W W W. S M C B M C - E U R O P E . O R G
Design for Success - Chapter 7 - Applications 1
Introduction ...............................................................3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Design ......................................................................17
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Quality..................................... .................................35
Chapter 6
Environment ............................................................. 39
Chapter 7
Applications ..............................................................49
Chapter 8
Glossary ....................................................................67
Chapter 9
Appendix ..................................................................71
SMC and BMC materials, and the benefits these
materials can bring. You will also find detailed
information to support you in finalizing your
Your customers demand structural materials that If you would like to have more detailed
are lightweight, strong and versatile. Materials that information on any of the subjects covered
resist corrosion and temperature extremes and which please contact the European Alliance for SMC/
deliver freedom of design and low system costs. BMC. The generic term SMC/BMC has been
mostly used although we refer to the specific
The ideal solution for many applications is a family of product types where appropriate.
structural, fibre reinforced thermosets: SMC (Sheet
Moulding Compound) and BMC (Bulk Moulding
Compound). These materials combine mechanical
and physical properties with the lowest system cost,
without compromising quality.
We do this through :
• Facilitating the information exchange about these materials at selected seminars, exhibitions and organizing
Design Award program for young designers in Europe.
Comparisons are made with other structural materials and the excellent environmental and recycling properties
of SMC/BMC are communicated to assist designers and manufacturers in the various application fields. Members
of the European Alliance for SMC/BMC include manufacturers of resins, glass fibres and additives as well as
SMC/BMC suppliers, research institutes and component / system suppliers.
only by your
Design for Success - Chapter 7 - Applications 5
Composite solutions
Since the introduction of the first moulding compounds based on Unsaturated polyesters, this class of materials has
developed into a variety of high performance SMC & BMC composite solutions for a broad range of applications In view of
their excellent features and benefits, these materials will continue to be used for many demanding applications.
Many thermoset polymers are known for their excellent Interior parts in many end use markets require low
thermal resistance. Using specific resin systems emission materials (e.g. car interior parts). Minimization
thermal resistances up to 300°C can be achieved. From of hazardous or uncomfortable emissions and smell is
a technical view these materials can be superior to desired.
engineering thermoplastics and provide cost effective Also in lighting systems the headlamp reflectors must be
solutions especially in comparison to high performance free of any emissions in order to avoid fogging, that will
thermoplastics. reduce lighting performance.
For demanding engineering applications it is also crucial
that the CTE (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) is close to
the CTE of metals and ensures dimensional stability over
a wide range of temperatures.
Lamp housings
Mass Transportation
(light weight and fire resistance)
Train, tram interior and body parts
Electrical components
Access chambers
Microwave ware
(strength and durability)
Functional parts in mechanical engineering as metal substitution
(design freedom and personalised aesthetics)
Sinks and bath tubs
Toilet seats
Drain covers
(optimized shape and user friendliness)
Surgery equipment
Antibacterial components
Design for Success - Chapter 7 - Applications 9
SMC/BMC Manufacturing
and Properties
SMC and BMC, as well as derivatives which include: TMC
(Thick Moulding Compound), HPC (High Performance
Compound) CIC (Continuous Impregnation Compounds)
and AMC (Advanced Moulding Compounds) are all fibre
reinforced composite materials which primarily consist of
a thermosetting resin matrix (normally UP -unsaturated 28%
polyester), reinforcement (normally glassfibre) and inorganic
filler. 40%
Additional ingredients such as low-profile additives, cure
initiators, thickeners, process additives and mould release 3%
agents are used to enhance the processability of the material
and the end-performance of the part. Typically less than 30
percent of an SMC/ BMC recipe is a crude oil derivative either
as unsaturated polyester resin or thermoplastic additives.
The remainder is inorganic filler and reinforcing glass fibres,
chopped into lengths: 25 - 50mm for SMC and 6 -12mm for resign
BMC. others
inorganic filler
Thermosetting resins form the matrix and chemical backbone
of SMC/BMC, imparting the required blend of properties.
Unsaturated polyester (UP) or vinyl ester (VE) are the resins
most commonly used, and they undergo a cross-linking TYPICAL BMC FORMULATION
reaction when cured under heat and pressure. VE resins are
used when there is a high technical requirement, for example
where sustained heat and chemical resistance is needed.
Good heat resistance is a characteristic of all thermosets and
they differ from thermoplastics in that once the compound
cures to a rigid solid, it will not soften at elevated temperatures
or become brittle at lower temperatures. This means that SMC
and BMC parts retain their original properties and dimensional
accuracy over a broad range of temperatures.
SMC material
SMC can be formulated with a broad range of resin
and reinforcement combinations to impart and enhance
specific properties. For Class A surface requirements, for
example, thermoplastic low profile additives are used to
control the amount of shrinkage of the resin system during
polymerisation. A general purpose formulation will have
a shrinkage of around 0.2%, whereas a low-profile SMC
will typically be as low as 0.05%, some are even zero
shrinkage. Once cured SMC/BMC products show no post
mould shrinkage what so ever. This is a particular benefit
in the automotive industry, where low profile Class A SMC
panels are often used alongside steel or aluminium in
a hybrid design. Dimensional stability ensures precise
panel fit and interface.
