Energy-Optimal Data Aggregation and Dissemination For The Internet of Things

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2, APRIL 2018 955

Energy-Optimal Data Aggregation and

Dissemination for the Internet of Things
Emma Fitzgerald , Member, IEEE, Michał Pióro, Senior Member, IEEE, and Artur Tomaszewski

Abstract—Established approaches to data aggregation in wire- sink, reducing the number of packets that need to be trans-
less sensor networks (WSNs) do not cover the variety of new mitted. However, we are now seeing the development of new
use cases developing with the advent of the Internet of Things architectures and use cases with the advent of the Internet
(IoT). In particular, the current push toward fog computing, in
which control, computation, and storage are moved to nodes
of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communica-
close to the network edge, induces a need to collect data at mul- tion. Monitoring applications are still prevalent in application
tiple sinks, rather than the single sink typically considered in scenarios such as smart grids, vehicular communications,
WSN aggregation algorithms. Moreover, for machine-to-machine and smart cities, but are increasingly being complemented
communication scenarios, actuators subscribing to sensor mea- with actuation and in-network processing. The presence of
surements may also be present, in which case data should be actuators in the edge network means that data must not
not only aggregated and processed in-network but also dissemi-
nated to actuator nodes. In this paper, we present mixed-integer only be collected but also disseminated to actuators that
programming formulations and algorithms for the problem of need it.
energy-optimal routing and multiple-sink aggregation, as well An example of such a use case could be a nuclear reactor
as joint aggregation and dissemination, of sensor measurement with temperature sensors distributed throughout and actuators
data in IoT edge networks. We consider optimization of the net- that can open valves to flood the reactor with water for emer-
work for both minimal total energy usage, and min-max per-node
energy usage. We also provide a formulation and algorithm for
gency cooling in case of overheating. Each actuator needs to
throughput-optimal scheduling of transmissions under the phys- collect measurements from multiple temperature sensors, and
ical interference model in the pure aggregation case. We have if any of them exceeds a threshold, the valve is opened. In this
conducted a numerical study to compare the energy required for case, the aggregation function would be to take the maximum
the two use cases, as well as the time to solve them, in generated of the aggregated temperature measurements. With the use of
network scenarios with varying topologies and between 10 and in-network processing, the functions to be executed at inter-
40 nodes. Although aggregation only accounts for less than 15%
of total energy usage in all cases tested, it provides substantial mediate nodes can range from simple aggregation functions,
energy savings. Our results show more than 13 times greater such as the maximum function for the nuclear reactor, to more
energy usage for 40-node networks using direct, shortest-path complex computations like compress-and-forward [1] or error
flows from sensors to actuators, compared with our aggregation correction, which may use an appreciable amount of energy
and dissemination solutions. in their execution.
Index Terms—Aggregation, fog computing, Internet of Things Even in cases where data does not need to reach in-network
(IoT), mixed-integer programming (MIP), sensor networks. actuators, but should simply be collected and transmitted to a
single server, the expanding use of fog computing [2], [3]
(also called network edge computing), and the increased het-
I. I NTRODUCTION erogeneity of IoT networks means that the assumption of a
ATA aggregation has been a vital ingredient in wireless single sink to collect this data is no longer valid. Rather,
D sensor network (WSN) design for some time, improving
energy efficiency as nodes collate data on its way toward the
there may be multiple gateways with backbone connections
located at the network edge and possibly operated by differ-
ent parties. Much of the existing literature on data aggregation
Manuscript received July 25, 2017; revised January 11, 2018; accepted in WSNs has however focused on single-sink scenarios, and
January 25, 2018. Date of publication February 8, 2018; date of current so there is a need to develop solutions that combine both
version April 10, 2018. The work of M. Pióro and A. Tomaszewski was
supported by the National Science Centre, Poland, “Packet routing and gateway selection and routing for data aggregation for opti-
transmission scheduling optimization in multi-hop wireless networks with mal energy efficiency. Fog computing not only brings new
multicast traffic” under Grant 2017/25/B/ST7/02313. (Corresponding author: challenges but also provides new opportunities. With more
Emma Fitzgerald.)
E. Fitzgerald is with the Department of Electrical and Information
powerful nodes present at the network edge, greater coordi-
Technology, Lund University, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden (e-mail: nation based on more complex, optimal algorithms becomes feasible in some cases, potentially reducing energy usage even
M. Pióro is with the Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw University further than existing approaches designed to be executed by
of Technology, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland, and also with the Department of
Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University, SE-221 00 Lund, resource-constrained sensor nodes. Even where the optimal
Sweden (e-mail: solutions are not feasible to use in practice, for example, in
A. Tomaszewski is with the Institute of Telecommunications, highly dynamic networks, it is nonetheless valuable to develop
Warsaw University of Technology, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland (e-mail: them in order to provide performance bounds for approximate
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2803792 solutions.
2327-4662 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

