De Zeeuw & Hellinga 1958

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Soil & Water Res.

, 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

Approximation of Subsurface Drainage Discharge

by De Zeeuw-Hellinga Theory and its Verification in Heavy
Soils of Fluvial Landscape of the Cerhovice Brook

Jakub Štibinger

Department of Land Use and Improvement, Faculty of Environmental Sciences,

Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Abstract: The subsurface drainage discharge is one of the most important indicators of the impact of the drain-
age systems on the water management. The procedure adopted in this study is based on the application of the
De Zeeuw-Hellinga theory to derive the final expression for the estimation of the value of the subsurface drainage
discharge. A simple analytical approximation of the Bussinesq’s Equation was used to verify theoretically the
validity of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga assumptions and to confirm the correctness of other corresponding processes.
The formulas describing the subsurface drainage discharge were derived in the conditions of the unsteady state
subsurface flow to drains. These conditions included the approximately horizontal impervious layer and the
Dupuit’s assumptions and Darcy’s law. No recharge to the groundwater table was realised during the drainage
testing. The applicability of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga formula and the accuracy of the analytical approximation
of the subsurface drainage discharge by the Bussinesq’s Equation were verified by the real field measurements
on the heavy soils of the experimental watershed area of the Research Institute for Soil and Water Conserva-
tion (RISWC) Prague-Zbraslav, Czech Republic. The same data were successfully used also for the confirma-
tion of the accuracy of the method for the derivation of a simple analytical approximation of the subsurface
total drainage quantity. It was demonstrated that this approximation of the subsurface drainage discharge by
De Zeeuw-Hellinga theory could satisfactorily serve in the area of water engineering practice as an elementary
tool for the immediate estimation of the values of the subsurface drainage discharges from the pipe drainage
systems in the saturated porous environment. The advantage of this approximation is particularly the minimum
amount of the input data, e.g. the basic soil hydrology data and drainage system basic design parameters. The
sphere of the use of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga equations is certainly very wide. The verifications of the field test
results and measurements demonstrated that the possibilities of applications and their perceived benefits to
the user can be fulfilled.

Keywords: subsurface pipe drainage system; subsurface drainage discharge; De Zeeuw-Hellinga theory; Bussinesq’s
Equation; unsteady drainage flow conditions

The importance of the drainage system in the scale territorial units in the region of South-East
water management, particularly the subsurface Asia, Africa, India, or China, the existence of
pipe drainage system, is indisputable. For large- the subsurface pipe drainage systems is a neces-

Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Project No. 1G57040.

