Medical College
A Tribute
To the extended family and Friends of Christian Medical College, Vellore!
What is most impressive in the story of CMC! and I could reconfirm that I belong to a strong,
Is it the educational mission? ‘Both-and’ logic united and loving CMC family.
in delivering health care? Or, the unbelievable
The editorial vision of this Year Book 2016 is
commitment of the brave lady, Dr Ida Scudder?
informed by our tradition of showcasing the
I needed help in the monumental task of putting history and an account of the ongoing activities
together CMC Year book 2016, sorting out the of the institution while extending our founder,
dilemma of presenting the work that spoke most Aunt Ida’s mission to ‘Build a Kingdom of God,
directly to the turn of the millennium or what not a mere Medical College’. It is organised in
seemed to me the most paradigmatic of CMC’s terms of CMC’s history, founder’s vision and a
works. Lo and behold! The members of CMC narrative account of the 3 main areas of focus
family without any hesitation came forward to of the institution-Medical Care, Education and
give a helping hand to create this document. Research. I am sure, as you go through the pages
of this book, you will understand the uniqueness
The editorial team members moved forward
of this great, 115 years old institution, Christian
conceptualising the content and emailing each
Medical College, Vellore!
other back and forth. I saw a renewed energy
in many to project their hard work through this Rita Isaac
Yearbook!! It was really encouraging and touching Editor
ABO Blood group system comprising the A, B HPV Human Papilloma Virus
and O blood types HR Human Resources
AHS Allied Health Sciences ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
ALS Advanced Life Support IDTRC Infectious Diseases Training & Research
BLS Basic Life Support Centre
CHAD Community Health and Development IGRT Image Guided Radiotherapy
programme IMRT Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy
CHIPS Computerised Hospital Information LCECU Low-Cost Effective Care Unit
Processing System LMP Licentiate Diploma in Medical Practice
CMAI Christian Medical Association of India MCh Magister Chirurgiae
CMC Christian Medical College, Vellore MD Doctor of Medicine
CMCH Christian Medical College & Hospital MMed Masters in Medicine
CONCH College of Nursing Community Health MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MS Master of Surgery
CSCR Centre for Stem Cell Research
NABL National Accreditation Board for Testing
CSIR Council of Scientific & Industrial and Calibration Laboratories
NHRM National Rural Health Mission
DM Doctoral Degree in higher
medical speciality NRL National Reference Laboratory
DVR Digital Voice Recorder OR Operating Room
EBUS Endobronchial Ultrasound PACS Picture Archival and Communication
EEG Electroencephalogram
PCF Private Care Facility
EMG Electromyogram
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
ENT Ear, Nose and Throat
PEG Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
EQAS External Quality Assessment Scheme
PGDFM Post-Graduate Diploma in Family
ERCP Endoscopic Retrograde Medicine
RMU Reproductive Medicine Unit
EUS Endoscopic Ultrasound
RUHSA Rural Unit for Health and Social Affairs
GVHD Graft-versus-Host Disease
SRS Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Year Book 2016
very twelve months, the
year book gives us an
opportunity to recapitulate
the events of the year. 2015 -16
has been relatively eventful with
moments of definite progress as
well as uncertainties, ups and
downs, new initiatives and the
constant effort to continue with
our precious legacy. Through it all
we have been abundantly guided
and blessed by God Almighty
as we continue to emulate our
visionary founder, Aunt Ida in
`building the kingdom of God’
We have made progress in our Two of our distinguished alumni
through our training, service,
commitment towards mission received the BC Roy Award this
research activities and outreach.
outreach goals. In addition to year: Dr Mammen Chandy (1967),
Thanks to the dedicated team of supporting the mission network former head of the department
medical, nursing, paramedical of CMC, we are also actively of Haematology, who pioneered
and other members of the CMC involved with re-invigorating the bone marrow transplantation in
community, we are constantly work in mission hospitals in Erode, India; and Dr Glory Alexander
upgrading our services trying to Kotagiri, etc. (1970) who is impacting the
keep pace with the phenomenal lives of thousands through her
The CMC Chittoor campus has
demand in patient care areas. HIV/AIDS-focused NGO, Asha
seen a steady increase in outpatient
I owe an immense amount of Foundation. These have come as
attendance and new clinics have
gratitude to you my dear CMC a fitting recognition to CMC in its
been started. The inpatient facility
colleagues, alumni, members of the role as a unique model in medical
and operation theatres will
Council, well-wishers and friends, education and health care.
commence soon, heralding a new
your support and encouragement
phase in the growth of the campus. There is so much more I am
has been invaluable.
The Kannigapuram project, located keen to share with you which is
2018 would mark the centenary on the national highway towards elegantly compiled in this year
year of medical education in Chennai, has been planned book. It is not only a testimony
CMC, which started as a licentiate to develop trauma facilities, of CMC’s progress but also to the
programme for women alone. cancer services and their related abundance of blessings that God is
Much has evolved over the years departments. It is moving forward showering on us as an institution.
and the envisaged changes in the at an accelerated pace. We need I am grateful to Dr Rita Isaac and
admission process may herald your prayers and support as we her team in the Promotion and
more modification. We are doing embark on this transformational PTP Office for the mammoth work
everything possible to retain venture in the life of the institution. that has gone into the compilation
autonomy in all aspects of our The Kagithapattarai campus of this Year Book, which is a ready
institutional endeavors. adjacent to the Main Hospital is reckoner on our unique history
The International Consultation nearly complete with the nursing and latest factual data.
conference is scheduled for students having moved into their
I take this opportunity to sail along
October 2016 when the extended new and much improved hostels
with our institution as we enter
CMC family, along with experts, adjacent to the College of Nursing.
into yet another year in its journey
will review our past performance This has become a vibrant campus
of healthcare excellence in and for
and set appropriate goals for with remarkable activity thanks to
the future based on our guiding the initiatives of all the residents.
Sunil Chandy
The primary concern of Christian Medical College, Vellore is to develop through education
and training, compassionate, professionally excellent, ethically sound individuals who
will go out as servant-leaders of health teams and healing communities. Their service
may be in promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative or palliative aspects of health
care, in education or in research.
In the delivery of health care, CMC provides a culture of caring while pursuing its
commitment to professional excellence. CMC is committed to innovation and the
adoption of new, appropriate, cost-effective, caring technology.
In the area of research, CMC strives to understand God’s purposes and designs,
fostering a spirit of enquiry, commitment to truth and high ethical standards. Research
may be aimed at gaining knowledge of the fundamental bases of health and disease, at
improving interventions or in optimising the use of resources.
CMC reaffirms its commitment to the promotion of health and wholeness in individuals
and communities and its special concern for the disabled, disadvantaged, marginalised
and vulnerable.
CMC looks for support and participation in its programmes in education, service,
outreach and research, from friends and like-minded agencies in India and abroad, in a
true spirit of partnership.
