Review Paper On Metamaterials
Review Paper On Metamaterials
Review Paper On Metamaterials
Abstract: Metamaterials have been under study for several decades due to
their unique properties. In this paper we have focused on characteristics of
metamaterials, its applications, especially its cloaking ability and also
describes the recent developments in the field of electromagnetic cloaking.
Attention is also given to the recently proposed cloaking technique which is
based on networks of transmission lines along with the advancement in
1. Introduction
Metamaterials are materials engineered to have property that is not found
in nature. Metamaterials derive their properties from their designed
structures. The concept of negative permeability and permittivity is used in
metamaterials. Metamaterials finds its applications in optical filters, medical
devices, as sensors, as superlenses, as antennas, as cloaking et al. There are
various developments which have taken place in field of metamaterials.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Theory of Metamaterials
Metamaterials are engineered materials that are capable of characteristics not
found in naturally occurring materials. They can be fabricated with negative
refractivity, which causes an electromagnetic (EM) wave to reflect in a
direction opposite of what might be expected.They are made from
assemblies of multiple elements fashioned from composits materials such as
metals or plastics.The materials are usually arranged in repeating patterns, at
scales that are smaller than the wavelengths of the phenomena they
influence. Metamaterials derive their properties not from the properties of
the base materials, but from their newly designed structures.
Their precise shape, geometry, size, orientation and arrangement gives them
their smart properties capable of manipulating electromagnetic waves: by
blocking, absorbing, enhancing, or bending waves, to achieve benefits that
go beyond what is possible with conventional materials.Appropriately
designed metamaterials can affect waves of electromagnetic
radiation or sound in a manner not observed in bulk materials.
Those that exhibit a negative index of refraction for particular wavelengths
have attracted significant research.These materials are known as negative-
index metamaterials.
Negative-index materials were first described theoretically by Victor
Veselago in 1967.
John Pendry was the first to identify a practical way to make a left-handed
Thus metamaterials are materials having negavtive permeability and
2.2 Applications of Metamaterials
2.2.1. Metamaterial as Antenna
Metamaterial coatings have been used to enhance the radiation and matching
properties of electrically small electric and magnetic dipole antennas. Metamaterial
step up the radiated power. The newest Metamaterial antenna radiate 95% of input
radio signal at 350 MHz. Experimental metamaterial antenna are as small as one
fifth of a wavelength. Patch antenna with metamaterial cover have increased
directivity. Flat horn antenna with flat aperture constructed of zero index
metamaterial has advantage of improved directivity. Some applications for
metamaterial antennas are wireless communication, space
communications, GPS, satellites, space vehicle navigation and airplanes.