Auction 328 Catalogue
Auction 328 Catalogue
Auction 328 Catalogue
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Session 1
34 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 (4 sets) Est. $125
Commencing 10am 35 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001 (4 sets) Est. $200
36 1997, 2000, 2001 (3 sets) Est. $175
37 1999, 2000, 2001 (3 sets) Est. $175
Australian Decimal Issues 38 2000 Est. $90
39 2000 (2 sets) Est. $175
Proof Sets 40 2000, 2001 (2 sets) Est. $150
1 1966 in dark blue case, some light peripheral toning and the case 41 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 (4 sets) Est. $225
with mild dents, rubbing and internal staining; plus 1969 no foams 42 2000 (slightly damaged outer c/board box), 2001, 2002, 2003
but near perfect (2 sets) Est. $150 (4 sets) Est. $225
2 1966 in light blue case, the Fifty Cents with minor peripheral 43 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 (5 sets) Est. $275
toning else a superior set in very clean case Est. $150
44 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 (5 sets) Est. $275
3 1969, 1970, 1971 (slightly turned Five Cents) no foams but
45 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005 (4 sets) Est. $225
minimal case scuffing (3 sets) Est. $250
46 2001 (4 sets) Est. $200
4 1970 (turned One and Twenty Cents), 1971 (turned Two and Five
Cents) (2 sets) Est. $100 47 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 (4 sets) Est. $175
5 1972, 1973, 1974 (slightly turned One and Five Cents) no foams 48 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 (5 sets) Est. $200
but minimal case scuffing; plus New Zealand Proof set 1977 with 49 2002 (4 sets) Est. $175
additional cased Proof One Dollar 1977 (5 items, 4 sets) Est. $200 50 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 (4 sets) Est. $175
6 1974 (2), 1975, 1976 all but the last with one or two turned coins, 51 2003 (4 sets) Est. $175
a couple of small case scuffs else generally clean (4 sets) Est. $90 52 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 (4 sets) Est. $175
7 1975 (turned One Cent); plus Mint sets 1966 card with staples 53 2004 (4 sets) Est. $175
(very clean), 1988 (3 sets) Est. $75
54 2005 (4 sets) Est. $200
8 1975, 1976 (three turned coins, the Twenty Cents 180°), 1978,
55 2005, 2006, 2007 (3 sets) Est. $125
1979 the cases immaculate (4 sets) Est. $75
56 2005, 2006, 2007 (3 sets) Est. $125
9 1977 (5), 1978 some turned coins and a few case scuffs but
generally clean (6 sets) Est. $75 57 2006 one outer cardboard box with bruise (4 sets) Est. $200
10 1978, 1979 (2, one with turned Two Cents), 1980, 1981, 1982 a 58 2006,, 2007, 2008, 2009 (4 sets) Est. $175
couple of minor case scuffs else generally clean (6 sets) Est. $75 59 2006, 2017 (2 sets) Est. $100
11 1980 (2, one with turned Ten Cents), 1981 (2, one with slightly 60 2007 (4 sets) Est. $175
turned Ten Cents), 1982 (2, one with turned One Cent), 1983, 1984 61 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 (4 sets) Est. $200
in generally clean foams (8 sets) Est. $75 62 2007, 2009 (2 sets) Est. $100
12 1981, 1982 (2), 1983 (2), 1984 a couple of minor case scuffs else 63 2007, 2008, 2010; plus Wedding set 2006 (4 sets) Est. $175
generally clean (6 sets) Est. $75 64 2008, 2009, 2010 (3 sets) Est. $125
13 1981 (2, one with turned One Cent), 1982 (3, one with case scuff), 65 2009; plus 2-coin set 2009 (2 sets) Est. $60
1983 (2), 1984 (8 sets) Est. $75
66 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (4 sets) Est. $200
14 1982 (turned One Cent), 1984 in clean foams; 1993 and 2001 with
no outer c/board packaging (4 sets) Est. $90 67 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (4 sets) Est. $300
15 1982 (One Cent turned 90°), 1991 (turned One Cent), 2002, 2003, 68 2013 (2), 2014, 2015 (4 sets) Est. $225
2004 (5 sets) Est. $175 69 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 (4 sets) Est. $250
16 1984, 1989 (very slightly turned Ten Cents), 1991, 1992 most c/ 2-COIN PROOF SETS
board packaging a little tired (4 sets) Est. $60
70 2008 (5 sets) Est. $75
17 1984, 1985 (case crack), 1990 (no inner card sleeve), 1994
(4 sets) Est. $75 71 2008 (5 sets) Est. $75
18 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 (4 sets) Est. $75 72 2008 (2), 2009, 2010, 2011 (5 sets) Est. $75
19 1985 in shipper, 1986, 1987 (2, the c/board boxes a little tired), 73 2008, 2009, 2010; plus 2-coin Mint sets 2008, 2009 (5 sets) Est. $60
1988 (missing c/board packaging and the One Cent turned 74 2008, 2009, 2010; plus 2-coin Mint sets 2008 (2), 2009 (no plastic
and spotty) (5 sets) Est. $60 sleeve) (6 sets) Est. $75
20 1985 (One Cent with spot and slightly turned coins), 1986, 1987 75 2013 (4 sets) Est. $60
(minor case fault), 1988, 1989, 1990 (6 sets) Est. $100
21 1985 (case crack), 1986 (case scuff), 1987, 1988, 1989 (5 sets) Est. $90
76 1996 Est. $150
22 1985 (4, one with stress fractured case), 1986 (2, one with turned
Ten Cents, the other with five turned coins), 1988 (no outer c/board 77 2002, 2003 (2 sets) Est. $125
packaging) (7 sets) Est. $60 78 2003, 2008 (2 sets) Est. $125
23 1986 one with slightly turned Ten Cents (8 sets) Est. $90 79 2004, 2005 (2 sets) Est. $125
24 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 (4 sets) Est. $100 80 2006, 2008 (2 sets) Est. $125
25 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995 (5 sets) Est. $90 81 2008, 2009 (2 sets) Est. $125
26 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995 (4 sets) Est. $100 82 2009, 2010 (2 sets) Est. $125
27 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995 (4 sets) Est. $100 83 2010 (2 sets) Est. $125
28 1991 (2), 1992, 1994 all without outer card packaging (4 sets) Est. $100 84 2010, 2011 (2 sets) Est. $125
29 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 (5 sets) Est. $150 85 2013, 2014 (2 sets) Est. $125
30 1994, 1995, 1996 (3 sets) Est. $90 86 2017 Est. $75
115 Cased 1980 double bar specimen set in official Royal Australian
Mint plush case with gold blocked Coat of Arms, FDC and far better
than standard Mint sets
101 Decimal Currency Changeover: 1966 b/w photograph of the new ex Roland Wilson Estate Est. $400
currency reverse designs 292x240mm as presented to Roland 116 1980 double bar, 1984 and 1985 slightly discoloured, 1986, 1987,
Wilson during the changeover; the back signed by the team 1988 Coin Fair; plus unofficial 1967 set in private packaging (the
responsible at the time including Hal Missingham, Douglas Annand coppers toned) (7 sets) Est. $60
(Designer), Alistair Morrison (Chairman, Decimal Currency Design 117 1980, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 (6 sets) Est. $90
Group), Sir Roland Wilson (Secretary to the Treasury), James
118 1982 most sweating to some degree (12 sets) Est. $75
Miller Henderson (First Controller of the Royal Australian Mint),
Professor A.D. Trendall (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Australian National 119 1983 (7 sets) Est. $60
University) among others, unique 120 1984 and 1985 discoloured, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 (7
ex Roland Wilson Estate. See the next lot and 115 for coin sets sets) Est. $100
from the same estate Est. $150 121 1984 discoloured, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 (6 sets) Est. $60
122 1984 discoloured, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990
(7 sets) Est. $100
123 1984 discoloured, 1985 slightly discoloured, 1986, 1987, 1988,
1989, 1990 (7 sets) Est. $100
124 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 (7 sets) Est. $100
125 1984 discoloured, 1985, 1986 (2), 1988, 1990 (6 sets) Est. $90
126 1984 discoloured, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991 (6 sets) Est. $90
127 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 (6 sets) Est. $100
128 1985 discoloured, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989; plus 1966 in red
102 1966 VIP wallets as presented to Sir Roland Wilson and his wife during Australian Coin Set wallet (6 sets) Est. $60
the implementation of the Decimal Currency Changeover in 1966; 129 1985 clear, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010 (7 sets) Est. $90
together with related material including copy of a letter from Lady
130 1986 (10 sets) Est. $90
Joyce Wilson (second wife) 28th April 2004, CAB Magazine article Dec
2010/Jan 2011 by Alan Flint on “double bar” varieties etc, and other 131 1986 (10 sets) Est. $90
relevant documentation. Very rare and of unique provenance (2 sets) 132 1986 (15 sets) Est. $125
Ex Roland Wilson Estate 133 1986 (20 sets) Est. $150
A special series of 1,000 VIP wallets were produced by Admiral Plastics
134 1986 (20 sets) Est. $150
for official use of which only 520 were actually issued, the remaining
480 empty wallets being destroyed under supervision Est. $1,500 135 1986 (40 sets) Est. $275
Session 1
set with both Fifty Cents (17 sets) Est. $250
139 1987 (5), 1989 (2) (7 sets) Est. $75
140 1987 (12), 1992, 1993 (2) (15 sets) Est. $125 2-COIN MINT SETS
141 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 wide date, 1995 188 2008 (9 sets) Est. $75
(7 sets) Est. $125 189 2008 (5), 2009 (5) (10 sets) Est. $90
142 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 wide date, 1995 (6 sets) Est. $60 190 2009 (9 sets) Est. $75
143 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992; plus Baby set 2007 (5 sets) Est. $90 191 2010 (14 sets) Est. $100
144 1989, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2003 (6 sets) Est. $75 192 2010 (5), 2011 (5) (10 sets) Est. $90
145 1989, 1993, 1994 wide date, 1997 (2), 2000, 2002 (7 sets) Est. $125 193 2011 (10 sets) Est. $90
146 1989, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2014, 2017, 2018 (7 sets) Est. $125 194 2011 (5); plus 2-coin Proof set 2010 (6 sets) Est. $75
147 1990 (3 sets) Est. $100 195 2012 (5), 2013 (5) (10 sets) Est. $90
148 1991 (10 sets) Est. $75
149 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 (7 sets) Est. $90
196 2008, 2009 (2 sets) Est. $75
150 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 wide date, 1995, 1996, 1997
(7 sets) Est. $125 197 2010, 2011 (2 sets) Est. $75
151 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 wide date, 1995, 1996, 1998 BABY MINT SETS
(7 sets) Est. $90 198 1994, 1995 (3) (4 sets) Est. $100
152 1992 (10 sets) Est. $75
199 1999, 2000, 2001 (3 sets) Est. $90
153 1992, 1993, 1994 wide date, 1995, 1996, 1997 (6 sets) Est. $75
200 2002, 2003, 2004 (3 sets) Est. $75
154 1992, 1998, 2003, 2006 World Money Fair Berlin, 2016 In Come
201 2003, 2007, 2012, 2017 (2) (5 sets) Est. $90
the Dollars in Come the Cents set, 2017, 2018; plus empty folder
for 2016 circulating coin set (7 sets, 8 items) Est. $125 202 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 (5 sets) Est. $90
155 1993 (9 sets) Est. $75 203 2007 (10 sets) Est. $150
156 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004 (8 sets) Est. $100 204 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 (5 sets) Est. $90
157 1994 wide date (9 sets) Est. $75 205 2008 (10 sets) Est. $150
158 1995 (10 sets) Est. $75 206 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 (4 sets) Est. $75
159 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 (6 sets) Est. $90 207 2009, 2011; plus 2-coin sets 2008 (2), 2009 (5 sets) Est. $75
160 1995, 1996 (2), 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 (7 sets) Est. $100 208 2011 (6 sets) Est. $90
161 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 (5 sets) Est. $75 209 2012 (6 sets) Est. $90
162 1996 (5), 1998 (5) (10 sets) Est. $90 210 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 (4 sets) Est. $75
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 (6 sets)
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 (6 sets)
Est. $90
Est. $125
Masterpieces in Silver
211 1988 the outer card boxes a little grubby (2 sets) Est. $100
165 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 (6 sets) Est. $75
212 1988, 1989 (minor damage to coin case) (2 sets) Est. $125
166 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 (5 sets) Est. $75
213 1988, 1990 (2 sets) Est. $125
167 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 (7 sets) Est. $100
214 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992 Royal Ladies all without outer card boxes,
168 2001 (4), 2002, 2010 (2) (7 sets) Est. $100
the last two coin cases with removable deposits (4 sets) Est. $275
169 2004 (10 sets) Est. $125
215 1988, 1991 (2 sets) Est. $125
170 2004 (3), 2005 (4) (7 sets) Est. $100
216 1988, 1995, 2003, ,2006 (4 sets) Est. $275
171 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 (7 sets) Est. $100
217 1989 with some damp damage to coin case; plus Crown 1937
172 2004, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014 (5 sets) Est. $90 cleaned VF or better, replica Adelaide ingot and Fine Used
173 2005 (10 sets) Est. $125 Twopence Macarthur stamp (4 items) Est. $90
174 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 (5 sets) Est. $90 218 1991 the outer card box a little tired Est. $60
175 2006 (10 sets) Est. $125 219 1991, 1993 (minor coin case damage) (2 sets) Est. $150
176 2006 ANDA Coin Fair and World Money Fair, 2009 ANDA Brisbane, 220 1992 Royal Ladies Est. $125
2011 World Money Fair Berlin (4 sets) Est. $75
221 1992 Royal Ladies Est. $125
177 2007 (10 sets) Est. $125
222 1993 the coin case and card box damp affected Est. $90
178 2007 (2, one a World Money Fair Berlin release), 2008 (2, one a
223 1993, 1994 some coin case damage (2 sets) Est. $175
World Money Fair Berlin release), 2009 (5 sets) Est. $100
224 1993, 1994 coin case damage (2 sets) Est. $175
179 2008 (10 sets) Est. $125
225 1993, 1994, 1995 all without outer card boxes and all with damp
180 2008 (2, one a World Money Fair Berlin issue), 2009 (3 sets) Est. $50
damaged coin cases (3 sets) Est. $250
181 2008 (2), 2010 (2), 2011 (5 sets) Est. $90
226 1933 some coin case damage, 1996 unopened (2 sets) Est. $175
182 2008 (2), 2014, 2015 (4 sets) Est. $75
227 1995 (some minor coin case bubbling), 1996, 1997 the last two
183 2011 (5 sets) Est. $150 sets unopened (3 sets) Est. $250
184 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (6 sets) Est. $125 228 1998, 1999, 2000 the last two sets unopened (3 sets) Est. $250
185 2016 In Come the Dollars in Come the Cents, 2017, 2018 (2, one 229 1999, 2000 (2 sets) Est. $150
a World Money Fair Berlin release); plus 2016 circulating coin set
complete (5 sets) Est. $100 230 2000, 2002 (2 sets) Est. $150
Session 1
298 Five Dollars 1990 Anzac pair with enclosed Anzac Tradition stamp individually cased, non-matching certificates (3 coins) Est. $175
pack; plus cased private issue Holey Dollar & Dump set in matte 329 Ten Dollars 1999 “The Past”, 2000 “The Present”, 2001 “The Future”
finish with numbered certificate (3 items) Est. $75 with matching certificates, individually cased (3 coins) Est. $225
299 Five Dollars 1990 Anzac pair,;2002 Manchester Games, Queen 330 Ten Dollars 1999 “The Past”, 2000 “The Present”, 2001 “The
Mother Tribute, Sunda Strait; 2004 Tasmanian Bicentenary (5 Future” individually cased in custom 3-coin box and slipcase for
items, 6 coins) Est. $100 the issue, the first two certificates match Est. $225
300 Five Dollars 1994 some c/board boxes with ink smudges 331 Ten Dollars 1999 “The Past”, 2000 “The Present”, 2001 “The
(6 coins) Est. $60 Future” individually cased with matching certificates in custom
301 Five Dollars 1994, 2002 Finale, 2004 AFL, 2009 State Government 3-coin box and slipcase for the issue Est. $225
Sesquicentenary Queensland; Ten Dollars 1997 Red-Tailed Black 332 Ten Dollars 2000 “The Present”, 2001 “The Future” (2 coins) Est. $75
Cockatoo (5 coins) Est. $100
333 Ten Dollars 2002 Adelaide Pound, 2003 Sydney Mint Pattern, 2005
302 Five Dollars 1996 Bradman, 2002 Queen Mother; plus Uncirculated Sydney Mint Sesquicentenary (3 coins) Est. $90
Five Dollars 1988 in CBA packs (2), 1990 (2) and 1992 (2)
334 Centenary of Federation 2001 Proof 20-coin collection
(8 coins) Est. $100
complete Est. $225
303 Five Dollars 2000, 2001 Bradman Tribute, 2002 Queen Mother
335 Centenary of Federation 2001 Proof 20-coin collection
Tribute and Sunda Strait, 2006 Duyfken 2-coin set (5 items,
complete Est. $225
6 coins) Est. $90
304 Five Dollars Finale coins 2001, 2002, 2003 (3 coins) Est. $125 OLYMPIC CENTENARY COINS
305 Five Dollars 2003 Rugby World Cup; 2007 Ashes; 2008 Rugby 336 Twenty Dollars 1993 pair struck by the Royal Australian Mint;
Centenary, Scouts (4 coins) Est. $90 together with similar silver coin pairs from the other participating
306 Five Dollars 2004 Adelaide to Darwin Railway Est. $50 mints all housed with certificates in custom case and card box for the
series, the coin case slightly damp affected (10 coins) Est. $275
307 Five Dollars 2004 Adelaide to Darwin Railway Est. $50
308 Five Dollars 2004 Adelaide to Darwin Railway (2 coins) Est. $100 SYDNEY OLYMPICS 2000 COIN PROGRAM
309 Five Dollars 2004 Adelaide to Darwin Railway, AFL; 2006 Duyfken pair 337 Complete set of 16 Five Dollars silver coins in timber case of issue
and Games Queen’s Baton Relay; 2008 Scouts (5 coins) Est. $90 with matching certificates and subscriber medallion Est. $425
310 Five Dollars 2004 AFL, Steam Railways, Sydney to Athens, COMMONWEALTH GAMES ISSUES
Tasmanian Bicentenary; 2006 Games Queen’s Baton Relay 338 Melbourne 2006; tri-colour, silver and Al/Br 3-coin set Est. $125
(5 coins) Est. $90
311 Five Dollars 2004 AFL; 2007 Ashes, Harbour Bridge, Surf Lifesaver LUNAR ISSUES
(4 coins) Est. $90 339 One Dollar 2008 Year of the Rat, 2009 Year of the Ox, 2010 Year
312 Five Dollars 2004 AFL, 2007 Ashes (2 coins) Est. $75 of the Tiger, 2011 Year of the Rabbit; plus 2009 Year of the Ox One
Ounce Proof Finished coin (5 coins) Est. $75
313 Five Dollars 150 Years of State Government 2006 NSW, Tasmania,
Victoria, 2007 South Australia, 2009 Queensland; plus 30 Years of 340 One Dollar 2008 Year of the Rat, 2009 Year of the Ox, 2011 Year of the
Northern Territory Government 2008 (6 coins) Est. $150 Rabbit; plus One Ounce silver 2010 Year of the Tiger (4 coins) Est. $75
314 Five Dollars 150 Years of State Government 2006 Victoria, 2007 AUSTRALIAN THEMES
South Australia; 30 Years of Northern Territory Government 2008 341 Proof One Dollar (Niue) 2011 Tasmanian Tiger lenticular coin,
(3 coins) Est. $90 2013 Oil Discovery, 2016 Battle of Long Tan, HMAS Sydney II
315 Five Dollars Polar series 2008 Skua; 2009 Aurora Australis (4 coins) Est. $100
(2 coins) Est. $60 342 One Dollar (Niue) 2012 Battle for Australia 1942 4-coin set Est. $100
316 Five Dollars 2008 Skua, 2009 Antarctic Explorers and Aurora 343 Proof One Dollar (Niue) Ned Kelly Story 4-coin set; together with
Australis (slight damage to card box) (3 coins) Est. $90 related Ned Kelly ephemera compr Ned Kelly’s Gold One to One
317 Five Dollars Polar series 2008 Skua; 2009 Antarctic Explorers, Hundred Pounds gilt banknote sets in albums (2), silver plated and
Aurora Australis (3 coins) Est. $90 gilt 3-pc token set, silver plated 3-pc ingot set, and cased Ned Kelly’s
318 Five Dollars Polar series 2008 Skua, 2009 Antarctic Explorers and Gold gilt playing card set, very high retail value (6 items) Est. $125
Aurora Australis (3 coins) Est. $90 KOOKABURRAS
319 Five Dollars Polar series 2008 Skua, 2009 Antarctic Explorers and 344 Proof Half Ounce 2002, 2003, 2004 (2) (4 coins) Est. $75
Aurora Australis (3 coins) Est. $90
345 Specimen One Ounce 1990, 2004, 2010 in capsules (3 coins) Est. $90
320 Five Dollars 2008 Rugby Centenary, 30 Years of Territory
346 Specimen One Ounce 1999, 2000, 2001 in fitted 3-coin case Est. $90
Government NT; 2009 Astronomy, 150 Years of State Government
Queensland (4 coins) Est. $90 347 Specimen One Ounce 2006, 2007 (2) 2008 on cards (4 coins) Est. $100
321 Five Dollars 2009 Antarctic Explorers, Aurora Australis; plus
selectively gold plated ‘Roo 2003 (3 coins) Est. $100
Proof and Specimen ‘Roos
322 Five Dollars 2012 Southern Sky Crux, case a little sticky Est. $300 SPECIMENS
323 Five Dollars 2014 Lest We Forget, 2015 Anzac Centenary, 2016 348 1993 (5 coins) Est. $125
Remember the Fallen, 2017 Front Line Angels (4 coins) Est. $150 349 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 (4 coins) Est. $100
324 Five Dollars 2014 Southern Sky Orion Est. $100 350 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 (4 coins) Est. $100
325 Ten Dollars 1982 (2), 1985 (2), 1986 (2), 1987 (2), 1988 (2), 1992 351 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998 (4 coins) Est. $100
(11 coins) Est. $175 352 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2000 (5 coins) Est. $125
326 Ten Dollars 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 a 353 1993, 1996 (2), 1997 (2) (5 coins) Est. $125
couple of card boxes a little grubby (8 coins) Est. $150
356 1994 and 1995 Coin Fair issues; plus cased 2002, 2003 a couple of wallets with removable deposits Est. $90
(4 coins) Est. $100 391 Complete set of six coins 1989-1994 individually cased Est. $90
357 1995 Coin Fair, 1996 (2 coins) Est. $60 392 Complete set of six coins 1989-1994 individually cased; plus additional
358 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 all cased (4 coins) Est. $100 1991 and 1994, most packaging in excellent order (8 coins) Est. $125
359 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 (4 coins) Est. $100 PIEDFORTS
360 1998, 2008 Reg Mombassa (3), 2009 Ken Done; plus Cu/Ni 2007 393 1989, 1990; plus Proof Five Dollars 1988 (2, no card boxes and
Rolf Harris (6 coins) Est. $125 coin cases damp affected) (4 coins) Est. $60
361 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004 (4 coins) Est. $100 394 Complete set of six coins 1989-1994 with certificates in custom
362 2001, 2002; plus cased Specimen 1995 (3 coins) Est. $75 case of issue Est. $175
2001, 2002, 2006, 2004, 2005, 2006 all cased (6 coins) Est. $150
2001, 2007 Rolf Harris all cased (3 coins) Est. $75
Endangered Species Series
365 2007 Rolf Harris all cased (3 coins) Est. $75 PROOFS
366 2008 Reg Mombassa, 2009 Ken Done, 2010 (2), 2011; plus Cu/Ni 395 1995 in custom 4-coin case for the series with Piedfort 1995 (no
types for 2007, 2008, 2009 (8 coins) Est. $150 certificate); together with boxed 1996 Proof and Piedfort 1994
Wedge-Tailed Eagle without c/board packaging (4 coins) Est. $75
367 2008, 2010 in unrelated Perth Mint cases (2 coins) Est. $50
396 Complete set of four coins 1995-1998 in custom case for the issue
PROOFS without outer box Est. $90
368 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010 (4 coins) Est. $150 397 Complete set of four coins 1995-1998 iindividually cased with
369 2004, 2007 Rolf Harris (2), 2010, 2011 (5 coins) Est. $175 extra 1995 Coin Fair and 1998 examples; plus empty 4-coin case
for the series (7 items, 6 coins) Est. $125
370 2005, 2006, 2007 Rolf Harris (3 coins) Est. $100
371 2007 Rolf Harris, 2008 Reg Mombassa, 2009 Ken Done Unc Singles
(3 coins) Est. $125 398 One Cent 1986, 1991; Two Cents 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991; Five
372 2007 Rolf Harris, 2008 Reg Mombassa, 2009 Ken Done, 2010 Cents 1985, 1986; Ten Cents 1986, 1987; Twenty Cents 1986,
(4 coins) Est. $150 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991; Fifty Cents 1986, 1987, 1989,
373 2010, 2011 (2 coins) Est. $90 1990; One Dollar 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991; Two Dollars 1990,
1991 in 2x2s on plastic pages, nearly all are not-for-circulation
SELECTIVELY GOLD PLATED ‘ROOS issues and useful as such, Unc-choice Unc (26 coins) Est. $125
374 2003, 2004 (2 coins) Est. $90 399 One Cent 1990 (505gms approx), Two Cents 1989 (approx 1.03kg)
375 2003, 2004, 2005 (3 coins) Est. $125 bagged by denomination, all full red (approx 300 coins) Est. $75
376 2004 (2 coins) Est. $90 400 One Cent 1990 on plastic pages in album (101); together with One
377 2005, 2006 (2 coins) Est. $90 Cent 1967, Two Cents 1969 and One and Two Cents 1966 6-coin
mint mark set, all near to full red but many suffering the effects of
378 2007 Rolf Harris, 2008 Reg Mombassa, 2009 Ken Done long term storage, inspection recommended (109 coins) Est. $75
(3 coins) Est. $125
401 Twenty Cents 1989 individually flipped, a not issued for circulation
379 2008 Reg Mombassa (2), 2009 Ken Done (3 coins) Est. $125 date (10 coins) Est. $50
380 2008 Reg Mombassa; plus Proof 2009 Ken Done (2 coins) Est. $90 402 Twenty Cents 1995 UN in 2x2s (40); Fifty Cents 1981 (10), 1981
KANGAROO AT SUNSET Charles & Di (10), 1982, 1991 (2) and high grade 1970, 1977 in
mixed packaging (65 coins) Est. $50
381 Specimen One Ounce 2009 F12 privy; plus Cu/Ni 2007 Rolf
Harris (3) and Perth Mint prooflike One Dollar Kangaroos 2005 403 Twenty Cents 2005 Coming Home in private flips (8); One Dollar
(3) (7 coins) Est. $60 RAM 5-coin sets (2); Five Dollars 1990, 1994 (10); plus One and
Two Cents 1966 Perth Mint pair, and One Cent 1966/Penny 1964
382 Proof Fifth Ounce 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (4 coins) Est. $100 2-coin cards (11) (33 items) Est. $175
383 Proof Fifth Ounce 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; plus One Ounce 2010 404 Twenty Cents 2009 Nurses (10), 2010 Fromelles (5), 2011 Ashes
Kangaroo High Relief coin (5 coins) Est. $125 (10) (25 coins) Est. $90
384 Proof One Ounce 2009 F12 Privy; plus similar Specimen 2009 F12 405 Twenty Cents 2009 Nurses (5), 2011 Ashes (10); plus One Dollar
privy (2 coins) Est. $90 2010B, C, M, S 4-coin sets (17 items, 23 coins) Est. $75
385 Proof One Ounce 2009 F12 Privy, 2010 F15 privy; plus similar 406 Twenty Cents 2009 Nurses (2), 2010 Fromelles (2) and Taxation
Specimen 2010 F15 privy (3 coins) Est. $125 Office (in private flip), 2011 Ashes and War Historians, 2012
386 Proof One Ounce 2010 F15 privy; plus Proof Fifth Ounce 2010 and Merchant Navy (2); cased Fifty Cents 1966-1994 8-coin set; Five
Perth Mint Specimen One Ounce 2014 coloured Kangaroo World Dollars 1990, 1992, 2000, 2001 Bradman, 2002 Sunda Strait pair,
Money Fair Berlin release (3 coins) Est. $90 2008 Bradman, 2011 Remembrance (17 items) Est. $100
407 Twenty Cents 2009 Nurses (4); 2010 Fromelles (2), Taxation (in
SETS private flip); 2011 War Historians; Fifty Cents 1995 in Royal Australian
387 Kangaroo Series 2007-2009 Special Edition pad printed 3-coin Army Medal Centenary Corps pack with RAAMC Centenary/HMAS
set Est. $100 Centaur medallion 2003, 2003, 2006 Visit and 2010 Australia Day
Bird Series in private packaging, 2008 Scouts, 2010 Melbourne Cup, 2011
National Service; Five Dollars 1990 (3), 1994 (2), 1996 in Westpac
PROOFS sleeves (2), 2003 Rugby World Cup, 2004 Sydney to Athens (2), 2006
Duyfken and Games Queen’s Baton Relay, 2008 Bradman (2); Ten
388 1989 (2), 1991; plus Piedfort 1989 and Endangered Species
Dollars 1988 (2); plus 2006 Australian Host City Collection containing
Proofs for 1995, 1996 in 4-coin case and empty boxes (6 coins,
Florins 1938, 1962 and Fifty Cents 1982 and 2005 Student Design,
7 items) Est. $90
all correctly packaged unless stated (32 items) Est. $175
Session 1
410 Twenty Cents 2013 Parliament House; 2015 Coo-ee March, America’s Cup and Scouting (3), 2010 Melbourne Cup (10), 2011
Magna Carta (2), Henry Parkes (2); 206 Dirk Hartog (2); 2017 National Service (17 coins) Est. $90
Vyner Brooke (2), People with Disability on official cards; together 434 Fifty Cents 2005 Remembrance (10) and Games Student Design (20)
with loose or privately packaged 2005 generic and Coming Home. in private issue flips; together with remains of opened/broken rolls
2007 (variety? VF), 2011 Volunteers, 2016 commem (2); plus Perth compr Twenty Cents 2011 Wedding (14), One Dollar 1986 (approx
Mint 2009 Australian Decimal Pattern coin on ANDA Gold Coast 18) and 2008 Scouts (approx 13) F/V exceeds $90 (lot) Est. $150
card (18 coins) Est. $50 435 Fifty Cents 2006 Games logo in bronze, Visit; 2008 America’s
411 Twenty Cents 2015 WWI Anzacs Remembered sets of 14 (no One Cup; 2011 Triple Zero; 2012 Kokoda Trail; 2013 Commonwealth
Dollar) (4 sets) Est. $100 Stamps, Coronation; 2015 Ritchie Benaud, Longest Reign, RAM
412 Twenty Cents 2015 WWI Anzacs Remembered set of 14 (no 50th coloured and gilt, Royal Baby; 2017 Battles of Bullencourt
One Dollar); plus Twenty and Twenty-Five Cents 2016 Anzac to and Passchendaele, Jack Brabham, Wedding Anniv; 2018 Gold
Afghanistan 14-coin set (2 sets, 28 coins) Est. $60 Coast Games in gilt (17 coins) Est. $90
413 Twenty Cents 2015 WWI Anzacs Remembered set of 14 (no 436 Fifty Cents 2006 Games logo in bronze and silver (in plastic sleeve,
One Dollar); plus Twenty and Twenty-Five Cents 2016 Anzac to no outer packaging), Visit in booklet with stamps; 2011 Triple Zero
Afghanistan 14-coin sets (2) (3 sets) Est. $75 (loose, no capsule or card); 2012 Kokoda Trail; 2013 Surfing; 2015
