Superconductivity & Optical Fibers

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 1

Unit VI: Superconductivity and Optical fibers


Temperature dependence of resistivity of metal

The variation of resistively with

temperature for a metal is as
shown in the fig. Resistivity in the
case of pure metal decreases with
the decrease in temperature and
becomes zero at absolute zero
ρ Impure metal temperature. While in the case of
impure metals the Resistivity of
ρ(T) metal will have some residual
value even at absolute zero
ρ0 temperature. This residual
Pure metal
resistance depends only on the
ρ(T) amount of impurity present in the
metal and is independent of the
temperature. Thus net Resistivity
of a metal can be written as

ρ = ρ 0 + ρ (T )
Thus net Resistivity of conductor is equal to sum temperature independent
part and temperature dependent part as shown in the graph.


Kamerlingh Onnes discovered the phenomenon of superconductivity in

the year 1911. When he was studying the temperature dependence of resistance
of Mercury at very low temperature he found that resistance of Mercury
decreases with temperature with the decrease in temperature up to a particular
temperature Tc= 4.15K . Below this temperature the resistance of mercury
abruptly drops to zero. Between 4.15K and Zero degree Kelvin Mercury offered
no resistance for the flow of electric current. The phenomenon is reversible and
material becomes normal once again when temperature was increased above
4.15K. He called this phenomenon as superconductivity and material which
exhibited this property as superconductors.
Thus the phenomenon of super conductivity is defined as:
“The phenomenon in which resistance of certain metals, alloys and
compounds drops to zero abruptly, below certain temperature is called

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 2

The temperature, below which

materials exhibit superconducting property Superconducting
is called critical temperature, denoted by phase Normal phase
Tc. Critical temperature Tc is different for
different substances. The materials, which
exhibit superconducting property, are
called superconductors.
Above critical temperature material
is said to be in normal state and offers
resistance for the flow of electric current.
Below critical temperature material is said
to be in superconducting state. Thus Tc
is also called as transition temperature.
0 T(K)

Meissner Effect

In 1933, Meissner and Ochsenfeld showed that when a superconducting

material is placed in a magnetic field, it allows magnetic lines of force to pass
through, if it’s temperature is above Tc , and if temperature is reduced below the
critical temperature Tc ,it expels all the lines of force completely out of the
specimen to become a perfect diamagnetic material. This is known as Meissner
Since superconductor exhibits perfect diamagnetism below the critical
temperature Tc, magnetic flux density inside the material is zero.

Therefore B=0, for T< Tc

Relationship between flux density and the strength of the magnetising field is
given by
B = µ 0 (M + H )
µ0 = Absolute permeability of free space
M = Intensity of magnetization of the material &
H = Strength of the magnetizing field

Q B=0
0 = µ0 ( M + H )
or M = − H
Thus superconductor possesses negative magnetic moment when it is
superconducting state.

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 3

Magnetic lines
of force



T> Tc T< Tc

Critical field

We know that when superconductor is placed in a magnetic field it expels

magnetic lines of force completely out of the body and becomes a perfect
diamagnet. But if the strength of the magnetic field is further increased, it was
found that for a particular value of the magnetic field, material looses its
superconducting property and becomes a normal conductor. The value of the
magnetic field at which superconductivity is destroyed is called the Critical
magnetic field, denoted by Hc . It was found that by reducing the temperature of
the material further superconducting property of the material could be restored.
Thus, critical field doesn’t destroy the superconducting property of the material
completely but only reduces the critical temperature of the material.

Normal State


0 Tc T (K)

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 4

Critical magnetic field Hc depends on the temperature of the material. The

relationship between the two is given by
 T2 
H c = H 0  1 − 2 
 Tc 

BCS theory of Superconductivity

Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer explained the phenomenon of

superconductivity in the year 1957. The essence of the BCS theory is as follows.

