Water Quality Project Report
Water Quality Project Report
Water Quality Project Report
Jess Harkness
Alec Farrell
Sophia Piper
Long Beach Island has 18 miles of ocean and bay beach frontage that is used
recreationally throughout summer months. Assessing the water quality of both the ocean and the
bay are equally important; however, there is less understood about the water quality of the bay
beaches. To get a better understanding about the water quality along bay beaches, six locations
along LBI’s bay coast, ranging from Holgate to Barnegat Light, were sampled once per week for
eight weeks, from June 5 to July 24, 2017. In addition to fecal coliform bacteria, these sample
locations were tested for several other parameters including turbidity, relative chlorophyll, pH,
and dissolved oxygen. Comparative methods were used to test for Escherichia coli (E. coli),
using both fecal coliform bacteria and enterococcus bacteria as indicators at each site. Our results
indicate that fecal coliform levels were well below the swimming safety limit for all beaches
throughout the course of the study, except for the testing locations in Beach Haven and Barnegat
Light on July 24th. Barnegat Light was a location that generally had higher E. coli levels than the
other five bay beaches each week. These results indicate that the water quality and the sewage
Barnegat Bay is the largest body of water in New Jersey and an essential watershed for
the people as well as the organisms that reside within it. As population continues to grow, open
space is being developed into urban land, reducing the watershed’s ability to recharge
groundwater and filter nutrients. On December 9, 2010, Governor Chris Christie announced a
comprehensive action plan to address the ecological health of the 660-square-mile Barnegat Bay
watershed. This plan is still implemented as goals are being reached even after major setbacks
due to Superstorm Sandy. The Ocean County Health Department conducts weekly testing at
Barnegat Bay to ensure that the water quality is in safe swimming range. Enterococcus bacteria
is the primary indicator for E. coli detection in marine waters. A U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) approved method for testing marine waters is called Enterolert®, which is not an
acceptable means of E. coli d etection in New Jersey. Although Enterococci sp. took the place of
fecal coliforms as the new USA federal standard for water quality at public saltwater beaches in
2004, the Enterolert® test does not detect Salmonella, Aeromonas spp and other fecal coliforms.
Since the water in the bay is brackish, the Save Barnegat Bay Water Quality Team thought it
would be a good comparative study to compare two other freshwater bacteriological tests with
the saltwater Enterolert® test. The first freshwater test, ECA Check® can detect E. coli,
Salmonella, Aeromonas spp, and other coliforms, while the other, Coliscan® is used solely for
detecting E. coli. This suggests the hypothesis that Coliscan® will have a more accurate ability
After sampling six different locations every week along Long Beach Island bay beaches,
from June 5th to July 24th, the Water Quality Team concluded that there is not a significant
difference in the ability of Coliscan®, ECA Check®, and Enterolert® to detect E. coli. I n
addition to fecal coliform bacteria, these sample locations were tested for other general water
chlorophyll, and pH. The final results after sampling was completed conclude that all the
parameters for the most part were in the expected range. The Bacteria levels remained below the
swimming safety limit except for on July 24th when a summer storm caused significant flooding
on the island.
Study Sites
For this study, six bay beaches were selected as testing sites along Long Beach Island:
three on the north side and three on the south side. W 25th Street in Barnegat Light, W 75th Street
in Harvey Cedars, N 16th Street in Surf City were on the north side and 70th Street in Long Beach
Township, Taylor Avenue in Beach Haven, and Pershing Avenue in Holgate were on the south
side. These sites were chosen to be relatively equidistant, so that the general water quality of the
Table 1: Specific testing site locations including the GPS points along the Barnegat Bay beaches at Long
Beach Island, New Jersey.
Site # Site Name GPS Location
Figure 1: Satellite Image of Study Sites Relative to New Jersey. Each of the six locations from Barnegat
Light (north) to Holgate (south) were sampled and tested one a week from June 5 - July 24, 2017.
