What Is "Abuse of Dominant Position"?: Tssssss SSSSSST
What Is "Abuse of Dominant Position"?: Tssssss SSSSSST
What Is "Abuse of Dominant Position"?: Tssssss SSSSSST
Self-Study Module #4
2 3 What is
What is wrong with If there is nothing “abuse of
being dominant? wrong with being
Nothing. dominant, why dominant
does the Philippine
It is not wrong for a company
to be big or dominant. “Bigness”
Competition Act
may be a result of good business
practices. It creates scale and deal with There is abuse of
efficiencies that ultimately
benefit the public. Thus, big
dominance? dominant position
when an entity with
companies may be better able The law’s provisions on abuse
than their smaller competitors to of dominance are not meant
a significant degree
introduce innovations or efficient to punish companies for their of power in a market
processes that can reduce their success. But, markets that are engages in conduct
costs while improving quality. dominated by a small number of that substantially
As a result, products or services large companies are vulnerable to
become more affordable and of anti-competitive practices.
prevent, restrict, or
better value to the consumer. In the conduct of their
lessen competition.
So to emphasize, there is nothing business, dominant companies,
wrong with being big or dominant! considering their size, scope, and
position of economic strength
*Disclaimer: This self-study module is meant only as an introduction, and for general information purposes. It is not a substitute for the
Philippine Competition Act (PCA) or its Implementing Rules and Regulations. It should not be taken as legal advice.
2 Self-Study Module #4
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How will the Philippine There shall be
Competition Commission a rebuttable
determine if a company has a presumption of
market dominant
dominant position? position if the
To determine if a company (c) The existence and power of market share of
has a dominant position, the its competitors; an entity in the
Commission could consider the
following factors:
(d) The possibility of access by relevant market is
its competitors or other entities
(a) Its market share in the to its sources of inputs; at least fifty percent
relevant market and whether it (e) The power of its customers (50%).
is able to fix prices unilaterally to switch to other goods or
or restrict supply in the relevant services;
( f) Its recent conduct; and
The Commission,
(b) The existence of barriers to
(g) Such other criteria that it however, may also
may deem to be relevant. set a new market
share threshold
sssssst 6 tssssss for any particular
sector, and it
How can the Philippine Competition shall, from time to
Commission discourage or prevent time, determine
and publish the
abuse of dominance?
threshold for
As previously mentioned, the (SMP) obligations—to help big
effect of an anti-competitive act businesses avoid anti-competitive dominant position
by a dominant player can have practices, provide safeguards for or minimum level
a disproportionate effect on non-dominant businesses, and
competitors and on competition ensure that the market remains of share in the
in the market that may be very competitive. relevant market
difficult to remedy.
The Commission can also work that could give rise
The PCC can minimize the with sector regulators to issue
threat of abuse of dominance by rules that promote competition, to a presumption of
requiring players with dominant protect consumers, and prevent dominant position.
position to comply with ex abuse of market power by
ante (or “before the event”) dominant players within their
rules. These are preventive respective sectors. sstttss
measures—sometimes referred
to as significant market power