When BMC
is used
Due to its longer fibre length and higher fibre content,
SMC has greater flexural strength and tensile strength
than BMC. As a result the material tends to be used
for larger flat parts with a more structural requirement
combined with good cosmetics - such as vehicle body
panels or building cladding panels. See Applications
chapter for more details. Strength, rigidity and corrosion
resistance are also essential attributes in other common
SMC applications such as passenger car decklids, truck
Low –Profile SMC: formulations
grilles, water storage tank panels and electricity meter
with very low or zero shrinkage
Retention of dimensional
properties: SMC compared with other polymers
10 5
-80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200
Temperature ¡C
Recyclability ++ ++ + +
Sound dampening
of various materials
Aluminium 7 x 10 -5
Steel 2 x 10 -5
SMC 0.40
Polyamide 0.16
Polyamide Polyamide
Magnesium Magnesium
Aluminium Aluminium
Steel Steel
00 100
300 400
00 75
225 300
Comparaison des unités vendues par an Comparaison des unités vendues par an
1 1
Density g/cm
3 Light weight potential
Equivalent flexural stiffness: steel is 100%
Polyamide Polyamide
Magnesium Magnesium
Aluminium Aluminium
Steel Steel
110 110
165 220
60 80
Comparaison des unités vendues par an Comparaison des unités vendues par an
1 1
Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) 10 m/mK
0 15 30 45 60
0 15 30 45
part design
Flow simulation
Weld lines should be avoided, especially
on visible parts.
predicts cavity
filling behaviour
The flow simulation (below) also importantly
shows the fibre orientation within the part. In
terms of mechanical behaviour, correct fibre
orientation is essential, since the fibres bear
the loadings and stresses. In a successful SMC
part, the design has to enable the fibres to flow
along the load direction - so the design must
include the right flow characteristics.
Correct fibre
Structural analysis orientation is
Structural analysis can then be performed. By
adjusting reference conditions the impact of essential to cope
with mechanical
dynamic and static forces and excitations can
be calculated. The simulation below shows the
mechanical behaviour of the bumper beam
loadings and
under a single static load. The deformation
is clearly shown and the colours indicate the
resulting tension within the material. Now the
designer can decide whether the stresses are
acceptable or if the design needs modification. stresses
partner familiar with the whole
knowledge chain as early in the Designing beneath the
design process as possible. surface
Validate the design for structural
performance, appearance and SMC closed sections can be
cost issues. To maximise the designed to carry the same loads • SMC/BMC closed sections can be
advantage of SMC/BMC in terms as steel but sufficient package designed to take the same loads as
of cost/performance ratio, and to space is necessary for bending steel
avoid design loops. stiffness, seal loads, torsion
stiffness and deflections, for • The coefficient of linear thermal
example. expansion for SMC/BMC is close to
Review the product
steel and aluminium
Preliminary structural
• The ‘spring-back’ associated with
Having established the primary evaluation steel or aluminium does not exist with
objectives, determine what role SMC/BMC
SMC/BMC plays in meeting these Preliminary structural and fastener
objectives. loadings can be evaluated using
• Low Profile Class A System shrinkage
finite element analysis (FEA)
is zero or no more than ½ mm/m
For example, if high quality body as previously described. CAD
colour surface finish is important checks can also be made for
• Tools are built directly from the
then emphasis must be placed recommended design clearances
designer’s mathematical calculations
on achieving Class A surface and tolerances.
appearance. For example trim • Read-through effects of SMC/BMC are
edges must be hidden or closely Replacement of a current very low compared to thermoplastics
controlled. design that’s not in SMC/
If low weight is a major concern,
then lower material usage, will
be one of the main criteria. This
When replacing an existing design
means minimizing redundant
or part, most issues have already
structures, consolidating parts
been determined:
or using specialized low density
grades of SMC/BMC.
• Attaching interface
Visible surfaces
The recommended radii is 2mm minimum for inside corner radii and
0,5 mm
1.5mm minimum for outside corner radii. max. radius
0,75 T
0,5 draft
1,5 mm
FLANGES 3.0° with in-mould coating
0,25¡ draft
0,25¡ draft
Routers are used for large, irregular The bond line thickness should
holes or specialized edge trimming. be between 0.5 – 3.0mm.
High speed routing on NC-controlled Recommendation for a target
machines ensures high accuracy bondline thickness is 1mm, which
and quality of the resulting edges offers sufficient space to allow
and apertures. By using appropriate for tolerance. A thickness below
cutting tools for thermoset materials, 0.5mm is not recommended. In the
clean cuts over a prolonged period worst case scenario the bondline
are assured. Closely monitor the thickness should be greater than 0.2
tools for wear and tear due to the mm. Most adhesives are capable of
abrasiveness of glassfibres. filling gaps even wider than 3.0 mm,
although this will have a negative
impact on bond performance and
Water jet is not recommended. See section
‘Designing for bonding.’
