Ilaryana S Nutriment: Extraordinary

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1,1■1 0 93/2012-2014

Ilaryana s nutriment • Ir

Published by Authority
Govt. of Haryana
•■=111111.11 1•111..4-..M.M9111111.5111.


.11•11•1■01111741111■11.1.^ 411F,2••••100.1=111...1,..01.01MUJIMINIMIN 711.1

25/712097-611111.:— .4-170 tIF!' .31-ftk• 309 •T15 :9170. 9?Off irfk;4-

97tivi 7)74 7, illft)-11-0TE 7177E17-1Tc.7T, Ttl<t T, I1Iu: 1T 1T) \÷Icri ri-gT . ri
v-PrcA oqf 39c-tf crit Pczizrfr1,7fp f 43-11Z,Rqd 1.),49 Ali() -g,

1. (i) icpi ftfaa• MT1 -124-7:1171, 2014 Trtt i

(2) 7) cf feRr t oft

2. f441,11 ‘? --
sci-q4 317--1P-1r 31r1
(T) 'F\F-Ii afrzi)Tr
() '414. 34ftriq cb-14
- ffizft7 ul) tr-4)---- it 21-r 4i W
WRIISTR. Thcf 4cTT tiT.4 f45311- 31-10" 717 WE-91NUT a4. 1P.4-r rr4

(7) :311i1-1:171 WIRT-4.7.1 •RzfITIT 3=Nc1)1:1

!sr) i1 nirrim

Tic-AT tFPI; fftl. gra W1

si 3:17-1T ; 74T
(ii) fkriwil fAK xi-Ne-rdx 711 Th &R ;

ITT-qcti Cfl r f4Wftr-41c-fzi-

(i) 9.R.7 ff tkiik mt4

(ii) c1))3FT ftTet"4-eirall ■F1 9 t4401.- ±.4t1)\-99.• `q ."-Nct71 T-sa

V17-0. -R1c11-0.41c1z1 EtIfsrd fir Th MTT

Price : Rs. 5.00 (2695)

2696 HARYANA GOV1. (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)

(q) 04= t, ftrf4F 1*4-,KN-ti (4A4 *Tr

-441 9-df

tit -#t fferr 3. '1c11 RR! tC

Trq .9,-11R,,t :

3-1471 Ilt)Li I
(1) 4 1ft
T9" 40 tic.41 Tir zrr tr-<-9-P#
i1cT 9 041 zmr--4r 3T-RTRt ,04 -4 .4ffr4 tNcrk crqr-4 -t61
4 r4s-4vr \ 4. (1) ct.)) , slur 4 1- --4t t tR fkzroff -iA War ami v Ikon. v1E4 ocr (46 f),--if%o
TT i
'ff2T1 'qit
-wag, ; zrr

(() lI
v11 ;

(Tr) CRT ; TIT

(V) 71-T3TT4, 7). 749 7901, 1962, 34 TO # 7-eTTZTt \'n -4 qT{ . 3117171.
r; TIT

(.) t 4IR.)-01.-r, 4r-4wr zrr T, Tr* oviPqi

TrTri a (1-1n-d 3T17 TMT4f, WO 3117 2T* (T
3p;t1-4- 71 .wftf i 61cr, 3-1-r-Td- 4 7-eTrzll t)4 444 3r7ra 3TRrr

ER--t mcoi (u), (TO, (Er) zrr (`.) -wzrfkrd. ftAt ,lcI41 arNi 6),11
tr&-T 4 ,z-Nct-,N 14i-xot r gTrrur—tr- wrt War A- 1
(2) cr14 wiWzr, 1.4-1c61 TT 'ST9T13T-71 3TTTIEW 3ITTOT err Wilit 3T- 1
MIWtrOil 'g'Tq 1-1`NIT ZIT crftlz ftzff iTT sti(ocil t, f f4zjii. -W1
\'4 ,t-N (1) k T71 -AO (01 3TMq (1, WITuT—ti- wft WR. vi 6114 ti fkar
flchtil t
(3) ct)) fir, u 17 W-÷ir -ER A101 It oo ocr -ftzj--4ff -1 -7/1-
c16 1- 11-4.41(10, 1-111C41014, fSlIrig (14 er, Tr-i re
34-f4wrft wft- 3741 1 4-1)cIN c241404.4 ■3-1) 3R4 -uTr*
cza-vid 4149 4 -uRTR). T— 4 Ricf 3T wl ■I•4-f( f4HeiLi 7TT
err, -47e4Tff mcrk crn-rurr—icm wRid- 9 cr4
5_ (i) qft1Z '1)Rmth 3*rwrtr

