A Dielectrophoretic Chaotic Mixer: Joanne Deval, Patrick Tabeling, Chih-Ming Ho

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Joanne Deval(a), Patrick Tabeling(b), Chih-Ming Ho(a)

UCLA, MAE Dept, 420 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, California, 90095 USA
Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de l’ENS, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris France


The time needed for achieving mixing in a micro bio- Dielectrophoresis (DEP) generally describes the
chemical system takes the major portion of the whole polarization of an element relatively to its surrounding
processing time. The characteristic length scale is so medium in a non-uniform electrical field, and the
small that the flows are laminar, leaving mixing resulting motion. As detailed descriptions can be found in
dependent solely on diffusion. We present a ref. [9,10], we will focus only on the translation motion
dielectrophoretic mixer which induces chaotic trajectories due to DEP force. For a spherical particle of radius a,
of embedded particles via a combination in space and permittivity εp and conductivity σp, in a surrounding
time of electrical actuation and local channel geometry medium of permittivity εm, and conductivity σm, the
variation. Mixing time is therefore dramatically reduced. dipole moment m(ω) induced by the electrical field E(ω),
The design is kept very simple and fabrication is done is given by the following equation:
using standard microfabrication techniques. Experimental r r
m (ω) = 4πε m a 3 K (ω) E (1)
observations and numerical simulations show the
conditions in which chaotic trajectories can be achieved. where the Clausius-Mossotti factor K(ω) is given by
ε *p − ε *m σ
INTRODUCTION K (ω ) = , ε* = ε − j (2)
ε p + 2ε m * ω
The possibility of major time savings has been one of the
main motivations for the miniaturization of detection The time-averaged DEP translation force F(ω ) can then
devices. Many biological or chemical processes can now be expressed as
r r 2
be achieved on microfluidic boards, where the typical F (ω) = 2πε m a 3 ℜe [K (ω)]∇E rms (3)
channel width and height are generally between tens and
hundreds of microns. 2D channels of this size generate The Clausius-Mossotti factor can take any value between
laminar flows, where no instabilities can develop. This –1/2 and +1, which implies one can induce attractive or
means that whenever two or more fluids merge, the only repulsive force by simply changing the frequency of the
mixing mechanism is molecular diffusion, which signal. As it varies with the dielectrical properties of both
demands long incubation times. the medium and the particle, different populations of
In the past, people have worked on diffusion time elements in a given medium under a given AC signal can
reduction by decreasing the characteristic length scale. exhibit opposite behaviors, as their frequency domains are
e.g., channel subdivision [1], and 2D interface [2]. different. A number of groups have already used these
However, fabrication complexity and size constraints properties to separate particles or biological elements
make them difficult to implement in biological fluidic ([11],[12]).
boards. More recently, creating chaos using 3D passive
geometry variation has been achieved in complex We worked with polystyrene particles in aqueous
channels [3]. Another approach based on surface local medium, whose conductivity was adjusted in the range of
3D grooves has also been developed [4]. Generating 10-20mS/m. We found the cross-over frequency in the
chaotic advection via an external forcing was proposed in order of a few MHz. High frequencies generate a
MEMS’97[5] and demonstrated in numerical simulations. negative DEP force, where particles are repelled from
In MEMS’01 [6], we showed how chaotic advection electrode edges, while at lower frequencies positive DEP
could be achieved using hydrodynamic forcing, and forces move the particles to the electrode edges, as they
suggested an external time-varying force exerted onto correspond to highest field gradients. We worked with a
embedded elements could also lead to chaotic trajectories. ±10V AC signal that alternated between 700kHz and
Here, we further develop this option, showing the efficacy 15MHz at a rate of 1 Hz.
of such a technique, via both experiments and simulation. Appropriate spatial non-uniformity of the field is critical
Its simple design and fabrication facilitates its in achieving strong translation motions. We are using the
implementation and integration in a multi task fluidic CFD-ACE+ code from CFDRC to analyze the electrical
board. Additionally, dielectrophoresis is already proven field distribution and optimize the electrode design. As
as a powerful tool in molecular manipulation [7,8] and is shown by (3), the DEP force is proportional to the
biocompatible. gradient of E2. Figure 1 shows the 2D distribution of E2

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in a configuration where electrodes are located on the DIELECTROPHORETIC MIXER FABRICATION
cavity boundaries. The rapid decrease with distance
encourages the design of electrodes that extend into the The fabrication process steps are shown in Figure 2.
fluid mainstream, so that particles with highest velocities Thermal oxidation and LPCVD nitride deposition are first
can be affected by the DEP force. performed on a silicon wafer. The backside holes are
patterned into the nitride layer before a through-wafer
KOH etch is done. Electrodes are then patterned in
chromium/gold layers via lift-off. A PECVD nitride layer
is deposited to ensure isolation and avoid electrolysis.
The channels and chambers structure is then patterned in
a 25um thick SU8-25 photoresist layer. A thin cover
glass (Fisher Premium microslides) is then bonded to
close the channel via a thin (~3um) SU8-5 layer.