In water jet cutting the jet of water
passes through the SMC part leaving
a clean cut. Water jet cutting doesn’t Tapping plates and stud plates
generate dust particles but they have
to be cleaned afterwards. The cut Tapping plates consist of flat or
of the water stream is about 0.5mm formed sheet metal with threads for
wide. accepting fasteners. Threads are
achieved by
Threaded-in fasteners weld-nuts, caged nut assemblies (if
adjustability is required), or formed
Body panels attached directly to
threads in the sheet metal itself.
body-in-white structures are attached
Tapping and stud plates can also
with threaded-in fasteners. Through-
be bonded in. They will distribute
holes are required for fasteners to
loads over a larger area and are
thread into the body structure.
recommended where loads exceed
boss pull-out strengths.
Threaded fasteners for bosses
Design rules are as above.
Panel should be sandwiched
Tolerances between the plate and the fastening
surface, wherever possible, to
Plastic parts’ tolerances come under assist in load distribution and
ISO 2577 (DIN 16901). Table 130 is fastener torque retention. ghosting
applicable for SMC parts. Deviation of the topcoat due to differences in
values are distinguished between thermal coefficients, so they should
tool and non-tool related figures. be avoided. Plates opposite Class
Compared to thermoplastic values, A top-coated surfaces may cause
a higher level of precision can ghosting of the top-coat surface due
generally be achieved. Deviations to differences in thermal coefficients,
are influenced by variations in: so they should be avoided.
Tool design
The design for SMC/BMC production tools follows similar
rules as for any other production process within the plastic
temperature system
temperature system
blocking system
vacuum sealing
tool stops(distances)
tool stops (distances)
punch platten
punch platten vacuum system
vacuum system
heat insula tion
Tool materials plated surfaces are recommended; process shrinkage. This behaviour
especially for LP-SMC. require very close attention in
Depending on the application and the design stage with regard to
expected service life production SMC/BMC materials have minimal deformation - so called draft angles.
volumes, materials like aluminium process shrinkage. This behaviour Generally speaking: the bigger the
and steel (unquenched and un- require very close attention in better!
tempered) are used. These materials the design stage with regard to
will be used predominantly for deformation - so called draft angles. On the tooling side, air vents and
prototype tools, but for serial tools Generally speaking: the bigger the an optimized layout of ejectors are
quenched and tempered steel sorts better! necessary to remove parts from the
like 1.2311 or 1.2738 (German steel tool well. But outer shell parts with
key figures) are normally used . On the tooling side, air vents and class A requirements must not have
Dies for Class A products with high an optimized layout of ejectors are ejectors.
volumes may even require 1.2738 TS necessary to remove parts from the
steel. tool well. But outer shell parts with Vacuum system
class A requirements must not have
Temperature system ejectors. Class A parts are produced with
vacuum assist compression
The working temperature of the tools • Vacuum system moulding. Insulation of the tool’s inner
is usually 140 °C to 160 °C. When cavities against vacuum leakage is
designing the temperature system Class A parts are produced with also essential.
it is essential to be able to maintain vacuum assist compression
moulding. Insulation of the tool’s inner
surface temperature within very close Sensors
parameters. A symmetrical layout cavities against vacuum leakage is
of the temperature system’s circuits also essential.
Sensors to measure temperature,
have been proven. Normal heating process pressure, vacuum status
systems are steam, oil, high pressure • Sensors
water or electricity.
Sensors to measure temperature, High volume
Wear protection
process pressure, vacuum status
etc. should be standard for any SMC/
production requires
BMC tool. protection of a tool’s
High volume production requires
protection of a tool’s surfaces surfaces against
Part ejection
against abrasion. Processes like
hard chrome-plating or laser-
hardening will be used, and chrome SMC/BMC materials have minimal
See Chapter 4
for more details on painting
industrialised ‘SMC/BMC:
part production
metal tool which is located between two platens within a
large press. The tool is heated up to 140-165°C depending
on the formulation and other factors. Hydraulic rams then
and injection
compress the material under a pressure of around 100 bar
of projected area. It’s the combination of heat and pressure
that softens the SMC/BMC and forces the material to flow
moulding ensure
throughout the mould cavity.
part consistency
temperature but is activated by the heat of the mould. Cure
time depends on the type of resin in the matrix, the level
of curing agent and the thickness of the component. Thick
within precise
sections take longer to heat through and can generate
excessive exothermic temperatures, which is why tool
temperature is generally lower and the moulding cycle
longer for thicker parts. Mould cycle time consequently
depends on the size, thickness and complexity of the part,
but a typical compression moulding cycle would be below
two minutes. When the cycle is complete the tool is opened
and the part removed ready for finishing operations such
as de-flashing, machining and painting. Depending on
production volumes, many of these stages mentioned are
computer controlled and automated using robots.
Charge pattern
In high volume processes such as producing
parts for automotive applications, SMC
charges are normally prepared using an
automatic peeling and slitting machine. The
SMC is automatically peeled of its carrier film
and cut into the appropriate pieces, which Robot changing a machine tool
can then be stacked and arranged in the
predetermined charge pattern. The weight
of the charge is checked to ensure that it is
within set-up tolerances. Where low to medium
volume applications apply, like those found in
the electrical industry, then these operations
are generally done manually.