In its role as a living witness in the healing ministry of Christ, CMC seeks to work in
partnership both with the Church in India and the universal Church, and their institutions.
The Christian Medical College, Vellore, seeks to be a witness to
the healing ministry of Christ, through excellence in education,
service and research.
t was the last decade of the 19th century.
India was still reeling from the bubonic
plague and a terrible famine. But that
did not change Ida Sophia Scudder’s plans.
A great movement was gaining momentum
in Vellore, Tamil Nadu: in 1900, as a new
century began, Ida Scudder returned to India.
In then unknown Vellore, Ida laid the
foundation, with a one-room, single-bed
dispensary. Within two years, thanks to a
generous donation, she had expanded it into
the 40-bedded Mary Taber Schell Memorial
Hospital for women and children. Ida knew
she could not take her mission forward
without the local people. So she trained many
of them, introducing women compounders in
1903. “She was doctor, nurse and technician,
all in one,” wrote Dr Desmond, former
Professor of ENT at CMC, of her.
Ida’s epiphany had happened about a decade
earlier, while she was with her parents in a
small village near Vellore, nursing her ailing
mother. One night, three young women from
Young Savitri (name changed for confidentiality) had lost all hope of
living, as no doctor in her home town could help her fight the disease.
As a child, she had been treated for TB, and now she had developed
intestinal and ureteric obstruction. She came to CMC, desperately
seeking help. The disease had progressed so much that regular medical
treatment did not seem like a viable option: almost all treatment had
failed. She weighed 36 kg and found herself continuously vomiting.
Her creatinine level had peaked: she was unfit to be operated on. The
team of doctors and nurses served her in love, and she stayed on in the
Chatram, the subsidised accommodation run by CMC, for over a year,
attending the prayers regularly. Doctors were hoping to operate on the
urinary tract, once her weight improved and the intestinal obstruction
was resolved. After a few months, however, her urinary obstruction was
resolved without any operative intervention. CMC’s endeavour, along
with faith, has given her new life today. She now wishes to pursue
higher studies, something she would not have considered possible just
months ago.
was part of CMC during 1949- Dr Jacob Chandy returned within the community and from
61) helped lay the foundation from North America after all backgrounds.
for various services that were his graduate studies. He was
Aunt Ida (as she was
added later. instrumental in starting CMC’s
affectionately known) worked
neurosurgery work and, by
People joined CMC at crucial hard both at the growing base
1949, the department had
junctures and included an hospital, equipping Indians
become the first of its kind in
Australian couple, Dr Edward with knowledge in healthcare,
the whole of South Asia. An
Woodall Gault and his wife, as at roadside clinics. Thus, in
able clinician and administrator,
Dr Edna Isabel Baylis. Dr Gault keeping with her vision, CMC’s
Dr Chandy also initiated post-
is called the founder-professor outreach saw much growth.
graduate neurosurgery training
of the Pathology department Medical and Nursing students
at CMC in 1957.
which, under him, during are active in CHAD and RUHSA
1944-1962, was recognised as a Dr Hilda Lazarus, with rich even today. And what more,
training institution for doctors experience in the UK and for a two-year period, CMC
completing post-graduate India, became CMC’s first graduates serve underprivileged
studies at the University of Indian principal and its first communities across India, Nepal
Madras. Indian director. Dr Lazarus was and Malaysia.
convinced that CMC’s leaders
In 1948, the young and able
should be developed from
or decades synonymous
with excellence, CMC has
maintained a fine balance
between providing state-of-
the-art treatment while being
inclusive and minimising the
financial burden on patients.
Over the years, CMC has, in
line with its motto, “Not to
be Ministered Unto, but to
Minister” played a major role in
healthcare in the country. Today,
it is a 2,300-bed multi-speciality
medical institution.
Year Book 2016
Administrative Staff and Clerks 874
Chaplains 15
Doctors 1,656
Library Staff 29
Nurses 2,646
Pharmacists 246
Social Workers 35
Total 9,066
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Started in 1944 by Dr J.T.
Cornelius and Dr Ruth Myers,
the Department of Microbiology
has grown to a world-class,
NABL-accredited lab serving
CMC and 16 other hospitals in
India. In 2015, the bacteriology,
mycobacteriology and mycology
labs performed 4,48,220
culture-based tests, including
rapid diagnostic tests, and the
several new techniques and and atomic absorption
immuno-serology labs, with a
acquired state-of-the-art spectrophotometry. The
repertoire of 38 tests, performed
equipment that keeps it at the Department’s External Quality
2,21,555 serological tests. The
forefront in the field. Assurance Scheme has 4,400
Department serves also as
participants annually.
the WHO NRL for Bordetella
pertussis, Corynebacterium
Clinical Biochemistry
diphtheriae, Salmonella This NABL-accredited
General Pathology
typhi, vaccine-preventable department provides quality Started in the early 1940s by
Streptococcus pneumoniae, diagnostic services, covering the Austrian pathologist Dr W.
Haemophilus influenzae and 170 routine test types and Rosenthal, this department is
Neisseria meningitidis. The many others on request. Last today a renowned centre across
Molecular lab, equipped with year, 48,66,678 tests were South-East Asia, handling over
the latest in PCR, performs performed, handling 15,60,000 50,000 biopsies and 22,000
diagnostic, epidemiological specimens. The plethora of cytology samples annually. The
characterisation and molecular techniques includes colorimetry, Department is one of India’s
typing techniques. The spectrophotometry, ion major referral centres for
Department has standardised exchange chromatography diagnostic pathology. Equipped
Year Book 2016
The Cytogenetics unit runs
a full-service diagnostic lab
conducting karyotyping, FISH
analyses and Mitocin-C testing.
In addition, advanced techniques
like multiplex ligation-dependent
probe amplification (MLPA) for
the diagnosis of microdeletion
syndromes have been set up as a
routine service. DNA microarray
testing is planned in the near Radiology studies, which includes nearly
future. 3,000 MRI scans and 4,000 CT
The Department is one of scans. The daily vascular and
India’s largest, with one 3T and
Virology three 1.5T MRI scanners; one
non-vascular intervention
counts range between 10 and 15
India’s Pulse Polio story, a 64-slice, one 16-slice and one and 15 and 20, respectively. The
flagship campaign in global 4-slice CT scanner; and one department is actively involved
polio eradication, originated in 3D biplane angiography suite. in audits and undergraduate
the groundbreaking work of this Filmless since 2002, with all and post-graduate education;
iconic department. The 3,26,344 the radiological studies viewed offers post-doctoral fellowships
diagnostic investigations and reported over PACS, the in cross-sectional, paediatric
carried out last year. Its several Department handles monthly and interventional radiology;
molecular diagnostic tests loads of 50,000-plus radiological
for patient care include HPV
testing, done as part of WHO’s
Lab Net. The NABL-accredited
lab is an NRL for NACO.
