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The key takeaways are that the document discusses clinical procedure guidelines for Connecticut school nurses, outlining topics such as delegation, documentation, infection control, special education law, and clinical regulations.

The document discusses the fundamental principles of delegation, documentation, and infection control/standard precautions as they relate to school nursing.

The document discusses legal issues related to education including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, individualized healthcare plans, FERPA, and the role of the school nurse in special education.

Clinical Procedure Guidelines


Connecticut State Department of Education

Connecticut State Department of Education

Stefan Pryor
Commissioner of Education

Division of Family and Student Support Services

Charlene Russell-Tucker, Chief Operating Officer

Bureau of Health/Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education

Stephanie G. Knutson, R.N., M.S.N., School Health Consultant

Office of Communications and Community Partnerships

Matthew J. Falconer, Editor and Publisher
Andrea N. Wadowski, Graphic Designer
Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses i


How to Use this Guide


1. Overview
Background....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Statistics.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Meeting the Challenge.................................................................................................................................................. 6
References.......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

2. Fundamental Principles
Delegation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Infection Control / Standard Precautions............................................................................................................. 14
References........................................................................................................................................................................ 16

3. Part A: Legal Issues — Educational

Special Education.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004.......................................................................................... 19
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.......................................................................................................21
Individualized Health Care Plans............................................................................................................................. 23
The Role of the School Nurse (Registered Nurse) in Special Education and Section 504...................24
Confidentiality: Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act.............................................................................. 25
Confidentiality: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.......................................................26
Where FERPA and HIPAA May Intersect................................................................................................................. 27
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Part B: Legal Issues — Clinical

Standards of Practice................................................................................................................................................... 32
Practice by Unlicensed Persons................................................................................................................................ 34
Training of School Personnel by Parents.............................................................................................................. 35

4. Organizational Structure: The Decicion-making Process

Example of Collaborative Decision Making.........................................................................................................39

5. Personnel
General.............................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Qualifications for Regular, Contract, and Substitute Personnel...................................................................42
Planning for the Absence of Staff Providing Health Services........................................................................44
Consultation, Supervision, Continuing Education and In-Service Training.............................................44
Delegation of Health Activities, Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Team Functioning..............45
References ....................................................................................................................................................................... 47

6. Entry/Re-entry Process
References ........................................................................................................................................................................51

7. Specialized Health Care Procedures

A. Asthma Management............................................................................................................................................ 53
B. Allergies......................................................................................................................................................................56
C. Blood Glucose Monitoring................................................................................................................................... 57
D. Catheterization: Clean Intermittent.................................................................................................................59
E. Catheter: External....................................................................................................................................................62
F. Catheter: Indwelling................................................................................................................................................64
G. Catherization: Reinsertion of Indwelling Urinary Catheter......................................................................66
H. Central Line Care.....................................................................................................................................................68
I. Diabetes.......................................................................................................................................................................70
J. Enteral Tube Feedings.............................................................................................................................................71
K. Health Assessment.................................................................................................................................................76
Contents iii

L. Incontinence Care................................................................................................................................................... 78
M. Injectables: Intramuscular, Subcutaneous Medication or Vaccination Administration................80
N. Insulin Pump Management.................................................................................................................................83
O. Intravenous Therapy..............................................................................................................................................85
P. Mechanical Ventilation...........................................................................................................................................86
Q. Oral Feeding.............................................................................................................................................................88
R. Oral or Inhaled Medication Administration...................................................................................................90
S. Ostomy Management and Care.........................................................................................................................93
T. Oxygen Therapy.......................................................................................................................................................95
U. Pulse Oximetry.........................................................................................................................................................99
V. Suctioning (non-tracheostomy)........................................................................................................................101
W. Tracheostomy Care and Suctioning...............................................................................................................104
X. Vagus Nerve Stimulator....................................................................................................................................... 111

Appendix A: Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. Declaratory Ruling on Delegation by
Licensed Nurses to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel .......................................................................................113
Appendix B: Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. Declaratory Ruling on LPN Scope of
Appendix C: Section 504 Parental Rights...............................................................................................................114
Appendix D: Suggested Qualifications and Role of the School Medical Advisor in the
Implementation of the School Health Services Program..............................................................................115
Appendix E: Nurse Practice Act..................................................................................................................................117
Appendix F: Qualifications of a school nurse........................................................................................................118

Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses v


Numerous professionals contributed to the review and development of these guidelines.

A special thank-you to Michael Corjulo APRN, CPNP, AE-C, health services coordinator, ACES, and Patricia
Krin, MSN, FNP-BC, NCSN, senior nurse administrator, Newington Public Schools , for the initial develop-
ment of these guidelines.

Appreciation is extended to the following individuals:

Stephanie Knutson, MSN, RN, project manager

Deidre Anspach, RN, school nurse, Stamford Health Department
Janene Batten, MLS, AHIP, reference librarian, Yale School of Nursing
Verna Bernard-Jones, MSN, RN, president, Association of School Nurse of Connecticut
Eileen Boulay, BSN, RN, nurse consultant, DPH
Olga Brown, school nurse supervisor, Stamford Public Schools
Valerie Bryan, nurse consultant, DPH
Moira Bryson RN, special education nurse, Stamford Public Schools
Marie Burlette, RN, BSN, school nurse supervisor, Connecticut Technical High School System
Joan Cagginello, MS, BSN, RN, school nurse supervisor, Milford Health Department and Association of
School Nurses of Connecticut
Cindy Colston, BSN, RN, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (CCMC)
Michael Corjulo APRN, CPNP, AE-C, health services coordinator, ACES
Andrea Dillon RN, BC, MEd, assistant director of health services, Capitol Region Education Council
Bonnie Edmondson, Ed.D., health education & coordinated school health consultant, CSDE
Edward Gleich, MD, medical adviser, Madison Public Schools
Donna Heins, MPH, RN, coordinated school health consultant, CSDE
Mary Joyce, school nurse supervisor, Clinton Public Schools
Raeanne Kelly, BSN, RN, pediatric otolaryngology nurse, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Ann Kiwanuka, APRN, MSN, Department of Children and Families
Donna Kosiorowski, MSN, RN, school nurse supervisor, West Haven Public Schools
Cindy Kozak, RD, MPH, CDE, Diabetes Prevention and Control Program AIDS and Chronic Diseases Sec-
tion, Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH)
Patricia Krin, MSN, FNP-BC, NCSN, senior nurse administrator, Newington Public Schools
Suzanne Levasseur, MSN, APRN, supervisor of school health services, Westport Public Schools
Vincent A. Mustaro, senior staff associate for policy services, Connecticut Association of Boards of Education
Kathy Neelon, MS, BSB, RN, nurse coordinator, Wallingford Public Schools
Karen Owen, MSN, RN, school nurse, Madison Public Schools
Carole Passarelli, PNP, MS, RN, nurse consultant, Middletown Public Schools
Elizabeth Petrocelli, RN, nursing supervisor, Bridgeport Public Schools
Ellen Ryan, MPH, BSN, director of school health services, Darien Public Schools
Joanne Ryan, BSN, RN, nursing supervisor, Fairfield Public Schools
Kimberly Sandor, FNP, MSN, RN, nurse consultant, Connecticut Nurses Association
Terry Schramm, RNC-OB, AD,CCM, CICP, MSCC, Center School, East Hampton Public Schools
# Acknowledgments

Nadine C. Schwab, BSN, MPH, NCSN, FASN, independent school heath consultant
Miriam Selig, MD, school medical consultant, Stamford Health District
Martin Sklaire, MD, Connecticut Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Michael Smith, education consultant, CSDE
Lynn Sosa, MD, deputy state epidemiologist, DPH
Kari Sullivan, Physical Activity, Nutrition and Tobacco coordinator, Coordinated School Health, CSDE
Kimberly Traverso, education consultant, CSDE
Nancy Turner RNC, MSN, school nurse, Canterbury Public Schools
Steve Updegrove, MD, Connecticut Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and medical adviser
– New Haven Public Schools
Trisha Vayda RN, BSN, NCSN, nursing supervisor, Enfield Public Schools
Grace Vetter, RN, school nurse supervisor, Public Schools

Recognition is also extended to the contributors of the CSDE’s Specialized Health Care Procedure Manual
for School Nurses (1997) and Serving Students with Special Health Care Needs (1992). These two documents
have been merged and updated in developing the 2012 Clinical Procedures Guidelines for Connecticut
School Nurses.

For more information on the CSDE’s Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses,
please contact:

Stephanie G. Knutson, MSN, RN

School Health Consultant
Connecticut State Department of Education
Bureau of Health/Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education
25 Industrial Park Road
Middletown, CT 06457
How to Use this Guide

he Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses (Clinical Guidelines) is primarily intended
to assist school nurses in developing the procedural aspects of individual health care plans for
students with special health care needs and in providing task-specific training for other school
personnel, when indicated. This practical guide provides the essential fundamental clinical principles that
must be considered when establishing policies and procedures and for the implementation and delegation
of health care in a school environment. The Clinical Guidelines is organized into the following sections:
• Introduction
• Chapter 1: Overview
• Chapter 2: Fundamental Principles
• Chapter 3: Legal Issues, Part A: Educational; Part B: Clinical
• Chapter 4: Organizational Structure: The Decision-making Process
• Chapter 5: Personnel
• Chapter 6: Entry/Re-entry Process
• Chapter 7: Specialized Health Care Procedures
Chapter 1 through chapter 6 provides a framework for the development of appropriate policies and
procedures to meet the diverse health care needs of students in the school setting. Chapter 1 provides
information on the background, diversity, and statistics related to students with special health care needs.
Chapter 2 provides the fundamental clinical principles of delegation, documentation and infection
control/standard precautions that must be incorporated into all aspects of health care service delivery
and procedure development in schools.
Chapter 3 provides a general overview about the applicable federal and state statutes and regulations
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

for the provision of educational and related services, as well as the provision of safe and appropriate health
care services for students with disabilities, students with chronic medical conditions or are dependent
on medical technology.
Chapter 4 addresses the essential collaborative decision making of the internal organization structure
of local and regional boards of education.
Chapter 5 provides principles and guidelines that serve as a basis for policy and procedure develop-
ment for school staff.
Chapter 6 provides guidance on the entry or re-entry of students with health care needs into school.
Chapter 7 provides practical guidance to assist school personnel in establishing safe practices for
select procedures. Procedures are presented as a general guide, rather than an inclusive presentation of
all aspects of the individual procedure and include:
• A brief definition and overview of common indications for the procedure.
• The purpose and rationale for performing the procedure in school.
• A general equipment list.
• General procedure steps.
• Select nursing considerations to highlight important aspects of each procedure. They are not in-
tended to be an exhaustive list of potential nursing considerations, rather they are intended to be
specific keys to safely performing the procedure.
• Delegation considerations when appropriate, are identified as a quick-reference option. The reader
must refer to the more comprehensive delegation discussion in chapter 2 to fully appreciate the
implications of delegation decisions and responsibilities.
References and resources are provided at the end of each chapter.

he Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses (Clinical Guidelines) is the merger of the
Connecticut State Department of Education’s Specialized Health Care Procedure Manual for
School Nurses (1997) and Serving Students with Special Health Care Needs (1992). This updated
document integrates valuable concepts identified in the previous manuals and offers a contemporary and
practical format intended to assist school nurses in developing the procedural aspects of individualized
health care plans for students with special health care needs and in providing task-specific training for
other school personnel, when indicated. The Clinical Guidelines may also serve as a resource for other
health professionals in schools, as well as school administrators, nurses, and other health professionals
in early intervention programs. Information that addresses the procedures identified in this manual is
intended to be used as a guideline in conjunction with:
• sound theoretical knowledge;
• medical research and evidence-based clinical references;
• collaboration with professional peers and expert consultants; and
• collaboration with students, educators, families and caregivers.
The procedural guidelines delineate the general steps of physical health care activities and must
always be used in conjunction with fundamental principles, standards, and safe practices recognized
as vital to working with children with special or complex health care needs. Those principles, standards,
and practices are reviewed in chapters 1 and 2, and should form the basis for planning, implementing
and evaluating all specialized health care services for students, along with the following considerations
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

that are critical for quality health services in schools:

• collaboration between family; student; members of the school team, including the school medical
adviser; and the student’s health care providers is essential to the development of an appropriate
plan of care to successfully and safely meeting the health care needs of students;
• a primary focus of health services planning is the promotion of student competence and indepen-
dence in self-care, consistent with their transition plans;
• recognition that each student and family has unique cultural, spiritual, economic, social, and edu-
cational factors and values that influence their approach to health care;
• school nurses (registered nurses) are specifically identified as the medical professionals for facilitat-
ing appropriate delegation of select components of health care procedures;
• implementation of health care in schools;
• school nurses or other health care professionals must make delegation decisions based on the
health care status and needs of students, legal requirements within the State of Connecticut, and
state and national standards for professional practice;
• school nurses and other health care professionals must be licensed, clinically knowledgeable and
competent to provide the necessary care and, if supervising the licensed practical nurses (LPN) or
delegating care and supervising unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP), ensure the competency of
these individuals to perform the delegated or supervised health care activities;
• school nurses are responsible for maintaining the level of competency required to create plans and
perform medical or other procedures. This may often require acquisition of new or updated skills
and knowledge;
• school nurses should consult with the school medical adviser, as indicated, in the assessment, plan-
ning, implementation and evaluation process; and
• local and regional boards of education need to support the ongoing clinical competency develop-
ment of school nurses.
Additional considerations include the often rapid advancement of medical technology and revisions
of procedures based on newly integrated evidence-based research. These considerations must be taken
into account when planning, implementing, and delegating health care procedures.

he purpose of this document is to assist Connecticut schools, regional educational service centers, or other
settings where educational services are being provided to students with special health care
needs, in identifying appropriate services and staff in the school setting, and to plan the sup-
port services necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of all students during participation in school
activities. Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses (Clinical Guidelines) is intended to
provide a framework for the development of appropriate policies and procedures to meet the diverse
health care needs of students in school settings. It is based on the laws and regulations that apply to
education and on the laws, regulations, licensures, and professional standards of practice that currently
apply to the practice of medicine, nursing and other health disciplines in Connecticut.

Within this document, the term “student” refers to all children and young people, ages 3–21 years old, who
are entering or who are in educational programs. The term “special health care needs” refers to
those who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, developmental,
behavioral, or emotional condition and who also require health and related services
of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally (McPherson, 1998).

The definition is broad in order to incorporate the entire range of students with special health care
needs, whether physiological or psychological in nature, on a continuum from mild to severe and with
actual or potential health service needs that must be addressed within school environments. While there
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

is considerable emphasis in this document on those students with more severe physical health impair-
ments, the philosophy and general guidelines are intended to apply to the entire spectrum of students
with health service needs in the educational setting. Students with special health care needs that are
psychological in nature include those who have mental, emotional, and behavioral problems, and require
medication and/or special services, supports or programs to address those problems.
Whether a specific student’s health impairment and health service needs affect his or her eligibility for
special education cannot be determined in general guidelines. Therefore, this document’s intent is not to
identify who may or may not be disabled under either Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), formerly the Education of the Handicapped. Related
legal issues will be generally addressed in chapter 3, part a.
The population of children and youths with special health care needs is a diverse one, since their con-
ditions vary widely according to numerous factors. These factors include, but are not limited to:
• specific diagnosis;
• age of onset;
• the natural course, duration, and severity of disease processes or extent of disability;
• chronological age compared to the child’s developmental stage;
• treatment regimens;
• family circumstances;
• impact on the child and family (functional, psychosocial, cultural, and financial)
• visibility of the condition;
• environment; and
• long-term outcomes (cure, stability, or deterioration).
While the specific diagnoses of students with special health care needs vary widely, they can be cat-
egorized by general type of disease or condition. These general categories, with examples of each type,
are listed below. The list is not inclusive.

table 1. Students with special health care needs

Category of Disease or Condition Examples
1. Chronic disease Asthma, cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, seasonal respi-
ratory allergies, sickle cell anemia, inflammatory bowel
2. Chronic infectious disease Hepatitis infections, human immunodeficiency virus HIV)
3. Congenital or acquired physical conditions Congenital heart defect, spina bifida, cardiomyopathy
4. Psychological conditions Childhood psychosis, major depressive disorder, bipolar
disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder,
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
5. Acquired disability Traumatic brain injury, lead poisoning, drug addiction
6. Severe acute illness, which may require Nephritis, osteomyelitis, pneumonia
complex medical care over several weeks or
Overview 5

All students with special health care needs should be assessed for issues related to psychosocial con-
cerns. Students with special health care needs have a greater risk of problems with depression, anxiety,
psychosomatic complaints, and low self-esteem. While some students with special health care needs will
function well academically, some may have more difficulties meeting with academic success (Selekman,
2006, Chatterton,, 2006, Henderson, 2006). Absenteeism, underachievement, and social adjustment
problems are disproportionately higher in students with special health care needs. Some students fall into
a pattern of school avoidance or school refusal, and the risks of teasing and bullying are high (Eiser, 1997).
For students with special health care needs to access their education and have a successful school
experience, school district requirements may include:
• assessment and periodic reassessment of their health status and level of functioning on a periodic
basis to determine what special services or program modifications they may need;
• policies that support close collaboration with families;
• safe professional practice;
• appropriate instructional programs;
• related services necessary to ensure successful functioning in educational settings;
• enhanced communication and collaboration with health and social service providers in the com-
• education of school personnel; and
• smooth interdisciplinary teamwork.
Connecticut’s public education system has the duty to provide opportunities for all students to achieve
the statewide student goals (motivation to learn, mastery of the basic skills, acquisition of knowledge,
competence in life skills and understanding society’s values) (CSDE, 2001). As such, children with health
impairments share the following common needs to:
• interact with healthy children;
• identify and capitalize on their strengths; and
• mature to become independent, positive, productive, and socially responsible adults with the
minimum disability possible.

In the early 1990s, the Connecticut State Department of Education formed a committee to develop
guidelines for students with special health care needs in response to the increasing numbers of children
with acute, long-term, and chronic health problems who attended schools in Connecticut. The original
publication, Serving Students with Special Health Care Needs, was released in 1992. Its companion publica-
tion, Specialized Health Care Procedure Manual for School Nurses, was published in 1997. This publication,
Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses (Clinical Guidelines), is an update and merger
of those two documents.
Across the nation, children with special health care needs are living longer, are able to live at home,
attend school, and participate in their communities. Scientific and technological advances in the health
care field have greatly enhanced the life opportunities of children with physical health impairments. It
is no longer uncommon for children requiring special health care services and high technology proce-
dures to be discharged home from the hospital, or not to be treated in the hospital at all, and to attend
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

school. Some of these children are dependent on external equipment and support for survival. Similarly,
changes in the treatment of children with emotional and mental illness have also resulted in fewer and
shorter hospitalizations, increased outpatient treatment while the child is at home, and attending school.
Frequently today, students with emotional and mental illness are hospitalized for only a short time and
attend a partial hospital program during afternoon school hours. This may require an adjustment of a
student’s schedule to provide supplemental tutoring for classes missed due to the hospital program.
Children with special health care needs at the milder end of the spectrum may also require services or
adaptations in school to minimize the negative aspects of their conditions or the treatments prescribed
to control them.

Children and youths with special health care needs include those who are at risk for a chronic physical,
developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition that requires services. The 2009–10 National Survey of
Children with Special Health Care Needs found that 15.1 percent of the nation’s children met the definition
of children with special health care needs (CCAMHI, 2012).
According to Selekman and McCormick (2006), nationally 7 percent of students with chronic conditions
are receiving special education, 5.5 percent of students are identified under the label of Other Health
Impaired (OHI), and Zirkle (2009) notes that in 2008, 1.2 percent of public school students had 504 plans
with the majority of students having a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
According to the Connecticut State Department of Education’s Special Education Fast Facts, in 2006-07,
11.2 percent of Connecticut students were in special education, which included 17.2 percent of students
listed as OHI, with no breakout for ADHD.
According to the 2008 Special Education Parent Survey, in 2007-08, more than 90 percent of special
education students in Connecticut attended public (89.8 percent) and private or parochial (1.4 percent)
schools. Twenty-two percent of the students with special education needs are listed as OHI-Attention
Deficit Disorder/ADHD and 4.1 percent are listed as OHI.
According to the State of Connecticut 2011 Health Services Survey Report, 88 percent of Connecticut
school districts reported that over 167,000 students have one or more specific health care needs.

Meeting the Challenge

Advances in science and health care technology, in conjunction with society’s increased commitment
to promoting optimal learning and development for all children, have increased the opportunities for
students with special health care needs to achieve their individual goals. However, these advances also
bring with them substantial challenges for families, schools, health care providers, communities, and
society as a whole. To meet these challenges in an effective, efficient, safe and appropriate manner, it
is crucial that experts in education, health, social services, law, financing, and municipal services col-
laborate with families and communities in identifying and promoting practices and programs that will
enhance the quality of these students’ educational experiences and lives. A crucial step in meeting the
special health care needs of students is the collaborative development, implementation, and evalua-
Overview 7

tion of standards and guidelines to ensure the provision of safe and appropriate education and support
services in school settings.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses


American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. (2008). special health care needs. Pediatrics. 1998;102(1
Definition of Special Health Care Needs. Retrieved Pt 1):137-40.
on November 25, 2011, from http://www.aapd.
org/media/policies_guidelines/d_shcn.pdf. Medical Home Portal. About Children and Youth
with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN). Re-
Chatterton, J, Kaup, T, and Swanson, M. A. (2006). trieved on February 2, 2012 from http://www.
Diabetes Management in the School Setting.
Connecticut Special Education Facts, 2006-07. special-health-care-needs#citation318.
edfacts/coe/CTEdFacts06_07.pdf. Selekman, J (ed.) (2006). School Nursing A Compre-
hensive Text. F.A. Davis, Philadelphia pp.757-780.
Connecticut State Department of Education, Bu-
reau of Special Education. (2007-08). Connecticut Selekman, J and Gamel-McCormick, M. (2006).
Special Education Parent Survey Summary Report. School Nursing A Comprehensive Text: Children with chronic conditions. F.A. Davis, Philadelphia
Special/ParentSurvey_Summary08.pdf. pp. 615-645.

Connecticut State Department of Education. (2001). Selekman, J. (2006). School Nursing A Comprehen-
The State Board of Education’s Position Statement sive Text: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
on the Education of Students with Disabilities and learning disabilities. F.A. Davis, Philadelphia pp. 705-727.
The Child and Adolescent Health Measurement
Connecticut State Department of Education. Initiative (CAMHI). Data Resource Center for
(2009). Health Services Program Information Sur- Child and Adolescent Health. 2009/10 National
vey Report Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs.
new/pdfs/sde_hssurvey09.pdf. Retrieved on February 2, 2012 from http://
Eiser, C. (1997). Effects of chronic illness on children profiles?rpt=9&geo=1.
and their families. Advances in Psychiatric Treat-
ment, vol. 3, pp. 204-210. Zirkle, P.A. (2009). History and Expansion of Sec-
tion 504 Student Eligibility: Implications for
Henderson, J. 2006, Seizure disorder, in Selekman, School Nurses. Journal of School Nursing, Vol 25
J (ed.). School Nursing A Comprehensive Text. pp. 256-260.
F.A. Davis, Philadelphia pp. 865-888.

McPherson M, Arango P, Fox H, Lauver C, McMa-

nus M, Newacheck PW, Perrin JM, Shonkoff JP,
Strickland B. A new definition of children with
Fundamental Principles

linical Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses (Clinical Guidelines) addresses students’ specialized health
care needs, potential settings, school environments and staffing patterns. The school nurse, ad-
ministrator, teacher, and other school staff must collaborate with the student and family to find
the best solution to meeting the health service needs of the student. In many situations, the required
care may, be best provided by the school nurse or, under the supervision of a school nurse, another
member of the school health team (such as, RN, LPN, or trained and certified health aide), or by another
health professional when the care is within that professional’s scope of practice. However, when safe care
does not require direct nursing intervention, allowing other members of the school team to participate
in the provision of care, when appropriate, can promote student independence; enhance opportunities
for students with special health care needs to attend school in the least restrictive environment; and
maximize efficient use of resources.
Student’s health impairment can significantly influence the student’s ability to perform and derive
benefit from his or her educational program. Due to the dynamic nature of a student’s health status,
special health care needs may be present:
• daily;
• only once or twice a week;
• periodically;
• seasonally;
• on an emergency basis; or
• for a single protracted episode.
Additionally, such special needs may change in type or severity at any time, either abruptly, as in a
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

crisis, or more gradually, as with maturation or chronic disease progression.

For a student with special health care
needs of any age to access and derive ben-
The following fundamental clinical prin-
efit from an appropriate program, whether ciples must be universally applied to all
in special or regular education, preschool or procedures in the Clinical Guidelines:
adult transition, it is essential for school per- delegation, documentation, and infection
sonnel to collaborate and coordinate ser- control.
vices with families, health care professionals
and other community service providers.
Children with special health care needs must attend school in an environment that is safe, that promotes
maintenance of an optimal health status, and that fosters the achievement of normal developmental
tasks, personal satisfaction, optimism, and independence. School personnel must not only understand
and address the special health care needs of individual students, but must also understand the priorities
of their families and support the individual student and family to achieve their goals. Therefore, if school
programs and support services are to meet the varied needs of students with special health care needs,
they must be:
• child focused;
• family centered;
• developmentally appropriate;
• continuous and flexible;
• coordinated with health services, other community services and family;
• provided in a safe and least restrictive environment;
• high quality;
• evidenced-based; and
• documented.
The following guidance further expands upon the definition of these fundamental clinical principles
in meeting the needs of students with special health care considerations.

