Applications of Particletracking Techniq 2 PDF
Applications of Particletracking Techniq 2 PDF
Applications of Particletracking Techniq 2 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-0996-z
Received: 12 March 2007 / Accepted: 9 August 2007 / Published online: 23 August 2007
Springer-Verlag 2007
Abstract This paper presents results of a small scale river. The examples presented in this paper indicate that
study that utilized particle-tracking techniques to evaluate operating the pumping well at a doubled distance from the
transport of river water through an alluvial aquifer in a river increased the time required for the water to travel to
bank infiltration testing site in El Paso, Texas, USA. The the well, but did not greatly change the capture zone.
particle-tracking survey was used to better define filtration
parameters. Several simulations were generated to allow Keywords Riverbank Filtration Particle tracking
visualization of the effects of well placement and pumping Modeling MODPATH
rate on flow paths, travel time, the size of the pumping
influence zone, and proportion of river-derived water and
groundwater mixing in the pumping well. Simulations Introduction
indicate that migration of river water into the aquifer is
generally slow. Most water does not arrive at the well by In riverbank infiltration applications wells are located on
the end of an 18-day pumping period at 0.54 m3/min the banks to capture a portion of the river water through
pumping rate for a well located 18 m from the river. Forty- induced infiltration. The extraction of the groundwater near
four percent of the water pumped from the well was river the river, particularly for agricultural areas, such as the area
water. The models provided important information needed containing the bank infiltration site of this study, can lead
to design appropriate sampling schedules for bank filtration to river water infiltrating into the surrounding aquifer.
practices and ensured meeting adequate soil-retention Often, studies of river–aquifer interaction do not focus on
times. The pumping rate has more effect on river water mechanisms controlling movement of infiltrated river
travel time than the location of the pumping well from the water inside a nearby aquifer (for instance, Sontheimer
1980; Kim and Corapcioglu 2002; Ray 2002). However,
A. Abdel-Fattah (&)
more information on filtration parameters is required to
Hydrogeology Research Program, achieve a greater level of understanding of the movement
El Paso Agricultural Research and Extension Center, of river water inside nearby aquifers.
Texas A&M University, 1380 A&M Circle, According to Chen (2001), most river–aquifer interac-
El Paso, TX 79927, USA
tion studies have focused on the discharge losses in streams
due to extraction of the groundwater by a pumping well
R. Langford (e.g., Hantush 1965; Chen and Yin 1999, 2001). Chen
Department of Geosciences, (2001) emphasized that studies on river discharge depletion
The University of Texas at El Paso,
500 W. University Avenue,
must be expanded by including a determination of the
El Paso, TX 79968, USA following characteristics: the distance the infiltrated river
water can travel into the aquifer during a pumping period,
D. Schulze-Makuch the travel time from the river–aquifer boundary to the
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Washington State University, P.O. Box 64281,
pumping well, and the area of aquifer influenced by river
Pullman, WA 99163, USA water. A few studies have used analytical solutions to deal
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The water at the location x = 0 and y = 0 (Fig. 3) requires The outflow of the system was due to stream output and
the least time to arrive at the pumping well. Hantush (1965) was represented by a constant head boundary, and due to a
termed this pathline the ‘‘meridian’’ line, which is the x- specified flow boundary represented by the discharging
axis in Fig. 3. pumping well.
Setting the boundary conditions Hydraulic conductivities of model layers were estimated
from analysis of aquifer test data and laboratory measure-
Boundary conditions for the flow model consisted of: (a) ments. Vertical hydraulic conductivities of core samples
two specified head (or constant head cells), which were the extracted during well construction were measured using the
two water courses located northeast (Riverside Canal) and constant head method (Klute 1965). Horizontal and vertical
southwest (historic Rio Grande River channel) of the study hydraulic conductivities in addition to transmissivities,
area (Fig. 2). This extension of boundaries of the small storage coefficients, and leakage rates through the semi-
study area to these natural hydrological boundaries was confining unit in the aquifer were estimated from pump
done to minimize the effect of boundary conditions on the tests. These values were considered as initial estimates of
simulation results. The boundaries were specified as the hydraulic parameters applied to the model (Table 1).