Nuclear Medicine
Over 9,000 diagnostic and more
than 500 therapeutic procedures
are done annually. Single-photon
emission computed tomography
(SPECT) has ensured a high
standard of care. Therapeutic
procedures include iodine
ablation, samarium therapy
and the novel, cost-effective
Lutetium-177 therapy.
Christian Medical College and Hospital
and regularly organises state- numbers of patients can now be Medicine, which provide
and national-level Continuing seen in the Phlebotomy section quality assessment services to
Medical Education workshops and the number of samples the diagnostic facilities in the
and conferences. processed daily has risen. respective specialities.
The Blood Bank has been
Transfusion Medicine & working with Christian
Immunohaematology Medical Association of India,
Center for Disease Control,
The past two years have
US and National Aids Control The Hospital’s 24-hour
seen steady advances in the
Organisation on a project to pharmacy services, provided
Department. New, more
improve blood transfusion by about 250 staff, dispense
specialised haemostasis and
practice around the country, around 9,000 prescriptions on
human leukocyte antigen
with a focus on the public sector. weekdays through 27 outlets
(HLA) tests have been added.
After years of preparation, in for outpatients, inpatients and
The Automated Cell counter
February 2014, NABL declared patients at outreach centres.
area hosts the state-of-the-art
the lab as ISO 15189-accredited. Separating express counters
cell counters from leading
and speciality pharmacies
manufacturers around the The Department also continues
from regular counters has
world, catering to the growing to conduct two EQASs for
improved efficiency and
needs of patients. Increasing haemostasis and Transfusion
reduced waiting time to
around 8 minutes at express
counters and 15 minutes at
more crowded, larger services.
A small manufacturing unit,
a quality control lab and
drug information services
add further value. A drug
information centre responds
to about 50 drug-related
queries daily and publishes
a monthly pharmacy bulletin
with snippets on new drugs,
quality issues, the history of
medicines, drug errors, etc. A
pharmacy counselling service
in the outpatient areas provides
additional information to
The Clinical Pharmacology
unit provides vital support
to clinical departments in
therapeutic drug levels
and adverse drug reaction
monitoring. Therapeutic
monitoring of anti-tuberculosis
drugs has strengthened
tuberculosis management.
Pharmacogenomics for
individualised drug dosing and
patient care is on the cards.
Year Book 2016
Clinical Services
Women and Children
The Department of Obstetrics
and Gynaecology, functioning
through its five units, caters to
all levels of care in the speciality,
has significant influence in the
areas surrounding Vellore and
the country at large. Its scope of
work has included streamlining
access of government primary
health centres to CMC, helping
secondary hospitals in times of
need, carrying out complicated
invasive prenatal procedures
and conducting quality research
in obstetrics.
The state-of-the-art Labour
Room handled 15,003 births last
The geneticists at the Perinatal
Clinic manage complex
Perinatal Medicine cases. A
nurse-led clinic gives midwives
a larger role in the care of
pregnancy and childbirth. A
dedicated Urogynaecology unit
is doing pioneering treatment
of pelvic organ prolapse and
incontinence, using minimally
invasive and endoscopic
The multidisciplinary team
at the Gynae-Oncology unit
meticulously plans and
executes care of complex
gynaecological malignancies.
Holistic care is provided, with “We want to take this opportunity to thank the RMU at CMC for
the cervix cancer screening at their support and guidance during the process. Overall, we were
hospital and community levels extremely impressed by the professionalism and dedication of
complementing the technically the doctors and support staff who conducted themselves with
empathy and care. Like they say, half the battle is won when you
demanding work.
are in the hands of a good doctor. The joy of bearing a healthy
Reproductive Medicine provides baby and the satisfaction of being in good hands at the Centre
care for over 10,000 couples combined to make it a great experience.”
in the outpatient department - Testimonial of a Couple
and around 400-500 IVF cycles
annually, with more than 500
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Year Book 2016
Established in 1951 by Dr Ida
B. Scudder, the founder, Ida S
Scudder’s niece, the Department
oldest at CMC, spawning continues to be at the forefront
of Radiotherapy comprises
several subspecialities. Its of cardiac care in the country. A
two units that provide
five units handle an annual large number of interventional
comprehensive cancer care to
outpatient attendance of about procedures for patients
about 5,000 inpatients annually,
200,000 and are renowned requiring coronary and extra-
using special techniques like 3D
for work in toxicology, cardiac stenting are performed
conformal radiotherapy, IMRT,
snake envenomation and routinely. The Cardiac
IGRT, SRS and brachytherapy,
tropical diseases. The Clinical Electrophysiology and Pacing
where required. Excellence in
Epidemiology unit supports unit deals with challenging and
research and in-patient care is
CMC’s valuable clinical abnormal heart rhythms. Future
the touchstones.
research. Future development expansions into paediatric
includes Clinical Pharmacology cardiology and heart transplant
and Maternal Medicine. services are envisioned.
The division of Gastrointestinal
Cardiology Endocrinology, Diabetes Sciences is an amalgam of a
Well-supported by an Acute and Metabolism very active research wing,
the Wellcome Research Unit,
Chest Pain unit, a plethora of Conceived in 1994, and a state-of-the-art clinical/
diagnostic services including Endocrinology, Diabetes and academic unit.
echocardiograms and a state-of- Metabolism is one of India’s
the-art cardiac catheterisation most recognised centres for The clinical department is proud
lab, the Cardiology department hormonal disorders and of its advanced diagnostic
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Year Book 2016
Pulmonology provides
specialised services for
advanced and unusual lung
diseases. It provides a range
of advanced diagnostic
and interventional services,
including bronchoscopy, stent
placement, chest sonography-
guided procedures and radial
EBUS. The Department’s
state-of-the-art Sleep lab helps
diagnose and monitor sleep-
related disorders.
The Department of
Dermatology offers specialised,
collaborative services for a
range of skin- and mucosae-
related diseases. Its special
outpatient clinics – an
infectious diseases clinic for
HIV, a cosmetology clinic for
disorders of pigmentation, acne
and scar revisions, a pemphigus
and psoriasis clinic and others
– cater to a wide variety of
problems. An extensive list of
An integrated geriatric care programme will further improve procedures complements this.
programme is in the pipeline for the quality of care. Fellowship programmes in
general practitioners. upcoming specialities including
Clinical Genetics Cosmetic Dermatology,
Rheumatology Clinical Genetics offers a Dermatopathology and Tropical
The Rheumatology department specialised service for genetic Dermatology and speciality
has pioneered patient care, disorders. Genetic counselling clinics for cutaneous post-bone
teaching and research in is offered to patients and their marrow transplant GVHD,
systemic autoimmune rheumatic families and molecular genetics- lymphoma and connective
diseases. It has an annual based diagnostic services are tissue diseases are on the cards.