Charge placement
The charge is placed in the mould in a set
position determined by the features of the
mould, scribe lines marked in the tool or laser
lines, to ensure a consistent charge placement.
For high volume applications, robots are used
to accurately place the charge. Handling and
carrying of the SMC is normally by needle
gripper techniques.
Pick and place robot transfers spoiler mouldings
The mould is closed with a fast approach
speed followed by a controlled final closure
speed. Variable pressure profiles can be used
during the mould closure phase. A shear edge
zone in the perimeter of the cavity enables air
to pass through. The small amount of material
that escapes through the sheer edge results
in ‘flash.’
cure, while the adhesive is wet.
minutes are therefore achievable. For
Usually the bond fixture is designed to
high heat requirements like automotive
positively locate and hold the panels in
e-coating, epoxy adhesives give
the correct position until the adhesive
superior performance, but they are
Adhesives for bonding has reached sufficient handling
less flexible than PU and require
strength to allow safe further handling
SMC/BMC closer gap tolerances. Large parts like
of the part. To reduce cycle times, in
railway carriage panels need a highly
most cases heated fixtures are used.
Special adhesives designed to bond flexible adhesive to compensate for
Typical temperatures range from 85 °C
composite to composite or composite relative movement of the interface.
to 135 °C, with resulting fixture times
to metals are now available. These
of approximately 60 to 180 seconds.
are based on polyurethane, acrylic,
epoxy or modified silicone (MS)
The choice of adhesive is also
determined by process speed. For low
The heat can either be provided by
electrically heated oil or steam heated
polymer chemistry to meet most series, long fixture times then a high
aluminium moulds - or by hot air-
mechanical requirements. Nowadays, elongation, moisture curing system is
impingement fixtures.
single component moisture curing best. Faster high series production is
adhesives and two-part adhesives
are both in common use. Single
component moisture curing adhesives
(polyurethane or MS-Polymer based)
offer the benefit of easy application
with relatively low investment in the
dispensing equipment, while two part
adhesives show a much faster cure
allowing shorter cycle times.
Adhesive Selection
In most cases the well balanced
mechanical properties of structural
32 Design for Success - Chapter 4 - Part production
Surface optimization
and painting
De-mould and de-flash Metals parts need E-coat (ELPO or
phosphate) treatment for corrosion
SMC/BMC can be painted through protection. Of course, SMC and
conventional painting processes BMC parts don’t rust and therefore
including baking ovens making them require no corrosion protection, but
highly suitable and stable substrates can be processed with steel through
available for automotive exterior phosphate coatings and electro
body panel applications. deposition primer operations.
To ensure the best results and the Typically when primed, SMC and
best quality of the final part, it is BMC panels are processed with
important to consider that painting Body-in-White Parts since the
is not an operation that can hide corrosion protective coatings will not
defects. The complete process from adhere to the SMC and BMC parts.
The painted
designing, manufacturing (choice In-Line painting is usually preferred
of the material, moulding, trimming, when space is available in the paint
bonding) and painting (included line. In this case SMC/BMC parts are
washing and surface preparation)
must be considered, because every
assembled on the Body-in-White after
E-coat treatment and then painted as finish of a Class
A SMC panel is
step in the manufacturing process described for On-Line process. For
affects the next. small volumes parts Off-Line painting
is usually preferred.
of SMC/BMC parts
Parts are often painted with a two- indistinguishable
from a painted
pack PU paint and oven cured at 80-
100°C. The drawbacks of Off-Line
Before painting, automotive body painting is that colour and surface
steel or
panels in SMC and BMC are power appearance have to be precisely
washed to remove any lubricants, dirt matched and matching the process
and dust collected during moulding
aluminium panel
adds extra costs.
and normal handling of the panels.
quality ‘SMC/BMC:
the chain
Design for Success - Chapter 6 - Environment 35
What makes
System thinking a quality SMC
and quality • Part design considering end-use, (e.g.
management throughout
two shells for Class A, mouldability)
• Training of personnel
Fully monitored SMC line used for product development and process
quality improvement.
Raw storage
The SMC moulder is responsible for
Metering & proper mould maintenance and is required
mixing of resin&
to follow the moulding instructions in a
precise and disciplined way.
1 3
sustainable ‘SMC/BMC:
In LCA, the environmental impact that a product or process • Applications used: mobile (automotive, trucks) and
creates from cradle to grave is assessed. This covers the stationary device (technical);
whole process from raw material extraction through use of
the specific part to post-use disposal or recycling. • The LCA data basis for the study was published and
the information for steel, aluminum and PA6 production
Environmental Impact Analysis and their recycling processes was peer reviewed. No
specific steel or aluminum materials with alloys were
To get a true picture of the performance of SMC/ taken into account. The SMC material was investigated
BMC we need to compare the material’s properties with the support of available industry information from
versus competitive materials like steel, aluminum and company members of the European Alliance for SMC/
thermoplastics. The benchmarking graphs that follow BMC. Information about additional materials was provided
show how well SMC/BMC compares to metals and other by LCS Life Cycle Simulation GmbH;
• The software based Life Cycle model enabled the
On behalf of the European Alliance for SMC/BMC the following tasks:
Life Cycle Simulation GmbH completed a study which
investigated the life cycle of different materials, i.e. SMC, 1. Identify important parameters within the cycle
thermoplastic, aluminum, steel. The results of this study of materials;
are documented with a mathematical model and can be
used by the alliance members. 2. Be flexible to include additional specific
The European Alliance for SMC/BMC carried out a information (e.g. for panels) or consider changes
Peer Review according to ISO 14044. The study was in boundary conditions (e.g. electricity mix for
conducted through Life Cycle model built-up for generic production processes, fuel for use phase, new
panel materials of a mobile (e.g. Automotive decklid) and production or assembly processes, etc.).
