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Delhi, the 23rd December, 2024
No. F. 15 (1 615)/PSB/2023/EWS/Notification/7134-7148.—The Delhi School Education (Free Seats for
students belonging to Economically Weaker Sections and Disadvantaged Group) Order, 2011, was published vide
Notification No. 15(172)DE/Act/2010/69 dated 07.01.2011;
Whereas, in compliance of the Hon'ble High Court, Delhi judgement dated 07.10.2013 passed in W.P. (C)
No. 3168/2013 titled Himangi Vs. GNCT of Delhi, the clause 2 (c) of the order dated 07.01.2011 was amended to the
extent that the phrase "for the last three years" appearing in the expression "Child belonging to weaker sections" was
removed vide Circular No. DE-15/Act-1/WPC No. 3168/13/2013/1 1734-11738 dated 14.11.2013;
Whereas, vide judgement dated 05.12.2023 passed in W.P. (C) No. 4006/2021 titled Master Singham Vs.
Directorate of Education & Anr.. the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi directed to increase the required income under
Clause 2 (c) of order dated 07.01.2011 to Rs. 5 lakhs instead of Rs 1 lakh;
Whereas, vide order dated 05.03.2024 passed in L.PA No. 120/2024, titled as Directorate of Education Vs.
Master Singham & Anr. preferred by Directorate of Education, the directions in Para-119 of the impugned judgement
dated 05.12.2023 in W.P.(C) No. 4006/2021 has been stayed and the threshold income for admission under EWS in
interregnum is directed to be increased to Rs. 2.5 lakhs.
Whereas, in compliance of said directions of Hon'ble High Court of Delhi and in exercise of the powers
conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Delhi School Education Act, 1973 (18 of 1973) read with rule 43 of
the Delhi School Education Rules, 1973 and under the provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009, the Delhi School Education (Free Seats for students belonging to Economically Weaker Sections
and Disadvantaged Group) Order, 2011, was amended vide Notification dated 12.11.2024 as under-
"In sub-clause (c) of clause 2 of the Delhi School Education (Free Seats for students belonging to
Economically Weaker Sections and Disadvantaged Group)Order 2011, the words "means a child whose parents have
total annual income of less than one lakh rupees from all sources and who have been staying in Delhi for the last three
years" shall be substituted with "means a child whose parents have total annual income of less than two lakh and fifty
thousand rupees from all sources and who have been staying in Delhi"
Whereas, in pursuance of directions of Hon'ble Lt. Governor to review the threshold income limit of 2.5
lakhs and recommendations of Committee constituted by the DoE therein to increase the EWS income limit under
RTE Act 2009 from Rs 2.5 lakhs to Rs 5 lakhs to ensure greater inclusion of the EWS children.
Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Delhi School
Education Act, 1973 (18 of 1973) read with rule 43 of the Delhi School Education Rules, 1973 and under the
provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 the Lt. Governor of the National
Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to amend the Delhi School Education (Free Seats for Students belonging to
Economically Weaker Sections and Disadvantaged Group) Order, 2011, as under :-
In sub-clause (c) of clause 2 of the Delhi School Education (Free Seats for students belonging Economically
Weaker Sections and Disadvantaged Group) Order 2011, the words "means a child whose parents have total annual
income of less than two lakhs and fifty thousand rupees from all sources and who have been staying in Delhi " shall be
substituted with "means a child whose parents have total annual income of less than five lakhs rupees from all sources
and who have been staying in Delhi."
The notification shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Delhi Gazette.
By Order and in the Name of the Lt. Governor
of the National Capital Territory of Delhi,
SHINGARE RAMCHANDRA MAHADEV, Ex-Offcio Addl. Secretary (Education)
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