Ayodele S. Jegede,: PHD, Mhsc. West African Bioethics Training Program
Ayodele S. Jegede,: PHD, Mhsc. West African Bioethics Training Program
Ayodele S. Jegede,: PHD, Mhsc. West African Bioethics Training Program
Learning outcome
Research misconduct
Case study
Poehlman, 49, first came under suspicion in 2000 when Walter DeNino,
then a 24-year-old research assistant, found inconsistencies in
spreadsheets used in a longitudinal study on aging.
All authors that are involved in the specific data in
Held accountable
Primary author
Other authors whose results are found culpable
The PI
Mentor Responsibilities
Obligation to report
Honorary authorship
- an author who does not meet the criteria
Ghost authorship
- failure to include as an author someone who
made substantial contributions to the article
Refusal to accept responsibility for an article
despite ready acceptance of credit
Duplicate and redundant publications
Rennie et al, JAMA 280:222, 1998
Rennie et al’s Hypothesis