Figure 1: 2D distribution of E2 in V2/m2 in a

100umx100um side well.
Figure 2: Micromixer fabrication process
CHAOS One of the designs we experimented is shown in Figure 3.
It consists of the successive side wells, located on
Chaotic regimes have been mostly described in macro- opposite sides of the main channel, which is 50um wide.
scale flows [13], and chaotic advection was particularly Each of them displays four distinct electrodes at the
investigated as a way to enhance mixing efficiency [14]. bottom. Visualization is performed using Bausch&Lomb
One of its critical features is that two particles initially MicroZoom¸ microscope, while AC voltage is applied to
located close to each other will exponentially separate selected electrodes by a Hewlett-Packard 33120A
from one another in time. Inducing chaotic trajectories function generator. Fluid flow is controlled by a Harvard
onto the particles will therefore homogenize their Apparatus mode l”44” syringe pump connected to the
distribution across the entire channel. outlet, while each inlet holes is connected to reservoirs via
peek¸ tubing.
Chaos cannot occur in 2D steady laminar flows. A third
dimension is needed, whether it comes for spatial 3D
variation (as developed by people working on passive 3D
chaotic flow), or from some external forcing varying in
time. The Stokes equation is linear. Non-linearity is
necessary in the equation of motion of the particle, and is
introduced by an external force applied onto the particle.
We are applying a dielectrophoretic force that varies in
space and time onto particles whose motion is otherwise Figure 3: Top view of the micromixer test section
given by flow field, and thus can create the conditions for
chaotic trajectories to occur.
However, non-linearity is necessary but not sufficient,
and chaos characterization requires studies to properly Successive snapshots of the particle positions over a
categorize it. Moreover, some chaotic regimes may not period of total 2s are shown in Figure 4. As the particles
be efficient on a short-time basis unless the number of enter the first cavity, positive DEP pulls them into the low
mixing units is multiplied, which then would make the velocity region, attracted by the electrode 1. As the
device non-realistic. To simplify our approach, we are frequency switches, they are repelled from the electrode 1
focusing on two main objectives: experimentally, we want edges, and particles in the main stream of the flow are
to generate folding and stretching of the particle dragged downstream by the fluid. As the frequency
distribution after one or two cavities, while switches back to the positive domain, incoming particles
computationally we wish to model and analyze the system are attracted upwards, while a folding is created in the
in a longer time range to extract its properties. cavity as the particles far from the electrode experience a
force too small to overcome fluid drag. The combination

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of the two opposite motions generates folding and located on the boundaries of the flow channel. Particles
stretching and greatly accelerates the homogenization of position is computed after solving the Lagrangian
the particle distribution. Folding and streching are the equation of motion given by:
physical mechanisms to produce a non-zero Lyapunov dv r r A
exponent. Note the particle distribution at the channel m = C d l(U < v ) U < v d + body_force (4)
dt 2
exit in the last snapshot corresponds to an initial location
in the upper half of the channel.
where m and v are the particle mass and velocity, U and l
the fluid velocity and density. Cd and Ad respectively refer
to the drag coefficient and the droplet frontal area. The
only body force which is taken in account is DEP force,
as we neglect gravity.

Depending on the combination of fluid velocity and

electrical field actuation frequency, the distortion of the
particle distribution could follow three main patterns.
First, the external force is large, and particles are finally
accumulated on a single line almost in the middle of the
main stream, while some others are indefinitely trapped in
the cavities (see Figure 5). Second, the force is small, and
the particle motion is hardly perturbed, and small waves
can be seen on the interface between different population.
Lastly, and most useful, particles distribution undergoes a
Figure 4: ±10V AC voltage is applied between electrodes 1 and series of stretching and folding as fluid drag is overcome
2 and between 3 and 4. AC Frequency switches between or is reinforced by positive DEP or negative DEP (see
700kHz (positive DEP domain) and 15MHz (negative DEP Figure 6)
domain) at a rate of T=0.5s.