“Delegation of nursing tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAPs) in school settings continues to be
a necessary, yet challenging practice. Although the practice of delegation to UAPs in schools, as in other
healthcare settings, is necessary due to limited resources and increasing healthcare needs, it remains es-
sential to provide students with healthcare that is safe and high in quality. Therefore, school nurses must
understand delegation decisions and processes and develop the skills necessary to train and supervise
UAPs” (Resha, 2010).
Delegation is defined as the transfer of responsibility of performing a nursing task to unlicensed assis-
tive personnel while retaining the accountability of doing the task. “The need for delegation of nursing
tasks in the school setting is greater today than ever before due to the following factors identified by
NASN (2006a), NASSNC (2000), and Spriggle (2009):
• unfunded mandates, such as health screenings and immunization reporting, that pull the school
nurse away from direct care;
Fundamental Principles 11

• shortage of qualified nursing staff in schools, i.e., lack of nurses who meet the state requirement to
work as a school nurse;
• budgetary constraints that limit the schools’ ability to hire and retain qualified staff;
• staffing patterns that assign one nurse to multiple school buildings thereby leaving buildings with-
out nurses at various times; and
• federal and state requirements, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of
1975, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
requiring that school health services for complex student health needs, such as providing care to
ventilator-dependent children, be provided so that students can access their education” (Resha, 2010).
“This growing need to provide skilled nursing care increases the need to properly utilize trained UAPs,
while continuing to provide safe and high quality healthcare in the school environment... In order to
provide safe healthcare in the school setting, school nurses need to understand the legal parameters,
e.g. their state Nurse Practice Acts, rules, and regulations; along with clinical parameters, such as the
standards of practice and professional health-related position statements developed by professional
organizations, including, among others, the American Nurses Association, the National Association of
School Nurses, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, for delegating nursing tasks and responsibilities
to UAPs. In addition, the individual nurse’s critical thinking skills are of utmost importance in providing
safe care” (Resha, 2010).
The National Council
of State Boards of Nursing
Five Rights of Delegation
(NCSBN) has identified “Five
Rights of Delegation” that Right Task: One that is delegable for a specific patient.
provide a resource for the
Right Circumstances: Appropriate patient setting, avail-
licensed registered nurse to able resources and other relevant factors considered.
facilitate decisions about del-
egation. These include the Right Person: Right person is delegating the right task to
the right person to be performed on the right person.
right task, right circumstances,
right person, right direction/ Right Direction/Communication: Clear, concise
communication and the right description of the task, including its objective, limits and
supervision. expectations.
The Connecticut Board of Right Supervision/Evaluation: Appropriate monitoring,
Examiners for Nursing (CBEN) evaluation, intervention, as needed, and feedback.
issued a declaratory ruling
(NCSBN 1995)
on April 5, 1995, on “Delega-
tion by Licensed Nurses to Un-
licensed Assistive Personnel”
(see appendix A). The declaratory ruling defines in detail the responsibilities of registered professional
nurses regarding the delegation of nursing functions to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) in Con-
necticut, including tasks which “meet [a] client’s basic human needs and activities of daily living.” The
declaratory ruling provides guidelines and sets standards for school nurses (and the agencies that employ
them) in making decisions regarding delegation and supervision of nursing services, and appropriate
training of unlicensed assistive personnel in Connecticut. In addition, the CBEN considers these delega-
tion standards when adjudicating a specific case.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

The following premises on which Clinical Guidelines are based are reaffirmed in the declaratory ruling,
as excerpted from sections III.A.2. and III.A.3 of the CBEN 1995 declaratory ruling on “Delegation by Licensed
Nurses to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel”:
1. The registered nurse shall be responsible for deter-
mining what aspects of the medical and nursing In Connecticut, assessment,
regimen the registered nurse may delegate to the planning, evaluation, and
licensed practical nurse and unlicensed personnel, nursing judgment cannot
consistent with this ruling, regardless of the setting be delegated.
in which this occurs.
2. The performance of non-nurse delegated and non-
nurse supervised nursing activities by unlicensed persons constitutes practicing nursing without a
license and is not in the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
3. The registered nurse retains responsibility for the total nursing process and for its outcomes in all
situations where delegation has occurred (CBEN 1995).
According to the CBEN, any task (except the insertion of a Foley catheter and tube feeding) may be
delegated as long as it does not require nursing judgment. “The nurse, when making decisions about
delegation, shall consider:
• client safety and the potential for client harm;
• the stability and acuity of the client’s condition;
• the nature and complexity of the task and the type of technology employed in providing nursing
care with consideration given to the knowledge and skill required to effectively use the technology;
• relevant infection control and safety issues;
• the requisite competency of the person to whom the task is being delegated;
• the ability of the nurse to provide supervision and evaluation of the specific task being delegated;
• the adequacy of resources available to the nurse to support, direct, supervise and evaluate the
delegated activity; and
• the proximity and availability of the nurse responsible for delegation or assistance” (CBEN, 1995, 7).
In each individual situation, the decision to delegate a specific activity for a specific student must be
made by the health professional whose scope of practice includes relevant assessment of the student and
performance of the procedure. In nursing, the delegating school nurse determines on an individual basis:
• the level (intensity and acuity) of care required by the student;
• whether certain aspects of care or health care activities can be delegated;
• the type of personnel to whom the
care can be delegated (licensed, un-
licensed, certified, noncertified); and It is counterproductive and potentially
• what training and supervision are unsafe to require an unwilling or reluctant
required (see appendix A regarding staff member to provide the specialized care.
nursing delegation and appendix B
regarding LPN scope of practice).
The building administrator, in collaboration or consultation with the nursing supervisor, determines
which personnel in the identified category are available to perform the procedure. This may require
the administrator to review job descriptions (see chapter 5), school policy and procedures, relevant
bargaining agreements, personnel schedules, other responsibilities of the staff members in question,
Fundamental Principles 13

and personnel data regarding prior standardized training and certification, such as home health aide or
nursing assistant preparation.
After ensuring that sufficient and appropriate training has been completed, the school nurse must
document the training (including date or the training and training content), assesses the competence
of the assigned unlicensed assistive personnel, and determine whether to proceed with delegation of
the task to the specific staff members designated by the building administrator.
The school nurse remains responsible and legally
accountable for any delegated tasks and must provide
regular, ongoing supervision to individuals carrying
Delegation consists of: assessing
out the activities. Additionally, the school nurse may
and planning; communication;
determine at any time that the health care activity surveillance and supervision; and
can no longer be delegated based on a change ei- evaluation and feedback.
ther in the health status of the student or in the staff
member’s performance of the care.

Documentation for health care procedures must be done in accordance with the district’s documentation
policy or procedures and professional standards. The recommended procedures presented in this manual
require written authorization by a prescribing health care provider and approval by a parent or guard-
ian. In some cases, the procedure may be ordered using a procedure or treatment authorization form,
such as for tube feeding or suctioning. For procedures such as blood glucose monitoring, the prescriber
may have a signed plan of care from a pediatric endocrinology clinic for a student with diabetes. Other
procedures may be part of a medication authorization that does not require an additional authorization,
such as using a spacer with a metered dose inhaler (MDI).
Districts may choose a variety of methods, including narrative charting of procedures, to document
clinical or medical procedures. Some examples include using a procedure or treatment record for daily
tube feedings; a diabetes flow sheet for blood glucose monitoring; or the Individual Student Medication
Record for a spacer used with an MDI. Documentation methods must be consistently used and may be
done manually or electronically, depending on the documentation system a school district uses.
Regardless of the documentation system and options that a school district utilizes, the fundamental
principles of nursing documentation must always apply. Documentation of health care in the school
setting is required to meet legal mandates in creating a record that:
• accurately reflects professional nursing practice;
• provides a means to communicate with other health care professionals and families;
• provides a vehicle for quality assurance; and
• provides support in case of legal allegations.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Infection Control / Standard Precautions

Infection Control

Infection control, including hand washing and the use of nonsterile gloves, and other personal protective
equipment as necessary, must be used when providing nursing care identified in these Clinical Guidelines.
When the school nurse delegates a procedure, the nurse is responsible for ensuring that the training
provided includes infection control, and the staff members receiving the delegation of each procedure
demonstrate competency. All school personnel must follow standard precautions guidelines, including
those specific to bloodborne pathogens.
School districts are required to:
• establish a written exposure control plan, as required by Occupational Safety and Health Admin-
istration (OSHA);
• establish adequate hand-washing facilities or alternatives;
• require staff to routinely observe standard precautions to prevent exposure to disease-causing
organisms; and
• provide necessary equipment/supplies to implement the exposure control plan and budget for the
replacement of supplies.

Exposure Control Plans

In December 1991, the OSHA published the Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
(29 CFR 1910.1030). This standard requires public school employers who have employees with occupa-
tional exposure to establish an exposure control plan that describes what work practices will be used
to protect employees. It is important to note that all written programs must be site specific. The schools
exposure control plan:
• should be developed by the chief administrative officer, with the advice of the school nurse or school
health services program manager and the school medical adviser;
• use the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state and local health
• must be a written policy; and
• should be reviewed annually.

School Exposure Control Plan Requirements

1. Delineate safe work practices that protect employees from exposure to bloodborne pathogens,
including standard precautions (see Standard Precautions that follows), and the use of protective
equipment such as gloves, face shields, and OSHA-approved sharps.
2. Outline how staff should handle blood-contaminated materials, including determining what engi-
neering modifications and changes in practices are necessary (such as facilities and procedures for
hand washing, use of needle-less devices, and disposal of hazardous waste within school buildings
and facilities).
Fundamental Principles 15

3. Determine which employees could reasonably be expected to have exposure to bloodborne patho-
gens or other materials potentially contaminated with blood as a result of performing job duties.
This may include the school nurse, custodians, special education teachers, and bus drivers.
4. Provide training and education for all school staff, including custodians, transportation, and food
services staff, on the prevention of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, standard precautions,
availability of hepatitis B vaccine for staff in predetermined job positions and post-exposure pro-
cedures. This training needs to take place for new employees within 10 days of their employment
and annually for all school staff.
5. Provide hepatitis B vaccine for occupationally exposed employees at no cost to the employee. Note:
Some schools provide and administer this vaccine; others pay for the vaccine and have the local
health department or other agency administer it.
6. Determine a post-exposure procedure to follow. The procedure should include a reporting procedure
and must include immediate post-exposure medical evaluation and follow-up.
7. Determine how maintenance of records, including medical records, staff training records, sharps
injury logs, and vaccine administration, will occur in accordance with guidelines for confidentiality
of health records. (U.S. Department of Labor. OSHA.

Standard Precautions

Standard precautions are recommended practice for protection against transmission of bloodborne
pathogens and other infectious diseases in the workplace. This is the practice of treating all human
body substances (such as blood, urine, and feces) in any form (except sweat, which is not considered to
be potentially infectious) as if it is infected with a bloodborne or other pathogen and avoiding all direct
contact with this material. The guidelines pertain to all body fluids (regardless of visible blood), non-intact
skin, and mucous membranes (CDC, 2005).
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “schools inherently foster the transmis-
sion of infections from person to person because they are a group setting in which people are in close
contact and share supplies and equipment. However, schools also can be instrumental in keeping their
communities healthy by:
• encouraging sick students and staff to stay home and seek medical attention for severe illness;
• facilitating hand hygiene by supplying soap and paper towels and teaching good hand-hygiene
• being vigilant about cleaning and disinfecting classroom materials and surfaces;
• providing messages in daily announcements about preventing infectious disease;
• adopting healthy practices such as safe handling of food and use of standard precautions when
handling body fluids and excretions; and
• encouraging students and staff to get annual influenza vaccinations” (CDC, 2011).
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses


American Nurses Association (ANA) and the

National Council of State Boards of Nursing lines/unlicensed_ap_dec_rul.pdf.
(NCSBN). Joint Statement on Delegation. Re-
trieved on November 23, 2011, from https://www. Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. Declaratory Ruling on LPN Scope of Practice.
Retrieved on November 23, 2011 from http://
Caldart-Olson, L., McComb, M., Mazyck, D., Wolfe,
L., Byrd, S. Field Trip Precautions. NASN. School guidelines/lpndeclaratoryruling.pdf.
Nurse, Mar 2005; vol. 20: pp. 7.
Costante, C. School Health Nursing: Framework for
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Future Part II. The Journal of School Nursing,
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion. (2007). Apr 2001; vol. 17: pp. 64-72.
Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing
Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Davis-Alldritt, L. If I Delegate, Am I at Risk? School
Settings. Nurse, Sep 2009; vol. 24: pp. 180-183.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Erickson, C., Splett, P., Mullett, S., Stoltzfus, H.,
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion. (1998). and Bielski, M. The Healthy Learner Model for
Guidelines for Infection Control in Healthcare Student Chronic Condition Management--Part
Personnel. I. The Journal of School Nursing, Dec 2006; vol.
22: pp. 310-318.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
(November 2011). Infectious Diseases at School. Gordon, S., Barry, C., and Charlotte D. Delegation
Retrieved on March 15, 2012 from http://www. Guided by School Nursing Values: Comprehen- sive Knowledge, Trust, and Empowerment. The
Journal of School Nursing, Oct 2009; vol. 25: pp.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 352-360.
(April 2005). Standard Precautions.
Gursky, Beverly S., Ryser, Barbara J. A Training
Clinical Guidelines for School Nurses Sixth Edition. Program for Unlicensed Assistive Personnel.
(Revised 2007). School Health Alert. The Journal of School Nursing, Apr 2007; vol. 23:
pp. 92-97.
Collins, N., Murphy, P., Winters, L., Van Cleve, C.,
Minchella, L. National Association of School Harrigan, Judith F. What would you do? School
Nurses. Newsletter, Mar 2008; vol. 23: pp. 24-25. Nurse, May 2002; vol. 17: pp. 20.

Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. De- National Association of School Nurses. Delegation
claratory Ruling on Delegation by Licensed and the School Nurse. School Nurse, Jan 2008;
Nurses to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel. Re- vol. 23: pp. 15.
trieved on November 23, 2011 from http://www.
Fundamental Principles 17

National Association of School Nurses. What Would Spriggle, M. Developing a Policy for Delegation of
You DO? School Nurse, May 2001; vol. 16: pp. 22. Nursing Care in the School Setting. The Journal
of School Nursing, Apr 2009; vol. 25: pp. 98-107.
National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2005).
Working with Others: A Position Paper. Retrieved United States Department of Health and Human
on November 23, 2011 from https://www.ncsbn. Services (DHHS), National Institute for Occupa-
org/Working_with_Others.pdf. tional Safety and Health (NIOSH). Bloodborne
Infectious Diseases HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B Virus,
O’Dell, C., O’Hara, K., Kiel, S., McCullough, K. Emer- and Hepatitis C Virus.
gency Management of Seizures in the School
Setting. The Journal of School Nursing, June 2007; United Stated Department of Labor. OSHA. Occu-
vol. 23: pp. 158-165. pational Safety and Health Standards. Retrieved
January 23, 2012, from
Resha, C. “Delegation in the School Setting: Is it a pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_
Safe Practice?” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues table=standards&p_id=10051.
in Nursing, May 2010; vol. 5, No. 2, Manuscript 5.
United States Department of Labor. OSHA. Univer-
Shelton, T.L. and Stepanek, J.S. (1994). Family- sal Precautions. Retrieved on April 19, 2011, from
Centered Care for Children Needing Specialized
Health and Developmental Services. hazards/univprec/univ.html.

Solum, Linda L., Schaffer, Marjorie A. Ethical Prob-

lems Experienced by School Nurses. The Journal
of School Nursing, Dec 2003; vol. 19: pp. 330-337.
Part A:

Legal Issues — Educational

Special Education

Special education laws and regulations are meant to protect students with disabilities. These laws and
regulations ensure that students receive the services and assistance that may be necessary to make
meaningful progress in their education program. In Connecticut, the special education system is based
on the federal special education law, Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004)
and its implementing regulations, in combination with the state’s special education law, Connecticut
General Statutes Section 10-76a to 10-76h, inclusive, and the implementing regulations.
Special education is provided to students with an identified disability who need specially designed
instruction to meet their unique needs and to enable students to access the general curriculum of the
school district. Students who are eligible for special education services are entitled by federal law to re-
ceive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). FAPE ensures that all students with disabilities receive
an appropriate public education at no cost to the family. FAPE differs from student to student because
each has unique needs. Students who receive special education services receive services that are required
in order for them to benefit from special education. These services are called “related services.” Related
services means “transportation and such developmental, corrective, and other supportive services as
are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education, and includes speech-
language pathology and audiology services, interpreting services, psychological services, physical and
occupational therapy, recreation, including therapeutic recreation, early identification and assessment
of disabilities in children, counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling, orientation and mo-
bility services, and medical services for diagnostic or evaluation purposes. Related services also include

Part A: Legal Issues — Educational 19

school health services and school nurse services, social work services in schools, and parent counseling
and training” (34 CFR § 300.34[a]).

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004

Under the the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), a child with a “disability” means:
1) a child evaluated in accordance with the IDEA as having one or more of the recognized disability
categories; 2) the disability adversely affects educational performance; and 3) because of the disability
and the adverse impact, the child needs special education and related services. The IDEA 2004 disability
categories are as follows:
• autism
• deaf-blindness
• deafness
• emotional disturbance
• hearing impairment
• intellectual disability (mental retardation)
• multiple disabilities
• orthopedic impairment
• other health impairment (limited strength, vitality or alertness due to chronic or acute health problems
such as lead poisoning, asthma, attention deficit disorder, diabetes, a heart condition, hemophilia,
leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia and Tourette syndrome)
• specific learning disability
• speech or language impairment
• traumatic brain injury
• visual impairment including blindness
• developmental delay (3- through 5-year-old children only).
In Connecticut, a school district is also required to provide identification, referral and evaluation services
for students who may be gifted and/or talented. A district is not required but has the option of providing
services to students who have been identified as being gifted and/or talented (CSDE, A Parent’s Guide
to Special Education in Connecticut, 2007, 2).
Connecticut’s State Board of Education (SBE) believes that a unified and coordinated continuum of
educational opportunities and supports, designed to address individual needs, serves and benefits all
students. The SBE also supports the principle that Connecticut’s Common Core of Learning defines com-
mon goals for all students, including those with disabilities (CSDE, Position Statement on the Education
of Students with Disabilities, 2001). The special education laws and regulations that support this principle
are well intended, however, complex and detailed. The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE)
Bureau of Special Education provides valuable resources and guidance documents with detailed infor-
mation and explanation regarding special education laws, regulations, the special education eligibility
process, services for students and other information on its Web site at
view.asp?a= 2678&Q= 320730#Legal.
The CSDE’s Special Education Resources Table below lists publications specifically related to the processes
and procedures for attaining special education services for students with disabilities.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

table 2. CSDE’s Special Education Resources Table

Title Description URL

Special Education Publications Best Practice Resources; Eligibility
Documents; Guidance Documents/ view.asp?a=2626&q=322672
Topic Briefs; Parent/Family Resources;
and Secondary Transition Resources.
The State Board of Education’s Position Statement On the Education of
Position Statement On the Educa- Students with Disabilities sde/pdf/board/disabilities.pdf
tion of Students with Disabilities
CSDE’s Division of Legal and Gov- Individuals with Disabilities Education
ernmental Affairs Law: Individu- Act (IDEA) view.asp?a=2683&q=320334
als with Disabilities Education Act
A Parent’s Guide to Special Edu- Provides information for parents,
cation in Connecticut (2007) guardians and other family members sde/PDF/DEPS/Special/Parents_
about laws, regulations, and policies Guide_SE.pdf
affecting special education programs
and services.
Before, During & After the PPT Planning and Placement Team (PPT)
Meeting: Preparing for the PPT Checklist sde/PDF/DEPS/Special/Before_
Meeting & Development of The PPT.pdf
Individualized Education Program
PPT 101: Understanding the Provides information on the process
Basics of the Planning and Place- and procedure for referral and eligibil- sde/PDF/DEPS/Special/PPT101.
ment Team Meeting ity for special education; Individualized pdf
Education Programs; PPT; and parent’s
role in the PPT process.
Making the PPT Process More Provides information on the PPT pro-
Effective for You and Your Child cess. sde/PDF/DEPS/Special/PPT_Pro-
IEP Manuals and Forms (2010) CSDE’s guidance to school districts in
Connecticut to assist in using the IEP lib/sde/PDF/DEPS/Special/IEP-
forms. Manual.pdf
Writing Standards-based IEP This multimedia presentation is de-
Goals and Objectives signed to provide a tool and a process php?option=com_content&vie
for helping Connecticut educators w=article&id=516:using-a-word-
develop standards-based IEPs. bank-process-to-develop-stan-
Guidelines for Identifying Chil- This document provides a comprehen-
dren with Learning Disabilities sive description of the changes in IDEA
(2010) 2004 regarding the identification and sde/PDF/DEPS/Special/2010_
eligibility determi­nation of children Learning_Disability_Guidelines_
with a specific learning disability. Acc.pdf
Part A: Legal Issues — Educational 21

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Section 504 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs
and activities that receive federal financial assistance from the United States Department of Education
(USDE). Section 504 provides in part that “No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United
States . . . shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied
the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial
assistance . . .” Recipients of this federal financial assistance include public school districts, institutions of
higher education, and other state and local education agencies. The regulations implementing Section
504 in the context of educational institutions appear at 34 CFR Part 104.
The Section 504 regulations require a school district to provide a “free appropriate public education”
(FAPE) to each qualified student with a disability who is in the school district’s jurisdiction, regardless
of the nature or severity of the disability. Under Section 504, FAPE consists of the provision of regular or
special education and related aids and services designed to meet the student’s individual educational
needs as adequately as the needs of nondisabled students are met (OCR, 2011).

Who Is Protected under Section 504?

Section 504 covers qualified students with disabilities who attend schools receiving federal financial
assistance. To be protected under Section 504, a student must be determined to: (1) have a physical or
mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or (2) have a record of such
an impairment; or (3) be regarded as having such an impairment. Section 504 requires that school districts
provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to qualified students in their jurisdictions who have
a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Major life activities, as defined in the Section 504 regulations at 34 CFR 104.3(j)(2)(ii), include functions
such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing,
learning, and working. This list is not exhaustive. Other functions can be major life activities for purposes
of Section 504. In the Amendments Act, Congress provided additional examples of general activities that
are major life activities, including eating, sleeping, standing, lifting, bending, reading, concentrating,
thinking, and communicating. Congress also provided a nonexhaustive list of examples of “major bodily
functions” that are major life activities, such as the functions of the immune system, normal cell growth,
digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive func-
tions. The Section 504 regulatory provision, though not as comprehensive as the Amendments Act, is
still valid—the Section 504 regulatory provision’s list of examples of major life activities is not exclusive,
and an activity or function not specifically listed in the Section 504 regulatory provision can nonetheless
be a major life activity.