Soil & Water Res., 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

sity. This applies particularly when their specific other similar natural phenomena. The negative
natural conditions bring about permanent wa- impacts of these hydrological events very often
terlogging (ILRI/ALTERRA/UR 2000; Ritzema result in severe flooding.
1994). Some of the territorial units not only in Europe
A typical example of the importance of the drain- (e.g. the Netherlands), but, for example, also in the
age policy in Europe are such countries as the Pacific Ocean, are situated under the sea level. There-
Netherlands, Lithuania or Denmark, where the fore they have to face the permanent impact of such
ratio of the drained area to the total area of the conditions on the water pressure and seepage.
country is 0.72, 0.4, and 0.37 respectively (RISWC The floods, which struck the Czech Republic
2006). in 1997, 2002 and 2006, positively demonstrated
Another example of the land drainage is offered the importance of and the reason for the drain-
by the UK. A large-scale land drainage scheme can age systems and infiltration ability of the surface
be found in the Crossens catchment at Southport, layers in the landscape.
situated in Lancashire, to the north of Liverpool. The subsurface drainage discharge, generated
The Crossens catchment contains about 145 km 2 by the presence of the subsurface pipe drainage
of low-lying land covered mostly with wet lowland systems in saturated soils under the unsteady
peat. The necessary drainage policy is based on the state drainage flow, comes as one of the cardinal
upper and lower drainage systems, both systems indicators of the drainage hydrology and it has to
joining at the Crossens Pumping Station at South- be taken into consideration within the possible
port, which pumps water out of the catchment to solutions of the water management problems.
the sea (Harris et al. 2004; Rosolova 2006) Should the subsurface pipe drainage system have
Regarding the drainage systems, one of the sufficient impact on the water table and hence
many important contemporary problems of the improve the land properties for the environmental
water management in the Czech Republic is the protection, the design of the parameters of such a
long-lasting lack of proper maintenance of the system would have to be based on the analysis of
older subsurface drainage pipe systems in the the subsurface drainage discharge. This discharge
agricultural and riverine (fluvial) landscape and is the essential indicator of the impact of the field
the estimation of its hydraulic efficiency and cost- drainage on the water regime.
effectiveness. This paper reviews the procedure of the applica-
To solve these problems, the Research Institute tion of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga theory for obtaining
for Soil and Water Conservation (RISWC) Prague- the final expression for the estimation of the value
Zbraslav, Czech Republic, the Czech Academy of the subsurface drainage discharge.
of Agricultural Sciences – Water Management The methodology of a simple analytical approxi-
Section, and the Czech Committee of ICID (Inter- mation of the subsurface drainage discharge by
national Commission on Irrigation and Drainage) Bussinesq’s Equation to verify theoretically the
arranged a workshop on Drainage of Agricultural validity of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga assumptions and
Lands in the Context of Cultural Landscape on to confirm the accuracy of the other corresponding
November 3, 2005 in Prague (RISWC 2005). processes is also explained in this report.
Shortly thereafter, the riverine landscape was The formulas of the subsurface drainage dis-
flooded (Kovář & Štibinger 2008), and while charge were derived with the following assump-
the excess runoff left the catchment, the soil pro- tions: the subsurface flow to drains occurred only
file remained fully saturated. The high soil water when an approximately horizontal impervious
content is caused by the raised water table levels. layer was present and the Dupuit’s assumptions
Under such conditions, the subsurface pipe drain- and Darcy’s law were valid.
age system as a part of the local water management The correctness and applicability of the analytical
structures can optimise the groundwater regime approximations of the subsurface drainage dis-
by its hydraulic function. This ensures an effective charge, which were shaped into a single equation,
reduction of the negative impacts of floods. were verified by the real field measurements on
From the hydrologic point of view, it seems that heavy soils of the experimental watershed area of
the current dynamics of the climate is character- the Research Institute for Soil and Water Conser-
ised by a great number of extremes, e.g. typhoons, vation (RISWC) Prague-Zbraslav, Czech Republic
tropic storms, massive short-term rainstorms, and (Soukup et al. 2000).