Ritchie Benaud (2), Longest Reign (4); 2017 Jack Brabham; 2018
414 Twenty Cents 2015 WWI Anzacs Remembered set of 15 coins
Gold Coast Games in gilt (14 coins) Est. $75
including the One Dollar 2015 WWI War Heroes Red Poppy coin;
plus Twenty and Twenty-Five Cents 2016 Anzac to Afghanistan 14- 437 Fifty Cents 2008 America’s Cup, 2010 Engagement, 2011 Wedding
coin set, the first set scarce complete (2 sets) Est. $250 ten of each coin (30 coins) Est. $100
415 Twenty and Fifty Cents 2012 Shores Under Siege 3-coin set, 2013 438 Fifty Cents 2010 Royal Engagement (20 coins) Est. $60
Australian Banknotes 3-coin set, 2016 Eliz II 90th 3-coin sets (3); 439 Fifty Cents 2014 Boer War, Cocos, German New Guinea; plus 2016
plus Twenty Cents and Perth Mint One Dollar 2013 Commonwealth Play School 50 Years 3-coin set (4 items, 6 coins) Est. $75
Banknote Centenary pair (6 items) Est. $75 440 Fifty Cents Australians at War 2014-2016 18-coin set complete in
416 Twenty and Fifty Cents 3-coin sets 2012 Shores Under Siege, custom slipcase and shipper for the series Est. $100
2013 Australian Banknotes; One Dollar 2010 D, C, M, S 4-coin
sets (2), A, D, H, P 4-coin set; Two Dollars 2012 Remembrance Day
pack, 2013 Coronation pack (7 items, 20 coins) Est. $75
417 Fifty Cents 1970 (5, cased), 1993 in 2x2s (10) (15 coins) Est. $75
418 Fifty Cents 1970 (2, cased); One Dollar 1984 in cards (7), 1995B (5),
C, M (3), S; 1996C (5); Five Dollars 1988 (4), 1990 (2), 1992, 1996
(2) 1997 Bradman PNCs (2); together with Specimen Ten Dollars
Australia’s Olympic Heritage 1994 and 1995 pairs (lot) Est. $150
419 Fifty Cents 1989 individually flipped, a not issued for circulation
date (10 coins) Est. $100
420 Fifty Cents 1991 in 2x2s, Unc-choice Unc (50 coins) Est. $150 441 Fifty Cents 2016 Holden Heritage non-coloured coin in card, the
421 Fifty Cents 1991 all but two in 2x2s, a couple with subdued lustre key to the series Est. $100
else Unc-choice Unc (51 coins) Est. $150 442 Fifty Cents 2016 Holden Heritage complete set of 12 coins in
422 Fifty Cents 1994 wide date in 2x2s, Unc-choice Unc (49 coins) Est. $90 commemorative tin Est. $350
423 Fifty Cents 1994 wide date in 2x2s, Unc-choice Unc (50 coins) Est. $90 443 Fifty Cents 2016 Holden Heritage complete set of 12 coins in
424 Fifty Cents 1995 in 2x2s, Unc-choice Unc (49 coins) Est. $75 commemorative tin Est. $350
425 Fifty Cents 1995 in 2x2s, Unc-choice Unc (50 coins) Est. $75 444 Fifty Cents 2016 Holden Heritage complete set of 12 coins in
commemorative tin Est. $350
426 Fifty Cents 1998 in bags, Unc-choice Unc (50 coins) Est. $75
445 Fifty Cents 2017 Ford Heritage complete set of 12 coins in
427 Fifty Cents 1995 in Royal Australian Army Medal Centenary Corps commemorative tin and shipper Est. $200
pack with RAAMC Centenary/HMAS Centaur medallion 2003; 2006
Birthday, Games Lawn Bowls (6), Visit; 2008 America’s Cup; 2010 446 One Dollar 1984 in tired card; 1992 in Olympic flip and in Easter
Melbourne Cup; 2013 Bathurst, Commonwealth Stamps, Surfing; Show paper sleeve without entry form; 1993C (10), M (9), S (10) in
together with Lunar packs 2012 (2, one on map of Australia), original packaging (32 coins) Est. $75
2013; plus 2001 coat-of-arms in private flip (18 items) Est. $100 447 One Dollar 1984 in card; 1993C (2), M, S (2); 1994C (10), M (10), S
428 Fifty Cents 1995 in Royal Australian Army Medal Centenary Corps pack (11) in original packaging (37 coins) Est. $75
with RAAMC Centenary/HMAS Centaur medallion 2003; 2006 Birthday 448 One Dollar 1984 in card; 1993C, M (4), S (2) and plain in RAM flips
and Visit (2); 2009 Moon Landing; 2011 National Service; 2012 Diamond (2); 1994C (2); 1995C (2); 1997C (2) and twin packs (2); 1998C (2);
Jubilee; 2015 gilt, coloured; 2016 circular World Money Fair Berlin 1999A (2), B (2), C (4), M (2), S (2); 2000C (2) in original packaging
privymark issue; plus RAM One Dollar 5-coin set (11 items) Est. $90 (34 items, 36 coins) Est. $75
429 Fifty Cents 2004 Student Design (20 coins) Est. $50 449 One Dollar 1984 in card; 1993 plain on BBC card (5), C, M, S;
430 Fifty Cents 2004 Student Design; 2006 Birthday and Visit; 2007 1996A, B, C, M, S; 1998A, B, C, M, S; 2000C, S and Olymphilex
Diamond Wedding; 2008 Scouts; 2009 Moon Landing; 2010 pair; 2001S in original packaging; plus 2001 Defence Forces
Engagement and Melbourne Cup; 2011 National Service, Triple 3-coin set (24 items, 27 coins) Est. $75
Zero, Wedding; 2012 Australian Ballet, Diamond Jubilee, Kokoda 450 One Dollar 1984 in card; 1999M (2) and 2-coin sets (2); 2000C, S
Trail; 2013 Coronation (15 coins) Est. $75 and Olymphilex C, S (2); 2001C and Air Force; 2003C (2); 2004C
431 Fifty Cents 2004 and 2005 Student Design, 2006 Birthday, 2007 (4), E (5); 2006C (10); 2007C; 2008C (2); 2009B, C, M, S in correct
Diamond Wedding, ten of each coin (40 coins) Est. $125 packing; 2010 4-coin sets (one of each); plus 2009 Age Pension
and 2010 Girl Guides in private flips (44 items, 52 coins) Est. $100
453 One Dollar 1992 in Sydney Easter Show folder with entry form the 1992 Barcelona coin (2 items, 5 coins) Est. $100
attached Est. $60 480 One Dollar 2000 VC pack; plus RAM One Dollar 5-coin set
454 One Dollar 1992 in Easter Show paper sleeves without entry form (2 items) Est. $125
(5 coins) Est. $50 481 One Dollar 2000 VC pack; plus 2001 Defence Forces 3-coin pack
455 One Dollar 1992 in Easter Show paper sleeves without entry form (2 items) Est. $125
(10 coins) Est. $100 482 One Dollar 2001C, S and Air Force; 2002B, C, M, S; 2003B, C, S;
456 One Dollar 1992 in Easter Show paper sleeves without entry form 2004B, C, M, S; 2005B, C, G, M, S; 2006B, C, S, TV; 2007B, C,
(10 coins) Est. $100 M, S; 2008 and 2009C mintmark, B, M, S privymarks in original
packaging (35 coins) Est. $100
457 One Dollar 1992 in Olympic flip; 1993C, M (2), S and plain in RAM
flip; 1994C (4) S (2); 1995C (2), M, S; 1996C (2, one Canberra Show), 483 One Dollar 2001C (10), Air Force (10) in original packaging
S; 1997C, S and twin pack; 1998C; 1999C; 2000C and Olymphilex (20 coins) Est. $90
C, S (2) in original packaging (28 items, 29 coins) Est. $75 484 One Dollar 2001 Defence Forces 3-coin sets (2 sets) Est. $60
458 One Dollar 1992 in Olympic flip and in Easter Show paper sleeve 485 One Dollar 2001 Defence Forces 3-coin set, 2003 Vietnam packs
without entry form; 1994C (10), M (9), S (10) in original packaging (6); plus RAM One Dollar 5-coin set (8 items) Est. $75
(31 coins) Est. $60 486 One Dollar 2003B, C, M, S ten of each coin in original packaging
459 One Dollar 1992 in Easter Show paper sleeves without entry form (40 coins) Est. $100
(3); RAM One Dollar 5-coin sets (2); plus empty flips for 1995C (7) 487 One Dollar carded types compr 2003 Vietnam pack; 2007 Ashes,
(12 items) Est. $60 International Polar Year (2), Peacekeeping; 2008 Mary MacKillop (2),
460 One Dollar 1993 plain in RAM flip (2), C, M, S; 1994C; 1995B, C, M, Quarantine (2), Rugby Centenary (2), Year of the Rat; 2009 Steve
S; 1997A, B, C, M, S; 1998B, C, M, S; 1999A, B, C, M, S; 2000C, S in Irwin, Year of the Ox; 2010 Fred Hollows, 2011 Capital Bridges
original packaging, a near complete collection (26 coins) Est. $60 Perth and Year of the Rabbit in envelope (17 coins) Est. $100
461 One Dollar 1993 plain on BBC card; Five Dollars 1990, 1992, 488 One Dollar 2004B, C, E, M, S ten of each coin in original packaging
1994; Ten Dollars 1982, 1988 and State series complete; plus Five (50 coins) Est. $125
Dollars 1988 and Fraser-Cole paper note in Opening of Parliament 489 One Dollar 2004B, C, E, M, S ten of each coin in original packaging
House wallet with removable deposits (15 items) Est. $200 (50 coins) Est. $125
462 One Dollar 1993 plain on BBC cards (2), M (2); 1996A (2), C (6, 490 One Dollar 2005B, C, G, M, S ten of each coin in original packaging
three Canberra Show), S (5); 1997S (2); 1998A, B, C (3), S; 1999C (50 coins) Est. $125
(6); 2000C (2) in original packaging (33 coins) Est. $75
491 One Dollar 2005B, C, G, M, S ten of each coin in original packaging
463 One Dollar 1994C (11), S (10); 1995B (8), C (9), M (8), S (8) in (50 coins) Est. $125
original packaging (54 coins) Est. $125
492 One Dollar 2006B, C, M, S, TV ten of each coin in original packaging
464 One Dollar 1994C (6); 1995C (20); 1996C (9); 1998C (11); 2001S, (50 coins) Est. $125
Air Force (2), Navy (2); 2002M, S (3) in original packaging, mostly
493 One Dollar 2006 Games in original packaging (20 coins) Est. $60
on plastic pages (55 coins) Est. $125
494 One Dollar 2006 Games in original packaging (20 coins) Est. $60
465 One Dollar 1995B (10), C (9), M (10), S (10) in original packaging,
some folders sun damaged (39 coins) Est. $90 495 One Dollar 2006-7 Ocean series complete (6 coins) Est. $50
466 One Dollar 1995B (3), C, M, S; 1996A, B, C, M; 1997C (5); 1998B, 496 One Dollar 2006-7 Ocean series complete (2 sets, 12 coins) Est. $90
C, M, S; 1999A, B, C, M (3), S; 2000C, S; 2001C; 2002M; 2004E; 497 One Dollar 2006-7 Ocean series complete (5 sets, 30 coins) Est. $200
2007B, C, M, S in original packaging; plus 2011 Kookaburra and 498 One Dollar 2006-7 Ocean series, 2008-9 Land series complete
Rosella on cards (37 coins) Est. $125 (12 coins) Est. $90
467 One Dollar 1995C; 1999C (3); 2000S; 2001C (3), Navy; 2002C (2); 499 One Dollar 2006-7 Ocean series, 2008-9 Land series complete
2003C; 2004C (2), E (2); 2008C mintmark (14), B (4), M (4), S (4) (12 coins) Est. $90
privymarks in original packaging (42 coins) Est. $90 500 One Dollar 2006-7 Ocean series, 2008-9 Land series complete
468 One Dollar 1996A, (5), B (5), C (25, incl five Canberra Show), M (5), (2 sets, 24 coins) Est. $175
S (10) in original packaging (50 coins) Est. $125 501 One Dollar 2007B, C, M, S ten of each coin in original packaging;
469 One Dollar 1996A (5), B (5), C (17, incl two Canberra Show), M (5), plus 2008 Scouting in private flips (10) (50 coins) Est. $125
S (10) in original packaging (41 coins) Est. $90 502 One Dollar 2007B, C, M (4), S; 2008C mintmark (3), B (2), M (2)
470 One Dollar 1997A (9), B (9), C (20), M (10) in original packaging and S privymarks, M and S (2) counterstamps; 2009C mintmark
(48 coins) Est. $125 (3), B (2), M (2), S (2) privymarks in original packaging; plus carded
471 One Dollar 1997A (2), B (2), C (11), M (2), S (2) and twin pack; types 2008 Rugby Centenary (3, incl one with stamps in booklet),
1998C (5); 1999A (3), C in original packaging (29 items, Peacekeeping; 2009 Master Mintmark (32 coins) Est. $90
30 coins) Est. $75 503 One Dollar 2007 Ashes (10 coins) Est. $75
472 One Dollar 1998B (2), C (2), S (2); 2001C (3), S, Air Force (3), Navy 504 One Dollar 2007 Ashes, International Polar Year (2), Peacekeeping (2);
(3); 2002B (4), S; 2003B and Vietnam pack; 2004E; 2005C; 2006C; 2008 Mary MacKillop, Quarantine (2), Rugby Centenary, Year of the Rat
2007B, 2008C mintmark in original packaging (28 coins) Est. $100 in envelope; 2010 and 2011B, C, M, S 4-coin sets; Two Dollars packs
473 One Dollar 1998B (10), C (10), S (11) in original packaging for 2015 Remembrance Day, 2016 Olympics 5-coin set, 2017 Lest We
(31 coins) Est. $75 Forget and Remembrance Day (16 items, 26 coins) Est. $100
474 One Dollar 1998B (2), C (3), S (2); 2000C; 2002B (2), C, M, S; 2003B, 505 One Dollar 2007 Ashes (10), International Polar Year (10) (20
C, M, S and Vietnam pack; 2004B (2), C (2), E (2), M (2), S (2); 2006B, coins) Est. $125
C, M, S, TV and Dolphin in original packaging (34 coins) Est. $75 506 One Dollar carded types compr 2007 Ashes (3), Peacekeeping
475 One Dollar 2000 VC pack Est. $90 (5); 2008 Mary MacKillop, Quarantine, Rugby Centenary (9); 2009
476 One Dollar 2000 VC pack Est. $90 Bilby (2), Frilled Lizard (2) (25 coins) Est. $150
477 One Dollar 2000 VC pack Est. $90 507 One Dollar 2007 Peacekeeping (10), 2008 Rugby Centenary (10)
(20 coins) Est. $100
Session 1
(3) and Frilled Lizard (3) (12 coins) Est. $90 in unofficial packaging for Twenty Cents 1995-2005 (4 diff), Fifty
Cents 1970-2005 (12 diff), One Dollar 1985-2014 (14, 13 diff), Two
511 One Dollar 2008-9 Land series complete; plus lunar issues in
Dollars 2017 Lest We Forget and Remembrance Day; Twenty and
envelopes for 2010, 2014, 2017 (2), 2018 (2) (12 coins) Est. $100
Fifty Cents 2001 18-coin set ion plastic page; plus two Australian
512 One Dollar 2008-9 Land series Bilby (2), Echidna (2), Frilled Lizard Coin and Note Packs ex Sydney International Coin Fair 1991
(2), Koala, Rock Wallaby (2), Wombat; plus Air series Kookaburra containing 1989/91 coin set and last issue One and Two Dollar
and Rosella (12 coins) Est. $90 notes (consec packs, the notes very nearly so) (lot) Est. $125
513 One Dollar 2008 Koala, Wombat; 2017C mintmark and B, C, 539 One Dollar World Money Fair Berlin issues compr 2016 Buddy Bear
M, S 4-coin sets (2), Battle of Beersheba (2), Mob of Roos M, S privy (2), 2017 Belin State privy, 2018 Brandenburg Gate privy (2);
privymarks and complete 4-coin set in folder for the issue, War plus 2016 Alphabet Collection fine silver 3-coin set, the last set
Close to Home 4-coin set, Sydney Fireworks in fine silver; 2018C limited to 1,000 (6 items) Est. $75
mintmark and B, C, M, S 4-coin set, Australian (Winter) Olympic
540 One Dollar 2016 Alphabet series “W” (36 coins) Est. $150
Team, Gold Coast Games Borobi (2); plus loose 2016 Mob of Roos
(18 items, 33 coins) Est. $90 541 One Dollar 2017 Alphabet set complete (26 coins) Est. $200
514 One Dollar 2008 Mary MacKillop (10 coins) Est. $90 542 One Dollar RAM 5-coin sets (5 sets) Est. $100
515 One Dollar 2008 Quarantine (10 coins) Est. $50 543 One Dollar RAM 5-coin sets (5 sets) Est. $100
516 One Dollar 2008 Rugby Centenary (10 coins) Est. $50 544 Two Dollars Lest We Forget 2015 Poppy counterstamp, 2017 (4,
two on cards, two in packs), 2018 (2, one on card, one in pack);
517 One Dollar 2009 Steve Irwin (10 coins) Est. $90 Remembrance Day 2015 on private issue card, 2017 (2, on card,
518 One Dollar 2009 Master Mintmark (10); plus 2011 Air series one in pack); plus 2016 Olympics 5-coin and Paralympics packs
complete (16 coins) Est. $75 (12 items, 16 coins) Est. $75
519 One Dollar 2010 B, C, M, S 4-coin sets (2); 2011C mintmark and A, 545 Five Dollars 1988 (5, cased), 1992, 1994 (5), 1998 (2, one with p/card),
D, H, P 4-coin set; 2012C mintmark, B, M, P, S (2) counterstamps 2000 (10), 2006 Games Baton Relay (4) and Commonwealth Nations;
and Tree Kangaroo; 2013C mintmark, Benevolent Societies, plus cased Fifty Cents 1966-1991 7-coin set (29 items) Est. $250
Hawthorn AFL Premiers, Korean War, Walrus and Whale; 2014 WWI 546 Five Dollars 1998 no p/card (2), 2011 Queen’s Visit and
M counterstamp (2), B, C, M, S 4-coin sets (2), Bull Ant, Cuckoo Remembrance, 2016 Battle of Long Tan; Ten Dollars 1982, 1985,
Wasp, Stag Beetle, and Anzac on private issue cards (2) (26 items, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993 (7 coins) Est. $175
41 coins) Est. $100
547 Five Dollars 2008 Bradman (10); Ten Dollars 1982 (2, one wallet
520 One Dollar 2010A, D, H, P 4-coin sets (10 sets, 40 coins) Est. $90 holding additional coin), 1988 (14 coins) Est. $150
521 One Dollar 2010B, C, M, S 4-coin sets (10 sets, 40 coins) Est. $90 548 Ten Dollars 1982 (4), 1985 (2), 1986 (2), 197 (2), 1988 (2), 1992; plus
522 One Dollar 2010B, C, M, S 4-coin sets (10 sets, 40 coins) Est. $90 box of loose Unc Dollars 1986 (42), 1988 (45), and three Victorian
523 One Dollar 2010 Fred Hollows (10 coins) Est. $75 coronation medalets 1911 (2) and 1937 (103 items) Est. $300
524 One Dollar 2011 Air series complete (2 sets, 12 coins) Est. $90 549 Ten Dollars 1982 (12 coins) Est. $200
525 One Dollar 2011 Air series complete (2 sets, 12 coins) Est. $90 550 Ten Dollars 1982 (5), 1985 (2), 1986 (3) (10 coins) Est. $175
526 One Dollar 2011 Air series complete (5 sets, 30 coins) Est. $200 551 Ten Dollars 1982, 1988 and State series 1985-1993 complete
(10 coins) Est. $175
527 One Dollar 2011A, D, H, P 4-coin sets (10 sets, 40 coins) Est. $90
552 Ten Dollars 1986 (2), 1987, 1988 (7) (10 coins) Est. $175
528 One Dollar 2011B, C, M, S 4-coin sets (10 sets, 40 coins) Est. $90
553 Ten Dollars 1988 and State series 1985-1993 complete
529 One Dollar 2011 Capital Bridges for Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, (9 coins) Est. $150
Sydney (4 coins) Est. $75
554 Ten Dollars 1989 (3), 1990 (2), 1991 (2) (7 coins) Est. $150
530 One Dollar 2011 Census (10 coins) Est. $60
555 Centenary of Federation 2001 Uncirculated 20-coin collection in
531 One Dollar 2011 Presidents Cup (10 coins) Est. $75 custom binder and shipper for the series Est. $90
532 One Dollar 2011 Presidents Cup (10 coins) Est. $75 556 Centenary of Federation 2001 Uncirculated 20-coin collection in
533 One Dollar 2011 Joan Sutherland (9 coins) Est. $75 custom binder and shipper for the series Est. $90
534 One Dollar 2012 AFL Premiers Sydney Swans packs (17 coins) Est. $100 557 Centenary of Federation 2001 Uncirculated 20-coin collection in
535 One Dollar 2015 Anzac C mintmark, B counterstamp; B (2), custom binder and shipper for the series Est. $90
M (2), P (3), S privymarks; 2016 C, M, P, S 4-coin set; Anzac M 558 Centenary of Federation 2001 Uncirculated 20-coin collection in
counterstamp (2), First Mints B and M counterstamps, Mob of Roos custom binder and shipper for the series Est. $90
M and S privymarks; Olympics Melissa Breen (3), Thomas Fraser- 559 Centenary of Federation 2001 Uncirculated 20-coin collection in
Holmes (3), Patrick Mills (3) (26 items, 29 coins) Est. $75 custom binder and shipper for the series Est. $90
560 Centenary of Federation 2001 3-coin sets for all States, Territories
and Norfolk Island (9 packs, 27 coins) Est. $100
561 Centenary of Federation 2001 3-coin sets for all States, Territories
and Norfolk Island, the Tasmanian pack missing the slipcase (9
packs, 27 coins) Est. $100
562 2017 Planetary Coins set of ten coins One Cent to Five Dollars in
pop-up album and shipper of issue Est. $125
563 2017 Planetary Coins set of ten coins One Cent to Five Dollars in
pop-up album and shipper of issue Est. $125
564 Possum Magic 2017 8-coin sets (3); together with Five Dollars
536 One Dollar 2015 Red Poppy on War Heroes card, the key to the 1992, 1994, 1998 with p/card (5), 2002 Sunda Strait pair and
Anzacs Remembered coin series Est. $125 Manchester Games 3-coin set (12 items) Est. $125
of 500 produced Est. $60 580 Fifty Cents 1994 Year of Family wide date, 1995 Weary Dunlop,
1998 Navigators, 2003 Coronation, 2005 Remembrance in baby
566 Complete set of 28 Al/Br coins in custom album with empty
pack, 2008 Scouting, 2010 National Service and Melbourne Cup,
sleeves for each coin in shipper Est. $175
2011 Wedding, 2012 Australian Ballet and Diamond Jubilee, 2013
COMMONWEALTH GAMES ISSUES Kangaroo and Map, 2015 Longest Reign and Princess Charlotte,
567 Melbourne 2006: complete set of 17 Fifty Cents coins and Five 2016 FJ Holden and Play School 1- and 2-coin covers, 2017 Eddie
Dollars Baton Relay in album for the series and shipper Est. $150 Mabo (18 covers, 19 coins) Est. $90
568 Melbourne 2006: complete set of 17 Fifty Cents coins and Five 581 Fifty Cents 1994 Year of Family wide date, 1995 Weary Dunlop,
Dollars Baton Relay in album for the series Est. $150 1998 Navigators; Five Dollars 1997 Bradman; plus unofficial
covers One Dollar 1992 in Barcelona Games cover and Five Dollars
569 Melbourne 2006: complete set of 17 Fifty Cents coins and Five
1992 in International Space year cover cancelled Woomera 1st
Dollars Baton Relay in album for the series Est. $150
June 1992 (6 covers) Est. $50
LUNAR ISSUES 582 Fifty Cents 1995 Weary Dunlop (19 covers) Est. $125
570 Fifty Cents 2013 Year of the Snake on Map of Australia (2); 2017 583 Fifty Cents 1995 Weary Dunlop, 1998 Navigators, 2003 Coronation,
Year of the Rooster and 2018 Year of the Dog packs (2); plus Berlin 2005 with Fifty Pence 2005 RAM/Royal Mint World Heritage Sites,
World Money Fair releases for 2017 (2) and 2018 (8 coins) Est. $50 2011 Wedding, 2012 Diamond Jubilee (3, one on card without
571 One Dollar 2007 Year of the Pig (10 coins) Est. $100 postal cover), 2014 Sydney/Emden (on card without postal cover),
2015 Princess Charlotte (2) (11 covers, 12 coins) Est. $75
572 One Dollar 2007 Year of the Pig (10 coins) Est. $100
584 Fifty Cents 2002 Accession, scarce Est. $75
POSTAL/NUMISMATIC COVERS 585 Fifty Cents/Fifty Pence 2005 RAM/Royal Mint World Heritage Sites
573 Five and Twenty Cents 2017 Bananas in Pyjamas 2-coin cover; in original unopened shippers (2 covers) Est. $90
Twenty Cents 2007 Surf Lifesaver; 2010 Fromelles, Taxation;
586 Fifty Cents/Fifty Pence 2005 RAM/Royal Mint World Heritage Sites
2011 Ashes, Volunteers; 2013 Parliament House; 2015 ICC World
in original opened shippers (2 covers) Est. $90
Cup, Magna Carta, World Netball Cup Sydney; plus Twenty Cents
and Perth Mint One Dollar 2013 Commonwealth Banknote 2-coin 587 Fifty Cents/Fifty Pence 2005 RAM/Royal Mint World Heritage Sites
cover (11 covers, 13 coins) Est. $60 in original opened shippers (2); plus British Five Pounds 2012
Diamond Jubilee cover (3 covers) Est. $100
574 Twenty Cents 2007 Surf Lifesaver (2), 2010 Burke & Wills (3);
Fifty Cents 2010 Melbourne Cup; plus Perth Mint Fifty Cents 588 Fifty Cents/Fifty Pence 2005 RAM/Royal Mint World Heritage Sites
2006 Dame Edna; One Dollar 2010 Burke & Wills and Year of the in original opened shippers (3 covers) Est. $125
Tiger (9 covers) Est. $50 589 Fifty Cents/Fifty Pence 2005 RAM/Royal Mint World Heritage Sites
575 Twenty Cents 2007 Surf Lifesaver (10); Fifty Cents 2003 Coronation in original shipper; plus Twenty Cents 2007 Surf Lifesaver, 2010
(10) (20 covers) Est. $60 Fromelles and Taxation, 2011 Ashes (2) (6 covers) Est. $75
590 Fifty Cents 2008 Scouting (10); One Dollar 2009 Australia Post (10)
(20 covers) Est. $60
591 One Dollar 1999 Older Persons, 2007 Bounding Roos and
Harbour Bridge, 2008 Quarantine, 2009 Australia Post, 2010
Commonwealth Coinage and Girl Guides, 2011 Presidents Cup,
2012 Co-operatives and Douglas Mawson, 2013 Black Caviar
and Holey Dollar & Dump, 2014 Anzac, 2015 Lighthouses
(14 covers) Est. $75
576 Specimen Fifty Cents 1969 in Nuphil Associates cover cancelled
Yarralumla ACT 1st Sept 1969 on the front and Canberra City same 592 One Dollar 1999 Older Persons, 2001 Army, 2007 Bounding Roos
day on the reverse, nice condition Est. $600 and Harbour Bridge (2), 2008 Quarantine (2), 2009 Australia Post,
2010 Commonwealth Coinage (2) and Girl Guides; Two Dollars
2017 Remembrance Day; Five Dollars 1997 Bradman, 2006 Games
Baton Relay and Commonwealth Nations (15 covers) Est. $75
593 One Dollar 2000 Last Anzacs and VC, the second a little grubby
(2 covers) Est. $125
594 One Dollar 2001 Army, 2007 Harbour Bridge, 2010 Commonwealth
Coinage; Two Dollars 2012 coloured Remembrance; Five Dollars
2005 Australian Open Tennis, 2006 Games Commonwealth
Nations; plus Perth Mint Fifty Cents 2005 Year of the Rooster,
2006 Queen’s Birthday, 2006 Year of the Dog, 2007 Year of the Pig;
One Dollar 2007 SAS, 2008 Year of the Rat, 2009 Australia Post
and Year of the Ox, 2010 Lachlan Macquarie, Powered Flight and
Shanghai World Expo, 2011 Year of the Rabbit; Five Dollars 2004
Eureka Stockade (19 covers) Est. $75
595 One Dollar 2007 Bounding Roos (10), Harbour Bridge (10)
(20 covers) Est. $60
577 Specimen Fifty Cents 1970 in certified cover addressed to Nuphil
Associates cancelled Cooktown Queensland 15th June 1970 Est. $150 596 One Dollar 2012 Australian Tennis Open 2-coin cover, Co-
operatives (2), Douglas Mawson, Sumatran Tiger; 2015 Unlikely
578 Fifty Cents 1994 Year of Family wide date, 1995 Weary Dunlop, Heroes; 2016 Quokka ND Wombat (2); 2017 Trans-Australia
1998 Navigators, 2003 Coronation, 2006 Royal Visits in folders Railway; 2018 Convict Past; Two Dollars 2016 Decimal Currency;
with stamps (4), 2008 Scouting (5), 2010 Melbourne Cup, 2011 plus One Dollar 2010 Burke & Wills in private cover (13 covers,
National Service; plus 2006 Visit coin in FIFA World Cup Germany 14 coins) Est. $75
cover (16 items) Est. $100
Session 1
Five Dollars 1997 Bradman, 2005 Australian Open Tennis, 2006 Ex Downies ACA sale 318, lot 473 Est. $300
Games Commonwealth Nations, 2012 Australian Open Tennis Men’s
Championship, the numbered covers scarce (12 covers) Est. $90
598 Five Dollars 1997 Bradman (16 covers) Est. $150
599 Five Dollars 1997 Bradman, 2005 Australian Open Tennis (7)
(8 covers) Est. $75
600 Five Dollars 2005 Australian Open Tennis (10 covers) Est. $100
616 One Dollar 2000 muled with Ten Cents 2000 obverse die, VF Est. $500
Other Decimals 617 Mint Set 1986 with 1985 Ten Cents Est. $150
601 Royal Australian Mint (Canberra) defaced One Cent presentation die in
perspex display case with “glued” montage of “bright” One Cent pieces
This and the following lot were presented to a Royal Australian
Mint employee after long service and were officially defaced
previous to the award Est. $1,000
618 Proof set 2006 with One Dollar 2005 inserted, a very scarce
602 Royal Australian Mint (Canberra) defaced Ten Cent presentation error Est. $3,000
dies (2 different) in perspex display case Est. $2,000
603 One Cent 1968 (20, all brown); Five Cents 1972 (20); Fifty Cents RAM and Decimal Mint Rolls/Bags
1969 (16), 1970 (20), 1971 (12); plus year sets 1969 (2) and 619 One Cent 1976, 1977 (slightly damaged end), 1978, 1979 (2, one
1971 (2) all housed on plastic pages, virtually all coins have seen with damaged end), 1981, 1982 (2, one with damaged end); Two
degrees of circulation but some better examples noted, aVG- Cents 1975, 1977, 1978, 1980; together with private issue Twenty
virtually Unc (lot) Est. $75 Cents 1982-2013 10-coin portfolio, 2001 9-coin portfolio, Fifty
604 Fifty Cents 1966 in cards (4) and in 50th Anniv pack; later high Cents 1966-2000 12-coin portfolio (15 items) Est. $75
grade dates 1969, 1974 (2), 1988 (cased); cased 1966-1988 620 One Cent 1979, 1982; Two Cents 1982; Ten Cents 1980; Fifty Cents
6-coin set; plus empty box and shipper for 2014-2016 Australians 1982; One Dollar 1984 all in RAM wrappers (6 rolls) Est. $75
at War series (lot) Est. $60
621 Two Cents 1984, three uncertain dates but confirmed by vendor
605 Fifty Cents 1966 VF-gEF (7); other dates 1970 (15), 1977 (34), 1981
(18 rolls) Est. $50
Charles & DI (27), 1982 (40), 1988 (9), 1991, 1994 (9) bagged by
date, all appear to be in quite useful set making to choice Unc 622 Five Cents 1981 (tape reinforced), Twenty Cents 2011 Volunteers
condition; plus further bag of mixed grade non-commemorative and Women’s Day, One Dollar 1984 in RAM wrappers; plus Twenty
dates 1969-1984 (26 coins) Mixed Condition (168 coins) Est. $150 Cents 2004 in Armaguard wrapper and Fifty Cents 2004 in plain
brown wrapper (6 rolls) Est. $90
606 Fifty Cents 1966 aEF-aUnc in 2x2s on plastic page (12 coins) Est. $60
623 Five Cents and One Dollar 1988 (2) the last two in Bicentennial
607 Fifty Cents VF-gEF (12) 1970 (2, cased); plus early Five Cents 1967
wrappers (3 rolls) Est. $90
(2), 1968 (2), 1969 (2); Ten Cents 1966, 1967, 1968; New Zealand
cased Unc Dollar 1969 and British Crown 1981 (25 coins) Est. $75 624 Five Cents 1988 in RAM wrapper; plus two Fifty Cents handmade
608 Fifty Cents 1966 VF-EF on plastic page (15 coins) Est. $75 rolls with exposed coins being 1991 Ram’s Head (3 rolls) Est. $75
609 Fifty Cents 1966 EF-aUnc (18 coins) Est. $90 625 Five Cents 1991 (3); Ten Cents 1989, 1990, 1991 all in security
wrappers; Twenty Cents 1981 (3) 1984 all in RAM wrappers,
610 Fifty Cents 1966 VF-EF (19 coins) Est. $100
uncertain dates confirmed by vendor (9 rolls) Est. $60
611 Fifty Cents 1966 EF-Unc on plastic page (20 coins) Est. $100
626 Five Cents to Two Dollars 2016 commems in clear plastic RAM
612 Accumulation of very high grade to Unc singles compr Fifty Cents bags (6 bags) Est. $90
1970 (2, cased) and 1977-2000 commems (15, incl six 1991);
627 Five Cents to Two Dollars 2016 commems in RAM wrappers
One Dollar 1984 (5) and 1988-2001 (53); Five Dollars 1990 (3),
(6 rolls) Est. $175
1992 (6), 1996 in Westpac sleeves (2) mostly loose and bagged by
denomination, aUnc-choice Unc (86 coins) Est. $200 628 Five Cents to Two Dollars 2017; plus Fifty Cents 2017 Mabo
613 Album containing values One Cent to Two Dollars 1966-2000s in commem, all in RAM wrappers (7 rolls) Est. $175
2x2s (F/V exceeds $29) noted Fifty Cents 1966 (3), 1980 double 629 Twenty Cents 1981 in RAM wrappers, uncertain dates confirmed
bars (2), Twenty Cents 1981 Canada (3), Proof One Dollar 1995 and by vendor (6 rolls) Est. $50
Unc 1992 Barcelona in the mix. The varieties mainly down in grade 630 Twenty Cents 2010 Taxation; Fifty Cents 2010 Australia Day;
with the majority of others Unc (60 coins) Est. $75 One Dollar 2007 APEC, 2008 Scouting, 2010 Girl Guides in RAM
