Chapter 1. Physical Activity and Exercise: Learning Outcomes
Chapter 1. Physical Activity and Exercise: Learning Outcomes
Chapter 1. Physical Activity and Exercise: Learning Outcomes
This chapter will provide an overview on the current problems and issues related to
physical activity and exercise, such as physical inactivity all over the world, different non-
communicable diseases, and causes of death around the world. Moreover, with the current
situation that we are facing now due to Covid 19 pandemic, the roles of physical activity and
exercise during pandemic will also be discussed and how we can stay physically active despite
of the situation.
With our modern world today that highly depends in technology, having different modes
of transportation and an environment that does not support and promote active lifestyle, it
became more challenging for the people to engage in daily physical activity. According to
Lancet Global Health, 1.4 billion people are physically inactive or more than one in four adults
globally are not physically active. In the number, women (23%) are less active compared to men
(32%), while countries with high economy (37%) are more inactive compared to middle income
(26%) and low income countries (16%). It can be implied that the higher economy the higher
cases of physical inactivity.
Physical inactivity is increasing in many countries today. It can partly blame due to lack
of physical activity participation during leisure time and an increase in sedentary behavior in the
workplace. Physical inactivity increases people’s risk of having non-communicable diseases
such as, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and mental health conditions. Global
health is being influenced by population-ageing, rapid unplanned urbanization, and
globalization, all of which result in unhealthy environments and behaviors (WHO, 2018).
World Health Organization (2016) estimates that around 15.2 million people die
worldwide due to ischaemic heart disease and stroke, which remains the top 2 leading causes
of death globally for the past 15 years. Likewise, as shown in figure 1, ischaemic heart
diseases (84,120 or 14.5 percent) was also the top cause of death in the Philippines. In
addition, cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertensive, and other heart diseases which are
all non-communicable diseases were also part of the top 10 causes of death according to the
Philippine Statistics Authority, 2017. Thus, the need for all countries to increase the priority to
provide programs for all individuals of all ages to have an active life style and establish an
environment that will support physical activity engagement is really recommended, since having
regular physical activity is main key to prevent and treat non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Promoting physical
activity and having regular
exercise mean improving one’s
daily lives. According to research,
people who were living in a
sedentary life can improve their
health by regularly including
moderate levels of activity
throughout the day. Moreover,
additional evidences suggest that
the more you increase the
intensity level, with variety of physical activities, the more health benefits you may achieve.
Physical activity (PA) is bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles. It utilizes energy and
provides positive health benefits. It can be light or moderate to vigorous intensity. Examples of
daily light physical activity are walking, taking the stairs, grocery, gardening, and other
household chores.
Exercise is a physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive that aims to
maintain or improve components of physical fitness. It is usually assumed as an activity that
requires a moderate to vigorous intensity effort. Some examples are jogging, running,
swimming, biking, aerobic activities, and strength training.
In contrary, physical inactivity indicates a level of activity that is lower than the
recommended physical activity to improve health. It means there is an extreme light
consumption of energy throughout the day such as walking casually, perform self-care, or do
other light work that are far to contribute in our overall health. On the other hand, scientific
evidence explains that strenuous physical activity is not needed to achieve health benefits.
Having regular moderate activities provide significant benefits in health and well-being for
people who are not physically active. While for individuals who are already moderately active,
having moderate to vigorous level of physical activity will even provide greater health benefits.
Brisk walking or jogging, playing recreational sports, dancing, and gardening are some
moderate activities that you may engage in.
As the pandemic continues to develop in almost all territories and regions, this has
caused governments in various countries to take swift and protective measures such as putting
cities on lockdown, implementing travel warnings/bans and cancellations, and closing schools
and postponing classes. Likewise, cultural and sporting events, social gatherings, and
extensive social distancing policies are put into place which restricts people’s daily
activities. Health authorities, including the WHO, DOH, IATF, and other connected
organizations have issued safety recommendations for taking simple precautions like asking
people to stay safe and stay at home. All these actions are intended as an effective strategy
for preventing the virus spreading and for managing those who do contract the virus.
2 Instructional Material for PHED 10032 Individual/Dual/Combative Sports: Arnis
Rhene A. Camarador, Lisa D. Camarador, John Estor
Unfortunately, the mandated restrictions on travel and directives against participating in
outdoor activities, including regular physical activity and exercise, will inevitably disrupt the
routine daily activities of tens of millions of people. The novel coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) seems to be having a major impact on physical activity behaviours globally. The
pandemic has forced many people around the world to stay at home and self-isolate for a period
of time. Arguably, staying home, while being a safe measure, may have unintended negative
consequences since such efforts to avoid human-to-human transmission of the virus may lead
to fewer opportunities of having physical activities. It is likely that prolonged home stay may
lead to increased sedentary behaviors consequently, lead to an increased risk for and potential
worsening of chronic health conditions.
The impact of this physical inactivity may very likely be seen in many areas such as
health and social care and the mental well-being of people all across the globe. Although
these social distancing measures are important and needed in a time such as now, our
bodies and minds still need physical activity and the many benefits thereof. While containing
the virus as quickly as possible is the urgent public health priority, there have been few public
health guidelines for the public as to what people can or should do in terms of maintaining their
daily exercise or physical activity routines. Therefore, there is a strong health rationale for
continuing physical activity in the home to stay healthy and maintain immune system function in
the current precarious environment.
The global outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in closure of gyms, stadiums, pools,
dance and fitness studios, physiotherapy centres, parks and playgrounds. Many individuals are
therefore not able to actively participate in their regular individual or group sporting or physical
activities outside of their homes. Under such conditions, many tend to be less physically active,
have longer screen time, irregular sleep patterns as well as worse diets, resulting in weight gain
and loss of physical fitness. Low-income families are especially vulnerable to negative effects of
stay at home rules as they tend to have sub-standard accommodations and more confined
spaces, making it difficult to engage in physical exercise.
