Three New Species of Cytauxzoon in European Wild Felids
Three New Species of Cytauxzoon in European Wild Felids
Three New Species of Cytauxzoon in European Wild Felids
Veterinary Parasitology
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Keywords: Protists of the genus Cytauxzoon infect a wide variety of wild and domestic felids worldwide. While the
Cytauxzoon American Cytauxzoon felis has been well described, data on the European isolates of Cytauxzoon are still scant.
European wild felids The aim of the current study was to determine the genetic diversity of European Cytauxzoon spp. in wild felids
across Europe by analyzing one nuclear and two mitochondrial genes, along with representative complete
Mitochondrial genes
mitochondrial genomes. Overall, 106 biological samples from wild felids (92 from Felis silvestris and 14 from
18S rDNA Lynx lynx) from Germany, Romania, Czech Republic, and Luxembourg were collected and screened for the
presence of Cytauxzoon spp. using nested PCR protocols, targeting the highly conserved 18S rDNA, mito
chondrial cytochrome b (CytB) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) genes. Furthermore, 18 previously
confirmed wild felid biological samples from Europe, and comparative material from USA positive for C. felis,
were included in the study. In 18S rDNA sequences analyses, Cytauxzoon spp. from felids formed two separate
clades of New World and Old World isolates, with a low inner diversity of the European clade. In contrast to
18S rDNA, the phylogenetic analyses of CytB and COI genes affirmatively revealed three highly supported
clades, resulting in three defined genotypes. Similar intra- and interspecific variability of CytB and COI genes
was observed in the case of different Babesia spp. Considering geography, host species and analyses of three
genes, we conclude that the three detected genotypes of Cytauxzoon in European wild felids represent three
new species, which we herein describe.
* Corresponding author at: Department of Parasitology and Parasitic Disease, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary
Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Calea Mănăștur 3-5, Cluj-Napoca, 400372, Romania.
E-mail addresses: (L.C. Panait), (A.D. Mihalca), (D. Modrý), (J. Juránková), (A.M. Ionică), (G. Deak), (C.M. Gherman),
(M. Heddergott), (A. Hodžić), (F. Veronesi), (M. Reichard), ezieman@ (E.A. Zieman), (C.K. Nielsen), (F.A. Jiménez-Ruiz), (K. Hrazdilová).
Received 26 September 2020; Received in revised form 15 December 2020; Accepted 19 December 2020
Available online 5 January 2021
0304-4017/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.C. Panait et al. Veterinary Parasitology 290 (2021) 109344
1. Introduction (Criado-Fornelio et al., 2004, 2009; Carli et al., 2012; Alho et al., 2016;
Díaz-Regañón et al., 2017) were reported. A correlation between the
Accelerating global biodiversity loss and resultant ecosystem detection of the pathogen and symptoms could not be confirmed in all
changes have great impact on populations of large and medium wild the clinical cases in Europe, as the presence or role of immune-mediated
carnivores (Di Marco et al., 2014). On the contrary, domesticated car disorders or secondary infections in exacerbating the clinical disease
nivores, namely dogs and cats, have become dominant predators in vast could not be excluded. However, the microscopic examination of the
majority of world ecosystems (Morin et al., 2018). In contrast to many blood smears failed to identify schizonts of Cytauxzoon in macrophages.
other domestic mammals, domestic dogs and cats live side by side with Isolates identified as Cytauxzoon sp. are also known from meerkats
their ancestors in majority of the Holarctic area and in part of Africa. The (Suricata suricatta) in South Africa (Leclaire et al., 2015) and Ussuri
spatial coexistence of closely related wild and domesticated forms leads brown bears (Ursus arctos yesoensis) in Japan (Jinnai et al., 2010).
to large-scale ecological competition (Doherty et al., 2016; Loss and Studies on phylogeny of piroplasmids are mostly based on 18S rDNA
Marra, 2017), common hybridization (Tiesmeyer et al., 2020) and sequences, offering a higher resolution than traditional taxonomy based
pathogen transmission (Hughes and Macdonald, 2013; Kerr et al., on morphology, host range and life cycle information (Schnittger et al.,
2018). With more than 900 million dogs ( 2012; Jalovecka et al., 2019). Invariably, Cytauxzoon forms a mono
many-dogs-are-in-the-world) and over 600 million cats worldwide phyletic group (Jalovecka et al., 2019), with discrimination of American
(, domestic forms largely and European isolates in separate subclades. The 18S rDNA sequences of
outnumber their wild counterparts and represent also an important European Cytauxzoon are apparently closer to C. manul than to C. felis
source of pathogens for declining free ranging populations. Interest (Reichard et al., 2005; Alho et al., 2016; Gallusová et al., 2016; Legroux
ingly, in the case of vector-borne infections, free-ranging populations et al., 2017). However, uniformity of 18S rDNA sequences did not allow
are responsible for circulation of pathogens that locally spillover to a clear species delineation and calls for analyses of more genetic
domestic dogs and cats. In Europe, estimates of domestic cat numbers markers.
