666LeviathanTheBeastAsTheAntiChristPt 1 1 PDF
666LeviathanTheBeastAsTheAntiChristPt 1 1 PDF
666LeviathanTheBeastAsTheAntiChristPt 1 1 PDF
“17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wis-
dom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the
beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six.”
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
Copyright 1971 A.D.
Sixth revision 2003 A.D.
Printed in the U.S.A.
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“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel
together, against the (Yahayyu “Existing One, Living One”)
‘LORD’, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their
bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.”
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
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now say you have a a Master Teacher living in your midst today.
And how to break the spell, for all who will listen; It is through
Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, and the Right Overstanding,
which is the science of Nuwaubu, Sound Right Reasoning.
Thus, this revised edition of “The Spell of Kingu, The Spell of
Leviathan 666” contains information so profound that I, Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, as well as you will agree that:
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scriptures: variously thought of as a whale or a reptile. 2.
Anything huge of its kind.
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2. The Brotherhood of the Snake
3. The Brotherhood of the Dragon
4. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
5. The Order of Luciferians
6. The Satanic Order
7. The Open Friendly Secret Society (The Vatican)
8. The Nazi Party S.S.
10. The Illuminati
11. The Secrets of the Ages
12. The Guardians
13. The Millennium
14. The Skull and Bone
15. The Demolay Society
16. The Order of the Quest
17. The Jesuits
18. The Rosicrucians
19. The Astara Order
20. The Scroll and Key
21. The Odd Fellows
22. The Order of Sion “Zion”
23. Le Serpent Rouge “The Red Serpent”
These are just some of the Christian Secret Orders that the
average Christian knows nothing about. Most Christian
Ministers, Pastors, Bishops, Reverends, Deacons, Fathers don't
know anything about them.
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coming age of barbarism,’ attorney Constance E.
Combey writes this in her book, the Hidden
Dangers Of The Rainbow (1983) - “Benjamin
Creme, David Spangler, Alice Baily, Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky, Et Al, have all said that ‘initi-
ation’ will be the heart and core of the “New World
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Antichrist even if they wanted to, because their
Free Will has been destroyed.
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expose of the foreign aid scandal, in which work I
named several conspiratorial organizations, whose
number is legion. Their final objective is the over-
throw of the U.S. Constitution and the merging of
this country, chosen by god as his country, with a
godless one world order government which will
return the world to conditions far worse than exist-
ed in the dark ages.”
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shall take place before the take over of the one
world government and people with ethnic and reli-
gious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslems
Pakistanis and the Hindu Indians. Ethnic and reli-
gious differences shall be magnified and exacerbat-
ed and violent conflict as a means of “settling” their
differences shall be encouraged and fostered. All
information services and print media shall be under
the control of the one world government. Regular
brainwashing control measures shall be passed off
as “entertainment” in the manner in which it was
practiced and became a fine art in the United States.
Youths removed from “disloyal parents,” shall
receive special education, designed to brutalize
them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to
qualify as prison guards for The One World labor
camp system. It is obvious that much work remains
to be done before the dawning (Shakhar) of the new
world order can occur.”
Dr. John Coleman was out to expose the One World Order as it
appeared in the government (Read Book#156 The Year 2000 and
What to Expect, by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-
59517-147-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers, and Book #156 The
Millenium Book Part 1-2 by Noble:Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,
ISBN 1-59517-142-8 distributed by Egipt Publishers, Behold a
Pale Horse by William Cooper,ISBN 0-92938-52-25, Light
Technology Publishing, The Biggest Secret by David Icke, ISBN
0-95261-47-66, Bridge of Love Publications, and The Illuminati
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666 compiled by William Josiah Sutton, ISBN 1-57258-01-43,
published by Teach Services Inc.).
They are now telling you that this underground government will
run America and that these plans were long standing plans that are
being activated for the first time; necessitated by the prophesied
attack on 9/11/01 A.D. Everything is being done in secret. For
example: lawmakers were not told of secret plans for the Shadow
Government. The Senate has not even been informed about the
role of the Shadow Government, its whereabouts or what particular
responsibilities they have and when they would kick in. Keep in
mind what the Senate seat is as defined by the American Heritage
Dictionary, by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionary,
ISBN 0-39582-51-72, Houghton Mifflin Publishers as:
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“An assembly or a council of citizens having the
highest deliberative and legislative functions in a
government, specifically”
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ering in of the One World Order:
Through FEMA (Federal Emergency Management
Agency) there will be what is called “takeovers”.
These takeovers include anything from the takeover
of electric power to the takeover of your children.
They have what is called “Executive Order 11021”
and it gives all of the details of the responsibilities
of FEMA. It gives FEMA the authority to execute
the orders of the Executive Order 11051. FEMA
covers every type of domestical crisis but it doesn’t
involve war or nuclear attacks... All FEMA needs is
to be able to implement any one of the Executive
Orders of The President of the United States to say
that there is some type of national emergency.
Regardless of what it is, if the President says that it
is a national emergency then they take action... Here
is a list of them:
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Executive Order 11001 provides for governmental
takeover of all health, education and welfare func-
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11490 , by Ex-President Richard Nixon in October
of 1969 A.D. This Executive order states:
They are now telling you the type of national security they are
planning. In The Army Times- August , 6, 2001 A.D., in an article
called “Zapper Tactics” (a copy of the article appears below); they
Plate 1
This is “The Zapper”; a weapon that will be used for crowd control
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centers in war-torn countries. That would be America after the 9/11
attacks on the World Trade Center. They also say that this weapon
will be good for urban areas. This order came after the original
order that was given by the Ex-President John F. Kennedy signed
on October 2, 1962 A.D. This order was Executive order 11051
and it stated:
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budget to $6.5 billion, making it the go-to agency for helping state
and local governments. FEMA will also absorb the Justice
Department Office. Workers at the Department of Justice will move
to FEMA’s office and will also receive parts of Department of
Justice programs. You were told this was going to happen since
1971 A.D. This is all to prepare you for The New World Order.
This was made possible by their attack on the Pentagon on 9/11
which houses the Justice Department.
Expect more changes that will take away your rights. As of May
2002 A.D. the Congress of the United States of America passed a
law outlawing the use of any other language besides American
English. As of now this means no signs are allowed in other lan-
guages and no speaking in other languages for it is now against the
law. Pay close attention to what is going on around you for the
beast is getting in place and fullfilling revelations that have been
unfolded for you since 1970 A.D. until now. Satan, Shaytaan,
Devil knows his rule is up!
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in 1969 A.D., referred to this shadow government as C.O.G., as a
sign for what he was going to do. The acronym C.O.G., which is the
same as the word cog which is of Scandinavian origin, Swedish
kugg, defined by The American Heritage Dictionary, by the
Editors of the American Heritage Dictionary , ISBN 0-39582-
51-72, Houghton Mifflin Publishers as;
You were told back in 1970 A.D. who the real government was and
the name that it was represented under, Gog being the United States
and Magog being Russia. This information can be found in El’s
Holy Injiyl - The Book of Revelation translated from the original
Aramic by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-
118-5, distributed by Egipt Publishers, from the Revelation of
Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Haru Pa Messeh, Jesus the
Messiah “Christ”, received by Yowkhanan, Yuhanna, John son of
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Zebedee and Salome. (Revelation 1:1). On page 871 of El’s Holy
Injyl by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-
118-5, distributed by Egipt Publishers, it states and I quote, “And
he will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters
of the Planet Earth, Gog (United States) and Magog (Russia), to
gather them together.” That is exactly what America has done as
prophesied. In Book #156 The Year 2000 A.D. And What To
Expect authored by Noble:Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN
1-59517-147-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers, on page 250-253
and I quote,
Now in the present day, the year 2004 A.D. it is a known fact that
the American people were deceived. A headline printed in U.S.A.
Today read “Astronomers mock Fox show about moon fakery”;
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this information also appears in The Weekly World News dated
March 5, 1991 A.D.
Gog (United States) and Magog (Russia) were also ancient king-
ships in Asia Minor, who took the city of Jerusalem and were ene-
mies of the Israelites, who are Elohyeem’s “Gods’, Judges’,
Angels’” people. In Revelation 20:9 it is foretold they too will be
destroyed from before the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”.
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will have a place to relocate. Alternative 2 is as follows:
Plate 2 Plate 3
George W. Bush Dick Cheney
This is just the beginning of their destruction. Yet, you still want to
be a part of this beast and go down with him. Look at the name of
the leader of the United States of America, President George W.
Bush. When you look in the Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon, the word
“bush” in Hebrew is Strong’s #0954 vwb buwsh boosh, meaning
“to put to shame, be ashamed, be disconcerted, be disappointed”
This is what is on the news right now, he disappointed everyone
with the war in Iraq; all this is because Satan, Shaytaan, Devil’s
time is up. You see the physical Satan, Shaytaan, Devil
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Plate 4
George H.W. Bush
(Caucasoids) are in for it. The Reptilians don’t need them anymore.
So he will make them kill each other. He said it would be over in a
few days, now he is asking for more money and sending another
100,000 troops. And look at the world: the big boys don’t back the
1. Russia
2. France
3. Germany
4. China
5. Pakistan
6. Arab World
7. Africa
8. Korea
It’s almost over for them and at the same time war is breaking out
in South America again. How can the U.S. keep up with all this,
troops all over the place, outside the U.S.? So who will be home
security if all our troops are outside? But President George W. Bush
is still sending more troops.
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Plate 5
“Shadow government preparing to run U.S.” one of many
articles where they are now telling you what I have been
telling you for over 30 years
Right there The Holy Bible is telling you who he is, a deceiver.
Then when you look up the number 0954 in Strong’s Hebrew
Lexicon you get Strong’s #0954 vwb buwsh boosh, meaning “to
put to shame, be ashamed, be disconcerted, be disappointed”and
when you look up this same number 954 in the Greek Lexicon you
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get beelzeboul Beelzeboul beh-el-zeb-ool' or beelzeboub,
Beelzebub meaning "lord of the house", “a name of Satan, the
prince of evil spirits”; this is no coincidence.
They have tried time after time to guide you on a path that would
lead you closer to the realization that these things really exist. Yet
every time someone tries to tell you, you do what we all do when
we don’t want to hear the truth, you run. Well now is not the time
for running. For time has run out, and the time is now! Now is an
actual event of removing the Spell of Sleep, Leviathan. From the
point of the start of the removal of the spell to this present moment
is now, and now is the time for all good people to come. (Read
Book #80 Man From Planet Rizq by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-075-8 distributed by Egipt Publishers)
The alignment has happened. So, if you wonder why the world is
going crazy, it’s because the planets have aligned as of May 5th
2000 A.D. and ushered in the Sun Cycle, which is a 6,000 year
period of time. I have been telling you this since 1970 A.D. and
you all called me crazy. Just look around you. In Popular Science
magazine dated May 2000 A.D. on page 22, they have just now
decided to tell you about this alignment.
May 5th, 2000 A.D. as described in the articles below, and yes
these things did occur and are occuring now :
“Lined Up”
“On May 5, the inner six planets of our solar system
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Plate 6
U.S.A. Today Newspaper Article: “Sun cranks out rare cookie-cutter
flares” about the solar flares on the sun. It was these same Solar
Flares that shut down the Stock Market on a Friday.
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tary alignment could cause solar flares, earth-
quakes measuring up to 13 on the Richter scale,
winds of over 500 mph, polar ice cap movement ,
and huge tidal waves... Don’t worry. Astronomers
say that while other planets do exert some gravi-
tional pull on Earth, they are too far away to have
much influence;”
When looking at the above article you can see how they try to
deceive you. I have always said they tell you the truth and then sur-
rond it with lies. They tell you truth and mix it with a lie.
Let’s take a look at what did happen at the planetary alignment of
May 5th 2000. You were told that many natural disasters were
going to accompany the planetary alignment, also just recently a
giant iceberg spotted off Antarctica, named B-22 broke free in an
area South of the Pacific Ocean. It is about nine times as large as
Most important was the sun cycle coming and the sun’s rays
increasing, creating a hotter environment where only people with
an abundance of melanin (Negroids) will be able to survive it. In
Book #147 People of the Sun authored by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z.
York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-008-1 distributed by Egipt
Publishers copywritten in 1996 A.D. on page 37 it states:
“The Canaanites will eventually have to move out of
the sun. People of color should move to the sunlit
areas where there are more alive and colorul festiv-
While the sun is heating up, Caucasoids fearing skin cancer have to
run from the sun, Elohyeem’s “Gods’, Judges’, Angels’” greatest
gift. Negroids need to return down south where they belong. Places
such as Macon, Georgia are filled with sun and have “alive and
colorful activities”. Why live somewhere where you have to stay
inside ten months of the year and be outside two when you can
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Plate 7
Article: “The Skin Cancer Scare”
move somewhere where it is warm ten months of the year and cold
two? Think about it!
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A.D., just like the planets aligned in the year 1960 A.D. and again
in 1962 A.D. as prophesied to you in Book#172 The Holy Tablets
received by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33º/720º, ISBN 1-59517-
008-1, distributed by Egipt Publishers, first printed in 1997 A.D.
On page 1708, there is a list of the Seven Thunders “The Seven
Plagues”. The current changes in weather seen in the last few
years is prophesied as the “Fifth Thunder”:
Fifth Thunder: 4 great people will perish. Floods,
lightning storms, tornadoes, land slides, hurricanes,
hail in the summer, forest fires...Nina, “Little girl
will come”
At the start of 2000 A.D. ice storms and blizzards occurred every-
where all over the country.
You have been told these events were to come and now look close-
ly, they are here. Time has run out. This was predicted in Book
#172 The Holy Tablets by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,
ISBN 1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers. Even
recently in 2003 A.D. on the news show Dateline N.B.C., the pub-
lic is warned of El Nina’s return, which will be much deadlier,
bringing more and stronger disasters. You were told of these effects
of the planetary alignments in Book #80 Man From Planet Rizq
ISBN 1-59517-075-8 by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,
distributed by Egipt Publishers. On page 34 it states,
First on May 5, 2000 A.D. the gates of heaven will
be lined up and open. On August 12, 2003 A.D. pas-
senger ships, “the Sham” will reach Qi (earth) to
retrieve the 144,000... May 5, 2000 A.D. is also the
next alignment of the major planets; the earth, mars
Jupiter and Saturn. In 1970 A.D. We started going
into the sun cycle, you called it new age or
Aquarius, but we’ll be in the 4th cycle when this all
happens. This is the last of the 4th cycle alignment
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A USA Today Newspaper article: “Oven-like temps bake USA” Abnormally high temperatures are
being seen across the nation
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USA Today article “ Sun too close? We’ll just change Earth’s Orbit”
Plate 9
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The significance of August 12th is further explained in Book #172
The Holy Tablets by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN
1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers. In Chapter Two
The Slaves, Tablet One, A Mission to the Planet Earth. verse 22 it
22 Know this my child, in the Lunar Logging of the
12th Point, in the Month of August, when the planet
Earth positions itself in the location of revolution of
Earth in the year 2043 A.D. of the Gregorian
Calendar, this vortex will reopen and we must
depart with or without you, so be prepared. 23 My
child listen and overstand. These crafts are coming
to pick you up, their children.”
On January 14, 2002 A.D. it was actually snowing in Saudi
Arabia. Now take a look at this, the normal climate in the country
of Saudi Arabia during the month of January is between 75
degrees and 89 degrees Fahrenheit. And keep in mind that Saudi
Arabia is a desert country and snow only occurs in below freezing
conditions. This is just one sign of the times; snow in the desert.
Saudi Arabia was not the only place that felt the wrath of snowy
weather. January 27, 2002 A.D. in Petaluma, a city in north west-
ern California, Sonoma County, which is north of San Francisco,
to the beaches of Santa Cruz, everyone woke up to snow filled
cities. In California, what are the chances of this being looked at as
Just days before, the hot locations were in a state of a snowy weath-
er and normally cold climate areas were in a state of heat. On
January 26, 2002 A.D. record high temperatures were set in places
like McCook, Nebraska where the normal temperatures are 35
degrees; highs were instead in the high 70’s. Austin, Minnesota is
normally 23 degrees and highs there were in the high 50’s. In
Waterloo, Iowa where the normal high temperature is 26 degrees,
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their temperatures were in the high 60’s. This is far from a coin-
cidence, but more like prophecies being fulfilled!
As shown above, this isn’t only happening in America but all over
the world. In 2000 A.D. a big earthquake hit India and killed over
10,000 people. There have been many severe weather events and
calamities. For example, within the span of one month, from mid
November to mid December 2001 A.D., 765 earthquakes
occurred all over the world. Keep in mind, these are the only ones
reported. You can check it out for yourself on the Internet at the
many sites for earthquake updates.
And at the time this book went to print, there were earthquakes in
Atlanta, Georgia and tornadoes touching down in Atlanta as well as
Athens, Georgia, completely abnormal weather for these areas.
You were told about the Caucasoid and the fact that as the sun gets
closer to the earth they were going to go crazy. What was expect-
ed for the year 2000 and the planetary alignments was also proph-
esied under the Fifth Thunder in Book #172 The Holy Tablets
received by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33º/720º, ISBN 1-59517-
116-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers, first printed in 1996 A.D.
On page 1708 under the section of the Seven Thunders “The
Seven Plagues” it states:
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Plate 10
Article “Indian town becomes cemetery after quake”
High magnitude earthquake that hit India and killed over 10,000 people
All you have to do is look around you. It started with the school
massacre at Columbine High School in Jefferson County,
Colorado, when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, two Caucasoid
boys decided to do what came natural to them, kill the innocent. In
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1999 A.D. into the beginning of 2000 A.D., these two boys were
obviously effected by the sun cycle coming in and as said before if
the sun doesn’t protect you, it will do nothing but harm you men-
tally and physically; it will destroy the devil. In this case the sun
cycle caused them to massacre fellow students in school. They
were not by far the first, however a series of D.N.A. explosions
occured with fellow Caucasoid children which caused them to fol-
low suit. There has been a school shooting on the average of one a
month since 1999 A.D. What the media neglected to inform you is
that Columbine was not unique.
Caucasoid children have been doing this for years because his rule
is up and as it says in Revelation 12:12 (in part), “..... Woe to the
inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down
unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but
a short time” The devil has been fighting it for a very long time;
doing what, you may ask. Going crazy! They have not made media
events of all the other school shootings in order to deceive you and
keep you misinformed about their Caucasoid children. I have been
telling you this for years. If all these constant murders aren’t a sign
that the white man’s world is coming to an end, keep reading.
Caucasoid children are not the only ones killing everybody in the
midst of the sun cycle coming in. As I said before, it’s the
Caucasoids that are losing their minds. Mothers are killing their
children, under the guise of voices telling them to do it (such as
Andrea Yates). I have also been telling you, concerning the
Canaanites, who are cursed, and that it is in their genes to breed and
be killers. Tsiydown, Siyduwn, Sidon, who was the first born of
Kena’an, Kana’an, Canaan (Genesis 10:19) who was a cursed
albino was a hunter, a killer for fun. They continue to do it till this
day. They kill animals for fun. They call it “game”, just to put the
animal’s head on a slab of wood and hang it on a wall. They are
your true savages. According to an article from Time Magazine
May 28, 2001 A.D. entitled “Voices From The Cell” Jacob Davis,
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who used a rifle to shoot a fellow student in his Tennessee high
school in 1998 A.D., dropped down beside the teen he had just mur-
dered and “A friend came over and said to Davis, “Man, you just
flushed your life down the toilet” Davis, replied, “Yes, but it’s been
They kill for fun. They have no remorse because their time is up;
the devil’s rule is out. They have nothing to hang on to but death,
drugs and sex. In this time of the sun cycle and as prophesised in
Malachi 4:2 (In part) , “But unto you that fear my name shall the
Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings...” This sun is
the sun cycle being ushered in by the Angel Miykael, Miyka’el,
Michael. If you can’t take the sun that is here to destroy those of
iniquity as prophesied, you will flee to the mountains and caves
called malls. The Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” said in
Genesis 1:30,
“And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and
to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I
have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.”
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“Gods, Judges, Angels”, which the law was to eat the herbs of the
field and not to kill as stated in Exodus 20:13, “Thou shalt not
kill.” But this human beast, the Caucasoid, did differently and lost
his soul in Joshua 5:1:
“And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which
were on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings of the
Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the (Yahayyu
“Living One, Existing One”) ‘LORD’ had dried up the waters of
Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed
over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any
more, because of the children of Israel.”
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
As they are soul-less, the Caucasoid kills and doesn’t care. They
are tools for the devil, the reptilians that really rule this world, and
they enjoy it because they have no souls. And just who are these
reptillians? They are humanoid lizards, descending from the
Stenonychosarus Inequalis. Dragons, as in the Dracos Star con-
stellation. And where do you find them? Just look at the Ku Klux
Klan (KKK), headed by the Grand Dragon, or the Grand Wizard
(lizard) as David Icke states in his book The Biggest Secret. The
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil called the dragon, “that old serpent”
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Time Magazine article “Scorecard of Hatred” showing the planned and unplanned, suc-
cessful and unsuccessful child killers across America.
Plate 11
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by Egipt Publishers Book #94 Is God an Extra-terra-astral
Noble:Dr. Malachi Z. York 33º/720º, ISBN 1-59517-058-8, dis-
tributed by Egipt Publishers, Book #83 Who Lived before the
Adam and Eve Story? Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33º/720º, ISBN
1-59517-078-2, distributed by Egipt Publishers by Noble:Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, distributed by Egipt Publishers and
The Biggest Secret by David Icke, ISBN 0-95261-47-66, pub-
lished by Bridge of Love).
I mean the Holy Seed comes from above and would be “over-
mind”, over the mind of those of the serpent seed, but has fallen
victim to the race known as the beast of the field or simply the
Serpent’s seed in Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between
thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed”. With this
deception, the Luciferian Conspiracy has succeeded in inflicting
the Spell of Leviathan, which is another name for The Great
Serpent or devil that deceives the world by his great disguise.
Leviathan is a jointed monster, often symbolized by a crocodile,
frog or another of the reptile family. This Leviathan is the joint-
ed-head monster, the 10 heads of the beast referred to in Psalms
74:14 or the three dirty souls like frogs. And if you look at
Revelation 16:13, you’ll see that it states within the correct trans-
lation: “And I saw from the mouth of the reptilian, and from the
mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the liar news bearer,
three dirty souls like frogs, who are reptilians.” However they
choose to lead you to believe that it states: “And I saw three
unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and
out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false
In the above quote, the frog is symbolic of a reptile with legs prov-
ing this serpent is a man, and that Satan, Shaytaan, Devil appears
in the form of a man. The name Leviathan itself is also referred to
as a reptile or serpent because the Satan, Shaytaan, Devil entered
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the garden in the form of the Taniyn serpent who was cursed to
crawl on its belly, after the manner of a reptile, all its life for aiding
Shaytaan! Shay “thing” taan “clay”; taan being the same as
taynin or Taynim, Strong’s #08577 defined in the lexicon as “Nynt
tanniyn tan-neen' ; or Mynt tanniym tan-neem' ; intensive from the
same as 08565; a marine or land monster, i.e. sea-serpent or jack-
al:--dragon, sea-monster, serpent, whale.” Today this reptile is
known as the Komodo dragon.
Figure 1
Plate 12
The Serpent on
The Komodo dragon of today
two feet
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Dinosaurs are reptiles, however when we speak of reptilians we
are referring to a creature with a humanoid form and reptilian fea-
tures. Many dinosaurs evolved from or mixed with Reptilians and
other extra terrestrials and can be classified as “reptilian”. The term
reptilians also applies to the creatures from the Dracos star con-
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Figure 2
The Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon)
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Plate 13
The Stenonychosaurus and the “Dinosaur man”
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Diagram 1
The Geologic Time Chart
(Excerpted from Microsoft Encarta 2000)
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Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon) belonged to the
Kingdom Animalia (animals); Phylum Chordata (having a hol-
low nerve chord ending in a brain); Class Archosauria (diapsids
with socket-set teeth; order saurichia; sub order theropoda -
bipedal carnivores; Infraorder Choelurosauria - lightly built fast
running predators with hollow bones and large brains; Super fam-
ily Maniraptoriformes - advanced coelurosaurs with a fused wrist
bone; Family Troodontidae - the smartest dinosaurs with large
eyes and grasping hands (it included Troodon, Orogovia,
Hepasteornis, Paronychodon and Saurornithoides); Genus
Troodon; Species T.formosus (the type species, Leidy, 1856)
The Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon) lived during the late
Cretaceous Period about 76-70 million years ago. As stated in
Microsoft Encarta 2000, the Cretaceous Period, was “the latest
time period of the Mesozoic era, lasting from about 138 million to
about 65 million years before present.”
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ing to the superfamily Hominoidea, which includes apes and
human beings. 2. Resembling a human being.” Stenonychosaurus
Inequalis (Troodon) possibly had greenish grey skin, standing
anywhere from 3.5 to 4.5 feet with three digit clawed fingers
including a partially opposable thumb. Lacking the opposable
thumb and intellectual capacity are the only things which kept this
creature from possibly dominating humans as stated in a posting on
the Race4Race web site:
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like eyes and three fingered hands, not unlike some
of the extraterrestrials that have populated science
fiction films. Dinoman is 41/2 feet tall and would
have a live weight of about 32 kilograms. It’s brain
is the same size as that of a human of similar stature,
about the size of a 13-year-old human. It is warm-
blooded. Since the teeth of Stenonychosaurus were
small compared with related dinosaurs, Russell
thinks that teeth may have been on the way out from
an evolutionary standpoint. Dinoman, therefore,
had none. Instead, the biting edges of the mouth are
Figure 3
Humanoid Reptile
keratinous occlusal surfaces, similar to those of a
turtle. What this research suggests is that the
humanoid shape might be a natural form for a crea-
ture with a large brain. The general body of the
humans - two arms, two legs and a head on rela-
tively short neck - is no accident. It is the most log-
ical arrangement for a big brained land-dwelling
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Figure 4
The “dinosaur people”
There were in fact Dinosaur people that really existed. There have
been remains found of highly evolved reptiles that were here long
before humans had come. These remains were found near Aalborg,
Denmark by construction workers in August 1989 A.D. had none.
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“According to the paleontology of Dale Russell, if the dinosaurs
had not disappeared, they could have turned into Biped animals
with great cerebral capacity, that would look more or less like the
above figure. These humanoid reptiles probably would have occu-
pied the niche, that man now occupies. A possible candidate for
such evolution was the Stenonchyosaurus Inequalis which is a
dinosaur 10 feet high with a body-brain relation close to the prim-
itive mammals.” (Taken and translated from the Spanish maga-
zine entitled” ¡Enigma! Special Edition, No 23, page 35)
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Figure 5 Figure 6
Dino Man The Markabians
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The Stenonychosaurus Inequalis is one of the dinosaurs which
evolved from the grey and into the bug eyed being, the Markabian
as spoken of in Book #172 The Holy Tablets, inscribed by Noble:
Malachi Z. York, ISBN 1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt
Publishers, Chapter Three The Scientist El Mustawathee’ya
Tablet Five The Dogon and the Sirius Mystery, Verse 144: “The
beings from Andromeda, who work alongside with the Reptilians,
also came and captured the Rumardians and started breeding
their own race of Greys, which in turn led to a breed of mean,
vicious, bug-eyed beings, called the Markabians.” (Read Book
#80 Man From Planet Rizq ISBN 1-59517-075-8 by Noble: Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
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A larnyx is the origin of voice production, the part of the respirato-
ry tract between the pharynx which is the throat and the trachea
which is the wind pipe, which all work together to give you the
ability to speak. Now ask yourself where did the snake get the lar-
ynx from? Why would Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” give a
snake or serpent the ability to speak for the sole purpose of beguil-
ing Nekaybaw, Hawwah, Eve, another one of his creations?
However, frogs have a larynx as do turtles, but they do not talk.
The serpent in the garden (Kingub) made a hiss sound or spoke in
a whisper, and being part man, because he spoke and we all know
snakes don’t talk, they don’t have a larnyx to talk. It would had to
have been a human to speak words and he was reptilian humanoid
or Reptoid. So his skin was that of a reptile and his body was
humanoid in form; or again a Human Reptile or Mammal-Saurian
or Homo-Saurus.