We know that resistance of the conductor is due to the scattering of

electrons from the lattice ions. Consider an electron moving very close to a lattice
ion. Due to coulomb interaction between electron and ion, the ion core gets
distorted from its mean position. It is called lattice distortion. Now another
electron moving close to this lattice ion interacts with it. This results in the
reduction in the energy of the electron. This interaction can be looked upon as
equivalent to the interaction between two electrons via lattice. During the
interaction exchange of phonon takes place between electron and the lattice.
This interaction is called electron-lattice –electron interaction via the phonon
field. Because of the reduction in energy between the two electrons, an attractive
force comes into effect between two electrons. It was shown by Cooper that, this
attractive force becomes maximum if two electrons have opposite spins and
momentum. The attractive force may exceed coulombs repulsive force between
the two electrons below the critical temperature, which results in the formation of
bound pair of electrons called cooper pairs.

At temperatures below the critical temperature large number of electron-

lattice-electron interaction takes place and all electrons form a cloud of cooper
pairs. Cooper pairs in turn move in a cohesive manner through the crystal, which
results in an ordered state of the conduction electrons without any scattering on
the lattice ions. This results in a state of zero resistance in the material.

Types of Superconductors
Type I or Soft Superconductors:

Superconducting materials, which exhibit, complete Meissner effect are

called Soft superconductors.

We know that below critical temperature, superconductors exhibit perfect

diamagnetism. Therefore they possess negative magnetic moment.

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 5

The graph of magnetic moment Vs

-M magnetic field is as shown in the Fig. As
field strength increases material becomes
more and more diamagnetic until H
Normal becomes equal to Hc. At Hc , material
state losses both diamagnetic and
superconducting properties to become
normal conductor. It allows magnetic flux
to penetrate through its body. The value of
Hc is very small for soft superconductors.
state Therefore soft superconductors cannot
withstand high magnetic fields. Therefore
Hc H they cannot be used for making
superconducting magnets

Type II or Hard Superconductors

Superconducting materials, which can withstand high value of critical

magnetic fields, are called Hard Superconductors.

Normal State
No flux
Penetration Partial flux

Superconducting State
0 Hc2

The graph of magnetic moment Vs magnetic field is as shown in the Fig.

Hard superconductors are characterised by two critical fields Hc1 and Hc2 . When
applied magnetic field is less than Hc1 material exhibits perfect diamagnetism.
Beyond Hc1 flux penetrates and fills the body partially. As the strength of the field
increases further, more and more flux fills the body and thereby decreasing the
diamagnetic property of the material. At Hc2 flux fills the body completely and
material losses its diamagnetic property as well as superconducting property

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 6

Between Hc1 and Hc2 material is said to be in vortex state. In this state
though there is flux penetration, material exhibits superconducting property. Thus
flux penetration occurs through small-channelised regions
Filament called filaments. In filament region
material is in normal state. As Hc2 the
field strength increases width of the
filament region increases at they
spread in to the entire body, and
Flux material becomes normal conductor
lines as a whole.
The value of Hc2 is hundreds of
times greater than Hc of soft
superconductors. Therefore they are
used for making powerful
superconducting magnets.

Superconducting parts
High Temperature Superconductivity

Superconducting materials, which exhibit superconducting property at

higher temperatures, are called high temperature superconductors. Thus high
temperature superconductors posses higher value of critical temperature
compared to conventional superconductors. Most of the high temperature
superconductors are found to be non-metals and intermetallics compounds, but
are oxides, that fall into the category of ceramics. In 1986 a compound containing
barium, lanthanum, copper, and oxygen having Tc =30K was developed. In
1987 scientists developed a compound which is an oxide of the form YBa2Cu3O7
, often referred to as 1-2-3 compound having Tc =77K was discovered.
All high temperature superconductors are oxides of copper, and bear a
particular type of crystal structure called Perovskite crystal structure. Such crystal
structures are characterised by large number of copper-oxygen layers. It was
found that addition of extra copper-oxygen layer pushes the critical temperature
Tc to higher values.
It was also found that formation of super currents in high superconductors
is direction dependent. The super currents are strong in the copper-oxygen layer
and weak in the direction perpendicular to the planes.