614 Album containing Five Cents 1982 (40, likely ex roll), Fifty Cents 2014 wrappers (5 rolls) Est. $125
AIATSIS, One Dollar 1994 lamination flaw 2014 Anzac, 2015; and Two 631 Fifty Cents 1984 in RAM wrappers, uncertain dates confirmed by
Dollars 2013-2016 coloured and commem types (16) the lamination vendor, one roll splitting and tape repaired (4 rolls) Est. $75
flaw Fine, remainder mainly Unc-choice Unc (60 coins) Est. $90
Session 1
2015 Funnel-Web Spider (2) and Tenth Ounce Koala 2013
(4 coins) Est. $90 699 2009; plus Proof One Dollar 2008 Coat of Arms (2 coins) Est. $75
668 Specimen One Ounce 1991 lightly toned; plus cased 1996 France 700 2009, 2010 (2 coins) Est. $75
and Germany privies (3 coins) Est. $75 701 2012; plus Specimen One Ounce 2007 on card (2 coins) Est. $60
669 Specimen One Ounce 1991 (light reverse rim toning), 1992, 1999 LUNAR ISSUES
(on card); plus cased 1994 Games privy (4 coins) Est. $125
702 Proof One Ounce series II 2010 Year of the Tiger, 2011 Year of the
670 Specimen One Ounce 1993 (6 coins) Est. $150 Rabbit (2 coins) Est. $75
671 Specimen One Ounce 1995 (2, one toned), 1996, 1997 703 Proof 3-coin set 2008 Year of the Mouse Est. $250
(4 coins) Est. $90
704 Proof 3-coin set 2009 Year of the Ox Est. $250
672 Specimen One Ounce 1995, 1996, 1998 some light toning
705 Proof 3-coin set 2010 Year of the Tiger Est. $250
(3 coins) Est. $90
706 Proof 3-coin set 2010 Year of the Tiger Est. $250
673 Specimen One Ounce 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999 some light toning
(4 coins) Est. $125 707 Proof 3-coin set series II 2010 Year of the Tiger Est. $250
674 Specimen One Ounce 1997, 1998 (2), 1999 on cards, a couple 708 Specimen Half Ounce, One Ounce and Two Ounces series II 2011
with light toning on rims (4 coins) Est. $100 Year of the Rabbit in capsules (3 coins) Est. $125
675 Specimen One Ounce 1990 to 2004 inclusive in fitted case 709 Specimen Five Ounces series II 2011 Year of the Rabbit in
(15 coins) Est. $400 capsule Est. $125
676 Specimen One Ounce 2008, 2011; Two Ounces 2008 in capsules, 710 Proof and Specimen One Ounce series II 2009 Year of the
the first on card (3 coins) Est. $60 Ox 4-coin typeset collection in four different finishes, only 1,500
sets issued Est. $250
677 Specimen Two Ounces 1992, 1993, 1994 the last lightly toned
(3 coins) Est. $150 711 Proof and Specimen One Ounce 2010 Year of the Tiger
4-coin typeset collection in four different finishes, only 1,500
678 Specimen Two Ounces 1992 in capsule; plus Uncirculated Ten
sets issued Est. $250
Dollars 1982 (2 coins) Est. $60
679 Specimen Two Ounces 1995 lightly toned (2 coins) Est. $100 LUNAR GILT ISSUES
680 Specimen Two Ounces 1996 lightly toned (2 coins) Est. $100 712 Specimen One Ounce series II 2015 Year of the Goat; plus Specimen
681 Specimen Two Ounces 1997 both with tone spots on rim One Ounce 2008 Kangaroo Dreaming and Turtle Dreaming ingots
(2 coins) Est. $100 (3 coins) Est. $90
682 Specimen Two Ounces 1998 both with toned reverse rims LUNAR COLOURED ISSUES
(2 coins) Est. $100 713 Proof One Ounce series II 2013 Year of the Snake; plus Specimen
683 Specimen Ten Ounces 1992 light reverse rim toning Est. $200 Two Ounces series II 2013 Year of the Snake Perth Coin Show
684 Specimen Ten Ounces 2008 Est. $200 Special (2 coins) Est. $125
685 Specimen Ten Ounces 2011 Est. $200 714 Specimen Half Ounce series II 2009 Year of the Ox; plus One
Ounce series I 2007 Year of the Pig (2 coins) Est. $60
686 Specimen Kilo Large Coin Series 1994 in damaged 4-coin case,
the Kilo coin with light toning Est. $750 715 Specimen One Ounce series II 2009 Year of the Ox; plus Two Ounces
series II 2011 Year of the Rabbit Perth Coin Show Special Est. $125
GILDED KOOKABURRAS 716 Specimen One Ounce series II 2010 Year of the Tiger; plus Proof
687 2004, 2005, 2006 (3 coins) Est. $100 example for the same year (2 coins) Est. $75
688 2004, 2007 (2 coins) Est. $75 717 Specimen Two Ounces series II 2010 Year of the Tiger Perth Coin
689 2007, 2008 (2) (3 coins) Est. $100 Show Special Est. $90
718 Specimen Two Ounces series II 2011 Year of the Rabbit Perth Coin
690 2012; plus High Relief Koala 2012 (2 coins) Est. $60
719 Specimen Two Ounces series II 2012 Year of the Dragon Perth Coin
691 Specimen One Ounce Kookas 2008/2009 on World’s Fair of Money 720 Specimen Five Ounces 2007 Year of the Pig in timber case of issue
Los Angeles card; plus Proof One Dollar (Cook Islands) 2005/2008 and shipper Est. $200
Australian Florin Centenary Collection (2 items) Est. $100
692 Specimen One Ounce 2009 pair on ANDA Melbourne card; plus
721 Proof One Ounce 2017 Year of the Rooster, 2018 Year of the Dog
Specimen One Ounce Kooka 2009 and 2010 pair on World Money
(2 coins) Est. $150
Fair Berlin card (2 pairs, 4 coins) Est. $125
693 Specimen One Ounce 2009 Koala and Kooka pair on ANDA PRIVIES
Brisbane card; plus One Ounce 2011 Kooka and Koala pair on 722 Proof Two Ounces 1995 Centenary Florin Est. $60
World’s Fair of Money card (2 pairs, 4 coins) Est. $125 723 Proof and Specimen Two Ounces 1996 Ducat, Guinea, Johanna,
SILVER KOALAS Star Pagoda individually cased (4 coins) Est. $200
694 Specimen Tenth Ounce 2011; Half Ounce 2008; One Ounce 2007, 724 Proof and Specimen Two Ounces 1997 Penny, Threepence, Shilling
2008; most on cards (4 coins) Est. $60 and Florin individually cased (4 coins) Est. $200
695 Specimen One Ounce 2007, 2008 on cards; plus Australian 725 Proof Two Ounces 1998 Jubilee and Sydney Mint privies
Kookaburra 2008/2009 World’s Fair of Money Los Angeles 2-coin (2 coins) Est. $100
set (3 items, 4 coins) Est. $100 726 Specimen One Ounce 1994 Games (3); 1996 Basler Stab, Belgium;
696 Specimen Ten Ounces 2008 Est. $200 1997 Edison, Yen, Zurich (8 coins) Est. $200
728 Specimen One Ounce 1996 Basler Stab; 1997 Gaudi, Italy, Zurich; 761 Proof One Dollar Discover Australia series 2006 to 2008 5-coin
Two Ounces 1997 Crown privy and Crown 1937 pair (5 items, sets in timber cases of issue housed in custom box for the series,
6 coins) Est. $150 matching certificates (no.1903) (3 sets) Est. $450
729 Specimen Two Ounces 1992 Holey Dollar, 1993 Dump 762 Proof One Dollar 2008 First Fleet jigsaw coin and medallion set in
(2 coins) Est. $100 timber case of issue Est. $500
730 Specimen Two Ounces 1995 Royal Visit Florin; 1997 Threepence 763 Proof One Dollar Discover Australia Dreaming series 2009 5-coin
and Crown (3 coins) Est. $150 set in timber case of issue (5 coins) Est. $150
731 Specimen Two Ounces 1997 Crown 1937 privies (2 coins) Est. $100 764 Proof One Dollar 2010 Celebrate Australia coins for ACT, NSW, NT,
732 Specimen One Ounce 1996-1998 European Countries complete Qld, SA, Tas, Vic; WA, all but the South Aust and Tasmania coins
set of 15 coins, five in the custom case for the series, the other are Coin Fair issues and includes the scarce World’s Fair of Money
ten individually cased; plus empty cases for cased coins (16 items, Boston issue (8 coins) Est. $200
15 coins) Est. $450 765 Proof One Dollar 2013 Australian Seasons complete set of
733 Specimen One Ounce 2005 Zodiac 12-coin collection in case and four coins Est. $100
box of issue (12 coins) Est. $400 766 Centenary of Federation 2001 Floral Tribute set of six state coins in
case of issue Est. $250
767 Centenary of Federation 2001 Floral Tribute set of six state coins in
734 Proof One Dollar 2012 Wombat Est. $75 case of issue Est. $250
735 Proof One Dollar 2012 Koala, Wombat (2 coins) Est. $125 768 Federation Star Collection 2001 containing Florin 1951 Jubilee;
736 Proof One Dollar 2013 Kangaroo Est. $75 Specimen One Ounce 2001 Federation Star privy, Centenary of
737 Proof One Dollar 2013 Kangaroo, Pygmy Possum (2 coins) Est. $125 Federation Holey Dollar and Dump (3 coins) Est. $75
769 Australian Decimal Pattern Set 2009 featuring the proposed coin
TREASURES OF AUSTRALIA designs for our 1966 decimal coins by Andor Meszaros; plus Proof
738 Proof One Dollar 2007 Sapphires locket coin Est. $200 One Dollar (Cook Islands) 2005/2008 Australian Florin Centenary
739 Proof One Dollar 2007 Sapphires locket coin Est. $200 Collection (2 sets) Est. $90
740 Proof One Dollar 2007 Sapphires locket coin Est. $200 770 Australian Decimal Pattern Set 2009 featuring the proposed coin
741 Proof One Dollar 2008 Opals locket coin Est. $100 designs for our 1966 decimal coins by Andor Meszaros; plus Proof
Fifty Cents Sea Life 2010 Moray Eel (2 items) Est. $75
742 Proof One Dollar 2009 Diamonds locket coin Est. $125
771 Holey Dollar & Dump sets 1988, 1989, 1990 (3 sets) Est. $90
743 Proof One Dollar 2011 Pearls locket coin Est. $90
772 Holey Dollar & Dump sets 1988, 1989, 1990 (3 sets) Est. $90
744 Proof One Dollar 2011 Pearls locket coin Est. $90
745 Proof One Dollar 2011 Pearls locket coins (2 coins) Est. $175 VARIOUS
773 Proof Fifty Cents 2008 Beijing Games coin and stamp set; Fifty-
TREASURES OF THE WORLD Five Cents 2009 Early Posting Box and Home Delivery stamp and
746 Proof One Dollar 2013 Garnet locket coin; plus Australian Decimal coin sets; Sixty Cents 2009 Mary MacKillop Canonisation coin and
Pattern Set 2009 (2 items) Est. $125 stamp set (4 sets) Est. $100
747 Proof One Dollar 2014 Australian Gold locket coin; plus Al/ 774 Proof Fifty Cents 2008 Beijing Games coin and stamp sets (2);
Br issues compr prooflike One Dollar 2005 Anzac 90th Anniv Fifty-Five Cents 2009 Early Posting Box and Home Delivery stamp
2-coin set; Uncirculated One Dollar 2009 Anzac Day and and coin sets; Sixty Cents 2009 Mary MacKillop Canonisation coin
Citizenship (2) (5 items) Est. $90 and stamp set; plus RAM Proof Five Dollars and One Dollar Al/Br
SETS 2009 Australia Post 2-coin set (6 sets) Est. $150
748 Proof Fifty Cents Sea Life series 2009-2010 complete 775 Proof Fifty Cents 2008 Proclamation Shilling Tribute; One Dollar
(5 coins) Est. $125 2001 Gregorian Millennium, 2004 Moon Walk; plus boxed Perth
Mint Half Ounce medallion with reverse dedication dated 2000
749 Proof Fifty Cents Sea Life series 2009-2010 complete in 5-coin (4 items) Est. $75
box for the series Est. $125
776 Proof Fifty Cents 2008 Proclamation Shilling Tribute; One Dollar
750 Proof Fifty Cents Bush Babies 2010-2011 set complete 2001 Centenary of Federation Holey Dollar & Dump, 2003 Prince
(5 coins) Est. $125 William, 2005 Dancing Man; plus One Dollar (Tuvalu) 2009 Famous
751 Proof Fifty Cents Bush Babies 2010-2011 set complete Battles in History — Gettysburg (5 coins) Est. $100
(5 coins) Est. $125 777 Proof Fifty Cents 2008 Proclamation Shilling Tribute; One Dollar
752 Proof Fifty Cents Bush Babies 2010-2011 set complete 2008 Australian Football, Coat of Arms, Christmas Island,
(5 coins) Est. $125 Kangaroo Dreaming and Turtle Dreaming; 2010 Commonwealth
753 Proof Fifty Cents Bush Babies 2010-2011 set complete Silver Coinage; 2011 Copper Coinage (8 coins) Est. $175
(5 coins) Est. $125 778 Proof Fifty Cents 2008 Proclamation Shilling Tribute; One Dollar
754 Proof Fifty Cents Bush Babies 2010-2011 set complete 2004 Moon Walk (no outer card box but with bonus Apollo 11 cloth
(5 coins) Est. $125 patch), 2008 End of WWI 90th Anniv and Sydney/Kormoran coin,
755 Proof Fifty Cents Bush Babies 2010-2011 set complete in 5-coin medallion and replica badges set; plus Specimen One Dollar 2004
case for the series (5 coins) Est. $125 Royal Visit Florin (5 items) Est. $100
756 Proof Fifty Cents Sea Life II 2011 complete (5 coins) Est. $125 779 Proof Fifty Cents Sea Life series 2009-10 less Lionfish
else complete; plus duplicates of Clown Fish and Sea Horse
757 Proof Fifty Cents Sea Life II 2011 complete (5 coins) Est. $125 (6 coins) Est. $150
758 Proof Fifty Cents Sea Life II 2011 complete (5 coins) Est. $125 780 Proof Fifty Cents Bush Babies 2010 Kangaroo, Sugar Glider; 2011
759 Proof Fifty Cents Sea Life II 2011 complete (5 coins) Est. $125 Bilby, Dingo (4 coins) Est. $100
Session 1
782 Proof Fifty Cents Bush Babies II 2012 Kooka; 203 Echidna, Possum, 810 Proof One Dollar 2009 Astronomy; 2010 Shanghai World Expo Australian
Wombat (4 coins) Est. $100 Pavilion, Pavilion Mascot; 2011 Royal Wedding (4 coins) Est. $125
783 Royalty themed Proof and Specimen coins compr 2003 Coronation 811 Proof One Dollar 2009 Southern Magnetic Pole, 2010 Husky
and Prince William, 2004 Royal Visit Florin, 2005 Prince Harry (2 coins) Est. $75
(4 coins) Est. $90 812 Proof One Dollar 2010 Celebrate Australia coins for ACT, NSW, Qld,
784 Royalty themed Proof and Specimen coins compr 2003 Coronation, SA, Tas, Vic; all but the South Aust and Tasmania coins are Coin
2006 Eliz II Birthday, 2007 Golden Wedding, 2008 Prince Charles Fair issues (6 coins) Est. $125
60th (4 coins) and Prince William, 2004 Royal Visit Florin, 2005 813 Proof One Dollar 2010 Celebrate Australia coins for ACT, NSW, Qld,
Prince Harry (4 coins) Est. $90 SA, Tas, Vic; WA, all but the South Aust and Tasmania coins are
785 Prooflike One Dollar 2001 Gregorian Millennium coins Coin Fair issues (7 coins) Est. $150
(2 coins) Est. $75 814 Proof One Dollar 2010 Commonwealth Silver Coinage, 2011
786 Prooflike One Dollar 2001 Gregorian Millennium coin (no slipcase); Commonwealth Bronze Coinage; plus Fifty Cents 2012 FIFA World
Proof One Dollar 2006 TV, 2016 Decimal Currency 50th Anniv Cup Brazil (3 coins) Est. $75
2-coin set; plus Holey Dollar & Dump set 1989 (4 items) Est. $125 815 Proof One Dollar 2010 Australian Flight, Australian Winter Olympics
787 Proof One Dollar 2001 Centenary of Federation Holey Dollar & Team, Burke & Wills, Celebrate Australia NSW, Commonwealth Silver
Dump, Prooflike One Dollar 2001 Gregorian Millennium coin; plus Coinage, Dolphin Dreaming, Lachlan Macquarie, Mary MacKillop;
Holey Dollar & Dump set 1990 (3 items) Est. $100 2011 Commonwealth Copper Coinage (9 coins) Est. $200
788 Proof One Dollar 2001 Centenary of Federation Holey Dollar & 816 Proof One Dollar 2010 Australian Flight, 2014 Wandering Albatross
Dump; 2004 Moon Walk; 2006 Australia-Japan Year of Exchange, (2 coins) Est. $75
Australia on the Map, Dame Edna, TV (6 coins) Est. $125 817 Proof One Dollar Celebrate Australia 2010 Northern Territory,
789 Proof One Dollar 2004 Eureka Stockade locket coins (2 coins) Est. $90 South Australia, Victoria, the first and last are Coin Show specials
790 Proof One Dollar 2004 Eureka Stockade locket coin; plus 2009 (3 coins) Est. $90
Kangaroo Dreaming and Turtle Dreaming coins (3 coins) Est. $90 818 Proof One Dollar 2010 Husky, 2011 Killer Whale, 2012 Emperor
791 Proof One Dollar 2004 Mawson Station Est. $75 Penguin (3 coins) Est. $125
792 Proof One Dollar 2004 Mawson Station, 2005 Leopard Seal 819 Proof One Dollar 2010 Sydney Cove Medallion with Wedgwood
(2 coins) Est. $100 collector plate and stand in custom box for the issue Est. $75
793 Proof One Dollar 2004 Mawson Station, 2005 Leopard Seal, 2006 820 Proof One Dollar 2010 Shanghai World Expo Australian Pavilion,
Edgeworth David (3 coins) Est. $150 Cityscape, Kookaburra Mascot, Panda & Koala Mascots; plus map-
794 Proof One Dollar 2004 Moon Walk; 2006 Australia on the Map, TV; shaped coin with Kookaburra Mascot (5 coins) Est. $150
2007 Harbour Bridge, Phar Lap, SAS, Year of the Pig lenticular coin 821 Proof One Dollar 2011 Celebrate Australia coins for Blue Mountains,
(7 coins) Est. $125 Great Barrier Reef, Heard and McDonald Islands; plus 2012 Shark
795 Proof One Dollar 2005 Leopard Seal, 2006 Edgeworth David Bay, all Coin Fair releases (4 coins) Est. $100
(2 coins) Est. $100 822 Proof One Dollar 2011 Celebrate Australia coins for Blue
796 Proof One Dollar 2005 Leopard Seal, 2009 South Magnetic Pole, Mountains, Great Barrier Reef, Heard and McDonald Islands all
2010 Husky (3 coins) Est. $150 Coin Fair issues; plus 2012 Christmas locket coin and Two Dollars
797 Proof One Dollar 2006 Australia on the Map, TV; 2008 Australian 2013 Ludwig Leichardt (5 coins) Est. $125
Football (3 coins) Est. $75 823 Proof One Dollar 2011 Duntroon, RAN; plus 2010 Kangaroo High
798 Proof One Dollar 2006 Australian Pre-Decimal Coins, 2007 Lunar Relief coin (3 coins) Est. $90
Holy Dollar & Dump set, 2008 Coat of Arms (3 coins) Est. $75 824 Proof One Dollar 2011 Ginger Meggs; 2013 and stamps Australia’s
799 Proof One Dollar Discover Australia 2006 Melbourne, Uluru; 2007 First Banknote set and Prince George (3 items) Est. $90
Adelaide (3 coins) Est. $90 825 Proof One Dollar 2013 Aurora Australis, 2014 Wandering Albatross,
800 Proof One Dollar 2006 Figures of Note set individually cased with 2015 Elephant Seal (3 coins) Est. $125
matching certificates (5 coins) Est. $125 826 Specimen One Dollar map shaped 2013 Platypus, 2014 Koala
801 Specimen One Ounce 2007 Australian Native Icon Trio compr (2 coins) Est. $90
Koala, Kooka and RAM Kangaroo Rolf Harris design prepared for 827 Specimen One Ounce 2015 Funnel-Web Spider, 2016 Australian
the World Money Fair Berlin Est. $90 Stock Horse on card, Kangaroo (2) (4 coins) Est. $100
802 Proof One Dollar 2007 Davis Station, 2008 Humpback Whale 828 Proof One Dollar Anzac Spirit 2015 Making of a Nation, 2018 Not
(2 coins) Est. $90 Forgotten (2 coins) Est. $75
803 Proof One Dollar 2007 Davis Station, 2008 Humpback Whale, 2009 829 Specimen One Dollar map shaped 2015 Red Back Spider, 2016
South Magnetic Pole (3 coins) Est. $125 Dingo (2 coins) Est. $90
804 Proof One Dollar 2008 America’s Cup, Australian Football, 830 Specimen One Dollar map shaped 2015 Wedge-Tailed Eagle, 2016
Australian Olympic Team, Coat of Arms, End of WWI, First Fleet, Dingo (2 coins) Est. $90
Rum Rebellion, World Youth Day (8 coins) Est. $175 831 Proof One Dollar 2015 Wedge-tailed Eagle; plus Proof One Ounce
805 Proof One Dollar 2008 America’s Cup, Australian Olympic Team, 2017 series II coloured Year of the Rooster (2 coins) Est. $75
Coat of Arms, End of WWI, ink notations on most outer packaging
(4 coins) Est. $100 BASE METAL ISSUES
806 Proof One Dollar 2008 Coat of Arms, End of WWI 90th Anniv (2 832 Fifty Cents 2005 Lunar Year of the Rooster pack; One Dollar 2005
coins) Est. $60 Anzac 90th Anniv pair; 2008 Australian Football; 2009 Celebrate
807 Proof One Dollar Discover Australia 2008 Broome, Darwin, Kakadu Australia 8-coin set and Citizenship; Anzac Day 2009 (2), 2010,
(3 coins) Est. $90 2011, 2012; together with Cook Islands prooflike Fifty Cents 2004
Ned Kelly, 2007 Penny 1930 and Harbour Bridge lenticular coin (13
808 Proof One Dollar 2008 Humpback Whale, 2009 Southern Magnetic
items, 21 coins) Est. $60
Pole, 2010 Husky (3 coins) Est. $100
(2); together with 2008 Australian Football, Whale Shark, and 2012 851 Proof One Dollar (Cook Islands) 2011 Australian Commemorative
Animal Athletes Cheetah and Kangaroo (24 items, 33 coins) Est. $90 Florin 4-coin collection in silver; together with similar base metal
834 One Dollar 2008 Australian Football (5), World Youth Day (5); 2009 replica set in folder (2 items) Est. $125
Anzac Day (9); 2012 Anzac Day (6) (25 coins) Est. $60 852 Proof One Dollar (Tuvalu) 2008 Blue-Ringed Octopus; plus empty
835 One Dollar Anzac Day 2009-2014 inclusive, two of each; Citizenship Perth Mint Baby coin packs (2 diff) (3 items) Est. $125
2009 (3), 2010 (3), 2011 (2), 2013 (2) (22 coins) Est. $60 853 Proof One Dollar (Tuvalu) 2009 Saltwater Crocodile, 2010 Eastern
836 One Dollar 2009 Celebrate Australia 8-coin State and Territory Brown Snake (2 coins) Est. $125
set complete, 2009 World Heritage Sites 5-coin set complete; 854 Proof One Dollar (Tuvalu) 2009 Saltwater Crocodile, 2010 Eastern
together with Anzac Day 2010 and 2011, 2008 Australian Football Brown Snake, 2011 Box Jellyfish (3 coins) Est. $175
(2), Citizenship 2009 and 2011; plus 2009 Swimming and World
855 Proof One Dollar (Tuvalu) 2010 Kingsford Smith, 2011 Working
Masters Games (10 items, 21 coins) Est. $50
Dogs — Australian Cattle Dog and Beagle; plus Proof One Dollar
837 One Dollar 2009 Swimming Australia (10), World Masters Games (Niue) 2016 HMAS Sydney II (4 coins) Est. $100
(13) (23 coins) Est. $55
856 Proof One Dollar (Tuvalu) 2011 Beagle; 2012 Black Rhino, Wedge-
838 One Dollar Young Collector sets in original packaging for 2008 Tailed Eagle; Specimen One Ounce 2017 Chinese New Year; plus
Australian Animals and 2009 Astronomy (both unopened), 2010 Proof Fifty Cents 2016 Tiger Cub (5 coins) Est. $125
Backyard Bugs (2 in shippers) (4 sets) Est. $90
857 Proof One Dollar (Tuvalu) Endangered/Extinct Species 2011
839 One Dollar Young Collector sets in original packaging for 2008 Tasmanian Tiger, 2012 Tasmanian Wedge-Tailed Eagle, 2013
Australian Animals (unopened), 2011 Mythical Creatures, 2012 Tasmanian Devil (3 coins) Est. $90
Animal Athletes, 2014 Super Powers (4 sets) Est. $90
858 Proof Five Thousand Shillings (Uganda) 2002 Matthew Flinders
POSTAL/NUMISMATIC COVERS 4-coin collection Est. $125
840 Fifty Cents lunar year covers 2005, 2006; One Dollar lunar year covers
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018; together Silver Bullion
with One Dollar Chinese New Year numbered covers 2015, 2016, 859 Selection of silver ingots compr 5gms, 7.8gms and 10gms horoscope
2017, 2018 (the last three with Tuvalu coins) (15 covers) Est. $75 types; Credit Suisse 20gms; and hallmarked 20gms and 31.5gms
841 Fifty Cents 2006 Dame Edna and Queen’s Birthday; One Dollar anonymous types, the third is marked .925 and most others marked
2008 Beijing Games, Remembrance, World Youth Day; 2009 .999 silver, some with neck chains (6 ingots) Est. $60
Australia Post, Stargazing; 2010 Burke & Wills, Lachlan Macquarie,
Powered Flight, Shanghai World Expo; 2011 Duntroon, Nellie
Melba, Queen’s Birthday, 2012 Anzac Day, Road to London, Gold 860 One Cent set 1970-1990 complete in capsules housed in plastic
Medallists — Anna Meares (17 covers) Est. $75 tube, all full red; Two Cents 1966-1989 set missing set-only types on
plastic page VF-Unc; Five Cents 1981, 1991 and 2001 varieties paired
842 Fifty Cents 2006 Queen’s Birthday and Year of the Dog; One Dollar
with normal examples Unc; Ten Cents 1966-2016 set missing 1985
2009 Year of the Ox; 2011 Bilby; 2013 Platypus (on card, no outer
and set-only types on plastic page, Fine-choice Unc; Twenty Cents
postal cover); 2013 Ludwig Leichardt; 2014 Red Cross (on card, no
2016 commem in dealer flip; together with One Cent 1966 mintmark
outer postal cover); 2015 Lighthouses, Longest Reign (2), Princess
trio, 1991 silver Proof and others 1980-1990 in 2x2s (8); Specimen
Charlotte (2); together with One Dollar (Tuvalu) covers 2013 Catbird,
One and Two Cents 1984 and 1985; Two Cents 2017 Revisiting a
Kingfisher, Pardalote, Shelduck; 2017 Diwali (2), Rare Beauties; 2018
Vision pack and other mixed dates in sets (44); Ten Cents 2014 and
Chinese New Year (2, consecutively numbered) (21 covers) Est. $100
Twenty Cents 1977 (2); Fifty Cents 1977 PNC plus dealer Half Kilo
843 One Dollar Bush Babies sets 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 complete bags of One Cent and Two Cents, Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $50
(10 covers) Est. $50
861 Proof One, Two (2), Fifty Cents 1966 together with empty 1966 proof
844 One Dollar 2007 SAS (6); 2008 Australian Football, Beijing Games, set cases (2, both types); Uncirculated One Cent from broken rolls
Remembrance (2, one numbered with gold embossing); 2009 1967 (40 approx), Two Cents 1972 (8) and 1974 (15) (lot) Est. $75
Australia Post; 2010 Burke & Wills, Lachlan Macquarie; Five
862 Broken/partial rolls compr approximations of One Cent 1973 (40),
Dollars 2004 Eureka Stockade; together with British Two Pounds
Two Cents 1975 (30), Five Cents 1975 (40). Ten Cents 1970 (35)
1999 Rugby World Cup Wales cover, and Australia Post 2009
and Twenty Cents 1976 (20) in wrappers Unc-choice Unc (approx
Micromonsters Praying Mantis medallic cover (16 covers) Est. $75
165 coins) Est. $75
845 One Dollar 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Year of the Tiger; 2013 863 Uncirculated One Cent 1967, Twenty Cents 1991 and Fifty Cents
Ludwig Leichardt, Year of the Snake; 2014 Air Mail, Forever Love, 1989 in dealer flips; Five Dollars 1988, 1990, 1992 (2), 1994 (3),
Banjo Paterson, Red Cross, WWI; 2015 Cats, Gallipoli, Lighthouses, 1996; together with One Cent 1980 mint roll, One Cent 1966/Penny
Longest Reign, Princess Charlotte, Wedding Day, Year of the Goat; 1964 pairs on cards (2), One and Two Cents 1966 and 1991 pairs
2017 Henry Lawson (17 covers) Est. $90 on card; Parliament House Openings 1927/1988 card featuring
846 One Dollar 2016 Butterflies, Gumnut Babies, Letters From the Front, Five Dollars 1988, Florin 1927 Canberra and medallion; two misc
RSL; 2017 Henry Lawson, Trans-Australia Railway, Wedding Anniv, One Cent on RAM One Cent collector card; plus prooflike silver One
Women in War; 2018 Chinese New Year and Year of the Dog; plus Ounce Koala medallions 1998 on cards (2) (lot) Est. $90
Christmas types 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 (14 covers) Est. $75 864 Uncirculated Two Cents 1969 (80, ex mint rolls), 1970 (4), 1980
847 Five Dollars 2004 Eureka Stockade (10 covers) Est. $100 (16, ex mint rolls) Unc-choice Unc (100 coins) Est. $75
Overseas Issues Australian Themes Proof Two Cents 1990; Ten Cents 1991 to 1998 inclusive in 2x2s;
together with Two Cents 1968 no “SD” aVF, cased commem Florins
848 Proof One Dollar (Cook Islands) 2002 Crown Jewels silver locket 1927, 1951 (2), 1954 4-coin set (the case fractured) and loose
coin, 2004 Cobb & Co; plus Five Dollars 2015 Rainbow Lorikeet 1927 Canberra and 1954 Visit, Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $60
(3 coins) Est. $75 866 Uncirculated Ten Cents 1969 (2), Twenty Cents 1972 (3), Fifty Cents
849 Proof One Dollar (Cook Islands) 2004 Cobb & Co (2), Steam Train; 1969 (13) together with misc sets on plastic pages 1983-1989 and
plus Proof One Dollar (Tuvalu) 2005 Penny 1930 (4 coins) Est. $100 misc Two Cents (20), Unc-choice Unc (lot) Est. $100
Session 1
Ten Cents 1966-1972 (30) and Fifty Cents 1991 Ram’s Head (10)
all from broken mint rolls and sets (70 coins) Est. $175 Western Samoa Proof Talas 1976 Games and 1977; plus loose
Philippines Piso 1974 (lot) Est. $90
869 Uncirculated Fifty Cents 1991 in flip; Five Dollars 1988, 1996 (2),
1997 Bradman PNCs (2), 2000 Paralympics (2); Specimen One 879 Proof Five Dollars 1988; Uncirculated Five Dollars 1988, 2006
Ounce ‘Roo 1993; together with low grade Shilling 1957, mixed Duyfken (2) and 2008 Bradman packs; Perth Mint Proof One Dollar
date Eliz II set in private issue folder; and Sydney Olympics 2000 (Tuvalu) 2010 Ned Kelly 4-coin set; together with Westpac Australian
Torch Relay medallions in information folders (2) (lot) Est. $75 Endangered Species 6-pc set and other misc modern medallions (7);
870 Uncirculated Fifty Cents 1998 (50, mostly choice Unc); misc high plus misc first day covers 1978-1988 (16) (lot) Est. $100
grade One (23) and Two Cents (28) mainly 1980s in 2x2s; other 880 Piedfort Ten Dollars 1993 Palm Cockatoo; Specimen Ten Dollars
misc One Cents in bags (210gms approx); together with misc Five Australia’s Olympic Heritage set 1994-1996 complete; Perth
and Ten Cents, and group of modern medallic singles and sets with Mint Holey Dollar & Dump sets 1989, 1990; plus Ten Dollars
some duplication (approx 20) Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $75 Bicentennial folder prefix AA17 also containing misc lower grade
871 Proof Fifty Cents 2000 Visit (damaged outer card box); One Dollar Two Dollars Johnston-Fraser and Twenty Dollars Coombs-Wilson
1996 (2), 1997; Uncirculated Fifty Cents 1995 in tape repaired (2) (lot) Est. $250
RBA Melbourne wrapper; plus private issue predecimal year sets 881 Proof Ten Dollars 2001 “The Future” (no certificate); Uncirculated
1910 (2), 1953 and Florin 4-coin commem sets less Melbourne Ten Dollars 1982, 1988 and State series 1985-1993 complete;
Centenary (2) (lot) Est. $125 plus Specimen Ten Dollars 1994 and 1995 pairs in 6-coin case for
872 Proof Fifty Cents 2000 Visit; Uncirculated Fifty Cents 1970 (cased); Five the complete series (12 items, 15 coins) Est. $225
Dollars 1990 (loose), 1992 (3), 1994 (3), 1996 (2), 2001 Bradman (3); 882 Centenary of Federation 2001 Proof 2-coin set for South Australia,
Perth Mint Specimen Kooka 2005 in capsule; together with One Cent Uncirculated 3-coin sets for ACT, NSW (no slipcase), Queensland
1987; Two Cents 1978 (3), 1985; Five Cents 2004; Twenty Cents 2001 and 2-coin set for Norfolk Island; 2018 Gold Coast One and Two
Bradman (5); Fifty Cents 1966 (3); Two Dollars 1996, 2002 in 2x2s VF- Dollars 7-coin collection; Five and Twenty Cents 2017 Bananas in
choice Unc; plus mixed grade Pennies 1919-1964 (6), Threepence 1948, Pyjamas 2-coin set; Fifty Cents 2116 commems in Changeover
Shilling 1946P, Florins 1916 and 1952 also in 2x2s (lot) Est. $125 flips (6) and cased 1966-1982 6-coin set (the case damaged); One
873 Uncirculated Fifty Cents 2009 Moon Landing (2), 2013 Coronation; Dollar 2016 Love Tokens 3-coin set; together with two privately
