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12th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition
12th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition
(SNEC 2018)
(SNEC 2018)
Ammonia (NH3) Storage for Massive PV Electricity
Ammonia (NH3) Storage
The 15th International foronMassive
Symposium PV Electricity
District Heating and Cooling
Yuegu Wang, Songsheng Zheng, Jing Chen, Zhaolin Wang, Song He*
Assessing theSongsheng
Yuegu Wang, feasibility Zheng, of Jing
using Chen, theZhaolin
heat demand-outdoor
Wang, Song He*
College of Energy, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China
temperature function
College for a long-term
of Energy, district
Xiamen University, Xiamen heat demand forecast
361102, China

a,b,c a a b c c
Abstract I. Andrić *, A. Pina , P. Ferrão , J. Fournier ., B. Lacarrière , O. Le Corre
The fast Center for Innovation,
of ground Technology(PV)
photovoltaic and Policy Research
installation and- Instituto
restrictedSuperior Técnico, of
consumption Av.generated
Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisbon,
result inPortugal
The fast growth PVof electricity
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photovoltaic Recherche
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This Dreyfous
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generated PVammonia (NH
electricity 3) asin
result an energy
medium to convert Département Systèmes
the excess theÉnergétiques
insolar et Environnement
energy intoregion
stable chemical - IMTpaper
China. energy. Atlantique,
Analysis 4of
aAlfred Kastler,
energy 44300
efficiency, Nantes, France
unused/excess PV electricity north-west of This proposes solution using ammonia (NH 3feasibility and
) as an energy
medium toofconvert
the excess solar conversion concludes
energy into that ammonia
stable chemical energy.is aAnalysis
promising medium
of the energyfor large scale
efficiency, storagefeasibility
technical of renewable
economye.g. ofPV electricity. The solar-to-ammonia
solar-to-ammonia conversion concludes conversion offers aisgreat
that ammonia advantagemedium
a promising of storing
formassive amounts
large scale of excess
storage energy
of renewable
for wider
energy, application.
e.g. PV electricity. The solar-to-ammonia conversion offers a great advantage of storing massive amounts of excess energy
for wider application.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© 2018
heating networks
an Authors.
is The Published
open access
are by
by Elsevier addressed
under the
in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the
CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This is an open gasaccess
building sector. These
CC BY-NC-ND systems
license require high investments which are returned through the heat
This and open
peer-review under responsibility
theofCCthe scientific committee
licenseof policies,
the 12th International Photovoltaic Power Generation
an the access
changed article
under climate under
responsibility of the
renovation (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
heat demand
of the 12th International in the future
Photovoltaic Powercould decrease,
and Smart
Selection Energy
Smart Energy Conference
Conferenceunder & Exhibition
& Exhibition (SNEC
of the2018).
scientific committee of the 12th International Photovoltaic Power Generation
prolonging the investment return period. (SNEC 2018).
scope ofConference
this paper & is Exhibition
to assess the(SNEC 2018).
feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand
Keywords: PV electricity, ammonia (NH3), excess PV electricity, energy storage
forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
Keywords: PV electricity, ammonia (NH3), excess PV electricity, energy storage
buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district
renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors.
results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
(the is one demand
error in annual of the most
was widely synthesized
lower than industrial
20% for all weather chemicals in the world.
scenarios considered). It is produced
However, basicallyrenovation
after introducing from air
and Ammonia theiserror
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scenarios, onetovalue
most reforming
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59.5% inindustrial chemicals
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value ofsynthesisto the steam reforming
is not anincreased
slope coefficient environmentalprocess in conventional
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of 3.8% technologies.
up to 8% The conventional
per decade, that1.2 method
% of the total
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ammonia synthesis
in the numberisofnot an environmental
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hours of 22-139h duringprocess, as the
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(depending on the almost 1.2 %ofofweather
combination the total
renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the
coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.

© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-18350235043
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and
* E-mail address:
Corresponding hes@xmu.edu.cn
author. Tel.: +86-18350235043
E-mail address: hes@xmu.edu.cn
1876-6102 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This Heat
is an open demand;
access Forecast; Climate change license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
1876-6102 © 2018 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC BY-NC-ND
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an and
openpeer-review under
access article responsibility
under of the scientific
the CC BY-NC-ND licensecommittee of the 12th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart
Energy Conference
Selection & Exhibition
and peer-review (SNEC 2018).of the scientific committee of the 12th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart
under responsibility
Energy Conference & Exhibition (SNEC 2018).
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1876-6102 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 12th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and
Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition (SNEC 2018).
100 Yuegu Wang et al. / Energy Procedia 150 (2018) 99–105
2 Yuegu Wang et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000


PSA Pressure Swing Adsorption

MVC Mechanical Vapour Compression
PEM Proton Exchange Membranes

primary energy and contributes 0.93 % of greenhouse gas emissions [1]. Various alternative feed-stocks, such as
naphtha, fuel oil and coal are available. However, natural gas is the most common source and most convenient to use
in the conversion process.
Coal gasification is generally used in the ammonia industry of China as it is the most abundant resource in China. The
theoretical conversion process, based on air and water as feedstock, is as follows:
- 
Cathode: 2H 2O  2e  H 2  2OH (1)
- -
Anode: 2OH  0.5O2  H 2O  2e (2)

N 2  3H 2  2 NH 3 (3)
Haber-Bosch process:

The economic feasibility of the conventional steam methane reforming relies on the cost of natural gas, which
constitutes 70-90 % of the total ammonia production cost [2]. China is the largest and most energy intensive ammonia
production country in the world, and nearly 75 % of ammonia synthesis is based on coal as feedstock [3]. It is not
foreseeable for a shift to use natural gas due to the major investments in coal-based processing plant.

Fig. 1 Technical route of ammonia production with renewable energy

The approach of renewable electrical energy storage with ammonia has been previously assessed comprehensively
by Morgan [4]. Ammonia has received considerable attention in the past as a potential energy storage medium [5].
Besides, ammonia produced using renewable electrical energy shows higher purity of 99.9% than other processes of
99.6%, as only nitrogen, hydrogen and water are present as intermediate products. Industrial production of ammonia
with the use of natural gas or coal has impurities, e.g. sulfide & oil, which are very difficult to remove. As mentioned
above, the ammonia synthesis process based on fossil fuels is unsustainable with high green-house gas emissions.
Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, have developed rapidly in recent years as global warming
and environmental issues are becoming very serious, especially in China. According to the Chinese National Energy
Administration, there is presently more than 7x106 kWh of abandoned solar electricity per year in the north-west
Yuegu Wang et al. / Energy Procedia 150 (2018) 99–105 101
Yuegu Wang et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 3

region of China, which implies that approximately 20 % of the photovoltaic power is wasted [6]. Therefore, ammonia
as a more suitable energy storage medium can be produced using the unused renewable energy. Figure 1 shows the
technical route of ammonia production with renewable energy. In this paper, ammonia synthesis with renewable
energy is analyzed in terms of the production efficiency, technical and economic feasibility.