A further challenge that must be met in conjunction with the study. Finally, Section IX concludes this paper and discusses
development of IoT systems is the rising density of networks, directions for future work.
with many nodes in close proximity and multiple networks
often overlapping. This means that simple radio interference
models, such as the unit disk or protocol models, may not II. R ELATED W ORK
be sufficient to capture the effects of second and higher order The problem of energy-efficient data aggregation in
interference. This refers to interference stemming from multi- WSNs first began to receive substantial attention in the
ple nodes transmitting simultaneously, even where any one of 2000s [10]. Given the constrained computation capacity
these nodes’ transmissions would not be sufficient on its own of sensor nodes and the distributed nature of such net-
to prevent successful decoding of packets at a given receiver works, much of the focus was on approximation algorithms
node. Compatible sets (c-sets) [4] are capable of accounting for practical implementation, although some work has also
for physical interference—that is, based on received signal been carried out on finding optimal solutions [1], [11]–[18].
strength—in a computationally efficient way, and have been Approximation algorithms for data aggregation can be mostly
successfully applied to modeling and optimization of wireless divided into tree-based [19]–[23], clustered [24]–[29], and
mesh networks [5]–[9]. hybrid [30] approaches [10]. Two of the most influential pro-
In this paper, we present two new models for data aggrega- tocols stemming from such methods are LEACH [24], [25]
tion in IoT networks. The first model, which we call 1K, allows and PEGASIS [20], on which much other work is
for collection of data at any of multiple, Internet-connected based [31]–[35]. More recently, structure-free aggregation has
gateways. Meanwhile, the second model, nK, is more appli- been proposed [36], [37], which does not rely on the forma-
cable to scenarios with actuators present in the network, and tion of a routing tree or clusters and is thus more suitable for
provides for joint data aggregation and dissemination to all, highly mobile networks.
or some minimum number of, multiple destination nodes. In Most of this work assumes a single sink as the data col-
both of these models, it is possible to specify a minimum num- lection point, and only data aggregation is performed; there
ber of sensor readings to be collected and aggregated. We then is no dissemination to multiple actuators. Multiple sinks are
formulate these models as optimization problems using mixed- considered in [19], however, here there is still only one prede-
integer programming (MIP), with the objective of minimum termined sink per data aggregation flow, making sink selection
total energy usage, taking into account energy costs for both unnecessary. In [21], data dissemination (but not aggregation)
wireless transmissions and computation of aggregation func- is investigated, with multiple data sinks for each source, but
tions. While network lifetime is also often a key performance each sink can only receive data from a single source. Optimal
metric, it requires a much more difficult optimization problem approaches with multiple sinks include [38], however, here
to achieve. In this paper, we also make an initial step toward only cluster formation is optimized, not the overall routing
network lifetime optimization, by providing formulations for tree, and cluster heads then transmit data to a central col-
min-max per-node energy optimization, for both the 1K and lection point using single-hop transmissions. In [17] multiple
nK scenarios. sinks were also used, giving an integer linear programming for-
Using our models, sensor and gateway selection, as well mulation for an optimal data collection schedule within each
as the routing subgraphs for data aggregation and dissemina- cluster such that at least one sensor measurement of each type
tion, are jointly optimized. For the 1K case, we also present is collected in each frame. Again, multihop transmission is not
a model and MIP formulation to optimize throughput of data considered; sensor nodes transmit directly to their nearest col-
collection, while maintaining minimum energy usage. We have lection point. Another integer linear programming solution,
performed numerical studies to investigate the minimum total presented in [18], also has multiple gateways, however, the
energy and min-max energy required for data aggregation and problem considered here is that of gateway placement, rather
dissemination, the maximum achievable throughput in the 1K than optimization of a multihop aggregation tree.
case, and the time to solve network scenarios with varying A scenario with multiple gateways motivates the work
numbers of nodes and topologies. in [1], but only a single sink is used in the actual optimization
Our results show that aggregation constitutes a low energy formulation. This paper is however interesting from another
cost, disproportionately so when taking into consideration the perspective, as it uses compress-and-forward to reduce the size
input energy costs for each transmission and aggregation oper- of a node’s transmission after it has overheard correlated mea-
ation. However, it provides a large advantage, with, in the surements from other nodes. In this paper, we consider fixed
most extreme case, 13.7 times higher energy usage using the packet sizes, and thus fixed transmission costs, however, in
most efficient paths between individual sensors and actuators, M2M communications, it is common for measurements to be
than using our nK aggregation and dissemination solutions. correlated, for example temporally, spatially, or semantically.
Min-max energy optimization provides overall less efficient The use of compress-and-forward would thus be a worthwhile
solutions, with less aggregation, but with energy usage more direction to pursue in future iterations of our models.
fairly distributed amongst the nodes in the network. In our 1K model, we address the optimization of a
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, multihop routing tree for data aggregation of at least some
we provide an overview of the related work in this area. given minimum number of sensor measurements, and their
Section III describes the network scenarios we consider, and propagation to any subset of multiple data collection nodes.
Sections IV–VII detail our system model and formulations. As such, this constitutes joint gateway selection and routing.
In Section VIII, we present the results of our numerical Moreover, if the total number of sensors in the network is

larger than the number of required measurements, sensor selec-

tion is also included. In our nK model, rather than routing
data aggregates to any gateway, each destination node must
receive measurements from a minimum number of sensors.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, ours is the first work
that considers such a joint aggregation and dissemination prob-
lem. Such models are necessary, since use cases for networks
containing not only sensors producing data but also actua-
tors consuming this data, will become increasingly common
in M2M communication scenarios [39].
We also provide throughput optimization for the 1K case
using a physical interference model based on c-sets. Most
existing work on data aggregation optimization uses either a
unit disk or protocol interference model, in which nodes have
a larger interference range than their transmission ranges, but
still only first order interferences from individual nodes are
considered. Work that uses a more realistic physical interfer-
ence model includes [11], [13], [14], [16], though with only a
single sink and without joint aggregation and dissemination.
Fig. 1. Example 1K scenario, with K = 12. Sensors nodes are shown in red,
aggregator nodes in white, and gateway nodes in blue. The central server is
III. S YSTEM OVERVIEW shown in yellow. Transit nodes and links belonging to the minimum-energy
aggregation tree are highlighted in green.
For our use case, we consider an IoT network, with four
types of nodes: 1) sensor nodes, which produce data by tak-
ing measurements and can also transit and aggregate other
sensors’ measurements; 2) aggregator nodes, which act as
multihop relays and aggregators but do not take measurements;
3) actuator nodes, which require sensor data in order to
perform tasks; and 4) gateways, which are fog nodes with
backhaul connections. Fog nodes are thus capable of reach-
ing a central server, such as a cloud service, via the Internet,
and do not have the same energy constraints as other nodes.
Sensors, actuators, and aggregators are battery-powered, and
suffer energy costs for both wireless transmission and the
computation required for data aggregation.
We thus have a wireless multihop network in which there is
a set of data streams S, representing different types of sensor
measurements. In each stream, there are a number of origin
nodes (sensors) O(s) producing data (one measurement from
each sensor per frame), and a number of destination nodes
(gateways or actuators) that wish to receive this data. Data may
be aggregated by nodes during transmission such that a node
receiving multiple packets belonging to a given stream can
combine them according to some function (e.g., average, sum, Fig. 2. Example nK scenario, with K = 12, for the same network as in Fig. 1.
and count) and the node then only transmits a single packet Sensor nodes are shown in red, aggregator nodes in white, and actuator nodes
in blue. The central server, shown in yellow, is not used for the nK case.
representing this aggregate. Data from different streams is not Transit nodes and links belonging to the minimum-energy aggregation and
aggregated; a stream is thus defined in a data-centric way as dissemination subgraph are highlighted in green.
consisting of information that is subject to aggregation.
How the destination nodes receive the data depends on the
application. In the simpler case, which we name 1K, we wish sensor measurements, and thus need to each collect a suffi-
to collect a certain number K of (aggregated) measurements cient number of measurements (Fig. 2). These measurements
at some central server. In this case, the destination nodes rep- must originally come from different origin nodes, but multiple
resent fog gateways, and it is not important which gateway destination nodes may receive the same set of measurements.
collects any given measurement (Fig. 1). In the figure, the The performance metrics of interest will also in general
transmission links between the gateways and the central server depend on the application, however, here we will consider
go over the Internet and thus do not incur energy costs. The two objective functions: 1) minimum total energy usage and
second use case, nK, is where the destination nodes them- 2) min-max energy usage. Energy is used both to transmit
selves wish to use the data, that is, the destination nodes each packet, and to aggregate packets. This means there is an
are actuators that must perform some action based on the inherent tradeoff in performing aggregation; each packet that

