Electrical Conductivity
Electrical Conductivity
Electrical Conductivity
4. Electric current in the conductor is due to the drift velocity acquired by the
electrons in the presence of the applied electric field.
5. Electric field produced by lattice ions is assumed to be uniform throughout
the solid.
6. The force of repulsion between the electrons and force of attraction
between electrons and lattice ions is neglected.
Mean free path (λ): The average distance traveled by electrons between two
successive collisions during their random motion is called mean free path, it
denoted by λ.
Mean collision Time : The average time taken by an electrons between
two successive collisions during their random motion is called mean collision
time, it is denoted by τ. The relationship between λ and τ is given by λ=cτ.
Relaxation Time r: In the presence of an applied electric field, electrons
acquire drift velocity vd in addition to the thermal velocity c. if electric field is
switched off, vd reduces and becomes zero after some time. Let electric field
is switched off at the instant t = 0, when drift velocity vd=v0. The drift velocity
of the electron after the lapse of ‘t’ seconds is given by
v = v0 e
τ τ
Where r is called relaxation time. Suppose t= r,then vd=v0e-1=1/ev0
Thus the relaxation time is defined as the time during which drift velocity reduces
to 1/e times its maximum value after the electric filed is switched off.
The relationship between relaxation time and mean collision time is given
τr =
1 − cosθ
Where θ is scattering angle, cosθ is average value of cosθ taken over
very large number of collision made by electrons.
It can be shown that, τ=τr for metals.
Ohm’s Law :
Consider a conductor of length “l” and area of cross section ‘A’. Let “σ” is the
electrical conductivity of the conductor, then resistance of the conductor is given
R= ρ = .
A σ A
Let a potential difference of “V” volts is applied between two ends of the
conductor, which causes current I to flow through the conductor. Then, according
to Ohm’s Law.
V = IR
Il jl
V = =
σA σ
where j = I is called current density
= j
l σ
If " E" is the electric field established inside the conductor ,
then, E = V
∴E = j
or J = σE
The above equation also represents Ohm’s law.
Consider a conductor of length ‘l’, area of cross section “A”, having “n”
number of free electron per unit volume. Let a Pd of ‘V’ volts is applied between
two ends of the conductor and ‘E’ is the electric field established inside the
conductor. Then according to Ohm’s law
Where σ is the electrical conductivity of the conductor and j is a current density
given by
σ=j/E -1
Consider a cross section “X” of the conductor. Let I is the current flowing through
the conductor. Then according to the definition, current I is given by the quantity
of charge flowing across the cross section “X” per second.
Where N is the number of electrons crossing the cross section X in one second.
We know that, if vd is drift velocity of the electrons. Electrons travel a distance
equal to “vd” in one second. Therefore number of electrons crossing the cross
section “X” in one second is equal to number of electrons occupying the space
between two cross sections “X’ and “Y” separated by the distance vd.
K.S.Institute of Technology, Bangalore-62
Electronic Conduction in Solids 24
N = n( Avd )
I = nAvd e
But j=I
= nevd
∴σ = j =
σ= −2
We know that free electrons undergo collisions with positive ions during their
random motion. Let the drift velocity acquired by the electron becomes Zero
during each collision and let vd is the drift velocity acquired by the electron just
before next collision then
vd =0+a . τ
Where ‘a’ is the acceleration acquired by the electron in the presence of electric
field ‘E’ and ‘ ’ is the average time taken by the electron between two successive
collisions. Force acting on the electron in the presence of electric field is given by
F = eE = ma
∴a = .
∴ vd = τ.
∴ equation 2 becomes
ne nEτ
σ = X
E m
ne τ
σ = − 3
but τ = (λ = mean free path)
ne 2 λ 3kT
∴σ = from free electron theory c=
mc m
ne 2 λ
∴σ =
ne λ2
σ = −4
Mobility of Electrons:
The easiness with which electrons get drifted in the presence of applied electric
field is called “Mobility”. It is defined as the drift velocity acquired by the electron
per unit electric field. It is denoted by µ
Mobility µ =
we have σ = = neµ
σ = neµ
ne 2τ
Also σ = = µne
∴ µ = τ
1. During their random motion electrons undergo scattering from ions, which
are in the continuous state of vibrations. This scattering is called phonon
scattering and gives rise to resistance of metals. The resistance depends
on the number of scattering that electrons undergo. As the temperature of
the metal increases amplitude of vibrations of the ions increases, therefore
number of collision also increases. This leads to increase in resistance.