One Dollar 2008 Quarantine, 2009 Steve Irwin and Master packaged mixed date sets One Cent to Two Dollars, partial Mint
Mintmark (2), 2011C Mintmark, 2013 Black Caviar (2), 2011B, C, sets 1969, 2016, and partial 2-coin Mint set 2012 (lot) Est. $100
M, S 4-coin pack; PNCs One Dollar 2013 Black Caviar (2); Perth 883 1966 set with mixed date predecimal set in Hendo souvenir
Mint Fifty Cents 2006 Year of the Dog; One Dollar 2010 Year of album (nice condition), Perth Mint Holey Dollar & Dump set
the Tiger; plus Proof One Dollar 2011 and B/Unc One Dollar (Cook 1988; together with Perth Mint replica Kilo gold paperweight,
Islands) 2011 Koala & Eucalyptus Leaves (lot) Est. $75 Bicentennial Test Match 1988 medallic folders (2), and collection
874 Uncirculated Fifty Cents 2010 Melbourne Cup (5); cased Patina of other modern medallic and ephemeral items (20, some cased
retrospective pattern 1937 Crown 3-coin sets (3, one with only two and some duplication) Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $60
finishes, no silver coin); together with British Piedfort One Pound 884 Mint sets 1986, 1987; Uncirculated Ten Dollars 1986 (2), 1988;
1988, base metal Crowns (10, all but one cased); plus cased base together with Ten Dollars Bicentennial folder, Ten Shillings Coombs-
metal minors of Fiji, New Zealand (3, two diff), Russia Moscow Wilson Reserve, Cook Islands Three, Ten and Twenty Dollars ND
Olympics (5 diff), Western Samoa mainly Unc (lot) Est. $90 (1987) folder with matching serials 000883; plus three misc world
and funny money issues, Mixed Condition (11 items) Est. $90
885 Bicentennial Coin & Note Collection 1988 Coin Fair issue Est. $90
886 Bicentennial Coin & Note Collection 1988 Coin Fair issue, the Two
and Five Dollar notes vey nearly consecutive (2 sets) Est. $175
887 Bicentennial Coin & Note Collection 1988 Coin Fair issue
(2 sets) Est. $175
888 Bicentennial Coin & Note Collection 1988 in original shipper Est. $75
889 Bicentennial Coin & Note Collection 1988 (2 sets) Est. $125
875 Uncirculated One Dollar 1992 in Olympic flip; misc mainly Unc 890 Bicentennial Coin & Note Collection 1988 Est. $75
singles in 2x2s One Cent to Two Dollars incl two Twenty Cents errors 891 Bicentennial Coin & Note Collections 1988, removable(?) stains on
(20 coins, F/V=$10.47 incl a few 1966 types); Sixpence 1956 with one slipcase but the banknotes are consecutive (2 sets) Est. $125
prominent planchet error (pictured); Florin 1946 with cast forgeries 892 Masterpieces in Silver set 1990; Uncirculated Five Dollars 1988
1934 and 1952; plus silver fob 32x19mm by Charles Edward Adams (9, one loose), 1990 (3, one loose), 1996 in Westpac sleeves
hallmarked Birmingham 1908 with monogrammed initials “WB” (2), 2001 Bradman, 2011 Remembrance Day; Ten Dollars 1988
reverse engraved “1932” (pictured), Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $75 (17 items) Est. $150
876 Uncirculated One Dollar 2003 Vietnam packs (7), 2011B, C, M, S 893 Masterpieces in Silver set 1991; bags of near to and full red One
4-coin packs (6); Five Dollars 2002 Manchester Games 3-coin Cent 1967 (20), 1969 (20); Two Cents 1969 (21); together with
set, 2008 Bradman; Centenary of Federation 2001 3-coin set for Credit Mondial 2gms silver ingots on neck chains (2); Sydney
Norfolk Island; Fifty Cents 2010 Australia Day mint roll; plus Sands Olympics 2000 Mascot passport, 200 and 100 Days to Go pin and
of Gallipoli 2- and 7-medallion Our People — Their Service sets medallion set, other related Olympic pins/badges (3); AAT Whales
with stands (no outer cardboard packaging) and cased Decimal & Dolphins stamp and minisheet pack; misc Slovakian postal
Currency Silver Jubilee 1991 medallion (lot) Est. $175 cover and card; plus misc modern medallic items (5) (lot) Est. $90
877 Proof One Dollar 2008 Year of the Rat; Uncirculated One Dollar 894 Mint set 1993; Specimen Ten Dollars Australia’s Olympic Heritage
1998M, 2000C (2), 2004M in original packaging; Five Dollars set 1994-1996 complete; another set missing 1996 pair in
2008 Bradman; together with Sunday Herald Sun Steve Waugh case with removable deposit; plus Uncirculated Ten Dollars 1991
medallion; USA Proof 4-coin Presidential set 2010, and Proof silver (4 items) Est. $175
Lincoln Dollar 2009 (9 items) Est. $75
917 1992 the outer card box a little grubby Est. $400
896 Mint set 2002; Uncirculated One Dollar 1993C, 1994M, 1996M, 1999M,
2000C and Olymphilex S, 2003C (2), 2004C in original packaging; Five TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS UNC
Dollars 1990 (2), 1992, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2001 Bradman, 2006 Games 918 1980 Est. $400
Baton Relay; Australia Post One Dollar, Florin and stamps Federal
Parliament 1901-2001 pack; plus One Pound Coombs-Wilson Reserve 919 1980 Est. $400
aFine and Ten Dollars Bicentennial folder prefix AA22 (lot) Est. $100 920 1980 with the original ANZ stamped purchase receipt Est. $400
897 Proof set 2006; Specimen Ten Dollars Australia’s Olympic Heritage 921 1980 (2 coins) Est. $800
set 1994-1996 complete and 1997 Sydney pair; Uncirculated Twenty 922 1980 (2 coins) Est. $800
Cents 2011 Wedding (6 and complete roll); Fifty Cents 1994 wide 923 1980, 1982 (2 coins) Est. $800
date Year of Family PNC, 2006 Games (8 diff sports), 2011 National
Service; Five Dollars 1988 (2, one loose), 1994, 1996 in Westpac 924 1981 Est. $400
sleeve; together with Twenty Cents 1966-2004 13-coin portfolio (the 925 1982 Est. $400
earliest date 1976); cased Fifty Cents 1966-1988 6-coin and 1966- 926 1982 Est. $400
1991 7-coin sets; plus One Dollar RAM 5-coin set (lot) Est. $300 927 1982, 1983 (2 coins) Est. $800
898 Baby Mint sets 2008 (3); Proof One Dollar 1996 and 2001; Five Dollars 928 1985 the slipcase a little tired Est. $400
1988 (no outer card box); cased Fifty Cents 1970 (11, most specimen-
929 1987 Est. $400
like), 1981 Charles & Di (wrong case), 1991; uncased 2001 10-coin
set in plastic pockets; Five Dollars 1990, 1992 (2) (lot) Est. $100 930 1987, 1988 (2 coins) Est. $800
899 2-coin Mint set 2009; Uncirculated Twenty Cents 2001 Bradman in 931 1988 Est. $400
bubble pack; Fifty Cents 1982 (2), 1988 (2), 1991, 2003 Volunteers; 932 1989 Est. $400
One Dollar 1994C (10), M in original packaging; Five Dollars 1994 933 1990 Est. $400
(9); together with One Dollar first/last coin and notes folders (2
934 1991 the outer slipcase slightly damp affected Est. $400
consec), Penny 1964/Cent 1966 pair on private issue card, and
Perth Mint Specimen One Ounce 1997 Italy privy (lot) Est. $125 935 1991 Est. $400
900 2-coin Proof set 2010; 2-coin Mint set 2008; Uncirculated Five 936 1992 Est. $400
Dollars 1994 (10), 1996 (6), 1998 (12, two with p/cards), 2000 (8) 937 1993 Est. $400
(38 items) Est. $300 938 1994 Est. $400
901 2-coin Proof sets 2011, 2013; 2-coin Mint set 2008; plus
Centenary of Federation 2001 Unc 2-coin sets for ACT, Norfolk FLORAL EMBLEMS
Island, Northern Territory (2), Queensland, Tasmania (2), Victoria, 939 Proof One Hundred Dollars 1995 Waratah, damaged outer box Est. $450
Western Australia (2) (13 items) Est. $100 940 Proof One Hundred Dollars 1995 Waratah Est. $450
902 Mint set 2016 In Come the Dollars In Come the Cents (no outer 941 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 1995 Waratah and 1996
cardboard box); plus Proof Fifty Cents 2016 selectively gold plated Tasmanian Blue Gum in custom 9-coin box, with empty cases and
50th Anniv of Decimal Currency; plus Fifty Cents 1966 in capsule card boxes for the two coins and complimentary set of prints for
(3 items) Est. $75 the series (4 items, 2 coins) Est. $925
903 Accumulation of One and Two Cents (1.7kg approx); plus 942 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 1997 Kangaroo Paw Est. $450
Halfpennies and Pennies (790gms approx), many with verdigris
Poor-Good (lot) Est. $30 943 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 1997 Kangaroo Paw Est. $450
904 Masterpieces in Silver loose oddments incl issues 1988-2000 944 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 1998 Sturt’s Desert Pea Est. $450
One Cent, Two Cents, Five Cents (3), Ten Cents (4), Twenty Cents 945 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 1998 Sturt’s Desert Pea Est. $450
(16), Fifty Cents (15), One Dollar (5), Two Dollars (4) all in 2x2s or 946 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 1999 Common Heath Est. $450
capsules, all appear FDC (approx 50 coins) Est. $300
947 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 2000 Cooktown Orchid Est. $450
COIN PORTFOLIOS 948 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 2001 Golden Wattle Est. $450
905 Twenty Cents 1966-2004 13-coin collections (2, earliest date 949 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 2002 Sturt’s Desert Rose Est. $450
1976); Fifty Cents 1966-2000 12-coin collection, 2001-2004 13-
950 Uncirculated One Hundred Dollars 2003 Royal Bluebell Est. $450
coin collection (4 portfolios) Est. $50
906 Twenty Cents 1980-2013 10-coin portfolio, 2001 9-coin folder; Fifty RAM SINGLES
Cents 1966-1990 6-coin portfolio, 1991-2000 6-coin portfolio, 2001 951 Proof Ten Dollars 2007 Ashes Est. $150
9-coin portfolio, 2002-2014 7-coin portfolio; One Dollar 1984-2001
952 Proof Ten Dollars 2008 Rugby League Centenary Est. $150
9-coin portfolio, 2002-2011 9-coin portfolio (8 portfolios) Est. $90
953 Proof Ten Dollars 2011 Ram’s Head Dollar Est. $150
907 Fifty Cents 1966-1995 9-coin commem collection, similar 1966-
1998 10-coin collection; together with cased Fifty Cents 6 and RAM SETS
7-coin sets, both with 1966; and One and Two Dollars first/last 954 Proof One Hundred Dollars and Fifty Cents 2002 Accession Anniv
coin and note packs (6 items) Est. $75 pair in original plush case of issue with plaque and matching
Decimal Gold certificate, set no.1477 Est. $1,500
955 Proof Ten Dollars 2008 Year of the Rat Est. $150
908 1980 Est. $400
956 Proof Ten Dollars 2008 Year of the Rat Est. $150
909 1980 (2 coins) Est. $800
957 Proof Ten Dollars 2008 Year of the Ox Est. $150
910 1982 Est. $400
958 Proof Ten Dollars 2009 Year of the Ox Est. $150
911 1983 the coin capsule cracked Est. $400
912 1984 Est. $400 959 Proof Ten Dollars 2010 Year of the Tiger Est. $150
913 1984 Est. $400 960 Proof Ten Dollars 2011 Year of the Rabbit Est. $150
Session 1
PROOF GOLD ‘ROOS 982 Specimen Twentieth Ounce 1997 in capsule; plus Twentieth Ounce
964 Proof Ten Dollars 2011 Est. $150 1998 in Australian Nugget Heritage set with natural nugget (2
965 Proof Ten Dollars 2012 Est. $150 items) Est. $175
966 Proof Ten Dollars 2014 Est. $150 983 Specimen Twentieth, Tenth and Quarter Ounce 2008 in capsules
(3 coins) Est. $400
RAM VARIOUS 984 Specimen Tenth Ounce 2011 in capsule Est. $150
967 Proof Five Dollars Little Dinkums 2010 Cockatoo, Tasmanian Devil 985 Specimen Quarter Ounce 1996 Est. $400
(2 coins) Est. $125
SYDNEY OLYMPICS 2000 COIN PROGRAM 986 Proof Twenty-Fifth Ounce 2008 Est. $60
968 Release 1 of set in timber case of issue with the remaining coins
987 Proof Twenty-Fifth Ounce 2010 Est. $60
in holders, missing one certificate with all others matching, the
release 1 coin with minor tone spot on rim (8 coins) Est. $3,250 988 Proof Twenty-Fifth Ounce 2010 Est. $60
989 Proof Tenth Ounce 2008 Est. $150
990 Proof Tenth Ounce 2009 Est. $150
991 Proof Tenth Ounce 2009 Est. $150
992 Proof Tenth Ounce 2010 Est. $150
993 Proof Tenth Ounce 2005 Est. $125
994 Proof Half Ounce 1988 Est. $650
969 Complete set of eight coins in timber case of issue with matching
certificates and subscriber medallion Est. $3,250
970 Proof Twenty Dollars 2001 Bradman bi-metal Tribute coin Est. $300
Perth Mint
971 Proof Twenty-Fifth Ounce 2005 in capsule with certificate Est. $50 995 Proof Two Ounces 1991 with certificate no.65 in timber case and
972 Proof Twentieth Ounce 1990; plus Holey Dollar & Dump set 1988 pouch of issue, the coin capsule slightly damaged Est. $2,500
(2 items) Est. $90
973 Proof Twentieth Ounce 1991 in wallet; plus Twentieth Ounce
platinum Koala 1989 in wallet (2 coins) Est. $125 996 Proof One Ounce 1995 no certificate or outer card packaging Est. $750
974 Proof Tenth Ounce 1989 in wallet Est. $150 997 Proof One Ounce 1995 in original shipper, the coin box slightly
sticky Est. $750
975 Proof Tenth Ounce 1994 in wallet Est. $150
998 Specimen One Ounce 1996 with phonecard Est. $750
976 Proof Tenth Ounce 1996; plus cased Australian Bullion Company
Half Gram ingot on neck chain and 1.09gms natural nugget in LUNAR ISSUES
capsule (3 items) Est. $250 999 Proof Tenth Ounce 2005 Year of the Rooster Est. $150
977 Proof Quarter Ounce 1997 Est. $400 1000 Proof Tenth Ounce 2006 Year of the Dog Est. $150
1001 Proof Tenth Ounce 2007 Year of the Pig Est. $150
1002 Proof Tenth Ounce 2008 series II Year of the Mouse Est. $150
1003 Proof Tenth Ounce 2009 series II Year of the Ox Est. $150
1004 Proof Tenth Ounce 2010 series II Year of the Tiger Est. $150
1005 Specimen Twentieth Ounce 1998 Year of the Tiger Est. $75
978 Proof Nugget set 1988, the timber case and outer card sleeve 1006 Specimen Twentieth and Tenth Ounce 2011 Year of the Rabbit in
damp affected (4 coins) Est. $2,750 capsules (2 coins); Est. $250
979 Proof Nugget set 1990, the One Ounce coin loose and with a couple 1007 Specimen Quarter Ounce 1996 Year of the Mouse Est. $400
of tone spots, the wallet a little damp affected (5 coins) Est. $2,750 SETS
1008 Proof Twenty-Fifth Ounce Australian Prospector Series 2001-2005
5-coin set Est. $300
1009 Proof Twenty-Fifth Ounce Australian Prospector Series 2001-2005
5-coin set Est. $300
1010 Precious Metals mini Proof set 1990 Est. $125
1011 Precious Metals mini Proof set 1998 Est. $150
980 Proof Nugget set 1991, the outer wallet a little damp affected
1012 Precious Metals mini Proof set 1999 Est. $150
(5 coins) Est. $2,750
commencing 4.30pm
Decimal Banknotes
1015 Precious Metals Proof set 1990, the lid separated from the timber
box but repairable Est. $2,750
Session 2
1040 Fifty Dollars CSIRO/RBA polymer test note Mark 2 with hologram
c.1977 ex Turbula machine testing, Fine and rare Est. $2,500
Gold Bullion
1041 Fifty Dollars CSIRO/RBA polymer test note Mark 3a with optical
security device c.1977 ex Turbula machine testing, gFine
and rare Est. $2,500
1042 Fifty Dollars CSIRO/RBA polymer test note Mark 3a with optical
security device c.1977, a similar note to the previous but
with marked registration shift, ex Turbula machine testing,
gFine and rare Est. $2,500
1037 Degussa .999 feingold 20gms ingot in sealed plastic holder
as issued Est. $1,100
Session 2
and Twenty Dollars Coombs-Wilson and Five Dollars Coombs-
Randall, all with the Type One oval “specimen” overprints,
housed in original Reserve Bank of Australia cloth-bound
album, pristine Est. $35,000
Decimal Banknotes
1048 One Dollar Coombs-Wilson consec pair (R71) slight handling mark
else Unc (2 notes) Est. $75
1044 Twenty Dollars Phillips-Wheeler Aust type 3 prefix XGY 1049 One Dollar Coombs-Randall (R72) very light handling marks
000000 Specimen number 85 in PMG holder graded 55 About aUnc Est. $250
Uncirculated EPQ
1050 One Dollar Phillips-Wheeler CofA, Aust in PCGS holders graded
ex Stacks Bowers Gallery auction January 2018 Est. $5,000
Gem Unc 65 and 66 respectively (2 notes) Est. $125
1051 One Dollar Knight-Wheeler centre consec run of eight (R76a)
centre fold, light flick and all with light marginal stains else fresh
gEF-aUnc (8 notes) Est. $75
1052 Two Dollars Johnston-Stone mixed prefixes consec pair, trio and
run of four (R88) virtually Unc-Unc (9 notes) Est. $50
1053 Two Dollars Johnston-Fraser prefix LFF consec run of 32
(R89) the first two with very light handling marks else Unc
(32 notes) Est. $125
1054 Five Dollars Coombs-Randall (R202) Unc Est. $150
1055 Five Dollars Phillips-Wheeler CofA prefix NJH consec run of five
(R204) a few with hint of centre fold else Unc (5 notes) Est. $500
1056 Five Dollars Johnston-Fraser Gothic consec run of eight (R209b)
Unc (8 notes) Est. $150
1057 Five Dollars Fraser-Higgins consec pairs (R212) slightest hint of
1045 One Hundred Dollars Johnston-Stone type 4 Specimen pair centre fold in one pair, the other with light bumps on one note,
in Reserve Bank of Australia light cardboard information folder, aUnc-virtually Unc (4 notes) Est. $75
both notes with prefix ZAA 000000, the displayed reverse
1058 Five Dollars Fraser-Cole polymer consec run of nine dark green
numbered 76 and the hidden reverse numbered 576, as
serials (R214) Unc (9 notes) Est. $150
issued and very scarce — the first this cataloguer has handled
(2 notes) Est. $12,500 TEN DOLLARS
1059 Ten Dollars Coombs-Randall (R302) one a little grubby else VG-aVF
(3 notes) Est. $75
1060 Ten Dollars Johnston-Stone consec pair (R308) with centre folds
aUnc (2 notes) Est. $90
1061 Ten Dollars Johnston-Stone consec run of ten (R308) virtually Unc-
Unc (10 notes) Est. $500
1062 Ten Dollars Johnston-Stone mixed prefix consec pairs (2) one note
with partial fold else gEF-virtually Unc (4 notes) Est. $200
1046 One Hundred Dollars Fraser-Evans type 5 prefix AA96 000000 1063 Ten Dollars Johnston-Fraser paper consec run of ten (R309)
Specimen number 521 in PMG holder graded 65 Gem Uncirculated virtually Unc-Unc (10 notes) Est. $300
EPQ Est. $7,500
1064 Ten Dollars Johnston-Fraser mixed prefixes incl consec pair
(R309) a couple with minor handling marks else aUnc-Unc
(10 notes) Est. $250
1067 Ten Dollars Fraser-Higgins consec pair (R312) patchy toning right 1089 Fifty Dollars Phillips-Wheeler YAB second prefix (R505) one note
hand side else Unc (2 notes) Est. $50 with light waviness top margin else Unc (2 notes) Est. $250
1068 Ten Dollars Fraser-Higgins consec run of ten (R312) the first note 1090 Fifty Dollars Knight-Wheeler side consec trio (R506b) Unc
with the slightest of indents else Unc (10 notes) Est. $350 (3 notes) Est. $350
1069 Ten Dollars Fraser-Cole consec run of six with plate letter T (R313) 1091 Fifty Dollars Knight-Wheeler side consec trio (R506b) Unc
Unc (6 notes) Est. $175 (3 notes) Est. $350
1070 Ten Dollars Fraser-Evans 1993 issue blue Dobell mixed prefixes 1092 Fifty Dollars Knight-Stone (R507) minimal waviness left hand side
incl CF pair and strong wet ink transfer error, the last aVF, else Unc Est. $100
remainder with handling marks else Unc (11 notes) Est. $250
1093 Fifty Dollars Johnston-Fraser Gothic consec pair (R509a) light
TWENTY DOLLARS centre fold else fresh aUnc (2 notes) Est. $200
1071 Twenty Dollars Coombs-Randall XBQ first prefix (R402) Fine with 1094 Fifty Dollars Johnston-Fraser OCR-B (R509b) Unc Est. $150
good colour Est. $300 1095 Fifty Dollars Johnston-Fraser OCR-B consec pair (R509b) Unc
1072 Twenty Dollars Coombs-Randall XBQ first prefix (R402) book (2 notes) Est. $350
pressed Fine Est. $300 1096 Fifty Dollars Fraser-Higgins consec trio (R512) the slightest hint of
central bend else Unc (3 notes) Est. $300
1097 Fifty Dollars Fraser-Cole consec pair (R513) a couple of light folds
and waviness aUnc (2 notes) Est. $200
1113 Fifty Dollars Phillips-Wheeler Aust YAA first prefix (R505) flick right
hand side else virtually Unc
For a $5 first prefix note with identical serial digits see lot 1107 Est. $500
1114 Fifty Dollars Johnston-Stone YHJ first signature prefix (R508)
some light pressure waves else Unc Est. $400
Session 2
1105 One Dollar Coombs-Wilson AAA first prefix consec pair (R71)
centre fold else Unc (2 notes) Est. $750
1106 One Dollar Johnston-Stone DPS last prefix consec trio (R78) Unc
(3 notes) Est. $100
1115 One Hundred Dollars Fraser-Cole ZLD last signature and type
prefix consec pair (R613) virtually Unc-Unc (2 notes) Est. $500
1116 Five Dollars Fraser-Evans original colour BA93 first signature
prefix dark green serials consec pair; together with Two Dollars
1107 Five Dollars Coombs-Randall NAA first prefix (R202) light flick right first/last note and coin folder (the coin is a proof and the note bears
hand side virtually Unc the second last prefix LQF) the pair Unc (2 items) Est. $75
For a $50 first prefix note with identical serial digits see lot 113 Est. $350
1117 Five Dollars Macfarlane-Evans Centenary of Federation AA01 first
and JD01 last prefix consec pairs, and EM01 consec trio (R219)
Unc (7 notes) Est. $75
1118 Five Dollars Macfarlane-Evans Centenary of Federation AA/JD01
first and last prefixes; Ten Dollars Macfarlane-Evans AA98 first
year prefix ex low numbered note set in PCGS holder graded
Gem Unc 65; plus Twenty Dollars Stevens-Parkinson AA13 first
signature prefix in plastic case (the note easily removed) (R219,
318, 422) Unc (4 notes) Est. $90
1119 Five Dollars Macfarlane-Henry BA06 first year prefix consec run of
five (R220) Unc (5 notes) Est. $75
1108 Five Dollars Coombs-Randall NAA first prefix consec pair 1120 Five to Fifty Dollars Macfarlane-Henry 2006 first year prefix set
(R202) slightest hint of flick on one note else virtually Unc-Unc with the last four digits of the serials matching (R220, 320, 420,
(2 notes) Est. $750 520) Unc (4 notes) Est. $175
1109 Five Dollars Fraser-Cole QGX first prefix; together with Fraser- 1121 Five Dollars Macfarlane-Henry HB06 last signature prefix consec
Higgins QJR last prefix in official NPA perspex slab with stand run of five (R220) Unc (5 notes) Est. $75
(R212, 213) the loose note virtually Unc (2 notes) Est. $125
1122 Five to Fifty Dollars Macfarlane-Henry 2006 last signature prefix
1110 Ten Dollars Fraser-Cole MRR last signature prefix with plate letter set with the last four digits of the serials matching (R220, 320,
Q; Twenty Dollars Fraser-Evans ADK last type prefix (R313, 415) 420, 520) Unc (4 notes) Est. $175
virtually Unc (2 notes) Est. $75 1123 Five to Fifty Dollars Stevens-Henry 2007 first signature prefix set
with the last four digits of the serials matching (R221, 321, 421,
521) Unc (4 notes) Est. $175
1124 Five to Fifty Dollars Stevens-Henry 2007 last year prefix set with
the last four digits of the serials matching (R221, 321, 421, 521)
Unc (4 notes) Est. $175
1125 Five Dollars Stevens-Fraser 2016 prefix AA16 in previously unseen
folder; plus mixed prefixes including consec pair EC16 0399998/9
(11) (R224) Unc (12 notes) Est. $100
1126 Ten Dollars Macfarlane-Henry AA06 first year prefix consec run of
five (R320) Unc (5 notes) Est. $125
1111 Twenty Dollars Coombs-Wilson XAA first prefix consec pair (R401)
1127 Ten Dollars Macfarlane-Henry GL06 last signature prefix consec
very light flick else Unc (2 notes) Est. $500
run of five (R320) Unc (5 notes) Est. $150
1112 Twenty Dollars Coombs-Randall XBQ first prefix (R402), flattened
1128 Twenty Dollars Macfarlane-Henry AA02 first signature and KM02
of folds else aEF Est. $500
last year prefix (R420) Unc (2 notes) Est. $75
Unc (3 notes) Est. $250 folders with matching serial 1409404, 2-note folder with EJ16
1134 Fifty Dollars Macfarlane-Henry AA06 first year prefix consec run of last prefix note; plus Ten Dollars 2017 single and 2-note folders (5
five (R520) Unc (5 notes) Est. $500 folders, 7 notes) Est. $90
1135 Fifty Dollars Stevens-Henry AA07 first signature prefix consec trio 1153 Ten Dollars Fraser-Cole prefix MPY no plate letter consec run of
(R521) Unc (3 notes) Est. $300 four serials 666660-3 (R313) Unc (4 notes) Est. $125
1136 Fifty Dollars Stevens-Henry JC07 last year prefix consec trio 1154 Ten Dollars Lowe-Fraser prefixes AF and AH17 with identical
(R521) Unc (3 notes) Est. $300 serial 2324111; plus prefixes CG, CI and DA with identical serials
1668841 (R325) Unc (5 notes) Est. $100
1137 Fifty Dollars Stevens-Henry AA08 first year prefix consec pair
(R521) Unc (2 notes) Est. $200 1155 Twenty Dollars Fraser-Cole consec prefixes RLB/RLC consec run of ten
serials 680075-84 (R413) virtually Unc-Unc (20 notes) Est. $1,000
1138 Fifty Dollars Stevens-Henry MD08 last year prefix very near consec
pair (R521) Unc (2 notes) Est. $200 1156 One Hundred Dollars Fraser-Evans prefix AF99 semi solid serial
999000 (R616) light centre fold, some waviness and other light
1139 Fifty Dollars Stevens-Henry AA09 first year prefix consec trio handling marks aUnc Est. $250
(R521) Unc (3 notes) Est. $300
1140 One Hundred Dollars Fraser-Evans JK96 last signature prefix, ACCUMULATIONS
Macfarlane-Evans AA98 first signature prefix (R616, 618) Fine- 1157 One Dollar Coombs-Wilson, Phillips-Wheeler CofA, Knight-Wheeler
gFine but useful space fillers (2 notes) Est. $400 side consec pair, Johnston-Stone (21, many in runs) (R71, 74, 76c,
1141 One Hundred Dollars Macfarlane-Evans CF98 last year prefix 78) earlier notes and some Johnston-Stone with light centre folds
(R618) gVF Est. $200 otherwise fresh aUnc-Unc (25 notes) Est. $90
1142 One Hundred Dollars Macfarlane-Evans AA99 first year and JK99 1158 One to Twenty Dollars Coombs-Wilson; plus Five Dollars Coombs-
last signature prefixes (R618) Unc (2 notes) Est. $400 Randall (R71, 81, 202, 301, 401) aUnc-Unc (5 notes) Est. $90
1143 One Hundred Dollars Macfarlane-Evans AA99 first year prefix (2), 1159 One Dollars Coombs-Wilson (2), Phillips-Randall (2), Knight-
JK99 last signature prefix (R618) gFine-VF (3 notes) Est. $550 Wheeler side, Knight-Stone; Two Dollars Coombs-Wilson consec
pair and single; Five Dollars Knight-Wheeler Gothic centre and
1144 One Hundred Dollars Stevens-Henry AA08 first signature prefix
OCR-B; Ten Dollars Coombs-Randall, the last note Fine, remainder
consec pair (R621) Unc (2 notes) Est. $400
VF-Unc (12 notes) Est. $90
1145 One Hundred Dollars Stevens-Henry AA08 first signature and
1160 One Dollar Phillips-Wheeler CofA prefix BCL with very low serial
EL08 last year prefix (R621) the first EF, the second virtually Unc
000912; plus Phillips-Wheeler Aust consec pair (R74, 75) aUnc-
(2 notes) Est. $400
Unc (3 notes) Est. $75
POLYMER TEST NOTES 1161 One Dollar Knight-Stone consec pair, Johnston-Stone consec runs
1146 Five Dollars Macfarlane-Evans prefix AQ97 consec pair; plus of ten (2, one with faulty first note) and single (light centre fold)
Ten Dollars Johnston-Fraser Bicentennial second printing (R77, 78) Unc unless stated (23 notes) Est. $60
AB57 last prefix (R218, 310b) the pair Unc, the last note Fine 1162 One Dollar Knight-Stone consec trio, Johnston-Stone consec run
(3 notes) Est. $100 of 19 (slight banding pressure bends); Two Dollars Johnston-
1147 One Hundred Dollars Fraser-Evans AN96 first prefix; plus AA96 Fraser consec run of five (similar banding pressure bends) (R77,
first signature prefix note (R616) Fine-aVF (2 notes) Est. $350 78, 87) virtually Unc-Unc (27 notes) ( Est. $75
1163 One Dollar Johnston-Stone consec run of ten; Two Dollars Johnston-
RADAR NOTES Fraser mixed prefixes consec pairs (3) and run of ten (R78, 89) some
1148 One Hundred Dollars Fraser-Evans prefix CN96 test note with serial light centre folds else fresh aUnc-Unc (26 notes) Est. $90
860068; plus Twenty Dollars Fraser-Evans 1994 issue (R616, 416)
1164 One Dollar Johnston-Stone mixed prefixes (8), Two Dollars
the first VF, the second Unc (2 notes) Est. $225
Johnston-Fraser mixed prefix consec pairs (2), Ten Dollars
Johnston-Fraser consec pair in Australian Banknote Collection
album with information inserts and political funny money (4, two
diff) the notes with minor faults else generally fresh gVF-aUnc, the
album very useful (14 notes) Est. $75
1165 One Dollar Johnston-Stone; Five Dollars Johnston-Fraser ORC-B,
Gothic consec pair; Ten Dollars Coombs-Randall (2), Johnston-
Fraser (R78, 209a, b, 302, 309) the Coombs-Randall notes a little
grubby VG-aFine, remainder EF-Unc (7 notes) Est. $75
1149 One Hundred Dollars Fraser-Evans prefix AK99 serial 922999 (R616) 1166 One Dollar Johnston-Stone consec run of five; Two Dollars Phillips-
some waviness else a nice aUnc 8-digit radar note Est. $250 Randall, Johnston-Fraser consec trio; Twenty Dollars Coombs-
Wilson (R78, 89, 401) the Two and Twenty Dollars with degrees of
centre fold else Unc (10 notes) Est. $75
Session 2
Phillips-Randall (R207, 212, 403) the Five Dollars pairs Unc, the
last with flattened centre fold else crisp gEF (5 notes) Est. $150
1171 Five Dollars Knight-Stone consec pair and two singles; Johnston-
Stone consec pair and three singles (R207, 208) all with central
pay packet bends else aUnc (9 notes) Est. $100
1172 Five Dollars Knight-Stone; Ten Dollars Johnston-Fraser paper,
Johnston-Fraser Bicentennial second printing prefix AB21 (2),
Fraser-Cole without plate letter (R207, 309, 310b, 313) aUnc-Unc
(5 notes) Est. $125
1173 Five Dollars Johnston-Fraser OCR-B consec trio; Twenty Dollars
Coombs-Wilson (R209a, 401) the trio with trace of centre fold and 1190 Two Dollars Coombs-Wilson consec pair (R81s) with the additional
banding pressure bends virtually Unc, the last with flick else Unc fault of having different wet ink transfers on the front (one with
