4-Economics MCQ Part PDF
4-Economics MCQ Part PDF
4-Economics MCQ Part PDF
Which of the following category of consumers can provide highest load factor?
(A) A domestic consumer
(B) A continuous process plants الحمل المستمر علطول هيديك اعلي حاجة
(C) A steel melting unit using arc furnace
(D) A cold storage plants
In a system if the average load is the same as the maximum demand, the load factor will
(A) 1
(B) Zero
(C) Infinity
(D) 1 percent
A system having connected load of 100 kW, peak load of 80 kW. base load of 20 kW and
average load of 40 kW, will have a load factor of
(A) 40%
(B) 50%
(C) 60%
(D) 80%
Which domestic utility item has highest power rating?
(A) Refrigerator
(B) Ceiling fan
(C) Tube light
(D) Electric iron
The load of a system is shown in the figure above. The load factor of the system is
(A) 0.778
(B) 0.667
(C) 0.438
(D) 0.331
For certain industrial applications the energy requirement is 500 kWh. If the heat losses
are 20 percent the total energy to be made available will be
(A) 5000 kWh
(B) 4000 kWh
(C) 6000 kWh
(D) 600 kWh Ein = Eo + 0.2Eo Ein = 1.2*Eo Ein = 1.2*500 = 600
A consumer finds that after running 10 kVA equipment on full load for six hours his
energy consumption was 48 kW. It can be concluded that
(A) the load factor of the consumer for the day was unity
(B) the maximum demand of the consumer was 10 kW
(C) the equipment was drawing reactive power only
(D) power factor of the equipment was 0.8 E = power*time = 10*power factor*6 = 48
A power plant supplying energy to a city will usually experience peak demand
(A) from midnight to early morning
(B) 8 AM to 12 noon
(C) 2 PM to 6 PM
(D) 6 PM to 12 PM دا وقت الذروة العالمي
The ratio, sum of individual maximum demands / maximum demand of the installation
is known as
(A) Demand factor
(B) Plant use factor
(C) Diversity factor
(D) Plant capacity factor
Five consumers having peak demands of A, B, C, D, and E have individual load factors of
0.5. It can be concluded that
(A) their combined load factor will be 0.5
(B) their peak demand during the day will be (A + B + C + D + E)
(C) their combined power consumption in a day will be 12 (A + B + C + D + E)
Pav for each one = 0.5 * max demand
E=24*(0.5A+0.5B+0.5C+0.5D+0.5E) =12(A+B+C+D+E)
(D) their average demands are equal
In a power plant a reserve generating capacity which is in operation but not in services
known as
(A) Hot reserve مهمة دي خدتوها في البالننج
(B) Cold reserve
(C) Spinning reserve
(D) Firm power
A steam power station will run with maximum efficiency when it is run
(A) at low steam pressures
(B) on pulverized coal
(C) at higher speeds
(D) near full load
For The following factors are associated with power plant operation
I. High efficiency
II. High availability
III. Quick starting
IV. Low capital cost
Answer the following 4 questions:
Which factor is least important for base load plants?
(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV
Which two factors are of significant requirement for base load plant?
(A) I and II only
(B) III and IV only
(C) II and III only
(D) I and IV only
Which factors are favorable to a diesel power plant as compared to a steam power plant?
(A) I and III only
(B) I, II and III only
(C) II, III and IV only
(D) I, II. Ill and IV دايما المقارنة ما بين حاجتين بنقارن كل العوامل
In a 440 V system, in order to obtain the minimum cost and maximum benefits, the
capacitor should be installed
(A) at the load
(B) near the transformer
(C) anywhere in the circuit
(D) near the earthling point
A power station has annual load factor of 50% and capacity factor of 40%. If the
maximum demand is 15 MW, the reserve capacity of the plant is
(A) 1250 kw
(B) 2500 kw
(C) 3750 kw
(D) 4750 kw
Which of the following may not be the effect of low plant operating power factor?
(A) Over loaded transformers
(B) Reduced voltage level
(C) Improved illumination from lighting
(D) Over loaded cables
The power factor of a system on a 460 V, 3 phase, 60 Hz, in which the ammeter indicates
100 amp and the watt meter reads 62 kW will be
(A) 0.95
(B) 0.78
(C) 0.65
(D) 0.55
The simple subtraction of kilowatts from total kVA equals the kVAR when the power
factor is
(A) unity
(B) 0.707
(C) lagging
(D) zero
The annual peak load on a 30 MW power station is 25 MW. The power station supplies
loads having maximum demands of 10 MW, 8.5 MW, 5 MW and 4.5 MW. The annual load
factor is 45%.
Diversity factor is
(A) 3.80
(C) 1.12
(D) 1.22
Demand factor is
(A) 0.75
(B) 0.83
(C) 0.89
(D) 0.45
In the figure shown below which curve represents the variation of cost of generation per
kWh with the load factor, for a thermal power plant?
(A) curve A
(B) curve B
(C) curve C
(D) curve D
Connected load is
(A) The rating in kw of the installed electrical load of the consumer
(B) the maximum load that a consumer puts on at any time
(C) Part of the load which always remains on at the consumer ends
(D) Average load of the consumer during a specified period
Answer the following 7 questions refer to the figures given below:
Four different loads connected to a power Plant are shown in the figure.
If all the loads are connected to single source of power, the maximum load on the station
will be
(A) 9k / 4 diversity 1.2-1.5 3.5/2.25=1.55 not satisfy
(B) 2k diversity 1.2-1.5 3.5/2=1.75 not satisfy
(C) 3k diversity 1.2-1.5 3.5/3=1.667 satisfy
(D) 7 / 4k