Cde List LLT 2
Cde List LLT 2
Cde List LLT 2
1 Aardema, Verna Borreguita and the Coyote: A Tale from Ayutla, Mexico
2 Aardema, Verna Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain
3 Aardema, Verna Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears: A West African Tale
4 Abbey, Edward Monkey Wrench Gang, The
5 Abe, Kobo Ark Sakura, The
6 Abe, Kobo Box Man, The
7 Abe, Kobo Ruined Map, The
8 Achebe, Chinua Anthills of the Savannah
9 Achebe, Chinua Arrow of God
10 Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apart
11 Ackerman, Karen Leaves in October, The
12 Ackerman, Karen Night Crossing, The
13 Ackerman, Karen Song and Dance Man
14 Acosta, Oscar Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo, The
15 Ada, Alma Flor Dear Peter Rabbit
16 Ada, Alma Flor It Wasn't Me
17 Ada, Alma Flor My Name Is Maria Isabel
18 Ada, Alma Flor Under the Royal Palms: A Childhood in Cuba
19 Ada, Alma Flor Yours Truly, Goldilocks
20 Adams, Adrienne Poetry of Earth and Sky
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