Types of Agro-Based Industry: Production Goods Services Economy

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ndustry is the production of goods or related services within an economy.

[1] The major source of revenue

of a group or company is the indicator of its relevant industry. [2] When a large group has multiple sources
of revenue generation, it is considered to be working in different industries. Manufacturing industry
became a key sector of production and labour in European and North American countries during
the Industrial Revolution, upsetting previous mercantile and feudal economies. This came through many
successive rapid advances in technology, such as the production of steel and coal.
Following the Industrial Revolution, possibly a third of the economic output comes
from manufacturing industries. Many developed countries and many developing/semi-developed
countries (China, India etc.) depend significantly on manufacturing industry.

The agro-based industry includes indutries related to textiles, sugar, paper and vegetable oil. These
industries use agricultural products as their raw materials. Textile industry is the largest industry in the
organized sector.
Types of Agro-based Industry
1. Cotton textiles
2. woollen textiles
3. Silk textiles
4. Synthetic fibres
5. Jute textile industries
Textile Industry
It occupies unique position in the Indian economy, because it contributes significantly to industrial
production (14 per cent), employment generation (35 million persons directly – the second largest after
agriculture) and foreign exchange earnings (about 24.6 per cent). It contributes 4 per cent towards GDP. It
is the only industry in the country, which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain i.e., from raw
material to the highest value added products.
Cotton Textiles
In ancient India, cotton textiles were produced with hand spinning and handloom weaving techniques.
After the 18th century, power-looms came into use. Our traditional industries suffered a setback during
the colonial period because they could not compete with the mill-made cloth from England. Today, there
are nearly 1600 cotton and human made fibre textile mills in the country.
About 80 per cent of these are in the private sector and the rest in the public and cooperative sectors.
Apart from these, there are several thousand small factories with four to ten looms. In the early years, the
cotton textile industry was concentrated in the cotton growing belt of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
Availability of raw cotton, market, transport including accessible port facilities, labour, moist climate, etc.
contributed towards its localisation. This industry has close links with agriculture and provides a living to
farmers, cotton boll pluckers and workers engaged in ginning, spinning, weaving, dyeing, designing,
packaging, tailoring and sewing.
The industry by creating demands supports many other industries, such as, chemicals and dyes, mill
stores, packaging materials and engineering works. While spinning continues to be centralised in
Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, weaving is highly decentralised to provide scope for incorporating
traditional skills and designs of weaving in cotton, silk, zari, embroidery, etc.
India has world class production in spinning, but weaving supplies low quality of fabric as it cannot use
much of the high quality yarn produced in the country. Weaving is done by handloom, power loom and in
mills. The hand spun khadi provides large scale employment to weavers in their homes as a cottage
India exports yarn to Japan. Other importers of cotton goods from India are U.S.A., U.K., Russia, France,
East European countries, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and African countries.
India has the second largest installed capacity of spindles in the world, next to China, at around 34 million
(2003-04). Since the mid-eighties, the spinning sector has received a lot of attention.
We have a large share in the world trade of cotton yarn, accounting for one fourth of the total trade.
However, our trade in garments is only 4 per cent of the world’s total. Our spinning mills are competitive
at the global level and capable of using all the fibres we produce. The weaving, knitting and processing
units cannot use much of the high quality yarn that is produced in the country. There are some large and
modern factories in these segments, but most of the production is in fragmented small units, which cater
to the local market. This mismatch is a major drawback for the industry. As a result, many of our spinners
export cotton yarn while apparel/garment manufactures have to import fabric.
Jute Textiles
India is the largest producer of raw jute and jute goods and stands at second place as an exporter after
Bangladesh. There are about 70 jute mills in India. Most of these are located in West Bengal, mainly
along the banks of the Hugli river, in a narrow belt (98 km long and 3 km wide). Factors responsible for
their location in the Hugli basin are: proximity of the jute producing areas, inexpensive water transport,
supported by a good network of railways, roadways and waterways to facilitate movement of raw
material to the mills, abundant water for processing raw jute, cheap labour from West Bengal and
adjoining states of Bihar, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh. Kolkata as a large urban centre provides banking,
insurance and port facilities for export of jute goods.
The jute industry supports 2.61 lakh workers directly and another 40 lakhs small and marginal farmers
who are engaged in cultivation of jute and Mesta. Many more people are associated indirectly. Challenges
faced by the industry include stiff competition in the international market from synthetic substitutes and
from other competitors like Bangladesh, Brazil, Philippines, Egypt and Thailand. However, the internal
demand has been on the increase due to the Government policy of mandatory use of jute packaging. To
stimulate demand, the products need to be diversified. In 2005, National Jute Policy was formulated with
the objective of increasing productivity, improving quality, ensuring good prices to the jute farmers and
enhancing the yield per hectare. The main markets are U.S.A., Canada, Russia, United Arab Republic,
U.K. and Australia. The growing global concern for environment friendly, biodegradable materials has
once again opened the opportunity for jute products.

