energy of the non-vibrating and a photon from another laser. The autoionization of the
non-rotating molecule (Fig. 9.64). Rydberg level |k* is monitored by observation of the
Such states can decay by autoionization into a lower resultant molecular ions. A section of the autoioniza-
state of the molecular ion, where part of the kinetic tion spectrum of the Li2 -molecule with sharp lines and
energy of the vibrating and rotating molecular core is a weak continuous background, caused by direct pho-
toionization, is shown in Fig. 9.66. The lines have an
asymmetric line profile called a Fano-profile [9.11].
The reason for this asymmetry is an interference effect
between two possible excitation paths to the energy E ∗
in the ionization continuum, as illustrated in Fig. 9.67:
Auto ionization
|k〉 M+
neutral ion
M*(k ) → M+ ( f) + Ekin(e− )
Fig. 9.65. Two-step excitation of a molecular Rydberg le-
Fig. 9.64. Excitation (1) of a bound Rydberg level in the vel |k*, which transfers by auto ionization into a lower level | f *
neutral molecule and (2) of a bound level in the molecular of the molecular ion. The difference energy is given to the free
ion M+ electron
368 9. Diatomic Molecules
Γ = 0.02 cm−1
⇒ τeff = 1.3 ns
Ion signal
Γ = 0.034 cm−1
4,000 ⇒ τeff = 0.76 ns
Γ = 0.027 cm−1
⇒ τeff = 0.96 ns
42,136.6 42,136.8 42,137.0 42,137.2 42,137.4 42,137.6 42,137.8
Wavenumber (cm −1)
1. The excitation of the Rydberg level |k* of the neu- sonance destructive on the other constructive, resulting
tral molecule from level |i* with the probability in an asymmetric line profile.
amplitude D1 with subsequent autoionization, Continuous spectra can also appear in emission, if
2. The direct photoionization from level |i* with the a bound upper level is excited that emits fluorescence
probability amplitude D2 . into a repulsive lower state. Such a situation is seen in
excimers, which have stable excited upper states but an
When the frequency of the excitation lasers is tu-
unstable ground state (Fig. 9.68). For illustration, the
ned, the phase of the transition matrix element does not
emission spectrum of an excited state of the NaK alkali
change much for path 2, but much more for path 1, be-
molecule is shown in Fig. 9.69. This state is a mixture of
cause the frequency is tuned over the narrow resonance
of a discrete transition. The total transition probability
Pif = |D1 + D2 | 2
therefore changes with the frequency of the excitation 3
laser because the interference is on one side of the re-
D12 σ lines
1 2
3 + R
σd Laser excitation
|i〉 X1Σ
a) b) 1/q −q ε
Fig. 9.67. (a) Interference of two possible excitation pathways
to the energy E ∗ in the ionization continuum (b) Resultant
Fano-profile with asymmetric line shape. σd is the absorption Fig. 9.68. Level scheme of the NaK molecule with excitation
crosssection for direct photoionization and discrete and continuous emission spectrum
9.6. Spectra of Diatomic Molecules 369
a) E E'pot (R) b)
v' = 7
I∝ ∫ ψ v'ψ v''dr
Airy function
630 625
v'' Discrete emission
emission spectrum
E''pot (R)
ν / cm−1 R λ / nm 695 675 655 635
Fig. 9.69. (a) Vibrational overlap and Franck-Condon factor for the continuous emission (b) Measured emission spectrum of
the NaK molecule
a singlet and a triplet state, due to strong spin-orbit coup- overlap integral between the vibrational wave function
ling. Therefore transitions from this mixed state into of the bound level in the upper electronic state with
lower singlet as well as triplet states becomes allowed. the function of the unstable level in the repulsive po-
While the emission into the stable singlet ground state tential above the dissociation energy of the lower state
X 1Σ shows discrete lines, the emission into the weakly which can be described by an Airy function. The fre-
bound lowest triplet state 3 3Σ shows, on the short wave- quency ν = E 2 (R) − E 22 (R) and the wavelength λ = c/ν
length side, a section of discrete lines terminating at of the emission depends on the internuclear distance R
bound vibrational-rotational levels in the shallow poten- because the emission terminates on the Mulliken po-
tial well of the a 3Σ state and, on the long wavelength tential of the repulsive lower state (dashed blue curve
side, a modulated continuum terminating on energies in Fig. 9.69). The number q = v2 − 1 of nodes in the
above the dissociation limit of the a 3Σ state. The inten- fluorescence spectrum gives the vibrational quantum
sity modulation reflects the FCF, i. e., the square of the number v2 of the emitting level.
370 9. Diatomic Molecules
• For the simplified model of a rigid diatomic monotonically decreases with increasing R the
molecule, the electronic wave functions ψ(r, R) state is unstable and it dissociates.
and the energy eigenvalues E(R) can be ap- • The vibration of a diatomic molecule can be de-
proximately calculated as a function of the scribed as the oscillation of one particle with
internuclear distance R. The wave functions are reduced mass M = MA MB /(MA + MB ) in the
written as a linear combination of atomic orbitals potential E pot (R). In the vicinity of Re the po-
(LCAO approximation) or of other suitable basis tential is nearly parabolic and the vibrations can
functions. be well-approximated by a harmonic oscillator.