Given the concerns about the increasing spread of COVID-19, it is imperative that
infection control and safety precautions be followed. Home stay is a fundamental safety step
that can limit infections from spreading widely. But prolonged home stays can increase
behaviors that lead to inactivity and contribute to anxiety and depression, which in turn can lead
to a sedentary lifestyle known to result in a range of chronic health conditions. Maintaining
regular physical activity and routinely exercising in a safe home environment is an important
strategy for healthy living during the coronavirus crisis.
Home-based activities provide an opportunity for people to stay fit and healthy by
practising simple movements while staying at home. Many countries have now implemented
lockdowns, forcing people to stay at home and only go out in the event of an emergency. These
3 Instructional Material for PHED 10032 Individual/Dual/Combative Sports: Arnis
Rhene A. Camarador, Lisa D. Camarador, John Estor
decisions will affect peoples’ mental and physical health, especially those who are used to
regular outdoor physical activities. But currently, the greatest risk of COVID-19 infection is
exposure. That’s why it is truly important that we find creative ways to exercise while staying at
home, maintaining social distancing and proper hygienic countermeasures.
There are many ways you can be active, even when the gym is closed and you are
practicing social distancing. According to recommendations from the American Heart
Association, adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, or
at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity, per week.
If you have a chronic condition or are an older adult, you should check with your doctor before
starting a new home exercise program. Your doctor may be able to recommend exercises that
are safe for you and will let you know what types of exercise you should avoid.
Here are a few suggestions to help you get moving:
Exercise with family: Exercise is an excellent opportunity for family fun. Walks, bike
rides, dance parties, living-room yoga sessions, or backyard soccer games are just a
few examples of how you and your household members can exercise together.
Get outdoors: Walking, cycling, jogging, and hiking can help you get some much-
needed fresh air while staying safely away from others. Don’t have time for a full-length
outdoor exercise session? Consider breaking your workout up into several 10-minute
sessions. You’ll be surprised at how quickly a few brisk walks around the block can add
up to a full workout.
Follow along with online exercise videos: Whether you enjoy yoga, cardio kickboxing,
Pilates, strength training, barre, dance, or another type of workout, chances are you can
find a service that offers online videos. Additionally, many exercise studios and other
community organizations are now providing on-demand virtual fitness content.
Take a virtual class: If you have the financial resources, consider supporting your local
fitness studio or personal trainer by signing up for online fitness classes or training
sessions. Some personal trainers are even offering private virtual sessions customized
to your needs, schedule, and preferences. Plus, having a class or training session on
your calendar allows you to interact with other people in a fun way, which may be just
the motivation you need to keep up with your fitness regime.
Challenge yourself: Set an exercise goal — such as doing yoga five days per week or
beating your best 5K time — and make a plan to work toward achieving it.
Tackle calorie-burning chores: Chores such as mowing the lawn, working in the
garden, washing the car, or cleaning out the garage provide excellent opportunities to
build muscles and burn calories. In addition to the sense of accomplishment you will feel
after your workout, completing a household task will yield even more feel-good benefits.
The bottom line: Although it may take some effort to create and adjust to new fitness routines, regular
physical activity can help you optimize your health and well-being during the coronavirus pandemic.
What are the ways that you are doing in order to cope effectively in this pandemic
situation? Explain your answer.
My ways to cope up effectively during pandemic are as follows:
Plan a daily routine considering all the covid-19 parameters.
Have at least 5 minutes discussion with the family everyday, to check how everybody is doing.
Corbin , Charles B., et. al (2008) Concepts of Fitness and Wellness. A comprehensive Lifestyle Approach. 7
Edition. McGrawHill, USA.
Hoeger, W. W., Hoeger, S. A., Hoeger, C. I., & Fawson, A. L. (2018). Lifetime physical fitness and wellness. Cengage
World Health Organization. (2020). Launch of new global estimates on levels of physical activity in
World Health Organization. (2010). Global recommendations on physical activity for health. World Health
World Health Organization. (2018). WHO launches global action plan physical activity.
Registered Deaths in the Philippines, 2017. Retrieved from
The impact of COVID-19 on sport, physical activity and well-being and its effects on social development
Sallis, J. (2020) A Call to Action: Physical Activity and COVID-19
Joy L. (2020) Staying Active During COVID-19
Simpson, R. (2020) Exercise, Immunity and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Exercise is Essential for Well-Being During COVID-19 Pandemic
Physical Fitness
As the fitness concept grew at the end of the last century, it became clear that several
specific components contribute to an individual’s overall level of fitness. Physical fitness is
classified into health-related, skill-related, and physiological fitness.
Each of the components can affect our daily activities. For example, cardiovascular
fitness is needed when walking a certain distance, climbing stairs, doing yard work (a.k.a.
gardening, for those of us who have a garden), cleaning your room (or apartment or house,
depending on where you live). In addition, leisure and social activities, such as a weekend bike,
or hike, or sports, or a night out dancing, can become more enjoyable with good
cardiorespiratory fitness. In addition, there is a reduced risk of hypokinetic disease. Hypokinetic
diseases are those diseases that stem from lack of physical activity. Such diseases include
hypertension, heart diseases, chronic low back pain, and obesity.
Health-related Fitness is related to the ability of the person to perform activities of daily
living without undue fatigue and has a low risk of premature sedentary lifestyle diseases. There
are five health-related fitness components: cardiorespiratory fitness (aerobic), muscular
strength, muscular endurance, body composition and flexibility.
1.1. Body Composition- relates to the relative amounts of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital
parts of the body. There are a variety of other methods assessing body composition,
including formulas to calculate body mass index (BMI). Body composition is the only
nonperformance component of health-related physical fitness.