a stationary application (e.g. E-charger unit for E-cars). A
cradle-to-grave analysis was then applied to evaluate the
properties of these materials. Source:
LCS Life Cycle Simulation
Use, End-of-Life
Forming Forming Forming Forming
impact extruding injection moulding deep drawing deep drawing
pretreatement Pretreatement
IMC pretratement cleaning
corrosion protec. corrosion protec.
The above flow diagrams set out the boundary conditions for the mobile application.
Abiotic resource depletion Kg Use of non regenerative Crude oil, metal ores
(ADP) Sb-equiv. resources
Green house warming potential Kg Emission to air which influence CH4, CO2
(GWP) CO2-equiv. the heat balance of the
Results/Base scenario
automotive application
• The biggest environmental impact in the life cycle of • Significant technical parameters are weight of part
an automotive part is recorded during its use phase due and rate for material and thermal recycling;
to fuel consumption if the total part weight is taken into
consideration. If the weight difference is the base for the • The pre-treatment and corrosion protection for steel
comparison, the production and End-of-Life (EoL) process and aluminum process has a low environmental impact,
can have a bigger environmental impact; these processes are most efficient during painting for
light-weighted vehicles.
• The most important categories with regard to EU27
reference factors are resource depletion (ADP), climate • SMC reduced up to 40% energy use, 47% CO2
change (GWP), summer smog (POCP) and acidification emissions, 60% ozone and 25% acid rain water vs.
(AP); competing materials in mobile applications.
SMC Steel Aluminum
• The most important impact category with regard to EU27 reference factor is summer smog (POCP) where SMC has
significant advantages vs. traditional materials;
• Significant technical parameters are weight of part, number of maintenance operations and rate for material and thermal
• The pre-treatment and painting for steel and aluminum process have a high environmental impact, because of high energy
intensity and significant high volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions;
• SMC reduces up to 50% Energy use, CO2 emissions, ozone and acid rain water vs. competing materials.
Example of stationary device: E-charger unit made in SMC composites.
EP (Kg PO4 eq./m ) ADP (Kg Sb eq./m )
2 2
Engineered Thermoplastic
AP (SO2 eq./m )
The recycling of glass fibre-based SMC/BMC regrind through co-processing in cement kilns is proving
to be highly cost effective, is generating valuable materials, and is helping to improve the Ecological
Footprint of cement manufacturing. For these reasons, this recycling route is becoming increasingly
popular across Europe.
Co-processing is the simultaneous use of composite regrind as raw material and as a source of
energy in cement manufacturing, to replace natural mineral resources (material recycling) and fossil
fuels such as coal, petroleum and gas (energy recovery). In this process, the composites regrind
used for co-processing is both an alternative fuel and raw material.
Thermoset composites cannot Therefore, recycling through co-processing in cement kilns is increasingly used for
be easily converted into their managing composite regrind because of its technological potential, environmental
original raw materials benefits and cost effectiveness.
After their useful life saving energy and helping to reduce Eco-footprint in many
applications, composite regrind can reduce Eco-footprint and CO2 emissions of
Co-processing in cement kilns is cement manufacturing.
clearly different from incineration Co-processing glass fibre thermoset composites regrind allows the inorganic fraction
to act as valuable raw material, while the organic fraction acts as efficient fuel for the
calcination process.
In the incineration of composite regrind, the organic fraction is not re-used, and
Composite recycling though co- therefore incineration cannot be considered recycling. In addition the heat generated
processing in cement kilns is in incineration cannot be used as efficiently to reduce the amount of fuel required.
compliant with the EU legislation Recycling through co-processing in cement kilns is fully compliant with the European
Waste Framework Directive (WFD) 2008/98/EC providing viable waste management
route for the composites industry. Co-processing is both recycling and energy
Eutrophication potential(EP) recovery.
By the very nature of this process, a fair amount of CO2 is generated. The Cement industry has made
significant steps to improve sustainability and the carbon footprint by replacing the traditional fuels
such as oil, gas and coal with alternative fuels in clinker production.
Glass fibre thermoset regrind is an ideal raw material for cement manufacturing. The mineral
composition of the regrind is consistent with the optimum ratio between calcium oxide, silica, and
aluminium oxide. Additionally, the organic fraction supplies fuel for the reaction heat, right at the spot
where it is needed most.
