B2C Cash Management

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) Message Definition Report


Bank-to-Customer Cash Management


Approved by UNIFI Payments SEG on 5 March 2007

Edition April 2007

Table Of Contents
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Scope ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
How to read ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Message Flows ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Reporting from Account Servicer to Account Owner ............................................................................................ 2
Reporting from Account Servicer through a Forwarding Agent ............................................................................ 4
MX camt.052.001.01 BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 ................................................................................ 6
Message Scope and Usage ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Message Structure ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Message Items Description ................................................................................................................................... 16
Business Example ............................................................................................................................................... 108
MX camt.053.001.01 BankToCustomerStatementV01 ..................................................................................... 113
Message Scope and Usage .................................................................................................................................. 113
Message Structure ............................................................................................................................................... 113
Message Items Description ................................................................................................................................. 123
Business Example ............................................................................................................................................... 214
MX camt.054.001.01 BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 .............................................................. 221
Message Scope and Usage .................................................................................................................................. 221
Message Structure ............................................................................................................................................... 221
Message Items Description ................................................................................................................................. 231
Business Example ............................................................................................................................................... 313
Message Item Types .............................................................................................................................................. 317
Data Types .......................................................................................................................................................... 317
End Points ........................................................................................................................................................... 333
Indexes ................................................................................................................................................................... 376
Index of Message Items ...................................................................................................................................... 376
Index of XML tags ............................................................................................................................................. 396
Index of Message Item Types ............................................................................................................................. 417
Revision Record .................................................................................................................................................... 435
UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

This document describes a set of account information messages approved by the ISO 20022 Payments Standards
Evaluation Group as UNIFI messages in March 2007. These messages can be used to provide account information for
reconciliation and cash positioning.

This set includes the following messages: :

1. BankToCustomerAccountReport
2. BankToCustomerStatement
3. BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotification

How to read
In compliance with ISO 20022, UML (Unified Modelling Language) is used to depict business and logical models. As
knowledge of UML is not a requirement to discuss the business standards, the data format for the messages is presented
in a user-friendlier way. This way of representation is automatically generated from the models, thereby ensuring absolute
consistency between the model information and the published standard.

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007
Message Flows

Message Flows
Reporting from Account Servicer to Account Owner

The Bank-to-Customer Cash Management messages are sent from the Account Servicer to the Account Owner, or a party
authorised by the Account Owner to receive the account information (i.e. the Message Recipient).

Sequence Diagrams
The scenarios illustrate the reporting from Account Servicer to Account Owner

Scenario 1
The following service has been agreed between Account Owner and Account Servicer : During the day, the Account
Servicer sends one or more BankToCustomerAccountReport messages to inform the AccountOwner of any intraday
movements (booked and pending) on the account. At the end of the business day, the Account Servicer summarizes all
booked entries in the BankToCustomerStatement and provides booked and available balance information.

AccountServicer AccountOwner


Bank ToCustomerStat ement

Scenario 2
The following service has been agreed between Account Owner and Account Servicer : During the day, the Account
Servicer will send a BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotification for any incoming credits above a certain threshold. At a
pre-agreed time during the day, the Account Servicer will also provide an intraday BankToCustomerAccountReport,
summarizing all movements (booked and pending) which have been posted to the account since the start of the business
day. The Account Servicer will also include balance information (booked and expected) in the message. At the end of the

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007
Message Flows

business day, the Account Servicer summarizes all booked entries in the BankToCustomerStatement and provides booked
and available balance information.

AccountServicer AccountOwner




Scenario 3
This scenario shows that the Bank to Customer Cash Management messages can also be delivered to a party authorised
by the Account Owner to receive the account information (ie the Message Recipient).

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007
Message Flows

AccountServicer MessageRecipient AccountOwner


cation or similar internal message


BankToCustomerStatement or
similar internal message

Reporting from Account Servicer through a Forwarding Agent

The Bank-to-Customer Cash Management messages are sent from the Account Servicer through a Forwarding Agent
(who plays the role of ‘concentrating institution’ for the account owner) to the the Account Owner, or a party authorised
by the Account Owner to receive the account information (i.e. the Message Recipient). Which messages will be sent will
be agreed between the 3 parties.

Sequence Diagrams
The scenarios illustrate the reporting through a Forwarding Agent

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Message Flows


AccountServicer ForwardingAgent AccountOwner

BankToCustomerStatement or

BankToCustomerStatement or
BankToCust omerAccountReport

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MX camt.052.001.01 BankToCustomerAccountReportV01

MX camt.052.001.01 BankToCustomerAccountReportV01
Message Scope and Usage
The Bank-to-Customer Account Report message is sent by the account servicer to an account owner or to a party authorised
by the account owner to receive the message. It can be used to inform the account owner, or authorised party, of the
entries reported to the account, and/or to provide the owner with balance information on the account at a given point in

The Bank-to-Customer Account Report message can contain reports for more than 1 account. It provides information
for cash management and/or reconciliation. It can be used to :
- report pending and booked items;
- provide balance information
It can include underlying details of transactions that have been included in the entry.
It is possible that the receiver of the message is not the account owner, but a party entitled by the account owner to receive
the account information (also known as recipient).
For a statement that is required due to local legal stipulations, the Bank-to-Customer Account Statement message should
be used.

The Bank-to-Customer Account Report message is composed of 2 building blocks:
A. Group Header
This building block is mandatory and present once. It contains elements such as Message Identification and
B. Report
This building block is mandatory and repetitive. It should be repeated for each account on which a report is provided. The
report contains components such as Balance and Entry information.

Message Structure
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/
Type Guid.
Message root <BkToCstmrAcctRpt [1..1]

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
1.0 GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1]
1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text
1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
1.3 MessageRecipient <MsgRcpt> [0..1] +
1.4 MessagePagination <MsgPgntn> [0..1]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
1.5 PageNumber <PgNb> [1..1] Text
1.6 LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd> [1..1] Indicator
1.7 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.0 Report <Rpt> [1..n]
2.1 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
2.2 ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.3 LegalSequenceNumber <LglSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.4 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
2.5 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator <CpyDplctInd> [0..1] Code
2.7 Account <Acct> [1..1]
2.8 Identification <Id> [1..1] +
2.9 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.10 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.11 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.12 Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
2.13 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
2.14 Owner <Ownr> [0..1] +
2.15 Servicer <Svcr> [0..1] +
2.16 RelatedAccount <RltdAcct> [0..1] +
2.17 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.18 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.19 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.20 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.21 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.22 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.23 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.24 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text
2.25 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +
2.26 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.27 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.28 Balance <Bal> [0..n]
2.29 Type <Tp> [1..1]
2.30 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.31 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.32 CreditLine <CdtLine> [0..1]
2.33 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator
2.34 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount
2.35 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.36 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.37 Date <Dt> [1..1] +
2.38 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.39 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.40 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.41 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.42 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.43 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.44 TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry> [0..1]
2.45 TotalEntries <TtlNtries> [0..1]
2.46 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.47 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.48 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.49 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.50 TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries> [0..1]
2.51 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.52 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.53 TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries> [0..1]
2.54 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.55 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.56 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd [0..n]
2.57 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.58 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.59 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.60 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.61 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.62 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.63 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.64 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.65 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.66 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.67 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.68 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.69 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.70 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.71 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.72 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.73 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.74 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.75 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.76 Entry <Ntry> [0..n]
2.77 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.78 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.79 ReversalIndicator <RvslInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.80 Status <Sts> [1..1] Code
2.81 BookingDate <BookgDt> [0..1] +
2.82 ValueDate <ValDt> [0..1] +
2.83 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.84 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.85 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.86 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.87 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.88 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.89 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.90 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.91 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.92 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.93 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.94 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.95 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.96 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.97 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.98 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.99 CommissionWaiverIndicator <ComssnWvrInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.100 AdditionalInformationIndicator <AddtlInfInd> [0..1]
2.101 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId> [0..1] Text
2.102 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.103 Batch <Btch> [0..n]
2.104 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.105 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId> [0..1] Text
2.106 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [0..1] Text
2.107 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.108 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.109 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.110 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.111 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.112 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.113 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.114 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.115 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.116 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.117 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.118 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.119 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.120 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]
2.121 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.122 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.123 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.124 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.125 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAm [0..1] Amount
2.126 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.127 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.128 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.129 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text
2.130 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.131 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.132 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.133 Tax <Tax> [0..1]
2.134 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.135 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.136 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount
2.137 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.138 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.139 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.140 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.141 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.142 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.143 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.144 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.145 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.146 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text
2.147 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +
2.148 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.149 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text
2.150 TransactionDetails <TxDtls> [0..n]
2.151 References <Refs> [0..1]
2.152 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.153 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.154 InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text
2.155 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [0..1] Text
2.156 TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text
2.157 MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text
2.158 ChequeNumber <ChqNb> [0..1] Text
2.159 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text
2.160 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.161 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.162 Reference <Ref> [1..1] Text
2.163 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.164 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.165 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.166 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.167 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.168 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.169 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.170 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.171 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.172 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.173 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.174 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.175 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.176 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]
2.177 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.178 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.179 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.180 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.181 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.182 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.183 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.184 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.185 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.186 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [0..1]
2.187 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.188 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.189 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.190 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.191 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.192 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.193 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.194 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.195 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.196 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAm [0..1] Amount
2.197 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.198 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.199 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.200 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text
2.201 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.202 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.203 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.204 Tax <Tax> [0..1]
2.205 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.206 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.207 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount
2.208 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.209 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.210 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.211 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.212 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.213 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.214 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.215 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.216 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.217 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text
2.218 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +
2.219 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.220 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text
2.221 RelatedParties <RltdPties> [0..1]
2.222 InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] +
2.223 Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] +
2.224 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.225 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] +
2.226 Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] +
2.227 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.228 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] +
2.229 TradingParty <TradgPty> [0..1] +
2.230 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]
2.231 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.232 Party <Pty> [1..1] +
2.233 RelatedAgents <RltdAgts> [0..1]
2.234 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] +

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.235 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.236 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] +
2.237 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] +
2.238 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] +
2.239 ReceivingAgent <RcvgAgt> [0..1] +
2.240 DeliveringAgent <DlvrgAgt> [0..1] +
2.241 IssuingAgent <IssgAgt> [0..1] +
2.242 SettlementPlace <SttlmPlc> [0..1] +
2.243 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]
2.244 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.245 Agent <Agt> [1..1] +
2.246 Purpose <Purp> [0..1]
2.247 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.248 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.249 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10]
2.250 RemittanceIdentification <RmtId> [0..1] Text
2.251 RemittanceLocationMethod <RmtLctnMtd> [0..1] Code
2.252 RemittanceLocationElectronicAdd <RmtLctnElctrncAdr> [0..1] Text
2.253 RemittanceLocationPostalAddress <RmtLctnPstlAdr> [0..1]
2.254 Name <Nm> [1..1] Text
2.255 Address <Adr> [1..1] +
2.256 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1]
2.257 Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..n] Text
2.258 Structured <Strd> [0..n]
2.259 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..1]
2.260 ReferredDocumentType <RfrdDocTp> [0..1]
2.261 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.262 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.263 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.264 ReferredDocumentNumber <RfrdDocNb> [0..1] Text
2.265 ReferredDocumentRelatedDate <RfrdDocRltdDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..n]
2.267 {Or DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.268 Or DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [1..1] Amount

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.269 Or RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.270 Or CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.271 Or} TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.272 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1]
2.273 CreditorReferenceType <CdtrRefTp> [0..1]
2.274 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.275 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.276 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.277 CreditorReference <CdtrRef> [0..1] Text
2.278 Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] +
2.279 Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] +
2.280 AdditionalRemittanceInformati <AddtlRmtInf> [0..1] Text
2.281 RelatedDates <RltdDts> [0..1]
2.282 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.283 TradeDate <TradDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.284 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.285 StartDate <StartDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.286 EndDate <EndDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.287 TransactionDateTime <TxDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.288 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]
2.289 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.290 {Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
2.291 Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime
2.292 RelatedPrice <RltdPric> [0..1]
2.293 {Or DealPrice <DealPric> [1..1] Amount
2.294 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..n]
2.295 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.296 Price <Pric> [1..1] Amount
2.297 RelatedQuantities <RltdQties> [0..n]
2.298 {Or Quantity <Qty> [1..1] +
2.299 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]
2.300 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.301 Quantity <Qty> [1..1] Text
2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification <FinInstrmId> [0..1]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.303 {Or ISIN <ISIN> [1..1] Identifier
2.304 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]
2.305 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.306 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
2.307 Tax <Tax> [0..1] +
2.308 ReturnInformation <RtrInf> [0..1]
2.309 OriginalBankTransactionCode <OrgnlBkTxCd> [0..1]
2.310 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.311 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.312 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.313 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.314 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.315 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.316 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.317 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.318 ReturnOriginator <RtrOrgtr> [0..1] +
2.319 ReturnReason <RtrRsn> [0..1]
2.320 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.321 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.322 AdditionalReturnReasonInformati <AddtlRtrRsnInf> [0..n] Text
2.323 CorporateAction <CorpActn> [0..1]
2.324 Code <Cd> [0..1] Text
2.325 Number <Nb> [0..1] Text
2.326 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1] Text
2.327 SafekeepingAccount <SfkpgAcct> [0..1] +
2.328 AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf> [0..1] Text
2.329 AdditionalEntryInformation <AddtlNtryInf> [0..1] Text
2.330 AdditionalReportInformation <AddtlRptInf> [0..1] Text

Message Items Description

The following section identifies the elements of the BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 message.

1.0 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Common information for the message.

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Type: The GroupHeader block is composed of the following GroupHeader23 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text
1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
1.3 MessageRecipient <MsgRcpt> [0..1] +
1.4 MessagePagination <MsgPgntn> [0..1]
1.7 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text

1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the account servicing institution and sent to the account owner to
unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The account servicing institution has to make sure that 'MessageIdentification' is unique per instructed
party for a pre-agreed period.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created by the account servicer.
Data Type: ISODateTime

1.3 MessageRecipient <MsgRcpt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that is entitled by the account owner to receive information about movements in the account.

Guideline : MessageRecipient should only be identified when different from the account owner.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

1.4 MessagePagination <MsgPgntn>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Pagination of the message.

Usage: the pagination of the message is only allowed when agreed between the parties.
Type: This message item is composed of the following Pagination element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.5 PageNumber <PgNb> [1..1] Text
1.6 LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd> [1..1] Indicator

1.5 PageNumber <PgNb>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Page number.
Data Type: Max5NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,5}

1.6 LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates the last page.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

1.7 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the message.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

2.0 Report <Rpt>

Presence: [1..n]
Definition: Reports on a cash account.
Type: The Report block is composed of the following AccountReport9 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
2.2 ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.3 LegalSequenceNumber <LglSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.4 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
2.5 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator <CpyDplctInd> [0..1] Code
2.7 Account <Acct> [1..1]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.16 RelatedAccount <RltdAcct> [0..1] +
2.17 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.28 Balance <Bal> [0..n]
2.44 TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry> [0..1]
2.76 Entry <Ntry> [0..n]
2.330 AdditionalReportInformation <AddtlRptInf> [0..1] Text

2.1 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the account report, assigned by the account servicer.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.2 ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the report, assigned by the account servicer. It is increased incrementally for each
report sent electronically.
Data Type: Number
Format: fractionDigits: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.3 LegalSequenceNumber <LglSeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Legal sequential number of the report, assigned by the account servicer. It is increased incrementally for
each report sent.

Usage : in those scenarios where eg a paper statement is a legal requirement, the paper statement may have
a different numbering than the electronic sequential number. Paper statements can for instance only be sent
if movement on the account has taken place, whereas electronic statements can be sent eg each day, regardless
of whether movements have taken place or not.
Data Type: Number
Format: fractionDigits: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.4 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the report was created.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.5 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Range of time between the start date and the end date for which the account report is issued.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator <CpyDplctInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies if this document is a copy, a duplicate, or a duplicate of a copy.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CopyDuplicate1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CODU CopyDuplicate Message is being sent as a copy to a party other than the
account owner, for information purposes and the message
is a duplicate of a message previously sent.
COPY Copy Message is being sent as a copy to a party other than the
account owner, for information purposes.
DUPL Duplicate Message is for information/confirmation purposes. It is a
duplicate of a message previously sent.

2.7 Account <Acct>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Business relationship between two entities; one entity is the account owner, the other entity is the account
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount13 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.8 Identification <Id> [1..1] +
2.9 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.12 Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
2.13 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
2.14 Owner <Ownr> [0..1] +
2.15 Servicer <Svcr> [0..1] +

2.8 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the account between the account owner and the account servicer.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following AccountIdentification3Choice element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] Identifier
Or BBAN <BBAN> [1..1] Identifier
Or UPIC <UPIC> [1..1] Identifier
Or} ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct> [1..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to AccountIdentification3Choice p.333 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.9 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Nature, or use, of the account.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashAccountType2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.10 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.11 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.10 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.9 Type.
Definition: Nature or use of the account in a coded form.
Data Type: Code
One of the following CashAccountType4Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CACC Current Account used to post debits and credits when no specific
account has been nominated.
CASH CashPayment Account used for the payment of cash.
CHAR Charges Account used for charges if different from the account for
CISH CashIncome Account used for payment of income if different from the
current cash account.
COMM Commission Account used for commission if different from the account
for payment.
LOAN Loan Account used for loans.
MGLD MarginalLending Account used for a marginal lending facility.
MOMA MoneyMarket Account used for money markets if different from the cash
NREX NonResidentExternal Account used for non-resident external.
ODFT Overdraft Account is used for overdrafts.
ONDP OverNightDeposit Account used for overnight deposits.

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Code Name Definition

SACC Settlement Account used to post debit and credit entries, as a result of
transactions cleared and settled through a specific clearing
and settlement system.
SLRY Salary Accounts used for salary payments.
SVGS Savings Account used for savings.
TAXE Tax Account used for taxes if different from the account for
TRAS CashTrading Account used for trading if different from the current cash

2.11 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.9 Type.
Definition: Proprietary nature or use of the account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.12 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.
Data Type: CurrencyCode
Format: [A-Z]{3,3}
Rule(s): ValidationByTable

2.13 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, assigned by the account servicing institution in agreement with the account owner in
order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage : the account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in certain
user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account owner's identity
and the account number.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

2.14 Owner <Ownr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that legally owns the account.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.15 Servicer <Svcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.16 RelatedAccount <RltdAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the parent account of the reported account.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.17 Interest <Intrst>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides general interest information that applies to the account at a particular moment in time.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AccountInterest1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.18 Type <Tp> [0..1]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.21 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.26 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.27 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text

2.18 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following InterestType1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.19 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.20 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.19 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.18 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Data Type: Code
One of the following InterestType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
INDY IntraDay During or within a business day.
OVRN OverNight Period of time between the end of a business day and the
start of the next business day (usually the day after).

2.20 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.18 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest in uncoded form.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.21 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements qualifying the interest rate.
Type: This message item is composed of the following Rate1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.22 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.25 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +

2.22 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Example percentage rate : Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and
7.0 is 7%.
Example Textual rate : Rate is expressed as a text.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following RateTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.23 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.24 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text

2.23 PercentageRate <PctgRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.22 Rate.
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.24 TextualRate <TxtlRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.22 Rate.
Definition: Rate is expressed as a text.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.25 ValidityRange <VldtyRg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: An amount range where the interest rate is applicable
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyAndAmountRange element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

Amount <Amt> [1..1]
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
Currency <Ccy> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyAndAmountRange p.339 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.26 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for the calculation of the interest.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.27 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the interest, eg, yearly credit interest on a savings account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.28 Balance <Bal>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements defining the balance(s).
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalance1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.29 Type <Tp> [1..1]
2.32 CreditLine <CdtLine> [0..1]
2.35 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.36 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.37 Date <Dt> [1..1] +
2.38 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]

Rule(s): AvailabilityAndTypeRule
If Type is equal to ForwardAvailable, Availability is not allowed.

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2.29 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature of a balance, eg, opening booked balance.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following BalanceType1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.30 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.31 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.30 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.29 Type.
Definition: Specifies the code for the type of a balance, eg, opening booked balance.
Data Type: Code
One of the following BalanceType8Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CCLA CollectionClosingAvailable Collection closing balance of amount of money that is at the
disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
CCLB CollectionClosingBooked Collection balance of the account at the end of the pre-
agreed account reporting period. It is the sum of the opening
booked balance at the beginning of the period and all entries
booked to the account during the pre-agreed account
reporting period.
CFWA CollectionForwardAvailable Collection forward available balance of money that is at the
disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
CITA CollectionInterimAvailable Collection available balance calculated in the course of the
account servicer's business day, at the time specified, and
subject to further changes during the business day. The
interim balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit
and debit items during the calculation time/period specified.
CITB CollectionInterimBooked Collection balance calculated in the course of the account
servicer's business day, at the time specified, and subject to
further changes during the business day. The interim
balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit and debit
items during the calculation time/period specified.
CLAV ClosingAvailable Closing balance of amount of money that is at the disposal
of the account owner on the date specified.
CLBD ClosingBooked Balance of the account at the end of the pre-agreed account
reporting period. It is the sum of the opening booked balance
at the beginning of the period and all entries booked to the
account during the pre-agreed account reporting period.
COPA CollectionOpeningAvailable Collection opening balance of amount of money that is at
the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.

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Code Name Definition

COPB CollectionOpeningBooked Collection book balance of the account at the beginning of
the account reporting period. It always equals the closing
book balance from the previous report.

CXPC CollectionExpected Collection balance, composed of booked entries and

pending items known at the time of calculation , which
projects the end of day balance if everything is booked on
the account and no other entry is posted.
DCLA DisbursementClosingAvaila Disbursement closing balance of amount of money that is
ble at the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
DCLB DisbursementClosingBooke Disbursement balance of the account at the end of the pre-
d agreed account reporting period. It is the sum of the opening
booked balance at the beginning of the period and all entries
booked to the account during the pre-agreed account
reporting period.
DFWA DisbursementForwardAvail Disbursement forward available balance of money that is at
able the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
DITA DisbursementInterimAvaila Disbursement available balance calculated in the course of
ble the account servicer's business day, at the time specified,
and subject to further changes during the business day. The
interim balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit
and debit items during the calculation time/period specified.
DITB DisbursementInterimBooke Disbursement balance calculated in the course of the
d account servicer's business day, at the time specified, and
subject to further changes during the business day. The
interim balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit
and debit items during the calculation time/period specified.
DOPA DisbursementOpeningAvail Disbursement opening balance of amount of money that is
able at the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
DOPB DisbursementOpeningBook Disbursement book balance of the account at the beginning
ed of the account reporting period. It always equals the closing
book balance from the previous report.

DXPC DisbursementExpected Disbursement balance, composed of booked entries and

pending items known at the time of calculation , which
projects the end of day balance if everything is booked on
the account and no other entry is posted.
FWAV ForwardAvailable Forward available balance of money that is at the disposal
of the account owner on the date specified.
ICLA InvestmentClosingAvailable Investment closing balance of an amount of money that is
at the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
ICLB InvestmentClosingBooked Investment (mutual funds) balance of the account at the end
of the pre-agreed account reporting period. It is the sum of
the opening booked balance at the beginning of the period
and all entries booked to the account during the pre-agreed
account reporting period.

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Code Name Definition

IFWA InvestmentForwardAvailabl Investment forward available balance of money that is at
e the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
IITA InvestmentInterimAvailable Investment available balance for calculated in the course of
the account servicer's business day, at the time specified,
and subject to further changes during the business day. The
interim balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit
and debit items during the calculation time/period specified.
IITB InvestmentInterimBooked Investment balance calculated in the course of the account
servicer's business day, at the time specified, and subject to
further changes during the business day. The interim
balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit and debit
items during the calculation time/period specified.
IOPA InvestmentOpeningAvailabl Investment opening balance of amount of money that is at
e the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
IOPB InvestmentOpeningBooked Investment book balance of the account at the beginning of
the account reporting period. It always equals the closing
book balance from the previous report.

ITAV InterimAvailable Available balance calculated in the course of the account

servicer's business day, at the time specified, and subject to
further changes during the business day. The interim
balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit and debit
items during the calculation time/period specified.
ITBD InterimBooked Balance calculated in the course of the account servicer's
business day, at the time specified, and subject to further
changes during the business day. The interim balance is
calculated on the basis of booked credit and debit items
during the calculation time/period specified.
IXPC InvestmentExpected Investment balance, composed of booked entries and
pending items known at the time of calculation , which
projects the end of day balance if everything is booked on
the account and no other entry is posted.
OPAV OpeningAvailable Opening balance of amount of money that is at the disposal
of the account owner on the date specified.
OPBD OpeningBooked Book balance of the account at the beginning of the account
reporting period. It always equals the closing book balance
from the previous report.

PRCD PreviouslyClosedBooked Balance of the account at the previously closed account

reporting period. The opening booked balance for the new
period has to be equal to this balance.

Usage: the previously booked closing balance should equal

(inclusive date) the booked closing balance of the date it
references and equal the actual booked opening balance of
the current date.

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Code Name Definition

XPCD Expected Balance, composed of booked entries and pending items
known at the time of calculation , which projects the end of
day balance if everything is booked on the account and no
other entry is posted.

2.31 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.29 Type.
Definition: Specifies a proprietary code for the balance type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.32 CreditLine <CdtLine>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details on the credit line information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CreditLine1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.33 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator
2.34 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

2.33 Included <Incl>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the credit line is included or not.

Usage : if not present, credit line is not included in the balance amount.
Data Type: One of the following TrueFalseIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: True
MeaningWhenFalse: False

2.34 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the credit line.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.35 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Currency and amount of money of the cash balance.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.36 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.37 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the date (and time) of the balance.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following DateAndDateTimeChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateAndDateTimeChoice p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.38 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked amount of money will become available, ie can be accessed
and start generating interest.

Usage : this type of info is eg used in US, and is linked to particular instruments, such as cheques.
Example : When a cheque is deposited, it will be booked on the deposit day, but the funds will only be
accessible as of the indicated availability day (according to national banking regulations).

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Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.39 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.42 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.43 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.39 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.40 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.41 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.40 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.39 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.41 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.39 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.42 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.43 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.44 TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of element providing summary information on entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TotalTransactions1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.45 TotalEntries <TtlNtries> [0..1]
2.50 TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries> [0..1]
2.53 TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries> [0..1]
2.56 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd> [0..n]

2.45 TotalEntries <TtlNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of debit and credit entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactions2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.46 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.47 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.48 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.49 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code

Guideline(s): DebitCreditIndicatorGuideline
DebitCreditIndicator should be present when TotalNetEntryAmount is present.

2.46 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

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2.47 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.48 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Resulting amount of the netted amounts for all debit and credit entries.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.49 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the total net entry amount is a credit or a debit amount.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.50 TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of credit entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.51 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.52 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity

2.51 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.52 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.

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Data Type: DecimalNumber

Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.53 TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of debit entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.54 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.55 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity

2.54 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.55 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.56 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of entries per bank transaction code.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactionsPerBankTransactionCode1
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.57 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.58 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.59 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.60 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.61 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.70 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]

Guideline(s): DebitCreditIndicatorGuideline
DebitCreditIndicator should be present when TotalNetEntryAmount is present.

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2.57 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries contained in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.58 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.59 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Resulting amount of the netted amounts for all debit and credit entries per bank transaction code.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.60 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the total net entry amount is a credit or a debit amount.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.61 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying transaction resulting in an entry.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.62 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.67 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

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A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.62 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.63 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.64 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.63 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.64 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.65 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.66 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.65 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.66 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]

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Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.

Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.67 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.68 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.69 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.68 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.69 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.70 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked amount of money will become available, ie can be accessed
and start generating interest.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.71 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.74 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.75 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.71 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.

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Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.72 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.73 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.72 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.71 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.73 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.71 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.74 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.75 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

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2.76 Entry <Ntry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Specifies the elements of an entry in the report.

Usage: At least one reference must be provided to identify the entry and its underlying transaction(s).
Type: This message item is composed of the following ReportEntry1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.77 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.78 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.79 ReversalIndicator <RvslInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.80 Status <Sts> [1..1] Code
2.81 BookingDate <BookgDt> [0..1] +
2.82 ValueDate <ValDt> [0..1] +
2.83 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.84 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.90 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.99 CommissionWaiverIndicator <ComssnWvrInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.100 AdditionalInformationIndicator <AddtlInfInd> [0..1]
2.103 Batch <Btch> [0..n]
2.107 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.124 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.137 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.150 TransactionDetails <TxDtls> [0..n]
2.329 AdditionalEntryInformation <AddtlNtryInf> [0..1] Text

Rule(s): StatusAndBookingDateRule
If Status is pending, BookingDate is not allowed.
Guideline(s): ReferenceGuideline
At least one reference should present to identify the underlying transaction(s).

2.77 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money in the cash entry.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.78 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies if an entry is a credit or a debit.
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.79 ReversalIndicator <RvslInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the entry is the result of a reversal operation.

Usage : this element should only be present if the entry is the result of a reversal operation.
If the CreditDebitIndicator is CRDT and ReversalIndicator is Yes, the original operation was a debit entry.
If the CreditDebitIndicator is DBIT and ReversalIndicator is Yes, the original operation was a credit entry.
Data Type: One of the following TrueFalseIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: True
MeaningWhenFalse: False

2.80 Status <Sts>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Status of an entry on the books of the account servicer.
Data Type: Code
One of the following EntryStatus2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
BOOK Booked Booked means that the transfer of money has been
completed between account servicer and account owner

Usage :
Status Booked does not necessarily imply finality of money
as this depends on other factors such as the payment system
used, the completion of the end-to-end transaction and the
terms agreed between account servicer and owner.
Status Booked is the only status that can be reversed.
INFO Information Entry is only provided for information, and no booking on
the account owner's account in the account servicer's ledger
has been performed.
PDNG Pending Booking on the account owner's account in the account
servicer's ledger has not been completed.

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Code Name Definition

Usage : this can be used for expected items, or for items for
which some conditions still need to be fulfilled before they
can be booked. If booking takes place, the entry will be
included with status Booked in subsequent account report
or statement. Status Pending cannot be reversed.

2.81 BookingDate <BookgDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time when an entry is posted to an account on the account servicer's books.

Usage : Booking date is only present if Status is booked.

Type: This message item is composed of one of the following DateAndDateTimeChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateAndDateTimeChoice p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.82 ValueDate <ValDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time assets become available to the account owner (in a credit entry), or cease to be available to
the account owner (in a debit entry).

Usage : When entry status is pending , and value date is present, value date refers to an expected/requested
value date.
For entries which are subject to availability/float (and for which availability information is present), value
date must not be used, as the availability component identifies the number of availability days.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following DateAndDateTimeChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateAndDateTimeChoice p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.83 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Account servicing institution's reference for the entry.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.84 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked amount of money will become available, ie can be accessed
and start generating interest.

Usage : this type of info is eg used in US, and is linked to particular instruments, such as cheques.
Example : When a cheque is deposited, it will be booked on the deposit day, but the funds will only be
accessible as of the indicated availability day (according to national banking regulations).
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.85 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.88 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.89 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.85 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.86 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.87 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.86 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.85 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.87 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.85 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.88 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.

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Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.89 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.90 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying transaction resulting in the entry.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.91 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.96 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.91 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.92 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.93 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.92 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.93 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.94 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.95 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.94 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.95 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.96 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.97 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.98 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.97 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.98 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.99 CommissionWaiverIndicator <ComssnWvrInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the transaction is exempt from commission.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

2.100 AdditionalInformationIndicator <AddtlInfInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the underlying transaction details are provided through a separate message, eg in case of
aggregate bookings.
Type: This message item is composed of the following MessageIdentification2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.101 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId> [0..1] Text
2.102 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text

2.101 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the message name identifier of the message that will be used to provide additional details.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.102 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the identification of the message that will be used to provide additional details.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.103 Batch <Btch>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing details on batched transactions.

Usage : this element can be repeated in case more than one batch is included in the entry, eg, in lockbox
scenarios, to specify the ID and number of transactions included in each of the batches.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BatchInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.104 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.105 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId> [0..1] Text
2.106 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [0..1] Text

2.104 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the sending party to unambiguously identify the batch of transactions.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.105 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference assigned by a sending party to unambiguously identify a payment information block within a
payment message.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.106 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions included in the batch.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.107 AmountDetails <AmtDtls>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Set of elements providing information on the original amount.

Usage : This component (on entry level) should be used when a total original batch or aggregate amount has
to be provided. (If required, the individual original amounts can be included in the same component on
transaction details level).
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchange2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.108 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.111 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.114 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.117 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.120 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]

2.108 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges,
expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party and provides currency exchange info in case the
instructed amount and/or currency is/are different from the entry amount and/or currency.

Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.109 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.110 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.109 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.110 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.

Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.111 TransactionAmount <TxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.112 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.113 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.112 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.113 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.114 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the countervalue amount and provides currency exchange information. Either the counter amount
quoted in an FX deal, or the result of the currency information applied to an instructed amount, before
deduction of charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.115 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.116 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.115 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.116 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.117 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information on the amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying
securities, entitled to/from the account owner.

Amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying securities, entitled
to/from the account owner.
In those situations, this amount may alternatively be called entitled amount.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.118 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.119 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.118 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.119 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.120 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides proprietary amount information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.121 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.122 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.123 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.121 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of amount.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.122 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the proprietary amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.123 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.124 Charges <Chrgs>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides information on the charges included in the entry amount.

Usage : this component is used on entry level in case of batch or aggregate bookings.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ChargesInformation3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.125 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
2.126 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.127 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.130 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.131 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.132 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.133 Tax <Tax> [0..1]

2.125 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all charges and taxes applied to the entry.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.126 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Transaction charges to be paid by the charge bearer.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.127 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of charge.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ChargeTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.128 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.129 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text

2.128 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.127 Type.
Definition: Service for which a charge is asked or paid, eg, brokerage fees.
Data Type: Code
One of the following ChargeType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
BRKF BrokerageFee Fee paid to a broker for services provided.
COMM Commission Fee paid for services provided.

2.129 ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.127 Type.
Definition: Type of charge is a bilaterally agreed code.

Data Type: Max4AlphaNumericText

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Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}

2.130 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the amount of the charge or fee.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.131 Bearer <Br>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following ChargeBearerType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne by the creditor.
DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne by the debtor.
SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that transaction charges
on the sender side are to be borne by the debtor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the creditor.
In a direct debit context, means that transaction charges on
the sender side are to be borne by the creditor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the debtor.
SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the
service level and/or scheme.

2.132 Party <Pty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that takes the transaction charges or to which the transaction charges are due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.133 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies tax details applied to charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxCharges1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.134 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.135 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.136 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

2.134 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference identifying the nature of tax levied, eg, Value Added Tax (VAT).
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.135 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used for calculation of the tax.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.136 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.137 Interest <Intrst>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing details on the interest amount included in the entry amount.

Usage : This component is used on entry level in case of batch or aggregate bookings.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionInterest1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.138 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.139 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.140 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.143 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.148 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.149 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text

2.138 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of interest included in the entry amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.139 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies whether the interest amount included in the entry amount is positive (CRDT) or negative (DBIT).
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.140 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following InterestType1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.141 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.142 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.141 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]

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This message item is part of choice 2.140 Type.

Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Data Type: Code
One of the following InterestType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
INDY IntraDay During or within a business day.
OVRN OverNight Period of time between the end of a business day and the
start of the next business day (usually the day after).

2.142 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.140 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest in uncoded form.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.143 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements qualifying the interest rate.
Type: This message item is composed of the following Rate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.144 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.147 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +

2.144 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Example percentage rate : Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and
7.0 is 7%.
Example Textual rate : Rate is expressed as a text.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following RateTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.145 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.146 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text

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2.145 PercentageRate <PctgRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.144 Rate.
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.146 TextualRate <TxtlRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.144 Rate.
Definition: Rate is expressed as a text.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.147 ValidityRange <VldtyRg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: An amount range where the interest rate is applicable
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyAndAmountRange element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Amount <Amt> [1..1]
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
Currency <Ccy> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyAndAmountRange p.339 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.148 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.149 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Underlying reason for the interest, eg, yearly credit interest on a savings account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.150 TransactionDetails <TxDtls>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing information on the underlying transaction (s).
Type: This message item is composed of the following EntryTransaction1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.151 References <Refs> [0..1]
2.163 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.180 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.186 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [0..1]
2.195 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.208 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.221 RelatedParties <RltdPties> [0..1]
2.233 RelatedAgents <RltdAgts> [0..1]
2.246 Purpose <Purp> [0..1]
2.249 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10]
2.256 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1]
2.281 RelatedDates <RltdDts> [0..1]
2.292 RelatedPrice <RltdPric> [0..1]
2.297 RelatedQuantities <RltdQties> [0..n]
2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification <FinInstrmId> [0..1]
2.307 Tax <Tax> [0..1] +
2.308 ReturnInformation <RtrInf> [0..1]
2.323 CorporateAction <CorpActn> [0..1]
2.327 SafekeepingAccount <SfkpgAcct> [0..1] +
2.328 AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf> [0..1] Text

2.151 References <Refs>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements providing the identification of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionReferences1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.152 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.153 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.154 InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text
2.155 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [0..1] Text
2.156 TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text
2.157 MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text
2.158 ChequeNumber <ChqNb> [0..1] Text
2.159 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text
2.160 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

2.152 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the instructing party of the underlying message.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.153 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: The account servicing institution's reference for the transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.154 InstructionIdentification <InstrId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify
the instruction.

Usage: the instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the instructing
party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in several messages
related to the instruction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.155 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction. This
identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.

Usage: The end-to-end identification can be used for reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the transaction.
It can be included in several messages related to the transaction.

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Usage: In case there are technical limitations to carry on multiple references, the end-to-end identification
must be carried on throughout the entire end-to-end chain.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.156 TransactionIdentification <TxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification assigned by the first instructing agent to unambiguously identify the transaction and
passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire interbank chain.

Usage: The transaction identification can be used for reconciliation, tracking or to link tasks relating to the
transaction on the interbank level.
Usage: The instructing agent has to make sure the transaction identification is unique for a pre-agreed period.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.157 MandateIdentification <MndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference of the direct debit mandate that has been signed between by the debtor and the creditor.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.158 ChequeNumber <ChqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the cheque number.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.159 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier for a payment instruction, assigned by the clearing system.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.160 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary reference of an underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryReference1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.161 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.162 Reference <Ref> [1..1] Text

2.161 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of reference reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.162 Reference <Ref>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary reference specification related to the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.163 AmountDetails <AmtDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements providing details information on the original amount.

Usage: This component (on transaction level) should be used in case booking is for a single transaction and
the original amount is different from the entry amount. It can also be used in case individual original amounts
are provided in case of a batch or aggregate booking.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchange2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.164 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.167 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.170 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.173 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.176 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]

2.164 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges,
expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party and provides currency exchange info in case the
instructed amount and/or currency is/are different from the entry amount and/or currency.

Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.165 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.166 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.166 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.167 TransactionAmount <TxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.168 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.169 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.168 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.169 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.170 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the countervalue amount and provides currency exchange information. Either the counter amount
quoted in an FX deal, or the result of the currency information applied to an instructed amount, before
deduction of charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.171 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.172 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.171 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.172 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.173 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information on the amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying
securities, entitled to/from the account owner.

Amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying securities, entitled
to/from the account owner.
In those situations, this amount may alternatively be called entitled amount.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.174 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.175 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.174 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.175 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.176 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides proprietary amount information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.177 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.178 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.179 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.177 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of amount.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.178 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the proprietary amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.179 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.180 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]

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Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked funds will become available, ie can be accessed and start
generating interest.

Usage : this type of info is eg used in US, and is linked to particular instruments, such as cheques.
Example : When a cheque is deposited, it will be booked on the deposit day, but the funds will only be
accessible as of the indicated availability day (according to national banking regulations).
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.181 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.184 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.185 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.181 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.182 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.183 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.182 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.181 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.183 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.181 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.184 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0

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totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.185 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.186 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying transaction resulting in an entry.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.187 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.192 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.187 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.188 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.189 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.188 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.189 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.190 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.191 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.190 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.191 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.192 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.193 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.194 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.193 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.194 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.195 Charges <Chrgs>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides information on the charges included in the entry amount.

Usage : This component (on transaction level) can be used in case the booking is for a single transaction,
and charges are included in the entry amount. It can also be used in case individual charge amounts are
applied to individual transactions in case of a batch or aggregate amount booking.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ChargesInformation3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.196 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
2.197 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.198 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.201 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.202 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.203 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.204 Tax <Tax> [0..1]

2.196 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all charges and taxes applied to the entry.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.

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Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.197 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Transaction charges to be paid by the charge bearer.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.198 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of charge.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ChargeTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.199 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.200 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text

2.199 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.198 Type.
Definition: Service for which a charge is asked or paid, eg, brokerage fees.
Data Type: Code
One of the following ChargeType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
BRKF BrokerageFee Fee paid to a broker for services provided.
COMM Commission Fee paid for services provided.

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2.200 ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.198 Type.
Definition: Type of charge is a bilaterally agreed code.

Data Type: Max4AlphaNumericText

Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}

2.201 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the amount of the charge or fee.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.202 Bearer <Br>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following ChargeBearerType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne by the creditor.
DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne by the debtor.
SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that transaction charges
on the sender side are to be borne by the debtor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the creditor.
In a direct debit context, means that transaction charges on
the sender side are to be borne by the creditor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the debtor.
SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the
service level and/or scheme.

2.203 Party <Pty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that takes the transaction charges or to which the transaction charges are due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.204 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies tax details applied to charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxCharges1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.205 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.206 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.207 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

2.205 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference identifying the nature of tax levied, eg, Value Added Tax (VAT).
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.206 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used for calculation of the tax.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.207 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.208 Interest <Intrst>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing details on the interest amount included in the entry amount.

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Usage : This component (on transaction level) can be used in case the booking is for a single transaction,
and interest amount is included in the entry amount. It can also be used in case individual interest amounts
are applied to individual transactions in case of a batch or aggregate amount booking.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionInterest1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.209 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.210 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.211 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.214 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.219 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.220 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text

2.209 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of interest included in the entry amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.210 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies whether the interest amount included in the entry amount is positive (CRDT) or negative (DBIT).
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.211 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following InterestType1Choice element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.212 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.213 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.212 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.211 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Data Type: Code
One of the following InterestType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
INDY IntraDay During or within a business day.
OVRN OverNight Period of time between the end of a business day and the
start of the next business day (usually the day after).

2.213 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.211 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest in uncoded form.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.214 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements qualifying the interest rate.
Type: This message item is composed of the following Rate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.215 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.218 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +

2.215 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Example percentage rate : Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and
7.0 is 7%.
Example Textual rate : Rate is expressed as a text.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following RateTypeChoice element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.216 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.217 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text

2.216 PercentageRate <PctgRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.215 Rate.
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.217 TextualRate <TxtlRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.215 Rate.
Definition: Rate is expressed as a text.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.218 ValidityRange <VldtyRg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: An amount range where the interest rate is applicable
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyAndAmountRange element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Amount <Amt> [1..1]
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
Currency <Ccy> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyAndAmountRange p.339 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.219 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.220 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the interest, eg, yearly credit interest on a savings account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.221 RelatedParties <RltdPties>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the parties related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionParty1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.222 InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] +
2.223 Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] +
2.224 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.225 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] +
2.226 Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] +
2.227 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.228 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] +
2.229 TradingParty <TradgPty> [0..1] +
2.230 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]

2.222 InitiatingParty <InitgPty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party initiating the payment to an agent. In the payment context, this can either be the debtor (in a credit
transfer), the creditor (in a direct debit), or a party that initiates the payment on behalf of the debtor or creditor.
In the context of treasury, the party that instructs the trading party to execute a treasury deal on its behalf.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

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For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.223 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.224 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.225 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

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2.226 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.227 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor of the payment transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.228 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.229 TradingParty <TradgPty>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Party that plays an active role in planning and executing the transactions that create or liquidate investments
of the investors assets, or that move the investor's assets from one investment to another. A trading party is
a trade instructor, an investment decision-maker, a post trade administrator, or a trader. In the context of
treasury, it is the party negotiates and executes the treasury transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.230 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides proprietary party information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryParty1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.231 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.232 Party <Pty> [1..1] +

2.231 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of proprietary party reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.232 Party <Pty>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary party.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

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2.233 RelatedAgents <RltdAgts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the agents related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionAgents1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.234 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.235 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.236 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] +
2.237 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] +
2.238 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] +
2.239 ReceivingAgent <RcvgAgt> [0..1] +
2.240 DeliveringAgent <DlvrgAgt> [0..1] +
2.241 IssuingAgent <IssgAgt> [0..1] +
2.242 SettlementPlace <SttlmPlc> [0..1] +
2.243 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]

2.234 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.235 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.236 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent between
the debtor agent and the intermediary agent 2.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.237 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the intermediary agent 1 and the intermediary agent 3.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.238 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the intermediary agent 2 and
the creditor agent.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

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For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.239 ReceivingAgent <RcvgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that receives securities from the delivering agent at the place of settlement, eg, central securities
Can also be used in the context of treasury operations.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.240 DeliveringAgent <DlvrgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that delivers securities to the receiving agent at the place of settlement, eg, central securities depository.
Can also be used in the context of treasury operations.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.241 IssuingAgent <IssgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Legal entity that has the right to issue securities.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.242 SettlementPlace <SttlmPlc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Place where settlement of the securities takes place.

Note : this is typed by a financial institution identification - as this is the standard way of identifying eg
securities settlement agent/central system.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.243 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Proprietary agent related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryAgent1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.244 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.245 Agent <Agt> [1..1] +

2.244 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of proprietary agent reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.245 Agent <Agt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary agent.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.246 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction, eg, a charity payment, or a commercial agreement between
the creditor and the debtor.

Usage: purpose is used by the end-customers, ie originating party, initiating party, debtor, creditor, final
party, to provide information concerning the nature of the payment transaction. Purpose is a content element,
which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following Purpose1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.247 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.248 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.247 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.246 Purpose.
Definition: Specifies the underlying reason for the payment transaction, as published in an external purpose code list.
Data Type: ExternalPurposeCode
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.248 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.246 Purpose.
Definition: User community specific purpose.

Usage: When available, codes provided by local communities should be used.

Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.249 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf>

Presence: [0..10]
Definition: Information related to the handling of the remittance information by any of the agents in the transaction
processing chain.
Type: This message item is composed of the following RemittanceLocation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.250 RemittanceIdentification <RmtId> [0..1] Text
2.251 RemittanceLocationMethod <RmtLctnMtd> [0..1] Code
2.252 RemittanceLocationElectronicAddress <RmtLctnElctrncAdr> [0..1] Text
2.253 RemittanceLocationPostalAddress <RmtLctnPstlAdr> [0..1]

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2.250 RemittanceIdentification <RmtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the remittance information, e.g. a remittance advice, which is sent
separately from the payment instruction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.251 RemittanceLocationMethod <RmtLctnMtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the method used to deliver the remittance advice information.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following RemittanceLocationMethod1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
EDIC ElectronicDataInterchange Remittance advice information must be sent through
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
EMAL EMail Remittance advice information must be sent through e-mail.
FAXI Fax Remittance advice information must be faxed.
POST Post Remittance advice information must be sent through postal
URID UniformResourceIdentifier Remittance advice information needs to be sent to a
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URI is a compact string
of characters that uniquely identify an abstract or physical
resource. URI's are the super-set of identifiers, such as
URLs, email addresses, ftp sites, etc, and as such, provide
the syntax for all of the identification schemes.

2.252 RemittanceLocationElectronicAddress <RmtLctnElctrncAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Electronic address to which an agent is to send the remittance information.
Data Type: Max256Text
Format: maxLength: 256
minLength: 1

2.253 RemittanceLocationPostalAddress <RmtLctnPstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Postal address to which an agent is to send the remittance information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NameAndAddress3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.254 Name <Nm> [1..1] Text
2.255 Address <Adr> [1..1] +

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2.254 Name <Nm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and is usually used to identify that identity.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

2.255 Address <Adr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Postal address of a party.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PostalAddress1 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PostalAddress1 p.369 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.256 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information that enables the matching, ie, reconciliation, of a payment with the items that the payment is
intended to settle, eg, commercial invoices in an account receivable system.
Type: This message item is composed of the following RemittanceInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.257 Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..n] Text
2.258 Structured <Strd> [0..n]

2.257 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle,
eg, commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system in an unstructured form.
Data Type: Max140Text
Format: maxLength: 140
minLength: 1

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2.258 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle,
eg, commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system in a structured form.
Type: This message item is composed of the following StructuredRemittanceInformation6 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.259 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..1]
2.265 ReferredDocumentRelatedDate <RfrdDocRltdDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..n]
2.272 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1]
2.278 Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] +
2.279 Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] +
2.280 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..1] Text

2.259 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information to allow the identification of the underlying reference documents.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ReferredDocumentInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.260 ReferredDocumentType <RfrdDocTp> [0..1]
2.264 ReferredDocumentNumber <RfrdDocNb> [0..1] Text

2.260 ReferredDocumentType <RfrdDocTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides the type of the referred document.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ReferredDocumentType1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.261 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.262 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.263 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.261 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.260 ReferredDocumentType.
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Data Type: Code

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One of the following DocumentType2Code values must be used:

Code Name Definition
CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.
CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the parties, stipulating
the terms and conditions of the delivery of goods or services.
CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinanc Document is a credit note for the final amount settled for a
ialAdjustment commercial transaction.
CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.
DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.
DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.
DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinanci Document is a debit note for the final amount settled for a
alAdjustment commercial transaction.
HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of human resources
or renting goods or equipment.
MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming payment for the supply of
metered services, eg, gas or electricity, supplied to a fixed
SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the debtor.
SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the transactions posted to the
debtor's account at the supplier.

2.262 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.260 ReferredDocumentType.
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.263 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.264 ReferredDocumentNumber <RfrdDocNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification number of the referred document.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.265 ReferredDocumentRelatedDate <RfrdDocRltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document, eg, date of issue.
Data Type: ISODate

2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Amount of money and currency of a document referred to in the remittance section. The amount is typically
either the original amount due and payable, or the amount actually remitted for the referred document.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ReferredDocumentAmount1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.267 {Or DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.268 Or DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.269 Or RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.270 Or CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.271 Or} TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [1..1] Amount

2.267 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.268 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the application of an agreed discount to the amount due and payable to the
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.269 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount of money remitted for the referred document.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.270 CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount specified for the referred document is the amount of a credit note.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.271 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Quantity of cash resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.272 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying documents.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CreditorReferenceInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.273 CreditorReferenceType <CdtrRefTp> [0..1]
2.277 CreditorReference <CdtrRef> [0..1] Text

2.273 CreditorReferenceType <CdtrRefTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides the type of the creditor reference.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CreditorReferenceType1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.274 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.275 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.276 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.274 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.273 CreditorReferenceType.
Definition: Coded creditor reference type.
Data Type: Code
One of the following DocumentType3Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.
FXDR ForeignExchangeDealRefer Document is a pre-agreed or pre-arranged foreign exchange
ence transaction to which the payment transaction refers.
PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order.
RADM RemittanceAdviceMessage Document is a remittance advice sent separately from the
current transaction.
RPIN RelatedPaymentInstruction Document is a linked payment instruction to which the
current payment instruction is related, eg, in a cover
SCOR StructuredCommunicationR Document is a structured communication reference
eference provided by the creditor to identify the referred transaction.

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2.275 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.273 CreditorReferenceType.
Definition: Creditor reference type not avilable in a coded format.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.276 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the credit reference type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.277 CreditorReference <CdtrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous reference assigned by the creditor to refer to the payment transaction.

Usage: if available, the initiating party should provide this reference in the structured remittance information,
to enable reconciliation by the creditor upon receipt of the cash.

If the business context requires the use of a creditor reference or a payment remit identification, and only
one identifier can be passed through the end-to-end chain, the creditor's reference or payment remittance
identification should be quoted in the end-to-end transaction identification.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.278 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organization issuing the invoice when different than the creditor or final party.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.279 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when different than the originator or debtor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.280 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Data Type: Max140Text
Format: maxLength: 140
minLength: 1

2.281 RelatedDates <RltdDts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the dates related to the underlying transactions.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionDates1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.282 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.283 TradeDate <TradDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.284 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.285 StartDate <StartDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.286 EndDate <EndDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.287 TransactionDateTime <TxDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.288 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]

2.282 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point in time when the payment order from the initiating party meets the processing conditions of the account
servicing agent (debtor's agent in case of a credit transfer, creditor's agent in case of a direct debit). This
means - amongst others - that the account servicing agent has received the payment order and has applied
checks as eg, authorisation, availability of funds.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.283 TradeDate <TradDt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Date on which the trade was executed.

Data Type: ISODate

2.284 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and when the amount of
money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Data Type: ISODate

2.285 StartDate <StartDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Start date of the underlying transaction, such as a treasury transaction, an investment plan.
Data Type: ISODate

2.286 EndDate <EndDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: End date of the underlying transaction, such as a treasury transaction, an investment plan.
Data Type: ISODate

2.287 TransactionDateTime <TxDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.288 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Proprietary date related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.289 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.290 {Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
2.291 Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

2.289 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of date reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.290 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]

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This message item is part of choice 2.288 Proprietary.

Definition: Date in ISO format.
Data Type: ISODate

2.291 DateTime <DtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.288 Proprietary.
Definition: Date and time in ISO format.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.292 RelatedPrice <RltdPric>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the price information related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following TransactionPrice1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.293 {Or DealPrice <DealPric> [1..1] Amount
2.294 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..n]

2.293 DealPrice <DealPric>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.292 RelatedPrice.
Definition: Specifies the price of the traded financial instrument.
This is the deal price of the individual trade transaction.
If there is only one trade transaction for the execution of the trade, then the deal price could equal the executed
trade price (unless, for example, the price includes commissions or rounding, or some other factor has been
applied to the deal price or the executed trade price, or both).
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.294 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..n]
This message item is part of choice 2.292 RelatedPrice.
Definition: Proprietary price specification of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryPrice1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.295 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.296 Price <Pric> [1..1] Amount

2.295 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of price reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.296 Price <Pric>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary price specification related to the underlying transaction.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.297 RelatedQuantities <RltdQties>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Identifies related quantities (eg of securities) in the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following TransactionQuantities1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.298 {Or Quantity <Qty> [1..1] +
2.299 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]

2.298 Quantity <Qty>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.297 RelatedQuantities.
Definition: Specifies the quantity (eg of securities) in the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Unit <Unit> [1..1] Quantity

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

Or FaceAmount <FaceAmt> [1..1] Amount
Or} AmortisedValue <AmtsdVal> [1..1] Amount

For additional Type information, please refer to FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice p.371 in 'Message Item Types'

2.299 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.297 RelatedQuantities.
Definition: Proprietary quantities specification defined in the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryQuantity1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.300 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.301 Quantity <Qty> [1..1] Text

2.300 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of proprietary quantity reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.301 Quantity <Qty>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the proprietary quantity in free format.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification <FinInstrmId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of a security, as assigned under a formal or proprietary identification scheme.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following SecurityIdentification4Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.303 {Or ISIN <ISIN> [1..1] Identifier
2.304 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]

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2.303 ISIN <ISIN>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification.
Definition: International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation's
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix
representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit.
Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country.
Data Type: ISINIdentifier
Format: [A-Z0-9]{12,12}

2.304 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification.
Definition: Proprietary identification of an underlying financial instrument.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AlternateSecurityIdentification2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.305 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.306 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text

2.305 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of financial instrument identifier type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.306 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier of a security.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.307 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money due to the government or tax authority, according to various pre-defined parameters such
as thresholds or income.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxInformation2 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
CreditorTaxIdentification <CdtrTaxId> [0..1] Text
CreditorTaxType <CdtrTaxTp> [0..1] Text

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

DebtorTaxIdentification <DbtrTaxId> [0..1] Text
TaxReferenceNumber <TaxRefNb> [0..1] Text
TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount
TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
TaxDate <TaxDt> [0..1] DateTime
TaxTypeInformation <TaxTpInf> [0..n]

For additional Type information, please refer to TaxInformation2 p.372 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.308 ReturnInformation <RtrInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements specifying the return information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ReturnReasonInformation5 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.309 OriginalBankTransactionCode <OrgnlBkTxCd> [0..1]
2.318 ReturnOriginator <RtrOrgtr> [0..1] +
2.319 ReturnReason <RtrRsn> [0..1]
2.322 AdditionalReturnReasonInformation <AddtlRtrRsnInf> [0..n] Text

Rule(s): ReturnReasonRule
If ReturnReason/Code is equal to 'NARR', then at least one occurrence of AdditionalReturnReasonInformation
must be present.

2.309 OriginalBankTransactionCode <OrgnlBkTxCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Bank transaction code included in the original entry for the transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.310 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.315 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

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2.310 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.311 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.312 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.311 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.312 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.313 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.314 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.313 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.314 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4

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minLength: 1

2.315 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.316 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.317 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.316 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.317 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.318 ReturnOriginator <RtrOrgtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party issuing the return.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.319 ReturnReason <RtrRsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the return.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ReturnReason1Choice element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.320 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.321 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.320 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.319 ReturnReason.
Definition: Reason for the return in a coded form.
Data Type: Code
One of the following TransactionRejectReason2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber Format of the account number specified is not correct.
AC04 ClosedAccountNumber Account number specified has been closed on the Receiver's
AC06 BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of
transactions against it.
AG01 TransactionForbidden Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly
AG02 InvalidBankOperationCode Bank Operation code specified in the message is not valid
for receiver.
AM01 ZeroAmount Specified message amount is equal to zero.
AM02 NotAllowedAmount Specified transaction/message amount is greater than
allowed maximum.
AM03 NotAllowedCurrency Specified message amount is in an non processable currency
outside of existing agreement.
AM04 InsufficientFunds Amount of funds available to cover specified message
amount is insufficient.
AM05 Duplication This message appears to have been duplicated.
AM06 TooLowAmount Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum.
AM07 BlockedAmount Amount specified in message has been blocked by
regulatory authorities.
AM09 WrongAmount Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected.
AM10 InvalidControlSum Sum of instructed amounts does not equal the control sum.
BE01 InconsistentWithEndCustom Identification of end customer is not consistent with
er associated account number. (formerly CreditorConsistency)
BE04 MissingCreditorAddress Specification of creditor's address, which is required for
payment, is missing/not correct (formerly
BE05 UnrecognisedInitiatingParty Party who initiated the message is not recognised by the end

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Code Name Definition

BE06 UnknownEndCustomer End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/
National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books.
BE07 MissingDebtorAddress Specification of debtor's address, which is required for
payment, is missing/not correct.
DT01 InvalidDate Invalid date (eg, wrong settlement date).
ED01 CorrespondentBankNotPoss Correspondent bank not possible.
ED03 BalanceInfoRequested Balance of payments complementary info is requested.
ED05 SettlementFailed Settlement of the transaction has failed.
MD01 NoMandate Mandate is cancelled or invalid.
MD02 MissingMandatoryInformati Mandate related information data required by the scheme is
onInMandate missing.
MD03 InvalidFileFormatForOther File format incomplete or invalid.
MD04 InvalidFileFormatForGroupi File format incorrect in terms of grouping indicator.
MD06 RefundRequestByEndCusto Return of funds requested by end customer.
MD07 EndCustomerDeceased End customer is deceased.
MS02 NotSpecifiedReasonCustom Reason has not been specified by end customer.
MS03 NotSpecifiedReasonAgentG Reason has not been specified by agent.
NARR Narrative Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional
reason information.
RC01 BankIdentifierIncorrect Bank identifier code specified in the message has an
incorrect format (formerly
RF01 NotUniqueTransactionRefer Transaction reference is not unique within the message.
TM01 CutOffTime Associated message was received after agreed processing
cut-off time.

2.321 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.319 ReturnReason.
Definition: Reason for the return not catered for by the available codes.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.322 AdditionalReturnReasonInformation <AddtlRtrRsnInf>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Further details on the return reason.
Data Type: Max105Text
Format: maxLength: 105
minLength: 1

2.323 CorporateAction <CorpActn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the underlying corporate action.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CorporateAction1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.324 Code <Cd> [0..1] Text
2.325 Number <Nb> [0..1] Text
2.326 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1] Text

2.324 Code <Cd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the code of corporate action event, in free-text format.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.325 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference assigned by the account servicer to unambiguously identify a corporate action event.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.326 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary corporate action event information.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.327 SafekeepingAccount <SfkpgAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Safekeeping or investment account. A safekeeping account is an account on which a securities entry is made.
An investment account is an account between an investor(s) and a fund manager or a fund. The account can

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contain holdings in any investment fund or investment fund class managed (or distributed) by the fund
manager, within the same fund family.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.328 AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the transaction details.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

2.329 AdditionalEntryInformation <AddtlNtryInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the entry details.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

2.330 AdditionalReportInformation <AddtlRptInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the account report.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

Business Example
AAAA Banken has agreed to provide an intraday account report to its customer Finpetrol. Each business day, at 12.30
PM, AAAA Banken will provide Finpetrol with an overview of all booked and expected entries since the start of the
business day. On 18 October, at 12.30 PM, AAAASESS sends such an intraday BankToCustomerAccountReport to
Company Finpetrol. It contains two entries : one booked, and one expected item. It has been pre-agreed between account
servicer and account owner that AAAA Banken will not include (expected) balance info in this intraday report.

Business Description

Element <XMLTag> Content

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Group Header <GrpHdr>

MessageIdentification <MsgId> AAAASESS-FP-ACCR001
CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> 2007-10-18T12:30:00+01:00
MessagePagination <MsgPgntn>
PageNumber <PgNb> 1
LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd> true
Report <Rpt>
Identification <Id> AAAASESS-FP-ACCR001
CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> 2007-10-18T12:30:00+01:00
FromToDate <FrToDt>
FromDateTime <FrmDtTm> 2007-10-18T08:00:00+01:00
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> 2007-10-18T12:30:00+01:00
Account <Acct>
Identification <Id>
ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct>
ID <Id> 50000000054910000003
Owner <Ownr>
Servicer <Svcr>
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>
NameAndPostalAddress <NmAndAdr>
Country <Ctry> SE
Entry <Ntry>
Amount <Amt Ccy=SEK> 200000
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> DBIT
Status <Sts> BOOK
BookingDate <BookgDt>
DateTime <DtTm> 2007-10-18T10:15:00+01:00
ValueDate <ValDt>
Date <Dt> 2007-10-18
AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> AAAASESS-FP-ACCR-01
BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>
Domain <Domn>
Code <Cd> PAYM
Family <Fmly>
Code <Cd> 0001

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SubFamilyCode <SbFmlyCd> 0003

Batch <Btch
MessageIdentification <MsgId> FINP-0055
PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfID> FINP-0055–001
NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> 20
Entry <Ntry>
Amount <Amt Ccy=SEK> 30000
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> CRED
Status <Sts> PDNG
ValueDate <ValDt>
Date <Dt> 2007-10-18
AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> AAAASESS-FP-CONF-FX
BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>
Domain <Domn>
Code <Cd> TREA
Family <Fmly>
Code <Cd> 0002
SubFamilyCode <SbFmlyCd> 0000
TransactionDetails <TxDtls>
References <Refs>
InstructionID <InstrId> FP-004567-FX
AmountDetails <AmtDtls>
CountervalueAmount <CntrValAmt>
Amount <Amt Ccy=EUR> 3255.5694
CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> EUR
ExchangeRate <XchRate> 0.1085

XML Instance
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns = "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.052.001.01" xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/

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<Amt Ccy = "SEK">200000</Amt>

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<Amt Ccy = "SEK">30000</Amt>
<Amt Ccy = "EUR">3255.5694</Amt>

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MX camt.053.001.01 BankToCustomerStatementV01
Message Scope and Usage
The Bank-to-Customer Statement message is sent by the account servicer to an account owner or to a party authorised by
the account owner to receive the message. It is used to inform the account owner, or authorised party, of the entries booked
to the account, and to provide the owner with balance information on the account at a given point in time.

The Bank-to-Customer Statement message can contain reports for more than 1 account. It provides information for cash
management and/or reconciliation.
It contains information on booked entries only.
It can include underlying details of transactions that have been included in the entry.
The message is exchanged as defined between the account servicer and the account owner. It provides information on
items that have been booked to the account (and therefore are ‘binding’) and also balance information. Depending on
services agreed between banks and their customers, ‘binding’ statements can be generated and exchanged intraday.
Depending on legal requirements in local jurisdictions, ‘end-of-day’ statements may need to be mandatorily generated
and exchanged.
It is possible that the receiver of the message is not the account owner, but a party entitled through arrangement with the
account owner to receive the account information (also known as recipient).

The Bank-to-Customer Statement message is composed of 2 building blocks:
A. Group Header
This building block is mandatory and present once. It contains elements such as Message Identification and
B. Statement
This building block is mandatory and repetitive. It should be repeated for each account on which a statement is provided.
The report contains components such as Balance and Entry information.