1.2. Flexibility- relates to the range of motion available at the joint. Flexibility is specific to
each joint of the body. Therefore, there is no general test of flexibility unlike for the
cardiorespiratory fitness where there is a standard test.
1.3. Cardiorespiratory Fitness- relates to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems
to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity. Cardiorespiratory fitness is also
known as cardiovascular fitness, cardiovascular endurance, or aerobic fitness.
1.4. Muscular Strength- relates to the ability of the muscle to exert force. Muscular strength
is also specific in nature.
1.5. Muscular Endurance- relates to the muscle’s ability to continue to performing without
fatigue. Like flexibility, muscular endurance is specific to each major muscle group of
the body.
2. Component: Flexibility
2.1 Test: Modified Sit-and-Reach
Purpose: To measure flexibility of hamstrings
Equipment: Sit-and-reach flexibility tester, or place a yardstick on top mark at 9 inches on a
box approximately 12 inches high.
Remove shoes and sit on the floor. Place the sole of the foot of the extended leg flat
against a box or bench. Bend opposite knee and place the head, back, and hips against
a wall with a 90-degree angle at the hips.
Place one hand over the other and slowly reach forward as far as you can with arms fully
extended. Keep head and back in contact with the wall. A partner will slide the
measuring stick on the bench until it touches the fingertips.
With the measuring stick fixed in the new position, reach forward as far as possible,
three times, holding the position on the third reach for at least 2 seconds while the
partner records the distance on the ruler. Keep the knee of the extended leg straight
(see illustration).
Repeat the test a second time and average the scores of the two trials.
The student steps up and down on the platform at the given rate for a total of 3 minutes.
VO2max = 111.33 – (0.42 x recovery heart rate in bpm)
VO2max = 65.81 – (0.1847 x recovery heart rate in bpm)
Example: The recovery 15-second heart rate for male following the 3-minute
step test is found to be 39 beats. His VO2max is estimated as follows:
15-second heart rate = 39beats
Minute heart rate = 39 x 4 = 156bpm
VO2max = 111.33 – (0.42 x 156) = 45.81 mL/kg/min
Fitness Classification
(Based on VO2ma in mL/kg/min)
Age Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
<29 >53 44-52.9 34-43.9 25-33.9 <24.9
30-39 >50 42-49.9 31-41.9 23-30.9 <22.9
40-49 >45 39-44.9 27-38.9 20-26.9 <19.9
50-59 >43 38-42.9 25-37.9 18-24.9 <17.9
60-69 >41 36-40.9 23-35.9 16-22.9 <15.9
>70 >38 33-37.9 21-32.9 13-20.9 <12.9
Age Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
<29 >49 39-48.9 31-38.9 24-30.9 <23.9
30-39 >45 37-44.9 28-36.9 20-27.9 <19.9
40-49 >42 35-41.9 25-34.9 17-24.9 <16.9
50-59 >40 34-39.9 22-33.9 15-21.9 <14.9
60-69 >37 33-36.9 21-32.9 13-20.9 <12.9
>70 >35 31-34.9 20-30.9 12-19.9 <11.9
Source: Hoeger, Werner W.K., Hoeger, Sharon A., Hoeger, Cherie I., and Fawson, Amber L., (2018) Principles and Labs for
Fitness & Wellness,Fourteenth Edition. Cengage Learning, USA
Men: Use the same procedure as for women except support the push-up position from
the toes instead of the knee. (same position as for 90 degree push-up.) Hold the 90-degrees
position as long as possible, up to the 35 seconds.
Physical activity and exercise can be effective treatment strategies for symptoms of both
depression and anxiety.
Each day is a new opportunity to engage in physical activity and exercise that can bring short
and long-term benefits for mood, sleep, and physical health.
Consistency and sustained motivation may be enhanced by peer support, family support, or
electronic platforms offering exercise programs.
2. In order for an individual to reduce risk of serious health problems, you have to achieve and
maintain ideal Body Mass Index (BMI) which ranges _______ to ______.
a. 30.0 to 34.99 b. below 18.5 c. 18.5 to 24.99 d. 25.0 to 29.99
3. Jennifer is a high school student who wants to learn how to swim. What health related
components are primarily needed to develop to achieve her goal?
a. Body Composition and Flexibility b. Coordination and Balance
c. Power and Speed d. All of the above
4. In order to be successful in a triathlon competition, you must have high level of:
a. Cardiorespiratory Fitness b. Health-related Fitness
c. Skill-related Fitness d. b and c
e. All of the above
5. Flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles on the back of the thighs.
a. Push-up b. Coin Catch c. Curl-up d. Sit and Reach
1. Read the direction of each of the health-related fitness described in the guide manual
2. Take tests that are possible to be conducted given the time, equipment, and the space
3. Be sure to warm-up before and cool down after the tests.
4. It is alright to practice the tests before trying them. However, you should decide ahead of
time which trial you will use to test your health-related fitness.
5. After completing the tests, write your scores in the appropriate places in the results
6. Determine your rating for each of the tests from rating charts in the source materials by
shading the circle that corresponds to your score.
Body Composition
Health Risk Increased Low Very Low Increased High Very High
Body Mass Index
Classification Underweight Acceptable Acceptable Overweight Obesity I Obesity II Obesity III
77 kg kg/m2
_____ o o o o o o o
Fitness Category
Step Test 39 beats
15 sec recovery heart rate
VO2max 27-38.9
_____ mL/kg/min o o o o o
FLEXIBILITY Score High Good Marginal Poor
Modified Sit and Reach
Left 3
_____ inches o o o o
3 inches
_____ o o o o
Zipper Test
(Finger Touch)
Left _____
2 inches o o o o
Right 2 inches
_____ o o o o
Trunk Rotation
2 inches
_____ o o o o
2 inches
_____ o o o o
Flexed-arm support (static):
Women in knee position and men in
full support position
25 seconds
_____ o o o o
Abdominal Muscles
20 repetitions
_____ o o o o
Signature over printed name/ Date
Signature over printed name/ Date
High-Performance Zone Reaching this zone provides additional health benefits and is
important to high-level performance. However, high performance scores are hard for
some people to achieve, and for many people high-level performance is not important.
