Week 3: Lesson Plan 3 (Note Values, Time Signatures & Railway Rhythm)
Week 3: Lesson Plan 3 (Note Values, Time Signatures & Railway Rhythm)
Week 3: Lesson Plan 3 (Note Values, Time Signatures & Railway Rhythm)
Cross Curriculum themes & Explicit subject specific concepts and skills
General capabilities
How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within
the lesson.
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson
1.4: Higher Through implementation of multiple high thinking activities that draw a
Order high focus rate to note values and mathematical equations.
2.2: A lot of engagement throughout the lesson with group activities,
Engagement performance expectations and games incorporating metalanguage being
“note values”.
3.4:Inclusivi This is expressed through the amount of collaboration and group work
ty throughout this lesson.
Tim Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centr
e ed
5 Two lines outside the classroom.
Teacher: Enforce classroom T
Instruct students of expectations.
expectations, DIN
Books out complete the do it now, while teacher
marks roll.
Student: 2 Lines, Books out
and complete DIN
Lesson Objectives:
- Recap on Pulse, Beat and Note Values.
Resources: Whiteboard,
- Introduction to Time Signatures
- Listening Activity
- Rhythms of a Railway
DIN: Demonstrate an illustrative example of
pulse and beat in your book.
10 Ask the DIN question to the class and write Teacher: Explain DIN get T/S
student examples of pulse and beat on the student answers. Recap on
Note values using Whiteboard
Recap on Note Values. Draw a semibreve, Student: Provide answers for
minim, Crochet, Quaver on the board add the DIN and fill out note value
equivalent rests and question student’s table into books.
knowledge on names and length of the note
Resources: whiteboard
**Show & Tell – Metronome
(Relevance keeps the beat steady with the set
Student: Complete
composition task following task
requirements and teacher
Resources: “Compositional
Railway” Task Worksheet
55 Teacher to come around and check out progress Teacher: Observe groups and T
and listen to performances. Teacher may select check progress/ performance.
a group to perform to the class for reflection on
the time signature used and the rhythmic Student: Perform/ present for
patterns. teacher.
72 All students are to return to their desks and Teacher: Dismiss Class T
participate within class discussion until the bell.
Student: Leave the room
What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when
preparing this lesson?
A lot of group work activities meaning lesson flow and organisation is vital.
Other considerations
Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that
you are demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that
should comply with the standard.
What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/
eliminated in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well
as other WHS policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be
applied in this lesson?
Noise Level,
Use of Instruments – Incorrect handling of instrument, movement of the
Student safety (groups)
Classroom space.
Resources Attached:
You must list all the resources that you have created or found in this space.