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PBPL Publications: 2007-00006




M.C. Thompson, H. Badakov, J.B. Rosenzweig, G. Travish, M.J. Hogan, R. Ischebeck, N. Kirby,
R. Siemann, D. Walz, P. Muggli, A. Scott, R. Yoder

An experiment designed to test the breakdown threshold of a dielectric subjected to the GV/m-
scale electric-fields of an intense electron-beam has been completed. In this experiment at the
Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) facility, the 28.5 GeV SLAC electron beam was focused down
and propagated through short fused-silica capillary-tubes with internal diameters of as little as
100 μm. The electric field at the inner surface of the tubes was varied from about 1 GV/m to 22
GV/m by adjusting the longitudinal compres- sion of the electron bunch. We observed a sharp
increase in optical emissions from the capillaries in the middle part of this surface field range
which we believe indicates the transition between sustainable field levels and breakdown. If this
initial interpretation is correct, the multi-GV/m sur- faced fields that were sustained equate to on
axis accelerat- ing field of several GV/m.
THPMS015 Proceedings of PAC07, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA



M.C. Thompson† ‡ , UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 90095 and LLNL, Livermore, CA, 94550, USA
H. Badakov, J.B. Rosenzweig, G. Travish, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 90095, USA
M.J. Hogan, R. Ischebeck, N. Kirby, R. Siemann, D. Walz, SLAC, Stanford, CA, 94309, USA
P. Muggli, USC, Los Angeles, CA, 90089, USA
A. Scott, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, USA
R. Yoder, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY, 10471, USA

Abstract Cladding
An experiment designed to test the breakdown threshold
of a dielectric subjected to the GV/m-scale electric-fields
of an intense electron-beam has been completed. In this
experiment at the Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) facility, a
the 28.5 GeV SLAC electron beam was focused down and Electron Beam
propagated through short fused-silica capillary-tubes with
internal diameters of as little as 100 μm. The electric field Dielectric
at the inner surface of the tubes was varied from about 1
GV/m to 22 GV/m by adjusting the longitudinal compres-
sion of the electron bunch. We observed a sharp increase Figure 1: Schematic of the dielectric wake accelerator.
in optical emissions from the capillaries in the middle part
of this surface field range which we believe indicates the
transition between sustainable field levels and breakdown.
If this initial interpretation is correct, the multi-GV/m sur-
faced fields that were sustained equate to on axis accelerat-
ing field of several GV/m. wavelength since the accelerating wakefield wavelength is
determine by the dielectric geometry. An electron-beam-
INTRODUCTION driven dielectric-wakefield-accelerator is essentially a uni-
form dielectric tube coated on the outside with a hetero-
The accelerating field achievable in conventional radio geneous, often metallic, cladding, see Fig. 1. When an in-
frequency accelerators is ultimately limited by the break- tense electron beam passes through the center of the tube its
down of the metallic accelerating structure. It is well un- electric field bends at the Cerenkov angle within the dielec-
derstood that the field sustainable in a cavity increases with tric, reflects off the cladding boundary, and returns to the
the frequency of the cavity [1, 2]. Simply following this axis where it can be used to accelerate other particles. In
scaling by using ever higher frequency cavities is difficult the ideal limit, where the electron beam length (σ z ) is much
due to the “THz gap”; the current lack of practical high smaller than the the inner dielectric radius (a), the on axis
power source between X-band microwaves (∼ 11 GHz) accelerating field (Ez,accel ) is given by Ez,accel ≈ 2Q/a2,
and infrared lasers (∼ 28 THz). Various studies have in- where Q is the beam charge. Maximizing the accelerating
dicated that GV/m accelerating fields should be possible in wakefield therefore requires maximizing Q while minimiz-
dielectric laser accelerators [3] as long as the driving laser ing σz and a. It should also be noted that a must be chosen
pulses are very short [4]. The difficulty with laser accelera- several times larger than the beam radius (σ r ) to prevent
tors, however, is that they operate at very short wavelengths damage to the dielectric from the beam halo.
(e.g. 10.6 μm at 28 THz), which greatly complicates struc-
ture fabrication, beam injection, and beam phasing.
Dielectric accelerators can also be powered directly by Dielectric wakefield accelerators have been studied in
high energy charged particle beams via wakefield excita- depth over the last several years, but their maximum fields
tion [5, 6], eliminating the need to generate high power have been limited to 10’s of MeV/m by the lack of ultra-
electromagnetic waves, and can operate at essentially any short drive beams. The recently achieved 20 μm pulse-
length beams obtained at the Stanford Linear Accelerator
∗ Work supported by the US Dept. of Energy under Contracts No. DE-
Center (SLAC) Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) facility [7]
FG03-92ER40693, DE-AC02-76SF00515, W-7405-ENG-48, and DE-
are sufficient to generate longitudinal fields in excess of 1
† GV/m. We have used the FFTB beam to begin probing the
‡ Now at TAE Inc., Irvine, CA GV/m regime of dielectric accelerators.
03 Linear Colliders, Lepton Accelerators and New Acceleration Techniques A13 New Acceleration Techniques
3026 1-4244-0917-9/07/$25.00 2007
Proceedings of PAC07, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA THPMS015