Figure 7
Human looking Extra-terrestrials
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When reptiles are described as humanoid or human in shape, I
mean only as far as their outside appearance or physical body struc-
ture. Many do take on human forms due to mixing and breeding
with humans. You are not the only beings in the galaxy that have
the “human” look. Different beings have taken life forms from this
planet and transported them to their planet in test tubes. Beings
from Venus and Pleiades are very human like.
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dinosaur, the Hypsilophodon which lived during the Middle
Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods of the Mesozoic Era between
171,000,000 and 138,000,000 years ago (Read Book #83 Who
Lived Before the Adam and Eve Story? by Noble:Dr. Malachi Z.
York 33°/720°, distributed by Egipt Publishers )
Figure 8
The Hypsilophodon
Yes, the devil of the Holy Bible and of The Noble’s Koran took
the form of a Reptilian, called a serpent and remember they were
made evil to us. Humans are also evil and who is to say who is
right? You both kill, steal, hurt, lie, and do all kinds of things that
you would call evil. So humans are also evil and the Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels” of The Holy Bible or the Allah, Allaah,
Alah “God, source” of The Noble’s Koran also do all kinds of evil
and cruel things to nature and people. Don’t be fooled into thinking
that the so called Satan, Shaytaan, Devil is some mythological crea-
ture that blows fire out of its mouth. That is simply not true. Make
note that there are 16 types of reptilians. The reptilians are on their
way to Earth now in a planetoid. They are coming from Dracos, a
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spiral galaxy. Dracos is a 18 star system; 3x6 = 18 or 666 the num-
ber of the beast. These are a disagreeable class, not all Reptilians
Because many reptilians have mixed with the people of the Earth
so well, you have reptilians that are lizards in a humanoid form and
you have reptilians that are simply human in form. They have inter-
bred to the point that it is very difficult to distinguish who is who;
for instance, a person may have the physical makeup of a reptilian,
but the nature of a grey or vice versa, the body type or structure of
a grey, but the nature of a reptilian. The reptilians are all cold
blooded and have to have a balanced environment to maintain body
temperature. The “soldier class” species can bury themselves in
the ground and wait long periods of time in order to ambush their
enemy. If needed, they can survive on one very large meal every
few weeks. As a species they are suited for space travel due to their
ability to hibernate. .The reptoids have scales which protect them
from moisture loss. They have no sweat glands. The scales (scutes)
are much larger on their backs making the skin waterproof. The
scales elsewhere on the body are more flexible. They have long thin
arms reaching just above the knees. At the end of these long arms
they have three webbed fingers with an opposing thumb.
Their eyes are cat-like and large. They have twin nostrils at the end
of a short stubby muzzle. They are mostly meat eaters. The mouth
is more like a slit but they have teeth which are differentiated into
Incisors canines and molars. They average from six to seven feet
in height. The reptilian amphibian humanoids have been interact-
ing with earth for ages. Many contactees and abductees repeatedly
describe an insignia of a flying serpent on a shoulder patch, a
badge, a medallion or on a helmet.
The Dracos are originally from the 16th galaxy. They stand six to
eight feet in height and are dark green in color. Their skin texture
are dark and scaly. They have no hair on their body and they have
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a pulsing glow around their heads when they get excited. They
have a pear-shaped face and red glowing eyes. They have a more
pronounced nose than the smaller greys. They have a small slit for
a mouth and no ears. They have a hole in the back of their necks
from which mucus is excreted.
Figure 9
Draconians, Reptilians
Diagram 2
Dracos Star Constellation
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Their bodies are scaly with long thin arms reaching just above the
knees. Their torso consists of a protruding chest and winged
appendages, supported by long ribs, and long and skinny legs.
Some reptilians can either lay eggs, or bear by larva, and some of
them have some vestigial reproductive capabilities; neutral gender,
reproducing like lizards. The male species nurture the egg, the
female just lays them. Some of the hybrid species have crossbred
with the reptilian species and have full reproductive capabilities.
Their feet are webbed, their appearance is more human; the reptil-
ian humanoid species males, which have the ability to fly are called
Valkryia and others gargoyles because they have wings. They are
breeders. They communicate mostly on the 4th and 5th densities,
which include the densities humans call astral. They develop a pul-
sating glow around their heads when they get excited.
The Gargoyles, the reptilians with special wings which are flaps of
skin supported by long ribs, are of Dracona, and have been
ascribed to be vampires. Take a close look at this word vampire.
“V” - short for vulcan and “ampire” is empire, the “a” and the “e”
are interchangeable in the Old English - so it would be “V”
empire. So what do you get? “Vulcan Empire”.
The Reptilians have been breeding and living with humanoids for
centuries. Their leaders are the Draconis. They are from Draco, a
constellation in the polar region of the northern hemisphere near
Cephus and Ursa Major also called the Dragon. The Reptilians
stand from 8 feet down to 6 feet in height with dark green scaly
skin. Again, the reptilians’ ex leader was Haaton, a warrior, who is
Draconian. He is a reptilian who defected from the Reptilians
while here on Earth and reformed to fight against the Reptilians on
behalf of humans. He was the commander of the Ashtar Fleet.
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Figure 10
Winged Gargoyle
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Figure 11
Haaton, Ex-leader of the Reptilians
There are people today who suffer from what is being termed as a
disorder called hemophilia, which renders them in constant need of
blood. They are nothing but your modern day vampires and
Dracula. The word Dracula which means “son of the Draco” has
come from these creatures. Their elite leaders are the Draconis.
They are from Draco, which is the six star constellation, meaning
it has six suns and that would mean six solar systems, with many
kinds of life forms. They are humanoid in shape and reptilian in
heritage. Some reptilians are of the neutral gender and reproduce
like lizards. These beings are also known as the “dragon race” and
the symbology usually includes the winged serpent. There are ele-
ments of their species, which do not have wings - “The Older
Class” and “Scientist” have none. (Read Book #94 Is God an
Extraterrestrial? 1-59517-058-8 by Noble:Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
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Again they, the reptilian-serpent seeds are not from above (Ano
Ano). They are from below, beneath the earth and the seas. They
are from hell or hades, which just means in the grave, abode of the
dead. In the book The Biggest Secret by David Icke ISBN
#9526147-6-6 pages 38-39 it describes what this serpent seed looks
"Their elite known by UFO researchers as the
Draco. These are the big boys' in every sense and
they are usually between seven and twelve feet tall.
They have wings wich are flaps of skin supported by
long ribs. The wings can be folded back against the
body and they are the origin of the term 'winged ser-
pent". They are also the origin of the term 'fallen
angels' and the winged gargoyles are symbolic of
these Draco. …The winged Draco are also known
as the Dragon Race and some of the ancient gods
were desribed as birdmen.… Some of the Draco rep-
tilian hierarchy are apparently white or albino white
and not the usual green or brown, and this connects
with the description of the strange albino lizard
humanoid in the building in Aurora, near Denver.”
Credo Mutwa talks of the white reptilians also. “The Draco are
the royalty of the reptilians and the highest caste are the albino
whites who apparently have conical horns midway between the
brow and the top of the skull." What is interesting is if you look at
David Icke he looks like the beings from Pleiades. This dragon or
old was so arrogant that he even tried to sit on the throne of 'Elyon
EL, "The Most High God" as found in Isaiah 14:13-15.
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thing is to wake you up to their gender, it is a fear tactic so you will
feel it is hopeless.
"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will
exalt my throne above the stars of El (God, Judge, Angel): I will sit
also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the
'Elyon (Most High). 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to
the sides of the pit."
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The King James Version of the Holy Bible
Several of the dinosaurs descended from and/or mixed with the rep-
tilians and mammals and are the decendants of these dinosaurs.
One group of dinosaurs that mammals descend from is the cyn-
odonts, described in Microsoft Encarta 2000 as follows:
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Figure 12
The Cynognathus
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species was about one inch long and looked like a weasel. The
Megazostrodon, a related species, was about the size of a shrew.
The early mammals were night creatures and fed off of insects or
small vertebrates.
Plate 14
Skeleton of a Morganucodon, an early mammal
Just look at the following timeline which appears in the April 2003
edition of National Geographic, as a part of the article “The Rise
of Mammals: Adapting, Evolving Surviving” under the sub
heading “Fast Forward”:
And just think about this: why is it that testing is often done on rats
before humans? This supports the existence of a genetic link
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between rats and humans. This link is the Sinoconodon, a rat-like
dinosaur that is at the start of the evolutionary process of the mam-
mal. Rats are used for lab experiments, and recently when a human
ear was cloned, it was done on the body of a rat. This tells us they
must have the same chromosomal structure. This similarity lies
within the DNA’s themselves.
Diagram 3
Excerpt from chart: “Fast Forward” from “The Rise of Mammals:
Adapting, Evolving Surviving” National Geographic April 2003
Scientists are saying the same thing. In the article “Mice, men
share 99 percent of genes” by Marsha Walton posted on
CNN.com December 4, 2002 it states:
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blueprint is as exciting as the breakthrough in
February 2001 of the sequencing of the human
Plate 15
Laboratory rat with a human ear grafted on its back
So what are they talking about here? Mice and humans both have
genes for a tail, just like the tailed serpent, the reptilians from the
Draco Star Constellation.
The reptilian link in mammals is also quite clear. When you look at
the gestational period of humans, you see there is a reptilian stage.
This is explained in Book #172 The Holy Tablets by Noble:Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-116-9, distributed by
Egipt Publishers:
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womb. 43. This is why humans still have webbed
hands, gills and scales. 44. In their own evolution,
with the help of their Mammalian parent they
become the root seed of Mammals later called
Human Being. 45. In their primeval state, they
climbed upon the land mass and developed into
land creatures and then to Genus Homo on to
Homo Erectus. 46. And these land creatures that
were once tadpoles or reptilians grew while in their
mother's womb. From 3 months plus 3 months
more; during that period they were connected to an
umbilical cord, umbilicus, or navel that is on the
abdomen of the fetus and is connected to the pla-
centa. 47. This mark on the surface of the
abdomen of Mammals, who once dwelt in a mari-
na, or water, is where the Umbilical Cord also
called Umbilicus was. The central point, or middle,
is attached during the gestation. 48.The very word
navel comes from the Middle English word
"nafela" which is the same as the Aramic/Hebrew
word "nephela, Nepheliam" "to fall down"which
is the same word. It's in the phonetics of the lan-
guage. 49. It is a clear picture in these days and
times that the words "navy", "navel", "naval" and
"marina" tie in this is a confession that man was
a tadpole, and was considered a sea creature.”
Humans were water creatures who then emerged from the waters
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in a form resembling the crocodile. This is where you get your
Ogdoads of Egipt from. Tehuti was called master of the city of
eight (the Ogdoad). This referred to the four pairs of primordial
Supreme Beings called 1. night, 2. obscurity, 3. secret and 4.
eternity known as 1. Nun and Nunet, 2. Heh and Hehet, 3. Kek
and Keket, and 4. Amun and Amunet.
These shadowy beings are portrayed with the heads of frogs, and
serpents; that is, they were in deeds and actions human reptilians
and symbolize the very first stage of growth, called creation as it
emerged out of the mud formed by the union of heaven and earth,
air, water and dirt (Read Book #211 The Sacred Wisdom of the
Grand Hierophant Tehuti by Noble:Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,
ISBN 1-59517-133-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
Figure 13 Figure 14
Pa Neter Nun Pa Netert Nunet
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Figure 15 Figure 16
Pa Neter Heh Pa Netert Hehet
Figure 17 Figure 18
Pa Neter Kek Pa Netert Keket
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Figure 19 Figure 20
Pa Neter Amun Pa Netert Amunet
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Figure 21
The Dimetrodon
A reptile can’t stay active if it is too hot; however without the heat,
reptiles become more sluggish, still and helpless. But mammals can
regulate the heat of their bodies because they are warm blooded.
Dimetrodon is not an ordinary reptile. The resemblance between
Human and Dimetrodon was the teeth. Both Humans and the
Dimetrodon have 2 sets of teeth which were the incisors, canines,
and different sized teeth behind the canines. This is only found on
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into an adult having air-breathing lungs. 2. An animal capable of
living both on land and in water.”
Within 20,000,000 million years, they split into two groups. One
became the aggressive species, which were the Diapsid; and the
other one was the passive Synapsid. They began to compete for
supremacy. From generation to generation, each line improved and
perfected itself. When the Diapsids and Synapsids moved further
up the evolutionary chain, they began to split in different directions.
The Diapsids had two holes, two openings in the skull which
evolved into all modern reptilians, such as turtles, crocodiles, alli-
gators, lizards, etc., while the synapsids had a single hole in the
back of their skulls, which evolved into all early mammals such as
dimetrodon, armadillo, whale, dogs, cows, human, and all other
mammals that evolved in this line. The two holes allowed the skull
not to squeeze the brain.
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caused this great star Sirius B to collapse.
Sirius B had two planets. The Naarians, Greys were on one plan-
et and the Nummos, Reptilians were on the other. Both planets
rotated around Sirius B. So when their sun died they, the inhabitants
of Sirius, followed Nibiru through the Milky Way; one chasing the
other (Read Book #172 The Holy Tablets, by Noble: Dr. Malachi
Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt
Publishers, Chapter Three El Mustawathee’ya, The Scientist).
The reptilians also taught them knowledge about the universe, star
formations and constellations without the aid of telescopes. The
maps they have today are so accurate that they match modern maps
today. (Read Book #136 Extraterrestrials and Creation by Noble:
Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-082-0 distributed by
Egipt Publishers). The Holy Tablets speaks of the influence of both
the reptilians and the Greys on the Dogons:
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Plate 16
Dogons of Mali, Africa dancing in Bado Rite
So what does all this mean? Reptilians’ blood is within us and full-
blooded Reptilians are amongst us. If you pay attention they are
making themselves known to us everyday. Humans have red blood
(warm colour), but the lizard people call their blood blue, as in
cold. Today they use symbols like colours. You'll see on T.V. the
cable tow "tie". A lot of them are wearing blue ties now.
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A Blue tie means Blue blood= reptile
A Purple tie means mixed blood =hu-man
If you look at the world leaders, you will see these ties change and
dresses or scarves of the female. They love to wear the colour
green as reptiles and plaid shirts, the Scottish, Irish and Polish
with the quilt stripes. Each colour or clan, have checkered colours
like snakes. Some can wear both colours because they are shape-
shifters, that is they can change themselves to look almost human
like or lizard-like beings. So you don’t know who they are, they
could be anyone anywhere.
They have mixed so much that not all of them can transfigure or
transform, only the royal blood-drinking vampires. Dracula is the
head dragon as in the Grand Dragon or Grand Wizard
"Lizard". Note there is more than one kind of reptile. The species
like lizards and snakes are but one form of reptilian species as mod-
ern research has shown. The reptile and dinosaurs are closely relat-
ed by physical appearance alone and both have spawned a variety
of forms. They are not all cold-blooded. Some of these beings now
on earth originated from the Draco Star constellation. Tiamat is
also the name for the Draco/Draco Star system, just as earth was
called Tiamat. Our Genesis 3:1 story of a talking serpent called
Nakhash "divination" and called in The Noble's Koran,
Khannaas "whisperer” is the angelic being, winged-beings cast
out of the 4th dimension. They are called Satan, serpent, shaytan,
dragon, Iblis, and devil. Miykael, Miyka’el, Michael, called
Murdoq or Zodok in Sumeria, was on ENLIL's () side, but
was from ENQI's (-$" ) seed as his own son. Revelation
12:7-9 talks about the serpent being cast down:
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kai egeneto polemov en tw ouranw o micahl kai oi aggeloi
autou epolemhsan kata tou drakontov kai o drakwn
epolemhsen kai oi aggeloi autou 8 kai ouk iscusan oute
topov eureyh autwn eti en tw ouranw 9 kai eblhyh o drak-
wn o megav o ofiv o arcaiov o kaloumenov diabolov kai o
satanav o planwn thn oikoumenhn olhn eblhyh eiv thn ghn
kai oi aggeloi autou met autou eblhyhsan.
"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought
against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And
prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the
bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on
the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and
bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit,
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and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive
the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and
after that he must be loosed a little season.”
The Book of Jude talks all about these beings as ungodly men who
crept in and how the angels kept not their first estate, and how
Miyka’El, Miyka’el, Michael contended with the Devil
As I have also told you, these same ungodly men, the Caucasoids,
have been judged for their iniquity and deemed guilty in Genesis
15:16 (In part) “...for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.“
When you look up the word iniquity in The American Heritage
Dictionary, by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionary,
ISBN 0-39582-51-72 Houghton Mifflin Publishers it states;
Plate 17
Found Guilty on 3-12-02 of Capital Murder!
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
Above is Andrea Yates who chased down and drowned her five children with the
excuse that voices told her to. This is the fall of the Amorites’ society. They are
now telling you about their nature; a nature that I have been telling you about
for over 30 years.
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iniquity n. 1. Gross immorality or injustice; wicked-
ness. 2. A grossly immoral act; a sin. [Middle
English iniquite, from Old French, from Latin iniq-
uitas, from iniquus, unjust, harmful : in-, not; see
IN-1 + aequus, equal.]
On December 13, 2001 A.D. the night was marked with a Geminid
meteor shower which they expected will total about 120 meteors
coming in the atmosphere per hour. The name denotes that the
meteors seem to come out of the Gemini Constellation. Scientists
say meteor showers generally occur when the trail of a comet pass-
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es through the Earth’s atmosphere. The Leonids coming from the
Leo constellation have an occurence of about 1,000 meteors com-
ing through the earth’s atmosphere every hour. This occurred in
November 2001 A.D.
It was these Metorites they are now telling you about that
destroyed planet life millions of years ago creating a dust cloud that
covered up the sun. Information that I have been telling you since
1971 A.D.
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it says in The Holy Bible these are the signs
(Luke 21:11):
Ans: The Seven Thunders are the seven plagues that have been
happening and are taking place right now on the planet Earth. I
have been telling us about the seven plagues since the 1970’s and
mentioned them in the back of Book #172 The Holy Tablets (Pa
Gadush Lowhaat) by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33° /720°,
ISBN 1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers, and they
read as follows: “The seven thunders have been recorded by the
ancients for thousands of years by the Hopis, the Yamassee, and the
Nuwaubians have logged these thunders as a sign of the coming of
a new planet Nibiru” , the coming in of a new era, the sign of the
end of the present world ruled by evil, and the resurrection of the
ancient mysteries of Egypt, Atlantis rising again in the heart of
Georgia, in a place called the Holy Land.
You should watch the animals. They are changing!!! Your own
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dogs will begin to turn on you, birds are no longer afraid to land
next to you. Animals are on the side of Mother Nature. From 1995
A.D. up until the year 2004 A.D. you have witnessed these changes.
During the summer of 2001 A.D., there were repeated shark attacks
against children, young and old alike; reported throughout the
whole country of the United States and other areas. As of this date,
there has been 1580-2000 confirmed unprovoked Shark Attacks
throughout the country. In the state of Florida alone there have
been 438 shark attacks.
All these events are a result of the planetary alignment which hap-
pened on May 5, 2000 A.D., when the gates of heaven (the skies)
were lined up and opened. Four years after that on August 12,
2004 A.D.(which is actually the year 2000), passenger ships, The
Shams that are released from the Crystal City, will reach Earth to
retrieve the 144,000 thousand worthy souls spoken of in Revelation
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“And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with
him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name
written in their foreheads.”
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
Those taken up in the rapture will be taken into The Crystal City
spoken of in Revelation 21:10:
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out of heaven from (Thehos, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels”)‘Gods’ ”
“And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there
were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the
tribes of the children of Israel.”
It will take the crafts 3 years to get to the Planet Earth from the
asteroid belt, which is a group of asteroids that orbits between the
orbits of Jupiter and Mars. An asteroid is what scientists refer to
as planetoids. It is one of a large number of minor planets, which
are small solid objects in your solar system.
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Plate 20
The Cover of “Electrical Experimenter” published in 1915 A.D.,
with a facsimile of Nibiru
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Diagram 4
The “Thinking” fireball
Figure 22
The Crystal City, which comes from Nibiru, the Motherplane
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Figure 23
This is Nibiru, These are all the same crafts, which goes to
show you that they knew about Nibiru then and now
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that the description of the craft is very similar to the description I
have been giving you for years. The object that Dr. Stranges is
speaking of is Nibiru. So for those of you who think that I, Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720° am just making things up, you are
wrong! Everything that he’s been telling us, is being told to you
everyday. You don’t want to accept it coming from me. If you still
don’t believe me, Check it out! (Refer to Book# 172 The Holy
Tablets, by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-
116-9 distributed by Egipt Publishers, Chapter 1 The Creation El
Istakhlaag,Tablets 4-5; Book # 80 Man From Planet Rizq by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-075-8, dis-
tributed by Egipt Publishers, Book #82 Mission Earth And
Extraterrestrial Involvement by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-077-4, distributed by Egipt Publishers,
Book #154 Nibiru and the Anunnaqi - Fact Or Fiction by Noble:
Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-013-8, distributed
by Egipt Publishers, Book #94 Is God an Extra-Terra-Astral
(Extraterrestrial) by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN
1-59517-058-8 distributed by Egipt Publishers ).
There are people who don’t think the crafts are coming. But they
aren’t supposed to because it is not for them anyway. Remember,
many are called, but few are chosen as it states in Matthew 22:14.
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“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Don’t think by virtue of the fact that they are coming that you will
be chosen. Look at the kind of people you are; Liars, thieves, wor-
shipers of false gods etc. Look at how you treat each other, you
never say anything good to each other, you are jealous, envious,
and all just to live in the image of the beast. This is a part of the
spell. And as long as you hold things against people, and are spite-
ful and revengeful, always trying to get back at someone, because
of that you’ll never make it on the ship. Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus of
2,000 years ago has taught us the way, we just won’t follow.
“But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for noth-
ing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the chil-
dren of the (Hupsistos, Elyon) ‘Highest’: for he is kind unto the
unthankful and to the evil.”
You will fall to the wayside, meaning when the ships arrive and
you’re on board, that is if you make it on board, you will be given
answers to questions you can’t answer. You’ll stand in front of a
council and don’t think that you’ll make it if you answer wrong. In
order for you to be the 144,000 you must have the information
needed to come back and teach, so study The Holy Bible, The
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Noble’s Koran, The Holy Tablets and the Scrolls as spoken of in
2 Timothy 2:15,“Study to shew thyself approved unto (Theos,
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”) ‘God’” You must also defeat
the Beast and his Image as shown in Revelation 15:2.
“And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them
that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and
over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea
of glass, having the harps of (Thehos, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels”) ‘God’ .”
So they can’t have pity on you. The principalities in high places are
going to do what they have to do in order to execute their plans for
the Millennium and beyond, meaning that for The New World
Order to go into effect, they will make sure their plans are not dis-
rupted even if that means at your “Expense”, or “Dispense”.
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New Age, some are Communist and some are
Masons, want to bring the world a One World
Religion, based upon the belief in man, and the
unbridled power of man’s mind and reason. It is
now possible for the people to know just what the
New World Government and its supporting religion
will offer the people of the world: 1. The abolition of
the family, Children will be raised by the society
through the government. 2. The abolition of the right
to private property. All land and property will be
owned by the government. 3. The right to worship
will no longer exist. 4. Religious people will be sub-
ject to rigorous deprogramming. Those who will not
alter their belief system will be forced into concen-
tration camps, or simply killed, because the act of
worshipping a god will become a crime. 5. National
borders will no longer exist. There will be a One
World Government instead of city, county, state, and
national governments. 6. All of the individual’s pri-
vate decisions will be made by others. The individ-
ual will no longer decide whom he or she will asso-
ciate with, either in employment, voluntary associa-
tions, or in social organizations. The New World
Order is coming and the inception date has been
revealed. It will begin in the year 2,000. All that
remains to be done is to sort out those who will not
accept it. Only believers will be around to live in it.
Unless men of good will everywhere act to prevent
However, you, the Negroid, refuse to hear the truth. Why? Because
the truth hurts. Mostly because Negroids all over the world have
been placed under a hypnotic spell. It is The Spell of Leviathan.
This is a hypnotic spell of spiritual and mental ignorance and death.
A deep sleep, which has shattered the high level of supreme intelli-
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gence and God-like nature that you are heir to. The Spell of
Leviathan has reduced you to the level of the bewildered slave.
Today you are searching hopelessly for your long lost identity and
are asking many unanswered questions, hoping to find the path to
the truth. You cry for the truth, yet their answers have only been
lies and manifest deceptions from these False Teachers,
Preachers, Ministers, Imams, And Professors (those who profess
to know) as described in Jeremiah 13: 24-25:
“3 Oh you, who are of the faithful, reject Lucifer and his com-
panions 4 He, Lucifer, comes in many forms to trick and deceive
you, the faithful ones.”
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The foremost reason why the evil reptilian Semyaza, Shemyaza,
Sama'el (Devil) went to such great lengths to destroy the existence
of your language is to keep you ignorant, which means to ignore the
facts. Notice how anyone who is a student of linguistics or philol-
ogy when concerning the origin of languages are aware that these
“scholars” spend years studying and researching just to author pro-
crastinations, which say nothing about their findings, they then lead
you away from the truth. Despite the fact that they continue to
encounter dead-ends; they refuse to even explore the possibilities
of the etymology of words while knowing this being one of the
roots to breaking the spell. They seek to deceive Alyuwn EL,
'Elyown EL, 'Alyon EL, “Most High God” and the ones who
know, yet they are only deceiving themselves and within deceiving
yourself you will send yourself to one of the hells. (Read Book #
124 Is There Eternal Life After Death? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z.
York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-103-7 distributed by Egipt
Publishers and Book # 146 What and Where is Hell? by Noble:
Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-095-2, distributed
by Egipt Publishers)
Now all of the old religious people have been given great amounts
of money like in the Muslim’s world with their oil. The oil money
now rules the whole Islamic Muslim World. The East Indians
are also becoming wealthy, and are allowed to move and live
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worldwide in every country setting up all kinds of businesses. The
Jewish and The Christian worlds are rich now and the Japanese,
Chinese, and Koreans, who are mostly Buddhists, are also very
rich now. And what is sad, is the fact that so much money is in the
hands of people that call themselves religious while they are being
financed by principalities in high places (Ephesians 6:12):
oti ouk estin hmin h palh prov aima kai sarka alla prov tav
arcav prov tav exousiav prov touv kosmokratorav tou
skotouv tou aiwnov toutou prov ta pneumatika thv ponhriav en
toiv epouranioiv
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principal-
ities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this
world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
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whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which
ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accept-
ed, ye might well bear with him.”
Another Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus (TAM.MUZ) who is not the real one,
a Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus (TAM.MUZ) that is in the image of the
beast, which is a Caucasoid picture; when The Holy Bible clearly
describes him as a Negroid (Revelation 1:14). There is another
gospel with all these new translations and commentaries supporting
the teachings of Saul, Shaool, Paul who is an Anti-Christ. He
wasn’t a disciple or a new disciple. Saul, Shaool, Paul was a CIA
agent of his time, a Pharisee sent by the Romans to investigate
whether Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus died. Of course Caucasoids love him
because he came to them, they cannot be saved without Saul,
Shaool, Paul; they are Satan, Shaytaan, Devil, that old serpent, and
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil cannot get back into heaven (Revelation
All the evangelists are trying to get into the kingdom of the
ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem (“Gods, Judges, Angels”) teaching
Saul, Shaool, Paul when Revelation Chapter 12 states there’s no
place for them anymore in heaven.They know Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus
(TAM.MUZ) is coming. All churches preaching on Saul, Shaool,
Paul are not building their ministry on Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus’s
(TAM.MUZ) foundation. Saul, Shaool, Paul is getting you the
money and financial backing from the principalities in high places;
start talking about Yashu’a and they will take all that money back.