Physical or Mental Impairment that Substantially Limits a Major Life Activity

The determination of whether a student has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits
a major life activity must be made based on an individual inquiry. The Section 504 regulatory provision
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

at 34 CFR 104.3(j)(2)(i) defines a physical or mental impairment as any physiological disorder or condi-
tion, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems:
neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense organs; respiratory, including speech organs; cardiovascu-
lar; reproductive; digestive; genitourinary; hemic and lymphatic; skin; and endocrine; or any mental or
psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness,
and specific learning disabilities. The regulatory provision does not set forth an exhaustive list of specific
diseases and conditions that may constitute physical or mental impairments because of the difficulty of
ensuring the comprehensiveness of such a list.
The CSDE’s Section 504 Resources Table below lists publications specifically related to the processes and
procedures for attaining services for students with disabilties and special health care needs.

table 3. CSDE’s Section 504 Resources Table

Title Description URL

CSDE’s Circular Letter C-13, Series Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
2008-09 Section 504 of the Reha- Act of 1973: Procedural Safeguards sde/pdf/circ/circ08-09/c13.pdf
bilitation Act of 1973: Procedural
Safeguards Reissue of CIRCULAR
LETTER C-9, Series 2000-2001
Protecting Students With Disabili- This document is a revised version
ties: Frequently Asked Questions of a document originally developed fices/list/ocr/504faq.html
About Section 504 and the Educa- by the Chicago Office of the Office
tion of Children with Disabilities for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S.
Department of Education (ED) to
clarify the requirements of Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, as amended (Section 504) in
the area of public elementary and
secondary education. The primary
purpose of these revisions is to
incorporate information about the
Americans with Disabilities Act
Amendments Act of 2008 (Amend-
ments Act), effective January 1,
2009, which amended the Ameri-
cans with Disabilities Act of 1990
(ADA) and included a conforming
amendment to the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 that affects the mean-
ing of disability in Section 504. 
CSDE’s Division of Legal and Gov- Section 504 Law
ernmental Affairs Law: Section 504 view.asp?a=2683&q=320334
CSDE’s Accommodating Special Contains information on providing
Dietary Needs in School Nutrition meals for children with special di- sde/PDF/DEPS/Student/Nutri-
Programs (2011) etary needs, based on federal laws, tionEd/AccommodatingSpecialDi-
U.S. Department of Agriculture ets.pdf
regulations and Connecticut laws
and regulations.
Part A: Legal Issues — Educational 23

Title Description URL

School Readiness Technical Assis- Section 504 and School Readiness
tance Alert (1999) Number TA/SR # Programs sde/pdf/deps/readiness/SR/TA_
99-02: Serving 3-, 4-, and 5-year- SR_99_02.pdf
old Children with Disabilities
CSDE’s Guidelines for Managing Allergy management in schools
Life-Threatening Food Allergies in sde/PDF/deps/student/health/
Connecticut Schools Food_Allergies.pdf
CSDE’s Guidelines for Blood Glucose Diabetes management
Self-Monitoring in School sde/PDF/deps/student/health/Glu-

Individualized Health Care Plans

Oftentimes, students with special health care needs that are eligible for Section 504 or special education
may have their individualized health care plan (IHCP) incorporated into the Section 504 plan or the indi-
vidualized educational plan (IEP). However, some students have special health care needs on the milder
end of the spectrum and do not meet the eligibility requirements for Section 504 or special education.
As appropriate, these students may be provided with an IHCP, indicating accommodations or services
based in regular education.
An individualized health care plan is a detailed and orderly program of action designed to monitor,
prevent, reduce or eliminate identified health problems in order to maintain or improve a student’s
health status and level of wellness and to promote his or her learning and positive coping. The process
of planning requires a team approach and includes the establishment of care priorities, a clear under-
standing of student specific goals, prescription
of appropriate interventions, and delineation of
measurements for goal achievement (National Important note: Students with special
Association of School Nurses, 2008). health care needs on the milder end of
Health care plans identify solutions for di- the spectrum and who do not meet the
agnosed health problems (actual or potential); eligibility requirements for Section 504
or special education, may be provided
communicate the student’s specific health
with an IHCP indicating accommo-
needs, and the prescribed nursing and collab- dations or services based in regular
orative interventions for directing and evaluat- education.
ing the care given; and provide a mechanism
for demonstrating accountability.
The IHCP is developed following the nursing process:
• assessment (includes subjective and objective date);
• nursing diagnoses;
• planning (includes student goals and expected outcomes);
• implementation (interventions employed); and
• evaluation.
Demographic data should include:
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

• name;
The nursing process is a goal-oriented
• address;
method of caring that provides a framework
• date of birth; to nursing care. It involves five major steps:
• grade;
• Assessment (what data is collected?)
• parents;
• Nursing Diagnosis (what is the problem?)
• contact information; • Planning (how to manage the problem)
• primary care provider; • Implementation (putting plan into action)
• preferred hospital; • Evaluation (did the plan work?)
• medical diagnoses;
• allergies;
• medications; and
• treatments.
While all registered nurses are taught how to write health care plans in their basic education, health
care plans written for schools must take both health and educational needs into consideration during
development. Registered school nurses who have had no pediatric experience and those who are new to
the educational arena, may need assistance from an experienced school nurse or school nurse supervisor
to appropriately perform this activity.
Only the registered school nurse can draft and finalize an individualized health care plan for a student.
Other members of the education team, the family, licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and the student’s
health care providers may contribute to the development of the plan, but the registered school nurse
retains overall responsibility for its production and implementation.

The Role of the School Nurse (Registered Nurse)

in Special Education and Section 504

The registered professional school nurse

leads oversight of school health policies Administrators must ensure that profes-
and programs in the school community. As sional registered school nurses are included
such, school nurses actively collaborate in the IEP and Section 504 team processes
with others to build student and family in order to appropriately address the
capacity for adaptation, self-management, health-related barriers to learning for iden-
tified students.
self-advocacy and learning. Coordinating
the linkage between the medical home,
family and school is an important aspect of
the role of the school nurse. The school nurse has health expertise that is essential to school educational
teams, such as the special education team, the individualized educational plan (IEP) team and the Sec-
tion 504 team so that health-related barriers to learning can be reduced for each student (Wolfe, 2012).
In determining the level of health services necessary for students to adequately access their education,
it is imperative that the school nurse is included as a member of the problem solving team. School nurses
provide valuable input about the needs of students with health issues who have difficulties learning. They
have the expertise to identify and recommend appropriate health accommodations or interventions to
Part A: Legal Issues — Educational 25

allow students full access to their education. Important information that may affect learning is often iden-
tified from the health history obtained by the registered school nurse. Best practice says that the nurse
should be involved in the Response to Intervention (RTI)/Scientific Research-Based Intervention (SRBI)
process to identify and support health needs and if significant health concerns are identified leading to
an initial special education evaluation, the nurse must be part of the multidisciplinary team (CDE, 2008).
School nurses who engage in these multidisciplinary teams must also acquire the essential knowledge
regarding the processes and protocol of special education team meetings, IEP meetings and Section 504
meetings. As the team’s medical expert, the school nurse must be cognizant of the legal implications
of their medical advice and suggested service for students. While priority is given to what is in the best
interest of the student, school nurses must also consider the limitations of their local or regional boards
of education.
Healthy children are successful learners. The registered school nurse has a multifaceted role within
the school setting, one that supports the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and
their success in the learning process. It is the breadth of nursing activities contained within the role of the
school nurse and the unique non-medical setting that differentiates school nursing from other nursing
specialties (NASN, 2010).

Confidentiality: Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of students’
“education records” (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). FERPA applies to educational agencies and institu-
tions that receive funds under any program administered by the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE).
This includes virtually all public schools and school districts and most private and public postsecondary
institutions, including medical and other professional schools. If an educational agency or institution
receives funds under one or more of these programs, FERPA applies to the recipient as a whole, includ-
ing each of its components, such as a department within a university (34 CFR § 99.1(d)) (FERPA, 2008).
Private and religious schools at the elementary and secondary level generally do not receive funds
from the USDOE and are, therefore, not subject to FERPA. Note that a private school is not made subject
to FERPA just because its students and teachers receive services from a local school district or state edu-
cational agency that receives funds from the USDOE. The school itself must receive funds from a program
administered by the USDOE to be subject to FERPA. For example, if a school district places a student with
a disability in a private school that is acting on behalf of the school district with regard to providing ser-
vices to that student, the records of that student are subject to FERPA, but not the records of the other
students in the private school. In such cases, the school district remains responsible for complying with
FERPA with respect to the education records of the student placed at the private school (FERPA, 2008).
An educational agency or institution subject to FERPA may not have a policy or practice of disclosing
the education records of students, or personally identifiable information from education records, without
a parent or eligible student’s written consent (34 CFR § 99.30). FERPA contains several exceptions to this
general consent rule (34 CFR § 99.31). An “eligible student” is a student who is at least 18 years of age or
who attends a postsecondary institution at any age (34 CFR §§ 99.3 and 99.5[a]). Under FERPA, parents
and eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records and to seek
to have them amended in certain circumstances (34 CFR §§ 99.10–99.12 and §§ 99.20–99.22). The term
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

“education records” is broadly defined to mean those records that are: (1) directly related to a student,
and (2) maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institu-
tion (34 CFR § 99.3) (FERPA, 2008).
At the elementary or secondary level, a student’s health records, including immunization records,
maintained by an educational agency or institution subject to FERPA, as well as records maintained by
a school nurse, are “education records” subject to FERPA. In addition, records that schools maintain on
special education students, including records on services provided to students under the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), are “education records” under FERPA. This is because these records are
(1) directly related to a student, (2) maintained by the school or a party acting for the school, and (3) not
excluded from the definition of “education records” (FERPA, 2008).
At postsecondary institutions, medical and psychological treatment records of eligible students are
excluded from the definition of “education records” if they are made, maintained, and used only in con-
nection with treatment of the student and disclosed only to individuals providing the treatment (see
34 CFR § 99.3 “Education records”). These records are commonly called “treatment records.” An eligible
student’s treatment records may be disclosed for purposes other than the student’s treatment, provided
the records are disclosed under one of the exceptions to written consent under 34 CFR § 99.31(a) or with
the student’s written consent under 34 CFR § 99.30. If a school discloses an eligible student’s treatment
records for purposes other than treatment, the records are no longer excluded from the definition of
“education records” and are subject to all other FERPA requirements (FERPA, 2008).
The FERPA regulations and other helpful information can be found at
guid/fpco/index.html. For quick, informal responses to routine questions about FERPA, school officials may
e-mail the U.S. Department of Education at For more formal technical assistance on the
information provided in this guidance in particular or FERPA in general, please contact the Family Policy
Compliance Office at the following address: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. USDOE of Education,
400 Maryland Ave. S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-8520 (FERPA, 2008).

Confidentiality: Health Insurance Portability

and Accountability Act

Congress enacted the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996 to, among other
things, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system through the establishment of
national standards and requirements for electronic health care transactions and to protect the privacy
and security of individually identifiable health information. These are known as HIPAA’s Administrative
Simplification provisions, and the United Sates Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS)
has issued a suite of rules, including a privacy rule, to implement these provisions. Entities subject to the
HIPAA Administrative Simplification Rules (45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164), known as “covered entities,”
are health plans, health care clearinghouses, and health care providers that transmit health information
in electronic form in connection with covered transactions (45 CFR § 160.103) (HIPAA, 2008).
“Health care providers” include institutional providers of health or medical services, such as hospitals,
as well as noninstitutional providers, such as physicians, dentists, and other practitioners, along with any
other person or organization that furnishes, bills, or is paid for health care in the normal course of busi-
Part A: Legal Issues — Educational 27

ness. Covered transactions are those for which the USDHHS has adopted a standard, such as health care
claims submitted to a health plan (45 CFR § 160.103 definitions of “health care provider” and “transaction”
and 45 CFR Part 162, Subparts K–R) (HIPAA, 2008).
The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires covered entities to protect individuals’ health records and other iden-
tifiable health information by requiring appropriate safeguards to protect privacy, and setting limits and
conditions on the uses and disclosures that may be made of such information without patient authori-
zation. The rule also gives patients rights over their health information, including rights to examine and
obtain a copy of their health records, and to request corrections (HIPAA, 2008).

Where FERPA and HIPAA May Intersect

When a school provides health care to students
in the normal course of business, such as through When determining whether person-
its health clinic, it is also a “health care provider” ally identifiable information from
as defined by HIPAA. If a school also conducts any student health records maintained by
covered transactions electronically in connection the educational agency or institution
with that health care, it is then a covered entity may be disclosed, school officials at
institutions subject to FERPA should
under HIPAA. As a covered entity, the school
refer to FERPA and its requirements.
must comply with the HIPAA Administrative Sim-
plification Rules for Transactions and Code Sets
and Identifiers with respect to its transactions.
However, many schools, even those that are HIPAA covered entities, are not required to comply with the
HIPAA Privacy Rule because the only health records maintained by the school are “education records” or
“treatment records” of eligible students under FERPA, both of which are excluded from coverage under
the HIPAA Privacy Rule. See the exception at paragraph (2)(i) and (2)(ii) to what is considered “protected
health information” (PHI) at 45 CFR § 160.103) (HIPAA, 2008).
In addition, the exception for records covered by FERPA applies both to the HIPAA Privacy Rule, as well
as to the HIPAA Security Rule, because the Security Rule applies to a subset of information covered by
the Privacy Rule (i.e., electronic PHI). Information on the HIPAA Privacy Rule is available at http://www. Information on the other HIPAA Administrative Simplification Rules is available at (HIPAA, 2008).
The HIPAA Privacy Rule specifically excludes from its coverage those records that FERPA protects. When
determining whether personally identifiable information from student health records maintained by the
educational agency or institution may be disclosed, school officials at institutions subject to FERPA should
refer to FERPA and its requirements. While the educational agency or institution has the responsibility to
make the initial, case-by-case determination of whether a disclosure meets the requirements of FERPA, the
U.S. Department of Education’s Family Policy Compliance Office is available to offer technical assistance
to school officials in making such determinations (HIPAA, 2008).
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses


CDE. (2008). School Nurse’s Role in Response PolicyAdvocacy/PositionPapersandReports/

to Intervention (RtI) and Special Education. NASNPositionStatementsFullView/tabid/462/
Retrieved on February 7, 2012 from http:// ArticleId/32/Individualized-Healthcare-Plans- IHP-Revised-2008
download/nurRoleInRtI.pdf http://www.nasn.
org/Default.aspx?tabid=226 http://www. New Mexico School Health Manual Section V. Individualized Health Care Plans.

Joint Guidance on the Application of the Family Office of Civil Rights (OCR). (2011). Protecting
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Students with Disabilities: Frequently Asked
and the Health Insurance Portability and Questions About Section 504 and the Education
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) To Student of Children with Disabilities. Retrieved on February
Health Records. (2008). Retrieved on February 7, 2012 from
7, 2012, from list/ocr/504faq.html
hipaaferpajointguide.pdf Selekman, J. (ed). (2006). School Nursing: A
Comprehensive Text: Student Health and Education
National Association of School Nurses (NASN) Plans. F.A. Davis, Philadelphia, pp. 177-203.
(2010). Definition of school nursing. Retrieved
on February 7, 2012 from Wolfe, L.C. (2012). The profession of school nursing.
Default.aspx?tabid=57 In J. Selekman, School Nursing: A Comprehensive
Text. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
National Association of School Nurses. (2008).
Individualized healthcare plans (IHP). Retrieved
January 19, 2012 from
Part B:

Legal Issues — Clinical

- legal issues related to the education of students with special health care
ust as there are complex educational
needs, there are equally complex clinical - legal issues regarding the provision of safe and appropri-
ate health care services for students with special health care needs when they participate in school
programs. To understand the complexity of these issues, it is necessary to review the laws, regulations,
and professional standards of practice that govern the practice of health care professionals in Connecticut.
While the emphasis in this section will be on the laws, regulations, and standards that apply to the practice
of medicine and nursing in Connecticut, it is important to recognize that other health care professionals
require licensure for entry into practice in this state. These include occupational and physical therapists,
speech-language pathologists, and clinical psychologists.

The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) has regulatory responsibility for licensure of all
health care professionals. To fulfill its obligation to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens,
the state legislature delegates the function of regulating the practice of certain health professions to re-
spective Boards of Examiners and the DPH. School health professionals whose practices are regulated by
a respective Board of Examiners include physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and clinical psychologists.
(The practice of other school health professionals, including occupational therapists, speech language
pathologists, and independent social workers are regulated through licensure by the DPH.) For example,
the Board of Medical Examiners regulates medical practice in Connecticut and the Board of Examiners for
Nursing regulates nursing practice in the state. Statutes enacted by the legislature grant specific power
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

and authority to these boards to regulate professional practice (regardless of the setting) and to moni-
tor professional activities. The Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing (CBEN) has the power and
authority to determine, based on the Nurse Practice Act, the scope of practice of the advanced practice
registered nurse (APRN), the professional registered nurse (RN), and the licensed practical nurse (LPN).
The CBEN is responsible for determining which professional nursing functions can be delegated to the
LPN and what other nursing functions can be delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). The
CBEN has no regulatory authority but can issue administrative decisions or declaratory rulings. The DPH
can promulgate such decision or rulings through the regulatory process.
The practice acts that apply to licensure of health professionals include language that prohibits unli-
censed persons from practicing these professions for remuneration. Violation of the prohibitions can
result in a fine and/or jail term. For example, the Nurse Practice Act (Connecticut General Statutes, Sec-
tions 20-87 through Sec. 20-102a), states that “No person shall, for remuneration, practice nursing as
defined in subsection (a) of section 20-87a,
unless properly licensed” (Connecticut Gen-
eral Statutes, Sections 20-102). Those found Board of Examiners for Nursing
guilty of practicing nursing without a li- The licensed nurse is accountable to the
cense can be fined up to $500.00 and/or Board of Examiners for Nursing for his/her
imprisoned for up to five years. Further- practice as a nurse, regardless of the nurse’s
more, each instance of patient contact or responsibilities to his/her employer for
employment activities. School nurses may
consultation, which is in violation of the
be disciplined by the Board of Examiners
Nurse Practice Act, constitutes a separate for Nursing for failing to practice nursing
offense. It is the Board of Examiners for according to nursing standards even when
Nursing and the courts that decide whether such failure occurs because of his or her
someone is practicing nursing without a employer’s directive. Such discipline can
license. result in loss of the nurse’s license (Con-
The State of Connecticut has specific reg- necticut General Statutes Section 20-90,
Duties of the Board, http://www.cga.
ulations regarding qualifications of school
nurses and school nurse practitioners. Ac- htm).
cording to state regulations Sections 10-
212-1 through 10-212-7, school nurses and
nurse practitioners must be qualified to
practice in these positions. The regulations require that the school nurse/nurse practitioner must be a
registered professional nurse, designated as RN, as defined in Section 20-87a of the Connecticut General
Statutes, and currently licensed in the State of Connecticut. The regulations also define what professional
experience and education a registered nurse must have to qualify as a school nurse. These are considered
minimal requirements. Other licensed personnel, RNs, or LPNs may function in an assistive role to the
school nurse but may not be designated as a school nurse.

Physicians and nurses in Connecticut, as in all states throughout the nation, must be licensed to practice
medicine or nursing in the state, that is, to provide services, and perform certain functions covered within
Part B: Legal Issues — Clinical 31

the professions’ licensure acts. Licensure for medicine and nursing is based on successful completion of
required academic and clinical programs, as well as successful completion of state and/or national
qualifying examinations. The intent of licensure is to ensure that those who practice as physicians and
nurses, or perform the functions described within the practice acts, have met certain minimal professional
academic and clinical qualifications designed to protect the public from unsafe care. Unsafe care in
medicine and nursing results in higher death rates, greater incidence of illness, injury or complication,
unnecessary suffering and greater long-term expense both for the consumer and society (Chapter 378
Nursing and Chapter 370 Physician).
The practice of nursing by a registered nurse is defined in statute as
the process of diagnosing human responses to actual or potential health problems,
providing supportive and restorative care, health counseling and teaching, case find-
ing and referral, collaborating in the implementation of the total health care regimen
and executing the medical regimen under the direction of a licensed physician, dentist
or advanced practice registered nurse (Connecticut General Statutes, Section 20-87(a)).

Nursing diagnosis, providing supportive and restorative care, health counseling, teaching, case finding,
and referral are independent functions of the RN; that is, functions that the nurse can perform without
specific orders from a physician or dentist. Collaboration in the implementation of the total health care
regimen and executing the medical regimen are functions that are interdependent with the physician,
advanced practice registered nurse, or dentist; that is, functions that require specific orders for specific
clients. As noted in chapter 2, registered nurses may delegate specific functions to licensed practical
nurses and to unlicensed persons under their supervision.
The registered nurse who has specialized training, education and experience beyond those required
for RN licensure may also obtain licensure as an APRN. APRNs (nurse practitioners and clinical nurse
specialists) who are so licensed:
performs acts of diagnosis and treatment of alterations in health status, as described in
subsection (a) of this section, and shall collaborate with a physician licensed to practice
medicine in this state. In all settings, the advanced practice registered nurse may, in col-
laboration with a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state, prescribe, dispense
and administer medical therapeutics and corrective measures and may request, sign
for, receive and dispense drugs in the form of professional samples in accordance with
sections 20-14c to 20-14e, inclusive, … (Connecticut General Statutes, Section 20-87[b])

The LPN is licensed to perform selected tasks and share responsibility under the direction of a registered
nurse or an advanced practice registered nurse; and within the framework of supportive and restorative
care, health counseling and teaching, case finding and referral, collaborate in the implementation of the
total health care regimen and execute the
medical regimen under the direction of a
licensed physician or dentist (Connecti-
Physicians can delegate certain licensed
cut General Statutes, Section 20-87[c]). In functions to other licensed health care
February 1989, the CBEN, in response to providers under their supervision, but not to
a request from the Connecticut general unlicensed persons (Gelfman and Schwab,
assembly, issued a declaratory ruling to 2005, p. 112).
clarify the role of the licensed practical
nurse. That ruling states that the LPN:
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

1. Must perform his/her nursing functions and shared nursing responsibility under the direction of a
registered nurse.
2. Can participate in all phases of the nursing process under the direction of the registered nurse to
the following extent:
a. Contribute to the nursing assessment by collecting, reporting, and recording objective and
subjective data in an accurate and timely manner. Data collection includes observation about
the condition or change in condition of the client, and signs and symptoms of deviation from
normal health status.
b. Participate in the development of the strategy of care in consultation with other nursing per-
sonnel by providing data; contributing to the identification of priorities; and contributing to
setting realistic and measurable goals.
c. Participate in the assisting, delegating and giving of directed care by:
i. Providing care for clients whose conditions are stabilized or predictable.
ii. Providing care for clients whose conditions are critical and/or unpredictable under the direct
supervision of the registered nurse and, when executing the medical regimen, under the
direction of a licensed physician or dentist.
iii. Implement nursing care according to the priority of needs and established goals.
iv. Providing an environment conducive to safety and health.
v. Documenting nursing interventions and responses to care.
vi. Communicating nursing interventions and responses to care to appropriate members of
the health team.
3. Must carry out all selected nursing tasks
and shared nursing responsibilities under LPNs in the School Setting
the direction of the registered nurse. The The LPN may contribute to, but may
direction of the registered nurse should not be responsible for, nursing assess-
be immediately available, on site, in health ment, diagnosis, planning implemen-
care agencies providing in-patient and tation or evaluation of client care. Nor
can the LPN be responsible for imple-
out-patient nursing services. In community
mentation of the plan of care inde-
health settings (which includes schools), the pendent of the RN. In school settings,
registered nurse must be responsible for the registered nurse must be respon-
the total plan of nursing care and should sible for the total plan of nursing care,
be proximately available for on-site visits provide supervision, and should be
and available by telephone. proximately available for on-site visits
Because of the complex health care needs of and available by telephone.
students in schools today, the Connecticut Advi-
sory School Health Council, in its 1989 Guidelines
on the Roles and Qualifications of School Health Personnel, recommended that LPNs should be used in
schools only where on-site supervision of the registered nurse is available. This is not a legal requirement;
however, the RN must still consider the recommendation and the complexity of care potentially required
by the students before determining that it is safe for a LPN to function in a setting where the RN is not
onsite. The RN must determine the amount of on-site supervision that must be provided to ensure safe
care and the RN remains responsible for the care provided.
Part B: Legal Issues — Clinical 33

Standards of Practice

In addition to state licensure and regulations for health professionals and the rulings or decisions of the
respective Boards of Examiners for medicine and nursing, there are numerous and complex standards
within medical and nursing practice that define other criteria for an “expert” in a specialty or subspecialty
area of practice. In medicine, for example, specialties include psychiatry, pediatrics, and orthopedics,
while subspecialties in the area of pediatrics and psychiatry include neonatology, adolescent medicine,
developmental pediatrics, and child and adolescent psychiatry. Physicians must obtain further education
and clinical experience, plus pass an additional board certification examination, in order to specialize in
an area of medicine beyond “general” practice.
Education for registered nurses can take three different paths. The original “modern” route to RN edu-
cation was the three-year hospital program, of which only one currently exists in the state. This program
results in a RN diploma and is an entry point for technical nursing practice. This RN diploma has been moved
into the two-year associate of science in nursing, and is also considered an entry point for technical nurs-
ing practice. The four-year Bachelor of Science in nursing is the entry point for professional nursing practice.
Most nurses educated in the last 20
years will have attended either a two
or a four-year college. Nurses also must Competency in School Nurse Practice
obtain further clinical experience and, This document is designed to support the
generally further education, plus pass practice of school nursing within Connecticut
a national certification examination in schools. The areas of school nurse competency,
supervision and evaluation are presented in an
order to become certified as an expert
effort to promote high-quality school health
nurse in a specialty area. In nursing,
services. The school nurse competencies delin-
specialty areas may include pediat- eate the knowledge and skills needed to practice
ric nursing, community/public health nursing in the school setting. The competencies
nursing, or psychiatric nursing. Further may be used in a variety of ways: a framework
nursing subspecialties in these areas of nursing school instructors; an orientation
include, for example, neonatal nursing plan for new school nurses; an evaluation tool
and school nursing. As of 1991, the Na- for school nurses; a goal-setting tool for school
nurses; and a program planning tool.
tional Board for Certification of School
Nurses Inc. certifies school nurses and Connecticut State Department of Education, Health
requires RNs to have a baccalaureate Promotion Services/School Nurse Web site at http://www.
degree to sit for the exam. This certifi- ing_Competencies.pdf.
cation is not required to practice, but it
is a standard set forth by the National
Association of School Nurses (NASN) and that school districts may consider when hiring new personnel,
and/or encouraging present personnel to pursue continuing education or developing salary incentives.
Families should also know the preparation and expertise of the health care professionals providing ser-
vices to their children.
There are additional standards of practice in nursing and in medicine that can be used in a court of law
to demonstrate whether the nurse or physician met the required standard of care in a specific instance.
These standards are generally developed and published by the profession’s national organization or re-
lated organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics for pediatricians or the American Nurses
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Association (ANA) for nurses. The most recent school nursing standards, School Nursing Scope and Stan-
dards of Practice, were published jointly by the ANA and NASN in 2011. Standards are valuable to health
professionals in planning, administering, and evaluating appropriate services; identifying competency
of practitioners; and to clinical supervisors in evaluating the health professional’s performance. These
standards have been used to develop the CSDE’s Competency in School Nurse Practice and Evaluation
Tool. In addition, there are numerous other standards for nursing practice including the NASN Code of
Ethics (2002) and ANA Code of Ethics (2001).