2. Energy conversion and technical feasibility

The ammonia synthesis process based on sustainable energy consists of hydrogen production, air separation and
the Haber-Bosch process. One of the production methods which generates the most hydrogen without the use of fossil
fuel is electrolysis, and the thermodynamic power consumption is 39.4 kWh·kg-1 H2. High pressure alkaline,
atmospheric alkaline and PEM are established technologies of the main electrolysis methods available.
The most mature and commercially employed water electrolytic technology is alkaline electrolysis. The
electrolyser can generate 39-380 tons/year of hydrogen and is suitable for large scale system. Besides, when the
utilization factor increases from 0.25 to 1.0, the efficiency of units increases 5-10 % linearly [7]. The energy
consumption for hydrogen production is approximately 50.4-61.6 kWh·kg-1 with a maximum efficiency of 78.2 %
based on a minimum energy requirement of 39.4 kWh·kg-1 H2. The overall efficiency takes into account the
transformer and rectifier efficiency, stated commonly as 95% × 95% respectively [8]. Therefore, the maximum system
efficiency of water hydrolysis with alkaline technology can reach up to 71%.
PEM electrolysis is based on proton exchange membrane fuel cell technology, and it is forecasted as the best
alternative to the commercially alkaline electrolysis for water splitting. PEM operates at 30 bar pressure with a power
requirement of around 44 kWh·Kg-1 H2 and has a target of 43 kWh·Kg-1 by 2020 according to the Department of
Energy [9]. It has a load range of 0-100 % and can response immediately to the load range [10], which implies that
PEM technology is more compatible for intermittent supply of renewable energy. The purity output of the system is
very high up to 99.98 %. Therefore, it is unnecessary for any further purification, nor for drying or rinsing. Nowadays,
PEM electrolysis is on its way to industrial applications. For example, a MW scale PEM electrolyser from Siemens
enables 10-MW electrolysers to produce hydrogen [11, 12].
Cryogenic air separation technology is the only method for providing high flow rate of nitrogen at the required
purity. Cryogenic distillation accounts for nearly 90 % of total world nitrogen production, and this process is the
cheapest and consumes the least amount of energy among all modules that make up the ammonia production process.
The main energy requirements for this process come from its compressors and coolers [13]. Cryogenic distillation
plant can produce up to 10000 tons of nitrogen per day. In the case of small scale production, Pressure Swing
Adsorption (PSA) is more appropriate which has been successfully implemented in many countries [14]. This implies
that the wider load range has given them an edge when assessing the response of the system to contain solar loads.
Ammonia can be produced in the very mature Haber-Bosch (H-B) synthesis process, the potential new thermo-
chemical and solid state synthesis processes with nitrogen to hydrogen ratio at 1:3. Ammonia is generated
commercially via the well-known H-B process. The synthesis loop is carried out at temperatures between 300 and 550
C and pressure between 100 and 250 bar in the presence of an iron oxide based catalyst bed for reaction to proceed
at reasonable rates. Compared with the conventional synthesis from natural gas or coal gasification, the all-electric
system has some advantages, e.g. it prevents the catalyst deactivation by sulfur compounds in the feed, as well as
energy saving according to a smaller purge stream.
Thermo-chemical and solid state ammonia synthesis are the new technologies developed to save the cost and energy
requirements of ammonia production. In the conventional H-B synthesis loop, the conversion of the ammonia
production is normally in the range of 15-25 %. This limitation results in unfavorable yields. The innovative ammonia
synthesis process can operate at lower temperatures and pressures than the H-B process. Therefore, it leads to energy
and material saving for the future. Table 1 summarizes the technology selections for all-electric ammonia generation.
In conclusion, the total system efficiency of the ammonia synthesis process varies from 45.7% to 55.3%. The
energy efficiency of ammonia production is 54.6% and 55.9% from coal gasification and natural gas steam,
respectively [15]. Therefore, ammonia is feasible as a clean storage medium for large scale sustainable energy. This
paper analyzes the solar to ammonia system in terms of economic analysis with specific case study of abandoned PV
electricity in the north-west region of China.
102 Yuegu Wang et al. / Energy Procedia 150 (2018) 99–105
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Table 1. Technology selection for all-electric ammonia generation

Process Section Reasons
Air Separation (N2) Cryogenic High purity production; high volume output; mature technology
Electrolysis (H2) Alkaline High output; good load range; mature technology
Mechanical Vapor Thermal system with possibility of heat integration; flexible with good load
Water Desalination (H2O)
Compression range; high purity production