So reaching this zone may be more important to some than others.
Good Fitness Zone If you reach the good fitness zone, you have enough of a specific fitness
component to help reduce health risk. However, staying active (in addition to reaching
this fitness zone) is important.
Marginal Zone Marginal scores indicate that some improvement is in order, but you are nearing
minimal health standards set by experts.
Low-Fit Zone If you score low in fitness, you are probably less fit than you should be for your
own good health and wellness.
In two or three paragraphs, kindly describe your feelings about your current health-
related fitness status. Comment on the areas in which you did well or did not well and the
meaning of these findings. Moreover, briefly discuss your plan on how you will improve your
current fitness level by the end of this semester.
Fitnessgram Back Saver Sit & Reach Test (using ordinary box and ruler)
Corbin, C.B., Welk, G., Corbin W.R., & Welk, K., (2016) Concepts of Fitness And Wellness: A Comprehensive
Lifestyle Approach, Loose Leaf
Hoeger, Werner W.K., Hoeger, Sharon A., Hoeger, Cherie I., and Fawson, Amber L., (2018) Principles and Labs for
Fitness & Wellness,Fourteenth Edition. Cengage Learning, USA
Hoeger, Werner W.K. and Hoeger, Sharon A. (2013) Fitness and wellness, international edition. Wadsworth ,
Cengage Learning, USA.
Hoeger, Werner W.K. and Hoeger, Sharon A. (2009) Lifetime physical fitness and wellness, A personalized program,
10th edition. Wadsworth , Cengage Learning, USA.
Kyle Casadei & John Kiel (January 28, 2020). Anthropometric Measurement. Retrieved from
In this chapter, you will discover the rich history of Kali, Eskrima, or Arnis since pre-
hispanic period. Further, it will provide discussion on the legal mandates declaring Arnis as
national martial art and sport. You will also understand the benefits of arnis, six cardinal
principles or Anris, essential equipment, and proper courtesy or pugay.
Legal Mandates
SEC. 2. Definition of Amis. - Arnis, also known as Eskrima, Kali, Garrote and other
names in various regional languages, such as Pananandata in Tagalog; Pagkalikali, Ibanag;
Kabaraon and Kalirongan, Pangasinan; Kaliradman, Bisaya; and Didja, Ilokano, is an
indigenous Filipino martial art and sport characterized by the use of swinging and twirling
movements, accompanied by striking, thrusting and parrying techniques for defense and
offense. This is usually done with the use of one (1) or two (2) sticks or any similar implements
or with bare hands and feet also used for striking, blocking, locking and grappling, with the use
of the same principle as that with the canes.
SEC. 3. Arnis is hereby declared as the Philippine National Martial Art and Sport. The
official adoption of arnis as the national martial art and sport shall be promulgated by inscribing
the symbol of arnis in the official seal of the Philippine Sports Commission and by making it as
the first sport competition to be played by participating teams on the first day in the annual
Palarong Pambansa. The Philippine Sports Commission shall be the lead agency to implement
the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 4. The Department of Education, the National Commission for Culture and the
Arts, and the Philippine Sports Commission shall promulgate the necessary rules and
regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its complete publication in the
Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
Historical background
Presas E. (1996) and Presas R. (2009)
Arnis can be traced from the ancestors of the Philippines' aboriginal inhabitants -the
Negritos or Aeta who came from the Asian mainland, crossing shallow seas and land bridges.
Arnis evolved from a bladed weapon into its present systematic martial arts which for span a
history of over a thousand years. The scarcity of written records and the archipelagic nature of
our country caused the art’s fragmented development across the ages, making it difficult for the
researchers to establish its chronological line of descent to the modern times. This art was
practiced primarily for self-defense by the pre-Spanish Filipinos who were noted for their friendly
nature and legendary hospitality.
Arnis used to be known as “Kali”, an ancient Malayan word which implies a large
bladed weapon longer than knife, Kali must have been derived from Tjakalele which is a native
fencing in Indonesia. But it must be noted that fighting is inherent to man since one of the
purposes of life is its preservation. Men fight against beast with club or with their bare hands,
until man fights against man. This form of fighting developed into a method of fighting until it
became an art.
Sources tell us that the Philippines once had link with the Asian countries like China and
Japan which led to cultural penetration. However their influence on Filipino life was mainly
economic and there were no traces that the art of Arnis originated from them.
Soon, Filipinos became expert in the use of bladed weapons and daggers. This is
especially true of the Muslims in Mindanao and Sulu who have a special inclination for these
weapons. A testimony of the Muslim’s love for the bladed weapon is the great variety of their
knives which include the Kris, Kalis, Laring, Barong, Gunong, Kampilan, Gayang, and Panabas.
Circumstantial evidence infers that Lapu-lapu was a kali expert on April 27, 1521, Lapu-
lapu felled the great Spanish navigator and warrior Pigafetta Magellan, with a bladed weapon
(Kampilan) thus marking the Filipino’s first victorious stand against foreign invader.
In 1564, another conquistador, Miguel Lopez de Legaspi with his men landed in Abuyog,
Leyte. They were treated to a feast and shown a sample of the early Filipino’s skill in combat
with Kali.
Kali became so popular during the early days that it was known as the sport of kings and
of the members of the royal blood. Kali declined in popularity as early as 1596 when the
Spanish authorities discouraged, and eventually banned the practiced of the art in 1764. They
said that Filipinos were so engrossed in the art that they left their lands untilled. The Spaniards
also stated that the practice of the art also led to serious physical injuries and even death.