must be aggregated costs energy, but this aggregation saves S UMMARY OF N OTATION FOR 1K F ORMULATIONS
energy by reducing the number of packets to be transmitted.
Our first objective function aims to simply reduce the energy
used by the network as a whole, while our second function tar-
gets network lifetime. Whether total energy usage or network
lifetime is of greater interest depends on the specific applica-
tion scenario. Where nodes are easily accessible for battery
changes, or are connected to mains power (as in, for example,
smart grids), total energy may be more important, whereas
when nodes rely on a single battery or on energy harvest-
ing, network lifetime may take precedence. To determine total
energy usage requires a relatively simple additive function of
the energy used by all nodes in the network. However, using
network lifetime as the objective leads to much more com-
plicated optimization. This is because in this case we must
consider which nodes are depleted of energy first, and how
this affects the routing of the data streams. As such, the min-
max energy optimization we contribute in this paper does not
fully characterize network lifetime, but nonetheless provides
the first step toward this goal.
The performance of data aggregation will also depend on the
aggregation policy. For example, data may be aggregated based
on temporal or geographical locality, or on data similarity. In
our modeling, we take an agnostic approach to the aggrega-
tion policy. Different aggregation policies may be applied by
selecting appropriate eligible origin, destination, and aggre-
gator nodes, and this topology can then be supplied to our
formulations. Our model allows for different sets of origin,
destination, and aggregator nodes for each data stream, giving
fine-grained control over the data aggregation policy.
In the following sections, we present MIP formulations for
minimum total energy and min-max energy routing for both
the 1K and nK cases, as well as a formulation for minimum
frame (maximum throughput) transmission for the 1K case.

IV. 1K T OTAL E NERGY M INIMIZATION the set of arcs outgoing from a given node v ∈ V (the
so-called incoming and outgoing stars) are denoted by
The method we employ for 1K aggregation is to use reverse
δ − (v) and δ + (v), respectively.
arborescences (called r-arborescences in the following), that is,
2) The set of nodes V is composed of three mutually dis-
directed trees in which the arcs point toward the root node
joint subsets: a) the set of sensor nodes O; b) the set of
such that all leaf nodes have exactly one path to the root
aggregator nodes N ; and c) the set of destination nodes
node. Using r-arborescences ensures that no packet from an
D, and, additionally, of a central server (an artificial sink
origin node in a given stream is counted twice, since it can
node) W. Thus, V = O ∪ N ∪ D ∪ {W}.
only reach the central server along a single path. For a com-
3) Each destination node has only one outgoing arc, linking
plete r-arborescence, each destination node for a stream should
it to the central server: δ + (d) = {(d, W)}, d ∈ D.
have an arc connecting it to the central server (the root node),
4) The only arcs incident to the central server are those
however, transmissions along these arcs are omitted from our
from the destination nodes: δ + (W) = ∅, δ − (W) =
energy model, and so they do not induce energy costs and
{(d, W) : d ∈ D}.
are only used to ensure correct flows from origin to destina-
5) Origin nodes o ∈ O generate, transit, and aggregate
tion nodes. The notation used in the following formulations is
packets. Aggregator nodes v ∈ N transit and aggregate
summarized in Table I.
packets, but do not generate their own. Destination nodes
d ∈ D aggregate packets and forward them to the sink
A. Assumptions W. The sink then receives and aggregates these packets,
For the 1K use case, a total of K(s) measurements must but does not transmit any packets.
be collected at destination nodes for each stream s ∈ S. We 6) Each stream s ∈ S has a set of sensor nodes O(s)
assume the following. (O(s) ⊆ O), a set of aggregator nodes N (s) (N (s) ⊆
1) The network graph G = (V, E) is composed of the (N ∪ O)\O(s)), and a set of destination nodes D(s)
set of nodes V and the set of (directed) arcs E ⊆ (D(s) ⊆ D). O(s), N (s), and D(s) are mutually disjoint.
V 2 \{(v, v) : v ∈ V}. The set of arcs incoming to and Note that all nodes in N(s) act solely as aggregators for

stream s, even though some of them (those in O) are A(s), and that there are no loops in A(s). The first condi-
origin nodes for other streams. tion is enforced by the flow constraints (1c) and (1d) together
7) Packets of each stream s ∈ S have access only to the with (1e), while the second condition is enforced by the objec-
nodes in V(s) = O(s) ∪ N (s) ∪ D(s) ∪ {W}, i.e., to the tive that ensures that the number of arcs in an optimal A(s)
subgraph G(s) = (V(s), E(s)) [where E(s) = E ∩ V(s)2 ] is minimal.
of G generated by the set of nodes V(s). Constraints (1g)–(1j) concern the energy costs.
8) For a given s ∈ S, δ − (s, v) = δ − (v) ∩ E(s) and Constraints (1g) and (1h) induce aggregation processing
δ + (s, v) = δ + (v) ∩ E(s) are, respectively, the stars of costs only when a node receives (and generates, in the
the arcs incoming to and outgoing from node v ∈ V(s) case of origin nodes) at least two packets to be aggregated.
in subgraph G(s). Note that the non-negativity of gsv is enforced by the range
constraint (1n). Finally, constraint (1i) sums the transmis-
B. Routing and Aggregation Optimization sion costs along all arcs of the r-arborescence A(s), and
The optimization problem for minimum total energy routing constraint (1j) sums the processing costs across all nodes
and aggregation in the 1K case is formulated as follows: in A(s).

