Ingredients For Teaching

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Easy, Exciting Activities for Beginning
English Teachers

For the students of Dovletmammet Azadi National Institute of World

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Table of Contents
1. The Basics 4
2. Vocabulary Activities 13
3. Grammar Activities 21
4. Speaking Activities 30
5. Writing Activities 42
6. Reading Activities 56
7. Listening Activities 65
4 4

The Basics

1. The Four Aspects of Language Learning

2. Classroom English
3. Methods of Teaching
4. The Communicative Method
5. Classroom Management
6. Lesson Planning
7. Correcting Students
8. Teaching Speaking
9. What to do if . . . .
10. Additional Resources
5 5

1. The Four Aspects of Language Learning:

You must teach ALL of these!
1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Speaking
4. Listening
2. Classroom English
Teach these instructions first.
Then, always say these words in English.

Sit down. Close your book.

Stand up. Write.
Listen. Read.
Look. Speak
Come to the board. Ask.
Go to your desk. Answer.
Open your notebook. Homework.
Open your book. Good work.
Close your notebook. Be Quiet.
6 6

3. Methods of Teaching
Passive Teaching


The teacher talks to the

pupils. PUPIL

Active Teaching PUPIL

The teacher talks to the
pupils, and the pupils PUPIL
talk to the teacher.

Interactive Teaching

The teacher talks to the
pupils, the pupils talk to
the teacher, AND the PUPIL
pupils talk to each other.
7 7

4. The Communicative Method

Could your students survive in the US?


Teach only USEFUL vocabulary

Teach dialogues for NECESSARY situations

Ask QUESTIONS & make your students ASK QUESTIONS

Worry less about KNOWLEDGE, more about USE

Talk less = Students talk more

8 8

5. Classroom Management

Look at your students.
Speak in a strong voice.
2. ASK: Why are my students misbehaving?
3. OVERPLAN for each lesson.
4. Give HONEST praise for good behavior.
5. If you say something will happen,
6. Don’t sit!
Don’t turn your back!
Stand near misbehaving students.
7. Make your lessons INTERESTING.
Write them on the board.
Teach them to your kids.
9. Reward students for good work.
10. Make misbehaving students change seats.
9 9

6. Lesson Planning






7. Correcting Students
Teacher: Azat, what do you do in the morning?
Student: I . . . am . . . get up . . . at 6:30.
Teacher: That‘s not right, is it? I get up – not ‗I am get up.‘

Teacher: Azat, what do you do in the morning?

Student: I . . . am . . . get up . . . at 6:30.
Teacher: Yes, nearly. What should it be? I g . . .
Student: I get up at 6:30.
Teacher: Yes, thank you.

Teacher: Azat, what do you do in the morning?

Student: I . . . am . . . get up . . . at 6:30.
Teacher: Well, nearly. What do you do in the morning Aygul?
Student 2: I get up at 6:30.
Teacher: Yes, good. Now, Azat? What do you do in the morning?
Student: I get up at 6:30.
Teacher: Yes, thank you.
10 10

8. Teaching Speaking

1. Teach classroom commands in English.

Always use these!
2. DON’T correct every mistake.
Encourage speaking!
3. Give them time to think.
4. Speak to them in English in class.
5. Speak to them in English outside of class.
6. Give spoken quizzes or exams.
7. Play speaking GAMES.
8. Teach USEFUL words and grammar
9. Teach them words that they want to
10. EXPLAIN WHY they need to speak.
11 11

9. WHAT TO DO IF . . .
a) Teach only parts of the reading.

1) . . . your b) Make a homework chart and

students aren’t give them a sticker on the chart
for each day that they complete
learning the their homework.
c) Review each word at least three
2) . . . the readings
d) Read Top 10 Suggestions for
are too difficult. Keeping Control!

e) Teach the vocabulary first.

3) . . . your
students don’t f) Rewrite the text using easier
vocabulary. Then give to
do their students.
g) Call their parents.

4) . . . your h) Teach only 5-7 words at a time.

students don’t i) Teach words with a dialogue.
listen to you. j) Ask students individually, outside
of class why they don‘t do their
(Answers: 1-c,h,i 2-a,e,f 3-b,g,j 4-d,g)
12 12

10. Additional Resources Global School Network Instant Lessons
13 13


1. Bingo
2. Dictionary Drawing
3. Hangman
4. Chalkboard Races
5. Word Web
6. Change Letters
7. Gestures
14 14

1. Bingo
Listening, Writing, Vocabulary Revision
Procedure: Draw picture a) on the board.

a) b)

Write 24 words on the board. Ask students to draw picture a) and put the
words in the boxes in any order. Read out the words one by one and be sure
your students cross them off as you call them. If they cross 5 words off in a
row or column (see picture b), they must shout ―BINGO‖.

You can make it with 9 or 16 words. You can use it as a warm up at the
beginning of the lesson to revise words from the previous lessons.

Note: This is a very interesting and useful activity. Students love it. It‘s
better to write words before starting the lesson. Announcing 3 winners and
giving awards makes it more interesting.

Q: What do you call a witch at the beach?

A: A sandwich!
15 15

2. Dictionary Drawing
Vocabulary Practice
Procedure: Draw a small part of a picture. Ask the students to guess what
it is. Encourage different opinions. Do not confirm or reject their ideas. Add a
little more to the drawing and ask the question again. Build your picture up in
about four stages.

Note: It will be more interesting if your students draw the pictures

themselves. Give a student a vocabulary word to draw and the class can guess.