Soil & Water Res., 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

The data from the experimental field of the Upland with the altitude of 350–500 m a.s.l. and
RISWC Prague-Zbraslav, which were used for the with the long-term annual average precipitation
verification of the results of the research mentioned of 560 mm. All soil layers at this location have a
above, successfully served also for the confirma- low permeability and the depth to the impervi-
tion of the accuracy of the derivation of a simple ous barrier is approximately 0.9 m bellow the soil
analytical approximation of the subsurface total surface. The parent rock is formed from shale.
drainage quantity in non-steady drainage flow The part of the experimental field area used for
(Štibinger 2003). the verification is drained by the subsurface hori-
The use of the field data collected for this study zontal parallel systematic drain system with the
was twofold. They were used to test and verify the drain spacing L = 11 (m), average of drain depth
principles of the derivation of various characteristics h d = 0.75 (m), and diameter of the lateral drain
of the drainage hydrology of subsurface drainage dis- r 0 = 0.06 (m). This drainage system represents a
charges obtained by De Zeeuw-Hellinga theory and typical example of the shallow subsurface drainage
by analytical solution of the Boussinesq equation on system of heavy soils with its low hydraulic satu-
one hand, and the subsurface total drainage quantity rated conductivity. During the process of drainage,
derived by Štibinger (2003) on the other. no recharge to the water table was monitored.
The derivative equations of the subsurface drain- The drainage discharge data, which were used
age discharge can serve as a good elementary tool for the verification, were chosen from June 2000
of water engineering practice for an immediate through to July 2001. The start of the time series of
estimation of the values of the subsurface drain- the daily measured values of the subsurface drain-
age discharge from the subsurface pipe drainage age discharges was May 7, 2001, and the end of the
systems in saturated soils and under the non- non steady-state drainage processing was around
steady state drainage flow. Also, it can serve as May 29, 2001, when the subsurface drainage rate
a tool for the analysis of the subsurface drainage dropped under the measurable value.
discharge hydrology.
The principal part of the procedures presented De Zeeuw-Hellinga theory
in this paper is the inseparable strand of the re-
search of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech The derivation of the subsurface drainage dis-
Republic no. NPV-MZe 2005. VRK1/TP3-DP6 charge q (M/T) in non-steady state drainage flow
(1G57040), Methodology of Option of Optimal was performed by means of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga
Variant of Flood Protection and Erosion Control theory (De Zeeuw & Hellinga 1958; Štibinger
in Landscape (Kovář & Štibinger 2008), which is 2006). The period with a non-uniform distribution
solved by Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, of the drainage recharge R (M/T) was divided into
Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Department time intervals of equal lengths (minute, day, week,
of Land Use and Improvement. month). Then the subsurface drainage discharge
q (M/T) could be calculated gradually, step by step,
Materials and method or interval by interval, for every time interval.
Symbol M (respective T) represents the unit of
Study area length (respective time unit).
De Zeeuw and Hellinga found out (Ritzema
To verify this numerical experiment, the meas- 1994) that, if the drainage recharge R (M) in each
ured values of the subsurface drainage discharges time interval (T) is assumed to be constant, the
were used. These data were obtained from the field change in the drainage discharge is directly propor-
experimental area of RISWC, Prague-Zbraslav. An tional to the excess drainage recharge (R – q) (M)
area of approximately 40 ha of drained heavy clay in the respective time interval.
soils located in the experimental watershed was The constant of proportionality is De Zeeuw-
selected for the research purpose of the evaluation Hellinga drainage intensity factor a(T–1) = π2 KH/
of the subsurface drainage policy impact. (P dL 2), which depends on the parameters of the
The RISWC, Prague-Zbraslav experimental field pipe drainage system, on the hydraulic properties
forms a part of the watershed area of the riverine of the soil environment, the position of the water
landscape of the Cerhovice Brook. The entire table level, and the position of the impervious
watershed area is situated in the Central Czech layer (Dieleman & Trafford 1976).