Message Structure
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/
Type Guid.
Message root <BkToCstmrStmtV01 [1..1]

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
1.0 GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1]
1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text
1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
1.3 MessageRecipient <MsgRcpt> [0..1] +
1.4 MessagePagination <MsgPgntn> [0..1]
1.5 PageNumber <PgNb> [1..1] Text
1.6 LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd> [1..1] Indicator
1.7 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.0 Statement <Stmt> [1..n]
2.1 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
2.2 ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.3 LegalSequenceNumber <LglSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.4 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
2.5 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator <CpyDplctInd> [0..1] Code
2.7 Account <Acct> [1..1]
2.8 Identification <Id> [1..1] +
2.9 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.10 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.11 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.12 Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
2.13 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
2.14 Owner <Ownr> [0..1] +
2.15 Servicer <Svcr> [0..1] +
2.16 RelatedAccount <RltdAcct> [0..1] +
2.17 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.18 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.19 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.20 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.21 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.22 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.23 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.24 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text
2.25 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.26 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.27 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text
2.28 Balance <Bal> [1..n]
2.29 Type <Tp> [1..1]
2.30 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.31 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.32 CreditLine <CdtLine> [0..1]
2.33 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator
2.34 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount
2.35 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.36 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.37 Date <Dt> [1..1] +
2.38 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.39 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.40 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.41 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.42 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.43 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.44 TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry> [0..1]
2.45 TotalEntries <TtlNtries> [0..1]
2.46 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.47 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.48 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.49 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.50 TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries> [0..1]
2.51 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.52 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.53 TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries> [0..1]
2.54 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.55 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.56 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd [0..n]
2.57 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.58 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.59 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.60 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.61 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.62 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.63 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.64 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.65 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.66 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.67 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.68 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.69 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.70 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.71 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.72 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.73 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.74 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.75 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.76 Entry <Ntry> [0..n]
2.77 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.78 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.79 ReversalIndicator <RvslInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.80 Status <Sts> [1..1] Code
2.81 BookingDate <BookgDt> [0..1] +
2.82 ValueDate <ValDt> [0..1] +
2.83 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.84 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.85 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.86 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.87 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.88 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.89 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.90 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.91 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.92 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.93 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.94 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.95 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.96 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.97 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.98 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.99 CommissionWaiverIndicator <ComssnWvrInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.100 AdditionalInformationIndicator <AddtlInfInd> [0..1]
2.101 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId> [0..1] Text
2.102 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.103 Batch <Btch> [0..n]
2.104 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.105 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId> [0..1] Text
2.106 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [0..1] Text
2.107 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.108 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.109 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.110 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.111 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.112 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.113 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.114 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.115 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.116 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.117 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.118 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.119 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.120 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]
2.121 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.122 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.123 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.124 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.125 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAm [0..1] Amount
2.126 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.127 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.128 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.129 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text
2.130 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.131 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.132 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.133 Tax <Tax> [0..1]
2.134 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.135 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.136 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount
2.137 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.138 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.139 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.140 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.141 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.142 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.143 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.144 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.145 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.146 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text
2.147 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +
2.148 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.149 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text
2.150 TransactionDetails <TxDtls> [0..n]
2.151 References <Refs> [0..1]
2.152 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.153 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.154 InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text
2.155 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [0..1] Text
2.156 TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text
2.157 MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text
2.158 ChequeNumber <ChqNb> [0..1] Text
2.159 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text
2.160 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.161 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.162 Reference <Ref> [1..1] Text
2.163 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.164 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.165 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.166 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.167 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.168 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.169 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.170 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.171 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.172 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.173 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.174 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.175 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.176 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]
2.177 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.178 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.179 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.180 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.181 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.182 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.183 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.184 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.185 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.186 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [0..1]
2.187 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.188 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.189 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.190 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.191 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.192 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.193 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.194 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.195 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.196 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAm [0..1] Amount
2.197 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.198 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.199 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.200 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text
2.201 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.202 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.203 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.204 Tax <Tax> [0..1]
2.205 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.206 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.207 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount
2.208 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.209 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.210 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.211 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.212 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.213 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.214 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.215 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.216 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.217 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text
2.218 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +
2.219 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.220 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text
2.221 RelatedParties <RltdPties> [0..1]
2.222 InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] +
2.223 Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] +
2.224 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.225 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] +
2.226 Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] +
2.227 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.228 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] +
2.229 TradingParty <TradgPty> [0..1] +
2.230 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]
2.231 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.232 Party <Pty> [1..1] +

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.233 RelatedAgents <RltdAgts> [0..1]
2.234 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.235 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.236 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] +
2.237 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] +
2.238 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] +
2.239 ReceivingAgent <RcvgAgt> [0..1] +
2.240 DeliveringAgent <DlvrgAgt> [0..1] +
2.241 IssuingAgent <IssgAgt> [0..1] +
2.242 SettlementPlace <SttlmPlc> [0..1] +
2.243 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]
2.244 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.245 Agent <Agt> [1..1] +
2.246 Purpose <Purp> [0..1]
2.247 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.248 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.249 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10]
2.250 RemittanceIdentification <RmtId> [0..1] Text
2.251 RemittanceLocationMethod <RmtLctnMtd> [0..1] Code
2.252 RemittanceLocationElectronicAdd <RmtLctnElctrncAdr> [0..1] Text
2.253 RemittanceLocationPostalAddress <RmtLctnPstlAdr> [0..1]
2.254 Name <Nm> [1..1] Text
2.255 Address <Adr> [1..1] +
2.256 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1]
2.257 Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..n] Text
2.258 Structured <Strd> [0..n]
2.259 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..1]
2.260 ReferredDocumentType <RfrdDocTp> [0..1]
2.261 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.262 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.263 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.264 ReferredDocumentNumber <RfrdDocNb> [0..1] Text
2.265 ReferredDocumentRelatedDate <RfrdDocRltdDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..n]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.267 {Or DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.268 Or DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.269 Or RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.270 Or CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.271 Or} TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.272 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1]
2.273 CreditorReferenceType <CdtrRefTp> [0..1]
2.274 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.275 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.276 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.277 CreditorReference <CdtrRef> [0..1] Text
2.278 Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] +
2.279 Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] +
2.280 AdditionalRemittanceInformati <AddtlRmtInf> [0..1] Text
2.281 RelatedDates <RltdDts> [0..1]
2.282 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.283 TradeDate <TradDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.284 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.285 StartDate <StartDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.286 EndDate <EndDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.287 TransactionDateTime <TxDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.288 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]
2.289 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.290 {Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
2.291 Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime
2.292 RelatedPrice <RltdPric> [0..1]
2.293 {Or DealPrice <DealPric> [1..1] Amount
2.294 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..n]
2.295 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.296 Price <Pric> [1..1] Amount
2.297 RelatedQuantities <RltdQties> [0..n]
2.298 {Or Quantity <Qty> [1..1] +
2.299 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]
2.300 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.301 Quantity <Qty> [1..1] Text
2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification <FinInstrmId> [0..1]
2.303 {Or ISIN <ISIN> [1..1] Identifier
2.304 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]
2.305 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.306 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
2.307 Tax <Tax> [0..1] +
2.308 ReturnInformation <RtrInf> [0..1]
2.309 OriginalBankTransactionCode <OrgnlBkTxCd> [0..1]
2.310 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.311 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.312 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.313 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.314 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.315 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.316 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.317 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.318 ReturnOriginator <RtrOrgtr> [0..1] +
2.319 ReturnReason <RtrRsn> [0..1]
2.320 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.321 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.322 AdditionalReturnReasonInformati <AddtlRtrRsnInf> [0..n] Text
2.323 CorporateAction <CorpActn> [0..1]
2.324 Code <Cd> [0..1] Text
2.325 Number <Nb> [0..1] Text
2.326 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1] Text
2.327 SafekeepingAccount <SfkpgAcct> [0..1] +
2.328 AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf> [0..1] Text
2.329 AdditionalEntryInformation <AddtlNtryInf> [0..1] Text
2.330 AdditionalStatementInformation <AddtlStmtInf> [0..1] Text

Message Items Description

The following section identifies the elements of the BankToCustomerStatementV01 message.

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1.0 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Common information for the message.
Type: The GroupHeader block is composed of the following GroupHeader23 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text
1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
1.3 MessageRecipient <MsgRcpt> [0..1] +
1.4 MessagePagination <MsgPgntn> [0..1]
1.7 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text

1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the account servicing institution and sent to the account owner to
unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The account servicing institution has to make sure that 'MessageIdentification' is unique per instructed
party for a pre-agreed period.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created by the account servicer.
Data Type: ISODateTime

1.3 MessageRecipient <MsgRcpt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that is entitled by the account owner to receive information about movements in the account.

Guideline : MessageRecipient should only be identified when different from the account owner.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

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1.4 MessagePagination <MsgPgntn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Pagination of the message.

Usage: the pagination of the message is only allowed when agreed between the parties.
Type: This message item is composed of the following Pagination element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.5 PageNumber <PgNb> [1..1] Text
1.6 LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd> [1..1] Indicator

1.5 PageNumber <PgNb>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Page number.
Data Type: Max5NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,5}

1.6 LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates the last page.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

1.7 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the message.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

2.0 Statement <Stmt>

Presence: [1..n]
Definition: Reports on booked entries and balances for a cash account.
Type: The Statement block is composed of the following AccountStatement1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
2.2 ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.3 LegalSequenceNumber <LglSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.4 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
2.5 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator <CpyDplctInd> [0..1] Code
2.7 Account <Acct> [1..1]
2.16 RelatedAccount <RltdAcct> [0..1] +
2.17 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.28 Balance <Bal> [1..n]
2.44 TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry> [0..1]
2.76 Entry <Ntry> [0..n]
2.330 AdditionalStatementInformation <AddtlStmtInf> [0..1] Text

2.1 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the account report, assigned by the account servicer.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.2 ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the report, assigned by the account servicer. It is increased incrementally for each
report sent electronically.
Data Type: Number
Format: fractionDigits: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.3 LegalSequenceNumber <LglSeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Legal sequential number of the report, assigned by the account servicer. It is increased incrementally for
each report sent.

Usage : in those scenarios where eg a paper statement is a legal requirement, the paper statement may have
a different numbering than the electronic sequential number. Paper statements can for instance only be sent
if movement on the account has taken place, whereas electronic statements can be sent eg each day, regardless
of whether movements have taken place or not.
Data Type: Number
Format: fractionDigits: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.4 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the report was created.
Data Type: ISODateTime

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2.5 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between the start date and the end date for which the account statement is issued.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator <CpyDplctInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies if this document is a copy, a duplicate, or a duplicate of a copy.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CopyDuplicate1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CODU CopyDuplicate Message is being sent as a copy to a party other than the
account owner, for information purposes and the message
is a duplicate of a message previously sent.
COPY Copy Message is being sent as a copy to a party other than the
account owner, for information purposes.
DUPL Duplicate Message is for information/confirmation purposes. It is a
duplicate of a message previously sent.

2.7 Account <Acct>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Business relationship between two entities; one entity is the account owner, the other entity is the account
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount13 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.8 Identification <Id> [1..1] +
2.9 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.12 Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
2.13 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
2.14 Owner <Ownr> [0..1] +
2.15 Servicer <Svcr> [0..1] +

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2.8 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the account between the account owner and the account servicer.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following AccountIdentification3Choice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] Identifier
Or BBAN <BBAN> [1..1] Identifier
Or UPIC <UPIC> [1..1] Identifier
Or} ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct> [1..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to AccountIdentification3Choice p.333 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.9 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Nature, or use, of the account.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashAccountType2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.10 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.11 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.10 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.9 Type.
Definition: Nature or use of the account in a coded form.
Data Type: Code
One of the following CashAccountType4Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CACC Current Account used to post debits and credits when no specific
account has been nominated.
CASH CashPayment Account used for the payment of cash.
CHAR Charges Account used for charges if different from the account for
CISH CashIncome Account used for payment of income if different from the
current cash account.
COMM Commission Account used for commission if different from the account
for payment.
LOAN Loan Account used for loans.
MGLD MarginalLending Account used for a marginal lending facility.

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Code Name Definition

MOMA MoneyMarket Account used for money markets if different from the cash
NREX NonResidentExternal Account used for non-resident external.
ODFT Overdraft Account is used for overdrafts.
ONDP OverNightDeposit Account used for overnight deposits.
SACC Settlement Account used to post debit and credit entries, as a result of
transactions cleared and settled through a specific clearing
and settlement system.
SLRY Salary Accounts used for salary payments.
SVGS Savings Account used for savings.
TAXE Tax Account used for taxes if different from the account for
TRAS CashTrading Account used for trading if different from the current cash

2.11 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.9 Type.
Definition: Proprietary nature or use of the account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.12 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.
Data Type: CurrencyCode
Format: [A-Z]{3,3}
Rule(s): ValidationByTable

2.13 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, assigned by the account servicing institution in agreement with the account owner in
order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage : the account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in certain
user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account owner's identity
and the account number.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

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2.14 Owner <Ownr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that legally owns the account.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.15 Servicer <Svcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.16 RelatedAccount <RltdAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the parent account of the reported account.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.17 Interest <Intrst>

Presence: [0..n]

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Definition: Provides general interest information that applies to the account at a particular moment in time.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AccountInterest1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.18 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.21 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.26 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.27 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text

2.18 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following InterestType1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.19 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.20 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.19 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.18 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Data Type: Code
One of the following InterestType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
INDY IntraDay During or within a business day.
OVRN OverNight Period of time between the end of a business day and the
start of the next business day (usually the day after).

2.20 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.18 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest in uncoded form.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.21 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements qualifying the interest rate.

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Type: This message item is composed of the following Rate1 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.22 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.25 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +

2.22 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Example percentage rate : Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and
7.0 is 7%.
Example Textual rate : Rate is expressed as a text.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following RateTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.23 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.24 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text

2.23 PercentageRate <PctgRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.22 Rate.
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.24 TextualRate <TxtlRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.22 Rate.
Definition: Rate is expressed as a text.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.25 ValidityRange <VldtyRg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: An amount range where the interest rate is applicable
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyAndAmountRange element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

Amount <Amt> [1..1]
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
Currency <Ccy> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyAndAmountRange p.339 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.26 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for the calculation of the interest.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.27 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the interest, eg, yearly credit interest on a savings account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.28 Balance <Bal>

Presence: [1..n]
Definition: Set of elements defining the balance(s).
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalance2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.29 Type <Tp> [1..1]
2.32 CreditLine <CdtLine> [0..1]
2.35 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.36 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.37 Date <Dt> [1..1] +
2.38 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]

Rule(s): AvailabilityAndTypeRule
If Type is equal to ForwardAvailable, Availability is not allowed.

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2.29 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature of a balance, eg, opening booked balance.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following BalanceType2Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.30 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.31 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.30 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.29 Type.
Definition: Specifies the code for the type of a balance, eg, opening booked balance.
Data Type: Code
One of the following BalanceType9Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CCLA CollectionClosingAvailable Collection closing balance of amount of money that is at the
disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
CCLB CollectionClosingBooked Collection balance of the account at the end of the pre-
agreed account reporting period. It is the sum of the opening
booked balance at the beginning of the period and all entries
booked to the account during the pre-agreed account
reporting period.
CFWA CollectionForwardAvailable Collection forward available balance of money that is at the
disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
CITA CollectionInterimAvailable Collection available balance calculated in the course of the
account servicer's business day, at the time specified, and
subject to further changes during the business day. The
interim balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit
and debit items during the calculation time/period specified.
CITB CollectionInterimBooked Collection balance calculated in the course of the account
servicer's business day, at the time specified, and subject to
further changes during the business day. The interim
balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit and debit
items during the calculation time/period specified.
CLAV ClosingAvailable Closing balance of amount of money that is at the disposal
of the account owner on the date specified.
CLBD ClosingBooked Balance of the account at the end of the pre-agreed account
reporting period. It is the sum of the opening booked balance
at the beginning of the period and all entries booked to the
account during the pre-agreed account reporting period.
COPA CollectionOpeningAvailable Collection opening balance of amount of money that is at
the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.

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Code Name Definition

COPB CollectionOpeningBooked Collection book balance of the account at the beginning of
the account reporting period. It always equals the closing
book balance from the previous report.

DCLA DisbursementClosingAvaila Disbursement closing balance of amount of money that is

ble at the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
DCLB DisbursementClosingBooke Disbursement balance of the account at the end of the pre-
d agreed account reporting period. It is the sum of the opening
booked balance at the beginning of the period and all entries
booked to the account during the pre-agreed account
reporting period.
DFWA DisbursementForwardAvail Disbursement forward available balance of money that is at
able the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
DITA DisbursementInterimAvaila Disbursement available balance calculated in the course of
ble the account servicer's business day, at the time specified,
and subject to further changes during the business day. The
interim balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit
and debit items during the calculation time/period specified.
DITB DisbursementInterimBooke Disbursement balance calculated in the course of the
d account servicer's business day, at the time specified, and
subject to further changes during the business day. The
interim balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit
and debit items during the calculation time/period specified.
DOPA DisbursementOpeningAvail Disbursement opening balance of amount of money that is
able at the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
DOPB DisbursementOpeningBook Disbursement book balance of the account at the beginning
ed of the account reporting period. It always equals the closing
book balance from the previous report.

FWAV ForwardAvailable Forward available balance of money that is at the disposal

of the account owner on the date specified.
ICLA InvestmentClosingAvailable Investment closing balance of an amount of money that is
at the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
ICLB InvestmentClosingBooked Investment (mutual funds) balance of the account at the end
of the pre-agreed account reporting period. It is the sum of
the opening booked balance at the beginning of the period
and all entries booked to the account during the pre-agreed
account reporting period.
IFWA InvestmentForwardAvailabl Investment forward available balance of money that is at
e the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
IITA InvestmentInterimAvailable Investment available balance for calculated in the course of
the account servicer's business day, at the time specified,
and subject to further changes during the business day. The
interim balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit
and debit items during the calculation time/period specified.

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Code Name Definition

IITB InvestmentInterimBooked Investment balance calculated in the course of the account
servicer's business day, at the time specified, and subject to
further changes during the business day. The interim
balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit and debit
items during the calculation time/period specified.
IOPA InvestmentOpeningAvailabl Investment opening balance of amount of money that is at
e the disposal of the account owner on the date specified.
IOPB InvestmentOpeningBooked Investment book balance of the account at the beginning of
the account reporting period. It always equals the closing
book balance from the previous report.

ITAV InterimAvailable Available balance calculated in the course of the account

servicer's business day, at the time specified, and subject to
further changes during the business day. The interim
balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit and debit
items during the calculation time/period specified.
ITBD InterimBooked Balance calculated in the course of the account servicer's
business day, at the time specified, and subject to further
changes during the business day. The interim balance is
calculated on the basis of booked credit and debit items
during the calculation time/period specified.
OPAV OpeningAvailable Opening balance of amount of money that is at the disposal
of the account owner on the date specified.
OPBD OpeningBooked Book balance of the account at the beginning of the account
reporting period. It always equals the closing book balance
from the previous report.

PRCD PreviouslyClosedBooked Balance of the account at the previously closed account

reporting period. The opening booked balance for the new
period has to be equal to this balance.

Usage: the previously booked closing balance should equal

(inclusive date) the booked closing balance of the date it
references and equal the actual booked opening balance of
the current date.

2.31 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.29 Type.
Definition: Specifies a proprietary code for the balance type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.32 CreditLine <CdtLine>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details on the credit line information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CreditLine1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.33 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator
2.34 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

2.33 Included <Incl>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the credit line is included or not.

Usage : if not present, credit line is not included in the balance amount.
Data Type: One of the following TrueFalseIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: True
MeaningWhenFalse: False

2.34 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the credit line.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.35 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Currency and amount of money of the cash balance.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.36 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.37 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the date (and time) of the balance.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following DateAndDateTimeChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateAndDateTimeChoice p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.38 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked funds will become available, ie can be accessed and start
generating interest.

Usage : this type of info is eg used in US, and is linked to particular instruments, such as cheques.
Example : When a cheque is deposited, it will be booked on the deposit day, but the funds will only be
accessible as of the indicated availability day (according to national banking regulations).
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.39 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.42 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.43 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.39 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.40 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.41 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.40 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.39 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.41 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.39 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.42 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.43 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

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2.44 TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of element providing summary information on entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TotalTransactions1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.45 TotalEntries <TtlNtries> [0..1]
2.50 TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries> [0..1]
2.53 TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries> [0..1]
2.56 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd> [0..n]

2.45 TotalEntries <TtlNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of debit and credit entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactions2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.46 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.47 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.48 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.49 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code

Guideline(s): DebitCreditIndicatorGuideline
DebitCreditIndicator should be present when TotalNetEntryAmount is present.

2.46 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.47 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.48 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Resulting amount of the netted amounts for all debit and credit entries.

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Data Type: DecimalNumber

Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.49 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the total net entry amount is a credit or a debit amount.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.50 TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of credit entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.51 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.52 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity

2.51 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.52 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.53 TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of debit entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.54 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.55 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity

2.54 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.55 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.56 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of entries per bank transaction code.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactionsPerBankTransactionCode1
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.57 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.58 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.59 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.60 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.61 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.70 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]

Guideline(s): DebitCreditIndicatorGuideline
DebitCreditIndicator should be present when TotalNetEntryAmount is present.

2.57 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries contained in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

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2.58 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.59 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Resulting amount of the netted amounts for all debit and credit entries per bank transaction code.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.60 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the total net entry amount is a credit or a debit amount.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.61 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying transaction resulting in an entry.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.62 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.67 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.62 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.63 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.64 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.63 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.64 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.65 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.66 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.65 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.66 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

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2.67 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.68 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.69 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.68 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.69 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.70 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked amount of money will become available, ie can be accessed
and start generating interest.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.71 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.74 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.75 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.71 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.72 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.73 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.72 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.71 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.73 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.71 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.74 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.75 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.76 Entry <Ntry>

Presence: [0..n]

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Definition: Specifies the elements of an entry in the statement.

Usage: At least one reference must be provided to identify the entry and its underlying transaction(s).
Type: This message item is composed of the following StatementEntry1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.77 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.78 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.79 ReversalIndicator <RvslInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.80 Status <Sts> [1..1] Code
2.81 BookingDate <BookgDt> [0..1] +
2.82 ValueDate <ValDt> [0..1] +
2.83 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.84 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.90 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.99 CommissionWaiverIndicator <ComssnWvrInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.100 AdditionalInformationIndicator <AddtlInfInd> [0..1]
2.103 Batch <Btch> [0..n]
2.107 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.124 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.137 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.150 TransactionDetails <TxDtls> [0..n]
2.329 AdditionalEntryInformation <AddtlNtryInf> [0..1] Text

Rule(s): StatusAndBookingDateRule
If Status is pending, BookingDate must is not allowed.
Guideline(s): ReferenceGuideline
At least one reference should present to identify the underlying transaction(s).

2.77 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money in the cash entry.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.78 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies if an entry is a credit or a debit.
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.79 ReversalIndicator <RvslInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the entry is the result of a reversal operation.

Usage : this element should only be present if the entry is the result of a reversal operation.
If the CreditDebitIndicator is CRDT and ReversalIndicator is Yes, the original operation was a debit entry.
If the CreditDebitIndicator is DBIT and ReversalIndicator is Yes, the original operation was a credit entry.
Data Type: One of the following TrueFalseIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: True
MeaningWhenFalse: False

2.80 Status <Sts>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Status of an entry on the books of the account servicer.
Data Type: Code
One of the following EntryStatus3Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
BOOK Booked Booked means that the transfer of money has been
completed between account servicer and account owner

Usage :
Status Booked does not necessarily imply finality of money
as this depends on other factors such as the payment system
used, the completion of the end-to-end transaction and the
terms agreed between account servicer and owner.
Status Booked is the only status that can be reversed.

2.81 BookingDate <BookgDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time when an entry is posted to an account on the account servicer's books.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following DateAndDateTimeChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateAndDateTimeChoice p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.82 ValueDate <ValDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time assets become available to the account owner (in a credit entry), or cease to be available to
the account owner (in a debit entry).

Usage : For entries which are subject to availability/float (and for which availability information is present),
value date must not be used, as the availability component identifies the number of availability days.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following DateAndDateTimeChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateAndDateTimeChoice p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.83 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Account servicing institution's reference for the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.84 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked funds will become available, ie can be accessed and start
generating interest.

Usage : this type of info is eg used in US, and is linked to particular instruments, such as cheques.
Example : When a cheque is deposited, it will be booked on the deposit day, but the funds will only be
accessible as of the indicated availability day (according to national banking regulations).
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.85 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.88 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.89 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

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2.85 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.86 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.87 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.86 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.85 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.87 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.85 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.88 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.89 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:

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Code Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.90 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying transaction resulting in an entry.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.91 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.96 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.91 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.92 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.93 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.92 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

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2.93 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.94 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.95 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.94 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.95 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.96 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.97 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.98 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.97 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.98 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.

Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.99 CommissionWaiverIndicator <ComssnWvrInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the transaction is exempt from commission.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

2.100 AdditionalInformationIndicator <AddtlInfInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the underlying transaction details are provided through a separate message, eg in case of
aggregate bookings.
Type: This message item is composed of the following MessageIdentification2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.101 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId> [0..1] Text
2.102 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text

2.101 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the message name identifier of the message that will be used to provide additional details.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.102 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the identification of the message that will be used to provide additional details.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.103 Batch <Btch>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing details on batched transactions.

Usage : this element can be repeated in case more than one batch is included in the entry, eg, in lockbox
scenarios, to specify the ID and number of transactions included in each of the batches.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BatchInformation1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.104 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.105 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId> [0..1] Text
2.106 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [0..1] Text

2.104 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the sending party to unambiguously identify the batch of transactions.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.105 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference assigned by a sending party to unambiguously identify a payment information block within a
payment message.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.106 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions included in the batch.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.107 AmountDetails <AmtDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements providing information on the original amount.

Usage : This component (on entry level) should be used when a total original batch or aggregate amount has
to be provided. (If required, the original amounts for each individual transaction can be included in the same
component on transaction details level.)
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchange2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.108 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.111 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.114 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.117 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.120 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]

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2.108 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges,
expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party and provides currency exchange info in case the
instructed amount and/or currency is/are different from the entry amount and/or currency.

Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.109 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.110 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.109 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.110 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

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2.111 TransactionAmount <TxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.112 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.113 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.112 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.113 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.114 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Identifies the countervalue amount and provides currency exchange information. Either the counter amount
quoted in an FX deal, or the result of the currency information applied to an instructed amount, before
deduction of charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.115 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.116 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.115 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.116 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.117 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information on the amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying
securities, entitled to/from the account owner.

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Amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying securities, entitled
to/from the account owner.
In those situations, this amount may alternatively be called entitled amount.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.118 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.119 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.118 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.119 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.120 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides proprietary amount information.

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Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails2 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.121 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.122 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.123 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.121 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of amount.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.122 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the proprietary amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.123 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

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2.124 Charges <Chrgs>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides information on the charges included in the entry amount.

Usage : this component is used in case of batch or aggregate bookings.

Type: This message item is composed of the following ChargesInformation3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.125 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
2.126 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.127 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.130 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.131 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.132 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.133 Tax <Tax> [0..1]

2.125 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all charges and taxes applied to the entry.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.126 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Transaction charges to be paid by the charge bearer.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.127 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of charge.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ChargeTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.128 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.129 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text

2.128 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.127 Type.
Definition: Service for which a charge is asked or paid, eg, brokerage fees.
Data Type: Code
One of the following ChargeType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
BRKF BrokerageFee Fee paid to a broker for services provided.
COMM Commission Fee paid for services provided.

2.129 ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.127 Type.
Definition: Type of charge is a bilaterally agreed code.

Data Type: Max4AlphaNumericText

Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}

2.130 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the amount of the charge or fee.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.131 Bearer <Br>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following ChargeBearerType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne by the creditor.

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Code Name Definition

DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne by the debtor.
SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that transaction charges
on the sender side are to be borne by the debtor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the creditor.
In a direct debit context, means that transaction charges on
the sender side are to be borne by the creditor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the debtor.
SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the
service level and/or scheme.

2.132 Party <Pty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that takes the transaction charges or to which the transaction charges are due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.133 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies tax details applied to charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxCharges1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.134 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.135 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.136 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

2.134 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference identifying the nature of tax levied, eg, Value Added Tax (VAT).
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.135 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Rate used for calculation of the tax.

Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.136 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.137 Interest <Intrst>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing details on the interest amount included in the entry amount.

Usage : it is used in case of batch or aggregate bookings.

Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionInterest1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.138 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.139 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.140 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.143 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.148 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.149 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text

2.138 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of interest included in the entry amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.139 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies whether the interest amount included in the entry amount is positive (CRDT) or negative (DBIT).
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.140 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following InterestType1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.141 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.142 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.141 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.140 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Data Type: Code
One of the following InterestType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
INDY IntraDay During or within a business day.
OVRN OverNight Period of time between the end of a business day and the
start of the next business day (usually the day after).

2.142 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.140 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest in uncoded form.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.143 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements qualifying the interest rate.
Type: This message item is composed of the following Rate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.144 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.147 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +

2.144 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Example percentage rate : Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and
7.0 is 7%.
Example Textual rate : Rate is expressed as a text.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following RateTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.145 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.146 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text

2.145 PercentageRate <PctgRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.144 Rate.
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.146 TextualRate <TxtlRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.144 Rate.
Definition: Rate is expressed as a text.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.147 ValidityRange <VldtyRg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: An amount range where the interest rate is applicable
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyAndAmountRange element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Amount <Amt> [1..1]
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
Currency <Ccy> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyAndAmountRange p.339 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.148 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.149 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the interest, eg, yearly credit interest on a savings account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.150 TransactionDetails <TxDtls>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing information on the underlying transaction (s).
Type: This message item is composed of the following EntryTransaction1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.151 References <Refs> [0..1]
2.163 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.180 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.186 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [0..1]
2.195 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.208 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.221 RelatedParties <RltdPties> [0..1]
2.233 RelatedAgents <RltdAgts> [0..1]
2.246 Purpose <Purp> [0..1]
2.249 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10]
2.256 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1]
2.281 RelatedDates <RltdDts> [0..1]
2.292 RelatedPrice <RltdPric> [0..1]
2.297 RelatedQuantities <RltdQties> [0..n]
2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification <FinInstrmId> [0..1]
2.307 Tax <Tax> [0..1] +
2.308 ReturnInformation <RtrInf> [0..1]
2.323 CorporateAction <CorpActn> [0..1]
2.327 SafekeepingAccount <SfkpgAcct> [0..1] +
2.328 AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf> [0..1] Text

2.151 References <Refs>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements providing the identification of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionReferences1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.152 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.153 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.154 InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text
2.155 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [0..1] Text
2.156 TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text
2.157 MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text
2.158 ChequeNumber <ChqNb> [0..1] Text
2.159 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text
2.160 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

2.152 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the instructing party of the underlying message.
Data Type: Max35Text

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Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.153 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: The account servicing institution's reference for the transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.154 InstructionIdentification <InstrId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify
the instruction.

Usage: the instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the instructing
party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in several messages
related to the instruction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.155 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction. This
identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.

Usage: The end-to-end identification can be used for reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the transaction.
It can be included in several messages related to the transaction.

Usage: In case there are technical limitations to carry on multiple references, the end-to-end identification
must be carried on throughout the entire end-to-end chain.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.156 TransactionIdentification <TxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification assigned by the first instructing agent to unambiguously identify the transaction and
passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire interbank chain.

Usage: The transaction identification can be used for reconciliation, tracking or to link tasks relating to the
transaction on the interbank level.
Usage: The instructing agent has to make sure the transaction identification is unique for a pre-agreed period.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.157 MandateIdentification <MndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference of the direct debit mandate that has been signed between by the debtor and the creditor.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.158 ChequeNumber <ChqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the cheque number.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.159 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier for a payment instruction, assigned by the clearing system.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.160 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary reference of an underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryReference1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.161 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.162 Reference <Ref> [1..1] Text

2.161 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of reference reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.162 Reference <Ref>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary reference specification related to the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.163 AmountDetails <AmtDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements providing details information on the original amount.

Usage: This component (on transaction level) should be used in case booking is for a single transaction and
the original amount is different from the entry amount. It can also be used in case individual original amounts
are provided in case of a batch or aggregate booking.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchange2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.164 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.167 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.170 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.173 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.176 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]

2.164 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges,
expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party and provides currency exchange info in case the
instructed amount and/or currency is/are different from the entry amount and/or currency.

Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.165 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.166 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.166 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.167 TransactionAmount <TxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.168 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.169 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.168 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.169 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.

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Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):

Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.170 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the countervalue amount and provides currency exchange information. Either the counter amount
quoted in an FX deal, or the result of the currency information applied to an instructed amount, before
deduction of charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.171 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.172 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.171 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.172 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.173 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information on the amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying
securities, entitled to/from the account owner.

Amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying securities, entitled
to/from the account owner.
In those situations, this amount may alternatively be called entitled amount.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.174 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.175 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.174 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.175 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.176 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides proprietary amount information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.177 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.178 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.179 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.177 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of amount.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.178 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the proprietary amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.179 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.180 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked funds will become available, ie can be accessed and start
generating interest.

Usage : this type of info is eg used in US, and is linked to particular instruments, such as cheques.
Example : When a cheque is deposited, it will be booked on the deposit day, but the funds will only be
accessible as of the indicated availability day (according to national banking regulations).
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.181 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.184 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.185 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.181 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.182 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.183 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

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2.182 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.181 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.183 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.181 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.184 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.185 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.186 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying transaction resulting in an entry.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.187 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.192 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.187 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.188 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.189 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.188 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.189 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.190 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.191 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

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2.190 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.191 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.192 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.193 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.194 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.193 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.194 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.195 Charges <Chrgs>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides information on the charges included in the entry amount.

Usage : This component (on transaction level) can be used in case the booking is for a single transaction,
and charges are included in the entry amount. It can also be used in case individual charge amounts are
applied to individual transactions in case of a batch or aggregate amount booking.