Table 1: Breakdown Experiment Parameters

Beam Charge (Q) 3 nC Holder Cover
Beam Energy 28.5 GeV
Beam Radius (σr ) 10 μm Al Coating
Beam Length (σz ) 100 - 20 μm
Inner Dielectric Radius (a) 50 and 100 μm
Outer Dielectric Radius (b) 162 μm Holder V-Block
Dielectric Relative Permittivity (ε) ∼3
Peak Decelerating Field 8 GV/m
Peak Field at Dielectric 22 GV/m

The primary goal this experiment was to assess dielec-
tric material survivability. The parameters for our experi-
ment, which is based upon the unprecedented combination
of high charge, short pulse duration, and small spot size
available in the SLAC FFTB beam, are listed in Table 1.
Figure 2: Visible light images (displayed with the same
The peak electric field values in Table 1 are derived from
scaled-to-intensity color map) of a 100 μm ID fiber tip as
OOPIC simulations [8]. The ability to drive surface fields
the electron beam pulse current is ramped up. In the top
up to 22 GV/m virtually guaranteed that we would be able
image, the electron beam pulse length is long (σ z ∼ 100
to break down the dielectric.
μm) and the fiber end glows faintly with incoherent optical
Since the experiment uses dielectric tubes with 100 and wavelength emissions. The various boundaries of the fiber
200 μm IDs, we limited the tube length to about a cm in holder, which is viewed at an angle of 45 ◦ from the beam
order to mitigate alignment issues. The energy gained or axis, are also illustrated along with the area in which the
lost by beam particles was therefore only on the order of 10 fiber’s aluminum coating blocks optical emissions. In the
MeV, while the full energy spread of the highly compressed bottom frame, the electron beam is near its minimum pulse
FFTB beam is several GeV. Consequently, energy changes length (σz ∼ 20 μm) and a breakdown event has occurred
were not resolvable in this experiment. The primary sig- producing a large flash of visible light.
nature of high field wakes was the detection of dielectric
This dielectric wakefield experiment is unique in that it alignment technique seemed to work very well, although
produced fields comparable to those in earlier laser break- we could not rule out beam halo scrapping in the 1 cm
down studies. We are particularly interested in differenti- long dielectric tubes. We intended to check for scrapping
ating material breakdown in wake-excited, relatively long by monitoring the x-rays such scrapping would produce,
wavelength (> 50 μm photon) systems, as compared with but discovered that our x-ray detector was too insensitive.
optically (laser) excited systems. In the case of optically Alignment procedures will be further refined and use bet-
excited fields, the breakdown limit for a pulse of the same ter x-ray diagnostics in future runs of the dielectric wake
duration as that generated by the electron beam wake is experiment. Once beam propagation through the dielectric
about 1.1 GV/m in fused silica [4, 9]. tubes was established, we began to vary the wakefield mag-
The dielectric tubes for this experiment were modified nitude by adjusting the beam pulse length and search for an
from off-the-shelf synthetic fused silica capillary tubing optical signal of breakdown on a side view telescopic cam-
(ε ∼= 3), which we procured in 100 and 200 μm ID sizes. era. This experiment was repeated for samples with differ-
Samples were prepared from this bulk product by cutting ent tube IDs. Individual tube samples were systematically
pieces to length, removing the outer polyimide jacket, pol- exposed to different field levels for varying periods of time
ishing the cut ends, and coating the outside of the tube with for a later study of differences in material damage.
vapor deposited aluminum. Groups of ten samples were While analysis of the collected data is still preliminary,
packaged together for the experiment in modular mount- the observations seem to indicate a clear breakdown thresh-
ing blocks. The 1 cm wide, by 5 cm long, by 0.5 cm old. Most of the observations were of 100 μm ID fibers and
high mounting block also has an optical transition radiation they consistently showed that the visible light output of the
(OTR) screen for locating the beam orbit. Our methodol- fibers jumped up sharply near the short end of the beam
ogy for aligning the experiment was to move the dielec- pulse length range, Fig. 2. This bright flash was clearly
tric tubes onto the established beam orbit rather than try- visible on both the side view telescopic camera and a wide-
ing to steer the beam through the tubes. In practice, this angle top-view general observation camera. The initiation
03 Linear Colliders, Lepton Accelerators and New Acceleration Techniques A13 New Acceleration Techniques
1-4244-0917-9/07/$25.00 2007
c IEEE 3027
THPMS015 Proceedings of PAC07, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

