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Course Plan HRM - AVM

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Format No. QSP/7.1/01.

F01 (A)
Issue No.04 Rev. No 4 Dated: June 7, 2014


College of Management and Economic Studies

Programme : Masters in Business Administration (AVM)

Course : : Human Resource Management

Semester : II

Session : Jan to May. 2017

Batch : 2015 - 17

Subject Code : MBCH 732

No. of credits : 3

Prepared by : Shakti Chaturvedi

Email : schaturvedi@ddn.upes.ac.in

Approved By

_______________________ _______________________

HOD Dean
UPES Campus Tel : +91-135-2770137

“Knowledge Acres” Fax : +91 135- 27760904

P.O. Kandoli, Via Prem Nagar Website : www.upes.ac.in

Dehradun -248 007 (U K)


Subject: Human Resource Management Course: MBA(AVM) 2015-17

Duration: Jan 2017– May-2017 Subject code: MBCH 732

One Session: 90 Minutes


Human resource is considered as the most important asset of any organization. But managing these assets is often the most challenging and complex
task required of a manager. Therefore in order to ensure that people are really a source of competitive advantage, it is very important responsibility of
managers to understand the concepts, principles and philosophy of human resource management. This course is designed primarily for first year
Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017
students who are already exposed to organizational behavior and have acquired the basic understanding of the human behavior in the organizational
concept. This course introduces the basic principles of human resource management—how an organization acquires, rewards, motivates, uses, and
generally manages its people effectively.

The purpose of the course is to assist the students in understanding the principles, policies, and practices related to management of human resources in
the dynamic business environment.


On completion of the course the students will be able to:
a. demonstrate a clear understanding of the concepts related to human resource management.
b. analyze the complexities associated with management of human resources in the organizations.
c. develop and evaluate the managerial decisions and align HR systems with the strategic business objectives of a firm.
d. integrate their knowledge of human resource management with domain perspective.
e. demonstrate effective application capabilities of their conceptual understanding to the real world business situations.
The continuous evaluation tools employed are:
1. Case Studies (the details are mentioned in sections F& G) (30% weightage)
2. Three assignments (the details are mentioned in section F& G) (30% weightage)
3. Two written quizzes F&G (20% weightage)
4. Presentations. F&G (20%weightage)

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

ISLOs Course Students will Students will Students will be Students Students will
for Outcomes for demonstrate a analyze the able to develop will be able demonstrate
MBA MBCH 732 clear complexities and evaluate the to integrate effective
AVM understanding of associated managerial their application
the concepts with decisions and knowledge capabilities of
related to human management align HR systems of human their conceptual
resource of human with the strategic resource understanding to
management. resources in business management the real world
the objectives of a with domain business
organizations firm perspective. situations.
Students will demonstrate
strong conceptual
knowledge in the
functional area of ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
management as well as
AVM domain
Students will demonstrate
effective understanding
of relevant functional
areas of business and ✓ ✓
their application in AVM
Students will demonstrate
analytical skills in
identification and
resolution of problems ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pertaining to AVM and
general management
Students will be able to
develop and evaluate

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

alternate managerial
decisions and identify
optimal solutions ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Students will demonstrate
effective application
capabilities of their
conceptual understanding ✓
to the real world business
Students will be able to
exhibit effective decision
making skills, employing
analytical and critical- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thinking ability
Students will exhibit the
ability to integrate
functional areas of
management with domain
perspective for the ✓ ✓
purpose of planning,
implementation, and
control of AVM
Students will have global
perspective towards
business situations in the
area of AVM
Students will demonstrate
effective oral and written
communication skills in
the professional context
Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017
Students will be able to
work effectively in teams
and demonstrate team
building capabilities
Students will exhibit
leadership and
networking skills while
handling business
Students will demonstrate
sensitivity towards ethical
and moral issues and
have ability to address
them in the course of
Students will demonstrate
employability traits in
line with the needs of
changing dynamics of the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Students will exhibit
deployable skills
pertinent to the AVM ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

Course Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous
Outcom evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation
es for Tools Tool 1 Tool 2 Tool 3 Tool 4
732 Case Studies Assignments Presentation Quizzes

