R48-3200 Rectifier User Manual V1 0
R48-3200 Rectifier User Manual V1 0
R48-3200 Rectifier User Manual V1 0
R48-3200 Rectifier
User Manual
Document Issue: V1.0
Release Date: September 2, 2005
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.1 Abbreviations
There are many abbreviations used in this user guide in reference to
different terms as well as units of measure. A comprehensive list of these
abbreviations can be found at the end of this document.
R 48 - 3200
Maximum Output Power (3200W)
Front Panel
There are 3 indicators on the front panel. The location of the indicators is
shown in Figure 1-3.
Rear Panel
The AC input and DC output terminals are in the rear panel, as shown in
Figure 1-4.
Output socket
Input socket
label is shown in Figure 1-5. Additional details on the function of these pins
are provided in Table 1-2 and Table 1-3.
PIN2 AC neutral line
PIN1 Vo-
PIN2 Precharge +
PIN3 Precharge -
PIN10 Vo+
Note: As depicted in Figure 1-8, the output power will derate from 100% of
the rated capacity as the input voltage drops below 176 Vac, down to 20%
of the rated capacity as the input voltage falls to 85 Vac.
4. Output Characteristics
The relationship between output voltage and current is summarized in
Table 1-4 and depicted graphically in Figure 1-9.
% of output power
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Big Fan Temperature (C)
8. Fan Control
When the input voltage is within a normal range, the built-in processor
adjusts the fan’s speed according to the rectifier’s internal temperature.
For example, a higher temperature will increase the fan speed. Above
40°C, the fan will be operating at full speed.
When the internal temperature sample value is less than 10°C, the fan will
be shut down. The temperature hysteresis is 5°C.
When the input voltage is abnormal, such as very low or high input voltage,
the fan will turn off
The rectifier also has two additional software settings that can be
configured using the CSU:
1) Manual restart, and
2) Automatic restart attempt within 5 seconds of a HVSD condition.
13 Communication Failure
The rectifier’s protection indicator (yellow) will flash should it experience a
communication failure. The failure information will be reported to the CSU
and the CSU will process the failure accordingly. During a communication
failure, in order to protect the battery, the rectifier output voltage will
automatically adjust to 53.5 V (this is a default value which can be
modified using the CSU). The rectifier will revert to normal operation once
normal communication is restored.
• AC derating
• AC fail
• Unbalanced output current
• Address
• Code
• Date
• SW version
• HW version
1.5 Specifications
1. Environmental
• Operating temperature: -40 to 75°C
• Full rated output power of 3200 W for temperatures -40 to 45°C.
• Power limitation for temperatures higher than 45°C.
• Relative humidity: up to 90% RH
• Elevation: 2000 m (power limited for heights above 2000 m)
2. Input
• Input voltage: 85 to 290 Vac, single-phase three-wire
• Maximum non-destructive input voltage when rectifier is not operating:
415 Vac
• Rated input voltage: 200 to 250 Vac
• Input current: <20A @ 3200 W, and at an input voltage of 176 Vac
• Inrush current: less than150% of the rated input steady-state peak
• Allowable input power frequency: 45-65 Hz
• Rated input power frequency: 50/60 Hz
3. Output
• Output voltage: 42 to 58 V
5. Efficiency
92% at best, 90.5% at full load and nominal input voltage
6. Load Sharing
The difference in the average current between rectifiers in one system
framework (max 1200A) is <±1.5 A for loads in the 10 to 100% range.
9. Startup Time
The rectifier has two startup modes:
(1) Normal soft start
The duration from the time when the rectifier is powered on to the time
when the rectifier provides output voltage is <5 s.
10. Noise
Peak to peak voltage is <100 mv from 0-100MHz at normal output voltage.
2) Dielectric Strength
• Between the AC input and the enclosure: the leakage current is <1 mA,
with no breakdown within 1 minute using an applied voltage of 2120 V.
• Between the AC input and the DC output: the leakage current is <1 mA,
with no breakdown within 1 minute using an applied voltage of 4242 V.