stages of the water courses. The water table in the model Vertical hydraulic conductivity for the bed layer underly-
was referenced to mean sea level (WGS 84) and was held ing the stream (colmation layer) was also measured using
at 1114.25 m in the small study area. This depth was on the constant head method. The value was 3.0 · 10–6m/s
average 2 m below the ground surface and was measured after taking the geometric mean of ten samples from dif-
in pump and observation wells prior to the test. (b) Because ferent depths in the clogging layer underlying the stream.
no natural hydrogeologic boundaries occur north and south
of the study area, arbitrary no-flow boundaries were set
50 m (Fig. 2) north and south of a line drawn between the The steady-state (unstressed) groundwater flow model
pumping well and the stream. These were far enough from and calibration
the pumping well such that no effects of pumping should
reach them during the modeled time (Fig. 2). Also a no- The 3-D-finite difference model was developed using
flow boundary near the deep bottom boundary (shale layer) MODFLOW. The model was originally developed to
was set. Finally, the pumping well was specified as con- simulate the ground-water flow and transport of bromide
stant flux where the pumping rate is known. Recharge from and microspheres tracers to mimic transport of pathogens
the surface was considered a constant flux boundary in a testing bank infiltration system in El Paso, Texas, USA
(almost negligible), as only a single, short raining event (Abdel-Fattah 2005). The GIS coverage-based module (the
occurred concurrently with the test. Other recharge sources conceptual model approach in GMS) was used to construct
in the site were infiltration from the stream to the shallow the MODFLOW model by importing a digital image of the
aquifer due to the induced infiltration caused by pumping. site from the USGS Seamless Data Distribution System
Table 1 Summary of initial input parameters of aquifer layers for the groundwater flow modeling
Aquifer type Model layer 1 Model layer 2 Model layer 3 Model layer 4
unconfined confined confined confined
Environ Geol (2008) 55:505–515 509
(SDDS) as a Digital Orthophoto Quad (DOQ) created by the main area of interest to improve the model’s predictive
ArcGIS (inset in Fig. 1 and the background of Figs. 4, 5, power at the targeted small study site. New values for
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12). The river in the simulation was hydraulic conductivity and recharge were entered, a new
represented by a group of nodes within the grid. The head solution was generated, and a new error estimate was
at the river nodes was specified to be equal to the river computed. The initial input parameters (Table 1) were
stage. Since the pumping well represents a point of con- adjusted during calibration until the degree of fit between
vergence in the groundwater flow and causes steep model simulations and field measurements was quantified
gradients in the head near the well, the grid was refined to by statistical means used in groundwater flow modeling:
accurately model the flow near the well to a 10-cm grid. The acceptable residual should be a small fraction of the
The GIS-built model was converted to 3-D finite difference difference between the highest and lowest heads across the
grid of the four-aquifer layers. The extended 3-D-grid site and be based on: (1) the ratio of the Root Mean Squared
containing the smaller study site covered a square region (RMS) of error to the total head loss should be small; (2)
measuring 1432.64 m in the x-direction by100 m in y- head differential of\5% for the residual mean and standard
direction. Length in z-direction was 74.0 m. The grid type deviation; and \10% for the ratio of the standard deviation
used was cell centered, consisted of 50 rows and 187 to total head change (Anderson and Woessner 1992). For
columns. this model, the estimated RMS of error was 0.049 which is
The governing equation for ground water flow through very small relative to the total head loss (0.480 m). More-
the porous medium, which was used in the model, can be over, residual mean and standard deviation were –0.034 and
written using the following partial differential equation; 0.037 m respectively, and the ratio of the residual standard
deviation to the overall range in head across the model
o oh o oh o oh o gradient was estimated to be 0.077. Calibration statistics
Kxx þ Kyy þ Kzz W ¼ Ss :
ox ox oy oy oz oz ot coupled with acceptable model parameter values indicate
ð1Þ that a very reliable calibration was achieved. It is important
to note that calibration was met with the residual mean
Where Kxx, Kyy, and Kzz are the hydraulic conductivities in being close to 0, and the ratio of residual standard deviation
the three orthogonal directions (m/s or ft/day), h is the head to the overall range in head is adequately less than 10%.
driving the flow or is the saturated thickness of the aquifer
(m or ft),W is the volumetric flux per unit volume and
represents the source/sink term for water or withdrawal Transient groundwater flow simulation and calibration
(m3/s or ft3/day).