Students will demonstrate

a clear understanding of
the concepts related to ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
human resource

Students will analyze the

complexities associated
with management of ✓ ✓ ✓
human resources in the

Students will be able to

develop and evaluate the
managerial decisions and ✓ ✓ ✓
align HR systems with
the strategic business
objectives of a firm

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

Students will be able to
integrate their knowledge
of human resource ✓ ✓ ✓
management with domain

Students will demonstrate

effective application
capabilities of their ✓ ✓ ✓
conceptual understanding
to the real world business


The course has 7 modules which are as follows:


Concept, Definition, Objectives, Functions, Challenges, HR and competitive advantage, Role of HR and Line managers in people management.
Strategic HRMI, Competency based HRM, Roles, competency and Job analysis.
Human resource planning, Recruitment and selection, Socialization, Global hiring practices.
Concept, Need of Training & Development, Methods of Training & Development, Importance & evaluation of training & development, Principle
of learning, Career Planning and development, Developing expatriate managers.
Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017
Definition, Importance, objectives, Components and Methods of performance management system ,Performance management - International
Compensation issues, Factors affecting compensation, designing pay structure, Job evaluation, Benefits, Incentives, Rewarding expatriates.
Introduction to IR, Importance, concept of social security, Significance of Workers Participation in Management.


Interactive approach during the study. (Students are advised to prepare the topic as per the schedule (Mentioned below) for discussion
in the class in advance)

Work in small groups and personalized teaching. The whole class will be divided into groups of 5 students each.

 Presentations
 Case Study
 Group Assignments
 Socratic Method


Sessions: 2 (lectures of 1.5 hours each)

Total hours per week: 3 hours per week.

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017


Description Weight age Schedule

1. Internal Examination 30% Detailed Below

2. Mid term Exam 20% Academic Calendar

3. End term Exam 50% Academic Calendar

Internal Assessment: Marks 100 (shall be done based on the following 5 components):

a) Case studies: Each student will have to participate in the case study discussion. The case studies are mentioned in the course
plan. students are required to read the case study before attending the class and the group will have to submit the written
analysis of the case as per the following guidelines (30% weightage)

The basic structure should be as follows:

a. A cover page with your name, the case name, the date, the course name and number
b. A 4-page maximum analysis that discusses the key strategic issue, alternatives, recommendation, and
implementation/action plan
c. A 1-page financial analysis (in an appendix) whose results are included in the analysis where necessary (but almost
always in the recommendation and implementation/action plan sections)
d. All work must be submitted as one integrated document ready to be opened. Work submitted in multiple pieces will not be

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

b) Assignments: The assignments are mentioned in the course plan. Each group (max 5 members) is required to submit the
assignments as per the schedule. (30% weightage)

c) Presentations: The presentations topics are mentioned in the course plan. Each group (max 5 members) is required to present
its presentation as per the schedule. (20% weightage)

d) Quizzes: Each individual shall have to appear for the quizzes. ( 20% weightage)
Mid- Semester Examination: 20% Weightage

Mid- Sem examination shall be of two hour duration and shall be a combination of Objective, short theory questions and numerical

End -Semester Examination: 50% Weightage

End-Sem examination shall be of three hours duration. The examination paper shall have objective & theory questions, short and
long numerical problems.

Passing Criterion: minimum 45% of the highest marks in the class

Student has to secure minimum 45% marks of the “highest marks in the class scored by a student in that subject (in that class/group
class)” individually in both the ‘End-Semester examination’ and ‘Total Marks’ in order to pass in that paper.


Students are required to have minimum attendance of 75% in each subject. Students with less than said percentage shall NOT be
allowed to appear in the end semester examination. The student obtaining 100% attendance would be given 5% bonus marks for internal

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

Cell Phones and other Electronic Communication Devices: Cell phones and other electronic communication devices (such as
Blackberries/Laptops) are not permitted in classes during Tests or the Mid/Final Examination. Such devices MUST be turned off in
the class room.

