w.s.s, Classification
All of the milons of species (types) of lvrg things can be sorted into
‘oroupe. This i caled CLASSIFICATION. They are sorted into groupe
‘hat have Features carmen
Slants without lowers, =
Mey ew nah epee a
Shaner cen ges hd
Pace hy npn oe
‘ap hee al ated rote od
Saye ee i
sora roy ea he
REIS ne ming rc se aang lon
Chssfiation means sorting Ining things into Living thiegs can
be sorted into grams That hove =... im common Fur are
turusuci plans Because they do not contin green. Algoe
hve re or lanes. Fung, nesses ond femme produce tiny
conn for reproduction and confers procce