1. Collection
Sampling generally began at 8:30am every Monday morning. At each site, three water
samples were collected in 250 mL bottles and one was collected in a WhirlPak® field sampling
bag. All samples were stored in a cooler at 4 o C and immediately brought back to the lab at the
MATES School in Manahawkin, New Jersey. Samples collected in the bottles were to be used to
test for relative chlorophyll, turbidity (NTUs), and pH. Samples in the WhirlPak bags were to be
A YSI-85 meter was used to collect general water quality parameters including water
temperature (ºC), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), conductance (mS/cm), conductivity (mS/cm), and
salinity (ppt). The water level at all sites was relatively shallow, never going much over about
0.5 m. Samples were usually collected at a depth of about 0.25 m, depending on tides. The YSI
chlorophyll and a LaMotte 2020 Turbidimeter was used to determine the turbidity of the water in
the lab after the samples were brought back from the collection sites. For both tests alike, water
from each of the three 250 mL samples from a given site was tested, and the resulting values
were averaged.
4. pH
An Oakion® pH meter was used to determine the pH at each site. Unlike the turbidity
and relative chlorophyll tests, only one of the three 250 mL samples collected at each site was
used to test pH. This is because in the beginning of the study, all three were used and values
were, for all practical purposes, the same. Also, the pH meter took the longest of all of the
meters; thus, using just one sample from each site saved time in the lab.
The Kestrel 1000 Wind Meter was used to measure wind speed (mph) and a
Thermochron Thermocouple Reader (Type-T) was used to record air temperatures (oC; + 0.5oC).
About halfway through the eight-week study, the thermometer broke, so data from the NOAA
6. Coliscan Easygel ® and ECA Check ® (E. coli, relative coliforms, Aeromonas spp.,
Two of the methods used in this study to determine the presence of certain bacteria were
Coliscan Easygel ® and ECA Check ®. As aforementioned, Coliscan only indicates E. coli and
relative coliforms, while ECA Check indicates E.coli, relative coliforms, Aeromonas spp., and
Salmonella. At each site, three Coliscan tests and two ECA Check tests were performed. A
control test was also performed using the Coliscan solution and deionized water.
The procedure for these two methods are basically the same – the only difference being
the solution used. First, 1 mL of sample is taken from a WhirlPak bag and added into a solution
either of Coliscan Easygel or ECA Check. The solution is then shaken and added into a
pre-treated petri dish, where it is then is allowed to solidify. Once solid, the sample is then
A color chart was used to read the samples. A color corresponded with a certain type of
bacteria colony. In Coliscan, E.coli colonies were blue and relative coliforms were pink. In ECA
Check, E. coli colonies were dark blue/indigo, relative coliforms were grey/grey-blue,
Aeromonas spp. were pink, and Salmonella were teal. For each sample, colonies of each type of
bacteria were counted, and the values multiplied by 100 to achieve the unit Colony Forming
Figure 2. Left: Coliscan and ECA Check 10 mL solution bottles in which we tested using 1 ml of field
sample water. Right: Color indicator of the ECA Check, which is a broad test for gram positive bacteria
7. Enterolert (E
The other method used to in this study to detect bacteria –Enterococcus specifically – is
Enterolert®. One Enterolert test was done per site, plus a duplicate and a control. The duplicate
was always done on a site that tended to show more bacteria than the other five.
First, 90 mL of deionized water and 10 mL of water sample from the Whirl Pak were
added into a sterilized graduated cylinder. Then the Enterolert® reagent pack was added and the
graduated cylinder sealed and shaken until the reagent was completely dissolved. The solution
was then poured into an IDEXX Quanti-Tray and sealed in a Quanti-Tray sealer. Finally, the tray
After incubation, the tests were read by shining a black light over the trays and counting
the fluorescing large wells and the fluorescing small wells, and comparing the total to a most
probable number (MPN) table, which is included with the Enterolert tests (Figure 3). This
number was multiplied by ten since we accounted for the dilution factor.