E-Mail and Black Board: Each student in the class should have an e-mail id and a pass word to access the Black Board regularly.
Regularly, important information – Date of conducting class tests, guest lectures, syndicate sessions etc. to the class will be
transmitted via e-mail/LMS. The best way to arrange meetings with us or ask specific questions is by email and prior appointment. All
the assignments should be submitted in hard copy and online activities must be completed within stipulated time frame. If need be,
additional reading material will be mailed/uploaded on Black Board time to time.


Course Outcomes Assignment
Module/ Session Big Ideas/ Topics Required learning Resources Pedagogy
Introduction Demonstrate a clear (R1) Strategic role of human Presentation
Concept, Definition understanding of the resource management, chapter &
Models, Objectives concepts related to human one, Human Resource Discussion
and Functions resource management. Management, Dessler, Pearson
Understand what is human
(R2) The challenge of human
resource management and
resource management, Chapter
how it relates to the
Module 1 one, Human Resource
management process
Introduction to Management, Snell,
HRM Bohlander& Vohra, Cengage
1 ( F2F) Learning. India Edition
(R3) PPTs uploaded on
Media: An animated timeline
history of HR

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

Challenges, Role of Analyze the complexities (R1) Strategic role of human Assignment 1
HR and Line associated with resource management, chapter Today, HRM is not just the responsAVMility of the personnel department. If people are
managers in people management of human one, Human Resource competitive resource, then managers play an increasingly important role in managing
management. resources in the Management, Dessler, Pearson the work force. But this is not an either/ or situation. Rather than seeing line managers
organizations. Education take over responsAVMility from HR managers, we see both groups working together to
(R2) The challenge of human handle workforce issues. But how do they work together?
resource management, Chapter Working in team of 5 individuals, identify what role the HR department would play and
one, Human Resource what role line managers would play in the following activities. Where would overlaps
2. ( F2F) &
Management, Snell, occur, and would there be any likely problems?
Bohlander& Vohra, Cengage Recruitment & selection, T& D, Compensation, Performance evaluation and labor
Learning. India Edition relations
(R3) PPTs uploaded on 2. How would potential problems be resolved?
Blackboard Assignment to be completed and submitted in hard copy, latest by eighth session
Media: YouTube Video
Human resource Demonstrate effective People Management, the
and Competitive application capabilities of mantra for success: A case of
Advantage their conceptual singhania and partners
understanding to the real Case Study Presentation
world business situations &
3.(F2F) Develop and evaluate the Discussion
managerial decisions and Based On
align HR systems with the Case Study
strategic business
objectives of a firm.

Strategic HRM: Analyze the complexities (R1) Strategic human resource Assignment 2: Developing an HR score card
The concept of associated with management and HR score Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience in developing an HR
strategy. Strategic management of human card, Chapter three, Human score card, by developing one for your college/any organization of your choice.
HRM defined, Aims resources in the Resource Management, Required Understanding: you should understand the HR score card approach to creating
of strategic HRM, organizations Dessler, Pearson Education a strategy oriented HR system and in particular, the seven steps in that process.
Approaches to Integrate their knowledge (R2) Strategic human resource How to Set up the Exercise/Instructions: Set up groups of five to six students for this
Module 2 Presentation
strategic HRM. of human resource management, Chapter two, exercise. Using whatever resources are available, including personal interviews with
HRM Processes &
Implementing management with domain Managing Human Resources, college / organization administrators. Each group should outline an HR score card for
4 ( F2F) Discussion
strategic HRM perspective. Fisher, Schoenfeldt & Shaw your college or organization by addressing each of seven steps in this process, starting
(R3) PPTs uploaded on with short definition of the business strategy for the college or the chosen organization.
Blackboard Show the expected linkages among HR activities, employee behaviours and college
outcomes and performance, as well as examples of metrics you will use to measure
Assignment to be completed and submitted in hard copy, latest by sixteenth session