DeNOx installation SNCR (Selective Non Cata
(Selective Non Catalytic Reduction)
Electricity consumption
0.04 kWh/kg
Electricity consumption for waste preparation
for waste preparation
Fuel substituted
Significant Emission Reduction -14%
0.9 kg CO2-eq/kg composite -16%
1.8 kg CO2-eq/kg resin -18%
Fig. 8: Reduction of CO2 footprint for the specific clinker manufacturing with
composite regrind, in comparison to a process without alternative fuels based
on coal as fuel (Courtesy: Holcim)
Transport sensitivity
2,3% 2,7%
0,4% 0,5%
50km 100km 500km 750km 1000km
The conclusion of the study showed SMC with an
improved LCA profile compared to steel and aluminium
alternatives. Future developments in weight reduction and
functional integration while keeping cost under control
enable to position SMC as material for current and future
48 Design for Success - Chapter 6 - Environment
Design for Success - SMC-BMC CHAPTER 6 - ENVIRONMENT
ideal solution
for many
Versatile Materials in automotive
Steel is steel, aluminium is aluminium but SMC/BMC is whatever
you want it to be! The unique capabilities for customization in
formulation and total freedom in part design have been an innovation
for many industries. In this chapter we look at the principal market
segments of Automotive, Mass Transportation, Electrical and DESIGN FREEDOM :
Building & Construction, showing typical SMC/BMC applications
and highlighting the principal benefits that these versatile materials • Design freedom (complex geometries and
offer in each segment. integration not possible in metals)
• Mass transit: trains, trams, light railways • SMC / steel / aluminium hybrids are fully
and monorails compatible
• Electrical & electronic: housings, fuses and switchgear etc SYSTEM COST :
• Building & construction: civil engineering and household fixtures • System cost saving potential compared to steel,
with lower tooling costs for shorter series
• Domestic appliances: coffee machines, toasters, irons oven
handles etc • Customization and speed to market are easier
and faster with SMC/BMC
• Sanitary: bathroom suites and hygienic surfaces
• On-line paintability
Progressive advances in quality consistency, automation and industrialisation throughout the SMC/BMC value chain - coupled
with improvements in Class A surface finish - have now made this family of materials a popular choice for visible panels
in higher series vehicles. There is also potential for significant system cost savings over steel. SMC/BMC also has many
applications under the hood such as engine oil sumps, valve covers and front ends.
Opposite is a brief summary of the principal benefits that apply - to a greater or lesser extent – in every automotive application.
Commercial and
agricultural vehicles
Truck building was the first automotive sector in Europe to fully recognize the commercial potential of SMC as a structural
material for body panels. Pioneering independent truck builders were using an all-SMC truck cab as long ago as the early
1970s. Design flexibility and reduced tooling costs compared to steel, made SMC an attractive and viable alternative for their
low series requirements. They also found that SMC panels absorbed sound and vibration better than metals.
These days most major truck OEMs – as well as producers of coaches, agricultural vehicles and earth moving plant and
equipment - utilise SMC/BMC for external panels, as well as for under-hood and semi-structural parts.
SMC/BMC engine
Oil sumps, valve covers and engine
These are all applications where high heat and chemical
resistance are important. SMC/BMC components used in
these applications have to withstand hot engine oil, break
fluid and other corrosive media. Good noise attenuation
also means that SMC/BMC parts can result in a quieter
running engine. Unlike metals, SMC/BMC is a good heat
insulator which means that engines reach operating
temperature quicker - improving efficiency and saving
Carbon fibre
for ultra
low weight
Design for Success - Chapter 7 - Applications 55
structural and
semi-structural parts
As well as exterior body panels, SMC/BMC also has
many applications under the hood. Typical applications
Headlamp reflectors
BMC, in particular, is the material of choice in the
headlamp reflector market. Good heat resistance is an
essential requirement for head lamp shells, especially
with the trend for narrower headlamps. Equally
important is for the part to have good electrical insulating
Engine under-covers
and spare wheel wells
Cosmetics are not essential for these non-visible parts.
Here, good strength and corrosion resistance against
de-icing salts and engine bay acids and chemicals, are
the main criteria.
Bumper beams
A full structural application where the part has to be
capable of absorbing substantial impact stresses. SMC
parts perform well in crash tests since the impact energy
is dissipated through the fibre network.
Filter housings
SMC/BMC is used to produce components such as
the filter housing that extract pollen, dust and other
particles from the air before it reaches the passenger
compartment. Parts integration is an important benefit
in this application.
Train and light railways are another application area
Benefits of
where the benefits of SMC/BMC can be fully exploited.
As an excellent electrical insulator, SMC/BMC panels and
components are used for spark guards and arc barriers. For
interior fixtures and fittings like seat shells, arm rests, window
frames, door panels and partition panels, the versatility of mass transit
the material makes it a popular choice.
Typical SMC/BMC
mass transit applications :
Electrical applications were one of the earliest industrial
uses for SMC/BMC. The material offered lower weight
and toughness compared to ceramic parts, and better
pigmentability than phenolic moulding materials. SMC/
BMC provides an ideal combination of chemical resistance,
mechanical strength, electrical insulation and heat
Benefits of SMC/
creep resistance, make SMC/BMC ideal for switchgear,
machine bases, street light canopies, cabinets, housings
and other demanding applications.