100 μm ID events a particular tube experienced to the degree of pit-

Er at the Dielectric Surface (GV/m)

30 ting or other forms of damage that are evident in the post-
mortem examination. The full results of this experiment
will be reported elsewhere [13]. A second phase of the ex-
periment is planned to measure the coherent Cerenkov ra-
diation emitted by the fiber as an independent indicator of
15 field strength [12] and directly measure deceleration within
the beam. This work is being planned for the proposed
10 SABER facility at SLAC [14].

0 [1] W. D. Kilpatrick, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 28, 824 (1957).
20 40 60 80 100 [2] G. A. Loew, et al., Tech. Rep. SLAC-PUB-4845, SLAC
Beam Length σz (μm) (1989).
[3] J. Rosenzweig, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 2467 (1995).
Figure 3: Radial electric field at the inner surface of a 100 [4] D. Du, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 3071 (1994).
μm ID fused silica capillary tube as a function of electron
beam pulse length. The black line is the prediction of Eq. [5] W. Gai, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2756 (1988).
1 and the dots are the results of OOPIC simulations. [6] J. G. Power, et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 3, 101302
[7] M. J. Hogan, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 054802 (2005).
of breakdown discharges is the most likely explanation for
the optical radiation increase. The visible wavelength light [8] D. L. Bruhwiler, et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 4,
recorded at long pulse length / low fields is probably due 101302 (2001).
to a combination of incoherent cerenkov radiation, inco- [9] A.-C. Tien, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3883 (1999).
herent transition radiation, and scintillation. Once a break- [10] R. Siemann, et al., Tech. Rep. ARDB-368, SLAC (2004).
down occurs, however, the light from these mechanisms is
[11] R. H. Siemann, Tech. Rep. ARDB-371, SLAC (2004).
small compared to the visible emissions from the plasma
formed during the breakdown event. It is clear from the [12] M. C. Thompson, et al., Proc. PAC 2005, IEEE, 2005, p.
observations that breakdown events start to occur after the 3067.
beam has been compressed below about the midpoint of its [13] M. C. Thompson, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., (to be submitted).
range. For an ultra-relativistic beam (γ  1) it is fairly [14] G. Travish, et al., these proceedings.
straightforward to calculate the radial field on the surface
of the dielectric Er,surf ace to first approximation through
simple application of Gauss’ law. Such an analysis yields
the expression
1 Q V
Er,surf ace = √ , (1)
0 (2π)3/2 aσz + ε−1
πa2 m ε

where all quantities are in SI units,  0 = 8.854 x 10−12 F

m−1 is the permittivity of free space, and ε is the dielec-
tric constant. This result compares well to those of more
sophisticated analytical theories [10, 11]. Using Eq. 1 to
plot the surface fields at the dielectric verses the beam pulse
length, Fig. 3, we find that the breakdown threshold should
be ≥ 3 GV/m. OOPIC simulations indicated that this range
of surface fields corresponds to ≥ 1.5 GV/m on-axis accel-
erating field in the wake.
Further analysis of the data will allow us to precisely
quantify the breakdown field and determine how much
variation there is among the exposed fused silica capillary
tubes. In addition to a more careful analysis of the visible
light observations and associated beam parameters, we also
intend to examine the dielectric tubes with various diagnos-
tics to detect structural damage from the breakdown events.
We hope to be able to correlate the number of breakdown
03 Linear Colliders, Lepton Accelerators and New Acceleration Techniques A13 New Acceleration Techniques
3028 1-4244-0917-9/07/$25.00 2007

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