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Type: This message item is composed of the following ChargesInformation3 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.196 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
2.197 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.198 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.201 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.202 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.203 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.204 Tax <Tax> [0..1]

2.196 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all charges and taxes applied to the entry.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.197 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Transaction charges to be paid by the charge bearer.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.198 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of charge.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ChargeTypeChoice element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.199 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.200 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text

2.199 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.198 Type.
Definition: Service for which a charge is asked or paid, eg, brokerage fees.
Data Type: Code
One of the following ChargeType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
BRKF BrokerageFee Fee paid to a broker for services provided.
COMM Commission Fee paid for services provided.

2.200 ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.198 Type.
Definition: Type of charge is a bilaterally agreed code.

Data Type: Max4AlphaNumericText

Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}

2.201 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the amount of the charge or fee.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.202 Bearer <Br>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following ChargeBearerType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne by the creditor.
DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne by the debtor.
SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that transaction charges
on the sender side are to be borne by the debtor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the creditor.
In a direct debit context, means that transaction charges on

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Code Name Definition

the sender side are to be borne by the creditor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the debtor.
SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the
service level and/or scheme.

2.203 Party <Pty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that takes the transaction charges or to which the transaction charges are due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.204 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies tax details applied to charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxCharges1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.205 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.206 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.207 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

2.205 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference identifying the nature of tax levied, eg, Value Added Tax (VAT).
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.206 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used for calculation of the tax.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

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2.207 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.208 Interest <Intrst>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing details on the interest amount included in the entry amount.

Usage : This component (on transaction level) can be used in case the booking is for a single transaction,
and interest amount is included in the entry amount. It can also be used in case individual interest amounts
are applied to individual transactions in case of a batch or aggregate amount booking.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionInterest1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.209 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.210 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.211 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.214 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.219 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.220 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text

2.209 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of interest included in the entry amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.210 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies whether the interest amount included in the entry amount is positive (CRDT) or negative (DBIT).
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.211 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following InterestType1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.212 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.213 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.212 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.211 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Data Type: Code
One of the following InterestType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
INDY IntraDay During or within a business day.
OVRN OverNight Period of time between the end of a business day and the
start of the next business day (usually the day after).

2.213 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.211 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest in uncoded form.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.214 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements qualifying the interest rate.

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Type: This message item is composed of the following Rate1 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.215 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.218 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +

2.215 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Example percentage rate : Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and
7.0 is 7%.
Example Textual rate : Rate is expressed as a text.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following RateTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.216 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.217 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text

2.216 PercentageRate <PctgRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.215 Rate.
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.217 TextualRate <TxtlRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.215 Rate.
Definition: Rate is expressed as a text.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.218 ValidityRange <VldtyRg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: An amount range where the interest rate is applicable
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyAndAmountRange element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

Amount <Amt> [1..1]
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
Currency <Ccy> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyAndAmountRange p.339 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.219 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.220 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the interest, eg, yearly credit interest on a savings account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.221 RelatedParties <RltdPties>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the parties related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionParty1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.222 InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] +
2.223 Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] +
2.224 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.225 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] +
2.226 Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] +
2.227 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.228 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] +
2.229 TradingParty <TradgPty> [0..1] +
2.230 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]

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2.222 InitiatingParty <InitgPty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party initiating the payment to an agent. In the payment context, this can either be the debtor (in a credit
transfer), the creditor (in a direct debit), or a party that initiates the payment on behalf of the debtor or creditor.
In the context of treasury, the party that instructs the trading party to execute a treasury deal on its behalf.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.223 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.224 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

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2.225 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.226 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.227 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor of the payment transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.228 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.

Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.229 TradingParty <TradgPty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that plays an active role in planning and executing the transactions that create or liquidate investments
of the investors assets, or that move the investor's assets from one investment to another. A trading party is
a trade instructor, an investment decision-maker, a post trade administrator, or a trader. In the context of
treasury, it is the party negotiates and executes the treasury transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.230 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides proprietary party information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryParty1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.231 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.232 Party <Pty> [1..1] +

2.231 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of proprietary party reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.232 Party <Pty>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary party.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.233 RelatedAgents <RltdAgts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the agents related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionAgents1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.234 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.235 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.236 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] +
2.237 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] +
2.238 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] +
2.239 ReceivingAgent <RcvgAgt> [0..1] +
2.240 DeliveringAgent <DlvrgAgt> [0..1] +
2.241 IssuingAgent <IssgAgt> [0..1] +
2.242 SettlementPlace <SttlmPlc> [0..1] +
2.243 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]

2.234 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

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For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.235 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.236 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent between
the debtor agent and the intermediary agent 2.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.237 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the intermediary agent 1 and the intermediary agent 3.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.238 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the intermediary agent 2 and
the creditor agent.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.239 ReceivingAgent <RcvgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that receives securities from the delivering agent at the place of settlement, eg, central securities
Can also be used in the context of treasury operations.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.240 DeliveringAgent <DlvrgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that delivers securities to the receiving agent at the place of settlement, eg, central securities depository.
Can also be used in the context of treasury operations.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.241 IssuingAgent <IssgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Legal entity that has the right to issue securities.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.242 SettlementPlace <SttlmPlc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Place where settlement of the securities takes place.

Note : this is typed by a financial institution identification - as this is the standard way of identifying eg
securities settlement agent/central system.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.243 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Proprietary agent related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryAgent1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.244 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.245 Agent <Agt> [1..1] +

2.244 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of proprietary agent reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.245 Agent <Agt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary agent.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.246 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction, eg, a charity payment, or a commercial agreement between
the creditor and the debtor.

Usage: purpose is used by the end-customers, ie originating party, initiating party, debtor, creditor, final
party, to provide information concerning the nature of the payment transaction. Purpose is a content element,
which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following Purpose1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.247 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.248 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.247 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.246 Purpose.
Definition: Specifies the underlying reason for the payment transaction, as published in an external purpose code list.
Data Type: ExternalPurposeCode
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.248 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.246 Purpose.
Definition: User community specific purpose.

Usage: When available, codes provided by local communities should be used.

Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.249 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf>

Presence: [0..10]
Definition: Information related to the handling of the remittance information by any of the agents in the transaction
processing chain.
Type: This message item is composed of the following RemittanceLocation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.250 RemittanceIdentification <RmtId> [0..1] Text
2.251 RemittanceLocationMethod <RmtLctnMtd> [0..1] Code
2.252 RemittanceLocationElectronicAddress <RmtLctnElctrncAdr> [0..1] Text
2.253 RemittanceLocationPostalAddress <RmtLctnPstlAdr> [0..1]

2.250 RemittanceIdentification <RmtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the remittance information, e.g. a remittance advice, which is sent
separately from the payment instruction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.251 RemittanceLocationMethod <RmtLctnMtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the method used to deliver the remittance advice information.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following RemittanceLocationMethod1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
EDIC ElectronicDataInterchange Remittance advice information must be sent through
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
EMAL EMail Remittance advice information must be sent through e-mail.
FAXI Fax Remittance advice information must be faxed.
POST Post Remittance advice information must be sent through postal
URID UniformResourceIdentifier Remittance advice information needs to be sent to a
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URI is a compact string
of characters that uniquely identify an abstract or physical
resource. URI's are the super-set of identifiers, such as
URLs, email addresses, ftp sites, etc, and as such, provide
the syntax for all of the identification schemes.

2.252 RemittanceLocationElectronicAddress <RmtLctnElctrncAdr>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Electronic address to which an agent is to send the remittance information.

Data Type: Max256Text
Format: maxLength: 256
minLength: 1

2.253 RemittanceLocationPostalAddress <RmtLctnPstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Postal address to which an agent is to send the remittance information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NameAndAddress3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.254 Name <Nm> [1..1] Text
2.255 Address <Adr> [1..1] +

2.254 Name <Nm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and is usually used to identify that identity.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

2.255 Address <Adr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Postal address of a party.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PostalAddress1 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PostalAddress1 p.369 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.256 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information that enables the matching, ie, reconciliation, of a payment with the items that the payment is
intended to settle, eg, commercial invoices in an account receivable system.

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Type: This message item is composed of the following RemittanceInformation1 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.257 Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..n] Text
2.258 Structured <Strd> [0..n]

2.257 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle,
eg, commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system in an unstructured form.
Data Type: Max140Text
Format: maxLength: 140
minLength: 1

2.258 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle,
eg, commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system in a structured form.
Type: This message item is composed of the following StructuredRemittanceInformation6 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.259 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..1]
2.265 ReferredDocumentRelatedDate <RfrdDocRltdDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..n]
2.272 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1]
2.278 Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] +
2.279 Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] +
2.280 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..1] Text

2.259 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information to allow the identification of the underlying reference documents.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ReferredDocumentInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.260 ReferredDocumentType <RfrdDocTp> [0..1]
2.264 ReferredDocumentNumber <RfrdDocNb> [0..1] Text

2.260 ReferredDocumentType <RfrdDocTp>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Provides the type of the referred document.

Type: This message item is composed of the following ReferredDocumentType1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.261 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.262 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.263 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.261 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.260 ReferredDocumentType.
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Data Type: Code
One of the following DocumentType2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.
CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the parties, stipulating
the terms and conditions of the delivery of goods or services.
CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinanc Document is a credit note for the final amount settled for a
ialAdjustment commercial transaction.
CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.
DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.
DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.
DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinanci Document is a debit note for the final amount settled for a
alAdjustment commercial transaction.
HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of human resources
or renting goods or equipment.
MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming payment for the supply of
metered services, eg, gas or electricity, supplied to a fixed
SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the debtor.
SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the transactions posted to the
debtor's account at the supplier.

2.262 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.260 ReferredDocumentType.
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.263 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.264 ReferredDocumentNumber <RfrdDocNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification number of the referred document.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.265 ReferredDocumentRelatedDate <RfrdDocRltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document, eg, date of issue.
Data Type: ISODate

2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Amount of money and currency of a document referred to in the remittance section. The amount is typically
either the original amount due and payable, or the amount actually remitted for the referred document.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ReferredDocumentAmount1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.267 {Or DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.268 Or DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.269 Or RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.270 Or CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.271 Or} TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [1..1] Amount

2.267 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.268 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the application of an agreed discount to the amount due and payable to the
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.269 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount of money remitted for the referred document.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.270 CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount specified for the referred document is the amount of a credit note.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.271 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.266 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Quantity of cash resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.272 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying documents.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CreditorReferenceInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.273 CreditorReferenceType <CdtrRefTp> [0..1]
2.277 CreditorReference <CdtrRef> [0..1] Text

2.273 CreditorReferenceType <CdtrRefTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides the type of the creditor reference.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CreditorReferenceType1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.274 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.275 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.276 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.274 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.273 CreditorReferenceType.
Definition: Coded creditor reference type.
Data Type: Code
One of the following DocumentType3Code values must be used:

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Code Name Definition

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.
FXDR ForeignExchangeDealRefer Document is a pre-agreed or pre-arranged foreign exchange
ence transaction to which the payment transaction refers.
PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order.
RADM RemittanceAdviceMessage Document is a remittance advice sent separately from the
current transaction.
RPIN RelatedPaymentInstruction Document is a linked payment instruction to which the
current payment instruction is related, eg, in a cover
SCOR StructuredCommunicationR Document is a structured communication reference
eference provided by the creditor to identify the referred transaction.

2.275 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.273 CreditorReferenceType.
Definition: Creditor reference type not avilable in a coded format.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.276 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the credit reference type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.277 CreditorReference <CdtrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous reference assigned by the creditor to refer to the payment transaction.

Usage: if available, the initiating party should provide this reference in the structured remittance information,
to enable reconciliation by the creditor upon receipt of the cash.

If the business context requires the use of a creditor reference or a payment remit identification, and only
one identifier can be passed through the end-to-end chain, the creditor's reference or payment remittance
identification should be quoted in the end-to-end transaction identification.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.278 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organization issuing the invoice when different than the creditor or final party.

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Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):

Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.279 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when different than the originator or debtor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.280 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Data Type: Max140Text
Format: maxLength: 140
minLength: 1

2.281 RelatedDates <RltdDts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the dates related to the underlying transactions.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionDates1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.282 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.283 TradeDate <TradDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.284 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.285 StartDate <StartDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.286 EndDate <EndDt> [0..1] DateTime

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.287 TransactionDateTime <TxDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.288 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]

2.282 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point in time when the payment order from the initiating party meets the processing conditions of the account
servicing agent (debtor's agent in case of a credit transfer, creditor's agent in case of a direct debit). This
means - amongst others - that the account servicing agent has received the payment order and has applied
checks as eg, authorisation, availability of funds.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.283 TradeDate <TradDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the trade was executed.
Data Type: ISODate

2.284 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and when the amount of
money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Data Type: ISODate

2.285 StartDate <StartDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Start date of the underlying transaction, such as a treasury transaction, an investment plan.
Data Type: ISODate

2.286 EndDate <EndDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: End date of the underlying transaction, such as a treasury transaction, an investment plan.
Data Type: ISODate

2.287 TransactionDateTime <TxDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.288 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Proprietary date related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryDate1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.289 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.290 {Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
2.291 Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

2.289 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of date reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.290 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.288 Proprietary.
Definition: Date in ISO format.
Data Type: ISODate

2.291 DateTime <DtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.288 Proprietary.
Definition: Date and time in ISO format.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.292 RelatedPrice <RltdPric>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the price information related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following TransactionPrice1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.293 {Or DealPrice <DealPric> [1..1] Amount
2.294 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..n]

2.293 DealPrice <DealPric>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.292 RelatedPrice.
Definition: Specifies the price of the traded financial instrument.
This is the deal price of the individual trade transaction.
If there is only one trade transaction for the execution of the trade, then the deal price could equal the executed
trade price (unless, for example, the price includes commissions or rounding, or some other factor has been
applied to the deal price or the executed trade price, or both).
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount

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This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.294 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..n]
This message item is part of choice 2.292 RelatedPrice.
Definition: Proprietary price specification of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryPrice1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.295 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.296 Price <Pric> [1..1] Amount

2.295 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of price reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.296 Price <Pric>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary price specification related to the underlying transaction.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.297 RelatedQuantities <RltdQties>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Identifies related quantities (eg of securities) in the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following TransactionQuantities1Choice element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.298 {Or Quantity <Qty> [1..1] +
2.299 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]

2.298 Quantity <Qty>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.297 RelatedQuantities.
Definition: Specifies the quantity (eg of securities) in the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Unit <Unit> [1..1] Quantity
Or FaceAmount <FaceAmt> [1..1] Amount
Or} AmortisedValue <AmtsdVal> [1..1] Amount

For additional Type information, please refer to FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice p.371 in 'Message Item Types'

2.299 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.297 RelatedQuantities.
Definition: Proprietary quantities specification defined in the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryQuantity1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.300 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.301 Quantity <Qty> [1..1] Text

2.300 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of proprietary quantity reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.301 Quantity <Qty>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the proprietary quantity in free format.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification <FinInstrmId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of a security, as assigned under a formal or proprietary identification scheme.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following SecurityIdentification4Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.303 {Or ISIN <ISIN> [1..1] Identifier
2.304 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]

2.303 ISIN <ISIN>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification.
Definition: International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation's
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix
representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit.
Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country.
Data Type: ISINIdentifier
Format: [A-Z0-9]{12,12}

2.304 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.302 FinancialInstrumentIdentification.
Definition: Proprietary identification of an underlying financial instrument.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AlternateSecurityIdentification2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.305 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.306 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text

2.305 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of financial instrument identifier type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.306 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier of a security.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.307 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money due to the government or tax authority, according to various pre-defined parameters such
as thresholds or income.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxInformation2 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
CreditorTaxIdentification <CdtrTaxId> [0..1] Text
CreditorTaxType <CdtrTaxTp> [0..1] Text
DebtorTaxIdentification <DbtrTaxId> [0..1] Text
TaxReferenceNumber <TaxRefNb> [0..1] Text
TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount
TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
TaxDate <TaxDt> [0..1] DateTime
TaxTypeInformation <TaxTpInf> [0..n]

For additional Type information, please refer to TaxInformation2 p.372 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.308 ReturnInformation <RtrInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements specifying the return information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ReturnReasonInformation5 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.309 OriginalBankTransactionCode <OrgnlBkTxCd> [0..1]
2.318 ReturnOriginator <RtrOrgtr> [0..1] +
2.319 ReturnReason <RtrRsn> [0..1]
2.322 AdditionalReturnReasonInformation <AddtlRtrRsnInf> [0..n] Text

Rule(s): ReturnReasonRule
If ReturnReason/Code is equal to 'NARR', then at least one occurrence of AdditionalReturnReasonInformation
must be present.

2.309 OriginalBankTransactionCode <OrgnlBkTxCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Bank transaction code included in the original entry for the transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.310 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.315 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

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Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.310 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.311 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.312 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.311 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.312 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.313 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.314 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.313 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4

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minLength: 1

2.314 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.315 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.316 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.317 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.316 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.317 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.318 ReturnOriginator <RtrOrgtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party issuing the return.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

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For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.319 ReturnReason <RtrRsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the return.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ReturnReason1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.320 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.321 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.320 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.319 ReturnReason.
Definition: Reason for the return in a coded form.
Data Type: Code
One of the following TransactionRejectReason2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber Format of the account number specified is not correct.
AC04 ClosedAccountNumber Account number specified has been closed on the Receiver's
AC06 BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of
transactions against it.
AG01 TransactionForbidden Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly
AG02 InvalidBankOperationCode Bank Operation code specified in the message is not valid
for receiver.
AM01 ZeroAmount Specified message amount is equal to zero.
AM02 NotAllowedAmount Specified transaction/message amount is greater than
allowed maximum.
AM03 NotAllowedCurrency Specified message amount is in an non processable currency
outside of existing agreement.
AM04 InsufficientFunds Amount of funds available to cover specified message
amount is insufficient.
AM05 Duplication This message appears to have been duplicated.
AM06 TooLowAmount Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum.
AM07 BlockedAmount Amount specified in message has been blocked by
regulatory authorities.
AM09 WrongAmount Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected.
AM10 InvalidControlSum Sum of instructed amounts does not equal the control sum.

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Code Name Definition

BE01 InconsistentWithEndCustom Identification of end customer is not consistent with
er associated account number. (formerly CreditorConsistency)
BE04 MissingCreditorAddress Specification of creditor's address, which is required for
payment, is missing/not correct (formerly
BE05 UnrecognisedInitiatingParty Party who initiated the message is not recognised by the end
BE06 UnknownEndCustomer End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/
National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books.
BE07 MissingDebtorAddress Specification of debtor's address, which is required for
payment, is missing/not correct.
DT01 InvalidDate Invalid date (eg, wrong settlement date).
ED01 CorrespondentBankNotPoss Correspondent bank not possible.
ED03 BalanceInfoRequested Balance of payments complementary info is requested.
ED05 SettlementFailed Settlement of the transaction has failed.
MD01 NoMandate Mandate is cancelled or invalid.
MD02 MissingMandatoryInformati Mandate related information data required by the scheme is
onInMandate missing.
MD03 InvalidFileFormatForOther File format incomplete or invalid.
MD04 InvalidFileFormatForGroupi File format incorrect in terms of grouping indicator.
MD06 RefundRequestByEndCusto Return of funds requested by end customer.
MD07 EndCustomerDeceased End customer is deceased.
MS02 NotSpecifiedReasonCustom Reason has not been specified by end customer.
MS03 NotSpecifiedReasonAgentG Reason has not been specified by agent.
NARR Narrative Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional
reason information.
RC01 BankIdentifierIncorrect Bank identifier code specified in the message has an
incorrect format (formerly
RF01 NotUniqueTransactionRefer Transaction reference is not unique within the message.
TM01 CutOffTime Associated message was received after agreed processing
cut-off time.

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2.321 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.319 ReturnReason.
Definition: Reason for the return not catered for by the available codes.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.322 AdditionalReturnReasonInformation <AddtlRtrRsnInf>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Further details on the return reason.
Data Type: Max105Text
Format: maxLength: 105
minLength: 1

2.323 CorporateAction <CorpActn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the underlying corporate action.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CorporateAction1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.324 Code <Cd> [0..1] Text
2.325 Number <Nb> [0..1] Text
2.326 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1] Text

2.324 Code <Cd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the code of corporate action event, in free-text format.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.325 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference assigned by the account servicer to unambiguously identify a corporate action event.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.326 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary corporate action event information.
Data Type: Max35Text

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Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.327 SafekeepingAccount <SfkpgAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Safekeeping or investment account. A safekeeping account is an account on which a securities entry is made.
An investment account is an account between an investor(s) and a fund manager or a fund. The account can
contain holdings in any investment fund or investment fund class managed (or distributed) by the fund
manager, within the same fund family.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.328 AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the transaction details.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

2.329 AdditionalEntryInformation <AddtlNtryInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the entry details.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

2.330 AdditionalStatementInformation <AddtlStmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the account statement.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

Business Example
On 18 October, at 5.00 PM, AAAASESS sends an end-of-day BankToCustomerStatement to Company Finpetrol. It
contains all booked items during the business day.

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Business Description

Element <XMLTag> Content

Group Header <GrpHdr>
MessageIdentification <MsgId> AAAASESS-FP-STAT001
CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> 2007-10-18T17:00:00+01:00
MessagePagination <MsgPgntn>
PageNumber <PgNb> 1
LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd> True
Statement <Stmt>
Identification <Id> AAAASESS-FP-STAT001
CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> 2007-10-18T17:00:00+01:00
FromToDate <FrToDt>
FromDateTime <FrmDtTm> 2007-10-18T08:00:00+01:00
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> 2007-10-18T17:00:00+01:00
Account <Acct>
Identification <Id>
ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct>
ID <Id> 50000000054910000003
Owner <Ownr>
Servicer <Svcr>
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>
NameAndPostalAddress <NmAndAdr>
Country <Ctry> SE
Balance <Bal>
Type <Tp> OPBD
Amount <Amt Ccy=SEK> 500000
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> CRDT
Date <Dt> 2007-10-17
Balance <Bal>
Type <Tp> CLBD
Amount <Amt Ccy=SEK> 435678,50
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> CRDT
Date <Dt> 2007-10-18
Entry <Ntry>

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Amount <Amt Ccy=SEK> 105678.50

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> CRDT
Status <Sts> BOOK
BookingDate <BookgDt>
DateTime <DtTm> 2007-10-18T13:15:00+01:00
ValueDate <ValDt>
Date <Dt> 2007-10-18
AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> AAAASESS-FP-CN-98765/01
BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>
Domain <Domn>
Code <Cd> PAYM
Family <Fmly>
Code <Cd> 0001
SubFamilyCode <SbFmlyCd> 0005
TransactionDetails <TxDtls>
References <Refs>
EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId>FIN MUELL/FINP/RA12345
RelatedParties <RltdPties>
Debtor <Dbtr>
Entry <Ntry>
Amount <Amt Ccy=SEK> 200000
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> DBIT
Status <Sts> BOOK
BookingDate <BookgDt>
DateTime <DtTm> 2007-10-18T10:15:00+01:00
ValueDate <ValDt>
Date <Dt> 2007-10-18
AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> AAAASESS-FP-ACCR-01
BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>
Domain <Domn>
Code <Cd> PAYM
Family <Fmly>
Code <Cd> 0001
SubFamilyCode <SbFmlyCd> 0003
Batch <Btch
MessageIdentification <MsgId> FINP-0055

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PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfID> FINP-0055–001

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> 20
Entry <Ntry>
Amount <Amt Ccy=SEK> 30000
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> CRED
Status <Sts> BOOK
BookingDate <BookgDt>
DateTime <DtTm> 2007-10-18T15:15:00+01:00
ValueDate <ValDt>
Date <Dt> 2007-10-18
AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> AAAASESS-FP-CONF-FX
BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>
Domain <Domn>
Code <Cd> TREA
Family <Fmly>
Code <Cd> 0002
SubFamilyCode <SbFmlyCd> 0000
TransactionDetails <TxDtls>
References <Refs>
InstructionID <InstrId> FP-004567-FX
AmountDetails <AmtDtls>
CountervalueAmount <CntrValAmt>
Amount <Amt Ccy=EUR> 3255.5694
CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> EUR
ExchangeRate <XchRate> 0.1085

XML Instance
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns = "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.01" xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/

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<Amt Ccy = "SEK">500000</Amt>
<Amt Ccy = "SEK">435678.50</Amt>
<Amt Ccy = "SEK">105678.50</Amt>

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<Amt Ccy = "SEK">2000000</Amt>
<Dt> 2007-10-18</Dt>
<AcctSvcrRef> AAAASESS-FP-ACCR-01</AcctSvcrRef>

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<Amt Ccy = "SEK">30000</Amt>
<Amt Ccy = "EUR">3255.5694</Amt>

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MX camt.054.001.01
Message Scope and Usage
The Bank-to-Customer Debit/Credit Notification message is sent by the account servicer to an account owner or to a party
authorised by the account owner to receive the message. It can be used to inform the account owner, or authorised party,
of single or multiple debit and/or credit entries reported to the account.

The Bank-to-Customer Debit/Credit Notification message can contain reports for more than 1 account. It provides
information for cash management and/or reconciliation.
It can be used to :
- report pending and booked items;
- notify one or more debit entries;
- notify one or more credit entries;
- notify a combination of debit and credit entries
It can include underlying details of transactions that have been included in the entry.
It is possible that the receiver of the message is not the account owner, but a party entitled by the account owner to receive
the account information (also known as recipient).
It does not contain balance information.

The Bank-to-Customer DebitCreditNotification message is composed of 2 building blocks:
A. Group Header
This building block is mandatory and present once. It contains elements such as Message Identification and
B. Notification
This building block is mandatory and repetitive. It should be repeated for each account on which a notification is provided.
The notification contains information on the booked and pending debit and/or credit entries.

Message Structure
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/
Type Guid.
Message root <BkToCstmrDbtCdtN [1..1]

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
1.0 GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1]
1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
1.3 MessageRecipient <MsgRcpt> [0..1] +
1.4 MessagePagination <MsgPgntn> [0..1]
1.5 PageNumber <PgNb> [1..1] Text
1.6 LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd> [1..1] Indicator
1.7 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.0 Notification <Ntfctn> [1..n]
2.1 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
2.2 ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.3 LegalSequenceNumber <LglSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.4 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
2.5 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator <CpyDplctInd> [0..1] Code
2.7 Account <Acct> [1..1]
2.8 Identification <Id> [1..1] +
2.9 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.10 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.11 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.12 Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
2.13 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
2.14 Owner <Ownr> [0..1] +
2.15 Servicer <Svcr> [0..1] +
2.16 RelatedAccount <RltdAcct> [0..1] +
2.17 TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry> [0..1]
2.18 TotalEntries <TtlNtries> [0..1]
2.19 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.20 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.21 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.22 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.23 TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries> [0..1]
2.24 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.25 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.26 TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries> [0..1]
2.27 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.28 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.29 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd [0..n]
2.30 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.31 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.32 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.33 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.34 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.35 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.36 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.37 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.38 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.39 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.40 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.41 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.42 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.43 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.44 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.45 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.46 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.47 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.48 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.49 Entry <Ntry> [0..n]
2.50 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.51 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.52 ReversalIndicator <RvslInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.53 Status <Sts> [1..1] Code
2.54 BookingDate <BookgDt> [0..1] +
2.55 ValueDate <ValDt> [0..1] +
2.56 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.57 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.58 Date <Dt> [1..1]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.59 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.60 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.61 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.62 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.63 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.64 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.65 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.66 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.67 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.68 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.69 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.70 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.71 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.72 CommissionWaiverIndicator <ComssnWvrInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.73 AdditionalInformationIndicator <AddtlInfInd> [0..1]
2.74 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId> [0..1] Text
2.75 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.76 Batch <Btch> [0..n]
2.77 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.78 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId> [0..1] Text
2.79 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [0..1] Text
2.80 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.81 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.82 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.83 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.84 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.85 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.86 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.87 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.88 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.89 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.90 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.91 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.92 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.93 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.94 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.95 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.96 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.97 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.98 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAm [0..1] Amount
2.99 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.100 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.101 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.102 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text
2.103 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.104 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.105 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.106 Tax <Tax> [0..1]
2.107 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.108 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.109 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount
2.110 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.111 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.112 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.113 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.114 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.115 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.116 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.117 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.118 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.119 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text
2.120 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +
2.121 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.122 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text
2.123 TransactionDetails <TxDtls> [0..n]
2.124 References <Refs> [0..1]
2.125 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.126 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.127 InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.128 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [0..1] Text
2.129 TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text
2.130 MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text
2.131 ChequeNumber <ChqNb> [0..1] Text
2.132 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text
2.133 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.134 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.135 Reference <Ref> [1..1] Text
2.136 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.137 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.138 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.139 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.140 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.141 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.142 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.143 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.144 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.145 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.146 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.147 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.148 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.149 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]
2.150 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.151 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.152 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +
2.153 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.154 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.155 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.156 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime
2.157 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.158 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.159 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [0..1]
2.160 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.161 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.162 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.163 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.164 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.165 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.166 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.167 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.168 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.169 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAm [0..1] Amount
2.170 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.171 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.172 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.173 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text
2.174 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.175 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.176 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.177 Tax <Tax> [0..1]
2.178 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.179 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.180 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount
2.181 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.182 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.183 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.184 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.185 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.186 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.187 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.188 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.189 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.190 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text
2.191 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +
2.192 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.193 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text
2.194 RelatedParties <RltdPties> [0..1]
2.195 InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] +
2.196 Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] +

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.197 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.198 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] +
2.199 Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] +
2.200 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.201 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] +
2.202 TradingParty <TradgPty> [0..1] +
2.203 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]
2.204 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.205 Party <Pty> [1..1] +
2.206 RelatedAgents <RltdAgts> [0..1]
2.207 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.208 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.209 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] +
2.210 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] +
2.211 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] +
2.212 ReceivingAgent <RcvgAgt> [0..1] +
2.213 DeliveringAgent <DlvrgAgt> [0..1] +
2.214 IssuingAgent <IssgAgt> [0..1] +
2.215 SettlementPlace <SttlmPlc> [0..1] +
2.216 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]
2.217 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.218 Agent <Agt> [1..1] +
2.219 Purpose <Purp> [0..1]
2.220 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.221 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.222 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10]
2.223 RemittanceIdentification <RmtId> [0..1] Text
2.224 RemittanceLocationMethod <RmtLctnMtd> [0..1] Code
2.225 RemittanceLocationElectronicAdd <RmtLctnElctrncAdr> [0..1] Text
2.226 RemittanceLocationPostalAddress <RmtLctnPstlAdr> [0..1]
2.227 Name <Nm> [1..1] Text
2.228 Address <Adr> [1..1] +
2.229 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1]
2.230 Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..n] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.231 Structured <Strd> [0..n]
2.232 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..1]
2.233 ReferredDocumentType <RfrdDocTp> [0..1]
2.234 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.235 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.236 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.237 ReferredDocumentNumber <RfrdDocNb> [0..1] Text
2.238 ReferredDocumentRelatedDate <RfrdDocRltdDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.239 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..n]
2.240 {Or DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.241 Or DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.242 Or RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.243 Or CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.244 Or} TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.245 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1]
2.246 CreditorReferenceType <CdtrRefTp> [0..1]
2.247 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.248 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.249 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.250 CreditorReference <CdtrRef> [0..1] Text
2.251 Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] +
2.252 Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] +
2.253 AdditionalRemittanceInformati <AddtlRmtInf> [0..1] Text
2.254 RelatedDates <RltdDts> [0..1]
2.255 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.256 TradeDate <TradDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.257 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.258 StartDate <StartDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.259 EndDate <EndDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.260 TransactionDateTime <TxDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.261 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]
2.262 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.263 {Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
2.264 Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.265 RelatedPrice <RltdPric> [0..1]
2.266 {Or DealPrice <DealPric> [1..1] Amount
2.267 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..n]
2.268 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.269 Price <Pric> [1..1] Amount
2.270 RelatedQuantities <RltdQties> [0..n]
2.271 {Or Quantity <Qty> [1..1] +
2.272 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]
2.273 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.274 Quantity <Qty> [1..1] Text
2.275 FinancialInstrumentIdentification <FinInstrmId> [0..1]
2.276 {Or ISIN <ISIN> [1..1] Identifier
2.277 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]
2.278 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.279 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
2.280 Tax <Tax> [0..1] +
2.281 ReturnInformation <RtrInf> [0..1]
2.282 OriginalBankTransactionCode <OrgnlBkTxCd> [0..1]
2.283 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.284 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.285 Family <Fmly> [1..1]
2.286 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.287 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code
2.288 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]
2.289 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.290 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
2.291 ReturnOriginator <RtrOrgtr> [0..1] +
2.292 ReturnReason <RtrRsn> [0..1]
2.293 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.294 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.295 AdditionalReturnReasonInformati <AddtlRtrRsnInf> [0..n] Text
2.296 CorporateAction <CorpActn> [0..1]
2.297 Code <Cd> [0..1] Text
2.298 Number <Nb> [0..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./ Rule/

Type Guid.
2.299 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1] Text
2.300 SafekeepingAccount <SfkpgAcct> [0..1] +
2.301 AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf> [0..1] Text
2.302 AdditionalEntryInformation <AddtlNtryInf> [0..1] Text
2.303 AdditionalNotificationInformation <AddtlNtfctnInf> [0..1] Text

Message Items Description

The following section identifies the elements of the BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 message.

