Differential Diagnosis of Human Sparganosis Using Multiplex PCR
Differential Diagnosis of Human Sparganosis Using Multiplex PCR
Differential Diagnosis of Human Sparganosis Using Multiplex PCR
Abstract: Human sparganosis was diagnosed by morphological and genetic analyses in Korea. The complete mitochon-
drial genomes of Spirometra erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens isolated in Korea have been recorded. Present study was
performed to provide information to diagnose the etiologic agent of sparganosis by multiplex PCR using mitochondrial
genome sequences of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens. In an effort to examine the differential diagnosis of spirome-
trid tapeworms, multiplex PCR assays were performed on plerocercoid larvae of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens.
The PCR products obtained using species-specific primers were positively detected in all PCR assays on mixture of S.
erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens DNA. S. erinaceieuropaei-specific bands (239 bp and 401 bp) were obtained from all
PCR assays using a mixture of S. erinaceieuropaei-specific primers (Se/Sd-1800F and Se-2018R; Se/Sd-7955F and Se-
8356R) and S. erinaceieuropaei template DNA. S. decipiens-specific bands (540 bp and 644 bp) were also detected in all
PCR assays containing mixtures of S. decipiens-specific primers (Se/Sd-1800F and Sd-2317R; Se/Sd-7955F and Sd-
8567R) and S. decipiens template DNA. Sequence analyses on these species-specific bands revealed 100% sequence
identity with homologous regions of the mtDNA sequences of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens. The multiplex PCR
assay was useful for differential diagnosis of human sparganosis by detecting different sizes in species-specific bands.
Key words: Spirometra erinaceieuropaei, Spirometra decipiens, differential diagnosis, multiplex PCR, human sparganosis
Human sparganosis is an infection caused by the plerocer- South America, Europe and Africa [7]. The precise identifica-
coid larvae of the genus Spirometra, a kind of diphyllobothrii- tion of these spirometrid tapeworms is important in efforts to
dean tapeworms. These parasites require 2 different intermedi- control diseases that lead to human sparganosis.
ate hosts: the fresh water copepods as the first intermediate Molecular identification has played an important role over
host, and vertebrates such as amphibians, reptiles and mam- the decades in studies pertaining to phylogenetics, parasite ge-
mals as the paratenic host. Humans become infected through netic variation and evolution. Mitochondrial DNA sequences
ingestion of these intermediate hosts. Spirometra erinaceieuropaei have provided genetic markers for phylogenetic reconstruc-
is the most well-known as the type species in the genus Spiro- tion, taxonomic identification, population genetics, and epi-
metra (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) [1-4]. The plerocercoid demiological investigations [8]. DNA sequencing of PCR
larvae of spirometrid tapeworm (spargana) invade the brain, products can be employed for molecular differential diagnosis
eyes, breast, spinal cord, and subcutaneous tissue of humans and identification of Spirometra species using DNA sequence
[5,6]. Sparganosis is a parasitic zoonosis that can cause serious analysis of small (18S) and large (28S) subunit ribosomal
clinical problems in human according to the invasive organs. RNA, ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 1, ribosomal inter-
More than 1,600 cases have been reported in the world. Most nal transcribed 2, and mitochondrial genes [9-11]. Investiga-
cases occurred in East and Southeast Asia, and sporadically in tions of the phylogenetic relationships and genetic variations
of Spirometra tapeworms have utilized mitochondrial genomes
• Received 18 February 2018, revised 3 April 2018, accepted 20 April 2018. or genes such as cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and 3
* Corresponding author (kseom@chungbuk.ac.kr) (cox3) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1), 3 (nad3),
© 2018, Korean Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine
and 4 (nad4) [12-17].
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) Recently, Spirometra species inducing human sparganosis in
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Korea have been identified by morphological and mitochon-
296 Korean J Parasitol Vol. 56, No. 3: 295-300, June 2018
drial cox1 analysis [18], and the complete mitochondrial ge- nucleotide sequences of cytochrome b (cob), NADH dehydroge-
nomes of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens, which cause hu- nase subunit 4L (nad4L), NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4
man sparganosis, have been sequenced and analyzed [19]. (nad4), cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), and large subunit
These reports in Korea have included Spirometra decipiens as a ribosomal DNA (lrDNA) from S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens.