Soil & Water Res., 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

where: Using the calculations given in Eq. (4) and with

a – De Zeeuw-Hellinga drainage intensity factor (T–1) the knowledge of the basic subsurface drainage
K – hydraulic saturated conductivity of the drained system parameters and soil hydrology character-
soil environment (M/T) istics (K, P, H), it is possible to evaluate on step-
H – average depth of aquifer (M) by-step basis the subsurface drainage discharge
Pd – drainable pore space of the drained soil (–) q t (M/T) in any time interval dt (practically in
L – drain spacing (M) certain time t > 0).
In this case, the drainage intensity factor a (T–1) The De Zeeuw-Hellinga’s method for the cal-
also expresses the hydraulic efficiency of the sub- culation of the subsurface drainage discharge q t
surface pipe drainage system. (M/T) is very useful and has a wide range of use.
The initial equation describing the De Zeeuw- For example, if any recharge R (M/T) in any time
Hellinga theory explained above can be expressed interval dt is present, the subsurface drainage
as: discharge q(t) (M/T) will be estimated by Eq. (3).
Similar procedures, i.e. using the method of su-
∂q perposition, were presented by Kraijenhoff
= a(R – q) (1)
∂t (1958) and Maasland (1959). Those methods
were simplified by Dieleman and Trafford
The De Zeeuw-Hellinga’s expression in the form (1976) for engineering drainage practice.
of equation (1) actually constitutes an ordinary A practical example of the application of the
differential equation where the drainage factors a De Zeeuw-Hellinga’s theory to approximate land-
(T–1) and R (M) are the constants and q (M) is the fill drainage discharge was shown by Štibinger
unknown function of variable t. The equations of (2006).
this type can be solved by the separation of vari-
ables. The final form of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga Analytical approximation
drainage theory is achieved:
For the saturated non-steady state one-dimen-
q(t) = q(t – dt)e–adt + R(1 – e–adt) (2) sional horizontal flow q(x) according to the Dupuit’s
assumptions, Darcy’s equation can be written
qt = qt–1e–adt + R(1 – e–adt) (3) ∂h(x, t)
q(x) = –h(x,t) × K ∂x (5)
The detailed description of the analysis and so-
lution of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga drainage theory
was presented by Štibinger (2006). If no recharge
q(x) – intensity of the saturated non-steady state one-
of the water table is recorded during the water
dimensional horizontal flow (M2/T)
table recession via the subsurface pipe drainage
h(x,t) – head of the free water table level in the soil
system (e.g. following the rainfalls, irrigations,
porous environment in an arbitrary horizontal
heavy rains or floods), then R = 0. Eq. (11) can be
distance x (M) from the origin at an arbitrary
written as a formula to approximate the subsurface
time t > 0; (M)
drainage discharge:
The change in water storage per unit surface area
qt = qt–1e –adt
(4) in an infinitely small period of time is described
by the equation of continuity:
The first term q t–1 of Eq. (4) has the dimension ∂q(x) ∂h(x, t)
– = Pd
of the drainage rate, drainage intensity (M/T) and (6)
the second term e –at are dimensionless.
With respect to the constant time interval dt, the By substitution Eq. (5) with Eq. (6), a non-linear,
initial value of the subsurface drainage discharge partial differential equation of the second-order
at the beginning of the drainage process will be will be obtained:
approximated from the steady state conditions.
For example Ritzema (1994) used Hooghoudt’s ∂(h(x,t) × K[ ∂h(x, t)/∂x]) ∂h(x, t)
= Pd (7)
Equation in this sense. ∂x ∂t

Soil & Water Res., 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

The non-linearity demonstrates the first part Q(t) = h0PD(1 – 82 e–at) (10)
of Eq. (7): ∂(h(x,t) × K [∂h(x, t)/∂x]) . By the ap- π
proximation h(x,t) (M) = H (M) constant in the Finally, by the differentiation of the right part
first part of this equation, where H (M) = constant of Eq. (10) in time t the final expression of the
and represents the average depth of the aquifer, subsurface drainage discharge q(t) (M/T) at the
any time t > 0 is obtained in the form of:
Eq. (7) can be formulated as:
∂2h(x,t) ∂h(x, t) q(t) = (8h0PD.a/π2).e–at (11)
HK = Pd
∂t (8)