Practice by Unlicensed Persons

As previously mentioned, practice acts include language that prohibit unlicensed persons from practic-
ing licensed professions. In Connecticut, individuals may be imprisoned for up to five years and fined
up to $500, or both, for practicing without a license the following health professions: medicine, nursing,
occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology (not applicable to certified school psychologists) or
school psychological examiners not licensed by the DPH as a psychologist under Connecticut General
Statutes, Section 20-187(a), speech pathology and audiology. This means that there can be criminal, in
addition to civil, consequences if a school employee performs the licensed function of one of those
health professionals when the function or task has not been (or cannot be) delegated by the licensed
professional. Such licensed functions of health professionals include, for example, assessment of the
student’s health status, development of a plan to meet the student’s health care needs in school, or the
performance of a health care procedure that has not been (or cannot be) delegated by the appropriately
licensed professional.
In a court case in Oregon (see Carol Mitts v. Hillsboro Union High Scholl District No. 3 et al., Washington County
Circuit Court, Case No. 87-11420), a school district was sued by a school health assistant because the school
principal assigned the health assistant (an unlicensed school employee) to perform clean intermittent
catheterization (CIC) on a new middle grade student with spina bifida, following training by the mother
and with intermittent supervision by the part-time school nurse. The court asked the Oregon State Board
of Nursing for a declaratory ruling in the matter. The board’s ruling was as follows:
… the central conclusion is that the unlicensed persons in the school setting may be
required to perform tasks of nursing care when those tasks are properly delegated to
them by a registered nurse. Unlicensed persons may not perform those tasks on their
own volition nor be required to perform those tasks when directed to do so by school
authorities or parents.
The issue here is not merely the performance of CIC in a school setting, and who
may perform it. Rather the issue is the identification of health care needs of student and
how best to meet those needs. The purpose of hiring individuals with various expertise
and credentials in the school setting is to utilize their knowledge and skills to provide
student with an environment for learning and the provision of related services. A nurse
employed by, or under contract to, a school system must be allowed to use her skills
and expertise in the nursing process to meet identified health care needs of students.
The law requires no less.

The Oregon State Board of Nursing concluded that the principal was unlawfully practicing nursing
without a license, not so much because he assigned the task of CIC, but rather because he presumed
to understand the health care needs of the student (i.e., assumed the functions of health assessment,
Part B: Legal Issues — Clinical 35

diagnosis and planning) for which he was neither qualified nor licensed. The board also determined that
the school nurse had not acted according to professional nursing standards. A footnote to the declara-
tory ruling states:
The Board expects that licensed nurses take an active role in applying the nursing pro-
cess. (The school nurse’s) role was passive in that she accepted the assignment by school
authorities regarding (the student’s) health care needs and acted upon that assessment
by supervising (the health assistant).

In an additional footnote to the declaratory ruling, the Oregon State Board of Nursing noted that
health assistants in school districts in Oregon were apparently being required “to engage in systematic
problem solving which includes the steps of assessing, making nursing diagnoses, planning, interven-
ing, and evaluating.” This constitutes the practice of nursing that health assistants may not lawfully do
unless they are properly licensed.

Training of School Personnel by Parents

While the licensure acts do not prohibit parents from learning and providing specialized care to their own
children, parents cannot take on the responsibility for teaching others to provide such care, nor can they
unilaterally determine the best plan of care for their child in the school setting. Based on the practice acts
for health professionals, it is illegal for school personnel to provide health care to a student based solely
on instruction or guidance by a parent. This does not mean, however, that parents should not collaborate
with the school nurse, for example, in developing a plan of care and in preparing other school personnel
for their child’s entry into school. Since the parents have expertise about the individual strengths and
needs of their child, it is critical that they collaborate with the school nurse in preparing other school
personnel to provide a safe environment for their child. Even if a parent is a licensed nurse, the parent
cannot take on the sole responsibility of training school personnel to provide specialized care since the
parent is not part of the school’s organized structure and will not be responsible for the ongoing care of
the student in school or for the supervision of other personnel providing care. The school system must
ensure that the school nurse completes a health assessment of the student, determines that delegation
of care is appropriate in the school, and is well prepared to train and supervise other school personnel
who are providing the care.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses


American Nurses Association. Principles for Del-

egation MainMenu- student/health/ Nursing_Competencies.pdf
NursingStandards/ANAPrinciples/Principles-for- Connecticut State Department of Education.
Delegation/PrinciplesofDelegation.aspx (2009). School Nurse Competencies Checklist and
Evaluation Tool
American Nurses Association and National Coun- sde/PDF/ deps/ student/health/Nursing_Com-
cil of State Boards of Nursing. Joint Statement petencies_Checklist.pdf
on Delegation
MainMenuCategories/ThePracticeofProfessional- Costante, C. School Health Nursing: Framework for
Nursing/workplace/Work-Environment/Infofor- the Future Part II. The Journal of School Nursing,
Nurses/ANANCSBNStatementonDelegationpdf. Apr 2001; vol. 17: pp. 64-72.
Davis-Alldritt, L. If I Delegate, Am I at Risk?. NASN
Caldara-Olson, L., McComb, M., Mazyck, D., Wolfe, L. School Nurse, Sep 2009; vol. 24: pp. 180-183.
and Byrd, S. Field Trip Precautions. NASN School
Nurse, Mar 2005; vol. 20: pp. 7. Delegation and the School Nurse. NASN School
Nurse, Jan 2008; vol. 23: pp. 15.
Collins, N., Murphy, P., Winters, L., Van Cleve, C. and
Minchella, L. Why Is Your State Nurse Practice DuPlessis Erickson, C., Splett, P., Stoltzfus Mullett,
Act Important to School Nursing Practice? NASN S., Bielski Heiman, M.
Newsletter, Mar 2008; vol. 23: pp. 24-25.
Gelfman, M.H.B. Discrimination in school:§504,
Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. De- ADA, Title IX, in Schwab, N.C. and Gelfman, M.H.B.
claratory Ruling on Delegation by Licensed Nurses (eds.) Legal issues in School Health Services A
to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel http://www. Resource for School Administrators, School At- lib/dph/phho/nursing_board/guide- torneys, School Nurses, Sunrise River Press, North
lines/unlicensed_ap_dec_rul.pdf Branch, MN, pp. 335-371 ( 2005).

Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. De- Gordon, S. and Barry, C. Delegation Guided by
claratory Ruling on LPN Scope of Practice http:// School Nursing Values: Comprehensive Knowl- edge, Trust, and Empowerment. The Journal of
guidelines /lpndeclaratoryruling.pdf School Nursing, Oct 2009; vol. 25: pp. 352-360.

Connecticut State Department of Education. (1989). Gursky, B. and Ryser, B. A Training Program for
Connecticut Advisory School Health Council. Unlicensed Assistive Personnel. The Journal of
Roles and qualifications of school health personnel. School Nursing, Apr 2007; vol. 23: pp. 92-97.

Connecticut State Department of Education. Harrigan, J. F. What would you do?. NASN School
(2009). Competency in School Nurse Practice Nurse, May 2002; vol. 17: pp. 20.
Part B: Legal Issues — Clinical 37

Healthy Learner Model for Student Chronic Con- Resha, C., (May 31, 2010) “Delegation in the School
dition Management--Part I, The. The Journal of Setting: Is it a Safe Practice?” OJIN: The Online
School Nursing, Dec 2006; vol. 22: pp. 310-318. Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 15, No. 2, Manu-
script 5.
LPN Declaratory Ruling
dcf/nurses/ pdf/ lpndeclaratoryruling.pdf Solum, L., Schaffer, M. Ethical Problems Experi-
enced by School Nurses. The Journal of School
National Association of School Nurses. What Would Nursing, Dec 2003; vol. 19: pp. 330-337.
You DO? NASN School Nurse, May 2001; vol. 16:
pp. 22. Spriggle, M. Developing a Policy for Delegation of
Nursing Care in the School Setting. The Journal
National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Work- of School Nursing, Apr 2009; vol. 25: pp. 98-107.
ing with Others.
ing_with_Others.pdf State of Connecticut Board of Education. (1991).
Requirements and guidelines for special educa-
O’Dell, C., O’Hara, K., Kiel, S. and McCullough, K. tion and related services for children (ages 3-5)
Emergency Management of Seizures in the with disabilities. Hartford, Author.
School Setting. The Journal of School Nursing,
Jun 2007; vol. 23: pp. 158-165.
Organizational Structure:
The Decicion-making Process

he internal organizational structure of the local school district should reflect and support the collabora-
tive decision making of educators and health professionals at all levels of the organization. With
the increasing complexity of health services required by students in school, both administrative
and clinical judgments are critical in planning, implementing, and evaluating services for children with
health impairments. Local school districts may need to review and revise organizational structures, poli-
cies and procedures to promote decision making that is truly collaborative in nature and to ensure that
both administrative and clinical judgment are made by those who have the expertise and legal authority
to make them.
It is important at the classroom level that team members (for example, the teacher, mental health
professional, school nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist and speech language pathologist)
provide coordinated services with common, child-focused, and family centered goals. To do this, team
members, including the family, must share information necessary to optimize the student’s educational
program and to ensure the student’s health and safety. Similarly, it is essential that school administrators,
school nurse supervisors, school medical advisers, pupil personnel coordinators and other appropriate
supervisory and administrative personnel collaborate in planning programs, developing procedures, and
resolving many of the difficult issues inherent in providing services for students with special needs. Finally,
the local board of education should ensure that health-related issues are identified and considered in
the process of developing and revising policy by consulting with the medical adviser, nursing supervisor,
and community health experts. Consultation with attorneys who have expertise in education may also
be beneficial in resolving legal issues regarding district policy or procedure.
Local school districts have the overall responsibility for providing a free and appropriate education in
a safe environment for all of their students. In order to discharge administrative responsibilities as they

Organizational Structure: The Decision-making Process 39

relate to the health care of students in schools, local school districts should:
• hire qualified health professionals who are competent and appropriately licensed to provide con-
sultation, training, supervision, and/or direct health care services for the specific population served;
• ensure interdisciplinary collaboration in the development of policies and procedures;
• establish clear lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability for clinical decision making;
• develop policies and procedures which ensure that clinical decisions related to the health status and
health care of students are made by health professionals who are qualified and legally authorized
to make such decisions;
• delegate the responsibility for developing clinical policies, procedures and protocols specific to the
delivery of health care services in the district to appropriately qualified health and mental health
• delegate the authority and responsibility for making clinical decisions to the health and mental
health professionals who are qualified to make them;
• consult with community health experts or use health advisory committees that include such experts;
• develop policies that ensure appropriate privacy and maintenance of confidentiality around student
health information, third-party medical/psychiatric records, and school health records, including a
process for ongoing professional development on this topic;
• establish mechanisms for interdisciplinary planning, joint problem solving, and collaborative evalu-
ation of student services; and
• provide time and funding for necessary continuing education, professional development and in-
service training for health and mental health professionals.
Within a school district, school health professionals have primary responsibility for:
• safe clinical services;
• the development of sound clinical policies, procedures and protocols; and
• final decision-making authority in the clinical aspects of health care delivery.
School administrators, educators, medical advisers, school social workers, school nurses, speech lan-
guage pathologists, school psychologists, school counselors, physical therapists, occupational therapists,
food service supervisors, transportation supervisors, and other professionals within the school community
need to collaborate in the development, review, and revision of related policies, procedures, and student
services on a regular basis.
Most school decisions related to serving students with special health care needs require some com-
bination of both administrative judgment and clinical judgment. It is sometimes difficult to identify the
specific components of the decision-making process, but it is important to make a collaborative effort
to do so. When the various components of a decision-making process can be identified, they can then
be developed into a procedure, protocol, or decision rubric for the future management of similar issues.

Example of Collaborative Decision Making

It is essential for all personnel to recognize that there will be conflicts and problems that arise in the
process of planning for, providing, and evaluating the special services that students with special health
care needs may require in school. It is important, therefore, for school districts to:
• provide adequate orientation of personnel to interdisciplinary team functioning;
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

• promote regular team meetings for communication about issues and problem solving; and
• define for all personnel an administrative structure that establishes clear lines of responsibility and
authority for administrative and clinical decisions, for joint decision-making and for recourse when
the first line of problem resolution is ineffective.
The health, safety, and, in some cases, life of a student may depend on clear lines of decision-making
among personnel. The following is an example of Collaborative Decision Making:
A new student is eligible to enter the preschool program located in a district’s elementary school. Be-
cause of the student’s health impairment, she will require a health care procedure daily while in school.
In the process of planning for the student to enter school, the decision about who should perform the
required procedure must be made. The steps of a collaborative process for making this decision, including
both administrative and clinical components, as well as the primary responsibility for specific aspects of
the decision, are outlined below. Although the primary responsibility for each decision is indicated by
“CLINICAL” or “ADMINISTRATIVE,” in most instances the decision maker will make better judgments when
others have been consulted during the decision-making process.

1. The school nurse initiates a health assessment and, in consultation with the student’s physician,
family and other appropriate persons determines:
• the level of care required for the student;
CLINICAL • that (in this example) the procedure can be delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel; and
• that the unlicensed assistive personnel should have professional level (non-nursing)
judgment skills.

2. The administrator determines:

• which professional staff members are available to perform the procedure; and
ADMINISTRATIVE • whether the job description of the personnel permit the performance of such assigned
health procedures.

3. The administrator, after consultation with the potential candidates and the school nurse,
ADMINISTRATIVE chooses the individual professional (certified staff member) who is most suitable to provide
the care at the specified level.

4. The school nurse trains the individual designated by the administrator, determines when
CLINICAL the individual is sufficiently competent to provide care, and provides regular supervision.

5. When the student’s health status changes, the school nurse, in consultation with the student’s
CLINICAL physician, family and other appropriate persons, determines that the level of care required
by the student can no longer be provided by an unlicensed individual.

6. The school nurse recommends that care be provided by a school nurse until the student’s
CLINICAL condition stabilizes.

7. The administrator immediately arranges to implement the recommendation; or if regular staff

are not immediately available, the administrator makes an alternative interim plan (which
ADMINISTRATIVE still meets the level of care recommended by the school nurse, such as reassigning a school
nurse part-time from another building) while exploring the districts options and obtaining
further consultation.

8. The administrator, family, health professionals, teacher, pupil personnel specialists and out-
COLLABORATIVE side consultants may all need to problem solve together in order to develop a viable plan
to meet the student’s needs at the new level of care required.

olicies and procedures related to personnel should be reviewed and revised as needed to reflect the health
needs of the school community. The type and number of regular and consultant staff members
that a school district may require will depend on the student population served, and that may
vary over time.
The following principles and guidelines should serve as a basis for policy and procedure development
in the area of personnel planning, hiring, role delineation, and related personnel issues regarding the
provision of services for students with special health care needs.

1. The school medical adviser and school nurse supervisor/director/coordinator should be integrally
involved in the development of personnel policies and procedures as they relate to school person-
nel working with students with special health care needs.
2. In school districts where there is not a nursing supervisor/director/coordinator (i.e., a professional
nurse with supervisory or administrative responsibilities), the most qualified school nurse (for
example, the school nurse with experience regarding various student health needs and district
involvement), should participate in the development of such policies and procedures.
3. Consultation with other disciplines and with outside community experts in nursing, medicine, and
related health fields is beneficial and may be essential.

# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

4. School districts should examine the health services needs of the total student population to de-
termine safe and appropriate staffing patterns. “The National Association of School Nurses (NASN)
recommends a formula-based approach with minimum ratios of nurses-to-students depending on
the needs of the student populations as follows: 1:750 for students in the general population, 1:225
in the student populations requiring daily professional school nursing services or interventions,
1:125 in student populations with complex health care needs, and 1:1 may be necessary for indi-
vidual students who require daily and continuous professional nursing services. Other factors that
should be considered in the formula-based approach are number of students on free or reduced
lunch, number of students with a medical home, and average number of emergency services per
year” (NASN 2010.)
5. Job descriptions should clearly delineate roles, responsibilities and lines of authority for professional
personnel and should be based on standards of practice for the profession.
6. Personnel policies and procedures should require personnel to use:
a. appropriate infection control techniques to prevent the unwanted spread of communicable
diseases (see Infection Control/Standard Precautions in chapter 2); and
b. standard precautions, when indicated to prevent exposure to blood borne viruses, including
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis viruses (United States Department of Labor,
OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.44A).
7. Hepatitis B immunizations must be offered free of charge to school nurses and other at risk school
personnel who in the course of their regular responsibilities, are or may be exposed to blood and
or other body fluids that are considered high risk for the transmission of hepatitis B (United States
Department of Labor, OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.44A). See also Infection Control/Standard Precau-
tions in chapter 2.
8. Before a licensed health professional assigns a task to unlicensed personnel, it is necessary to
determine that the employee’s job description does not prohibit the performance of such a task.

Qualifications for Regular, Contract, and Substitute Personnel

1. School districts should hire qualified personnel based on the standards for the specific profession
and specialty practice, when applicable, and the needs and ages of the students to be served.
2. School districts should ascertain that licensed health professionals whom they employ are in good
standing in their professions and are currently licensed to practice in Connecticut.
3. School districts should ascertain that licensed and certified health professionals whom they employ
have clinical experience relevant to providing services for children and families.
4. School nurses must have no less than the minimum (entry level) qualifications mandated for both
educational preparation and relevant professional experience under Section 10-212 of the Connecticut
General Statutes and Regulations. In many instances, the school district may prefer to seek profes-
sional nurses, nurse practitioners, or clinical nurse specialists who, in keeping current standards
within the profession, have additional educational preparation, clinical experience, or both relevant
to the profession of specialized health services to children in school settings. At the master’s degree
level, nurses are prepared in subspecialty areas such as pediatrics, psychiatry, and public health.
Personnel 43

Additionally, some of these nurses have expertise with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, while
others have expertise with school-age children or adolescents.
5. While Section 10-212 of the Connecticut General Statutes requires only one qualified school nurse
per district, nurses who work independently (alone) in a school health office should, at a minimum,
meet the basic requirements of that statute order to function as a school nurse as defined by this
6. Section 10-205 of the Connecticut General
Statutes requires local or regional school boards School nurses are registered
in towns having a population of 10,000 or more nurses (RNs) (see appendix F).
to appoint at least one legally qualified practi-
tioner of medicine as school medical adviser.
Section 10-207 of the Connecticut General Statutes further lists duties of medical advisers. It is
strongly advised by the Connecticut School Health Advisory Council that every town, including
those with populations of less than 10,000, appoint a school medical adviser or join with other towns
to fill this position (see appendix D).
7. All professional and paraprofessional staff members, as well as appropriate contract and substitute
personnel who may be the first responders to a medical emergency should obtain CPR/AED certifi-
cation prior to employment and maintain current CPR/AED certification throughout employment.
8. All personnel should be knowledgeable about proper procedures for infection control and standard
precautions and should routinely use them, as appropriate.
9. Contract personnel, such as physical and occupational therapists, should have the same qualifications
for employment as required of employees. Contract personnel should be required to demonstrate
participation in continuing professional education in an area of practice relevant to services for
children in the school setting.
10. Substitute personnel, such as substitute nurses
(registered nurses) must have the necessary Health aides cannot function
credentials, knowledge, skills, and supports as a substitute nurse. They are
available to carry out the health service respon- intended to assist the school nurse
sibilities of regular personnel. While LPNs can and should work under the direct
assist a school nurse, or provide one-to-one (on-site) supervision of the nurse.
nursing for individual students and are super-
vised by a school nurse, using LPNs as substitute
school nurses is not appropriate. By licensure and practice standards, LPNs cannot independently
conduct nursing assessments that are the basis for nursing judgment and critical to safe student
care. Therefore, an LPN would not be able to meet the daily acute care needs of the students.
11. Orientation of substitute personnel to school buildings, and to individual students with specialized
needs, as well as supervision of their performance, is essential for maintaining a safe environment
during the absence of regular personnel.
12. Any decision to hire a health aide should be made collaboratively with the school nursing supervi-
sor/director/coordinator or school nurse and the school medical adviser. Health aides are intended
to assist the school nurse and should work under the direct (on-site) supervision of the nurse.
13. When a health aide is going to be hired, the school administrator should collaborate with the nurs-
ing supervisor or school nurse in the development of the job description and selection process.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

14. If a health aide is hired to assist the school nurse in the health office, the health aide should mini-
mally have CPR/AED certification and first aid training. The health aide is further trained by the
school nurse in confidentiality and privacy requirements and other responsibilities of the position
and remains under the supervision of the school nurse.

Planning for the Absence of Staff Providing Health Services

1. There should be a back-up or alternate plan that can be implemented when staff members provid-
ing health services are absent or are not available to provide care so that students can continue
to attend school and receive safe care. The alternate plan may include designating another staff
member, who has already been trained and is competent to care for the student, to be the substi-
tute on a short-term basis, or it may include reassigning a nurse from another building for the day.
2. Whenever an alternate plan fails and a student must stay home due to inadequate staffing, the
causes should be evaluated and steps should be taken to avoid similar circumstances in the future,
including revision of the alternate plan.

Consultation, Supervision, Continuing Education

and In-Service Training

1. Health professionals employed in school districts are practicing in nontraditional health care set-
tings and need regular opportunities to update their clinical knowledge and skills. School districts
should require that health professionals regularly access continuing education opportunities that
are appropriate to their professional practice.
2. High-quality care for students may depend on the professional’s ability to keep current with rapidly
changing scientific and technological advances in the health care field and with changes in the
application of these advances to the provision of individualized health care services. As is the case
with educational advances, all provision of health care should be based on evidence-based practice.
3. Participation by school health professionals in continuing education designed for classroom teach-
ers, while advantageous in some ways, will not suffice to keep the health professional current in his
or her area of professional expertise.
4. All staff members (including school nurses) providing health care services should have clinical
supervision by a health professional qualified to provide such supervision; they should also have
access to consultation with expert health professionals.
5. In-service education and appropriate training of personnel may be necessary prior to the entry
or re-entry of a student with complex physical or mental health needs to ensure the safety of the
student or other students in the school. Such advance preparation must be provided as rapidly as
possible so as not to become a barrier to the student’s earliest entry or re-entry into school.
6. Non-health professional staff members, including teachers, transportation aides, school paraprofes-
sionals and security personnel, require ongoing, professional development, and student-specific
training related to health care activities and emergency assistance for which they may be responsible.
Personnel 45

7. Non-health professional staff members, including transportation aides, paraprofessionals and se-
curity personnel, require appropriate supervision on the job.
8. Personnel who have regular or potential contact with body fluids (urine, feces, saliva, tears, nasal
discharge, and vomitus without visible blood, blood, vaginal secretions, semen, cerebrospinal fluid,
or other body fluids containing visible blood) should have ongoing general and specific instruction
in the principles, and appropriate use and implementation of standard precautions.
9. Depending on the student population served, teachers, pupil personnel specialists, administrators,
nonprofessionals, and/or transportation aides may require ongoing professional development and
supervision in one of more of the following areas:
a. CPR;
b. first aid, including recognition of potential medical emergencies/anaphylaxis;
c. body mechanics/lifting procedures;
d. maintenance of confidentiality;
e. documentation;
f. child abuse recognition and reporting; and
g. youth suicide prevention.
10. Medication administration is another area that may need to be incorporated into ongoing profes-
sional development and training opportunities for principals and other certified and noncertified
personnel, depending on their responsibilities for administering medications and according to
Connecticut General Statutes and Regulations, include:
a. principles of medication administration;
b. EpiPen administration; and
c. student-specific medication training.