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

Competency Based Analyze the complexities (R1) Competency based human Presentation
HRM: Types of associated with resource management, Chapter &
competencies, management of human Eleven (pg. 161 - 170), A Hand Discussion
Competency resources in the Book of Human Resource
frameworks, organizations Management Practice,
Reasons for using Develop and evaluate the Armstrong, 10th Ed., Kogan
5 (F2F)
competencies, managerial decisions and Page
Benefits, Criticisms, align HR systems with the (R2) PPTs uploaded on
strategic business Blackboard
objectives of a firm. Media: Youtube Video
Analyzing Roles, Demonstrate a clear (R1) Analyzing roles, We discussed several methods for collecting job analysis data. Compare and contrast
Competency and understanding of the competency and skills, Chapter these methods, explaining what each is useful for and listing the pros and cons of each.
Skills: Role concepts related to human Thirteen (pg. 201 - 215), A Post your thoughts. Read the posts by your classmates and post your responses to at
analysis, resource management. Hand Book of Human least four of them mentioning whether you agree with them or not and why so
Competency Resource Management Complete the activity on the third day after this session.
analysis, Skills Practice” Armstrong, 10th Ed.,
analysis and Job Kogan Page
Analysis (R2) Job Analysis, Chapter
four, Human Resource
Management, Dessler, Pearson
6. ( On Line) Discussion
(R3) Job analysis, employee
involvement and flexAVMle
work schedules, chapter three,
Human Resource Management,
Snell, Bohlander& Vohra,
Cengage Learning. India
(R3) PPTs uploaded on
Human Resource Develop and evaluate the (R1) Personnel planning and
Module 3
Planning: managerial decisions and recruiting,, Chapter five, Presentation
HR Resourcing
Meaning, align HR systems with the Human Resource Management, &
7 (F2F)
Definition, strategic business Dessler, Pearson Education Discussion
objectives, steps, objectives of a firm. (R2) Strategic and human

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

factors affecting Demonstrate a clear resource planning, chapter two,
HRP and techniques understanding of the Human Resource Management,
concepts related to human Snell, Bohlander& Vohra,
resource management. Cengage Learning. India
(R3) PPTs uploaded on
Recruitment & Analyze the complexities (R1) Personnel planning and Presentation Assignment 3
Selection associated with recruiting, employee selection & Making hiring decisions is one of the most important and difficult decisions a manager
Meaning, management of human and testing, interviewing Discussion makes. Without good information, managers have almost no chance of making the right
Significance, resources in the candidates, Chapter five, six based on choice. The process begins with sounding understanding of the job: the tasks, duties and
Techniques and organizations and seven, Human Resource case study responsAVMilities required and the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to do it. Job
Sources of Demonstrate effective Management, Dessler, Pearson analysis is very helpful in making certain that all the information is needed to ensure a
Recruitment, application capabilities of Education person – job fit, but it may not be enough. Other information about company values,
Alternatives to their conceptual (R2) Expanding the talent pool: philosophy and like may be required to ensure person job fit.
Recruitment, understanding to the real recruitment and career, 1. Working in team of 5 individuals, choose a job that you are familiar and identify the
Selection Meaning, world business situations employee selection, testing and most important knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics needed to perform
8. (F2F) Steps, Tests, development, chapter four, five well.
Induction and and six, Human Resource 2. Identify which methods you would use to tap these qualities? Would you use
Placement Management, Snell, applications, interviews, psychological tests, work samples or what? Explain why would
Bohlander& Vohra, Cengage you use these methods and justify the cost and time required?
Learning. India Edition. 3. After you have identified your selection criteria and methods do reality check in the
(R3) PPTs uploaded on organization. Compare what you thought would be a good selection approach with what
Blackboard you found in the organization.
SG Cowen: New Recruits. 4. Identify the reasons for any discrepancies between your approach and theirs.
Assignment to be completed and submitted in hard copy, by twenty fourth session.