-arWr \i)cn 7 e4isd 3TRrwrqr rfq 0 f -ts-4tr

War kriNflr, 3T-R4fi-r zU f5 & T 1-1-4t 4Acrroii crl 3Tr Twg-d- ct
34fr1 fWf (h) n I cal r .44 (6) t;
(ri-r 3t17
(ii) f*4K-di Ntrwrt :--
u~l wrfati- •t)c-11 Wa,mi 3ff4m--rtt trq 1:R Allt 7-Tdi- fkzpi- Wzrr
afrzi).-rr zir f 3TRJ -wWw<ui col 311----4-9' vg-
w-4.4u c09 31tR. ci4 3Tf --- c41 T-r
f4-srdtr prfo-wrt I 6. tr4T 74 4c URI l'tTlt

ffeTT arilf41 7. T) 1-Tt afF4ff, slur 4 WA)- 41- tr-q LF c1cP, ftc-1TE 'WM v1N4 II, .161 ci4 u 1-1-1d1
c61 ITT *-1 r4zrlt ZqT9T 3 -9-TT 7:101 3T- 124T fqz0T -#1- <711 74, 10-40-
Z1 MT 4 74 1
1 i1 C Li) 4 wliq 3.713T4

HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA) 2697
tr-(% 3:1ttft i gpo fkEjr4Tr met qvii of4 arc*d 311144 3-ur-4 ulrl 3--131P4a- wrd-Ett, ftut
-1-11, T-14 -#14m1 3 vORcr, u4Rili4I 3TAERT 33314 clIc4 trErtIki
3THRTUP9N-144 ‘J,4cim-r -9‘ -0 &.cr-q1.9 criWzra met A4-1I Oct)
TIM-jef t, 0 .0) 1` .ftm• tyq coNut Ra .041 I
8. cr) 4. arWr—
M TAfer L.1 q[c.) u:rWr itag fkar - Err r cf-,
t; Err
() 1 TA' '41/zrA. laff 6)k) ftt 3F anvi ftrg f411 Trr f
3f4--4Tcps -4t ,
41Aft3itlittm. TRftlitTr -m--rTir-19t15 ,11:
(' -Ncorr met UzIT f4-41-6 tfe-T T-R
-1.4),Er ztElt9- L1TA-4g aFFIEr t t f4)1.11 .4414T-1 m-t *\`-1 (1141, 614
34ttct --qm-tt
cc! 410 f).-A;Ract tTr 34 met .qivft
9. (1) as "4161 1 Gil I
1-161 WOZT *-4-fq qni 4
3TER 41,61f).1q,, 3zrrozr 3?r gq1---11. ;
(R31) 3T1TR' 1-)61'N=nct) WIRezi tm-rq -et qm
371-i-Tui 34-0 A 34 1-1q).--If gp<1 ;
(Tr) 4.11 :—
fttfka -4-49 4 34 4-q1P-io ;
(Er) fte4F Tr-
4ff met qv 4:—
-4ftsd 114,1-11 3rRim-0E11 4 34 Li< —1 gNi ;
3Tf4WIt 11 4 :—
(i) 75 Ard7Iff 3riftzil 4 34 Itql--t ; TiT
(ii) 25 ;4ft7i1 At1) 9- I I ; 3T2T4T
(iii) 14).4 .1\x/4 tNcON Err917ff ti'tcON mct 1)qi 4ITO 34 -et ei4 1%711 3Tfrm---rtr
3--ur9-r----Tur TIT q(0%14c1 ;
11-4)(1-11 rift AR qzit 4 :—
3-110). gNr -Err
(ii) 144
77- 1 *NON 41Td tict-)K .Thct 'NI 4 Trg-a 34 ft qv) ft-At at-Rwrft
3v1-1-9-r-- Tr Tiff I g
(2) Tit 1441—Wait v141 Oct) 3Tw-12.TT 3.11-e4,1-ff 9 t, v- tc5c11 tkrziaT 31NR TR Th("1- 7itift
31 y ci ve)t0c11
altn-R m---Oft
10. (1) ,()cil 4 -WItr-4- f4Ej--o- wirgfr, 31101 ITAT gto ft 721-4r ft-Err TrEtr -M 41 triNtafr

ci 3T-414 31 2.1-r f 2j4a- 14,Lit fl, f 7" 4t 31-4f4 ,INur

•< ;

tflt 1'4E1ft qiq ft-3,11 7Tr .ivqth trq TR Qt- f4K-1 -ar-dt-d met
3T--q-f4 11-1) 7r-tit ;
() gt.<1 feA-gr4ti met q.qil Aqt 1 11Aruzf Wr 34 Erg-A,
Tit ‘i-crw cr-4 tR wrEl c41 col4 3t--qtr, F4Ejeor ';*1Wrft trv, *\'-1
31.49, fttrd. tiftaait 3T-er l qtr 4 -ftr-q4 31-1-1-ff 41- 71 71-W-et t; 311-R.
(Tr) -ftr4dc1 31411 of air tR Witff 4 '14 3T-40. .<,-I 4 Pr4t wtrTft,
arf4fr f *\,-1 wok 3w1971- Tur 4 014 ftErt t, of air l ftt--ff