min (Ps + Qs ) (1a) C. Decomposition of the Routing Problem
 Note that the routing problem formulated in (1) can be
xso ≥ K(s), s∈S (1b) decomposed to |S| separate minimization subproblems solved
o∈O (s) for each stream s ∈ S. Each such subproblem computes, for
zose = zose a given fixed s, the value R(s) = min(Ps + Qs ) with respect
e∈δ + (s,v) e∈δ − (s,v) to constraints 
(1b)–(1o). Clearly, the minimum of (1a) will be
s ∈ S, o ∈ O(s), v ∈ V(s)\{o, W} (1c) equal to R = s∈S R(s) and the optimal solutions of the sub-
 problems, when combined, will produce the optimal solution
zose = xso , s ∈ S, o ∈ O(s) (1d) of (1).
e∈δ − (s,W) The so-described decomposition is advantageous for time
zose ≤ yse , s ∈ S, o ∈ O(s), e ∈ E(s) (1e) efficiency of the branch-and-bound solution algorithm since

yse ≤ 1, s ∈ S, v ∈ V(s) (1f) the solution time for the decomposed algorithm is linear with
e∈δ + (s,v) |S| while the solution time for (1) may scale more quickly with
 |S|, due to the much larger number of variables and constraints
gsv ≥ yse − 1, s ∈ S, v ∈ N (s) (1g) in comparison to the subproblems.
e∈δ − (s,v)

gso ≥ yse + xso − 1, s ∈ S, o ∈ O(s) (1h) D. Non-Aggregating Sensor Nodes
e∈δ − (s,v) In formulation (1), we have assumed that all nodes are capa-

Ps = B yse , s∈S (1i) ble of aggregation and transiting (the latter function is not
e∈E (s)\δ − (s,W)
required for the server W). However, in some use cases, sensor
 nodes may be more limited and restricted to only broadcasting
Qs = C gsv , s∈S (1j) their own sensor measurements, without transiting or aggregat-
v∈O (s)∪N (s) ing measurements generated by other sensors. Our formulation
xso ∈ B, s ∈ S, o ∈ O(s) (1k) can also be applied to such a case. This is achieved sim-
zose ∈ R+ , s ∈ S, o ∈ O(s), e ∈ E(s) (1l) ply by removing all the arcs incoming to the sensor nodes
yse ∈ B, s ∈ S, e ∈ E(s) (1m) from the network
 graph. Note that then for all s ∈ S and
o ∈ O(s), e∈δ − (s,o) zose = 0 [because δ − (s, o) = ∅] so that
gsv ∈ R+ , s ∈ S, v ∈ O(s) ∪ N (s) (1n) the flow conservation constraints (1c) and (1d) remain valid.
Ps , Qs ∈ R, s ∈ S. (1o) Note also that since the sensor nodes do not aggregate, vari-
The objective function (1a) seeks to minimize the total energy ables gso , s ∈ S, o ∈ O(s), together with constraints (1h),
used by all nodes for both transmission and aggregation. For are removed from the formulation. Additionally, the sets O(s)
explaining the constraints, consider an arbitrary fixed data must be deleted from the summation range in (1j).
stream s ∈ S. Then constraints (1b) ensure that sufficient sen-
sor measurements are collected at the server to satisfy the V. F RAME M INIMIZATION
stream. The flow conservation constraints (1c) and (1d) force Once the optimal r-arborescences A(s) := {e ∈ E
(s) : y∗se =
that for each active sensor o (xso = 1), a flow of value 1 from o 1} [where E
(s) := E(s)\δ − (W) and y∗ is optimal for (1)] for
to W is realized along the arcs of E(s). Constraints (1e) make all s ∈ S are found, the transmission pattern is optimized
sure that any arc used by a flow is present in the r-arborescence to achieve maximum throughput for the collection of sensor
A(s) = {e ∈ E(s) : yse = 1}. measurement streams. We adopt a similar method as in [8],
Constraints (1f) enforce one of the conditions characterizing based on the c-sets. A c-set is a set of arcs that can successfully
the r-arborescence—at most one outgoing link to be used by transmit simultaneously.
each node in V(s). The remaining two r-arborescence condi- Consider a time-division multiple access (TDMA) frame
tions require that all active sensors are connected to W within consisting of a number of time slots, where each slot is

sufficiently long for a node to transmit an (aggregated) mea- adding the c-set c
will usually decrease the frame length (this
surement. We assume a TDMA-based medium access control issue will soon be described in more detail). This procedure is
scheme for this optimization, since any other scheme will repeated until there does not exist any such new c-set, which
potentially have collisions and/or idle time, resulting in lower means that the final dual (and primal) solutions thus obtained
throughput. We thus obtain the maximum theoretical through- are optimal even if C were extended to the list of all possible
put, although in practice TDMA may not be the most suitable c-sets.
choice due to the coordination required. For generating the c-set c
described above, the following
We then wish to minimize the number of slots in the frame pricing problem is used:
(the frame length) such that all necessary transmissions occur 
during a single frame. The frame then repeats to allow a stream max πe∗ Ye (4a)
of data to reach from the origin to the destination nodes. Note e∈A

that an individual measurement does not traverse from origin Ye ≤ 1, v ∈ V(A) (4b)
to destination during a single frame, but rather each transmis- e∈δ − (v)∪δ + (v)
sion required for this end-to-end route is provided for at least 
once in the frame. The pipelining of multiple subsequent mea- Ye = Xv , v ∈ V(A) (4c)
surements in the streams then fills all slots in the frame with e∈δ + (v)
⎛ ⎞
transmissions after an initial warm-up period.
An appropriate optimization problem can be constructed by p(v, w)Y(v,w) ≥ ⎝η + p(u, w)Xu ⎠Y(v,w) ,
means of the  following integer programming (IP) formulation γ
u∈V (A)\{v,w}
[where A := s∈S A(s)]:
 (v, w) ∈ A (4d)
min Tc (2a) Ye ∈ B, e ∈ A (4e)
 Xv ∈ B, v ∈ V(A) (4f)
[πe ≥ 0] Tc ≥ n(e), e∈A (2b)
c∈C (e) where V(A) denotes the set of nodes that appear in the r-
Tc ∈ Z+ , c∈C (2c) arborescences. The objective function (4a) generates a new
c-set that maximizes the left-hand side of constraint (3b) for
where n(e) := s∈S yseis the number of r-arborescences the current dual solution π ∗ . Constraints (4b) require that a
that use arc e ∈ A. Here, the objective function (2a) node either be inactive or only transmit or receive on a sin-
minimizes the total number of time slots needed in each gle incoming or outgoing link at a time, and constraints (4c)
frame, and constraints (2b) ensure that each c-set is active ensure that a node is included in the generated c-set if it
in a sufficient number of slots to transmit all packets on transmits (i.e., any of its outgoing arcs are in the c-set). The
each arc. SINR constraints for successful transmission are expressed
To solve the above problem, we need to apply c-set gen- in (4d), where γ is the SINR threshold for correct decod-
eration (see [8]), since the number of all possible c-sets ing of the data, p(v, w) is the received power from node v
grows exponentially with the size of the network graph. For at node w, and η is the noise power. To get an IP formula-
this we first solve the linear relaxation of (2) (i.e., assum- tion, the bi-linearities in (4d) can be handled in the standard
ing Tc ∈ R+ , c ∈ C) using the column generation approach. way by introducing auxiliary non-negative continuous vari-
Suppose that an initial list of c-sets C is given (for example, ables Zue = Xu · Ye and additional constraints Zue ≤ Xu , Zue ≤
such a list can consist of all singletons {e}, e ∈ A) and form Ye , Zue ≥ Xu + Ye − 1. If the maximum of (4) is greater
the problem dual to (2) (in dual variables πe , e ∈ A) than 1 then the c-set c
:= {e ∈ A : Ye∗ = 1} (where Y ∗ is