outpatient load of about 40,000 carried out for various single-
and manages one of India’s gene disorders. The Department Haematology
largest cohorts of lupus, has multispeciality clinics The Department’s
Sjogren’s syndrome, Takayasu in perinatal medicine and multidisciplinary team of
arteritis, spondyloarthropathies neuromuscular problems. A doctors, para-clinical staff
and many other systemic DNA banking facility has been and scientists does pioneering
autoimmune diseases. started for rare genetic disorders work in clinical services and
The expansion of existing so that, in future, DNA can be scientific research, taking science
advanced research facilities procured to help diagnose or from the bench to the bedside
in basic immunology and map genes. in a burgeoning molecular
the introduction of a PhD speciality. The Department
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Year Book 2016
surgery and provides C7 neurotisation keeps the liver transplants and other
emergency cover for children Department at the cutting edge. complex hepatobiliary surgeries,
with orthopaedic problems. Hand therapy, administered in with outcomes at par with those
The recent addition of neonatal the Hand Physiotherapy section, at the world’s best centres. The
hip ultrasound screening and ensures good outcomes. The Department of Vascular Surgery
extracorporeal shock wave department also runs a M.Ch routinely performs technically
therapy has improved care course in Hand Surgery, with an demanding endovascular
quality. The Week recently ranked annual intake of one candidate. surgery. A hybrid theatre is being
the Department the country’s planned in the near future to
second best orthopaedic General Surgery foster advances in this new field.
The Division of Surgery
functions as four general
Hand Surgery surgical departments with Urologic surgery recently
The Department of Hand speciality foci – head and neck, completed 50 years in urological
Surgery, founded by world- upper gastrointestinal, colorectal training and CMC continues
renowned hand surgeon Dr Paul and abdominal wall, and to be a pioneer in the field.
Brand, has grown from a leprosy retroperitoneal – three speciality The speciality did India’s first
reconstructive surgery unit to a departments providing successful renal transplant
full-fledged clinical department comprehensive care for general and laparoscopic donor
providing comprehensive care surgical conditions. nephrectomy. Today, over 100
around hand and peripheral transplants are done annually,
Hepatic, pancreatic and biliary
nerve surgery, including with most donor nephrectomies
surgery provides care for
brachial plexus surgery and done laparoscopically.
patients with complicated
microsurgery. Expertise in Advanced laparoscopic and
diseases of the liver,
intraoperative neurophysiologic minimally invasive surgery,
pancreas and biliary tract. A
mapping and contralateral e.g. laparoscopic partial
multidisciplinary team conducts
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Year Book 2016
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Special Areas
ENT Medicine of Australia and New
Zealand and the European
The Department strives to Diploma in Intensive Care
excel through service research “Alpha” Clinic Medicine. It has also been
and provides the highest approved by MCI and by the
Recognising the need to
level of training to future Indian Society of Critical Care
improve the facilities for the
otolaryngologists. All five units Medicine to award the DM in
private patients and provide
offer medical and surgical care Critical Care, and a diploma
a better hospital experience, a
for common ENT conditions and a fellowship in Critical Care
multidisciplinary, special Alpha
in adults and children over 4 Medicine, respectively. The
Clinic was started in 2015. This
years. General ENT – common Division also conducts courses
has significantly shortened long
problems such as otitis media, on Basic Life Support, Advanced
waiting times for outpatient
hearing loss, tonsillitis, allergic Life Support, Basic Emergency
appointments, consultations and
rhinitis, sinusitis and dizziness Medicine Ultrasound and
– constitutes 70 percent of each Advanced Emergency Medicine
unit’s work. The unit-wise
Accident and Emergency Ultrasound and short Critical
specialisations include Unit Care courses run by the Chinese
1: Head and neck conditions, Medicine
University of Hong Kong.
including tumours and The first such department in the
endoscopic skull base surgery; country and the largest in the Forensic Medicine
Unit 2: Special paediatric private sector, the Department
problems for under-4-year- The Forensic Medicine
has contributed many firsts:
olds, including congenital department, in collaboration
a Trauma Management
disorders, airway problems with other departments,
course, protocol-based clinical
and cochlear implants; Unit 3: including Paediatric Emergency,
pathways, a Trauma team,
Specific nasal conditions such Child Health and Child &
triage and formal training
as fungal infections, nasal and Adolescent Psychiatry, has
in Emergency Medicine. In
sinus tumours, corrective nasal played a key role introducing
2005, the WHO recognised the
surgery and endoscopic skull medico-legal services sexual
Department as South-East Asia’s
base surgery; Unit 4: Ear and offence victims. The Department
Regional Training Centre for
hearing, balance disorders and continues to provide medico-
Emergency Care Nursing. The
chronic dizziness, including legal consultation to clinicians
Department has grown from an
specialised surgery for involved in the care of such
18-bed facility to a full-fledged,
dizziness and hearing, cochlear victims. A secure storage
45-bed independent clinical
implants and lateral skull base unit has been procured and
department today.
surgery; Unit 5: Laryngeal a specimen register is being
maintained to store and
cancers and voice, swallowing Critical Care
and airway disorders, including dispatch medical specimens
The Division of Critical Care, collected from the victims. The
24x7 cover and surgery for
comprising the Medical, Surgical Department has also begun
laryngeal trauma.
and Neurocritical care units, planning for a CMC child
The Department has outreach offers high-quality, affordable advocacy centre, in consultation
clinics in the Community patient care, provides multi- with the University of San
Health department, RUHSA, the dimensional education and Francisco, California. Its medico-
Chittoor campus hospital and publishes practice-changing legal autopsies, mandatory for
the Shalom Family Medicine research relevant to the Indian many cadaver organ donors,
Clinic. context. Over 6,000 patients support CMC and the Tamil
are managed annually in its Nadu Cadaver Organ Donor
various ICUs. The division is an Transplant Programme.
accredited advanced training
centre for the Fellowship of
the College of Intensive Care
Year Book 2016
Support Services
transformers, 8 generators peripheral units. It provides
and 58 lifts. During 2015-16, steam and medical gases to the
it installed and commissioned OTs and critical care units. During
Dietetics a solar photovoltaic power 2015-16, 162 new medical gas
It offers therapeutic diet planning plant and replaced several outlets, new ENT OR machinery
and execution, diet consultations conventional transformers with and equipment, energy-efficient
and dietetic education and newer, efficient ones, completing air compressors and a solar
research. A professional catering 16 major and 65 minor projects. concentrator for boiler feedwater
service, rigorously monitored were added. The Department’s
The Electronic Engineering
by the Department for quality, Asset Recycling Office recycles
department installs, calibrates,
quantity and safety, manages equipment for CMC and other
tests and maintains CMC’s
inpatient catering. mission hospitals.
biomedical and electronic
equipment and maintains
CHIPS centralised systems for pneumatic
CHIPS plays a vital role in chutes, outpatient paging, nurse The Transport Department
running clinical services and the paging, chapel relay, surveillance coordinates transport requirements
Hospital at large. The CHIPS cameras, audio-video equipment through 212 CMC vehicles,
Clinical Workstation, developed and emergency communication. including 22 from RUHSA.
in-house, is the portal for During 2015-16, 5 new RFID
accessing patient information, pneumatic stations were installed Postal
ordering investigations and and 149 new CCTV cameras and
During 2015-16, the Postal Section
prescribing medications. CHIPS’ 22 DVRs, added. New PA systems
handled 78,043 letters and 2,013
services cover electronic medical were installed in the Alpha clinic,
parcels. Efficiency in handling
records and various crucial the Schell Eye Hospital, the
external and internal mail is its
auxiliary areas like billing and preanaesthetic clinic and CHAD.
purchase. CHIPS also features An emergency communication
PA system was installed in the
RFID-based patient tracking for Laundry
theatre management and app- main OT complex.
based paediatric casualty services. The Laundry Department,
The Department of
which installed new equipment
Environmental Engineering
Engineering Departments this past year, handled 60,43,140
provides uninterrupted drinking
pieces of linen (a daily average
During 2015-16, the Civil water supply to the main
of 16,516 pieces).