This resistivity is called ideal resistivity denoted by ρph and is given by
ρ ph = -1
ne 2τ ph
ρ i=
ne 2τ i
Where τi is mean collision time assuming that temp phonon scattering is
ρ = ρ i + ρ ph
m m
ρ= +
ne 2τ i ne 2τ ph
The above equation is called Matthiessen’s Rule, Which states that the
net resistivity of conductor is equal to the sum of the resistivity due to the phonon
scattering which is temperature dependent and resistivity due to the presence of
impurity which is temperature independent.
A graph of ρ against T is as shown in the fig.
1.The specific heat of the Solids: When heat is supplied to solids free
electrons also absorb energy. Thus free electrons also contribute to the Specific
heat of solids. This is called electronic specific heat.
According to the free electron theory of metals energy of all the electrons
in one-kilo mole of solid is given by
E= N A kT
Where NA =Avagadro number, k = Boltzman constant T=Absolute temperature.
ne 2 λ
σ =
It is clear from the above equation that σ αℓ n
The value of electron concentration and conductivity for some of the
metals are given below.
It is clear from the above table that there is no direct relationship between
electron concentration and electrical conductivity.
Since classical free electron theory failed to account for the number of
experimentally observed facts, Sommerfeld put forward a new theory, called
quantum free electron theory, in the year 1928. The quantum free electron theory
is based on following assumptions:
1. Though free electrons are free to move anywhere in the solid, they are
bound within the boundary of the solid. Therefore, their energies are
quantised according to quantum mechanics. Thus free electrons can have
only discrete values of energy.
2. There exists large number of closely spaced energies for the electrons.
Electrons are distributed among these energy levels according to Pauli’s
exclusion principle, which states that there cannot be more than two
electrons in any energy level.
3. The potential energy of the electrons remains uniform throughout the
4. The force of repulsion between the electrons and force of attraction
between electrons and lattice ions is neglected.
Fermi Energy
Energy level. The energy corresponding to that energy level is called Fermi
Fermi Energy can be defined as energy of that energy level below which
all energy levels are completely occupied and above which all energy levels
completely empty. It is denoted by EF
Thus Fermi energy represents maximum energy that electrons can have
at absolute zero temperature.
electrons absorb energy and start
migrating to energy level above EF. As a
result there exists some vacant energy
levels below EF and filled energy levels EF N/2
above EF. Now it becomes difficult to say
whether a particular energy level is
occupied or vacant. The probability of
occupation of any energy level is given by
a mathematical function
e kT
f(E) is called Fermi factor. It is defined as follows.
The variation of Fermi factor with Energy for various temperatures can be
discussed as follows
(i) At absolute zero temperature (T=0):
(a) When energy E< EF
1 1
f (E) = −∞
= =1
e +1 0 +1
∴ f ( E ) =1, for E < EF
∴ Since f(E)=1, at T=0, all energy levels below Fermi level are occupied.
1 1
f (E) = = =0
e∞ + 1 ∞ + 1
∴ f ( E ) = 0, for E > E F
∴ At T=0, all the energy levels above Fermi energy level are vacant.
T=0o K
T=0o K
E − EF
e kT
∴ f(E) = ½
It is clear from the above discussion that irrespective of the temperature the
probability of occupation of the Fermi energy is always ½.
Therefore Fermi energy is considered as the most probable energy that
electron posses in the solid.
Density of States
Then the number of electrons per unit volume having energies between E
and E+dE is given by
N(E)dE = g(E)dE×f(E)
8ma 2
Where n=1,2,3.h=Plank’s constant, m=mass of the electron, a=width of the
potential well.
E= 2
(nx2 + n y2 + nz2 ) -1
Where nx, ny, nz are positive integers greater than zero.
E = E0R2 -2
h2 R 2 = nx2 + n y2 + nz2
Where E0 = and -3
8ma 2
The number of Energy states with a particular value of E can be obtained
by constructing a space in which each point is represented by nx, ny, and nz .
Then all allowed energy states are within a sphere of radius R bound by three
mutually perpendicular axes nx, ny, and nz . Since nx, ny, and nz can take only
integer values, we can consider only an octant as shown in the Fig.
