Jacques Brunel
Jacques Brunel
Jacques Brunel
Jacques Brunel (Brumel, Brumello, Brunello, Giaches Brumel, etc.) (died 1564) was a French organist and composer, active mostly
in Italy.
List of works
Further reading
He may have been organist at the Rouen Cathedral until December 1524, when a
certain Jacques Brunel left the post. From 1532 until 1564 a Brunel, probably the
same person, worked as organist at the Este chapel in Ferrara, where in 1547–1558
he served under the famous composer Cipriano de Rore. Between 1543 and 1559
Brunel received money for the keep of a horse, which he needed to travel to oversee
the Este chapels at Modena and Reggio nell'Emilia. At the request of Guidobaldo II
della Rovere, Duke of Urbino, Brunel also stayed in Pesaro and Urbino in the
summer of 1534, and later in 1561–63. The last references to him in the archives are
from early 1564: he was last paid in March, and had died by May. He was succeeded
by his son Virginio Brunel, who later became organist at the Basilica of San Vitale. A late 16th or early 17th century map
[1] of Ferrara, where Brunel lived for at
He served there from August 1572 until some time after 1580.
least 32 years of his life
Brunel enjoyed an exceptionally high reputation during his lifetime. Numerous writers, including Cosimo Bartoli, Cinciarino, Jacopo
Corfini and Luigi Dentice, praised his skills. Bartoli wrote that Brunel played "with more grace, with more art and more musically
than any other, whoever he may be." However, few of his works survive. The most important pieces, a number of ricercars from the
so-called Bourdeney Codex, were attributed to Brunel byAnthony Newcomb in 1987. These works are of considerable importance in
the evolution of the genre: there are frequent instances of advanced contrapuntal techniques such as inversion and augmentation,
hexachord transpositions (inganno) of the subjects; some of the pieces even employ countersubjects.[2] Two ricercares also appear in
another mansucript: one imitative, structured like amotet, and the other completely devoid of any imitative passages.
One other piece was attributed to Brunel by Knud Jeppesen: an organ mass discovered in the 1940s in manuscripts that were kept in
the main church of Castell'Arquato. The mass, subtitled Messa de la dominica, is signed Jaches at the end of the last Kyrie verset. It
is a typical Italian organ mass, consisting of many short pieces for the alternation practice. All of the pieces are in four voices, but the
texture is frequently interrupted either by passages in three voices, or with chordal passages which include chords of five, six, or even
seven notes.[4]
List of works
Messa de la dominica
Ricercare di Jaches (in F)
Ricercare di Jaches (in d)
Recercare del nono tuono
Ricercar sopra la sol fa re mi
Ricercar del terzo tono
Ricercar del nono tono
Ricercar del quinto tono
Ricercar del duodicesimo tono
Ricercare del primo tono
Ricercare del primo tono
Ricercare del secondo tono
Ricercare del seconto tono
Ricercare del terzo tono
Ricercare del quarto tono
Ricercare del duodecimo tono
Ricercare sopra Cantai mentre ch'i arsi [di] Cypriano [de Rore]
1. Hudson, Grove.
2. Hudson, Grove.
3. Apel 1972, 170.
4. Apel 1972, 112.
Apel, Willi. 1972. The History of Keyboard Music to 1700. Translated by Hans Tischler. Indiana University Press.
ISBN 0-253-21141-7. Originally published asGeschichte der Orgel- und Klaviermusik bis 1700by Bärenreiter-
Verlag, Kassel.
Hudson, Barton. "Jacques Brunel",Grove Music Online, ed. L. Macy, grovemusic.com (subscription access).
Further reading
Jeppesen, Knud. 1955.Eine frühe Orgelmesse aus Castell'Arquato, AMw, xii (1955), 187–205.
Newcomb, Anthony. 1987. The Anonymous Ricercars of the Bourdeney Codex . Frescobaldi Studies, ed. A. Silbiger
(Durham, NC, 1987), 97–123.
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