Modus Operandi: The Tendency of Surplus To Rise
Modus Operandi: The Tendency of Surplus To Rise
Modus Operandi: The Tendency of Surplus To Rise
THE TENDENCY OF SURPLUS TO RISE Within the corporation, relations are direct, hierarchical,
bureaucratic. Here genuine planning holds sway, with direc-
tives flowing from the top down and responsibility from the
Monopoly capitalism is a system made up of giant corpora- bottom up. For the system as a whole, however, such relations
tions. This is not to say that there are no other elements in the are absent. Not even the largest corporations produce more
system or that it is useful to study monopoly capitalism by than a very small fraction of society's total output. Take Gen-
abstracting from everything except giant corporations. It is
eral Motors, for example, which, measured in terms of sales, is
both more realistic and more enlightening to proceed from the
the biggest industrial corporation in the country. In 1957,
outset by including, alongside the corporate-monopoly sector,
GM's total of wages, overhead costs, and profits, which corre-
a more or less extensive smaller-business sector, the reason
sponds closely to the company's contribution to the Gross Na-
being that smaller business enters in many ways into the calcu-
tional Product, amounted to just over $4 billion, about 1 per-
lations and strategies of Big Business. To abstract from smaller
business would be to exclude from the field of investigation cent of GNP for that year. It is of course true that several giant
some of the determinants of Big Business behavior. · corporations often act in concert, but they do so for the pur-
One must, however, be careful not to fall into the trap of pose of serving their own ends rather than for the purpose of
assuming that Big Business and smaller business are qualita- influencing, not to say controlling, the functioning of the sys-
tively equal or of coordinate importance for the modus tem as a whole.
operandi of the system. The dominant element, the prime Overall, monopoly capitalism is as unplanned as its competi-
mover, is Big Business organized in giant corporations. These tive predecesso . The big corporations relate to each other, to
corporations are profit maximizers and capital accumulators. consumers, to abor, to smaller business primarily through the
They are managed by company men whose fortunes are identi- market. The way the system works is still the unintended out-
fied with the corporations' success or failure. They and here come of the self-regarding actions of the numerous units that
the pronoun stands for both the corporations and the men- compose it. And since market relations are essentially price
look ahead and calculate with care. It is their initiative that relations, the study of monopoly capitalism, like that of com-
sets the economy in motion, their power that keeps it moving, petitive capitalism, must begin with the workings of the price
their policies that get it into difficulties and crises. Smaller mechanism. ·
business is on the receiving end, reacting to the pressures of The crucial difference between the two is well known and
Big Business, to a certain extent shaping and channeling them, can. be. summed up in the proposition that under competitive
but without effective power to counter them and still less to cap1tal1sm the individual enterprise is a ''price taker," while
exercise an independent initiative of its own. From the point of under monopoly capitalism the big corporation is a ''price