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Comparison of Oral Paracetamol versus Ibuprofen

in Premature Infants with Patent Ductus Arteriosus:

A Randomized Controlled Trial
1 2 3 1 1 1
Dan Dang , Dongxuan Wang , Chuan Zhang , Wenli Zhou , Qi Zhou , Hui Wu *
1 Department of Neonatology, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2 Department of Ultrasonic Diagnosis, The First Hospital of Jilin
University, Changchun, China, 3 Department of Pediatric Surgery, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China

Trial Design: Oral ibuprofen has demonstrated good effects on symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) but with
many contraindications and potential side-effects. In the past two years, oral paracetamol administration to several
preterm infants with PDA has been reported. Here, a randomized, non-blinded, parallel-controlled and non-inferiority
trial was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety profiles of oral paracetamol to those of standard ibuprofen for
PDA closure in premature infants.

Methods: One hundred and sixty infants (gestational age #34 weeks) with echocardiographically confirmed PDA
were randomly assigned to receive either oral paracetamol (n = 80) or ibuprofen (n = 80). After the initial treatment
course in both groups, the need for a second course was determined by echocardiographic evaluation. The main
outcome was rate of ductal closure, and secondary outcomes were adverse effects and complications.

Result: The ductus was closed in 65 (81.2%) infants of the paracetamol group compared with 63 (78.8%) of the
ibuprofen group. The 95% confidence interval of the difference between these groups was [20.080,0.128],
demonstrating that the effectiveness of paracetamol treatment was not inferior to that of ibuprofen. In fact, the
incidence of hyperbilirubinemia or gastrointestinal bleeding in the paracetamol group was significantly lower than
that of the ibuprofen group. No significant differences in other clinical side effects or complications were noted.

Conclusion: This comparison of drug efficacy and safety profiles in premature infants with PDA revealed that oral
paracetamol was comparable to ibuprofen in terms of the rate of ductal closure and even showed a decreased risk
of hyperbilirubinemia or gastrointestinal bleeding. Therefore, paracetamol may be accepted as a first-line drug
treatment for PDA in preterm infants.

Trial Registration: ChiCTR-TRC-12002177

Citation: Dang D, Wang D, Zhang C, Zhou W, Zhou Q, et al. (2013) Comparison of Oral Paracetamol versus Ibuprofen in Premature Infants with Patent Ductus
Arteriosus: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE 8(11): e77888. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077888
Editor: Imti Choonara, Nottingham University, United Kingdom
Received June 16, 2013; Accepted September 11, 2013; Published November 4, 2013
Copyright: 2013 Dang et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Funding: The trial ‘‘Comparison of Oral Paracetamol versus Ibuprofen in Premature Infants with Patent Ductus Arteriosus: A Randomized Controlled
Trial’’ was funded from Jilin Department of Health (2012Z033). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish,
or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:

Introduction may resort to surgical intervention of symptomatic PDA in

preterm infants, and the risk of complications from the operation
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants is common, is high. [12,13] Therefore, a safe and effective alternative drug for
with an incidence rate as high as 30% in very low birth weight the treatment of PDA is urgently needed. Recent studies have
infants. [1] Persistent PDA in preterm infants can lead to serious shown that paracetamol, a common antipyretic and analgesic
clinical consequences, and it is one of the main factors affecting drug, can be used to treat PDA in preterm infants with good
the survival rate of premature children and sequelae incidence. efficacy and seemingly few side effects. [14] However, it has not
[2,3] Consequently, clinical intervention to promote ductal been evaluated in a prospective randomized controlled trial. To
closure is necessary. determine whether oral paracetamol may be used as a first-line
Currently, the first choice of treatment for PDA is with drug for PDA in preterm infants, we conducted a randomized,
medication, primarily indomethacin and ibuprofen. The ductal non-blinded, parallel-controlled, non-inferiority trial to compare
closure rates for these drugs are similar, ranging from approx- its efficacy and safety levels to those of ibuprofen. The findings
imately 70–85%, [4,5] but they carry many contraindications and are expected to help extend clinical selections for PDA in preterm
potential side effects.[6–11] When drug treatment fails, clinicians infants.