2698 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)

ziqR tR, e_4R *mt. fti4o- we,- TR rAi

cTr 9-ef ii I
(2) z4R 1.4?„-f.f4-o- -9Acia 4 -qP.41e3-1 31-4R wr-4 :31TWur
() aritt a"17T f4Tiqff +MI ri) .
-T-ffet -440 4.4- '0 ,pm
; atI7
(a-) cr a414:1- trOl 3-7-gerr F4- wr fi
Tr4 VfNth iicPc11
(ii) 11FT ft . Q41 3F7 In. q'Tftel 47R. icon, 7.4 - 71-ct-71- f)7ftr
(3)fait b71-*ff "rtf Tlit:NTT 31-4t1 -1& ).;.4 TR, fkgrti AgrfiFf?r
(4)) ■3317-4t ;El 4 1,14 41 '440).Zr...311CP
ti4 7:4.1
tki Fr, TIfk Te:iL4Q.E4 trz 1 - 741. TIT
e-107411- q>1. -f:44 T:v \r-s(p-t-IT t;
(ii) wr=1,7 faRt fOrf PITT,
1 rrffKi.
Th(1- fffr-,4- .),tt \t-T-4)7zir
( n j) 11-Ci 4'4 f.11
4 . }],I-N-cl -ocroi -gritcllurzfr-q•
3U -, Jr 7.7 1 -as--k! ul '`eir
(i) qfk zr"fit'it -4F:r C .0"t1fib e?• 71W4Thill 't) ! Tilbor •R, trfk
3-17-v;2T1 f;TW fVcrr 1-mr iTit -6-4 ii Ps;:" Vfk41-'4IT
370) ,6r-14-T 1),-ift :31wq 4 -4,Fr63-frret fliWIT KitT \ acc; f4-,fri
- $T,9 -TeTi 31TOFT cf) . ; 72fT

(ii) gQta.-fl- 3icifii * 3f17 7-3\9c,; 1Ttt 7114.7. 7f5',f 717:45M

-(49.4-lur TE-1 tr4rRT tRTv \97.FT :

1-P4*ri crp
3reff4, f 14, Tr*
t, 41-9- -44 aTt-
3)741 1i39-,-74" *Ti -H\c-V 'eft1T 4 4,4;311. • jc JraUTZ
.w),tx-A T 1
fftqT-I 51 ff 7 :-
zig 3T1V *.Nf T(-5 gTT ffT c:61 ii k'3.*•Ucil c-TK4 -WT4 .141-747. !
1rift7T 41'?-1c11 q-i7T 9 fTr dIP)411 :
.30 v,-4 -0 -4r -0 ti cffi
v-1 ft(0--,T3 :—
(*) {- t,11 1-7W Nr 0.17R-T 4 11;
PiScIff -Ri-c7c-'71 4.T 11Z:*
(ZtT) Tr9 5u1 PiTiffi giv fqT f FT zrftird
(Tr) .3T2T4T T2T18T-clv.u; s RT PTItT ,t9c“..-41 0 u ,w).r "971741
‘ W4rTir, fu'T9ti cfc:)^1f,i Zr T9TT1JT fi5
ii5Y4 if 12. (1) IT 1 ct4 "4-Ti TElf, ThRjr, wit4c5itTZT
rOToTi .71vt4 3TZTqf f9#1
T9-Tri TR, .■)ci T 43-V4 1Z›, aii-tvr f47 -,7.-114 tR ,;11! 4577:1: 1-(•t; -qTt •
cl I -crh ,--,TErR, 4-11 ew 1t
- cr-tNi- Rr
(1) 414- WM; 11, TfT refit 4T;- f1 i7-17- ..
F- tfeTT Tat Trf 304-Wt
Tcnikti rTf=144--,!,-frT3Q cPk Lim kl)-, 71r . 1?-1! Ti

HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA) 2699
(ii) zi! qi f4T1P:i zrr 8t,
Lei OTI* ,t-qAcci 741 •z - 1-4 7-1TV? * gRi '1"; 3T2T71
Zif Zirr

(iii) xl■Rj flct.)N, 31RIV)T4 70;41Ici-f, .71-faff WRI, \-Nct-,N gm"

q--Tt Aut fo-it 1-1-r tic.:to c4) triifIt-49T Wcizg• -RTT c- 141q• 4
. ATcfiR Nr 1;1,4 ,3f- fq -m--4)-H rt-114-1) ics1 -(11. ar-44 f4451-4
Ri*Itd *-;f1-7
s.P ro7 Tr124-1- wf 1rr‘silv41T
13. (1) TrO, (TM Z3i •"-4 -Trift L-741c11 -xir4.4 4 1FT7.I51 9 fi 4 7,w wq tEl",
ITT *-41- -1c.".V4 0,14 f)4491 ir fafkziP.): 5k! 41- Farr -3Fzr zfRO1
gre $") 3Ittsi 3q1 R-Fs-t4 fm 9-tr4.T 61,0 51-1Ii Tit .T41 31 14-124
34-rff arcm-rq zrr wqrq. 177 A- 3TPTT 1c eirq 3.1-q7N- 11T FTP rlI
(2) ‘)cii •W#1* RT, -i::;a 7;1 '2-t4e 75-7&i r
(3) T-FsTi Plika• sA-41-11F* Pr-44 4 , 2 115 tte. f-1,
-4,9' 42-ff
qicpic j=Mt tr•Z 311Wiftc-fr 74M-T
---Qc! 94.> crzitTiff fir *igf
14. (1) TrrWre-o. dttr 3i41A •Ri'T-TR,ITT72174-7(4 k 1-1•7 712-TT art
zi I*1 Trf".-7-qt
ñRi op-muri f#F-4-(-9 (q,:sii 3fi1lF) ft-T43. 1987 Tt-RT :11%‘,1 uvr 3T-tfrA
1-7.1 OA- •11Tra-t-Ozif zeiT
Z•I 7111-F-Tir1, 1--rR-o- c -1r--f 309 u'.;3T9TrF;
9-4 W4 qr fkrfOf -̀ 3TirRif -(-JT'r f?-1714 cRitlif '7r A f-)1. fee

