LBP Vs Ca and Pascual
LBP Vs Ca and Pascual
LBP Vs Ca and Pascual
LBP vs CA and PASCUAL Again, petitioner LBP rejected the directive of Secretary
Facts: Private respondent Pascual owned three (3) Garilao. Petitioners Executive Vice President, Jesus Diaz,
parcels of land located in Cagayan covered by TCT. The then sent a letter to Secretary Garilao arguing that (a) the
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) placed these valuation of just compensation should be determined by
lands under its Operation Land Transfer (OLT) the courts; (b) PARAD could not reverse a previous order
EO 228 - Hence, the formula for computing the Land of the Secretary of the DAR;[15] and, (c) the valuation of
Value (LV) or Price Per Hectare (PPH) of rice and corn lands under EO 228 falls within the exclusive jurisdiction
lands is 2.5 x AGP x GSP = LV or PPH. of the Secretary of the DAR and not of the DARAB.
In compliance with EO 228, the Provincial Agrarian Issue: Who has the authority to determine land valuation.
Reform Officer (PARO) of the DAR in an "Accomplished WON the valuation of just compensation should be
OLT Valuation Form No. 1" dated 2 December 1989 determined by the courts
recommended that the "Average Gross Productivity" Ruling: Thus, petitioners contention that Sec. 12, par. (b),
(AGP) based on "[3] Normal Crop Year" for Parcels 1 and of PD 946 is still in effect cannot be sustained. It seems
2 should be 25 cavans per hectare for unirrigated lowland that the Secretary of Agrarian Reform erred in issuing
rice and 10 cavans per hectare for corn land. Memorandum Circular No. I, Series of 1995, directing the
Meanwhile, the Office of the Secretary of Agrarian DARAB to refrain from hearing valuation cases involving
Reform (SAR) also conducted its own valuation PD 27 lands. For on the contrary, it is the DARAB which
proceedings apart from the PARO. On 10 October 1990 has the authority to determine the initial valuation of
Secretary Benjamin T. Leong of the DAR using the AGP lands involving agrarian reform[30] although such
of 25.66 cavans for unirrigated rice lands and requiring valuation may only be considered preliminary as the final
herein petitioner Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) to determination of just compensation is vested in the
pay the amount. On 1 February 1991 petitioner LBP courts
approved the valuation.
After receiving notice of the decision of the PARAD,
private respondent accepted the valuation. However,
when the judgment became final and executory,
petitioner LBP as the financing arm in the operation of
PD 27 and EO 228 refused to pay thus forcing private
respondent to apply for a Writ of Execution with the
PARAD which the latter issued on 24 December 1992.
Still, petitioner LBP declined to comply with the order.
Petitioner LBP remained adamant in its refusal to pay
private respondent. It reiterated its stand that the PARAD
had no jurisdiction to value lands covered by PD 27.
2. GABATIN VS CA [G.R. No. 148223. November virtue of P.D. No. 27. The GSP for one cavan of palay at
25, 2004] that time was at P35. Prescinding from the foregoing
Facts: Petitioners Gabatin were registered owners of discussion, the GSP should be fixed at said rate, which
three parcels of rice land situated in Sariaya, Quezon, was the GSP at the time of the taking of the subject
under separate certificates of titles. properties.
In 1989, the properties, pursuant to the Land Reform
Program of the Government as defined under
Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 27 and Executive Order
(E.O.) No. 228, were placed by the Department of
Agrarian Reform (DAR) under its Operation Land
Transfer (OLT). The properties were distributed to
deserving farmer beneficiaries through the issuance of
emancipation patents.
Issue : Whether just compensation in kind (palay) at the
time of the taking of the properties shall be appraised at
the price of the commodity at the time of the taking or at
the time it was ordered paid by the SAC?