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(TAM.MUZ). Their book is Romans because it is one of Saul,
Shaool, Paul’s claimed books, and he was anti-blacks and anti-
Saul, Shaool, Paul’s gospel is not that of Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus, for no
one is to come between Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus, Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels” and you according to 1 Timothy 2:5 which states,
“For there is one (Thehos, Elyon El) ‘God’, and one mediator
between (Thehos, Elohyeem) ‘Gods’ and men, the man Christ
(Yashua, Isa) ‘Jesus’”. There are many examples of falsehoods in
Saul, Shaool, Paul ’s teachings, such as Saul, Shaool, Paul preach-
es Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus is “God” meaning Alyuwn El, 'Elyown El,
'Alyon El “Most High God” instead of being the son of the
ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”. In Romans
15:20, Saul, Shaool, Paul states and I quote: “Yea, so have I strived
to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should
build upon another man's foundation:” Can you believe Saul,
Shaool, Paul said this? He is sabotaging your getting into heaven,
knowingly straying from Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus (TAM.MUZ) in his
teachings; he even has the audacity to call the Son of the Elyon
“Most High”, an ordinary “man”!
In 1 Corinthians 15:5 (in part), Saul, Shaool, Paul states that after
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his resurrection, Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus
“was seen of Cephas, then of the
twelve”. Cephas is Simon Peter
(Safaa), one of the disciples. What
twelve is Saul, Shaool, Paul talk-
ing about? It couldn’t be the twelve
disciples, Yehudaw, Yahudah,
Judas was already dead, so he’s
lying. In verse 8, Saul, Shaool,
Paul states “After that, he was seen
of James; then of all the apostles.”
Yaqov, Ya’aqov, James should
have been with the twelve and the
Figure 24 apostles are the twelve – this man
Paul (10 - 67 B.C.E) one of the was lying because he never knew
the disciples; this verse was copied
from the book of Revelation received by Yowkhanan, Yuhanna,
John son of Zebedee.
Saul, Shaool, Paul was to meet with Yowkhanan, Yuhanna, John
but he was scared to leave Antioch to meet with him, and he ran off
and formed Christians. In 1 Corinthians 15:9 he states, “For I am
the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle,
because I persecuted the church of (Thehos, Elohyeem) ‘Gods’.”
Saul, Shaool, Paul violated the first commandment “Thou shalt
have no gods before me” (Exodus 20:3) and violated the law by
doing the unforgivable, taking the Elohyeem’s “Gods’, Judges’,
Angels” names in vain.
Upon researching the teachings of Saul, Shaool, Paul, it was found
that he was ministering and preaching the gospel and the spirit of
another Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus (TAM.MUZ). This Yashu’a, Isa,
Jesus was not our Lord and Saviour Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa
Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah “Christ” of 2,000 years ago because
Saul, Shaool, Paul himself states in Acts 26:9.
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The Holy Bible, Acts 26:9
(With Modern Greek Script)
Now let’s take a look at this word contrary which according to The
American Heritage Dictionary “Contrary” means;
Which means Saul, Shaool, Paul was Anti-Christ; this is the same
spiritual force of the beast that has taken over Negroids. (Read
Book #207 Is it Black Man’s Christianity or White Man’s
Christianity? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-
59517-023-5 distributed by Egipt Publishers) They possess peo-
ple by this dead Six Ether ghost spirit force and not the spirit force
of living Nine Ether (Wind; Holy + Lamb Hair + Health =
Negroid). You may ask, just what does that mean? It means that the
devil put Christ on the cross at the sixth hour, which is Six Ether
(Fire; Unholy + Goat Fur + Disease = Mixed Seeds). The Satan,
Shaytaan, Devil’s ghost spirit power was working through the
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Romans who are of the cursed seed of Kena’an, Kana’an,
Canaan. They were trying to put Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus
(TAM.MUZ) to death in Matthew 27:26-35 thinking in so doing
that it would imply that their “God”, who were the Caesars, would
be revealed as the true gods. In reality they were mortal gods
(rulers with absolute power) who were also possessed with
demons. This is explained in 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
If you check the verses preceding this one, you will see they are
talking about the “son of perdition”. Perdition means “destruc-
tion”, and is a term used for Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judas. “Son” is
used for all those who follow in this character. It is talking about
those like the Caesars who feel themselves superior or equal to
Alyuwn El, 'Elyown El, 'Alyon El referred to here as “God”. This
includes the Catholic Church and the Pope, who acts as “God”
when he grants forgiveness of sins, when only Alyuwn El,
'Elyown El, 'Alyon El “Most High God” can grant forgiveness, so
he is acting as if he sits in the seat of Alyuwn El, 'Elyown El,
'Alyon El “Most High God”.
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Six Ether was the power attempting to kill the spirit of Alyuwn El,
'Elyown El, 'Alyon El “Most High God” as the word was made
flesh in John 1:14. But the power of Alyuwn El, 'Elyown El,
'Alyon El “Most High God”, which is Nine Ether, took control at
the ninth hour. And Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus (TAM.MUZ) was taken up
at the 9th hour in Mark 15:33:
“And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the
whole land until the ninth hour.”
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field. Goat fur = death of the devil. Homo-Erectus (Canines)
The first time the watchers are mentioned in The Holy Bible is in
Daniel 4:13 "I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and,
behold, a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven;" and
the Hebrew word, from the Chaldean word used here is eer rye 'iyr
(Aramaic) which comes from Strong's #5782 meaning "to wake
up, keep your eyes open," from Strong's #05894 meaning "watch-
er, angel, a guardian" accompanied by a Qaddiysh vydq kad-
deesh (Strong’s #6922) meaning "holy, saints, angels," those
appointed by Alyuwn El, 'Elyown El, 'Alyon El, (“Most High
God”) to keep a watchful eye on the garden (Kingub) at first, then
over other angels. Originally, only 24 were appointed, headed by
Miykael, Miyka’el, Michael. They are both good and evil, holy
ones, Serapheem, and unholy ones, Cherubeem. Then verse 17
states "This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand
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by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know
that the (Allay Elah, ‘Elyon El) ‘most High God’ ruleth in the king-
dom of men (the world), and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and
setteth up over it the basest (lowest) of men." Daniel 4:23:"And
whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from
heaven (one good and one evil watcher together),…" and again in
both verses 17 and 23, you find the same Hebrew words Eer (rye)
for “watcher” and Qaddiysh (vydq) for “holy one”.
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(Raphael), 17. Mahayyi, 18. Shamu'El (Uriel), 19. Yaanan,
Yaanuwn (Miykael, Miyka’el, Michael also known as Murdoq), 20.
Suri'El (ENLIL), 21. Yafafiah, 22. Zagzag'El (ENQI), 23.
Sandalfun (Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus) and the 24th seat is open for the
prophet during that time period.) The watchers are referred to as
The Thrones (Ophanim "Afaneem"). There are 3 different classes
of angelic beings. 1. Afaneem (Miyka’El, Miyka'el, Michael), 2.
Serapheem (Gabri’El Jibra'il, Gabriel) and 3. Cherubeem
(Semyaza, Shemyaza, Sama'el), whom Malakiy-Tsedeq,
Melchizedek, Melchisedec is the leader over all of them, as the
highest arch-angel, being a high priest after the Order of Alyuwn
El, 'Elyown El, 'Alyon El (“Most High God").(Read The Return
of the Serpents of Wisdom, by Mark Amaru Pinkham, ISBN 0-
9328-135-18, Adventures Unlimited Press)
Ans: First of all the cross of Christianity came from the Egiptian
Ankh. The cross, which is the Greek version of the Christian
Ansata, was originally the Tau (A cross in the form of a T), as found
as the symbol of the Royal Arch of Freemasonry. The top of the
cross was taken from the Egiptian ring called the Shen, a symbol
of eternity, which the Christians changed into putting the halo over
the head of the crucified person, and that’s the top of the Ankh, the
original cross. This Shen is as bright as the sun or the Sol of the
Solar system. The word soul is Sol sun. Just as the word color can
be spelled colour, with or without the “U”. So Sol, sun is soul, the
solar plex, which is the inner Sun that resides in all Negroids.
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dead”. This is where they get their concept of resurrection from,
for what happens after you die, you resurrect to eternal life, which
is the ankh. This is your key to the gate from this life to the next.
The Ninth Hour represents a Living El “God, Judge, Angel ” an
eternal one. Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Haru Pa
Messeh, Jesus the Messiah “Christ” (TAM.MUZ) on the Ankh
is the symbol of the true life that he has to offer to us, through his
Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus on the Sixth Hour Cross, as Christians who fol-
low Saul, Shaool, Paul the deceiver use it today, is a symbol of
death. So the power of Six Ether spirits is in worshipping vapor
and the unloving - spookism. That force that physical devils are
financing; as in the most powerful churches and preachers today, be
it black or white. As long as they teach of another Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels”, Baal Molech , “another Christ, another
gospel, and another spirit”, the devil will back them.
Diagram 6
Diagram 5
The symbol of the female
The Ankh, the key to eternal
also the
African fertility doll
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Diagram 7 Plate 21
The Omega over the The African
Tau Akwabu Doll
And from this he has taken over Christianity, Islam and Judaism
and supplanted himself as the authors, the authorities, the leaders,
the learnt men and the clergy translating and then spending millions
of millions of dollars on mistranslations for The Noble’s Koran
and The Holy Bible and spending billions and billions of dollars
for the building of churches and mosques to worship Six Ether
ghost unholy spirits.
You can see it today. Ask yourself who is financing this now
upsurge of Christian movies, and who is financing the propagation
of Saul, Shaool, Paul’s lies through every race of preachers. As
said before, it is the devil and only the devil and you flock to it.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Shakespeare who wrote a version of The Holy Bible copied by
King James, the version used by most churches today, and from
which most other versions of The Holy Bible are derived.
Figure 26
Figure 25
William Shakespeare
King James I
(William Tynsdale)
(1566-1625 A.D.)
(1564-1616 A.D.)
The language of the old English Bible was Shakespearean and he
signed the Bible to let all know that he was there, and that it was
wholly by Bill, and Bill is short for William, that is William
Tyndale who is the same as William Shakespeare. The code is
number 46 for the 46 chromosomes of what the Caucasians call
British Blue Blood, or sea-blood, water-blood, The Blue Lodge.
Whereas red blood is earth blood, ground blood, and they quickly
pass on to The Royal Arch and their color becomes red, then on to
The Shrine and their color became green, yellow and red.
William Shakespeare put his name in the 46th Psalm. If you count
46 words up from the bottom you will find spear Psalm 46:9 and
46 words from the top you will find shake Psalm 46:3. The Bible
is no longer a Semitic book or Ancient book, but it is now a
European book. The original had no chapters or verses, and no
titles. Who did all this, and by whose authority, God or man?
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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His first name can also be found in 2 different verses. Psalm 46:2
where you find will 14 words from the beginning and Psalm 46:10
where you will find I am 32 words from the end and if you add the
two amounts together you get 46 again.
Originally the book was written in Hebrew and later translated into
Ans: In 1611 A.D. It has been said that Shakespeare and the King
James Version will preserve the English language for all time.
Shakespeare is just a pen name. His real name was William
Tynsdale, the author of the King James Version of the Bible.
Although they move dates and places, they are one and the same.
William Tynsdale (William Shakespeare) printed 6,000 copies of
the English Bible, and this is the third and last number 6 of the 66
books of the King James version of the Bible, giving you the
number 666, again found in Revelation 13:18.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Plate 22
William Shakespeare’s name encoded in
The Holy Bible
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Diagram 8
The many crosses of Christianity which were taken from the
original ankh
Plate 23 Figure 27
The Sixth hour cross representing The Ninth hour cross representing
death life
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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don’t have anything; now look at how they have destroyed
Africa, South America, the Native Americans and the American
You think that you are out of slavery? You think by becoming mil-
lionaires it makes a difference? Negroid people, you think that if
you’ve become rich then you’re not slaves? You think that you are
liberated. Well you’re not, not you! You can’t buy your way into
freedom. Stop looking for jobs outside, thinking you can be
amongst the white man, the Kalani - you will be cast into the lake
of fire with him. You cannot buy your freedom; you have to be
redeemed – reclaimed. Truth is, the Caucasoid is Satan, Shaytaan,
Devil. He creates weapons, diseases; he puts sick stuff like sex and
murder in the movies and develops new drugs. He is a devil by
nature. Every thought of his mind is evil continually. The Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels” attempted to destroy the Caucasoid but his
devious mind survived through Kham, Haam, Ham in the flood,
because his wife was an Anakite. We have to separate from him and
clean the genes. We have to stop mixing our seed (Joel 3:19-21).
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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you sell your children to this beast, you get them addicted to all the
delicacies of the harlot; the list can go on and on.
Don’t fool yourselves into thinking that if you’re in the image and
likeness of the Caucasoids or their life style that you will be free.
You’re still enslaved because you don’t have choice, only multiple
choices. Which means when you enter into a mall, you decide what
you want from a variety of things; a variety of things that have
already been chosen for you. The principalities stock all the
stores, meaning you have limited amounts of choices that they have
selected for you.
For example, let’s say you have five cakes to pick from. When you
decide, you then pick one of the five they baked, one of the five that
they decided to put in the store. So now you say to yourself, I real-
ly like coconut cake, and they make a delicious coconut cake, I
think I’ll buy that one. Think, is that really what you want? Or
would you really like a different kind, other then the choices they
gave you. You choose it because it’s the best you’ve tasted from the
choices they gave you? Pick out an outfit in a department store, a
car, a television (which tells lies visually), a song on a radio station,
a book in a library written by a certain author, you still have to pick
from what he provides. You don’t really have a choice. That’s
what’s happening to those of you who think you’re out of slavery.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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The Holy Bible, Revelation 13:15
(With Modern Greek Script)
kai edoyh autw dounai pneuma th eikoni tou yhriou ina kai
lalhsh h eikwn tou yhriou kai poihsh osoi an mh
proskunhswsin thn eikona tou yhriou ina apoktanywsin
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the
image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as
would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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The Holy Bible, Revelation 12:7-9
(With Greek Modern Script)
“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought
against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And
prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
This is just another one of the Evil one’s tricks; using the
Elohyeem’s “Gods’, Judges’, Angels’” servant’s name for his ser-
vants, just to confuse you. He does it all throughout The Holy
Bible. The Devil takes the names of the servants of the Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels” and uses the same names for his demonic
servants. This is done to confuse you, which is what Lucifer has
been doing since he was cast out of heaven.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Many of the Holy Seed have fallen asleep or left the path and the
holy family and became a part of the gentile nation, as Akumeem,
Christian Paulite gentiles or Goyeem, Hebrew Judahite gentiles.
And as it states in 1 Corinthians 15:1, "Then they also which are
fallen asleep in Christ are perished." Those who have fallen asleep
have gone the way of the Canaanites, living in the image of the
beast Revelation 13:15 "And he had power to give life unto the
image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak,
and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast
should be killed." In this verse, “He” is the State of Israel, who had
power to give spirit to the image of the beast making it come to life
so that the image of the beast should both speak, representing all
the preaching these so called Christian evangelists and pentecostal-
ists do, in the name of spreading the “good word” and cause
Plate 24
A few of the multitude of false teachers spreading Paul’s Anti-Christ
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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so as many as would not worship the image of the beast, the image
of their fake Jesus should be killed. They pretend to be evangelists
and Pentecostal preachers in order to teach and spread the image of
the beast all over the world. In the past, their religious authorities
were the Pharisees, the ones who arranged the plot to kill Yashu'a
Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ". (Read
Book #174 El’s Holy Injiyl by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-118-5, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
They even did this with Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA) and the
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”, but that's not racism. They
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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have European pictures on stained glass windows, in church, in
movies, in books, and even in The Holy Bible and that's okay even
though they know that it's a lie. But, if I show and prove otherwise,
I'm a racist.
Plate 25
The Many Faces of Saul, Shaool, Paul's Caucasoid Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus
Why lie on The Son of God?
(Revelation 1:14-15)
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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These Caucasoids want you as a Negroid to worship other than self
and kind. By that I mean, other than people who look like you, that
is a Negroid. Now Zeus (Belos) is the same as Jupiter in Roman
mythology. He is also called Belos; it is the same as Iblis or Balus,
which is Baal meaning “Lord”, a general term for most of the
Caucasoid deities (Read the book Odyssey of the Gods by Erich
Von Daniken, 1-86204-749-9, Harper Collins UK, page 88). By
using the mythical character Zeus, they have you worshipping the
image of the beast, Jazuz called Jesus or Gasus, which is called
Gases, Jases all derived from Zeus, which is symbolic of the spir-
it and that is symbolic of the ghost, the ghost spell. In
Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) the letter Jiim (Q) is pronounced wtih a ‘J’
sound, but in Aramic (Hebrew) this letter is Gimel (g) pronounced
with a ‘G’ sound as in “Get”. So, if you pronounce the Latin word
Jasus and the English word Jesus with a ‘G’ sound instead of a ‘J’
sound, so you phonetically get the word Gasus or gases, which is
the third part of the transformation of solid, liquid and gas, which
is the ghost, the complete death of 9 Ether, which are spirit forces.
These are the same spirit forces that seek to destroy the Nubian,
Negroid existence.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Cleopatra was neither Roman nor Greek like Caucasoid history
pretends; she was a Phoenician, a Mitsrayim which would be an
Egiptian from the pure Negroid seed of Noakh, Nuh, Noah
(ZIU.SUDRA) who was perfect in his generations (“genealogy”),
(Genesis 10:6). You must overstand that the Caucasoids’ history is
mixed up, falsely and ironically to hide facts, mislead, and deceive.
Although the Phoenicians were well scattered and powerless by
200 or 300 B.C., the Romans, Jews and other Greeks, who were
controlling Egipt allowed the figurehead puppet kings and queens
of Phoenician ancestry to continue to sit on the throne of Egypt
until Cleophas was rejected as king. The same way the Caucasoid
set up and control parrot rulers and puppet establishments in these
This is the image that the pale Jew wants you to worship, a Jebusite
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Jew, who is the image of the beast. The first known paintings of the
prophet Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
“Christ” are dated no earlier than the 3rd century (200 A.D.) and
are found in Christian catacombs on the outskirts of ancient Rome.
The Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus of the catacomb paintings was a humble
looking shepherd (country-type) lacking distinct portrait-like fea-
tures. As Christianity became the state religion of Rome and spread
to all its territories, paintings of Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al
Masih, Jesus the Messiah “Christ” became distorted. Eventually,
he was depicted as a paleman. Famous artists such as
Michelangelo contributed in lying to the public that the Messiah
Jesus was a white Caucasoid and not a Nubian; they artistically
changed his face from black to white. Thus, the pale white image
of Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus became the accepted standard. The fact is
that the Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
“Christ” was a Nubian. He was a descendant of Kadmon, Zakar,
Adam (ADABA) who was also Nubian, fashioned from the black
mud of Sudan (The Noble’s Koran 15:28).
“And when your (Muhammad) Sustainer said to all the heavenly messen-
gers (angels): 'verily, I am creating a mortal being in skin (Basharan)
from moist black (Ha maa-in) clay, molding his shape. ”
Translated by:
As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
Noble: Rev. Malachi Z. York 33º/720º
This is the picture of Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus you see hanging on walls
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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throughout the world. They want you to believe in this fake
Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus because by worshiping this false image of the
Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
“Christ” you are actually worshipping the Euro-Jew.
Plate 26
Zeus (Ja Zeus = Jesus), Jesus Justus Paul’s companion and friend, St.
Germain a Christian Saint, and the Catholic Christian Jesus, which is
the compilation of the three men; Zeus, Jesus Justus and St. Germain
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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ping his pale image. They have violated the first commandment
given to man on Earth by the Creator, by trying to make a mortal
man equal to the Almighty. There is no forgiveness for this sin
(The Noble’s Koran 92:116).
Ques: What is meant by the devil will bite the heel of the
woman's seed?
Ans: The devil is trying to bite the heel of the woman's pure seed
(Genesis 3:15) and leave the serpent's venom in their bloodline so
that the devil's seed will kill the seed of the Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels” in you and you'll be open, willing and ready to
accept the mark of the beast and worship the image of the beast,
which is an image of a man that was given power, an image or pic-
ture; that was given life, an image or picture; that was given the
power to speak. What the devil has done is read the scriptures in the
original language and took what he read and made a drawing oppo-
site of the real image of Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus (TAM.MUZ).
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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beast (Revelation 13:15) and the image of the beast. What do you
think that this quote means? Some will say Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus'
color doesn't matter, yet we ask why would the Alyuwn El,
'Elyown El, 'Alyon El “Most High God” place a description of his
only begotten son in Revelation 1:14-15? It must matter to the
Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El “Most High God”. You would
surrender your identity, you would surrender your image, you
would surrender your likeness, and you would surrender your beau-
ty, your assets, your creativity, and get into the image and the like-
ness of the beast.
These are the same Caucasoids (Canaanites) that lived next to the
Israelites, in Genesis 10:19 “And the border of the Canaanites
was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest,
unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto
Lasha.” who are the Elohyeem’s “Gods’, judges’, Angels’” cho-
sen people being the children of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels” through Shiyth, Shayth, Seth, a Negroid who was creat-
ed after the image and the likeness of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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cohabitation with animals: are even mentioned, it was because
they were in common practice among Israel’s neighbors.” These
neighbors were the Canaanites. These are the same Canaanites
that had and have no respect for the laws of the Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels”.
It shows when they create the many false images of Yashu’a, Isa,
Jesus and the many other prophets that can only be Negroid by law.
How you may ask, because all the the prophets came through the
line of Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA), a Hindu, who was the
father of Shiyth, Shayth, Seth (SA.TI) who was a direct ancestor
of Noakh, Nuh, Noah (ZIU.SUDRA) who was perfect in his gen-
erations (“genealogy”), being he was Negroid. Although Shiyth,
Shayth, Seth (SA.TI) was raised by Kadmon, Zakar, Adam
(ADAFA) as his father, Shiyth, Shayth, Seth (SA.TI) was not of
Adam’s seed, he was of the seed of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels”. (Read Book # 250 Was Adam Black or White? by Noble:
Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-047-2, distributed
by Egipt Publishers). The Canaanites have defiled the true image
of the Israelites by creating these Caucasoid images of our
prophets as a way to defame the true holy bloodline, the family. If
you don’t believe me check it out. Michelangelo created a statue
of our great prophet Mosheh, Musa, Moses only to defame him.
First Michelangelo depicted Mosheh, Musa, Moses as a
Caucasoid, then as demons do, Michelangelo puts horns on the
image of our great prophet Mosheh, Musa, Moses. Horns are sym-
bolic of the devil, the same horns used on top of the head of the
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil shown on front of the hot sauce bottle.
That alone shows you that Satan, Shaytaan, Devil has no respect
for law because he defamed and blasphemed the law giver, who
brought the laws down from the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels”. Michel “Michael”Angelo depicts our great prophet
Mosheh, Musa, Moses as a Caucasoid, which is furthest from the
truth considering he was a Levite being from the line of Yaqov,
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Diagram 9
Map of North East Africa and the location
of the Canaanite tribes in relation to the Israelite tribes
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Ya’aqub, Jacob who was a descendant of Sham, Saam, Shem,
son of Noakh, Nuh, Noah (ZIU.SUDRA) who was perfect in his
generations “geneaology”.
Why show so much hate for a prophet unless you don’t honor him
as one. And you don’t honor what he came to bring, which are the
laws of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” that are not for the
Canaanite but against the Canaanite’s very existence. That would
make Mosheh, Musa, Moses anti-Canaanite because Canaanites
are anti-Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”. This was their way to
defame our great prophets by creating false images for Negroids to
believe and worship, which are the images of the beast.
Ans: The image of the beast started with a fabrication of the race
of Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus (TAM.MUZ), originally drawn only as pic-
tures. They say in Revelation 13:15 that this is an image of a man
and I quote: "And he had power to give life unto the image of the
beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that
as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be
killed." So the beast, the devil, the deceiver, is a man, a mortal,
they took this drawing of Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus as a white man and
moved on to the next level. They gave him power by saying, if you
worship that white image of Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus, all of your trou-
bles will go away. Next they added to the picture by giving this pic-
ture life.
They went from still pictures to motion pictures and then they start-
ed making movies of Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus (TAM.MUZ) and using
human movie stars, Caucasoid of course, giving the image of the
beast life. Notice in Revelation 13:15, it says giving life and power
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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to the image of the beast, to a picture that they created. Then it pro-
ceeds to say that this beast should be able to speak, because they
went from silent movies to talking movies, and that this beast
would cost as many as would not worship the image of the beast
should be killed. That is, they would actually turn races of people
against themselves and have them kill each other for the image of
the beast.
What started off as a drawing has now escalated into the multi-bil-
lion dollar television/motion picture industry that make people real-
ly think that a picture they see on the Tell-Lies-Visually were real.
Those images have become alive through the expert acting (lying)
of actors portraying themselves as Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al
Masih, Jesus the Messiah “Christ”, in the image of the Beast,
walking and talking the motion pictures, giving him all power. The
Holy Bible tells us that this image will go so far that these people
who worship the image of the beast will deliver you into the devil’s
hand to be killed and think that they are doing Elohyeem’s “Gods’,
Judges’, Angels’” work (Look at all proof of the genocide today)
(John 16:2).
Plate 27
The Fake Image of Paul’s European God and Adam in the Sistine
Chapel painted by an Italian,
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 -1564 A.D.)
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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The Holy Bible, John 16:2
(With Modern Greek Script)
“They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh,
that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth (Thehos, Elyon
El’s “The Most High’s”) ‘God’s’ service.”
The King James Version of The Holy Bible
Make note that Saul, Shaool, Paul declared that he was a disciple,
a teacher, a preacher, and an apostle to the Gentiles; 2 Timothy
1:11, “Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and
a teacher of the Gentiles.” who are descendants of the Canaanites,
heathens. However, Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Haru Pa
Messeh, Jesus the Messiah “Christ” warns repeatedly of deceivers
coming in his name that shall deceive many in Matthew 24:5,
“For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall
deceive many.” These people are so blinded by false beliefs in a
fake Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus called in The Holy Bible “another Jesus”
(2 Corinthians 11:4), a fake gospel called “another gospel”
(Galatians 1:8, 2 Corinthians 11:4, Colossians 1:6-7) and a fake
spirit called another spirit (2 Corinthians 11:4) that people become
possessed and really worship, call, pray and cry to Saul, Shaool,
Paul's fake Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus, an image of the beast, and the devil
will respond to them. He will give you great signs and wonders
(Matthew 24:24). The likes of Saul, Shaool, Paul who are out
today claiming they are spreading the gospel of the real Yashu’a
Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah “Christ”, will be
performing miracles such as the laying on of hands (1 Timothy
4:14, Hebrews 6:4) and telling you that they are doing these things
in Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus' name (Matthew 24:5), bewitching and
amazing people. Yashu’a Isa, Jesus' answer to them will be "I
never knew you” (Matthew 7:25). What he (Saul, Shaool, Paul)
was trying to do as a corrupted seed of the Romans, was to give
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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them a place as an "Heir To the Elohyeem (“Gods, Judges,
Angels”)”. This was a ploy for them to creep and sneak their way
into the kingdom of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”.
Emperor Constantine was one of Saul, Shaool, Paul’s followers.
Saul, Shaool, Paul was trying to fulfill the devil's plan in getting
into the pure Negroid seed of the women in Genesis 3:15; he was
under the impression that through this lie he would deter the real
Negroid tribe of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah and supplant them so
that the Romans become the Tents of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah
(Zechariah 12:7).
Saul, Shaool, Paul was trying to bind the two, the devil's seed,
with the woman's seed, so that we, as the tribe of Yehudaw,
Yahudah, Judah would not be heirs with Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh,
Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah “Christ” who came to claim us,
to find that which was lost. The lost sheep of the house of Israel
(Matthew 10:6, 15:24), Negroid, African Americans, black folk
were the Pure Holy Seed of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”
(Ezra 9:2, Isaiah 6:13). However, the seed of the devil, the gen-
tiles/heathens “Ha Akumeem and Ha Goyeem” were worshippers
of Satan, Shaytaan, Devil, the un-holy seed. (Acts 26:17-18).
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Figure 28 Figure 29
Shem, son of Noah and Naamah Ham, son of Noah and Naamah
(2470-1870 B.C.E.) (2470-1934 B.C.E.)