Delegation of Health Activities, Interdisciplinary

and Transdisciplinary Team Functioning

1. The health care professional , such as the school nurse or the physical therapist, cannot be required
to delegate a task to another staff member (who is either less prepared or not licensed) when the
health professional determines that such delegation may put the student at risk for receiving unsafe
or poor-quality care or, if in the case of nursing, the Board of Examiners for Nursing has determined
that such licensed function cannot be delegated (see chapter 3, part b).
2. When a health professional delegates a tasks to other personnel, that health professional is respon-
sible for the training, assessment of competencies, ongoing supervision and related evaluation of
personnel to whom the tasks are delegated (see Delegation in chapter 2.)
3. Licensed health care personnel are obligated to function at a level commensurate with their license
but should not be required to perform new or unfamiliar procedures until they have received ad-
equate preparation.
4. Health care professionals may require outside consultation and education to learn a new technique
or application of new technology before providing specific services to a student. In addition, special
equipment, equipment training, resources, materials, and reference information may be required.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

5. Other school personnel, including certified and paraprofessional staff members, must not be re-
quired to take on delegated tasks and responsibilities until:
a. they have been adequately prepared and assessed for competency by the responsible health
professional; and
b. a plan for regular and ongoing super-
It is unsafe and potentially illegal for
vision is in place (see Delegation in individuals to assume that they have
chapter 2). adequate theoretical and clinical
6. In general, the classroom teacher should knowledge or skill to provide services
not be designated to provide specialized outside their own area of expertise
health care services to individual students without individual child assessment,
when doing so would represent an unwar- delegation and personnel training,
supervision, and evaluation by the
ranted commitment of time to the potential
appropriate licensed or certified
detriment of other students in the class- professional. The clinical assessment
room. Exceptions may be necessary in an responsibilities of one discipline
emergency. cannot be assumed by a member of
7. Interdisciplinary collaboration among per- another discipline. It is unsafe, uneth-
sonnel and families is essential in all phases ical and, in most instances, illegal for
of planning, implementation, and evalua- health and education professionals
to practice in areas for which they
tion of services for students with special
have not received formal education,
health care needs in school. supervision, experience, or appropri-
8. Effective collaboration requires regular com- ate licensure or certification required
munication and time for joint planning and by law or by professional standards.
problem solving by supervisors and staff (See Delegation in chapter 2.)
members involved in the provision of health
services to students in school. The staff may
vary according to the needs of the student and may include teachers, administrators, school medical
advisers, school nurses, primary care providers, specialists, school social workers, school psycholo-
gists, school counselors, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists,
paraprofessionals, transportation personnel, food services personnel, and outside consultants.
9. All members of the team, including family members, must recognize the expertise of others, learn
to use one another effectively, and collaborate accordingly.
10. Transdisciplinary functioning is potentially efficient and effective when staff members are crossing
professional boundaries within shared areas of knowledge and expertise. Transdisciplinary func-
tioning does not preclude the necessity for professional assessment, delegation, and supervision
in areas of responsibility covered by licensure or specific to the expertise of a particular discipline.
11. Health assessment is the unique responsibility of physicians and registered nurses and cannot be
delegated to other personnel, including LPNs.
12. Teachers, other certified personnel, and noncertified staff members cannot take on the licensed
responsibilities of any health professional unless the responsibility is delegated, the teacher or
other staff member is supervised, and the delegating health professional continues to monitor the
child’s health status.
13. Each member of the team must understand his or her unique responsibilities and expertise, as well
as his/her own limitations and those of other members of the team.
Personnel 47


Connecticut General Statutes. Chapter 169 School National Association of School Nurses. (2010). Case-
Sanitation. Retrieved on November 30, 2011, from load Assignment: Position Statement. Retrieved on October 18, 2011 from
Connecticut General Statutes. Section 10-212. NASNPositionStatementsFullView/tabid/462/
School nurses and nurse practitioners. Admin- smid/824/ArticleID/7/Default.aspx.
istration of medications by parents or guardians
on school grounds. Criminal history records United States Department of Labor. (2001). OSHA
checks. Retrieved on November 30, 2011, from Instruction CPL 2-2.44A: Enforcement Procedures for the Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne
Pathogens. Retrieved on November 30, 2011,
Connecticut State Department of Education. (1989). from
Connecticut Advisory School Health Council: disp.show_document?p_table=directives&p_
Roles and qualifications of school health per- id=2570.
Entry/Re-entry Process

t is the responsibility of local school districts to promote and ensure the earliest possible entry into school of
any eligible child. Unnecessary barriers to immediate school entry have uniformly been deemed
illegal by the courts. There are, however, a few “necessary” restrictions to entry, which exist in Con-
necticut law to protect the health of an individual student, others in the school building or the commu-
nity in general. Connecticut General Statutes Sections 10-204 and 10-206 require that prior to entry into
school students must show proof of:
• a completed program of immunizations or initia-
tion of an ongoing schedule of immunizations A current health assessment and
to meet the requirements; and up-to-date immunizations are
• a health assessment. essential for student enrollment
The intent of these mandated restrictions on school in Connecticut schools.
entry is fourfold:
1. To prevent students from entering school with
communicable diseases that may put others are risk (such as active tuberculosis).
2. To ensure that adequate levels of immunization are maintained in the community to prevent out-
breaks of those diseases controlled through immunization.
3. To identify children with previously unknown health conditions that may be cured or ameliorated
with proper treatment, or of students with inadequate immunization protection.
4. To ensure that students with chronic or significant health conditions are assessed for special needs
in school and that health care providers communicate those needs to school health personnel who
can then plan for appropriate school adaptations, services or monitoring.
Entry/Re-entry Process 49

In the large majority of cases, these health requirements are sufficient to protect the safety of the
student and others, and school entry can proceed rapidly as long as these basic requirements are met.
Assessment and planning for special services, program adaptations and/or the development of a health
care plan, if indicated, can proceed at the time of or after the student’s entry into school.
For some students, entry or re-entry into school requires a more complex process. These students have
known health conditions, which may require:
• advanced planning to ensure appropriate management of a potential physiological or psychological
emergency in school;
• advanced preparation of personnel, the en-
vironment, and other protections necessary Exception: Subtitle VII-B
to prevent deterioration in the student’s of the McKinney-Vento
health condition while in school; or Homeless Assistance Act
• specialized health services requiring plan-
Homeless students have the right to
ning and preparation in advance of the enroll in school immediately, even
student’s attendance. if lacking documentation normally
In order to accommodate these students required for enrollment, such as:
safely, it is critical that school districts, regional • previous school records;
educational service centers, and other edu- • medical or immunization records;
cational settings develop a process to ensure • proof of residency;
assessment of the student’s individual health • birth certificate;
and safety needs in school and allow for suf- • proof of guardianship; or
ficient preparation of both personnel and the • other documents.
environment before entry. This assessment and If a student does not have immuniza-
tions, or immunization or medical
planning process, which may require some delay
records, the local homeless educa-
in school entry, should serve to minimize risks to tion liaison must assist in obtaining
the student once in school, and to maximize his them immediately; the student must
or her potential to benefit from the educational be enrolled in school in the interim.
program. When possible, advanced notification Federal law supersedes state and
to schools by the parent or guardian and pri- local laws where there is a conflict
mary health care provider may allow the school (U.S. Constitution, Article VI).
adequate preparation time and eliminate the
need for a delay at the desired time of entry.
When advanced notification is not feasible or has not occurred, delay in entry must be restricted to the
absolute minimum time necessary to prepare for safe entry into school. If, for any reason, this delay may
be longer than three weeks, an alternative education program, such as interim homebound, should be
immediately developed and implemented until entry can proceed.
The development of appropriate entry procedures for new students and re-entry procedures for stu-
dents who have been absent due to illness, injury, hospitalization, or outside placement in an educational
program, should promote:
• family and professional collaboration;
• a safe environment; and
• the provision of appropriate health and other related services.
While procedures should be both straightforward and consistent, they should also be flexible and
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

based on the collaborative judgments of families and professionals. Additionally, the process may vary
depending on the point of entry/re-entry, the child’s age and presenting health needs, established
family-professional relationships, and other factors. Regardless of these variations, the health assessment
component of the entry/re-entry process is essential for all students with known or potential health im-
pairments, whether physiological or psychological in nature. For example, when a student’s presenting
health need is behavioral or psychiatric in nature, the school psychologist or school social worker often
takes the leadership role in the process of educational assessment and planning. The process is further
enhanced when the mental health professional closely collaborates with the school nurse in the health
assessment and development of the individualized health care plan.
Entry/Re-entry Process 51


Connecticut Department of Public Health: Immu- Immunization Requirements for Newly Enrolled
nization Program. Students at Connecticut Schools. http://www.
Connecticut General Statutes. Chapter 169 School
Health and Sanitation: Section 10-204a, Required McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Reau-
immunizations. Section 10-204b, Rubella immu- thorized in January 2002 as Title X, Part C, of the
nization. Section 10-204c, Immunity from liability. No Child Left Behind Act. Retrieved on November
Section 10-206, Health assessments. http://www. 30, 2011 from
Health Care Procedures

nformation that addresses the procedures identified in this chapter is intended to be used as a guideline in con-
junction with sound theoretical knowledge; medical research and evidence-based clinical references;
collaboration with professional peers and expert consultants; and collaboration with students,
educators, families, and caregivers.
The procedural guidelines delineate the general steps of physical health care activities and must
always be used in conjunction with fundamental principles, standards, and safe practices recognized
as vital to working with children with special or complex health care needs. Those principles, standards,
and practices are reviewed in chapters 1 and 2, and should form the basis for planning, implementing,
and evaluating all specialized health care services for students.
This section addresses the following specialized health care procedures:

A. Asthma I. Diabetes R. Oral or Inhaled Medication

B. Allergies J. Enteral Tube Feeding Administration
C. Blood Glucose Monitoring K. Health Assessment S. Ostomy Management
D. Catheterization: L. Incontinent Care and Care
Clean Intermittent M. Injectables: Intramuscular, T. Oxygen Therapy
E. Catheter: External Subcutaneous Medication or U. Pulse Oximetry
F. Catheter: Indwelling Vaccination Administration V. Suctioning
G. Catheterization: N. Insulin Pump Management (non-tracheostomy)
Reinsertion of Indwelling O. Intravenous Therapy W. Tracheostomy Care
Urinary Catheter P. Mechanical Ventilation and Suctioning
H. Central Line Care Q. Oral Feeding X. Vagus Nerve Stimulator
Specialized Health Care Procedures 53

A. Asthma Management


A chronic inflammatory disease that results in bronchial hyper-reactivity (bronchospasm),

mucous production, and reversible airway obstruction. Successful asthma management is
based on the four components of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program
• measures of assessment and monitoring;
• education for a partnership in asthma care;
• control of environmental factors and comorbid conditions that affect asthma; and
• medications.


Asthma management and control significantly contributes to school attendance and the
general health and wellbeing of students.


Metered Dose Inhaler with Spacer

Equipment: metered dose inhaler and holding chamber/spacer. Instructions for the use of
a common brand of holding chamber/spacer may be found on the Forest Laboratories Inc.
(2011) Web site at
Instructions for the use of other brands of holding chamber/spacer may be found on the
manufacturer’s Web site.

Nebulizer Administration
Equipment: medication, nebulizer machine (air compressor), facemask, or a mouthpiece
held in the mouth.
1. Set up and plug in the nebulizer machine in a location where the power source
is close to a comfortable location for the medication to be administered.
2. Follow the directions for the specific brand of nebulizer machine and cup.
3. Most nebulizer cups unscrew from the top.
4. Most nebulized medication comes packaged in a unit-dose format, requiring the
entire contents to be squirted into the bottom half of the nebulizer cup.
5. Screw the top of the cup back on and attach the tubing from the cup to the
nebulizer machine and the cup onto the facemask or mouthpiece.
6. Place either the facemask on the student or the mouthpiece in his or her mouth
and turn on the machine. A mist of medication should rapidly appear.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

7. Instruct the student to take relatively normal slow deep breaths.

8. The cup may require some tapping on the sides toward the end of the treatment
to optimize the completion of the dose.
9. The treatment is complete when there is no more mist from the cup (usually
10–15 minutes).

Peak Flow Meter (PFM) Administration

The proper use of a PFM can assist in providing an objective measure of one aspect of
lung function. The PFM can measure the forced expiratory volume (FEV1) at the first sec-
ond of a forced exhalation. Accurate use of the PFM is primarily dependent on having a
three-zone system that is based on the student’s individual personal best measurement:
• Green Zone is 80–100 percent of the personal best.
• Yellow Zone is 50–80 percent of the personal best.
• Red Zone is less than 50 percent of the personal best.

1. Stand up (if possible).

2. Shake down (like a thermometer) to reset.
3. Take a deep breath.
4. Seal your lips around the mouthpiece.
5. Do not stick your tongue in the mouthpiece or cover the end with your fingers.
6. Blow out as hard and fast as possible.
7. If you cough or make a mistake, try again.
8. Do three measurements with good technique. Record the best one.

Delegation Considerations

These procedures may be performed by the school nurse, RN (registered nurse), or LPN (li-
censed practical nurse). Asthma monitoring may also be delegated to appropriately trained,
unlicensed assistive personnel with supervision, evaluation, and feedback and an individual-
ized care plan (IHCP) in place.

Select Nursing Considerations

The school nurse can effectively partner with families and community health providers in
assessing asthma control and having a positive impact on a student’s asthma management.
Key components of asthma management that are ideal for school nursing include:
• assessing history of cough (day and night), and exercise or activity intolerance;
• physical exam findings for complaints of acute symptoms, including response to
• teaching and reevaluating proper inhaled medication technique;
Specialized Health Care Procedures 55

• monitoring the frequency of quick-relief medication use and reporting to prescriber

as indicated;
• reviewing the asthma action plan with student and family and making recommenda-
tions for follow-up asthma care as indicated; and
• active participation in the school’s indoor air quality program.
School nurses must ensure that adequate inhaled medication is being administered, all
medication administered for as needed (PRN) or acute symptoms is accompanied by the
appropriate respiratory assessment before and after medication, and encourage the use of
a holding chamber/spacer with all medication administration using a metered-dose inhaler


American Lung Association,

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Asthma.
Connecticut Department of Public Health Asthma Program:
Connecticut State Department of Education Coordinated School Health Services Cadre of
Trainers can provide a professional development session on asthma in schools: http://
Corjulo, M. (2011). Mastering the metered-dose inhaler: an essential step toward improving
asthma control in school. NASN School Nurse 2011 26: 285.
Forest Laboratories, Inc. (2011). Instructions for use: AeroChamber Plus Flow-Vu (aVHC),
Retrieved January 20, 2012, from
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Asthma Education and Prevention Program
Expert Panel Report 3:


Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma

National Asthma Education and Prevention Program
Asthma public education materials
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

B. Allergies


An allergic reaction occurs when the body releases chemicals in response to a specific pro-
tein found in some foods or the venom of an insect. These chemicals can cause a variety of
symptoms ranging from relatively mild ones such as hives to severe life-threatening ones
such as an inability to breathe, shock, and death (anaphylaxis).
Please refer to the CSDE’s Guidelines for Managing Life-Threatening Food Allergies in Con-
necticut Schools for information on a comprehensive approach to allergy management in
schools. This guideline is available on the Health Promotion Services/School Nurse Web site at

Select nursing considerations

• Active participation in the development and monitoring of the district’s allergy plan.
• Develop the individual student health care plan and emergency care plan through col-
laboration with student, families, school staff and health care providers.
• Work with students and staff to minimize the risk of allergy exposure.


Connecticut State Department of Education:

The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network
Specialized Health Care Procedures 57

C. Blood Glucose Monitoring


Blood glucose monitoring is the procedure used to determine a student’s blood glucose
(sugar) level by the use of a blood glucose monitor (MedlinePlus Encyclopedia, 2010).


To evaluate diabetes control; to adjust insulin dosage and nutritional intake.


Blood glucose monitor, testing strips, sterile disposable lancet, automatic lancet or lancet
pen (many diabetics use the same lancet for a period of time and keep that lancet in their
pen), alcohol swab, cotton ball, or Band-Aid, disposal container.


1. Wash hands or clean the child’s fingertip with alcohol swab, by rubbing the area for 5–10
seconds and letting it dry.
2. Insert the monitor specific test strip into meter.
3. Using lancing device on the side of student’s fingertip to get a drop of blood (It is best
to draw blood from the side of the fingertip).
4. Gently squeeze or massage finger until a drop of blood forms. (Required sample sizes
vary by meter.)
5. Touch and hold the edge of the test strip to the drop of blood, and wait for the result.
6. Blood glucose level will appear on the meter’s display.
7. Wash hands.
8. Follow health care provider’s orders for snacks, hyper or hypoglycemia, or insulin coverage.

Delegation Considerations

This procedure may be performed by a school nurse, RN, or LPN. Blood glucose monitoring
may also be delegated to appropriately trained, unlicensed assistive personnel with supervi-
sion, evaluation and feedback, and an individualized health care plan (IHCP) in place.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Select Nursing Considerations

There are many different manufacturers of blood glucose meters. The school nurse needs to
be familiar with each particular type he or she handles. Every blood glucose machine works
differently, therefore it is important to read and understand the specific instructions that
accompany the equipment, as well as having a plan for maintaining the device with quality
control checks, cleaning, etc., to ensure the machine stays in proper working condition.
Most monitor companies provide manuals and instructional videos and will provide train-
ing, if requested. Hospitals are another resource that will provide training to school nurses
for the consistent care and management of their patient’s diabetes.
Students who are capable should be taught to perform this task independently or semi-
independently with assistance.


Connecticut State Department of Education, Guidelines for Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring in

Connecticut State Department of Education, Learning and Diabetes: A Resource Guide for
Connecticut Schools and Families.
The American Diabetes Association.
MedlinePlus Encyclopedia. (2010). Blood glucose monitoring. Retrieved January 3, 2012, from
Specialized Health Care Procedures 59

D. Catheterization: Clean Intermittent


Clean intermittent catheterization is done with or for students who are either unable to
completely empty their bladders or unable to void independently (AUA Foundation, 2011).


1. To allow students to completely empty their bladders on a periodic basis to prevent

urinary tract infection or bladder leakage.
2. To assist students who do not have bladder control to empty their bladders on a periodic
basis to prevent leakage.
3. The ultimate goal is for the student (if able physically and cognitively) to become inde-
pendent in this procedure.


Gloves, clean or sterile straight catheter, disposable wipes or soap and water, urinal or recep-
tacle for urine if procedure is not performed on the toilet, water based lubricant, disposable
towel or Chux to place under student if procedure is done on a cot.


Male Catheterization
1. Wash hands.
2. Grasp sides of penis below the glans.
3. Clean the tip of the penis and urethra.
4. Retract foreskin if uncircumcised.
5. Gently stretch the penis upward.
6. Generously lubricate the catheter.
7. Have student take a deep breath.
8. Slowly insert the catheter until urine begins to flow and then about an inch more.
9. If you meet resistance before urine flows, have the student take another deep breath
and continue with insertion (resistance in male catheterization is normal at about
the level of the prostate).
10. If resistance continues or the student experiences pain, stop insertion, never force
the catheter.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

11. When urine flow has stopped, pinch the catheter and remove it slowly when urine
flow has stopped.
12. Measure urine per student’s order.
13. Discard bodily fluids and catheter per infection control procedures and school district
14. Wash hands.
(American Academy of Pediatrics, Healthychildren, 2012).

Female Catheterization
1. Wash hands.
2. Prepare equipment: Using clean techniques open the urine catheterization package
and lubricating jelly.
3. Place within easy reach.
4. Prepare the student.
5. Expose the urethral opening.
6. Clean the vulva and urethral opening from front to back, starting over the urethral
meatus, then each side.
7. Continue to keep one hand in place exposing the urethral opening.
8. Generously lubricate catheter.
9. Separate the labia minora to clearly see the urinary meatus.
10. Have the student take a deep breath.
11. Slowly insert the catheter until urine begins to flow, then advance about an inch more.
12. Pinch the catheter and remove it slowly when urine flow has stopped.
13. Maintain clean environment.
14. Wash hands.
(American Academy of Pediatrics, Healthychildren, 2012).

Delegation Considerations

This procedure may be performed by a school nurse, RN, or LPN.

Select Nursing Considerations

• Assess area for redness, breakdown, swelling, or discharge.

• Note change in urine color, clarity, or odor, report signs and symptoms of urinary tract
• Never use non-water-soluble lubricant.
• Some students will use a new catheter each time, others will need to wash and reuse
• Follow health care provider’s orders (such as as frequency; strict measuring of output).
Specialized Health Care Procedures 61


AUA Foundation. (2011). Bladder augmentation. Retrieved January 3, 2012, from http://www.
Centers for Disease Control. (2009). Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary
Tract Infections. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from
American Academy of Pediatrics. Healthychildren. 2012. Clean Intermittent Catherization.


Centers for Disease Control. (2009). Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary
Tract Infections, 2009. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from
Bray, L., and Sanders, C. (2007). Teaching children and young people intermittent self-
catheterization. Urologic Nursing, 27, 203-9, 242.
Infectious Disease Association of America, American Hospital Association, Centers for Disease
Control, (n.d.). FAQs about catheter associated urinary tract infection. Retrieved January
14, 2012, from
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

E. Catheter: External


An external catheter is a condom-type urinary collection device, vinyl rolled or with a jock-
type supporter (AUA Foundation, 2011).


To maintain social continence (clothing dry and/or free from odor).


Gloves, washcloth, protective pad; self-adhesive external catheter or double-sided tape and
external catheter; drainage bag (or leg bag) and tubing.
Optional depending on individual student: skin-prep adhesive; foam tape (Microfoam); stretch
tape (Elastoplast); and clean clothing.


1. Carefully roll off the external catheter and remove tape, if necessary.
2. Wash and dry penis and scrotum.
3. Using scissors, cut off any pubic hair that is matted, stuck together, or will be caught in
the new condom.
4. Check the skin around penis and scrotum for skin problems, i.e., sores, redness, a rash,
or swelling.
5. Leave about ½-inch space between the end of the external catheter and the tip of penis.
This will help to avoid irritation.
6. If using tape around the penis, make sure the tape does not overlap on itself. The penis
can be damaged if the tape reduces the blood circulation. Read the directions on the
catheter package.
7. If using spray adhesive:
a. Cut a small hole in the center of a paper towel.
b. Put the penis through the hole. (This keeps pubic hair from being sprayed with
8. If using a self-adhesive catheter, move to step “b” below.
a. Read directions on external catheter package. Unroll the external catheter onto
the penis about ½-inch.
b. Unroll the rest of the external catheter to cover the penis.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 63

9. Hold the hand around the penis for 30 seconds. This will set the adhesive and help the
external catheter stick to the penis.
10. If you need to use extra tape:
a. Clip and remove the ring from the external catheter. (If the ring is not removed, the
pressure may damage the penis.
b. Put tape around the penis. Half should be on the external catheter and half should
be on the skin. Make sure the tape does not overlap on itself. (The penis can be
damaged if the tape reduces the blood circulation.)
11. If you used spray adhesive, remove paper towel and throw it away.
12. Hook up the external catheter to the drainage tube or leg bag.
13. Change into dry clothes, if necessary
(MedlinePlus Health Topic, 2010; National Association for Continence, 2012; Wound Ostomy
and Continence Nurses Society, 2008).

Delegation Considerations

• May be performed by a school nurse, RN, or LPN.

• May also be delegated to appropriately trained, unlicensed assistive personnel with
supervision, evaluation and feedback, and an IHCP in place.

Select Nursing Considerations

This task may be performed on a cot, on the toilet, or in a wheelchair. Skin problems should
be reported to the parent or health care provider. Students who are capable should be taught
to perform this task independently.


AUA Foundation. (2011). Managing bladder dysfunction with products and devices. Retrieved
January 3, 2012, from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Catheter-associated urinary tract infections.
Retrieved January 14, 2012, from
MedlinePlus Health Topic. (2010). External incontinence devices. Retrieved January 3, 2012, from
National Association for Continence. (2012). Male external catheters. Retrieved January 3, 2012,
Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society. (2008). External Catheter: Fact Sheet 2008.
Retrieved January 3, 2012, from
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

F. Catheter: Indwelling


An indwelling catheter is inserted into the bladder to provide urinary drainage over a period
of time from hours to weeks. It is attached to a closed drainage system that must be emptied
periodically (AUA Foundation, 2011).


To empty the bladder of urine as it accumulates; to minimize residual urine; to decrease

incidence of bladder infection; to control incontinence.


Gloves, disposable washcloth and towel, soap and water, graduated drainage container


In general, other than emptying the drainage bag into a container and measuring the output,
the only care required for an indwelling catheter in school would be if the student were toi-
leted for a bowel movement, the area around the urinary meatus would have to be cleansed
if contaminated with feces.

Delegation Considerations

This procedure may be performed by a school nurse, RN, or LPN. With the appropriate train-
ing and supervision, monitoring may be performed by unlicensed assistive personnel or
certified staff.

Select Nursing Considerations

Most students with an indwelling catheter will not require care of it during the school day,
however the school nurse must be notified if there is any evidence of infection; pain; skin
breakdown; displacement or obstruction of the catheter; bleeding; or a change in urine
consistency, color, or odor.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 65


AUA Foundation. (2011). Managing bladder dysfunction with products and devices. Retrieved
January 3, 2012, from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Catheter-associated urinary tract infections.
Retrieved January 14, 2012, from
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

G. Catherization: Reinsertion of Indwelling Urinary Catheter


Replacement of a dislodged indwelling urinary catheter. An indwelling urinary catheter is

inserted into the bladder to provide urinary drainage over a period from hours to weeks. It is
attached to a closed drainage system that must be emptied periodically (AUA Foundation, 2011).


To maintain patency of the indwelling urinary catheter and to ensure emptying of the bladder
of urine as it accumulates in order to: minimize residual urine; decrease incidence of bladder
infection; and to control incontinence.