possible causative agent for causing human sparganosis in ad- The forward primer was designed from a highly conserved re-
dition to S. erinaceieuropaei, the latter being a well-known sin- gion in cob gene, Se/Sd-1800F (5´-AGTTATTTTCGGTTGGTGCT-
gle parasitic agent for human sparganosis. Therefore, a rapid GTAG-3´; nucleotides 1799 to 1822 from KJ599679 and nucleo-
and sensitive method is required for unambiguous species tides 1800 to 1823 from KJ599680). The 2 reverse primers were
identification with differential diagnosis of human spargano- designed to amplify products of different length as follows: Se-
sis. A reliable method for the identification of human infecting 2018R, specific for S. erinaceieuropaei (5´-CCACAAACCCAATAA-
Spirometra tapeworms is necessary to assist with surveillance, CAAACTA-3´; nucleotides 2018 to 2039 from KJ599680); and
disease control, and improve our understanding of the epide- Sd-2317R, specific for S. decipiens (5´-TCCTCCCCCCACACGA-
miology of this foodborne zoonosis. In particular, questions CAAAA-3´); nucleotides 2317 to 2337 from KJ599679.
remain concerning S. erinaceieuropaei and its infection route The forward primer, Se/Sd-7955F (5´- ACGTGGTTTGTG
(waterborne vs foodborne) in humans, and where in a recent GTGGCTCATTTT-3´; nucleotides 7946 to 7969 from KJ599679
paper on this parasite questions concerning the correct inter- and nucleotides 7955 to 7978 from KJ599680), was from a
mediate and final host animals in their life cycle were not ad- highly conserved sequence common to both Spirometra tape-
dressed [18]. worms. The 2 species-specific reverse primers were designed
The aim of this study was to develop a high-resolution mul- from different positions of the cox1 by mitochondrial by mito-
tiplex PCR assay using species-specific primers based on the chondrial and lrDNA regions as follows: Se-8356R, specific for
mitochondrial sequences of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens S. erinaceieuropaei (5´-ATGATAGGGTATAGGTGACCA-3´; nucle-
to distinguish between S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens that otides 8336 to 8356 from KJ588680), and Sd-8567R, specific
can be utilized for the differential diagnosis of human sparga- for S. decipiens (5´- TTATTAACTTCCTAACCAACTTGATAC-3´;
nosis from other cestodes. nucleotides 8567 to 8593 from KJ599679) (Table 1).
A total of 25 parasites were used in this study, comprising 8 PCR assays were performed in 25 µl reaction mixtures com-
plerocercoids of S. erinaceieuropaei, 7 plerocercoids of S. decipi- prising 100 ng of genomic DNA of each species, 10 pmol of
ens from infected humans in Korea, and negative control sam- each primer, 10× buffer, 10mM dNTP mix, 25 mM MgCl2, and
ples comprising Taenia asiatica (n= 1), T. saginata (n= 1), T. pi- 2.5 unit Taq polymerase (High Fidelity PCR system, Roche,
siformis (n = 1), T. hydatigena (n = 1), T. crassiceps (n = 1), Hy- Mannheim, Germany). The multiplex PCR protocol consisted
datigera taeniaeformis [18] (n = 1), Echinococcus multilocularis of 35 cycles of predenaturation (3 min at 94˚C), denaturation
(n = 1), Diphyllobothrium latum (n = 1), and D. nihonkaiense (30 sec at 94˚C), annealing (40 sec at 45˚C), and extension (60
(n= 1). For molecular characterization, all materials employed sec at 72˚C), followed by 1 cycle of 5 min at 72˚C.