Figure 30
Japeth, son of Noah and Naamah
(2470-1913 B.C.E.)
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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“His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow;
and his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine
brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of
many waters.”
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus’ (TAM.MUZ) feet were like burnt brass, the
word used for “brass” in the Greek is Strong’s #5470 calkewv
chalkeos khal’-keh-os, and even though they know Yashu’a, Isa,
Jesus was from the Tribe of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah being the
descendant of Sham, Saam, Shem one of the triplets through
Noakh, Nuh, Noah (ZIU.SUDRA) who were all Negroid; they
still raise up a European looking Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al
Masih, Jesus the Messiah “Christ”, which is opposite of the
Biblical Negroid Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus; this is giving life to the
image of the beast, the image of the Anti Christ.
Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus’ feet were like burnt brass, the word used for
brass in the Greek is and even though they know Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus
was from the Tribe of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah being the
descendant of Sham, Saam, Shem one of the triplets through
Noakh, Nuh, Noah (ZIU.SUDRA) who were all Negroid; they
still raise up a European looking Christ, which is opposite of the
Biblical Negroid Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus; this is giving life to the
image of the beast, the image of the Anti Christ.
The Devil gave you Caucasoids to worship, he gave you the beast
(Jonah 3:4 -6) to worship which is not you. He has you loving any
and everything but yourself being Negroid, the same as Haru Pa
Messeh, Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
“Christ” (TAM.MUZ). What do you think Revelation 13:15,
“Give Life Unto The Image of The Beast” means? Giving life to
this Image of the Beast started with the fabrication of Yashu’a,
Isa, Jesus’ TAM.MUZ) race and this false image was originally
drawn, in the image of a man. So the beast, the devil, the deceiver,
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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is a man, as said in Revelation 13:18, “…Let him that hath under-
standing count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a
man;” a mortal. In Revelation 13:4, “And they worshipped the
dragon which gave power unto the beast:” This dragon is the
cursed seed, the Edomite race who are descendants of ‘Aysaw,
‘Aiys, Esau, who is the elder brother of Yacov, Ya’acub, Jacob
(Israel). ‘Aysaw, ‘Aiys, Esau‘s seed is cursed because out of
anger ‘Aysaw, ‘Aiys, Esau deliberately broke one of the
Elohyeem’s “Gods’, Judges’, Angels’” important commandments,
ITES! ‘Aysaw, ‘Aiys, Esau out of anger of losing his birthright to
his brother Yaqov, Ya’aqob, Jacob (Genesis 25:30-33), married
Canaanite women (Genesis 28:8, 36:2). The Yahayyu “Living One,
Existing One” hated ‘Aysaw, ‘Aiys, Esau for the abandonment of
his heritage and defilement of the holy blood line of the Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels” (Malachi 1:3 and Romans 9:13). It is this
seed that ‘Aysaw, ‘Aiys, Esau produced with the Canaanites
(Caucasoids) that gives power to the beast. The Edomite is the
dragon that gives power to the image of the beast. How you may
ask? Well on every corner in Negroid neigborhoods what do you
see besides Liquor Stores, that’s right Edomite beauty supply
stores. Now take a look at what is in them; products that destroy
the beautiful image that the ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels” gave you, like your kingly crown, your beautiful
skin, your prominent features, and the love of self. They sell prod-
ucts that give power to the beast and destroy you. You straighten
your hair to look like a Hindu (East Indian) flank and dead looking
hair so that your hair doesn’t reach toward the sun any longer. You
may even feel as a Negroid woman that you are only meeting the
demands of getting a Negroid man. Oh in reality that is far from
the case. In your efforts to emulate the Caucasoid, your Negroid
man will come to the conclusion “Why settle for a fake white
woman when I could go get the real thing?” Hot combs, hair
relaxers, rollers, Jheri curls, Wave Nouveau, skin lightening
creams, fake nail products, fake hair, synthetic all the way to
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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human hair; all so you can look like the Caucasoid instead of
yourself. They are the ones that own the nail shops where you
spend you hard earned money to put fake acrylic synthetic chemi-
cals on your nails for long claws that someone told you looked
good or was a sign of being free from working for the white
woman. Well while you have those claws on your hands you don’t
look independent of the white people instead you look as filthy as
them. It would appear as if bathing properly and being a hard
worker for your family is something you cannot do. Did you ever
think how poisonous these chemicals are if the manicurists don’t
inhale them because they wear masks as to not inhale the chemi-
cals, while you sit there inhaling them and soaking them into your
skin. And let’s not forget MSG (monosodium glutamate), found
in Chinese food, which is a slow killer when taken over the years.
This is the same race of Edomites that sought to destroy our Lord
and Saviour Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah “Christ”. Herod the Great, was an Edomite, the son of
Antipater, an Idumean, which is defined as an Edomite, procutator
of Judea being a virtal ruler of all Palestine (which included
Jerusalem) between 55 - 43 B.C. Herod the Great the Edomite, he
was the forced ruler over the Judahites in Judea. Herod the Great
(67 BC-9 A.D) had 10 wives and 46 children. Herod the Great held
no qualms about murdering anyone who threatened his position. In
fact, when Herod the Great conquered Jerusalem he had 45 noble-
men who supported their leaders killing. During his reign he also
had some of his relatives murdered because of rumors of treason
and attempts against his life. So it was no great surprise that when
Herod the Great learned of the birth of the Prophet/Messiah (or
“King of the Judahites”) he became obsessed with finding this
threat to his throne. The way Herod the Great learned of this birth
was when a caravan reached his city (Jerusalem) during the time of
taxation. From then on he sought to kill our true living Messiah,
Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
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As stated before, the dragon will give power to the beast to destroy
you. This dragon has sought to destroy your blood line since
Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and
thou shalt bruise his heel.”
This image of the beast that began as a drawing has now been given
life. It started as drawings of Caucasoids, posing as Anti-Christs,
which means Anti the pure Negroid seed of Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus;
so they drew their Jesus as a Caucasoid man and then it was taken
to the next level. They gave this image power by saying, “If you
worship that white image of Jesus all of your troubles will go
away.” The only trouble that we as Negroids had was caused by
the Caucasoid.
They began to make movies about Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus using the still
drawing of the Caucasoid, you know images like those on the ceil-
ing of the Sistine Chapel (the private, official Papal Chapel where
Cardinals meet for the election of Popes). Making these false
images talk and walk gave life to the beast because when you
looked up he was on the screen, moving, talking and speaking
Biblically. So your Caucasoid movie stars gave life to the Image
of the Beast who you try to emulate to this day. Because, “As a
man thinketh so shall he be.” Through this transformation life was
given to an image of the beast that many Negroids all over the
world worship today.
This means they would actually turn races of people against them-
selves and have them kill each other for the image of the beast.
John 16:2 states: “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea,
the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth
(Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”) ‘God’s’ service.”
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Corinthians 11:4), a fake gospel that is called “another gospel”,
and a fake spirit that is called “another spirit”. They have become
possessed and really worship, call to, pray and cry to an image of
the beast. Satan, Shaytaan, Devil will respond to them, he will give
great signs and wonders as in Matthew 24:24:
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall
shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible,
they shall deceive the very elect.”
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Judges, Angels” as the image of the beast and he was a Catholic
given his authority by the Pope. The beast also designed the Vatican
and shared in the churches’ views of this day.
As the word denotes, they would first mesmerize you into a deep
trance state, which is the spell of Leviathan same as the the Spell
of Sleep (Kingu). They would then leave you in that sleep state.
They commonly refer to it as meditation, however while in medita-
tion your whole world is being destroyed around you. And every-
thing that is rightfully yours is being stolen from you, the “heirs of
the Kingdom” (James 2:5). That is why in Isaiah 52:1 (In part)
you are being told “Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion”. To
wake up from the mummy state they put you in.
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you want to live in their image, which is the image of the beast.
What you don’t know is the moment you idolize other than your-
self you are giving your soul over to them. And you cannot buy
your soul back, it must be redeemed as it says in Isaiah 52:3 “For
thus saith the (Yahayyu, “Living One, Existing One”) ‘LORD’ , Ye
have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without
Notice that this is the vicious cycle of what they do;create the prob-
lem and while consuming more money and generating more com-
munity distress, destroy the problem. All the while the characters
involved, the recording artists, unbeknownst to them, will be the
innocent victims. Many rap artists have been sacrificed to the beast
around the same time as Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur were.
The Devil just takes these hard-core hip-hoppers and just buys
them out, giving them movie parts in exchange for money. Once
these artists become “gangsta” rappers, both male and female, the
devil buys them out. Just look at Snoop Doggy Dogg, who is a
“Gangsta’ Rapper”, a convicted drug dealer, supposed murderer,
an influential rapper, saying their words on his records and now an
actor; he plays a demon character in a demonic movie named
“Bones”. They let him get big and they let him get news coverage.
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Plate 28
Gangster rapper Snoop Doggy Dogg
Plate 29
Poster for “Bones” feature film starring Snoop Doggy Dogg as a
What about the rappers who were talking about truth and self-love?
They want you to see and hear Farrakhan and his once racial mes-
sage because if they did not want people to see or hear him, he
would not get news coverage or appear on television programs. Just
like the many positive Negroid role models.
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You see how they pretend I don’t exist, don’t you? I have millions
of readers. I call the Euro-Jews (the fake Jews who are really the
Jebusites one of the sons of Ken’an, Kana’an, Canaan) all kinds of
things, and what I say, it’s all true. They know I can prove what I
say and back it up, because it’s all facts. So they keep me out of
the news and the media avoids me, unless they can come up with
some scandals or lies to try to defame me. Then you will see me
on T.V. with them saying, “he did this” or “he did that”.
Sure you’ll say, but Snoop Doggy Dogg writes his own lyrics, yet
you fail to realize, he was influenced to think these words were the
right things to say. He’s taught you to think that if he says things
like, “Get a nine millimeter and shoot someone” he’ll make a hit.
I’m sure if Snoop Doggy Dogg could sing like Luther Vandross
sings love songs, he’d rather get hits like that, but instead he’s influ-
enced to think that the type of thing he says creates a market for
himself. Or take KRS-One (Chris Parker) of the infamous rap
group Boogie Down Productions, who was featured in Spin
Magazine, May 1992 A.D. in the article entitled “Build And
Destroy” on page 55-57, it states:
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Plate 30
K.R.S.- One a/k/a Kris Parker
(1965 A.D. -still living)
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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described as ‘KRS retaliating in 1992 A.D.,’ finds
him on the gangster tip again...”
I’m sure if he could have continued his battle against thug life and
continued to try and educate his people he would have, but the
media, be it magazines, newspapers or radio, forced him to do oth-
erwise. Never allowing him the chance to do the right thing.
Plate 31
Plate 32
Luther “Luke
Album cover “As Nasty as they Wanna Be”
by the 2 Live Crew
1960 A.D. - still living
They get rid of groups like Public Enemy; they got rid of The Jaz,
K.M.D. and Doug E. Fresh who taught our teachings, which are
the truth. They want to destroy you; it’s all a part of their plan for
your (Negroid) self-destruction, which is Genocide (the systemat-
ic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political,
or ethnic group). This is what they push for our children to aspire
to be.
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Last year at the Grammy Music Awards, this plan was made very
clear when all the winners had the appearance of a Neutranoid.
Artists like India Arie and Musiq Soulchild were forced to be
downstaged for white and Neutranoid performers to walk across
the stage. They did this on purpose. So every time you look on the
tele-vision or listen to the radio and even go to the movies, they
don’t want you to see, hear or feel anything positive coming out of
Negroid artists that are teaching about self love. Instead they want
you to desire to be lighter or whiter. In so desiring you then pro-
ceed to mix your seed until generations down the line your children
aren’t even noticeably Negroid.
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Plate 33
These are the images that the Beast
wants your children to live in, the image of the Harlot (lust, sex and
greed )
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The spell worked in reverse on Negroids. It worked against them.
He bred a generation of children that became criminals with the
attitude “I’m just gonna take mine”, “I’m down with O.P.P (Other
People’s Property)”. He bred animals reversing back to the state of
Homo Erectus (ape like man), which was the state of man before
the intervention of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”. The
spell made the children MAD, which if you put it in reverse or
dyslexia, it’s what? DAM, which is the phonetics of the word
DAMN, it’s the same thing, meaning DOOMED, DAMNED
Meaning “To bring about the failure of; ruin. 3. To condemn as
harmful, illegal, or immoral: 4. To condemn to everlasting punish-
ment or a similar fate; doom. 5. To Swear At. 1. To swear; curse.
1. Used to express anger, irritation, contempt, or disappointment.
1. The saying of “Damn” as a curse. 2. The least valuable bit; a
jot: In 1983 A.D., he introduced to the children the curse, (Damn) to
take them out of mainstream America.
You see it everyday as you walk the streets. Children with their
pants sagging down past their behind, back hunched all over. Their
bodies became trained to walk in that manner. So even if you put
a suit on them they won’t know how to walk straight with it on any-
way. You were told this since 1971 A.D. since the first edition of
Book #15 Leviathan-666. by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-143-6, distributed by Egipt Publishers
When will you see that this is real?
Not only do they try to destroy the Negroid people, they try to
destroy any organization that might be trying to help, because when
they see organizations such as the Holy Tabernacle Ministries,
The Ancient Egiptian Order or The Egiptian Church of Karast
“Christ” they call it a cult or fanatical religious group.
When a medal should be given, persecution is given instead.
Especially when you try to save the youth, when you take kids off
the street, and change the way the children think and feel because
they have fallen to a lowly state. You can see it in the way they
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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walk, the way they talk, the way they dress and the way they act.
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil tries to destroy them. Nothing is being
done to help these kids or their future generations, that’s why this
scroll is necessary. Their only concern is to stop anyone who might
be able to lift the evil hypnotic sleep spell, called Leviathan and
KINGU in Sumerian writing that was cast 6,000 years ago by
Lucifer the Devil or ZUEN in Sumerian writings.
You were given 6,000 years to be under the spell, so the people who
assist the Luciferians cannot take a chance on who the Saviour
might be, which would deem the end of their world. They tried to
do it to Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus of 2,000 years ago and will not hesitate
to do it again, by any means necessary. The same principalities that
existed then, when the Wisemen proclaimed the birth of the sav-
iour, still exists to this day and they wait patiently to consume him.
His coming can be related to a quote in the book of Revelation.
“And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast
them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which
was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was
The dragon lays and waits for the birth of the saviour to consume
or prevent him from saving his people when he is born. This should
be obvious to the world by now because anyone who proclaims to
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be a Saviour and is able to control the minds of a vast majority of
people, they want to eliminate. So if a Saviour is born unto a peo-
ple he becomes the subject of slander and defamation. They have
their own methodology of dealing with them and it never changes.
First they Character assassinate you, and then they kill you.
Remember their job is to prevent the return of the Saviour by any
means. Most importantly when he comes, they want you to miss
him like you did the first time he came. The devil doesn’t want you
to receive him in hopes of we as Negroids losing the covenant.
Don’t you see they don’t want you to know that Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus
(TAM.MUZ) is black with kingly hair and burnt brass skin. They
want you to expect a Caucasoid as the saviour so that you will
reject the Negroid as one. In so doing you will not be prepared for
the “wedding” and lose your inheritance as an heir to the kingdom
of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”.
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In turn, they give much media play to groups like the N.O.I.
(Nation Of Islam) under Minister Louis Farrakhan, who stepped-
down as the leader of the Nation of Islam. The fact that Farrakhan
stepped down confirms that The Holy Tablets is the Book of
Lamb prophesied by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. In the
past, Farrakhan said he was coming with the Book of Lamb, now
he has stepped down. So the Holy Tablets must be The Book of
Lamb, and I, Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, As Sayyid: Issa Al
Haadi Al Mahdi, The Master Teacher must be that man The
Messenger Elijah Muhammad told his followers to look for and fol-
low. As one of my most well-known sayings goes, “No one wins
the race in racism.” Farrakhan is still a great man. He worked very
hard to save the nation of Islam. May he be forever blessed.
Plate 34
Minister Louis Farrakhan (1933 A.D. - still living), of the now-defunct
Nation of Islam, at the Million Man March in October of 1995
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Ismail, Ishmael’s second son Qaydar, Qidaar, Kedar, “...these
are their generations: The firstborn of Ishmael, Nebaioth; then
Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,” (1 Chronicles 1:29 ) Qaydar,
Qidaar, Kedar comes from the Hebrew word Qadar rdq
kaw-dar’ meaning blackened heavily and dark-skinned”. Qaydar,
Qidaar, Kedar, who was the father of the original Black Arabs,
genealogy, history and names, has proven them to be Negroid. The
present representation of Arabs is not true, due to many foreigners
having mixed their seed in with these Maur, Muur, Moor, which
stems from the Latin word Moreno, which means “black”. The
word Moor is sometimes spelled from the French Muur, both
coming from the Ancient Romans and Greek Maurus produce
mulattos (A person of mixed white and Black ancestry); you see
them as Arabs today.
Figure 31 Figure 32
Kedar son of Ishmael and Saida Abraham, son of Terah and
Faatimah Nuwna (2078 -1903 B.C.E.)
(1965-1833 B.C.E.)
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Due to all of these terrorist attacks by so-called Arabs, the Biblical
Arab is getting a bad name. Avram, Ibrahim, Abraham
(IBRU.UM) was a Chaldean, and his seed that can be found
through Yishmael, Ismail, Ishmael and Qaydar, Qidaar, Kedar
are known as Bedouin, a word meaning wanderers, which is the
same meaning for the word Arab/Araba, which means “moving
Figure 33
Figure 34
Hagar, daughter of Imhotep and
Ishmael, son of Abraham and
Hagar (1992 -1855 B.C.E.)
(2040- 1892 B.C.E.)
In reality most of the world does not know what a real Arab looks
like. They are not like the people that you see in the media today,
demons like Osama Bin Laden. They are not Arabs, and should
not be referred to as Arabs. For example Osama Bin Laden, who
is originally from the country now being called Saudi Arabia, that
was originally called Al Ghor, which wasn’t called Arabia until
the year 1926 A.D. when Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud declared himself
king, but not without first getting permission from the Caucasoids
of Britain in a letter in hopes not to offend them by making a deci-
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Plate 35 Plate 36
Osama Bin Laden, head of Al Saddam Hussein,
Qaida President of Iraq
Each of the countries and people that are being portrayed as Arabs
today, are countries that were invaded by different nationalities,
which were mostly Indo-Europeans, and they mixed in. They are
not from the pure seed of Avram, Ibrahim, Abraham IBRU.UM).
The people whom you see as Arabs today are not the original
Arabs, and can’t really understand or speak the Arabic language.
They don’t know anything about them, or what The Noble’s
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Koran teaches because they are too busy following Hadith and
Sunnah, which are words and traditions of men not from the
Alihaat “Gods, Judges, Angels”. Makhmud, Muhammad,
Mohemet, the prophet who The Noble’s Koran was revealed to,
told his followers to read everything and study everything. But
today the rules of Islam teach people the contrary: do not read
everything, or anything, and especially not The Holy Bible. Then
it is also frightening to note how many Muslims are illiterate, who
really cannot read or understand their own holy book, The Noble’s
Koran, for as I said, 90% of the Muslim world are non-Arabic
The following people who inhabit these lands are fakes; not being
of the real pure seed of Avram, Ibrahim, Abraham (IBRU.UM).
The Iranians, Iraqis, Libyans, Lebanese, Phoenicians are not
Arabs. The inhabitants of Qatar, Saudis, Turks, Emirates,
Bangladeshis, Malaysians, Indonesians, Moroccans, and
Mauritanians are not Arabs. Algerians, Syrians, Bahrains,
Egyptians, Yemenites, Kuwaitis, are not Arabs. This is a mass
deception, a cover up of genocide used to overtake a people, their
names, land, culture and God and then to scatter them across the
Earth leaving them in a state of amnesia (the Hebrew words Am -
nation and Nesia- of forgetful mortals), which means a forgetful
So most Negroids don’t know they are the pure seed from the
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Figure 35 Figure 36
Seth (Sati), son of Adam and Eve Enos,(Enshi) son of Seth and
(3896-2984 B.C.E.) Aqlimiyah
Figure 37
Noah (Ziusudra) , son of Lamech and Kamiyla (2970 - 2020 B.C.E.)
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” who perfected
Shiyth, Shayth, Seth (SA.TI) (the third son of Kadmon, Zakar,
Adam and Nekaybaw, Hawaa, Eve) to his first son Akhnuwk,
Idris, Enoch (ENQIME) who Noakh, Nuh, Noah (ZIU.SUDRA)
descended from, to Avram, Ibrahim, Abraham (IBRU.UM), to
Qaydar, Qidaar, Kedar the son of Yishmael, Ismail, Ishmael.
These are the true Arabs.
They bury the facts that the real descendants of the Prophet
Makhmud, Muhammad, Mohemet were Negroids (the
Faatimites) in Sudan (today known as the Dongolaway) that were
chased out of Arabia into Egypt, and down into Sudan by the
Abbassides (Jaaliya, Khatmiyah), also called Abbassid, which is
an Arabian dynasty (750-1258 A.D.) that expanded the Muslim
empire. It was named after As Sayyid Al-Abbas (568-654 A.D.),
the paternal uncle of the prophet Makhmud, Muhammad,
Mohamet, who are also Negroids called the tribe Ja’liyan today in
Sudan. Al-Abbas is one of the sons of As Sayyid Abdul Muttalib
(496-578 A.D.)
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Plate 37
King Faud Ibn Abdul Aziz Al Plate 38
Saud, a Saudi Arabian with Arab King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud
features (1880? 1953 A.D.)
(1923 A.D- still living)
Plate 39
King Faisal (1906 - 1975 A.D.)
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You can look at W.D. Ford and see he’s not a Saudi Arabian. If
you stuck Farrad in the middle of King Saud and a British per-
son, you can see he’s not a Saudi Arabian.
Plate 40 Plate 41
W.D. Ford Prince Charles
(1877- 1934 A.D.) (1948 A.D. - still living)
You may ask why would these facts be hidden? Well, because all
these Indo-Europeans or Spaniards conquered original lands and
took control of people by mixing in with their blood to phase them
out, or they did it by genocide. Then they claimed the identities and
religions of the group of people they conquered. Just as today, you
find Caucasoids claiming to be Native Americans or American
Indians, because they conquered the original Negroids called
Olmecs who were in America first. The modern Native
Americans mixed their blood with the Olmecs who had mixed
their blood with the Chinese who migrated under Hu-shen, and
now are calling themselves American Indians dressing like
Native Americans, wearing braids and beads and attending Pow-
Wows. These same people were conquerors and murderers of true
Native Americans who were also Negroids. (Read Book # 250
Was Adam Black Or White? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-047-2, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
I need to educate people about the facts. This world has not come
to this lowly state by chance; it hasn’t regressed by mere fate. The
things that determine the state and conditions on this planet were
carefully orchestrated. Take for instance, gang violence. Why do
you think it exists? Why do you think it comes and goes? One
moment the kids are leaving home to join their fellow gang mem-
bers the next minute you don’t hear a word. Why? First ask your-
self is the thug life or gangs affecting our lives, or anyone else’s life
for that matter?
Between August and September of 1994 A.D. gang life claimed the
life of an 11-year-old boy named Robert (“Yummy”) Sandifer,
who killed Shavon Dean age 14, two weeks before he was mur-
Yummy was trying to shoot rival gang members. When the cops
came down on the local Black Disciples gang of Chicago, Yummy
became a liability, then a victim. On the run, gang members shut-
tled Yummy between safe houses and abandoned buildings. But the
police came down hard, thus, fellow gang members, Derrick
Hardaway and Craig Hardaway, ages 14 and 16, both honor stu-
dents, allegedly killed Yummy under a railroad underpass. Now,
what will happen to the boys that killed Yummy? Eventually, they
too, will be executed either by their fellow gang members or if con-
victed, by order of a hit which their gangs can enforce in any prison
in the state.
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blind. The next year it was Yummy who
was brought into the hospital with
scratches and bruises all over his body;
then a few months after that, his sister’s
genitals were covered with third degree
burns. Yummy, when taken by the state,
was obviously beaten with extension
cords, and burned on his shoulder and
buttocks by cigarettes. This was the
story of Yummy’s life, as he laid there
dead in the casket with stitches on his
face from the bullets that had been fired
Plate 42 into the back of his head and tore
Shavon Dean, Victim of the through. Yummy died a violent death,
Devil’s Plan because he lived a violent life. Those
who feared him thought he was better off dead because he was a
thief, a murderer, a drug dealer, and an arsonist.
Other gang members described him as a small little punk that want-
ed a name, so they made him do the work. They’d tell him, “Get
a car, or money, or go pop that nigger.” You see principalities in
high places realized that if their plan was carefully orchestrated and
executed properly, it would inevitably be a success. Thus, gang
warfare was born and carefully planned at S.R.I. (Stanford
Research Institute). A shock and devastation to society, gang war
was in effect by the year 1958 A.D. At that time, about 200 gangs
existed. You first saw it in West Side Story, the musical with the
actress Natalie Wood. Then in the year 1966 A.D. the year of the
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birth of the Anti-Christ (666), gangs disappeared.
Now it’s worse then ever. When will organizations such as these let
the world rest? Never! This is all a part of the One World
Government, One World Order. The Spell of Leviathan. They
all go hand in hand. Why you ask? They don’t want you to feel
safe in your home or on the streets.
This is how insecurity is generated. They also want you to see that
society in itself is helpless, especially when this kind of violence
exists. Not to mention that these principalities in high places want
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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you to realize how much your social order is collapsing. Just as fast
as gangs came in, they will go out. It’s a master plan, one you don’t
have anything to do with. Just as I said before, they plan a plan, but
‘Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El “Most High God” is the best
of planners. It’s funny; well in actuality it’s not funny at all. I say
that because I know that this is not all they have in store for you.
The One World Order is real and time is growing shorter. And it
frightens me to think that I’ve been teaching this for over 30
years and it seems as if you’re still not listening, like you just don’t
grasp what I’m telling you. I have a lot of followers and I’ll have
that many more by next year. I just hope you’re ready. See Satan,
Shaytaan, Devil lurks, he crouches at the door “… and if thou doest
not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and
thou shalt rule over him.” (Genesis 4:7) Waiting for a chance to
get on your back, and you let him every time. You fight each other,
you fight me and I have the information. You join stupid gangs, and
you kill each other. Black on black crime is escalating. Don’t fool
yourselves into thinking that the masses want to hear the truth. As
says in Matthew 22:14, “Many are called, but few are chosen”.
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The appointment of Negroids in key diplomatic positions in the
Bush administration is the recognition of a gift from the Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels” for negotiation. After the events of
9/11/01, in 2002 a most dangerous year for security, a Black man
was placed as the head of Super Bowl security. At the same time,
we see Condoleeza Rice and General Colin Powell in charge of
foreign affairs during wartime. This is because Whites don't know
how to communicate, to negotiate; they are arrogant and conde-
scending.When international problems came up for the United
States, Reverend Jesse L. Jackson served as an unofficial ambas-
sador of the United States, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King
bred Reverend Jackson as he too was a master communicator; if it
hadn't been for Dr. King calling for calmness after the death of
Malcolm X, when people were ready to combat, the streets would
have been running with blood. This capacity to communicate is
seen in Negroid politicians, activists, writers, artists, entertainer-
sand athletes and has made them beloved and successful world
wide. The devil recognizes this and has set out to stop it.
Plate 43 Plate 44
Atlanta Mayor Shirley Former Congresswoman Cynthia
Franklin McKinney
1946 A.D. - still living 1955- still living
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We were getting into mainstream. Negroids were all over. He let
a few Negroids in, and then he closed the door. Just like there are
Negroids who are Mayors and government officials and good peo-
ple like, Mayor Shirley Franklin of Atlanta, Congresswoman
Maxine Waters and former Congresswoman Cynthia
McKinney and the list can go on and on. Even with more promi-
nent Negroids than that, they enforced the spell. This is the evil
hypnotic spell that caused you to be mentally incapable of thinking.