exceeded 100 million individuals in 2019 (FEDIAF Annual Report, To extend the current knowledge and uncover the genetic diversity
2020) and given increasing population growth, makes the domestic cat of European Cytauxzoon isolates, we examined more than 100 samples
the most numerous companion mammal in the EU. Not surprisingly, this from wild cats and lynx from six European countries. In addition to 18S
trend is reflected in growing interest in infectious diseases and rDNA, cytochrome b (CytB) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)
vector-borne parasites in domestic cats (Day, 2011; Traversa and Di mitochondrial genes were analyzed along with complete mitochondrial
Cesare, 2014). genomes of representative isolates.
Although the genus Cytauxzoon (Piroplasmida, Apicomplexa) was
described more than seven decades ago (Neitz and Thomas, 1948), only 2. Material and methods
170 scientific articles on “Cytauxzoon” have been published to date
(PubMed, mid-June 2020). This contrasts with thousands of articles 2.1. Sample sets
dealing with closely related Babesia spp. and Theileria spp. Two
Cytauxzoon species were described thus far from felids, with additional A total of 106 carcasses (92 Felis silvestris and 14 Lynx lynx) from
unnamed Cytauxzoon isolates known from European cats and lynx, Germany (n = 46), Romania (n = 34), Czech Republic (n = 13), and
South American felids, and African carnivores. Luxembourg (n = 13) were collected between 2001 and 2019. All ani
Cytauxzoon felis is commonly found in Nearctic area, where bobcats mals were road killed, legally hunted or found dead due to natural
(Lynx rufus) are believed to serve as the main reservoir host (Alvar causes. From each animal, blood, spleen, heart or liver samples were
ado-Rybak et al., 2016). In contrast to low virulence for its natural wild collected during the necropsy and stored at − 20 ◦ C until further
host, C. felis causes a severe disease in domestic cats (Nietfeld and processing.
Pollock, 2002; Birkenheuer et al., 2006). Several findings referred to as To assess genetic variability, the DNA from Cytauxzoon spp. infected
C. felis were also published in Asia: Turkey (Karaca et al., 2007), India wild felids available from previous studies (Gallusová et al., 2016;
(Varshney et al., 2009), Iran (Rassouli et al., 2015; Zaeemi et al., 2015; Veronesi et al., 2016; Hodžić et al., 2018) from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Moghaddam et al., 2020), and China (Zou et al., 2019). As only asexual (n = 10 F. silvestris), Romania (n = 2 F. silvestris, n = 2 L. lynx) and Italy
morphological (Karaca et al., 2007; Varshney et al., 2009; Rassouli et al., (n = 4 F. silvestris), were included in the study. DNA of six domestic cats
2015) or limited molecular data (Zaeemi et al., 2015; Zou et al., 2019; with confirmed C. felis infection originating from USA (Illinois, New
Moghaddam et al., 2020) are available, the species identity of the Asian York, Virginia) were used as reference samples and as positive controls
isolate remains to be elucidated. for the PCR assays.
Cytauxzoon manul was described from Pallas’s cats (Otocolobus
manul) imported from Mongolia to USA based on the 18S rDNA se 2.2. DNA extraction and PCR assays
quences analysis. No clinical signs related to the infection were reported
in these animals (Ketz-Riley et al., 2003; Reichard et al., 2005). How DNA from felid biological samples from Czech Republic, Germany,
ever, the morphology of the new piroplasm identical with C. felis and Luxembourg was extracted using the Genomic DNA Mini Kit
(Reichard et al., 2005) highlighted the importance of molecular char (Geneaid Biotech, Taiwan) from 200 μl of whole blood or 20 mg of tis
acterization in discriminating among closely related taxa. sue. From Romanian tissue samples, genomic DNA was isolated by
Recently, Cytauxzoon sp. was reported in domestic and wild felids in Isolate II Genomic DNA Kit (Bioline, UK). All procedures were done
Brazil (André et al., 2009, 2015, André et al., 2017; de Sousa et al., according to the manufacturer’s instructions and DNA samples were
2018). Unnamed isolates of Cytauxzoon have been documented also in stored at − 20 ◦ C.
wild and domestic felids in Europe. The small piroplasms were reported All samples were screened for the presence of Cytauxzoon spp. DNA
in all three species of European wild felids: European wild cats (Felis by nested PCR assay targeting nuclear 18S rDNA (approximately 1350
silvestris) (Barandika et al., 2016; Gallusová et al., 2016; Veronesi et al., bp (base pairs)) using 2 × PCRBIO Taq Mix Red (PCR Biosystems, UK).