BMC is frequently used for smaller, more intricate high BMC in electrical
precision parts such as the fuse carrier (right). Whereas
SMC is ideal for electrical cabinetry and lighting canopies
requiring higher mechanical properties.
• Creep resistant
• Maintenance-free
Benefits of
in lighting
• Maintenance-free
• Creep resistant
60 Design for Success - Chapter 7 - Applications
and meter boxes
Great experience has been gained in the production of
cabinets, utility junction boxes and meter boxes. Life spans
of over 40 years for SMC/BMC electrical cabinets are not
unusual. For instance, the first SMC electrical meter cabinets
were produced in 1963, and some of these are still in use.
A major benefit is the materials resistance to weathering.
Most SMC/BMC electrical cabinets are self coloured and
have not been painted or surface treated in any way: yet
UV radiation, rain, wind and temperature fluctuations have
not produced any adverse effects. Metal cabinets corrode,
but SMC modules only show a slight yellowing, matting or
surface chalking over time.
4 MIN.
Benefits of
fire situation
Towel dryer-heater
This part consists of a metal core and
a BMC skin. The heating element is
inserted in the press mould and the
BMC is injected, having direct contact
with the heating plate. It serves as a
protective coating as well as improving
Oven handles the overall aesthetics.
Elsewhere in the world SMC is more of a mainstream • Excellent electrical insulation and
material for domestic and commercial fixtures. For creep resistance
example in the US it is used for kitchen sinks and work
surfaces - often with a powder in-mould coating for extra • Highly resistant to weathering, and humidity
surface protection. It is also used for wall cladding,
ceiling panels, doors, heavy duty window frames and • Design freedom (complex geometries
even roof shingles. While in Japan, SMC is the material and integration of parts and functions)
of choice for sanitary furniture, especially bathtubs.
• Ideal for very complex parts
SMC/BMC can often work out cheaper than traditional
materials and other benefits include self colouring and • High dimensional accuracy from very low to
the ability to replicate natural materials (e.g. wood effect very high temperatures
doors). Flame retardant grades are available compliant
with all European fire and safety standards, and the • Excellent sound dampening qualities
material is also resistant to corrosion and vandalism.
Excellent sound dampening and electrical insulation • Mass pigmented
properties are a further benefit. There is therefore
excellent potential, for the European SMC/BMC industry • Tough and durable
to take a larger market share in the lucrative building
and construction segment. • Resistant to vandalism
Satellite aerials are frequently made from SMC/BMC.
Fluid control valve. SMC/BMC has largely replaced
metals in fluid control valves due to its corrosion
Typical applications : technical high density filter under body low density under
front-end housing panels body panels
Typical property standard units
Compounding process SMC SMC SMC SMC
Moulding process Compression Compression Compression Compression
Moulding temperature °C 145 - 160 145-160 145-160 145-160
Moulding pressure 3) bar 40 - 100 40-100 50-150 40-100
Moulding time sec / mm 30 30 30 30
Available colours all all all all
Density ISO 1183 g/ccm g/ccm 1.9 2 1.8 1.4
Fibre content EN ISO 1172 mass-% 30 30 25 25
Fibre type Glass Glass Glass Glass
Recycling code VDA 260 UP - GF 30 UP - GF 30 UP - GF 25 UP-GF 25
Recyclability - - Yes Yes Yes Yes
Young´s modulus 1) EN ISO 527-4 GPa 11.5 11,5 9 8
Tensile strength 1) EN ISO 527-4 MPa 80 80 55 50
Tensile rupture strain 1) EN ISO 527-4 % 1.5 1.5 1.5 1,5
Compression strength 1) EN ISO 14126 MPa 150 150 160 140
Poisson´s ratio 1) EN ISO 527-4 - 0.3 0.3 0.3 0,3
Flex modulus 1) EN ISO 14125 GPa 10.5 10.5 9.5 8,5
Flexural strength 1) EN ISO 14125 MPa 180 180 150 140
Impact strength 1) EN ISO 179 KJ/m² 90 90 60 50
Falling dart ISO 6603 KJ/mm 8 8
CTE 1) ISO 11359-2 10-6m/mK 18 18 18 18
Continuous service temperature Similar to IEC 216 °C 150 150 150 150
Short term service temperature - °C 210 210 210 210
Heat distortion temperature EN ISO 75-2 °C >210 >200 >200 >200
Specific heat capacity - J/gK 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