(4 notes) Est. $75 wheat ears, the other with Macarthur portrait) and partial transfer
1174 Five Dollars Johnston-Fraser Gothic, Fraser-Cole paper consec run on the reverse of the second. The first note grubby and trimmed at
top margin with extensive central tear and tape reinforcement, the
of ten (R209b, 213) the first wavy else Unc (11 notes) Est. $150
second note VG, a very interesting pair (2 notes) Est. $1,000
1175 Five Dollars Fraser-Cole polymer dark green serials, Fraser-Evans
1995 issue, Macfarlane-Evans Centenary of Federation, Macfarlane-
Henry 2006 issue; plus Stevens-Fraser prefixes CC and CG16 with
identical serials (R214, 216, 219, 220, 224) Unc (6 notes) Est. $75
1176 Five Dollars Fraser-Cole polymer dark green serials (3, incl pair),
Fraser-Evans 1995 issue, Stevens-Fraser 2016 issue (6, all diff
prefixes) (R214, 216, 224) Unc (10 notes) Est. $125
1177 Five Dollars Macfarlane-Evans Centenary of Federation, Stevens-
Parkinson; Ten Dollars Johnston-Fraser Bicentennial dated note (no
folder), Fraser-Higgins, Fraser-Cole with plate letter A (R219, 222,
310, 312, 313) the last note aUnc, remainder Unc (5 notes) Est. $90 1191 Two Dollars Coombs-Randall (R82s) book pressed crisp VF Est. $750
1178 Ten Dollars Phillips-Randall (light centre fold and other creases), 1192 Two Dollars Phillips-Randall (R83s), some spotting gFine Est. $200
Johnston-Fraser, Fraser-Higgins (2) (R303, 309, 312) the first FIVE DOLLARS
EF or much better, remainder virtually Unc-Unc, all fresh
(4 notes) Est. $100
1179 Ten Dollars Johnston-Fraser Bicentennial first printing consec pair,
Macfarlane-Henry 2006 issue (2), Lowe-Fraser prefix AE17 consec
run of five (R310a, 320, 325) Unc (9 notes) Est. $200
1180 Twenty Dollars Coombs-Wilson, Coombs-Randall, Phillips-Randall,
Phillips Wheeler Commonwealth (R401, 402, 403, 404), the
Coombs-Randall VF, others EF-aUnc Est. $600
1181 Twenty Dollars Phillips-Randall, Phillips-Wheeler CofA and Aust
(R403, 404, 405) virtually Unc-Unc (3 notes) Est. $500 1193 Five Dollars Coombs-Randall (R202s) flattened and with subdued
1182 Twenty Dollars Knight-Stone Gothic, Fraser-Cole (R407a, 413) the colour else gVF with body Est. $750
second with flicks else Unc (2 notes) Est. $125
1183 Twenty Dollars Johnston-Stone, Johnston-Fraser OCR-B (R408, 1194 Ten Dollars Coombs-Wilson (R301s) Fine Est. $200
409a) Unc (2 notes) Est. $150
1184 Twenty Dollars Johnston-Fraser OCR-B, Phillips-Fraser (R409a,
411) Unc (2 notes) Est. $150
1185 Twenty Dollars Phillips-Fraser, Fraser-Higgins, Fraser Cole AAA,
Fraser-Evans (R411, 412, 413, 415) nice Unc (4 notes) Est. $250
1186 Twenty Dollars Fraser-Higgins, Fraser Cole, Fraser-Evans (R412,
413, 415) Unc (3 notes) Est. $200
1187 Fifty Dollars Fraser-Cole; plus One Hundred Dollars Johnston-
Stone prefix ZAF serial 220033 (R513, 608) the last with centre
folds else aUnc-virtually Unc (2 notes) Est. $300 1195 Ten Dollars Coombs-Randall prefix ZSE (R302s) flattened else
crisp VF Est. $750
1232 Andrew Melbourne Penny and Halfpenny (A11,12) the first EF, the
last Fine (2 tokens) Est. $175
Session 3
1233 Annand & Smith Melbourne Penny (A18) VF Est. $90
1234 Annand & Smith Melbourne Penny (A18); Jones Ballaarat Penny
(A304) the first Fine, the second gVF with “107” in Indian ink on
reverse (2 tokens) Est. $150
1237 Ashton Auckland Penny (A23) a few reverse scrapes else gVF Est. $100
1238 Barley Auckland Penny (A27) cleaned long ago and retoning aVF Est. $90
1240 Booth Melbourne Penny (A44) even brown gVF Est. $125 1247 Clark Auckland Penny (A64); Day & Mieville Dunedin Penny (A98)
VF (2 tokens) Est. $125
Session 3
1241 Brickhill Campbell Town Penny (A45); plus Matter Hobart Town
Penny (A356) Fine-VF (2 tokens) Est. $125 1248 Clarkson Christchurch Pennies (A66, 68) VF-gVF (2 tokens) Est. $150
1242 Bullen Melbourne Halfpenny (A-; R62; H.R12) VF or better Est. $150
1243 Bullen Melbourne Halfpenny (A-; R62; H.R12) possibly ex burial
else VG and scarce Est. $60
1249 Clarkson and Turnbull Timaru Penny (A69) a couple of rim
bruises VF Est. $175
1250 Cook Sandridge surcharged Penny, Henderson Fremantle Penny
(A1051, 218) VG-aFine (2 tokens) Est. $200
1251 Crocker and Hamilton Port Adelaide Penny (A82) EF Est. $200
1252 Crocker and Hamilton Port Adelaide Halfpenny (A83) aUnc Est. $100
1253 Crothers Stawell Penny (A86) wiped long ago else nice VF Est. $150
1263 Hanks & Lloyd Sydney Pennies (A188, 192) the first with rim
cuts and scratches in fields, the second scarce, aFine-aVF
(2 tokens) Est. $100
1264 Harrold Bros Adelaide Penny (A195) superb virtually Unc, very rare
this grade Est. $1,500
Session 3
1256 Fenwick Melbourne Penny (A121) VF Est. $125
1265 Hedberg Hobart Town Penny (A198) slight ding between “O” and
“H” else EF and scarce this nice Est. $250
1257 Fleming Hobart Town Penny (A129) subdued mint red aUnc Est. $125
1258 Friedman Hobart Pennies 1857 (A134, 136); plus Murray and
Christie Castlemaine Penny (A397) Est. $75
1259 Gippsland Hardware Port Albert & Sale Penny (A145) reverse
lamination flaw else VF Est. $125
1260 Hall Christchurch Pennies (A165) VG-aFine (2 tokens) Est. $100
1267 Henderson Fremantle Pennies (A217, 218) VG-EF (2 tokens) Est. $125
1268 Hide & De Carle Melbourne Penny and Halfpenny 1857 (A227,
234) VF-gVF (2 tokens) Est. $100
1269 Hide & De Carle Melbourne Penny 1857 (A227); Rocke Melbourne
Penny (A466) Fine-gFine (2 tokens) Est. $75
1270 Hide & De Carle Melbourne Penny (A230) VF Est. $50
1271 Hide & De Carle Melbourne Penny and Halfpenny 1858 (A243,
246) VF (2 tokens) Est. $90
1261 Hanks Sydney Penny (A184) VF or better Est. $100
1283 Love and Roberts Wagga Wagga restrike Penny (A335) as struck
from worn dies and rare, ex Baldwin Est. $300
1275 Howell Adelaide Penny (A275) subdued hint of mint red, gVF Est. $175
1276 Hurley Wanganui Pennies (A276) Fine-gFine (2 tokens) Est. $75
1284 Martin Adelaide Penny, Martin & Sach Adelaide Penny (A349,
350) old Indian ink number on reverse of last, Fine-gFine
(2 tokens) Est. $150
1277 Iredale Sydney Pennies (A292, 293) gVF or better (2 tokens) Est. $200
1278 Iredale Sydney Pennies (A293) gFine-VF (2 tokens) Est. $125
1296 Stokes Melbourne Penny (A544) red and brown Unc. “44” pencilled
1288 Murray & Christie Castlemaine Penny (A395) underlying mint red on reverse Est. $250
EF, extremely rare in this condition Est. $200
Session 3
1290 Palmer Sydney Penny (A408) with traces of red, EF Est. $200
1301 Whitty and Brown “Ram” Penny (A630); plus Whitty and Brown
“Advance Australia” Penny (A632) Fine-gFine (2 tokens) Est. $125
1294 Stewart & Hemmant Brisbane and Rockhampton Penny (A505) red
and brown, aUnc Est. $100
1303 Peace and Plenty Melbourne Penny (A652) gVF Est. $100 1312 Commercial Travellers Association WA Sixpences (2), Shillings (3, both
types) and Two Shillings mixed metals, Fine-VF (6 checks) Est. $125
Session 3
1313 Parers Cafe Melbourne Threepence, Sixpence and the rare Three
Shillings in brass, gFine-gVF Est. $90
1304 Peace and Plenty Melbourne Pennies (A652,656); plus Stokes
advertising Pennies 1862 (A510, 531, 540), all with degrees of
impairment, some scarce, Good-Fine (5 tokens) Est. $60
1314 Prahran club Sixpence, Shilling (both types), Two Shillings (both
types) and Four Shillings, mixed metals, Fine-gVF Est. $125
1310 Bairnsdale Club checkpieces for One Shilling and Ten Shillings VF- 1316 Commercial Travellers Association Tasmania Threepence,
gVF, notorious difficult to obtain (2 checks) Est. $75 Sixpences (2), Shilling, Two Shillings and Five Shillings in mixed
metals, VF-EF and difficult to assemble (6 checks) Est. $125
Exhibition Medallions
1318 Collection of bread tokens compr Broken Hill, Kurri Kurri, Newcastle
and suburban, A Roderick, Toronto, Tighes Hill, E.T. Williams, Wangi
bakery and Yeatman brothers (19 different, all with descriptions
and reference numbers in 2x2s); together with misc checks
Session 3
including Masonic Club Hobart (NH67, rarity 6) and other minor
issues (7) Fine-Unc (27 items) Est. $100
1324 Products of New South Wales Sydney 1854/Exhibited at the
Exposition Universelle Paris 1855 medallion 72mm in silver by
L.C.Wyon, three figures: Australia, Britannia and France, kangaroo
1319 Australian ferry tokens incl Bellerive, Hegarty’s, Sydney Ferries, at right, Rev agricultural scenes around central legend (C1854/5;
Stockton Ferries, Sydney Harbour Ferries and Port Jackson, BDM VI, 630) couple of tiny rim disturbances otherwise brilliant
Manly Steam Ship Company (13, all with reference numbers); virtually As Struck in maroon fitted case, lightly toned and very rare
together with 1988 Darling Harbour monorail tokens (12 different); Regarded by many as the finest Australian medal on account of the
plus Farewell monorail token 1988-2013 and Municipality of detailed workmanship Est. $4,000
Willoughby (NSW) dog registration tags 1969-1990 (22); VF-Unc
(48 items) Est. $75
1320 One Shilling EF with traces of red Est. $300 1325 Sandhurst Industrial Exhibition 1879 prize medallion 38mm in
silver awarded to “Eliza Clarkson, Fitzroy Vase Wool Flowers” a
few rim bruises else VF Est. $150
Session 3
1346 Small group of medalets and medallions c.1901-1997, incl
Bendigo Easter Fair souvenir with full gilding, E.W.Cole token and
a 1922 Ramblers Football club badge by Stokes, useful lot, Mixed
Condition (16 items) Est. $75
1347 Australian and world base metal medalets and medallions (approx
1kg), Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $75 1353 Boer War QSA with replacement clasps for Rhodesia, SA01 and Cape
Colony, named to 19 Pte J.D.Macleod Victorian Scouts, comes with
FOBS extensive research and relevant family documentation VF
John Davison Macleod is listed in Murray p.251 with service number
717. lists Macleod as a member of Cameron’s
Victorian Scouts Est. $300
Australian Militaria
1354 WWII complete newspapers, The Age, The Argus and The Herald;
detailing mayor events, July 30th 1940 to the Japanese surrender
in August 1945 (11, the Argus September 1945 copy, with the
laid Weekend Magazine); all in protective plastic sleeves and all
complete (12 items) Est. $75
1348 Motorola 20 Years Service fob medalet 29mm in .9999 gold 1355 WWII unadorned spent artillery shells (5); plus cake knives (2, one
(weight 28.3gms) in what appears to be the case of issue, no stipple engraved “New Britain: 4/11/44”) (7 items) Est. $75
maker name or award recipient Est. $1,200
1349 2007 Blast Off; 2008 Beijing Games 3-pc cover, Megafauna,
World Youth Day 3-pc cover; 2009 Dolphins of the Australian
Coastline, Earth Hour 3-pc cover, Micromonsters; 2010 Fishes
of the Reef, Mar McKillop 3-pc cover, Melbourne Cycling, Wildlife
Caring; 2011 F-111, Mythical Creatures 3-pc covers (2, diff),
Presidents Cup 2-pc cover; 2012 Medical Doctors 3-pc cover (16
covers, 31 medallions) Est. $75
1350 2011 Mythical Creatures 3-pc covers (2, diff), Presidents Cup 2-pc 1356 WWI collection of modern limited edition 2001-2004 Anzac biscuit
cover; 2012 Bathurst, Medical Doctors 3-pc cover, Sumatran Tiger; tins (20, minor duplication and all without contents); together with
2013 Black Caviar, Dinosaurs 3-pc cover and Timimus; 2014 Bush limited edition Arnotts tins (2) and Weetbix Cricket Australia tin
Ballads 3-pc cover, Floral Emblems, Open Gardens, Southern in excellent condition, including the different-sized blue RSL tin,
Lights 2-pc cover, Things that Sting 3-pc cover; 2016 RSL; plus mainly “UNIBIC” types (23 items) Est. $200
Australian Army The Rising Sun 2-pc medallion and stamp set (16 1357 WWI Sands of Gallipoli silvered medallic collections compr cased
items, 31 medallions) Est. $75 Victoria Cross 5-medallion set; Gallipoli Landing 5-medallion set;
1351 2015 Our Solar System single covers (7, some consec) and 90th Anniv 1915-2005 6-medallion set; plus 2007 2-medallion
3-pc covers (2, consec) high retail value (9 covers, 13 set (Gallipoli Landing and Simpson and His Donkey); medallic key
medallions) Est. $75 rings in original boxes (3); misc medal and pen with moving Rising
Suns; minor scuffs on some cases else as issued (lot) Est. $250
1373 Pair of artillery shell vases: one dated 1915 (Ypres), the other dated
1918 (Kemel); a nice original unpolished matched pair (200mm
high approx) (2 items) Est. $150
1380 Boer War QSA three clasps Cape Colony, Transvaal and Laing’s
Nek named to 15825 A.BR J Johnson 6th WD RGA with extensive
research VF Est. $125
1374 WWI trench art pair of artillery shell vases c.1917, an attractive
matched pair (2 items) Est. $100
Session 3
1375 WWI and WWII ashtrays (3) and officer’s cap, fashioned from 1916
artillery shell (4 items) Est. $75
1376 WWII period Australian Florin smoothed on both sides and engraved
with palm tree, hut, sea, beach and sunset, well executed Est. $75
1381 Boer war QSA with five clasps Tugela Heights, Orange Free State,
1377 Freshly dry-cleaned regular Army uniforms (5) plus hat, RAAF
Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal and Laing’s Nek named to 4301 Sgt
uniforms (7), Victoria Tramways uniform, RAN uniform and bib
C Relf Devon Regt. VF Est. $150
together with misc shirts etc, a nice clean lot Est. $75
1382 Tiber medal 1903-04 in bronze named in script to Cooly Budraj Limboo
World Military Medals and Militaria S and T Corps; Geo V Faithful Service in the Special Constabulary
Medal named to Edward Harrold; together with Pakistan Independence
GERMANY Medal named to 1550468 NK Mohd Khan RPE and WWII Africa Service
Medal named to M 12451 J. Bimraiy, VF-EF (4 medals) Est. $125
1378 Third Reich 800 silver (gilt) breast badge; Luftwaffe bullion patch;
Nazi, Hitler Youth arm band; WWI 1914 Iron Cross and related
European decorations (3) etc, Mixed Condition (8 items) Est. $175
1379 Third Reich selection of replica badges and decorations (12); plus 1939 1383 WWI Military Medal named to 295475 Pte M.Lemon 4/Lond.R with
Iron Cross (heavy corrosion); Mixed Condition (13 items) Est. $75 extensive research including two pages of family data, gVF Est. $400
1386 Soviet Union souvenir cap decorated with multiple cloth and metal
military and sporting-related badges, As New Est. $50
1392 Miner’s right for the Colony of Victoria series S c.1890s unused,
1387 Edito-Service Geneva c.1977 Second World War group of
water stains else VF with crisp paper Est. $75
12x12.5cm subscription pictorial information cards in two binders
— the smaller binder houses Personality cards (72); the second 1393 NSW motor spirit ration ticket block of ten Two Gallons coupons
binder contains a rather disorganised mix of Crimes of War expiring 31st July 1949, one with small hole and another with
(11), Military Hierarchy (13), War at Sea (41), War in the Air (23), minor print loss, some separation along serrations else VF or
War on the Land (43) and Weapons cards (20) with no obvious better (10 coupons) Est. $75
duplication; a comprehensive but likely incomplete collection 1394 Large accumulation of mainly Victorian ephemera late 1800s to
with very high value if complete. The lot also comes with British 1960s, including Bank of NSW cash credit bond, mortgages, trade
enamel On Active Service 1915 buttonhole badge by J.R.Gaunt & receipts, trotting tickets etc, a most useful (lot) Est. $75
Son London impressed “50739” with very little enamel damage,
Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $75
1395 The following three lots represent a selection of ephemera from GERMANY
the contents of the pastoral lease “Anlaby” near Kapunda, South 1400 Shaping the World’s History cards Hamburg-Bahrenfeld 1933 in
Australia (all ex-lot 1101 from “Theodore Bruce (Auctions) Pty original album, good condition for age Est. $75
Ltd” 14th and 15th February 1978) and relating to historical
pastoralists Henry Dutton and Sidney Kidman
Ephemera relating to the pastoral property “Old Anlaby” in Kapunda,
South Australia including Kapunda Racing Club C 1911 fertilizer
advertisements, Mount Lyell Manures, early automotive flyers, Hume
Brothers gates, Hough Patent garden implement, Rudders Transport
Gratwicks, investment list, Roseworthy Agricultural College, J. Flavel
and Co horse rugs, Broken Hill Mines and Kalgoorlie Mines showing
positions of principal mines; and a letter from Murray Aunger Limited
c.1910 to Henry Dutton, an interesting lot (20 items) Est. $75
Session 3
original album, good condition for age Est. $75
1396 Ephemera incl original auction description for lot 1011 on the back of
“Anlaby” receipt, farm equipment flyers incl “McNally grip dropper”,
Humes all-steel field gates, “Raplin” hand ice machine, Frank Young 1402 Pictures of German History cards Hamburg-Bahrenfeld 1936 in
and Tom L Browne shearing contractors letter to Anlaby Manager, original album. good condition for age Est. $75
stud horse flyer, investment letter, “Titan” vacuum cleaner, great
tree puller and log rolling machine (ex AWGPH, Adelaide), Perkins Postcards
automatic gate, the “Modern” sheep castrating machine and Papua
Plantations Limited 1913 application for surplus shares, all housed in
DuPont mylar archive holders, Mixed Condition (12 items) Est. $100
Session 3
Reynolds, Gene Kelly, Arthur Askey, Dinah Shore, Douglas Fairbanks
1990s with some earlier, some duplication; together with a few
Junior, Stanley Holloway, The Great Levante, Chesney Allen, Gene
PSEs, loose mint issues, plus New Zealand Post Narnia 2005
Aurry, etc, fascinating and in nice condition (lot) Est. $100
stamp, minisheet and cover set (100s) Est. $60
1432 Music CDs: classical, Renaissance, liturgical, symphonic,
1442 Collection of decimal first day and souvenir covers mainly in
orchestral, chamber and choral, a broad range of 15th-20th
marked envelopes (100+, noted 1957 Flying Doctor Service and a
Century music, the cases, boxes and booklets all very good, no
few world types in the mix); together with a small group of stamp
scratches or marks on the discs, some items never played, high
packs, loose mint and PSEs (F/V exceeds $25, there could be
retail value (86 items including several double CDs) Est. $75
more) and Expo 88 Collection of Pavilion Postmarks cover set in
Australian Stamps custom album (lot) Est. $50
1443 Collection of first day, souvenir and other covers c.1970s-2000s
AUSTRALIAN STATES loose and in large ring binder that also includes stamp packs,
1433 Collection mint and used with all states represented; together with PSEs, prepaid aerogrammes and loose mint (F/V exceeds $130)
used Roos and George V Heads to Five Shillings, mint and used (100+ items) Est. $100
issues 1928-1965, decimal oddments, British collection 1840- 1444 Selection of FDCs (36 with some duplication), stamp packs (approx
1960s incl two Penny Blacks; plus Canada, Germany, USA etc, $12 face value) and a tray of used World and Australian on piece,
Mixed Condition (100s) Est. $150 Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $45
1434 KGV Head Two Pence surcharge on Penny Half Penny Red small 1445 Collection of c.2000s bound stamp souvenir and Prestige
multiple watermark half sheet of 60 with partial Ash imprint Collection booklets (18, F/V=$145 approx) containing mainly
plus block of 42, lightly toned, fresh with undisturbed gum MUH 45 Cents to 55 Cents issues; plus additional mixed International
(102 stamps) Est. $200 Post types included in some folders ($24 approx), and stamp
1435 Sturt Centenary 1930 Penny Halfpenny part sheet of 90 and packs for Living Together and Gardens of Australia, total approx
Threepence part sheets of 54 and 38 gum heavily toned together F/V=$200 (lot) Est. $125
with Laos bottom of the sheet strips of five with sheet serial numbers
and date incl 1973 One Hundred and Fifty Kip (2 types) and 1974
Twenty-Five, Ninety and One Hundred and Fifty Kip MUH Est. $50 1446 Black Caviar 2013 stamp packs “ A Racing Legend”, “The
Greatest Sprinter in the World”, “The Wonder From Downunder”
two examples of each pack (total F/V=$84); two Australia Post
Black Caviar 2013 medallic covers; plus two Mary MacKillop 2009
stamp packs (F/V=$12) (10 items) Est. $75
1447 Accumulation in three albums (approx F/V=$200); plus album of
mainly used predecimals and partial Antarctica set 1957-1990s,
Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $100
1448 Collection c.1980s in ring binder mainly values 27 Cents to One
Dollar (approx F/V=$150) (lot) Est. $100
1449 Collection of early 2000s packs mainly 45 Cents in photo album
(F/V=$48); loose collection of mid 2000s mainly 50 Cents and 55
cents (approx F/V=$140 approx) the collection with other values 5
1436 Kingsford Smith 1931 Air Mail issues incl Twopence horizontal
Cents to $2.75, some packs incl additional International Post types
strip of 15, Threepence imprint block of 42 and Sixpence
(approx $60); together with a couple of PSEs and an East Timor
Horizontal (right-hand top of sheet) strip of 28, some toning but
2002 pack (lot) Est. $150
useful multiples MUH, minor separation (85 stamps) Est. $125
1457 1981 to 1990 deluxe editions inclusive (10 volumes) Est. $175 1477 Small collection of British mint predecimal (£1+) and decimal
1458 1981 to 1990 deluxe editions inclusive (10 volumes) Est. $175 singles and multiples (£22+) in Chinese hingeless album; another
1459 1986 to 1992 inclusive, all deluxe editions (7 volumes) Est. $150 small album with British Commonwealth issues mainly relating to
royalty c.1935-1947 (28 stamps); together with small collection
1460 1991 to 1997 inclusive, all deluxe editions (7 volumes) Est. $200 of Australian first day covers c.1980s (32 covers) in album, and
1461 1995 to 1998 deluxe editions inclusive; 1990/1991 Collectors’ small collection of Australian used decimal issues neatly arranged
Yearbook; Australian Territories Collection 1995 in custom in Royal Mail stock book, fresh lot with the stock albums in very
3-ring binder; Trains of Australia album with stamps; plus Royal good condition (4 albums) Est. $50
Commonwealth Society Eliz II Silver Jubilee 1977 complete first
day cover collection in album (8 items) Est. $150 NEW ZEALAND
1462 2001 and 2002 deluxe editions (2 volumes) Est. $75 1478 Decimal Mint sheets of one hundred: One Cent (4); Two Cents (5);
Three Cents (4); Four Cents (4); Five Cents (2); and Nine Cents
1463 1999 to 2003 deluxe editions inclusive (5 volumes) Est. $200
(4); all mineral series types; plus oddments of same in blocks of
1464 1998 to 2004 inclusive, all deluxe editions (7 volumes) Est. $275 ten and twenty. Some minor fixing on a few, high catalogue value
1465 2003 to 2006 deluxe editions inclusive (4 volumes) Est. $200 (approx 2,400 stamps) Est. $100
1466 2005 to 2008 inclusive, all deluxe editions (4 volumes) Est. $225 1479 Post Office stamp packs, Rita Angus folders (9); 1983
1467 2009 to 2012 inclusive, all deluxe editions (4 volumes) Est. $250 Commonwealth Day (4); 1984 Military History (4); 1984
Involvement (4); 1984 Ski Fields (4); plus modern postcards
AUSTRALIA POST PUBLICATIONS (approx 70 items) Est. $50
1468 Sydney Olympics 2000 Australian Gold Medallists album, Athens 1480 Social Security Revenue stamps 1941 (2) One Penny to Four
2004 Australian Gold Medallists album (2 sets) Est. $100 Pounds; 1948 Five Pence to One Pound; 1950 (5) One Penny to One
1469 Collection of book and stamp publications compr 1988 Bicentennial Pound; 1951 (5) Two Pence to One Pound; 1952 (4) Threepence to
Collection, The Colonial Collection, The Story of Australian Birds, Ten Shillings; 1953 (3) One Penny to Ten Shillings and 1956-57 (3)
Barry Humphries: Moonee Ponds to Broadway, Antarctica, One Penny to Five Shillings; mainly Fine Used, some near complete,
Antarctic Whales & Dolphins, Australian World Heritage, Coming useful group with many high values (240 stamps) Est. $75
South, Gaining Ground, Gold Seekers of the 1890s, Mission to 1481 Small album of used issues Q.Vic to 1950s incl Q.Vic stamp duties
Planet Earth, The Nature of Australia (12 volumes) Est. $75 to Ten Shillings with misc early Commonwealth types (particularly
1470 Collection of book and stamp publications compr Australian South Africa), Belgium (some mint) and other world issues;
Impressionists, Dreams on Wheels, Golden Days of Radio, The together with near complete collection of mint and used New
Home Front, In Focus, Literary Legends of the 1890s, Working Life Zealand issues 1940-1960 on loose Seven Seas pages, inspection
in the 1890s (7 volumes) Est. $50 recommended (100s) Est. $75
1471 Collection of book and stamp publications and others compr Art RHODESIA
of Our Country, Australian Antarctica, Creatures of the Night, Forty
1482 Collection of imprint and colour indicator panes 1968-1978 and
Royal Years, History of Postal Services in Victoria, Links, Our Pets,
similar Zimbabwe 1980 panes with much duplication of each
Our World vols I, II and III, Stamping the Nation: Australia Since
type, all housed in five original shippers and most with technical
Federation, The Women of Oz, The World Down Under, Zoos of
information sheets (F/V exceeds $180); together with Zimbabwe
Australia (15 volumes) Est. $75
Two and Twenty Dollars Salisbury 1980 banknotes (P1, 4) the
1472 Collection of book and stamp publications compr The Anzac stamps MUH, the notes gVF-EF (lot) Est. $50
Tradition, Australians Under Fire, Medical Science in Australia,
Military Aviation, Taking Flight, Ties that Bind, Trains of Australia, WORLD
War & Peace, White Ensign (9 volumes) Est. $60 1483 United Nations flag stamp first day covers set 1980 in custom album
with covers from Bangladesh to Yugoslavia (16 covers) Est. $50
Session 3
and used collection with much duplication on foolscap pages in
ring binder (1,000s); together with two other sparse collections
in smaller albums, album and ice-cream tub with large quantity
of used Australian decimals; another ice-cream tub of used
Australian and British on paper with packets of unused hinges;
yet another tub with mixed used world issues mainly in dealer
packets; plus small quantity of misc publications, loose stamps,
accessories etc, Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $100
1490 Collection in seven albums incl Russia, Czechoslovakia etc;
together with Australian cinderellas, Hutt River etc, Mixed
Condition (lot) Est. $100
1491 Collection in six ring binders and seven hingeless stock albums;
together with an album of low value world banknotes, Mixed
Condition (lot) Est. $90
1498 Melbourne Cricket Club “Cricketers Dinner” menu from the
1492 Collections in two small and one larger album comprising earlier
Pavilion, Melbourne Cricket Ground, 8th February 1932; together
group of France and French territories incl Baden, Rheinland-
with misc medals, school badges, etc (5); Mixed Condition (6
Pfalz, Saarland, Wurttemberg and Monaco to the 1950s mixed
items) Est. $75
mint and used, all hinged in French soft cover album (100s);
A-Z hinged collection to the 1950s in “Improved” album (many 1499 Balmain First Grade Cricket Club NSW 1936-1937 Premiership
stamps have come loose, mixed mint and used); collection of winners cap by Farmers of Sydney, minimal mothing and a
generally earlier 20th Century to more recent mint and used rare survivor Est. $90
Australian and world issues in hingeless A4 album (noted a few
Australian States, Roos and George Heads) inspection is likely to FOOTBALL
reward (many 100s) Est. $125
1493 Large accumulation in 15 albums and loose in plastic sheets,
includes some Christmas Island and Australian FD’s Est. $100
1494 Box of Cinderellas and misc funny money in six albums, mainly
Unc (lot) Est. $75
1495 Thematic collection of hinged mainly mint issues c.mid 1900s
on quadrille pages in Exeter album and shipper/storage box, the
collection is by no means extensive but contains some full and part
sets, inspection recommended (250+ stamps) Est. $75
1496 Ex dealer stock comprising mint Christmas Island WWF Abbott’s
Booby Ten and Forty-One Cents pairs on Hagner strips (50);
Vatican 2005 souvenir/first day cover sets of six on Hagner pages
(37); collection of 200 mint Disney stamps; collections of 300
used Papua New Guinea (7) and British Pacific Islands issues (6);
collections of 500 mint British Commonwealth issues (5); and 1500 Collingwood Football Club: framed and signed display of Dale
collection of 3,000 mint and used world issues, plenty of resale Thomas Est. $90
potential (lot) Est. $100
1503 Baseball: ball from the first Claxon Shield held at Adelaide Oval
in 1934 (South Australia beat NSW in the 11th inning scoring its
inaugural winning run) the Kookaburra brand “Official League”
baseball is signed by the winning team (though somewhat faded)
and comes with “Trove” newspaper article from the match Est. $75
1504 Baseball: cap from the losing team (NSW) in the first Claxon Shield 1510 Masonite Corporation (Aust) Pty Ltd enamel badge by Stokes
of 1934; together with Leichardt District Baseball Club player’s (45mm) for visitors, Medalet 1886 Jubilee of the Wesleyan
