Field Guide To Skirmology: Handbook For The Skirmonaut
Field Guide To Skirmology: Handbook For The Skirmonaut
Field Guide To Skirmology: Handbook For The Skirmonaut
screen. In so doing, it constantly rediscovers that
screening is itself this act of delimitation.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe Skirmonaut is the preemptively, or even
proleptically, nostalgic creature par excellence.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe Skirmonaut is diabolical. It operates
according to the logic of the smirk. Twisted, it
coils not insidiously (sinuously, unctuously), but
rather according to the helical topology of
reflection and deflection. The Skirmonaut is
Tavi Meraud always only ever tangential Ð limning, deflecting,
and reflecting back, returning.
Field Guide to ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThis is why we must return to the beginning.
The being of the Skirmonaut is essentially
enmeshed with the problem of location. The
Skirmology: Skirmonaut is a spatial creature, but it operates
in a space whose own geometry begins to be
Handbook for known only through skirmological activities,
which in the end can only be improvisations.
the Skirmonaut What are the self-assigned tasks of the
Skirmonaut? They are necessarily self-assigned,
for Skirmology is only ever an amateur science, if
it can be designated a science at all. The task at
e-flux journal #65 SUPERCOMMUNITY Ñ mayÐaugust 2015 Ê Tavi Meraud
inflects the shakiness. Symptoms of precocious of screens. Where is the screen? What is the
degeneration perhaps. In any case, there is a screen? How is the screen? Why screen? Screen
twisting of time in a place organized by time who, exactly?
stamps. Everything is thoroughly diseased with ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThere is no environment beyond the
temporal pestilence. organism. Moby Dick will be found but will be so
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe Skirmonaut, then, weds cartography expansive that we can no longer speak of dermis,
and divination (cartography as divination; of the membranal, epidermatological distinction
divination as a particular variety of cartography). between the animal and the environment. The
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊBut the Skirmonaut also releases a animal becomes the environment. This is what
seismological revolution rippling across the the SkirmonautÕs activity merely highlights.
screenÕs topography. ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe Skirmonaut belongs to some
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊTaking a screenshot is a means to subdivision of the Cult of Moby Dick. It
delineate/delimit what the screen is. But what simultaneously searches for the Moby Dick and
results is an image of the screen that is, for a the Aspidochelone, slinking around in a region
moment, identical to the original. With only a where these two are probably one and the same.
pixel of displacement, we are offering some kind To arrive at the shores of the whale-as-land,
of camouflage for the screen. The screen is whaleisland Ð or to wake up in the proverbial
suddenly protected (think of the German word cetological bowel, only to realize that the whale
Schirm, as that protective, sheltering cover, as a itself is located in yet another, greater ventral
second skin). Camouflage is never the second cavity. Of whose? Where?
skin. Camouflage must always collude with the ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊTo denature and dilute to transparency, the
skin through betraying it, as a chaos and opacity of the screen.
double/doubled/doubling agent, simultaneously ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ3.
in cahoots with the wearer and the environment. The map the Skirmonaut-as-cartographer-
The camouflage must ostensibly profess a diviner creates suspends itself between the
sedimentary crossÊsection of an utterly Domestication of chaos. The Skirmonaut only
fraudulent geology. A screen wishes to have no imitates the ocular grazing of the search engine.
depth, but to operate (in loop) in that optative As suggestively arcane as the vernacular of the
mode only begins to reveal its depths. shipping forecast.
Shimmering and scale-like. Positively piscine. ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊConstellation Ð terrestrial domestication of
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊMultiple windows flattened into that the firmament.
instance of a click. (To study the Skirmonaut and ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe Skirmonaut reveals the screen as
its fugitive skirmishes may well lead to a operating on the iridescent principle. The
musicology of click-cacophony, but in the end, twinning of the Iridic and Hermetic ethoses.
the auditory has been bracketed.) All that ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ5.
remains is the study in camouflage, for in that An Excursus on Virtuality. What the alchemical-
instance of flattening, collapsing, only ostensible cartographical efforts of the Skirmonaut
collapsing occurs Ð it is really collating, delineateÊis not so much the virtuality of the real,
coagulating. i.e., the real seeming-ness of the real, but the
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe screenshot becomes a divinatory map real of the virtual, which again, chiasmic,
of screen-as-such. It is the image of the screen intertwines into the realm of the virtual. The
that most closely approximates it. It is, for a realm where the lines of the real and the virtual
moment, the screen. It screens the screen. It begin to blur precisely because the effects in the
screens screen screening. meatspace body are real. The SkirmonautÕs
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊScreening the screen, as it were. Threshold. frantic capturing of the screen, ostensibly in the
Screenshot is playing at the threshold of screen name of its silly narcissistic-xenophilic science,
as delimitation/delimited space versus reveals the domestication of the fleshed self (for
Skirmology, the perennial rehearsal of
ambiguities, the ambiguity precisely of t/here.
Ambiguity of the primordial soup. Doused in
stardust. Always already a junkie for the stuff.
Here is the final reminder of the imperative that
yokes the Skirmonaut, its umbilical tether-cord
e-flux journal #65 SUPERCOMMUNITY Ñ mayÐaugust 2015 Ê Tavi Meraud
as a surrendering of will to
dispersing/atomizing/vaporizing oneself into the
unknown Ð touching. Skimming.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊThe Skirmonaut might be afraid of
becoming burned by a new kind of sun, whose
rays enter from the outside of a vast inside.
The Skirmonaut, in the end, must be a kind of
simpleton. And lonely.
Outside (where?) a taxi sharking around for any
body slinks by, half-lit.
ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAll images courtesy of Tavi Meraud.