12 12 12 12
Shrinkage 2) ISO 2577 % 0.1 -0.1 0.1 0,1
14 14 14 14
Post Moulding shrinkage DIN 53464 % 0 0 0 0
Volume resistivity IEC 60093 Ohm*cm 10 10 10 10
Surface resistivity IEC 60093 Ohm 10 10 10 10
Comparative tracking index I EC 60112 CTI 600 600 600 600
Dielectric strength IEC 60243-1 kV/mm 25 25 25 20
Dielectric constant IEC 60250 - 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Dissipation factor IEC 60250 - 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Oxygen index EN ISO 4589-2 % 22 22 22 22
Flammability UL 94 level/thickness HB /1,6mm HB /1,6mm HB /1,6mm HB /1,6mm
Flammability ISO 3795 Class/thickness NBR/3,2 mm NBR/3,2 NBR/3,2mm NBR/3,2 mm
Fire / smoke EN 45545 Hazard Level
Glow bar IEC 60707 level BH2-95 BH2-95 BH2-95 BH2-95
Glow wire IEC 60965-2-1 °C 650 650 650 650
Water absorption ISO 62 % after 24h <0,3 <0,3 <0,3 <0,3
Chemical resistance acidic cleaner o o o o
automotive liquids + + + +
Acids - - - -
Salt solutions + + + +
Alkalines 0 0 0 0
solvents - - - -
Weather resistance + + + +
Paintability 0 0 0 0
Typical applications : door panel waste bin waste water sectional water
treatment tank panels
Typical applications : rail exterior arc quenching cover Support for side
chamber for power rail conductor, third
railbooth, mail box
Typical property standard units
Compounding process SMC SMC SMC SMC
Moulding process Compression Compression Compression Compression
Moulding temperature °C 145 - 160 145-160 145-160 145-160
Moulding pressure 3) bar 40 - 100 40-100 40-100 40-100
Moulding time sec / mm 30 30 30 30
Available colours all all all all
Density ISO 1183 g/ccm g/ccm 1,8 1,8 1.8 1.9
Fibre content EN ISO 1172 mass-% 30 30 30 50
Fibre type Glass Glass Glass Glass
Recycling code VDA 260 UP - GF 30 UP - GF 30 UP - GF 30 UP-GF 50
Recyclability - - Yes Yes Yes Yes
Young´s modulus 1) EN ISO 527-4 GPa 10,5 10,5 10,5 13
Tensile strength 1) EN ISO 527-4 MPa 70 70 70 160
Tensile rupture strain 1) EN ISO 527-4 % 1.4 1.4 1.4 1,5
Compression strength 1) EN ISO 14126 MPa 165 165 165 250
Poisson´s ratio 1) EN ISO 527-4 - 1.4 1.4 1.4 1,5
Flex modulus 1) EN ISO 14125 GPa 9,5 9.5 9,5 11,25
Flexural strength 1) EN ISO 14125 MPa 165 165 165 280
Impact strength 1) EN ISO 179 KJ/m² 70 70 70 150
Falling dart ISO 6603 KJ/mm 8 8 8
CTE 1) ISO 11359-2 10-6m/mK 18 18 18 15
Continuous service temperature Similar to IEC 216 °C 150 150 150 150
Short term service temperature - °C 210 210 210 210
Heat distortion temperature EN ISO 75-2 °C >200 >200 >200 >200
Specific heat capacity - J/gK 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Shrinkage 2) ISO 2577 % 0.1 0.1 0.1 0,1
Post Moulding shrinkage DIN 53464 % 0 0 0 0
12 12 12 12
Volume resistivity IEC 60093 Ohm*cm 10 10 10 10
14 15 14 15
Surface resistivity IEC 60093 Ohm 10 10 10 10
Comparative tracking index I EC 60112 CTI 600 600 600 600
Dielectric strength IEC 60243-1 kV/mm 25 40 25 40
Dielectric constant IEC 60250 - 4.5 4.5 4,5 4.5
Dissipation factor IEC 60250 - 0.01 0.01 0,01 0.01
Oxygen index EN ISO 4589-2 % 50 50 50 50
Flammability UL 94 level/thickness HB /1,6mm HB /1,6mm HB /1,6mm HB /1,6 mm
Flammability ISO 3795 Class/thickness NBR/1,2 mm NBR/1,2 NBR/1,2mm NBR/1,2 mm
Fire / smoke EN 45545 Hazard Level
Glow bar IEC 60707 level BH2-95 BH2-95 BH2-95 BH2-95
Glow wire IEC 60965-2-1 °C 650 650 650 650
Water absorption ISO 62 % after 24h <0,3 <0,3 <0,3 <0,3
Chemical resistance acidic cleaner + + + +
automotive liquids + + + +
Acids + + + +
Salt solutions + + + +
Alkalines 0 0 0 0
solvents - - - -
Weather resistance + + + +
Paintability 0 0 0 0
Typical applications : rail exterior arc quenching cover Support for side
chamber for power rail conductor, third
railbooth, mail box
All materials supplied by members of the European
Alliance for SMC/BMC are in accordance with :
(Altautoverordnung) 2000/53/EG, ROHS, WEE. SMC/
BMC materials do not contain heavy metals,
asbestos, halogens or other toxic materials.
80 Bd. A. Reyers
E-mail :
E-mail :
We thank all companies and associations who have
helped by providing information, photographs, facts
and figures to complete this manual.
Design for Success - Chapter 9 - for Success
Appendix 85
80 Bd. A. Reyers
1030 Brussels - Belgium
+32 2 706 89 06
W W W. S M C B M C - E U R O P E . O R G