2016; Hodžić et al., 2018), Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) (Luaces et al., Based on available sequences of Apicomplexan mitochondrial genomes
2005; Millán et al., 2007, 2009; Meli et al., 2009; García-Bocanegra and primers, partial sequences of COI and CytB genes were acquired
et al., 2010; León et al., 2017), and Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) (Gallusová (using Phusion Green Hot Start II High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix, Ther
et al., 2016). Furthermore, several clinical cases (Carli et al., 2014; Alho moFisher Scientific, USA) from several 18S rDNA positive samples.
et al., 2016; Legroux et al., 2017; Nentwig et al., 2018; Panait et al., Based on these sequences, specific nested PCR assays for both genes
2020) as well as findings of Cytauxzoon sp. in healthy domestic cats were designed and used for screening of all positive samples. Primer
L.C. Panait et al. Veterinary Parasitology 290 (2021) 109344
sequences, annealing temperatures and the expected length of ampli algorithm. Protein-encoding genes (COI and CytB) nucleotide sequences
cons are shown in Table 1. were aligned guided by amino acid translation (TransAlign, Geneious
The complete mitochondrial genomes of Cytauxzoon spp. were 9.1.2). Based on the alignment, unique haplotypes were identified by
amplified from six randomly selected samples from F. silvestris (3 from ALTER (Alignment Transformation Environment; Glez-Peña et al.,
Romania, 2 from Italy and 1 from Germany). Based on COI and CytB 2010) and their p-distances were computed by Geneious 9.1.2.
gene sequences and C. felis mitochondrial genome sequence Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA, including representative se
(KC207821), primers amplifying two fragments spanning the intergenic quences of all 10 piroplasmid clades (sensu Jalovecka et al., 2019), was
part were designed. Terminal inverted repeats (TIR) were amplified based on an alignment of 86 sequences (1036–1919 bp) from GenBank,
using an “inverted PCR” approach by Taq polymerase (Table 2) with an the main haplotype detected in European samples and the reference
exonuclease activity (LA Taq) as described by Hikosaka et al. (2010). haplotype of 18S rDNA from C. felis (Supplementary file 2), resulting in
The same approach was used for amplification of individual mitochon 2088 nt (nucleotides) alignment. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of
drial genes and for complete mitochondrial genomes from American Cytauxzoon spp. clade was based on the nucleotide alignment of 51
reference samples of C. felis, using specific primers (Supplementary file GenBank derived Cytauxzoon spp. 18S rDNA sequences longer than 500
1). bp, all unique haplotypes from this study and three Theileria spp. as an
The PCR reactions described herein followed manufacturers’ rec outgroup, in total 1883 nt alignment of 70 sequences. The alignments
ommendations for reaction set up and cycling. Amplifications of first were built using ClustalW algorithm.
rounds were performed in a total volume of 15 μl containing 1 μl of The phylogenies of COI and CytB genes were based on sequences
template DNA, except for the amplification of TIR sequences that were acquired in this study, using three CytB and two COI gene sequences of
carried out using 2 μl of DNA. Second reactions of the nested PCR assays Theileria spp. from GenBank as an outgroup. The resulting alignments
were performed in a volume of 25 μl using 1 μl of the first round as the were built from 39 sequences (1442 nt) for COI and 47 sequences (1240
template. Two negative controls, consisting of sterile water, were nt) for CytB. Alignments were restricted to coding regions only.
included in each reaction set. All phylogenetic trees were inferred by maximum likelihood method
PCR products were visualized by electrophoresis on 1.5 % agarose using IQ-TREE v. 1.6.5 (Nguyen et al., 2015). Best-fit evolution models
gel stained with MidoriGreen Advance (Nippon Genetics Europe, Ger (TIM2+F + R4 for piroplasmids 18S rDNA, TIM3+F + I for Cytauxzoon
many). Amplicons of expected size were cut from the gel and purified spp. 18S rDNA, HKY + F + I + G4 for CytB gene and TVM + F+G4 for
using the Gel/PCR DNA Fragment Extraction Kit (Geneaid Biotech, COI gene) were chosen based on the Bayesian information criterion
Taiwan). All PCR products were sequenced by Macrogen capillary (BIC) computed by ModelFinder (Kalyaanamoorthy et al., 2017). Branch
sequencing services (Macrogen Europe, the Netherlands) using ampli supports were assessed by the ultrafast bootstrap (UFBoot) approxima
fication primers. In case of long PCR products, additional internal tion (Minh et al., 2013) and by the SH-like approximate likelihood ratio
primers were used to cover complete bi-directional sequencing (Sup test (SH-aLRT) (Guindon and Gascuel, 2003). Trees were visualized and
plementary file 1). Samples that yielded a low quality of obtained se edited in FigTree v1.4.4 and Inkscape 0.94.