were identified by sequencing of the mitochondrial cox1 gene. PCR products on human sparganum DNA samples using
Two sets of species-specific primers were designed to gener- species-specific primers and multiplex PCR assay are presented
ate species-specific PCR products of different size based on the in Fig. 1. S. erinaceieuropaei-specific bands (239 bp and 401
bp) were obtained from all PCR amplifications using a mix- ing mixtures of S. decipiens-specific primers (Se/Sd-1800F and
ture of S. erinaceieuropaei-specific primers (Se/Sd-1800F and Sd-2317R; Se/Sd-7955F and Sd-8567R) and S. decipiens tem-
Se-2018R; Se/Sd-7955F and Se-8356R) and S. erinaceieuropaei plate DNA (Fig. 1, lanes 2 and 7). Specificity of the PCR prod-
DNA (Fig. 1, lanes 1 and 6). S. decipiens-specific bands (540 ucts was confirmed by sequencing. In an effort to differentially
bp and 644 bp) were also detected in all PCR assays contain- diagnose Spirometra plerocercoid infections using a single test,
multiplex PCR assays were performed using a mixture of all
primers and genomic DNA of Spirometra plerocercoid. Two
M 1 2 3 4 5 N M 6 7 8 9 10 N
sets of species-specific primers (Se/Sd-1800F and Se-2018R;
Se/Sd-1800F and Sd-2317R) were combined in a single PCR
assays using a mixture of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens
1 Kb
template DNA, which generated 239 bp and 540 bp band
500 bp
fragments (Fig. 1, lane 3). Another set of species-specific prim-
ers (Se/Sd-7955F and Se-8356R; Se/Sd-7955F and Sd-8567R)
was combined in a single PCR assay using a mixture of S. eri-
Fig. 1. Multiplex PCR performed with species-specific primer naceieuropaei and S. decipiens template DNA, which generated
sets. Lanes 1 and 6, S. erinaceieuropaei genomic DNA; lanes 2 PCR products comprising 401 bp and 644 bp fragments (Fig.
and 7, S. decipiens genomic DNA; lanes 3 and 8, a mixture of S.
erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens genomic DNAs; lanes 4 and 9, 1, lane 8). In an effort to examine the sensitivity of the species-
PCR reaction with S. erinaceieuropaei-specific primers and a specific primers, 2 sets of primers (Se/Sd-1800F and Se-2018R;
mixture of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens genomic DNAs; Se/Sd-7955F and Se-8356R) were combined in a single PCR
lanes 5 and 10, PCR reaction with S. decipiens-specific primers
reaction containing S. erinaceieuropaei DNA only (Fig. 1, lanes
and a mixture of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens genomic
DNAs; lane M, DNA size marker (100 bp ladder); N, negative 4 and 9), and another 2 sets of primers (Se/Sd-1800F and Sd-
control (no template). 2317R; Se/Sd-7955F and Sd-8567R) were used in a single PCR
A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 N M 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 N M
1 Kb
500 bp
B M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 N M 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 N M
1 Kb
500 bp
Fig. 2. Differential diagnosis of Spirometra tapeworms by multiplex PCR. (A) S. erinaceieuropaei (lanes 1-8, 239 bp); S. decipiens (lanes
9-15, 540 bp). (B) S. erinaceieuropaei (lanes 1-8, 401 bp); S. decipiens (lanes 9-15, 644 bp). Lane M, DNA size markers (100 bp ladder);
Taenia asiatica (lane 16); T. saginata (lane 17); T. solium (lane 18); Hydatigera taeniaeformis (lane 19); T. pisiformis (lane 20); T. hydatigena
(lane 21); T. crassiceps (lane 22); Echinococcus multilocularis (lane 23); Diphyllobothrium latum (lane 24); D. nihonkaiense (lane 25); N,
Negative control (no template).
298 Korean J Parasitol Vol. 56, No. 3: 295-300, June 2018
reaction containing S. decipiens template DNA only (Fig. 1, in addition to other cestodes, requires the establishment of
lanes 5 and 10). molecular diagnostic techniques. A PCR-based molecular as-
To detect Spirometra plerocercoid infections, multiplex PCR say can be useful for the rapid and accurate differentiation of S.
assays were established utilizing DNA samples prepared from erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens, in addition to other cestode
15 cases of human sparganosis. Diagnostic bands, 239 bp and parasites.
401 bp, were produced by multiplex PCR of S. erinaceieuropaei Controversies remain concerning the species classification
plerocercoid from human sparganosis (Fig. 2A, lanes 1-8; Fig. of tapeworms belonging to the genus Spirometra. The genus
2B, lanes 1-8), while 540 bp and 644 bp diagnostic bands Spirometra has been studied intensively by many researchers
were detected in the plerocercoid of S. decipiens from human since 1929 and a variety of spirometrid species have been
sparganosis (Fig. 2A, lanes 9-15; Fig. 2B, lanes 9-15). No cross- identified [20-22]. Six Spirometra species were examined mor-
reaction was detected with S. erinaceieuropaei- or S. decipiens- phologically for species identification [20]. The S. mansonoides
specific primers when other genomic DNA was employed was identified from cats in the Syracuse region (USA) in 1937
from human infecting tapeworms such as Taenia, Echinococcus, [21]. Fourteen Spirometra species were recognized as being
Hydatigera, and Diphyllobothrium template DNAs (Fig 2A, B, composed of 2 separate groups, the ‘bresslauei’ and ‘okumurai’
lanes 16-25). No products were amplified from negative con- [22]. All species in the genus Spirometra were synonyms of S.