(2) f4-{,cr
.c! ‘?„1121-a) ir 1987 It •Prz--ixr 3 7-37 149' (1) T T2Ti
1-0:,,TT 'MT!' ;?-rt-lijr ftt (q) A
t 3Tvt1 qi7-4 f(47 9-$-R ;;TP-

15. ---i47 977-t7R

( .,. tic ,H4 7Z174 Z1-T:1 TTUi1T izTI -c—
n4 -Nct')N
R:11 filTr z-frc,F,T T,f1171. -71.7
16. r # .51.,*(T)rri34, 717 -ffcr) Trif!A VD• •MIT fc:Tf4 •g-HTtg--MMTfira rr
Ttftz.TF zi;) 344TT .er NIft
17. T7.TR,111‘; fq 4, Z9 ftrl-f -et ft-,t -11 3;
Kiv4c.i.) qr \LH-1)6N' A-, cm. 6-g•
TMT 374-u TIT, 0414K-R41 zrri .qr Gli:2 t .:T A- I

18. ;:),.q 4 f-b---\11 zr; -eft gt 111, f411'4\-7 alf"4"Wit, tkiDr1 31,
,b-; A f-kiitr
'ff2TT •••3"i"d -041- II =15.R"f1T t
19. f .?-17-11 14 711 omr, 95R ITI47,9- 97-17.q. A ATR-T—ti414 sqR' art 1,444T8 3T .3)TaTur
- qrocl fttat 71TrI, 4 i-rftf44,
3frsr. 31,.T e diTT cif TIT et)
3T-7:1 c4 4 -7r 4,14.1 ::!;r4f4e-f N1Wati -ff2-T1 14-arT-d1 wiit

ctet 111v1(11 f .t-1111 IT171- >11K'l 4 3110-; 0

1ft I

20. t,-ft117011 fzeiWci Wc4-)c*i! (y.1 co) t-reft f*I7, 1981 -clv:i7
1iuiiftfZi fr't-cur A-en (3 11) T1-I-19 (1.Vi I1ie??1.
P,44-1 1978 R-fvftrff 14A; 'ii

1P-4 T.1- k Pf\f4fc-f P414ii 3OF f .41 zrzri eft? Th:1•Trs -45i-zizi
lei PITA
-cff 717-TT 3f11. .31.2.PT Tf cbiticTA 1piA
2700 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014-(ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)

wrf 44.114{ ird .fiwzir C-1•14111

litS4 I
wrift arferrzft mi14

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 961 71ct,, 1 1 2 ! 67000/-(TRW al cif @ 3%) -79000/-+

iznezr t-arq 790410R0

2 3T117 4161f)1ct), - 1 1 Z37400-67000+ - 3'1*041-0 9800/- Itoto4+

31t..)c1Rl 79.0t0R0

3 f-k- ET, 7ziNezi 2 2 4 ? 37400-67000+ vfoto 9500/- titolto4+

t41-q .c.9011.070

4 fte4-6. wiff 23 10 33 Z 37400-67000+ Itoto 8700/- to4o4+

5 4RTEd c'd i 188 254 442 Z 15600-39100+ Itotire 7600/- toto3+
3Tf4Wit va.011.070

6 ff4)c-t-ti 1231 1329 2560 Z 15600-39100+ Iloilo 5400/- toto 3+

31i4Wt vffoiftoo
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27; 1936 SAKA) 2701

ilte WI"