PLOS ONE | 1 November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e77888

Paracetamol Treatment for Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Patients and Methods occurring during and up to 1 week after administration of the drug
The trial was entered in the Chinese Clinical Trial Register Statistical Analysis
( number: ChiCTR-TRC- A study group of 65 patients was needed to detect a difference
12002177) and approved by the Hospital Ethics Committee of the of at least 20% in the closure rate between the oral paracetamol
First Hospital of Jilin University (No.2012-057). Informed written
consent was obtained from parents of the subjects before and ibuprofen groups, assuming a closure rate of 70% [ 10] with
enrollment. Enrollment criteria were as follows: gestational age oral ibuprofen, with a 95% confidence interval (CI) and a power
of 80%. In anticipating that a few patients could be excluded due
#34 weeks; postnatal age #14 days; echocardiographic diagnosis to various causes during the study, 80 patients in total were
of hemodynamically significant PDA. Exclusion criteria were: enrolled in each group. Interim analyses were performed for main
congenital heart disease which required PDA to maintain blood and secondary outcomes at 50% recruitment. The study would be
flow; life-threatening infection; recent (within the previous 24 h) terminated if a difference of 20% in the main outcome or a
intraventricular hemorrhage, grade 3–4; urine output ,1 ml per kg significant increase in the secondary outcome of the composite
per h during the preceding 8 h; serum creatinine .88.4 mmol/ L; variable of death was found. Continuous data were given as
platelet count of ,506109/L; hyperbilirubinemia requiring means 6 SD. Differences between groups were determined by the
exchange transfusion; active necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and/ t test for parametric continuous data, x 2 or Fisher`s exact test for
or intestinal perforation; liver disfunction. Patients meeting any categorical data, and Wilcoxon rank-sum test for nonparametric
single exclusion criterion were excluded from the study. The continuous data.
definition of hyperbilirubinaemia is according to Maisels et al.
Treatment of jaundice in low birthweight infants [15]. Intestinal Non-inferiority analysis is a statistical method that is used to
determine whether a new drug is non-inferior to a drug of known
bleeding is tendency to bleed as revealed by hematuria, blood in
efficacy. A new drug is considered at least as effective as the known
the endotracheal or gastric aspirate or stools, or oozing from
drug if P,0.05 or CL.-d (CL is the lower limit of the 95% CI of the
puncture sites. Retinopathy (RetCam II, digital imaging system,
difference between two groups; d is the non-inferiority margin).
Clarity Medical Systems, Inc. United States) is based on
International Committee for the Classification of Retinopathy of SPSS software (version 20.0) was used for all statistical analyses.
Prematurity [16]. The definition of NEC is on the basis of Bell
staging criteria of NEC [17]. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) Results
is defined by NICHD (the United States National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development ) criteria in 2001 [18]. Baseline Characteristics
Between May 21, 2012 and March 30, 2013, 1279 preterm infants
were treated in our hospital, including 913 infants (71.3%) born at
Study Design
gestational age #34 weeks. A total of 249 infants (81.1%) met the
The protocol for this trial and supporting CONSORT checklist enrollment criteria, of whom 89 were excluded (Fig.1). No
are available as supporting information; see Checklist S1 and
Protocol S1. The participants were randomly assigned at a 1:1
ratio between oral paracetamol and ibuprofen groups by using
cards in sealed opaque envelopes. And doctors and nurses were
not blind. Infants received oral paracetamol (Acetaminophen
suspension drops, Shanghai Johnson & Johnson, 15 ml:1.5 g) at
the dose of 15 mg/kg every 6 h for 3 days, or oral ibuprofen
(Ibuprofen suspension, Shanghai Johnson & Johnson, 100 ml:2 g)
at the initial dose of 10 mg/kg followed by 5 mg/kg after 24 and
48 h. Between doses of oral ibuprofen, infants of ibuprofen group
received the same volume of dextrose 5% in water (D5W) as that
given for drug administration in the paracetamol group. Whether
a subject received a second course of treatment depended on
echocardiography evaluation after the first course. If only minor
ductal shunting was present after two courses without the need of
respiratory support, no further treatment was given. Drug safety
factors were assessed daily during the treatment, including 24-h
urine output, tendency to bleed, intraventricular hemorrhage
(IVH) grade, and serum creatinine and bilirubin levels. An eye
examination was conducted 4 weeks after birth. The occurrence
of any of the following conditions would prompt the stopping of
treatment: renal failure, NEC, IVH grade 3–4, gastrointestinal
Main outcome measures were the rates of ductal closure of both
drugs after treatment. Every infant was monitored by echocardi-
ography daily during the treatment. Secondary outcomes were the
safety of both drugs, including early adverse events (e.g., oliguria,
emerging IVH, tendency to bleed, NEC, hyperbilirubinemia, death)
and late adverse events, for example BPD, periventricular
leukomalacia(PVL), NEC, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), sepsis, Figure 1. Flow diagram of study infants.
death). The early adverse events were defined as those doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077888.g001

PLOS ONE | 2 November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e77888

Paracetamol Treatment for Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of study patients.