Ss is the specific storage capacity of the porous medium Predicted water levels obtained by the calibrated steady-
(dimensionless), t is the time (s or day). state simulation were used as the initial heads in the tran-
When withdrawal of water occurs, –W = R, where R is a sient groundwater flow simulation of the actual 18-day
general sink/source term, which is defined to be intrinsi- pump test. A forced-gradient flow was created by operating
cally positive to represent recharge (defines the volume of the submersible pump inserted in the pumping well (Fig. 2)
inflow to the system per unit volume of aquifer per unit of for 6 h before running the test to reach steady-state flow in
time (ft3/ft3/day or m3/m3/s). the saturated zone. The pumping rate was set at 0.54 m3/
The model equations were solved numerically with a min. Changes in water level in the stream during the test
fully implicit finite difference method using the Block were negligible. Here, transient pumping conditions were
Successive Over-relaxation method (Wang and Anderson modeled to examine the effect of the pumping well dis-
1982). charging from layer 3 from December 16, 2003 (10:30
The first run of the simulation was to determine the a.m.) until January 3, 2003 (10:00 a.m.). Since flow was
unstressed steady-state head distribution. The calibration transient, the velocity field was calculated each time the
took the initial estimates of model parameters (mainly observed water level date was available. Therefore, 66
hydraulic conductivity) and adjusted them by trial and error stress periods were simulated with 1-time step of simula-
until the model successfully reproduced the observed tion assigned to each stress period. Results of transient flow
configuration of the water table prior to pumping. The simulation were presented in the form of head contour
model was repeatedly run until the computed solution maps at the end of each time step.
matched field-observed values within an acceptable level In the stressed-model calibration, a set of transient-field-
of accuracy. observed heads from the same observation wells at the site
A solution computed with this initial model was impor- was used. The model calibration was evaluated and
ted for the smaller bank filtration site and the errors were accepted based on hydrographs at each target location fol-
analyzed. The groundwater flow model was re-calibrated in lowing the same procedures described above in calibrating
510 Environ Geol (2008) 55:505–515
the unstressed steady-state model. For each transient model stream into the shallow aquifer and backward from the
run, an analysis of the observed versus computed water pumping well to locate the origin of the flow paths in the
levels was conducted to determine the accuracy of the stream for the 18-day test period.
simulation. The calibration was ultimately accepted through
a series of model runs using revised parameter values that
produced output that agreed reasonably with the real system Results
observations with an estimated error of ±30 cm with a 95%
confidence. For the stressed model, the estimated RMS of Forward tracking from the river: travel times
error was 0.13 m which is very small relative to the total and pathlines determination
transient head loss (total drawdown) which was 4.61 m.
Moreover, residual mean was 0.1 m, absolute mean of A forward tracking scheme was used in MODPATH to
residuals was 0.11 m, and the ratio of the residual standard determine which particles are captured by the pumping
deviation (taken her as the RMS) to the overall drawdown in well. Particles were placed along interface between stream
the model gradient (4.61 m) was estimated to be 0.03. and aquifer in a subdomain of the model, extending
97.46 m upriver and 113.84 m downriver from the x = 0
and y = 0 position. Figure 4a shows the pathlines of river
Particle-tracking simulations water converging at the pumping well in plan view after 18
days of pumping and Fig. 4b shows 3-D view of the same
To estimate travel times and construct pathlines of river event. The white squares in Fig. 4a (gray in the 3-D view in
water in the aquifer, the particle-tracking code MODPATH Fig. 4b) represent the starting locations of the particles at
was used. MODPATH (McDonald and Harbaugh 1988; the river–aquifer boundary, and the white arrowed lines
Pollock 1989) is 3-D USGS particle-tracking and post- represent the river water pathlines terminating at the
processing (display) program designed to work with pumping well whereas the black arrowed lines represent
MODFLOW to identify travel times and paths of particles the locations of river water pathlines that did not reach the
mimicking contaminants (or tracers). The results of this well during the 18-day pumping period. As shown in
program represent groundwater travel times and pathlines
for advective transport only. Using a flow field computed
by MODFLOW, MODPATH can track a set of fictitious
particles to simulate the movement of contaminants start-
ing from user-defined point-source locations. MODPATH
assumes the validity of Darcy’s law and the law of con-
servation of mass in the same fashion as MODFLOW.