Eq. (11) expresses the value of the subsurface
Eq. (7) and (8) are also known as the Boussin- drainage discharge q(t) (M/T).
esq’s Equation (Boussinesq 1904) and serve as Similarly as in the case of Eq. (4), the first term
very good tools not only for the description of (8h 0P.a/π 2) of Eq. (11) has the dimension of the
the non steady-state groundwater flow in a gen- drainage rate, drainage intensity (M/T) and the
eral form, but also for the analysis of subsurface second term e–at are dimensionless. Alongside, the
drainage processes (Dumm 1954; Glover 1964; equation is, of course, identical with the second
Dieleman & Trafford 1976; Sagar & Preller term of Eq. (4).
1980; Ritzema 1994; Štibinger 2003). In this way the validity of the De Zeeuw-Hellin-
In this case, it is assumed that no recharge to ga theory and the accuracy of the method of the
the groundwater table occurs. The unsteady-state derivation were theoretically verified. This leads
saturated groundwater flow to the subsurface to the derivation of the final form of Eq. (4).
pipe drainage system, without any recharge to The way of the analytical solution of the sub-
the water table, is accurately described by these surface drainage discharge q(t) (M/T), which is
equations. described in the final form by Eq. (11), is exploit-
The linearisation of Eq. (7) expressed by Eq. (8) able enough. This process permits to approximate
applies mainly in the case of deep impervious bar- the subsurface total drainage quantity Q(t) (M) at
riers. It assumes that where H (M) converges to any time t > 0, in this case by Eq. (10).
Hooghoudt’s equivalent depth l’ (M), the height From the Darcy’s Law, Ritzema (1994) derived
of the water table above the level of drain can be the subsurface drainage discharge as:
neglected (Ritzema 1994).
In the following case, the average depth of the q(t) = h0(8KH/L2).e–at (12)
aquifer H (M) was approached as
By substituting a(T–1) = π2KH/(PdL2) it becomes
h0 obvious, that the first term h0(8KH/L2) of Eq. (19) is
H (M) = l’ +
4 identical with the first term (8h0P.a/π2) of Eq. (11).
The procedure explained above affirms and sup-
where: ports the correctness of the method of the analyti-
h 0 – initial water table level (M) at time t = 0 cal solution of the Boussinesq Equation, leading
to the final form of Eq. (11).
The simplified analytical solution of the lin- The linearisation of the Boussinesq Equation is
earised Boussinesq’s Eq. (8) can be presented in valid for homogenous isotropic porous soils with
the shape of h( x, t ) 4h0 ¦ 1e n at sin( nSx ). If a.t > 0.2, a continuous groundwater table and for small

S n 1, 3, 5 n L changes of H value in the fully saturated soil en-

the second and following terms of this expression
vironment. Those conditions, in the case of the
can be neglected, the formula is reduced to: drained heavy clay soils located in the experimen-
tal watershed of the Cerhovice Brook (RISWC,
h(x,t) = 4h0 e–at sin (πx) (9)
π L Prague-Zbraslav), were not fulfilled.
That is why the use and application of the lineari-
which is the starting formula for the analytical sation of the Boussinesq Equation is speculated on
approximation of the subsurface total drainage in this case just only as a hypothesis. The analysis
quantity Q(t) (M). Štibinger (2003) derived this and results of this use do not fall into the main
parameter into the equation: goals of this research.