Characteristic Ibuprofen group (n = 80) Paracetamol group (n = 80) P value

Gestational age (week) 30.962.2 31.261.8 0.474

Birth weight (g) 1531.06453.5 1591.96348.6 g 0.342
Gender 0.874
Male 42 41
female 38 39
Cesarean birth, n (%) 48(60%) 52(65%) 0.447
PIH, n (%) 33(41.2%) 34(42.5%) 0.873
Antenatal glucocorticoid n (%) 45(56.2%) 47(58.8%) 0.749
Perinatal asphyxia, n (%) 10(12.5%) 11(13.8%) 0.815
Early-onset infection, n (%) 11(13.8%) 10(12.5%) 0.815
Surfactant treatment, n (%) 38(47.5%) 39(48.8%) 0.874
NCPAP, n (%) 52(65.0%) 58(72.5%) 0.306
NSIMV, n (%) 31(38.8%) 29(36.2%) 0.744
SIMV, n (%) 10(12.5%) 12(15.0%) 0.646
IVH grade 1–2, n (%) 11(13.8%) 9(11.3%) 0.633
Mean ductal diameter (mm) 2.3660.49 2.4160.44 0.459
Mean max shunt velocity (mm/s) 191.9630.0 190.8627.5 0.805
LA/Ao 1.6060.27 1.6760.23 0.103

pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome(PIH).


significant differences in baseline clinical characteristics were Safety of Treatment

observed between the two groups (Table 1). Eight patients in the paracetamol group and fourteen of the
ibuprofen group who did not receive the complete course of
Efficacy of Treatment treatment were removed from the trial. There were no significant
The ductus was closed in 65 infants (81.2%) of the paracetamol differences between the two groups in the incidence of oliguria,
group compared with 63 (78.8%) of the ibuprofen group, and there renal failure, NEC, IVH grade and serum creatinine concentra-
was no significant difference between the two treatments (P = 0.693). tion. However, differences in the incidence rates of
Meanwhile, the 95% CI for the difference between the two groups gastrointestinal bleeding and hyperbilirubinemia between the two
was [20.080, 0.128]. Thus, the efficacy of paracetamol was non- groups were significant (P,0.05).
inferior to the ibuprofen group. After the 1 course of treatment, There were no significant differences between the two groups
ductal closure occurred in 45 infants (56.3%) given paracetamol and in adverse events, including BPD, PVL, NEC, sepsis, ROP and
in 38 infants (47.5%) administered ibuprofen (P = 0.268). Reopening death from one week after treatment onward during the
of the ductus after closure occurred in five infants of the paracetamol hospitalization period (Table 3).
group and in six of the ibuprofen group. After continuing to receive
the assigned drug treatment, the ductus closed again in four patients Discussion
of each group (Table 2).
Few studies [14,19–21] have been conducted on paracetamol
treatment of PDA in preterm newborns to date. In addition,
paracetamol was not used as the drug of choice but rather as a

Table 2. Efficacy of paracetamol and ibuprofen treatments.

Paracetamol group (n = 80) Ibuprofen group (n = 80) P value

Overall closure rate, n (%) 65(81.2%) 63(78.8%) 0.693

Primary closure rate 45(56.3%) 38(47.5%) 0.268
Secondary closure rate 20 (25%) 25(31.3%) 0.379
Reopening after closure 5(7.7%) 6(9.5%) 0.712
Reclosure rate a 4 (80%) 4(66.7%) 0.621
Mean days needed for closure 3.2260.14 3.7160.16 0.020

Ductal closure rate after continuing drug treatment among infants with ductal reopening.

PLOS ONE | 3 November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e77888

Paracetamol Treatment for Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Table 3. Safety profiles of paracetamol and ibuprofen treatments.

Paracetamol group (n = 80) Ibuprofen group (n = 80) P value

Early outcomes
Oliguria 6 9 0.42
Renal failure 0 1 0.32
NEC 3 2 0.65
IVH 1–2 6 7 0.77
IVH 3–4 3 3 1
Hyperbilirubinemia 16 28 0.03
Gastrointestinal bleeding 2 8 0.03
Serum creatinine (mg/dl) 61.62614.53 62.40615.24 0.74
Late outcomes
BPD 4 5 0.73
PVL 6 5 0.59
NEC 3 2 0.65
ROP 7 9 0.60
Sepsis 18 23 0.37
Death 10 12 0.65