Applications of Superconductivity
1.Superconducting Magnets:
We know that in ordinary electromagnet strength of the magnetic field
produced depends on the number of turns (N) in the winding and the strength of
the current (I) flowing through the winding. To produce strong magnetic field
either N or I should be increased. If N is increased size of the magnet increases
and if I is increased power loss (I2R) increases, which results in production of

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 7

heat. Therefore there are limitations to increase N and I. If superconducting wires

are used for winding in electromagnets, even with small number of turns strong
magnetic fields can be produced by passing large current through the winding,
because there is no loss of power in superconductors.
The type II superconductors, which have high Hc and Tc values, are
commonly used in superconducting magnets. Ex: Niobium-tin, Niobium-
aluminium, niobium-germanium and vanadium-gallium alloys.
The superconducting magnets are used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) systems, for plasma confinement in fusion reactors, in magneto-
hydrodynamic power generation, in Maglev vehicles, etc.

2.Maglev Vehicles:
Vehicles, which float under the magnetic effect, are called MAGnetically
LEVitated vehicles or simply MAGLEV vehicles. Such vehicle offer benefits like
no friction, less power and noiseless transportation.

Cross section of the Maglev

Carriage vehicle is as shown in the Fig. The
system uses direct current
superconducting magnets fixed under
the carriage, which in turn induce eddy
currents in the aluminium guide way.
Eddy currents in the guide way
generate repulsive force, which pushes
the carriage up. Then forward motion of
the vehicle is achieved by the principle
of synchronous linear induction. The
superconducting magnets and the
cryogenic system for cooling the
magnet are mounted below the
Aluminium Superconducting carriage isolating them from the
guide way magnet passenger compartment.


SQUID is an acronym for Superconducting Quantum Interface Device.

SQUIDs are highly sensitive device, which can detect even weakest magnetic
fields of the order of 10-14T. Squid is formed using two Josephson’s junctions in
the form of a loop. When a magnetic field is applied to this loop it induces
circulating current in the loop which produces magnetic field which is just enough
to exclude the magnetic flux inside the loop. It was found that the super current Is
induced in the loop is periodic in nature with the variation of applied magnetic

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 8

When squid is brought under the influence of an external magnetic field

the flux through the loop changes and this causes the change in loop current.
This variation of current in the loop can be detected with the help of an induction
coil kept adjacent to the loop. Thus SQUID can detect even a very sensitive
magnetic field.

Mag. Field

No flux

Squids are used to measure very small magnetic fields produced by heart
and brain. They are used as voltmeter to measure the Hall effect and
Thermoelectricity. They are used to detect ore and oil deposits.

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 9

Optical fibers are transparent Dielectrics, which guide light over long distances with
the help of successive Total Internal Reflections.




It consists of three regions Sheath

1) The innermost Light guiding region called Core.
2) The middle region-covering core made of material similar to Core is called Cladding.
The RI of Cladding is less than that of Core.
3) The outermost protecting layer for Core and Cladding from moisture, crushing and
chemical reaction etc., is called Sheath.

The Optical Fibers are either made as a single fiber or a flexible bundle or Cables.
A Bundle fiber is a number of fibers in single jacket.

Principles of Optical fibres:- It is based on the principle of Total Internal reflection.

Consider a ray of light passing from denser medium to rarer medium. As the angle of
incidence increases the angle of refraction also increases. For a particular angle of
incidence called Critical Angle the refracted ray just grazes the interface (Angle of
refraction is 90°). If the angle of incidence is greater than Critical Angle then the ray
reflected back to the denser medium. This phenomenon is called Total Internal



Propagation of light through fiber(Optical fiber as a light guide): -

The main function of the Optical fiber is to accept maximum light and transmit the
same with minimum attenuation.

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 10

The incident light enters the core and strikes the interface of the Core and Cladding
at large angles as shown in fig. Since the Cladding has lower RI than Core the light
suffers multiple Total Internal Reflections. This is possible since by geometry the angle
of incidence at the interface is greater than the Critical angle. Since the Total internal
reflection is the reflection at the rarer medium there is no energy loss. Entire energy is
transmitted through the fiber. The propagation continues even the fiber is bent but not
too sharply. Since the fiber guides light it is called as fiber light guide or fiber wave-



Numerical Aperture:-

Light gathering ability of a fiber depends on two facts.

1) Core size.
2) Numerical Aperture.

Numerical aperture of fiber is determined by Acceptance angle. Let a light beam

enter at an angle "Đ" to the axis of the fiber (On the launching face). The ray gets
refracted at an angle "r" and strikes the Core Cladding interface at an angle θ. If θ > θc
(Critical angle) for the system T I R takes place. It means as long as θ is greater than
Critical angle light stays within the fiber.

