Review of The Astrological Works of Vivian Robson

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Vivian Robson was a British scholar born in 1890 who wrote extensively on astrology. He obtained access to the British Museum library to conduct personal research while temporarily employed by the Admiralty. Robson authored several classic books on electional, natal and mundane astrology as well as one on fixed stars.

Vivian Robson was a British scholar born in 1890 who obtained a Bachelor of Science degree. Records show he applied for access to the British Museum library in 1917 while temporarily employed by the Admiralty, conducting his own personal research. Further details of his life and career are unclear.

Robson's 1917 application to the British Museum revealed he was temporarily employed by the Admiralty and wanted access to the library to consult scientific books, suggesting he conducted independent research rather than being formally employed by the Museum.

11/24/2018 Astrology Books by Vivian Robson

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Vivian Robson, scholar

Vivian Erwood Robson was born on May 26, 1890, at 12:04 pm,
Birmingham, England. He died on December 31, 1942. He held a
Bachelor of Science degree, as you will find the initials B.Sc. after
his name in his books. Further details of his life are sketchy, and this
despite a staggering stellium in Gemini in his 10th. (Go set up the
chart & marvel.)

At the Astrologer's Memorial web page, it says he was the British

curator of Geology and Paleontology in the British Museum. (I
expect this will have been removed by the time you read this.) This
is incorrect. I contacted the British Museum, the big place on Great
Russell Street, and was directed to their sister institution, the Natural
History Museum, in South Ken. Which is where paleontology would
be found anyway. No one there had ever heard of him. There were
no records of any kind.

The archivist at the British Museum was of help, however. He found Vivian Robson's application for a
ticket to the British Museum Reading Room, dated 1917. He explains:

Another institution that was previously a part of the British Museum in Bloomsbury is the
British Library, which became a separate institution in the 1970s and continued to occupy
the Reading Room until it moved to separate premises in 1998. We have a selection of
records related to the Reading Room and applications for readers tickets during the time of
the British Museum Library (as it was known until 1973). Amongst these I have found an
application for a ticket from Mr Robson! He was first admitted as a reader on 5 May 1917.
Tickets were issued normally for 3 or 6 months and had to be applied for again if the reader
wished to continue. I can see he was readmitted on 24 August 1927 and 26 June 1931.

Which you can see here. His ticket, front and back (note the change of address on the back), along with
his brief letter of application, signed. The archivist continued,

Depending on what further information the Natural History Museum may provide you with,
I think it may be the case that instead of being employed directly by the British Museum,
Vivian Erwood Robson instead used the Reading Room and resources of the British
Museum Library to carry out his own personal research. When dealing with enquiries about
individuals thought to have worked at the Museum (particularly family history enquiries) I
have occasionally found that information handed down over generations has become 1/11
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confused, like a game of Chinese Whispers, and although they were in some way connected
to the Museum, it is not quite in the way expected.

Robson's application, a brief note, reads,

1 Ruvigny Garden

Dear Sir,
Being temporarily employed by the Admiralty, I
am anxious to avail myself of the opportunity of
consulting certain scientific books in the British
Museum Library.

I should therefore esteem it a great favour if

you could see your way to granting me a
Reader's Ticket, or inform me what steps I
should take to obtain one.

Thanking you in anticipation

I am, dear sir
yours faithfully
V.E. Robson (B.Sc F.G.S)

The Director
British Museum

Vivian Robson was a few days shy of his 27th birthday when he sent this note (outside the US, dates are
written as Day/Month/Year), which the British Museum received the next day.

The British Museum archivist's further research turned up another of Mr. Robson's signatures.

In his application of 1917, Robson says he was working for the Admiralty and living in Putney. The
Admiralty, today known as the Ripley Building, is situated next to the famous Admiralty Arch and is
rather near the Prime Minister's office at 10 Downing Street. From Putney, it's a long tube ride, especially
as, in London, they have never had express tubes (as they do in New York). This would indicate that Mr.
Robson was poor.