You have been, and are being brainwashed. Media is one of the
strongest tools which the Canaanites have developed to lead you
astray. Media is defined as a means of communication such as:
Television (Tell lies visually), Newspapers, Magazines, Comic
Books, Advertisements, Radio, Movies, Skywriting, and
Broadcasting . Communication is the process of transmitting mes-
sages from a source through a channel. In America, there are basic
functions of the media. They are:
The devil has the media monopolized. All this is done to seduce
you, the Negroids, while he is still making a profit. The object of
mass communication is to change the diet of most people; you
choose one to suit your taste. You can use it for fun, for informa-
tion, for reassurance, for passing time and for guidance. This is a
substitute for the Negroid man, instead of turning to their families
for passing time; or reading The Holy Bible, The Noble’s Koran,
or The Holy Tablets, for information that will give reassurance,
and for praising the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”, Alyuwn
El, ‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El, “Most High God”. You would rather
turn on the television!!! In the first place, there are no real Negroid
programs on the air for you to watch. B.E.T. (Black Entertainment
Television) is owned by V.H.1 (Video Hits One). The Caucasoids
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write what the Negroids say, word for word on all so-called black
shows. Just look at what happened. A lot of young Negroid pro-
ducers like Spike Lee, Damon Wayans, Mario Van Peebles,
Eddie Murphy, Robert Townsend, John Singleton, The Hudlin
Brothers, The Hughes Brothers, Forrest Whitaker, and Carl
Clay just to name a few, are all controlled by the Canaanites who
decide which movies get released to the public. They also edit the
dialogue, the scripts, the actors, and actresses that they select and
as you can see once they see good Negroid actors and actresses,
they steal them and they start giving them parts in movies with an
all Canaanite cast, and they won’t work for the independent
Nubian producers; people like Lawrence Fishburne, or Halle
Berry. They have become controlled. It’s sad. You see it happen
right in front of your face these days and we saw it happen before
in the 60’s and 70’s with “Shaft”, “Uptown Saturday Night”,
“Cleopatra Jones”, “Across 110th Street”, “Blackula”, “J.T.’s
Revenge”, “Brother John”, “Claudine”, just to mention a few.
The same old Satan, Shaytaan, Devil is up to the same old tricks,
trying to keep Negroids down.
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green and fly the flag of Ireland.
But they have a problem when they
see the flag of Negroids, the
Mahdi’s Flag, The Black, Red,
And Green Flag. This flag was
introduced to blacks in America by
Muhammad Duse Ali, Nubian
Plate 45 from Egypt who gave it to Marcus
The Mahdi Flag “The Flag Of Garvey as the black, red, and green,
The Negroids” which was later changed to red,
black, and green. This black, red, and green flag with the spear and
crescent was the flag the kidnapped Negroids (slaves) brought here
and can be found in the British museum archives as well as in the
archive of Washington, D.C. But when and if we fly it, it’s
called a Revolutionary flag not a Nationality flag like all others.
Plate 46
The Red, Black, and Green flag of the American Negroids
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Plate 47 Plate 48
Muhammad Duse Ali Sir: Marcus “Moses” Garvey
(1886 - 1945 A.D.) (1897 - 1940 A.D.)
Notice in every other case American is second. You are the foot
stool of America, you and the American Indians, often mistak-
enly called Native Americans. You, Negroids, are the Native
Americans. That’s blatant racism today. Americans do the same
thing to Negroids. They call us niggers; denoting that all Negroids
are from the same not allowing you to be classified as anything
else. Notice how they give themselves a nationality; if you dare,
just call them all whitey. As said before, not having a nationality is
what makes you their foot stool. From now on, when you meet
anybody, ask them their nationality. Don’t let them say American;
whether white or black ask, What is your nationality? Keep in
mind, the only way you can be an American is if you are Native
American or an American Indian. Notice how it will shake them
Ask the Irish, if you are American, why do you still celebrate St.
Patrick’s Day on March 17? And if you love Ireland and Irish
culture enough to still celebrate its holidays, why don’t you go
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back to Ireland? If you are American, take that Irish flag down and
fly the flag of the United States of America !!! If that is what you
In the media you’re watching the Caucasoid and his idea of enter-
tainment, with Negroid faces, what he thinks we look like; how he
thinks we live our lives etc. Subliminal seduction goes hand in
hand with the media, because this leads you astray by way of the
subconscious mind. Just by looking at the commercials, you are
constantly being exposed to materialistic items, which seduce you
into buying them. It seduces you into really believing that you need
it, that is what Satan, Shaytaan, Devil has to offer. The devil even
uses sexually suggestive images in order to promote lustful
thoughts in the viewer. Lust and lies are the tools of Satan,
Shaytaan, Devil. The devil shows you sexy women advertising
expensive cars, and other luxurious items, just to get you to buy his
perfumes, soaps, detergents, or any other item he may put on the
market. In actuality, the disagreeable, evil, malevolent, reptilian,
devil, demons are brainwashing you while you and your children sit
as victims in front of the television. It’s called Subliminal
Seduction, and there are books that you can go to and do some
research on the subject. Do you realize that by your children view-
ing cartoons, they are being groomed to believe everything the
Caucasoid shows them on television and in the movies? Cartoons
are some of the most violent programs. Children learn from every-
thing they see; their parents, schools, other children, and the media.
Violence is so widely seen that it seems to be the norm. The chil-
dren see this and imitate it; therefore, they grow up very aggressive
and hostile. I want you to think of your own list of what you see
on TV.
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acter on television or in a movie praying or asking the creator for
help? How often do you see the television characters going to a
Church, Masjid, Synagogue, or Temple? A behavioral pattern is
something that is learned. Thus, children learn from what they see
and hear. A majority of their education is derived from the televi-
sion. Have you ever wondered what type of people your children
watch? It has been recorded in well-known periodicals that some
of your favorite television personalities are devil worshippers!!!
Plate 49
Look at the toys they give your children geared around violence
Your entire life revolves around the media. When you wake up
in the morning, you turn on the radio or the television. Then while
on your way to work, you buy the newspaper, which only consists
of who’s been shot or mugged, and how high the prices are rising.
This continues throughout your everyday life with billboard adver-
tisment signs and even down to the clothing people wear with the
devil’s image all over it, his name or one of his mottos. Finally
when you come home, you still turn on the radio or television set
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and this takes you straight to bed. You are constantly being stimu-
lated and bombarded with this Subliminal Seduction that you
never get a chance to see how much you don’t need him.
The media is a monopoly, and they all work together. They only let
you see, hear, or read what Satan, Shaytaan, Devil wants you to see,
hear, or read. The sad part about it is this: You are becoming extinct
and you don’t know what’s going on. Wake up! You are still
under the Spell of Leviathan. And now they’re enforcing the spell
through music. Music has been a part of man’s life since the begin-
ning of time. The universe was created through harmonics (Read
Book #81 Science Of Creation, by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°
/720°, ISBN 1-59517-076-6, distributed by Egipt Publishers). In
the original Ashuric/Syriac (Galilean) language, music has several
meanings, depending on its use. Muwsiyqiy is defined as Mu,
written in Modern Arabic (Persian Script) as (~) and in Ancient
Arabic (Sabean Script) as “One who is or does”, and it finds its
roots in Wasaqa (xa¥) Modern Arabic or( ) Ancient Arabic),
which means “To gather together”. Relative to this meaning, all
over the world music was used among other things as a means “To
bring people together for various reasons”, weddings, births,
funerals, etc. Another Ashuric/Syriac (Galilean) word Tarah
means “To make music for a purpose”. Tarah also means, “To
wander (from the road)”. Therefore, these two words should tell
you that music can take you off your course; make you wander
from the road of ‘Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El “Most High
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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music. This accomplishment amazed the Caucasoid because
Negroids had little or no education during this era. This gift was
bestowed upon us by Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El “Most
High God”. The Caucasoid is aware that he is physically bound
and that his music has no spiritual influence. Thus, he has found
Negroid writers to sell their souls for money and write his songs.
All this is to give his music a spiritual feeling. The Caucasoid
could never inject this quality into his music. The devil has played
a large part in gaining the secrets of Negroid music. Many
Negroids have become so caught up in the Caucasoid’s world that
they assist in delivering you up to him. Helping him create music
to seduce you. Acting like him so more Negroids desire what he
has. You all have been possessed by his greed for material gain,
and actually sold your souls for this. Music has taken many
changes since jazz. The Caucasoid devil has very successfully
used modern technology to cover-up his lack of soul and spiritual
quality in his music. He also used it to break the bond of unity,
identity, and positive attitudes of peace amongst Negroids brought
about by Latino and Negroid entertainers. Satan, Shaytaan, Devil
has used a synthesizer to produce synthetic abstract electronic
sounds, which simulate instruments. Among the first such pro-
duced was called Trans- (across) Europe (continent) - Express
(sent out with speed). The meaning of these words should leave you
in no doubt; this music has come directly from Europe: The Seat
of The Beast! Modern technology has yielded yet another elec-
tronic device, the click system. Music that would otherwise be life-
less and rhythmless has the same characteristics as songs written by
Negroids. Today, you hear high-pitched electronic sounds, which
affect a portion of the brain, which controls the sympathetic nerves,
which execute physiological effects through the parasympathetic
Nervous System Tissue. This tissue controls as in tending to
reduce digestive secretions, speeding up the heart, and contracting
blood vessels. This music also destroys the brain. The high
shrilling sounds in music are also the language of the Satan,
Shaytaan, Devil (jinn). This is just one example of how the devil
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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advocates music and destroys you at the same time.
Along with the music, they have also masterminded “hook lines”
that etch themselves into your brain, everytime you turn on the
radio. Words along with hypnotic music are repeated over and over
again to the point of saturation and it’s this repetition that is the key
to obtaining your soul. Repetition voids the brain and works on
your nervous system. By this I mean the brain becomes comfort-
able with hearing the same sound or beat. When you shake your leg
you can get to a point where your leg is shaking on its own even
after you try and stop it. In music, your body is in a trance. Trance
has the same phonetics as heard in Trans-Europe Express and in
Transylvania, home of Dracula, whose bite places you under the
The Spell, under which he can control you, is not only in effect on
the dance floor, but the control that music has over you is an ever-
present part of your everyday life.
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occurrences happened at the death of John Lennon (Former singer
of the Beatles). Why? (Read Book #147 People of the Sun by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-008-1, dis-
tributed by Egipt Publishers). Because everyone refuses to accept
that the existence of the Beatles phenomenon was a part of a well
orchestrated conspiracy. They were used as pawns as a means of
social conditioning or social change. What do I mean by social
change? Often times when you have large groups of people, social
change is unwanted. Thus, The Beatles were brought to the United
States by Tavistock as a part of the Aquarian Conspiracy. They
would be used to aid in the brainwashing of large groups of people
unbeknownst to them.
It was not by chance that the Beatles just popped up on the scene.
It was a carefully orchestrated plan to bring them to the United
States in order to introduce a new and very effective Destructive
Element. That destructive element being, The Beatles, or better
yet the people would be forced to change against their will. Now
in 1995 A.D. going into 1996 A.D. they were trying to bring them
back. And don’t mention Elvis Presley. They won’t let him or
Marilyn Monroe die. They need their image in your head.
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Thus, when the reality hits you, it should make you want to know
more, but instead you turn your back on the facts and pretend as if
it doesn’t exist, when it does. Remember, just because you don’t
want to hear it doesn’t mean they are going to stop what they’re
doing to pacify you, because they’re not. Don’t fool yourselves.
And not only The Beatles, but new words like cool, rock, and
teenager, which didn’t even exist until The Beatles popped up on
the scene, compliments of Tavistock Institute For Human
Relations, which was a part of a specific code of words. Now-a-
days listen to the children speak. Listen also to their slang. It all
started way back then. It worked; our children can’t even speak
anymore. They did this because they knew that wherever The
Beatles went, the people there would accept drugs, The Beatles,
and anything else that came along with it. With them you got:
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Plate 50
Nubian Entertainers
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Negroid women have taken off their clothes and are wearing sex on
their collar, just like The Beast. Look at what they are doing to our
children.They set the trends in teen fashion, making sexually
provocative clothing the “in thing” seen on entertainers, in movies,
on television and in advertisements.
In the article “Clothes Minded” from the St. Louis Dispatch,
August 26, 2001 A.D., writer Marvin Berkowitz discusses the new
trend in teen clothing, “It’s hard to miss the trend in young girls’
clothing. It’s sexy, revealing, provocative. Skimpy, bare and tight
are in and it is creating a stir. Schools, parents, the media are all
taking notice. Underlying the controversy are sexuality, appropri-
ateness, personal freedom, comfort, taste, control, etc. One side
argues that such dress is inappropriate for kids. They conjure up
images of Jon Benet Ramsey and “Lolita” picturing bacchanalia,
Armageddon, and the second fall of Rome. They point to statis-
tics about sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy.” The
devil knows who they are, their own nature, they can even identify
the source and results of their devilishment; all of which is part of
a carefully orchestrated plan.
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from the root word Al Furaqa meaning “the separation”. The root
word Al Furaqa is written as Afriyqiyah by Arabs. Their intent
was to do exactly what they did, invade our land, spread their false
concepts of religion and divide us up against ourselves; Blacks,
Latinos, Jamaicans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, etc.
Just to separate or manipulate you into thinking that you are differ-
ent, or that you are special, or better than the rest. You are neither.
You are all one and the same, children of the original Melanin-ite
Beings, the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” (Read Book #133
The Melanin-ite Children by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-015-4, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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principalities in high places are trying to destroy.
Plate 52
Ex-Congressman Mel Reynolds
1952 A.D. - still living
They take the time to publicize things such as this, just like when
The United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
was accused of a similar crime. Yet, they did not publicize the good
things he did such as voting to weaken the existing discriminatory
voting laws in the Lawrence C. Presley vs The Etoway City
Commission Case. Then they give incidents like Anita Hill accus-
ing The Honorable Clarence Thomas of so-called sexual assault
full media coverage, an accusation he was cleared of but not until
all of his life was made public and he cried on national T.V. They
broke him first then said okay.
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He was also accused of being an Uncle Tom (one who helps the
Canaanite and not the Negroid), maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, but
what you refuse to accept is the fact that he has succeeded in what
you call success. He is the only Negroid Supreme Court Justice.
We should at least respect his success. Don’t help tear him down
while they steadily try to. You’ll just aid them in their deviousness
to keep Negroids down.
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which is controlled by pale devils, the fake Arabs, who wouldn’t
dare let him marry one of their daughters. Still I don’t think he will
give up. Mike, having been quoted as saying in the March 1994
A.D. issue of Esquire Magazine, written by Pete Hamill, stated
and I quote:
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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music to the commercials and America is the root. This is the only
country where people from all walks of life, different races and cul-
tures take off their traditional garb to put on tight clothes, short
clothes, to no clothes at all. Satan, Shaytaan, Devil uses pornog-
raphy, lust and sex to topple everything and everybody. You can
just look at the media. Look at what they use to attack Negroid
leaders everytime; you will see in most all cases it is pornography,
something in their sex life. Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih,
Jesus the Messiah “Christ” of 2000 years ago warned you in
John 8:44. This is what Satan, Shaytaan, Devil does because he
doesn’t want his rule to end. And he doesn’t want your rule as the
true Negroid pure seed to begin.
They are being used to help destroy these brothers, one way or
another. While playing the harlot, which is a prostitute; “one who
sells one’s abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose”.
They don’t care if the things they say are facts or not, its whether
or not they can tear Negroid leaders down in the process; destroy
them. I just hope after all of this is over, that what they did was
worth it; for whatever reason. And we already know money is the
reason. However, as said earlier that will not redeem you (Isaiah
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Then you have the former
Mayor of Los Angeles,
Tom Bradley, who back
in the late 80’s was
accused of accepting up to
$90,000 dollars in con-
sulting fees from banks
associated with the city.
They waited until he was
in his 70’s, to launch these
accusations after having
served 21 years on the
Los Angeles Police
Department, and after
becoming the first Nubian
Plate 54 member of the City
Former L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley Council, of which he
(1917 A.D. - 1998 A.D.) served five terms and was
the fourth Nubian to ever be elected mayor of a major city (First
was Carl Stokes of Cleveland, OH in 1967 A.D., second was
Kenneth Gibson of Newark, N.J. in 1970 A.D., and third was
Walter Washington of The District of Columbia in 1972 A.D. ).
Why wait until the man has lived his life, to try and destroy his
character, tarnish his image? Why? I’ll tell you why! Because
they can’t let you die an Icon in the eyes of the public. A Negroid?
Please, they’ll die before they let that happen. Or die trying to
destroy you.
This is the same thing that happened to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
when all of the sudden his “Right hand man” Reverend Ralph
Abernathy, brought up that Dr. King had extra marital affairs, just
to sell his book and make money. Even after this highly publicized
story was proven to be untrue, it was swept under the rug. Not too
many people know that all of the things Ralph Abernathy was say-
ing were all lies.
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Look at Sammy Davis, Jr., they accused him of having sexual
relations with Linda Lovelace, who is a pornography star. Then
they killed his livelihood. He had throat cancer and all his life he
was dancing and singing, for them. He even became a fake Jew for
them. The one thing he loved is the one thing they took away from
him. I’m not saying they gave him throat cancer, but what a coin-
cidence that the very thing that made him is the very thing that
broke him; or is it? This is also Nat King Cole’s and Billie
Holiday’s story, they used drugs to destroy them.
Plate 55 Plate 56
Entertainer Sammy Davis, Jr. Singer Nat “King” Cole
(1925 - 1990 A.D.) (1919-1965 A.D.)
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Plate 57
Singer Billie Holliday
(1915 - 1959 A.D.)
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Plate 58
“Godfather of Soul” James Brown
(1933 A.D.- still living) with Noble of
Al Mahdi Shrine
angelic deed didn’t get media time? See how they only want to
destroy our icons? You have to be aware of devils that are ruining
any successful Black person or people. But, if you pay close atten-
tion you can see the pattern.
Don’t you overstand that if they let you become a success and die
a success then you are success. That’s the way they judge their life.
One by one you would become a positive image for Negroid chil-
dren all over the world. They can’t have that. They judge your
children the same way; from the beginning of time until the end of
time. One way or another these principalities in high places do not
intend for Negroids to succeed. For the last 6,000 years you have
been placed under The Spell of KIN.GU, The Spell of Leviathan,
one of spiritual ignorance and racial blindness. However, your
fathers the ANUN.NA.QI/Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”, sent
you guidance. From such great teachers as:
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Figure 39 Figure 40
As Sayyid Mustafa Muhammad As Sayyid: Muhammad Ahmad Al
Al Amin Mahdi
(570 - 632 A.D.) (1845-1885 A.D.)
Plate 59 Plate 60
As Sayyid: Al Haadi Abdur The Reformer:
Rahman Al Mahdi As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
(1922 - 1970 A.D.) (1945 A.D. - still living)
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Plate 61 Plate 62
The Messenger, The Honorable
Shaikh Daoud Ahmed Faisal
Elijah Muhammad
(1891 - 1980 A.D.) (1897 - 1975 A.D.)
Plate 63 Plate 64
Muhammad Duse Ali Nelson Mandela
(1886 - 1945 A.D.) (1918 - Still living)
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Plate 65 Plate 66
Sir: Marcus “Moses” Garvey Jomo Kenyatta
(1897 - 1940 A.D.) (1897?-1978 A.D.)
Plate 67 Plate 68
The Prophet Noble Drew Ali Supreme Commander:
(1883 -1929 A.D.) Dr. Khalid Muhammad
1948 - 2001 A.D.
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Plate 69 Plate 70
Father Divine Sweet Daddy Grace
(1882?-1965 A.D.) (1883 -1960 A.D.)
Plate 71 Plate 72
Ben Ammi-Ben-Israel (Carter) Yahweh Ben Yahweh
(1940 A.D. - still living) (1936 A.D.- still living )
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Plate 73 Plate 74
Al Hajj Malik Shabazz
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
(Malcolm X)
(1925 - 1965 A.D.) (1929 - 1968 A.D.)
Plate 76
Plate 75
Mahatma (Mohandas) K.
“Allah” Clarence 13X
(1929 -1969 A.D.)
(1869-1948 A.D.)
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Plate 77 Figure 41
Dr. Ben Jochannan, All the Negroid
Egyptologist Leaders we didn’t mention
(1918 - still living)
Many of them sold out or just told lies when they got on top.
However, they all tried to help in their own way. All of which have
been subjected to slander or ridicule and for what? For the sole
purpose of trying to destroy them, why? Because when you take a
Negroid and place them in a position where they are educating peo-
ple, uplifting the mentality of a people as a whole, the four-letter
word fear comes into play. They fear a rebirth of the elite few, the
144,000, spoken of in Revelation 4:7, which are the Negroid
Children of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” of the seed of
Avram, Ibrahim, Abraham (IBRU.UM) (Genesis 15) and heirs to
the throne of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” through
Yashu’a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah “Christ”
The psychology they use is to plant the images, lies, myths, and fic-
titious stories into the minds of our children while they are young
so it can be almost impossible to erase it from their conscious and
sub-conscious minds. They know that once Negroid children start
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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seeing themselves and people who look like themselves become
successful or rise up, they will begin to idolize that person or per-
sons and make a difference in their own lives. The children will
stop worshipping their image, the image of the beast and that is
something that the beast just can’t allow to happen. So their whole
plan is to get the children. To stomp out the positive Negroid role
models and put in their negative Negroid role models whom they
use as tokens. They thought they succeeded when they tried to
destroy the lives of such people as:
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Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Ask yourselves why? Why did the O.J. Simpson case, and the
charges against Michael Jackson, get more attention and are pub-
licized more than the death of President Kennedy, The Budget
Deficit, The National (United States) Debt, and Termination of
Welfare? You should ask why is there welfare? That’s what
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should be on the news. Post a job list for our children who are grad-
uating from Universities and Colleges, Teaching. Stop addressing
killings, rapes, and robberies on television and they will go down.
Or is it that the release of the truth about the death of Kennedy was
due to be released in the exact time period as these events? Don’t
forget the evil reptilians and their helpers don’t want you to know
the truth. And what will happen to other Negroids whose charac-
ter has not been assassinated? Know that it is just a matter of time
before they try to get their grip into the lives of all Negroids who
tried to make a difference!
And don’t think they won’t use your own brothers and sisters
against you even your mother and your father. Yes your own kind
will deliver you up to Satan, Shaytaan, Devil and think that they are
doing the Elohyeem’s “Gods’, Judges’, Angels’” will, (Matthew
10:21) they are also known as Black Devils (Read Book #1 Are
There Black Devils by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,ISBN
1-59517-014-6, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
Now! Ask yourself “Why?” Why do you do the things you do?
Why do you say the things you say? Why do you feel the way
you feel? Let me speak to you of this evil hypnotic “Spell of
Sleep” (of your subconscious mind), a Spell of spiritual ignorance
and racial blindness that you have been placed under. Don’t be
fooled. We have many black devils too. I mean many! Most of
your Black stars sold their souls to the serpent reptilian and some
don’t even know they did. You are a being that knows not who the
evil one is, who comes in his many shapes and forms; be it black
skin, yellow skin, red skin, or white, or pink rosy skin. His real
name is Haylal, Hylal. As a serpent person, you know him as
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Leviathan, Satan, The Devil, or Shaytaan. His followers come in
all races and they are the true concealers of these facts, this Right
Knowledge. People of all races are used as pawns or tools in this
game. A game not to be taken lightly, for it is real! If by chance
you are one of those people who want The Right Knowledge, The
Right Wisdom, The Right Overstanding, The Right Reasoning
and are tired of legends, myths, fables, and fairy tales and want the
facts beyond any doubt, then you must be ready to read with an
open mind. Your soul will speak to you and tell you that they, the
malevolent (disagreeable) beings, the evil reptilians, want to mis-
inform you, your family, and your whole race.
Ans: The Spell was cast at the beginning of the first Moon cycle
of the Canaanites, who came about 6,004 years ago with the birth
of Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan (birthdate 4004 B.C.), son of
Kham, Haam, Ham and Haliyma. This was the first Moon Cycle
of the Canaanites. This occurred 6,000 years ago and was the
beginning of the Devil's rule, which is called the Moon Cycle that
makes up the Equinox. There are 4 cycles in an Equinox, 2 moon
cycles and 2 sun cycles. Each cycle lasts 6,000 years. These four
cycles make up what is called an Equinox, which lasts 24,000
years. We are currently in the 4th cycle of the 24,000 years. This
cycle we are now in is called the sun cycle. So the first cycle in this
Equinox was the Moon Cycle, which changed to a Sun Cycle that
changed to a moon and back to a Sun Cycle, which we are cur-
rently in. These cycles not only involve a change in evolution,
which has actually come to an end and is thrown in reverse, but
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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these children of the Moon Cycle are now regressing to the origi-
nal primitive state from which they were evolving; Homo Erectus
(apemen). This is what is happening to mankind, Canaanites who
are a kind of a man. With the Sun Cycle, we, as Negroids are now
in a Revolutionary Cycle. (Read Book # 210 The Beginning by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-018-9,
distributed by Egipt Publishers)
Therefore this was the 2nd Moon Cycle in a 24,000 year Equinox.
Now that we have finished the last 4 years of the Canaanite’s
6,000-year reign, the Moon Cycle has gone out and we are now
back into the Sun Cycle. The spell of “Leviathan”, or spell of
“Kingu”, was cast 4,004 years before 2,000 years ago, rounding it
off to 6,004 years. Meaning, Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan was
born in the year 4004 B.C. and down to the year 1 B.C. was the
birth of Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ" up until the year 2000 A.D., which is the end of Satan,
Shaytaan, Devil’s rule, which is why you have watched his society
go crazy since 2000 A.D.
So actually the end of the Devil's rule is in 2004 A.D. not in 2003
A.D. because, Canaan was born in 4004 B.C. which means you
lost 4 years.
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4004 B.C. (The Birth Of Canaan) + 1 B.C. (The Birth Of
Yashua, Isa, Jesus) + 2004 A.D. = 6000 Years (The End Of The
Moon Cycle)
Note: There were other sun and moon cycles that existed
before the creation of your Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (Zakar, son
of Atum and Lillith) and Hawwah, Nekaybaw, Eve (daughter
of Anath and Ptah) 49,000 years ago.
Diagram 10
The Cycles
Ans: In the year 2000 A.D., the gates of heaven were supposed to
be lined up and opened. Meaning on May 5, 2000 A.D., which was
the next alignment of the major planets; Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and
Saturn. And in that very year 2000 A.D., when the 4th sun cycle
of this Equinox came in, it renewed your history, giving you The
Right Knowledge, The Right Wisdom, The Right
Overstanding, and The Right Reasoning. However it was off by
three years due to the time shift from the Philadelphia
Experiment. The Philadelphia Experiment was an experiment to
accomplish teleportation of a warship the USS Eldridge in
Philadelphia to a dock near Norfolk, Virginia by using Albert
Einstein’s Unified Field Theory (Read Book #80 Man From
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Planet Rizq by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720, ISBN 1-
59517-075-8, distributed by Egipt Publishers). Also because you
took 2000 A.D. as a joke and it has come and gone and now you
ask what do we do? We have left the Piscean Era, The Era of
Water and are now going into the Aquarian Era, an Era of Air,
which means the era of information, air, which is also an increase
in computer technology and usage. This has been happening since
1970 A.D., The Opening Of The Seventh Seal on up to 2000 A.D.
when the hour glass was emptied awaiting the moment of now 2003
- 2030 A.D.
The Seventh Seal takes place during the time period of a half an
hour. You are now living in the space of a half an hour, or 30 years,
which began in the year 1970 A.D. and lasted until the year 2000
A.D. This space of a half hour is representative of 30 minutes or
30 years. It relates to the time period from 1970 A.D. to the year
2000 A.D. This is the time that the Sun Cycle began to come in
and the year 2000 A.D. marked the end of Satan, Shaytaan, Devil’s
rule. It all ties in no matter what date you start from, his rule ends
when the new sun cycle begins. Take the year 1600 A.D. (Which
was the beginning of the Negroid man’s enslavement in the western
hemisphere.) and if you take 1,600 years and subtract it from 2,000
years you get 400 years, which is also a part of the prophecy or the
400 year bondage of the Negroids to the Caucasoid, who are the
Canaanites as it states in Genesis 15:13.