Q: What does a bee say when it arrives at the hive?

A: Hi Honey! I‟m home!
16 16

3. Hangman
Vocabulary, Spelling
Procedure: This game is very popular. The teacher chooses a word and
draws the correct number of blanks on the board. Students must guess the
word by calling out letters. If a student guesses a letter correctly, the teacher
should write the letter in the blank. If a student guesses an incorrect letter, the
teacher should draw a body part as shown below.

1 2 3 4 5 6

If the students do not guess the word correctly before the teacher draws a full
man, they lose. Don‘t forget to write the wrong letters on the board so that
students do not repeat their mistakes.

Note: Very simple and fun game for any level. Divide your class into two
teams to make it more interesting. Children like to compete. Draw one man
for each team. Teams will take turns giving letters.

Patient: Doctor! You‟ve got to help me! Nobody ever listens to me. No one ever
pays any attention to what I have to say.
Doctor: Next please!
17 17

4. Chalkboard Races
Vocabulary, Spelling
Procedure: Divide your class into two teams. Ask one student from each
team to write on the board the word you read out. You may read out the
definition in Turkmen and have the students write the English word. Call the
next student to the board. Give a different vocabulary word. He or she must
write this word correctly in English. Compare the results of both teams. The
team which has fewer mistakes wins. It‘s very easy, no preparations

Team 1 Team 2

apple aple
orange orange
pineapple pineapple
pear peer
apricot apricot

A family of mice was surprised by a big cat. Father Mouse jumped and said, “Bow -
wow!” The cat ran away. “What was that, Father?” asked the Baby Mouse. “Well,
son, that‟s why it‟s important to learn a second language.”
18 18

5. Word Web
Vocabulary Review and Enrichment
Procedure: Take a word the class recently learnt. Write this word on the
board. Ask students to suggest words that they associate with it. Write each
suggestion on the board with the line joining it to the original word in a circle,
so that you get a ―sunray‖ effect. If the original word was ―student‖ for
example, you might get:

Note: The same activity, of course, can be done as a pair or individual. Then
have students present to the class.

Q: What is the best way to speak to a big, scary monster?

A: From a long way away!
19 19

6. Change Letters
Vocabulary, Spelling
Procedure: Write the words on the board changing the places of the letters.
Students guess the given word. For example:

(Student) (School)

Q: What kind of hair do oceans have?

A: Wavy!
20 20

7. Gestures
Vocabulary Practice
Procedure: Tell students that this is a silent activity. Read the words out
one by one to the students. For each word, choose one gesture with your class
that shows the meaning of the word. Then, read the words randomly. Students
must make the appropriate gesture for each word.

Tell students that now they may talk. Then, ask one student to come to the
front of the class. This student must make different gestures and the class must
say the word for each gesture.


Q: Which „BUS‟ could cross the ocean?

A: Columbus.
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1. The Cube
2. The Chart
3. Three in a Row
4. The Brain
5. What Did She Say?
6. Scrambled Sentences
22 22

1. The CUBE
Question Formation

Preparation: Draw your own, larger cube. Cut it out. Tape it together. This
cube may be used for a number of different purposes. It may be used to test
reading comprehension, to review vocabulary, or to play a game. Most
importantly, this activity tests your students‘ ability to form questions.

Suggested activities:
1. Use as a warm-up. Each student should role the dice and then use the
question word he or she rolls to ask a question.
2. Use as a competitive activity. Form two teams. Team 1 rolls the dice
and asks a question to the team 2. Each correct question and each
correct answer earns a point. Then team 2 asks team 1 a question.
3. Use to review a text.
4. Have students form questions to see if they can stump you!

Q: Why didn‟t the skeleton go to the dance?

A: He didn‟t have anybody to take. (Any BODY)
23 23

Note: You may also write the following lists in the blank cube above.
Modal Verbs: Can? Could? May? Should? Must? Would? Might?

Tenses: Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite, Present

Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous

More Tenses: Present Perfect, Past P., Future P., Present P. Continuous, Past
Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous

More Questions: Can? Will? Did? Do? Has? Have?

Q: What runs but never walks?

A: Water!
24 24

2. The Chart
Using Vocabulary, Forming Sentences
Procedure: Assign each student a vocabulary word. Draw the following
chart on the board. Ask each student to write his or her word under the correct
part of speech. Make example sentences for the students. Then ask students to
make their own sentences using the words in the chart. Make sure students
conjugate the verbs correctly. These sentences do not need to make sense.
They only need to be grammatically correct.

Adjectives Nouns Verbs Adverbs

fast monkey to dance slowly
tall girl to smile happily
dark to eat

Example sentences: The dark monkey smiles happily.

The fast girl dances slowly.

Note: You may also have students come up with their own words. This
makes for funnier sentences. You may also add prepositional phrases as one
column. If your students haven‘t learned adverbs, don‘t use this column. If
your students are also learning a particular verb tense, ask them to make
sentences in this tense. For example, if you are learning past tense, your
student might say, ―The fast monkey smiled happily.‖

Q: What did zero say to eight?

A: Nice belt. 
25 25

3. Three in a Row
Verb Conjugation
Procedure: Draw the following chart on the board.

I The teacher Aygul

to be to run to study Team X:
―They wrote!‖
Teacher: ―Yes!‖
She They We
to read to write to learn
Team O: ―I am!‖
My mom The student His father Teacher: ―Yes!‖
to smile to go to give

Write a verb and a subject in each box. You may use the same verb in all
boxes. For example, ‗to be.‘ Then, divide your class in to two teams.