1.0 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Common information for the message.
Type: The GroupHeader block is composed of the following GroupHeader23 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text
1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
1.3 MessageRecipient <MsgRcpt> [0..1] +
1.4 MessagePagination <MsgPgntn> [0..1]
1.7 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text

1.1 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the account servicing institution and sent to the account owner to
unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The account servicing institution has to make sure that 'MessageIdentification' is unique per instructed
party for a pre-agreed period.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

1.2 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created by the account servicer.
Data Type: ISODateTime

1.3 MessageRecipient <MsgRcpt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Party that is entitled by the account owner to receive information about movements in the account.

Guideline : MessageRecipient should only be identified when different from the account owner.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

1.4 MessagePagination <MsgPgntn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Pagination of the message.

Usage: the pagination of the message is only allowed when agreed between the parties.
Type: This message item is composed of the following Pagination element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.5 PageNumber <PgNb> [1..1] Text
1.6 LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd> [1..1] Indicator

1.5 PageNumber <PgNb>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Page number.
Data Type: Max5NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,5}

1.6 LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates the last page.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

1.7 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the message.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

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2.0 Notification <Ntfctn>

Presence: [1..n]
Definition: Notifies debit and credit entries for the account.
Type: The Notification block is composed of the following AccountNotification1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
2.2 ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.3 LegalSequenceNumber <LglSeqNb> [0..1] Quantity
2.4 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
2.5 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator <CpyDplctInd> [0..1] Code
2.7 Account <Acct> [1..1]
2.16 RelatedAccount <RltdAcct> [0..1] +
2.17 TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry> [0..1]
2.49 Entry <Ntry> [0..n]
2.303 AdditionalNotificationInformation <AddtlNtfctnInf> [0..1] Text

2.1 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the account report, assigned by the account servicer.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.2 ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the report, assigned by the account servicer. It is increased incrementally for each
report sent electronically.
Data Type: Number
Format: fractionDigits: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.3 LegalSequenceNumber <LglSeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Legal sequential number of the report, assigned by the account servicer. It is increased incrementally for
each report sent.

Usage : in those scenarios where eg a paper statement is a legal requirement, the paper statement may have
a different numbering than the electronic sequential number. Paper statements can for instance only be sent
if movement on the account has taken place, whereas electronic statements can be sent eg each day, regardless
of whether movements have taken place or not.

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Data Type: Number

Format: fractionDigits: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.4 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the report was created.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.5 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between the start date and the end date for which the account notification is issued.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator <CpyDplctInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies if this document is a copy, a duplicate, or a duplicate of a copy.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CopyDuplicate1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CODU CopyDuplicate Message is being sent as a copy to a party other than the
account owner, for information purposes and the message
is a duplicate of a message previously sent.
COPY Copy Message is being sent as a copy to a party other than the
account owner, for information purposes.
DUPL Duplicate Message is for information/confirmation purposes. It is a
duplicate of a message previously sent.

2.7 Account <Acct>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Business relationship between two entities; one entity is the account owner, the other entity is the account
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount13 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.8 Identification <Id> [1..1] +

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.9 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.12 Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
2.13 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
2.14 Owner <Ownr> [0..1] +
2.15 Servicer <Svcr> [0..1] +

2.8 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the account between the account owner and the account servicer.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following AccountIdentification3Choice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] Identifier
Or BBAN <BBAN> [1..1] Identifier
Or UPIC <UPIC> [1..1] Identifier
Or} ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct> [1..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to AccountIdentification3Choice p.333 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.9 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Nature, or use, of the account.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashAccountType2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.10 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.11 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.10 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.9 Type.
Definition: Nature or use of the account in a coded form.
Data Type: Code
One of the following CashAccountType4Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CACC Current Account used to post debits and credits when no specific
account has been nominated.
CASH CashPayment Account used for the payment of cash.

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Code Name Definition

CHAR Charges Account used for charges if different from the account for
CISH CashIncome Account used for payment of income if different from the
current cash account.
COMM Commission Account used for commission if different from the account
for payment.
LOAN Loan Account used for loans.
MGLD MarginalLending Account used for a marginal lending facility.
MOMA MoneyMarket Account used for money markets if different from the cash
NREX NonResidentExternal Account used for non-resident external.
ODFT Overdraft Account is used for overdrafts.
ONDP OverNightDeposit Account used for overnight deposits.
SACC Settlement Account used to post debit and credit entries, as a result of
transactions cleared and settled through a specific clearing
and settlement system.
SLRY Salary Accounts used for salary payments.
SVGS Savings Account used for savings.
TAXE Tax Account used for taxes if different from the account for
TRAS CashTrading Account used for trading if different from the current cash

2.11 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.9 Type.
Definition: Proprietary nature or use of the account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.12 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.
Data Type: CurrencyCode
Format: [A-Z]{3,3}
Rule(s): ValidationByTable

2.13 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, assigned by the account servicing institution in agreement with the account owner in
order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

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Usage : the account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in certain
user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account owner's identity
and the account number.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

2.14 Owner <Ownr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that legally owns the account.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.15 Servicer <Svcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.16 RelatedAccount <RltdAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the parent account of the reported account.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.17 TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of element providing summary information on entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TotalTransactions1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.18 TotalEntries <TtlNtries> [0..1]
2.23 TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries> [0..1]
2.26 TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries> [0..1]
2.29 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd> [0..n]

2.18 TotalEntries <TtlNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of debit and credit entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactions2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.19 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.20 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.21 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.22 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code

Guideline(s): DebitCreditIndicatorGuideline
DebitCreditIndicator should be present when TotalNetEntryAmount is present.

2.19 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.20 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17

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totalDigits: 18

2.21 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Resulting amount of the netted amounts for all debit and credit entries.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.22 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the total net entry amount is a credit or a debit amount.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.23 TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of credit entries.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.24 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.25 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity

2.24 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.25 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.26 TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of debit entries.

Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactions1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.27 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.28 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity

2.27 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.28 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.29 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Indicates the total number and sum of entries per bank transaction code.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NumberAndSumOfTransactionsPerBankTransactionCode1
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.30 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> [0..1] Text
2.31 Sum <Sum> [0..1] Quantity
2.32 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt> [0..1] Quantity
2.33 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.34 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.43 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]

Guideline(s): DebitCreditIndicatorGuideline
DebitCreditIndicator should be present when TotalNetEntryAmount is present.

2.30 NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual entries contained in the report.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

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2.31 Sum <Sum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.32 TotalNetEntryAmount <TtlNetNtryAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Resulting amount of the netted amounts for all debit and credit entries per bank transaction code.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

2.33 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the total net entry amount is a credit or a debit amount.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.34 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying transaction resulting in an entry.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.35 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.40 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.35 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.36 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.37 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.36 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.37 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.38 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.39 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.38 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.39 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

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2.40 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.41 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.42 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.41 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.42 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.43 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked amount of money will become available, ie can be accessed
and start generating interest.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.44 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.47 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.48 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.44 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.45 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.46 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.45 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.44 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.46 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.44 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.47 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.48 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.49 Entry <Ntry>

Presence: [0..n]

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Definition: Specifies the elements of an entry in the report.

Usage: At least one reference must be provided to identify the entry and its underlying transaction(s).
Type: This message item is composed of the following NotificationEntry1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.50 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.51 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.52 ReversalIndicator <RvslInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.53 Status <Sts> [1..1] Code
2.54 BookingDate <BookgDt> [0..1] +
2.55 ValueDate <ValDt> [0..1] +
2.56 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.57 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.63 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [1..1]
2.72 CommissionWaiverIndicator <ComssnWvrInd> [0..1] Indicator
2.73 AdditionalInformationIndicator <AddtlInfInd> [0..1]
2.76 Batch <Btch> [0..n]
2.80 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.97 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.110 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.123 TransactionDetails <TxDtls> [0..n]
2.302 AdditionalEntryInformation <AddtlNtryInf> [0..1] Text

Rule(s): StatusAndBookingDateRule
If Status is pending, BookingDate is not allowed.
Guideline(s): ReferenceGuideline
At least one reference should present to identify the underlying transaction(s).

2.50 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money in the cash entry.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.51 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies if an entry is a credit or a debit.
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.52 ReversalIndicator <RvslInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the entry is the result of a reversal operation.

Usage : this element should only be present if the entry is the result of a reversal operation.
If the CreditDebitIndicator is CRDT and ReversalIndicator is Yes, the original operation was a debit entry.
If the CreditDebitIndicator is DBIT and ReversalIndicator is Yes, the original operation was a credit entry.
Data Type: One of the following TrueFalseIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: True
MeaningWhenFalse: False

2.53 Status <Sts>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Status of an entry on the books of the account servicer.
Data Type: Code
One of the following EntryStatus4Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
BOOK Booked Booked means that the transfer of money has been
completed between account servicer and account owner

Usage :
Status Booked does not necessarily imply finality of money
as this depends on other factors such as the payment system
used, the completion of the end-to-end transaction and the
terms agreed between account servicer and owner.
Status Booked is the only status that can be reversed.
PDNG Pending Booking on the account owner's account in the account
servicer's ledger has not been completed.

Usage : this can be used for expected items, or for items for
which some conditions still need to be fulfilled before they
can be booked. If booking takes place, the entry will be
included with status Booked in subsequent account report
or statement. Status Pending cannot be reversed.

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2.54 BookingDate <BookgDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time when an entry is posted to an account on the account servicer's books.

Usage : Booking date is only present if Status is booked.

Type: This message item is composed of one of the following DateAndDateTimeChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateAndDateTimeChoice p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.55 ValueDate <ValDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time assets become available to the account owner (in a credit entry), or cease to be available to
the account owner (in a debit entry).

Usage : When entry status is pending , and value date is present, value date refers to an expected/requested
value date.
For entries which are subject to availability/float (and for which availability information is present), value
date must not be used, as the availability component identifies the number of availability days.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following DateAndDateTimeChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateAndDateTimeChoice p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.56 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Account servicing institution's reference for the entry.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.57 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked amount of money will become available, ie can be accessed
and start generating interest.

Usage : this type of info is eg used in US, and is linked to particular instruments, such as cheques.

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Example : When a cheque is deposited, it will be booked on the deposit day, but the funds will only be
accessible as of the indicated availability day (according to national banking regulations).
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.58 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.61 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.62 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.58 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.59 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.60 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.59 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.58 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.60 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.58 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.61 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.62 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.63 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying transaction resulting in the entry.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.64 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.69 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.64 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.65 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.66 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

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2.65 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.66 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.67 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.68 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.67 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.68 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.69 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.70 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.71 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.70 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]

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Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.

Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.71 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.72 CommissionWaiverIndicator <ComssnWvrInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the transaction is exempt from commission.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

2.73 AdditionalInformationIndicator <AddtlInfInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the underlying transaction details are provided through a separate message, eg in case of
aggregate bookings.
Type: This message item is composed of the following MessageIdentification2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.74 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId> [0..1] Text
2.75 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text

2.74 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the message name identifier of the message that will be used to provide additional details.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.75 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the identification of the message that will be used to provide additional details.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.76 Batch <Btch>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing details on batched transactions.

Usage : this element can be repeated in case more than one batch is included in the entry, eg, in lockbox
scenarios, to specify the ID and number of transactions included in each of the batches.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BatchInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.77 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text
2.78 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId> [0..1] Text
2.79 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [0..1] Text

2.77 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the sending party to unambiguously identify the batch of transactions.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.78 PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference assigned by a sending party to unambiguously identify a payment information block within a
payment message.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.79 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions included in the batch.
Data Type: Max15NumericText
Format: [0-9]{1,15}

2.80 AmountDetails <AmtDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements providing information on the original amount.

Usage : This component (on entry level) should be used when a total original batch or aggregate amount has
to be provided. (If required, the individual original amounts can be included in the same component on
transaction details level).
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchange2 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.81 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.84 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.87 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.90 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.93 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]

2.81 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges,
expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party and provides currency exchange info in case the
instructed amount and/or currency is/are different from the entry amount and/or currency.

Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):

Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.82 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.83 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.82 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.83 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.84 TransactionAmount <TxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.85 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.86 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.85 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.86 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.87 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the countervalue amount and provides currency exchange information. Either the counter amount
quoted in an FX deal, or the result of the currency information applied to an instructed amount, before
deduction of charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.88 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.89 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.88 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.89 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.90 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information on the amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying
securities, entitled to/from the account owner.

Amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying securities, entitled
to/from the account owner.
In those situations, this amount may alternatively be called entitled amount.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.91 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.92 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.91 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.92 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.93 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides proprietary amount information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.94 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.95 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.96 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.94 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of amount.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.95 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the proprietary amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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2.96 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.97 Charges <Chrgs>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides information on the charges included in the entry amount.

Usage : this component is used on entry level in case of batch or aggregate bookings.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ChargesInformation3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.98 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
2.99 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.100 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.103 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.104 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.105 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.106 Tax <Tax> [0..1]

2.98 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all charges and taxes applied to the entry.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.99 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Transaction charges to be paid by the charge bearer.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.100 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of charge.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ChargeTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.101 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.102 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text

2.101 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.100 Type.
Definition: Service for which a charge is asked or paid, eg, brokerage fees.
Data Type: Code
One of the following ChargeType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
BRKF BrokerageFee Fee paid to a broker for services provided.
COMM Commission Fee paid for services provided.

2.102 ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.100 Type.
Definition: Type of charge is a bilaterally agreed code.

Data Type: Max4AlphaNumericText

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Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}

2.103 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the amount of the charge or fee.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.104 Bearer <Br>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following ChargeBearerType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne by the creditor.
DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne by the debtor.
SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that transaction charges
on the sender side are to be borne by the debtor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the creditor.
In a direct debit context, means that transaction charges on
the sender side are to be borne by the creditor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the debtor.
SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the
service level and/or scheme.

2.105 Party <Pty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that takes the transaction charges or to which the transaction charges are due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.106 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies tax details applied to charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxCharges1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.107 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.108 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.109 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

2.107 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference identifying the nature of tax levied, eg, Value Added Tax (VAT).
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.108 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used for calculation of the tax.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.109 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.110 Interest <Intrst>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing details on the interest amount included in the entry amount.

Usage : This component is used on entry level in case of batch or aggregate bookings.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionInterest1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.111 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.112 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.113 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.116 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.121 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.122 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text

2.111 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of interest included in the entry amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.112 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies whether the interest amount included in the entry amount is positive (CRDT) or negative (DBIT).
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.113 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following InterestType1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.114 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.115 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.114 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]

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This message item is part of choice 2.113 Type.

Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Data Type: Code
One of the following InterestType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
INDY IntraDay During or within a business day.
OVRN OverNight Period of time between the end of a business day and the
start of the next business day (usually the day after).

2.115 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.113 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest in uncoded form.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.116 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements qualifying the interest rate.
Type: This message item is composed of the following Rate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.117 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.120 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +

2.117 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Example percentage rate : Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and
7.0 is 7%.
Example Textual rate : Rate is expressed as a text.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following RateTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.118 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.119 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text

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2.118 PercentageRate <PctgRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.117 Rate.
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.119 TextualRate <TxtlRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.117 Rate.
Definition: Rate is expressed as a text.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.120 ValidityRange <VldtyRg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: An amount range where the interest rate is applicable
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyAndAmountRange element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Amount <Amt> [1..1]
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
Currency <Ccy> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyAndAmountRange p.339 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.121 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.122 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Underlying reason for the interest, eg, yearly credit interest on a savings account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.123 TransactionDetails <TxDtls>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing information on the underlying transaction (s).
Type: This message item is composed of the following EntryTransaction1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.124 References <Refs> [0..1]
2.136 AmountDetails <AmtDtls> [0..1]
2.153 Availability <Avlbty> [0..n]
2.159 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd> [0..1]
2.168 Charges <Chrgs> [0..n]
2.181 Interest <Intrst> [0..n]
2.194 RelatedParties <RltdPties> [0..1]
2.206 RelatedAgents <RltdAgts> [0..1]
2.219 Purpose <Purp> [0..1]
2.222 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10]
2.229 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1]
2.254 RelatedDates <RltdDts> [0..1]
2.265 RelatedPrice <RltdPric> [0..1]
2.270 RelatedQuantities <RltdQties> [0..n]
2.275 FinancialInstrumentIdentification <FinInstrmId> [0..1]
2.280 Tax <Tax> [0..1] +
2.281 ReturnInformation <RtrInf> [0..1]
2.296 CorporateAction <CorpActn> [0..1]
2.300 SafekeepingAccount <SfkpgAcct> [0..1] +
2.301 AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf> [0..1] Text

2.124 References <Refs>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements providing the identification of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionReferences1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.125 MessageIdentification <MsgId> [0..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.126 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text
2.127 InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text
2.128 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [0..1] Text
2.129 TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text
2.130 MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text
2.131 ChequeNumber <ChqNb> [0..1] Text
2.132 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text
2.133 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

2.125 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the instructing party of the underlying message.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.126 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: The account servicing institution's reference for the transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.127 InstructionIdentification <InstrId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify
the instruction.

Usage: the instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the instructing
party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in several messages
related to the instruction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.128 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction. This
identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.

Usage: The end-to-end identification can be used for reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the transaction.
It can be included in several messages related to the transaction.

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Usage: In case there are technical limitations to carry on multiple references, the end-to-end identification
must be carried on throughout the entire end-to-end chain.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.129 TransactionIdentification <TxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification assigned by the first instructing agent to unambiguously identify the transaction and
passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire interbank chain.

Usage: The transaction identification can be used for reconciliation, tracking or to link tasks relating to the
transaction on the interbank level.
Usage: The instructing agent has to make sure the transaction identification is unique for a pre-agreed period.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.130 MandateIdentification <MndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference of the direct debit mandate that has been signed between by the debtor and the creditor.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.131 ChequeNumber <ChqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the cheque number.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.132 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier for a payment instruction, assigned by the clearing system.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.133 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary reference of an underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryReference1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.134 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.135 Reference <Ref> [1..1] Text

2.134 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of reference reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.135 Reference <Ref>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary reference specification related to the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.136 AmountDetails <AmtDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements providing details information on the original amount.

Usage: This component (on transaction level) should be used in case booking is for a single transaction and
the original amount is different from the entry amount. It can also be used in case individual original amounts
are provided in case of a batch or aggregate booking.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchange2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.137 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1]
2.140 TransactionAmount <TxAmt> [0..1]
2.143 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt> [0..1]
2.146 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt> [0..1]
2.149 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt> [0..n]

2.137 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges,
expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party and provides currency exchange info in case the
instructed amount and/or currency is/are different from the entry amount and/or currency.

Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.138 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.139 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.138 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.139 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.140 TransactionAmount <TxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.141 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.142 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.141 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.142 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.143 CounterValueAmount <CntrValAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the countervalue amount and provides currency exchange information. Either the counter amount
quoted in an FX deal, or the result of the currency information applied to an instructed amount, before
deduction of charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.144 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.145 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.144 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.145 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.146 AnnouncedPostingAmount <AnncdPstngAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information on the amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying
securities, entitled to/from the account owner.

Amount of money, based on terms of corporate action event and balance of underlying securities, entitled
to/from the account owner.
In those situations, this amount may alternatively be called entitled amount.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.147 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.148 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.147 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in
the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.148 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.149 ProprietaryAmount <PrtryAmt>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides proprietary amount information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountAndCurrencyExchangeDetails2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.150 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.151 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.152 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg> [0..1] +

2.150 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of amount.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.151 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the proprietary amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.152 CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reports on currency exchange information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyExchange3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyExchange3 p.343 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.153 Availability <Avlbty>

Presence: [0..n]

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Definition: Set of elements used to indicate when the booked funds will become available, ie can be accessed and start
generating interest.

Usage : this type of info is eg used in US, and is linked to particular instruments, such as cheques.
Example : When a cheque is deposited, it will be booked on the deposit day, but the funds will only be
accessible as of the indicated availability day (according to national banking regulations).
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashBalanceAvailability1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.154 Date <Dt> [1..1]
2.157 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.158 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code

2.154 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates when the amount of money will become available.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashBalanceAvailabilityDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.155 {Or NumberOfDays <NbOfDays> [1..1] Text
2.156 Or} ActualDate <ActlDt> [1..1] DateTime

2.155 NumberOfDays <NbOfDays>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.154 Date.
Definition: Indicates the number of float days attached to the balance.
Data Type: Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}

2.156 ActualDate <ActlDt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.154 Date.
Definition: Identifies the actual availability date.
Data Type: ISODate

2.157 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the available amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0

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totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.158 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the availability balance is a credit or a debit balance. A zero balance is considered to be a
credit balance
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.159 BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying transaction resulting in an entry.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.160 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.165 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

2.160 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.161 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.162 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.161 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.162 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.163 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.164 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.163 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.164 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.165 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.166 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.167 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.166 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.167 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.168 Charges <Chrgs>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides information on the charges included in the entry amount.

Usage : This component (on transaction level) can be used in case the booking is for a single transaction,
and charges are included in the entry amount. It can also be used in case individual charge amounts are
applied to individual transactions in case of a batch or aggregate amount booking.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ChargesInformation3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.169 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
2.170 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.171 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.174 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.175 Bearer <Br> [0..1] Code
2.176 Party <Pty> [0..1] +
2.177 Tax <Tax> [0..1]

2.169 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all charges and taxes applied to the entry.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.

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Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.170 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Transaction charges to be paid by the charge bearer.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.171 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of charge.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ChargeTypeChoice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.172 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.173 Or} ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd> [1..1] Text

2.172 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.171 Type.
Definition: Service for which a charge is asked or paid, eg, brokerage fees.
Data Type: Code
One of the following ChargeType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
BRKF BrokerageFee Fee paid to a broker for services provided.
COMM Commission Fee paid for services provided.

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2.173 ProprietaryCode <PrtryCd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.171 Type.
Definition: Type of charge is a bilaterally agreed code.

Data Type: Max4AlphaNumericText

Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}

2.174 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the amount of the charge or fee.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.175 Bearer <Br>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following ChargeBearerType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne by the creditor.
DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne by the debtor.
SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that transaction charges
on the sender side are to be borne by the debtor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the creditor.
In a direct debit context, means that transaction charges on
the sender side are to be borne by the creditor, transaction
charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the debtor.
SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the
service level and/or scheme.

2.176 Party <Pty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that takes the transaction charges or to which the transaction charges are due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.177 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies tax details applied to charges.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxCharges1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.178 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
2.179 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
2.180 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

2.178 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference identifying the nature of tax levied, eg, Value Added Tax (VAT).
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.179 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used for calculation of the tax.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.180 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.181 Interest <Intrst>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements providing details on the interest amount included in the entry amount.

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Usage : This component (on transaction level) can be used in case the booking is for a single transaction,
and interest amount is included in the entry amount. It can also be used in case individual interest amounts
are applied to individual transactions in case of a batch or aggregate amount booking.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionInterest1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.182 Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount
2.183 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [1..1] Code
2.184 Type <Tp> [0..1]
2.187 Rate <Rate> [0..n]
2.192 FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] +
2.193 Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text

2.182 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the amount of interest included in the entry amount.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.183 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies whether the interest amount included in the entry amount is positive (CRDT) or negative (DBIT).
Data Type: Code
One of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.184 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following InterestType1Choice element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.185 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.186 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.185 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.184 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest.
Data Type: Code
One of the following InterestType1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
INDY IntraDay During or within a business day.
OVRN OverNight Period of time between the end of a business day and the
start of the next business day (usually the day after).

2.186 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.184 Type.
Definition: Specifies the type of interest in uncoded form.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.187 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of elements qualifying the interest rate.
Type: This message item is composed of the following Rate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.188 Rate <Rate> [1..1]
2.191 ValidityRange <VldtyRg> [0..1] +

2.188 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Example percentage rate : Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and
7.0 is 7%.
Example Textual rate : Rate is expressed as a text.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following RateTypeChoice element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.189 {Or PercentageRate <PctgRate> [1..1] Rate
2.190 Or} TextualRate <TxtlRate> [1..1] Text

2.189 PercentageRate <PctgRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.188 Rate.
Definition: Percentage charged for the use of an amount of money, usually expressed at an annual rate. The interest rate
is the ratio of the amount of interest paid during a certain period of time compared to the principal amount
of the interest bearing financial instrument.
Data Type: PercentageRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

2.190 TextualRate <TxtlRate>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.188 Rate.
Definition: Rate is expressed as a text.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.191 ValidityRange <VldtyRg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: An amount range where the interest rate is applicable
Type: This message item is composed of the following CurrencyAndAmountRange element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Amount <Amt> [1..1]
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
Currency <Ccy> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to CurrencyAndAmountRange p.339 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.192 FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

For additional Type information, please refer to DateTimePeriodDetails p.345 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.193 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the interest, eg, yearly credit interest on a savings account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.194 RelatedParties <RltdPties>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the parties related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionParty1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.195 InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] +
2.196 Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] +
2.197 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.198 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] +
2.199 Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] +
2.200 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] +
2.201 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] +
2.202 TradingParty <TradgPty> [0..1] +
2.203 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]

2.195 InitiatingParty <InitgPty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party initiating the payment to an agent. In the payment context, this can either be the debtor (in a credit
transfer), the creditor (in a direct debit), or a party that initiates the payment on behalf of the debtor or creditor.
In the context of treasury, the party that instructs the trading party to execute a treasury deal on its behalf.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

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For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.196 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.197 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.198 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

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2.199 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.200 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor of the payment transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.201 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.202 TradingParty <TradgPty>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Party that plays an active role in planning and executing the transactions that create or liquidate investments
of the investors assets, or that move the investor's assets from one investment to another. A trading party is
a trade instructor, an investment decision-maker, a post trade administrator, or a trader. In the context of
treasury, it is the party negotiates and executes the treasury transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.203 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Provides proprietary party information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryParty1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.204 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.205 Party <Pty> [1..1] +

2.204 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of proprietary party reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.205 Party <Pty>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary party.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

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2.206 RelatedAgents <RltdAgts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the agents related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionAgents1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.207 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.208 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] +
2.209 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] +
2.210 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] +
2.211 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] +
2.212 ReceivingAgent <RcvgAgt> [0..1] +
2.213 DeliveringAgent <DlvrgAgt> [0..1] +
2.214 IssuingAgent <IssgAgt> [0..1] +
2.215 SettlementPlace <SttlmPlc> [0..1] +
2.216 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]

2.207 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.208 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.209 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent between
the debtor agent and the intermediary agent 2.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.210 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the intermediary agent 1 and the intermediary agent 3.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.211 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the intermediary agent 2 and
the creditor agent.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

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For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.212 ReceivingAgent <RcvgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that receives securities from the delivering agent at the place of settlement, eg, central securities
Can also be used in the context of treasury operations.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.213 DeliveringAgent <DlvrgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that delivers securities to the receiving agent at the place of settlement, eg, central securities depository.
Can also be used in the context of treasury operations.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.214 IssuingAgent <IssgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Legal entity that has the right to issue securities.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.215 SettlementPlace <SttlmPlc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Place where settlement of the securities takes place.

Note : this is typed by a financial institution identification - as this is the standard way of identifying eg
securities settlement agent/central system.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

2.216 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Proprietary agent related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryAgent1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.217 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.218 Agent <Agt> [1..1] +

2.217 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of proprietary agent reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.218 Agent <Agt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary agent.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]

For additional Type information, please refer to BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 p.346 in 'Message Item
Types' section.

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2.219 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction, eg, a charity payment, or a commercial agreement between
the creditor and the debtor.

Usage: purpose is used by the end-customers, ie originating party, initiating party, debtor, creditor, final
party, to provide information concerning the nature of the payment transaction. Purpose is a content element,
which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following Purpose1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.220 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.221 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.220 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.219 Purpose.
Definition: Specifies the underlying reason for the payment transaction, as published in an external purpose code list.
Data Type: ExternalPurposeCode
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.221 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.219 Purpose.
Definition: User community specific purpose.

Usage: When available, codes provided by local communities should be used.

Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.222 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf>

Presence: [0..10]
Definition: Information related to the handling of the remittance information by any of the agents in the transaction
processing chain.
Type: This message item is composed of the following RemittanceLocation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.223 RemittanceIdentification <RmtId> [0..1] Text
2.224 RemittanceLocationMethod <RmtLctnMtd> [0..1] Code
2.225 RemittanceLocationElectronicAddress <RmtLctnElctrncAdr> [0..1] Text
2.226 RemittanceLocationPostalAddress <RmtLctnPstlAdr> [0..1]

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2.223 RemittanceIdentification <RmtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the remittance information, e.g. a remittance advice, which is sent
separately from the payment instruction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.224 RemittanceLocationMethod <RmtLctnMtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the method used to deliver the remittance advice information.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following RemittanceLocationMethod1Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
EDIC ElectronicDataInterchange Remittance advice information must be sent through
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
EMAL EMail Remittance advice information must be sent through e-mail.
FAXI Fax Remittance advice information must be faxed.
POST Post Remittance advice information must be sent through postal
URID UniformResourceIdentifier Remittance advice information needs to be sent to a
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URI is a compact string
of characters that uniquely identify an abstract or physical
resource. URI's are the super-set of identifiers, such as
URLs, email addresses, ftp sites, etc, and as such, provide
the syntax for all of the identification schemes.

2.225 RemittanceLocationElectronicAddress <RmtLctnElctrncAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Electronic address to which an agent is to send the remittance information.
Data Type: Max256Text
Format: maxLength: 256
minLength: 1

2.226 RemittanceLocationPostalAddress <RmtLctnPstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Postal address to which an agent is to send the remittance information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NameAndAddress3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.227 Name <Nm> [1..1] Text
2.228 Address <Adr> [1..1] +

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2.227 Name <Nm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and is usually used to identify that identity.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

2.228 Address <Adr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Postal address of a party.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PostalAddress1 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PostalAddress1 p.369 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.229 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information that enables the matching, ie, reconciliation, of a payment with the items that the payment is
intended to settle, eg, commercial invoices in an account receivable system.
Type: This message item is composed of the following RemittanceInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.230 Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..n] Text
2.231 Structured <Strd> [0..n]

2.230 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle,
eg, commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system in an unstructured form.
Data Type: Max140Text
Format: maxLength: 140
minLength: 1

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2.231 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle,
eg, commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system in a structured form.
Type: This message item is composed of the following StructuredRemittanceInformation6 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.232 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..1]
2.238 ReferredDocumentRelatedDate <RfrdDocRltdDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.239 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..n]
2.245 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1]
2.251 Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] +
2.252 Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] +
2.253 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..1] Text

2.232 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information to allow the identification of the underlying reference documents.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ReferredDocumentInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.233 ReferredDocumentType <RfrdDocTp> [0..1]
2.237 ReferredDocumentNumber <RfrdDocNb> [0..1] Text

2.233 ReferredDocumentType <RfrdDocTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides the type of the referred document.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ReferredDocumentType1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.234 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.235 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.236 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.234 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.233 ReferredDocumentType.
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Data Type: Code

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One of the following DocumentType2Code values must be used:

Code Name Definition
CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.
CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the parties, stipulating
the terms and conditions of the delivery of goods or services.
CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinanc Document is a credit note for the final amount settled for a
ialAdjustment commercial transaction.
CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.
DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.
DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.
DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinanci Document is a debit note for the final amount settled for a
alAdjustment commercial transaction.
HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of human resources
or renting goods or equipment.
MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming payment for the supply of
metered services, eg, gas or electricity, supplied to a fixed
SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the debtor.
SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the transactions posted to the
debtor's account at the supplier.

2.235 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.233 ReferredDocumentType.
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.236 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.237 ReferredDocumentNumber <RfrdDocNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification number of the referred document.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.238 ReferredDocumentRelatedDate <RfrdDocRltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document, eg, date of issue.
Data Type: ISODate

2.239 ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Amount of money and currency of a document referred to in the remittance section. The amount is typically
either the original amount due and payable, or the amount actually remitted for the referred document.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ReferredDocumentAmount1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.240 {Or DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.241 Or DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.242 Or RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.243 Or CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.244 Or} TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [1..1] Amount

2.240 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.239 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.241 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.239 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the application of an agreed discount to the amount due and payable to the
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.242 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.239 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount of money remitted for the referred document.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.243 CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.239 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Amount specified for the referred document is the amount of a credit note.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.244 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.239 ReferredDocumentAmount.
Definition: Quantity of cash resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.245 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying documents.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CreditorReferenceInformation1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.246 CreditorReferenceType <CdtrRefTp> [0..1]
2.250 CreditorReference <CdtrRef> [0..1] Text

2.246 CreditorReferenceType <CdtrRefTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides the type of the creditor reference.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CreditorReferenceType1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.247 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.248 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
2.249 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.247 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.246 CreditorReferenceType.
Definition: Coded creditor reference type.
Data Type: Code
One of the following DocumentType3Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.
FXDR ForeignExchangeDealRefer Document is a pre-agreed or pre-arranged foreign exchange
ence transaction to which the payment transaction refers.
PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order.
RADM RemittanceAdviceMessage Document is a remittance advice sent separately from the
current transaction.
RPIN RelatedPaymentInstruction Document is a linked payment instruction to which the
current payment instruction is related, eg, in a cover
SCOR StructuredCommunicationR Document is a structured communication reference
eference provided by the creditor to identify the referred transaction.