Sterile gloves; sterile Foley catheter; sterile water (10 cc); 10 cc syringe; disposable wipes or
soap and water; urinal or receptacle for urine, if procedure is not performed on the toilet;
water-based lubricant; towel or disposable blue pads to place under student, if procedure is
done on a cot; leg bag or other urinary drainage system.


Male Catheterization
1. Grasp sides of penis below the glans.
2. Clean the tip of the penis and urethra.
3. Retract foreskin if uncircumcised.
4. Gently stretch the penis upward.
5. Lubricate the catheter.
6. Have student take a deep breath.
7. Slowly insert the catheter until urine begins to flow and then about an inch more.
8. If you meet resistance, have the student take another deep breath and continue
with insertion (resistance in male catheterization is normal at about the level of the
9. If resistance continues or the student experiences pain, stop insertion. Never force
the catheter.
10. Inflate balloon with appropriate amount of sterile water.
11. Pull gently on catheter until balloon is snugly against bladder neck.
12. Attach catheter to leg bag or other drainage system.
13. Attach catheter to thigh without tension on tubing.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 67

Female Catheterization
1. Expose the urethral opening.
2. Clean the vulva and urethral opening.
3. Lubricate catheter.
4. Separate the labia minora to clearly see the urinary meatus.
5. Have the student take a deep breath.
6. Slowly insert the catheter until urine begins to flow, then advance about an inch more.
7. Inflate balloon with appropriate amount of sterile water.
8. Pull gently on catheter until balloon is snugly against bladder neck.
9. Attach catheter to leg bag or other drainage system.
10. Attach catheter to thigh without tension on tubing.

Delegation Decisions

According to the Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing, this task can only be performed
by a school nurse, RN, or LPN (Board of Examiners for Nursing, 2002).

Select Nursing Considerations

In particular circumstances, nursing assessment may indicate that reinsertion of the catheter
requires physician evaluation, such as when displacement is traumatic, (i.e., frank bleeding
or swelling is present) or when reinsertion is difficult. It is recommended that the same size
catheter be reinserted or as close a size as possible. If reinsertion is difficult or the decision is
made not to replace the catheter, make sure the student is diapered or protected from soiling
himself or herself or his or her clothing. A dry dressing may be used to cover a urinary stoma.


AUA Foundation. (2011). Managing bladder dysfunction with products and devices. Retrieved
January 3, 2012, from
Board of Examiners for Nursing. (2002) Meeting Minutes: January 16, 2002. Retrieved January 17,
2012, from
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

H. Central Line Care


A central line is a catheter most frequently placed through the chest wall into the right atrial
chamber of the heart or a large central blood vessel. Central lines are placed internally (im-
planted), such as portacaths, or externally such as Hickman catheters. In school, central line
care should be limited to ensuring that the dressing is occlusive and intact when applicable,
intervening in an emergency; or care required to access the line for medication administra-
tion or nutrient administration. This procedure may include dressing reinforcement and/or
heparin or saline flush.


Long-term access to the circulatory system for medications, fluids, and nutrients.


Gloves, antiseptic wipes/swabs, heparin or saline if ordered, appropriate size needle and
syringe, sterile gauze, tape.

An emergency kit containing wipes, injection cap, heparin flushing supplies, dressing change
supplies, and an extra clamp should be available at all times.


Flushing or administering medications through a central line

1. Clean the injection cap for 30 seconds using an appropriate (chlorhexidine, povidone-
iodine, alcohol) wipe; allow to air dry.
2. Using the appropriate flush solution or medication, draw up the solution as ordered.
3. Inject the flush or medication.
4. Flush line if ordered following administration of medication (Mannheim, J.K., 2010).

Changing cap on central line

1. Set up a clean work surface.
2. Gather all the supplies.
3. Wash your hands for 15 seconds with liquid antibacterial soap. Dry your hands thor-
oughly using paper towels.
4. Make sure that the central venous catheter (CVC) lumens are clamped.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 69

5. Remove the new cap from its package.

6. Loosen, but do not remove, the cover on the end of the new cap.
7. While holding onto the lumen of the CVC with one hand, use the other hand to:
a. Remove the old cap and set it aside.
b. Remove the cover from the new cap.
c. Screw the new cap onto the open end of the lumen. This requires doing a lot with
only one hand, but it is important to hold onto the lumen of the CVC to keep it
from hanging free and touching anything.
d. Repeat these steps for each of the lumens.
e. Follow your routine to change caps in the same order as flushing.

Delegation Considerations

Must be performed by a trained registered nurse.

Select Nursing Considerations

Flushing or administering medications via a central line requires specialized nursing educa-
tion. Contact an area hospital or other health care groups for training, as necessary. School
nurses may need to provide central line care if a student is experiencing symptoms of infec-
tion, the catheter is dislodged, or if a student is experiencing shortness of breath or chest
pain. Monitoring and ongoing assessments of the central line dressing and site are essential
nursing care in a school environment.


Mannheim, J.K. (2010). Central venous catheter - flushing. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

I. Diabetes


A chronic disease in which there are high levels of sugar in the blood. There are three major
types of diabetes. The causes and risk factors are different for each type:
1. Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age, but it is most often diagnosed in children, teens,
or young adults. In this disease, the body makes little or no insulin. Daily injections
of insulin are needed. The exact cause is unknown.
2. Type 2 diabetes makes up most of diabetes cases. It most often occurs in adulthood,
but teens and young adults are now being diagnosed with it because of high obesity
rates. Many people with type 2 diabetes do not know they have it.
3. Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar that develops at any time during pregnancy
in a woman who does not have diabetes (PubMed Health: Diabetes, 2012).
The school health team, which includes the school nurse, teachers, the school administra-
tor and other school staff members and parents, plays an important role in helping students
manage their diabetes. Effective diabetes management is crucial:
• for the immediate safety of students with diabetes;
• for the long-term health of students with diabetes;
• to ensure that students with diabetes are ready to learn;
• to participate fully in school activities; and
• and to minimize the possibility that diabetes-related emergencies will disrupt class-
room activities (CSDE, 2005).
Please refer to the CSDE’s Learning and Diabetes a Resource Guide for Connecticut Schools
and Families and Guidelines for Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring at School for a comprehen-
sive approach to diabetes management in schools. These guidelines are available on the
Health Promotion Services/School Nurse Web site at


Connecticut Department of Education. (2005). Learning and Diabetes a Resource Guide for
Connecticut Schools and Families.
Connecticut State Department of Education. Guidelines for Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring at
PubMed Health. Diabetes. Retrieved on March 30, 2012, from
Specialized Health Care Procedures 71

J. Enteral Tube Feedings


Delivering a liquid nutrient formula directly to the stomach, duodenum, or jejunum.

• Enteral Nutrition: Nutrition administered in the gastrointestinal tract.

• Tube Feedings: Enteral nutrition delivered via a tube, catheter, or stoma.
• Stoma: A stoma is a surgical bypass of a natural conduit.
• Gastrostomy: A stoma that bypasses the upper digestive tract and directly enters
the stomach.
• Jejunostomy: Surgical creation of an opening to the middle portion of the small in-
testine (jejunum), through the abdominal wall.
(American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2011).


Bolus feeding is the administration of liquid into a feeding tube using gravity to determine the
rate the liquid passes through the tube. The liquid is either poured into a 60 cc syringe or a
tube-feeding bag and held (or hung) at a height above the stomach that allows for the most
desirable and tolerated rate of administration, typically over 15–30 minutes. Pushing the liquid
in with the syringe is sometimes used to augment a bolus feeding (Altman GB, ed., 2003).

Tube feeding pump is a mechanical device that uses a matching tube-feeding bag and tubing.
A set rate to administer a set volume over a specific period of time is programmed into the
pump. Pumps vary in size and battery power potential. Tube feedings using pumps can be
continuous (i.e., 30 cc/hr.) or intermittent (i.e., 240 cc over one hour). The school nurse needs
to be competent using the specific type of pump for an individual student.

Types of Feeding Tubes

Feeding tubes use an abbreviation system that indicates the point where it enters the body
and the point where it ends (and the liquid is infused).
1. NGT (Naso Gastric Tube): These can either be inserted for each feeding or remain in
place for a set period of time.
2. GT (Gastrostomy Tube): These are surgically inserted through the stomach wall, leav-
ing one end accessible on the abdomen and the other in the stomach. The most
common type used in children is the low-profile brand “Mic-Key” (also referred to as a
“button”). An extension tube is connected and locks in place when used for feedings,
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

hydration, or medications. When not in use this device caps off to remain relatively
flush with the abdominal wall.
3. G-JT (Gastro-Jejunostomy Tube): Also surgically inserted through the stomach wall,
entering the stomach, passing through the pylorus, and ending in the jejunal segment
of the small intestine. These tubes are generally indicated for children who cannot
tolerate food in their stomach. They may have a lumen that ends in the stomach and
another lumen that ends in the jejunum, so the nurse needs to be clear if one lumen
is for medication and the other is for feeding (it is helpful to label the two lumens).
4. JT (Jejunostomy Tube): Similar to the GT, except it is surgically inserted through the
abdominal wall directly into the jejunal section of the small intestine (Rosewell Park
Cancer Institute, n.d.).


To provide a safe method of feeding a student who cannot tolerate oral feeding or requires
supplementation to oral feeding in order to ensure adequate nutritional intake. Also, to pro-
vide continuity with the health care plans that students follow at home.


Per provider’s order and individual health care plan.


Tube Feeding
• Prepare formula or liquid to be administered (normally room temperature).
• Ensure feeding tube is intact and in the correct anatomical position.
• Prime the feeding tube to minimize the amount of excess enteral air.
• Clamp or pinch-off feeding tube prior to opening to air (to avoid reflux of gastric
contents out of tube).
• Attach syringe and administer fluids.
• Unclamp feeding tube.
• Administer feeding as directed.
• When feeding is complete, flush tube with prescribed amount of water.
• Cap or disconnect tube as indicated.

Medication Administration
• Prepare medication as prescribed.
• If administering a pill or capsule, ensure that solid particles are adequately dissolved
or mixed in water.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 73

• Clamp or pinch-off feeding tube prior to opening to air (to avoid reflux of gastric
contents out of tube).
• Attach syringe and administer medication.
• Clamp or pinch-off feeding tube prior to disconnecting syringe in order to avoid
reflux (and loss) of medication back out of tube.
• Flush with sufficient water to ensure that no medication is left in tube.
• If administering medication immediately before tube feeding, tube feeding may be
used to flush through the medication.

Delegation Considerations

Initiating tube feeding or tube medication administration: RN, LPN

Monitoring of feeding: RN, LPN, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech patholo-
gist, teacher, school health aide, other certified personnel.

Select Nursing Considerations

1. Administration of any tube feeding in school requires a nurse to be present in the building.
2. Tube feedings in school require a procedure authorization order and plan signed by a
prescribing health care provider and parent/guardian, including: the type of formula;
amount; infusion type and rate; frequency of administration; and amount of water used
to flush the tube.
3. The most significant risk with tube feedings is aspiration of liquid nutrition into the lungs.
4. Keys to preventing aspiration include:
a. Ensuring tube placement is appropriate.
b. Proper positioning.
c. Monitoring during feedings:
i. Stop feeding immediately for gagging, vomiting, coughing, change in skin color, or
difficulty breathing. An immediate nursing assessment would then be indicated.
5. Additional considerations include:
a. Any specific method for securing a feeding tube.
b. Storage and preparation of the formula.
c. Caring for the insertion site:
i. Rashes tend to occur as a result of leaking around a GT stoma site.
ii. Management may include using a barrier ointment and frequent dry dressing
iii. Granulation tissue usually forms as a result of excess friction between the tube
and the stoma site.
iv. Daily monitoring of the insertion site to ensure healthy skin integrity at the
insertion site is essential.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

6. Mic-Key tube considerations:

a. Mic-Key tubes should be level with the skin, able to rotate 360 degrees, and use a
water-filled balloon in the stomach side of the stoma to maintain it in place.
b. The balloon is usually filled with 5 cc of sterile or distilled water and should rou-
tinely be checked once a week (at home), and more often if it appears loose or
leaking (Kimberley Clarke, 2010) .
c. A balloon that is leaking and unable to hold water is an indication for Mic-Key tube
d. A spare Mic-Key should be maintained at school and the nurse needs to be trained
in inserting a new one if it falls out:
i. Prompt reinsertion of a Mic-Key tube is vital to maintain the opening of the
stoma site.
ii. If the nurse is unable to reinsert the Mic-Key, prompt medical attention is
7. NGT insertion in school is a relatively unique procedure that goes beyond the scope of
this manual. Specific procedures and training needs for the school nurse should be ob-
tained on a case-by-case basis. Once an NGT is properly inserted, the procedural steps
listed above for feeding and medications can be applied.
8. Medication and nutrition administered into the jejunum require careful consideration
since bypassing the stomach can affect absorption rates and tolerance.


Altman GB, ed. Feeding and medicating via a gastrostomy tube. Delmar’s Fundamental and
Advanced Nursing Skills. 2nd Ed. Albany, NY: Delmar Thomson Learning; 2003: 742-749. Per
Altman GB, ed. Feeding and medicating via a gastrostomy tube. Delmar’s Fundamental and
Advanced Nursing Skills. 2nd Ed. Albany, NY: Delmar Thomson Learning; 2003: 742-749.
Per Medlineplus
Americal Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. (2011). What is enteral nutrition? Retrieved
January 17, 2012, from
Bowden, V.R., and Greenberg, C.S. (2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures, 2nd edition. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Guenter, P. and Silkroski, M. (2001). Tube feeding: practical guidelines and nursing protocols.
Gaitherberg, MD: Aspen Publications, Inc.
Kimberley Clarke (2010) MIC-KEY care and usage guide. Retrieved January 19, 2012, from http://
Rosewe Park Cancer Institute. (n.d.). Jejunostomy tube. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from http://
Specialized Health Care Procedures 75

Wilson, D. and Hockenberry, MJ (2007). Wong’s clinical manual of pediatric nursing (7th ed.).
Denver, CO: CV Mosby


Bankhead R., Boullata J., Brantley S., Corkins M., Guenter P., Krenitsky J., Lyman B., Metheny N.A.,
Mueller C., Robbins S., Wessel J.(2009) Enteral nutrition administration. In: A.S.P.E.N. enteral
nutrition practice recommendations. JPEN Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition;
33, 149-58. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

K. Health Assessment


Refers to the collection and analysis of information or data about a student’s health situation
to determine the student’s state of health; level of wellness; patterns of functioning; and need
for health services, counseling, and education. Health assessment by the school nurse includes
data collection, data analysis, and nursing diagnosis. It also includes identification of student
health needs that require collaborative management with physicians, other health care pro-
viders and school team members. The assessment is systematic, goal oriented, directed by
a body of knowledge, and related to both the health and educational needs of the student.


Identifies student health needs by obtaining appropriate information about a student’s

health status, strengths, limitations, and coping mechanisms to manage the student’s health
problems in the school setting.


Student’s cumulative health record, nursing record, and progress notes; information from
physicians, parents, acute care facilities, other related service providers.


For any student with actual or potential health care needs, the school nurse, in collaboration
with the family, student, health care providers, and other school staff as appropriate, should:
• Complete the initial health assessment on school entry or reentry.
• Complete the health assessment component for special education or Section 504
eligibility evaluation, if appropriate.
• Develop a health care plan to meet the student’s special health needs in school; col-
laborate with appropriate members of the school team.
• Evaluate the health care services provided to the student periodically.
• Revise the health care plan accordingly.

Select Nursing Considerations

School nurses who only meet minimal qualifications under Connecticut General Statutes
Specialized Health Care Procedures 77

Section 10-212 School Nurses and School Nurse Practitioners may or may not be competent
in the health assessment of children and young people ages 0–21, depending on their edu-
cational preparation and experience. School nurses who have had no pediatric experience
or those who are new to the educational arena, may need assistance from an experienced
school nurse or school nurse supervisor to appropriately perform this activity. Supervision
by a qualified school nursing supervisor is desirable and recommended.

Delegation Considerations

Health assessment is the licensed function of physicians and registered nurses and can never
be delegated to, or assumed by other school personnel. The school nurse and/or school nurse
supervisor will consult with the school medical adviser as appropriate. LPNs and appropri-
ately trained paraprofessionals can contribute to the health assessment by gathering data
such as height, weight, and vital signs. The registered nurse is the health professional who
has the expertise to present health assessment information at early intervention meetings,
PPTs, and 504 meetings.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

L. Incontinence Care


An incontinent student is one who is unable to control the passage of urine or feces (stool).


To keep the student as clean and dry as possible; to prevent skin breakdown and subsequent
infection; to improve the student’s acceptance by school peers.


Equipment will depend on the age and size of the student. With some students care can be
done in a lavatory; with other students it may be necessary to use a cot with incontinence
pads, basin, soap and water, disposable wash cloth and towel, plastic bag for disposal and
one for soiled clothing, toilet tissue, gloves, diapers if needed, clean clothing.


Incontinent care
1. Remove soiled clothing;
2. Clean student’s skin with soap and water and pat dry to avoid any irritation to the skin.
3. Observe the student’s skin for breakdown or skin irritation.
4. Assist student to put on clean clothing, as needed.

Delegation Considerations

Toileting and care of incontinent students is not a nursing function. Rather, toileting is con-
sidered an activity of daily living, including toileting of students with delayed achievement
of this developmental task. In most cases, unless there is a specific disability that requires
nursing judgment, any related service provider, including paraprofessionals, teacher, or other
certified personnel can perform this task. Health aides can also perform the task, although
regularly removing a student from the classroom to visit the nurse’s office for this reason may
not be in keeping with the student’s educational goals and objectives.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 79


Encopresis is one of the more frustrating disorders of middle childhood. It is the pass-
ing of stools into the underwear or pajamas far past the time of normal toilet training.
Encopresis affects about 1.5 percent of young schoolchildren and can create tremendous
anxiety and embarrassment for children and their families.

Encopresis is not a disease but rather a symptom of a complex relationship between the
body and psychological/environmental stresses. Boys with encopresis outnumber girls
by a ratio of 6 to 1, although the reasons for this greater prevalence among males are
not understood. The condition is not related to social class, family size, the child’s posi-
tion in the family, or the age of the parents.
(American Academy of Pediatrics. Healthychildren: Soiling (Encopresis). Retrieved on April 20, 2011, from

Select Nursing Considerations

• This procedure should be done minimally twice during the school day or more frequently
as determined in the individualized health care plan (IHCP).
• Clean clothes and personal supplies are provided by the parent.
• A bowel and bladder training program may be appropriate for this student and should
be addressed in an IHCP if needed.
• Encopresis should be considered for younger students particularly (over age 4), but also
in students of any age who are incontinent.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

M. Injectables: Intramuscular, Subcutaneous Medication

or Vaccination Administration


Injecting a medication or immunization into a muscle or subcutaneous (SC) tissue.


To maintain a medication or immunization regime prescribed by an authorized health care



The appropriate size sterile needle, syringe, gloves, and alcohol swab.


1. Follow “The Six Rights of Medication Administration,” (right medication, right dose, right
student, right route, right time, and right approach).
2. Determine the correct size needle and injection site.
3. Medication authorizations for injectable medications in school should specify the injection
site options and any other detail specific to that medication that is necessary to ensure
safe administration in school.
4. For subcutaneous insulin injections, follow the above procedures and see chapter 3 for
specific insulin injection considerations.
5. For intramuscular (IM) injections of epinephrine using an auto-injection device (such as
an EpiPen).

Immunization considerations
1. The list of current vaccines and administration considerations is found at http://www. Access the electronic version to ensure
that it reflects the most recent updates.
2. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), enacted in 1986, set forth three
basic requirements for all vaccination providers. These apply to school nurses who
directly administer a vaccination. When a local health department administers the
vaccine at a school, it is responsible for this criteria:
Specialized Health Care Procedures 81

a. Providers must give the patient (or parent/legal representative of a minor) a copy
of the relevant federal “Vaccine Information Statement” (VIS) for the vaccine they
are about to receive.
b. Providers must record certain information about the vaccines administered in
the patient’s medical record or a permanent office log, including:
i. Name of manufacturer
ii. Lot #
iii. Expiration date
c. Providers must document any adverse event following the vaccination that the
patient experiences and that becomes known to the provider, whether or not it
is felt to be caused by the vaccine, and submit the report to the Vaccine Adverse
Event Reporting System (VAERS).
d. As of April 2008, NCVIA requirements apply to diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis,
measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae
type b (Hib), varicella, influenza, pneumococcal conjugate, meningococcal, ro-
tavirus, and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (
guide/aov07_documents.pdf ).

Select Nursing Considerations

Administration of injectable medications or vaccinations in the school setting by a school

nurse needs to carefully consider individual factors related to each student. Some questions
to consider include:
• Is the administration of this medication part of an IHCP that addresses a chronic
disease management or is it a short-term health problem?
• Is the administration of this medication in school necessary for this student to main-
tain his or her education?
• Are there other options for administration times that do not include school hours?
• Is this the safest option to help manage this particular health issue?

Delegation Considerations

Only a school nurse, RN, or LPN can administer IM or SC medications or immunizations.

Exception: If approved by the local or regional board of education, paraprofessionals, in the
absence of a school nurse, may only administer medications to a specific student to protect
that student from harm or death due to a medically diagnosed allergic condition, including
the administration of medications with a cartridge injector, such as an EpiPen (Connecticut
General Statutes, Section 20-212a).
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses


Bowden, V.R., and Greenberg, C.S. (2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures, 2nd edition. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). 1986.
Vaccine Information Statement
The Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. Administration of Medications by School
Personnel and Administration of Medication During Before- and After-School Programs and
School Readiness Programs.


State Department of Public Health. Connecticut Immunization Program.

Specialized Health Care Procedures 83

N. Insulin Pump Management


The insulin pump is a small, battery-operated device, worn on a belt or in a pocket, which
delivers a constant infusion of insulin. It is also used to administer a bolus of insulin to pro-
vide coverage for the ingestion of carbohydrates. The insulin is infused subcutaneously via
a catheter or needle placed in the abdomen, hip, or thigh (National Diabetes Information
Clearinghouse, 2009).


Insulin pumps replace the need for periodic injections by delivering rapid acting insulin con-
tinuously throughout the day. The use of an insulin pump allows the user to match insulin
administration to their lifestyle, rather than adjusting their lifestyle to the administration of
insulin. Insulin pumps allow a more “natural” level of insulin in the body.


Insulin pump, infusion sets, insulin (ordered by authorized prescriber), adhesive tape or
Tegaderm; extra batteries; and gloves (for infusion set change.)


1. Programming insulin pump:

a. Follow manufacturer’s instructions.
b. Follow prescriber’s orders for basal rate as well as for bolus infusions:
i. Make sure instructions are available for types of pumps in use in your schools.
2. Changing an infusion set:
a. Check with manufacturer’s instructions for changing infusion sets. There are many
different types. Some sets are inserted at an angle, some at 90 degrees. Some sets
have separate cannulas and insertion devices; some are an all-in-one device.

Delegation Considerations

Only a school nurse, RN, or LPN may program an insulin pump, administer a bolus or change
an infusion set. Unlicensed assistive personnel may be trained to assist a capable student to
administer a bolus by checking the student’s calculations and numbers. A student specific
IHCP and emergency care plan (ECP) should be in place.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Select Nursing Considerations

There are many different manufacturers of insulin pumps. The school nurse needs to be
familiar with each particular type he or she handles. Most insulin pump companies provide
manuals for their pumps, instructional videos, and in-person training, if requested. Hospitals
are another resource that will provide training to school nurses for the consistent care and
management of their patients’ diabetes.
In case of an insulin pump malfunction or failure, an emergency plan must be in place
for administration of insulin to the student (such as an insulin pen).


National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (2009). Alternative devices for taking insulin.
Retrieved January 19, 2012, from
Specialized Health Care Procedures 85

O. Intravenous Therapy


Administration of prescribed fluids via an intravenous route using a pump infusion method.


1. To provide or supplement hydration and nutrition by intravenous route, when other

feeding routes are ineffective (oral, g-tube).
2. To provide IV medication necessary for a student to be in school.


Gloves, IV pole, prescribed solutions (including medication if ordered), clamp, alcohol wipes,
disposable IV set up, 2 cc syringe, infusion pump.


Intravenous Therapy (IVT)

1. To administer medication through catheter placed in a vein, clean the port with
alcohol wipe and administer the medication through the port after expelling all air.
2. To administer IV fluids, connect the fluids directly to the catheter or through an IV
pump after cleaning the port with alcohol wipe and expelling all air. Follow doctor’s
orders for the rate of flow. When the ordered amount of fluids has been administered,
disconnect the bag from the port and discard appropriately.

Select Nursing Considerations

Performing a venipuncture requires skills and specialized training. Nurses may contact an
area hospital or college for a phlebotomy course as necessary.

Delegation Considerations

Only a school nurse, RN, or LPN can administer IV fluids or medications. Appropriately trained,
unlicensed assistive personnel can monitor running IV infusions with supervision, evaluation,
and feedback with an IHCP in place.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

P. Mechanical Ventilation


An electric or battery-powered machine that delivers positive pressure to the lungs using a
variety of different settings based on the student’s individual needs.