Ruling: The taking of private lands under the agrarian
reform program partakes of the nature of an
expropriation proceeding. In computing the just
compensation for expropriation proceedings, it is the
value of the land at the time of the taking, not at the time
of the rendition of judgment, which should be taken into
consideration. Then in determining the value of the land
for the payment of just compensation, the time of taking
should be the basis. In the instant case, since the dispute
over the valuation of the land depends on the rate of the
GSP used in the equation, it necessarily follows that the
GSP should be pegged at the time of the taking of the
In the instant case, the said taking of the properties was
deemed effected on 21 October 1972, when the petitioners
were deprived of ownership over their lands in favor of
qualified beneficiaries, pursuant to E.O. No. 228 and by
3. LBP vs NATIVIDAD Land Bank then filed a Petition for Relief from Order
Facts: On May 14, 1993, private respondents filed a Dated 30 July 1996,[6] citing excusable negligence as its
petition before the trial court for the determination of ground for relief. Attached to the petition for relief were
just compensation for their agricultural lands situated in two affidavits of merit claiming that the failure to include
Arayat, Pampanga, which were acquired by the in the motion for reconsideration a notice of hearing was
government pursuant to PD 27. The petition named as due to accident and/or mistake
respondents the DAR and Land Bank. With leave of The trial court, in its Order of November 18, 1996, denied
court, the petition was amended to implead as co- the petition for relief because Land Bank lost a remedy in
respondents the registered tenants of the land. law due to its own negligence.
The court rendered the assailed Decision the dispositive According to Land Bank, private respondents should have
portion of which reads: sought the reconsideration of the DARs valuation of their
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of properties. Private respondents thus failed to exhaust
petitioners and against respondents, ordering administrative remedies when they filed a petition for the
respondents, particularly, respondents Department of determination of just compensation directly with the trial
Agrarian Reform and the Land Bank of the Philippines, to court. Land Bank also insists that the trial court erred in
pay these lands owned by petitioners and which are the declaring that PD 27 and Executive Order No. 228 are
subject of acquisition by the State under its land reform mere guidelines in the determination of just
program, the amount of THIRTY PESOS (P30.00) per compensation, and in relying on private respondents
square meter, as the just compensation due for payment evidence of the valuation of the properties at the time of
for same lands of petitioners located at San Vicente (or possession in 1993 and not on Land Banks evidence of
Camba), Arayat, Pampanga. the value thereof as of the time of acquisition in 1972.
Issue: WON there is contradiction between DARs
Respondent Department of Agrarian Reform is also primary jurisdiction and the original and exclusive
ordered to pay petitioners the amount of FIFTY jurisdiction of regional trial courts over just
THOUSAND PESOS (P50,000.00) as Attorneys Fee, and compensation.
to pay the cost of suit. Ruling: There is nothing contradictory between the DARs
DAR and Land Bank filed separate motions for primary jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate agrarian
reconsideration which were denied by the trial court in its reform matters and exclusive original jurisdiction over all
Order[5] dated July 30, 1996 for being pro forma as the matters involving the implementation of agrarian reform,
same did not contain a notice of hearing. Thus, the which includes the determination of questions of just
prescriptive period for filing an appeal was not tolled. compensation, and the original and exclusive jurisdiction
Land Bank consequently failed to file a timely appeal and of regional trial courts over all petitions for the
the assailed Decision became final and executory. determination of just compensation.
Primary jurisdiction is vested in the DAR to determine in
a preliminary manner the just compensation for the lands
taken under the agrarian reform program, but such
determination is subject to challenge before the courts.
Section 17 of RA 6657, provides the guideposts for the determination of just
Sec. 17. Determination of Just Compensation.In determining just
compensation, the cost of acquisition of the land, the current value of like
properties, its nature, actual use and income, the sworn valuation by the
owner, the tax declarations, and the assessment made by government
assessors shall be considered. The social and economic benefits contributed
by the farmers and the farm-workers and by the Government to the property
as well as the non-payment of taxes or loans secured from any government
financing institution on the said land shall be considered as additional
factors to determine its valuation.
Meneses vs DAR Thereafter, in an Order dated June 22, 1994, the RTC
dismissed the complaint for lack of cause of action.