Soil & Water Res., 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

Results and discussion hole method with Ernst’s evaluation (Van Beers
1970), partially by the inversed single auger-hole
Measured and calculated values method (Ritzema 1994) and double-ring infil-
tration method (Kutílek & Nielsen 1994). The
The accuracy of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga’s model drainable pore space (effective porosity) was ap-
application represented by Eq. (4) and the validity proximated from the soil water retention curves
of the use of the analytical solution represented (SWRC) using van Genuchten’s theory (van Ge-
by Eq. (11) were verified by measured real values nuchten & Nielsen 1985) with equivalent pore
of the subsurface drainage discharges. These were radius distribution.
obtained from the field experimental area of the The non-homogenous environment of heavy
Research Institute for Soil and Water Conserva- clay soils with a low permeability was represented
tion (RISWC) Prague-Zbraslav, Czech Republic by one value of hydraulic saturated conductivity
(Soukup et al. 2000). K = 0.075 (m/day), by the drainable pore space
The calculated values of the subsurface drainage (effective porosity) P d = 0.015 (–), by the thick-
discharges obtained by the application of Eq. (4) ness of the impermeable soil profile 0.90 (m).
and Eq. (11) were compared with the daily meas- The groundwater table was not continuous, the
ured data from the RISWC Prague-Zbraslav ex- hypothetic representative initial water table level
perimental watershed mentioned above. was h 0 = 0.50 (m).
The area of 40 hectares of heavy soils with a low The initial drainage and hydraulic calculations
hydraulic conductivity drained by a systematic show the value of l’ = 0.15 (m) (lateral drains are
subsurface pipe drainage system was selected and situated very close to the impervious layer), the
established during years 1976/77 by the RISWC value of H = l’ + (h0/4) = 0.275 (m), and indicate the
Prague-Zbraslav. The main purpose was to estimate value of the drainage intensity factor a = (π2.K.H)/
the impact of the drainage policy and particularly (L 2.P d) = 0.112 (day –1).
the force of the subsurface pipe drainage system on The groundwater table levels above the drain
the water regime in the agriculture landscape. pipes are periodically measured by the piezom-
This part of drainage represents a typical exam- eters. During the water table recession (subsur-
ple of the shallow subsurface drainage system (see face drainage processing) no precipitation, heavy
Figure 1), which comprises the drain spacing L = rains, irrigation, or floods were monitored to the
11 (m), average of the drain depth h d = 0.75 (m), groundwater table level.
and diameter of the lateral drain r 0 = 0.06 (m) That means that the process of the subsurface
(Štibinger 2003). saturated unsteady-state flow to the drains was not
The soil hydrology characteristics of the drained shaped by any recharge to the groundwater table.
soil layers were measured in the terrain and veri- The period from which the time series of the
fied in the laboratory using the “undisturbed” subsurface drainage discharge for the verification
core samples. The approximation of the hydraulic were selected, started at the beginning of May
saturated conductivity values was executed by the 2001 and proceeded to the end of the month, when
principles and applications of the single auger- the unsteady state drainage process terminated.

soil surface

hypothetic representative water table level at t = 0 hd = 0.75 m

K = 0.075 m/day
h0 = 0.5 m drain pipe P = 0.015 ( - )
H ҏ=
0.275 m L = 11 m r0 = 0.06 m
ҏ Figure 1. Shallow subsurface drainage
system parameters in non-steady state
l = l’ = conditions of the RISWC Prague-Zbraslav
= 0.15 m approximately horizontal impervious layer
experimental field

Soil & Water Res., 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

Table 1. Measured and calculated daily values of the subsurface drainage discharge from the RISWC Prague-Zbraslav
experimental field

Subsurface drainage discharge Subsurface drainage discharge De Subsurface drainage discharge calcu-
measured values (mm/day) Zeeuw-Hellinga values (mm/day) lated values by Eq. (11) (mm/day)
1 0.95 0.89 0.61
2 0.78 0.80 0.54
3 0.63 0.71 0.49
4 0.53 0.64 0.43
5 0.49 0.57 0.39
6 0.42 0.51 0.35
7 0.38 0.45 0.31
8 0.35 0.41 0.28
9 0.29 0.36 0.25
10 0.26 0.32 0.22
11 0.23 0.29 0.20