In 1673, the friars introduced the moro-moro, socio religious play dramatizing the
triumph on the Christian Spaniards over the Muslim.
The play called for the use of fighting techniques using a sword and the Filipinos again
had a chance to practice the art. Interest in Kali was revived. In the said play, the Spanish
soldiers were supposed to wear Arnes, a Spanish word for the English Harness. From
the word Arnes came the present ARNIS-- a tagalong orthographic translation of the Spanish
Arnes. However some regions retain the word Kali. When the American took control of the
Philippines, they organized sports and introduced physical activities. The practice of the art of
Arnis was neglected because Filipinos were so engrossed with the western sport.
Before Arnis would die a natural death, oriental fighting arts attracted the attention of the
world. The propagation of oriental fighting arts in the world contributed to the resurgence of the
art of Arnis. Modification of Arnis techniques was also made for utmost effectivity until a new
way of arnis fighting was introduced which is now called the ―Modern Arnis‖ or ―Presas Arnis‖
Modern Arnis is the system of Filipino martial arts founded by the late Remy Presas as
a self-defense system. His goal was to create an injury-free training method as well as an
effective self-defense system in order to preserve the older Arnis systems. The term Modern
Arnis was used by Remy Presas' younger brother Ernesto Presas to describe his style of
Filipino martial arts.
1. Total body workout: Martial arts are a high-aerobic workout that uses every muscle
group in the body. Your stamina, muscle tone, flexibility, balance and strength will all
improve through martial arts.
2. Healthy lifestyle: Due to the total-body nature of a martial arts workout, tons of
calories are burned during every class. However, you’ll also find that your natural
eating signals become better regulated, so food cravings will disappear and you’ll eat
less as a result.
3. Self confidence: Due to the goal setting, positive encouragement and respect for
values that are part of all martial arts programs, the greatest benefit usually reported
by martial arts students is greater self-confidence. You become more comfortable in
all situations – whether you’re in danger or simply doing a task that takes you beyond
your comfort zone — and you’ll discover you can accomplish anything you set your
mind to.
4. Improved cardiovascular health: Research has found that the only real way to
improve the status of the cardiovascular system is by participating in activities that
stress the heart, such as martial arts.
5. Weight loss: A one hour session of moderate intensity martial arts can burn up to
500 calories.
6. Improved reflexes: Research has found that by participating in martial arts, you not
only improve your reflexes while performing the activity, but actually experience
faster reaction times during all activities of your life. This is very important in a
number of daily activities, such as driving.
7. Focus and stillness: As Bruce Lee pointed out, behind the punches, kicks and
knees, a true martial artist learns to sit with himself and see where his weaknesses
are. As a martial artist, your will learn what it is to be still, challenged and focused.
8. Teaches great morals and values: Martial arts wisdom has it that after consistent
practice, one becomes less impulsive and aggressive towards others. The Shaolin
moral code for example comprises 12 ethics, 10 forbidden acts and 10 obligations.
Patience, insight and calmness are considered pre-requisites of good Kung Fu. This
reminds students of the right attitude, frame of mind and virtues to strive for
inside and outside the studio.
10. Better mood: Researchers have found that participating in a regular exercise routine
is one of the best ways to improve your mood. Performing martial arts is not only a
good way to relieve stress and frustration, but may actually help to make you happier.
The endorphins released by physical activity appear to be active in your body for as
many as four hours after exercise.
The cardinal principle in Arnis is respect for one's opponent as a person and as a fighter,
and as a sportsman. It should always be remembered that an opponent is a human being with a
dignity as you have and worthy of respect. Also do not under rate his fighting ability
overconfidence would be costly, if not fatal, therefore never underestimate the ability of an
opponent. Sportsmanship on the other hand is the measure of a fighter or player. The laurels of
victory should never be worn with superiority but with humility. Victory is not a stamp of
invulnerability but rather a reason for magnanimity.
Besides these cardinal principles, there are other principles in Arnis that the students,
must remember these are: Character, sincerity, discipline, self-control, etiquette and student's
loyalty to his tutor.
2. Sincerity - sincerity for victory's sake is not the all--consuming end of an Arnis player. It
is the sincerity in him to his fellowman and to his art that makes him shine in the array of
men. The will to win maybe inculcated, but such tutelage should never end after the tick
of the ultimate second in the game but beyond the canvass and the arena of
competition. The martial art of Arnis, it should be remembered, is a good medium of
development man's sense of dedication in all his everyday endeavor and involvement.
Sincerity, is the mother of trust and trust makes an institution of what has been shattered
by doubts. A man who is not sincere will never have a true friend.
3. Discipline - Arnis is a molder of discipline. Proper behavior in the sport and in life itself
will be the gauge of success. Personal discipline is important. The kaleidoscopic
invitations and temptations of life should never undermine man in his obligation to his
art, to himself and his fellowman. A student should learn to control himself in the
pursuance of his goal, not only to his art but also to life in general.
4. Self-control - losing one's head means defeat. One should learn to control his temper if
he hopes to achieve success in every endeavor. In Arnis, self-control is important for
without it, life and the good health of another may be lost. The possession of an ability to
5. Etiquette - etiquette is allied to the main cardinal rules in arnis. One's norm and
standard should never be imposed upon others. One should learn how to respect others.
Giving credence to the standard and ability of another person should or will best prepare
anybody in any endeavor. The pacific waters of human understanding will stay unruffled
if exercise of proper etiquette and respect whether it be in sporty competition or in life
itself is observed.