One team will be ‗O‘ and one team will be ‗X.‘ The first person on the ‗X‘
team must choose a square. This student must conjugate the verb with this
subject using the tense that you have assigned. If he or she answers correctly,
then you put an X in the box.

Next, a student from team ‗O‘, must choose a square. If he or she answers
correctly, you put an ‗O‘ in the selected square. When one team earns three
squares in a row, this team wins.

Note: For larger classes, you should make the game bigger. Instead of 9
squares, you may play with 16 or 20.

Q: Why do birds fly south in the fall?

A: Because it‟s too far to walk!
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4. The Brain
Sentence Formation

Procedure: Explain the word ‗brain.‘ Ask three students to come to the
front of the class. Tell them that they are ‗The Brain‘ and tell them that they
must know the answer to every question. Then the class may ask them
questions. They must answer. Their answer does not need to be correct. They
may lie BUT each student may only say one word at a time as in the picture

Once there were three turtles. One day they decided to go on a picnic. When
they got there, they realized they had forgotten the soda. The youngest turtle
said he would go home and get it if they wouldn‟t eat the sandwiches until he
got back. A week went by, then a month, finally a year. The two turtles said, “oh
come on, let‟s eat the sandwiches.” Suddenly the little turtle popped up from
behind a rock and said, “If you do, I won‟t go any further!”
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5. What Did She Say?

Reviewing Grammar Structures

Procedure: Using the grammar you have just learned, ask the students a
question. For example, if you have just learned the verb ‗to have,‘ ask the
students, ―How many sisters do you have?‖ The first student must answer. For
example, ―I have two sisters.‖ Then the second student must repeat the answer
of the first student and add his or her own answer. For example, ―He has two
sisters. I have one sister.‖ The third student must answer and give the answers
of the first two students. In this way, students practice grammar structures.

A man goes to the doctor and says, “Doctor, wherever I touch, it hurts.”
The doctor asks, “What do you mean?”
The man says, “When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts. If I touch my
knee – OUCH! When I touch my forehead, it really, really hurts.”
The doctor says, “I know what‟s wrong with you – you‟ve broken your finger!”
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6. Scrambled Sentences
Reviewing Grammar Structures
Procedure: First make a list of example sentences using the grammar
structure or speech pattern that you are learning.

Example: Present Perfect

1) I have already eaten breakfast.

2) I have gone to the bank twice this month.
3) She has been to that restaurant before.

Then, mix up the words of these sentences and write them on the board.

1) already/have/I/eaten/breakfast
2) twice/month/this/gone/have/the/I/bank/to
3) to/restaurant/that/she/been/has/before
Students must use the words to make grammatically correct sentences.

Note: You can make this a game in two ways. First, the first student to write
all the sentences correctly wins. Second, divide the class into two teams. Call
one student from each team to the front of the class. Show them a mixed-up
sentence. The first student to write the sentence correctly wins a point for his
or her team. Then two different students come to the board and are given a
different sentence.

Pupil (on phone): My son has a bad cold and won't be able to come to school
School Secretary: Who is this?
Pupil: This is my father speaking!
29 29

7. Big Changes
Reviewing Grammar Structures
Procedure: Divide the class into two teams. Line each team up in front of
the black board. Write an example of the structure you are practicing twice.
The first student on each team must change or add one word. The sentence
must still be grammatically correct. Then the second student comes to the
board and rewrites the first student‘s sentence with one word changed or
added. Then the third student comes and does the same. When all students
have written on the board, the game is over. The funniest or most interesting
sentence wins.


The girl is going to the park. The girl is going to the park.

S1: The boy is going to the park. S1: The girl is going to the café.
S2: The thin boy is going to the S2: The girl is going to the best
park. café.
S3: The thin boy is running to the S3: The girl is walking to the
park. café.
S4: The thin boy is running to the S4: The girl is walking eagerly to
restaurant. the café.
S5: The thin, hungry boy is running S5: The beautiful woman is
to the restaurant. walking eagerly to the café.

Q: What did the big watch hand say to the small hand?
A: Got a minute?
30 30


1. Crazy Minute
2. Ball Toss
3. Class Debate
4. Individual Debate
5. More Important
6. Pictures
7. Story Game
8. Research
9. Aliens Have Landed
31 31

1. Crazy Minute
Procedure: Make a list of topics that you have covered with your students.
Make sure there is one topic for each student in the class. Number these
topics. Ask the student to choose a number. He or she must then speak on that
topic for one minute exactly without stopping.

Example List I really like fruit. My

1. Fruit favorite fruit is the apple.
2. Vegetables Apples are sometimes red
3. Cooking and sometimes green. I also
4. Family like oranges. In the
5. At the park summer, melons are
6. School delicious. I really like
7. At home
watermelons from Mary.
8. Transportation
Pineapple is delicious too. I
9. Sports
10. Theatre buy my fruit at Teke
Bazaar . . . .

Note: You may also ask your students to make their own list of topics. One
way to do this is to have each student write a word on a small piece of paper.
Collect the papers and turn them face down. Have each student select a word
to speak about.

Q: How do you catch a squirrel?