quences or mixed chromatogram signals were cloned using the pGEM®-
T Easy Vector System (Promega, USA). Plasmids were extracted and 3. Results
purified by GenElute™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) ac
cording to the manufacturer’s instructions, and sequenced by universal 3.1. 18S rDNA sequences analyses
T7/SP6 primers (T7: 5′ -TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG-3′ , SP6: 5′ -ATT
TAGGTGACACTATAG-3′ ). Sixty-three of 106 new samples from European wild felids were
positive for the presence of Cytauxzoon spp. DNA as detected by nested
PCR targeting 18S rDNA sequences. A single sample from F. silvestris in
2.3. Haplotype and phylogenetic analyses
Romania was 18S rDNA negative but yielded a positive result in CytB
and COI gene analyses, thus, the overall prevalence was 60.4 %. The
DNA sequences were edited and analyzed using Geneious 9.1.2
prevalence of Cytauxzoon infection across countries is listed in Table 3.
(Kearse et al., 2012) and their identity was confirmed upon comparison
Together with the previously published material (Gallusová et al.,
to homologues sequences available in the GenBank database using the
2016; Hodžić et al., 2018; Veronesi et al., 2016) (16 F. silvestris, 2
NCBI Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLASTn) analysis. Alignment
L. lynx), 81 final 18S rDNA sequences from European samples were
of non-coding 18S rDNA sequences was generated using the ClustalW
Table 1
Primers used for amplification of nuclear 18S rDNA sequences and mitochondrial CytB and COI genes of European Cytauxzoon spp. and C. felis and; Ta = annealing
temperature; bp = base pairs.
Gene Primer name Primer sequence (5′ -> 3′ ) Ta (◦ C) Length (bp) Reference
60a 1726 Millán et al., 2007
18S rDNA
53a 1335
Cyt-SSU-R4 AGGATGAACTCGATGAATGCA Gallusová et al., 2016
53a 1434 Schreeg et al., 2013
55a 1333 Current study
L.C. Panait et al. Veterinary Parasitology 290 (2021) 109344
Table 2
Primers used for amplification of the complete mitochondrial genomes of European Cytauxzoon spp.; Ta = annealing temperature; bp = base pairs.
Fragment Primer name Primer sequence (5′ -> 3′ ) Ta (◦ C) Length (bp) Reference
55b 647
II Current study
55b 422
56c ~1500
TIR Current study
55c ~1000
Phusion Green Hot Start II High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix (Thermo Scientific™, USA).
2x PCRBIO Taq Mix Red (PCR Biosystems, UK).
LA Taq® DNA Polymerase (Takara Bio Inc., Japan).
L.C. Panait et al. Veterinary Parasitology 290 (2021) 109344
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree assessed by maximum likelihood method of piroplasmids based on 18S rDNA sequences (details in Supplementary file 3) and the detailed
phylogeny of the Cytauxzoon spp. clade (sensu Jalovecka et al., 2019). Isolates from this study are highlighted in red; numbers in brackets show the number of
individuals with the respective haplotype; no number in brackets means there was only one individual with the respective haplotype; sequences acquired from the
GenBank are marked by their accession number, assigned name, host and country of origin; bootstrap values (SH-aLRT/UFB) for main nodes are displayed. The scale
bar indicates the number of nucleotide substitutions per site.
identical. Type-material: tissue extract and the total DNA isolated are depos
The overall mitochondrion structure from European Cytauxzoon ited in Genetic Bank of the Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Czech
spp., with three main open reading frames (ORF) coding COI, CytB and Academy of Sciences, which is part of National Animal Genetic Bank,
cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (COIII) genes, was identical with Czech Republic under unit IDs/catalog numbers IVB-M-6056a (the tis
published mitochondrial genome of C. felis (Fig. 4). The COI gene in both sue) and IVB-M-6056b (the DNA). In correspondence with the ICZN code
analyzed European genotypes (1425 nt) was three nucleotides shorter (Arts 72.5.4, 73.3) (Nomenclature ICoZ, 1999; ICZN, 2012), the material
than in C. felis. The COIII gene was longer in European genotypes (780 nt deposited is considered a hapantotype by its character.
in major and 768 nt in minor) than C. felis (642 nt), with an extension on DNA sequences: DNA sequences amplified from the type material are
the 3′ end coding N-terminus of the protein. The CytB gene of the major deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers: MT904028 (18S
European genotype EU1 was 1209 nt long, the minor genotype EU2 was rDNA), MT916191 (CytB gene), MT916240 (COI gene), MT916277
1275 nt long with coding proteins extended on both N- and C-terminus, (mitochondrion).
when compared to C. felis (1155 nt). Other hosts: Lynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758).