The real measured daily values of the subsurface and corresponds with the real drainage processes
drainage discharge (mm/day), from the selected very well.
period specified above, are shown in the second As obvious in Figure 2, it appears that especially
column of Table 1. at the beginning of the tested period the values of
The results of the calculations of the daily val- the subsurface drainage discharge obtained by the
ues of the subsurface drainage discharge (mm/ De Zeeuw-Hellinga model approximate the process
day) obtained by Eq. (4), based on the De Zeeuw- far better then the values of the subsurface drainage
Hellinga drainage theory, are shown in the third discharge (calculated according to Eq. (11)).
column of Table 1. Approximately after three and a half days of the
Daily values of the subsurface drainage discharge process, the values obtained by the De Zeeuw-
(mm/day) calculated according to Eq. (11) are Hellinga theory are evidently higher then the real
shown in the last column in Table 1. These come values, while the values estimated by Eq. (11) are
from the simplified analytical solution of the lin- clearly smaller (see Figure 2).
earised Boussinesq’s equation. Particularly during the first days of the drain-
The time series of all the measured and calculated age process, the deviations (errors) of the values
data are presented graphically in Figure 2. of the subsurface drainage discharge calculated
by Eq. (11) from the measured real values were
Discussion rather high: On the first day it was 35.2%, on the
second day 25.2%, and on the third day 14.7%
The daily values of the subsurface drainage dis- (see Table 2).
charge measured at the RISWC Prague experi- Dieleman and Trafford (1976) offer an expla-
mental field, the values of the subsurface drainage nation for this discrepancy. They discovered that
discharge calculated by De Zeeuw-Hellinga model the validity of Eq. (11) is defined from a certain
(4) and the values of the subsurface drainage dis- point of time Tp, where the relation between the
charge calculated by Eq. (11) were compared (Ta- subsurface drainage discharge and the decrease of
ble 1 and Figure 2). the water table level is constant. The value of Tp
Graph in Figure 1 shows that the trends of the curves can be estimated from the expression Tp = 0.4/a
of the measured and calculated values are identical, (days).
although certain differences are apparent. In this case Tp = 0.4/0.112 = 3.57 days, which
The course of the time series of the tested values means that Eq. (18) should be used just from the
is monotone, exponential, evidently decreasing time of 3.6 days. In this way are explained the

Soil & Water Res., 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

subsurface drainage discharge (mm/day) Figure 2. Measured and calculated daily

measured data values of the subsurface drainage dis-
0.9 subsurface drainage discharge (mm/day) charge from the RISWC Prague-Zbraslav
De Zeeuw-Hellinga values experimental field
subsurface drainage discharge (mm/day)
0.7 calculated values by Eq. (11)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Time ( days )

more significant errors of the subsurface drainage age discharge minus q(t) calculated by Eq. (18))
discharge values, calculated by Eq. (11) in the first is monotone, slightly decreasing. The differences
three days
Figure of this drainage
2. Measured and process. are directly
calculated daily values of proportional to the values of the sub-
the subsurface
According to Mls (1988), for the saturated non- surface drainage
drainage discharge from the RISWC Prague-Zbraslav experimental field. discharge. The smaller the value
steady state groundwater flow with the use of the of the subsurface drainage discharge, the smaller
Dupuit’s assumptions and Darcy’s Law, the follow- the difference (error). From the time t = 3.57 =
ing theory applies: At the border (for example a Tp (day) the absolute magnitude of the differences
bank or a drain pipe) and for the time on-coming varies between 0.1 (mm/day) and 0.03 (mm/day),
(converging) to zero, the relatively extremely high which means between 10.5% and 3.1%.
values of the velocities, drainage discharges, and To generalise the results of the analysis of the
outflows are generated. terrain and numerical experiments by the use of
The graph in Figure 3 clearly shows that the linearisation of the Boussinesq Equation, the re-
course of the absolute magnitude of the differences search projects of RISWC, Prague-Zbraslav from
generated by the use of Eq. (11) (absolute magni- the experimental area Zaluzi from 1972–1992 will
tude from the daily values of the measured drain- be analysed in the next stage of this research.

differences (mm/day) from
0.3 De Zeeuw-Hellinga's
differences (mm/day) from

0.2 calculation by Eq. (11)



0.05 2
Figure 3. Course of absolute magnitude of
differences from De Zeeuw-Hellinga’s applica-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 tions and from calculations by Eq. (11), RISWC
Time (days) Prague-Zbraslav experimental field

Soil & Water Res., 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

Table 2. Differences between measured and calculated (by De Zeeuw-Hellinga model and by Eq. (11)) daily values of
the subsurface drainage discharge from the RISWC Prague-Zbraslav experimental field

Differences of De Zeeuw-Hellinga Differences of Eq. (11) abso-

Days Differences (%) Differences (%)
absolute magnitude (mm/day) lute magnitude (mm/day)