supplementary medication in cases where COX inhibitors were After continuing the drug treatment, the ductus closed again in four
ineffective or contraindicated in the majority of several related cases, patients in which it had reopened in each group, suggesting that
including the first case [14] reported, in which paracetamol was first paracetamol is still effective after the ductal reopening. Regarding the
used to close ductus arteriosus. As these previous studies lacked drug safety profile, the incidence rates of gastrointestinal bleeding
sufficient sample sizes for analysis of efficacy and safety-related and hyperbilirubinemia in the paracetamol group were significantly
factors, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, NEC, IVH, hyperbiliru- lower than those of the ibuprofen group. Ibuprofen is 99% protein
binemia and death, they cannot be used to support paracetamol as a bound, and at higher concentrations, it can be a competitive displacer
first-line drug for PDA in preterm newborns. Therefore, we conducted of bilirubin for albumin binding sites, thereby potentially increasing
a randomized, non-blinded, parallel-controlled, non-inferiority trial in the risk of hyperbilirubinemia.[27–30] In addition, two in vivo studies
order to compare oral paracetamol and ibuprofen for PDA closure in have demonstrated that ibuprofen treatment results in higher peak
premature infants. In our study, subjects born at levels of total serum bilirubin and longer durations of phototherapy.
#34 weeks of gestation were chosen for enrollment based on the [31,32].
population demographics and clinical needs in China. This current study has provided several important implications for
We found that oral paracetamol had good efficacy on PDA in the clinical treatment of PDA. First, it demonstrated that paracetamol
preterm infants, and the closure rate of paracetamol was comparable may become the choice drug for PDA in preterm infants.
to that of oral ibuprofen. Furthermore, the mean number of days to Furthermore, the mean days to closure were shorter in the
ductal closure was shorter in the paracetamol group than in the paracetamol group than in the ibuprofen group (3.2260.14 days vs.
ibuprofen group (3.2260.14 days vs. 3.7160.16 days, P = 0.020). 3.7160.16 days, P = 0.020), indicating that paracetamol can treat PDA
Ductal closure in newborns is known to be dependent on increased more rapidly compared with ibuprofen, and be better suited for severe
blood oxygen and decreased vasodilators, including prostaglandin E2 cases in which quick relief of symptoms is needed. Finally, the
and I2. [2] Prostaglandin synthetase has two different catalytic incidence rates of gastrointestinal bleeding and hyperbilirubinemia in
activities: a cyclooxygenase and a peroxidase. The cyclooxygenase the paracetamol group were significantly lower than those of the
activity catalyzes arachidonic acid to form PGG2, which is then ibuprofen group. So, paracetamol may be indicated for PDA in
catalyzed by the peroxidase into PGH2. COX inhibitors such as preterm infants with hyperbilirubinemia.
indomethacin and ibuprofen compete with the arachidonic acid Although this study clearly showed that a two-course regimen
substrate for the cyclooxygen-ase site; thus, the effects of these drugs of paracetamol for premature infants is safe and feasible, some
are influenced by endogenous arachidonic acid levels. [22,23] limitations were evident. For example, the results were obtained
Although the precise mechanism of action of paracetamol remains from the patient population of one medical center. In order to
uncertain, it may act at the peroxidase segment of the prostaglandin generalize the conclusions, further analysis from a multiple-
synthetase to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. [24,25] Peroxidase is center, randomized, controlled trial is warranted.
activated at 10-fold lower peroxide concentrations than that for In conclusion, we have demonstrated in this randomized,
cyclooxygen-ase, [25,26] suggesting that paracetamol can still work controlled, non-inferiority trial that paracetamol may be utilized
well at decreased local peroxide concentrations (e.g., hypoxia). as the drug of choice for PDA in preterm infants with good
Theoret-ically, these differences may enable paracetamol to work efficacy and lower risk of gastrointestinal bleeding or
effectively in the situation where a cyclooxygenase inhibitor is hyperbilirubinemia compared with ibuprofen treatment, and is
ineffective. Reopening of the ductus after closure was observed in especially suited for those with hyperbilirubinemia. Evidently,
five infants in the paracetamol group and in six infants of the paracetamol merits the attention of pediatricians as a new
ibuprofen group. alternative treatment for PDA in preterm newborns.

PLOS ONE | 4 November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e77888

Paracetamol Treatment for Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Supporting Information Author Contributions

Checklist S1 CONSORT Checklist. Conceived and designed the experiments: HW. Performed the experi-
(DOC) ments: DXW DD. Analyzed the data: CZ. Contributed reagents/
materials/analysis tools: DD WLZ QZ. Wrote the paper: DD.
Protocol S1 Trial Protocol.

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