“And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be
a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and
they shall afflict them four hundred years;”
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The King James Version of the Holy Bible
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Now they are using parts of the pig for their (Caucasoid) body parts
and organs. The pig was only created for the purpose to slop up
filth and lay in it. And now they are telling you that Caucasoids are
compatible with it. They say Arnold Schwartznegger is one of the
clones which Hitler’s scientists bred. Others include Jean Claude
Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren. They also say that Arnold
Schwartznegger now has a pig heart beating in his body.
The Caucasoid can use pigs for body parts because they are both
of the same seed, the seed of Satan, Shaytaan, Devil which I
explained to you years ago in the book Did the Hog Come For
Mankind, which will be revised. In Matthew 8:28 -32, Yashu'a
Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" casts
legions of devils out of two Girgisheans and then casts them into
the pig. The Girgisheans are descendants of the fifth son of
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan and Hildar (A Horite) Girgash,
which means “rough ones”.
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parelyein dia thv odou ekeinhv 29 kai idou ekraxan
legontev ti hmin kai soi ihsou uie tou yeou hlyev wde pro
kairou basanisai hmav 30 hn de makran ap autwn agelh
coirwn pollwn boskomenh 31 oi de daimonev parekaloun
auton legontev ei ekballeiv hmav epitreqon hmin apelyein
eiv thn agelhn twn coirwn
“And when he was come to the other side into the country of the
Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of
the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee,
(Yashu’a, Isa)Jesus , thou Son of (Thehos, Elohyeem) ‘Gods’ ? art
thou come hither to torment us before the time? And there was a
good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. So the dev-
ils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away
into the herd of swine. And he said unto them, Go. And when they
were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the
whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea,
and perished in the waters.”
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
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The cloned pig was genetically altered in order to make it more
suitable for human implantation. The article states and I quote, “In
both cases researchers ‘knocked out’ the pig gene that sticks sugar
molecules onto the surface of organs; the human immune system
attaches to those sugars, recognizes the organ as foreign and
rejects it.” This shows an agenda in the scientific community to
mass produce pigs through cloning that are suitable for implanta-
tion in humans.
Plate 78
Article “A Breakthrough in Cloning”
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and the other from The University of Missouri-Columbia and
Immerge Bio Theraputics, of Charlestown, Mass - then cloned their
little pigs, producing five and four piglets, respectively. This article
demonstrates (Demon Straits (isles) as in the isles of the Gentiles in
Genesis 10:5) that the Caucasoid himself admits that he is biolog-
ically compatible with the filthy pig; he knows who and what he is.
This is the same pig that in Deuteronomy 14:8 is deemed an
unclean animal. The swine (pig) was designed to be a scavenger,
to eat up filth and its an abomination.
Ans: First let me explain to you what the word clone means. The
word clone comes from the Greek word Klon(klon), for “Twig,
shoot”. According to Illustrated Heritage Dictionary and
Information Book, page 253, clone also means: “A group of genet-
ically identical cells descended from a single common ancestor.
One of more organisms descended asexually from a single ances-
tor. To create a genetic duplicate of an individual organism
through asexual reproduction, as by stimulating a single cell. ---
which extends from Kel2 -- Meaning to strike, cut; with derivatives
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Plate 79
Time Magazine Article January 14, 2002, “Pig Parts for People”
Ques: So are you saying that this is how clones are made?
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Ans: Yes, clones are made by duplicating the genes from any one
strand of DNA, or one cell in the body, or you can go into the cell
and destroy the nucleus, then inject another Nucleus into it. This
can either be animal or plant. This will produce a duplicate cell
from the donated nucleus to this cell. Another way to make a clone
is by using identical particles of genetic material inside a cell,
called the plasmids technique, which allows scientists to combine
a plant gene with an animal gene.
The manipulation of genes isn’t anything new. Here, you are just
using gene mapping and test tube babies and in-vitro fertilization,
while beings from other galaxies or humanoids (a type of extrater-
restrial in human form) from the 7 star or seven star constellation
of Pleiades (Job 9:9), where evil beings came from and some still
visit Earth now in physical form. They have blond hair and blue
eyes. Many Europeans have encountered this high race of ser-
pents (Read the books entitled The Children of the Serpent by
David Icke, and Rev. John Bathrust Deane's Book, The Worship
of the Serpent, ISBN 0-88697-240-X, published by Life Science
Institute). They pretend to be angels of light here to save earth, but
they are malevolent beings. Read The Biggest Secret by David
Icke. They are one of the classes of Cherubeem called Shaytaan
written in Modern Arabic as (áBi¦c) and in Ancient Sabean Arabic
as ( ) they are the physical race of malevolent beings from
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Pleiades, the seven star constellation and Arcturus. These beings
along with beings from other galaxies, have been manipulating
genes for centuries (Read Book #208 The Lost Scroll of the
Prophet Enoch translated by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-124-X distributed by Egipt Publishers).
Ans: Yes, but you mean to say duplicate. Many thousands of peo-
ple are doubled. In fact everyone has 7 clones. The only problem
you are having with cloning is the emotional body and the intelli-
gence being duplicated. Word for word, feeling for feeling, thought
for thought. A clone can be given the same emotions but the reac-
tions won’t be the same, unless they are raised together in the same
environment under the same conditions. Clones are in tune with
each other unconsciously and linked etherically, which means any-
thing that happens to you the cloned counterparts of you feels also.
Ans: Originally cloning was for body parts for all who could afford
it in ancient times. Duplicates were made for body parts. So, say
if you had a bad heart, a fresh one would be available from your
body double. Believe it or not, the rich or the upper echelon of this
society have people on standby with the same blood type, etc to be
used for transplants. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you
come from; if they want you, they can easily have you snatched up
and make your family forget they ever knew you. In countries like
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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India and Africa, Haiti, Central America and many other foreign
countries that you never heard of, are people who have no idea
what is going on. They are sitting ducks for these people who see
them as body parts. They send their people into these countries, do
as they wish and then leave.
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Thus, according to these and other findings, the genetic structure of
humans make them more readily cloned than other animals.
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British reporters stationed in Italy this team of 20
international scientists would use the “somatic cell
transfer method of cloning- the process employed to
produce the first cloned mammal, a sheep named
Dolly. For the most part, he said, the couples’ male
partners were infertile with “no natural way of
becoming fathers”, He noted the procedures would
be performed in some remote country -or in a ship
at sea-if hostility to cloning made it necessary “I
am not a monster,” Dr. Antinori told the Times of
London in February. “Sometimes nature needs a
little help. I help.”......His patients have praised him
as ‘a saint’ but Dr. Antinori had been criticized as a
publicity seeker. In 1992, he told reporters that
cable TV mogul Ted Turner had sought his services
for Mr. Turner’s wife at the time, actress Jane
Fonda then 55. The Turners have denied Dr.
Antinori’s claim. His involvement in the cloning
project - sponsored by the Raeilans, a UFO group
which promotes cloning as a means to “eternal life’
- has added to Dr. Antinori’s notoriety.”
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Plate 80
Article “Russians ‘have human clones’”
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ating of monsters.’ ‘They were complaining that they
were able to produce the embryos but they were
Ans: This evil hypnotic spell was cast upon the original Negroid
race 6,000 years ago by the dragon spoken of in Revelation 12:9
called Leviathan (Isaiah 27:1); who are humanoid lizards, serpent
people, reptilian mammals. They are the accursed reptilian ser-
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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pents, the Luciferians and the Naatas (from right to left; sataan or
satan) people who are from the deep. The serpent people, the
Luciferians being mixed with the Maldekians and Reptilians, but
the Drago or Draco are more like a snake than any other of them.
The Reptilians have been breeding with you and living amongst
you for centuries. They are Humanoid in shape and Reptilian in
hertiage. Their leader elite are the Draconis. They are from Draco
or Drago in the six star constellation Orion, meaning it has six
suns and that would mean six-solar system, with many kinds of life
forms. It’s the 16th Galaxy, shares within and lies partly in the
17th and the 18th Galaxy, the Milky Way. The Milky Way is
called such because it looks like a white path because of the dense-
ness of the stars. The Reptilians originally could only stay out of
the water for only 3 hours. Now they can stay out of the water for
6 to 8 hours and retreat back to water only at night. The Reptilians
have no hair on their bodies, just as a frog or a snake. They are
called the Serpent people and they have an amber glow around
their heads when they get excited. They have a pear shaped face,
and glowing yellow to red eyes.
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Serpent race lives under the ground. The Reptilian species direct
the efforts of the workers class which are about 4 feet tall. These
are currently referred to as greys or EBE’s (Extraterrestrial
Biological Entities ), and are the largest group of extraterrestrial
beings to be encountered by the surface humans. Most humans
refer to each other as snakes when they have done something
treacheous or sneaky. Do you think this is a coincidence? In
Nubia, the name for Reptilians is Dogir. This is the species of
beings that religous people refer to as the Devil or Satan (Job 1:6,
“Now there was a day when the sons of (Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels”) ‘Gods’ came to present themselves before the (Yahayyu
“Living One, Existing One) ‘Lord’, and Satan came also among
them.”), Ash Shaytaan, written as (áBi¦c{A) in Modern Arabic,
and ( ) in Ancient Arabic (The Noble’s Koran 2:14, 5:94)
“And when they meet with those who believe, they say: ‘We are believ-
ers’; but when they are alone with their friends, the devils (shayaatiini-
him ), they say: ‘We are really with you; we were only ridiculing them!”
Translated by
Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°
As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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(The Noble’s Koran 114:4), Ha Satan written in Modern Hebrew
as Njvh and in Ancient Hebrew as ( )(Numbers 22:22)
and Nakhash (vxn) ( ) (Genesis 3:1) in Judaism. This
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil or the Serpent also known as ZU.EN,
Semyaza, Shemyaza, Sama'el, Haylal, Hylal. In Greek they are
referred to as Satanas (Satanas) (Revelation 20:2) He is the ser-
pent that is described as moving on his belly in Genesis 3:14, “And
the (Yahayyu “Living One, Existing One”) ‘Lord’ (Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels” )‘Gods’ said unto the serpent, Because
thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above
every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt
thou eat all the days of thy life:” (Read Book # 93 Does God and
the Devil Exist? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York-El 33o/720o ISBN
1-59517-057-X, distributed by Egipt Publishers, and Book #82
Are There (UFOs) Extraterrestrials in your Midst? by Noble: Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33o/720o,ISBN 1-59517-080-4 , distributed by
Egipt Publishers)
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Yepheth, Yafath, Japheth brought forth are heathens. The
Hebrew word used in the quote is Goyyeem meaning “Gentiles”,
under the Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon Number 01471 (ywg),
( ) in Ancient Hebrew, gowy go’-ee defined as “heathen”.
The Holy Seed continued on thru Sham, Saam, Shem and Kham,
Haam, Ham; Kham, Haam, Ham was the father of Kuwsh,
Kuwsh, Cush, which means “Ethiopia and Black”; Kuwsh,
Kuwsh, Cush was the father of the Negroid Ghibbore ruler
Nimrowd, Nimruwd, Nimrod of Babylon and he had sons who
became the fathers of many Negroid nations. Nimrowd,
Nimruwd, Nimrod, was a Negroid, Ghibbore (rwbg), meaning
"Mighty men, Giants" (Deuteronomy 10:17) He was a product of
the Bane Elohyeem (“Sons of Gods, Judges, Angels”) mixing in
with the daughters of mortal men (Kadmon, Zakar, Adam) here on
earth as said in Genesis 6:4 "There were giants in the earth in those
days; and also after that, when the sons of (Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels”) ‘God’ came in unto the daughters of men, and
they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown." Nimrowd, Nimruwd, Nimrod
(SHARRU KIN), a master builder, was the son of Kuwsh, Kus,
Cush (KISH) also a Ghibbore "Mighty One" Genesis 10:8 and
Kuwsh, Kus, Cush (KISH) begat Nimrowd, Nimruwd, Nimrod
(SHARRU KIN) who began to be a mighty one in the earth.
Nimrowd, Nimruwd, Nimrod was a descendant of Noakh, Nuh,
Noah (ZIUSUDRA) a Negroid who was perfect in his genealogy
(generations, Genesis 5:32) being he was a Negroid after the
image of the ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”
(Genesis 1:26, [in part] "And (Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”)
‘Gods’ said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness").
All of these are the ancestors of the Negroid people of today who
were brought here in a 400-year bondage under the Amorite
(Genesis 15:13-15). In Genesis 10:9 Nimrowd, Nimruwd,
Nimrod (SHAR.RU KIN)) stood before the Yahayyu Elohyeem
(“Lord of the Gods, Judges, Angels”) as a mighty man and so did
his sons as Genesis 10:10 shows, beginning with Erech (Ugaric)
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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or Iraq, then to Accad (Akkadian) meaning, “the heads of black
faces” who are the original Phoenicians who were black skinned.
Some were then mixed in with Tsiydown, Siyduwn, Sidon
(Sidonians) who was the first son of Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan.
The Hamathites are from Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan 11th son
Hamath which means, "Blackness" and Kena'an, Kana'an,
Canaan’s first wife Salha the Nubian. Hamath is the father of the
Hamathites (Genesis 10:18) who were the Black inhabitants of
Hamath on the East Bank of the Orontes (river that lies in
between Lebannon and Syria), lying on one of the main trade-
routes to the south from Asia Minor in Northeastern Syria. They
later became known as Phoenician because they moved into an
area the Greeks labeled as Phoenicia, located on the narrow slip of
plain between the Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea. The
Hamathites moved to Tunis, a country in Northeast Africa, as the
Black Canaanites also known in history as the Phoenicians who
established the Tunis colony in North Africa called Carthage, and
the Carthaginians always considered themselves to be
Canaanites who were black. They also spread into many places
such as: Cyprus, Sardinia, Crete, Rhodes, Cadiz (in Spain),
Sicily, Carthage (in North Africa near Tunis), Tangier, Ophir,
British Isles, Arctic Ocean and the Canary Isles and this is why
you hear about Black Canaanites in many places.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Casluhim who was the father of Philistim (Philistines, which
means immigrants). We were the original Palestinians who were
Negroids, who were also of Phoenicia and Lebanon (from Laban
“Milky white” Amos ) as Maur, Muurs, Moors (Read Book #204
Are Negroids the True Ishmaelites and Israelites in the Holy
Bible and The Noble’s Koran? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°©TM,ISBN 1-59517-148-7 distributed by Egipt
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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in Leviticus 18:6, the Yahayyu (“Living One, Existing One”)
cursed Kham, Haam, Ham fourth son Kena'an, Kana'an,
Canaan. Kham, Haam, Ham wife Haliyma, the daughter of
Shakir, who is also known as Yubin (An Enosite; a descendent of
Seth, Adam and Eve's 3rd son) and Anis (A Cuthite an East Indian
mixed with Enosite), a disagreeable seed was already impregnated
into Haliyma when they entered the ark. So Kena'an, Kana'an,
Canaan was born on the Ark, which was really an aircraft that
hovered above the water during the flood of Noakh, Nuh, Noah
(ZIUSUDRA) (Read Book #70 Let's Talk About the End by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, distributed by Egipt
Genesis 10:6 will give you the list of the sons of Kham, Haam,
Ham of Sudan (land of the blacks, which is Africa), they are
Kuwsh, Kus, Cush, which refers to the “Ethiopians”,
Mitsrayim, Misr, Mizraim refers to the “Egiptians” and Phut are
the people of Carthage, Libyans all the way over to the Algerians.
All of these people were originally Negroid and the land was theirs
before being invaded by the beast of the field (Caucasoid; Genesis
3:1), the Caucasoids and their venomous seed of the serpent,
which is symbolized by the dragon in the Holy Bible, also called
Leviathan (Isaiah 27:1). The 11 sons of Kena'an, Kana'an,
Canaan who are the cursed seed of the Devil are listed in Genesis
10:15-18: 1. Tsiydown, Siyduwn, Sidon 2. Heth 3. Jebusite 4.
Amorite 5. Girgasite 6. Hivite 7. Arkite 8. Sinite 9. Arvadite 10.
Zemarite 11. Hamathite. Their bodies were inhabited by 11 of the
fallen angelic beings. These were unholy ghosts (evil spirits,
demons). Each son was possessed by one of the unholy spirits or
1. Sidon Sammayil
2. Heth Hakail
3. Jebus Jitryl
4. Amor Asmudius
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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5. Girgash Ghul
6. Hiviy Himah
7. Arkiy Araqial
8. Siniy Satrina
9. Arvad Dyush
10. Zemar Zar
11. Hamath Biylzubub
You must also keep in mind that biblical leprosy laws of the time
could apply only to a very dark people with black hair because
being cursed with leprosy would make you white with blond hair
(Read Book #250 Was Adam Black Or White ? by Noble: Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-047-2 distributed
by Egipt Publishers). Notice when the Yahayyu (“Living One,
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Existing One”) curses you; he does it through the genes or your
genetics, through your children on up to the fourth generation
(Exodus 20:5). For example, as in the case of Gehazi, which
means, "valley of vision" the servant of Elisha in (2 Kings 5:20-27)
who a Yahayyu (“Living One, Existing One”) got mad at and was
turned "leper white, as white as snow". Gehazi was cursed with
leprosy, because of his greedy interest in the material things of the
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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(With Modern Persian Script)
“Then said to them their prophet, 'The sign of his kingdom is that there
shall come to you the ark of the covenant in which there is tranquility
from your Lord, and the relics of what the descendants of Moses and the
descendants of Aaron left; the heavenly hosts shall carry the ark of the
covenant.' Verily, in that is a sign to you if you are really believers.”
Translated by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM
As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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2 long before Genesis Chapter 10, as the sons of Kham, Haam,
Ham. So Mosheh, Musa, Moses blood line would produce off-
spring that would strengthen his blood back to the pure, perfect,
Negroid seed of Noakh, Nuh, Noah (ZIU.SUDRA) Genesis 6:9.
Knowing this would have made their family’s (Israelites) seed even
stronger. Miriam, Maryam, Mary objected to her brother marry-
ing out of the immediate seed. Raasi, the daughter of Milkani and
Khudri was very dark with very Negroid features and Miriam,
Maryam, Mary, like many mixed Negroids thought that Raasi
was black and ugly. Miriam, Maryam, Mary wanted to weaken
her seed for she fell victim to the image of the beast (Revelation
13:15). Now look at the number of these verses, Genesis 3:15 and
Revelation 13:15. That is no coincidence the chapter and verse
numbers are the same and they both are refering to the beast;
Leviathan. Miriam, Maryam, Mary was influenced by her envi-
ronment that was full of lawbreakers.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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to be triplets. This Sham, Saam, Shem was the father of 'Ayber,
Hud, Eber (“from the other side”) the same word as Hebrew in
Genesis 14:13. So the original Eberites or Hebrews were also
Negroid and then in Genesis 10:25, 'Ayber, Hud, Eber is the
father of Joktan whom most Arabs claim to descend from and he
was a Negroid as was the pure Negroid seed all the way down to
Makhmud, Muhammad, Mohamet of Arabia who was also a
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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many more who were Negroid originally before being displaced
and mixed out. Genesis 10:32 closes this up for a time and though
many of our brothers fell victim to Satan, Shaytaan, Devil’s seed
and became unholy, we kept our genealogy perfect as Noakh, Nuh,
Noah (ZIU.SUDRA) did making him perfect in his genealogies
(genetics) in Genesis 6:9. Then comes the flood and after.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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serpent’s seed from Genesis 3:15. Yaqov, Ya'aqub, Jacob had 4
wives and 12 sons Exodus 45:22-26 and 1 daughter, Diynah,
Diyna, Dinah (Genesis 30:21). Some of his sons mixed their seed
and became unholy, but Issachar, Binyameen, Banyaamiyn,
Benjamin, Dawn, Daan, Dan, Awshare, Ashiyr, Asher and the
princes of the Tribe of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah (2 Chronicles
12:5) maintained the purity of the Holy Seed.
This pure seed can be traced all the way back to Kadmon, Zakar,
Adam (ADAPA). In 1 Chronicles Chapter 1, it gives the blood
line from Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA) (4026-3096 B.C.E)
to Shiyth, Shayth, Seth (SA.TI) (3896-2984 B.C.E.) and his seed,
which is where the pure black seed or nigers stemmed from, which
is rightly called the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew
10:6, 15:24) Tribe of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah, called the Tents of
Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah (Zechariah 12:7), having life in the
blood line (Leviticus 17:11) by way of the Elohyeem's "Gods’,
Judges’, Angels’” divine intervention. From Shiyth, Shayth, Seth
(SA.TI) (3896-2984 B.C.E.) it goes to (Luke 3:38) to Akhnuwk,
Idris, Enoch (ENQIME) (3404-3039 B.C.E.) (Luke 3:37), to
Noakh, Nuh, Noah (ZIU.SUDRA) (2970-2020 B.C.E) Yehudaw,
Yahudah, Judah (Genesis 6:9) who was perfect in his generations,
to Avram, Ibrahim, Abraham (IBRU.UM) (2078-1903 B.C.E.)
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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(Genesis 17:5) to Yitskhaq, Ishaaq, Isaac (1978-1798 B.C.E.)
Figure 42
The Pure Negroid Seed
Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah “Christ”
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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(Genesis 17:19) to Yaqov, Ya'aqub, Jacob (1918-1771 B.C.E.)
(Numbers 24:17) thru Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah (1875-1700
B.C.E.) (Genesis 49:10, Luke 3:33) again which takes us back to
the black seed (Job 30:30) of the Negroid or “niger” in Acts 13:1,
(Jeremiah 14:2). This is the same pure seed Adoniyah, Aduniya,
Adonijah carried, the fourth son of King Dawiyd, Dawud, David
and Haggith who bore a son from Abishag (Song of Solomon 1:5)
it was this son Adoniyah, Aduniya, Adonijah who set up the king-
dom of Judea, which is further south of Israel. The pure seed then
went down through Mattaht to Jair to Nagge to Esle to Mattaht
to Melchi to Amos to Jacob to Abdel to Menan to Jahath to
Ma’ra to Jesus to Adin to Malcham to Neriah to Shmer to Tereh
to Zeba to Zerahiah to Ahumai to Heber to Heleazar and his
wife Adiyn to Matthan and his wife Sabarath to Yonakher
(Phanuel of the tribe of Aser) and his wife Diynah, Diyna, Dinah
(of the tribe of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah) to Anna (Luke 2:36)
and her husband Joachim the father of Miriam, Maryam, Mary
mother of Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ" .
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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(With Modern Greek Script)
kai eblhyh o drakwn o megav o ofiv o arcaiov o kaloumen-
ov diabolov kai o satanav o planwn thn oikoumenhn olhn
eblhyh eiv thn ghn kai oi aggeloi autou met autou eblhyh-
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
The 200 fallen angels were cast from the moon; Titan comes from
the Dracos 18 Star Constellation, which broke away and made its
home in the third Solar System. Satan or Saturn fell from grace
and was cast out of heaven, which in Greek is Strong’s Greek
Lexicon Number 3772 ouranov
Plate 82
The Planet Saturn
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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which is called Titan. The beings of
that moon mixed with a breed of
Reptilian beings there called Dragon,
Sea-men, Serpent people, of which
Nakhash was one; Genesis 3:1, “Now
the serpent was more subtil than any
beast of the field which the (Yahayyu
Elohyeem) ‘LORD of the Gods’, had
Plate 83 made…”
The planet known as a
moon, Titan In the Sumerian Doctrine Murduk
the grandson of Anu ($)). Anu
($))is considered the Most High in Sumerian Doctrine; he is
a Yahayyu “Living One, Existing One”, (Read Book #120 Is
Jesus God? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-
59517-073-1 distributed by Egipt Publishers) used the Tillu
Weapon, a red beam of light, or a light beam ray gun, from the
gemstone, Sardius; a laser that was created by his grandfather Anu
($)) to stop Tarnush who is the disagreeable being from Titan
in his disagreeable ways, He (Murduk) succeeded in his mission.
The Tillu Laser Gun is a reality; for all those who thought I Dr.
Malachi Z. York fabricated all the true stories concerning
Murdoq, Marduk, Murduk also known as Michael (the warring
angel) and how Murdoq, Marduk, Murduk beat Tarnush who is
also known as the Satan, Shaytaan, Devil. Book #172 The Holy
Tablets ISBN 1-59517-116-9 by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, distributed by Egipt Publishers Chapter One, The
Creation (El Istakhlaag), Tablet 4:26,
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Murduk’s services, They needed somebody who
was a warrior type to go and seek out the gold and
transport it by Nibiru to Rizq. 27 The Rizqiyians
were being ambushed by Reptilians; 28 And at that
time, Murduk was a disagreeable Yahwehan or
what you would call a warrior. 29 So he was cho-
sen to lead this mission, which first had to be start-
ed by attacking Humbaba. 30 Murduk was given
the Tillu weapon, a red beam of light, or a light
beam ray gun, from the gem stone, Sardius; laser
that was created by his grandather Anu to stop
Tarnush in his disagreeable ways. He succeeded
in his mission.”
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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advanced stage. The idea is to mount small compact lasers on ships.
For the Navy and the Army, they want to deploy a gun in a large
truck. There is also a fourth plan called the ATL (A) Advanced (T)
Technical (L) Laser that the Boeing Company known for their air-
crafts, are seeking to make small mounts on helicopters and
humvees. There are many articles out that speak about this missile,
which was first talked about in 2000 A.D. and has been in many
internet articles such as “TRW Uses World's First Laser Weapon
to shoot Down Operation Rocket; THEL Milestone Proves
Feasibility of Directed Energy Systems, Offers Improved Defense
for Israel and Laser Weapons” by David H. Freeman, January
2003 Issue.
You can just look at the name and see they have the same phonet-
ics, because it is the same weapon, a weapon that I have told you
about since 1970 A.D. This is right in Book #172 The Holy
Tablets, by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, distrib-
uted by Egipt Publishers. Don’t believe me check it out!
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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the same as Dagon, who represented the deity of grain and agricul-
ture, as seen from the Canaanite Phoenician history, where Dagon
is described as “Dagon who is the corn field”. The name Dawg is
the first part of the Philistine deity Dagun, Dawgohn as found in
Judges 16:23 and in 1 Samuel 5:2-4, “The fish man”. Another
name for Dagon is Leviathan as mentioned in Job 41:1, which
describes the reptilian and how he is worshipped by the seed of
Enowsh, Anuwsh, Enos. Also this Leviathan, from Aramic
(Hebrew) Liwyawthawn, Strong’s #03882 Ntywl livyathan liv-
yaw-thawn’ means “Sea Monster, dragon” from the root word
Lawwaw meaning “to unite, to remain”. Leviathan is mentioned
in Psalm 104:26, and Psalm 74:14 where it speaks of breaking the
head of Leviathan, which takes you back to Genesis 3:15 and the
serpent and his seed and how the seed of Nekaybaw, Hawaa, Eve
would bruise the serpent, Leviathan. Isaiah 27:1 literally calls
Leviathan the “piercing serpent”, Nakhash, the same word used
in Genesis 3:1 for the “Devil”. These are the Luciferians as men-
tioned in Isaiah 14:12-13 where it states:
“12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morn-
ing! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the
nations! 13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into
heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of (El “God, Judge,
Angel”) ‘God’ : I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
in the sides of the north:”
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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And verse 13 tells you how he wanted to be above the throne of the
stars of El, short for “God, Judge, Angel” the Most High of the
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” in Christism, the
ANUN.NA.QI ($)$$" ) “those who Anu sent down from
heaven to Earth” in Sumeria; the name ANUN.NA.QI
($)$$" )can also be spelled Anunnagi
($)$$ ,) or ANUNNAQI ($)$$% ). (Read
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, by Mark Amaru Pinkham,
ISBN 0-9328-135-18, Adventures Unlimited Press) These same
beings are called the Neteraat “supreme beings” in Egipt. This
13th verse is why the number 13 is considered a bad luck number
to many. It is obvious El “God, Judge, Angel” is against this
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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In Sumerian doctrine ZUEN ()-$), Satan, Shaytaan, Devil
or Apophis was originally from the 11th planet Maldek, (Read
Book #82 Mission Earth and the Extraterrestrial Involvement, by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-077-4
distributed by Egipt Publishers). Zuen ()-$) cast this spell
for ENQI, NU.DIM.MUD, Zagzagel. ENQI (-$% )(“ruler of
Qi”) , the son of Anu$), who was Master Of Qi, ( )now
known as the planet Earth, with the help of IN.ANNA, Ishtar
$$$) also known as Ashtoreth in Phoenicia. In
Christism, Ishtar was condemned by the prophets of the Yahayyu
“Existing One, Living One” (Lord) as the great sorceress and har-
lot in Isaiah 57:3 (Read Book #130 The Conflict Between the
Gods, by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-
59517-094-4, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
“But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the
adulterer and the whore.”