max πe n(e) (3a) an optimal solution) is added to the current list of the c-sets
e∈A used in (2).
 The pricing problem will produce a c-set c
(if any) whose
πe ≤ 1, c∈C (3b)
constraint (3b) is maximally broken by π ∗ . If the primal
problem [the linear relaxation of (2)] is solved by the sim-
πe ∈ R+ , e ∈ A. (3c)
plex algorithm, then when a new column (variable Tc
) is
Consider a dual optimal solution π ∗ = (πe∗ , e ∈ A) and sup- added to (2) and this column replaces one of the current
pose there exists a c-set, c
, say, outside the current list C with
 basic variables, the local rate of decrease in  the value of

the primal objective (2a) will be equal to 1 − e∈c
πe∗ (in
πe > 1. When c is added to the list (C := C ∪ {c }) then
the new dual has one more constraint (3b) corresponding to c
, the simplex method this value is called the reduced cost of
and this particular constraint is broken by the current optimal variable Tc
), and thus maximal over all c-sets. After column
solution π ∗ . This means that the new dual polytope (for the c
 the basis, the value of (2a) will be decreased by
updated c-set list) is a proper subset of the previous dual poly- (1 − e∈c
πe∗ )t, where t is the value assigned to variable
tope, as the current optimal dual solution is cut off by the new Tc
by the simplex pivot operation. Certainly, if the current
dual constraints. Therefore, in the updated dual the maximum basic solution is degenerate then t may have to stay at the
of (3a) cannot be greater than the previous maximum, and in zero value, and in effect the objective function will not be
fact in most cases it will be decreased. Since the maximum of decreased. Nevertheless, adding variable Tc
to the problem
the dual is equal to the minimum of the primal problem (2), is necessary for the simplex algorithm to proceed toward

S UMMARY OF N OTATION FOR nK F ORMULATION B. Routing, Aggregation, and Dissemination Optimization
Below we present an IP formulation of routing optimization
for aggregation and dissemination of data in the nK case
min P + Q (5a)

xod ≥ K, d∈D (5b)
e =
zod e ,
e∈δ + (v) e∈δ − (v)
o ∈ O, d ∈ D, v ∈ V\{o, d} (5c)

e =x , od
o ∈ O, d ∈ D (5d)
e∈δ − (d)

e ≤ Ye ,
zod o ∈ O, d ∈ D, e ∈ E (5e)

Ye ≤ e ,
zod e∈E (5f)
o∈O d∈D

e ≤ ye ,
zod o ∈ O, d ∈ D, e ∈ E
the optimal vertex solution. Observe that the final simplex 
solution of the linear relaxation of (2) will contain at most yoe ≤ e ,
zod o ∈ O, e ∈ E (5h)
|A| nonzero values in the vector T ∗ = (Tc∗ , c ∈ C) spec- d∈D

ifying the optimal vertex. As shown in [40], this property yoe ≤ 1, o ∈ O, v ∈ V (5i)
helps to develop a reasonable heuristic for solving the primal
e∈δ − (v)
problem. ⎛ ⎞
After generating the c-set list C, problem (2) is solved by 

the branch-and-bound algorithm in integer variables Tc , c ∈ C. Xv ≥ yoe + ⎝ y ⎠−1


Note that the integer solution, Tc∗ , c ∈ C, obtained thereby e

∈δ − (v)\{e}
may in general be suboptimal, since there can exist c-sets v ∈ V, e ∈ δ − (v), {o, o
} ∈ O|2| (5j)

that are not necessary to solve the linear relaxation but are Xvoo ≤ 1, {o, o
} ∈ O|2| (5k)
required for achieving the true optimum of (2) (when all c- v∈V
sets are considered). In fact, to assure such true optimality, 
the IP problem should be solved using the branch-and- gv ≥ Ye − 1, v∈N ∪D (5l)
price algorithm [41] instead of the price-and-branch algo- e∈δ − (v)

rithm (i.e., the algorithm described above). Note also that go ≥ Ye + uo − 1, o∈O (5m)
a reasonable suboptimal solution of (2) can be obtained e∈δ − (v)
by simply rounding up the (fractional) linear relaxation
uo ≥ xod , o ∈ O, d ∈ D (5n)
Gv ≥ b(e)Ye , v ∈ O ∪ N , e ∈ δ + (v) (5o)

P= Gv , (5p)

For the nK case, we consider only one data aggregation Q=C gv (5q)
stream and therefore we omit index s. Additional notation v∈V
introduced for the nK formulation is summarized in Table II.
xod ∈ B, o ∈ O, d ∈ D (5r)
e ∈ B, o ∈ O, d ∈ D, e ∈ E (5s)
A. Assumptions
uo ∈ B, o∈O (5t)
In the nK case, at least K measurements must be collected yoe ∈ R+ , o ∈ O, e ∈ E (5u)
at each destination node. We assume the following.
1) The set of nodes V is composed of three mutually dis- Ye ∈ R+ , e∈E (5v)

joint subsets: a) the set of sensor (origin) nodes O; b) the Xvoo ∈ R+ , v ∈ N ∪ D, {o, o
} ∈ O|2| (5w)
set of aggregator nodes N ; and c) the set of destination Gv ∈ R+ , v∈O∪N (5x)
nodes D. Thus, V = O ∪ N ∪ D.
gv ∈ R+ , v ∈ V. (5y)
2) Origin nodes generate, transit, and aggregate packets.
Aggregation nodes N transit and aggregate packets. As in the 1K case, the objective function (5a) minimizes
Destination nodes D can aggregate packets but do not the total energy usage for transmission and aggregation.
transit them [hence, δ + (d) = ∅, d ∈ D]. Constraints (5b) ensure each destination node receives a suffi-
3) In effect, all aggregates (the measurement broadcast cient number of sensor measurements. The flow conservation
from a sensor node is also treated as an aggregate) constraints (5c) and (5d) require there to be a flow from
received at a node in O ∪ N are collected, aggregated, each origin node o to each destination node d that is sup-
and broadcast. posed to collect the origin node’s measurement (xod = 1).