By the time his Student's Text-Book of Astrology is published (1922), he is 32, married, and living in
Hammersmith: 48, Flanders Mansions, Bedford Park, London W.4. It's a move up in the world, it's a
better locale, but it's still far from the center of London.

By 1927, his address is in Wembley (19 Bridgewater Road, Alperton), in that fragment of the world that
is still termed Middlesex. At this time he is co-editor of the late Alan Leo's Modern Astrology. Bessie
Leo is his editing partner.

The Preface to his Beginner's Guide, published in 1931, gives his address merely as "London". There is
no mention of wife or friends. 2/11
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The Preface to Electional Astrology, published in 1937, gives no location, nor makes any mention of
anyone. I am wondering about the effect of Pluto in Gemini in the 10th house, that his experiences in the
public might not have been the most pleasant. In both the Student's Text-Book, and Astrology and Sex
he declares Geminis to be cruel. He is the only person, so far as I know, to have that opinion. Which,
Gemini rising myself, I agree with. Geminis are unconsciously cruel, horribly cruel, a mindless,
emotionless cruelty which cannot be endured. But is Robson also talking about cruelty inflicted upon the
native, as well? Turn, and turn about?

Vivian Robson's final book, from 1941, Astrology and Sex is dedicated to his friends, "Harry and Ella
Elliott-Ball, under whose roof this book was written". This was at No. 2 Castletown Road, in Fulham,
west London.

Vivian Robson gets a brief mention in Margaret Hone's Modern Text-Book of Astrology: Born
England. Practised and taught astrology. Wrote excellent and concise text-books. (pg. 296) Which
sounds like she knew less about the man than I do. Even though he was her contemporary.

The superb photo is taken from the June, 1919 issue of Modern Astrology. The 29 year old Robson was
its brand-new editor, the photo originally ran as a full page in the magazine. It was taken by A. Langdon
Coburn,, one of the leading photographers of his day, who was himself heavily involved with
metaphysics and to some extent, Theosophy. As Modern Astrology was strongly Theosophical at the
time, Coburn was a natural choice. The photo comes to me courtesy of the tireless Philip Graves, in
Sweden. All thanks to him!

For more biographical details, get A Student's Text-Book of Astrology, where we have cleverly made
into The Vivian Robson Memorial Edition

Indicates a book on our Top Ten list. If you would like to find more books like it, click on the star.




Part 1: How to cast a horoscope:

1. The horoscope diagram
2. The houses of the horoscope
3. The planets
4. The signs of the zodiac
5. Relation of signs & planets
6. Aspects & orbs
7. Conversion of time
8. How to cast a horoscope
9. Calculating the aspects

Part 2: Planets, signs & houses

Introductory remarks
10. Planetary rulerships
11. Sign rulerships
12. Planets in signs
13. Planets in houses
14. Planets in aspect 3/11
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Part 3: How to judge a horoscope

15. The principles of judgment
16. Life & death
17. Personal appearance
18. Character & mental qualities
19. Occupation
20. Finance
21. Health
22. Associates
23. Marriage & children
24. Relatives
25. Travel
26. Some example nativities: Earl Balfour; Rupert Brooke; Henry Ford; Rudolph Valentino; Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle; Benito Mussolini

Part 4: How to calculate future influences:

27. How to calculate directions
28. How to judge directions
29. The effects of directions



Most introductory astrology books, such as this one, are content to teach you
the ABC’s of astrology: Planets, signs, aspects, houses, pretty much in that
order. You’re then congratulated that, by the time you reach the end of the
book, you can look up the individual pieces and spit out canned
interpretations, by rote.