Now when you look at the Hebrew word for whore ; zanah (hnz),
( ) note in this word the root letters being (hnz) where you
have zin, zan, sin; in Arabic zainah (á¦`) ( ), sainah, sin which
is fornication, an abomination.
Ans: The age old conflict between good and evil, heaven and hell,
salvation, and damnation have all been long forgotten. In
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Egyptology the conflict was between the two brothers Asar, Usir,
Osiris and Sutukh, Set, Typhoon. In Christianity it is between
the two brothers Emmanuel (Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih,
Jesus the Messiah "Christ" ) and Samuel (Satan) and in Sumerian
Tablets it is a conflict between ENQI, NU.DIM.MUD, Zagzagel
and ENLIL, NU.NAM.NIR, Suriel, the sons of Anu ($)).
Zuen ()-$) became ENLIL, NU.NAM.NIR, Suriel’s gate-
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Figure 43 Figure 44
ENLIL son of Anu and Antum ENQI son of Anu and Iyd
Translated by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM
As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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These tablets told of the coming of the 24 Elders. ZU.EN
()-$) befriended EN.LIL, NU.NAM.NIR, Suriel for the sole
purpose of reading the tablets; which is how he found his way to his
secret chamber in DIR.GA ( &) where the tablets were
kept. Once ZU.EN ()-$) found the tablets, he stole the first
writings and all the destinies therein, thus, he changed what was to
happen. All was at a standstill, and at that very moment the earth
was void and dark, and the ANUN.NAQI ($)$$" )
became confused. The great ENLIL, NU.NAM.NIR, Suriel was
left without sound, speechless. ZUEN gave the tablets to ENQI,
NU.DIM.MUD, Zagzagel and together they conspired against his
brother ENLIL, NU.NAM.NIR, Suriel who was ruler over the
descendants of the Adamites, who are also the Cainites and the
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Nimruwd, Nimrod (2311-1941 B.C.E.) and TAM.MUZ who is
also a Sumerian deity is within the Holy Bible; Ezekiel 8:14,
“Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the (Yahayyu’s)
‘Lord’s’ house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat
women weeping for Tammuz.” This is confirmation that the
Sumerian doctrine, that has been called a myth, is found through-
out the Holy Bible, thus, making it real. Jeremiah 7:18, (in part)
“The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the
women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven,”
mentions the “Queen Of Heaven”, and is making reference to
$$$), The female Sumerian goddess (Read
Book #204, Are Negroids the Real Israelites and Ishmaelites in
the Holy Bible and The Noble’s Koran? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z.
York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-19517-148-7 distributed by Egipt
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Judges, Angels”). (Read Book #133 Melanin-ite Children by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-015-4,
distributed by Egipt Publishers) These black straight haired East
Indians came from a star constellation called Nirvana, who also
lived on Luna, the Moon. This is something you may not believe
right now but in time you will find this to be the truth. Then these
East Indians were cast from the moon to earth. The Kadmon,
Zakar, Adam (ADABA) that came from these beings was the
Asiatic Black Man.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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(ADABA) (Mda) ( )which means “Red, Ruddy” which also
applies to reddish brown or dark brown hue of the skin. The lan-
guage that the Adamites were speaking was Adamic, Edenic or
Enochic (the language that Qayin, Qabil, Cain who slew Hebel,
Habil, Abel spoke), the three seeds (Cain, Abel, and Seth) from
Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA) and Nekaybaw, Hawaa, Eve
(TI.TI), which is a mixture of the two languages Accadian and
Ugaric. The language that was spoken in Genesis 1:1 on up to
Genesis 14:12 was the language “Ugaric” and was the language of
the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”. The language spoken by
Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA) of the original Chaldean tribe
was Ugaric. Ugaric became Accadian, Aramic, Syretic, and
Chaldean, and the scripts used for all of them was Cuneiform and
The Adamites were bred for the purpose of working the gold mines
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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for the Anunnaki ($)$$" ), which was located in
Raphali, the ancient name of South Africa, originally called
Monodappa. Monodappa is known today as Zimbabwe, which
is located in Rhodesia, Southern Africa. The work was too hard
and backbreaking for the ANUNNAQI; therefore, they decided to
breed a LULU AMELU meaning “primitive worker.” They were
created to be their ‘ebd (dbe) ( ) in Aramic/Hebrew or in
Ashuric/Syriac Arabic ‘abd (XIk) ( ) meaning“slave” in
Sumerian doctrine. Those who went south, the children born after
Shiyth, Shayth, Seth (SA.TI), became known as the Zulu called
Amma Zulu. Notice LULU AMELU and Amma Zulu in reverse
are one and the same. The Adamites are the original Asiatic Black
Man. These are your original Black Devils and then there is the
Negroid Man who is really the brown man unlike Kadmon,
Zakar, Adam in Genesis 1:21 under the Strong’s Number 0121
(Mda) ( )‘Adam Aw-dawm’ which means red. According to
Sumerian doctrine, Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA) is the son
of Atum, who is of the Atumites, while Kadmon, Zakar, Adam
as Kadmon produced the Tribe of Kadmonites, (Genesis 15:19).
Lillith, Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA)’s mother was of the
Cuthite Tribe (East Indian) who are mentioned in 2 Kings 17:30
under the word Cuth (Cuthah). The meaning that is given for the
word Cuth is “Crushing”. Lillith was what is known today as a
Watusi, she was from the Land Of Nod along the Tigris and
Euphrates Rivers.
Ques: Who are the Cainites?
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Figure 45 Figure 46
Adam (Adapa), son of Atum and Eve (TiTi), daughter of Ptah
Lillith (4026-3096 B.C.E.) and Anath
Figure 47 Figure 48
Cain,(Ka.In) son of Adam and Eve Lubuwdah (Awan), twin sister of
(3926-3526 B.C.E.) Cain
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Figure 49 Figure 50
Abel (Abael) son of Adam and Aqlimiyah (Azuru), twin sister of
Eve (3924-3897 B.C.E.) Abel
there was much murder and sin. This was a result of Qayin, Qabil,
Cain killing his brother Hebel, Habil, Abel (ABAEL) (Genesis
4:8) who had a twin sister Aqlimiyah.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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However, Qayin, Qabil, Cain (KA.IN)’s countenance had fallen
which allowed him to give way to the Devil and Qayin, Qabil,
Cain (KA.IN) slew more people like him, killers and the likes.
Qayin, Qabil, Cain (KA.IN) also married his twin sister
Lubuwdah but she was not allowed to go with him, and he later
took a wife from amongst the Nodites. After leaving, they finally
wound up in the land of Nod (dwn), in Aramic (Hebrew), meaning
the “Land of wanderers.” Qayin, Qabil, Cain (KA.IN) and his
descendants dwelt there where all the wanderers and vagabonds
dwelt (Genesis 4:17). This was the curse of those who leave their
ground and migrate to the big cities. Make note that Yahayyu
“Living One, Existing One” is not in the cities, he doesn’t even go
in cities (Genesis 4:16) because as it says in Genesis 4:14, (in part)
“Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the
earth; and from thy face shall I be hid;” a Yahayyu’s “Living One,
Existing One” face shall be hid from Qayin, Qabil, Cain (KA.IN)
when he enters into Nod (Uruk), therefore a Yahayyu “Living One,
Existing One” doesn’t even show his face in the city.
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(Uruk). In order to succeed in Nod (Uruk), Qayin, Qabil, Cain
(KA.IN) set it up where the people in Nod (Uruk) would believe he
was Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADAPA) created from Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels”. Qayin, Qabil, Cain (KA.IN) pretended
that he was from the good seed. Now you must see how Qayin,
Qabil, Cain (KA.IN) tried to make the people of Nod (Uruk), or
Nud think that he was Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA), so he
named his seed the same as the Adamites’ and Sethites’ seeds.
The Adamites were Enos, Cainan, Mahal’aleel, Jared, Enoch
Methu’selah, and Lamech. Now note the name of the Cainites;
Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methu’sael, and Lamech. This
happens today when people leave our nation and pretend as if they
are still with us, using names, places, events and deceiving many.
You must beware (be - aware) of these wolves in sheep’s cloth-
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“To Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh. At
that time men began to call upon the name of the (Yahayyu “Living
One, Existing One”) ‘LORD’.”
“And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his
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name Seth: for (Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”)‘Gods’, said
she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain
Figure 51 Figure 52
Seth (3896-2984 B.C.E.) son of Enos the son of Seth
Adam and Eve and Aqlimiyah
Now remember at this point Qayin, Qabil, Cain (KA.IN) had mur-
dered his brother Hebel, Habil, Abel (ABAEL) (Genesis 4:8) and
was driven away to the Land of Nod, a city where a Yahayyu
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“Living One, Existing One” would not show his face (Genesis
“Behold, thou hast driven me this day away from the ground; and
from thy face I shall be hidden; and I shall be a fugitive and a wan-
derer on the Earth, and whoever finds me will slay me”
The King James Version of The Holy Bible
Ans: Yes! The people I speak of are you! The Lost Tribe of
Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah, descendants of the ANUN.NA.QI,
Elohyeem “Gods Judges, Angels”. This very Spell of KIN.GU,
known as the Spell of Leviathan was cast with the aid of ZUEN
()-$) and IN.ANNA (
$$$) out of jealousy and
power. They caused additional conflict between the two sons of
ANU ($),) ENLIL ($) and ENQI ( ) as with the
stories of Qayin, Qabil, Cain (KA.IN) and Hebel, Habil, Abel
(ABAEL) in Genesis 4:8, the sons of Kadmon, Zakar, Adam
(ADABA) and Nekaybaw, Hawaa, Eve (TI.TI). The conflict
between Yaqov, Ya'aqub, Jacob and 'Aysaw, 'Aiys, Esau in
Genesis 27:41 the two sons of Yitskhaq, Ishaaq, Isaac and
Rebecca. The spell was cast in order to control the pro-created
beings that would work for the ANUN.NA.QI ($)$$% )
in the South African gold mines. (Read Book #50 Birth Ceremony
by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-108-
8 distributed by Egipt Publishers).
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They were able to execute this Spell by making all Disagreeable
things look agreeable, and that which was agreeable look dis-
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Angels” plagiarized (to appropriate for use as one’s own passages
or ideas from another source) for the seed of Shiyth, Shayth, Seth
(SA.TI), the Enosites.
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Nanna for his offering was not acceptable unto the ANUN.NA.QI,
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” order as stated in Genesis 4:25.
“And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and called his
name Seth, for she said, Elohyeem(‘Gods, Judges, Angels)’ has
appointed for me another child instead of Abel, for Cain slew him.”
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Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA) wanted his son to be in his
image and after his likeness Genesis 5:3 and ANUN.NA.QI,
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” returned Shiyth, Shayth, Seth
(SA.TI) cutting off his direct connection to the ANUN.NA.QI,
Elohyeem“Gods, Judges, Angels”. This connection was held in
The Barathary Gland.
“And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in
his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:”
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Enowsh, Anuwsh, Enos and his descendants were now mortal
beings. who no longer had direct contact with the ANUN.NA.QI,
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”; and at this point they were no
longer able to call on the ANUNNAQI, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels” but a Yahayyu “Living One, Existing One”, who is a
being of retribution (punishment or reward). While the ANUN-
NAQI, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” were creators. These
Enosites were appointed one deity named TAM.MUZ in
Sumerian doctrine, Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh in Mosesism, Isa Al
Masih in Islam, and Jesus the Messiah “Christ” in Christism.
Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Haru Pa Messeh was
assigned to oversee you as your Yahayyu Elohyeem “Lord of the
Gods, Judges, Angels” for 6,000 years, during this moon cycle.
For this Spell of Leviathan was cast at the beginning of the second
moon cycle 6,000 years ago. What I am doing is disclosing a part
of the true history of the Holy Bible! Why, because little is known
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or unknown to Negroids. Disclosure of the true history of the Holy
Bible is knowledge, and that knowledge helps to destroy ignorance
of the oppressed and helps to open the escape route to liberty and
equality by the mental process and progress. Hence came the
enchantment called Religion or as the Muhammadans say in
Islam, Diynul Islaam, (Din) (ᦠX , ), and which is the worship
of the goddess Dina, as told in Acts 19:27 all the Asian world wor-
ships; she too is in contrast to the ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels” and should be hated and will be destroyed.
“So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but
also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised,
and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the
world worshippeth.”
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
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and spirit (spook) gods. They just said Poof! And all things were
here. Yes this is what they have you believing in. (Read Book #17
Humans Were Created From? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-228-9 distributed by Egipt
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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touv mayhtav cristianouv
“And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it
came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the
church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called
Christians first in Antioch.”
Saul, Shaool, Paul and his other demons assembled with a church
before they were called Christians, and put it together with what-
ever religion that was in Antioch at the time and called their place
of assembly a church. So Saul, Shaool, Paul just picked up the
term for his followers while he assembled with the people in
Antioch. Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ" tells us in, John 16:2 (in part) “They shall put
you out of the synagogues:” Meaning you were in the synagogues
and they took you out. In Psalms 74:8, “They said in their hearts,
Let us destroy them together: they have burned up all the syna-
gogues of (El “God, Judge, Angel”) ‘God’ in the land.” A Yahayyu
“Lord” is telling us what they will do. They want to destroy your
proper place of worship. One way they did it was through Saul,
Shaool, Paul the Anti-Christ when he took you out of the syna-
gogues and put you in the churches.
These are the teachings that have been used to keep you under the
Spell; keeping us from knowing who we are, which is the heirs to
the Kingdom of Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El “Most High
God”, the Negroid Pure Holy Seed, and this is why we have been
held back so long. They know who we are and as Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" said, that
you will be hated for my name sake. In Matthew 10:22 “And ye
shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth
to the end shall be saved.” Negro people are the only people on the
planet that are persecuted by everyone and every race. Think about
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it. We are hated just as Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih,
Jesus the Messiah "Christ" said we would be (Read Book #300
What did Jesus Say? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,
ISBN 1-59517-046-4 distributed by Egipt Publishers).
Because it has you believing that you can’t have anything of worth
until after you die, when all you have to do is work for it. Know
that the helping hand that you’re looking for is at the end of your
own arm. And listen to what Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih,
Jesus the Messiah "Christ" said Matthew 6:10, “Thy Kingdom
come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” You don’t have
to wait for your pie in the sky when you die, your heavenly father
promises you that for your obedience and your loyalty you will
have the riches right here and now.
“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from
(Thehos, Elohyeem) ‘Gods’ out of heaven, prepared as a bride
adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heav-
en saying, Behold, the tabernacle of (Thehos, Elyon El “Most High
God”) ‘God’ is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they
shall be his people, and (Thehos, Yahayyu “Living One Existing
One”) ‘God’ himself shall be with them, and be their (Thehos,
Elohyeem “Living One Existing One”) ‘God’.”
You are reminded that, the kingdom of the Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown El,
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‘Alyon El “Most High God” called The Holy City the New
Jerusalem is coming down out of heaven for that Holy Seed, the
Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, the Tribe of Yehudaw,
Yahudah, Judah.
Religion condones people turning into bums, dropouts, and failures
of society. When a steady income could solve most of your prob-
Religion as an institution puts the clergy up front and gives you the
impression that he is the mediator between you and Alyuwn El,
‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El “Most High God”, and this breeds slack-
ness in each individual’s sense of obligation to his personal rela-
tionship with Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El “Most High
Religion has you believing in spooks and ghosts. The Elohyeem
(“Gods, Judges, Angels”) are real, Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al
Masih, Jesus the Messiah “Christ” is real, he was here and he
will return. Most organized religions like Mosesism, Christism
and Muhammadism would like to eliminate this principle. They
make the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” ghosts or spooks, and
not men. Religion makes the angels spirits and ghosts – vapors- and
not able to come in the form of man. This same thing happens in
many other religions throughout the world, which turns their faith
into belief in nothingness and spookism.
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with W and ends with W. That is Double You; W or W two you’s
WHO? You should follow those beings whom you were made in
the image and after the likeness of, The Elohyeem (Gods, Judges,
Angels), personifying as physical beings. They are your woolly-
haired beings, the deities bearing 9 Ether, or Nine to the Ninth
power of Nine (999). The Heavenly Hosts called the Elohyeem,
or Yahayyu who in their cream history were created 76 Trillion
years ago. Arriving from the 8th Planet Rizq “Seat of provision”,
of the 19th Galaxy Illyuwn as explained in The Noble’s Koran
Translated by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM
As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
According to the Holy Bible, the heavens on high are where the
records are kept in Job 16:19, “Also now, behold, my witness is in
heaven and my record is on high.” And Psalms tells you that the
Holy Seed originated in heaven as the Elohyeem’s “Gods, Judges,
Angels” seed, “I have said, Ye are (Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels”)‘Gods’ and all of you are children of the (‘Elyon El) ‘most
High’” (Psalms 82:6)
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the things he or she can do and will do. Your mental power is
deeply lacking. This is the biggest block between you and reality,
between you and the facts, which keep you in a spell of religion,
and it’s spookism, and false promises of all that you will get after
you’re dead. No one has come back to prove it that you know per-
I mean the Holy Seed comes from above and would be “over-
mind”, over the mind of those of the serpent seed, but has fallen
victim to the race known as the beast of the field or simply the
Serpent’s seed in Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between
thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed”. With this
deception the Luciferian Conspiracy has succeeded in inflicting
the Spell of Leviathan, which is another name for The Great
Serpent or devil that deceives the world by his great disguise. Of
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course he controls the media and in so doing controls the images we
see. The first step was to implant his image as white, right, light,
and good. But he never talks of the destructive power of light,
which creates chaos. He never talks of the devastating destructive
powers of fire, which is light and in fact the only light that the Holy
Bible knew. For there was no incandescent, fluorescent, halogen,
or any other man-made forms of illumination. They even believed
that the moon had its own light, with all that, which human beings
depended on.
With these tactics he has been able to spell-bind the minds of the
Holy Seed (Negroids) and as a serpent, inject his venom into their
bloodline and put his venomous nature there, which results in The
Spell of Leviathan- a spell of self-hate, ignorance of self and kind,
lack of worth and purpose, a spell of worshiping (war-shipping) the
image and likeness of the beast- wanting to be him, wanting to look
like him and her, wanting to surrender your soul to their purposes.
Through the mixing of the seed, the venom of the serpent is now in
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the blood of those of the Holy Seed (Negroids) (John 8:44).
However Negroids also have the blood of Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh,
Isa Al Masih , Jesus the Messiah "Christ" within us as we are of
his seed, the Holy Seed. This blood is the antidote to the bite of
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil.
WHY? Because you refuse to fight this ghost spell! In the begin-
ning you loved Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ"and wouldn’t think of straying, but you got bit
by the Leviathan in the form of Saul, Shaool, Paul the confessed
demon whose job was to spread his venom into the pure truth of
Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ". 2 Corinthians 11:4, “For if he that cometh preacheth
another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive anoth-
er spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye
have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” This other gospel,
spirit and Christ in 2 Corinthians 11:4 is Saul, Shaool, Paul’s
doctrine. He is this serpent. Another Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus, another
Gospel and another Spirit; three unclean spirits symbolized by rep-
tilians in Revelation 16:13, “and I saw three unclean spirits like
frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of
the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophets.” Keep in mind
it says like frogs because reptilians have no hair on their bodies like
frogs and snakes. In this verse you are being told about Three
Reptilian Men called unclean spirits and that they come out of the
mouth of Satan, Shaytaan, Devil and out of the mouth of The
Beast of the field and false prophets will speak about them. This
is called Paulism, which makes up most of Christianity of today,
teaching about Six Ether ghost, false spirits and deceivers that pos-
sess people. The three reptilian unclean spirits are:
1. Paul
2. Silas
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3. Titus
These three unclean spirits are responsible for the false teachings
that plague the world. Christianity birthed Islam and thus these
unclean spirits also taint its teachings. You must fight this Six
Ether ghost spell that takes pride in the Sixth Hour cross of the so-
called crucifixion (cruci-fiction) and death and never speaks of the
Ninth Hour Ankh of Eternal life given through the Son of Man
Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih , Jesus the Messiah
"Christ" Son of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”. He is
not a spook, he is real.
And the cure to this spellbinding is The Ninth Hour, 9 Ether res-
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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urrection of the Holy Seed in the Body of “Christ”. The first step
is to begin to call our Yahayyu Elohyeem “Lord of the Gods,
Judges, Angels” by his right name, call on the name Alyuwn El,
‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El, “Most High God” and call on the right
name of Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ”. According to Proverbs 22:1 a good name is more pre-
cious than silver yet men will have you call Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown
El, ‘Alyon El “Most High God” out of his name. We don’t feel bad
calling him “God” which is the German word “gut” or “gad”
meaning “troops”. 9 Ether works by Reason through
Knowledge, Wisdom, and Overstanding, Right knowledge,
Right wisdom and Right overstanding of the name of the
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” are a first step in breaking the
Spell. (Read Book #43 Breaking The Spell by Noble: Dr. Malachi
Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-001-4 distributed by Egipt
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Messiah "Christ”, the Ninth Hour Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al
Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ”, the Negroid Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ” of the Holy
Bible from the Tribe of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah, House of
Daveed, Dawud, David as stated in Matthew 1:1, “The book of the
generation of (Yashu’a, Isa) Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son
of Abraham.” The House of Daveed, Dawud, David were the
Negroid group of people in the Holy Bible spoken of in Revelation
“14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow;
and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine
brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of
many waters.”
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Negroid. No longer are you subjugating yourself to the Caucasoid
man, no longer is the Caucasoid man god, because he has implant-
ed the image of the Caucasoid, European, Amorite man as god in
your mind through his depictions of a Jesus and a God by
Michelangelo and other agents of the serpent. Once this image is
replaced with The Right Knowledge, The Right Wisdom and The
Right Overstanding of who Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al
Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ” is, you can come from under
the Spell.
You must prepare for the coming of the Son of Man, the time is
now, and you see the prophecies are being filled. He will be com-
ing with the rod of iron which chastises and disciplines, not the
comforting staff: Revelation 19:15 “And out of his mouth goeth a
sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall
rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the
fierceness and wrath of Almighty (Thehos, El “God, Judge, Angel”)
‘God’”, (Revelation 19:15) which is The Revolutionary Cycle.
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Thinking; and Right Thinking will cause you to follow the right
way to liberty, and equality through Right Words and Right
Works. As it says in Psalms 33:4, “For the word of the (Yahayyu
“Living One, Existing One”) ‘LORD’ is right; and all his works
are done in truth.” Thus, you will overstand why Right
Knowledge is truth, and truth is the best knowledge. As a nation of
people Truth is what we must have. We must know the truth of
ourselves: our history, our language, our culture and our relation-
ship to the supreme and we must become truthful when dealing
with each other.
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Your entire life has evolved around these myths and lies. You are
trapped in these persons, places, and things. I say evolve because
you are a living entity. Any living thing grows or evolves. You as
a person have evolved, and revolved around lies for so long you are
blinded by the light unable to recognize ignorance. This light is
“Heylel” the Hebrew/Aramaic word for Lucifer spoken of in
Isaiah 14:12 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of
the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst
weaken the nations!”. You ignore the truth, you block the true light
spoken of in John 8:12, “Then spake Jesus again unto them, say-
ing, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk
in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” Remember Ignorance
always seeks to extinguish True Light, just as Six Ether seeks to
extinguish 9 Ether by mixing blood or mixing cultures. There was
darkness before there was light! Just look at Genesis 1:2 (Read
Book #172 The Holy Tablets Chapter 1 El Istakhlaag (The
Creation) - Epic Of Creation And Before Tablet 1:19- 27, received
by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-116-
9, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Every seven years Caucasoids set out on a mission to mix their
seed with Negroids. They do this because they would phase out of
existence if they did not mix their seed with Negroids. They must
in order to reproduce. It is a known fact that you need iodine, sim-
ply put, Salt to reproduce. Caucasoids lack this simple nutrient,
so in order for there survival they need your rich melanin salt filled
blood pumping in their veins. Because of there lack of melanin,
Caucasoids are Hemophiliacs “bleeding disease”. This condition
occurs because they lack the necessary melanin in their blood to
clot blood coming from their body, therefore the blood doesn’t stop
bleeding and form a scab.
Notice they are transparent. You can see right through them, even-
their veins. They will bleach out without integration, die out, cease
to exist; they must mix their seed in order to survive. To encour-
age this, they promote the image of the mixed seed, the neutra-
noid. They put in your mind through subliminal seduction that a
mixed you is better than the Pure Negroid Holy Seed you. They
need to mix everything up; to confuse you and implant their seed,
meaning Satan, Shaytaan, Devil will do anything to survive!
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil and his helpers want you to stay in one
spot in space and time with your beliefs. Some of you stopped
4,000 years ago with the Holy Torah, and more others of you
stopped 2,000 years ago with the Second Testament, and Yashu'a
Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih , Jesus the Messiah "Christ”. And
even others stopped 1,400 years ago with The Third Testament,
The Noble’s Koran and Makhmud, Muhammad, Mohamet.
You are trapped in a space in time looking for him to return or come
for you, but Any thing that has no new life in it is dead. You fol-
low dead religions. That’s the spell. I, Dr. Malachi Z. York am
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here to give you what you need to lead you back to your
supreme states, back to The Right Knowledge, dispelling all lies
that are emanating through trick knowledge. These are the
keys to breaking The Spell of Kingu. Take the key of life and
unlock the doors to your mind.
“I am here amongst you to take you by the hand and lead you to
that which was promised to you. (155) You should feel a comfort
being with me. I truly know the way out of the hell you Nubians
have been in for 6,000 years, (156) how to break the spell (157)
for all who will listen. It is through The Right Knowledge,The
Right Wisdom, and The Right Overstanding, which is the Science
of Nuwaupu. (158)
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you death for crime, but they give their own some time in jail.
They teach your children to hate themselves, and now that they hate
everything, and are killing them, they are afraid. It's sad, all very
Why is it so hard for you to see this? At an early age the Spell of
Leviathan was enforced. You went to school, and through this
public school system they, being the principalities in high places
(Ephesians 3:10) instilled within you, the concept of 1, 2, 3, and all
that you were taught was taught to you in threes. Your ABC’s; your
123’s; your nouns, person, place or things; The 3 Billy Goats
Gruff, or The 3 Blind Mice. Funny they should use the word
blind, or is it? No it’s not! This spell is real. This Spell of
Leviathan is in the mode of “1, 2, 3” or “Persons, Places, and
Things” and there isn’t anything you can conceive that does not fit
in to one of those categories, just as you are taught about, the 3 R’s
-Reading, Writing, and ‘Rrithmetic (Arithmetic). Everything
you are taught is in some way based on the number “3” for exam-
You see what’s happened is, ever since you were a child you have
been programmed with these three methods: Religion, Media, And
Schools which is sheol, (lwav) ( ) meaning “hell” in the
Aramic/ Hebrew language. This is what I call synthetic education.
A synthetic (Not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived) educa-
tion breeds a synthetic mind; you don’t have a mind of your own.