Constraints (5e)–(5h) require arcs to be used if and only if they point it is no longer possible to find a routing solution, and
carry flows. Note that in the optimal solution variables Ye will the network can be considered to have ultimately failed.
be binary as they are forced to 1 by binary variables zod
e on arcs For min-max energy optimization for the 1K case, we
used for transmission [constraints (5e)], while on arcs with no present the following extension based on formulation (1):
transmissions they are forced to 0 [constraints (5f)]. Variables
yoe have the same property, since they are either forced to 1 min Z (6a)
by constraints (5g), or to zero by constraints (5h). Z ≥ Gv , v∈O∪N (6b)

Constraints (5i)–(5k) provide the conditions for aggregation. Gv = Gsv , v∈N (6c)
In particular, constraints (5i) ensure that no measurement may s∈S
be received on more than one arc incoming to a node. Next,  

Gsv = Cgsv + p yse + q yse
constraints (5j) force variable Xvoo to be equal to 1 when mea-
e∈δ + (v) e∈δ − (v)
surements from two different origins o and o
enter node v on
two different arcs and thus are aggregated at v. Finally, con- v ∈ O(s) ∪ N (s), s ∈ S (6d)
straints (5k) make sure that two packets from different origin Z, Gsv , Gv ∈ R+ , s ∈ S, v ∈ V. (6e)
nodes can be aggregated at most once.
Above, p + q = B where p is the cost of broadcasting a
Any node that receives at least two packets aggregates
packet from a node and q is the cost of receiving a packet
them, and will incur a processing cost proportional to the
at a node. The new objective and constraint (6b) substitute the
number of packets aggregated, given by constraints (5l)–(5n).
old objective (1a), and constraints (6c) and (6d) substitute con-
Constraint (5o) sets each node’s transmission cost to the high-
straints (1j) and (1i). The minimum of Z expresses the energy
est cost of any of the outgoing links on which it broadcasts
consumed by the node with the maximum consumption during
a packet. Lastly, constraints (5p) and (5q) calculate the total
one measurement cycle.
transmission and processing costs, respectively.
For the nK case [formulation (5)] again the objective (6a)
Remark 1: Note that the energy calculation in (5p) is opti-
replaces the old objective (5a), and we additionally replace
mistic, as, due to interference, it may take more than one
constraints (5p) and (5q) with the following:
broadcast to deliver an aggregate from a node v to all neighbor-
ing nodes in {w : (v, w) ∈ δ + (v), Y(v,w) = 1}. This issue must Z ≥ Hv , v∈O∪N (7a)

be solved during transmission scheduling. Note that this prob- Hv = Cgv + pGv + q Ye , v∈O∪N (7b)
lem is not present in the 1K case, since there all transmissions
e∈δ − (v)
are unicast.
Hv ∈ R+ , v ∈ O ∪ N . (7c)
We do not, however, consider frame minimization for the nK
case here. Due to the multicast transmissions for dissemination
of measurements to multiple destinations, frame minimization VIII. N UMERICAL S TUDY
becomes significantly more complicated than for the 1K case We conducted a numerical study with network instances
(see [42]). As such, we leave this problem for future work. with 10 to 40 nodes, generated using [43]. Nodes were placed
Remark 2: The formulation provided above can be adapted uniformly randomly in a square area, and a subset of them
to multiple streams in a similar manner as in Section IV. were designated as origin and destination nodes. The area was
The formulation as given here then becomes a subproblem scaled with the number of nodes to maintain a constant net-
solved on the subgraph for the corresponding stream, and the work density. The number of measurements to collect, number
overall objective becomes the sum of the objectives of the of sensors, and number of destination nodes were also scaled
subproblems for each stream. with the total number of nodes in the network. However, due
Remark 3: The case where sensor nodes do not aggregate or to quantization, this scaling is not exact, but rather follows
transit data can be accommodated for the nK case in a similar the relation r|V| , where r = 0.4 for the number of sensors,
way to the 1K case. Constraints (5m) and (5n), along with r = 0.15 for the number of destination nodes, and r = 0.75
variables uo , o ∈ O, should be removed, and the summation for the number of measurements to collect. These numbers
range in constraints (5q) changed from V to N ∪ D. were chosen in order to generate network scenarios where
aggregation and routing were required to a sufficient extent
to illustrate the performance of our models. Generated net-
VII. M IN -M AX E NERGY O PTIMIZATION works for which one or more of the optimization problems was
In order to work toward optimization for the network life- infeasible, for example due to disjoint network components,
time, as an alternative to total energy usage, we here consider were discarded and a new instance was generated instead.
min-max energy optimization, that is, optimizing for the mini- The results described below are obtained from 20 network
mum energy usage of the node that uses the most energy. This instances for each data point. A summary of the parameters
is the node that will deplete its battery and fail first, so this used is shown in Table III. These parameters are used for
gives a measure of the time to failure of the network. For a all experiments, both those concerning 1K optimization, and
complete characterization of network lifetime, routes should those for nK optimization. For both the 1K and nK cases, one
then be recomputed after the failure of this node, using the data aggregation stream was used.
min-max energy of the remaining nodes as the objective func- Links between nodes were established based on a trans-
tion. This process would then be iterated until the remaining mission power of 20 mW, signal attenuation (path loss)
set of nodes yields an infeasible problem instance, at which proportional to distance with an exponent of 4, noise power of


Fig. 4. Mean energy costs for the nK case, with 95% confidence intervals.

Fig. 3. Mean energy costs for the 1K case, with 95% confidence intervals.

−81 dBm, and an SINR threshold of 8 dB. These values were

also used for the SINR calculations in the frame minimization
for the 1K case. The transmission energy cost and aggrega-
tion processing cost were set to 5 and 1, respectively. Note Fig. 5. Mean number of aggregating nodes used for the 1K case, with 95%
that the absolute values of these costs are unimportant for the confidence intervals.
optimization; rather, it is the ratio of the two that matters.