cap (the 1929 Premiers) both in excellent condition and would Methodist Church in Victoria in silver/silvered plus a box of old
be enhanced by gentle cleaning. Consigned by the family of the watch parts, movements, 9ct gold lined cufflinks etc, Mixed
recipient (2 items) Est. $100 Condition (17 items) Est. $50
1505 Basketball; Bulleen Boomers tee shirt for 2009-10 season with 1511 Useful selection of mainly modern badges and related
team members names printed on the back, hand signed by retired items mainly in enamel, noted sporting, lifesaving, corporate,
ex-team member and Olympian Michele Timms, unwashed; religious, advertising and remembrance examples and old
together with research on Michele’s illustrious career, and miniature pocket knife in the mix, little duplication (approx
unrelated Moscow Olympics 1980 cased set of seven enamel 100 items) Est. $75
badges (lot) Est. $50
1506 World Masters Games Brisbane 1994 unawarded bronze (2) and Union/Worker Badges &
silver medals (2) on ribbons, a couple with pouches; together with Memorabilia
private issue 20-pc Bicentennial medallion set and other cased
modern medallic items (5, duplication) (lot) Est. $50
Geological Specimens
1513 St John Ambulance parade uniform coat and vest with a bag of
related cloth patches, pips, shoulder titles and belt; plus Naval
parade belt; other belts (2); Signal Corps parade jacket; calico
jacket etc. The lot also contains a cigarette card album with
military card oddments, etc, and a group of c.1910 and earlier
Capstan Australian Rules Capstan cigarette cards in original old 1522 Astrophylite (golden thread) mineral sphere 100mm Est. $125
album, Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $100
Jewellery/Cosmetic Accessories
Lodge Memorabilia
1514 Cased pair of 9ct gold enamel cufflinks; together with gilt
Freemasons Homes of Victoria Life Governor award with ribbon,
reverse engraved “H.Linley 1952”; badge for president, reverse
engraved “Pres. By Victory Primo Lodge No1 to Bro C.W.Davie CP
Session 3
President 1.1.60 to 30.6.68”; badge with inscribed dates “17-7-
19, 13-12-34 and 9.6.38”; plus suspender inscribed “GLV GLE” all
in unrelated case (5 items) Est. $60
1515 Masonic booklets, rules and regulations, certificates etc c1870 to 1990’s
plus Monitor booklets (3), complete 3 volume set of “Introduction to
Free Masonry) by Carl H. Claudy c.1946, modern Tahiti lodge medallion,
VHS tape “The Grand Lodge of Ireland” c.1989 and a Mother of Pearl 1523 Amber cabochons and .835 standard silver suire including neck
engraved jewel and Chinese Harmony Lodge masonic prism dated pendant and chain, bracelet with safety chain, ring and pair of
1997, a most interesting group, Mixed Condition (20 items) Est. $50 earrings (pierced ears) all matching; together with 1960s style gilt
1516 Victory Commemoration Lodge No.618 Victoria jewel on ribbon, leaf brooch set with three floral crystals, all in excellent condition
reverse engraved “Presented to Wor Bro R.J.Wilson as a token of (6 items) Est. $75
esteem”; together with Royal Freemasons Homes of Victoria badge
on ribbon with Life Governor suspender, reverse engraved “Wor Bro
J.Wilson 1978”; a related badge on metal Life Governor suspender by
Swann & Hudson, reverse engraved “Mrs D.B.Wilson 1977” all housed
in P.Blashki & Sons case; plus possibly unrelated Royal Fusiliers gilt
and enamel tie clip and cufflinks in fitted box (lot) Est. $45 1524 Caltex 14ct gold and diamond 40 years service award on tie
1517 Weston Street United Lodge No.94 Brunswick gilt and enamel badge bar clip Est. $100
on ribbon with suspender; together with apron, plastic keyring, 1525 Bag of silver and base metal neck chains; silver neck pendants
Masonic Bible in original box and New Testament miniature edition, (a couple with inset Australian silver coins); silver coloured ‘boot’
the last two items named to the same recipient (5 items) Est. $50 charm; oriental trinket box with mother-of-pearl inlay; plus sterling
silver vesta case (well used) (10+ items) Est. $75
1526 Small pendant in the shape of music box and silver pendant on
chain, base metal tie bars (9), gaudy lipstick holder, mourning
brooch on swivel mount, Egyptian souvenir ‘mummy’, miniature
perfume bottle, kookaburra cameo brooch; plus gold-plated rings
(4) and modern keyrings (3) Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $75
1530 Ladies 9ct gold opal set ring 8.4gms with valuation certificate
for $1,600 Est. $300
Session 3
1534 Japanese vintage “rag” dolls (4); plus enamelled porcelain face
mask (5 items) Est. $60
1540 Rotherhams size 12, 18ct gold half hunter gents crown
wind pocket watch with 9ct gold double albert chain and fob
(detached), not working, however the balance wheel swings
freely, a very nice lot Est. $2,000
1541 Unicorn 17-jewel automatic wristwatch (works) together with New
Zealand First Decimal/Last Predecimal official folder and Australia
Crown 1937 VF-Unc (3 items) Est. $50
1542 Accumulation of open face (9) and full hunter pocket watches
(2) four are key wind with the remainder stem wind; together
1535 Japanese vintage plaster painted and silk dressed dolls (six with 12 pocket watch keys. All watches in various states of
different); plus a box of c.1960s-70s dolls (5) and misc dolls’ disrepair (lot) Est. $125
clothes Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $90
Other Artworks/Ornaments
1549 Carved piece of driftwood 380mm of a female with wine jug and
1543 Open face 14ct gold pocket watch with New Zealand retailer glass, nice Est. $75
S.M.Din Akanoa details on dial and dedication inside back cover, 1550 Carlton Ware jazz stitch pattern Rivo bowl 250mm c.1936 (pattern
housed in old Angus & Coote box, ticks over Est. $200 3655) usual crazing and small restoration on rim but no chips
CLOCKS or cracks Est. $50
Session 3
1544 Ansonia Clock Company, New York, slate and marble mantle clock,
chimes the hours and half hours and ticks over, however would
benefit from a service to correctly adjust the chimes which are out
of sync. Attractive cottage house style with original pendulum and 1551 Statuette of horse and rider (track work jockey?) approx 370x330mm
size II key for winding (from the front) c.1882 Est. $200 in blackened solid metal (approx 9kg) detached from elliptical timber
and metal base with attached plaque “ENGRIS Australia 1985” and
1545 Old Smith’s Sectronic electric wall clock; quartz wall clocks (4); what appears to be “1/9” a weighty and very impressive piece
all in need of batteries; plus untested travel clocks (5); and a Brian Engris, born Queensland 1943, is a sculptor who works mainly
bag of ladies and gents wristwatches (9, mainly quartz types incl in silver, bronze, aluminium and pewter and whose work often
a working Seiko 21-jewel gents watch and a new boxed depicts figures from Australian history. He has received several
Sempre LCD gents wristwatch in working order) Mixed Condition military commissions and his work is represented in the Australian
(19 items) Est. $90 Defence Force Academy and Duntroon in Canberra Est. $100
1546 Selection of ladies and gents quartz wristwatches, pocket watches
Other Ephemera/Collectables
etc, most in need of batteries or other service but a couple new
(approx 30 items) Est. $50
1557 Two patinated bronze Italian made replicas of exhibits in the Louvre
museum in Paris (143mm and 60mm tall) (2 items) Est. $100
Session 3
1558 Large assembly of gold plated, silver plated and other base
1563 Convict love token uniface engraving on smoothed 1797 Cartwheel
metal 6 and 7-pc sets on Australian themes by various makers/
Penny “Forget me not” with floral motif, holed for suspension,
distributors, themes covered include birds, animals, flowers,
nice Est. $900
coins and banknotes, natural scenes etc, a colourful lot —
something for everyone and high resale or collector value
(13 sets) Est. $100
1559 Thailand vintage lidded brass bowl on three feet, the lid with crude
“Fu” style dog atop and crudely engraved with scaled dragons
and foliage. Probably c.1930s and without faults. Chamber pot
size and impressive Est. $75
1560 Small group of hallmarked and EPNS utensils compr sugar
tongs, large spoons (2, incl one with engraved initials and
inscription dated “1880-1905”), smaller spoons (3); plus
three cased 6-pc teaspoon sets in EPNS (2) and auphir, Mixed 1565 Maritime themed love token engraved on a smoothed milled
Condition (lot) Est. $50 bronze coin/token 28mm “T.Strouts to S.Felton Oct r e y 14th
CIGARETTE AND OTHER CASES 1781” with anchor and chain, reverse heart and arrows within
thistle and Tudor rose Est. $750
Session 3
1581 1880S, 1881S, 1881M, 1882M, 1882S, 1883S Avge Circ-VG
GREAT BRITAIN (6 coins) Est. $1,250
1569 Cartwheel Pennies 1797 (KM3777) one with reverse pitting and
trace of verdigris else both with strong legends aFine-Fine or
better (2 coins) Est. $75
1570 Cartwheel Twopence 1797 (S3776) a few small edge knocks
else gFine with very strong legends Est. $90
1582 1881S Fine Est. $250
MEXICO 1583 1881S aFine Est. $200
1571 Charles IV (1788-1808) Eight Reales 1794FM (KM109) aVF Est. $125 1584 1881S (2), 1882M, 1882S, 1883S; plus British Half Sovereign
1880 die 75, one of the 1881S with deep cut through monarch’s
head else Good-nearly Fine (6 coins) Est. $1,250
1585 1884M nearly Fine Est. $250
1586 1884M VG Est. $200
1574 Dump type A/1 in Eagle holder housed in box with certificate of
authenticity, strong crown and legend with weak date, a nice gFine
example well presented Est. $15,000
1601 1859 with obverse scratch under bust, EF/aUnc with the reverse
virtually as struck, notoriously difficult this grade Est. $1,500
1602 1860 in PCGS holder graded AU53, the key date Est. $1,250
Session 3
1632 1878M gEF Est. $500
1622 1873S gEF Est. $600 1633 1878M, 1885S, 1886M Fine-gFine (3 coins) Est. $1,250
1623 1874M gEF Est. $600 1634 1879M aUnc Est. $600
1624 1874S gEF Est. $600 1635 1879S aUnc, reverse better, key date Est. $1,000
1625 1875M in PCGS holder graded MS62 Est. $750
1638 1881M first head, long tail, small BP, WW incuse, superb reflective
1628 1876M Unc Est. $900 fields choice Unc Est. $2,500
1640 1882M variety (Mc Donald 63b, S3857c) gEF and rare 1649 1885S EF/gEF Est. $500
ex lot 104 (Quartermaster collection) and lot 1950 Downies
Reserve Bank of Australia Auction Nov 2005 Est. $900
Session 3
1671 1884S Unc Est. $750
1662 1878S EF Est. $500
1675 1887M gVF/EF the key date, rare in any condition Est. $1,750
1667 1882S second head, WW raised, Unc with reflective fields Est. $1,500 1676 1887M choice Unc, a beauty Est. $900
1679 1888M aUnc Est. $500 1690 1892M Unc Est. $600
Session 3
1680 1888S first head, small JEB, lovely choice Unc Est. $900 1691 1892S repositioned legend, long tail, normal JEB choice Unc Est. $750
1692 1892S repositioned legend, long tail, normal JEB, ex mint roll
choice Unc Est. $750
1693 1892S repositioned legend, long tail, normal JEB choice Unc Est. $750
1694 1892S repositioned legend, long tail, normal JEB choice Unc Est. $750
1695 1892S repositioned legend, long tail, normal JEB choice Unc Est. $750
1681 1888S first head, normal JEB, choice Unc, would be difficult to
better Est. $900
Session 3
1716 1898M Unc Est. $600
1704 1894S pick of a mint roll, nearly gem Grade Est. $900
1705 1894S ex mint roll choice Unc Est. $600 1717 1898S aUnc Est. $500
1706 1894S ex mint roll choice Unc Est. $600
1707 1894S ex mint roll choice Unc Est. $600
1754 1907S choice Unc Est. $600
1755 1908M Unc Est. $500
1756 1908M Unc Est. $500
Session 3
1788 1914P Unc Est. $500
1789 1914P Unc Est. $500
1831 1926P EF, rare date Est. $1,500 1843 1931P choice Unc Est. $600
1832 1927P gEF Est. $500 1844 1931P Unc Est. $500
1833 1928M lightly cleaned EF, a rare date Est. $1,750 1845 1931P Unc Est. $600
Session 3
1834 1928P choice Unc Est. $600
1849 1955 Melbourne copper and silver set in quality Lighthouse album, 1880 1962 Perth Halfpenny and Penny FDC (2 coins) Est. $750
the Penny with minimal toning, the Shilling with obverse toning 1881 1963 Melbourne silver set in 2x2s FDC (4 coins) Est. $250
else FDC (4 coins) Est. $1,500 1882 1963 Perth Halfpenny FDC Est. $400
1850 1955 Melbourne Penny; plus 1960 Perth Penny in 2x2s lightly 1883 1963 Perth Penny in PCGS holder graded PR65RD Est. $425
toned aFDC, the second coin spotty (2 coins) Est. $250
Session 4
1851 1955 Perth Penny and Halfpenny FDC Est. $7,500 1884 1912 superb, nearly Gem Grade Est. $1,250
1852 1955 Perth Halfpenny and Penny in PCGS holders graded PR62RB
(2 coins) Est. $6,000
1853 1956 Melbourne Penny in PCGS holder graded PR64RD Est. $350
1854 1956 Melbourne Florin in PCGS holder graded PR66 Est. $300
1855 1956 Perth Penny, a few tone spots on reverse and uneven toning
to the obverse aFDC Est. $3,000
1856 1957, 1961, 1963 Melbourne Shillings in 2x2s, some minor toning 1885 1913 choice Unc Est. $1,000
else FDC (3 coins) Est. $500
1857 1957 Perth Penny matte finish, toned aFDC Est. $300
1858 1958 Melbourne Penny, patchy toning with traces of mint
red aFDC Est. $150
1859 1958 and 1959 Melbourne Pennies, wiped aFDC (2 coins) Est. $125
1892 1923 cleaned at some stage, VG with the reverse better Est. $400
Session 4
obverse Est. $450
1893 1939 second reverse, red and brown Unc Est. $1,000
1894 1959 in PCGS holder graded MS65 with removable local dealer
price tag covering the official grading Est. $50
1902 1930 in Eagle holder with certificate of authenticity housed in
laminated timber box, VG/aFine Est. $12,500
1906 1946 Unc, a lovely even burgundy patina and virtually mark 1923 1910 choice Unc Est. $400
free Est. $1,250
1907 1948 obverse streak else near full red Unc Est. $45
1908 1949 in PCGS holder graded MS64RB Est. $75
1909 1951PL in PCGS holder graded MS65RD a lovely type coin Est. $250
1910 1910 in PCGS holder graded MS66 Est. $400 1924 1911 somewhat weak on the obverse else Unc Est. $400
1914 1924 specimen-like aFDC with Rare Coin Company ticket priced
at $65,000 Est. $2,500 1926 1914 cleaned Unc Est. $300
Session 4
1930 1918 lightly cleaned Unc, die crack through emu’s neck Est. $200
1921 1918 gEF Est. $750
1922 1923 Unc Est. $900
Session 4
1947 1936 choice Unc Est. $350
1971 1921 weakly struck reverse aUnc Est. $200
1963 1910 choice white Unc, a lovely virtually mark free example Est. $3,000
1964 1910 lovely first year type coin, choice Unc Est. $2,000
1965 1912 in PCGS holder graded Cleaned-Unc Detail, a rare date Est. $1,500
1966 1914 VF, the reverse a bit better Est. $60
1974 1924 a beautiful and well struck example, choice Unc Est. $3,000
1977 1924 aUnc Est. $300 1991 1931 choice Unc, nearly gem grade Est. $500
1978 1925 weakly struck reverse else cleaned aUnc Est. $150 1992 1931 Unc Est. $250
1979 1926 Unc Est. $1,250 1993 1931 in PCGS holder graded Planchet Flaw-AU Detail Est. $75
1980 1926 softly struck aUnc Est. $250 1994 1931 EF Est. $75
1995 1932 VG Est. $125
1996 1932 unevenly toned obverse VG/Fine Est. $90
1997 1932 VG-aFine (2 coins) Est. $200
Session 4
1981 1927 Unc Est. $300
1982 1927 Unc Est. $275
1983 1927 cleaned EF Est. $100
1998 1934 Unc with superb reverse Est. $400
1999 1934 in PCGS holder graded Cleaned-Unc Detail Est. $150
Session 4
some colour in Eliz II issues generally VG-aUnc (61 coins) Est. $75
Predecimal Rolls 2067 Halfpenny set less 1923 but with obverses in Hendo press-in
2045 Halfpenny 1961 in plain brown wrapper, ink notation on wrapper album, Avge Circ-aUnc (61 coins) Est. $75
(60 coins) Est. $175 2068 Halfpenny set less 1923 but with obverses and one spare in
2046 Halfpenny 1961 in plain brown wrapper, ink notation on wrapper Hawthorn Press press-in album, some colour in Eliz II coins
(60 coins) Est. $175 generally VG-aUnc (63 coins) Est. $75
2047 Halfpenny 1961 in plain brown wrapper, ink notations on wrappers 2069 Halfpenny set less 1923 but with obverses and one spare in Hendo
(2 rolls, 120 coins) Est. $325 press-in album, generally VG-aUnc (62 coins) Est. $75
2048 Halfpenny 1961 in plain brown wrapper, ink notations on wrappers 2070 Halfpenny set less 1923 but with obverses and one spare in
(2 rolls, 120 coins) Est. $325 Dansco press-in album, generally VG-aUnc with some colour in
2049 Halfpenny 1964 in plain brown wrapper, ink notation on wrapper the Eliz II coins (61 coins) Est. $75
(60 coins) Est. $150 2071 Halfpenny set less 1923 but with obverses and several spares in
2050 Halfpenny 1964 in plain brown wrapper, ink notation on wrapper Australian Coin Album Distributors press-in album, generally VG-
(60 coins) Est. $150 aUnc with some colour in the Eliz II coins (69 coins) Est. $75
2051 Halfpenny 1964 in plain brown wrapper, ink notation on wrappers 2072 Halfpenny set less 1923 else complete with obverses in dilapidated
(2 rolls, 120 coins) Est. $275 Dansco press-in album, aVG-aUnc (61 coins) Est. $75
2052 Halfpenny 1964 in plain brown wrapper, ink notation on wrappers 2073 Halfpenny set less 1923 else complete with obverses in Dansco press-
(2 rolls, 120 coins) Est. $275 in album, a couple cleaned else Avge Circ-EF (61 coins) Est. $75
2053 Shilling 1961 in plain brown wrapper (40 coins) Est. $350 2074 Halfpenny set less 1923 else complete with obverses in near new
2054 Shilling 1961 in plain brown wrapper (40 coins) Est. $350 Dansco press-in album, the 1918 substituted by 1939 first reverse
else much better than average Avge Circ-Unc (61 coins) Est. $100
Predecimal Sets 2075 Halfpenny set less 1923 else complete with obverses in near new
Dansco press-in album, a much better than average Avge Circ-
Unc set (61 coins) Est. $100
2076 Halfpenny set less 1914, 1917, 1923, 1939 second reverse, 1941,
1942 else complete with obverses in press-in album (some Geo V
coins loose-fitting); together with Sixpence 1962, Shillings 1961
(2) and 1962, Florin 1954 Visit and Edward VIII fantasy Crown
1936, Avge Circ-Unc (lot) Est. $75
Lot 2055
Session 4
the odd medallic item (1.4kg approx) Mixed Condition with the
Pennies generally above average (100s) Est. $50 2139 Pennies 1946, 1948M (2), 1949 (2), 1950M, the 1846 Fine, others
aUnc-Unc Est. $75
2140 Pennies 1953, 1953P, 1955P (5), 1957 (6), 1958P, 1960 (4), 1961
(5), 1962 (9), 1963 (2), 1964 (3), 1964P (19) and British Penny
1964 in dated 2x2s, mainly lustrous and many full red, EF-Unc
(57 coins) Est. $90
2141 Pennies 1955P, 1956P toned Unc (2 coins) Est. $50
2142 Penny 1964 (a couple of obverse carbon spots else full red); Florins
1927 Canberra (2, one with fully defined steps), 1951 Jubilee (2),
2124 Halfpennies (21) and Pennies mixed dates and monarchs (58) 1954 Visit, one Canberra Florin Fine else EF-Unc (6 coins) Est. $50
loose and in 2x2s on plastic pages, noted interesting Penny 1961 2143 Pennies, loose and unsorted with several earlies showing mint
metal flaw (pictured); together with Australia Post Penny 1945 and colour (approx 4kg) (100s) Est. $45
stamps “Peace in the Pacific” pack; British Crowns 1953, 1965, 2144 Threepences 1910, 1911, 1917 (6), 1938, 1941 (2), 1942D (2),
1981 (2, in Northern Bank pouches), 2007 Diamond Wedding 1942S, 1943 (5), 1943D, 1943S (2), 1944 (3), 1947, 1948 (4),
pack; New Zealand Florin 1949; plus album of misc 20th Century 1949 (3), 1950, 1951 (5), 1952 (3), 1953 (2), 1954 (2), 1955 (2),
world minors (approx 180 coins incl several Australian predecimal 1956, 1957 (2), 1958 (2), 1959 (3), 1960 (3), 1961 (2), 1962, 1963
and decimal coppers) Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $75 (2), 1964 (2) including several varieties in mixed packaging, Avge
2125 Halfpennies (5); Pennies (4); Threepences 1922, 1948, 1949; Shillings Circ-aUnc (66 coins) Est. $50
1952 (2); Florins 1946-1959 (9); together with New Guinea Shilling 1935, 2145 Threepences 1910 (4), 1911, 1916, 1917, 1918 (4), 1919, 1920
British coppers Q.Vic-George V (10, a couple holed), Germany Pfennig (2), 1921 (6), 1922 (6), 1925 (9), 1926 (6), 1927 (5), 1928 (5), 1934
1950, plus album with small collection of used Australian predecimals (5), 1936 (8), 1942D (2), 1943D, 1944S (3), 1949 (2), 1953, 1958
and decimals; and another small vintage album of Australian and world largely in chronological order with Sixpences 1946, 1948, 1950 (3),
mainly used issues, Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $75 1951 (7), Shilling 1960; plus British Threepences 1901-1948 (10),
2126 Halfpennies (11); Penny date set (54, no 1930, mintmark and Shilling 1956 and New Zealand Threepence 1946 in medium-size
other varieties but incl additional 1932 gilded type); Threepences album, Avge Circ-EF and more than useful (101 coins) Est. $100
(12, 8 pre 1946 incl three 1910); Sixpences (12, 7 pre 1946 incl 2146 Threepences 1910 (2), 1912 (2), 1914, 1915, 1916 (2), 1917 (5),
three 1910); Shillings (12, 8 pre 1946 incl three 1910); Florins 1918 (6), 1919 (5), 1920, 1921M (8), 1922 (2), 1923 (2), 1924,
(24, 10 pre 1946); Crown 1937 on plastic pages with additional 1925 (7), 1926 (2) on plastic page; plus 1942 in 2x2s (2) some
Uncirculated Ten Dollars 1982 and two British base metal Crowns, faults Avge Circ-Fine (49 coins) Est. $90
condition rather mixed but some pickings (129 coins) Est. $125
1927 (2), 1928, 1934 (2), 1935, 1936 (2) on plastic page, all with 2181 Shillings 1942, 1942S, 1944S, 1952; Florins 1940, 1946 aUnc-
readable Advance Australia and worth a look, generally Fine and Unc (6 coins) Est. $90
much better (29 coins) Est. $100
2182 Shillings 1943, 1943S Unc (2 coins) Est. $75
2158 Threepences 1944S, 1963 (2), 1964 (3); Sixpences 1944S, 1957,
2183 Shillings 1943S, 1944, 1948 aUnc-Unc with frosty patina
1962 (2), 1963 (2), Crown 1937 in 2x2s, the Crown EF with the
(3 coins) Est. $90
remainder aUnc-choice Unc (13 coins) Est. $90
2184 Shillings 1944, 1944S Unc (2 coins) Est. $75
2159 Threepence, Shilling and Florin 1944S in dealer flips; Shillings
1960 to 1963 in plastic pockets, all very high grade coins; plus 2185 Shillings 1944S (2), 1961, 1962 (3), 1963 (2); Florins 1960 (2),
mixed grade Halfpennies 1962 and 1964, Pennies 1951 and 1963 (3) in 2x2s aUnc-choice Unc (13 coins) Est. $100
1956, and cased Crown 1937, VG-Unc with some nice pickings 2186 Shillings 1946, 1946P aUnc-Unc (2 coins) Est. $100
(12 coins) Est. $90 2187 Shillings 1948, 1953, 1954, 1955 Unc-choice Unc (4 coins) Est. $90
2160 Threepences 1945 and later dates (6); Sixpences 1944, 1945 and 2188 Florins 1911, 1912, 1913 (2), 1915H, 1916M, 1917M, 1924, 1926,
later dates (55); Shillings 1946-1963 (25); Florins 1940 and later 1927 (both), 1928, 1933 (3), 1935, 1936 and 1939, a higher grade
dates (7) Avge Circ-gVF (97 coins) Est. $90 grouping Fine-EF (19 coins) Est. $250
2161 Threepences mixed dates and monarchs in loose fitting and damp 2189 Florins 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1914H, 1915, 1915H, 1916,
damaged Dansco ‘Supreme’ album (approx 40 coins with approx 1917, 1918 in 2x2s, Avge Circ-aFine (10 coins) Est. $60
20 pre 1946); together with further bag of Threepences 1948-
1963 (66) Mixed Condition (approx 105 coins) Est. $50 2190 Florins 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1914H (2), 1915, 1915H, 1916,
1922, 1923, 1924 in 2x2s, Avge Circ-aFine (12 coins) Est. $75
2162 Sixpences 1910 (2), 1911, 1912 (2), 1916 (3), 1919 (4), 1921 (3),
1922 (2), 1923 (2), 1925, 1926 (2), 1927 (3), 1928, 1934 (3) on 2191 Florins 1912 (3), 1914H (6), 1915H (2), 1916 (3), 1919, 1922, 1924,
plastic page Fair-Fine (29 coins) Est. $75 1926, 1928 on plastic pages, Fair-aFine (22 coins) Est. $125
2163 Sixpences 1910, 1911, 1939; Shillings 1910, 1911, 1916, 1952, 2192 Florins 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1927 Canberra, 1931, 1935,
1959, 1960; Florins 1910, 1911, 1936, 1940 in APCGS holder 1938-1963 inclusive and additional 1960 in As New Dansco
graded F-15; Crown 1937 (2, one cleaned) in mixed packaging, ‘Supreme’ album, many of the later dates cleaned to some degree
Fair-gVF (15 coins) Est. $60 else VG-aUnc (33 coins) Est. $125
2164 Sixpences 1936 (9), 1938 (3), 1942 (4), 1942D, 1942S (4) on 2193 Florins 1913, 1927 Canberra, 1933, 1936, 1939, 1941, 1943S,
plastic page; plus 1936, 1945, 1954 (3) and 1957 in 2x2s, aFine- 1945, 1947 (2), 1951, 1952, 1953, Jubilee (11), 1954 Visit (9),
Unc, a useful lot (27 coins) Est. $150 1961, 1962 in 2x2s VG-aUnc (34 coins) Est. $175
2165 Sixpences 1942, 1951, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1960; Shilling 1957 2194 Florins 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1931 (2, one aEF), 1932,
gEF-Unc (7 coins) Est. $75 1933 (2) in 2x2s, generally VG-aVF (10 coins) Est. $150
Session 4
flip, aUnc-Unc (33 coins) Est. $75
2207 Florins 1940, 1941 (2), 1943, 1943S, 1944, 1944S (3), 1945, 2234 Partial silver sets missing most scarcer types in three Hawthorn
1946, 1947 in 2x2s, a few gFine-aVF with the remainder aEF-Unc, Press albums with some spares compr Threepences (51),
a generally very high grade lot (12 coins) Est. $100 Sixpences (49), Shillings (36), Florins (47) Mixed Condition with
2208 Florins 1942 (2), 1943S (3) EF-Unc (5 coins) Est. $90 some pickings (3 part sets, 183 coins) Est. $250
2209 Florins 1943 (3), 1944 (3) aUnc-choice Unc (6 coins) Est. $100 2235 Accumulation of issues Sixpences to Florins 1922-1960s (38),
2210 Florins 1944, 1944S, 1951 Jubilee (3), 1953, 1954 Visit (16), Mixed Condition Est. $50
1956, 1959 ‘emu egg’ (3), 1960 (2) in mixed packaging Fine-aUnc 2236 Album containing Halfpennies (8), Pennies (12), Threepences
(28 coins) Est. $90 (11, 9 pre 1946), Sixpences pre 1946 (10), Shillings (4, two pre
2211 Florins 1946 (7), 1947 (2) gEF-choice Unc (9 coins) Est. $90 1946), Florins 1946-1963 (13); misc decimals to Two Dollars (F/V
exceeds $13) and misc world base metal issues to Crown-size
2212 Florins 1951 (3) 1952 (3) gEF-Unc (6 coins) Est. $125
(100s); together with cigar box containing mixed grade low value
2213 Florins 1951 Jubilee, 1954 Royal Visit both in PCGS holders graded world notes (25, incl JIM) Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $75
MS65, a nice high grade pair (2 coins) Est. $250
2237 Album containing large quantity of Halfpennies (83), Pennies (77),
2214 Florins 1951 Jubilee, 1954 Royal Visit both in PCGS holders graded Threepences (130, 63 pre 1946), Sixpences (88, 23 pre 1946),
MS64 (2 coins) Est. $100 Shillings (55, 8 pre 1946), Florins (65, 19 pre 1946); plus British
2215 Florins 1951 Jubilee, 1954, 1954 Visit, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, Threepence 1905 and Twenty Cents 1967, 1968, Fair-Unc with
1960, 1961, 1962, 1963 aUnc-choice Unc (11 coins) Est. $125 some nice pickings (lot) Est. $350
2216 Florins 1951 Jubilee, 1954, 1954 Visit, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959,
1960, 1961, 1962, 1963 aUnc-choice Unc (11 coins) Est. $125
2238 1944S silver set in plush-lined case, 1962 set in private issue
2217 Florins 1951 Jubilee, 1954, 1954 Visit, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959,
folder; together with cased mixed date Geo V, Geo VI and Eliz II
1960, 1961, 1962, 1963 aUnc-choice Unc (11 coins) Est. $125
sets, the first two sets in particularly high grade with the others
2218 Florins 1952 and 1956 aUnc-Unc (2 coins) Est. $75 above average, VG-Unc (5 sets) Est. $100
2219 Florins 1954, 1957 (2), 1958, 1959, 1960 (5), 1961, 1962 (2), 1963;
plus 1951 Jubilee and 1954 Visit, Unc-choice Unc (11 coins) Est. $150 ACCESSORIES
2220 Crowns 1937 in 2x2s, near full orbs virtually Unc (3 coins) Est. $150 2239 Albums mostly A4 size screw types for coins and banknotes
(12), ring binders (5), all in reasonable Used Condition (17
2221 Crowns 1937 in 2x2s, a couple possibly lightly cleaned else near albums) Est. $45
full orbs virtually Unc (5 coins) Est. $200
2242 Ada Gold Mining & Quartz Crushing Company Limited Barmedman
NSW certificate for 100 £1 shares dated 27th Nov 1882, a few folds
else crisp gVF, a nice early chit and the first we have encountered 2246 Burbank’s Main Lode Limited near Coolgardie WA large format
The lot comes with an early Sydney Morning Herald article of 20th July certificate for 100 £1 shares dated 5th July 1899, VF Est. $75
1882 dealing with the Barmedman deposits courtesy of Trove Est. $125
2243 Alpine Gold Mining Co Stringers Creek 1866 (capital £16,000 2247 Chalks Junction Gold Mining Company NL Carisbrook Victoria
in 1,600 shares of £10 each) an early certificate for five shares certificate for fifty 10/- shares dated 20th March 1899, pinhole
dated 9th Feb 1866 with the original name of this gold mining top left corner else very clean and fresh VF, nice and the first we
location (later renamed Walhalla several months later) in excellent have offered Est. $100
condition and of historic interest Est. $125
Session 4
2254 Junction Deep Leads of Victoria Baringhup certificate for four £1
shares dated 28th March 1899, nice Fine Est. $75
2250 Golden Crown Limited Coolgardie WA certificate for 100 £1 shares dated