MODFLOW models provide the velocities only at the
midpoints of the cell boundaries. The particle velocities are
calculated by MODPATH using linear interpolation. Since
the velocity component of the particle at any time are
known functions of the particle coordinates, the coordi-
nates of the particle at any future time can also be
computed (Pollock 1989).
The groundwater velocity was first estimated using the
calibrated groundwater flow model described above. In
order to estimate the tracking times, an effective porosity
value was defined for each of the cells in the grid. An
effective porosity value of 0.20 was used for the top and
lower two layers of the model based on results from lab-
oratory measurements. A lower effective porosity value
(0.15) was used for the less permeable model layer (layer
no. 2, Fig. 2). To show the migration process of infiltrated
river water in the unconfined aquifer, forward and back-
ward particle tracking were performed using MODPATH.
A set of particle starting locations were specified sur-
Fig. 4 Top portion (a) shows plan view of pathlines of induced river
rounding the cell containing the pumping well. Particles water that are converging and not converging at the pumping well.
were tracked forward to track infiltrated water from the Bottom portion (b) shows 3-D view of same event
Environ Geol (2008) 55:505–515 511
Fig. 4, not all the river water volumes reach the pumping (Scenario 2), none of the river water pathlines converged at
well after the 18-day pumping period for a 18-m river the pumping well (Fig. 6). However, when both the dis-
pumping well distance and pumping rate of 0.54 m3/min tance to the river and the pumping rate were doubled
(Scenario 1). But the river water in the reach close to the (1 m3/min) (Scenario 3) many pathlines now converge at
pumping well and extending 18 m upriver (pathline 9) and the pumping well (Fig. 7). At this combined effect of
17.7 m downriver (pathline 140 ) from x = 0 and y = 0 point doubled distance and pumping rate, the water particle at the
(white lines), reaches the well (Figs. 4, 5). Figure 5 shows location (x = 0, y = 0) takes 1.70 days (40.8 h) to reach the
the distances for the pathlines starting locations of the well. The new upriver and downriver starting locations that
pathlines that only converge at the pumping well. The have pathlines converge at the pumping well were located
times required for these water particles to get to the well at x = 0, y = 24.87 m with a travel time of 2.51 days
are different. Those particles farther from the well take (60.24 h) and x = 0, y = 29.5 m with a travel time of 2.79
much longer to reach the well. For example, the water days (66.96 h) respectively.
particle at the location (x = 0, y = 0) takes 1.46 days (35 h) These simulations indicate that the pumping rate has
to reach the well. This pathline is almost straight (pathline more effect on river water travel time and influence zone
1, Fig. 5). The water at the location (x = 0, y = 18 m; than does the location of the pumping well. Using Scenario
pathline 9) takes 2.71 days (65.04 h) to reach the well. 1, the pathlines 18 m upriver and 17.7 m downriver con-
From the downriver direction (the other side of the location verged at the pumping well. Whereas doubling both the
x = 0, y = 0), the water at the location x = 0, y = 17.7 m; distance (36 m) and the pumping rate (1 m3/min) (Scenario
pathline 140 , takes 2.55 days (61.2 h) to reach the well. 3) added more distant pathlines converging at the well
(24.78 m upriver and 29.5 m downriver). This conclusion
was also supported by the results obtained when using half
Simulations of varied pumping rates and river-pumping the distance (9 m) between the river and the pumping well
well distances and keeping the same original pumping rate (0.54 m3/min)
(Scenario 4). In this scenario, the water particles at the
When the river-pumping well distance was doubled (36 m) location (x = 0, y = 0) takes 0.7 days (16.8 h) to reach the
keeping the same original pumping rate of 0.54 m3/min well (Fig. 8). The upriver and downriver locations with
512 Environ Geol (2008) 55:505–515
Environ Geol (2008) 55:505–515 513
Fig. 10 Pathlines for 18-day pumping period with the area covered
by the pathlines (shaded area) has been filled with river water
infiltrated during the pumping period
514 Environ Geol (2008) 55:505–515
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penetration. It is apparent that influence zones are smaller Acknowledgment The authors are grateful to US Environmental
for partially penetrating rivers when compared with results Protection Agency (EPA) for supporting the comprehensive project
‘‘Riverbank Filtration Effectiveness in an Arid Environment’’ (EPA
from fully penetrating river (for instance Chen 2001). Grant Number R829009) from which this paper was extracted.
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