A: Climb a tree and act like a nut!
32 32

2. Ball-Toss
Speaking, Verb Conjugations
Procedure: Write a list of verbs on the board that your students know or
are learning. Throw the ball to a student. Ask him or her an easy question in a
verb tense that you have already taught. He or she must answer using one of
the verbs on the board. Then the student throws the ball back to you. You
throw the ball to the next student and ask another question.

to come
to go What did
to eat you do
to cook yesterday?
I went to
to study my friend‟s
to read

Note: This is good for making your students pay attention. Also if you have a
calm class, you should make your students ask questions to each other with
the ball.

Q: Why shouldn't you try to swim on a full stomach?

A: Because it's easier to swim in a full swimming pool!
33 33

3. Class Debate
Procedure: You may divide the class in two groups or select two students.
Select topics that relate to the subject that you are studying or subjects that
you have studied. Assign each half of the class a side (for or against the
statement). If your students need it, give them a few minutes to prepare their
arguments. They must present their arguments aloud.

Note: If it is difficult to control the debate, use a ball or marker. Only the
person holding the ball or marker may speak. Only the teacher can choose
who speaks. Also, you may keep score by giving one point for each good
argument. You may set a time limit before the activity begins.

Debate Topics
Shopping: Teke Bazaar is better than Russian Bazaar.
Travel: Travelling by foot is better than by Taxi.
Travel: Travelling by camel is better than by train.
Education: Students should wear uniforms.
Education: We shouldn‘t have summer vacation.
Sports: Students should learn sports at school.
Sports: Girls shouldn‘t play sports.
Entertainment: TV is harmful.
Entertainment: Books are better than movies.
Clothing: Skirts are better than pants.
Theatre: Plays are better than movies.

Q: What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it?

A: A teapot.
34 34

Quotations for Debate

(For Advanced Learners)

Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends. –Shirley MacLaine

Holding himself good, one loses one‘s goodness. –Shu Ching
When drinking water, remember its source. –Chinese Proverb
A man's growth is seen in the successive choirs of his friends. –Ralph
Waldo Emerson
Your way is the best for you, but that is no sign it is the best for another. –
Swami Vivekananda
Learning is like rowing upstream: To not advance is to fall back. –Chinese
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. –
Walt Disney
The past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past.—William Faulkner
Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.—Roy
Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their
own.—J.W. von Goethe

Q: What does a tree do when he is ready to go home?

A: He leaves.
35 35

4. Individual Debate
Procedure: For advanced classes, choose two students to come to the front
of the room. Assign each student a side (for or against a statement). Do not
give them preparation time. Give them 2 minutes to say as many arguments as
possible. Have other students keep score: 1 point for each argument, no points
for repeat arguments.

Note: This works very well for means of travel. Assign each student a type
of travel. For example, by boat or by plane. Then, that student must argue
which manner of travel is better.

Traveling by bus is
better than by camel
because it is faster!

No! Traveling by
camel is better than
by bus because you
don‟t need gasoline!

Q: What is the longest word?

A: „Smiles‟ is the longest word because there is a mile between the first and last
36 36

5. More Important
Procedure: Alternatively, ask students to call out twenty different nouns.
Write these nouns on the board. Then choose two nouns and two students.
One student must argue that his noun is more important. The other student
must argue that his noun is more important.

elephant Elephants are more
important because
they are interesting
egg to learn about!
soup No! Soup is more
store important because
it is a delicious

Q: Can you spell „eighty‟ in two letters?

A: A-T.
37 37

6. Pictures
Procedure: Collect pictures from magazines and newspapers. Keep them
organized by type. When you have enough, you may use the following

Pictures of People
1) Give each student a picture of a person. Each student must introduce his or
her picture to the class.
2) Give each student a picture of a person. Modify the Ball-Toss Activity
(from the Speaking) by asking each student questions about the actions of
the person in his or her picture.
3) Allow each student to choose a picture of one person. Each student should
tell why he or she chose this picture.
4) Give each student a picture of a person. Ask them to tell a story the life of
the person in the picture.
5) Give each student a picture of a person. Ask each student to name three
adjectives that describe the person in their picture.

Pictures of Food
1) Divide the class in half. Give the pictures to half of the class. One half of
the students are sellers. The other half of the students is buyers. One by one
the buyers should go make purchases. Make sure students use appropriate
English for these exchanges. When everyone has bought something, change
sides. The buyers become sellers and the sellers, buyers.
2) Have students make their own menus using these pictures. Then practice
restaurant dialogues.

Q: Where do cows go for entertainment?

A: They go to the mooovies!
38 38

Pictures of Places
1) Give each student a picture of a place. Have each student describe his or
her picture.
2) Tell your students that they are going on vacation. Have them choose a
picture of a place. Then, have each student describe his or her vacation at
that place. Vote on the best vacation.
3) Give each student a picture of a place. Divide students into partners or
groups of three. Each group must come up with a story that includes all
three places. Present to the class. Vote on the best story.

Teacher: Tell me a sentence that starts with an "I".

Student: I is the...
Teacher: Stop! Never put 'is' after an "I". Always put 'am' after an "I".
Student: OK. „I‟ am the ninth letter of the alphabet.
39 39

7. Story Game
Speaking and Imagination
Procedure: Begin telling a story: ―Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful
princess . . . ‖. Then, point to a different student. This student must continue
telling the story until you tell him to stop. Next, point to another student. This
student must continue after the second student. Continue until all students
have added to the story.
Story starters:
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess . . .
Once upon a time, there lived a handsome prince . . .
Once upon a time, there lived a student from #____ school . . .
Once upon a time, there lived a old lonely man . . .
Once upon a time, there lived a boy with a magic carpet . . .

