Emergence of Stuttering in An Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Patient Treated With Methylphenidate
Emergence of Stuttering in An Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Patient Treated With Methylphenidate
Emergence of Stuttering in An Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Patient Treated With Methylphenidate
DOI: 10.5350/DAJPN2018310212
Hyperactivity Disorder
Patient Treated with
How to cite this article: Copur M, Copur S. Emergence of stuttering in an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patient treated with methylphenidate. Dusunen
Adam The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 2018;31:222-224. https://doi.org/10.5350/DAJPN2018310212
Address reprint requests to / Yazışma adresi: Sidar Copur, Zuhtupasa Mah., Fahrettin Kerim Gokay Cad., No.46, A-2 Blok D.52, Kadikoy/Istanbul, Turkey
Phone / Telefon: +90-212-543-7016
E-mail address / Elektronik posta adresi: sidar1996@yahoo.com.tr
Date of receipt / Geliş tarihi: August 22, 2017 / 22 Ağustos 2017
Date of the first revision letter / İlk düzeltme öneri tarihi: September 29, 2017 / 29 Eylül 2017
Date of acceptance / Kabul tarihi: November 12, 2017 / 12 Kasım 2017
222 Dusunen Adam The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, Volume 31, Number 2, June 2018
Copur M, Copur S
medication for 10 days, his parents and teachers stated methylphenidate is suitable for treating the
that attention and hyperactivity symptoms were condition (3). Similar results were established by two
significantly improved; however, the patient was case reports indicating improvement in stuttering
suffering from stuttering for a roughly 2-hour period symptoms when treated with methylphenidate
following the medication intake. After this period, (11- and 18-year-old patients) (4,5).
stuttering symptoms diminished noticeably. Therefore, On the other hand, worsening of stuttering in
methylphenidate treatment was terminated. However, patients suffering from developmental stuttering when
methylphenidate treatment, 10mg in the morning and treated with dopamine agonists such as levodopa and
5mg at noon, was reinstated after a break of 10 days detection of a significant increase in cerebral dopamine
due to his parents’ and teachers’ observations regarding levels in stutterers indicate the possibility of an
a worsening in the symptoms of hyperactivity and lack emergence of stuttering in patients treated with
of attention compared to the pre-medication period. methylphenidate (6,7). There are two studies focusing
The patient started to suffer from stuttering on the on this topic: a case reporting the emergence of
same day. Ten days later, his parents reaffirmed that stuttering in a 7-year-old patient when treated with
the patient mostly suffered from stuttering during a short acting methylphenidate and another study
2-hour period after medication intake, while the reporting the occurrence of stuttering in a 3-year-old
symptom of stuttering became imperceptible after that patient diagnosed with ADHD when treated with
period. In addition, obvious stuttering symptoms were pemolin and methylphenidate (4,8).
observed during clinical examination of the patient The fact that methylphenidate has contradictory
after he had used the medication with the prescribed influences on stuttering in different cases demonstrates
dosage. According to the diagnostic criteria of DSM-5, that stuttering develops by different mechanisms in
the childhood onset fluency disorder (stuttering) that each case, which can alter the outcomes of
the patient was suffering from is classified as methylphenidate treatment.
neurogenic-type stuttering. Methylphenidate treatment Recent studies demonstrate a higher prevalence of
was stopped after 4 months when the patient started to stuttering in ADHD patients compared to the general
suffer from stuttering all day long. Symptoms of population (6,7,9). These findings indicate that the
stuttering completely disappeared after 10 days and no co-existence of ADHD and stuttering should not be
relapse was recorded in the examinations performed overlooked. The case we are presenting is significant
every 2 months throughout the following 6 months. for being one of the few studies revealing an
In the literature review conducted regarding the exacerbation of stuttering. Contradictory outcomes
association between methylphenidate and from different studies about the association of
stuttering, we found a study testing methylphenidate methylphenidate and stuttering demonstrate the need
as a treatment option for stuttering, suggesting that for further comprehensive research in this field.
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