16th Sept 1896, pencil notation top right else problem free VF Est. $75
2259 Sam’s Wealth of Nations Gold & Exploration Limited near Coolgardie
WA certificate for 20 £1 shares dated 25th March 1895 with pencil
notations along top margin and attached tag from Frank Everill &
Co Stock and Sharebrokers Worcester & Malvern, heavy folds else 2263 Corona Hill Silver Mining Company Limited NSW large format
Fine and collectable Est. $75 certificate for fifty £1 shares dated 30th Jan 1890, fresh and
crisp VF Est. $60
Session 4
2270 Amalgamated Gold Mines Limited WA 1900; Cumberland Mines
Limited 1908, London & Globe Deep Lead Assets Limited 1903;
Peak Hill Gold Limited 1906 (4 chits) Est. $75
2266 Lord Brassey S(ilver) M(ining) Syndicate Broken Hill contributors
certificate no.99 for 1/100th share dated 8th Feb 1888 (original
share no.45) strong vertical and horizontal folds else crisp gFine or
better and very scarce Est. $150
2279 Civil Service Co-Operative Society of NSW 1904; George A.Bond &
Company Limited NSW third preference share certificate 1926 (a
few margin tears); Hydro-Electric Power & Metallurgical Company
Limited Tasmania preference share certificate 1919; Pioneer
Sugar Mills Limited Qld 1965; Queensland Druggists Limited Qld
1962, generally clean Fine and better (5 chits) Est. $75
2280 Ecks (South Australia) Limited 1924; Lake Macdonnell Salt Syndicate
Limited SA 1931; Pines and Hardwoods of Australia Limited registered in
SA 1922; plus Geo Mason Limited Norwood SA certificate for 50 £1 shares
2274 Oil and gas exploration and development companies comprising to Geo F.Mason 2nd June 1925, VF and better, the last interesting (4 chits)
Associated Australian Oilfields NL Roma Qld 1953; Australian Oil George Mason Limited is recorded as a truck dealer in Adelaide
Development NL Gippsland 1938; Commonwealth Oil Corporation newspaper article of the time Est. $60
Limited 1919; Natural Gas & Oil Corporation Limited incorporated
in NSW 1941 a nice fine-VF group (4 chits) Est. $75 Banking Instruments, Cheques
2275 Oil and gas exploration and development companies comprising
British Australian Oil Company Limited 1913; Glenelg Oil Company
NL registered in Victoria 1929; South Australian Oil Corporation
Limited 1931; Tasmanite Shale Oil Company Limited registered in
Victoria 1928, clean VF-gVF (4 chits) Est. $75
2276 Group of Melbourne registered New Guinea mining companies
comprising Guinea Austral NL 1929, Morobe Alluvials NL 1935,
New Guinea Copper Mines 1923; together with other Australian
registered overseas mining companies compr Deebook Dredging
NL Siam 1915, Nasivi (Fiji) Gold Syndicate NL 1935, and Malaya
types for New Salak South Tin Dredging Company NL, Raub
Australian Gold Mining Company Limited, a few minor faults else 2281 Bank of New South Wales warrant for interest for half year ended
Session 4
Fine-gVF (7 chits) Est. $100 12th Jan 1889 on deposit of £1,400; Standard Bank of Australia
fixed deposit receipt for £124/9/9 dated 9th July 1896; plus
MISCELLANEOUS Victorian Government inscribed stock — 4% Railway Loan 1881
half yearly interest payment receipt dated 23rd Feb 1885, some
faults else a nice lot (3 items) Est. $75
Lot 2282
Session 4
2286 NSW Two Shillings issued Medlow Bath 22nd Jan 1946 to LAC
Jobling aVF Est. $50 2291 One Pound Seven Year certificates issued July 1945 Sandy
Bay Tasmania, 2nd Aug 1946 Commercial Bank of Australia
Warrnambool, and another undated with no stamp (payable April
1952 in ink) the first with light vertical and horizontal folds else
very fresh EF-Unc, a very clean group (3 certificates) Est. $150
2287 South Australia Ten Shillings issued Adelaide 17th Jan 1946, split along
quarter fold at right not extending to edges, otherwise Fine Est. $50
2292 One Pound Seven Year certificates issued February 1945 Hobart,
25th July 1946 Warrnambool (the date stamp wrongly set
at 1956 with overwritten pencil alteration); plus Seven
Year savings certificate 12th Sept 1946 Albert Park, a few
minor folds and stains else very fresh EF-aUnc, a clean group
(3 certificates) Est. $125
2288 Victoria Three Shillings & Sixpence issued Laverton West, September
1947, minor silverfish hole bottom left corner else VF Est. $50
2294 Bank of Australasia Proof Five Pounds Ipswich 11th August 1863
(MVR type 2a) with Rare Coin Company ticket EF, a very rare
Ipswich domicile Est. $7,500
Session 4
2296 Union Bank Five Pounds Launceston 1st Feb 1892 uniface printers
proof, printed by Perkins Bacon & Co London (MVR2c), gVF Est. $750 2302 Ten Shillings Sheehan-McFarlane (R12) the slightest centre
fold else a lovely fresh aUnc example Est. $750
Session 4
2306 Ten Shillings Coombs-Wilson Reserve consec run of four (R17) 2317 One Pound Armitage-McFarlane consec pair (R30b) virtually Unc
virtually Unc-Unc (4 notes) Est. $500 (2 notes) Est. $500
2318 One Pound Coombs-Watt in PCGS holder graded choice VF 35
ONE POUND (R31) appears to be better than the grading suggests Est. $100
2319 One Pound Coombs-Wilson GVI consec pair prefix X/37, one note
with radar serial 817718 (R32) light bends and a little wavy else
natural aUnc (2 notes) Est. $400
2320 One Pound Coombs-Wilson GVI (R32) lightly dampened and
pressed aEF Est. $100
2309 One Pound Riddle-Sheehan thin signature (R27b) aUnc Est. $1,250
2310 One Pound Riddle-Sheehan thin signature (R27b) fault-free VG Est. $200
2331 Ten Pounds Armitage-McFarlane (R59) flattened else crisp 2341 One Pound Coombs-Wilson C’wealth HA/00 first prefix (R33) crisp
EF Est. $750 Fine, scarce Est. $300
Session 4
2361 Ten Shillings Coombs-Wilson GVI (R15s) book pressed aEF,
2345 Ten Pounds Coombs-Wilson Reserve WA/28 first prefix (R63)
a lovely example Est. $2,500
2.5mm tear top left margin else crisp VF or better Est. $200
2346 Ten Pounds Coombs-Wilson Reserve WA/62 last prefix ex 25th ONE POUND
Anniv Banknote set (R63) Unc Est. $1,000
2347 Ten Shillings Riddle-Sheehan overprint, One Pound Riddle-
Sheehan 1933 (R10, 28) Fine-aVF (2 notes) Est. $600
2348 Ten Shillings Sheehan-McFarlane, Armitage-McFarlane, Coombs-
Wilson GVI (R12, 13, 15) the first two lightly washed and
pressed, the last book pressed else Fine-aVF with some body
(3 notes) Est. $100
2349 Ten Shillings Sheehan-McFarlane in anonymous holder generously
2362 One Pound Coombs-Watt (R31s) heavily washed and with small
graded VF; plus Armitage-McFarlane, Coombs-Wilson GVI and
hole under “and” in text, aFine Est. $750
Reserve (R12, 13, 15, 17) aFine-aVF, the second and third notes
with some crispness (4 notes) Est. $150
2350 Ten Shillings Sheehan-McFarlane, Armitage-McFarlane, Coombs-
Wilson GVI, Reserve (3) (R12, 13, 15, 17) the first aVG, remainder
VG-aFine (6 notes) Est. $75
2351 Ten Shillings Armitage-McFarlane, One Pound Coombs-Watt (R13,
31) the first aUnc, the second Fine (2 notes) Est. $175
2352 Ten Shillings, One and Five Pounds Armitage-McFarlane (R13, 30b,
46) the last with thinning and other faults else Fine and a bit better
(3 notes) Est. $125
2363 One Pound Coombs-Wilson Reserve (R34bs) in PCGS holder
graded 64 Choice Unc, a beauty! Est. $9,000
2366 Manuel II (1391-1423) Quarter Hyperpyron of Constantinople
(S2551) VF Est. $200
2400 Philip of Savoy (1301-1306) Denier, initial mark Cross, star below
castle on reverse, some ghosting of dies, toned VF Est. $100
2384 Charles II of Anjou (1285-1289) Denier, pellet stops, VF Est. $125
2401 Philip of Savoy (1301-1306) Denier, star below castle on reverse,
2385 Charles II of Anjou (1285-1289) Denier, pellet stops, verdigris on
aVF Est. $90
reverse, VF Est. $75
2386 Charles II of Anjou (1285-1289) Denier, pellet stops, toned VF Est. $100
Session 5
2389 Isabelle of Villehardouin (1289-1307) Denier, initial mark Fleur-de-
Lis, toned VF Est. $100
2390 Isabelle of Villehardouin (1289-1307) Denier, initial mark Fleur-de- 2407 Maud (Matilda) of Hainault (1316-1318) Denier, toned aVF Est. $125
Lis, some ghosting of dies, toned VF Est. $100
2408 Maud (Matilda) of Hainault (1316-1318) Denier, toned aVF Est. $125
2391 Isabelle of Villehardouin (1289-1307) Denier, aVF Est. $90
2392 Isabelle of Villehardouin (1289-1307) Denier, initial mark
Cross, aVF Est. $90
2434 William de la Roche (1280-1287) Denier, toned aVF Est. $90
2416 Robert of Taranto (1333-1364) Denier, gFine Est. $90 2435 William de la Roche and Guy de la Roche (1280-1287, 1287-1308)
Deniers, ragged flans else VF-gVF (2 coins) Est. $150
2436 William de la Roche and Guy de la Roche (1280-1287, 1287-1308)
Deniers, the second with verdigris on reverse, VF (2 coins) Est. $125
2437 William de la Roche and Guy de la Roche (1280-1287, 1287-1308)
Deniers, the first double struck, the second with some ghosting of
2417 Robert of Taranto (1333-1364) Denier, gFine Est. $90 the dies, aVF-VF, the second toned (2 coins) Est. $125
2418 Deniers Tournois (4) of William II de Villehardouin, Isabella de 2438 William de la Roche Deniers (14); Guy de la Roche Deniers (16),
Villehardouin, Florent de Hainault, Philip of Taranto, Fine-aVF some with verdigris, VG-gFine (30 coins) Est. $400
(4 coins) Est. $150
2419 Deniers Tournois (4) of William II de Villehardouin, Isabella de
Villehardouin, Maud of Hainault, Philip of Taranto, a couple with
verdigris, Fine-aVF (4 coins) Est. $150
2420 Deniers Tournois (4) of William II de Villehardouin, Isabella
de Villehardouin, Charles of Anjou, Philip of Taranto, Fine-aVF
2439 Guy de la Roche (1287-1308) Denier, toned VF Est. $100
(4 coins) Est. $150
2421 Deniers Tournois (4) of William II de Villehardouin, Isabella de
Villehardouin, Philip of Savoy, Philip of Taranto, one with verdigris,
Fine-aVF (4 coins) Est. $150
2422 Deniers Tournois (3) of William II de Villehardouin, Isabella de
Villehardouin, Philip of Taranto, one with verdigris, aFine-aVF
(3 coins) Est. $125 2440 Guy de la Roche (1287-1308) Denier, toned VF Est. $100
2423 Deniers Tournois (15) of William II de Villehardouin, Charles
of Anjou (2), Philip of Savoy (2), Philip of Taranto, Maud of CRUSADES: CHIOS
Hainault (2), John of Gravina (5), Robert of Taranto (2), VG-gFine
(15 coins) Est. $150
2424 Deniers Tournois (4) of Isabella de Villehardouin, Charles of Anjou,
Florent de Hainault, Philip of Taranto, a couple with verdigris, Fine-
Session 5
2459 Hugh IV (1324-1359) Gros, C with cross in field, toned aVF Est. $150
2460 Hugh IV (1324-1359) Gros, VG-VF (3 coins) Est. $200
2445 Henry II (1285-1324) Half Gros, with Baldwin’s ticket stating ‘ex Sir
Reginald Stubbs collection 1949’, a nice ‘dignitary’ pedigree, aVF
Sir Reginald Stubbs, CMG, KCMG, GCMG (died 7 Dec 1947); during
Colonial Service spanning 30 years he held the posts of Governor
of Hong Kong, Governor of Ceylon, Governor-in-Chief of Jamaica,
and Governor & Commander-in-Chief of Cyprus. Est. $150
2461 Peter I (1359-1369) Gros, reflective fields with peripheral iridescent
cabinet toning, EF Est. $350
Session 5
old cabinet toning, VF (2 coins) Est. $200
2494 Pietro del Monte (1568-1572) Four Tari (1570) (RS17) with
seven validation countermarks including de Rohan’s Paschal
Lamb of 1792 (only missing 1740 Star), giving this piece a
circulation time span of over 200 years, host coin VG with Del
Monte’s name clearly visible, countermarks mainly VF, an
exceptional coin Est. $500
2495 Hughes Loubens de Verdalle (1582-1595) copper Picciolo, Three
Piccioli, Grano (3), Carlino, Two Tari, VG-Fine (7 coins) Est. $175 2504 Jean-Paul Lascaris Castellar (1636-1657) Four Tari, each with
seven validation countermarks, host coins Fair-Fine, countermarks
mainly Fine-VF (2 coins) Est. $100
2505 Jean-Paul Lascaris Castellar (1636-1657) Four Tari, each with
six or seven validation countermarks, host coins Fair-Fine,
countermarks mainly VF (4 coins) Est. $200
2506 Jean-Paul Lascaris Castellar (1636-1657) Four Tari, each with between
four and seven validation countermarks, host coins Fair-Fine, one with
visible date, countermarks generally VF or better (6 coins) Est. $300
2514 Ramon Despuig (1736-1741) One Scudo 1738 (RS12) aVF Est. $75 2523 Emmanuel Pinto (1741-1773) One Scudo 1741 (RS124) gFine Est. $75
2515 Ramon Despuig (1736-1741) One Scudo 1738 (RS13) aVF Est. $75 2524 Emmanuel Pinto (1741-1773) Fifteen Tari 1756 (RS97) aVF Est. $75
2525 Emmanuel Pinto (1741-1773) Fifteen Tari 1757, 1764, 1769
(RS98, 117, 118) Fine-aVF (3 coins) Est. $90
2521 Emmanuel Pinto (1741-1773) Four Tari 1741 (RS139) nicely struck
on a full round flan, VF Est. $75
2530 Emmanuel Pinto (1741-1773) Thirty Tari 1757 (RS66) gVF Est. $175
2533 Emmanuel Pinto (1741-1773) Thirty Tari 1768 (RS68) aVF Est. $125
2534 Francisco Ximenez de Texada (1773-1775) One Scudo 1773, 1774 (2)
(RS17, 21) all with file marks on edge, Fine-gFine (3 coins) Est. $150
2535 Francisco Ximenez de Texada (1773-1775) One Scudo 1773, 1774
(RS18, 22) both scarce, Fine (2 coins)~
Second coin: None with museums, 10 known in private hands Est. $150
2536 Francisco Ximenez de Texada (1773-1775) One Scudo 1774 2543 Emmanuel de Rohan (1775-1797) Four Tari 1776, 1779 (RS56, 58)
(RS21) Fine Est. $50 gFine (2 coins) Est. $150
Session 5
2545 Emmanuel de Rohan (1775-1797) One Scudo 1776 small bust
(RS45) aVF Est. $75
2558 Ferdinand von Hompesch (1797-1798) Fifteen Tari 1798 plain bust
without studs on breastplate (RS16) ex mount with flattened rims
but the portrait undamaged and very scarce, VF Est. $75
2569 Helion de Villeneuve (1319-1346) Gigliato (Schl. IX, 17) aVF Est. $250
2565 Grand Master Galeazzo von Thun & Hohenstein 1925; 500-Year
commemorative medal 1965 in bronze 69mm, Madonna & Child
above deceased knight, Rev Maltese Cross; Cathedral Saint-
Lazare of Autun in Burgundy undated medal; and an agricultural
medal of Furstenthum Lippe, VF-EF (4 medals) Est. $125
2566 Cased silvered conference medallion 1993 69mm by Lorioli 2571 Raymond Berenger (1365-1374) Gigliato (Schl. X, 7) VF/Fine Est. $200
Fratelli; together with antiqued bronze medallion 70mm 2572 Raymond Berenger (1365-1374) Gigliato (Schl. X, 7) aVF Est. $200
honouring The Grand Master of the Maltese order Andrew Bertie 2573 Raymond Berenger (1365-1374) Gigliato (Schl. X, 7) aVF Est. $200
by famed Italian medallist Teruggi dated 1999, both As Struck
2574 Raymond Berenger (1365-1374) Gigliato (2), one clipped and with
(2 items) Est. $150
loop mount attached, the other holed else Fine; together with various
related Billon and AE Deniers (40) Poor-Good (42 coins) Est. $75
2587 16th Century Schillings of Reval (6), Riga (4), noted Volter von
Plettenberg, Hermann von Bruggenei, Fine-VF (10 coins) Est. $125
2588 Winrich von Kniprode (1351-1382) Schilling ND, aVF Est. $75
2599 Austria/Germany cased bronze medallion 54mm of Robert Stolz
c.1975 (famed Austrian composer of “The Barbed Wire Waltz”);
plus Venezuela One Hundred Bolivares in silver 1786-1986 Vargas
Session 5
2590 Paul von Rusdorf (1422-1442) Schilling ND; Martin von Wetzhausen 2601 France gold Five Francs 1857A; plus British Half Sovereign 1892,
(1477-1489) Schilling ND, Fine-aVF (2 coins) Est. $75 Fine-VF (2 coins) Est. $250
2602 French colonies: Louis XIII and Henri IV Douzains, both with fleur-
de-lys counterstamps of 1640 for use in Louisiana and Canada,
host coins Fair-Good, Countermarks VF (2 coins) Est. $100
2603 French colonies: Clement VIII (1592-1605) Carpentras Douzains
(2) with fleur-de-lys counterstamps of 1640 for use in
Louisiana and Canada, host coins VG-Fine, Countermarks Fine-VF
(2 coins) Est. $100
Lot 2591
Page 98 Downies Australian Coin Auctions Sale No. 328
More images viewable on website
2610 Islamic coins: Yemen Rasulid Dynasty, 13th to early 15th Century
Dirhems including al-Muzaffar Yusuf I, al-Mu’ayyad Da’ud, al-
Mujahid Ali, al-Afdal al-Abbas, al-Ashraf Isma’il I and al-Nasir
Ahmad, Fine (19 coins) Est. $150
2611 Islamic accumulation of Middle-East and related items including
Ottoman, Medieval Cilician Armenian, Order of Malta, Jerusalem hoard
finds, Roman bronzes found in Malta, Crusades, condition very mixed,
housed in deluxe Leuchtturm album, Poor-Fine (98 coins) Est. $150
2605 French Vice-Admiral P and de Suffern St Tropez, Chevalier, Naval 2616 Livonia: Dorpat Dietrich III Damerow (1379-1400) Artig (H.273);
Tribute medal in bronze 49mm (MH166) VF Est. $125 Schillings of Dietrich IV Resler (1413-1441), Johannes II Bertkow
(1473-1485), Johannes VI Bey (1528-1543); Pfennigs (6), aVF-EF
(10 coins) Est. $125
2617 Livonia: Riga and Polish-Lithuania billon and silver minors 1598-
1625, VG-VF (27 coins) Est. $200
2618 Livonia accumulation of Livonian Order, Teutonic Order and related
billon and silver minors in KA-BE album, a few damaged, Fair-Fine
(75 coins) Est. $300
2606 Germany: Duchy of Prussia: Albrecht (1525-1568) Groschen 1534,
1537, 1540, 1545, aVF-EF (4 coins) Est. $100 2619 Nepal and Tibet accumulation of late 19th-early 20th Century
issues including silver Tangkas (7), housed in deluxe Leuchtturm
album, Fine-gVF (44 coins) Est. $150
2620 Papal States: Pius IV (1294-1303) Comtat Venaissin, Grosso of
Avignon, chipped flan and a weakly struck portrait but one of the
key issues of this denomination, VG/Fine Est. $125
2607 Islamic coins: Mamluk Dirhams (2) of al-Nasir Mohammed, al-
Ashraf Sha’ban II; Timurid Sultan Husayn Dirham of Astarabad;
Ghaznavid Dirhams (2) Fine (5 coins) Est. $100
2631 Papal States: Gregory XIII (1623-1644) Giulio 1626 of Avignon, planchet
trimmed else VF with a nice representation of St. Peter Est. $100
2632 Papal States: Gregory XIII (1623-1644) Giulio 1626 of Avignon,
clipped aVF Est. $75
2633 Papal States: accumulation of 14th-16th Century Comtat Venaissin
issues of Avignon and Carpentras comprising Billon Douzains
(16) mostly of Clement VIII, and minor issues including Carlinos,
Fractional Gros, Deniers etc, all housed in KA-BE album with
identifying notations throughout, a couple damaged, mainly Fine,
some noted as rare (46 coins) Est. $400
copper or billon cross-key Patards, on KA-BE plastic pages, Fair- 2644 Order of Malta: document on thick skin dated July 1634, appears to
Fine (423 coins) Est. $350 be some sort of deed or title that mentions noble houses (France)
2636 Papal States: accumulation of 17th-19th Century silver, billon and De Fabian, D’engausse, De Maylin and De Moncanp, rare oval blue
AE issues housed in a KA-BE album, VG-Fine (47 coins) Est. $400 Order of Malta stamp to base, unique and very fresh Est. $200
2655 Collection 15th Nov 1966 to 2nd Dec 1991 in Emmanuel Said
hingeless album, complete pages 1 to 81 and including duplicate
sets 15th May 1967, 5th Oct 1968, very fresh MUH, many
with selvedge traces and some displaying the Order of Malta
Cross (lot) Est. $600
Lot 2651
2656 Collection in Emmanuel Said album dating 17th February 1992 to TERRACOTTA OIL LAMPS
11th December 1995 (complete pages 83-103) followed by laid in
pages (unnumbered) 1996-1997 (nearly complete with some mini
sheets) plus numbered pages 115-146 2nd March 1998 to 9th
December 2003 (complete) followed by unnumbered pages 2004-
2008 (appears complete with mini sheets), pages 86-103 on
hingeless pages (MUH), remainder lightly hinged mint (including
minisheets) many with selvedge traces displaying the Maltese
Cross, a fresh mixed collection (1 album) Est. $400
2660 Holyland, Jerusalem, Hellenistic period, red terracotta radial line
oil lamp with slightly raised lug on the rear shoulder, double ring
around the fill hole, radial lines on the shoulder, crackled surface
weathering, 4th-1st Century BC, 82mm. The lot comes with
certificate of authenticity and laminated descriptive card Est. $125
2664 bronze short-sword blade with median rib, tang and inward curving
lateral flanges c.12th-9th Century BC, length 495mm Est. $750
2665 Bronze socketed spear head 118mm, attractive green patina with
minor calcified surface deposits, impressive. The lot comes with
certificate of authenticity and laminated descriptive card Est. $500
JEWELLERY 2670 British or Continental medieval bronze brooch with cross within
an ornamental surround, lacking the pin, small piece missing and
a break on one of the arms, width 46mm. The lot comes with
certificate of authenticity and laminated descriptive card Est. $90
2666 Pair of Roman gold earrings, each being a hollow sphere mounted
on gold wire with disc attached, both spheres split, one with
the wire loop detached, c.2nd Century AD. The lot comes with
certificate of authenticity and laminated descriptive card Est. $350 2671 British or Continental medieval bronze disc with double-link chain, the
disc with central crystal set into a raised seat, pin intact on the back,
25mm diameter, length with chain extended 148mm. The lot comes
with certificate of authenticity and laminated descriptive card Est. $60
Ancient Greek
2667 Pair of Roman gold earrings, each with fruit or leaf ornament
attached to the wire loop, c.2nd Century AD. The lot comes with
certificate of authenticity and laminated descriptive card Est. $350
2672 Macedon, Amphipolis (Imperial times) AE21, bearded head of
Herakles right, Rev Athena Nikephoros standing left, leaning on
shield (Moushmov 6019; SNG ANS 144) reverse countermark, VG/
Fine in annotated 2x2 Est. $40
2683 Asia Minor, Sardes in Lydia (2nd-1st Century BC) AE13, Head of Apollo, 2691 Lysimacheia in Thrace (c.309-220BC) AE17, Head of Herakles, Rev
Rev Club in wreath (S4736) Fine in old annotated 2x2 Est. $40 Nike standing facing (Cop 914) gFine in annotated 2x2 Est. $50
2684 Asia Minor, Seleucia ad Calycadnum in Cilicia (2nd Century BC) 2692 Kallatis in Thrace (2nd-1st Century BC) AE17, Bearded head of
AE19, head of Apollo right, Rev forepart of horse right (S5593; SNG Herakles, laureate, Rev Club and bow in case (Cop 180) attractive
Session 6
Cop 206, SNG Levante 694) aVF in old annotated 2x2 Est. $60 patina, gFine in annotated 2x2 Est. $50
2693 Collection of Larissa bronze issues AE11-21, head of Apollo, Zeus
and Nymph types with different horse or Athena reverses (7);
together with Macedonian bronzes (3, noted Alexander III issue)
2685 Syria, Seleucid Kingdom, Antiochus II (261-246BC) AE17, Head of VG-VF (10 coins) Est. $100
Apollo, Rev Tripod (S6891) Fine in old annotated 2x2 Est. $40
2704 Caligula (37-41) Copper As, Rev Vesta seated, with counterstamp
to reverse, interesting (S1803) Fine Est. $300
2695 Lesbos, Mytilene (c.454-427BC) Electrum Hekte, Forepart of boar, 2705 Nero (50-68) copper As, Rev temple of Junus; Victory flying left;
Rev Lion head in incuse square (Bodenstedt 41; BMC31) VF in together with Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch AE20, Rev S-C within
annotated 2x2 Est. $600 wreath (S1974; 1976; 620), the first with bold portrait, aFine-aVF
(3 coins) Est. $150
2698 Syrtica, Oea (1st Century BC) AE22 Crested helmet, Rev inscription 2707 Vespasian (69-79) AE As, laureate head of Vespasian right, Rev
around shield (RPC830) VG/Fine Est. $40 Spes holding flower (S2361) deep grey-green patina, VF in
annotated 2x2 Est. $150
2699 Collection of mainly Tyre, Phoenicia AE14-18, Palm tree
reverse types, along with similar small issues, mixed grades
(103 coins) Est. $150
Ancient Roman
2708 Nerva (96-98) copper As, Rev Libertas standing lefty holding pileus
and sceptre (S3064) Fine Est. $100
2703 Augustus (27BC-14) Denarius in retail packaging; plus Franklin 2710 Trajan (98-117) Sestertius, Pax standing holding olive branch and
Mint cased Roman silver coin (35BC-5AD) Fine (2 coins) Est. $75 cornucopiae (S3198) rough surfaces else aVF Est. $125
2716 Elagabalus (218-222) Denarius, Rev Elagabalus in priestly robes 2725 Valerian (253-260) Antoninianus, Rev Virtus or Mars advancing holding
standing, star in left field (S7549), EF, nice Est. $150 spear and trophy (S9994 var) bold VF, a nice silver piece Est. $90
2717 Julia Maesa, grandmother of Elagabalus & Sev. Alexander, Denarius, 2726 Gallienus (253-268) Antoninianus, Rev Pegasus springing right,
Rev Pudicitia seated left (S7756) in annotated 2x2, aVF Est. $75 about to take flight (S10362) EF in annotated flip Est. $75
2742 Tiberius (14-37) Cascantum, Spanish mint, AE20, Rev bull standing
right; together with Caligula (37-41) copper As, Rev Vesta seated
and Claudius (41-54) copper As, Minerva advancing (S238; 1803;
2731 Galerius (305-311) Follis of Antioch, Rev Genius standing left holding 1862), the first with green patina, VG-aFine (3 coins) Est. $150
patera and cornucopiae (S14520) VF in annotated 2x2 Est. $60
2732 Licinius (308-324) Follis, Rev Jupiter standing (2) Siscia and 2743 Tiberius and Livia (14-37) AE22 of Thessalonica, Head of Tiberius,
Cyzicus mint; Genius standing, Trier mint, all with bold detail Rev Bust of Livia, hair tied back (S316; Moushmov 6692) surface
gVF-EF (3 coins) Est. $75 disturbance from conservation, aVF in annotated 2x2 Est. $90
2744 Claudius (41-54) copper Quadrans, Modius (2); Copper As, Rev
Libertas standing; Minerva advancing (S1863; 1859; 1861), early
issues, the last with green patina, VG-gFine (4 coins) Est. $200
2745 Elagabalus (218-222) Moesia Inferior, Marcianoplis, AE26,
facing bust with Julia Maesa, Rev Apollo standing, Diadumenian
2733 Constantine II, as Caesar (317-337) Reduced Centenionalis of (217-218) Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch, AE18, Rev S-C within
Constantinople, Rev Two soldiers standing either side of standard wreath; plus Elagabalus (218-222) Moesia Inferior, Marcianoplis,
(S17437) generous flan, Fine in annotated 2x2 Est. $40 AE26, facing bust with Julia Maesa, Rev Apollo standing and
AE18 (2), Rev Hara standing holding patera and sceptre, the
2734 Group compr Centenionalis and reduced Centenionalis of Constantine second with tripod, serpent entwined around centre, VG-gVF
I (8), Constantius II (8) with mixed reverses incl a few posthumous (5 coins) Est. $150
types in descriptive 2x2s, aVF-gVF (16 coins) Est. $200
2746 Misc group compr Antoninus Pius (138-161) Trace, Philippoplis,
2735 Group compr Centenionalis of Constantine I (3), Constantine II (3), AE18; together with Probus (276-282) Tetradrachm, Alexandria,
Constantius II (3), Constans (3), Valens (3) with mixed reverses in Rev Fortuna holding rudder and cornucopiae; plus Maximianus
descriptive 2x2s, mainly Fine (15 coins) Est. $150 (286-305) Tetradrachm, Alexandria, Rev Aequitas holding scales,
2736 Selection of Follis of Valerian I, Diocletian, Galerius, Constantine I, VG-gVF (3 coins) Est. $125
Licinius, Maximianus, Maximinus II, Gratian; together with Philip II, 2747 Small group compr Commodus (177-192) Bithynia, Nicaea AE18
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch, AE30, Fine-gVF (9 coins) Est. $125 (2); together with Septimus Severus (193-211) Moesia Inferior,
2737 Small group of mixed Centenionalis of Arcadius, Aelia Eudoxia Nikopolis ad Istrum and Thrace, Philippoplis, AE18; plus Caracalla
wife of Arcadius, Honorius; together with city commemoratives of (198-217) Moesia Inferior, Nikopolis ad Istrum, AE18 (2) VG-aVF
Constantinople (4), Rome in descriptive 2x2s, Fine-gVF with some (6 coins) Est. $150
scarcer issues (8 coins) Est. $100
Ancient Sasanian
Session 6
2738 Small group of mixed Antoninanus compr Tetricus I (2), Tetricus II,
Quintillus (2), Claudius II Gothicus (4) in descriptive 2x2s, gFine-
aEF (9 coins) Est. $150
2739 Small group of mixed Centenionalis, Claudius II (imitation), Diocletian 2748 Peroz I (457-484) Drachm, Aspadana mint, gVF Est. $75
(2), Licinuius, Crispus (2), Maximinus II, Constantine II, Valens,
Theodora, Valentinian I, Valentinian II, Fine-VF (12 coins) Est. $125
2754 Justinian I (527-565) Follis of Constantinople, Rev large M; 2764 Leo III (717-741) Follis of Syracuse (S1531) Fine in annotated
together with Maurice Tiberius (582-602) Follis of Theoupolis, Rev 2x2 Est. $40
large M; plus Basil II (977-989) anonymous Follis, class A3, Rev
Legends (S163; 533; 1818), aVF-VF (3 coins) Est. $125
2755 Justinian I (527-565) Decanummium of Nicomedia (S205) Fine in 2765 Constantine VII (913-959) Follis (S1761) double struck with almost 90
annotated 2x2 Est. $30 degree rotation, an interesting error, Fine in annotated 2x2 Est. $30
2756 Justin II (565-578) Follis of Constantinople (S360) aVF; plus Pentanummium 2766 Anonymous Follis class A1 attributed to John I Tzimisces; class
(S363) gFine-aVF in annotated 2x2s (2 coins) Est. $100 A2 attributed to Basil II and Constantine VIII; class C attributed to
Michael IV (S1825) (S1793, 1813, 1825) Fine-aVF in annotated
2x2s (3 coins) Est. $150
Session 6
2757 Justin II (565-578) Half Follis of Thessalonica year 6 (S366) VF Est. $50
2758 Justin II (565-578) Half Follis of Thessalonica; Constans II (641-668)
Follis of Constantinople; together with Cilicia, Tarsos AE18, turreted
head of Tyche, rev Sandan on lion, aVF-VF (3 coins) Est. $125
Lot 2767
2779 Proof Five Dollars 1973, 1974; Ten Dollars 1973 (KM16a, 17a) in
Lighthouse Everslab coin holders the first two with light reverse
toning else FDC (3 coins) Est. $75 2790 Proof Five Cents 2005 Geo VI obverse with medallion in VE Day