6. Student's loyalty - loyalty should be emphasized to the student, loyalty to the art, to a
fellow player, and to his teacher. Ingratitude to one is ingratitude to the other. A student
should be loyal to a fellow player because any disloyalty to him is disloyalty to the art
itself. More important, a student should be loyal to his teacher. Everything one has
learned is owned by him to his teacher. Personal whims should never cause one to be
ungrateful to where he owes everything he knows. Even if the ultimate aim of the art is
already achieved by a student that he can now manage on his own, he should never
forget the teacher who labored for him. In the skirmishes of things, the student should be
always loyal to him.
Life has shown us many treacheries committed in the name of greed and personal
gratification. This has no place in the art of Arnis or in sports for that matter. A true sportman is
always loyal to his art and to the prime movers of the art. He sees with gratitude in everything
and everybody from whom he had owed everything he knows. In this world of muck and mire
only those who look back with gratitude shall succeed. Loyalty to the fundamental basis of his
achievements weighs for a greater measure in the merits of man. Ingratitude is treachery and a
traitor has no place in the forum of honorable men.
The Stick
1. Parts
2. Uses
3. Proper Grip
Proper Grip
The grip is considered the foundation of all fighting
techniques in Arnis. Proper grip is the secret to control the cane.
It develops proper timing, improves power, and speed in every
execution that is delivered.
The proper grip is made by holding the cane one fist
distance from the butting part and tightening one’s your fingers
around it with your thumb compressed against your fore finger.
Hold firmly when striking and the wrist must be pliable. Keeping
the wrist in this condition will assure that each execution will be
delivered with force and speed
Being courteous or giving pugay at all times is one of the means of training in any kind of
martial arts. It is important that common courtesy is displayed between opponents. Remember
that we do not demand respect, but rather earn it. Courtesy means behavior marked
by polished manners or respect for one’s opponent and for the fundamental rules and principles
of sportsmanship.
In Arnis, courtesy or ―pugay‖ is executed in this manner: From starting position (open
stance) bring your left foot close to your right aiming 45 degrees angle, heels closed, and hands
at one fist distance from the butting part of the cane. Simultaneously bring the right cane in
vertical position to your left chest, bow your head slightly towards your opponent, and then back
to natural stance. Courtesy can be executed with two canes, by extending left arm at side,
shoulder level.
Activity 1. Reflective Essay
Direction: Read the questions below carefully and write your answer on the space
1. What are the significant contributions of Arnis as National Sport and Martial Art to
our culture and national identity?
For me significant contribution of Arnis in our National sport is, we Filipino's can produced a talented
artist without the help of foreign personality.
For the martial art, we Filipinos train, develop our skill and willing to help other people to learn.
I. Encircle the letter of the best answer that corresponds to the following questions or
1. It is the republic act declaring Arnis as the National Martial Art and Sport of the Philippines
a. RA 9851 b. RA9850 c. RA8950 d. RA 1998
4. He is a Philippine hero who fought against spanish invaders using kampilan. He is also
known as Kali expert.?
a. Jose Rizal b. Heneral Juan Luna c. Lapu-Lapu d. Diego Silang
II. Essay Test: In your own opinion, what do you think are the benefits that you can get from
Arnis as regular physical activtiy aside from physical wellness? (5points)
I had learned many things in Arnis, and it teached me well to become more aware of myself and to be
wise thinker. With Arnis, you will learn how to discipline yourself and to have patience. Patience, for you
to execute techniques you have to be patient, because it takes time to master a skill. It also takes
courage, strength and value.
24 Instructional Material for PHED 10032 Individual/Dual/Combative Sports: Arnis
Rhene A. Camarador, Lisa D. Camarador, John Estor
Activity 3. Film Review
Instruction: Watch ―Eskrimador‖ at by
Kerwin Go. It is a documentary film that discusses the history of Arnis in the Philippines and in
Cebu City. Submit a film review report using the format/template below. Submit your work in a
PDF file, using your surname as your file name followed by ARNIS (camaradorARNIS) or
printed using the film review sheet below.
1. Introduction
In the opening of your review, provide some basic information about the film. You may
include film’s name, year, director, screenwriter, and major actors.
Your introduction, which may be longer than one paragraph, should also begin to
evaluate the film, and it should allude to the central concept of the review. A film review
does not have to contain a thesis or main claim, but it should focus on a central analysis
and assessment.
2. Plot Summary
Remember that many readers of film reviews have not yet seen the film. While you want
to provide some plot summary, keep this brief and avoid specific details that would spoil
the viewing for others.
3. Description
While the plot summary will give the reader a general sense of what the film is about,
also include a more detailed description of your particular cinematic experience watching
the film.
This may include your personal impression of what the film looks, feels, and sounds like.
In other words, what stands out in your mind when you think about this particular film?
4. Analysis
In order to explain your impression of the film, consider how well the film utilizes formal
techniques and thematic content. How do the film’s formal techniques (such as
cinematography, editing, mise-en-scène, lighting, diegetic and non-diegetic sound,
genre, or narrative) affect the way the film looks, feels, and sounds to you? How does
the thematic content (such as history, race, gender, sexuality, class, or the environment)
affect your experience and interpretation? Also, do the formal techniques work to
forward the thematic content?
5. Conclusion/Evaluation
The closing of your film review should remind the reader of your general thoughts and
impressions of the film. You may also implicitly or explicitly state whether or not you
recommend the film. Make sure to remind the reader of why the film is or is not worth
Zylvien U. Ong
Name:____________________________ 2-9
Section:_______ Date:_________ Group no._____
1. Introduction
Eskrimadors is a 2010 Philippine documentary film about the Filipino martial arts eskrima, written and directed by
Kerwin Go, a Los Angeles trained cinematographer.