A. Total Energy Cost

Our main experiments concerned the total energy cost using
formulations (1) and (5). The energy costs for 1K routing are
shown in Fig. 3, and for nK routing in Fig. 4. In the figures, the
average energy usage across all 20 network instances is shown
for each data point, along with 95% confidence intervals. The
bulk of the energy used is for transmission. Although this is
of course influenced by the choice of the relative costs, trans-
mission energy nonetheless accounts for a disproportionately
large amount of the overall energy used. For small networks
(10 nodes), the energy used for the 1K and nK cases is simi-
lar, but for nK we see a faster increase as the network grows
larger. Fig. 6. Mean number of aggregating nodes used for the nK case, with 95%
Figs. 5 and 6 show the number of nodes that aggregate confidence intervals.
packets for the 1K and nK cases, respectively. In both cases,
the number of aggregating nodes increases steadily with the Boxplots of the solution times for routing in 1K and nK
number of nodes in the network, although there is greater scenarios are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. Note that
variance for the nK case. This indicates that aggregation is solution times are shown with a logarithmic scale due to the
being used in the routing solutions proportionally with the large range of solution times observed. For all the network
network size. Examining the solutions produced reveals that scenarios generated, the solution times for the 1K case remain
this is because aggregation generally occurs close to the ori- small (on the order of seconds or tens of seconds), although
gin nodes, which will lower transmission costs as then only a there is greater variance as the network size increases. The
single aggregate packet needs to be transmitted further across solution time for the nK case increases much more rapidly,
the network. Example solutions are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, soon becoming impractical except for static network scenarios.
illustrating this behavior. Nonetheless, our results can be used to provide performance

Fig. 9. Solution time for 1K routing, shown in logarithmic scale. The red
lines indicate the median, and the blue boxes give the first and third quartiles.

Fig. 7. Example routing solution for 1K with 30 nodes. Used links and
aggregating nodes are shown in green.

Fig. 10. Solution time for nK routing, shown in logarithmic scale. The red
lines indicate the median, and the blue boxes give the first and third quartiles.


Fig. 8. Example routing solution for nK with 30 nodes. Used links and
aggregating nodes are shown in green. little variance, and the frame length grew only slowly with
the number of nodes in the network. This indicates that frame
minimization does not add substantially to the work required
bounds for approximation algorithms. For the nK scenarios,
to find a solution, and should thus be feasible in any scenario
there is even greater variance in the solution times than for
where aggregation routing is feasible.
1K. Further work is needed to investigate which network char-
acteristics contribute to a shorter or longer solution time. All
problem instances were solved on an Intel Core i7-3770K CPU B. Energy Costs Without Aggregation
(3.5 GHz) with 8 virtual cores (4 cores with 2 threads each), While aggregation energy costs represent a relatively small
and 8 GB RAM. proportion of the overall energy costs, the ability to aggregate
The results for the frame minimization in 1K scenarios data is critical to energy efficiency. To illustrate this, we
are shown in Table IV. Average solution times for frame here present results showing the energy costs without aggre-
minimization were less than 0.5 s for all network sizes, with gation. For these results, the scenarios were generated as

Fig. 11. Mean energy costs without aggregation for the 1K case, with 95% Fig. 13. Mean energy costs for the 1K case with min-max energy
confidence intervals. optimization, with 95% confidence intervals.

Fig. 12. Mean energy costs without aggregation for the nK case, with 95% Fig. 14. Mean energy costs for the nK case with min-max energy
confidence intervals. optimization, with 95% confidence intervals.

in the previous section, however, routing was performed C. Min-Max Energy

using a more traditional shortest path approach. Specifically, In the following, we present results for min-max energy
energy costs were computed using the following steps for 1K optimization. In this case, the objective function is the
aggregation. minimum energy usage of the node that uses the most energy,
1) For each stream s ∈ S, and for each origin node o ∈ and as such, the results are not directly comparable to those
O(s), find a shortest path from o to the central node W for total energy cost optimization. This is because here we
in subgraph G(s). obtain the energy usage of a single node (the node that uses
2) For each stream s ∈ S, use K(s) shortest paths from the most energy), whereas for the total energy cost case we
origins in O(s), out of |O(s)| candidate paths. obtain the energy usage for the entire network. Since energy
3) For each arc e ∈ E, compute n(e), that is, how many of costs for aggregation and transmission are combined in the
the selected paths (for all streams) 
use arc e. min-max formulations (6) and (7), we only show the total
4) The (minimal) energy cost is then e∈E Bn(e). energy usage, rather than a breakdown of the energy used for
Shortest paths were computed using the NetworkX these two functions as previously. We present here only results
library [44]. For the nK case, the procedure was similar, except for networks up to a maximum of 35 nodes, rather than 40
that shortest paths were computed between each pair of ori- nodes as previously, due to the excessive execution times for
gin and destination nodes, and then the K shortest paths were the latter case.
chosen to each destination. Figs. 13 and 14 show the min-max energy cost for the 1K
Figs. 11 and 12 show the energy costs without aggregation and nK cases, respectively. Compared with the total energy
for the 1K and nK cases, respectively. The savings in energy cost, here we see little variation in the energy cost as the
usage are substantial in both cases, indeed, for the nK case number of nodes increases. Since the total number of packets
we see an order of magnitude lower energy cost. This illus- to be collected does increase with the number of nodes, this
trates the importance of finding efficient routing solutions for suggests that the work to aggregate and forward data packets
data aggregation, especially for emerging M2M scenarios in is spread throughout the network, rather than disproportion-
which dissemination of aggregated data to actuator nodes is ately allocated to one or a few bottleneck nodes. This is a
also required. positive result in terms of the overall network lifetime, as in

Fig. 15. Mean number of aggregating nodes used for the 1K case with
min-max energy optimization, with 95% confidence intervals.

Fig. 17. Example routing solution for 1K with min-max energy optimization,
with 30 nodes. Used links and aggregating nodes are shown in green.