trol samples by the multiplex PCR assay. erinaceieuropaei [1]. Following extensive experimental studies
Since the first Korean sparganosis case described in 1954, of morphological variations, with particular emphasis on uter-
human sparganosis has been reported in Korea in as many as ine coils, Iwata (1972) concluded that the morphological dif-
134 cases, involving cerebrospinal, subcutaneous, visceral, oc- ference in uterine shape of the mature proglottids of S. erina-
ular, testicular, intramuscular, breast or multiple sparganosis. ceieuropaei was caused by differences in the developmental lar-
More than 1,600 cases of human sparganosis have been re- val stages [3]. S. erinaceieuropaei, S. pretoriensis, S. theileri and S.
ported worldwide, with more than 80% of these being from mansonoides were the only valid species designated by Kamo
China, Korea, Thailand, Japan, and the USA [7]. Although this (1999) [2]. All Spirometra species found in Asian countries
genus comprises many species, a consensus on the genus Spi- were considered synonymous with S. erinaceiruropaei [1-3].
rometra has not been achieved with respect to clear species Approximately 38 species of the genus Spirometra have been
classification. Many epidemiological questions pertaining to reported from intestinal parasites of wild and domesticated
these parasites remain concerning species validity, geographi- carnivores [1-3,20,27]. Recent molecular data of these spiro-
cal distribution, and transfer or final hosts. More recently, S. metrids suggests it includes many species of Spirometra from
erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens have been identified from hu- Asian, South American, and African isolates. Thirty-seven hu-
man sparganosis by morphological and genetic analysis in Ko- man sparganosis were reported from West African countries
rea [18]. These findings show that more than 2 Spirometra spe- 34 specimens from South Sudan and 3 specimens from Ethio-
cies are involved in human sparganosis in Korea, therefore, it pia [23]. These human sparganosis was unclear and not be
is required to identify 2 Spirometra species of a causative agents fully understood which Spirometra species related with human
for inducing human sparganosis. Differential identification of infections by mitochondrial cox1 sequences analyzed. In Afri-
plerocercoids of the Spirometra species on the basis of morpho- ca, the final hosts of Spirometra species were noted wild carni-
logical characters alone is problematic. Moreover, correct dis- vores such as hyenas and lions. The parasite in the hyenas is
crimination of plerocercoids of the Spirometra species obtained known to be S. pretoriensis and that from the lions S. theileri
from various intermediate hosts using morphology has been [24-26]. The range of Spirometra species in Africa is unclear and
considered nearly impractical. Molecular tools utilizing mito- not known relative role for wide host susceptibility in interme-
chondrial or nuclear genes have proven to be of diagnostic sig- diate and paratenic hosts. The South America isolates of Spiro-
nificance in the case of species of intermediate hosts that are metra spp. were reported from Brazilian isolates that revealed
related to human infections. Genetic markers could be useful neither S. erinaceieuropaei nor S. decipiens by mitochondrial
in clarifying epidemiological, ecological, and geographical cox1 sequence analyzed. The partial cox1 nucleotide divergence
questions concerning Spirometra tapeworms. Differential diag- of Asian isolate identified as S. decipiens was differed from
nosis of the plerocercoids of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. decipiens, South America isolates (17.8-19.2%) while those of S. erincei-
Jeon et al.: Differential diagnosis of human sparganosis 299
europaei (KJ599680) were differed 12.2-12.9% [27]. Those cas- in this study were provided by the Parasite Resource Bank of
es were differed from Asian isolates of S. erinaceieuropaei and S. Korea National Research Resource Center (2010-0003456), the
decipiens as well as those of African countries by analysis of mi- Republic of Korea.
tochondrial DNA sequence data. These differences of taxo-
nomic and phylogenetic results provoked epidemiological CONFLICT OF INTEREST
some questions concerning what is the geographical distribu-
tion of Spirometra spp. in worldwide? and which Spirometra We have no conflict of interest related to this work.
species exists South America, Asian, and African countries?
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