Other localities: Germany: Bad Homburg, Hesse (50.23 ◦ N, 8.62 ◦ E),
3.4. Taxonomic summary and species descriptions Bad Schwalbach, Hesse (50.14 ◦ N, 8.07 ◦ E), Bischhausen, Hesse (51.35
N, 9.85 ◦ E), Bonbaden, Hesse (50.50 ◦ N, 8.43 ◦ E), Espenschied, Hesse
Order Piroplasmida Wenyon, 1926 (50.11 ◦ N, 7.90 ◦ E), Gemünden, Hesse (49.89 ◦ N, 7.48 ◦ E), Hadamar,
Family Theileriidae du Toit, 1918 Hesse (50.45 ◦ N, 8.05 ◦ E), Heinzenberg, Hesse (49.82 ◦ N, 7.49 ◦ E),
Genus Cytauxzoon Neitz and Thomas, 1948 Hundstadt, Hesse (50.37 ◦ N, 8.47 ◦ E), Idstein, Hesse (50.22 ◦ N, 8.26 ◦ E),
Laufenselden, Hesse (50.21 ◦ N, 8.00 ◦ E), Lauterbach, Hesse (50.38 ◦ N,
Cytauxzoon europaeus n. sp. Panait, Mihalca, Hrazdilová, and Modrý 9.25 ◦ E), Ludwigsau, Hesse (50.90 ◦ N, 9.75 ◦ E), Nauroth, Hesse (50.70
N, 7.88 ◦ E), Springen, Hesse (50.14 ◦ N, 7.98 ◦ E), Wehretal, Hesse
Diagnosis: the organism is a species of piroplasmid protist of the (51.15 ◦ N, 10.00 ◦ E), Weilmünster, Hesse (50.43 ◦ N, 8.37 ◦ E), Weilrod,
genus Cytauxzoon, distinctive from congeners from felid hosts based on Hesse (50.34 ◦ N, 8.38 ◦ E), Widdershausen, Hesse (50.91 ◦ N, 10.01 ◦ E),
DNA sequences and forming with them a monophyletic clade. This Wolfenhausen, Hesse (50.38 ◦ N, 8.32 ◦ E), Ziebach, Hesse (50.94 ◦ N,
species corresponds to the EU1 genotype, described above. 9.88 ◦ E), Eschershausen, Lower Saxony (51.93 ◦ N, 9.64 ◦ E), Moringen,
Type-host: Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 (Carnivora: Felidae). Lower Saxony (51.70 ◦ N, 9.87 ◦ E), Sohlingen, Lower Saxony (51.67 ◦ N,
Type-locality: Mesteacăn, Sălaj (47.38 ◦ N, 23.52 ◦ E). 9.60 ◦ E), Blasweiler, Rhineland-Palatinate (50.47 ◦ N, 7.10 ◦ E),
L.C. Panait et al. Veterinary Parasitology 290 (2021) 109344
Fig. 2. Phylogenetic trees assessed by maximum likelihood method and pairwise sequence identities (%) on nucleotide and amino acid (red) levels of (A) CytB and
(B) COI genes of Cytauxzoon spp. from this study. Numbers in brackets show the number of individuals with the respective haplotype; no number in brackets means
there was only one individual with the respective haplotype; bootstrap values (SH-aLRT/UFB) for main nodes are displayed. The scale bar indicates the number of
nucleotide substitutions per site.
Goldhausen, Rhineland-Palatinate (50.46 ◦ N, 7.88 ◦ E), Neuhäusel, Mureş (46.46 ◦ N, 24.16 ◦ E), Gurghiu, Mureş (46.77 ◦ N, 24.86 ◦ E),
Rhineland-Palatinate (50.39 ◦ N, 7.71 ◦ E), Montabaur, Rhineland- Tazlău, Neamţ (46.72 ◦ N, 26.46 ◦ E), Timişoara, Timiş (45.75 ◦ N, 21.23
Palatinate (50.44 ◦ N, 7.83 ◦ E), Pfaffenheck, Rhineland-Palatinate ◦
E, approximate location); Czech Republic: Košařiska, Moravian-
(50.24 ◦ N, 7.51 ◦ E), Wolfskirchhof, Rhineland-Palatinate (50.40 ◦ N, Silesian (49.60 ◦ N, 18.68 ◦ E), Vimperk, South Bohemia (49.04 ◦ N,
7.79 ◦ E); Romania: Cugir, Alba (45.84 ◦ N, 23.37 ◦ E), Vlădeni, Braşov 13.76 ◦ E), Vlachovo Březí, South Bohemia (49.08 ◦ N, 13.94 ◦ E), Horní
(45.77 ◦ N, 25.37 ◦ E), Cilibia, Buzău (45.07 ◦ N, 27.07 ◦ E), Găvăneşti, Bečva, Zlín (49.43 ◦ N, 18.30 ◦ E), Lidečko, Zlín (49.22 ◦ N, 18.05 ◦ E);
Buzău (45.09 ◦ N, 27.07 ◦ E), Mânzu, Buzău (45.07 ◦ N, 27.05 ◦ E), Tureni, Luxembourg: Mamer, Capellen (49.65 ◦ N, 5.99 ◦ E), Rossmillen, Clerf
Cluj (46.62 ◦ N, 23.70 ◦ E), Crasna, Covasna (45.59 ◦ N, 26.14 ◦ E), Codru, (50.11 ◦ N, 6.05 ◦ E), Dudelage, Luxembourg (49.48 ◦ N, 6.09 ◦ E),
Maramureş (47.52 ◦ N, 23.13 ◦ E), Șomcuta Mare, Maramureş (47.50 ◦ N, Angelsbierg, Mersch (49.76 ◦ N, 6.16 ◦ E), Bour, Mersch (49.70 ◦ N, 6.02
23.47 ◦ E), Valea Chioarului, Maramureş (47.42 ◦ N, 23.49 ◦ E), Cuci, ◦
E), Koedange, Mersch (49.73 ◦ N, 6.21 ◦ E), Brandenbourg, Vianden
L.C. Panait et al. Veterinary Parasitology 290 (2021) 109344
(49.91 ◦ N, 6.14 ◦ E), Doncols, Wiltz (49.97 ◦ N, 5.84 ◦ E); Bosnia and deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers: MT904033 (18S
Herzegovina: Bihać, Bosnia (44.82 ◦ N, 15.87 ◦ E), Bosanski Petrovac, rDNA), MT916204 (CytB gene); MT916253 (COI gene), MT916281
Bosnia (44.56 ◦ N, 16.37 ◦ E), Goražde, Bosnia (43.67 ◦ N, 18.97 ◦ E), (mitochondrion).