3. Solar to ammonia economic analysis

3.1 Ammonia vs. hydrogen vs. lithium battery

For the storage of intermittent renewable energy, the use of either hydrogen or ammonia represents a possible
solution. Although vehicle engines running with hydrogen have been fabricated, the storage and transportation of
hydrogen is still a major challenge. Hydrogen must be stored at 350-700 bars at room temperature or below -253C
at atmospheric pressure. Ammonia can be liquefied at roughly 9 bars at room temperature or -33C at atmospheric
pressure. Therefore, ammonia is much more convenient and safer to be stored and transported compared to hydrogen.
Moreover, hydrogen storage process requires more energy consumption to realize high storage pressure or very low
temperature. The storage vessel for hydrogen is particularly heavy due to the use of special and expensive material.
Ammonia storage tanks are much lighter and lower cost. Besides, there exists a serious safety concern due to the high
storage pressure of hydrogen. The storage of ammonia is much safer due to low pressure and can be detected easily if
there is ammonia leakage (strong smell).
Ammonia energy storage system shows great advantages in large scale and less restriction of geographical
conditions compared with many other traditional energy storage methods. Table 2 gives a technical comparison of
ammonia, hydrogen and lithium battery. Lithium battery storage systems are not suitable for large scale energy storage
due to their very low energy density of 0.9 MJ/kg. They are 21 times heavier than ammonia based systems, and 10
times larger in volume. As reported, the 100 MWh system in South Australia by Tesla is the largest installed lithium
battery storage system [16]. In contrast, ammonia can be applied to store renewable energy in GW scale. Moreover,
ammonia is a promising energy medium for long storage time of over 1000 hours, compared to less than 10 hours for
lithium battery which also has a higher storage cost. Besides, the disposal of used lithium battery can cause
environmental pollution. Figure 2 shows the levelized costs of three different energy storage media. Lithium battery
can reach a round-trip efficiency of 80%, however its storage capacity is directly linked to the size which prevents its
application at large scale. From Figure 2, it can be seen that ammonia has the highest ratio of storage time to cost.
Ammonia and hydrogen are all steady energy storage media and can be stored for a longer time compared to a lithium
battery. However, hydrogen shows a higher storage cost than ammonia at the same storage time due to the expensive
storage tank used. Ammonia shows the best storage characteristics and only requires 0.25 dollar per kWh of electric
energy [17].

Table 2. Comparison of different storage technologies

Storage media Storage pressure (bar) Storage temperature (C) Energy density (kWh/L) Storage time (hrs)
Ammonia 9 -33 4.3 10-10000
Hydrogen 350-700 -253 2.5 10-1000
Lithium Battery -- -- 0.45 < 10
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Fig. 2. Levelized cost of three energy storage media.

3.2.Solar-to-ammonia cost

The solar-to-ammonia factory can be built beside a PV power plant. It includes the hydrogen production module,
nitrogen production module and ammonia production module. The solar-to-ammonia can be used in electrical
equipment for instance electric generator, and thermal equipment such as boiler or steam generator for remote area.
Moreover, the generated ammonia can be used in agriculture as chemical fertilizer.
Ammonia can be used in many industrial applications. However, it is primarily used in agriculture as a fertilizer,
with a huge market in China. About 140 million tons of ammonia are produced each year globally. China contributed
nearly 32% of the total global ammonia production in 2013 [18]. As an energy storage medium, ammonia must be
transportable for distribution from PV power facilities to end users. Ammonia can be transported by road, rail, or
waterway as a pressurized liquid. Highway trailers are currently in use to deliver more than 43000 L of ammonia
capacity at storage pressure of nearly 20 bar. Low-temperature storage with less steel tank material results in more
ammonia transporting capacity and a lower initial cost design.
Taking the north-west region of China for example, it has abundant solar energy resources and the mean annual
sunshine duration reaches 3200-3300 hours in this area. The solar energy radiant quantity is between 160-200 kCal/cm.
And the peak sunshine duration value is about 1734 hours (data taken from PV SYSTEM software). This case study
aims to investigate the cost of solar-to-ammonia synthesized by electric at a scale of 100 MW PV power plant. The
overall cost consists the investment of ammonia infrastructure, the cost of electricity used for syngas production and
the cost for operation and management.