1 4 3
8 3
Again the number of energy states within a sphere of radius R+dR is given by
1 4 3
π ( R + dR )
8 3
Thus number of energy states having energy values between E
and E+dE is given by
1 4 3 1 4 3
g(E)dE = π ( R + dR ) ― πR
8 3 8 3
g(E)dE =
{ }
( R + dR ) 3 − R 3 = π { R 3 + dR 3 + 3R 2 dR + 3dR 2 R −R 3 }
π π π
g(E)dE ≅
( 3R 2 dR ) = R 2 dR = R ( RdR
2 2
) -4
From equation 2 R2 = ∴ R=
E0 E0
Differentiating 2 RdR =
π E dE π E
Therefore g(E)dE = × × = × 3 dE
2 E0 2 E0 4 E 2
π E
= × dE
g(E)dE 4 h 2 32
π 8ma 2 2
g(E)dE = E dE
4 h2
π 8ma 2 2
g(E)dE = E dE
2 h2
Dividing the above equation by a3 gives the number of electrons per unit
volume having energies between E and E+dE.
π 8m 2
Therefore g(E)dE = E dE
2 h 2
The above equation is called density of energy states. The graph of g(E)
against E is as shown in the fig.
dE E
N(E)dE = g(E)dE×f(E)
At T=0, only energy levels up to EF are filled. Therefore f(E)=1 for E < EF
π 8m 2
N(E)dE = g(E)dE = E dE
2 h 2
EF 3
π 8m 2
n = ∫ N ( E ) dE = ∫ E dE
2 h 2
π 8m 2 EF
E 3 2 2
n =
2 h 2 0 3
π 8m 2 3
n = 2 EF 2
3 h
3n h
2 2
EF 2 =
π 8m
2 2
h 2 3n 3 h 2 3n 3
EF = =
8m π 2m 8π
( in electron volt )
E F = 3.65 ×10 −19 n 2
π 2 kT 2
E F = E F0 1 −
12 E F0
E F = E F0
The temperature at which the average thermal energy of the free electron
in a solid becomes equal to the Fermi energy at T=0 K is called Fermi
temperature. Since thermal energy of an electron is given by kT
When T= TF
E F = kTF
∴ TF =
1 2
∴ EF = mv F
2E 2
Or v F = F
N(E)dE = g(E)dE×f(E)
f (E) = ( E − EF )
e kT
The graph of N(E)dE against E gives the distribution of electrons among the
available energy levels in the solid at the given temperature. The distribution is
known as Fermi-Dirac Distribution. The graph representing the distribution is
shown below.
T=0 K T>0K
T >> 0 K
It is clear from the graph that N(E) increase with the temperature
becomes maximum for E=EF and then decreases to zero for the energies E>EF,
at the temperature T=O K. At higher temperatures some of the electrons
occupying energy levels below Fermi energy absorb energy and move to higher
energy levels above EF . It is clear from the graph that even at very high
temperature only few electrons occupying energy levels closer to Fermi energy
absorb energy and move to higher energy levels above Fermi energy. Electrons
at lower energy levels are not at all disturbed.
Thermionic Emission
When solid is heated electrons absorb energy and move to higher energy levels
above Fermi energy. If total energy of the electrons exceed Emax , electrons find
themselves out side the surface of the solid. This leads to Thermionic emission.
A plate kept at positive potential with respect to the surface can collect the
electrons emitted by the surface. Electrons collected by the plate gives rise to
current called saturation current when potential is sufficiently high. The saturation
current density J is given by
− φ
J = AT e 2 kT
2 EF
Where NA =Avagadro number, k = Boltzman constant T=Absolute temperature.
ne 2τ F λ
σ = with τ F = F
m vF
Since EF is independent of temperature, vF is also independent of
temperature. Then only λF is dependent on temperature. We know that even at
very high temperature only electrons closer to Fermi energy get exited. Thus only
small percentage of electrons contributes to the electrical conductivity. It can
shown that at very temperatures λF is inversely proportional to the temperature.
Therefore it follows that
σ αℓ 1/T.
Which is agreement with the experimental results.
ne 2 λ F
σ =
mv F
Note that σ depends on n , but n depends on EF , also vF depends on EF.
Thus there is no direct relationship between σ and n.
Let MA= Atomic weight, N=number of free electrons contributed by each atom to
solid, D = is the density of the solid and NA = Avagadro number.
MA kg of solid contains NA atoms
1 kg of solid contains NA / MA atoms