Engineering department Hospital, Kagithapattarai and
Schell Eye Hospital campuses
completed numerous Hospital and College
major projects including a (20 lakh litres/day to the CMC
town campus, 1.3 lakh litres/ Maintenance
student nurses’ hostel in the
Kagithapattari campus, an day to the Kagithapattarai The Hospital and College
outpatient building in RUHSA, a campus and 45,000 litres/ Maintenance teams, with
PCF lift, a patients’ facility centre day to the Schell campus) and housekeeping attendants
in the old mortuary, an MRI maintains a sewage/wastewater work tirelessly, maintaining
scanner in the Asha building treatment plant. In the town high standards of cleanliness
and steel water tanks at the campus, it maintains 7 water at the hospital and Bagayam
Palar pump house – a total of 17 sumps, 22 main overhead tanks, campuses.
major and 42 minor projects, at 220 individual water tanks and,
The Central Sterile Supply
an overall cost of Rs 44,76,19,544. for firefighting, 4 sumps, 1 tank
department processed 55,04,207
Another 18 major and 45 minor and 19 overhead tanks.
items for sterilisation and sterile
projects are in progress. The Mechanical Engineering packs, during 2015-16 – a daily
The Electrical Engineering department oversees the average of 15,067 packs, with
department, responsible also maintenance of hospital 6,75,266 items supplied to the
for fire safety, maintains 15 equipment at CMC and OP departments.
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Innovation is integral to CMC,
and this millennium has witnessed significant breakthroughs.
ome discoveries that
have transformed the
management of several
common problems:
The Department of Neonatology
has used simple coolant jelly
packages to treat asphyxia at
birth, drastically cutting down on
the cost of therapy and making
such therapy accessible to the
remotest parts of the country,
where sophisticated neonatology
facilities are unavailable.
The Gastroenterology
department has conducted
path-breaking research on the
rotavirus and tested low-cost
vaccinations to prevent the onset
of viral diarrhoea.
For hand amputees, the
Bioengineering department has
devised the low-cost Vellore
Hand, while the Department of
Paediatric Orthopaedics and the
Indian Institute of Science have
invented the Padmapada, an
electronic chip-based device to
improve compliance in children
with club foot deformity.
Endocrinology has used next- At the Centre for Stem Cell Research (CSCR), Vellore, work
generation sequencing to arrive is on the gene therapy programme for haemophilia and
at novel methods to identify the musculoskeletal regeneration.
cause of maturity onset diabetes
Year Book 2016
Facilitatory factors
A number of factors foster a
fertile research environment:
Using a Geographic Information • A voluminous patient
System (GIS), the Community population with varied and
Health department has mapped complex diseases
the topography, soil and water • World-class labs and four
in the Vellore area to disease animal houses for important
patterns. The index source of a animal studies
Christian Medical College and Hospital
The emphasis has always been on producing compassionate, professionally
excellent and ethically sound healthcare professionals who will go out as
servant-leaders, serving in the spirit of Christ.
communication, leadership and
management during the course.
Medical Education Emphasis is laid on acquiring
the relevant knowledge, skills
In response to the desperate and attitudes to practice
need for medical doctors in medicine effectively.
India, Dr Ida Scudder started the
An e-learning portal hosts
LMP programme in 1918. This
lecture presentations and other
was later upgraded to the MBBS
educational material, which
course in 1942. She started the
students widely use. The
institution as a women’s medical
libraries are equipped with the
college but, from 1947, men
latest textbooks and journals
were also enrolled.
and are easily accessible to
CMC has always been ranked both faculty and students.
among the top medical colleges Other facilities include a
in the country. The emphasis simulation lab. A highlight of
has always been on producing undergraduate medical training
compassionate, professionally is the clerkship programme,
excellent and ethically sound during which students work
healthcare professionals who as sub-interns in the wards.
will go out as servant-leaders, They learn to do procedures
serving in the spirit of Christ. and follow-up patients from
The curriculum is unique in admission to discharge.
that it is a hybrid curriculum. Community health and
It is a combination of subject/ secondary hospital programmes
discipline based, community sensitise the students to
based, competency based and healthcare needs in rural
problem based curriculum. India. In the latter programme,
Emphasis is given to early students spend a few weeks
clinical exposure during the at mission hospitals situated
first year and to integrated in various parts of rural India,
learning throughout the course. acquiring the knowledge and
Students are introduced to skills to practice medicine in a
important aspects of ethics, secondary-care setting.
Year Book 2016
Christian Medical College and Hospital
all-round faculty-student
interaction. The families of
faculty become students’ foster
families during their stay here.
CMC upholds the value that
all its alumni will commit
themselves to the service of the
poor and marginalised. Towards
this end, the cost of education
is kept at a very modest level
to prevent graduates from
being burdened with financial
preoccupations. All medical
graduates serve in an area of
need for a period of two years.
This would either be in one of
the CMC network of mission
hospitals in remote parts of
India or at CMC itself. This
period enables them to mature
into budding young doctors
with a first-hand experience of
the health needs of the country.
This process, we hope, will
nurture our graduates into a life
Best Outgoing Undergraduate Award
of service and enable them to
Year Book 2016
Medical Training
CMC has been a pioneer in
post-graduate medical training
in India. Starting with General
Medicine and General Surgery
in the early 1950s, by 2011,
most departments had doubled
the number of seats. CMC
was also the first in India to
Christian Medical College and Hospital
offer post-graduate training Committee for dissertations. The story of Nursing education
in super-specialities such as The students can also access at CMC – one of excellence,
Neurosurgery and Clinical NABL-accredited biochemistry, vision and commitment – was
Haematology. virology, microbiology and founded on Dr Scudder’s vision
clinical pathology labs for clinical and the resolve and planning
Currently, on offer are 24 MDs/
diagnostics and research support. of Delia Houghton and Vera
MSs, 11 diplomas in broad
Pitman. In 1909, the first batch
specialities, 10 DMs and 9 MChs Over the past two years, the
of 15 girls graduated from the
in higher specialities, 3 MScs, 6 students have bagged five
then School of Nursing. In 1932,
post-graduate fellowships and gold medals at the university
the programme evolved into a
45 post-doctoral fellowships. The examinations conducted by the
diploma in Nursing and offered
annual intake is 355 PG students. Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical
India’s first degree course in
Holistic training is imparted. 1946, and post-graduate courses
In a large teaching hospital Twenty-five percent of post- and doctoral programmes in 1969
like CMC, students get rich graduates serve rural communities and 1994, respectively. Today,
clinical exposure and ample at various mission hospitals. collegiate Nursing education is
opportunities for hands-on provided to 900 male and female
surgical, clinical or other Nursing Education undergraduate, post-graduate
technical experience in various and doctoral students.