Vivian Robson (1890-1942), expected better. Here is an example:

“Having found the significator of the matter concerned interpret all aspects to it
as things and people affecting it. Suppose Jupiter were chief significator of
money and afflicted by Saturn. We should judge that money matters would be
hampered by poor conditions, depressing surroundings, ill-health, or whatever
Saturn signified in that horoscope. In other words, we should give Jupiter the
chief consideration as significator of the matter enquired into, and interpret the
action of Saturn in its relation to Jupiter, and not vice-versa. On the other hand
if Saturn were the significator we should judge that fits of generosity or
extravagance would affect the finances, because Jupiter is expansive in its
action, and its afflicting aspect would cause trouble and loss. This general
judgment is then refined by taking into account the sign and house occupied by
the aspecting planet, and the houses it rules. Thus, suppose with Saturn as
significator that Jupiter threw an adverse aspect from the 5th house. Then we
should judge that the extravagance would arise from too much indulgence in
pleasure, or from gambling, or other matters ruled by the 5th house. This would
be modified by the sign containing Jupiter. A water sign would incline more to
self-indulgence, a fiery one to gambling, a sign ruled by Venus to expenditure
on women, and so on, thus enabling us to enlarge on the judgement obtained
from the house position alone. We should next look to see what houses Jupiter
ruled. If it ruled the 3rd we should judge expense and extravagance over
journeys, relatives and other third house matters, and by blending the
influences, that gambling losses (5th) would come through the advice of
relatives (3rd) or some other appropriate blending. . . .

“This, however, is not the only way the influences would work. . . . There is
method to be used, and it is one which needs considerable practice, but it is
well-worth the trouble involved, and the student will himself be amazed to find
how accurately the most trifling details may be predicted. 4/11
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“As a word of advice to the beginner I would say — Do not be afraid to let
yourself go in this way. You will make many mistakes to start with, but it is the
only way to make your Astrology of practical use. There is too great a tendency
nowadays to float about in a comfortable haze of so-called esotericism. The first
need of Astrology is accuracy and definition, not pseudo-religious speculation,
and it is only by concentrating on the practical and scientific side that we can
really make Astrology of service, and obtain for it the recognition it deserves.”
(pgs. 110–113: go have a look)

It occurs to me that when Robson came to writing basic delineations, he

wrote as if the delineation (of planet/sign/house/aspect) was to be used, not as
an end in itself, but as part of a larger signficator-based delineation. Instead
of trying to nuance detail - as Carter and many others have done - Robson
instead painted a general picture. You are to take this picture, not as an end in
itself (as with Carter), but instead apply it to the specific context in which you
are working.

To wit, you want to know about money. (We all want to know about money.)
It's the example Robson gave, above. Just like Robson, you will start with
your second house and its ruler, and then look and see what factors influence
the ruler, for good or ill. Surprisingly, this process works best when you start
with generalities (as per Robson), rather than specifics (a la Carter). This is
because each individual native is different & has his own unique way of
expressing his planetary energies. An arsenal of generalities will equip you to
fight through the fogs of interpretation, to find the person at the center of it
all, to read the chart in front of you. Explict details merely mislead &

Vivian Robson was a very different kind of astrologer. Study his books!

See a pdf sample here

Astrology Clasics, 184 pages.

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Edition - Vivian Robson, $25.95


Section 1: General principles and the casting of a horoscope:

1. The fundamental principles of astrology
2. The alphabet of astrology
3. Casting the horoscope

Section 2: The judgment of a horoscope:

1. General principles of judgment 5/11
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2. Infant mortality & length of life
3. Personal appearance & physical peculiarities
4. Character & mind
5. Health & accidents
6. Finance
7. Occupation & position
8. Parents, relatives & the home
9. Friends & enemies, and the comparison of horoscopes
10. Love & marriage
11. Children
12. Travel
13. Death
14. Esoteric astrology
15. An example nativity

Section 3: Directions & rectification

1. Secondary directions
2. Interpretation of directions
3. Primary directions
4. Minor methods of directing
5. Rectification

A. The present use of Standard Time
B. Summer Time
C. Adoption of the New Style Calendar
D. Sensitive points
E. Correction of mean to sidereal time


The Vivian Robson Memorial:

Vivian Erwood Robson (1890-1942 Curator Turned Astrologer, by Prof. Hugh S. Torrens
Obituary, by Charles E.O. Carter
De Mortius, by George H. Bailey
Vivian Robson, An Appreciation, by Dorothy Ryan
List of columns from The Weekly Horoscope, 1937-8
Afterword, by David R. Roell