Directed by: Kerwin Go
Produced by: Kerwin Go
Jiji Borlasa
Written by: Kerwin Go
Narrated by: Miguel Vasquez
Music by: Arnold Ang
Jay Young
Cinematography: Ruel Dahis Antipuesto
Edited by: Bonbon Señorin
Distributed by: Pointsource Films
Release date: July 16, 2010 (Cinemayala)
Running time: 66 minutes
Country: Philippines
2. Plot Summary
A look into the ancient and deadly Filipino Martial Art of Eskrima/Kali/Arnis. Eskrimadors traces the
development of the fighting art from its roots in tribal warfare, to its evolution into a sport practiced in
over 30 countries worldwide.
3. Description
For me Eskrima means:
The indigenous fighting art of the Filipinos.
Also known as Arnis or Kali.
Ane of the fastest and deadliest martial arts in the world.
Not just stickfighting; also a mastery of short and long-bladed weapons and empty hand techniques.
5. Conclusion/Evaluation
This documentary is one of the first great documentaries on the Filipino martial arts. There are some newer docs coming
out now on the art, such as The Bladed Hand, but this was one of the first of the modern documentaries to
really expose what Arnis/Kali/Escrima was all about. It was an inspiration to me so much that it made me return to
studying the art after a 30 year absence from it - studying the art as a child - while doing other non-Filipino martial arts
such as Aikido in its absence...but after many years away from it, I felt an urge to return to my cultural roots...and this
was the spark that did it for me.
The documentary is well written and structured, giving a view of the many aspects of the art, such as the use of the
checking, or "live" hand, disarms, and knife fighting. Having studied it as a child and never understanding why we did
some things back then and why with sticks, it gave me a sense of the logic in learning weapons for practical purposes
and I realized I had to do it again. If you need to get inspired to learn this art, watch this documentary.
Good benefits of arnis
Camarador, R.A (2013) PE 032- Arnis Manual for Students and Faculty. Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Calamba,
Cardinal Rules or Principles in Arnis
Presas, E. (1996) Arnis presas style and balisong). Pasay Manila. Ernesto Presas.
Presas, R. (2009) Modern arnis. ―philippine style of stick fighting‖., Philippines: National Bookstore
Soteco, A. (1997) A practical introduction to arnis in 12 easy lessons. Revised Edition. Philippines: Mary Jo
Publishing House, Inc. Quiapo Manila
This chapter will present the different basic skills in single stick. It covers the proper
execution of twirling exercises and warm-up, basic stances, six striking zones, six striking
techniques, and six blocking techniques.
1. Properly hold the cane at the middle, swing or shake the canes forward and
2. Try to control when swinging by holding it tighter to add tension on the wrist.
3. Make the movement (shaking /swinging) as fast as you can, while counting up to
10 counts.
4. Execute the routine in front, side, and up portions.
1. Properly hold the cane at the middle, swing your arms in front across your chest.
2. Swing your arms alternately (right over left and left over light)
3. Execute the movement alternately, 10 times
1. Properly hold the cane at the middle, pointing vertically upward.
2. Twist the cane sideways. Try to control when swinging by holding it tighter to add
tension on the wrist.
3. Make the movement (twisting /swinging) as fast as you can, while counting up to
10 counts.
4. Execute the routine in front, side, and up.
Position: Hold the two canes at the middle, right arm extended upward while the left
arm extended downward at your side.
1. Raise left hand holding the cane, while the right hand drop down at side.
2. Execute the movement alternately up and down.
3. Perform the movement 10 times.
Position: Stand in straddle stance, extend your arms upward holding the cane in both
1. Raise your right leg as far as you can, put the cane on the top of the thigh. Hold
for 10 seconds.
2. After 10 seconds transfer the canes at the lower knee while still in the same
position, to add more challenge.
3. Do the same pattern on the left side.
G. Overhead Circling
Position: Properly hold the cane, arms down at side, while the canes diagonally
pointing downward.
1. From starting position execute a strike (R/L) diagonally upward.
2. After the strike, move the cane around the body, butt facing upward, and then
perform another strike (R/L) diagonally upward.
3. Execute the movement alternately right and left 10 times.
1. From starting position, bring both canes downward executing one twirling/wrist
circling (forward movement)
2. Bring both canes upward executing one twirling/wrist circling (backward
3. Repeat the movement 10 times, up and down.
Position: Properly hold the canes, right cane resting above the right shoulder while left
cane holding the down left at side.
1. From starting position, bring right cane downward executing one twirling/wrist
circling (forward movement)
2. While performing movement (a.) Bring left cane upward executing one
twirling/wrist circling (backward movement)
3. Repeat the pattern alternately, 10 times.
1. From starting position, using right hand holding the cane, execute ―banda y
banda‖ (strike side to side, horizontally),
2. After the banda y banda, withdraw the right cane pointing oblique downward.
3. Bring right cane upward executing one twirling (backward movement)
4. Repeat the pattern on the opposite side. Do it alternately 10 times.
Basic Stances
“As a method of self-defense, one should know how to stand before he learns to fight.”
-Remy Presas
In martial arts, the distribution, foot orientation and body positions (particularly
the legs and torso) adopted when attacking, defending, advancing or retreating are
known as stance. The most widely used martial arts stance is a shallow standing squat.
This position is generally employed as it is a neutral and agile position from which both
attacks and defenses may be launched.
Proper body positioning maintains stability and balance in performing the
different skills. It also develops power and form in enforcing defensive and offensive
fighting. A player can never hope to fight effectively without knowing these
fundamentals in Arnis.
1. Open Stance
Open stance is done by standing with both feet about shoulder
width apart. The knees should be straight, holding the stick (both
ends) on waist level about six inches away from the body. It is
commonly used when standing at ease during training.
5. Cat Stance
From back stance position, bring front foot in front of the rear foot,
toes pointing downward, transferring weight at
the rear foot. Arms in fighting position.
6. Cross Stance
Cross stance is done by stepping one foot (R/L)
across the other (R/L), knees slightly bent.
Maintain weight at the center while arms are in
fighting position.