Industrial resources (minerals) are geological materials which are mined for their commercial value,
which are not fuel (fuel minerals or mineral fuels) and are not sources of metals (metallic minerals) but
are used in the industries based on their physical and/or chemical properties. [1] They are used in their
natural state or after beneficiation either as raw materials or as additives in a wide range of applications.
1. Iron and Steel Industry:
Iron and steel is a basic industry and is the backbone of industrial development of any country.

The first unit, which was able to produce pig iron successfully, in the country came up at Kulti in 1874
and was named the Bengal Iron Work Country. Another plant came up at Sakchi (now Jamshedpur) in
1907, set up by the Tatas and called the Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO). In 1919, the Indian Iron
and Steel Company (IISCO) plant was set up at Burnpur. In 1923, another plant came up, called the
Mysore Steel Works (later named the Visveshwaraiya Iron and Steel Limited—VISL).

2. Copper Smelting Industry:

It was in the year 1857 that the Singhbhum Copper Company was formed to undertake mining operations
at Saraikela. In 1924, the Indian Copper Corporation (ICC) was set up with concentration plant and
smelter which produced copper at Ghatsila in Jharkhand (then in Bihar). In 1972, the ICC was taken over
by the Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL), and now, the HCL is the sole producer of primary copper in

The Khetri Copper Complex at the foothills of Aravallis in Rajasthan erected by the HCL was formed to
exploit the Khetri-Singhbhum ores. The unit consists of Khetri and Kolihan mines, a matching
concentrator plant, smelter, electrolytic refinery and wire bar casting plants. The Khetri Copper Complex
is an integrated copper mining- cum-metallurgical unit—by-product is sulphuric acid and fertiliser triple
superphosphate is also manufactured.

The Malanjkhand copper project in Madhya Pradesh is the first large sized open cast mine and has been
developed mainly to supply copper concentrates to Khetri to enable the plant to achieve the target

Other copper smelting projects include the Rakha copper project (Singhbhum-Maubhandar), Dariba
Copper Project (Alwar) and Chandmari Copper Project (Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan).
3. Aluminium Industry:
It was in the year 1938 that the country saw, for the first time, aluminium production at Alupuram
Reduction Works of the Indian Aluminium Company. Later, this company was converted into a public
sector company in 1944. By 1967, there were five smelters, one each at Jaykaynagar, Alupuram, Hirakud,
Renukoot and Mettur (Fig. 16.8).

Besides mining of ore, the aluminium industry has four distinct stages, viz. production of alumina and
aluminium; fabrication of aluminium ingots into sheets, circles, foils and various other types of
structurals, and the production of articles from aluminium, like kitchenware’s, articles used in electrical
transportation, building and construction, canning and packing material, furniture, etc.