The dielectrophoretic force greatly decreases with

distance from the electrode edge. As shown in [10], the
force magnitude close to the edge reaches values much
stronger than other typical particle forces at this scale. In
other words, once the particle is “trapped” by positive Figure 5: negative DEP repel particles on a single line. Channel
DEP, strong fluid velocity is needed to generate sufficient is 50um wide, and side wells are 100um long. Arrows represent
electrical field distribution.
drag to overcome this force. Conversely a negative DEP
is required to repel particles attracted to electrode edges
when these are located in a low velocity region, such as
the upper part of the cavity. One can actually notice that
in the observation shown in Figure 4, some trapping occurs
at electrode 2 as negative DEP does not send some
particles far enough. Also, fluid velocity must be kept
low (in the order of hundreds of microns per second) to
allow the DEP force to overcome the fluid drag (for
voltages in the order of ±10 Volts and gaps in the order of
10 to 20 microns). Figure 6: lower half particles meet upper half particles as folding
and stretching occur throughout the cavities

As dielectrophoretic forces decreases quickly with

distance and our electrodes are located at the bottom of
the channel, we considered the system to be two-
dimensional. The particle motions are therefore studied in
the horizontal plane, and the experimentally observed
vertical motion is therefore neglected. However, this
model emphasizes the interaction between flow velocity Figure 7: the initial vertical distribution of pairs of particles is
field and external forcing, which is the starting point of distorted by Poiseuille flow before entering the test section.
our approach. Each point corresponds to a pair of particles very close to each
Because of code requirements, the electrodes must be other.

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We computed the stretching rate for different sets of CONCLUSION
particles when they flow past the two cavities under the
actuation scheme described in Figure 6. We followed the We developed a simple and efficient micromixer which
trajectories of 11 pairs of particles distributed along a can easily be integrated in a microfluidic board and
vertical line, as shown in Figure 7. adapted to different fluids, reagents, or biological
components. The channel geometry is simple, and
As shown in Figure 8, the external forcing creates a much fabrication remains straightforward, as it only needs an
stronger stretching rate that simple Poiseuille flow. array of microelectrodes integrated in the channel. It
Moreover, Poiseuille flow stretches particle distribution in takes advantage from the relatively high magnitude of
only one direction, and does not cause different layers to dielectrophoretic force compared to other forces acting on
interfere. The external forcing separates each pair of micron and submicron particles. When the electrical field
particles, as the pair enters the cavity and is submitted to is appropriately combined in time and space with the
the electrical field. After passing through the two velocity flow field, saddle point regions are generated,
cavities, the Poiseuille stretching dominates, and the where particle sets are stretched and folded around a
stretching rate looks like the no-actuation case. virtual quasi-static point. Chaotic trajectories can be
induced onto the particles, leading to fast and efficient
1 d

This project funding was provided by DARPA/MTO

BioFlips program under contract No. N66001-00-C8092.
The authors would like to thank Dr Zhijang Chen from
CFRDC for his help with the DEP modulus.
1 J. Branebjerg, P. Gravesen, J.P. Krog, C.R. Nielsen,
MEMS’96, pp.441–446.
Figure 8: Stretching rate averaged over the 11 pairs with and 2 R. Miyake, T.S.J. Lammerink, M. Elwenspoek, J.H.J.
without actuation. V=inlet velocity. D=cavity length. d and d0
Fluitman, IEEE’93, pp. 248–253.
are the particle pair separation distance at time t and t0. Index
value between 1 and 2 corresponds to the first cavity region for 3 R. H. Liu et al., J. of MEMS., 9, (no.2), IEEE, June
most of the particles. 2000, pp.190-197.
4 G.M. Whitesides, A.D. Stroock, Physics Today
54(2001), pp. 42-48.
DISCUSSION 5 J. Evans, D. Liepmann, A.P. Pisano, MEMS ’97, pp.
Both the experiments and the numerical simulations 6 Y.-K. Lee, J. Deval, P. Tabeling, C.-M. Ho, MEMS’01,
revealed the necessity to create saddle points. Saddle pp.483-486.
points refer to the mathematical definition of bifurcation 7 R. Pethig, G.H. Markx, Trends In Biotechnology, 1997
in dynamical systems. Particles entering this region Oct, V15 N10:426-432.
undergo a sequence of stretching in one direction and 8 M.P. Hughes, Nanotechnology, 2000 Jun, V11 N2:124-
compressing in the other direction which finally 132.
guarantees an exponential stretching rate. An appropriate 9 X.B.Wang; Y.Huang; F.F. Becker; P.R.C. Gascoyne, J.
electrical field distribution that can pull particle sets into a of Phys. D-App.Phys., 1994 Jul 14,V27N7:1571-1574.
quasi no-velocity region can achieve such conditions. A 10 A. Ramos, H. Morgan, N.G. Green, A. Castellanos, J.
set of particles can then be folded and stretched around a of Phys. D-App. Phys., 1998 Sep 21,V31N18:2338-
virtual quasi-static point by the combination of external 2353.
forcing (DEP force) and drag (due to fluid velocity field). 11 X.B. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Huang, J. Vykoukal, and
Additional numerical simulations are under progress to others, Anal. Chem., 2000 Feb 15, V72 N4:832-839.
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actuation amplitude, the actuation frequency and the fluid Physics, 1997 Jun 7, V30 N11:L41-L44.
velocity. Different cavity geometry and electrode 13 J.M. Ottino, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
distributions are also being investigated. 14 H. Aref, J. Fluid Mech., 1984, 143:1–21.

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