• Between the DC output and the enclosure: the leakage current is <1
mA, with no breakdown within 1 minute using an applied voltage of
707 V.
• Between the DC output and the ground: the leakage current is <1 mA,
with no breakdown within 1 minute using an applied voltage of 1500 V
(with the varistor and filter capacitors removed before doing the test).
15. Protection
1) Over-current protection:
• Input over-current protection (fuse)
• Output over-current protection (fuse)
• Short-circuit protection
2) Over/under voltage protection:
• Low voltage disable point: 80 Vac ±3 V (hysteresis at least 15 Vac for
• High voltage disable point: 295 Vac ±5 V (hysteresis at least 10 Vac
for restart)
• PFC over voltage protection: 445Vac ±5 V (hysteresis of 10 V)
o Fixed hardware HVSD level is 59.5 V.
o Software configurable HVSD level (using CSU) is 56-59 V.
o Delay of 50 ms before shutdown.
o In case of second HVSD within 5 minutes (the time can be set
through the CSU), the rectifier requires to be restarted manually.
o The rectifier needs not shut down if its output power is less than
10% of its rated load.
o Rectifiers can be reset through a power "on/off" cycle or by the
CSU (software).
17. Dimensions
132.5 mm (Height) X 88 mm (Width) X 287 mm (Depth)
18. Weight
Under 3.4 kg
Ear Bracket
Note: The rectifier locks to the 50 A shelf through a latch located on the
underside of the rectifier. The latch and rectifier handle are interactive.
Push the handle into the rectifier’s front panel, and the latch will pop out
from the rectifier bottom; click the handle to pop it out from the rectifier’s
front panel, and the latch will retract back into the rectifier. The latch
mechanism is shown in Figure 2-2.
1. Click the rectifier handle in order to pop it forwards out of the rectifier’s
front panel. This will retract the latch mechanism located on the
underside of the rectifier and thus unlock the rectifier from the shelf.
2. Slide the rectifier out by pulling forwards.
The 50A shelf with rectifiers and SCU installed is shown in Figure 2-3.
50A Rectifier
Prevent equipment damage!
In order to prevent damage to the latching mechanism, do
not use excessive force on the rectifier handle when
pushing the rectifier into the shelf.
Prevent personal injury!
Take care when removing a rectifier that was in operation,
as rectifier surfaces could be very hot.
Power On
Housekeeper starts up
DSP starts up
After the rectifiers are physically installed in the DC power cabinet, they
are ready for operation immediately after they are switched on. No tests
are required on the rectifiers before they are put into operation.
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
A, kA, mA Ampere, kiloampere, milliampere
AC Alternating current
C Celsius or centigrade
CAN Controller area network protocol
CE Conformite Europeene
COM Common
CSU Central supervision unit
dB, dBrn, dBrnC, dBA, Decibels, dB above reference noise, dB above reference
dBµA, dBm noise with C-message weighting, A-weighted decibels, dB
relative to 1 microamp, dB referenced to 1 milliwatt
DC Direct current
DSP Digital signal processor
EFT Electrical fast transients
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EN European standard
ESD Electrostatic discharge
ETS General standard emitted by ETSI
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
GND Ground
GR General requirements document emitted by Telcordia
HVSD High voltage shutdown
HW Hardware
Hz, kHz, GHz, MHz Hertz, kiloHertz, gigaHertz, megaHertz
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
kg Kilogram
L Line
m, mm Meter, millimeter
N Neutral
NC Not connected
NEBS Network equipment building system
PE Protective earth
PFC Power factor correction
RH Relative humidity
s, ms, µs Second, millisecond, microsecond
SCU Standard controller unit
SW Software
THD Total harmonic distortion
UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
V, Vac, Vdc, Vo, Vrms, Volt, Volt AC, Volt DC, output voltage, root mean square
mV, kV value of AC voltage, millivolt, kilovolt
W Watt
YD Chinese telecom standard
Ω Ohm