Figure 3. Enterolert results using the tray system after incubation at 41 o C for 24 hours. Using a
blacklight, positive results are indicated by fluorescence where the number of large wells and small wells
that fluoresce. The total number of each type of well is converted to Colonies per 100 ml using an
Enterolert specific conversion table.
1) Turbidity
Turbidity is the measure of the clarity of a liquid. High turbidity levels may indicate the presence
of particles in the water that could provide attachment places for pollutants, particularly metals
and bacteria; thus, high turbidity readings could be an indicator of pollution in a water sample.
Turbidity values hovered around a mean value of 4.5 NTU throughout the study. After major
rainfall events, turbidity would be expected to be found in higher levels due to particles from the
land washing into the water, but our results do not show a difference between turbidity levels
after rainfall and turbidity levels not after rainfall (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Shows turbidity values (NTU) for each sampling location over the eight weeks of the study.
Sampling dates that occurred after major rainfall events are indicated by red boxes.
High relative chlorophyll levels in a water sample may also serve as an indicator of pollution,
since high chlorophyll levels are a potential side effect of algae blooms, which form as a result of
high nitrogen levels due to man-made pollution in the water. The mean value of relative
chlorophyll throughout the study was 0.729. There does not appear to be a difference between
chlorophyll levels after versus not after rainfall events. There are, however, spikes in chlorophyll
levels during high tides that are not present during low tides (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Relative chlorophyll values for each sampling location over the eight weeks of the study.
Sampling dates that occurred after major rainfall events are indicated by red boxes. The blue line
displays the tide of a given sampling day: when the line is at 1, it indicates a low tide, and when the line is
at 2, it indicates a high tide.
Dissolved oxygen is the measure of the oxygen (mg/L) in a water sample. The mean dissolved
oxygen value over the eight week sampling period was 7.32 mg/L (Figure 6).
It is assumed that there is a positive relationship between chlorophyll and dissolved oxygen
levels, since high chlorophyll levels result from the presence of plankton and algae in the water,
and when these organisms perform photosynthesis, they produce oxygen. When the dissolved
oxygen and relative chlorophyll values from our samples were compared, there appears to be a
positive trend; however, the R-squared value is too low to report a correlation (Figure 7).
Figure 6: Shows dissolved oxygen levels (mg/L) for each sampling location over the eight weeks of the
study. Variations could be a result of chlorophyll values, wind and other factors that cause water to be
stirred up.
Figure 7: A comparison of relative chlorophyll levels with dissolved oxygen levels (mg/L) over
the course of the study. The R-squared value of 0.039 is too low to report a definite correlation
between the two variables.
4) Fecal Coliform Bacteria
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) lists the freshwater
recreational bathing standard for fecal coliform bacteria as 200 cfu/100 ml. E. Coli levels
detected by ECA Check and Coliscan were far below the 200 cfu/100 ml safety limit for the
duration of the study, except for week eight, where the levels spike (Figure 8). It is important to
note that the samples from week eight were taken the day after a major rainfall event, and runoff
caused by the rainfall and flooding is a likely cause for the dramatic increase in E. coli levels.
There is only a significant difference between Coliscan and ECA Check’s ability to detect E.
Coli in a brackish water sample for week one’s comparison, which produced a p-value of 0.046.
Figure 8: The average CFU/100 ml of E. Coli for each week, as detected by Coliscan versus ECA Check.
Week 1 shows a significant difference between the results of the different methods, with a p-value of
0,046. The swimming safety limit is indicated by the red line at 200 cfu/100 ml.
Enterococcus levels, as detected by Enterolert, were also well below the NJDEP’s swimming
safety limit of 104 Enterococcus cfu/100 ml throughout the study (Figure 9), except for week
eight, where Enterococcus levels exceeded the limit at our sampling locations in Beach Haven
and Barnegat Light. Again, it is important to note that sampling for week eight occurred after a
major rainfall event, and runoff could be responsible for increased Enterococcus levels.
Figure 9: The Enterococcus values for each sampling location over the eight weeks of the study, as
detected by Enterolert. The swimming safety limit is indicated by the red line at 104 cfu/100 ml.