(4 f4zpr 7)
cog 1:1-4-
4TIT iftill Trili * relq /tehAff lltdft Tfdf -EtTiit 3Tfast i* ftt
litrea aftdrq MiT diTicf, Mt q'1i t affiqw 31-effr WAT 4IT14. Mt
co i e
1 2 3 . 4
1 ift.:17, RZIReZT q1 q --- 4 g1 --D gm
i 3itR 4i6Aict, wrifezT TA -0-
u'AtorilR-4 Tkrzi-dr i &NTH zR 1
2 3 31t1 96j1-44co, Wilful' ; ---- Li< —I gki
<I q • 14 . ict, .Rri-Tezr to # tr w)lizzffr 7-4
-41-N-dr &KR IR 1
3 f)1■47,, izil-fezt timq -1441-Q gm
iftr4F iT491 4 ti vt)tocit .cr . trr-d1 t
31M17 LIN 1
4 Rifti ilth ----- 144 -int' 6ki
Nfou ff4K-kil 3TftTrf4N1 4 t1-156-d- r
R-4 TON-dr * 31TE117 tH 1
5 cOto Ram' 31RMIt (i) 7i010311t0 gm tt WI # tr41--- am
'MIMI URI 7101t0 Zfr TiCciii0 7W0 07107-e0 14 -Tr3:1 m--rt arm- .t4
ft-t zu tftoto itralTit AFT 3TTTN ,<tg.) CIO if4)mi 31ftwf4N1
(ii) \-,-,141../ 7r.Tfr. .z-c11-R vpzu # ti cntocii 74 ItrzfaT i 3TIVR z17
ct”<,) * •414 ff.47c.91 ce-miiq /
aritrarR 31T1 4 Tit-4 Nit e.trfft— yr 31Z1 wfper g NI :
cifesur; (i) 7ToAto3ir40 gm wrr 4 4-11-ticlf
Zn ITRI 710t0 7:11 710710 ftlt 711
to-lto ,c4191- vRi- q, tolto f3,Qili1i
6114 1V4)M1 alc11114/3WMF
arTiA• 4 wm 44 A Nedizt; (ii) Ti.t./ vii w:Tat -v-iT. miict cp.<4 *
NT114).clii cticmig / 31 c TF 31-74
TIT 4 trf-- avif vrdta-r;
7rft.t.7. Tim ct).) wrq Zn
fit '41\7'4 3T2F4T *4rEf tiyap I' titOITO ' 'Ml iii vrtu cr),?4 * NrN
* 314ta' 11114*tir 31f it fV4K*11 c24cN-114/3Titrdr& 3719-4 4
*),4 1,1 N-fl Nvi Th-T 3151T-4 lt:ii4
.tri..-d ait mct ced-tz9-;
twliti54 .41-44 -wr 3T-19-4
Tiotto/TTR-eo -grRt vTRT
co...). * Nrq wr Oil Vf47; Zn
zif 7T41. 1.71: 7i c "' Wq fill- ,avzi
Tilt.wt..cre. cm.) .* .._ 3TeTNT *4rN ivcovz -- 3TEfrff fD7clii
1.44 ,u ,rzi arerar t- 'i * wzr 4 44 -4-e wr
314m fR)mi 31fi,m1-11cm t. f -ii4 t chii t -w4 t 44 wr 3T- 3T/41-4
.ET # 12 -411 'W• f._fi.4 t ,790tiQ/#10\ -r iTo crry-cl-rf4 ct) ,,) t
--li t ,19. 01.-1 44 WE 3ITT4 ' '41-4- 0-11 rft -q -
foto •fteiliii WU cm.) *
tii< T 0-tiHifi; Tfr

2702 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)

(iii) WT01'4 fe+--cwr tiftER -ar 1ttt 1:11-̀fr '4/4 itA

1Tretr 31VT4T t's-rDzi x!-Nchi,t 3Tr-Sri ffln
..r-PT ■34111. WCr 12 44 7t7T aTTITT
ct 714 .r.
to{ TIti it 4)-4 01 -I -45-r arulla
4ia4io qrgi cm<IT
it '41f8T,r ;
(iv) tlf Zir \irz-R-R f4PITI
f/ T1 51 :TIM
/TR-(4.14 ftrrctil ITI FErer 114
Ti-Er frA -•Zii frir IRrei. 7?-1
ftfN urcrint

(i.V)#15 .41 ■S-urtcf7 fktrarr

xittztf TT vii-1

6 reV-4)(1-ii fzii (I)iii)-11-1ffIiTRiG,7 izil7T-ci \LIT 312FT ';-.1t?.f411-0 rsiT

f4WTP;E:fle. -741T 1-1T-14
() fkii11',7-11%"1 1'0411- 7.-4f-ftraTF
tPc4tid. f 1r cftr4 A 41 PRI'
Ffrc-f 1:4;#1 Irc ;c4 fergtlialliii fd-71. fcl,;717t7 .-!-14
4-,r fart— rfri ffci c-Td
4 RR R105
1 qRvzi
44,-Ive?R4 144 Taci
7 crffTq .?Tr IT7,,c;ThEr
fti-i4mti tit.) q?... +1ki ftf-T ifr fV,); (NT ciftfq
uTaRiit \ -"7.i 4 474179
,7: ft'4114-
) 1,c-tr TT t

00 fkz15. T1 Zi5t4ea fhTT '43 (hi) tnc47 zir -Tt7-2"ef.7 ft/:1-r skiv. TFT
1'"1"/-40 Tr).