Note: If this is difficult for your students, first remind them to use past tense.
Then, you may write a list of conjugated verbs to get them started.

He went . . . . She She She She was

He saw . . . . liked could finished famous all
He met . . . . math answer school in over the
He thought . . . Aygul. very any only 5 world.
He said . . . much. question years.
He came . . . .

Once upon
a time,
there lived
a girl.

Q: What do cows like to read?

A: The mooooospaper.
40 40

8. Research
Speaking, Asking Questions, Summarizing Information
Procedure: Ask each student to write one (yes, only one!) interesting
question about whatever subject you are studying. Ask all students to stand
up. Each student must ask every other student in the class his or her question
and write down their answers.

What is your favorite fruit?

1) Aygul said apple.
2) Kerim said banana.
3) Aytach said apple.
4) Gulshat said kiwi.
5) Aman said kiwi.

When everyone is finished, ask the students to summarize the answers they
have collected for the class. Encourage them to use the following:

All students said . . .

Some students said . . .
Many students said . . .
A few students said . . .
No students said . . .

Q: How can you double your money?

A: Look at it in a mirror.
41 41

9. Aliens Have Landed

Speaking, Using Known Vocabulary
Procedure: Tell your class that you are an alien from a different planet.
This is your first visit to earth. Ask them for help. Ask the first student, to
explain a very easy word. This may be a vocabulary word. For example,
―What is a cup?‖ He or she must explain in English. For example, ―we drink
from a cup.‖ Tell this student thank you. Tell the class that you still don‘t
understand. Move to the second student. Ask this student to explain a word
from the first student‘s explanation. For example, ―what is ‗to drink‘?‖ After
he or she has explained, ask a third student to explai n a word from the second
student‘s definition. Continue until all students have helped you.


What is a What is What is a cow?

cup? What is milk?
A cow is a big
We drink with We drink Milk comes
white or brown
a cup. water and from cows.

Q: What do you call a dog with no legs?

A: Why bother calling him? He won‟t come anyway.
42 42


1. You Write Next!

2. Sentence Starters
3. Guess the Word
4. Diaries
5. Description
6. Week Days
7. Quick Writes
8. Writing Poetry
9. Story Starter
10. Build the Sentence
43 43

1. You Write Next!

Brief Writing Practice
Procedure: Each student has a sheet of paper at the top of which he or she
should write a sentence. It can be a simple sentence of fact or opinion or a
question. For example:

S1: What are you going to do after lessons?

S2: I’m going to play a football.
S3: I like to play football.
S4: I play football with my friends.
S5. My friends like football too.

This is then passed to a neighbor, who adds an answer, comment or further

question and passes it on to someone else. And so on. The paper is not folded,
so that all previous contributions are visible to each writer.

After about five contributions, students are invited to read out the results.
These are often amusing!

Note: This activity can also be done in pairs rather than individually.

A student who was studying English as a foreign language was confused when he
saw the words “open here” on a box of laundry soap. He asks the clerk, “Can‟t I
wait until I get home to open it?”
44 44

2. Sentence Starters
Writing, Speaking, Listening
Procedure: Write on the board:

Being young is…

Ask the students to call out different ways to finish the sentence. If there is
time, ask the students to work with a neighbor, select four of the finished
sentences, and put them in order to make a short poem. They may even add a
fifth sentence to complete the poem.

Being young is being with friends
Being young is losing friends
Being young is taking examinations
Being young is wondering
What the future will be like.
Variation: Dictate the beginning of a sentence. Each student writes it down
and then finishes it as he or she wishes.

Q: A man goes into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a
gun, and points it at the customer. "Thank you" replies the customer and walks
out. What happened?
A: The customer had hiccups.
45 45

More Sentence Starters:

1. Being old is… 11. I always feel good when…
2. Boredom is… 12. The best time of day is…
3. Love is… 13. You should never…
4. A friend is… 14. Teachers should try very hard to…
5. I remember… 15. One thing I would like to learn is…
6. I‘ve forgotten… 16. If I were a millionaire I‘d …
7. I wish I… 17. I want to learn English because…
8. If I could… then I would… 18. If I lived in the United States, I . . .
9. Without you… 19. You should always . . .
10. When I‘m 64 I‘ll… 20. My favorite memory is . . .

Q: What can you hold without touching it?

A: A conversation.
46 46

3. Guess the Word

Writing and Vocabulary
Procedure: Ask students to think of a word and describe it in writing on a
piece of paper. Gather these pieces, mix them up, and distribute one to each
student. Give them time to think. Then, ask students to read their descriptions
and guess the word.

For example:

Note: This work, of course, can be done in pairs.

Q: What would a pig say whose tail was held tightly by the farmer who had a
sharp knife in his other hand?
A: “That‟s the end of me!”
47 47

4. Diaries
Writing Fluency
Procedure: Ask the students to keep a diary. Give them five minutes once
or twice a week for writing in their diary. The diary can be about the students‘
experience of the lesson and what they feel they have achieved, or it can be
about other matters of concern to them.

Their diaries do not need to follow the convention of a day by day record.
They can be private, shared with a partner, or shared with the teacher. Note
that a diary is not an appropriate vehicle for correcting mistakes. The goal is
not accuracy but fluency.

Encourage students to add pictures or drawings if they want.

A: What is the word that everybody always pronounces wrong?

B: “Wrong”
48 48

5a. Description
Writing Fluency
Procedure: Give your students a set time limit to answer the following
question: What do you see in the picture?

Q: How can you name the capital of every U.S. state in two seconds?
A: Washington, D.C.
49 49

5b. Description
Writing Fluency
Procedure: Give your students a set time limit to answer the following
question: What do you see in the picture?

Q: What is the coldest place at the North Pole?

A: The explorer's nose!
50 50

6. Week Days
Writing and Grammar
Procedure: Ask students to fill this. Ask them to write what they did, will
do and are going to do in a given week.

Week _______________________

Monday Tuesday
_________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________

Wednesday Thursday
_________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________

Friday Saturday
_________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________

Q: Why was the broom late?

A: It over swept!
51 51

7. Quick Writes
Writing Fluency
Procedure: Give your students a question or a topic. They have exactly one
minute to write as much as they possibly can on that topic. Tell them not to
worry about grammar or spelling. Tell them they must keep writing in English
for an entire minute. This activity is most successful if the topic or question
you give connects to the topic or subject that you are teaching. Also, this
activity is successful if repeated frequently.

Suggested Topics:

My favorite food . . . .
My favorite hobby . . . .
My favorite person . . . .
My favorite place . . . .
I am thankful for . . . .
I am happy when . . . .
I am unhappy when . . . .
I am excited when . . . .
Note: Give each student a 5 if he or she fills up a half of a page. Don‘t grade
for spelling, grammar, or punctuation.

A: When I stand on my head the blood rushes to my head, but when I stand on
my feet the blood doesn‟t rush to my feet. Why is this?
B: It‟s because your feet aren‟t empty.
52 52

8. Writing Poetry
Writing fluency
Procedure: Collect pictures of places. Choose one picture. Describe the
picture. Say as many things as possible about the picture. Then, try to make 3
pairs of sentences that rhyme. For the last line of the poem, ask the students to
say how they would feel if they were there.

The trees are big and tall.
The leaves sometimes fall.
The water is dark.
It looks like a park.
There are lots of clouds.
There aren‟t any crowds.
I feel calm

Give each student a picture. Ask each student to write his or her own poem.
Ask students to read them to the class and show their pictures.

Note: For low-level classes, the lines don‘t need to rhyme; they only need to
describe the picture. Also, you may use this same form (3 pairs of rhyming
lines and one line about feelings) to have your students write poems about
anything including their favorite food, favorite person, favorite place etc.

A: Doctor, will I be able to play the piano after the operation?

B: Yes, of course.
A: Great! I never could before!
53 53

9. Story Starters
Writing Fluency
Procedure: Give students a story starter and ask them to continue the story
for 5 minutes, writing as much as possible. Have students share their stories.

Example starters:

Once upon a time, there lived a very tall girl.

Once upon a time, there lived a wicked witch.
Once upon a time, there lived a bus driver.
Once upon a time, there lived a boy with a magic carpet.
Once upon a time, there was beautiful princess.

Note: Grade this for completion, not for grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

Q: How do you make your class stand for the whole period?
A: I hid all their chairs!
54 54

10. Build the Sentence

Building Long Sentences
Procedure: Give students a simple sentence. Tell them that they may add
words to this sentence including adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, clauses, etc
but that they must keep the original words and the sentence must be
grammatically correct. Give students a set time limit to make the longest, most
interesting sentence that they can. Share with the class.

The dog runs.
The fat dog runs.
The fat dog runs quickly.
The hairy, fat dog runs quickly every day.
The hairy, fat dog runs quickly to the park every day.
The fat hairy dog runs with the skinny yellow cat
down the street to the park everyday.

Note: You probably want to do this activity on the board with your class
before your students try it individually. It may take some practice before they

Q: What did the mother broom say to the baby broom?

A: Go to sweep, dear.
55 55


1. Pre-Teaching Vocabulary
2. Who? What? Where? When?
3. What Will Happen Next?
4. What’s that Word?
5. Alternate Endings
6. Do You Know . . . ?
7. Play Acting
56 56

1. Pre-Teaching Vocabulary
Reading Comprehension
Procedure: Teach the vocabulary words your students don‘t know
BEFORE you read. Then have them read without translating. Ask questions
IN ENGLISH to see if they understand.

FIRST TEACH: Once upon a time there lived a

Once upon a time boy. His name was Tom. He
incredibly was incredibly smart. All his
reason teachers loved him. He was also
to hurt incredibly tall. For this reason,
he was very good at basketball.
to worry One day he was playing
immediately basketball, and he hurt his left
leg. His parents were very
worried and took him
immediately to the doctor. The
doctor . . . .

Note: You may teach these words using activities in the vocabulary section of
this book.

Son: Dad, what is an idiot?

Dad: An idiot is a person who tries to explain his ideas in such a strange and
long –winded way that another person who is listening to him can‟t really
understand him at all. Do you understand me?
Son: No.
57 57

2. Who? What? Where? When?

Reading and Making Questions
Procedure: As you read the text aloud to your class, stop at the end of each
sentence. Have your students ask one question about the sentence you just
read. You may answer their questions or the other students may answer their
How long ago did he
1. Once upon a time live?
there lived a boy.
What was his last
2. His name was Tom. name?
3. He was also
incredibly tall.
Where his parents very
4. For this reason, he tall too?
was very good at
Did he like playing

Note: This works very well when students are reading aloud stories that they
have written themselves. In this situation, students are asking other students

Q: What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailor?