Socialization: Demonstrate a clear R(1) Socializing, orienting and Kenny and Norton, owners of a sporting goods manufacturing and retail operation are
Process, Objective understanding of the developing employees, chapter meeting with Tony, Director HR and Bobby, the manager of a new store. Twenty five
and Outcomes concepts related to human 8, Fundamentals of Human employees have just been hired and the new store in Florida is scheduled to open in a
Resource Management, month. Norton Thunders, “No way am I going to bring all those socialist bozos up here
resource management.
Decenzo& Robbins, Wiley for a week! What’s the matter with you! Why do you hire a bunch of socialists? Kenny
India Edition calms him, “He said to socialize them, not they were socialists. But why should they
9 ( on Line) (R2) PPTs uploaded on Discussion come here for a party? We should go to South Florida! And I think an opening party is a
Blackboard great idea. Bobby, that’s your idea right?” Bobby smiles and Tony says, “I don’t mean
party. I mean get them used to the way things run at TEAM FUN! They need to know
the rules, what’s expected of them, how to treat the customers and each other, that sort
of thing.” Kenny asks, “What did you do when you interviewed them? I thought they’d
know what to expect from day one.” Norton adds, “ I know as soon as I meet someone if
they should work at TEAM FUN! Anyway, people just all work out or quit right away-
Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017
first day, Usually. New people just start one day, follow someone around for a week,
and then they are fine.” Tony looks helplessly at both of them until Norton finally says,
“Oh, I get it. There is no one down there for a new person to follow around. Everyone
will be new!” Tony nods his head. So does Kenny. Norton continues,” That’s still lot of
bozo airfare. I thought you said they were mostly family people. Do we have to bring all
their kids and dogs up here, too? Find another way.” Kenny offers. “Dogs don’t usually
like to fly. I don’t know. Remember that video we did for Christmas last year? Ginny
followed everyone around at work for a few minutes with her video camera. I think I am
the only one who watched the whole thing. Most everyone only watched their part and
the rest of the crew they worked with. Tony, could we send the video to Florida with a
few key people to run everyone through their places a week or so before we open?
Would that be socialization?” Norton frowns, “We just started working when we opened
this store. What’s the big deal?”
Tony says,” That was just the two of you, and you’d known each other all your lives.”
Norton looks at him skeptically. “ So ?”
1. Explain to Kenny and Norton why employee socialization is necessary or not
necessary for the new TEAN FUN store.
2. What orientation activities do you recommend? Who should be involved?
3. What training needs should they consider?
Post your thoughts. Read the posts by your classmates and post your responses to at
least four of them mentioning whether you agree with them or not and why so.
Complete the activity by the third day after this session.
Global practices in Analyze the complexities (R1) Managing Global Human
Hiring associated with Resources, chapter seventeen,
management of human Human Resource Management,
resources in the Dessler, Pearson Education
organizations (R2) International Human
Resource Management, chapter
10 ( On Line} Discussion
twelve, Human Resource
Management, Snell Bohlander
& Vohra, Cengage Learning
(R3) PPTs uploaded on

Training & Demonstrate a clear (R1) Training & development,

Development understanding of the chapter eight, Human Resource
Module 4 Presentation
Meaning, concepts related to human Management, Dessler, Pearson
Definition, Need of resource management. Education
11(F2F) Discussion
Training, Methods (R2) Training & development,
and Evaluation chapter six, Human Resource

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

Management, Snell Bohlander
& Vohra, Cengage Learning
(R3) PPTs uploaded on
Overview of training process.

Training & Demonstrate effective Supervalu, Inc. Professional

Development application capabilities of Development program Presentation
12.(F2F) their conceptual Case Study &
understanding to the real Discussion
world business situations
Career Planning Analyze the complexities (R1) Managing Careers, “Investments in career development do not provide an organization a viable return on its
associated with chapter ten, Human Resource investment. It simply raises employee expectations, which, if not fulfilled, cause
management of human Management, Dessler, Pearson employees to leave. Accordingly, the organization has trained employees for its
resources in the Education competitors.”
organizations. (R2) Managing Careers, Take a position in support of this statement, and one against it.
chapter nine, Fundamentals of Post your thoughts in the Blog provided in the activity area in the Black Board.
Human Resource Management, Complete the activity by the third day after this session. Read the posts by your
Decenzo& Robbins, Wiley classmates and post your responses to at least four of them mentioning whether you
India Edition agree with them or not and why so.
(R3) Expanding the talent pool:
recruitment and career,
13.( On Line) Discussion
employee selection, testing and
development, chapter four,
Human Resource Management,
Snell, Bohlander& Vohra,
Cengage Learning. India
(R4) PPTs uploaded on
Media: Career Planning
Performance Demonstrate a clear (R1) Performance Management Managing performance is an important yet delicate – process for managers to undertake.
Management understanding of the and Appraisal, chapter nine, They need to make tough calls at times regarding who is performing well or not. Also
Module 5
Definition, concepts related to human Human Resource Management, they need to play the role of coach to help each employee improve his or her
PMS Discussion
Objectives and resource management Dessler, Pearson Education performance. One of the toughest aspects of performance management is assessing why
14 ( On Line)
Importance (R2) Appraising and Improving someone is not performing well. Although it may be easy to spot who is not performing
Performance, chapter seven, well, it is not always easy to diagnose the underlying causes of poor performance (such