60th Anniv tin packs, all unopened (8 packs) Est. $100
BOLIVIA 2791 Proof Five Dollars 2014 Arctic Fox; Ten Dollars O Canada 2013
2780 Republic Eight Sols 1828JM (KM97) weak portrait but good Beaver, Inuksuk; Twenty-Five Dollars 2014 Royal Visit 75th Anniv
legends aVG Est. $50 (4 coins) Est. $100
2804 Dollar (Yuan) Year 21 (1932), three birds over junk (Y344), well 2811 Proof Twenty-Five Dollars 2017 Lunar Year of the Rooster coin
struck with nice fields, EF or better and scarce Est. $2,800 with mother-of-pearl insert in case of issue, mintage limited
to 888pcs Est. $500
2813 Ten Kroner 1909 (KM809) prooflike choice Unc Est. $200
EUROPE 2826 Twenty Francs 1848A (KM757) aEF Est. $275
2814 Crown sized issues compr Belgium Five Francs 1868, 1870;
France Five Francs 1873A; plus similar size base metal fantasy
Ten Francs 1967 aVF-aEF (4 coins) Est. $75
2815 Accumulation of medieval and later silver issues including French
silver Denier of Count Raimond V-VII (1148-1249); Russia wire-
money silver Dengas of Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great; Polish
2827 Twenty Francs 1851A (KM762) gVF Est. $250
silver Orte 1621 of Sigismund III; plus Armenian silver Trams,
coronation issue of Levon I (1198-1219) (2); and an interesting 2828 Twenty Francs 1851A (KM762) VF Est. $250
lead seal with string attached marked Royal Mint Lond(on) Fine-EF 2829 Twenty Francs 1852A (KM774) VF Est. $250
(7 items) Est. $100 2830 Twenty Francs 1853A (KM781.1) VF Est. $250
FIJI 2831 Twenty Francs 1855A (KM781.1) VF Est. $250
2832 Twenty Francs 1857A (KM781.1) VF Est. $250
2833 Twenty Francs 1857A (KM781.1) VF Est. $250
Great Britain
EDWARD I (1272-1307)
2848 Brandenburg Third Thaler 1667IL (KM359) die upset approx 90° 2861 Penny, Longcross class 3c of London (S1389) gVF Est. $75
else Fine or better Est. $50 HENRY VII (1485-1509)
2849 Hamburg Three Mark 1909J (KM620) aEF Est. $50 2862 Groat mm Pansy together with Mary Groat mm Pomegranate,
2850 Hamburg Thirty-Two Schilling (1)621 (KM47) neatly holed Good/ Elizabeth I Sixpence 1566 mm Portcullis VG-aFine Est. $100
aVG Est. $50 CHARLES I (1625-1649)
2851 Prussia Two Mark 1913A, Three Mark 1910A, Five Mark 1902A 2863 Shillings all heavily clipped, obverses worn with reverses sharper,
(KM533, 527, 523) aVF-EF, the first toned (3 coins) Est. $60 G-VG. (3 coins) Est. $75
2852 Prussia Twenty Mark 1878A (KM505) gVF Est. $375
GEORGE III (1760-1820)
2853 Prussia Twenty Mark 1888A (KM515) Unc Est. $375 2864 Sovereign 1820 (S3785c) gFine Est. $900
2854 Prussia Thaler 1844A, 1859A (KM445, 471) the first waterworn VG, GEORGE IV (1820-1830)
the second aVF (2 coins) Est. $60
2894 Proof Five Pounds 1902 matte finish (S3966) VF with the reverse
better Est. $2,500
2874 Half Sovereign 1893 no B.P. in exergue (S3878) virtually Unc Est. $300 GEORGE V (1910-1936)
2875 Sovereigns 1860, 1861 (3) VG-Fine (4 coins) Est. $1,500
2895 Half Sovereign 1914 obverse scrapes behind monarch’s head
2876 Sovereigns 1861 (6) VG-Fine (6 coins) Est. $2,250 else gEF Est. $200
2877 Sovereigns 1861 (3), 1862 VG-aFine (4 coins) Est. $1,600
2878 Sovereigns 1862 (6) VG-nearly Fine (6 coins) Est. $2,250
2879 Sovereigns 1863 die 7, 1864 dies 26 and 82; 1865 die 1 VG-Fine
(4 coins) Est. $1,600
2880 Sovereigns 1863 die 8, 1863 (4), 1864 die 86 VG-Fine
(6 coins) Est. $2,250
2896 Sovereign 1913 EF Est. $500
2881 Sovereigns 1863 die 17, 1863 (4), 1864 die 21 VG-nearly Fine
(6 coins) Est. $2,250 EDWARD VIII (1936)
2882 Sovereigns 1864 dies 23, 40, 56 and 72 VG-Fine (4 coins) Est. $1,600 2897 Fantasy Crowns 1936 in base metal, Unc and all different
2883 Sovereigns 1864 dies 22, 50, 53 and 98 VG-Fine (4 coins) Est. $1,600 (17 coins) Est. $50
2884 Sovereigns 1865 die 14, 1866 dies 13 and 37; 1868 die 12; VG- GEORGE VI (1936-1952)
aFine (4 coins) Est. $1,600
1916, 1917, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1931, 1935,
1945 Fine-Unc (28 coins) Est. $175
2917 Half Crowns 1820, 1821, 1836 (2), 1878, 1886, 1888 (2), 1889, 1892,
1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1900, 1906 Poor-Fine (16 coins) Est. $125
Photo Reduced
2918 Halfcrowns 1835, 1889, 1901, 1913, 1914, 1923 (cleaned), 1930
in 2x2s aVG-VF (7 coins) Est. $90 2927 William IV Accession 1830 medal 70mm in silver by W.Wyon after
2919 Crowns 1820, 1821, 1890 (2) in mixed coin holders, the second F.Chantrey (BHM 1414) VF or better Est. $200
Good, others VG-gFine (4 coins) Est. $75
2928 Q. Vic 1856 National Medal for Success in Art, awarded by The 2935 Fifty Cents 1902 with obverse rim nick, Unc Est. $700
Science and Art Department 54mm in bronze by W.Wyon; edge 2936 Uncirculated One Thousand Dollar 1975 Royal Visit (KM38) in case
impressed “P.E. Malumby, for a design for a bachelor’s residence; and original shipper Est. $700
classic in style, 1890” gVF Est. $125
2929 Colonial and Indian Exhibition London 1886 medallion in bronze
51mm by Wyon (BHM 3209) in Heaton fitted case; Q.Vic Diamond
Jubilee 1897 medallion 39mm in bronze (BHM 3549) in fitted
case; plus medallion “The Navy Against the Slavers” 39.75gms
in sterling silver ex modern medallic set in capsule, VF-FDC (3
medallions) Est. $90
2937 Twenty Francs 1878KB (KM467) Unc Est. $400
2941 Halfpennies 1680 (three different types), 1681, 1682, 1686, 1692,
1693; Gunmoney Shilling indistinct date; plus Curragh internment
2933 Victorian period advertising Farthings of R.H Chambers, Daily camp 1940 Penny and Florin. G.V Stewart Halfpenny and other
Chronicle, Thomas Bamford, T. Johnson; c.1775 Pamphilon, minor Irish and GB issues, including 1760 Ireland/USA Hibernia
Bromley Kent (Mitch 9117); together with Irish advertising Halfpenny and “contrived” 1806 Penny with double “harp”
Farthings John Arnott and Co (rare), Tod Burns and Co, and reverses, a nice Avge Circ-gVF lot (20 items) Est. $90
Revington, Higginson, Limerick (all Victorian period types); some
scarce. Fine-VF (8 items) Est. $75 IRISH GUNMONEY
Session 6
2946 Proof Halfpenny and Penny 1929 lightly toned aFDC, rare
(2 coins) Est. $1,250
2961 Two Cents ND (1967) Bahamas mule (KM33) in old dealer 2x2,
near full red Unc Est. $90
2962 Two Cents ND (1967) Bahamas mule (KM33) red and brown
virtually Unc Est. $60
2963 Unc Dollars 1967 (5), 1969 (4), 1970 Mt Cook (5) and Cook Islands,
1971 (3), 1972 (5), 1973 (4), 1974 Games (11) and Day (2) all
cased (40 coins) Est. $75
2951 Shillings 1933, 1934 (2), 1937 (3) in dealer 2x2s aEF-Unc, a couple Br 2005 Kiwi (2) and King Kong packs; Specimen One Dollar 2011
cleaned (6 coins) Est. $75 All Blacks PNC and 2017 Kiwi; Uncirculated One Dollar 1967 and
1986 Visit in cases, 1989 athlete in 2x2, 2017 British & Irish Lions
2952 Shillings 1941, 1943, 1944, 1946, 1950, 1951, 1953, 1955,
Tour; together with Mint set wallets and loose packs 1967-1987
1956, 1958, 1959 ,1960, 1963, 1965 EF-Unc, some scarce
missing most coins (16 part sets); and misc loose change to Two
(14 coins) Est. $50
Dollars (F/V=$12+ mostly pre changeover and includes Proof Five
2953 Shillings 1947 (2), 1948, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, Cents 1989) Mixed Condition (lot) Est. $75
1962, 1963, 1964 EF-choice Unc, a few cleaned (13 coins) Est. $100
2976 Uncirculated Five Dollars 2017 Pirate Skull in antiqued silver finish
(2 coins) Est. $150
2984 Twenty Lei 1944 ‘3 Kings’ one-year only issue Unc Est. $300
2985 A similar coin Unc Est. $300
2986 Kopek 1853BM; Two Kopeks 1812EM; Five Kopeks1822/1,
1888; Fifteen Kopeks 1914 in annotated 2x2s (KM149.3, 118.3,
Photo Reduced 126, Y19a.1, Y21a.2) the first and third aVG-VG, others gVF-gEF
2977 Fifty Dollars 2016 Tiffany Art Amar Sagar Kilo coin in antique silver (5 coins) Est. $90
finish housed in metal case and cardboard box of issue, the outer 2987 Kopeks 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899 (2), 1901 (2), 1903 (3), 1904,
card box slightly damaged else pristine, only 99 coins struck and 1906, 1908 (3), 1910; 1911, 1913; Two Kopeks 1898, 1899, 1900,
very rare with extremely high retail value Est. $5,000 1907, 1909 (2), 1910, 1913 (3), Three Kopeks 1877, 1879, 1896,
1905; Ten Kopeks 1906, 1913 (2), 1914 (2); together with four
PANAMA small Roman bronzes and misc world minors (4) on old plastic
page strips, some of but the Russian coins waterworn but a useful
Good-gVF group (45 coins) Est. $75
Session 6
2994 Ten Roubles 1899 (Y64) gVF Est. $400 3017 Half Att 1874 (Y17); One Att 1895, 1903 and 1905 (Y22) Fine-VF
2995 Fifteen Roubles 1897 (Y65.1) prominent obverse die crack gVF Est. $500 (4 coins) Est. $75
SERBIA 3018 Uncirculated minors Five Satangs (Y78 and Y78A) in made up rolls of
50 (6) and 75 (10) Unc-choice Unc (approx 1,050 coins) Est. $100
2996 Ten Dinara 1882 (KM16) VF Est. $200
3019 Five Satang 1957 (Y78A) in made up rolls of 50 each (20) Unc-
SOUTH AFRICA choice Unc (1,000 coins) Est. $100
2997 Pond 1898 (KM10.2) some obverse bagging else virtually Unc Est. $750 3020 Five Satang 1957 (Y78A) in made up rolls of 50 each (10); together
2998 Half Sovereign 1926SA (KM20) EF Est. $200 with similar Ten Satang 1957 (Y79) in made up rolls of 60 and 68,
Unc-choice Unc (100s) Est. $60
2999 Sovereign 1932SA (A22) Unc Est. $375
3021 Uncirculated minors Five and Ten Satangs (Y78, Y78A, Y79)
3000 Half Krugerrand 1997 in fitted case housing Colonial Academy Gold in made up rolls of 50 (12) and 75 (2) Unc-choice Unc (approx
Achiever 1996 award plaque with winner’s name, Unc Est. $600 750 coins) Est. $100
SOUTH AMERICA 3022 Ten Satang 1950 (Y83) (16), One Baht 1962 (2, both with obverse
3001 Mexico Eight Reales 1857PF in PCGS holder graded Genuine/ “ghost” double strikes) (Y84); plus a modern pewter uniface
Scratch - Unc Details (KM377.8, digs in reverse cap); plus medallic elephant plaque in timber frame with stand, VG-Unc
Venezuela Five Bolivares 1886 without accent (Y24.1) Fine-aEF (19 items) Est. $50
(2 coins) Est. $90 3023 Ten Satang 1957 (Y79) in made up rolls of 50 (4) Unc-choice Unc
(4 rolls, 200 coins) Est. $60
3043 One Pa’anga 1967 Coronation (10); plus 1981 World Food Day
7-coin Unc sets (3) and extra 1981 Two Pa’anga crown size issues
(3) Unc-choice Unc (34 coins) Est. $50
3044 Proof 7-coin 1967 Queen Salote sets One Seniti to One Pa’anga
(2); Proof 4-coin 1967 Coronation sets Twenty Seniti to Two
Pa’anga (2) all housed in original cotton wool sleeves in original
boxes. FDC (4 sets) Est. $60
Lot 3038
3064 Five Dollars 1885S minor reverse rim bruise else EF or better Est. $400
series (lot) Est. $60 3071 Proof 1983 Olympic Prestige set and cased Proof One Dollar 1983
Olympics Discus Thrower (packaging damp affected); Morgan
Dollar 1892O aVF in 2x2; Peace Dollar 1926S VF; plus Eisenhower
Dollars 1976, 1977, 1978 (3) Mixed Condition (9 items) Est. $75
3072 Proof Sets 1987S, 1988S, 1989S plus Lincoln Cents 1909-1997 in
three Whitman push-in albums (partially complete) and Whitman
3061 2½ Dollars 1910 gVF Est. $200 album of 1999-2000 State Quarter Collection (missing Virginia
3062 2½ Dollars 1910 gVF Est. $200 2000 Denver Mint) Ave Circ-FDC (7 items) Est. $75
Royal Wedding and similar Uncirculated Twenty Kroner coin; Latvia 3108 Spain partly attributed collection of minors (some countermarked)
Proof One Lats 2010 Amber Eye with information leaflet; Nauru B/ 13th to 17th Century (114); plus misc base metal ancient Greek
Unc Ten Dollars 2011 Remembrance; Somalia B/Unc One Dollar and Roman issues (29); Mixed Condition (143 coins) Est. $100
2004 Electric Guitar 5-coin set and two similar single coins; Tuvalu
prooflike Fifty Cents 2009 Moon Landing 40th Anniv; together with 3109 World and Australian accumulation in plastic sleeves and 2x2s,
replica Pirate Treasure 6-coin replica set and Rising Sun collar some silver, some loose, c.1700s-1900s. Mixed Condition, some
badge, all packaged/cased and some silver (lot) Est. $60 better Australian and British noted (lot) Est. $1,250
predecimal and decimal copper and silver to Florin (35), South 24th June 1993 consec pairs; plus Ten New Zaires 24th
Africa predecimal and decimal copper and silver (10); plus USA June 1993 (2) (P47a, 48a, 49, 50, 54a); plus Zambia Fifty Kwacha
copper and silver (10) and Philippines Twenty Centavos 1915, 1992 signature 11 consec run of ten (P37b) Unc (20 notes) Est. $60
Avge Circ-aUnc with many silver issues (102 coins) Est. $75 3137 African issues in old plastic page album c.1914-modern featuring a
3128 Box of low grade issues including unattributed ancients, some wide variety of countries, Mixed Condition (130+ notes) Est. $150
casts and copies, jetons, counters, hammered minors, canoe ASIA
money, advertising tokens, etc Poor-EF (52 items); plus a bag of 3138 Album of Indonesia, Philippines, Korea etc, Mixed Condition
dusty worn unattributed issues (approx 100 items) Est. $75 (130+ notes) Est. $75
3142 Central Bank Fifty Cents 2001 consec run of ten, One Dollar 2002
consec run of six (P68, 70) Unc (16 notes) Est. $60
3143 One Dollar 2015 consec run of nine: Three Dollars L1974
(1984) consec pair; Ten Dollars 2009 (3) (P71A, 44a, 73A) Unc
(15 notes) Est. $100 3149 Twenty Ringgit (P34a) (5) all first A/1 polymer Unc (5 notes) Est. $100
3150 Fifty Ringgit 5th October 2017 prefix F/1 polymer consec pair
3144 Fifty Dollars series 2006 (P75) consec pair Unc (2 notes) Est. $150 (P-New) Unc (2 notes) Est. $100
3151 Bank of Canada One Dollar 1967 with serials; 1973 Lawson-Bouey
consec pair, Crow-Bouey consec pairs (3) and single; Two Dollars
1974 Lawson-Bouey (P84b, 85a, c, 86a) the last note VF with light
staining, remainder Unc (11 notes) Est. $50
3152 Five Dollars 1986 Crow-Bowie, 2005 Jenkins-Dodge; Ten Dollars
1971 Lawson-Bouey; Twenty Dollars 1979 Crow-Bouey, 1991
Knight-Dodge (P95a2, 101d, 88c, 93b, 97d) the first aFine,
remainder gFine-gEF (5 notes) Est. $100
3153 Monetary Authority Five Dollars 1991 (P12a) Unc (2 notes) Est. $100
3145 Central Bank Fifty Dollars 30th November 2016 (P-New) bundle
tape pressure marks else Unc (2 notes) Est. $100
3146 Monetary Authority 1st Jan 2009 issues for Five Dollars consec
run of five, Ten Dollars (3), Twenty Dollars (P58, 59, 60) Unc
(9 notes) Est. $100
Session 6
3154 Ten Dollars 2005 consec run of six (P35a) Unc (6 notes) Est. $125
Lot 3147
3163 Central Bank Forty Francs 2017 consec run of nine (P-New) Unc 3174 Commissioners of Currency Fifty Cents Ritchie-Barnes ND (1969);
(9 notes) Est. $60 Central Monetary Authority One Dollar Barnes-Earland, Barnes-
EASTERN EUROPE Tomkins; Two Dollars Barnes-Earland ND (1974) (P58a, 71a, b,
72b) the first VF or better, remainder EF-Unc (4 notes) Est. $50
3164 Belarus Twenty Thousand Rublei 2000 (2011) (P31b) consec trio
and single; Czechoslovakia One Hundred Korun 1989 (P97) (8, in 3175 Government Fifty Cents ND (1971-73) consec pair; One Dollar ND
consec groups); Unc (12 notes) Est. $75 (1969); Central Monetary Authority One (2), Two, Five, Ten and
Twenty Dollars (1974) (P59a, 64a, 71a, b, 72c, 73b, 74c, 75b) VG-
aUnc (9 notes) Est. $75
the German notes much better than average (lot) Est. $75 2016 (P369b,P-New); plus USA Merrick Mint colourised One
3188 Five, Ten (2), Twenty, Fifty Deutsche Mark 2nd Jan 1980; One Pound Somerset with gilt embossed Eliz II signature, the first two
Hundred Deutsche Mark 1st June 1977 (P30, 31, 32, 33, 34) two Fine-gFine, the last two Unc (4 notes) Est. $50
different signature combinations and a few with reverse copyright 3202 One (3), Five (2) and Twenty Pounds Page ND (1970-80) (2); plus
imprints, generally fresh VF-aUnc (6 notes) Est. $125 Twenty Pounds Fforde ND (1970) (P374g, 375c, 380a, b) some pen
3189 Small group of issues 1910-1948 values Five to Five Milliard Mark notations VG-Fine (8 notes) Est. $150
with some duplication in plastic page album, generally Fine-Unc 3203 Five Pounds Kentfield 1990 consec run of five (P382b) bundle tape
and a colourful mixed lot (25 notes) Est. $50 pressure marks else Unc (5 notes) Est. $90
3225 Five Pounds (ND) (2010) consec run of ten (P33a) Unc Est. $100
3212 WWII period German propaganda currency One Pound Peppiatt KENYA
series H86D with Arabic text on reverse as airdropped into North 3226 Central Bank One Hundred Shilingi 1st July 1978 (P18) consec
African territory, one with heavy folds and tears, the other tape trio; plus Fifty Shilingi 1st July 1988 (P22e) consec run of five, Unc
repaired else Good-aVG and interesting (2 notes) (8 notes) Est. $75
The lot comes with the English translation of the Arabic text Est. $50
3213 Ten to One Thousand Gourdes 2014-2016 (P-New) Unc (7
Session 6
3231 Ten Litu 2001 (P65) consec run of ten, Unc (10 notes) Est. $75
3239 One Hundred Francs (1977) (P18d) consec trio, Unc (3 notes) Est. $75
3232 National Bank One Hundred Patacas 8th August 2005 (P82a) two
consec pairs, Unc (4 notes) Est. $100
3240 Union Bank of New Zealand One Pound 1st January 1891,
Christchurch uniface printer proof EF Est. $600
3241 One Dollar ND issues of Wilks, Hardie type I, Hardie type II (2),
Russell (2), Brash type I consec trio (P163b, d, 169a, b, c) aUnc-
3233 One Hundred to Twenty Thousand Ariary (ND) (2017) (P-New) Unc
mainly Unc (9 notes) Est. $50
(2 sets, 16 notes) Est. $75
3242 One Dollar Wilks, Knight, Hardie type I; Two Dollars Wilks (2),
MEXICO Knight; Five and Ten Dollars Knight (P163b, c, d, 164b, c, 165c,
3234 One Hundred Pesos 2016 consec run of four (P-New) Unc 166c) the Two Dollars Wilks Fine, remainder very fresh VF-aEF
(4 notes) Est. $60 (8 notes) Est. $50
Session 6
MIDDLE-EAST 3243 One Dollar Hardie type II consec run of five, Russell, Brash type
3235 Iran One Hundred Rials signature 31, Two Hundred Rials signature I AMJ first prefix (P169a, b, c) the Russell note EF or better,
32, Five Hundred Rials signature 33, One Thousand Rials 2000 remainder Unc (7 notes) Est. $50
signature 35, Two Thousand Rials signature 36, Five Thousand Rials 3244 One Dollar Hardie type II; Two Dollars Hardie type I, Russell; Five
2009 signature 36 (P136e, 137Ad, 140g, 143-, 144d, 150) all Unc; Dollars Brash type I consec pair, Wheeler series 7 (20)15; Twenty
plus Iraq Half, One and Five (2) Dinars 1992, Twenty-Five Dinars Dollars Brash type I (P169a, 164d, 170b, 171c, New, 173c) in small
1986 and 1990 (2), Two Hundred and Fifty Dinars 2002(?), Five Chinese paper money album, Unc (7 notes) Est. $90
Hundred Dinars 2004, One Thousand Dinars 2012 (P73, 74, 78, 79,
80, 92, 93, -) Fine-mainly Unc (16 notes) Est. $75
3259 Fifty Dollars Wheeler series 7 (20)16 consec pair (P-New) Unc (2
notes) Est. $150
3260 One Hundred Dollars (20)16 (P195) Unc (2 notes) Est. $250
Session 6
3271 Ten Kina ND (1985) serial NCR 040208 (P7) accompanied by Bank
of PNG letter dated 26th of June 1985 attesting to the note being
the first available to collectors, Unc Est. $100
3272 Ten Kina ND (1988) signature 3 consec pair, 1998 Silver Jubilee,
July 2000, (20)08 (2, one prefix AA08 with low serial 000185)
(P9b, 17a, 26a, 30) Unc (6 notes) Est. $125
3261 One Hundred Dollars Wheeler series 7 (20)16 consec pair (P-New) 3273 Fifty Kina (20)08 polymer prefix AA08 with very low serial 000514
Unc (2 notes) Est. $325 (P32a) Unc Est. $50
3283 One Hundred Kina (20)08 Bank 35th Anniv paper issue by De La
Rue prefix BPNG serial 0000000 (P37s) Unc Est. $100
3284 Five Piso Aquino-Fernandez black serials consec trio, Aquino-
Cuisia red serials consec trio; Twenty Piso 2010 signature 18
consec trio (P168b, d, 182i) all trios share the last three digits
301-303, Unc (9 notes) Est. $50
3285 Casa da Moeda One Hundred Reis 6th Aug 1891; Bank of Portugal
Twenty Escudos 27th Feb 1940 (minor ink stain bottom margin),
28th Jan 1941 (P88, 143, 153a) Fine-aVF (3 notes) Est. $75
3276 Ten Kina (20)08 prefix AA08 serial 000000 with very subdued
“Specimen” overprint in red on obverse and no overprint on the
reverse (sim P30 but not listed as a specimen). The lot comes with
illustration of a similar specimen offered on the internet with correct
overprints for comparison, Unc and most interesting Est. $125
3277 Twenty Kina (20)07 prefix AA07 serial 000000; together with
regular circulating issue (P31a, s) Unc (2 notes) Est. $90
3278 Twenty Kina (20)08 Bank 35th Anniv paper issue by De La Rue
prefix BPNG serial 0000000 (P36s) Unc Est. $75
3279 Twenty Kina (20)08 Bank 35th Anniv issue identical to the previous; 3286 Reserve Bank Ten Dollars 2nd January 1979 (P41a) prefix Z/1
plus circulating issue with low serial 0001226 (P36a, s) Unc replacement; Two Dollars 10th April 1979 (P35d) prefix X/1, Unc
(2 notes) Est. $90 (2 notes) Est. $100
3280 Fifty Kina (19)99 prefix MV99 serials 000000 (P18s) Unc Est. $125
3287 Bank of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Ten Pounds Salisbury 3rd April
1956 (P23a) gVF, scarce this grade Est. $5,000
3281 Fifty Kina (20)08 polymer prefix AA08 serial 000000 (P32s)
Unc Est. $100
Session 6
3282 One Hundred Kina (20)05 polymer prefix AA05 serial 000000
(P33s) Unc Est. $125 Lot 3288
3293 Bank of Scotland Ten Pounds 1st June 2016; plus Clydesdale Bank
Ten Pounds 25th January 2017 (P-New) both polymer issues, Unc 3311 Royal Bank of Scotland PLC Five Pounds 11th February 2016
(2 notes) Est. $60 consec trio; plus Ten Pounds 26th December 2016 (P-New); all
3294 British Linen Bank One Pound 21st Oct 1953, 31st March 1962, newly designed polymer issues, Unc (4 notes) Est. $75
4th May 1964, 5th Nov 1969 (2, one with obverse ink notation) 3312 Union Bank of Scotland Limited One Pound 1st August 1940, 1st Sept
(P157d, 166a, c, 169a) aFine-aUnc (5 notes) Est. $60 1953 (PS815c, 816a) the first with small tears left and right margins,
3295 British Linen Bank Five Pounds 3rd June 1959 (P161)obverse ink small rust hole and other minor stains, VG-Fine (2 notes) Est. $45
notations else Fine Est. $50
3296 Clydesdale Bank PLC Five Pounds 29th March 1982, 5th Jan 1983;
3313 Album of issues c.1914-1980s incl some Mexican Revolutionary
Royal Bank of Scotland plc Ten :Pounds 6th Feb 2012 consec
issues, Mixed Condition (250+ notes) Est. $350
pair (P212, 353) the first two with light corner bends aUnc-Unc
(4 notes) Est. $100 SWAZILAND
3297 Clydesdale Bank PLC Five Pounds Cicutto 1st Sept 1994, Savage
19th June 2002; Ten Pounds 12th Oct 1999 and 15th March 2006
Commonwealth Games commem (P218b, d, 226b, f) gEF-Unc
(4 notes) Est. $90
3298 Clydesdale & North of Scotland Bank Limited One Pound 1st June
1955, 1st May 1958 (P191a, b) virtually the first Fine, the second
gEF (2 notes) Est. $75
3299 Commercial Bank of Scotland Limited One Pound 30th Nov 1936
(small tear and bite top margin), 2nd Jan 1947, 3rd Jan 1952,
8th April 1935, 3rd Jan 1955 (PS331, 332, 336) aFine-gFine
(4 notes) Est. $100
3300 Commercial Bank of Scotland Limited Five Pounds 3rd Jan 1955
(PS333) gFine Est. $50
3301 National Bank of Scotland Limited One Pound 1st June 1939
(minor corner nibble), 1st May 1941, 2nd Jan 1953 (P258a) Fine-
gVF (3 notes) Est. $75 3314 One to Twenty Emalangeni ND (1974) set with matching serials
3302 National Bank of Scotland Limited One Pound 1st June 1953, 11th (PCS1) Unc (5 notes) Est. $75
Nov 1953, 1st March 1955 (P258b) Fine-aVF (3 notes) Est. $50 THAILAND
3303 National Bank of Scotland Limited One Pound 3rd Jan 1956, 1st 3315 Fifty Satang ND (1942-45 series 5) signatures 17 (3) and 20 (3);
Session 6
Aug 1957; National Commercial Bank of Scotland Limited One One Baht ND (1945 series 7) signature 21 (2, pinholes and one
Pound 16th Sept 1959 (P258b, 265) Fine-gEF (3 notes) Est. $75 trimmed); Twenty Baht ND (1942-45 series 5) signature 17 (3);
3304 National Commercial Bank of Scotland Limited One Pound plus One Baht ND (1946 provisional issue) (2) (P43a, 54a, 49a, d,
16th Sept 1959 (2), 1st Oct 1964 (P265, 269) aVF-virtually Unc 62Aa) Fine-aUnc (13 notes) Est. $75
(3 notes) Est. $50 3316 Fifty Satang, One (2, red and black serials), Five (2, red and black
3305 National Commercial Bank of Scotland Limited One Pound 1st Oct serials), Ten black serial I/23 300000, One Hundred Baht ND
1964, 4th Jan 1968; Five Pounds 1st Aug 1963 (P269, 272, 274) (1948) (P68, 69a, b, 70a, b, 71b, 73) the last note with ink notation
in watermark window, the last two notes Fine with some body,
VF-aUnc (3 notes) Est. $50
remainder gVF-Unc (7 notes) Est. $75
3319 One, Five, Ten (2, both types), Twenty and One Hundred Baht ND
(1946 series 8) mixed signatures (P63, 64, 65a, b, 66b, 67) gVF-
aUnc (6 notes) Est. $200
3325 Five (9), Ten (11, one Fine), Twenty (9) and One Hundred Baht (6,
one Fine) signature 42 ND (1969-75) (P82a, 83a, 84a, 85a) noted
several solid and other interesting serials in the higher values and
some consec runs, Unc unless stated (35 notes) Est. $100
3326 Five (9) and Ten Baht signature 41 (8); Ten (4), Twenty and One Hundred
Baht signature 44 ND (1969-75) (P82a, 83a, 84a, 85a) one Ten Baht and
the One Hundred Baht Fine-VF, remainder aUnc-Unc (23 notes) Est. $50
3327 Ten Baht 29th June 1935, 1st Aug 1936; together with related
portrait types One and Twenty Baht signature 17 ND (from 1942)
3320 One Baht signature 40 ND (1955) prefix T/140 consec run of ten (P28, 39, 41) some faults aFine-gFine (4 notes) Est. $50
notes serials 000001-10; plus prefix T/300 serial 696969 (P74d)
the first note with tiny rust stain else Unc (11 notes) Est. $60
3321 One (4), Five (4), Ten, Twenty and One Hundred Baht ND (1953-56)
(P74a, b, c, d, 75a, b, c, d, 76d, 77d, 78c) the P75b with rust spots
else crisp EF as is the 76c, remainder aUnc-Unc (11 notes) Est. $90
3322 One Baht (13), Five Baht (8), Ten Baht (5), Twenty Baht ND (1953-
56) mixed sub-types and signatures with a few interesting repeater
and other serials (P74b, c, d, 75b, c, d, 76c, d, 77d) aVG-Unc with
most notes in high grade (27 notes) Est. $90
3328 Ten Baht ND (1942-44) unissued remainder (P59) a little grubby around
edges else very crisp gVF and scarce — unpriced in Pick Est. $100
3333 Five and Ten Baht 1969 commemorative pair (P80, 81) the serials
don’t match but are consecutive, Unc and scarce - only 6,000 or
7,000 reported as issued (2 notes) Est. $150
3334 Half Pa’Anga 14th April 1971 prefix A/1; Pa’Anga 4th Feb 1971
prefix A/1, 9th March 1977 prefix B/1; Two Pa’Anga 3rd April
1967 prefix A/1; National Reserve Bank One and Two Pa’Anga ND
(2008), Two Pa’Anga ND (2015) (P13d, 14d, 15a, 19c, 37, 38, 44) 3340 Military Payment Certificates Five, Ten, Fifty Cents; One and Five
the third note VG, remainder Fine-virtually Unc (7 notes) Est. $50 Dollars series 661, the first Fine, remainder Unc (5 notes) Est. $100
3335 2015 coronation set Two to One Hundred Pa’anga with matching
Session 6
3350 British Caribbean Territories One Dollar 2nd January 1962 (P7c);
3342 Military Payment Certificates Five, Ten, Twenty-Five, Fifty Cents;
plus Cayman Islands Monetary Authority One Dollar 2003 (P30)
One, Five and Twenty Dollars series 692, the last two with staple
consec run of five, VF-Unc (6 notes) Est. $100
holes right hand side else aFine or a bit better, a near full set
(7 notes) Est. $100
3351 Chile Central Bank 2012-2016 paper and polymer set including One
Thousand, Two Thousand, Five Thousand Pesos (all polymer) and
Ten Thousand, Twenty Thousand Pesos (both paper) (P161, 162,
163, 164, 165); plus Costa Rica Central Bank Ten Thousand Colones
3343 Twenty to Five Hundred Pesos Uruguayos 2011-15 (2017) consec 28th September 2007 (P267e) consec pair, Unc (7 notes) Est. $100
pairs of each value (P-New) Unc (10 notes) Est. $100 3352 France album of notgeld type issues 1915-1926 (62); plus Austria
VENEZUELA album of notgeld issues c.1920-21 (77). The Austrian notes VF-
Unc, the French notes Avge. Circ-gFine (139 notes) Est. $75
3344 Two, Five, Ten, Twenty, Fifty, One Hundred Bolivares 2007-2015, three
of each note (P88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93) Unc (18 notes) Est. $100 3353 Indonesia One Thousand to One Hundred Thousand Rupiah 2016
(P-New); plus Iran One Hundred Thousand Rials 2010 (P151) (3),
VIETNAM Unc (10 notes) Est. $75
3354 Iran Bank Markazi Ten Thousand Rials ND ((9181) (P134a);
Philippines Twenty, Fifty, One Hundred and Two Hundred Piso
2013-2015, Unc (5 notes) Est. $60
(P45h-48h) Unc (6 notes) Est. $75 plus Yemen Ten Dinars ND (1984) (P9b), Unc (6 notes) Est. $90
ZIMBABWE 3356 Syria Central Bank Five Hundred Pounds 1986 (P105d) (4); plus
Tunisia Five and Ten Dinars 2013 (P93, 96); Twenty and Fifty Dinars
3347 Reserve Bank Five and Twenty Dollars 2nd Feb 2009; Twenty
2011 (P93, 94) the Syrian notes gEF, others Unc (8 notes) Est. $100
Dollars bearer cheque 1st Aug 2006; Five Billion, Ten Billion and
Ten Trillion Dollars 2008 (3, incl consec pair) all but the third note 3357 Accumulation A-Z (approx 175 notes); together with collection of
with prefix AA (P93, 95, 40, 84, 85, 88) the first with corner crease facsimile Australian Pre-Federation notes produced c.1969 (14
else Unc (8 notes) Est. $50 diff) Mixed Condition (approx 190 notes) Est. $75
18–19 AUGUST Exclusive RAM/ANDA
Expo Limited Release