1 0.06 6.3 0.34 35.8

2 0.02 2.1 0.24 25.2
3 0.08 8.4 0.14 14.7
4 0.11 11.5 0.10 10.5
5 0.08 8.4 0.10 10.5
6 0.09 9.5 0.07 7.3
7 0.07 7.3 0.07 7.3
8 0.06 6.3 0.07 7.3
9 0.07 7.3 0.04 4.2
10 0.06 6.3 0.04 4.2
11 0.06 6.3 0.03 3.1

The time series of the absolute magnitude of characteristic plays the key role in the drainage
the differences between the daily values of the policy and can serve not only for the evaluation
measured subsurface drainage discharge and the of the impact of the existing subsurface drainage
values of q t calculated by De Zeeuw-Hellinga system, but also for the design of the parameters
theory is also shown in the graph in Figure 3. of a new one.
Over the entire observed period, the course of The accuracy of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga’s method
the differences fluctuates, from the fourth day it in the general form was theoretically confirmed
slightly decreases, and the absolute magnitude of by the results of the analytical solution of the
the differences varies between 0.11 (mm/day) and Boussinesq’s Equation.
0.02 (mm/day), i.e. between 11.5% and 2.1% (see By the daily measured real values of the subsur-
Table 2 and Figure 2). face drainage discharges from the experimental
From the fourth day of the drainage process, the field of the RISWC Prague, it was demonstrated
course of the differences from De Zeeuw-Hellinga that Eq. (4), as a result of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga
applications is almost identical with the course of theory, is an acceptable tool to approximate the
the differences from the calculation by Eq. (11). subsurface drainage discharge under the unsteady
It is perceived that the final Eq. (4), derived on state drainage flow in heavy soils.
the basis of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga theory, can The applicability of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga’s
serve as a good tool for the approximation of the assumptions in the highly permeable porous envi-
subsurface drainage discharge over the whole ronment was controlled in the field of the landfill
course of the drainage process, while Eq. (11), hydrology by the analysis of the measured data of
which is more known and used, is suitable from a the landfill leachate rate from the internal land-
certain time of the drainage process. In this case fill drainage system at the Osecna Landfill in the
it is from the time t = 3.6 day. Czech Republic (Štibinger 2006).
A great privilege of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga
Conclusions Eq. (4), as compared to Eq. (11), consists in the
possibility of its use also and especially at the very
It is indisputable that the subsurface drainage beginning of the drainage process.
discharge falls within the most important indica- Eq. (11) or other formulas derived on the basis of
tors of the subsurface pipe drainage system and all the analytical solution of the Boussinesq Equation
drainage hydrology. The correct estimation of this do not offer this possibility. Such equations can

Soil & Water Res., 4, 2009 (1): 28–38

be used only from a certain time t (Dieleman & The sphere of the use of the De Zeeuw-Hellinga
Trafford 1976). equations is very wide, all the verifications of the
This procedure (policy), of course, is not usable field test results and measurements prove that
in the case of the application of Eq. (11) or in the the possibilities of applications and their benefits
case of the use of other formulas derived on the to the user, as mentioned above, can be fulfilled.
basis of the analytical solution of the Boussinesq
Equation, which can be used just from a certain Acknowledgements. The author would like to express
time, t only (Dieleman & Trafford 1976). his many thanks to Dr. Z. Rosolova from JBA Consulting
Under the umbrella of the Ministry of Agriculture – Engineers and Scientists, South Barn, Broughton Hall,
Czech Republic, the Department of Land Use and Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 3AE, UK, for her careful
Improvement, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, documentation of all data.
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Corresponding author:
Dr. Jakub Štibinger, Ph.D., Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Fakulta životního prostředí,
katedra biotechnických úprav krajiny, Kamýcká 129, 165 21 Praha 6-Suchdol, Česká republika
tel.: + 420 224 382 126, fax: + 420 234 381 848, e-mail:


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