Guess The Word
Guess The Word
Guess The Word
Language Focus
Demonstrate the activity by asking a student to come to the front
'Wh' questions
of the class and sit with his/her back to the board.
Explain that you are going to write a word on the board and the
Aim students are going to ask questions to help the student guess the
To elicit words by asking
questions. Write a random word on the board and have the students call out
questions to elicit the word. Remind the students that they can
only ask questions. They cannot mime, give synonyms, etc.
Preparation Play the game a few times, changing the word each time so the
Make one copy of the students practice using different question words, e.g. an object, a
worksheet for each pair place, a time expression, a famous person, a distance, a job, etc.
of students and cut as Tell the students that they are going to play a similar game with
indicated. a partner.
Explain that they are going to work with a partner as a team and
Level that they have five minutes to ask questions to elicit as many
words on their worksheet as possible.
Divide the students into pairs (A and B) and distribute the
worksheets. Tell the students not to show their partner the
Time worksheet.
30 minutes Give the students time to go through the words on their sheet and
think of some possible questions.
When everyone is ready, give the students a five-minute time limit
and let them begin the activity.
Student A asks questions to their partner to elicit as many words
from the box on their worksheet as possible.
When Student B says a word from the worksheet, Student A puts
a tick next to the word. If Student B cannot guess the word after
a few questions, Student A puts a cross.
After five minutes, the students stop and swap roles.
The process is then repeated with Student B asking the questions.
When everyone has finished, pairs add up their points. The pair
with the highest combined score wins the game.
As an extension, pairs can play against each other. In pairs,
students write a new set of words, according to criteria set by
you. Students then follow the same procedure as above.
Student A
A. Ask Student B questions to help him/her guess the words in the box, e.g. 'What colour is the
sky?' (blue)
When Student B says the correct word, put a tick next to the word. If Student B cannot guess
the word after a few questions, put a cross. You have five minutes to ask your questions.
Student B
B. Now, ask Student A questions to help him/her guess the words in the box, e.g. 'What do you
use to open a locked door?' (key)
When Student A says the correct word, put a tick next to the word. If Student A cannot guess
the word after a few questions, put a cross. You have five minutes to ask your questions.