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2.248 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.246 CreditorReferenceType.
Definition: Creditor reference type not avilable in a coded format.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.249 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the credit reference type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.250 CreditorReference <CdtrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous reference assigned by the creditor to refer to the payment transaction.

Usage: if available, the initiating party should provide this reference in the structured remittance information,
to enable reconciliation by the creditor upon receipt of the cash.

If the business context requires the use of a creditor reference or a payment remit identification, and only
one identifier can be passed through the end-to-end chain, the creditor's reference or payment remittance
identification should be quoted in the end-to-end transaction identification.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.251 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organization issuing the invoice when different than the creditor or final party.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.252 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when different than the originator or debtor.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.253 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Data Type: Max140Text
Format: maxLength: 140
minLength: 1

2.254 RelatedDates <RltdDts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the dates related to the underlying transactions.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TransactionDates1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.255 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.256 TradeDate <TradDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.257 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.258 StartDate <StartDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.259 EndDate <EndDt> [0..1] DateTime
2.260 TransactionDateTime <TxDtTm> [0..1] DateTime
2.261 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..n]

2.255 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point in time when the payment order from the initiating party meets the processing conditions of the account
servicing agent (debtor's agent in case of a credit transfer, creditor's agent in case of a direct debit). This
means - amongst others - that the account servicing agent has received the payment order and has applied
checks as eg, authorisation, availability of funds.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.256 TradeDate <TradDt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Date on which the trade was executed.

Data Type: ISODate

2.257 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and when the amount of
money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Data Type: ISODate

2.258 StartDate <StartDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Start date of the underlying transaction, such as a treasury transaction, an investment plan.
Data Type: ISODate

2.259 EndDate <EndDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: End date of the underlying transaction, such as a treasury transaction, an investment plan.
Data Type: ISODate

2.260 TransactionDateTime <TxDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.261 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Proprietary date related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryDate1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.262 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.263 {Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
2.264 Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

2.262 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of date reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.263 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]

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This message item is part of choice 2.261 Proprietary.

Definition: Date in ISO format.
Data Type: ISODate

2.264 DateTime <DtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.261 Proprietary.
Definition: Date and time in ISO format.
Data Type: ISODateTime

2.265 RelatedPrice <RltdPric>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the price information related to the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following TransactionPrice1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.266 {Or DealPrice <DealPric> [1..1] Amount
2.267 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..n]

2.266 DealPrice <DealPric>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.265 RelatedPrice.
Definition: Specifies the price of the traded financial instrument.
This is the deal price of the individual trade transaction.
If there is only one trade transaction for the execution of the trade, then the deal price could equal the executed
trade price (unless, for example, the price includes commissions or rounding, or some other factor has been
applied to the deal price or the executed trade price, or both).
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.267 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..n]
This message item is part of choice 2.265 RelatedPrice.
Definition: Proprietary price specification of the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryPrice1 element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.268 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.269 Price <Pric> [1..1] Amount

2.268 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of price reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.269 Price <Pric>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary price specification related to the underlying transaction.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

2.270 RelatedQuantities <RltdQties>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Identifies related quantities (eg of securities) in the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following TransactionQuantities1Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.271 {Or Quantity <Qty> [1..1] +
2.272 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]

2.271 Quantity <Qty>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.270 RelatedQuantities.
Definition: Specifies the quantity (eg of securities) in the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
{Or Unit <Unit> [1..1] Quantity

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

Or FaceAmount <FaceAmt> [1..1] Amount
Or} AmortisedValue <AmtsdVal> [1..1] Amount

For additional Type information, please refer to FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice p.371 in 'Message Item Types'

2.272 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.270 RelatedQuantities.
Definition: Proprietary quantities specification defined in the underlying transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryQuantity1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.273 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.274 Quantity <Qty> [1..1] Text

2.273 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of proprietary quantity reported.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.274 Quantity <Qty>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the proprietary quantity in free format.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.275 FinancialInstrumentIdentification <FinInstrmId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of a security, as assigned under a formal or proprietary identification scheme.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following SecurityIdentification4Choice element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.276 {Or ISIN <ISIN> [1..1] Identifier
2.277 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1]

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2.276 ISIN <ISIN>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.275 FinancialInstrumentIdentification.
Definition: International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation's
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix
representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit.
Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country.
Data Type: ISINIdentifier
Format: [A-Z0-9]{12,12}

2.277 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.275 FinancialInstrumentIdentification.
Definition: Proprietary identification of an underlying financial instrument.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AlternateSecurityIdentification2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.278 Type <Tp> [1..1] Text
2.279 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text

2.278 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifies the type of financial instrument identifier type.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.279 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier of a security.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.280 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money due to the government or tax authority, according to various pre-defined parameters such
as thresholds or income.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxInformation2 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
CreditorTaxIdentification <CdtrTaxId> [0..1] Text
CreditorTaxType <CdtrTaxTp> [0..1] Text

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Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

DebtorTaxIdentification <DbtrTaxId> [0..1] Text
TaxReferenceNumber <TaxRefNb> [0..1] Text
TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount
TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
TaxDate <TaxDt> [0..1] DateTime
TaxTypeInformation <TaxTpInf> [0..n]

For additional Type information, please refer to TaxInformation2 p.372 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.281 ReturnInformation <RtrInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements specifying the return information.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ReturnReasonInformation5 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.282 OriginalBankTransactionCode <OrgnlBkTxCd> [0..1]
2.291 ReturnOriginator <RtrOrgtr> [0..1] +
2.292 ReturnReason <RtrRsn> [0..1]
2.295 AdditionalReturnReasonInformation <AddtlRtrRsnInf> [0..n] Text

Rule(s): ReturnReasonRule
If ReturnReason/Code is equal to 'NARR', then at least one occurrence of AdditionalReturnReasonInformation
must be present.

2.282 OriginalBankTransactionCode <OrgnlBkTxCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Bank transaction code included in the original entry for the transaction.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.283 Domain <Domn> [0..1]
2.288 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1]

Rule(s): DomainAndProprietary1Rule
If Domain is absent, then Proprietary must be present.

If Proprietary is absent, then Domain must be present.

A specific (non-generic) SubFamily code may only be provided if a specific (non-generic) Family code is present.

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2.283 Domain <Domn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the domain, the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, in a structured and
hierarchical format.

Usage: If a specific family or subfamily code cannot be provided, the generic family code defined for the
domain or the generic subfamily code defined for the family should be provided.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure2 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.284 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.285 Family <Fmly> [1..1]

2.284 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the business area of the underlying transaction.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.285 Family <Fmly>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family and the sub-family of the bank transaction code, within a specific domain, in a structured
and hierarchical format.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BankTransactionCodeStructure3 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.286 Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.287 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> [1..1] Code

2.286 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the family within a domain.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1

2.287 SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.
Data Type: ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Format: maxLength: 4

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minLength: 1

2.288 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
Type: This message item is composed of the following ProprietaryBankTransactionCodeStructure1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.289 Code <Cd> [1..1] Text
2.290 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

2.289 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.290 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.291 ReturnOriginator <RtrOrgtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party issuing the return.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PartyIdentification8 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
Identification <Id> [0..1]
CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

For additional Type information, please refer to PartyIdentification8 p.358 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.292 ReturnReason <RtrRsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the return.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ReturnReason1Choice element(s):

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Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.293 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
2.294 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

2.293 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.292 ReturnReason.
Definition: Reason for the return in a coded form.
Data Type: Code
One of the following TransactionRejectReason2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber Format of the account number specified is not correct.
AC04 ClosedAccountNumber Account number specified has been closed on the Receiver's
AC06 BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of
transactions against it.
AG01 TransactionForbidden Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly
AG02 InvalidBankOperationCode Bank Operation code specified in the message is not valid
for receiver.
AM01 ZeroAmount Specified message amount is equal to zero.
AM02 NotAllowedAmount Specified transaction/message amount is greater than
allowed maximum.
AM03 NotAllowedCurrency Specified message amount is in an non processable currency
outside of existing agreement.
AM04 InsufficientFunds Amount of funds available to cover specified message
amount is insufficient.
AM05 Duplication This message appears to have been duplicated.
AM06 TooLowAmount Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum.
AM07 BlockedAmount Amount specified in message has been blocked by
regulatory authorities.
AM09 WrongAmount Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected.
AM10 InvalidControlSum Sum of instructed amounts does not equal the control sum.
BE01 InconsistentWithEndCustom Identification of end customer is not consistent with
er associated account number. (formerly CreditorConsistency)
BE04 MissingCreditorAddress Specification of creditor's address, which is required for
payment, is missing/not correct (formerly
BE05 UnrecognisedInitiatingParty Party who initiated the message is not recognised by the end

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Code Name Definition

BE06 UnknownEndCustomer End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/
National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books.
BE07 MissingDebtorAddress Specification of debtor's address, which is required for
payment, is missing/not correct.
DT01 InvalidDate Invalid date (eg, wrong settlement date).
ED01 CorrespondentBankNotPoss Correspondent bank not possible.
ED03 BalanceInfoRequested Balance of payments complementary info is requested.
ED05 SettlementFailed Settlement of the transaction has failed.
MD01 NoMandate Mandate is cancelled or invalid.
MD02 MissingMandatoryInformati Mandate related information data required by the scheme is
onInMandate missing.
MD03 InvalidFileFormatForOther File format incomplete or invalid.
MD04 InvalidFileFormatForGroupi File format incorrect in terms of grouping indicator.
MD06 RefundRequestByEndCusto Return of funds requested by end customer.
MD07 EndCustomerDeceased End customer is deceased.
MS02 NotSpecifiedReasonCustom Reason has not been specified by end customer.
MS03 NotSpecifiedReasonAgentG Reason has not been specified by agent.
NARR Narrative Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional
reason information.
RC01 BankIdentifierIncorrect Bank identifier code specified in the message has an
incorrect format (formerly
RF01 NotUniqueTransactionRefer Transaction reference is not unique within the message.
TM01 CutOffTime Associated message was received after agreed processing
cut-off time.

2.294 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.292 ReturnReason.
Definition: Reason for the return not catered for by the available codes.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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2.295 AdditionalReturnReasonInformation <AddtlRtrRsnInf>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Further details on the return reason.
Data Type: Max105Text
Format: maxLength: 105
minLength: 1

2.296 CorporateAction <CorpActn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements identifying the underlying corporate action.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CorporateAction1 element(s):
Index Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.297 Code <Cd> [0..1] Text
2.298 Number <Nb> [0..1] Text
2.299 Proprietary <Prtry> [0..1] Text

2.297 Code <Cd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the code of corporate action event, in free-text format.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.298 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference assigned by the account servicer to unambiguously identify a corporate action event.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.299 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Proprietary corporate action event information.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

2.300 SafekeepingAccount <SfkpgAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Safekeeping or investment account. A safekeeping account is an account on which a securities entry is made.
An investment account is an account between an investor(s) and a fund manager or a fund. The account can

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contain holdings in any investment fund or investment fund class managed (or distributed) by the fund
manager, within the same fund family.
Type: This message item is composed of the following CashAccount7 element(s):
Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
Identification <Id> [1..1]
Type <Tp> [0..1]
Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

For additional Type information, please refer to CashAccount7 p.335 in 'Message Item Types' section.

2.301 AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the transaction details.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

2.302 AdditionalEntryInformation <AddtlNtryInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the entry details.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

2.303 AdditionalNotificationInformation <AddtlNtfctnInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details on the account notification.
Data Type: Max500Text
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1

Business Example

Besides providing an intraday AccountReport at 12.30 PM (see example with AccountReport), AAAA Banken and
Finpetrol have agreed on a credit notification service, for all incoming credits above a certain threshold. On 18 October,
at 1.20 PM, AAAASESS sends a DebitCreditNotification to Company Finpetrol, to advise Finpetrol of an incoming credit
on its account.

Business Description

Element <XMLTag> Content

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Group Header <GrpHdr>

MessageIdentification <MsgId> AAAASESS-FP-00001
CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> 2007-10-18T13:20:00+01:00
Notification <Ntfctn>
Identification <Id> AAAASESS-FP-CN-98765
CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> 2007-10-18T13:20:00+01:00
Account <Acct>
Identification <Id>
ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct>
ID <Id> 50000000054910000003
Owner <Ownr>
Servicer <Svcr>
FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>
NameAndPostalAddress <NmAndAdr>
Country <Ctry> SE
Entry <Ntry>
Amount <Amt Ccy=SEK> 105678.50
CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> CRDT
Status <Sts> BOOK
BookingDate <BookgDt>
DateTime <DtTm> 2007-10-18T13:15:00+01:00
ValueDate <ValDt>
Date <Dt> 2007-10-18
AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> AAAASESS-FP-CN-98765/01
BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>
Domain <Domn>
Code <Cd> PAYM
Family <Fmly>
Code <Cd> 0001
SubFamilyCode <SbFmlyCd> 0005
TransactionDetails <TxDtls>
References <Refs>
EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId>FIN MUELL/FINP/RA12345
RelatedParties <RltdPties>
Debtor <Dbtr>

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XML Instance

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

<Document xmlns = "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.054.001.01" xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/
<Amt Ccy = "SEK">105678.50</Amt>
<DtTm> 2007-10-18T13:15:00+01:00</DtTm>

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Message Item Types

Message Item Types

Data Types
Data Types Index
1 Amount
1.1 CurrencyAndAmount
1.2 ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount

2 Date Time
2.1 ISODate
2.2 ISODateTime
2.3 ISOTime
2.4 ISOYear

3 Identifier
3.1 AustrianBankleitzahlIdentifier
3.2 BBANIdentifier
3.3 BEIIdentifier
3.4 BICIdentifier
3.5 BelgianIdentifier
3.6 BloombergIdentifier
3.7 CHIPSParticipantIdentifier
3.8 CHIPSUniversalIdentifier
3.9 CUSIPIdentifier
3.10 CanadianPaymentsARNIdentifier
3.11 ConsolidatedTapeAssociationIdentifier
3.12 CountryCode
3.13 CurrencyCode
3.14 DunsIdentifier
3.15 DutchIdentifier
3.16 EANGLNIdentifier
3.17 EuroclearClearstreamIdentifier
3.18 ExtensiveBranchNetworkIdentifier
3.19 ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
3.20 ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
3.21 ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
3.22 ExternalClearingSystemMemberCode
3.23 ExternalPurposeCode
3.24 FedwireRoutingNumberIdentifier
3.25 GermanBankleitzahlIdentifier
3.26 HellenicBankIdentificationCodeIdentifier
3.27 HongKongBankIdentifier
3.28 IBANIdentifier
3.29 IBEIIdentifier
3.30 ISINIdentifier
3.31 IndianFinancialSystemCodeIdentifier
3.32 IrishNSCIdentifier
3.33 ItalianDomesticIdentifier

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Message Item Types

3.34 LanguageCode
3.35 MICIdentifier
3.36 NationalityCode
3.37 NewZealandNCCIdentifier
3.38 PolishNationalClearingCodeIdentifier
3.39 PortugueseNCCIdentifier
3.40 QUICKIdentifier
3.41 RICIdentifier
3.42 RussianCentralBankIdentificationCodeIdentifier
3.43 SEDOLIdentifier
3.44 SicovamIdentifier
3.45 SmallNetworkIdentifier
3.46 SouthAfricanNCCIdentifier
3.47 SpanishDomesticInterbankingIdentifier
3.48 SwissBCIdentifier
3.49 SwissSICIdentifier
3.50 TickerIdentifier
3.51 UKDomesticSortCodeIdentifier
3.52 UPICIdentifier
3.53 ValorenIdentifier
3.54 WertpapierIdentifier

4 Quantity: Number and Decimal Number

4.1 DecimalNumber
4.2 Number

5 Rate
5.1 BaseOneRate
5.2 PercentageRate

6 Text
6.1 Max1025Text
6.2 Max105Text
6.3 Max128Text
6.4 Max140Text
6.5 Max15NumericText
6.6 Max15PlusSignedNumericText
6.7 Max16Text
6.8 Max256Text
6.9 Max34Text
6.10 Max350Text
6.11 Max35Text
6.12 Max3NumericText
6.13 Max4AlphaNumericText
6.14 Max500Text
6.15 Max5NumericText
6.16 Max6Text
6.17 Max70Text

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Message Item Types

Data Types Description

1 Amount
1.1 CurrencyAndAmount
Definition: Number of monetary units specified in a currency, where the unit of currency is explicit
and compliant with ISO 4217. The decimal separator is a dot.
Note: A zero amount is considered a positive amount.
XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy). This XML Attribute is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode
Example: 100000 (Ccy='EUR')

1.2 ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount
Definition: Number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of currency is implied by
the context and compliant with ISO 4217. The decimal separator is a dot.
Note: a zero amount is considered a positive amount.
Format: fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Example: 500000

2 Date Time
2.1 ISODate
Definition: A particular point in the progression of time in a calendar year expressed in the YYYY-
MM-DD format. This representation is defined in "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second
Edition - W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004" which is aligned with ISO 8601.
Example: 2002-02-25

2.2 ISODateTime
Definition: A particular point in the progression of time defined by a mandatory date and a mandatory
time component, expressed in either UTC time format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ),
local time with UTC offset format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+/-hh:mm), or local time
format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss). These representations are defined in "XML
Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition - W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004" which
is aligned with ISO 8601.
Note on the time format:
1) beginning / end of calendar day
00:00:00 = the beginning of a calendar day

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Message Item Types

24:00:00 = the end of a calendar day

2) fractions of second in time format
Decimal fractions of seconds may be included. In this case, the involved parties shall agree
on the maximum number of digits that are allowed.
Example: 2002-07-21T08:35:30

2.3 ISOTime
Definition: A particular point in the progression of time in a calendar day expressed in either UTC time
format (hh:mm:ss.sssZ), local time with UTC offset format (hh:mm:ss.sss+/-hh:mm), or
local time format (hh:mm:ss.sss). These representations are defined in "XML Schema Part
2: Datatypes Second Edition - W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004" which is aligned
with ISO 8601.
Note on the time format:
1) beginning / end of calendar day
00:00:00 = the beginning of a calendar day
24:00:00 = the end of a calendar day
2) fractions of second in time format
Decimal fractions of seconds may be included. In this case, the involved parties shall agree
on the maximum number of digits that are allowed.
Example: 16:34:44

2.4 ISOYear
Definition: Year represented by YYYY (ISO 8601)
Example: 2000

3 Identifier
3.1 AustrianBankleitzahlIdentifier
Definition: Austrian Bankleitzahl. Identifies Austrian financial institutions on the Austrian national
clearing system.
Format: AT[0-9]{5,5}
Example: AT12345

3.2 BBANIdentifier
Definition: Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN). Identifier used nationally by financial institutions,
ie, in individual countries, generally as part of a National Account Numbering Scheme(s),
which uniquely identifies the account of a customer.
Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
Example: BARC12345612345678

3.3 BEIIdentifier
Definition: Business Entity Identifier. Code allocated to non-financial institutions by the ISO 9362
Registration Authority. The Business Entity Identifier (BEI) has the same format as the BIC
code (8 up to 11 characters) as stipulated in the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking
Telecommunication Messages, Bank Identifier Codes, BIC).

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Message Item Types

Format: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}
Rule(s): BEI
Only Business Entity Identifiers registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority and
consisting of 8 or 11 contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the
BRANCH CODE, are valid BEIs.


3.4 BICIdentifier
Definition: Bank Identifier Code. code allocated to a financial institution by a Registration Authority
under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the
international standard ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Bank
identifier codes".
Format: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}
Rule(s): BIC
Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight
(8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following
The bank code, country code and location code are mandatory, while the branch code is

Example: CHASUS33

3.5 BelgianIdentifier
Definition: Identifier for Belgian securities.
Example: 359203

3.6 BloombergIdentifier
Definition: An identifier of a security assigned by the Bloomberg organisation.
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1
Example: GGF.FP

3.7 CHIPSParticipantIdentifier
Definition: (United States) Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) Participant Identifier
(ID). Identifies financial institutions participating on CHIPS. The CHIPS Participant ID is
assigned by the New York Clearing House.
Format: CP[0-9]{4,4}
Example: CP1234

3.8 CHIPSUniversalIdentifier
Definition: (United States) Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) Universal
Identification (UID). Identifies entities that own accounts at CHIPS participating financial

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Message Item Types

institutions, through which CHIPS payments are effected. The CHIPS UID is assigned by
the New York Clearing House.
Format: CH[0-9]{6,6}
Example: CH123456

3.9 CUSIPIdentifier
Definition: Committee on Uniform Securities and Identification Procedures (CUSIP). The standards
body that created and maintains the securities classification system in the US. Non-US
securities have a similar number called the CINS number.
Example: 3134A33L8

3.10 CanadianPaymentsARNIdentifier
Definition: Canadian Payments Association Routing Number. Identifies Canadian financial institutions
on the Canadian national clearing system.
Format: CA[0-9]{9,9}
Example: CA123456789

3.11 ConsolidatedTapeAssociationIdentifier
Definition: Identifier of a security assigned by the Consolidated Tape Association.
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1
Example: 483894

3.12 CountryCode
Definition: Code to identify a country, a dependency, or another area of particular geopolitical interest,
on the basis of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code).
Format: [A-Z]{2,2}
Rule(s): Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations
(ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code).

Example: BE

3.13 CurrencyCode
Definition: Code allocated to a currency, by a maintenance agency, under an international identification
scheme as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for
the representation of currencies and funds". Valid currency codes are registered with the
ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, and consist of three contiguous letters.
Format: [A-Z]{3,3}
Rule(s): ValidationByTable
Example: AWG

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Message Item Types

3.14 DunsIdentifier
Definition: Data Universal Numbering System. A unique identification number provided by Dun &
Bradstreet to identify an organization.
Format: [0-9]{9,9}
Example: 578942538

3.15 DutchIdentifier
Definition: Identifier for Dutch securities.
Example: 234123

3.16 EANGLNIdentifier
Definition: Global Location Number. A non-significant reference number used to identify legal entities,
functional entities or physical entities according to the European Association for Numbering
(EAN) numbering scheme rules. The number is used to retrieve the detailed information
linked to it.
Format: [0-9]{13,13}
Example: 7265658971233

3.17 EuroclearClearstreamIdentifier
Definition: Identifier of securities issued in Luxembourg. The common code is a 9-digit code that
replaces the CEDEL (Clearstream) and Euroclear codes.
Format: maxLength: 12
minLength: 1
Example: 12197

3.18 ExtensiveBranchNetworkIdentifier
Definition: The extensive branch network list of the Australian Bank State Branch (BSB) Code. The
codes are used for identifying Australian financial institutions, as assigned by the Australian
Payments Clearing Association (APCA).
Format: AU[0-9]{6,6}
Example: AU123456

3.19 ExternalBankTransactionDomainCode
Definition: Specifies the external domain code of the bank transaction code in the format of character
string with a maximum length of 4 characters.
The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1
Example: D001

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Message Item Types

3.20 ExternalBankTransactionFamilyCode
Definition: Specifies the external family code of the bank transaction code in the format of character
string with a maximum length of 4 characters.
The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately, and is a sub-list of the
bank transaction domain list.
Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1
Example: F001

3.21 ExternalBankTransactionSubFamilyCode
Definition: Specifies the external sub-family code of the bank transaction code in the format of character
string with a maximum length of 4 characters.
The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately, and is a sub-list of the
bank transaction family code list.

Format: maxLength: 4
minLength: 1
Example: S001

3.22 ExternalClearingSystemMemberCode
Definition: Specifies the external clearing system member code in the format of character string with
a maximum length of 35 characters.
The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1
Example: External Member Code 1

3.23 ExternalPurposeCode
Definition: Specifies the external purpose code in the format of character string with a maximum length
of 35 characters.
The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1
Example: External Purpose Code 1

3.24 FedwireRoutingNumberIdentifier
Definition: Fedwire Routing Number. Identifies financial institutions, in the US, on the FedWire
system. The routing number is assigned by the American Bankers Association (ABA).
Format: FW[0-9]{9,9}
Example: FW123456789

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Message Item Types

3.25 GermanBankleitzahlIdentifier
Definition: German Bankleitzahl. Identifies German financial institutions on the German national
clearing systems.
Format: BL[0-9]{8,8}
Example: BL12345678

3.26 HellenicBankIdentificationCodeIdentifier
Definition: Hellenic Bank Identification Code Identifier. Identifies Greek financial institutions on the
greek national clearing system.
Format: GR[0-9]{7,7}
Example: GR1234567

3.27 HongKongBankIdentifier
Definition: Hong Kong Bank Code. Identifies Hong Kong financial institutions on the Hong Kong local
clearing system.
Format: HK[0-9]{3,3}
Example: HK123

3.28 IBANIdentifier
Definition: An identifier used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account
of a customer at a financial institution, as described in the latest edition of the international
standard ISO 13616. "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account
Number (IBAN)".
Format: [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
Rule(s): IBAN
A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits
and BBAN.

Example: AT611904300234573201

3.29 IBEIIdentifier
Definition: International Business Entity Identifier to uniquely identify business entities playing a role
in the lifecycle of and events related to a financial instrument. (tentative - to be confirmed).
Format: [A-Z]{2,2}[B-DF-HJ-NP-TV-XZ0-9]{7,7}[0-9]{1,1}
Example: DEXBC823N0

3.30 ISINIdentifier
Definition: International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by
the United Nation's International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is
composed of a 2-character prefix representing the country of issue, followed by the national
security number (if one exists), and a check digit. Each country has a national numbering
agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country.
Format: [A-Z0-9]{12,12}

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Message Item Types

Example: US3134A33L82

3.31 IndianFinancialSystemCodeIdentifier
Definition: Indian Financial System Code Identifier. Identifies Indian financial institutions on the Indian
national clearing system.
Format: IN[a-zA-Z0-9]{11,11}
Example: IN12azBX12345

3.32 IrishNSCIdentifier
Definition: Irish National Sorting Code. Identifies Irish financial institutions on the Irish national
clearing system.
Format: IE[0-9]{6,6}
Example: IE123456

3.33 ItalianDomesticIdentifier
Definition: Italian Domestic Identification Code. Identifies Italian financial institutions on the Italian
national clearing system. The code is assigned by the Associazione Bancaria Italiana (ABI).
Format: IT[0-9]{10,10}
Example: IT1234567890

3.34 LanguageCode
Definition: Specifies a language.
Rule(s): ValidationByTable
Example: ENG

3.35 MICIdentifier
Definition: Market Identifier Code. The identification of a financial market, as stipulated in the norm
ISO 10383 'Codes for exchanges and market identifications'.
Format: [A-Z0-9]{4,4}
Example: XTKS

3.36 NationalityCode
Definition: Specifies the country where a person was born or is naturalised.
Rule(s): ValidationByTable
Example: US

3.37 NewZealandNCCIdentifier
Definition: New Zealand Bank/Branch Code. Identifies New Zealand institutions on the New Zealand
national clearing system. The code is assigned by the New Zealand Bankers' Association
Format: NZ[0-9]{6,6}

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Message Item Types

Example: NZ123456

3.38 PolishNationalClearingCodeIdentifier
Definition: Polish National Clearing Code Identifier. Identifies Polish financial institutions on the
Polish national clearing system.
Format: PL[0-9]{8,8}
Example: PL12345678

3.39 PortugueseNCCIdentifier
Definition: Portuguese National Clearing Code. Identifies Portuguese financial institutions on the
Portuguese national clearing system.
Format: PT[0-9]{8,8}
Example: PT12345678

3.40 QUICKIdentifier
Definition: Identifier of a security assigned by the Japanese QUICK identification scheme for financial
Example: 97334

3.41 RICIdentifier
Definition: Reuters Identification Code (RIC). A numbering system used within the Reuters system to
identify instruments worldwide. The RIC contains an X-character market specific code (can
be the CUSIP or EPIC codes) followed by a full stop, then the two-digit ISO country code,
eg, IBM in UK is IBM.UK.
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1
Example: TDVd.CR

3.42 RussianCentralBankIdentificationCodeIdentifier
Definition: Russian Central Bank Identification Code. Identifies Russian financial institutions on the
Russian national clearing system.
Format: RU[0-9]{9,9}
Example: RU123456789

3.43 SEDOLIdentifier
Definition: Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL) number. A code used by the London Stock
Exchange to identify foreign stocks, especially those that aren't actively traded in the US
and don't have a CUSIP number.
Example: 5719210

3.44 SicovamIdentifier
Definition: Identifier for French securities assigned by the Societe Interprofessionnelle Pour La
Compensation des Valeurs Mobilieres in France. The Sicovam is composed of 5-digits.

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Example: 12777

3.45 SmallNetworkIdentifier
Definition: The small network list of the Australian Bank State Branch (BSB) Code. The codes are
used for identifying Australian financial institutions, as assigned by the Australian Payments
Clearing Association (APCA).
Format: AU[0-9]{6,6}
Example: AU123456

3.46 SouthAfricanNCCIdentifier
Definition: South African National Clearing Code (NCC). Identifies South African financial institutions
on the South African national clearing system. The code is assigned by the South African
Bankers Services Company Ltd. (BankServ).
Format: ZA[0-9]{6,6}
Example: ZA123456

3.47 SpanishDomesticInterbankingIdentifier
Definition: Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code. Identifies Spanish financial institutions on the
Spanish national clearing system. The code is assigned by the Centro de Cooperacion
Interbancaria (CCI).
Format: ES[0-9]{8,9}
Example: ES12345678

3.48 SwissBCIdentifier
Definition: Swiss Bank Code. Identifies Swiss institutions on the Swiss national clearing system.
Format: SW[0-9]{3,5}
Example: SW123

3.49 SwissSICIdentifier
Definition: Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) Code. Identifies Swiss financial institutions domestically,
on the Swiss national clearing system.
Format: SW[0-9]{6,6}
Example: SW123456

3.50 TickerIdentifier
Definition: Letters that identify a stock traded on a stock exchange. The Ticker Symbol is a short and
convenient way of identifying a stock, eg, RTR.L for Reuters quoted in London.
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1
Example: SOL

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3.51 UKDomesticSortCodeIdentifier
Definition: United Kingdom (UK) Sort Code. Identifies British financial institutions on the British
national clearing systems. The sort code is assigned by the Association for Payments and
Clearing Services (APACS).
Format: SC[0-9]{6,6}
Example: SC123456

3.52 UPICIdentifier
Definition: Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC). Identifier used by the New York Clearing
House to mask confidential data, such as bank accounts and bank routing numbers. UPIC
numbers remain with business customers, regardless of banking relationship changes.
Format: [0-9]{8,17}
Example: 12345678

3.53 ValorenIdentifier
Definition: Identifier for Swiss securities assigned by Telekurs Financial, the Swiss numbering agency.
Example: 832614

3.54 WertpapierIdentifier
Definition: Wertpapier Kenn-nummer. A number issued in Germany by the Wertpapier
Mitteilungen.The Wertpapier Kenn-nummer, sometimes called WPK, contains 6-digits, but
no check digit. There are different ranges of numbers representing different classes of
Example: 911958

4 Quantity: Number and Decimal Number

4.1 DecimalNumber
Definition: Number of objects represented as a decimal number, eg, 0.75 or 45.6.
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18
Example: 123456789.123456789

4.2 Number
Definition: Number of objects represented as an integer.
Format: fractionDigits: 0
totalDigits: 18
Example: 123456789012345678

5 Rate
5.1 BaseOneRate
Definition: Rate expressed as a decimal, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 and 70%.

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Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11
Example: 0.60

5.2 PercentageRate
Definition: Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and 7.0 is 7%.
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11
Example: 35

6 Text
6.1 Max1025Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 1025 characters.
Format: maxLength: 1025
minLength: 1

6.2 Max105Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 105 characters.
Format: maxLength: 105
minLength: 1
Example: azefgvgldfpgtvcvlmgovl;v ; :B;lgkdfwxcvljfqsifj

6.3 Max128Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 128 characters.
Format: maxLength: 128
minLength: 1
Example: A string value of maximum 128 characters.

6.4 Max140Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 140 characters.
Format: maxLength: 140
minLength: 1
Example: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456

6.5 Max15NumericText
Definition: Specifies a numeric string with a maximum length of 15 digits.
Format: [0-9]{1,15}
Example: 458793625148975

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6.6 Max15PlusSignedNumericText
Definition: Specifies a numeric string with a maximum length of 15 digits and may be prefixed with a
plus sign.
Format: [+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}
Example: +2450

6.7 Max16Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 16 characters.
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

6.8 Max256Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 256 characters.
Format: maxLength: 256
minLength: 1
Example: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456

6.9 Max34Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 34 characters.
Format: maxLength: 34
minLength: 1
Example: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST12345678901234

6.10 Max350Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 350 characters.
Format: maxLength: 350
minLength: 1
Example: 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012

6.11 Max35Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 35 characters.
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1
Example: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST123456789012345

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6.12 Max3NumericText
Definition: Specifies a numeric string with a maximum length of 3 digits.
Format: [0-9]{1,3}
Example: 003

6.13 Max4AlphaNumericText
Definition: Specifies an alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 4 characters.
Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}
Example: aBc9

6.14 Max500Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 350 characters.
Format: maxLength: 500
minLength: 1
Example: 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012

6.15 Max5NumericText
Definition: Specifies a numeric string with a maximum length of 5 digits.
Format: [0-9]{1,5}
Example: 1

6.16 Max6Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 6 characters.
Format: maxLength: 6
minLength: 1
Example: ABCDEF

6.17 Max70Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 70characters.
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1
Example: A string value of maximum 70 characters.