Fig. 16. Mean number of aggregating nodes used for the nK case with
min-max energy optimization, with 95% confidence intervals.

general network lifetime is improved by more fairly distribut-

ing energy-draining work amongst the nodes in the network.
However, a full investigation of network lifetime is required
to properly demonstrate the performance in this case.
The number of nodes that aggregate is shown in
Figs. 15 and 16. For the 1K case, the number of aggregating
nodes is much lower than for total energy optimization, and
does not display the same relationship with the number of
nodes in the network. This is because although aggregation in
general saves energy (by reducing transmission energy costs),
it nonetheless represents an energy cost for the individual
aggregating node. For min-max optimization therefore, where
individual node energy is more important than overall energy, Fig. 18. Example routing solution for nK with min-max energy optimization,
aggregation is actually avoided unless it reduces redundant with 30 nodes. Used links and aggregating nodes are shown in green.
transmission for the specific aggregating node itself. This
results in relatively few or even no nodes aggregating, and
overall more paths used throughout the network such that each we see a larger number of aggregating nodes than for total
node also only transmits one or a few times. An example solu- energy optimization. This is because, although aggregation
tion is shown in Fig. 17. In this solution, no aggregation occurs occurs in both cases, for min-max energy usage it is more
at all, and the origin nodes’ measurements take disjoint paths distributed, with each node typically only aggregating few
to the destination nodes. packets. This can be seen in the example solution in Fig. 18,
For the nK case, on the other hand, since more packets where both aggregating nodes and links used are distributed
need to be transmitted overall, it is harder for measurements widely throughout the network.
to take disjoint paths. This means that aggregation becomes The routing solution times are shown in Fig. 19 for the 1K
necessary in order to save energy at individual nodes. Here, case, and Fig. 20 for the nK case. The min-max experiments

longer for min-max optimization than for total energy opti-

mization, but are nonetheless fairly short—on the order of
seconds—even for large problem instances. Solving for the
r-arborescences used for routing once again constitutes the
bulk of the work.

While the numerical results presented here provide an indi-
cation of the performance of our models, there is much more
that remains to be investigated. First, the frame minimization
that was performed here for the 1K case should be extended
to the nK case. Further, the effects of the different network
parameters should be explored more thoroughly. These include
Fig. 19. Solution time for 1K routing with min-max energy optimization,
shown in logarithmic scale. The red lines indicate the median, and the blue the number of destination and origin nodes, the network den-
boxes give the first and third quartiles. sity, the number of required packets K, and the ratio of the
aggregation cost to the transmission cost. There is also work
to be done in order to better understand the variance observed
in the solution times, and whether it can be analyzed and pre-
dicted from network characteristics and topology. This would
aid in taking decisions as to whether an optimal solution is fea-
sible for a given network and time constraint, or whether an
approximation needs to be used. The development of approxi-
mation algorithms and practical protocols for the problems we
have investigated in this paper is also an important direction
for future work.
There are also a number of possibilities for further devel-
opment of our optimization models. First, we have considered
two models for the capabilities of the sensor nodes: 1) that they
can both aggregate and transit other nodes’ measurements, and
2) that they only generate their own measurements, but do not
Fig. 20. Solution time for nK routing with min-max energy optimization, transit or aggregate. However, it may also be the case that
shown in logarithmic scale. The red lines indicate the median, and the blue some nodes can transit measurements, but not aggregate. This
boxes give the first and third quartiles. requires substantial changes to the optimization models and
has not been considered in this paper.
TABLE V We have used the total energy usage and min-max energy
F RAME M INIMIZATION R ESULTS FOR 1K S CENARIOS W ITH M IN -M AX usage as our objective functions, however, more work is
E NERGY O PTIMIZATION . VALUES S HOWN A RE M EANS ACROSS THE 20 needed in order to fully model network lifetime. Fairness
C ONFIDENCE I NTERVALS IN PARENTHESES . N = N UMBER OF N ODES of energy usage between nodes may also be of interest. For
latency-constrained applications, energy usage may not be the
most important consideration at all, but rather the optimization
should be performed to minimize delay or age of informa-
tion of sensor readings. Another pressing issue in IoT systems
is reliability, which we have not considered here. Greater
reliability may be facilitated by, for instance, collecting redun-
dant sensor measurements at multiple destination nodes, or
by requiring measurements to be transmitted over multiple,
redundant paths.
Emerging IoT networks will rely heavily on M2M commu-
were executed on an Intel Xeon E5-2420 v2 CPU (2.20 GHz), nications. In these networks, fog nodes will provide multiple
with 12 virtual cores (6 cores with 2 threads each). Overall, the data collection gateways at the network edge, and actuators
times to solve problem instances of the same size are similar will directly utilize sensor measurements. In this paper, we
for min-max energy optimization and total energy optimiza- have formulated MIP problems to optimize routing for both
tion. Since multiple iterations of min-max optimization would data aggregation and multicast dissemination in these scenar-
be required in order to fully characterize the network lifetime, ios, as well as throughput optimization for cases with only
this indicates that optimizing for network lifetime is likely unicast aggregation. We have also provided numerical results
to be less applicable in practice, especially for dynamic net- demonstrating how the performance is affected by the net-
works where the routing paths need to be updated frequently. work size. Our models presented here have the potential to
Frame minimization times, shown in Table V, are somewhat provide energy efficient solutions for future networks, as well

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Emma Fitzgerald (GS’11–M’13) received the Artur Tomaszewski received the Ph.D. degree in
Ph.D. degree in vehicular ad-hoc networks from the telecommunications and D.Sc. (Habilitation) degree
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, in from the Faculty of Electronics and Information
2013. Technology, Warsaw University of Technology,
She is a Researcher with the Department Warsaw, Poland, in 1993 and 2014, respectively.
of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund He is an Associate Professor with the Institute
University, Lund, Sweden. Her current research of Telecommunications, Warsaw University of
interests include cooperative and self-organizing Technology, where he heads the Division of
wireless networks, particularly for dense networks Communication and Computer Networks and
and the Internet of Things, with a focus on perfor- Services. He has authored over 60 journal and
mance analysis and optimization. conference papers. His current research interests
concentrate on architectures, control, and management of communication and
computer networks, and on mathematical modeling and optimization of such

Michał Pióro (M’95–SM’00) received the

Ph.D. degree in telecommunications and D.Sc.
(Habilitation) degree from the Warsaw University
of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, in 1979 and 1990,
He is a Professor with the Institute of
Telecommunications, Faculty of Electronics and
Information Technology, Warsaw University of
Technology. He is a Professor with the Department
of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund
University, Lund, Sweden. He authored Routing,
Flow, and Capacity Design in Communication and Computer Networks
(Morgan-Kaufmann, Elsevier, 2004) in the area and over 200 technical
papers presented in telecommunications and operations research journals and
conference proceedings. He has led many research projects in networking
for telecom industry in Poland and Sweden, and has been deeply involved
in international research through participation in EC projects (FP6, FP7,
Celtic, COST) and ITU projects. His current research interests concentrate
on modeling, optimization, and performance evaluation of communication
and computer networks.
Dr. Pióro was a recipient of the Polish State Professorship—the highest
scientific title in Poland in 2002.

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