What is happening is that your Pastors, Preachers, Teachers, and
Imaams are holding a translation of the scripture in their hands,
and they are teaching you from these so-called sacred books. Yet I
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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dispel all myths and lies put forth to you about these books, because
I am the Reformer, Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, in
this day and time. I have come to tell you that these so-called reli-
gious leaders are only enforcing the evil teachings, and the results
of the ghost spell are negative and slave mentalities, full with phys-
ical slaves and captives , all to enforce beliefs in Spooks. (Read
Book #42 What Is Nuwau-Pu?, ISBN 1-59517-003-0, by Noble:
Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, distributed by Egipt
Look in The Holy Bible and The Noble’s Koran and see which
one you are following.
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in Mark 10:21, Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ" clearly states that the treasures are in heaven.
This is confusion or simply a mistake or a lie.
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The point I am trying to make here is that the all loving, caring, and
protecting Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” wouldn’t let you
become sick or damned or mourn, that is, let any bad thing happen
to you cause they are supposed to be Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels” of all good (Proverbs 10:22). Remember Satan, Shaytaan,
Devil worshippers refer to the Satan, Shaytaan, Devil as Eloh
“God, Judge, Angel” ; moreover, Leviathan is an Eloh “God,
Judge, Angel” at one time and Satan, Shaytaan, Devil at another
time, or both at the same time. In the State of Pennsylvania, it was
ordered that the Ten Commandments at the courthouses be taken
down from the walls. Now prior to a witness testifying in court, it
is required that they place their hand on the Holy Bible and swear
or affirm” to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
so help you God”. The Ten Commandments comes from
Yahayyu Elohyeem “Lord of the Gods, Judges, Angels” (Exodus
20:17). Obviously the “so help you God” that the courts are using
must be another Eloh “God, Judge, Angel” other than the one who
gave the Ten Commandments to Mosheh, Musa, Moses, other-
wise they wouldn’t mind having Yahayyu Elohyeem’s Lord of the
Gods’, Judges’, Angels’ commandments on their walls. Removing
the Ten Commandments from the walls of the Courthouse will
also remove Exodus 20:3 “Thou shalt have no other (Elohyeem
“Gods, Judges, Angels”) ‘Gods’ before me”. Why would you not
want that commandment on the walls of the courthouse where you
are judging the fate of people’s lives? Even though in Matthew
7:1, “Judge not, that ye be not judged”. Why would you not want
the commandments that Yahayyu, Elohyeem “Lord of the Gods,
Judges, Angels” gave to his people in your courthouse? Unless the
Eloh “God, Judge, Angel” of that principality was another Eloh
“God, Judge, Angel”, Leviathan, the deceiver who even has you
deceived going onto the witness stand? After all, King Shelomoh,
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Sulaiman, Solomon asked for guidance in discerning good from
bad. This Leviathan has you voting on a judge who is unqualified
(not being the Bane Elohyeem “Sons of Gods, Judges, Angels”,
Psalms 82:1), that will make decisions on people’s lives and when
it is all over and this same Judge would have made the wrong deci-
sion and sentenced someone to death. The devil has created an illu-
sionary world where he (Satan, Shaytaan, Devil) appears to rule.
The devil, serpent-lizard or evil reptilian can only get you through
the physical. Their realities are based on the reciprocals. For
instance, if you say Adonai they say Baal. They are reciprocals. He
works on the opposite end of the pendulum. He has no creativity
of his own so all he can do is copy. It is the Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels” who Satan, Shaytaan, Devil has tried to set his sys-
tem of rule after.
Take a look at the Supreme Court and the Justices who appear to
sit on high and judge mankind. The Supreme Court, which is the
highest court in the United States has a fixed number of nine
judges who are refered to as justices (just us) who sit on the bench
as if they are equal to the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” and
they play as the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” in the lives of
people. How, because Elohyeem means “judges” as well as
“Gods”. The truth being we are not mere men, but we are
Elohyeem called “Gods, Judges, Angels”. Exodus 22:8, Exodus
22:9, Exodus 21:6 and 1 Samuel 2:25.
"Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also
bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him for ever."
"If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge him: but if a
man sin against the (Yahayyu “Living One, Existing One”)
‘LORD’, who shall intreat for him? Notwithstanding they hear-
kened not unto the voice of their father, because the (Yahayyu
“Living One, Existing One”) ‘LORD’ would slay them."
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
So a Christian can tell a judge that they have no power over them.
A Christian goes up against them and says you’re not a judge you
are just a man who read books; you are not El Shaadi “God
Almighty”. You do not have any authority over me just because you
read a few books. Judge not lest you be judged; they do not have
the authority to put any man to death just by the fact that they are
called a “judge”, they are not a Yahayyu “Living One, Existing
All these are titles they have created in coutrooms etc. just to instill
fear. You (Caucasoids) are not Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels”; you have to prep and convince people you are somebody.
That's all a part of the master deception. Leviathan is the master
of deception keeping you under the spell of three. Be it 3 sixes or
3 stages: persons, places, or things; you’re trapped. LOOK:
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2. MOSES 6
Ans: When the destruction of the spell is complete, you will have
A Free And United Mind. A free mind means Free Mental
Activity. You will be in charge and in control of all of your facul-
ties and destinies as in the time past. If you take control of your
destiny you will regain your Manhood, and Womanhood that was
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stripped from you through Subliminal Seduction, and The Mass
Media. You will become what you were originally created to be,
a deity. In the family of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”.
As it states in Psalms 82:6, “I have said, Ye are (Elohyeem) ‘gods’;
and all of you are children of (‘Elyon) ‘The Most High’.” You will
begin to use more of your brain, you can do it, I will help you.
The 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7:4 will not be under the spell
when they are taken up to reign with Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa
Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ". They will be pre-encod-
ed to break the spell by awakening at this time with the help of the
facts I put out. That means that their DNA structures were geneti-
cally designed to go off like an alarm clock at a designated moment
in their own lives at the sound of my voice and reading the scrolls
in order to accommodate more facts. In Psalms 8:4 it states, “What
is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou
visitest him?”. Now first of all you must make note that in Psalms
8:4 the word “man” in Hebrew shown in the Strong’s Hebrew
Lexicon #0582 is vwna “Enowsh” , which is referring to
the Enosites who are the descendants of Enowsh, Anuwsh, Enos
the son of Shiyth, Shayth, Seth (SA.TI), who was the seed the
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” appointed to Nekaybaw,
Hawaa, Eve (TI.TI) in Genesis 4:25, for the loss of Kadmon,
Zakar, Adam (ADAPA) and Nekaybaw, Hawaa, Eve’s son
Hebel, Habil, Abel (ABAEL).
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was no longer able to walk and talk with the Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels” because of his Barathary Gland being taken
away. The Barathary Gland connects you to your four higher
senses Clairvoyance, Intuition, Telepathy and Psychometry
(Read Book #173 El’s Holy Torah translated by Noble: Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-117-7, distributed
by Egipt Publishers).
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“Gods, Judges, Angels” is coming to earth. You as the rightful
heirs to the kingdom of the ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels” will take your place as judges over the earth,
Psalm 82:1-8.
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ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem“Gods, Judges, Angels” (Psalms 82:2).
Here you are being asked how long will you accept these wicked
people and judge them wrong. Negroids have been doing this for
over 400 years. You still think that Satan, Shaytaan, Devil can be
reformed, that Satan, Shaytaan, Devil isn’t a real person. You still
think that Caucasoids are better then Negroids. You still don’t
love yourself. You still want to do everything that the devil’s seed
(Caucasoids) does even if it destroys your life. How long will you
continue to judge the seed of Satan, Shaytaan, Devil wrong
(Psalms 82:3) As the ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels” of the earth, which has become your domain (control or
the exercise of control) as stated in Genesis 1:26 and Psalms 8:6.
In your right state of mind you are supposed to deliver the poor and
needy, which are your other Negroid brothers and sisters and save
them from the wicked (the serpent’s seed). For they walk in the
same darkness as you did, being blind to the truth about your true
heritage and choosing the heritage of the human beast
(Caucasoids). It becomes your job to bring the truth and to break
the spell in others. The truth is, we must all know the truth and it
will make us free. In so doing the truth will free others.
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down as cloven tongues like fire. This is the same fire that
Yowkhanan, Yahya, John the Baptist spoke of in the story of
Matthew 3:11, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with
Because the disciples had this two edged sword, each man in atten-
dance on the Day of Pentecost heard the words of the Holy Spirit,
in their own tongue: “And how hear we every man in his own
tongue, wherein we were born?” (Acts 2:8) This was possible
because Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ" and his disciples had the gift of the two-edged sword, of
speaking other tongues. This gift is stated in Acts 2:4, “ And they
were all filled with the Holy Spirit and started to speak with differ-
ent tongues as the spirit gave them utterance”. This is acceptable
because we know that Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus
the Messiah "Christ" spoke in other tongues, in order to reach
The Tribe of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah that were scattered
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abroad. This is why The Holy Bible has so many different words
recorded in other languages such as:
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not languages. Although connected, a tongue is different than a lan-
guage. Tongue, as defined by Webster’s II Riverside Dictionary,
by Editiors of the Webster’s New Riverside Dictionary, ISBN 0-
606-02685-1, Riverside Publishing Company means “1) A lan-
guage of dialect and 2) Style or quality of utterance”. Language is
defined as “1) The sounds, words and combinations of words that
constitute a system for expression and communication of thoughts,
among a number of people., 2) a particular style or form of utter-
ance”. The only real language is Cuneiform or Nuwaupic, all
other “languages” are actually tongues.
Diagram 11
Ancient Hebrew Script
The Holy Spirit gave the Disciples the power to speak the Hebrew
language. In addition to Hebrew, they spoke Amharic, Aramaic,
Arabic, Syriac, Latin, Greek, Armenian and Chaldean. The
miracle of the Disciples speaking other languages on the Day of
Pentecost was a sign for the people and the disciples who had been
bestowed with the Holy Spirit.
After the Disciples had finished propagating and quoting the scrip-
tures to the people, Sapheer, Safaa, Peter spoke to them about the
alleged crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ". He spoke
in the language of their forefathers, Ashuric/Syraic (Arabic) and
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told them about the prophecies and explanations of what had come
to pass that day (Acts 2:14-36). There were three thousand people
who bore witness to Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus
the Messiah "Christ" and were baptized that day (Acts 2:37 -38).
In order for the coming of the real Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al
Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" to come we must be all of one
accord and one mind. We must make the ways straight for the com-
ing of the real Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ". You must free yourself from the spell of the
beast and all of his agents. He keeps us separated in mind and body
as it says in Psalms 82:6, “I have said, Ye are (Elohyeem)‘gods’ ;
and all of you are children of (‘Elyon) ‘the most High’.”
They have you thinking as a Negroid that you are the cursed seed,
you are taught that you are Ethnic. In Psalms 2:1 it states “Why do
the heathen rage and the people imagine such a vain thing?”. The
translation given for heathen according to the Strong’s Hebrew
Lexicon is 01471 ywg gowy meaning nation, heathen, gentile. The
word heathen translates as Ethnos (eynov) in the Second
Testament in the Holy Bible, meaning “Ethnic”. What they don’t
want you to know is that the word ethnic in the Greek under the
Strong’s #1484 eynov Ethnos means “Gentiles, nation, heathen.”
When the Holy Bible uses the term ethnic it is not referring to you,
Negroid. However, it is referring to the heathen Gentiles who are
the the cursed lepers (Canaanites), the true cursed seed of
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan.
The name Gentiles are from the seed of Yawan, Yawan, Javan
who is the son of Yepheth, Yafath, Japheth who was one of the
triplets of Noakh, Nuh, Noah who was perfect in his generations
(Geneaology). Yawan, Yawan, Javan then married out of his
race, which was against the law (Genesis 28:1); the law being not
to take one of the daughters of Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan to
wife. Yawan, Yawan, Javan married Iris who was a Hivite. The
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Hivites are a branch from the Hittites who are the descendants of
Heth, (meaning “terrible”) one of the sons of Kena'an, Kana'an,
Canaan. And the sinful mix of Yawan, Yawan, Javan, a Negroid,
and Iris, a Hivite, produced the Gentiles Genesis 10:5, which bred
the Greek nation. The word being used in the King James Version
of The Holy Bible is nation; in the Hebrew under the Strong’s
Number 01471 ywg ( ) Gowy, which means Gentile, a hea-
then which is an Ethnic. It wasn’t until 1945 A.D. according to The
American Heritage Dictionary, by the Editors of the American
Heritage Dictionary , ISBN 0-39582-51-72, Houghton Mifflin
Publishers that the word started to be used as a noun for people
other than Caucasoids. However the truth, which is in the proof is
that the real ethnics/heathens are the Caucasoids.
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istering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of
salvation?” and in Romans 8:17 where it states, “And if children,
then heirs; heirs of (Thehos, Elohyeem) ‘God’, and joint-heirs with
Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glori-
fied together.”
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Paul, at that moment, was possessed by him.
11. For that which I do I allow not; for what I would, that I do not;
12. But what I hate, that I do, if then I do that which I would not, I
consent unto the law that it is good.
13. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
14. For I have knowledge that in me, dwelleth no good thing; for to
will is present with me;
16. For the good that I would do I do not: but the evil which I would
not, that I do.
18. But sin dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that when I would do
20. For I delight in the law of Allah most glorified and exalted, after
the inward man;
21. But I see another law in my body, warring against the law of my
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22. And bringing me into the level of the law of sin which is in my
16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that
it is good.
17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would
not, that I do.
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inward man:
So Saul, Shaool, Paul, like the Devil, caused the disciples to devi-
ate from the teaching of the Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih,
Jesus the Messiah "Christ". The doctrine Saul, Shaool, Paul is
teaching is not that of the Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih,
Jesus the Messiah "Christ" (Read Book #207 Is it Black Man’s
Christianity or White Man’s Christianity? by Noble: Dr. Malachi
Z. York 33°/720°©TM,ISBN 1-59517-023-5 distributed by Egipt
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Many would lead you to believe Satan, Shaytaan, Devil and his fol-
lowers are spirits, ghosts, or spooks, however this is one of the
biggest misconceptions, because when it comes to the truth about
Nakhash (the evil reptilian) the truth of the matter is that he is
indeed a man. Part reptilian, being the son of Tarnush, a reptilian,
and part ANUNNAQI or Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”, being
the son of his mother Mylitta the ANUNNAQI. (Read Book #172
The Holy Tablets (Pa Gadush Lowahaat) Chapter 1 El Istakhlaag
(The Creation) - Tablet 2:88 received by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z.
York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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from. We as humans are the dust of the ground that the Satan,
Shaytaan, Devil’s seed will eat all the days of his life. As you con-
tinue in the chapter in Genesis 3:15, a seed is spoken about, a (erz
, )Zera :
Kpwsy awh herz Nybw Kerz Nybw hsah Nybw Knyb tysa hbyaw
bqe wnpwst htaw sar
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
bruise his heel.”
The King James Version of The Holy Bible
This quote tells us that the Devil has a seed and the Woman has a
seed, which will have hate between them. Now when we go to the
Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon, #02233 where you see (erz) Zera` for
the word seed, we find that it means, ”1c) semen virile 1d) off-
spring, descendants, posterity, children”. So in order for there to
be enmity between the serpent’s seed and the woman’s seed, they
must both produce and offspring, a seed, a living life. This means
they both must produce offspring using semen, which comes from
another human being.
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“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the num-
ber of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is
Six hundred threescore and six.”
“And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Now this time
will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three
sons: therefore was his name called Levi.”
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Shimon, Sim'an, Simon (the second and third sons of Yaqov,
Ya'aqub, Jacob), were called to their father’s bedside before his
death, Yaqov, Ya'aqub, Jacob reminded them of the trickery they
used to avenge the defilement of their sister Diynah, Diyna, Dinah
by Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite (Genesis 34:2-26).
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Jesus the Messiah "Christ" says in Revelation 2:9 (In part),
the“Synagogues of Satan”.
oida sou ta erga kai thn yliqin kai thn ptwceian plousiov
de ei kai thn blasfhmian twn legontwn ioudaiouv einai
eautouv kai ouk eisin alla sunagwgh tou satana
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich)
and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are
not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
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archv kai en th alhyeia ouc esthken oti ouk estin alhyeia
en autw otan lalh to qeudov ek twn idiwn lalei oti
qeusthv estin kai o pathr autou
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will
do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the
truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he
speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
“And when we said to the heavenly host, 'prostrate for Adam,' so they all
prostrated except the rebellious one, he refused to prostrate because he
was full of pride and he was of the disbelievers.”
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Translated by
As-Sayyid Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
Noble: Malachi Z. York 33°/720°
The reason they preach that they were of the Great Teacher Avram,
Ibrahim, Abraham (IBRU.UM) seed was because after the Great
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Teacher Avram, Ibrahim, Abraham (IBRU.UM) cleansed their
forefathers, the Canaanites from their leprous state, he brought
them down from the caves and made them his servants. These
clean lepers followed the Great Teacher Avram, Ibrahim,
Abraham (IBRU.UM) while he sojourned in the Land of Canaan
Genesis 12:5 (in part), “they had gathered, and the souls that they
had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of
Canaan;” These souls spoken of are the only lepers who cleaned
themselves up from the cursed 11 tribes of the Canaanites, which
were the Jebusites the third son from the cursed seed from Albino
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan.
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ing “Separatist”. The Pharisees were a distinct group that formed
separately from the 70 Elders who waited at the bottom of Mt.
Sinai (Exodus 19:7) for the Great Teacher Mosheh, Musa, Moses
to return with the first commandments from one of the
ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”, one of whom
is a Yahayyu Elohyeem “Lord of the Gods, Judges, Angels”. The
Pharisees supposedly received a more profound revelation which
was not written down at the time. Thus, it became known as the
oral law, and eventually took precedence over the written law.
From this they compiled a set of Ahaadiyth (N¦ XBRA, ) Tales,
which they referred to as laws, calling it the Talmud (dmlt,
) and Mishnah (hnhsm, ). A group of lay
priest or scribes interpreted the law and became the greatest legal
authorities. For instance, if the Holy Torah said the Great
Teacher Mosheh, Musa, Moses spoke to the burning bush, they
added that the ANUN.NA.QI, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”
were in the fire, so then the fire must be good therefore you can sac-
rifice by the consuming fire.
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Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ" was constantly warning about the Sadducees (Scribes)
and Pharisees (Matthew 23, 16:1-11, 15:1-20).
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of Caesar- the “way of the Gentiles” (Matthew 6:32), none of them
had any concern for the things of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges,
Angels”. This is why Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus
the Messiah "Christ"constantly spoke out against the Council of
the Sanhedrin and all those associated with them (Matthew 23:5).
All the false ministers, preachers, and teachers of today are like the
Pharisees and the Sadducees at the time of Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ”.
In this day in time these principalities in high places are the law-
makers and lawbreakers. Today, there are religious public figures
who commit abominations like Reverend Jimmy Swaggart and
Reverend Jim Bakker, that are against the beliefs of the entire
Christian population. Yet, contributions come by the millions to
their organizations. Saul, Shaool, Paul and his father were of the
Jebusites (Euro-Jews) and Jacobites (mixed seed of Yaqov,
Ya'aqub, Jacob’s pure seed; fake Jews).
The High Priests of the Tribe of Levi (the third son of Jacob and
Leah) were the only ones who were permitted in the Holy of Holies
(Leviticus 16:2). This is the tent or area that contained the Ark of
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the Tabernacle. They were considered the Chiefs of the
Sanhedrin Council. They wore a Mitre (headdress) (Exodus
29:6) on their heads and a breastplate with 12 stones for each of the
12 tribes of Israel on their chests.
The Priests of the Tribe of Levi were the maintenance men of the
Council. Their duties consisted of the upkeep of the Tabernacle.
They looked after the furniture and the court of the Temple. They
also watched the door and did other servant-like tasks (Exodus
28:40-43). (Read The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, by Mark
Amaru Pinkham, ISBN 0-9328-135-18, Adventures Unlimited
The Sadducees or scribes were men who copied the Holy Torah,
or Mosaic Law. They became learnt men who taught and inter-
preted the scriptures and kept charge of official documents. Ezrah,
Uzair, Ezra was a scribe in the time of the Jacobites (who mixed
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the seed of the Israelites all except the pure seed of the tribes of
Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah and Benjamin) who returned from the
Babylonian exile in 538 B.C.E. In the time of Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" the scribes
were called doctors of the law. Some scribes held classes to train
Rabbis. Saul, Shaool, Paul’s teacher Gamaliel was a scribe.
The Talmud contains all the civil laws of the Jebusites (the Euro-
Jews, Revelation 3:1-6) that were developed over the years by the
Mishnah; the first section of the Talmud, being a collection of
early oral interpretations of the scriptures as compiled about 200
A.D. As I mentioned before, this is the same Talmud, the collec-
tion of ancient Rabbinic writings consisting of the Mishnah and the
Gemara, constituting the basis of religious authority in Orthodox
The Talmud, Mishnah and Gemara, make up the base of the reli-
gion the Euro-Jews (Jebusites) use today. All three of these books
are made up of man-made laws and traditions; they are “the blas-
phemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the
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synagogue of Satan.” (Revelation 2:9).
This is against the law of the Yahayyu “Living One, Existing One”.
Traditions of man are not a part of the laws of Yahayyu “Living
One, Existing One”. In the definition of the Talmud above, make
note that it is the basis of the religious authority in Orthodox
Judaism. Now look at the meaning of Orthodox also from The
American Heritage Dictionary, by the Editors of the American
Heritage Dictionary, ISBN 0-39582-51-72 Houghton Mifflin
Publishers, “Adhering to the accepted or traditional and estab-
lished faith, especially in religion, Adhering to what is commonly
accepted, customary, or traditional”; meaning traditions of man.
The Euro-Jews are not the real Judahites, they are the followers
of the Pharisees from the Second Testament and they are the ones
who Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ" speaks of in Mark 7:8. “For laying aside the command-
ment of (Thehos, Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”)‘God’, ye hold
the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many
other such like things ye do” And Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any
man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradi-
tion of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
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and sexual perversions among other iniquities. One thousand new
laws were formulated which gave rise to The Babylonian Talmud
in 550 A.D. The Holy Bible you read today is from the ancient
Babylonian manuscript, which was undoubtedly misconstrued by
the Pharisees, just look at the so-called books of Saul, Shaool,
Paul (Read Book # 207 Is it Black Man’s Christianity or White
Man’s Christianity? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM,
ISBN 1-59517-023-5, distributed by Egipt Publishers).
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"Christ" of 2,000 years ago as stated in Matthew 23:28, “Even so
ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full
of hypocrisy and iniquity.” They were like the pale Arabs of today
who call themselves Muslims and are not. The Pharisees were the
biggest hypocrites of their time. The Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa
Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" of 2,000 years ago knew
that they were not of the pure seed of the Great Teacher Avram,
Ibrahim, Abraham(IBRU.UM) nor were they the original
Israelites (John 8:39-40).
“They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus
saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the
works of Abraham. 40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath
told you the truth, which I have heard of (Thehos,
Elohyeem)‘Gods’: this did not Abraham.”
It was the Pharisees who arranged the plot to kill the Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" of 2,000
years ago (John 11:47-48). Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih,
Jesus the Messiah "Christ" was to be crucified on the Passover
(John 19:14) so the Euro-Jews could not do it, the Roman sol-
diers are the ones who crucified him as stated in John 19:23, “Then
the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus,” Notice how the Euro-
Jews and the Romans worked together. (Read Book #52 Was
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Christ Really Crucified?, by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-595517-041-3, distributed by Egipt
Plate 85
Plate 84
Euro Jew of today inscribing in
Euro Jew wearing teflin on his head
Hebrew, a pale man called a beast in
at Wailing Wall of Jerusalem
the Holy Bible
Since the time of Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ"of 2,000 years ago, the Euro-Jews (Jebusites
and Jacobites) have strived to keep their position, trying to control
every aspect of society. Today’s Pharisees are your elite Euro-
Jews. You will find him as the leading politician, wealthy entre-
preneur, influential preacher, famous movie star, corrupt judge, etc.
etc. Their aim is to control how you think, act, dress, and so forth,
the same way their ancestors did during the time of the Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" of 2,000
years ago. The Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ" of 2,000 years ago warned his followers to
beware of them, (Revelation 2:9, 3:9) and I am still telling you the
same thing today. I have told you that the paleman (descendants of
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Canaan) is not a man but a kind of man (mankind) because he was
not a part of the original creation of man called Kadmon, Zakar,
Adam (ADAPA) (in plural form in Genesis 15:19) known to you
as Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADAPA), son of Atum and Lillith,
which occurred 49,000 years ago. Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan
was the Adam of the pale races.
The Holy Bible, The Noble’s Koran, and various other scriptures
teach about this Adam of 4,004 years ago. The Scriptures also
state that the paleman is a beast; the cursed seed that was cursed
with leprosy as explained in Leviticus Chapters 13 and 14 is
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan, which is the Caucasoid’s Adam.
And in Jonah 3:7-9 it states, and I quote:
The beasts that were covered with sackcloth are the Sons of
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan. The offspring of Kena'an,
Kana'an, Canaan were the inhabitants of the caves in the
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Caucasus Mountains between the Black and Caspian Sea in
Europe. When the Great Teacher Yonah, Jonas, Jonah was sent
to Nineveh (Babylon), the inhabitants the Great Teacher Yonah,
Jonas, Jonah was sent to were the Canaanites, Kham, Haam,
Plate 86
Canaanites in Sackcloth
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nibalistic. Caucasoids (Caucasians, carcass-asians) still appear in
the media from time to time consuming human flesh, and in a less-
er form of cannibalism, order their meat rare. The Caucasoid has
a coccyx, which is an elongation at the end of the spinal column,
which is the vestige of a tail. They also have fur, flank straight hair,
on their heads and all over their bodies resembling that of a goat.
Ezekiel 16:4 speaks of the Caucasoid having an uncut navel:
“And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was
not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast
not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.”
Humans do not have uncut navels, however the dog does. The
Caucasoid’s connection to the dog is quite evident. Many
Caucasoids will dress up dogs like humans, consider them one of
the family, allowing dogs to sleep in the bed with them, let them
lick them in the mouth, and even going so far as worshipping the
dog. The article, “A Chapel that Welcomes Dogs, but not
Dogmas” which appeared in The New York Times newspaper on
Friday, August 7, 2001 A.D. , tells about a town in Vermont that
created a Chapel containing various images of dogs, “Inside the
stained -glass windows depict no biblical images but rather a dog
chasing a ball, a dog being petted, a dog wearing a halo...‘It is also
about the love dogs teach’... ‘They jump up on on you and give you
a kiss,’.. ‘ and what’s wrong with doing that with your better half’”
To have images of dogs in a chapel instead of the image of Yashu'a
Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" is a
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clear indication of Caucasoids’ love of the dog. To even refer to a
Dog as “your better half” who there is nothing wrong with kissing,
makes it apparent that Caucasoids are comfortable with engaging
in bestiality. Why?
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Ancient times of Rome, bestiality was included under the heading
of sodomy. Bestiality is connected to the foundation of Rome
which was founded by Romulus and Remus (two human twins)
who suckled a she-wolf (bestiality) (Read Book #143 The Dog, by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, distributed by Egipt
Publishers ISBN 1-59517-141-X and Book #48 Sons of Canaan,
by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-140-
1 distributed by Egipt Publishers).
In the above quote, the frog is symbolic of a reptile with legs prov-
ing this serpent is a man, and that Satan, Shaytaan, Devil appears
in the form of a man. The name Leviathan itself is also referred to
as a reptile or serpent because the Satan, Shaytaan, Devil entered
the garden (Kingub) in the form of the Taniyn dragon who was
cursed to crawl on its belly, after the manner of a reptile, all its life
for aiding Shaytaan! Today this reptile is known as the Komodo
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human fetus - which is further proof that these three dirty souls are
men. (Paul, Titus and Silas)
When you were in your mother’s womb, you were in water, mean-
ing the amniotic fluid, and you looked like a tadpole or sperm.
Your tail shrinks and your body enlarges and your limbs begin to
grow much like a frog. Yes! You had gills just like a reptilian and
yes you breathed through these gills. Not to mention you still have
scales, only now you call it ash. Call it what you like; if you don’t
put on lotion you’ll see the flakes or “scales”on your skin. The traits
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are there. Look at your hands. