SRM University Nano Materials
SRM University Nano Materials
SRM University Nano Materials
Lecture 2 Apr.10/10
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
Physicists: physical forces between the individual atoms composing them quantum effects Chemists : The interaction of different molecules is governed by chemical forces. Biologists : creation of small devices (encoding informations in DNA to perform multitasks Computer Scientists : Steady miniaturization : - Moores Law and its corollaries, the phenomena whereby the price performance, speed, and capacity of almost every component of the computer. Electrical Engineers : a steady supply of power. A control of electric signals is also vital to transistor switches and memory storage. Mechanical Engineers: nanolevel issues such as load bearing, wear, material fatigue, and lubrication
November 8, 2012
Nanomaterials: Nanomaterials or nanophase materials are the materials which are made of grains that are about 100nm in diameter and contain less than few ten thousands of atoms November 8, 2012
The study of materials and associated physical, biophysical and biochemical phenomena on the scale of ~1-100 nm. A compelling competition : The primary appeal of nanotechnology is the potential to manipulate matter at the nanoscale. This leads to the possibility of preparing novel materials (nanomaterials) that have specific, manipulable physical properties and functions.
November 8, 2012
Prof. Richard Feynman Theres plenty of room at the bottom November 8, 2012
K. J. Klabunde, 2001
By controlling nano-scale (1) composition, (2) size, and (3) shape, we can create new materials with new properties New technologies
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
20 nm gold nanoparticles
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
I, Robot (2004)
Outer Limits: The New Breed (1995) Star Trek: TNG (1987-1994)
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
heavy vehicles flights ATOM/MOLECULAR COMPUTERS MILITARY APPLICATIONS As smart weapons/bombs SOLAR ENERGY/Photovoltaic cells Medical uses
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
are a form of electromagnetic energy. Microwaves, like all electromagnetic radiation, have an electrical component as well as a magnetic component. characterized by wavelengths between 1 mm and 1 m, and corresponds to frequencies between 100 and 5,000 MHz
absorb the energy, they can reflect the energy, or they can simply
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
Material Synthesis
The discovery of new materials requires the development of a
Microwave methods offer the opportunity to synthesize and modify the composition, structure and morphology of materials, particularly composites via differential heating. heated, and can promote direct microwave heating at elevated temperature, greatly expanding the use of microwaves for reactions between solids and gassolid mixtures.
Microwave-assisted synthesis is generally much faster, cleaner, and more economical than the conventional methods. A variety of materials such as carbides, nitrides, complex oxides, silicides, zeolites, apatite, etc. have been synthesized using microwaves.
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012
Electron Microscopy Techniques Electron Microscopes are scientific instruments that use a beam of highly energetic electrons to examine objects on a very fine scale. The main advantage of Electron Microscopy is the unusual short wavelength of the electron beams, substituted for light energy ( = h/p) The wavelengths of about 0.005 nm increases the resolving power of the instrument to fractions Topography The surface features of an object or "how it looks", its texture; direct relation between these features and materials properties (hardness, reflectivity...etc.) Morphology The shape and size of the particles making up the object; direct relation between these structures and materials properties (ductility, strength, reactivity...etc.) Composition The elements and compounds that the object is composed of and the relative amounts of them; direct relationship between composition and materials properties (melting point, reactivity, hardness...etc.) Crystallographic Information. How the atoms are arranged in the object; direct relation between these arrangements and materials properties (conductivity, electrical properties, strength...etc.)
November 8, 2012
Types Transmission electron microscopy, which essentially looks through a thin slice of a specimen. Scanning electron microscopy, which looks at the surface of a solid object.
November 8, 2012
TEM works much like a slide projector. A projector shines a beam of light through
(transmits) the slide, as the light passes through it is affected by the structures and objects on the slide. These effects result in only certain parts of the light beam being transmitted through certain parts of the slide. This transmitted beam is then projected onto the viewing screen, forming an enlarged image of the slide. TEMs work the same way except that they shine a beam of electrons (like the light) through the specimen (like the slide). Whatever part is transmitted is projected onto a phosphor screen for the user to see.
November 8, 2012
The "Virtual Source" - the electron gun, produces a stream of monochromatic electrons. This stream is focused to a small, thin, coherent beam by the use of condenser lenses 1 and 2. The first lens (usually controlled by the "spot size knob") largely determines the "spot size"; the general size range of the final spot that strikes the sample. The second lens (usually controlled by the "intensity or brightness knob" actually changes the size of the spot on the sample; changing it from a wide dispersed spot to a pinpoint beam. The beam is restricted by the condenser aperture (usually user selectable), knocking out high angle electrons (those far from the optic axis, the dotted line down the center) The beam strikes the specimen and parts of it are transmitted
Source : - Inelastically Scattered Electrons Braggs law Kakuchi Bands: - Bands of alternating light and dark lines that are formed by inelastic scattering interactions that are related to atomic spacings in the specimen
November 8, 2012
Working Concept
SEM allows surfaces of objects to be seen in their natural state without staining. The specimen is put into the vacuum chamber and covered with a thin coating of gold to increase electrical conductivity and thus forms a less blurred image. The electron beam then sweeps across the object building an image line by line as in a TV Camera. As electrons strike the object, they knock loose showers of electrons that are captured by a detector to form the image.
November 8, 2012
Specimen Interactions and utilization: Backscattered Electrons Formation Caused by an incident electron colliding with an atom in the specimen which is nearly normal to the incident's path. The incident electron is then scattered "backward" 180 degrees.
Secondary Electrons Source This ionized electron then leaves the atom with a very small kinetic energy (5eV) and is then termed a "secondary electron". Each incident electron can produce several secondary electrons.
Auger Electrons Source Caused by the de-energization of the specimen atom after a secondary electron is produced. X-rays Source
Caused by the de-energization of the specimen atom after a secondary electron is produced
November 8, 2012
The AFM has several advantages over the scanning electron
microscope (SEM). Unlike the electron microscope which provides a two-dimensional projection or a two-dimensional image of a sample, the AFM provides a true three-dimensional surface profile. Additionally, samples viewed by AFM do not require any special treatments (such as metal/carbon coatings) that would irreversibly change or damage the sample. While an electron microscope needs an expensive vacuum environment for proper operation, most AFM modes can work perfectly well in ambient air or even a liquid environment. This makes it possible to study biological macromolecules and even living organisms. In principle, AFM can provide higher resolution than SEM. It has been shown to give true atomic resolution in ultra-high vacuum (UHV).
November 8, 2012
A disadvantage of AFM compared with the scanning electron microscope
Another inconvenience is that at high resolution, the quality of an image is limited by the radius of curvature of the probe tip, and an incorrect choice of tip for the required resolution can lead to image artifacts.
November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012