A: A jeweler sells watches. A jailor watches cells.
58 58

3. What Will Happen Next?

Reading Comprehension, Making Predictions
Procedure: Read only the first sentence or first paragraph of a text. Ask
students to guess what will come next. You may even have them write down
their predictions. Read the second paragraph. Again have them guess what
will come next and write down their predictions. Repeat as many times as you
would like.

Note: Not only is this good to test your students‘ understanding of the text, it
also makes them think. Encourage them to make interesting predictions. With
advanced classes, ask them to defend their predictions using evidence from
the reading.

Q: What did one magnet say to the other magnet?

A: I find you very attractive!
59 59

4. What’s that Word?

Reading Comprehension
Procedure: As you read the text
aloud to your class, ask them to raise
their hand when they hear unknown
words. Have them guess from the
context what each unknown word
means. Then give the correct
definition. Discuss the context of each

Note: This makes reading a passage

very slow. This is most useful with shorter passages.

On a crowded bus, one man noticed that another man had his eyes closed.
“What‟s the matter? Are u sick?” he asked.
“No I‟m okay. It‟s just that I hate to see old ladies standing.”
60 60

5. Alternate Endings
Testing Comprehension Writing
Procedure: After reading, ask the students to write an alternate ending.

Q: Why are baseball stadiums so cool?

A: There is a fan in every seat
61 61

6. Do you know . . . ?
Reading Comprehension, Making Questions
Procedure: After reading, have each student write three questions about the
text. Have students ask their questions to a partner and record their partner‘s
answers. Have students present their answers to the class.

Note: Also, you may have all students stand up. Choose one student. This
student will ask another student his or her question. If this student answers the
question correctly, he or she may ask one of his or her questions to another
student. After the student has asked all of his or her questions, he or she may

Teacher: What are some products of the West Indies?

Student: I don‟t know.
Teacher: Of course, you do. Where do you get sugar from?
Student: We borrow it from our neighbor.
62 62

7. Play-Acting
Reading Comprehension, Listening
Procedure: Choose 2-3 students from the class. As you or the other
students read the text aloud, have these students act it out. This is really funny
with texts about geography.

“America is very large . . . .”

Note: After each paragraph, choose new students to act out the text. This
gives everyone the opportunity to participate.

Student to teacher, “Is “pants” singular or plural?”

Teacher, “They‟re singular on top and plural on the bottom.”
63 63

8. What’s Happening?
Reading Comprehension and Listening
Procedure: As you read the text aloud, ask students to draw what they
think is happening in the story. Stop after each paragraph to show their
pictures to the class. This is a good way to test comprehension!

Father: What did you do today to help your mother?

Son: I dried the dishes
Daughter: And I helped pick up the pieces.
64 64

9. Back to the Basics

Reading Comprehension, Sentence Formation
Procedure: For longer readings, ask students to rewrite the text in only five
sentences. This is good for teaching ‗main idea.‘

Once upon a time there

lived a boy. His name was
Tom. He was incredibly
smart. All his teachers
loved him. He was also
incredibly tall. For this
reason, he was very good
at basketball. One day he
was playing basketball and
he hurt his left leg. His
parents were very worried
and took him immediately
to the doctor.

Note: For advanced classes, have your students share their five sentences
with a partner. Ask, ―Does your partner have the same sentences? Why or
why not?‖ Make each pair choose the best five sentences. Then ask them to
present their work to the class.

Q: What goes “ZUB, ZUB?”

A: A bee flying backwards. (Buz Buz)
65 65


1. Basic Dialogues
2. Intermediate Dialogues
66 66

1. Basic Dialogues
1) Introductions

- Hello!
- Hello!
- What‘s your name?
- My name is Myrat. What’s your name?
- My name is Merjen. How are you today?
- I am fine thank you. And you?
- I am great!
- Goodbye.
- Bye.

2) At the Market

- Hello.
- Hello.
- How much are tomatoes?
- Tomatoes are 3 manat for 1 kilogram.
- Give me 1 kilogram please.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.

Teacher: Did your father help you with your homework?

Student: No, he did it all by himself.
67 67

3) Introductions

- Hello.
- Hi.
- What‘s wrong?
- I have a headache and a fever.
- Take this medicine three times every day.
- Ok. I will.
- Come back in two days.
- Thank you doctor.
- You are welcome.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.

4) At the Airport
- Hello. May I see your passport?
- Here it is.
- Thank you.
- Where are you flying today?
- I am flying to Chicago.
- May I see your ticket?
- Here.
- Thank you and have a nice flight.
- Thanks! Goodbye.
- Bye.

Teacher: Why are you late?

Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill.
Teacher: That‟s nice. Were you helping look for it?
Student: No. I was standing on it.
68 68

5) At the Restaurant

- Welcome to our restaurant.

- Thank you.
- Do you want something to drink?
- Water, please.
- Are you ready to order?
- Yes, I want a hamburger.
- Ok. Here it is. Enjoy your meal.
- Thank you.

6) In a Taxi

- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Where are you going?
- To the Ak Altyn Hotel, please.
- Ok. Get in please.
- We are here. Please pay 2 manats.
- Here and thank you.
- You’re welcome. Goodbye.
- Bye.

Q: What are the two strongest days of the week?

A: They are Saturday and Sunday. All the others are weak (week) days.
69 69

7) Talking on the Phone

- Hello. Is Selbi there?
- It’s me!
- Hi. How are you?
- I’m good thanks. And you?
- Great. Are you free this afternoon?
- Yes, I am.
- Will you meet me in the park?
- Yes, I will meet you in the park. At what time?
- At 2:00.
- Ok. Goodbye.
- Bye.

