Course Plan HRM - AVM
Course Plan HRM - AVM
Course Plan HRM - AVM
F01 (A)
Issue No.04 Rev. No 4 Dated: June 7, 2014
Programme : Masters in Business Administration (AVM)
Semester : II
Batch : 2015 - 17
No. of credits : 3
Approved By
_______________________ _______________________
HOD Dean
UPES Campus Tel : +91-135-2770137
The purpose of the course is to assist the students in understanding the principles, policies, and practices related to management of human resources in
the dynamic business environment.
Interactive approach during the study. (Students are advised to prepare the topic as per the schedule (Mentioned below) for discussion
in the class in advance)
Work in small groups and personalized teaching. The whole class will be divided into groups of 5 students each.
Case Study
Group Assignments
Socratic Method
Internal Assessment: Marks 100 (shall be done based on the following 5 components):
a) Case studies: Each student will have to participate in the case study discussion. The case studies are mentioned in the course
plan. students are required to read the case study before attending the class and the group will have to submit the written
analysis of the case as per the following guidelines (30% weightage)
c) Presentations: The presentations topics are mentioned in the course plan. Each group (max 5 members) is required to present
its presentation as per the schedule. (20% weightage)
d) Quizzes: Each individual shall have to appear for the quizzes. ( 20% weightage)
Mid- Semester Examination: 20% Weightage
Mid- Sem examination shall be of two hour duration and shall be a combination of Objective, short theory questions and numerical
End-Sem examination shall be of three hours duration. The examination paper shall have objective & theory questions, short and
long numerical problems.
Student has to secure minimum 45% marks of the “highest marks in the class scored by a student in that subject (in that class/group
class)” individually in both the ‘End-Semester examination’ and ‘Total Marks’ in order to pass in that paper.
Students are required to have minimum attendance of 75% in each subject. Students with less than said percentage shall NOT be
allowed to appear in the end semester examination. The student obtaining 100% attendance would be given 5% bonus marks for internal
E-Mail and Black Board: Each student in the class should have an e-mail id and a pass word to access the Black Board regularly.
Regularly, important information – Date of conducting class tests, guest lectures, syndicate sessions etc. to the class will be
transmitted via e-mail/LMS. The best way to arrange meetings with us or ask specific questions is by email and prior appointment. All
the assignments should be submitted in hard copy and online activities must be completed within stipulated time frame. If need be,
additional reading material will be mailed/uploaded on Black Board time to time.
Strategic HRM: Analyze the complexities (R1) Strategic human resource Assignment 2: Developing an HR score card
The concept of associated with management and HR score Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience in developing an HR
strategy. Strategic management of human card, Chapter three, Human score card, by developing one for your college/any organization of your choice.
HRM defined, Aims resources in the Resource Management, Required Understanding: you should understand the HR score card approach to creating
of strategic HRM, organizations Dessler, Pearson Education a strategy oriented HR system and in particular, the seven steps in that process.
Approaches to Integrate their knowledge (R2) Strategic human resource How to Set up the Exercise/Instructions: Set up groups of five to six students for this
Module 2 Presentation
strategic HRM. of human resource management, Chapter two, exercise. Using whatever resources are available, including personal interviews with
HRM Processes &
Implementing management with domain Managing Human Resources, college / organization administrators. Each group should outline an HR score card for
4 ( F2F) Discussion
strategic HRM perspective. Fisher, Schoenfeldt & Shaw your college or organization by addressing each of seven steps in this process, starting
(R3) PPTs uploaded on with short definition of the business strategy for the college or the chosen organization.
Blackboard Show the expected linkages among HR activities, employee behaviours and college
outcomes and performance, as well as examples of metrics you will use to measure
Assignment to be completed and submitted in hard copy, latest by sixteenth session
Socialization: Demonstrate a clear R(1) Socializing, orienting and Kenny and Norton, owners of a sporting goods manufacturing and retail operation are
Process, Objective understanding of the developing employees, chapter meeting with Tony, Director HR and Bobby, the manager of a new store. Twenty five
and Outcomes concepts related to human 8, Fundamentals of Human employees have just been hired and the new store in Florida is scheduled to open in a
Resource Management, month. Norton Thunders, “No way am I going to bring all those socialist bozos up here
resource management.