Gornji Vakuf, Bosnia (43.94 ◦ N, 17.59 ◦ E), Srebrenik, Bosnia (44.70 ◦ N, Other localities: Romania: Zoo Băneasa, Bucharest (44.52 ◦ N, 26.10
18.49 ◦ E); Italy: Macerata, Marche (43.30 ◦ N, 13.46 ◦ E), Perugia, ◦
E, captive individual), Zalău, Sălaj (47.18 ◦ N, 23.06 ◦ E), Cerna, Tulcea
Umbria (43.11 ◦ N, 12.39 ◦ E), Udine, Friuli Venezia Giulia (46.06 ◦ N, (45.08 ◦ N, 28.30 ◦ E), Somova, Tulcea, Romania (45.19 ◦ N, 28.67 ◦ E),
13.23 ◦ E), Viterbo, Lazio (42.42 ◦ N, 12.10 ◦ E). Roşioara, Vrancea (45.79 ◦ N, 26.96 ◦ E, approximate location), Soveja,
Prevalence: Felis silvestris: Germany (30/46), Romania (9/31), Czech Vrancea (46.00 ◦ N, 26.66 ◦ E).
Republic (5/11); Luxembourg (9/13); Lynx lynx: Romania (2/3). Prevalence: Felis silvestris: Romania (7/31).
Etymology: the species name is the adjective toponym reflecting the Etymology: the species is named in honor of the family of Domenico
broad geographical distribution of the species (Europe). Otranto in recognition of his major contributions to the field of parasi
tology in general and vector-borne diseases in particular.
Cytauxzoon otrantorum n. sp. Panait, Mihalca, Hrazdilová, and Modrý
Cytauxzoon banethi n. sp. Panait, Mihalca, Hrazdilová, and Modrý
Diagnosis: the organism is a species of piroplasmid protist of the
genus Cytauxzoon, distinctive from congeners from felid hosts based on Diagnosis: the organism is a species of piroplasmid protist of the
DNA sequences and forming with them a monophyletic clade. This genus Cytauxzoon, distinctive from congeners from felid hosts based on
species corresponds to the EU2 genotype, described above. DNA sequences and forming with them a monophyletic clade. This
Type-host: Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 (Carnivora: Felidae). species corresponds to the EU3 genotype, described above.
Type-locality: Babadag, Tulcea, Romania (44.89 ◦ N, 28.72 ◦ E). Type-host: Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 (Carnivora: Felidae).
Type-material: tissue extract and the total DNA isolated are depos Type-locality: Fericea, Maramureș, Romania (47.41 ◦ N, 23.39 ◦ E).
ited in Genetic Bank of the Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Czech Type-material: tissue extract and the total DNA isolated are depos
Academy of Sciences, which is part of National Animal Genetic Bank, ited in Genetic Bank of the Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Czech
Czech Republic under unit IDs/catalog numbers IVB-M-6057a (the tis Academy of Sciences, which is part of National Animal Genetic Bank,
sue) and IVB-M-6057b (the DNA). In correspondence with the ICZN code Czech Republic under unit IDs/catalog numbers IVB-M-6058a (the tis
(Arts 72.5.4, 73.3) (Nomenclature, 1999; ICZN, 2012), the material sue) and IVB-M-6058b (the DNA). In correspondence with the ICZN code
deposited is considered a hapantotype by its character. (Arts 72.5.4, 73.3) (Nomenclature ICoZ, 1999; ICZN, 2012), the material
DNA sequences: DNA sequences amplified from the type material are deposited is considered a hapantotype by its character.
