A Study On Laterite Stones As Building Material
A Study On Laterite Stones As Building Material
A Study On Laterite Stones As Building Material
Errol Dsouza and U. Dileep Kumar
Civil Engineering Dept., Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangalore 575007
Email: dileepkumar.cv@sahyadri.edu.in
Table 1: Test specimen data. of material with increase in depth. Further, clay content
Hardness Compres-
Sample from Specic
(Mohs sive strength
No. the top gravity
scale) (N/mm2 )
1 2 3 to 4 2.7 4
2 6 2 to 3 2.48 2.58
3 7.5 2 to 3 2.62 2.34
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Table 4: Depth available for extraction of laterite stones. [3] B. S. Badmus "Plasticity and Compressibility
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Depth (m)
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2 Kedembadi 2 to 8.5
3 Malar 0.5 to to 6.5 [4] IS: 8381. Indian standard recommended practice for
quarrying stones for construction purposes. Bureau of
4 Muloor 1.5 to 9
Indian Standards, New Delhi, India, 1977.
5 Sambarthota 2 to 16