Vivian Robson's application for a Reader's Ticket at the British Museum

Vivian Robson's Death Certificate


The year before he wrote his famous book on fixed stars, Vivian Robson
(1890-1942) wrote this one. In it, he put the distillation of four years intense

In those years, spent in the British Museum Reading Room, he had read and
studied very nearly every astrology book ever written, in English and Latin. To
this day, he is virtually the only man to have ever undertaken a study of this

Vivian Robson, the son of a surgeon, was trained, starting in childhood, in

geology. He was the quiet studious sort, happy to spend his time with his
books. At the start of World War I we find him fresh out of Birmingham
University, as a curator in Bristol. As a geologist, he was brilliant. As a
curator, he wasn’t. He left Bristol after two years. He worked briefly at the
Admiralty, presumably as a draftsman. Sometime in 1917, this lonely kid 6/11
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discovered astrology. And right from the first, he embraced it with passion and

Almost immediately he became co-editor (with Bessie Leo) of Alan Leo’s

Modern Astrology Magazine. During that time, he published this book (1922,
his first), and, the following year, The Fixed Stars and Constellations in

What makes the Student’s Text-Book unique is its unparalleled wealth of

detail. Robson copies the format of earlier books, dealing with topics, rather
than planets, signs and houses. His first topic, the place where astrologers have
traditionally started, is infant mortality. Which is brutal, but if the child will
not live, there is no point in continuing. Thus begins Robson’s altogether more
demanding, more insistent level of astrology.

In subsequent chapters you will learn the astrology of Personal Appearance,

Character and Mind, Health and Accidents, Finance, Occupation and Position
and much more. In a nod to his employer, he includes a chapter on Esoteric
Astrology, giving a comprehensive survey.

In this Memorial Edition, Prof. Hugh S. Torrens’ monograph, Vivian Erwood

Robson (1890-1942 Curator Turned Astrologer, and, by David R. Roell, the
publisher, an Afterword. Also in this edition, a newly prepared Index. This is
the finest of all of Robson’s books, back in print at last.

The section on Travel is eye-opening. Here it is, as a teaser.

Astrology Classics, 300 pages.

Read the book? Want to tell the world? How many stars (1-5) would you give this book? Tell us!

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ASTROLOGY & SEX - Vivian Robson, $19.95


1. Introduction
2. The sex of the astrological factors
3. The sex of the native
4. The sex outlook of the signs
5. The houses & marriage
6. The seventh house
7. The influence of planets in the seventh house
8. Sexual abnormalities
9. Homosexuality
10. Sadism;
11. Masochism & other abnormalities
12. Marriage
13. Irregular & illegal unions
14. Marriage or celebacy 7/11
11/24/2018 Astrology Books by Vivian Robson
15. Determining the date of marriage
16. The marriage partner
17. How to read details
18. How to compare horoscopes
19. The effect of aspects between horoscopes
20. Mundane comparison;
21. Directional comparison
22. The Hindu method of comparison
23. Choosing the wedding day
24. The consummation of marriage
25. Classified rules & aphorisms

Appendix: For the beginner


Comment: From 1941. Even better than Sargent's How to Handle Your Human Relations,
this is the finest book ever written on astrology & relationships. Robson goes far beyond
the usual "his planets vs: her planets". Here is a treasury of practical advice, culled from
many sources. In addition to the above, topics include: How to forecast when someone will
marry (different rules for men & women), how your chart indicates your marriage partner,
how to use derivative houses, house to house comparison, progressions & chart
comparison, sexual abnormalities (which quotes a lengthy passage from Ptolemy), and 266
classified rules & aphorisms from various sources. That's a lot in 250 pages. Sometimes
known as, Astrology Guide to Your Sex Life. Click here for a PDF extract.

Astrology Classics, paper.