Zone 2 Zone 1
Right Temple Left Temple
Right Side of the Neck Left Side of the Neck
Right Upper Extremity Left Upper Extremity
Zone 5
Anterior Part of the Body
(Stomach, Chest, Face,
Zone 4 Zone 3
Right Lower Extremity Left Lower Extremity
The six striking techniques are vital in Arnis. The learner is taught how to deliver the
strike, and where it should be delivered with power and accuracy. In order to learn the
techniques effectively, students should learn the different parts or zones of the body which
are considered as vulnerable. They are identified into six zones:
6. Strike to the Crown. This is a straight downward overhead swing directed towards the
crown of the head (Right and Left Clavicle and shoulder) Hitting the top of the head can
immobilize your opponent, delivering damage to the brain and throwing him off balance.
Blocking technique no. 5. Vertical Block. Performed by raising the elbow of the
hand holding the cane to shoulder level while the other hand is in support doing an
outward-left swing to block strikes from zone 5.
Blocking technique no. 6. Rising Block. Performed by raising the cane over the
head with left hand support to block the opponent's blow from zone 6.
Practice Drill 1: Same as the striking techniques, standing in right forward stance
execute the eight blocking techniques in sequence.
Practice Drill 2: Standing an open stance, step right and left foot (V Shape) forward
alternately in executing the block. The idea of moving left and right is to avoid direct hit
from the opponent. Thus, it develops coordination, timing, and good reaction time doing
the drills.
2. Kindly share your experiences in doing the activities or drills. Did you find them
difficult or challenging? After doing the activities, what are the values that you learned from
Remembering my high school days, part of my P.E. on 4th year was basic arnis. Were we have learned some basic
and proper move, handling of arnis, proper behavior and show respect to the master and colleuges.
Doing drills at home were very challenging, first is considering the space, second is the safety and last is focus.
About the values that I have learned, Is just same values that I have learned during my High Scholl days.
Create a group with 4-5 members each. Each group will create a 1-2 minute routine combining
the different twirling exercises. It will be presented in a form of video presentation and will be
viewed in synchronous or asynchronous method. You can use video editing apps to edit your
presentation submit it as a group. For students who do not have means to collaborate with other
classmates, individual performance is advised.
25% Effort
12 Striking Techniques in Arnis – Basic Lessons
Presas, E. (1996) Arnis presas style and balisong). Pasay Manila. Ernesto Presas.
Presas, R. (2009) Modern arnis. ―philippine style of stick fighting‖., Philippines: National Bookstore
Soteco, A. (1997) A practical introduction to arnis in 12 easy lessons. Revised Edition. Philippines: Mary Jo
Publishing House, Inc. Quiapo Manila
Camarador, R.A (2013) PE 032- Arnis Manual for Students and Faculty. Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Calamba,
On this final chapter, you will learn how to develop your own Anyo (form) routine. In this
way you will showcase your creativity and talent in developing an artistic, choreographed, pre-
arranged sets of movements, offensive and defensive techniques using stick. Moreover, it will
also develop health related fitness as you engage and practice the routine.
12 11 10 9 8 7
13 14 15
Anyo Isa
From open stance, start with a pugay, and go back to open stance (1,2,3 )
Giving the signal ―Anyo 1‖, performer shouts ―ha! Head face left. (4)
Turning left side execute right forward stance, perform striking technique no.1 (L
temple) (5)
Continuously execute left forward stance, execute technique no.2 (R temple) (6)
Turn left about by stepping left foot back across right, withdraw stick behind while
extend free hand in front. Execute technique no.3 (L knee) (7,8)
Step right foot forward, execute technique no.4 (R knee) (9)
Execute a pivot turn facing the audience, while standing R back stance. Execute
technique no.5 (Thrust to the stomach) (10,11)
Step right foot forward, then execute technique no.6 (Crown). Shout ―ha!‖ (12,13
End with a pugay (14,15)
12 11 10 9 8 7
13 14 15
Anyo Dalawa
From open stance, start with a pugay, and go back to open stance (1,2,3 )
Giving the signal ―Anyo 1‖, performer shouts ―ha! Head face left. (4)
Continuously execute left forward stance, execute inward block (5)
Continuously execute left forward stance, execute inward block. (6)
Turn left about by stepping left foot back across right, withdraw stick behind while
extend free hand in front. Execute downward-outward block. (L knee) (7,8)
Step right foot forward, execute downward-inward block. (R knee) (9)
Execute a pivot turn facing the audience, while standing R forward stance.
Execute vertical block. (10,11)
Step right foot forward, then execute technique no.6 (Crown). Shout ―ha!‖ (12,13
End with a pugay (14,15)
Practical Test
(Anyo 1-2)
Direction. The class will be divided into several groups. (3-5 members in each group).
Each group will be given 60-90 seconds to present their own creation. It will be presented in a
form of video presentation and will be viewed in synchronous or asynchronous method. You
can use video editing apps to edit you presentation submit it as a group. For students who do
not have means to collaborate with other classmates, individual performance is advised. The
criteria will be the following:
25% Effort
Consistently do his/her best with energy while performing the routine.
Note: During Presentation, participants will be rated from 10 highest to 1 lowest. (3-5 judges)
Camarador, R.A (2013) PE 032- Arnis Manual for Students and Faculty. Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Calamba,
Presas, E. (1996) Arnis presas style and balisong). Pasay Manila. Ernesto Presas.
Presas, R. (2009) Modern arnis. ―philippine style of stick fighting‖., Philippines: National Bookstore
Soteco, A. (1997) A practical introduction to arnis in 12 easy lessons. Revised Edition. Philippines: Mary Jo
Publishing House, Inc. Quiapo Manila
Reflective Essay
Knowledge Test
Performance/Practical Test
Midterm / Final Examinations 40%