Green Crackers
The idea, proposed by Science & Technology Minister Harsh Vardhan, was announced in January. It was
carried forward by a network of CSIR labs, including Central Electro Chemical Research Institute
(CECRI), Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, National Botanical Research Institute and National
Chemical Laboratory. “The idea was to assess if we can replace or reduce dangerous components with
materials that are less harmful,” Kumar said. “We came up with 3-4 formulations and looked at 30-40%
of active materials which reduce particulate matter.”
CSIR-CECRI has developed flower pots by using “eco-friendly materials” that can potentially reduce
particulate matter by 40%. CSIR-NEERI is testing the efficacy of bijli crackers by “eliminating the use of
ash as desiccants”. Scientists have also developed potential sound-emitting functional prototypes that do
not emit sulphur dioxide, and are testing a prototype of flower pots substituting barium nitrate with an
eco-friendly version.
Scientists have given these crackers names: Safe Water Releaser (SWAS), Safe Thermite Cracker (STAR)
and Safe Minimal Aluminium (SAFAL). “It has the unique property of releasing water vapour and/or air
as dust suppressant and diluent for gaseous emissions and matching performance in sound with
conventional crackers,” researchers say. The Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation is testing and
analysing these crackers for safety and stability.
More to come
Kumar said some manufacturers have been shown such results. They have been “successfully
demonstrated” in Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu, a hub for fireworks industries. “The idea this year was to use
material that is inexpensive. We will run experiments with other unique materials in the next round,” he
Kumar said that an emissions testing facility has also been established at CSIR-NEERI. This will test
conventional and green crackers and monitor them for emissions and sound. “The other issue is the use of
substandard raw materials in firework manufacturing which is a major source of particulate matter
pollution,” he said.
E-crackers or electric crackers are also being tested by a team from CSIR-CEERI in Pilani. However,
feedback from manufacturers has not been encouraging, with some pointing out that it will sound like
listening to a recording of firecrackers instead, scientists say.

ददीपपावलदी यय ददीवपालदी अरयर्थात "ररोशनन कय त्यरोहयर" शरद ऋतत (उत्तरर गरोलयरर्था) मम हर वरर्था मनययय जयनन वयलय एक
पयचनन हहहिंद द त्यरोहयर हहै ।[2][3] दरवयलर भयरत कन सबसन बडन और पततभयशयलर त्यरोहयरर मम सन एक हहै । यह त्यरोहयर
आध्ययतत्मक रूप सन अहिंधकयर पर पकयश कक ववजय करो दशयर्थातय हहै ।[4][5][6] इसकन अलयवय हम आपकरो बतय दन कक भयरत
दरवयलर 8 बडन कयरणर कन कयरण पससर हहै और इसकन पनछन ससरर्था एक सच्चन कहयनन हहै तजसकरो पढ़नन कन सलए यहयह
तकलक करम भयरतवरर्था मम मनयए जयनन वयलन सभन त्ययौहयरर मम दरपयवलर कय सयमयतजक और धयसमर्थाक दरोनर दृतषष सन
अत्यधधक महत्त्व हहै । इसन दरपरोत्सव भन कहतन हह। ‘तमसरो मय ज्यरोततगर्थामय’ अरयर्थात त ‘अहिंधनरन सन ज्यरोतत अरयर्थात पकयश
कक ओर जयइए’ यह उपतनरदर कक आजय हहै । इसन ससख, बयौर तरय जहैन धमर्था कन लरोग भन मनयतन हह। जहैन धमर्था कन लरोग
इसन महयवनर कन मरोक हदवस कन रूप मम मनयतन हह[7][8] तरय ससख समतदयय इसन बन्दर छरोड हदवस कन रूप मम मनयतय हहै ।
मयनय जयतय हहै कक दरपयवलर कन हदन अयरोध्यय कन रयजय रयम अपनन चयौदह वरर्था कन वनवयस कन पश्चयत लयौषन रन।
अयरोध्ययवयससयर कय ह्रदय अपनन परम वपय रयजय कन आगमन सन परततललत हरो उठय रय। शन रयम कन स्वयगत मम
अयरोध्ययवयससयर नन घन कन दरपक जलयए। कयततर्थाक मयस कक सघन कयलर अमयवस्यय कक वह रयतत दरयर कक ररोशनन सन
जगमगय उठठी। तब सन आज तक भयरतनय पतत वरर्था यह पकयश-पवर्था हरर्था व उललयस सन मनयतन हह। यह पवर्था
अधधकतर धग्रिगनररयन कहैलन्डर कन अनतसयर अकषदबर यय नवहिंबर महरनन मम पडतय हहै । दरपयवलर दरपर
कय त्यरोहयर हहै । भयरतनयर कय ववश्वयस हहै कक सत्य कक सदय जनत हरोतन हहै झदठ कय नयश हरोतय हहै । दरवयलर यहर चररतयरर्था
करतन हहै - असतरो मयऽ सद्गमय, तमसरो मयऽ ज्यरोततगर्थामय। दरपयवलर स्वच्छतय व पकयश कय पवर्था हहै । कई सप्तयह पदवर्था
हर दरपयवलर कक तहैययररययह आरहिं भ हरो जयतन हह। लरोग अपनन घरर, दक
त यनर आहद कक सरयई कय कययर्था आरहिं भ कर दन तन हह।
घरर मम मरम्मत, रहिं ग-ररोगन, सफनदर आहद कय कययर्था हरोनन लगतय हहै । लरोग दक
त यनर करो भन सयफ सतररय कर सजयतन हह।
बयजयरर मम गसलयर करो भन सन
त हरर झहिंडडयर सन सजययय जयतय हहै । दरपयवलर सन पहलन हर घर-मरोहललन, बयजयर सब सयर-
सतररन व सजन-धजन नजर आतन हह।