To aid in maintaining pulmonary gas exchange, acid-base balance, and support the work
of breathing either continuously or intermittently based on the student’s individual needs.


In the school setting, there are a variety of portable mechanical ventilation units that can be
used with a student; each one requires a connection with a tracheostomy.


There are a variety of portable mechanical ventilation machines from a variety of manufacturers
that can be used in the school setting. Since this is an area of frequent technological advances,
it is recommended that the nurse obtain specific information from a manufacturer for each
mechanical ventilation device as well as the medical provider managing the student’s care.


1. Procedures required for mechanical ventilation in school requires the ability to safely and
effectively care for a student with a tracheostomy (see Tracheostomy Care and Suction-
ing procedure).
2. Each ventilator requires instructions from the specific manufacturer of the ventilator.
3. Additional procedural considerations include:
a. Oxygen administration (see Oxygen Therapy procedure):
i. Most students’ mechanical ventilation will require some level of supplemental
oxygen. This is based on a student’s individual needs.
ii. All students require emergency oxygen. Schools must also have on hand,
emergency back-up oxygen.
b. Pulse Oximetry (see Pulse Oximetry procedure):
i. Students with mechanical ventilation should have their own pulse oximeter.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 87

ii. A back-up pulse oximeter should be in schools where there is a student with a
mechanical ventilator.
c. Emergency back-up ventilators are generally not indicated in school, however, an
emergency back-up source of electricity or a generator is indicated.

Delegation Considerations

The level of continuous skilled assessment required for a student with mechanical ventilation
requires a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse (if appropriate), or a respiratory therapist.

Select Nursing Considerations

Each nurse responsible for the care of a student requiring mechanical ventilation must have
an understanding of the underlying disease process and reason for requiring a tracheostomy
and mechanical ventilation. The nurse must also have a comprehensive understanding of
the student’s baseline physical exam, including saturation of peripheral oxygen (Sp0 2), re-
spiratory effort, breath sounds, pulmonary secretions, and any additional acute or chronic
health problem that may affect the student’s respiratory status. Training is also required on
the specific brand and type of ventilator the student uses in school.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Q. Oral Feeding


Provide nutrients and fluids to a student who requires assistance putting food in the mouth
and swallowing.


To maintain adequate nourishment and hydration. To facilitate developmentally appropriate

and safe oral motor skills.


Adaptive eating and drinking devices; adaptive seating or positioning equipment; measur-
ing containers; and protective barriers for clothing. Nonlatex disposable gloves and suction
equipment, as indicated.


Refer to Connecticut State Department of Education’s Guidelines for Feeding and Swallowing
Programs in Schools. This document provides comprehensive information that addresses the
multiple aspects of oral feeding in school.

Delegation Considerations

This procedure may be performed by licensed, certified, and unlicensed assistive personnel
with the appropriate training and supervision.

Select Nursing Considerations

1. Each school should identify its feeding and swallowing team.

2. The school nurse is an integral part of the feeding and swallowing team and can provide
assessment of students and training to unlicensed assistive personnel for assisting with
feeding students.
3. The feeding and swallowing team responsibilities include:
a. Working with staff and families to create safe and effective feeding plans for indi-
vidual students.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 89

b. Collaborating with medical providers to determine that a medical evaluation (in-

cluding swallow studies) indicates that the student can swallow safely according to
their plan or orders.
c. Identifying a process to ensure that all staff members who feed a student with an
individualized feeding plan know that plan and can demonstrate competency in
performing that plan.
4. Staff working directly with students should report any concerns about a student’s ability
to safely feed and swallow to the feeding and swallowing team (CSDE, 2008). Classroom
food preparation and cleanup requires careful consideration to maintain sanitary condi-
tions and avoid cross-contamination.


Connecticut State Department of Education. (2008). Guidelines for Feeding and Swallowing
Programs in Schools.
Connecticut State Department of Education. (2008). Guidelines for Feeding and Swallowing
Programs in Schools: New Referrals Algorithm, p. 27.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

R. Oral or Inhaled Medication Administration


Placing medication in a student’s mouth to be swallowed or inhaled.


To maintain a medication regime prescribed by an authorized health care provider.


Based on the medication and the form that the

student requires to swallow. Warning: Not all medi-
cation is designed to be
Oral medication crushed due to the coating
• Liquid medications require a precise and the pharmacological
measuring device such as a syringe or action of the medication.
Serious side effects can
plastic dose-marked medication cup.
occur from administer-
• Pills or tablets may require:
ing crushed medication
• Crushing utensil (i.e., mortar and not recommended by the
pestle, for those that are appropriate manufacturer.
for crushing.
• A student-specific food substance
to mix it with (e.g., applesauce).

Inhaled medication
See Asthma and procedures below for specific inhaled medication technique options.


1. The fundamental legal and safe medication administration procedure requires the Six
Rights of Medication Administration, which includes the
a. right medication;
b. right dose;
c. right student;
d. right route;
e. right time; and
f. right approach.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 91

2. All medications administered in school must adhere to the Regulations of Connecticut

State Agencies, Administration of Medications by School Personnel and Administration of
Medication During Before- and After-School Programs and School Readiness Programs and
the district’s policies and procedures, including the specific requirements for controlled
3. A medication authorization signed by the prescribing provider and parent/guardian is
required for each medication.
4. Prior to administration, each medication, dose, time, and route must be confirmed with
the medication authorization.
5. The person administering the medication should be the same person pouring the medi-
cation from a container with the student’s name and prescription label.
6. An accurate student identification is required.
7. The person administering the medication needs to ensure that the medication was
8. Assisting a student to take own medication requires all of the above in addition to the
medication authorization signed by the prescribing provider and parent authorizing
self- administration of that medication.
9. For inhaled medication, follow the above procedures and see the Asthma section for
specific inhaled medication technique options.

Delegation Considerations

Delegation of oral or inhaled medication administration to “qualified personnel” by an RN

must be in accordance with the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, Administration
of Medications by School Personnel and Administration of Medication During Before- and After-
School Programs and School Readiness Programs. It is important to note that according to
Section 10-212a-9 of these regulations, paraprofessionals, if approved by the local or regional
board of education, in the absence of a school nurse, may only administer medications to a
specific student in order to protect that student from harm or death due to a medically di-
agnosed allergic condition.

Medication Administration Training of School Personnel

The school nurse is responsible for teaching, assessing, documenting the compe-
tency of, and providing ongoing supervision to staff members medication admin-
istration is delegated to.
The Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, Section 10-212a-3. Administration of Medications by
School Personnel and Administration of Medication During Before- and After-School Programs and
School Readiness Programs: Training of school personnel.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Select Nursing Considerations

Each nurse should consider the individual school environment and student population
regarding establishing and maintaining a safe medication administration system. There are
a variety of ways to store and organize daily and PRN medications so that legal criteria are
met and safe access is available.
Nurses who routinely administer medications to the same students need to consider if
their system of medication administration is easily understood by another staff member who
may need to fill in when they are not available. Some areas to consider are:
• medication cabinet labels;
• medication cabinet key identification;
• medication pouring organizers;
• the use of medication cards to identify poured medications;
• the use of student pictures on the back of medication cards or in the medication book;
• how students know when to come to the health office for medications or if the
medication needs to be administered elsewhere in the school;
• periodic medication counting for each student; and
• a refill request system to ensure continuity with medications required at school.


Bowden, V.R., and Greenberg, C.S. (2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures, 2nd edition. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. Administration of Medications by School
Personnel and Administration of Medication During Before- and After-School Programs and
School Readiness Programs.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 93

S. Ostomy Management and Care


An ostomy is a surgically created opening through the skin to the intestine or urinary tract to
provide for elimination of bodily wastes. Urinary stomas and colostomies usually drain into
a bag (National Library of Medicine, 2011).


To maintain continence; to keep the stoma and the surrounding skin in good condition. To
encourage self-care as much as developmentally and physically possible; to facilitate accep-
tance of the student in school; to replace a bag that is leaking.


Gloves, scissors; stoma wafer; disposable washcloth; gauze; ostomy bag; skin protectant or


Management (Emptying bag)

1. Empty or assist student to empty contents of bag into toilet.
2. Inspect skin around stoma for redness, rash, blistering, lesions, or bleeding.
3. Notify parent if there is any redness, rash, blistering, lesions, or bleeding.
4. Remind student to wash hands when procedure completed.

Care (changing appliance)

1. Carefully remove the used bag and skin barrier by pushing the skin away from the
bag, instead of pulling the bag off the skin.
2. Inspect skin for redness, rash, blistering, lesions, or bleeding and notify parent if
3. Cut skin barrier to fit stoma.
4. Pat stoma dry with disposable washcloth, cover the stoma with moistened gauze
while awaiting placement of bag.
5. Pat skin dry with disposable washcloth.
6. Apply skin protectant or barrier to skin around stoma.
7. Peel off backing from adhesive.
8. Center the new bag directly over the stoma.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

9. Firmly press the bag to the skin barrier so there are no leaks or wrinkles.
10. Remind student to wash hands when procedure completed.

Delegation Considerations

Management may be performed by an RN, LPN, OT, PT, teacher, paraprofessional.

Care of stoma or changing appliance may be performed by a RN, LPN, OT, PT, CNA, or trained

Select Nursing Considerations

• Health care provider order and parent/guardian authorization is required.

• Developmental and physical limitations of student.
• If unfamiliar, training, and consultation for school nurses, RNs and LPNs may be provided
by an ostomy-care nurse specialist.
• Training received by the student and/or family.
• Irritation at or around the stoma, skin breakdown, increased or decreased ostomy output,
vomiting, or pain should be reported for treatment.


National Library of Medicine. (2011). Ostomy. Retrieved January 19, 2012, from http://www.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 95

T. Oxygen Therapy


Oxygen administration refers to a supplemental source of oxygen above the normal 21 percent
oxygen concentration found in room air.

Continuous oxygen: The student has a treatment order to be on a continuous source of

supplemental oxygen that needs to be maintained throughout the school day and during
transportation to and from school.

Intermittent oxygen: The student has a treatment order to use a prescribed amount of PRN
oxygen based on objective clinical assessment date (such as decreased Sa02, increased re-
spiratory rate, or increased respiratory effort).

Emergency oxygen: Requires a standing physician order to administer oxygen to any student
under emergency medical situations (such as seizure activity or acute respiratory distress).


Oxygen administration in school is indicated to treat either acute or chronic hypoxia as pre-
scribed by a treatment procedure authorization.


Nasal Cannula: Plastic tube that connects on one end to an oxygen source (tank) with the
other end having two short prongs that each fit into the nostrils. Generally indicated as an
option for planned use of continuous or intermittent oxygen.

Mask: A plastic facemask with tubing connected to an oxygen source. The two main sizes of
oxygen masks are pediatric and adult. They are generally indicated for emergency situations.

Tracheostomy Mask: A plastic mask designed to fit over a tracheostomy cannula and secured
by an elastic strap around the neck (over the tracheostomy ties). This may be indicated for
planned use of continuous or intermittent oxygen.

Mechanical Ventilation: A variety of portable mechanical ventilation devices may be used for
children who attend school. They are attached to the student via a tracheostomy and may
or may not involve the routine delivery of supplemental oxygen.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Ambu Bag (Manual Resuscitation): In a case of extreme medical emergency (i.e., severe oxygen
desaturation, impending respiratory failure, or respiratory or cardiac arrest), oxygen can be
delivered at full flow (> 10 L/min.) with an Ambu Bag using an appropriately sized sealed face
mask or fitted directly onto a tracheostomy cannula.


Per provider’s order and IHCP and ECP.


High pressure tanks (standard metal oxygen tanks)

1. Require a regulator that has:
a. A valve to turn the oxygen source on and off.
b. A flow meter to measure and adjust the flow of oxygen.
c. A pressure gauge to determine the amount of oxygen remaining in the tank.
2. Open the tank by turning the valve at the top counterclockwise until the needle on
the pressure gauge moves.
3. Set the flow meter to the prescribed rate (liters/minute) by turning the dial to the
number or until the ball rises to the correct level on the scale.
4. If using a nasal cannula:
a. Place prongs into nose so they follow the curve of the nostrils.
b. Secure around back of ears.
c. Adjust below the chin.
5. If using a face mask:
a. Place mask over nose and mouth.
b. Secure with elastic strap around the head and above the ears.
c. The mask needs to be comfortably, but firmly against the face:
i. Any space between the mask and face dilutes the intended concentration
of oxygen.
ii. For students unable to tolerate the elastic strap around their head, the mask
can be held against the face without the strap (only appropriate for a limited
period of time).
6. If using a tracheostomy mask:
a. Follow the same procedure as a facemask, except cover the tracheostomy can-
nula with the mask and secure it around the neck.
7. If using an Ambu Bag:
a. Turn oxygen flow rate > 10 L/min.
b. Administer by either face mask or tracheostomy connection:
i. Either option requires a tight seal to the airway.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 97

ii. Rate and force of manual resuscitation breaths is determined by CPR certi-
fied personnel.
8. To close the tank:
a. Disconnect oxygen from the student;
b. Turn valve clockwise until it cannot go any further. The flow meter should steadily
decrease to zero, indicating that no oxygen is flowing (or leaking) from the tank
(referred to as “bleeding” the tank off ).
c. Turn the flow meter dial to zero.
9. Tank needs to be stored in a secured upright position to prevent it from falling or
tipping over.
10. Storage area for oxygen tank must be free of petroleum products.

Liquid oxygen tanks

1. Portable liquid oxygen tanks can be refilled from a home-based liquid oxygen system.
2. These tanks are student specific and only indicated as part of an IHCP.
3. These tanks are used following the same procedural steps listed above and require
the same safety considerations.

Delegation Considerations

1. Initiation of oxygen therapy: registered nurse (RN), practical nurse, (LPN), or respiratory
therapist (RT).
2. Monitoring of oxygen therapy:
a. Continuous or long-term oxygen use that does not require continuous pulse oxim-
etry (see Pulse Oximetry): RN, LPN, RT, physical therapist, occupational therapist,
teacher, or other certified personnel.
b. Continuous, intermittent, or emergency that requires continuous or frequent assess-
ment of pulse oximetry or respiratory status: RN, LPN, or RT.

Select Nursing Considerations

1. Oxygen may be drying to the airway

mucosa. Humidification systems are Important Safety Precautions:
often indicated with long-term or con- Numerous safety precautions
tinuous use. that are associated with the
2. Skin assessments around tubing or storage and maintenance of
oxygen in the school setting.
elastic straps are indicated.
School districts should consult
3. The presence of any source of supple- with their town’s fire marshal.
mental oxygen requires strict fire safety
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

4. “Oxygen in Use” signs should be posted at the entrance of all building sections, classrooms,
or nursing offices; on vehicles during transportation of students; and wherever oxygen
is stored or potentially used.
5. Oxygen supply vendor-contact information should be kept readily available.
6. Any oxygen tank that is heard hissing or noted to be leaking needs to be replaced promptly.
7. Checking monthly to ensure that they have an adequate supply to use in an emergency
situation is a reasonable option.
8. Emergency (“stock”) high-pressure oxygen tanks should not lose oxygen if they are not
being used or if they were turned off properly.
9. Tanks noted to be less than half-full or expired should be refilled or replaced.


Bowden, V.R., and Greenberg, C.S. (2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures, 2nd edition. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 99

U. Pulse Oximetry


Pulse oximetry provides estimates of arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation (SaO2) by utilizing

selected wavelengths of light to noninvasively determine the saturation of oxyhemoglobin


Pulse oximetry is used in the school setting as an adjunct to the registered nurse or respira-
tory therapist’s clinical respiratory assessment. The SpO2 should never be used in isolation
to determine the respiratory status of a student. Obtaining an accurate SpO2 is a skilled level
of assessment that requires:
• Demonstrated competency
• A knowledge of the student’s baseline SpO2 (if known)
• The ability to interpret the clinical significance of the SpO2 for an individual student
and their clinical situation.


Pulse oximetry in the school setting requires a portable pulse oximeter with a probe that
generally attaches to the student’s finger. These devices are either:
• hand-held with the probe that attaches to the device by a cable; or
• one-piece integrated fingertip devices


Pulse Oximeter


1. Turn on pulse oximeter.

2. Select a distal extremity (usually a fingertip) that can be held still and is void of nail pol-
ish, false nail, moisture, and sweat.
3. Minimize excessive environmental light.
4. An accurate SpO2 requires that the pulse oximeter is able to consistently detect the
student’s pulse:
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

a. all pulse oximeters have some form of light signal or bar graph that correlates with
detecting the pulse; and
b. a consistent high level of detection for at least 20–30 seconds is necessary to de-
termine an accurate reading.

Continuous Pulse Oximetry

1. If the pulse oximetry is indicated to
be continuous, the probe needs to be An order for continuous
secured in place per manufacturer’s pulse oximetry requires an
instructions. oximeter with an alarm.
2. An order for continuous pulse oximetry
requires an oximeter with an alarm.
3. Alarm parameters are to be set per the students IHCP.
4. If the alarm sounds, the student requires immediate assessment to determine if it
is a “false alarm” (commonly due to excessive movement) or a true emergency that
reflects a sudden deterioration in the student’s respiratory status.

Delegation Consideration

Pulse oximetry may be performed by a RN, LPN, or RT.

Select Nursing Considerations

1. Continuous pulse oximetry requires the rotation of probe sites, per IHCP.
2. Pulse oximetry should be available for students who have a tracheostomy, require oxygen
supplementation and/or mechanical ventilation, or frequent airway suctioning.
3. The use of pulse oximetry for other common health problems, such as asthma, is gener-
ally not indicated.


Bowden, V.R., and Greenberg, C.S. (2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures, 2nd edition. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 101

V. Suctioning (non-tracheostomy)


Using a battery or electronic vacuum (suction) device to remove upper airway secretions or
fluid that the student cannot expectorate spontaneously.


To remove secretions or fluid that may contribute to upper airway obstruction, increased
respiratory effort, the potential for respiratory distress, aspiration, or increased risk of infection.


Oropharyngeal Suctioning: Removing secretions or fluid from the mouth and pharynx (ana-
tomic area from the soft palate to the upper most aspect of the esophagus)

Nasopharyngeal Suctioning: Removal of secretions or fluids from either nostril to the pharynx


An electric or battery /rechargeable operated portable suction machine with pressure gauge;
flexible extension suction tubing; suction catheter sizes per IHCP (8 Fr to 14 Fr are most com-
mon); Yankauer catheters may be an option for clearing oral secretions; towel or disposable
pad or cloth.


Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal Suctioning (general procedures)

1. As with all invasive procedures, carefully consider an appropriate and safe location
based on degree of urgency and physical design of the school/class/health office.
2. Using appropriate personal protective equipment.
3. Confirm that respiratory assessment requires suctioning procedure.
4. Ensure that suction machine has the appropriate level of subatmospheric pressure:
a. Standard maximal pressure for children ranges from 80–120 mm Hg.
b. Maximal pressure can be determined by turning on suction and occluding ex-
tension tubing by folding it in half. Pressure reading on gauge when tubing is
completely occluded is the maximal suction pressure.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

5. The option of using a sterile catheter should be determined per treatment procedure
authorization and IHCP. (See procedures specific to oropharyngeal and nasopharyn-
geal suctioning below.)
6. Positioning of the student is based on the clinical situation:
a. Students in wheelchairs or other supportive seating devices can remain sitting
upright or reclined up to, but not exceeding, semi-fowlers or 45 degrees.
b. Students who are lying either on the floor or health office couch should be
turned on their side. This position may be commonly associated with a student
experiencing a seizure who may require supplemental oxygen and/or suctioning.
7. Respiratory assessment should be an ongoing process to determine:
a. How well the student is tolerating the procedure.
b. The amount of time and suction attempts that are clinically indicated.

Oropharyngeal Suctioning
1. Using appropriate personal protective equipment.
2. Attach the specified suction catheter to the suction extension tubing.
3. Start by gently suctioning visible secretions from the oral cavity.
4. Proceed to the pharynx, as clinically indicated, using caution to minimize gagging,
which may increase the risk of vomiting.

Nasopharyngeal Suctioning
1. Using appropriate personal protective equipment.
2. Aseptic technique using a sterile catheter is the standard for this procedure.
3. Approximate the insertion length of the catheter by measuring the catheter from
the nose to the ear, and use the thumb and forefinger of your nondominant hand to
mark the catheter at that point of maximal insertion.
4. Dip the catheter tip in sterile water-soluble lubricant to minimize trauma to the nasal
5. Without applying suction gently introduce the catheter into the nostril and slowly
proceed along the floor of the nasal cavity.
6. If unable to continue inserting downward toward the pharynx, remove catheter while
applying suction and attempt insertion in the other nostril.
7. If able to insert to the pharynx, up to the maximal insertion point, apply suction while
rotating and withdrawing catheter.
8. Duration of suction should not exceed 15 seconds.
9. If additional suction passes are required:
a. wait at least 30 seconds while performing appropriate aspects of the respiratory
assessment and determining the student’s toleration of the procedure;
b. cleanse the catheter with sterile water; and
c. re-lubricate as indicated.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 103

Delegation Consideration

Oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal suctioning can only be performed by the RN, LPN, or RT.

Select Nursing Considerations

1. Nasopharyngeal suctioning is not commonly performed in school. Students requiring this

procedure may have a 1 to 1 (1:1) nurse assigned to them based on nursing assessment.
2. Consider activating EMS/911 for students who experience apnea, unresolved cyanosis, or
respiratory/cardiac distress despite appropriate suctioning attempts.
3. Bradycardia may occur as a result of vagal stimulation at the posterior oropharynx with
vigorous suctioning.
4. The use of pulse oximetry is an optional component of the respiratory assessment and
should be determined in collaboration with the family, authorizing prescriber, and district
medical adviser, as indicated.
5. Some children learn to suction their own mouths at home. This practice in the school
setting would require very thoughtful consideration and assessment by the school nurse,
with authorization from the health care provider and parents.


Bowden, V.R., and Greenberg, C.S. (2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures, 2nd edition. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

W. Tracheostomy Care and Suctioning


Tracheostomy is a surgical opening creating a stoma through the neck into the trachea where
a tracheostomy tube can be inserted.

Tracheostomy (“trach”) Tube is a plastic (most common) or metal tube inserted through the
tracheostomy stoma that provides a fixed airway to accommodate breathing while bypassing
the upper airway. This tube can be used with or without mechanical ventilation or supple-
mental oxygen, but generally requires at least some means of humidification. There are a
variety of tracheostomy tube brands; the most common are Shiley and Bivona. Most pediatric
trach tubes consist of a single cannula. If the tube has two cannulas, the inner cannula can
be removed for cleaning while the outer cannula stays in place.

Obturator is a small plastic device used as a guide during the insertion of the tracheostomy

Ambu-bag (manual ventilation bag) is a device used to manually instill air into the airway. A
universal 15 mm adaptor allows it to fit directly onto the trach tube so that each “squeeze” of
the bag correlates with a “breath.” A facemask can also be fitted onto the bag to instill air via
the mouth in the event that the tracheostomy tube is occluded or not functioning.

Decannulization is the intentional or accidental removal of the trach tube out of the trachea

Passy-Muir Valve is a one-way valve that fits directly onto a trach tube, allowing air to be
inspired through the trach tube, and forcing the exhaled air through the vocal cords and
out of the mouth to facilitate vocalization and speech (
resource_guide.pdf ).


There are two broad medical indications for

a tracheostomy:
1. An acquired or congenital anatomic Caregivers responsible for the
defect in the upper airway. student need to be CPR-cer-
2. An inability to maintain adequate tified and specifically trained
respiratory function due to chronic in routine and emergency
tracheostomy care and pro-
intrapulmonary or extrapulmonary
cedures for each individual
(neuromuscular or metabolic) dis- student.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 105

Nurses must understand the underlying etiology of the need for each student who has
a tracheostomy. A student with a tracheostomy is at risk for life-threatening complications
that can be avoided with accurate physical assessment and diligent care of the airway. Proper
care of a tracheostomy includes adequate skin care around the stoma and ensures the main-
tenance of the student’s airway.


The essential equipment to be kept with the student at all times is as follows:
• gloves;
• portable oxygen with appropriate sized Ambu-bag;
• Appropriate size Ambu-bag facemask (for emergencies when unable to reinsert a
new tracheostomy tube;
• portable suction machine that can operate with
battery or electricity;
• sterile suction catheters;
• sterile saline vials; Never use
• water-based lubricant; an oil-based
lubricant, such
• two spare tracheostomy tubes — one the size the
as Vaseline.
student currently uses and one that is a size smaller
in the event that the tube needs to be changed
and there is difficulty passing it through the stoma;
• spare tracheostomy ties;
• blunt scissors;
• personal protective equipment — to be used for all tracheostomy procedures;
• emergency phone numbers; and
• pulse oximeter — may be optional if student is not on oxygen or mechanical ven-
It is recommended that this equipment be stored together in an “emergency travel bag”
that is easily transported with the student during transportation and the entire school day.
Additional equipment may be indicated per the IHCP.