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

Human Resource Management, as motivation, ability and external constraints). But without a correct diagnosis, it is
Snell Bohlander & Vohra, nearly impossAVMle to cure the problem.
Cengage Learning Following are descriptions of three employees. DescrAVMe the potential causes of poor
(R3) PPTs uploaded on performance in each case. Identify appropriate solutions to enhance performance.
Blackboard 1. Carl Rose is the assistant greens keeper at bushwood country club. Over the past few
months, members have been complaining that gophers are destroying the course and
digging holes in the greens. Although Carl has been working evenings and weekends to
address the situation, the problem persists. Unfortunately, his boss is interested only in
results, and because the gophers are still there, he contends that Carl is not doing his job,
He has accused Carl of “Slacking off” and threatened his job.
2. Clark Griswold works in R & D for a chemical company that makes nonnutritive food
additives. His most recent assignment has been the development of a nonstick aerosol
cooking spray, but the project is very behind schedule and seems to be going nowhere.
CEO Frank is decidedly upset and has threatened that if things do not improve, he will
suspend bonuses again this year as he did last year. Clark feels dejected, because
without the bonus he won’t be able to take his family on vacation.
3. Bonnie Molloy is the host of local television talk show called Morning Chicago.
Although she is talented performer, Bonnie has an unacceptable record of tardiness. The
show’s producer, David is frustrated, because the problem has affected the quality of the
show. On several occasions, Bonnie was unprepared when the show went on the air.
David was concluded that Bonnie is not a morning person and has thought about
replacing her with different host.
Post your comments. Read the posts by your classmates and post your responses to at
least four of them mentioning whether you agree with them or not and why so.
Complete the activity by the third day after this session.
Performance Demonstrate a clear (R1) Performance Management
Management understanding of the and Appraisal, chapter nine,
Components, concepts related to human Human Resource Management,
Methods of PMS, resource management Dessler, Pearson Education
Limitations of (R2) Appraising and Improving
various Methods, Performance, chapter seven,
15. ( F2F) &
How to conduct Human Resource Management,
effective appraisals? Snell Bohlander & Vohra,
Common Biases in Cengage Learning
Appraisals (R3) PPTs uploaded on

Performance Demonstrate effective Attock Refinery Ltd. Presentation

Management application capabilities of Performance Management &
16. (F2F) ( Case Study) their conceptual Case Study Discussion
understanding to the real based on

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

world business situations Case study

Compensation Demonstrate a clear (R1) Establishing Strategic Pay

Management: understanding of the Plans, chapter Eleven, Human
Compensation concepts related to human Resource Management,
Issues, Factors resource management Dessler, Pearson Education
Module 6
affecting Develop and evaluate the (R2) Managing Compensation, Presentation
Compensation, managerial decisions and chapter eight, Human Resource &
Designing Pay align HR systems with the Management, Snell Bohlander Discussion
17.( F2F)
Structures, Job strategic business & Vohra, Cengage Learning
Evaluation objectives of a firm (R3) PPTs uploaded on

Incentives: Demonstrate a clear (R1) Pay for performance and

Money and understanding of the Financial incentives, chapter
Motivation, concepts related to human twelve, Human Resource
Individual and resource management Management, Dessler, Pearson
Group Employee Develop and evaluate the Education
Incentives, managerial decisions and (R2) Pay for performance,
18. &
Designing Effective align HR systems with the chapter nine, Human Resource
Incentive Plans strategic business Management, Snell Bohlander
objectives of a firm & Vohra, Cengage Learning
(R3) PPTs uploaded on