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Message Item Types

End Points
End Points Index
1 Account identification
1.1 AccountIdentification3Choice
1.2 CashAccount7

2 Amount range
2.1 CurrencyAndAmountRange

3 CurrencyExchange
3.1 CurrencyExchange3

4 Date time
4.1 DateAndDateTimeChoice

5 Date time period

5.1 DateTimePeriodDetails

6 Financial institution identification

6.1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3

7 Party identification
7.1 PartyIdentification8

8 Postal address
8.1 PostalAddress1

9 Securities quantity
9.1 FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice

10 Tax
10.1 TaxInformation2

End Points Description

1 Account identification
1.1 AccountIdentification3Choice
AccountIdentification3Choice is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.7, message
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.222, message BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.114.

Definition: Unique identifier of an account as assigned by the account servicer.

Type: One of the following AccountIdentification3Choice element(s) must be used:

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Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

1.1.0 {Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] Identifier
1.1.1 Or BBAN <BBAN> [1..1] Identifier
1.1.2 Or UPIC <UPIC> [1..1] Identifier
1.1.3 Or} ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct> [1..1]
1.1.4 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text

1.1.0 IBAN <IBAN>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.1 AccountIdentification3Choice.
Definition: International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identifier used internationally by financial institutions to
uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the IBAN
can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account
Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions.
Data Type: IBANIdentifier
Format: [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
Rule(s): IBAN
A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and BBAN.

1.1.1 BBAN <BBAN>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.1 AccountIdentification3Choice.
Definition: Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) - identifier used nationally by financial institutions, ie, in individual
countries, generally as part of a National Account Numbering Scheme(s), to uniquely identify the account
of a customer.
Data Type: BBANIdentifier
Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}

1.1.2 UPIC <UPIC>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.1 AccountIdentification3Choice.
Definition: Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) - identifier used by the New York Clearing House to mask
confidential data, such as bank accounts and bank routing numbers. UPIC numbers remain with business
customers, regardless of banking relationship changes.
Data Type: UPICIdentifier
Format: [0-9]{8,17}

1.1.3 ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.1 AccountIdentification3Choice.
Definition: Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.

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Type: This message item is composed of the following SimpleIdentificationInformation2 element(s):

Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.1.4 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text

1.1.4 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.
Data Type: Max34Text
Format: maxLength: 34
minLength: 1

1.2 CashAccount7
CashAccount7 is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.7, p.13, p.13, p.16, message
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.222, p.228, p.228, p.231, message BankToCustomerStatementV01
p.114, p.120, p.120, p.123.

Definition: Information used for identifying an account.

Type: The following CashAccount7 element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.2.0 Identification <Id> [1..1]
1.2.1 {Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] Identifier
1.2.2 Or BBAN <BBAN> [1..1] Identifier
1.2.3 Or UPIC <UPIC> [1..1] Identifier
1.2.4 Or} ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct> [1..1]
1.2.5 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
1.2.6 Type <Tp> [0..1]
1.2.7 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
1.2.8 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
1.2.9 Currency <Ccy> [0..1] Code
1.2.10 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

1.2.0 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the account between the account owner and the account servicer.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following AccountIdentification3Choice element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.2.1 {Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] Identifier

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Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

1.2.2 Or BBAN <BBAN> [1..1] Identifier
1.2.3 Or UPIC <UPIC> [1..1] Identifier
1.2.4 Or} ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct> [1..1]

1.2.1 IBAN <IBAN>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.2.0 Identification.
Definition: International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identifier used internationally by financial institutions to
uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the IBAN
can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account
Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions.
Data Type: IBANIdentifier
Format: [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
Rule(s): IBAN
A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and BBAN.

1.2.2 BBAN <BBAN>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.2.0 Identification.
Definition: Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) - identifier used nationally by financial institutions, ie, in individual
countries, generally as part of a National Account Numbering Scheme(s), to uniquely identify the account
of a customer.
Data Type: BBANIdentifier
Format: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}

1.2.3 UPIC <UPIC>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.2.0 Identification.
Definition: Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) - identifier used by the New York Clearing House to mask
confidential data, such as bank accounts and bank routing numbers. UPIC numbers remain with business
customers, regardless of banking relationship changes.
Data Type: UPICIdentifier
Format: [0-9]{8,17}

1.2.4 ProprietaryAccount <PrtryAcct>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.2.0 Identification.
Definition: Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.
Type: This message item is composed of the following SimpleIdentificationInformation2 element(s):

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Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

1.2.5 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text

1.2.5 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.
Data Type: Max34Text
Format: maxLength: 34
minLength: 1

1.2.6 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Nature, or use, of the account.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following CashAccountType2 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
1.2.7 {Or Code <Cd> [1..1] Code
1.2.8 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

1.2.7 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.2.6 Type.
Definition: Nature or use of the account in a coded form.
Data Type: Code
One of the following CashAccountType4Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CACC Current Account used to post debits and credits when no specific
account has been nominated.
CASH CashPayment Account used for the payment of cash.
CHAR Charges Account used for charges if different from the account for
CISH CashIncome Account used for payment of income if different from the
current cash account.
COMM Commission Account used for commission if different from the account
for payment.
LOAN Loan Account used for loans.
MGLD MarginalLending Account used for a marginal lending facility.
MOMA MoneyMarket Account used for money markets if different from the cash
NREX NonResidentExternal Account used for non-resident external.

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Message Item Types

Code Name Definition

ODFT Overdraft Account is used for overdrafts.
ONDP OverNightDeposit Account used for overnight deposits.
SACC Settlement Account used to post debit and credit entries, as a result of
transactions cleared and settled through a specific clearing
and settlement system.
SLRY Salary Accounts used for salary payments.
SVGS Savings Account used for savings.
TAXE Tax Account used for taxes if different from the account for
TRAS CashTrading Account used for trading if different from the current cash

1.2.8 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 1.2.6 Type.
Definition: Proprietary nature or use of the account.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

1.2.9 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several currencies
and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Data Type: CurrencyCode
Format: [A-Z]{3,3}
Rule(s): ValidationByTable

1.2.10 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, assigned by the account servicing institution in agreement with the account owner in
order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage : the account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in certain
user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account owner's identity
and the account number.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

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2 Amount range
2.1 CurrencyAndAmountRange
CurrencyAndAmountRange is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.7, p.11, p.13, message
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.225, p.227, message BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.114, p.118,

Definition: Range of amount values.

Type: The following CurrencyAndAmountRange element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1.0 Amount <Amt> [1..1]
2.1.1 {Or FromAmount <FrAmt> [1..1]
2.1.2 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.3 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator
2.1.4 Or ToAmount <ToAmt> [1..1]
2.1.5 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.6 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator
2.1.7 Or FromToAmount <FrToAmt> [1..1]
2.1.8 FromAmount <FrAmt> [1..1]
2.1.9 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.10 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator
2.1.11 ToAmount <ToAmt> [1..1]
2.1.12 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.13 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator
2.1.14 Or EqualAmount <EQAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.15 Or} NotEqualAmount <NEQAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.16 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] Code
2.1.17 Currency <Ccy> [1..1] Code

2.1.0 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specified amount or amount range.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ImpliedCurrencyAmountRangeChoice element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1.1 {Or FromAmount <FrAmt> [1..1]
2.1.4 Or ToAmount <ToAmt> [1..1]
2.1.7 Or FromToAmount <FrToAmt> [1..1]

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Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

2.1.14 Or EqualAmount <EQAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.15 Or} NotEqualAmount <NEQAmt> [1..1] Amount

2.1.1 FromAmount <FrAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.1.0 Amount.
Definition: Lower boundary of a range of amount values.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountRangeBoundary1 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1.2 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.3 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator

2.1.2 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount value of the range limit.
Data Type: ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount
Format: fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.1.3 Included <Incl>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the boundary amount is included in the range of amount values.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

2.1.4 ToAmount <ToAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.1.0 Amount.
Definition: Upper boundary of a range of amount values.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountRangeBoundary1 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1.5 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.6 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator

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2.1.5 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount value of the range limit.
Data Type: ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount
Format: fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.1.6 Included <Incl>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the boundary amount is included in the range of amount values.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

2.1.7 FromToAmount <FrToAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.1.0 Amount.
Definition: Range of valid amount values.
Type: This message item is composed of the following FromToAmountRange element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1.8 FromAmount <FrAmt> [1..1]
2.1.11 ToAmount <ToAmt> [1..1]

2.1.8 FromAmount <FrAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Lower boundary of a range of amount values.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountRangeBoundary1 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1.9 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.10 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator

2.1.9 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount value of the range limit.
Data Type: ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount
Format: fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

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2.1.10 Included <Incl>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the boundary amount is included in the range of amount values.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

2.1.11 ToAmount <ToAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Upper boundary of a range of amount values.
Type: This message item is composed of the following AmountRangeBoundary1 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
2.1.12 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt> [1..1] Amount
2.1.13 Included <Incl> [1..1] Indicator

2.1.12 BoundaryAmount <BdryAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount value of the range limit.
Data Type: ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount
Format: fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.1.13 Included <Incl>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the boundary amount is included in the range of amount values.
Data Type: One of the following YesNoIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: Yes
MeaningWhenFalse: No

2.1.14 EqualAmount <EQAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.1.0 Amount.
Definition: Exact value an amount must match to be considered valid.
Data Type: ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount
Format: fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.1.15 NotEqualAmount <NEQAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 2.1.0 Amount.
Definition: Value that an amount must not match to be considered valid.

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Data Type: ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount

Format: fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

2.1.16 CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the amount is a credited or debited amount.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following CreditDebitCode values must be used:
Code Name Definition
CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.
DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease.

2.1.17 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Medium of exchange of value, used to qualify an amount.
Data Type: CurrencyCode
Format: [A-Z]{3,3}
Rule(s): ValidationByTable

3 CurrencyExchange
3.1 CurrencyExchange3
CurrencyExchange3 is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.10, p.10, p.10, p.10, p.10, p.12, p.12,
p.12, p.12, p.12, message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.224, p.224, p.224, p.224, p.225, p.226,
p.226, p.226, p.226, p.226, message BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.117, p.117, p.117, p.117, p.117, p.119, p.119,
p.119, p.119, p.119.

Definition: Information needed to process a currency exchange or conversion.

Type: The following CurrencyExchange3 element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
3.1.0 SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> [1..1] Code
3.1.1 TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> [0..1] Code
3.1.2 UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> [0..1] Code
3.1.3 ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [1..1] Rate
3.1.4 ContractIdentification <CtrctId> [0..1] Text
3.1.5 QuotationDate <QtnDt> [0..1] DateTime

3.1.0 SourceCurrency <SrcCcy>

Presence: [1..1]

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Definition: Currency of the amount to be converted in a currency conversion.

Data Type: CurrencyCode
Format: [A-Z]{3,3}
Rule(s): ValidationByTable

3.1.1 TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Currency into which an amount is to be converted in a currency conversion.
Data Type: CurrencyCode
Format: [A-Z]{3,3}
Rule(s): ValidationByTable

3.1.2 UnitCurrency <UnitCcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Currency in which the rate of exchange is expressed in a currency exchange. In the example 1GBP = xxxCUR,
the unit currency is GBP.
Data Type: CurrencyCode
Format: [A-Z]{3,3}
Rule(s): ValidationByTable

3.1.3 ExchangeRate <XchgRate>

Synonym(s): :92A::EXCH (ISO 15022)
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Factor used for the conversion of an amount from one currency into another. This reflects the price at which
one currency was bought with another currency.

Usage: ExchangeRate expresses the ratio between UnitCurrency and QuotedCurrency (ExchangeRate =
Data Type: BaseOneRate
Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

3.1.4 ContractIdentification <CtrctId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier of the foreign exchange contract.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

3.1.5 QuotationDate <QtnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which an exchange rate is quoted.
Data Type: ISODateTime

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4 Date time
4.1 DateAndDateTimeChoice
DateAndDateTimeChoice is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.8, p.9, p.9, message
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.223, p.223, message BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.115, p.116,

Definition: Choice between a date or a date and time format.

Type: One of the following DateAndDateTimeChoice element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
4.1.0 {Or Date <Dt> [1..1] DateTime
4.1.1 Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime

4.1.0 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 4.1 DateAndDateTimeChoice.
Definition: Specified date.
Data Type: ISODate

4.1.1 DateTime <DtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 4.1 DateAndDateTimeChoice.
Definition: Specified date and time.
Data Type: ISODateTime

5 Date time period

5.1 DateTimePeriodDetails
DateTimePeriodDetails is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.7, p.7, p.11, p.13, message
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.222, p.225, p.227, message BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.114,
p.115, p.118, p.120.

Definition: Time span defined by a start date and time, and an end date and time.
Type: The following DateTimePeriodDetails element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
5.1.0 FromDateTime <FrDtTm> [1..1] DateTime
5.1.1 ToDateTime <ToDtTm> [1..1] DateTime

5.1.0 FromDateTime <FrDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the range starts.

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Data Type: ISODateTime

5.1.1 ToDateTime <ToDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the range ends.
Data Type: ISODateTime

6 Financial institution identification

6.1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3
BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.7, p.11,
p.13, p.13, p.14, p.14, p.14, p.14, p.14, p.14, p.14, p.14, p.14, message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01
p.222, p.225, p.227, p.228, p.228, p.228, p.228, p.228, p.228, p.228, p.228, p.228, p.228, message
BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.114, p.118, p.120, p.121, p.121, p.121, p.121, p.121, p.121, p.121, p.121, p.121,

Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier of a financial institution or a branch of a financial institution, as assigned
under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme.
Type: The following BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1]
6.1.1 {Or BIC <BIC> [1..1] Identifier
6.1.2 Or ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> [1..1]
6.1.3 {{Or Identification <Id> [1..1] Code
6.1.4 Or}} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
6.1.5 Or NameAndAddress <NmAndAdr> [1..1]
6.1.6 Name <Nm> [1..1] Text
6.1.7 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [1..1]
6.1.8 AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
6.1.9 AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
6.1.10 StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.11 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
6.1.12 PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
6.1.13 TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.14 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
6.1.15 Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code
6.1.16 Or ProprietaryIdentification <PrtryId> [1..1]
6.1.17 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
6.1.18 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
6.1.19 Or} CombinedIdentification <CmbndId> [1..1]

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Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

6.1.20 BIC <BIC> [0..1] Identifier
6.1.21 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> [0..1]
6.1.22 {{Or Identification <Id> [1..1] Code
6.1.23 Or}} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text
6.1.24 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
6.1.25 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
6.1.26 AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
6.1.27 AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
6.1.28 StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.29 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
6.1.30 PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
6.1.31 TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.32 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
6.1.33 Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code
6.1.34 ProprietaryIdentification <PrtryId> [0..1]
6.1.35 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
6.1.36 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
6.1.37 BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1]
6.1.38 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
6.1.39 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
6.1.40 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
6.1.41 AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
6.1.42 AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
6.1.43 StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.44 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
6.1.45 PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
6.1.46 TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.47 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
6.1.48 Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code

6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised
or proprietary identification scheme.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following FinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice element(s):

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Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

6.1.1 {Or BIC <BIC> [1..1] Identifier
6.1.2 Or ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> [1..1]
6.1.5 Or NameAndAddress <NmAndAdr> [1..1]
6.1.16 Or ProprietaryIdentification <PrtryId> [1..1]
6.1.19 Or} CombinedIdentification <CmbndId> [1..1]

6.1.1 BIC <BIC>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification.
Definition: Bank Identifier Code. Code allocated to financial institutions by the Registration Authority, under an
international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking
(Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes).
Data Type: BICIdentifier
Format: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}
Rule(s): BIC
Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11)
contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE,
COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code
are mandatory, while the branch code is optional.

6.1.2 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification.
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier of a clearing system member, as assigned by the system or system
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ClearingSystemMemberIdentification3Choice element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.3 {Or Identification <Id> [1..1] Code
6.1.4 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

6.1.3 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 6.1.2 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification.
Definition: Identification for a clearing system member, identified in the list of clearing system member identifications
published externally.
Data Type: ExternalClearingSystemMemberCode
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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6.1.4 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 6.1.2 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification.
Definition: Identification Code for a clearing system, that has not yet been identified in the list of clearing systems.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.5 NameAndAddress <NmAndAdr>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification.
Definition: Identifies the name and address of a financial institution.
Type: This message item is composed of the following NameAndAddress7 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.6 Name <Nm> [1..1] Text
6.1.7 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [1..1]

6.1.6 Name <Nm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

6.1.7 PostalAddress <PstlAdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PostalAddress1 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.8 AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
6.1.9 AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
6.1.10 StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.11 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
6.1.12 PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
6.1.13 TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.14 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
6.1.15 Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code

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6.1.8 AddressType <AdrTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the nature of the postal address.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following AddressType2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
ADDR Postal Address is the complete postal address.
BIZZ Business Address is the business address.
DLVY DeliveryTo Address is the address to which delivery is to take place.
HOME Residential Address is the home address.
MLTO MailTo Address is the address to which mail is sent.
PBOX POBox Address is a postal office (PO) box.

6.1.9 AddressLine <AdrLine>

Presence: [0..5]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, that is presented in
free format text.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

6.1.10 StreetName <StrtNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a street or thoroughfare.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

6.1.11 BuildingNumber <BldgNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

6.1.12 PostCode <PstCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting
of mail.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

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6.1.13 TownName <TwnNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.14 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies a subdivision of a country eg, state, region, county.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.15 Country <Ctry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Nation with its own government.
Data Type: CountryCode
Format: [A-Z]{2,2}
Rule(s): Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2

6.1.16 ProprietaryIdentification <PrtryId>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification.
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier, as assigned to a financial institution using a proprietary identification
Type: This message item is composed of the following GenericIdentification3 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.17 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
6.1.18 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

6.1.17 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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6.1.18 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Entity that assigns the identification.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.19 CombinedIdentification <CmbndId>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification.
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, through a combimation of globally
recognised or proprietary identification scheme.
Type: This message item is composed of the following FinancialInstitutionIdentification3 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.20 BIC <BIC> [0..1] Identifier
6.1.21 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> [0..1]
6.1.24 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
6.1.25 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
6.1.34 ProprietaryIdentification <PrtryId> [0..1]

6.1.20 BIC <BIC>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Bank Identifier Code. Code allocated to financial institutions by the Registration Authority, under an
international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking
(Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes).
Data Type: BICIdentifier
Format: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}
Rule(s): BIC
Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11)
contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE,
COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code
are mandatory, while the branch code is optional.

6.1.21 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier of a clearing system member, as assigned by the system or system
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following ClearingSystemMemberIdentification3Choice element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.22 {Or Identification <Id> [1..1] Code

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Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

6.1.23 Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text

6.1.22 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 6.1.21 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification.
Definition: Identification for a clearing system member, identified in the list of clearing system member identifications
published externally.
Data Type: ExternalClearingSystemMemberCode
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.23 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 6.1.21 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification.
Definition: Identification Code for a clearing system, that has not yet been identified in the list of clearing systems.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.24 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

6.1.25 PostalAddress <PstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PostalAddress1 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.26 AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
6.1.27 AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
6.1.28 StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.29 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
6.1.30 PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
6.1.31 TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.32 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
6.1.33 Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code

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6.1.26 AddressType <AdrTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the nature of the postal address.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following AddressType2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
ADDR Postal Address is the complete postal address.
BIZZ Business Address is the business address.
DLVY DeliveryTo Address is the address to which delivery is to take place.
HOME Residential Address is the home address.
MLTO MailTo Address is the address to which mail is sent.
PBOX POBox Address is a postal office (PO) box.

6.1.27 AddressLine <AdrLine>

Presence: [0..5]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, that is presented in
free format text.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

6.1.28 StreetName <StrtNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a street or thoroughfare.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

6.1.29 BuildingNumber <BldgNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

6.1.30 PostCode <PstCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting
of mail.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

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6.1.31 TownName <TwnNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.32 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies a subdivision of a country eg, state, region, county.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.33 Country <Ctry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Nation with its own government.
Data Type: CountryCode
Format: [A-Z]{2,2}
Rule(s): Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2

6.1.34 ProprietaryIdentification <PrtryId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier, as assigned to a financial institution using a proprietary identification
Type: This message item is composed of the following GenericIdentification3 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.35 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
6.1.36 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

6.1.35 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.36 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Entity that assigns the identification.

Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.37 BranchIdentification <BrnchId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information identifying a specific branch of a financial institution.

Usage : this component should be used in case the identification information in the financial institution
component does not provide identification up to branch level.
Type: This message item is composed of the following BranchData element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.38 Identification <Id> [0..1] Text
6.1.39 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text
6.1.40 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]

6.1.38 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a branch of a financial institution.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.39 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.40 PostalAddress <PstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PostalAddress1 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
6.1.41 AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
6.1.42 AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
6.1.43 StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.44 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
6.1.45 PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text

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Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

6.1.46 TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
6.1.47 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
6.1.48 Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code

6.1.41 AddressType <AdrTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the nature of the postal address.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following AddressType2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
ADDR Postal Address is the complete postal address.
BIZZ Business Address is the business address.
DLVY DeliveryTo Address is the address to which delivery is to take place.
HOME Residential Address is the home address.
MLTO MailTo Address is the address to which mail is sent.
PBOX POBox Address is a postal office (PO) box.

6.1.42 AddressLine <AdrLine>

Presence: [0..5]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, that is presented in
free format text.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

6.1.43 StreetName <StrtNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a street or thoroughfare.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

6.1.44 BuildingNumber <BldgNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

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6.1.45 PostCode <PstCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting
of mail.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

6.1.46 TownName <TwnNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.47 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies a subdivision of a country eg, state, region, county.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

6.1.48 Country <Ctry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Nation with its own government.
Data Type: CountryCode
Format: [A-Z]{2,2}
Rule(s): Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2

7 Party identification
7.1 PartyIdentification8
PartyIdentification8 is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.6, p.7, p.13, p.13, p.13, p.13, p.13,
p.13, p.13, p.15, p.15, p.16, message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.222, p.222, p.227, p.227, p.228,
p.228, p.228, p.228, p.228, p.229, p.229, p.230, message BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.114, p.114, p.120, p.120,
p.120, p.120, p.120, p.120, p.120, p.122, p.122, p.123.

Definition: Identification of a person, a financial institution or a non-financial institution.

Type: The following PartyIdentification8 element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
7.1.0 Name <Nm> [0..1] Text

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Message Item Types

Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

7.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1]
7.1.2 AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
7.1.3 AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
7.1.4 StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
7.1.5 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
7.1.6 PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
7.1.7 TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
7.1.8 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
7.1.9 Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code
7.1.10 Identification <Id> [0..1]
7.1.11 {Or OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> [1..1]
7.1.12 BIC <BIC> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.13 IBEI <IBEI> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.14 BEI <BEI> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.15 EANGLN <EANGLN> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.16 CHIPSUniversalIdentification <USCHU> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.17 DUNS <DUNS> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.18 BankPartyIdentification <BkPtyId> [0..1] Text
7.1.19 TaxIdentificationNumber <TaxIdNb> [0..1] Text
7.1.20 ProprietaryIdentification <PrtryId> [0..1]
7.1.21 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
7.1.22 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
7.1.23 Or} PrivateIdentification <PrvtId> [1..4]
7.1.24 {{Or DriversLicenseNumber <DrvrsLicNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.25 Or CustomerNumber <CstmrNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.26 Or SocialSecurityNumber <SclSctyNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.27 Or AlienRegistrationNumber <AlnRegnNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.28 Or PassportNumber <PsptNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.29 Or TaxIdentificationNumber <TaxIdNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.30 Or IdentityCardNumber <IdntyCardNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.31 Or EmployerIdentificationNumber <MplyrIdNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.32 Or DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth> [1..1]
7.1.33 BirthDate <BirthDt> [1..1] DateTime
7.1.34 ProvinceOfBirth <PrvcOfBirth> [0..1] Text
7.1.35 CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> [1..1] Text
7.1.36 CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> [1..1] Code

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Message Item Types

Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./

7.1.37 Or}} OtherIdentification <OthrId> [1..1]
7.1.38 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
7.1.39 IdentificationType <IdTp> [1..1] Text
7.1.40 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text
7.1.41 CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] Code

7.1.0 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

7.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PostalAddress1 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
7.1.2 AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
7.1.3 AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
7.1.4 StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
7.1.5 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
7.1.6 PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
7.1.7 TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
7.1.8 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
7.1.9 Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code

7.1.2 AddressType <AdrTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the nature of the postal address.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following AddressType2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
ADDR Postal Address is the complete postal address.
BIZZ Business Address is the business address.
DLVY DeliveryTo Address is the address to which delivery is to take place.

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Message Item Types

Code Name Definition

HOME Residential Address is the home address.
MLTO MailTo Address is the address to which mail is sent.
PBOX POBox Address is a postal office (PO) box.

7.1.3 AddressLine <AdrLine>

Presence: [0..5]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, that is presented in
free format text.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

7.1.4 StreetName <StrtNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a street or thoroughfare.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

7.1.5 BuildingNumber <BldgNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

7.1.6 PostCode <PstCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting
of mail.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

7.1.7 TownName <TwnNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.8 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn>

Presence: [0..1]

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Message Item Types

Definition: Identifies a subdivision of a country eg, state, region, county.

Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.9 Country <Ctry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Nation with its own government.
Data Type: CountryCode
Format: [A-Z]{2,2}
Rule(s): Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2

7.1.10 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous way of identifying an organisation or an individual person.
Type: This message item is composed of one of the following Party2Choice element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
7.1.11 {Or OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> [1..1]
7.1.23 Or} PrivateIdentification <PrvtId> [1..4]

7.1.11 OrganisationIdentification <OrgId>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.10 Identification.
Definition: Unique and unambiguous way of identifying an organisation.
Type: This message item is composed of the following OrganisationIdentification2 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
7.1.12 BIC <BIC> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.13 IBEI <IBEI> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.14 BEI <BEI> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.15 EANGLN <EANGLN> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.16 CHIPSUniversalIdentification <USCHU> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.17 DUNS <DUNS> [0..1] Identifier
7.1.18 BankPartyIdentification <BkPtyId> [0..1] Text
7.1.19 TaxIdentificationNumber <TaxIdNb> [0..1] Text
7.1.20 ProprietaryIdentification <PrtryId> [0..1]

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Message Item Types

7.1.12 BIC <BIC>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Bank Identifier Code. Code allocated to financial institutions by the Registration Authority, under an
international identification scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362 Banking
(Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes).
Data Type: BICIdentifier
Format: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}
Rule(s): BIC
Valid BICs are registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11)
contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE,
COUNTRY CODE, LOCATION CODE, BRANCH CODE. The bank code, country code and location code
are mandatory, while the branch code is optional.

7.1.13 IBEI <IBEI>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: International Business Entity Identifier to uniquely identify business entities playing a role in the lifecycle
of and events related to a financial instrument. (tentative - to be confirmed)
Data Type: IBEIIdentifier
Format: [A-Z]{2,2}[B-DF-HJ-NP-TV-XZ0-9]{7,7}[0-9]{1,1}

7.1.14 BEI <BEI>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Business Entity Identifier. Code allocated to non-financial institutions by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority. The Business Entity Identifier (BEI) has the same format as the BIC code (8 up to 11 characters)
as stipulated in the standard ISO 9362 Banking (Banking Telecommunication Messages, Bank Identifier
Codes, BIC).
Data Type: BEIIdentifier
Format: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}
Rule(s): BEI
Only Business Entity Identifiers registered with the ISO 9362 Registration Authority and consisting of 8 or 11
contiguous characters comprising the first three or all four of the following components: BANK CODE,


Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Global Location Number. A non-significant reference number used to identify legal entities, functional
entities, or physical entities according to the European Association for Numbering (EAN) numbering scheme
rules.The number is used to retrieve detailed information that is linked to it.
Data Type: EANGLNIdentifier
Format: [0-9]{13,13}

7.1.16 CHIPSUniversalIdentification <USCHU>

Presence: [0..1]

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Message Item Types

Definition: (United States) Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) Universal Identification (UID) -
identifies entities that own accounts at CHIPS participating financial institutions, through which CHIPS
payments are effected. The CHIPS UID is assigned by the New York Clearing House.
Data Type: CHIPSUniversalIdentifier
Format: CH[0-9]{6,6}

7.1.17 DUNS <DUNS>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Data Universal Numbering System. A unique identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet to identify
an organization.
Data Type: DunsIdentifier
Format: [0-9]{9,9}

7.1.18 BankPartyIdentification <BkPtyId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous assignment made by a specific bank to identify a relationship as defined between
the bank and its client.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.19 TaxIdentificationNumber <TaxIdNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number assigned by a tax authority to an entity.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.20 ProprietaryIdentification <PrtryId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier for an organisation that is allocated by an institution.
Type: This message item is composed of the following GenericIdentification3 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
7.1.21 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
7.1.22 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

7.1.21 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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7.1.22 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Entity that assigns the identification.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.23 PrivateIdentification <PrvtId>

Presence: [1..4]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.10 Identification.
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
Type: This message item is composed of the following PersonIdentification3 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
7.1.24 {Or DriversLicenseNumber <DrvrsLicNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.25 Or CustomerNumber <CstmrNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.26 Or SocialSecurityNumber <SclSctyNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.27 Or AlienRegistrationNumber <AlnRegnNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.28 Or PassportNumber <PsptNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.29 Or TaxIdentificationNumber <TaxIdNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.30 Or IdentityCardNumber <IdntyCardNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.31 Or EmployerIdentificationNumber <MplyrIdNb> [1..1] Text
7.1.32 Or DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth> [1..1]
7.1.37 Or} OtherIdentification <OthrId> [1..1]
7.1.40 Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text

7.1.24 DriversLicenseNumber <DrvrsLicNb>

Synonym(s): :95S::ALTE//DRLC (ISO 15022)
Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Number assigned by a license authority to a driver's license.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.25 CustomerNumber <CstmrNb>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Number assigned by an agent to identify its customer.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35

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Message Item Types

minLength: 1

7.1.26 SocialSecurityNumber <SclSctyNb>

Synonym(s): :95S::ALTE//SSNX (ISO 15022)
Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Number assigned by a social security agency.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.27 AlienRegistrationNumber <AlnRegnNb>

Synonym(s): :95S::ALTE//ARNU (ISO 15022)
Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Number assigned by a government agency to identify foreign nationals.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.28 PassportNumber <PsptNb>

Synonym(s): :95S::ALTE//CCPT (ISO 15022)
Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Number assigned by a passport authority to a passport.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.29 TaxIdentificationNumber <TaxIdNb>

Synonym(s): :95S::ALTE//TXID (ISO 15022)
Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Number assigned by a tax authority to an entity.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.30 IdentityCardNumber <IdntyCardNb>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Number assigned by a national authority to an identity card.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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7.1.31 EmployerIdentificationNumber <MplyrIdNb>

Synonym(s): :95S::ALTE//EINX (ISO 15022)
Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Number assigned to an employer by a registration authority.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.32 DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Date and place of birth of a person.
Type: This message item is composed of the following DateAndPlaceOfBirth element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
7.1.33 BirthDate <BirthDt> [1..1] DateTime
7.1.34 ProvinceOfBirth <PrvcOfBirth> [0..1] Text
7.1.35 CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> [1..1] Text
7.1.36 CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> [1..1] Code

7.1.33 BirthDate <BirthDt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date on which a person is born.
Data Type: ISODate

7.1.34 ProvinceOfBirth <PrvcOfBirth>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Province where a person was born.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.35 CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: City where a person was born.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.36 CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Country where a person was born.

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Message Item Types

Data Type: CountryCode

Format: [A-Z]{2,2}
Rule(s): Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2

7.1.37 OtherIdentification <OthrId>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 7.1.23 PrivateIdentification.
Definition: Identifier issued to a person for which no specific identifier has been defined.
Type: This message item is composed of the following GenericIdentification4 element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
7.1.38 Identification <Id> [1..1] Text
7.1.39 IdentificationType <IdTp> [1..1] Text

7.1.38 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identifier issued to a person for which no specific identifier has been defined.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.39 IdentificationType <IdTp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature of the identifier.
Usage: IdentificationType is used to specify what kind of identifier is used. It should be used in case the
identifier is different from the identifiers listed in the pre-defined identifier list.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.40 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Entity that assigns the identifier.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

7.1.41 CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country
from which the affairs of that company are directed.

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Message Item Types

Data Type: CountryCode

Format: [A-Z]{2,2}
Rule(s): Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2

8 Postal address
8.1 PostalAddress1
PostalAddress1 is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.14, message
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.228, message BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.121.

Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.
Type: The following PostalAddress1 element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
8.1.0 AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] Code
8.1.1 AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..5] Text
8.1.2 StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text
8.1.3 BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text
8.1.4 PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text
8.1.5 TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text
8.1.6 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text
8.1.7 Country <Ctry> [1..1] Code

8.1.0 AddressType <AdrTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the nature of the postal address.
Data Type: Code
When this message item is present, one of the following AddressType2Code values must be used:
Code Name Definition
ADDR Postal Address is the complete postal address.
BIZZ Business Address is the business address.
DLVY DeliveryTo Address is the address to which delivery is to take place.
HOME Residential Address is the home address.
MLTO MailTo Address is the address to which mail is sent.
PBOX POBox Address is a postal office (PO) box.

8.1.1 AddressLine <AdrLine>

Presence: [0..5]

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Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, that is presented in
free format text.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

8.1.2 StreetName <StrtNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a street or thoroughfare.
Data Type: Max70Text
Format: maxLength: 70
minLength: 1

8.1.3 BuildingNumber <BldgNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

8.1.4 PostCode <PstCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting
of mail.
Data Type: Max16Text
Format: maxLength: 16
minLength: 1

8.1.5 TownName <TwnNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

8.1.6 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies a subdivision of a country eg, state, region, county.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

8.1.7 Country <Ctry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Nation with its own government.
Data Type: CountryCode

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Format: [A-Z]{2,2}
Rule(s): Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2

9 Securities quantity
9.1 FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice
FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.15, message
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.230, message BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.122.

Definition: Choice between formats for the quantity of security.

Type: One of the following FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
9.1.0 {Or Unit <Unit> [1..1] Quantity
9.1.1 Or FaceAmount <FaceAmt> [1..1] Amount
9.1.2 Or} AmortisedValue <AmtsdVal> [1..1] Amount

9.1.0 Unit <Unit>

Synonym(s): UNIT (ISO 15022)
Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 9.1 FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice.
Definition: Quantity expressed as a number, eg, a number of shares.
Data Type: DecimalNumber
Format: fractionDigits: 17
totalDigits: 18

9.1.1 FaceAmount <FaceAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 9.1 FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice.
Definition: Quantity expressed as an amount representing the face amount, ie, the principal, of a debt instrument.
Data Type: ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount
Format: fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

9.1.2 AmortisedValue <AmtsdVal>

Presence: [1..1]
This message item is part of choice 9.1 FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice.
Definition: Quantity expressed as an amount representing the current amortised face amount of a bond, eg, a periodic
reduction of a bond's principal amount.
Data Type: ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount
Format: fractionDigits: 5

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Message Item Types

minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18

10 Tax
10.1 TaxInformation2
TaxInformation2 is used in message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 p.16, message
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 p.230, message BankToCustomerStatementV01 p.123.

Definition: Details about tax paid, or to be paid, to the government in accordance with the law, including pre-defined
parameters such as thresholds and type of account.
Type: The following TaxInformation2 element(s) must be used:
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
10.1.0 CreditorTaxIdentification <CdtrTaxId> [0..1] Text
10.1.1 CreditorTaxType <CdtrTaxTp> [0..1] Text
10.1.2 DebtorTaxIdentification <DbtrTaxId> [0..1] Text
10.1.3 TaxReferenceNumber <TaxRefNb> [0..1] Text
10.1.4 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount
10.1.5 TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount
10.1.6 TaxDate <TaxDt> [0..1] DateTime
10.1.7 TaxTypeInformation <TaxTpInf> [0..n]
10.1.8 CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text
10.1.9 TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1]
10.1.10 CategoryDescription <CtgyDesc> [0..1] Text
10.1.11 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
10.1.12 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount
10.1.13 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

10.1.0 CreditorTaxIdentification <CdtrTaxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax Identification Number of the creditor.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

10.1.1 CreditorTaxType <CdtrTaxTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Type of tax payer (creditor).
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007
Message Item Types

10.1.2 DebtorTaxIdentification <DbtrTaxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax Identification Number of the debtor.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

10.1.3 TaxReferenceNumber <TaxRefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Data Type: Max140Text
Format: maxLength: 140
minLength: 1

10.1.4 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

10.1.5 TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

10.1.6 TaxDate <TaxDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Data Type: ISODate

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Message Item Types

10.1.7 TaxTypeInformation <TaxTpInf>

Presence: [0..n]
Definition: Set of characteristics defining the type of tax.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxDetails element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
10.1.8 CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text
10.1.9 TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1]

Rule(s): CertificateIdentificationAndOrTaxTypeRule
If CertificateIdentification is not present, then TaxType is mandatory.
If CertificateIdentification is present, then TaxType is optional.

10.1.8 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Document issued by first agent on behalf of debtor to report withholding tax to taxing authority.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

10.1.9 TaxType <TaxTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information on the type of tax.
Type: This message item is composed of the following TaxType element(s):
Ref Or Message Item <XML Tag> Mult. Represent./
10.1.10 CategoryDescription <CtgyDesc> [0..1] Text
10.1.11 Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate
10.1.12 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount
10.1.13 Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount

10.1.10 CategoryDescription <CtgyDesc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Description of the tax that is being paid, including specific representation required by taxing authority.
Data Type: Max35Text
Format: maxLength: 35
minLength: 1

10.1.11 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used for calculation of the tax.
Data Type: PercentageRate

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Message Item Types

Format: fractionDigits: 10
totalDigits: 11

10.1.12 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

10.1.13 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money resulting from the calculation of the tax.
Data Type: CurrencyAndAmount
This data type must be used with the following XML Attribute: Currency (Ccy) which is typed by CurrencyCode.
Format: CurrencyAndAmount
fractionDigits: 5
minInclusive: 0
totalDigits: 18
Rule(s): CurrencyCode

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Index of Message Items
AcceptanceDateTime: <AccptncDtTm>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Account: <Acct>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

AccountServicerReference: <AcctSvcrRef>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 225

ActualDate: <ActlDt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226

AdditionalEntryInformation: <AddtlNtryInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 231

AdditionalInformation: <AddtlInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

AdditionalInformationIndicator: <AddtlInfInd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

AdditionalNotificationInformation: <AddtlNtfctnInf>
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 231

AdditionalRemittanceInformation: <AddtlRmtInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

AdditionalReportInformation: <AddtlRptInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16

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AdditionalReturnReasonInformation: <AddtlRtrRsnInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

AdditionalStatementInformation: <AddtlStmtInf>
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123

AdditionalTransactionInformation: <AddtlTxInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 231

Address: <Adr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

AddressLine: <AdrLine>
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

AddressType: <AdrTp>
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

Agent: <Agt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

AlienRegistrationNumber: <AlnRegnNb>

AmortisedValue: <AmtsdVal>

Amount: <Amt>
339, 372
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
12, 13, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 118, 118, 119,
119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 120, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223, 224, 224, 224, 224, 224, 225, 225, 225, 225, 226,
226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 227, 227, 227

AmountDetails: <AmtDtls>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

AnnouncedPostingAmount: <AnncdPstngAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119

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Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

Availability: <Avlbty>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223, 226

Balance: <Bal>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

BankPartyIdentification: <BkPtyId>

BankTransactionCode: <BkTxCd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226

Batch: <Btch>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

334, 335

Bearer: <Br>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227


346, 347, 359

BirthDate: <BirthDt>

BookingDate: <BookgDt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

BoundaryAmount: <BdryAmt>
339, 339, 339, 339

BranchIdentification: <BrnchId>

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BuildingNumber: <BldgNb>
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

CategoryDescription: <CtgyDesc>

CertificateIdentification: <CertId>

Charges: <Chrgs>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

ChequeNumber: <ChqNb>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

CHIPSUniversalIdentification: <USCHU>

CityOfBirth: <CityOfBirth>

ClearingSystemMemberIdentification: <ClrSysMmbId>
346, 347

ClearingSystemReference: <ClrSysRef>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

Code: <Cd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 16, 16,
16, 16, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 115, 116, 116, 116, 116, 116, 117, 117, 118, 119, 119, 119, 120,
120, 121, 121, 122, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 223, 223, 224, 224, 224, 225, 225, 226, 227, 227,
227, 227, 228, 229, 229, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230

CombinedIdentification: <CmbndId>

CommissionWaiverIndicator: <ComssnWvrInd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117

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Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

ContractIdentification: <CtrctId>

CopyDuplicateIndicator: <CpyDplctInd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

CorporateAction: <CorpActn>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

CounterValueAmount: <CntrValAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

Country: <Ctry>
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

CountryOfBirth: <CtryOfBirth>

CountryOfResidence: <CtryOfRes>

CountrySubDivision: <CtrySubDvsn>
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

CreationDateTime: <CreDtTm>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6, 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 113, 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222

CreditDebitIndicator: <CdtDbtInd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 11, 12, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 116, 118, 119, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 223, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227

CreditLine: <CdtLine>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

CreditNoteAmount: <CdtNoteAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

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Creditor: <Cdtr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

CreditorAccount: <CdtrAcct>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

CreditorAgent: <CdtrAgt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

CreditorReference: <CdtrRef>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

CreditorReferenceInformation: <CdtrRefInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

CreditorReferenceType: <CdtrRefTp>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

CreditorTaxIdentification: <CdtrTaxId>

CreditorTaxType: <CdtrTaxTp>

Currency: <Ccy>
335, 339
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

CurrencyExchange: <CcyXchg>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 224, 224, 224, 225, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226

CustomerNumber: <CstmrNb>

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Date: <Dt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 9, 9, 12, 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 116, 116, 119, 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223, 226, 229

DateAndPlaceOfBirth: <DtAndPlcOfBirth>

DateTime: <DtTm>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

DealPrice: <DealPric>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

Debtor: <Dbtr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 227

DebtorAccount: <DbtrAcct>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

DebtorAgent: <DbtrAgt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

DebtorTaxIdentification: <DbtrTaxId>

DeliveringAgent: <DlvrgAgt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

DiscountAppliedAmount: <DscntApldAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Domain: <Domn>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16

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Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119, 123

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226, 230

DriversLicenseNumber: <DrvrsLicNb>

DuePayableAmount: <DuePyblAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229



ElectronicSequenceNumber: <ElctrncSeqNb>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

EmployerIdentificationNumber: <MplyrIdNb>

EndDate: <EndDt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

EndToEndIdentification: <EndToEndId>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

Entry: <Ntry>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

EqualAmount: <EQAmt>

ExchangeRate: <XchgRate>

FaceAmount: <FaceAmt>

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007


Family: <Fmly>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226, 230

FinancialInstitutionIdentification: <FinInstnId>

FinancialInstrumentIdentification: <FinInstrmId>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

FromAmount: <FrAmt>
339, 339

FromDateTime: <FrDtTm>

FromToAmount: <FrToAmt>

FromToDate: <FrToDt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 115, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 225, 227

GroupHeader: <GrpHdr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 113
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 221

334, 335


Identification: <Id>
334, 335, 335, 346, 346, 347, 347, 347, 359, 359, 360
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 11, 13, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 118, 120, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222, 225, 227, 230

IdentificationType: <IdTp>

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007


IdentityCardNumber: <IdntyCardNb>

Included: <Incl>
339, 339, 339, 339
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

InitiatingParty: <InitgPty>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 227

InstructedAmount: <InstdAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

InstructionIdentification: <InstrId>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225

InterbankSettlementDate: <IntrBkSttlmDt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Interest: <Intrst>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

IntermediaryAgent1: <IntrmyAgt1>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

IntermediaryAgent2: <IntrmyAgt2>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

IntermediaryAgent3: <IntrmyAgt3>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Invoicee: <Invcee>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15

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Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Invoicer: <Invcr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

Issuer: <Issr>
346, 347, 359, 360
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 117, 119, 121, 122, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 227, 229, 229, 230

IssuingAgent: <IssgAgt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

LastPageIndicator: <LastPgInd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

LegalSequenceNumber: <LglSeqNb>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

MandateIdentification: <MndtId>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

MessageIdentification: <MsgId>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6, 10, 10, 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 113, 117, 117, 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 221, 224, 224, 225

MessageNameIdentification: <MsgNmId>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

MessagePagination: <MsgPgntn>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

MessageRecipient: <MsgRcpt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Name: <Nm>
335, 346, 347, 347, 358
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 228

NameAndAddress: <NmAndAdr>

NotEqualAmount: <NEQAmt>

Notification: <Ntfctn>
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Number: <Nb>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

NumberOfDays: <NbOfDays>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226

NumberOfEntries: <NbOfNtries>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222, 223, 223

NumberOfTransactions: <NbOfTxs>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

OrganisationIdentification: <OrgId>

OriginalBankTransactionCode: <OrgnlBkTxCd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

OtherIdentification: <OthrId>

Owner: <Ownr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

PageNumber: <PgNb>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Party: <Pty>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11, 13, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227, 228

PassportNumber: <PsptNb>

PaymentInformationIdentification: <PmtInfId>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

PercentageRate: <PctgRate>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

PostalAddress: <PstlAdr>
346, 347, 347, 359

PostCode: <PstCd>
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

Price: <Pric>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

PrivateIdentification: <PrvtId>

Proprietary: <Prtry>
335, 346, 347
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16,
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 118, 119, 120, 120, 121, 121, 121, 122, 122,
122, 122, 123, 123, 123, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 227, 228, 228, 228, 229, 229,
229, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 231

ProprietaryAccount: <PrtryAcct>
334, 335

ProprietaryAmount: <PrtryAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

ProprietaryCode: <PrtryCd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

ProprietaryIdentification: <PrtryId>
346, 347, 359

ProvinceOfBirth: <PrvcOfBirth>

Purpose: <Purp>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Quantity: <Qty>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15, 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230, 230

QuotationDate: <QtnDt>

Rate: <Rate>

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 10, 11, 11, 11, 13, 13, 13, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 118, 118, 118, 118, 120, 120, 120, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 225, 225, 225, 227, 227, 227, 227

Reason: <Rsn>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

ReceivingAgent: <RcvgAgt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Reference: <Ref>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

References: <Refs>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225

ReferredDocumentAmount: <RfrdDocAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

ReferredDocumentInformation: <RfrdDocInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

ReferredDocumentNumber: <RfrdDocNb>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

ReferredDocumentRelatedDate: <RfrdDocRltdDt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

ReferredDocumentType: <RfrdDocTp>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

RelatedAccount: <RltdAcct>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

RelatedAgents: <RltdAgts>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

RelatedDates: <RltdDts>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

RelatedParties: <RltdPties>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 227

RelatedPrice: <RltdPric>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

RelatedQuantities: <RltdQties>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

RelatedRemittanceInformation: <RltdRmtInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

RemittanceIdentification: <RmtId>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

RemittanceInformation: <RmtInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

RemittanceLocationElectronicAddress: <RmtLctnElctrncAdr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

RemittanceLocationMethod: <RmtLctnMtd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

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RemittanceLocationPostalAddress: <RmtLctnPstlAdr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

RemittedAmount: <RmtdAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Report: <Rpt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7

ReturnInformation: <RtrInf>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

ReturnOriginator: <RtrOrgtr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

ReturnReason: <RtrRsn>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

ReversalIndicator: <RvslInd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

SafekeepingAccount: <SfkpgAcct>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 231

Servicer: <Svcr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

SettlementPlace: <SttlmPlc>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

SocialSecurityNumber: <SclSctyNb>

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007


SourceCurrency: <SrcCcy>

StartDate: <StartDt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Statement: <Stmt>
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114

Status: <Sts>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

StreetName: <StrtNm>
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

Structured: <Strd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

SubFamilyCode: <SubFmlyCd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 117, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 227, 230

Sum: <Sum>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 223, 223

TargetCurrency: <TrgtCcy>

Tax: <Tax>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11, 13, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227, 230

TaxableBaseAmount: <TaxblBaseAmt>

TaxAmount: <TaxAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122

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Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

TaxDate: <TaxDt>

TaxIdentificationNumber: <TaxIdNb>
359, 359

TaxReferenceNumber: <TaxRefNb>

TaxType: <TaxTp>

TaxTypeInformation: <TaxTpInf>

TextualRate: <TxtlRate>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

ToAmount: <ToAmt>
339, 339

ToDateTime: <ToDtTm>

TotalChargesAndTaxAmount: <TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

TotalCreditEntries: <TtlCdtNtries>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

TotalDebitEntries: <TtlDbtNtries>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

TotalEntries: <TtlNtries>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode: <TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

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TotalNetEntryAmount: <TtlNetNtryAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223

TotalTaxableBaseAmount: <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

TotalTaxAmount: <TtlTaxAmt>

TownName: <TwnNm>
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

TradeDate: <TradDt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

TradingParty: <TradgPty>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

TransactionAmount: <TxAmt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

TransactionDateTime: <TxDtTm>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

TransactionDetails: <TxDtls>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225

TransactionIdentification: <TxId>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

TransactionsSummary: <TxsSummry>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Type: <Tp>

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 8, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 115, 117, 117, 118, 118, 119, 120, 120, 120, 121, 122, 122, 122,
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 225, 225, 225, 226, 226, 227, 227, 228, 228, 229, 230,
230, 230

UltimateCreditor: <UltmtCdtr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

UltimateDebtor: <UltmtDbtr>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Unit: <Unit>

UnitCurrency: <UnitCcy>

Unstructured: <Ustrd>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

334, 335

ValidityRange: <VldtyRg>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

ValueDate: <ValDt>
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

Index of XML tags

<AccptncDtTm>: AcceptanceDateTime
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122

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Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<Acct>: Account
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<AcctSvcrRef>: AccountServicerReference
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 225

<ActlDt>: ActualDate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226

<AddtlInf>: AdditionalInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<AddtlInfInd>: AdditionalInformationIndicator
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

<AddtlNtfctnInf>: AdditionalNotificationInformation
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 231

<AddtlNtryInf>: AdditionalEntryInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 231

<AddtlRmtInf>: AdditionalRemittanceInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<AddtlRptInf>: AdditionalReportInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16

<AddtlRtrRsnInf>: AdditionalReturnReasonInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<AddtlStmtInf>: AdditionalStatementInformation
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123

<AddtlTxInf>: AdditionalTransactionInformation

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Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 231

<Adr>: Address
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<AdrLine>: AddressLine
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

<AdrTp>: AddressType
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

<Agt>: Agent
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<AlnRegnNb>: AlienRegistrationNumber

<Amt>: Amount
339, 372
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
12, 13, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 118, 118, 119,
119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 120, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223, 224, 224, 224, 224, 224, 225, 225, 225, 225, 226,
226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 227, 227, 227

<AmtDtls>: AmountDetails
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

<AmtsdVal>: AmortisedValue

<AnncdPstngAmt>: AnnouncedPostingAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

<Avlbty>: Availability
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223, 226

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<Bal>: Balance
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

334, 335

<BdryAmt>: BoundaryAmount
339, 339, 339, 339


346, 347, 359

<BirthDt>: BirthDate

<BkPtyId>: BankPartyIdentification

<BkTxCd>: BankTransactionCode
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226

<BldgNb>: BuildingNumber
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

<BookgDt>: BookingDate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

<Br>: Bearer
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

<BrnchId>: BranchIdentification

<Btch>: Batch
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

<Ccy>: Currency
335, 339
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<CcyXchg>: CurrencyExchange
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 224, 224, 224, 225, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226

<Cd>: Code
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 16, 16,
16, 16, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 115, 116, 116, 116, 116, 116, 117, 117, 118, 119, 119, 119, 120,
120, 121, 121, 122, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 223, 223, 224, 224, 224, 225, 225, 226, 227, 227,
227, 227, 228, 229, 229, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230

<CdtDbtInd>: CreditDebitIndicator
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 11, 12, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 116, 118, 119, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 223, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227

<CdtLine>: CreditLine
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

<CdtNoteAmt>: CreditNoteAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<Cdtr>: Creditor
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<CdtrAcct>: CreditorAccount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<CdtrAgt>: CreditorAgent
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

<CdtrRef>: CreditorReference
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<CdtrRefInf>: CreditorReferenceInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<CdtrRefTp>: CreditorReferenceType
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<CdtrTaxId>: CreditorTaxIdentification

<CdtrTaxTp>: CreditorTaxType

<CertId>: CertificateIdentification

<ChqNb>: ChequeNumber
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

<Chrgs>: Charges
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

<CityOfBirth>: CityOfBirth

<ClrSysMmbId>: ClearingSystemMemberIdentification
346, 347

<ClrSysRef>: ClearingSystemReference
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

<CmbndId>: CombinedIdentification

<CntrValAmt>: CounterValueAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

<ComssnWvrInd>: CommissionWaiverIndicator
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

<CorpActn>: CorporateAction
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<CpyDplctInd>: CopyDuplicateIndicator
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<CreDtTm>: CreationDateTime
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6, 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 113, 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222

<CstmrNb>: CustomerNumber

<CtgyDesc>: CategoryDescription

<CtrctId>: ContractIdentification

<Ctry>: Country
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

<CtryOfBirth>: CountryOfBirth

<CtryOfRes>: CountryOfResidence

<CtrySubDvsn>: CountrySubDivision
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

<Dbtr>: Debtor
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 227

<DbtrAcct>: DebtorAccount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120

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Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<DbtrAgt>: DebtorAgent
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<DbtrTaxId>: DebtorTaxIdentification

<DealPric>: DealPrice
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<DlvrgAgt>: DeliveringAgent
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<Domn>: Domain
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226, 230

<DrvrsLicNb>: DriversLicenseNumber

<DscntApldAmt>: DiscountAppliedAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<Dt>: Date
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 9, 9, 12, 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 116, 116, 119, 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223, 226, 229

<DtAndPlcOfBirth>: DateAndPlaceOfBirth

<DtTm>: DateTime
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<DuePyblAmt>: DuePayableAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

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<ElctrncSeqNb>: ElectronicSequenceNumber
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<EndDt>: EndDate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<EndToEndId>: EndToEndIdentification
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

<EQAmt>: EqualAmount

<FaceAmt>: FaceAmount

<FinInstnId>: FinancialInstitutionIdentification

<FinInstrmId>: FinancialInstrumentIdentification
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<Fmly>: Family
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226, 230

<FrAmt>: FromAmount
339, 339

<FrDtTm>: FromDateTime

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

<FrToAmt>: FromToAmount

<FrToDt>: FromToDate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 115, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 225, 227

<GrpHdr>: GroupHeader
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 113
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 221

334, 335


<Id>: Identification
334, 335, 335, 346, 346, 347, 347, 347, 359, 359, 360
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 11, 13, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 118, 120, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222, 225, 227, 230

<IdntyCardNb>: IdentityCardNumber

<IdTp>: IdentificationType

<Incl>: Included
339, 339, 339, 339
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

<InitgPty>: InitiatingParty
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 227

<InstdAmt>: InstructedAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

<InstrId>: InstructionIdentification

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225

<IntrBkSttlmDt>: InterbankSettlementDate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<IntrmyAgt1>: IntermediaryAgent1
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<IntrmyAgt2>: IntermediaryAgent2
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<IntrmyAgt3>: IntermediaryAgent3
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<Intrst>: Interest
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

<Invcee>: Invoicee
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<Invcr>: Invoicer
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<IssgAgt>: IssuingAgent
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<Issr>: Issuer
346, 347, 359, 360
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16

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Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 117, 119, 121, 122, 123

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 227, 229, 229, 230

<LastPgInd>: LastPageIndicator
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<LglSeqNb>: LegalSequenceNumber
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<MndtId>: MandateIdentification
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

<MplyrIdNb>: EmployerIdentificationNumber

<MsgId>: MessageIdentification
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6, 10, 10, 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 113, 117, 117, 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 221, 224, 224, 225

<MsgNmId>: MessageNameIdentification
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

<MsgPgntn>: MessagePagination
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<MsgRcpt>: MessageRecipient
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<Nb>: Number
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

<NbOfDays>: NumberOfDays
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226

<NbOfNtries>: NumberOfEntries
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222, 223, 223

<NbOfTxs>: NumberOfTransactions
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

<NEQAmt>: NotEqualAmount

<Nm>: Name
335, 346, 347, 347, 358
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 228

<NmAndAdr>: NameAndAddress

<Ntfctn>: Notification
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<Ntry>: Entry
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

<OrgId>: OrganisationIdentification

<OrgnlBkTxCd>: OriginalBankTransactionCode
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<OthrId>: OtherIdentification

<Ownr>: Owner
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<PctgRate>: PercentageRate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

<PgNb>: PageNumber
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<PmtInfId>: PaymentInformationIdentification
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

<Pric>: Price
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<Prtry>: Proprietary
335, 346, 347
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16,
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 118, 119, 120, 120, 121, 121, 121, 122, 122,
122, 122, 123, 123, 123, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 227, 228, 228, 228, 229, 229,
229, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 231

<PrtryAcct>: ProprietaryAccount
334, 335

<PrtryAmt>: ProprietaryAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

<PrtryCd>: ProprietaryCode
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

<PrtryId>: ProprietaryIdentification
346, 347, 359

<PrvcOfBirth>: ProvinceOfBirth

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

<PrvtId>: PrivateIdentification

<PsptNb>: PassportNumber

<PstCd>: PostCode
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

<PstlAdr>: PostalAddress
346, 347, 347, 359

<Pty>: Party
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11, 13, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227, 228

<Purp>: Purpose
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<QtnDt>: QuotationDate

<Qty>: Quantity
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15, 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230, 230

<Rate>: Rate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 10, 11, 11, 11, 13, 13, 13, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 118, 118, 118, 118, 120, 120, 120, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 225, 225, 225, 227, 227, 227, 227

<RcvgAgt>: ReceivingAgent
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<Ref>: Reference
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

<Refs>: References

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225

<RfrdDocAmt>: ReferredDocumentAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<RfrdDocInf>: ReferredDocumentInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<RfrdDocNb>: ReferredDocumentNumber
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<RfrdDocRltdDt>: ReferredDocumentRelatedDate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<RfrdDocTp>: ReferredDocumentType
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<RltdAcct>: RelatedAccount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<RltdAgts>: RelatedAgents
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<RltdDts>: RelatedDates
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<RltdPric>: RelatedPrice
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<RltdPties>: RelatedParties
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 227

<RltdQties>: RelatedQuantities
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<RltdRmtInf>: RelatedRemittanceInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<RmtdAmt>: RemittedAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<RmtId>: RemittanceIdentification
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<RmtInf>: RemittanceInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<RmtLctnElctrncAdr>: RemittanceLocationElectronicAddress
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<RmtLctnMtd>: RemittanceLocationMethod
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<RmtLctnPstlAdr>: RemittanceLocationPostalAddress
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<Rpt>: Report
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7

<Rsn>: Reason
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

<RtrInf>: ReturnInformation
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<RtrOrgtr>: ReturnOriginator
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<RtrRsn>: ReturnReason
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

<RvslInd>: ReversalIndicator
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

<SclSctyNb>: SocialSecurityNumber

<SfkpgAcct>: SafekeepingAccount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 231

<SrcCcy>: SourceCurrency

<StartDt>: StartDate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<Stmt>: Statement
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114

<Strd>: Structured
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<StrtNm>: StreetName
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

<Sts>: Status
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

<SttlmPlc>: SettlementPlace
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<SubFmlyCd>: SubFamilyCode
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 117, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 227, 230

<Sum>: Sum
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 223, 223

<Svcr>: Servicer
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<Tax>: Tax
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11, 13, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227, 230

<TaxAmt>: TaxAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<TaxblBaseAmt>: TaxableBaseAmount

<TaxDt>: TaxDate

<TaxIdNb>: TaxIdentificationNumber
359, 359

<TaxRefNb>: TaxReferenceNumber

<TaxTp>: TaxType

<TaxTpInf>: TaxTypeInformation

<ToAmt>: ToAmount
339, 339

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

<ToDtTm>: ToDateTime

<Tp>: Type
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 8, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 115, 117, 117, 118, 118, 119, 120, 120, 120, 121, 122, 122, 122,
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 225, 225, 225, 226, 226, 227, 227, 228, 228, 229, 230,
230, 230

<TradDt>: TradeDate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<TradgPty>: TradingParty
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<TrgtCcy>: TargetCurrency

<TtlCdtNtries>: TotalCreditEntries
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt>: TotalChargesAndTaxAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

<TtlDbtNtries>: TotalDebitEntries
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

<TtlNetNtryAmt>: TotalNetEntryAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223

<TtlNtries>: TotalEntries
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd>: TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

<TtlTaxAmt>: TotalTaxAmount

<TtlTaxblBaseAmt>: TotalTaxableBaseAmount

<TwnNm>: TownName
346, 347, 347, 359, 369

<TxAmt>: TransactionAmount
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

<TxDtls>: TransactionDetails
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225

<TxDtTm>: TransactionDateTime
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

<TxId>: TransactionIdentification
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

<TxsSummry>: TransactionsSummary
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

<TxtlRate>: TextualRate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

<UltmtCdtr>: UltimateCreditor
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<UltmtDbtr>: UltimateDebtor
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<Unit>: Unit

<UnitCcy>: UnitCurrency

334, 335

<USCHU>: CHIPSUniversalIdentification

<Ustrd>: Unstructured
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

<ValDt>: ValueDate
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

<VldtyRg>: ValidityRange
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

<XchgRate>: ExchangeRate

Index of Message Item Types

333, 335
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114


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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114

346, 347, 347, 359, 369

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 117, 117, 117, 119, 119, 119, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 224, 224, 224, 226, 226, 226, 226

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 226

339, 339, 339, 339


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115


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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 12, 16

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226, 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226, 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226, 230

329, 343

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224

320, 334, 335

320, 359


321, 346, 347, 359


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 225, 227, 228, 228, 228, 228, 228, 228, 228, 228, 228,



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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 13, 13, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 120, 120, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 228, 228, 231

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223, 226

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223, 226

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 120

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227


321, 359

346, 347


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

322, 346, 347, 347, 359, 359, 360, 369

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 11, 12, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 116, 118, 119, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 223, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

319, 372, 372, 372, 372
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12,
12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 118, 118,
119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 120, 120, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223, 224, 224, 224, 224, 224, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225,
226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 227, 227, 227, 227, 229, 229, 229, 229, 229, 230, 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

322, 335, 339, 343, 343, 343, 372, 372, 372, 372
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12,
12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 115, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 118,
118, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 120, 120, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223, 223, 224, 224, 224, 224, 224, 225, 225, 225, 225,
225, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 227, 227, 227, 227, 229, 229, 229, 229, 229, 230, 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224, 224, 224, 224, 225, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 223


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 115, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 225, 227

329, 371

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 115, 115, 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222, 223, 223, 223, 223

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

323, 359


323, 359

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225



Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226, 230


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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 116, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 227, 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 117, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 227, 230

324, 346, 347

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228




Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230


346, 347, 359



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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 113
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 221



325, 334, 335

325, 359


319, 339, 339, 339, 339, 339, 339, 371, 371


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

319, 345, 359, 372

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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119, 121, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226, 229, 229, 229, 229, 229, 229

319, 343, 345, 345, 345
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6, 7, 15, 15, 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 113, 114, 122, 122, 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222, 229, 229, 229






Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230


330, 372
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14, 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121, 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228, 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8, 8, 8, 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115, 115, 115, 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222, 223, 223, 224


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UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9, 9, 12
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116, 116, 119
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 226

331, 346, 346, 347, 347, 347, 347, 359, 359, 369, 369

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

331, 334, 335


331, 335, 343, 346, 346, 346, 346, 346, 347, 347, 347, 347, 347, 347, 347, 347, 347, 359, 359, 359, 359, 359, 359,
359, 359, 359, 359, 359, 359, 359, 359, 359, 359, 360, 360, 360, 369, 369, 372, 372, 372, 372, 372
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11,
11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16,
16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 113, 114, 114, 114, 114, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117,
117, 117, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 118, 119, 119, 119, 120, 120, 120, 120,
120, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 221, 222, 222, 223, 223, 223, 224, 224, 224, 224, 224, 224,
225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 227, 227, 227, 227, 227, 227, 228,
228, 228, 228, 229, 229, 229, 229, 229, 229, 229, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 231


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 16, 16, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 123, 123, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 231, 231, 231

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114

Page 427
UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222


332, 335, 346, 346, 346, 347, 347, 347, 347, 347, 358, 359, 359, 369, 369
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 228

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 224


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228




Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 7
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 223

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115

Page 428
UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 6, 7, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 15, 15, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 114, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 122, 122, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 222, 227, 227, 228, 228, 228, 228, 228, 229, 229, 230

330, 372
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 10, 11, 11, 13, 13, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 118, 118, 120, 120, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 225, 225, 227, 227, 227




346, 347, 347, 359, 369
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14

Page 429
UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121

Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9, 9, 12, 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116, 117, 119, 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223, 224, 227, 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 226

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228


Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227


Page 430
UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 11, 13

Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 9

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230



Page 431
UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230



334, 335




Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 116

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 14
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229



Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227



Page 432
UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230



Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 121
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 228

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 229

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11, 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118, 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225, 227

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 13
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 120
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 227

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 15
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 122
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 11
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 118
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 225


Page 433
UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 16
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 123
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 230

Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 8, 9
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 115, 116
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 223


329, 334, 335



339, 339, 339, 339
Message BankToCustomerAccountReportV01 7, 10
Message BankToCustomerStatementV01 114, 117
Message BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV01 222, 224

Page 434
UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Bank-to-Customer Cash Management Standards April 2007
Revision Record

Revision Record
Revision Date Author Description Sections affected
1.0 20/04/2007 ISO 20022 RA Initial version All

Page 435

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