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ELECTIONAL ASTROLOGY - Vivian Robson, $19.95


1. Introduction
2. General Principles
3. The Moon in Electional Astrology
4. The Lunar Mansions & Aspects
5. Planetary Hours
6. Personal Elections
7. Domestic Elections
8. Commerce & Finance
9. Business & Occupation
10. Friendship & Favor
11. Medical Elections
12. Marriage & Children
13. Houses & Property
14. Journeys & Messages
15. Games & Sports
16. Wars, Fights & Lawsuits
17. Agriculture & Gardening
18. Animals 8/11
11/24/2018 Astrology Books by Vivian Robson

19. Prisoners & Criminals

20. Public Affairs


Comment: Ever wished you had picked a better time to start that new project? Let
Electional Astrology help. In this book are the classic rules for choosing the best times to
start all manner of things, from the trivial (bathing, cutting hair), to the important
(marriage, starting a business) and pretty much everything in-between: travel, joining the
army, planting & sowing & much more. Includes a complete discussion of lunar mansions
& planetary hours, timing factors often overlooked. This remains the best modern book
ever written on elections. It has long been a classic.

Much of this book was taken from a careful reading of William Ramesey's Astrology
Restored of 1653. Which, despite 20 years of astrological revival, remains out of print:
The original is in an antique typescript, the available photocopies and microfiche are badly
stained and worn, the result is virtually unreadable. There is currently a retyped version in
England but as of 2011 it has not been made available for publishing. I would publish in an
instant if it ever came my way.

Click here for a pdf extract.

Astrology Classics, paper.

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1. The fixed stars in astronomy

2. The influence of the constellations
3. The lunar mansions
4. The fixed stars in natal astrology
5. The influence of fixed stars, nebulae & clusters
6. The fixed stars in mundane astrology
7. Stars & constellations in medieval magic
8. The fixed stars in astro-meteorology

Appendix: Mathematical formulae.


Comment: In Astrology, stars are known as "fixed" to distinguish them from planets,
which were once known as wandering stars. This is mute testimony to the great antiquity of
astrological star-study. This book is the distillation of practically everything published on
fixed stars since the Middle Ages, the gist of some 200 books. Among the many authors
cited are Ptolemy, Wilson, Simmonite, Pearce, Bullinger, Alvidas & R.H. Allen. The heart
of the book is a comprehensive treatment of fixed stars in natal astrology, their value, their
effect when combined with angles & planets. Convenient tables & a comprehensive index
make this volume easy to use. This book includes some 110 named stars, as well as 48 9/11
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ancient constellations & 60 modern ones. Arabic, Hindu & Chinese lunar mansions are
discussed, as well as fixed stars in mundane astrology, stars & constellations in medieval
magic & fixed stars in astrometeorology. The classic book on fixed stars. Of the few books
available on fixed stars, this is by far the best. It's also the one some of the others cribbed
from & to which everyone since refers. So get the original. Click for a PDF excerpt.

264 pages. Astrology Classics, paper.

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THE RADIX SYSTEM - Vivian Robson, $13.00



1. Introduction
2. The directional chart
3. Major directions
4. Minor directions
5. An example reading
6. Cuspal directions
7. The minor directional chart
8. Parallels & mid-points
9. Converse directions
10. Some final hints
11. The effects of directions

Table of major & minor arcs


The radix system, first suggested by Sepharial in 1918, uses angles & house
cusps directed by solar arcs, with secondary & minor progressions for the
lights & planets. This book was not intended to be a revolutionary advance in
astrological forecasting. Rather, Robson & Sepharial were attempting to
supply a simpler forecasting method to primaries, which had become too
complicated for novices to calculate. Nowadays even the methods taught in
this book are too complicated for our poor brains. Since Robson thinks his new
system is inferior to Primaries, the still more inferior transit based system we
use now just might be why forecasting fell out of favor in the west.

As with all of Robson's books, this is quite excellent and will repay study.

Darr Publications, 110 pages.

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207 Victory Lane, Bel Air, MD 21014
Tel: 410-638-7761; Toll-free (orders only): 800-475-2272

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Established 1993, The Astrology Center of America is owned & operated by David Roell.
This entire site ( is copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by William R. Roell.
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