Since 1909, the College of
specialisations, CSCR, the
Nursing has turned out young Value-based Nursing education
surgical skills laboratory and
nurses who have changed is a key element of successful
the animal facilities. They gain
lives – particularly those of the healthcare. The College
special training in research
underprivileged – all around the curriculum design has a strong
methodologies, ALS/BLS and
world, through their exceptional theoretical foundation and high
medical education technology
knowledge and skills, with emphasis on clinical experience.
and receive research grants
CMC’s motto. It uniquely integrates education
from the CMC Research
Year Book 2016
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Washington, and Columbia and complex instrumentation and AHS. Since 2014, 195 students
York universities. sophisticated equipment are have completed their respective
needed to meet the rising courses; 467 are en route.
Bright students hailing from
demand for cost-effective
marginalised sections of The training integrates
diagnosis, treatment and related
society, who aspire to go classroom teaching with hands-
services, requiring professionals
far in their careers but need on clinical and practical work.
to operate, manage and maintain
financial assistance, are offered The courses are designed
them. AHS courses thus enable
scholarships. The College to improve knowledge and
healthcare professionals to work
creates a nurturing environment professional skills, build
at multiple points in the care
and, to this end, along with character, nurture motivation
and healing pathway.
academic and clinical excellence, and strengthen drive not to be
the spiritual development of From 1903, when “Aunt served, but to serve the poor
students is emphasised through Ida” trained local women as and marginalised.
retreats, Bible classes and compounders, CMC has seen
community worship on Sundays continuous upgradation in Distance Education
so that the institution’s motto is informal in-service training
The Distance Education unit
internalised. to certificate-, diploma- and
builds human resource capacity
university degree-level courses,
AHS Training and 2011 saw significant
to enhance healthcare delivery
systems in India and other
increases in the number and
Growth and expansion in developing countries so that
range of AHS courses. Currently,
healthcare necessitates a team healthcare access to the poor
CMC awards eight diplomas,
approach – and a variety of skills and marginalised is improved.
19 bachelor’s degrees, 13 post-
and expertise – in curing illness
graduate diplomas and two The Unit therefore conducts
and sustaining life. Advanced,
fellowships programmes in various courses, training
Year Book 2016
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Year Book 2016
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Outreach Services
CMC is unique among unaided, private sector healthcare institutions in not
limiting itself to high-tech tertiary care but actively using secondary and primary
healthcare models to deliver healthcare to rural India.
MC’s founder, Dr
Ida Scudder, within
two years of starting
a one-bed dispensary, had
single-handedly treated 12,000
patients. But she felt frustrated:
many patients still remained
outside the ambit of medical
services. So, in 1906, she began
setting up roadside clinics,
taking the services to villages
and hamlets outside Vellore.
That was the beginning of
CMC’s outreach.
CMC is unique among unaided,
Scudder’s roadside clinic in bullock cart
private sector healthcare
institutions in not limiting itself focus on preventing maternal In 1956, under CMC’s
to high-tech tertiary care but mortality and tackling leprosy Department of Preventive and
actively using secondary and (then an endemic and highly Social Medicine, a rural health
primary healthcare models prevalent disease), the Kavanur centre was started in Bagayam,
to deliver healthcare to rural Rural Health Centre was with a few MCH centres in the
India, giving priority to the started in the K.V. Kuppam Kaniyambadi rural development
needs of the urban and rural rural block of Vellore district, block, in Vellore district. This
poor, including the most 25 km from the main hospital has grown to CMC’s present-
vulnerable, disadvantaged campus, with Dr Hilda Lazarus day Community Health
communities – women, children, as Director and Dr Robert department.
the mentally and physically Cochrane as Principal. In 1977,
In Vellore town, CMC started
challenged, leprosy and HIV rural healthcare was redefined
LCECU in December 1982,
patients, the poor and neglected by introducing socioeconomic
in response to the needs of
elderly, slum-dwellers, tribal development programmes as
the urban poor. The initiative
populations and others. part of healthcare delivery and
also demonstrated that, in
the Centre was renamed the
In 1948, to provide basic an environment of escalating
Rural Unit for Health and Social
healthcare services to rural healthcare costs, quality rational
Affairs (RUHSA).
communities, with special care could be provided at low
Year Book 2016
Community Health
The Community Health
Department provides primary
care to the rural, urban and
tribal communities nearby and
serves as a training ground
for medical, Nursing and
paramedical students.
In 2015-16, the CHAD hospital
attended to 88,916 outpatients
and 10,733 inpatients, including
3,243 women who were delivered In the Ward at CHAD
in the facility. A special highlight its registered inmates. The prison vision of the Department. Some
of the programme includes authorities also refer clients of the educational initiatives
Counselling services. The most who need help to this centre. So include Community Orientation
common psychological problems does “Udhavaum Ullangal”, a Programme for first-year
in the community include voluntary organisation. After medical students introduced in
those related to maladjustment counselling the clients may be 1975, Epidemiology Resource
between spouses, alcoholism referred to MHC, the domestic Centre for training professionals
and HIV, for which counselling violence protection officer or a in research launched in 1985 and
and free legal aid and advice is short-stay home. MD programme in Community
provided. The counsellors are Medicine started in 1974 and
The education of doctors,
regularly invited to the Special Masters in Public Health
nurses and Allied Health
Prison for Women for counselling Programme started in 2009.
professionals is central to the
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Community Development beneficiaries. Basic medical award for the Jawadhi Hills
services, occupational therapy, Health and Development
projects recreation, health education, Project and two Skoch Platinum
The Jawadhi hills tribals nutritional support and awards for best governance
project, initiated in 1980 for counselling are offered. for a GIS in healthcare and for
a population of 30,000, aims tribal healthcare at Jawadhi
Reproductive health and family
to improve maternal and Hills. In 2015, the Association
life education in the adolescent
child health through regular of Healthcare Providers (India)
health programme for girls
clinic-based antenatal care, Excellence in Community
has been underway for school
growth monitoring of children, Engagement award and WHO’s
going children. The demand
nutrition education and 2015 Public Health Champions
from schools and colleges for
ambulance services. In 2014, a award.
conducting such programmes
permanent health care facility,
on an ongoing basis has been Several research projects are
the C.K Job Tribal Health and
increasing in both rural and underway at the Department,
Development Centre, was
urban areas, and CMC has including those on the effect of
inaugurated. An important
begun working regularly with inactivated poliovirus vaccine on
facet of the work in Jawadhu
organisations like Students gut immunity against poliovirus
Hills is the development of a
Partnership World-wide India in children, utilising the
scholarship scheme aimed at
(SPW) to broaden the outreach. community DOTS provider for
providing Nursing and AHS
treatment of TB in Vellore district,
training for tribal youth.
