Lesson Plan 1 - 3
Lesson Plan 1 - 3
Lesson Plan 1 - 3
Cross Curriculum themes & General Explicit subject specific concepts and
Prior Knowledge: Students have Obtained knowledge of Musical Concepts
completed Stage 4 music and have Brief Knowledge of compositional skills
understanding in an instrument of their Chosen Instrument Knowledge – Notes,
choice. Chords.
How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within
the lesson.
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson
1.1: Deep Shown through the content focus on Rhythmic Patterns and composition
Knowledge skills including focus on bassline, rhythmic pattern, chord progression and
15 Group students in class circle. Inform students Teacher: Set up Group. Inform T/S
of proceedings;
them of actions to repeat
Use clear instructions “Repeat after me.”
teacher movements.
Start rhythm activity with clapping out of swing Student: Follow teacher’s
rhythm. instruction. Look off sheet
Continue till most students are responding music for next part or follow
appropriately. Mention brief comparison from teacher instruction.
this activity to prior knowledge on rhythm.
Resources: Sheet Music.
Remediation: Count out timing (1& 2&, 3&, 4&)
or ask students struggling to clap the 4 accented
20 Gain student attention and lead the class Teacher: Gain student T
through the next part.
attention and show next part
Using two hands starting with left first for 2 of swing rhythm using two
beats then right for 2 beats continue the swing hands. Use reinforcement of
rhythm by hitting your legs.
timing and question the time
(REM Ex. L= 1&, R = 2&, L = 3&, R = 4&)
Reinforcement of timing can be used to ensure
students are keeping in time. (1& 2&, 3&, 4&).
Student: Copy movement for
(Informal questioning = Ask students what time two hand swing rhythm, time
signature this is. 2/4, 4/4) yourselves.
40 Split the group in two groups: Group 1 & 2.
Teacher: Divide the group and T/ S
Group 1 will continue the bass line while Group encourage one group to hold
2 attempts the rhythmic bass line. This the bass line and keep playing
encounters playing third intervals from the tonic it. Whilst that is happening
note. Reinforce use of two hands for those work with Rhythmic Bassline
students using percussive instruments.
Group and the switch sides
Once students have identified the chord following same steps as above
intervals among their instruments count Group 2 and teach the melody via call
in to play in time with group 1.
and response through clapping
and singing. Encourage
Now group 2 will maintain the rhythmic bassline students to use instrument if
while Group 1 learns the melodic phrase.
don’t want to sing.
Group 1 will focus on the melody and will clap Student: Participate in either
the rhythm before singing it. The group will be bassline rhythm or melody.
led by the teacher through a call and response Perform as part of a small
of the melody. The teacher will keep leading group and ensemble.
until the students understand the phrase. Once
this is acquired, students will play four bars Resources: Instruments.
together and will be asked to listen to each
other before stopping the activity to reflecting
on their practice.
**Encourage students to use instrument if don’t
want to sing.
55 Ask students to return their instruments and Teacher: Help students return T/S
pack their belongings up, stand behind their equipment used and ensure
seats and patiently await the bell. students are packing up and
preparing themselves for the
What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when
preparing this lesson?
Time limits for each section may vary.
Other considerations
Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that
you are demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that
should comply with the standard.
What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/
eliminated in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well
as other WHS policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be
applied in this lesson?
- Working with others (safety, duty of care, respect)
- Working in confined space (Classroom setting)
- Practical use of instruments
- Correct use of instruments
- Objects within walkways (instruments among the floor during group work)
- Noise Level