Customer: Excuse me, but I saw your thumb in my soup when you were carrying it.
Waitress: Oh, that‟s okay. The soup isn‟t hot
70 70

1. Intermediate Dialogues

1) Introductions
-What‘s your name?
-My name is Murat. What’s yours?
-My name is Merjen. It is nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you too!
-Do you work here?
-No, I work at the bank. And you?
-I am a student. I study at Turkmen National Institute of World Languages.
-What year are you?
-I am a third-year student.
-When will you graduate?
-I will graduate in two years.
-Wonderful. Good luck!
-Thanks. Goodbye!

Q: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand
A: The letter "m".
71 71

2) At the Market
-Hello. What do you want to buy?
-I am looking for tomatoes.
-Tomatoes are 3 manats per kilogram.
-Ok. I‘ll take 2 kilograms.
-Do you want something else?
-Do you have onions?
-No, I don’t, but my neighbor does.
-Ok, thanks.

Q: What letter is a drink?

A: T. (tea)
72 72

3) At the Doctor
-What is the matter?
-My head aches.
-When did it start?
-It started three days ago.
-Do you have any other symptoms?
-Yes, my nose is running.
-When did your runny nose start?
-It also started three days ago.
-Do you have a fever, stomachache, or earache?
-No, I don’t.
-Do you have allergies?
-I haven’t had allergies before.
-I think you may have allergies. I will give you some allergy medicine.
-Thank you doctor.
-You‘re welcome. Please come back in three days.
-I will.

Q: What letter of the alphabet is an insect?

A: B. (bee)
73 73

4) At the Airport
-Hello. May I see your passport?
-Here it is.
-Thank you.
-Where are you flying today?
-I am flying to Chicago.
-May I see your ticket?
-Do you have luggage to check?
-Yes, one bag.
-Is it heavy?
-No, it’s very light.
-Do you have carry-on luggage.
-Yes, also one bag.
-Ok, here is your passport and ticket.
-Thank you.
-Thank you and have a nice flight.

Q: What letter is a part of the head?

A: I. (eye)
74 74

5) At the Restaurant
-Can I bring you something to drink?
-Yes, do you have orange juice?
-No, but we have apple and grape juice.
-Grape juice, please.
-Thank you.
-Are you ready to order?
-Yes, I would like a hamburger with French fries.
-Ok. Anything else?
-That‘s all for now. Maybe I will have coffee later.
-Let me know. One hamburger and one order of French fries coming
right up.

Q: What happens when "you" and "I" are gone?

A: Only 24 letters are left. (you=the letter "u" and I the letter "i".)
75 75

6) In a Taxi
-Where to?
-To the supermarket please.
-Which supermarket?
-The supermarket on the corner of Turkmenbashy and Magtymguly.
-Is that next door to a bank?
-How much?
-Probably about 2 manats.
-Ok. Quickly please because I’m late.
-Of course.

Q: What did the ocean say to the beach?

A: Nothing, it just waved!
76 76

7) Giving Directions
-Excuse me.
-Yes. Can I help you?
-Yes, I‘m looking for a Starbucks coffee shop. Is there one near here?
-Yes, there is.
-Can I walk or do I need to take the bus?
-You can walk. Go two blocks and take a left.
-Two blocks and take a left, ok. Then?
-Walk another three blocks and the Starbucks will be on the right.
-Great. That‘s easy! Thanks!
-You’re welcome. Good luck!
-Thanks again. Bye!

Q: What starts with E, ends with E and only has one letter?
A: An envelope.
77 77

8) Business Meeting

-Welcome. Mr. Geldiv.

-Thank you, thank you.
-We are so glad you could make it.
-I’m glad to be here.
-Please, have a seat.
-Thank you.
-Would you like coffee or tea?
-Tea please, black.
-Would you like sugar with that?
-Do you have milk?
-Of course, here you are.
-Thank you. Thank you.
-Ok, let‘s get started.
-Great, what’s first on the agenda?

Q: What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean?
A: A blackboard.
78 78

9) Talking on the Phone

-May I speak with Selbi, please?

-This is she.
-Oh, Selbi. It is good to hear your voice!
-Murat, is that you?
-Yes. It‘s me.
-How are you?
-Great, thanks. Are you free on Saturday?
-Yes, I’m free on Saturday after lunch.
-Do you want to meet me at 3 o‘clock at Yimpas?
-Sounds good. Do you want to go bowling?
-Yes! I love bowling.
-Ok then. I’ll see you there!
-See you there!

A: Meet my newborn brother.

B: Oh, he is so handsome! What's his name?
A: I don't know. I can't understand a word he says.
79 79

10) Greetings

-How are you?

-I’m fine, thanks. How are you? How is everything?
-I‘m good. Everything is fine.
-How is your family? Your job?
-My family is good. My son had a cold but now he is ok.
-That’s good to hear.
-Work is work. I‘m always busy.
-I understand.
-And how is teaching?
-Teaching is wonderful but tiring.
-I‘m sure!
-How are your students?
-They are learning quickly.
-Of course they are. They have a good teacher.
-Why, thank you!
-You are welcome.
-Ok, see you later.
-See you.
-Have a good day!
-You too!

Q: Why did the police wake the child?

A: Because they'd heard there'd been a kid napping!

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