Stoma and skin care

1. The frequency of stoma care and the care of the surrounding skin is based on the
individual student’s current skin condition and associated factors, such as the amount
of secretions and the degree of skin folds around the neck.
2. Ensure all essential equipment or travel bag is within reach prior to initiating stoma
and skin care.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

3. Use gauze sponges and cotton-tipped swabs with water or a diluted peroxide solu-
tion per IHCP:
a. Cleanse outer portion of tracheostomy tube and surrounding skin going from
using wet to dry sponges or swabs.
b. Minimize direct moisture to the tracheostomy ties.
c. Drying the skin is vital to maintaining skin integrity.

Changing tracheostomy ties

1. The two most common forms of tracheostomy ties are a soft padded tie with Velcro
tabs (most common) or a simple thin cloth or twill tie that requires tying to secure.
2. Changing tracheostomy ties in the school setting is usually not done on a routine
basis, rather it is an, as-needed (PRN) procedure based on the integrity of the ties,
the skin, or as part of an emergency tracheostomy change;
3. Two people should be present during the procedure in the event of accidental
4. A shoulder roll is recommended to assist with the visualization and access to the
tracheostomy site.
5. Remove the old ties while holding the tracheostomy tube in place:
a. Use caution not to occlude the tracheostomy tube.
b. Removal of cloth ties requires the use of a blunt scissor.
c. Removal of Velcro tab ties is done by detaching each end of the tie.
6. Skin care is performed as indicated.
7. Maintaining the tracheostomy tube in place is always the priority:
a. Insert one end of the tie through the slit opening on the side of the tracheostomy
b. Bring the other end of the tie around the back of the neck.
c. Repeat with the other end of the tie through the slit opening on the other side
of the tracheostomy tube.
d. Velcro tabs are fastened back on themselves.
e. Cloth ties are secured using a single square knot on the side or back of the neck.
f. The ties should allow enough space for fingers between it and the neck.
8. If a split gauze is used around the stoma, replace it now with a clean one.
9. Re-assess the student’s respiratory status to ensure that the tracheostomy tube re-
mained in place and patent during the procedure.

Cleaning an Inner Cannula

1. Remove the inner cannula as indicated per manufacturer’s instructions.
2. The inner cannula is generally cleansed with a half-strength hydrogen peroxide so-
lution using pipe cleaners to remove any dried secretions from inside the cannula.
3. Thoroughly rinse the cannula with sterile water and dry.
4. Reinsert the inner cannula by turning it 90 degrees from its usual position, introduce
the tip into the outer cannula, slowly rotating it back 90 degrees to its final position.
5. Lock the cannula in place per manufacturer’s instructions.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 107

Tracheostomy Tube Suctioning

Suctioning is performed based on clinical assessment with consideration of individual
student factors and considerations. Many students can cough out their secretions through
their tracheostomy tubes without the need for suctioning (this maneuver is synonymous
with “blowing their nose”).
1. As with all invasive procedures, carefully consider an appropriate and safe loca-
tion based on degree of urgency and physical design of the school, student’s
classroom, and the health office.
2. Confirm that respiratory assessment requires the suctioning procedure.
3. Emergency travel bag (essential equipment listed above) must be present before
4. Ensure the suction machine has the appropriate level of subatmospheric pressure:
a. standard maximal pressure for children ranges from 80–100 mm Hg; and
b. maximal pressure may be determined by turning on suction and occluding
extension tubing by folding it in half. Pressure reading on the gauge when
the tubing is completely occluded is the maximal suction pressure.
5. The option of using a sterile catheter should be determined per treatment pro-
cedure authorization and IHCP.
6. Positioning of the student is based on the clinical situation:
a. students in wheelchairs or other supportive seating devices can remain sitting
upright or reclined up to, but not exceeding, semi-fowlers or 45 degrees; and
b. students who are lying either on the floor or health office couch should be
turned on their side (this position may be commonly associated with a stu-
dent experiencing a seizure who may require supplemental oxygen and/or
7. The respiratory assessment should be an ongoing process to determine:
a. how well the student is tolerating the procedure; and
b. the amount of time and suction attempts that are clinically indicated.
8. Determine the length of catheter insertion:
a. it should be limited to just beyond the distal end of the tracheostomy tube; and
b. “deep suctioning” up to or beyond the tracheal carina (point of bronchial
bifurcation and tissue resistance) should not be indicated in a school setting,
as it may cause epithelial damage.
9. Hold the suction catheter at the point of maximal insertion length.
10. Lubricate the catheter with normal saline.
11. The use of normal saline to lavage the tracheostomy tube needs is based on the
IHCP and, if indicated, to assist with the removal of thick secretions, needs to be
used judiciously.
12. Remove tracheostomy mask or ventilator connection and promptly insert catheter
while gently rotating within the cannula. Do not apply suction during catheter
13. At point of maximal insertion, apply suction while gently rotating the catheter
out of the cannula:
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

a. tracheal suctioning should not exceed five seconds; and

b. if secretions are visible at the onset of suctioning, an initial shallow pass may
be appropriate before proceeding further down the cannula.
14. Rinse the catheter and repeat as indicated based on the clinical assessment and
treatment order.
15. Provide hyperventilation with Ambu-bag, if indicated.
16. Rinse suction catheter and extension tubing
(Ireton, J., 2007; Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, 2009).

Tracheostomy Tube Change

The changing of a tracheostomy tube in the school setting should be considered an
emergency situation based on clinical assessment and the student’s history. Any concern
that the situation is potentially life-threatening requires the activation of the EMS/911
system while the procedure is being performed. If there are complications during the
procedure, the nurse must have an understanding of the student’s underlying need for
the tracheostomy and ability to breathe without one. The nurse must be prepared to
take control of the situation by acting swiftly, calmly, and clearly. The two most common
emergency scenarios are:
• accidental decannulization; and
• tracheostomy tube obstruction unrelieved by reasonable suction attempts.
Obstruction can be caused by thick secretions/mucous plugging, foreign body,
or airway granuloma tissue. Airway granuloma tissue can persist to obstruct a
new tracheostomy tube, resulting in the highest degree of medical emergency.

1. Ensure the emergency travel bag is present.

2. Ensure the presence of another responsible adult, preferably another nurse if
3. If not already done, attach Ambu-bag to oxygen with gauge set at > 10 L/min.
4. If able, position the student supine on the floor with a shoulder roll to gently
hyperextend the neck.
5. Open the new tracheostomy tube that is the same size as is currently in the stu-
dent. Have the size smaller new tracheostomy tube readily available if needed.
6. Taking care to not touch the curved part of the tracheostomy tube:
a. be sure the obturator is in the tube;
b. attach one end of the tracheostomy tie to a slot on the side of the trache-
ostomy tube;
c. lubricate the distal end of the new tracheostomy tube with water-based
lubricant; and
d. return it to the clean package that it was sealed in.
7. Remove or cut old tracheostomy ties.
8. If possible, have assistant hold old tracheostomy tube in place:
a. most students will not have cuffed tracheostomy tubes (with a balloon); and
b. if this student does, deflate the cuff at this time per manufacturer’s instructions.
Specialized Health Care Procedures 109

9. With one hand remove the old tracheostomy tube and set it out of the way.
10. Gently and quickly insert the new tracheostomy tube, pushing back and then
down, in an arching motion:
a. if unable to insert the new tracheostomy tube, attempt the same procedure
using the new tracheostomy that is one size smaller; and
b. if still unable to insert a new tracheostomy tube, use the Ambu-bag with
facemask as indicated to maintain a stable airway while awaiting the emer-
gency medical system (EMS).
11. Once inserted, immediately remove the obturator (if used).
12. Have assistant continue to hold new tracheostomy in place.
13. Since this procedure done in school would most likely be an emergency situa-
tion, provide the student with manual breaths using the Ambu Bag and oxygen
while auscultating the lungs to confirm adequate and symmetrical air movement.
14. Continue the respiratory assessment, using pulse oximetry if available to confirm
a return to the student’s baseline status.
15. Secure the new tracheostomy tube in place by fastening the tracheostomy ties:
16. If this is a cuffed tracheostomy tube, inflate at this time per manufacturer’s in-
17. Position the student comfortably and observe to ensure he or she remains stable
on their baseline level of supplemental or ventilator support (if any).
18. If EMS was activated, the RN in charge can determine, in collaboration with the
family and health care provider if necessary, if transportation to the local emer-
gency room is still indicated.
19. Regardless of outcome, notify family and medical provider that student required
a tracheostomy change procedure.
(Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, 2011)

Delegation Considerations

All students with a tracheostomy require a level of skilled nursing assessment by a RN. Care
and management of the student’s tracheostomy may be assigned to an LPN during trans-
portation and throughout the school day.

Select Nursing Considerations

See Oral Feeding for guidelines and references associated with orally feeding a student with
a tracheostomy.
• Maintaining adequate hydration is essential to minimize thick and crusting secretions.
• Do not permit the use of powders, aerosols, or any small airborne particles around
the student, especially if the tracheostomy tube is not covered with a ventilator, filter,
or Passy-Muir valve.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

• If foreign material is aspirated into the tracheostomy tube, attempt to suction prior
to giving breaths with an Ambu-bag.
• Potential complications related to suctioning are bronchospasm and bleeding, which
generally occur as a result of excessive suctioning or insertion of catheter past the
distal end of the tracheostomy tube.
• Comprehensive oral hygiene is required for a student with a tracheostomy
• Water activities must be carefully considered and supervised.
• The emergency travel bag should be inspected daily to ensure all used essential
supplies have been replaced and are present.
• Gauze used around the tracheostomy tube should be pre-split, not cut, to prevent
threads from entering the airway.


Bowden, V.R., and Greenberg, C.S. (2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures, 2nd edition. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Ireton, J. (2007). Tracheostomy suction: A protocol for practice. Paediatric nursing, 19(10), 14-8.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. (2009). Suctioning. Retrieved January 19, 2012, from http://
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. (2011). Basic Pediatric Tracheostomy Care. Retrieved January
19, 2012, from
Specialized Health Care Procedures 111

X. Vagus Nerve Stimulator


Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is a type of treatment in which short bursts of electrical energy
are directed into the brain via the vagus nerve, a large nerve in the neck. A battery about the
size of a silver dollar is implanted under the skin in the chest. Electrical leads are threaded
under the skin and attached to the vagus nerve during the same procedure. The device is
programmed to deliver electrical stimulation that can help reduce the frequency of a child’s
seizures. (Epilepsy Therapy Project [2006]; National Institute of Mental Health, 2009).


Vagus nerve stimulators are used to control partial onset seizures (which originate from only
one part of the brain) when other methods have been ineffective.


Vagus nerve stimulator magnet.


When the student has an aura, the magnet is passed over the implanted stimulator to cause
an immediate stimulation of the vagus nerve. The stimulator may also be used for students
who are having a seizure.

Delegation Considerations

The school nurse, RN, or LPN may use the Vagus nerve stimulator. Appropriately trained, un-
licensed assistive personnel may also use the magnet when the student is having a seizure
with supervision, evaluation, and feedback and an IHCP in place.

Select Nursing Considerations

As with other medical equipment refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for operation. In
addition, contact the manufacturer’s representative if you need education regarding the unit.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses


Epilepsy Therapy Project. (2006). Vagus nerve stimulation. Retrieved January 19, 2012, from
Epilepsy Foundation
National Institute of Mental Health. (2009). Brain stimulation therapies. Retrieved January 19,
2012, from
Gilette Children’s Specialty Healthcare. 2012. Vagus Nerve Stimulator. Retrieved on January
23, 2012, from

Appendix A

Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. Declaratory Ruling on Delegation by Licensed Nurses to
Unlicensed Assistive Personnel. Retrieved on November 23, 2011 from

Appendix B
Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. Declaratory Ruling on LPN Scope of Practice. http://www.

# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Appendix C: Section 504 Parental Rights

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act provides services for students identified as having a disability as
defined by the Act, which substantially limits a major life activity. You have the following rights:

1. The right to be informed of your rights under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
2. The right for your child to have equal opportunities to participate in academic, nonacademic and
extracurricular activities in your school.
3. The right to be notified about referral, evaluation and programs for your child.
4. The right for your child to be evaluated fairly.
5. The right, if eligible for services under Section 504, for your child to receive accommodations,
modifications, and related services that will meet the child’s needs as well as the needs of students
without disabilities are met.
6. The right for your child to be educated with peers who do not have disabilities as much as possible.
7. The right to an impartial hearing if you disagree with the school regarding your child’s educational
8. The right to review and obtain copies of your child’s records.
9. The right to request attorney fees related to securing your rights under Section 504.
10. The right to request changes in the educational program of your child.
Appendices 115

Appendix D: Suggested Qualifications and Role of the School

Medical Advisor in the Implementation of the School Health Ser-
vices Program

(Source: Connecticut Advisory School Health Council,Connecticut State Department of Education,

1997, Revised 2012)


Section 10-205 of tulation of 10,000 or more to appoint at least one legally qualified practitioner of medi-
cine as school medical advisor. It is strongly advised by the Connecticut Advisory School Health Council
that every town, including those with populations of less than 10,000, appoint a school medical advisor
or join with other towns to fill this position.
Boards of educationhe Connecticut General Statutes requires local or regional school boards in towns
having a pop, superintendents of schools, local or district health departments, and physicians respon-
sible for school health programs have frequently requested information that describes the role of the
school medical advisor. It is to meet this need that a more comprehensive guide on the selection, legal
responsibilities and functions of the school medical advisor has been developed.


Physicians appointed to carry out the duties of the school medical advisor should be well qualified and
competent in the care of children. The school medical advisor must be licensed to practice medicine in
Connecticut. She or he should have the respect and cooperation of the local medical profession, and
should be a pediatrician or family medicine practitioner with training in pediatric and adolescent medicine.
Any physician who serves as a school medical advisor should have training in the emotional and
physical growth and development of children and should show evidence of continuing medical educa-
tion and experience in school health, pediatrics or adolescent medicine within the preceding five years.
Any physician who serves as a school medical advisor should have, or have provided for them by the
town or district, malpractice insurance in a suitable amount for the scope of services to be provided.


Administration and Planning

The school medical advisor manages the school health program by:
• Planning the school health program collaboratively with the school nurse supervisor/director;
• Administering the school health program cooperatively with school administrators and the board
of education;
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

• Reviewing, evaluating and revising the school health program with the school nursing supervisor/
director and with school administrators on a regular basis,
• Participating in school health activities, such as the school wellness committee or health council
and other appropriate committees.

School Health Services

The school medical advisor provides school health services which may include, but not be limited to,
the following:
• Assisting the district in obtaining health assessments as required by state statute and local board
• Advsing the immunization program as required by state statute and local board policy;
• Consulting for the school nurse supervisor/director in the development of nursing protocols for the
assessment and management of students’ health care problems;
• Providing consultation and, when appropriate, medical direction to the school nurse supervisor or
director regarding in-school management of student medical problems;
• Providing standing orders for medications and medical treatments;
• Participating in establishing screening and referral procedures;
• Reviewing individual student health records as required;
• Consulting with planning and placement teams as needed when medical problems interface with
• Directing and implementing the school sports medicine program; and
• Providing to advanced practice nurses consultation and, where appropriate, clinical supervision for
medical diagnosis and treatment.

School Environment

The school medical advisor may be asked to consult on the school environment by:
• Making recommendations for appropriate health facilities and equipment; and
• Directing inspection of all school facilities and making recommendations regarding environmental
health problems within the school system in consultation with local public health personnel and
school nursing personnel.


The school medical advisor may provide consultation by:

• Participating in continuing education and in-service programs for school personnel;
• Providing consultation to the local or regional board of education, as needed;
• Providing consultation with regard to the implementation of employee health programs;
• Acting as a resource in the planning and/or implementation of the health education curriculum; and
• Interpreting the school health program and policies to parents, the community, the media and
other physicians.
Appendices 117

Appendix E: Nurse Practice Act

Located at the Connecticut General Assembly Web site

Table of Contents

Sec. 20-87. Definitions.

Sec. 20-87a. Definitions. Scope of practice.
Sec. 20-88. State Board of Examiners for Nursing.
Sec. 20-89. Salaries and expenses.
Sec. 20-90. Duties of board.
Sec. 20-91. Awards in aid of nursing education.
Sec. 20-91a. Federal funds.
Sec. 20-92. Examinations.
Sec. 20-93. Qualifications for examination. Licensure. Fee.
Sec. 20-94. Licensure without examination. Limited period for licensure without examination for advanced
practice registered nurses. Temporary permit.
Sec. 20-94a. Licensure as advanced practice registered nurse.
Sec. 20-94b. Nurse anesthetists. Prescriptive authority.
Sec. 20-94c. Advanced practice registered nurses. Professional liability insurance required.
Sec. 20-95. Use of title “registered nurse”.
Sec. 20-96. Licensure as practical nurse. Examinations.
Sec. 20-97. Licensure without examination. Temporary permit.
Sec. 20-98. Use of title “practical nurse”.
Sec. 20-99. Improper professional conduct. Hearing. Appeal. Prohibited conduct.
Sec. 20-99a. Regulations.
Sec. 20-100. Notice to Department of Health Services.
Sec. 20-101. Construction of chapter. Permitted practices. Temporary practice.
Sec. 20-101a. Determination and pronouncement of death by registered nurse. Regulations.
Sec. 20-101b. Construction.
Sec. 20-101c. Prescription forms used by advanced practice registered nurses and nurse-midwives.
Sec. 20-102. Penalty.
Sec. 20-102a. Appearance before board concerning application.
Secs. 20-102b to 20-102z.
# Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses

Appendix F: Qualifications of a school nurse

11/06/2007 School Nurses and Nurse Practitioners

Department of Public Health. Public Health Code. School Nurses and Nurse Practitioners (10-212-1 to

10-212-1. Definitions
“School nurse” means a “nurse” or a “nurse practitioner” who meets the requirements set forth in these
(Effective September 1, 1982.)

10-212-2. Qualifications of a school nurse

Except as provided in Section 10-212-3, in order to qualify as a school nurse each nurse or nurse prac-
titioner shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Licensure - Each nurse or nurse practitioner shall be a registered professional nurse, designated
as R.N., as defined in Section 20-87a of the General Statutes, and currently licensed in the state of Con-
(b) Experience - Each nurse or nurse practitioner shall have at least the equivalent of one year full
time working experience as a registered nurse within five (5) years immediately prior to employment as
a school nurse.
(c) Education - Each nurse or nurse practitioner shall have academic preparation to include twelve
(12) academic credits at a licensed or accredited institution of higher learning or eighteen (18) continuing
education units (CEUs) or one hundred eighty (180) workshop or inservice hours distributed as follows:
(1) Six (6) credits or nine (9) CEUs or ninety (90) workshop hours in at least two of the following
subject areas:
(A) Growth and Development
(B) Health Assessment
(C) Public or Community Health or School Health
(2) Six (6) credits or nine (9) CEUs or ninety (90) workshop hours in two or more of the following
subject areas:
(A) Administration or Organization of Health or School Services
(B) Child or Adolescent Psychology
(C) Crisis Intervention
(D) Growth and Development
(E) Handicapping Conditions
(F) Health Assessment
(G) Health Education
(H) Mental Health
(I) Public or Community Health or School Health
(J) Sociology
(K) Sports Medicine
(Effective September 1, 1982.)
Appendices 119

10-212-3. Grandparent clause

A nurse or nurse practitioner who meets the licensure requirements of Subsection (a) of Section 10-
212-2 of these regulations, who is employed as a nurse in public or nonpublic elementary or secondary
schools on the effective date of these regulations, and who has been employed as a nurse in such schools
for the equivalent of five years full time shall be considered to have met all the educational qualifications
of a school nurse pursuant to Section 10-212-2.
(Effective September 1, 1982.)

10-212-4. Provisional qualifications

A nurse or nurse practitioner who (a) meets the requirements for licensure pursuant to Subsection
(a) of Section 10-212-2 of these regulations and (b)who either has (1) the experience required pursuant
to Section 10-212-2 or (2) taken three academic credits or four and one-half CEUs or forty-five (45) work-
shop hours in any area enumerated in Subsection (c) of Section 10-212-2 within five (5) years immediately
prior to employment as a school nurse shall be provisionally qualified to serve as a school nurse. Such
provisional qualification shall be valid in Connecticut for no more than three (3) years. Upon completion
of the requirements for qualification as school nurse, such nurse or nurse practitioner shall no longer be
designated as provisionally qualified.
(Effective September 1, 1982.)

10-212-5. Continuing qualification as school nurse

A school nurse qualified pursuant to Sections 10-212-2 or 10-212-3 shall continue to be so qualified,
provided that such nurse participates in at least ten hours of professional development programs or
activities approved by the local or regional board of education in each two-year period commencing on
the effective date of these regulations.
(Effective September 1, 1982.)

10-212-6. Authority of a local or regional board of education to appoint a school nurse

A local or regional board of education may require that each registered nurse providing school health
services meets the qualifications as set forth in Section 10-212-2 of these regulations whether employed
by the board of education or appointed under contract with a local health agency.
(Effective September 1, 1982.)

10-212-7. Compliance in a different manner

A local or regional board of education of any town having a population of less than ten thousand,
which has appointed a legally qualified practitioner of medicine as school medical advisor, may submit
a written proposal, for prior approval by the State Board of Education, to document compliance with
any requirement of these regulations in a manner different from that specified in these regulations. Such
proposal may be approved if it appears that it will substantially meet the goals of these regulations.
(Effective September 1, 1982.)

education records: Broadly defined, those records that are 1) directly related to a student, and 2) main-
tained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution. All records,
including immunization and other health records, that are directly related to a student and maintained
by a school are “education records” under FERPA.

eligible student: A student who is at least 18 years of age or who attends a postsecondary institution
at any age.

exposure control plan: The employer’s written program that outlines the protective measures an em-
ployer will take to eliminate or minimize employee exposure to blood and OPIM. The exposure control
plan must contain at a minimum: an exposure determination that identifies job classifications and, in
some cases, tasks and procedures where there is occupational exposure to blood and OPIM; procedures
for evaluating the circumstances surrounding an exposure incident; and a schedule of how and when
other provisions of the standard will be implemented, including methods of compliance, communication
of hazards to employees, and recordkeeping.

free appropriate public education (FAPE): A term used in the elementary and secondary school context;
for purposes of Section 504, refers to the provision of regular or special education and related aids and
services that are designed to meet individual educational needs of students with disabilities as adequately
as the needs of students without disabilities are met and is based upon adherence to procedures that
satisfy the Section 504 requirements pertaining to educational setting, evaluation and placement, and
procedural safeguards.
Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses 121

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act): A federal law that protects the privacy of students’
“education records.”

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act): a federal law enacted in 1996 to, among
other things, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system through the establish-
ment of national standards and requirements for electronic health care transactions and to protect the
privacy and security of individually identifiable health information.

individualized health care plan: A detailed and orderly program of action designed to monitor, prevent,
reduce or eliminate identified health problems to maintain or improve a student’s health status and level
of wellness and to promote his or her learning and positive coping.

medical home: A model for delivering primary care that is accessible, continuous, comprehensive,
family-centered, coordinated, compassionate, and culturally effective to all children and youths, includ-
ing children and youths with special health care needs.

related services: A term used in the elementary and secondary school context to refer to developmental,
corrective, and other supportive services, including psychological, counseling and medical diagnostic
services and transportation.

Response to Intervention: A method of academic intervention used in the United States to provide early,
systematic assistance to children who are having difficulty learning. RTI seeks to prevent academic failure
through early intervention, frequent progress measurement, and increasingly intensive research-based
instructional interventions for children who continue to have difficulty. It is believed that students who
do not show a response to effective interventions are likely (or more likely than students who respond)
to have biologically based learning disabilities and to be in need of special education.

school nurse: A registered nurse assigned to work in a school.

school nursing: A specialized practice of professional nursing that advances the well being, academic
success, and life-long achievement of students.

universal precautions: An approach to infection control. According to the concept of universal precau-
tions, all human blood and certain human body fluids are treated as if known to be infectious for HIV,
HBV, and other bloodborne pathogens.
State of Connecticut

Dannel P. Malloy, Governor

State of Board of Education

Allan B. Taylor, Chairperson

Simon Brewer
Ellen Camhi
Joshua Friedman
Theresa Hopkins-Staten, Vice Chairperson
Charles A. Jaskiewicz III
Terry H. Jones
Patricia Keavney-Maruca
Estela López
Patricia B. Luke
Ferdinand Risco Jr.
Joseph J. Vrabely Jr.
Stephen P. Wright

Dr. Robert A. Kennedy (Ex Officio)

President, Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education

Stefan Pryor
Commissioner of Education

The State of Connecticut Department of Education is committed to a policy of equal opportunity/affirmative action for all
qualified persons. The Department of Education does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or
educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orien-
tation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of
mental disorder, physical disability or learning disability), genetic information, or any other basis prohibited by Connecticut
state and/or federal nondiscrimination laws. The Department of Education does not unlawfully discriminate in employment
and licensing against qualified persons with a prior criminal conviction. Inquiries regarding the Department of Education’s
nondiscrimination policies should be directed to Levy Gillespie, Equal Employment Opportunity Director/American with
Disabilities Act Coordinator, State of Connecticut Department of Education, 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457,

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