31R7T-4 — --
91N14ffif51 Tir4ct T-Cc:1M 1-7-'4141:31T V11.-1
mrcr v.- Tato crziosmo 77:IT& \771ovee / toAo i*xTf
too -4R; ■,T,-Ttc'e cl 1 1?„ 411
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA) 2703

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2704 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)

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HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA) 2705
[Authorised English Translation]



The 18th July, 2014

No.25/7/2007-6HB1.—In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the
Constitution of India, the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the
recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed to the Haryana Civil Medical (Group-A)
Service, namely:-
1. (1) These piles may be called the Haryana Civil Medical (Group-A) Service Rules, 2014. Short title and
(2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official.Gazette.
2. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,- Definitions.
' (a) "Commission" means the Haryana Public Service Commission;
(b) "direct appointment" means an appointment made otherwise than by promotion from
within the service or by transfer of an officer already in the Service of the Government
of India or any State Government;
(c) "Government" means the Haryana Government in the Administrative Department;
(d) "institution" means-
(i) an institution established by law in force in the State of Haryana; or
(ii) any other institution recognized by he Government for the purpose of these rules;
(e) "recognised university" means-
(i) university incorporated by law in India; or
(ii) any other university which is declared by the Government to be a recognized
university for the purpose of these rules; and
"Service" means the Haryana Civil Medical (Group-A) Service.
3. The Service shall comprise of the posts shown in Appendix-A to these rules : Number and character
of posts.
Provided that nothing in these rules shall effect the inherent right of the Government to make
additions to, or reductions in, the number of such posts or to create new posts with different designations
and scales of pay, either permanently or temporarily.
4. (1) No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service, unless he is,— Nationality, domicile
and character of
(a) a citizen of India; or candidates appointed to
(b) a subject of Nepal; or Service.

(c) ' a subject of Bhutan; or

(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January, 1962, with the
intention of permanently settling in India; or
(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, or
any of the East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of
Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia
with the intention of permanently settling in India:
Provided that a person belonging to any of the categories (b), (c), (d) or (e)
shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the
(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to an
examination or interview conducted by the Commission or any other recruiting authority, but the offer
of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the
2706 HARYANA GOVT. GAL., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)
(3) No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service by direct recruitment, unless he
produces a certificate of character from the Principal Academic Officer of the University, College,
School or Institution last attended, if any, and similar certificate from two other responsible persons, not
being his relatives, who are well acquainted with him in his private life and are unconnected with his
university, college, school or institution.
Age 5. (1) For Senior Medical Officer:-
No person shall be appointed to the post of Senior Medical Officer in the Service by direct
recruitment who is less than thirty-two years and more than forty five years of age on the
last date of submission of applications to the Commission or any other recruiting authority.
(ii) For Medical C.tfficer:-
No person shall be appointed to the post of Medical Officer in the Service by direct
recruitment who is less than twenty-two years and more than thirty five years of age on the
last date of submission of applications to the Commission or any other recruiting authority.
Appointing Authority.
6. Appointments to the posts in the Set-Vice shall be made by Government.
Qualification and
experience /.. No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service, unless he is in possession of qualifications
and experience specified in column 3 of Appendix B to theSe rules in the case of direct recruitment and
those specified in column 4 of the aforesaid Appendix in the case of appointment other than by ditect
Provided that in case of direct recruitment, the ipialifieations regarding experience shall be relaxable
to the extent of fifty percent at the discretion of the Government in case sufficient number of candidates
belonging to Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes, Ex-servicemen and Physically Handicapped categories
possessing the requisite experience, are not available to fill up the vacancies reserved for theta, =after
recording reasons for so doing in writing.
i)isqualifications. 8. No person, -
(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or
(b) who having spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with coy person.
shall be eligible for any post in the Service:-
Provided that. the Government may, if satisfied, that such marriage is permissible
under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage
exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
Method of recruitment.
9. (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made, -
(a) in case of Director General Health Services,-
by promotion from amongst Additional Director General Health Services;
(b) in case of Additional Director General Health Services,-
by promotion from amongst Director Health Services;
(c) in case of Director Health Services,-
by promotion from amongst Civil Surgeons;
(d) in case of Civil Surgeon,-
by promotion from amongst Senior Medical Officers;
(e) in case of Senior Medical Officer,-
(i) 75% by promotion from amongst Medical Officers; and
(ii) 25% by direct recruitment; or
(iii) by transfer/deputation of an officer already in the Service of any State
Government or the Government of India;
(f) in case of Medical Officer,-
(i) by direct recruitment; or
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SARA)
(ii) by transfer/deputation of an officer already in the Service of any State
Government or the Government of India.

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on seniority-cum-merit basis and
seniority alone shall not confer any right to such promotions.

10. (1) Persons appointed to any post in the Service shall remain on probation for a period of two P:obation.
years, if appointed by direct recruitment, and one year if appointed otherwise:
Provided that—
(a) any period after such appointment spent on deputation on a corresponding or a
higher post shall count towards the period of probation;
(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank, prior to appointment to any post
in the Service, may, at the discretion of the appointing authority, be allowed to
count towards the period of probation fixed under this rule; and
(c) any period of officiating appointment shall be reckoned as period spent on probation
but no person., who has so officiated shall, on the completion of the prescribed
period of probation, be entitled to be confirmed, unless he is appointed against a
permanent vacancy.

(2) If, in the opinion of the appointing authority, the work or conduct of a person during the
period of probation is not satisfactory, it may-
(a) if such a person is appointed by direct recruitment, dispense with his services, and
(b) if such person is appointed otherwise than by direct recruitment,-
(i) revert him to his former post; or
(ii) deal with him in such other manner; as the terms and conditions of his previous
appointment permit.