दरवयलर ननपयल, भयरत,[10] शनलहिंकय, म्ययहिंमयर, मयररशस, गतययनय, तततनदयद और

षरोबहैगरो, सदररनयम, मलनसशयय, ससहिंगयपतर, करजन, पयककस्तयन और ऑस्टन सलयय कक बयहरर सनमय पर कक्रिसमस द्वनप पर
एक सरकयरर अवकयश हहै ।

शब्द उत्पतत्त

दरपयवलर शब्द कक उत्पतत्त सहिंस्ककत कन दरो शब्दर 'दरप' अरयर्थात 'हदयय' व 'आवलर' अरयर्थात 'लयइन' यय 'शहिंख
क लय' कन
समशण सन हतई हहै । इसकन उत्सव मम घरर कन द्वयरर, घरर व महिंहदरर पर लयखर पकयशकर करो पज्वसलत ककयय जयतय हहै ।
दरपयवलर तजसन हदवयलर भन कहतन हह उसन अन्य भयरयओहिं मम अलग-अलग नयमर सन पतकयर जयतय हहै जहैसन : 'दरपयवलर'
(उडडयय), दरपयबबॉलर'(बहिंगयलर), 'दरपयवलर' (असमन, कन्नड, मलययलम:ദദീപപാവലല, तसमल:ததீபபாவளள
और तनलतगद), 'हदवयलर' (गतजरयतन:દદિવવાળળ, हहन्दर, हदवयलर, मरयठठी:हदवयळन, करकणन:हदवयळन,पहिंजयबन), 'हदययरर'
(ससहिंधन:हदययरर), और 'ततहयर' (ननपयलर) मयरवयडन मम हदययळन.|


भयरत मम पयचनन कयल सन दरवयलर करो हहहिंद द कहैलमडर कन कयततर्थाक मयह मम गमर कक रसल कन बयद कन एक त्यरोहयर कन रूप
मम दशयर्थायय गयय। दरवयलर कय पद पतरयणऔर स्कन्द पतरयण नयमक सहिंस्ककत ग्रिहिंरर मम उललनख समलतय हहै जरो मयनय जयतय
हहै कक पहलर सहस्तयब्दर कन दस
द रन भयग मम ककन्हरहिं कमदरय पयठ करो ववस्तत
क कर सलखन गए रन। दरयन (दरपक) करो स्कन्द
पतरयण मम सदयर्था कन हहस्सर कय पतततनधधत्व करनन वयलय मयनय गयय हहै , सदयर्था जरो जनवन कन सलए पकयश और ऊजयर्था कय
लयौककक दयतय हहै और जरो हहन्द द कहैलहिंडर अनतसयर कयततर्थाक मयह मम अपनन तस्तधर बदलतय हहै ।[11][12] कतछ कनतर मम हहन्द द
दरवयलर करो यम और नधचकनतय कक करय कन सयर भन जरोडतन हह।[13] नधचकनतय कक करय जरो सहर बनयम गलत, जयन
बनयम अजयन, सच्चय धन बनयम कणणक धन आहद कन बयरन मम बतयतन हहै ; पहलर सहस्तयब्दर ईसय पदवर्था उपतनरद मम
दजर्था कक गयन हहै ।[14]