Awards evaluating the impact of three
There are two day-care centres feeding regimens on the recovery
In 2014, the Department won
for the elderly, functioning in of children from uncomplicated
the BMJ Primary Healthcare
two villages in Kaniambadi severe acute malnutrition in India,
in Challenging Circumstances
rural block, which serve 38 the aetiology of neonatal infection
Year Book 2016
Christian Medical College and Hospital
service area, 6,612 women have centres provide free medical electrical wiring for homes; and
been screened. The patients care, nutritious noon meals five a beautician course for women.
are treated with the support days a week, a platform for The aim is to better the socio-
from Departments of Gynae- group interaction and venting economic status of the rural
Oncology and Radiotherapy. of pent-up feelings, and varied communities by enhancing
recreational opportunities. employment opportunities.
Preventive healthcare Currently, six centres in the Since 2000, over 85 percent have
training in low-resource block serve 120 beneficiaries, been gainfully employed, a
supported by Friends of significant number absorbed in
Vellore in the UK, Sweden reputed companies across south
At the mission hospitals in and Vellore Rural Community India.
Padhar, MP and Mungeli, Trust, UK; and well-wishers in
Other community development
Chhattisgarh, through India.
programmes include Six Youth
international collaborations
Clubs, with 120 members, to
and funding, RUHSA has, as Vocational training for guide and motivate the rural
part of the Global Innovation
rural youth youth to make better career
Initiative project, conducted
The RUHSA Community decisions and six Clubs for
workshops on preventing
College provided vocational Marginal Farmers who are
cervical and oral cancer in
training to 300 youth last linked up with the National
partnership with distance
year, taking the total to 4,494 Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Education Department.
over the past 15 years. The Development for relevant training
and small-budget financial
Community Development training is affiliated to the
Tamil Nadu Open University assistance. RUHSA has also
projects facilitated an interest-free loans
and the National Institute
To make special caring facilities of Open Schools and covers of up to Rs.30,000 per farmer to
available to the poor elderly in the mechanism of two- and purchase milch animals with
rural areas, day-care centres for four-wheeler automotives, support from Friends of Vellore,
the elderly poor and neglected refrigerators, air-conditioners, UK. In 2014-16, 24 farmers were
were started in 2007. The rewindable motors, and provided with loans.
Year Book 2016
Research outreach clinics, school health
programmes and community-
Several research projects are based rehabilitation of the
A 40-bed facility housed in the
underway in collaboration disabled. In partnership with
Schell Eye Hospital campus
with International Universities. the Department of Physical
in Vellore town and managed
Key projects include those on Medicine and Rehabilitation,
primarily by Family Medicine
multiplexed antenatal screening through half-day workshops
specialists, LCECU provides
for infections using point-of- among college students, Project
services to poor urban patients
care tests by health workers and Helmet was initiated in 2014
at affordable costs. First-
on cervical cancer prevention to sensitise youth and young
time patients are required to
for rural India and the Vellore- motorists on injury prevention
provide proof of residence and
Aberdeen Nutrition Exchange and safe driving practices.
are screened subsequently by
social workers. Patients may Patients pay a one-time
also be referred to LCECU registration fee of Rs 25. Routine
Awards by the social workers and by care attracts no consultation
In 2014, RUHSA was awarded a community health and urban fee but medicines are paid
Skoch Foundation award in the health nurses in the College of for – often at subsidised cost.
Social Inclusion category, which Nursing’s Community Health Costs are kept to a minimum
recognised RUHSA’s 37 years’ wing. During the year, the Unit by patient counselling for better
involvement in raising the status attended to 63,245 outpatients self-management, good history-
of rural communities through and 1,737 inpatients. taking and thorough physical
primary healthcare, training examinations, prudence in
Over the years, these services
initiatives, population-based requesting tests and scans, use
have been expanded by
research projects and community of generic drugs and basic, no-
broadening community
development programmes. frills infrastructure.
mapping, raising the number of
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Basic Sciences
Basic Sciences form the foundation of medical practice at CMC
t CMC, practical
correlations integrate
the Basic Science
curriculum to the clinical
context, forming the framework
of its clinical services.
The Anatomy Department
is a pre-clinical department
devoted mainly to teaching
students of the MBBS,
BSc Nursing, Bachelor of
Occupational Therapy, Bachelor
of Physiotherapy and 21 other
undergraduate AHS courses.
In addition to post-graduate
training towards MD Anatomy,
the subject is also taught to MSc
Nursing, MSc Medical Physics,
MS Clinical Engineering,
PhD Clinical Engineering and
other medical post-graduate
students. The Department
facilitates the running of
several cadaveric workshops
for surgical and clinical skills
training. Teaching is dissection-
based and there is an active
body donation programme
that facilitates this. In addition
to the formalin storage facility
for cadavers, plastination
is done by which prosected
Year Book 2016
Pathology Museum
specimens and organs are a high quality of education. dysregulated iron homeostasis
preserved. The department Training programs include in anemia of inflammation,
has ongoing projects in the academic nurture to produce liver disease and insulin
fields of clinical anatomy, personnel for India’s needs. resistance, gestational diabetes
anthropometry, embalming Research work focuses on mellitus, endometrial cancer,
techniques, plastination, conditions relevant to India (eg, etc). Work done covers basic
medical education, histology science and clinical aspects
and immunohistochemistry, cell of these conditions, involves
culture, stem cell research and collaborations within CMC and
radiological anatomy, among with institutions abroad, and is
others, both in isolation and supported by intramural and
in collaboration with other extramural grants (Government
departments. of India’s Departments of
Biotechnology [DBT] and
Biochemistry Science and Technology, Indian
Council of Medical Research,
The Department of Biochemistry
CSIR and the Wellcome Trust
is involved in teaching (MBBS,
DBT India Alliance).
nursing and allied health
sciences courses), training
(MD Biochemistry and PhD
programs) and research. The department of
Innovative teaching methods, Pharmacology and Clinical
along with considerable Pharmacology consists of two
academic support, provide units: Basic Pharmacology,
Christian Medical College and Hospital
The Department of
Physiology is involved in
training undergraduate
and post-graduate students
and research. Facilities are
available for research on whole
animals, tissues, cell culture,
phytochemistry, patch-clamp
electrophysiology and human
physiology. Recently, three
patch-clamp amplifiers and
accessories were donated by
Prof Frederick Sigworth, of Yale
University, shipped with help
from Friends of Vellore, USA.