(3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person, the appointing authority may,-
(a) if his work or conduct has, in its opinion, been satisfactory-
(i) confirm such person from the date of his appointment , if appointed against a
permanent vacancy; or
(ii) confirm such person from the date from which a permanent vacancy occurs, if
appointed against a temporary vacancy; or
(iii) declare that he has completed his probation satisfactorily, if there is no permanent
vacancy; or

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion, been not satisfactory-
(i) dispense with his services, if appointed by direct recruitment, and if appointed
otherwise revert him to his former post or deal with him in such other manner, as
the terms and conditions of his previous appointment permit; or
(ii) extend his period of probation and thereafter pass such order as it could have
passed on the expiry of th; first period of probation:

Provided that the total period of probation, including extension, if any, shall
not exceed three years.
11. Seniority, inier-se of the members of the Service shall be deterinined•
by the length of their Seniority of members
continuous service on any post in the Service: of Service.

Provided that in the case of members appointed by direct recruitment, the order of merit determined
by the Commission shall not be disturbed in fixing the seniority :
2708 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)
Provided further that in the case of two or more members appointed on the same date, their
seniority shall be determined as follows:—
(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment shall be senior to a member appointed by
promotion or by transfer;
(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senior to a member appointed by transfer,

(c) in the case of a member appointed by promotion or by transfer, seniority shall be

determined according to the seniority of such members, in the appointments from which
they were promoted or transferred.
Liability to serve.
12. (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at any place whether within or outside the
State of Haryana on being ordered to do so by the appointing authority.
(2) A member of Service may also be deputed to serve under,-
(i) a company, an association or a body of individuals; whether incorporated or not, which
is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the State Government, a Municipal
Corporation or a local authority within the State of Haryana; or

(ii) the Central Government, or a Company, an association or a body of individuals, whether

incorporated or not, which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Central
Government; or
(iii) any other State Government, an international organization, an autonomous body not
controlled by the Government or a private body;

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any
other State Government or any organization or body referred to in clause (ii) or clause
(iii) except with his consent.
Pay, Leave, Pension
and other matters.
13. (1) In respect of pay, leave, pension and all other matters, not expressly provided for in these
rules, the member of the Service shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may have been or
may hereafter be, adopted or made by the CompetentAuthority under the Constitution of India or under
any law for the time being in force made by the State Legislature.

(2) No member of the Service shall have the right of private practice.
(3) The concession under Rule 4.2-A of Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-II shall be
admissible to the members of the Service for the purpose of pensionary benefits, with retrospective
effect on the date of their retirement on superannuation on usual terms and conditions as envisaged
under the said Rules.
Discipline, penalties
and appeals.
14. (1) In matters relating to discipline, penalties and appeals, members of the Service shall be
governed by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1987, as amended from time
to time:

Provided that the nature of penalties which may be imposed and the authority empowered to
impose such penalties shall subject to the provision of any law or rules made under article 309 of the
Constitution of India, be such as are specified in Appendix-C to these rules.

(2) The authority competent to pass an order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of
rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeals) Rules, 1987, and the appellate authority
shall be as specified in Appendix-D to these rules.
15. Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and revaccinated as and when the
Government so directs by a special or general order.
Oath of allegiance.
16. Every member of the Service, unless he has already done so, shall be required to take the oath of
allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established.
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)
17. Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, it may, by order, Power of relaxation.
for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class
or category of persons.

Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the appointing authority may impose special
Special Provision.
terms and conditions in the order of appointment, if it is deemed expedient to do so.
19. Nothing contained in these rules shall effect reservations and other concessions required to be
provided for scheduled castes, backward classes or ex-servicemen, Physically handicapped persons or
any other class or category or persons, in accordance with the orders issued by the State Government in
this regard from time to time :

Provided that the total percentage of reservation so made in respect of all reserved categories
shall not exceed fifty percent at any time.
20. The Haryana Civil Medical (Group A) Service Rules, 1981 and the Haryana Civil Medical
Repeal and Savings.
Service (Class II) Rules, 1978 are hereby repealed:

Provided that any order made or action taken or pending under the rules so repealed shall be
deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.
2710 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)

(See rule 3)

Sr. Designation of Posts Numbet of Post Scale of Pay

Permanent Temporary Total i
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Director General Health ,
1 2 Z 67000/-(annual increment
Services @ 3%) -79000/- + _TPA
2. Additional Director - 1 1 Z 37400-67000+ GP
General Health Services 9800/-PB4+NPA
3. Director Health Services 2 4 Z 37400-67000+ GP
1 9500/-PL4+14PA
4. Civil Surgeon • 23 10 33 Z 37400-67000+ GP
. • Z 8700/-PB4+NPA
5, Senior Medical Officer 188 254 442 Z 15600-39100+ GP
Z 7600/-PB34 NPA
6. Medical Officer 1231 1329 7.560 Z 15600-39100±GP
L____ ' 5400-PB3+NPA
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA) 2711