• In a rotating and vibrating molecule the kinetic The allowed energy eigenvalues, defined by the
energy of the nuclei is generally small compa- vibrational quantum number v, are equidistant
red to the total energy of a molecular state. This with a separation ∆E = !ω. For higher vibratio-
allows the separation of the total wave func- nal energies the molecular potential deviates from
tion ψ(r, R) = χN (R)Φ el (r, R) into a product of a harmonic potential. The distances between vi-
a nuclear wave function χ(R) and an electro- brational levels decrease with increasing energy.
nic function Φ el (r, R), which depends on the A good approximation to the real potential is the
electronic coordinates r and only contains R as Morse-potential, where ∆E vib decreases linearly
a free parameter. This approximation, called the with energy. Each bound electronic state has only
adiabatic or Born–Oppenheimer approximation, a finite number of vibrational levels.
neglects the coupling between nuclear and elec- • The rotational energy of a diatomic molecule
tron motion. The potential equals that of the rigid E rot = J(J + 1)h 2 /2I is characterized by the ro-
molecule and the vibration and rotation takes tational quantum number J and the moment
place in this potential. of inertia I = MR2 . Due to the centrifugal
• Within this approximation the total energy of force Fc the distance R increases slightly
a molecular level can be written as the sum with J until Fc is compensated by the resto-
E = E el + E vib + E rot of electronic, vibrational ring force Fr = − dE pot / dR and the rotational
and rotational energy. This sum is independent energy becomes smaller than that of a rigid
of the nuclear distance R. molecule.
• The electronic state of a diatomic molecule is • The absorption or emission spectra of a diatomic
characterized by its symmetry properties, its to- molecule consists of:
tal energy E and by the angular momentum and a) Pure rotational transitions within the same vi-
spin quantum numbers. For one-electron systems brational level in the microwave region
these are the quantum numbers λ = l z /h and b) Vibrational-rotational transitions within the
σ = sz /h of the projections l z of the electronic same electronic state in the infrared region
orbital angular momentum and sz of the spin s c) Electronic transitions in the visible and UV
onto the internuclear z-axis. For multi-electron region
systems L = Σli , S = Σsi , Λ = L z /h = Σλi , and • The intensity of a spectral line is proportional to
Ms = Σσi = Sz /h. Although the vector L might the product N · |Mik |2 of the population density N
depend on R, the projection L z does not. in the absorbing or emitting level and the square
• The potential curves E pot (R) are the sum of mean of the matrix element Mik .
kinetic energy )E kin * of the electrons, their po- • Homonuclear diatomic molecules have neither
tential energy and the potential energy of the a pure rotational spectrum nor a vibrational-
nuclear repulsion. If these potential curves have rotational spectrum. They therefore do not absorb
a minimum at R = Re , the molecular state is sta- in the microwave and the mid-infrared region, un-
ble. The molecule vibrates around the equilibrium less transitions between close electronic states fall
distance Re . If E pot (R) has no minimum, but into this region.
Problems 371
• The electronic spectrum consists of a system equal to the square of the vibrational overlap
of vibrational bands. Each vibrational band integral.
includes many rotational lines. Only rotatio- • Continuous absorption spectra arise for transi-
nal transitions with ∆J = 0; ±1 are allowed. tions into energy states above the dissociation
The intensity of a rotational transition de- energy or above the ionization energy. Continuous
pends on the Hönl-London factor and those emission spectra are observed for transitions
of the different vibrational bands are determi- from bound upper states into a lower state with
ned by the Franck-Condon factors, which are a repulsive potential.
1. How large is the Coulomb repulsion of the nuclei 5. Show that the energy eigenvalues (9.104) are
in the H+ 2 ion and the potential energy of the obtained when the Morse potential (9.103) is
electron with wave function Φ + (r, R) at the inserted into the Schrödinger equation (9.80).
equilibrium distance Re = 2a0 ? First calculate 6. What is the ionization energy of the H2 mol-
the overlap integral SAB (R) in (9.13) with the ecule when the binding energies of H2 and H+ 2
wave function (9.9). What is the mean kinetic are E B (H2 ) = −4.48 eV and E B (H+2 ) = −2.65 eV
energy of the electron, if the binding energy is and the ionization energy of the H atom
E pot (Re ) = −2.65 eV? Compare the results with E Io = 13.6 eV?
the corresponding quantities for the H atom. 7. Calculate the frequencies and wavelengths for
2. How large is the electronic energy of the H2 mol- the rotational transition J = 0 → J = 1 and
ecule (without nuclear repulsion) for R = Re and J = 4 → J = 5 for the HCl molecule. The in-
for the limiting case R = 0 of the united atom? ternuclear distance is Re = 0.12745 nm. What is
3. a) Calculate the total electronic energy of the H2 the frequency shift between the two isotopomers
molecule as the sum of the atomic energies of H35 Cl and H37 Cl for the two transitions? What is
the two H atoms minus the binding energy of H2 . the rotational energy for J = 5?
b) Compare the vibrational and rotational energy 8. If the potential of the HCl molecule around Re
of H2 at a temperature T = 300 K with the energy is approximated by a parabolic potential E pot =
of the first excited electronic state of H2 . k(R − Re )2 a vibrational frequency ν0 = 9 ×
4. Prove that the two separated equations (9.75) 1013 s−1 is obtained. What is the restoring force
are obtained when the product ansatz (9.74) is constant k? How large is the vibrational amplitude
inserted into the Schrödinger equation (9.73). for v = 1?