Three patch-clamp rigs are
now being set up for training
patch-clamp electrophysiology
researchers, which will also
enable the Department to
provide drug testing for new
molecules to study their effects
on ion channels. Second patch-clamp rig set-up in progress
Year Book 2016
Christian Medical College and Hospital
CMC Governance
CMC Vellore Association
Governing Council
(Represented by members of the Association)
Officers of the Association & Council
(Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer)
Executive Committee
Christian Medical College
Deputy Deputy Vice Deputy Deputy Medical Deputy Nursing Assoc. General
Directors Treasurer Principal Dean Superintendants Superintendant Superintendant
CMC is a non-profit organisation Planning Cell, the Student Central Bank of India – Vellore
governed by the Christian Selection Committees and nine Branch
Medical College Vellore other committees ensure the 73, Arcot Road, Vellore, Tamil
Association, registered under provision of high-quality medical Nadu 632 004.
the Societies Registration education and patient care.
Central Bank of India –
Act XXI of 1860. Governance
Christian Medical College,
is through the represented Identity Vellore,
members of the Association, Registration of Societies Act XXI Christian Medical College,
headed by its officers. The of 1860. No.5 of 1947 Arcot Road, Vellore,
Memorandum of Association,
Tamil Nadu-632 004.
Constitution and bye-laws CMC PAN No: AAATC1278N
are clearly listed and strictly
Bankers: Auditors:
adhered to. Appointment of
officers is through a Nomination State Bank of India – Vellore Manohar Chowdhry &
Committee of the Council. All Town Branch Associates
financial matters are handled in a No 112, Arcot Road, Opposite #10, Myna Teppakulam First
transparent manner and audited C.M.C. Hospital, Street, First Floor, East Gate,
statements of accounts are Thottapalayam, Vellore, Tamil Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625 001
submitted annually, following Nadu 632004. CMC Staff Details
audit by external auditors.
Indian Bank – Vellore Main As on 16/06/2016, we have 4081
Standing Committees such as
Branch male and 5306 female employees
the Administrative Committee,
46-51, Katpadi Road, at CMC.
the Finance Committee, the
Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632004.
Academic Committee, the
All donations to CMC qualify for exemption u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 – Authority,
Director of Income Tax (E) Letter No: DIT(E) No. 1 (78) / 01-02 dt. 05-02-2009
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Christian Medical College and Hospital
Council Chairman Dr. M.C.Mathew Deputy Medical Dr. Simon Pavamani (Junior Medical
Superintendents Board / Quality Circle)
Vice Chairman Dr. Sanjeeth Peter Dr. Ebor Jacob Gnananayagam (CASBI
/ Condemnation / In-charge, ISSCC
Council Secretary Dr. Thomas Samuel Ram
Director Dr. Sunil Chandy Dr. Debasis Das Adhikari (Technicians
Associate Directors Dr. Anil K Kuruvilla (Admin) Dr. Rohit Amritanand (In-charge, OPD)
Dr. Dolly Daniel (Medical)
Dr. J.V. Peter (Finance) Principal Dr. Alfred Job Daniel
Dr. Sukria Nayak (Missions)
Vice Principals Dr. Anna B. Pulimood, (HR)
Dr. Deepak Thomas Abraham (HR)
Dr. Joy Sarojini Michael (PG)
Dr Raju Chacko (Campus Development)
Dr. Solomon Sathishkumar (UG)
Dr. Nihal Thomas (Designate for Campus
Dr. Judy Ann John (AHS)
Dr. Biju George (Addl. Vice-Principal
Deputy Directors Dr. Joy Mammen (Information Technology) [Research])
Mrs. Jasmin Anand (Nursing
Development) Registrar Dr. Regi Oommen
Dr. Uday George Zachariah (Housing)
Deputy Registrars Dr. Elizabeth Tharion
Dr. Reju Joseph Thomas (Quality
Assurance) Dr. Suganthy J
Dr. Sunil Abraham (Chaplaincy) Dr. Winsley Rose
Dr. Rita Caroline Isaac (Promotions &
Publicity) Dean-College of Nursing Dr. Selva Titus Chacko
Dr. Vinod Joseph Abraham (Gifts & Grants)
Deputy Dean Dr.Vinitha Ravindran
Treasurer Mr. S. Robby Pria Sundersingh
Additional Deputy Dean Mrs. Bala Seetharaman
Deputy Treasurer Mr. J. Pinto Mrs. Emily Susila
General Superintendent Mr. Ebinezar Sundarraj Mrs. Jeyalinda Christopher
[Acting] Mrs. Shandrila Immanuel
Year Book 2016
Contact Information
Christian Medical College
Ida Scudder Road
Vellore – 632 004
Development Office
Tamil Nadu, India
Overseas visitors and volunteers
0091 416 228 1000
College of Nursing
0091 416 228 extn
0091 416 307 0000
Christian Medical College
0091 416 307 extn
0091 416 2282887
Friends of Vellore
The Friends of Vellore (FOV) is an overseas association that has espoused the cause of CMC since the late 1940s, by
representing the interests of the institution internationally. With its presence across the countries listed below, the role of
FOV has been greatly adapted over the decades, in tandem with the dynamic progress of CMC. The projects supported by
this fellowship include ‘Jawadhi’ Tribal Health project, the Person-to-Person Programme Fund, quite a few social projects
through RUHSA and LCECU and the Palliative Care.
Australia Sweden United States of America
Dr. Bella George Dr.Sven Andréasson Ms. Katherine D. Guenther
Australian Board of CMC FOV Chairman of Friends of Vellore Vellore C.M.C. Foundation Inc.
10, Highgrove Court Sweden 475, Riverside Drive, Rm.725
The Gap, Brisbane-4061, Australia. Foreningen Friends of Vellore Sweden New York, N.Y.10115
Ph: +61 733003919, Mob.: +61 Grondalsvagen 214 Tel : 212-870-2640
413475915 11740 Stockholm, Sweden Fax : 212-870-2173
Email : Email: Email :
Phone: +46-8-669 93 06
Mrs. Ruth Tuckwell India
Administrator FOV UK Canada Mr. Hugh Skeil
48 College Fields Mr. Douglas Virgin Development Office
Cambridge, CB4 1YZ Vellore-Ludhiana Committee of Christian Medical College
England, UK Canada Vellore 632 004, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone : 03333 445 245 722 Coxwell Avenue Tel : 91-416-2283509
Email : Toronto, Ontario Fax : 91-416-2232054 / 2282887
Canada, M4C 3C2 Email :
Tel : 416-921-2301
Dr. Peter Albrecht
Email :
Eythstrasse 2
74613 Oehringen,Germany
Tel : 07941 / 61958
Email :
Christian Medical College
Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632 004
Tamil Nadu, India