Decenzo& Robbins, Wiley for a week! What’s the matter with you! Why do you hire a bunch of socialists? Kenny
India Edition calms him, “He said to socialize them, not they were socialists. But why should they
9 ( on Line) (R2) PPTs uploaded on Discussion come here for a party? We should go to South Florida! And I think an opening party is a
Blackboard great idea. Bobby, that’s your idea right?” Bobby smiles and Tony says, “I don’t mean
party. I mean get them used to the way things run at TEAM FUN! They need to know
the rules, what’s expected of them, how to treat the customers and each other, that sort
of thing.” Kenny asks, “What did you do when you interviewed them? I thought they’d
know what to expect from day one.” Norton adds, “ I know as soon as I meet someone if
they should work at TEAM FUN! Anyway, people just all work out or quit right away-
Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017
first day, Usually. New people just start one day, follow someone around for a week,
and then they are fine.” Tony looks helplessly at both of them until Norton finally says,
“Oh, I get it. There is no one down there for a new person to follow around. Everyone
will be new!” Tony nods his head. So does Kenny. Norton continues,” That’s still lot of
bozo airfare. I thought you said they were mostly family people. Do we have to bring all
their kids and dogs up here, too? Find another way.” Kenny offers. “Dogs don’t usually
like to fly. I don’t know. Remember that video we did for Christmas last year? Ginny
followed everyone around at work for a few minutes with her video camera. I think I am
the only one who watched the whole thing. Most everyone only watched their part and
the rest of the crew they worked with. Tony, could we send the video to Florida with a
few key people to run everyone through their places a week or so before we open?
Would that be socialization?” Norton frowns, “We just started working when we opened
this store. What’s the big deal?”
Tony says,” That was just the two of you, and you’d known each other all your lives.”
Norton looks at him skeptically. “ So ?”
1. Explain to Kenny and Norton why employee socialization is necessary or not
necessary for the new TEAN FUN store.
2. What orientation activities do you recommend? Who should be involved?
3. What training needs should they consider?
Post your thoughts. Read the posts by your classmates and post your responses to at
least four of them mentioning whether you agree with them or not and why so.
Complete the activity by the third day after this session.
Global practices in Analyze the complexities (R1) Managing Global Human
Hiring associated with Resources, chapter seventeen,
management of human Human Resource Management,
resources in the Dessler, Pearson Education
organizations (R2) International Human
Resource Management, chapter
10 ( On Line} Discussion
twelve, Human Resource
Management, Snell Bohlander
& Vohra, Cengage Learning
(R3) PPTs uploaded on
Demonstrate a clear (R1) Benefits and Services, Many organizations are concerned about rising cost of employee benefits and question
understanding of the chapter thirteen, Human their value to the organization and to the employees. (a) In your opinion, what benefits
concepts related to human Resource Management, are of greatest value to employees? To the organization? Why? (b) What can
resource management Dessler, Pearson Education management do to increase the value to the organization of the benefits provided to
demonstrate effective (R2) Employee Benefits, employees? Post your comments. Read the posts by your classmates and post your
Employee Benefits application capabilities of chapter ten, Human Resource responses to at least four of them mentioning whether you agree with them or not and
& International their conceptual Management, Snell Bohlander why so. Complete the activity by the third day after this session.
19. ( On Line) Discussion
Practices in understanding to the real & Vohra, Cengage Learning
compensation world business situations. (R3) PPTs uploaded on
For international practices in
compensation please read
Managing Global Human
Resources, chapter seventeen,
Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017
Human Resource Management,
Dessler, Pearson Education
International Human Resource
Management, chapter twelve,
Human Resource Management,
Snell Bohlander & Vohra,
Cengage Learning
Media:1 Compensation
Management (Video)
Media: 2 Rewards Pie
Case Studies
S.No. Title Source Module Session
No. No.
Singhania and Partners, Asian Case research
1. Will be provided By faculty 1 3
Centre, University of Hongkong
2. SG Cowen: New Recruits. Will be provided By faculty 3 8
Supervalu, Inc. Professional Development
3. program Will be provided By faculty 4 12
H. Text Book:
1. Human Resource Management, Snell, Bohlander& Vohra
Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017
Database: Ebsco
L. Instructions
a) All students will be divided in groups comprising of 3- 5 students in each.
b) Students are expected to read the concerned session’s contents in advance before coming to the class.
c) The session will be made interactive through active participation from students. The entire session will be conducted through
question-answer, reflections, discussion, current practices, examples, problem solving activities and presentations etc.
d) In the case study session all students are expected to prepare their analysis and answers/decisions in their respective groups.
Any group may be asked to present their views and defend the same.
e) All schedules/announcements must be strictly adhered to.
f) The complete syllabus would be covered for Viva-voce and one must be thoroughly prepared to appear for the viva and strictly
appear on given time.
g) Late entry (Max. 5 minutes from the class timing) in the class will not be allowed.
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