Facts: According to the RTC, the determination of just
Petitioners were co-owners pro-indiviso of an irrigated compensation must first be filed with the DAR and not the
rice land in Barangay Batasan, San Miguel, Bulacan, Special Agrarian Court.
measuring 60.8544 hectares and registered in the name On October 5, 1994, petitioners filed a complaint for
of their grandparents, the spouses Ramon Meneses and determination and payment of just compensation with the
Carmen Rodriguez-Meneses. On October 21, 1972, the DARAB. The DARAB, however, dismissed the complaint
property was distributed to farmer-beneficiaries by virtue on the ground that it has no jurisdiction to hear and
of Presidential Decree No. 27 (P.D. No. 27). decide valuation cases covered by P.D. No. 27, as the
On July 16, 1993, petitioners filed with the Regional Trial same is within the exclusive administrative powers of the
Court (RTC) of Bulacan, Branch 13, a complaint for Office of the Secretary.
determination and payment of just compensation.
Petitioners alleged that from the time the land was Issue: W/n PD 27 or RA 6657 is applicable in this case
distributed to farmer-beneficiaries in 1972 up to the time
of the filing of the complaint, no payment or rentals has Held:
been made, and titles have already been issued to the
farmer-beneficiaries. Petitioners also alleged that the fair Under the circumstances of this case, the Court deems it
market value of the property is P6,000,000.00 more equitable to apply the ruling in the Natividad case.
The DAR Secretary, on the other hand, alleged that the In said case, the Court applied the provisions of R.A. No.
valuation of the property was pursuant to the Operation 6657 in computing just compensation for property
Land Transfer under P.D. No. 27 and the reckoning date expropriated under P.D. No. 27, stating, viz.:
should be at the time of the taking of the property, i.e.,
October 21, 1972. Land Bank's contention that the property was
Lastly, the DAR claimed that the filing of the case is acquired for purposes of agrarian reform on
premature since there is no valuation yet made by the October 21, 1972, the time of the effectivity of PD
DAR based on E.O. No. 228, and petitioners must 27, ergo just compensation should be based on
cooperate with the DAR by submitting all the necessary the value of the property as of that time and not at
papers for proper valuation and expeditious payment of the time of possession in 1993, is likewise
the land. The DAR also claimed that it must first erroneous. In Office of the President, Malacañang,
determine the valuation before resort to the court can be Manila v. Court of Appeals, we ruled that the
made. seizure of the landholding did not take place on
the date of effectivity of PD 27 but would take land, location along the highway, market value,
effect on the payment of just compensation. assessor's value and the volume and value of its
produce. This Court is convinced that the trial
Under the factual circumstances of this case, court correctly determined the amount of just
the agrarian reform process is still incomplete compensation due private respondents in
as the just compensation to be paid private accordance with, and guided by, RA 6657 and
respondents has yet to be settled. Considering existing jurisprudence.
the passage of Republic Act No. 6657 (RA
6657) before the completion of this process, As previously noted, the property was expropriated under
the just compensation should be determined the Operation Land Transfer scheme of P.D. No. 27 way
and the process concluded under the said law. back in 1972. More than 30 years have passed and
Indeed, RA 6657 is the applicable law, with PD petitioners are yet to benefit from it, while the farmer-
27 and EO 228 having only suppletory effect, beneficiaries have already been harvesting its produce
conformably with our ruling in Paris v. Alfeche. for the longest time. Events have rendered the
applicability of P.D. No. 27 inequitable. Thus, the
xxxx provisions of R.A. No. 6657 should apply in this case.
The Sangguniang Bayan of Sumilao, Bukidnon became The Supreme Court, in their decision dated April 24, 1998,
interested in the property, and enacted an ordinance ruled for Fortich and company and declared that the “Win-
converting the said land to industrial/institutional with a Win” Resolution is VOID and of no legal effect considering
view to attract investors in order to achieve economic that the March 29, 1996 resolutionof the OP already
vitality. became final and executory.
Apparently, land conversion issues need to go through the
Department of Agrarian Reform. The DAR rejected the
land conversion and instead opted to put the same under
CARP and ordered the distribution of the property to the