L=W  H  (4)
where L is the annual energy output of the PV Power plant, W the installed capacity of the PV Power plant, H the peak
sunshine duration value, and η the total system efficiency of station (80% in this study).
Hydrogen production with PEM technology requires 7.76 kWh electricity consumption to generate 1 kg of
ammonia. The nitrogen production with PSA requires 0.24 kWh electricity while ammonia production with H-B needs
2.3 kWh of electricity [19]. The electrolysis process has high water purity requirement with a MVC process for
successful electrolysis operation. This process only requires very low energy consumption at ~0.025 kWh to purify
the sea water for per kilogram of ammonia. Therefore, energy consumption of MVC can be ignored in this study.
Initial investment of ammonia plant includes the equipment investment, installation cost, construction cost and
other capital cost. The major parts of equipment contain synthesis gas (hydrogen, nitrogen and ammonia) generator,
storage parts and other auxiliary equipment.
104 Yuegu Wang et al. / Energy Procedia 150 (2018) 99–105
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3.3. Capital Cost and manufacturing cost of solar-to-ammonia

The capital cost of the solar to ammonia plant is easy to calculate, as the equipment and modules are essentially
package plants. Based on the example of 100 MW capacity of PV station, the capital costs [20] are calculated in Table
3. The depreciation is not considered in this analysis. The manufacturing costs of solar-to-ammonia plant are integral
when determining the economic feasibility of each process. The manufacturing costs are summarized with multiple
costs resources, i.e. operating expense; power consumption; maintenance; raw material. The maintenance costs are
around 3 % of total capital investment. The power consumption expenses are mainly affected by the price of solar
power per kilowatt-hour. Table 3 summarizes ammonia manufacturing costs at PV on-grid price of 0.3 RBM per kWh.

Table 3. Fixed cost and manufacturing cost of solar-to-ammonia (million RMB)

Equipment cost Installation cost Construction cost Other cost Total capital cost
40.50 19.44 8.91 12.15
Labor cost Maintenance operation cost Total manufacturing cost 81.00
1.07 0.17 43.22 44.46

3.4. Cost of solar-to-ammonia

Figure 3 summarizes the cost of solar to ammonia production at different electricity price. It can be seen that the
price of ammonia strongly depends on PV on-grid price. The cost of solar-to-ammonia will be lower than commercial
ammonia in China market when the PV on-grid price is less than 0.27 Yuan/kWh. The PV on-grid price in China is
currently 0.47 Yuan/kWh. Therefore, the massive abandoned PV electricity in the northwest region of China provides
great opportunity for this emerging energy storage technology. Alternatively, wind electricity can also be applied to
produce ammonia at acceptable cost as the wind on-grid price in China is currently 0.27 Yuan/kWh coincidently.

Fig. 3. Cost of solar-to-ammonia production at different PV on-grid price.

4. Conclusion

This paper summarizes the conventional and emerging ammonia synthesis technologies with renewable energy.
The novel technology provides ammonia synthesis with better energy efficiency, simpler process flow and no
desulfurization. Solar-to-ammonia is a clean and sustainable energy conversion process without greenhouse gases
emissions compared to tradition ways.
By studying the case of 100 MW capacity of PV station, the cost of solar-to-ammonia mainly depends on the cost
of electricity consumption during the synthesis process which constitutes more than 90 % of the total cost of ammonia
production. The PV on-grid price is the key factor to determine the cost of solar-to-ammonia synthesis. The PV on-
Yuegu Wang et al. / Energy Procedia 150 (2018) 99–105 105
Yuegu Wang et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 7

grid price of 0.27 Yuan/kWh is the profitable point for solar-to-ammonia production. Therefore, it is specifically
applicable as a solution for the large amounts of abandoned PV electricity in the northwest region of China.


The authors would like to give thanks to the financial sponsorship from Fujian Industrial Guidance Project (No.


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