Fig. 4. Schematic comparison of mitochondrial genome structures of two Cytauxzoon spp. genotypes (major EU1 and minor EU2) and C. felis. Asterisk indicates
incomplete sequences (missing TIR). Black and white shadowing indicates sequence similarities (black – identical); pairwise distance identities (%) are shown on the
right side.
L.C. Panait et al. Veterinary Parasitology 290 (2021) 109344
DNA sequences: DNA sequences amplified from the type material are this context, the diversity of Cytauxzoon spp. infecting European wild
deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers: MT904029 (18S felids assessed by analyses of two mitochondrial genes, COI and CytB, in
rDNA), MT916193 (CytB gene), MT916243 (COI gene). our study, revealed remarkably high genetic diversity. In contrast to the
Other localities: Romania: Bobâlna, Cluj (47.14 ◦ N, 23.65 ◦ E). 18S rDNA, three highly supported clades were formed in concordance in
Prevalence: Felis silvestris: Romania (2/31). both COI and CytB gene analyses, resulting in three defined genotypes.
Etymology: the species is named after Gad Baneth in recognition of For the COI gene, the available set of sequences from four Babesia
his contributions to the field of vector-borne diseases and clinical spp. infecting European deer (B. divergens, B. capreoli, Babesia sp. EU1,
parasitology of domestic carnivores. Babesia sp. “deer genotype”) is worth comparing. The nucleotide
sequence distances among these species were 0.07− 0.14, whereas the
4. Discussion intraspecific variability was below 0.07 (Hrazdilová et al., 2020). For
the Cytauxzoon described herein, the variability of the COI gene within
Genus Cytauxzoon Neitz and Thomas, 1948 was erected based on the genotypes was below 0.02, and between genotypes 0.06− 0.14, while
differences in the site of the schizogonic development when compared to the distance between European genotypes and C. felis was 0.18− 0.22.
Theileria spp. (Neitz and Thomas, 1948). The type species, Cytauxzoon For the CytB gene, variability was below 0.02 within the Cytauxzoon
sylvicaprae, originates from a captive common duiker (Sylvicapra grim genotypes but above 0.09 among them; the distance to C. felis was
mia) in South Africa (Neitz and Thomas, 1948). A few years later, two 0.36− 0.4. Allopatrically distributed B. canis, B. rossi, and B. vogeli
other species were described: Cytauxzoon strepsicerosi Neitz and de infecting dogs and transmitted by different tick species show similar
Lange, 1956, from greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) in South Af CytB gene variability, with intraspecific distances below 0.02 and
rica, and Cytauxzoon taurotragi Martin and Brocklesby, 1960, from eland interspecific variability above 0.09 (data not shown, based on available
(Taurotragus oryx) in Kenya (Neitz and de Lange, 1956; Martin and GenBank sequences).
Brocklesby, 1960). The genus itself was placed in the family Theileriidae The existence of three lineages of Cytauxzoon in European felids that
(Reichenow, 1953; Barnett, 1968). Although a synonymy with Theileria genetically differ at the species level prompted our taxonomic evalua
was suggested by Levine (1971), a new species of Cytauxzoon was re tion. Undoubtedly, the growing diversity of protists also deserves proper
ported in domestic cats in USA in 1975 (Wagner, 1975), later named as nomenclature (Cook et al., 2010). We are aware of the fact that the
C. felis Kier, 1979, based on the similarity of the tissue forms with those description of a new species without morphological identification might
previously observed in African antelopes (Ferris, 1979). Currently, the be perceived as an “act of extremism” by some traditional taxonomists.
genus includes two named species from felids, C. felis and C. manul However, the number of new species described and named solely on the
Reichard et al., 2005. Whereas C. felis is well studied in North America, basis of their genetic differences has increased markedly, stimulating an
both at the clinical and molecular level, European Cytauxzoon findings ongoing debate on fine aspects of molecular based taxonomy and its
are poorly characterized. In this study, we focused on the genetic di position within the Linnaean framework and existing nomenclature
versity of Cytauxzoon spp. in two species of European wild felids rules (Greay et al., 2018; Jörger and Schrödl, 2013). The morphological
(F. silvestris and L. lynx) from six countries. differences among the protists classified within genera Theileria and
The higher taxonomy and new species descriptions of piroplasmids Cytauxzoon are often negligible and descriptions of new taxa were
are delicate topics. Morphology, host range and life cycle allow a pri traditionally based on the host, vector or geography. We admit the
mary differentiation of four genera of piroplasmids: Babesia, Theileria, character of the material we examined did not allow investigation of
Rangelia, and Cytauxzoon (Alvarado-Rybak et al., 2016), or five major morphology of the piroplasms. However, previous studies demonstrated
evolutionary lineages: Babesia sensu stricto, Theileria and Cytauxzoon, the morphological uniformity of Cytauxzoon spp. (Ketz-Riley et al.,
Theileria equi, Western Babesia group and the Babesia microti group 2003; Reichard et al., 2005) and such data would not be of major help.