In order to maintain θ to be greater than Critical angle, the angle of incidence relative
to Axis of the fiber (At the launching face) should not be greater than a value θo. The ray
corresponding to θo can be used to describe a Conical surface. The cone formed is
called Acceptance cone and the angle θo is called Acceptance angle. The sine of
acceptance angle (ie. Sin θo ) is called Numerical aperture.

Acceptance Cone 90-θ1

θ θ
Acceptance angle
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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 11

Expression for Numerical Aperture:- Let no, n1 and n2 be the Refractive indeces of
Surrounding, Core and Cladding respectively. Also RI of Core is Greater than RI of
Cladding (ie n1> n2 ).

By applying Snell's law for the Launching face of Fiber

At ‘A’:-
n0 sin θ 0 = n1 sin θ1
∴ sin θ 0 = sin θ1 (1)
By applying Snell’s law at ‘B’

n1 sin (90 −θ1 ) = n2 sin 90 Where (90 - θ1) is

Critical angle.
cosθ1 =
sin θ1 = 1− 2
n12 − n22
sin θ1 =

Substituting for Sinθ1 in (1)

n n12 − n22
sin θ 0 = 1
n0 n12
NUMERICAL n12 − n22
NA = sin θ 0 =
for air n0 =1
∴ NA = sin θ 0 = n 12 − n 22

If ‘i’ is the angle of incidence at the launching face then the condition for propagation of

light through the optical fibre is

i <= θ 0
sin i <= sin θ 0
sin i <= NA

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 12

sine of the angle of incidence must be less than or equal numerical aperture.

Fractional RI Change (∆):- It is the Ratio of RI difference between Core and Cladding
to the RI of core.
n1 − n2
Relation Between N A and ∆: -
n1 − n2
∆.n1 = n1 − n2 ........(2)
we know that
NA = n12 − n22
NA = (n1 − n2 )(n1 + n2 )
from equation(2)
NA = (n1 + n2 )(∆n1 )
if n1 ≅ n2
NA = ∆.n1 (2n1 )
∴ NA = n1 2.∆

V-Number (Normalised Frequency of the fibre) :- An Optical fibre may be

characterized by one more parameter called V-number. This determines the Number of
modes supported for propagation in the fibre.

πd πd
V= n12 − n 22 = ( NA)
λ λ

Where “d” is the diameter of the core, “λ” is wavelength n1 is the refractive index of the
core and n2 is the refractive index of the cladding. NA is numerical Aperture. If the fiber is
surrounded by a medium of refractive index n0, then

πd n12 − n 22
λ n0

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 13

Attenuation :- An Optical signal passing through a fibre will get progressively

reduced. This reduction or attenuation of signal may be defined as the ration of the
optical output power from a fibre of length L to the input optical power. It is expressed in
terms of decibel / km.

10 P
α = − log10 ( 1 )
L P2

Where P1 Power of optical signal at launching end.

P2 Power of optical signal at the receiving end.

The attenuation is wavelength dependent and so the wavelength must also be


Fiber losses: - The following are three losses may occur in optical fibers.

1) Absorption losses
2) Geometric Effects
3) Rayleigh Scattering.

Absorption: - Even Very pure glass absorbs light of a specific wavelength. Strong
electronic absorption occurs in UV region and vibrational absorption occurs in IR region
of wavelength 7 micrometer to 12 micrometer. These losses are attributed due to
inherent property of the glass and are called intrinsic absorption. However, this loss is

Impurities are major extrinsic source of losses in fiber. Hydroxyl radical ions (OH)
and transition metals like Nickel, Chromium, Copper, Manganese etc. have electronic
losses near visible range of spectrum. These impurities should be kept as minimum as
possible in the fiber
Intrinsic as well as extrinsic losses are found tom be minimum at about 1.3 micrometer.

Geometric effects: - These may occur due to manufacturing defects like irregularities in
fibre dimensions during drawing process or during coating, cabling or insulation

The microscopic bends are the bends with radii greater than fiber diameter. The
micro bends couple light between the various guided modes of the fiber and some of
them then leak through the fiber.