Demonstrate a clear (R1) Benefits and Services, Many organizations are concerned about rising cost of employee benefits and question
understanding of the chapter thirteen, Human their value to the organization and to the employees. (a) In your opinion, what benefits
concepts related to human Resource Management, are of greatest value to employees? To the organization? Why? (b) What can
resource management Dessler, Pearson Education management do to increase the value to the organization of the benefits provided to
demonstrate effective (R2) Employee Benefits, employees? Post your comments. Read the posts by your classmates and post your
Employee Benefits application capabilities of chapter ten, Human Resource responses to at least four of them mentioning whether you agree with them or not and
& International their conceptual Management, Snell Bohlander why so. Complete the activity by the third day after this session.
19. ( On Line) Discussion
Practices in understanding to the real & Vohra, Cengage Learning
compensation world business situations. (R3) PPTs uploaded on
For international practices in
compensation please read
Managing Global Human
Resources, chapter seventeen,
Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017
Human Resource Management,
Dessler, Pearson Education
International Human Resource
Management, chapter twelve,
Human Resource Management,
Snell Bohlander & Vohra,
Cengage Learning
Media:1 Compensation
Management (Video)
Media: 2 Rewards Pie

Compensation Demonstrate effective Performance Pay at Safelite

Management: Case application capabilities of Auto Glass Presentation
Study their conceptual Case Study &Discussion
understanding to the real s Based on
world business situations. Case Study

Overview of Demonstrate a clear (R1) To be provided by Dr.

Industrial understanding of the Chawla
relations: concepts related to human (R2) PPTs uploaded on
Meaning of IR, resource management. Blackboard
Factors Leading to Analyze the complexities
Module 7 Presentation
Development of IR, associated with
Employee &Discussion
Trade Union management of human
Relations s Based on
Movement, resources in the
21.( F2F) Case Study
Industrial Disputes- organizations.
Strikes, Lockout,
Overview of
various Labour
Social Security & Demonstrate a clear (R1) To be provided by Dr. Discussion
WIPM understanding of the Chawla
22( On Line)
concepts related to human (R2) PPTs uploaded on
resource management. Blackboard

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

Analyze the complexities
associated with
management of human
resources in the
Demonstrate a clear Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Presentation
understanding of the Industrial Relations. &
concepts related to human Case Study Discussion
resource management.
23.( F2F) IR ( Case Study) Analyze the complexities
associated with
management of human
resources in the
24. Class Test & Summarization of the subject

Case Studies
S.No. Title Source Module Session
No. No.
Singhania and Partners, Asian Case research
1. Will be provided By faculty 1 3
Centre, University of Hongkong
2. SG Cowen: New Recruits. Will be provided By faculty 3 8
Supervalu, Inc. Professional Development
3. program Will be provided By faculty 4 12

4. Attock Refinery Ltd. Performance Management Will be provided By faculty 5 16

5 Performance Pay at Safelite Auto Glass Will be provided By faculty 6 20
6 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Industrial Relations Will be provided By faculty 7 23

H. Text Book:
1. Human Resource Management, Snell, Bohlander& Vohra

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

I. Additional Readings
1. Human Resource Management, Dessler
2. Human Resource Management, Fisher, Schoenfeldt & Shaw
3. Human Resource Management, Mathis R.
4. Human Resource Management, Decenzo and Robbins
1. Business today
2. Indian management
3. Harvard business review
4. Human capital
K. Web Sources:
Students will be informed as the course progresses upon specific topics available on the worldwide web.

Google scholar.com
Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017
Database: Ebsco

L. Instructions
a) All students will be divided in groups comprising of 3- 5 students in each.
b) Students are expected to read the concerned session’s contents in advance before coming to the class.
c) The session will be made interactive through active participation from students. The entire session will be conducted through
question-answer, reflections, discussion, current practices, examples, problem solving activities and presentations etc.
d) In the case study session all students are expected to prepare their analysis and answers/decisions in their respective groups.
Any group may be asked to present their views and defend the same.
e) All schedules/announcements must be strictly adhered to.
f) The complete syllabus would be covered for Viva-voce and one must be thoroughly prepared to appear for the viva and strictly
appear on given time.
g) Late entry (Max. 5 minutes from the class timing) in the class will not be allowed.

Course Plan- Shakti Chaturvedi, HRM, January.- June. 2017

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