The comparison between the freshwater fecal coliform tests (ECA Check/Coliscan) and the salt
water test (Enterolert) did not yield significant results. It cannot be stated that one type of test is
more accurate than the other when it comes to detecting fecal coliform bacteria in a brackish
water environment. Both tests displayed higher than usual mean fecal coliform levels on week
Figure 10: Enterolert compared with ECA Check/Coliscan. The Enterolert test did not arrive until week
four of sampling, therefore there is only data for both tests from weeks four through eight.
results only week one showed a difference with a an alpha less than 0.05, making it the only
week with a significant difference between the two tests. The other seven weeks were not
statistically backed up due to the large variability within data sets. Since we did not use the
Enterolert® until the fourth week of sampling, we ran an ANOVA test between the mean E. coli
from Coliscan® and ECA Check® versus the mean Enterococcus b y Enterolert®. Once again
the results depict that there is not a significant difference and that Enterolert® is likely not a
The low bacteria levels during the first seven weeks of sampling can be attributed to
many factors, one of them being the flushing of the bay via the Little Egg and Barnegat Inlets. In
the summer, the wind is predominantly from the southwest (as seen in our data), driving water
northward through the Little Egg Inlet and out the Barnegat Inlet (Figure 12).
Also Long Beach Island is likely to have proper and well-maintained sewage
connections, which would provide for less runoff of bacteria. However, the Barnegat Light
location consistently had higher bacteria levels than all of the other locations. This is intriguing
because it is very close to the Barnegat Inlet, so one would assume it would have little bacteria
since it is being circulated with ocean water. These higher levels could be due to a compromise
in sewage connection near the sampling location, possibly a residual effect from Superstorm
Sandy. Another theory is that the bay beach that was sampled is not exposed to water circulation,
possibly due sandbars or other structures blocking the moving water from the channel. This
would cause the water to stay relatively still and warm, which are ideal conditions for bacterial
growth. Also, there may be excessive runoff of per waste or waterfowl in this location; however,
this may be a less likely scenario as it seems that this activity is not unusually different from
On July 24, 2017 both Beach Haven and Barnegat Light had Enterococcus l evels of
around 450 CFU/100mL when the swimming safety limit is 104 CFU/100mL. This abundance of
bacteria is likely due to the flooding of the island due to rain storms the previous night. Many
beaches along New Jersey were closed during the last week of sampling because of bacteria
contamination, including Barnegat light, which is in accordance with our results. Enterococcus
bacteria are known to cause urinary tract infections, as well as indicate the presence of E. coli
After our eight-week study, it was concluded that contrary to what was first
hypothesized, Coliscan is not statistically more accurate than ECA Check in detecting the
presence of E. coli, nor are Coliscan and ECA Check combined statistically more accurate than
Enterolert. With regards to the general water quality of the bay beaches along Long Beach
Island, ,with the exception of the week of July 24, 2017, bacteria levels remained well below the
Safety Swimming Limit for the majority of the duration of the study. The only site that may
warrant further study is Barnegat Light, which always tended to have higher values than the
other sites.
Thank you to Save Barnegat Bay for providing the opportunity to funding to conduct this
study, to our mentor, Dr. Wnek, for his guidance in our project, to the Marine Academy of
Technology and Environmental Science (MATES) for equipment and facilities, and to SUEZ for
Barnegat Bay. (2016, July 8). Retrieved August 10th, 2017, from
Boehm, A., Sassoubre, L., (2014, February 5). Enterococci as Indicators of Environmental Fecal
NJDEP Division of Science, Research and Technology. (2004, July). Hydrographic Study of
NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. (2017, Feb 3). Retrieved August
The USGS Water Science School (2016, Dec 2). Retrieved August 11th, 2017, from
Barnegat Bay. (2016, July 8). Retrieved August 10th, 2017, from
Boehm, A., Sassoubre, L., (2014, February 5). Enterococci as Indicators of Environmental Fecal