7 वनहिं शतयब्दर कन सहिंस्ककत नयषक नयगनहिंद मम रयजय हरर्था नन इसन दरपपततपयदत्त सव: कहय हहै तजसमम हदयन जलययन जयतन रन
और नव दल
त हन और दल
द हन करो तरोहरन हदए जयतन रन।[15][16] 9 वनहिं शतयब्दर मम रयजशनखर नन कयव्यमनमयहिंसय मम इसन
दरपमयसलकय कहय हहै तजसमम घरर कक पततयई कक जयतन रन और तनल कन दरयर सन रयत मम घरर, सडकर और बयजयरर
सजययय जयतय रय।[15] रयरसन ययतन और इततहयसकयर अल बनरुनन, नन भयरत पर अपनन 11 वनहिं सदर कन सहिंस्मरण मम ,
दरवयलर करो कयततर्थाक महरनन मम नयन चहिंदमय कन हदन पर हहहिंदओ
त हिं द्वयरय मनययय जयनन वयलय त्ययौहयर कहय हहै ।

మమంతత్రనగరర, మహానగరర
ససమందరర్యరరాశ, కళళ
ళ చచెదర
ది ర సమమ్మోహనమం
మీసరాలల చిగగుళళ
ళ వవేసస్తు సనన యవవ్వనమం
రరమండడ చచేతతులతత దదో ససిల పటటట మకరరలళ
పపత్రమభిక అరరరమంచిన గగురరస్తు
ససిలలోన పరాటలకల సరరూరనగర చచెరరవవ కకమంద
తలలలూపసిన పచచ్చన వరరచచేలల
దదిలల్షా లదలలో వయససస్సునస ఊదచేససిన రరాజకపపూర
దదూపగగొనన మనససకల పరార్యసరా ఊరట
తత్రకరాలలలల ఒకర కరాలమమమైన యలదది

చచాదరఘలట వమంతచెన మీద నడక

ఒక రరోజ రరమండడ రరోజులలూ కరాదస
నతర్యమం భభాగమత పపత్రమతత
మమూసస ఉపప పమంగగుతతునన ఉదచేవ్వగ భభాత్రమంత
బత్రటటష రరససిడచెనస్సుపపప జలల దసలపసిన తతురరమంఖలన సరవ్వనచామమం
తతురరర్రేబభాజ ఖలన నచాకల నచామవరాచకమం, ఉడడకరతస్తున ననెతస్తు తురర
మలలపవ తరరగరన డబగుల డచెకక్కర వనెనకరాక్క, మగుమందసకరా...
వమంతచెనలలూ, రరోడళ దూ నచా తచాతమగుతచాస్తుతల జజజ్ఞాపకరాలల
ఏమం చచెపవపదస, ఎమందసబబో దస
సరరహదసద్దులల దచాటటన సమమ్మోహనమం
ఇపవపడడిదది అమందచాల రరాకససి, మమంతత్రగతచెస్తు
ఫపళ ఓవరర
ఫ ళ , యమూటరనలల, వనవవేలల
ననెకళ స
ర రరోడళ డ, కకమండచిలలవలలళమంటట రహదచారరళ
నచా ననెతస్తు తుటటలలో ఇమంకన విగర్రేహాలల
మొసలస్తు లలేదస, ఒకక్కటట ఎగపపో త దదిగపపో త
- కరాససల పత్రతచాపరరడడిడ
మరరమంత సమలచచారమం కకోసమం ఇకక్కడ కకళక హహద
హై రరాబభాద

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