(Schreeg et al., 2016; Jalovecka et al., 2018). Molecular analyses based On the contrary, the three species described herein are, in our opinion,
on a single gene resulted in the differentiation of up to 10 phylogenetic robustly characterized by differences in mitochondrial sequences and, in
clades of piroplasms, representing candidates for separate genera accordance with the ICZN, represented by the type material deposited in
(Jalovecka et al., 2019). The combination of morphology, host range, a renowned collection.
life cycle, and phylogeny of more than one genetic marker is an ideal, So far, the presumed tick vectors of European Cytauxzoon spp. and
though not always a realistic approach. Cytauxzoon manul is a typical their life cycles are not known. For the American C. felis, the ticks
example, where the morphology of asexual stages from the felid inter Amblyomma americanum and Dermacentor variabilis are considered as
mediate host did not reveal any difference from C. felis (Ketz-Riley et al., definitive hosts and competent vectors (Reichard et al., 2010; Thomas
2003; Reichard et al., 2005) and species differentiation was based solely et al., 2018). The tick hosts for C. manul are not known. In Europe, Ixodes
on variance in 18S rDNA sequences together with new host and locality. ricinus, as a predominant tick in forest ecosystems, was suggested as a
In our study, based on the 18S rDNA phylogeny, we easily assigned candidate vector (Gallusová et al., 2016). This tick species is also the
sequenced piroplasms among the Cytauxzoon spp. In 18S rDNA most prevalent on wild (D’Amico et al., 2017) and domestic cats (Davies
sequences-based analyses, Cytauxzoon spp. from felids formed two et al., 2017; Geurden et al., 2018) in Europe and was the only tick
separate (but not supported) clades of New and Old World isolates. species found on carcasses of Romanian (D’Amico et al., 2017) and
Within each, two highly supported subclades were formed (USA and Czech (data not shown) lynx. Further studies are needed on this aspect,
Brazil isolates for the New World, and Mongolian C. manul and European which remains one of the major gaps in understanding the ecoepi
isolates for the Old World). The 18S rDNA is a valuable tool for resolving demiology of Cytauxzoon in Europe. Tick vectors also represent the link
phylogenies at higher taxonomic levels (Schnittger et al., 2012; Jalo between the two reported wild felid hosts of Cytauxzoon in Europe,
vecka et al., 2019), but its power to separate closely related taxa of F. silvestris and L. lynx. Only C. europaeus n. sp. was present in European
apicomplexans, including Cytauxzoon, is limited (Schreeg et al., 2016; lynx, but this could be related to the significantly lower number of
Uilenberg et al., 2018; Hrazdilová et al., 2019, 2020). The use of other samples from this host and the much lower prevalence of the other two
markers is desirable to define and distinguish piroplasmid species species. Another open question remains about the pathogenicity of
(Uilenberg et al., 2018; Harris, 2019). Cytauxzoon, mainly with regard to domestic cats or endangered wild
Hardly any concept in biology is as important or as controversial as felids in Europe.
the species concept (Wheeler and Meier, 2000). The same applies to Based on analyses of a single nuclear and two mitochondrial markers
apicomplexan protists, including the piroplasmids. To establish criteria we conclude the three detected genotypes of Cytauxzoon in European
for piroplasmid species delineation based on mitochondrial sequences wild cats and lynx are three separate species. Revealing such a diversity
(Hebert et al., 2003), recognized Babesia spp. can serve as a model. In opens a plethora of questions. Are the different Cytauxzoon species co-
L.C. Panait et al. Veterinary Parasitology 290 (2021) 109344
evolving with different hosts (e.g. wild and domestic cats, endangered Acknowledgments
Iberian lynx) or ticks? Which of the newly characterized species were
involved in the already reported clinical cases in domestic cats? Are the This paper was published under the frame of European Social Found,
Brazilian and Asian isolates really C. felis? Future implementation of Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020, project POCU/380/
mitochondrial markers can answer at least some of these questions. 6/13/125171. Moreover, we are grateful to all colleagues involved in
Undoubtedly, numbers of identified Theileria/Cytauxzoon-like para sample collection.
sites in carnivores will increase with broader application of DNA-based
research tools. Several reports of undetermined Cytauxzoon isolates are Appendix A. Supplementary data
available, e.g. from felids and meerkats (Foggin, 1982; Kelly et al., 2014;
Leclaire et al., 2015) in Africa. We urge researchers to deposit material Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
(blood, tissues or total DNA) demonstrating the presence of Cytauxzoon online version, at doi:
spp. in scientific collections. Archiving in institutions with clear loan
policies and abiding to best practices that allow the examination of References
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