(See rule 7)

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and experience, if

No. posts any, for appointment otherwise than by direct
and experience, if any, for direct recruitment
1 2 • 3 4
I. Director General By Promotion —
Health Services On the basis of Seniority-cum-merit from
amongst the Additional Director General
Health Services
2. Additional By Promotion -
Director General On the basis of Seniority-cum-merit from
Health Services amongst the Director Health Services.
3. Director Health - By Promotion -
Services On the basis of Seniority-cum-merit from
amongst the Civil Surgeons.
4. Civil Surgeon By Promotion -
On the basis of Seniority-cum-merit from
' amongst Senior Medical Officers.
5. Senior Medical (i) MD or MS degree or PG diploma By promotion-
Officer recognized as such by MCI ; and On the basis of seniority-cum-
merit from amongst Medical Officers
(ii) Five years standing in medical profession/
having atleast eight years experience in
hospital experience after acquiring the
MD/MS degree; or HCMS.

By transfer/deputation --
Seven years standing in medical
profession/hospital experience after
(i) MD or MS degree or PG diploma
acquiring the PG diploma; or
recognized as such by MCI ; and
Ten years experience as Medical Officer
(ii) Five years standing in medical
under any state or central government after
profession/hospital experience after
passing MBBS out of which at least two
years experience should be after acquiring acquiring the MD/MS degree; or
the MD/MS degree; or
Seven years standing in medical
profession/ hospital experience after
Twelve years experience as Medical
Officer under any state or central acquiring the PG diploma; or
government after passing MBBS out of
which at least three years experience Ten years experience as Medical Officer
should be after acquiring the PG diploma; under any state or central government
and after passing MBBS out of which at
least two years experience should be
(iii)Registered as Medical Practitioner with after acquiring the MD/MS degree; or
Medical Council of India or any other .
State Medical Council in Indian union; and Twelve years experience as Medical
Officer under any state or central
(iv) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard government after passing MBBS out of
or higher education. which at least three years experience
should be after acquiring the PG

(iii) Registered as Medical Practitioner with

Medical Council of India or any other
State Medical Council in Indian union;
(iv) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or
higher education.
2712 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SARA)

1 2 3 4
6. Medical Officer (i) Graduate in Medicine and surgery of a By transfer/deputation —
recognized University or any other
university or institution recognized by the (i) Graduate in Medicine and surgery of a
Medical Council of India; and recognized University or any other
(ii) Registered as Medical Practitioner with university or institution recognized by
Medical Council of India or any other State the Medical Council of India; and
Medical Council in Indian union; and (ii) Registered as Medical Practitioner
(iii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or with Medical Council of India or any
higher education. other State Medical Council in Indian
union; and
Preference shall be given to candidates having (iii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard
MD/MS degree/PG Diploma recognized by or higher education.
Preference shall be given to candidates having
MD/MS degree/PG Diploma recognized by
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA) 2713

[See Rule 14'(1)]
Sr. Designation of Appointing Nature of Penalty Authority Appellate
No. Posts Authority empowered Authority
to impose
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Director Government I. Minor Penalties _ Government --
General Health (i) warning with a copy in the personal file (character
Services roll);
2 (ii) censure;
Additional (iii) withholding of promotion;
Director (iv) recovery from pay of the whole or part of any
General Health pecuniary loss caused by negligence or a breach
4 Services of orders to the Central Government or a State
Government or to a Company and association or
5. Director Health a body of individuals whether incorporated or not,
Services which is wholly or substantially owned or
controlled by the Government or to a local
6. Civil Surgeon authority or university set up by an Act of
parliament or of the legislature of a State; and
Senior Medical (v) withholding of increments of pay without
Officer cumulative effect.
II. Major Penalties
Medical Officer (vi) withholding of increments of pay with cumulative
(vii) reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay
for a specified period, with further directions as to
whether or not the Government employee will
earn increments of pay during the period of such
reduction and whether on the expiry of such
period, the reduction will or will not have the
effect of postponing the future increments of his
(viii) reduction to a lower scale of pay, grade, post or
service which shall ordinarily be a bar to the
promotion of the Government employee to the
time scale of pay, grade, post or service, from
which he was reduced, with or without further
directions regarding conditions of restoration to
the grade or post or service from which the
Government employee was reduced and his
seniority and pay on such restoration to that
grade, post or service;
(ix) compulsory retirement;
(x) removal from service which shall not be a
disqualification for future employment under the
(xi) dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a
disqualification for future employment under the
2714 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., (EXTRA.), JULY 18, 2014 (ASAR. 27, 1936 SAKA)

[See Rule 14 (2)]

Sr. No. Designation of Posts Nature of order Authority competent

to make order
1 2 3 . 4

1. Director reneral Health (a) reducing or withholding the amount of Government

Services ordinaiy/additional pension admissible
under the rules governing pension.

2 Additional Director General (b) terminating the appointment otherwise

Health Services than on his attaining the age fixed for
3 Director Health Services
4 Civil Surgeon
5 Senior Medical Officer

6. Medical Officer

Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana,
Health Department

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