Rayleigh Scattering: - As glass has disordered structure having local microscopic

variation in density which may also cause variation in RI. So light traveling through
these structures may suffer scattering losses due to Rayleigh ie., scattering ∝ 1/ λ4. It
means Rayleigh scattering sets a lower limit on wavelength that can be transmitted by a
glass fibre at 0.8 micrometer below which scattering loss is appreciably high.

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 14

Dispersion: - A pulse launched with a fibre gets attenuated due to losses in fibre.
Moreover the incoming pulse also spreads during the transit through the fibre. So a
pulse at the output is wider than the pulse at the input i.e., the pulse gets distorted as it
moves through the fibre. This distortion of pulse is due to dispersion effects, which is
measured in terms nanoseconds per km. There are three phenomena that may
contribute towards the distortion effect.

1) Material dispersion
2) Wave guide dispersion
3) Intermodal dispersion.

Types of optical fibers and modes of transmission: -

In optical fibers the Cladding material has uniform RI. But the RI of Core may remain
constant or subjected to variation in a particular way. The curve representing the
variation of RI with the Radial distance from the axis of the Core is called Refractive
index profile. Modes of Propagation is the number paths of light rays along which the
waves are in phase inside the fibre. The number of modes, a fibre can support depends
on the ratio d / λ where d is the diameter of the core and λ is the wavelength of the wave

Based on R I profile and Core size and Modes of Propagation Optical fibers are
classified into 3 types,

1) Single mode step index fiber.

2) Multi mode step index fiber.
3) Graded index multi mode or Grain index fiber.

Single mode step index fiber:-


~4 microns dia.

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 15

A single mode step index fiber consists of a very fine thin core of uniform RI
surrounded by Cladding of RI lower than that of Core. Since there is abrupt change of RI
at Core and Cladding
Interface it is called Step index fiber. Some opaque protective sheath surrounds the
fiber. Since the Core size is small the Numerical aperture is also small.

Multimode step index fiber:-

~100 microns dia. RI

This is similar to single mode step index fiber with the exception that it has a larger core
diameter. The core diameter is very large as compared to wavelength of light
transmitted. A typical multimode step index fiber is as shown above. The numerical
aperture is large because of large core size.

Graded index multimode fiber(GRIN fiber):-


~100 microns dia.

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 16

The multimode fiber, which has concentric layers of RI, is called Grin fiber. It means the
R I of the Core varies with distance from the fiber axis. It has high R I at Center and falls
rapidly as radial distance increases from the axis. The R I profile is as shown in fig. In
grin fibbers the acceptance angle and numerical aperture diminishes with radial
distance. The light transmission is as shown above.


1) Communication:- Optical fibers are used in communication to transmit signals for

long distances. An optical signal is derived from electrical analog signal is
transmitted through the optical fiber. At the other end again the optical signal is
converted into electrical signal.

For example: First voice is converted into electrical signal using a transducer. It is
digitized using a Coder. The digitized signal, which carries the voice information, is
fed to an optical transmitter. The light source in optical transmitter (L E D or Laser
Diode) emits modulated light, which in transmitted through optical fiber.

At the other end the modulated light signal is detected by a photo detector and is
decoded using a decoder. Finally the information is converted into analog electrical
signal and is fed to a loud speaker, which converts the signal to voice (sound).

Electrical Optical
analog Coder Transmitter
Optical Fibre

Electrical analog Decoder Detector


2) Fiber Endoscope: - Endoscope is an optical instrument used to visualize or

photograph Human internal body parts. The light needed for photographing the part
is carried by the optical fiber.
3) Optical fibers are used in local area networks.

4) They are used in Data Links.

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Superconductivity and Optical fibers 17

Advantages: -

1) Optical fibers can carry very large amounts of information in either digital or
analog form.
2) The raw material for optical fiber is of low cost and abundant.
3) It has low cost /meter/ channel.
4) Cables are very compact.
5) Signals are protected from radiation from lightning or sparking.
6) There is no energy radiation from fiber
7) No sparks are generated

Disadvantages: -

1) The optical connectors are very costly.

2) Maintenance cost is high
3) They cannot be bent too sharply
4) They under go structural changes with temperature.

K.S.Institute of Technology, Bangalore-62

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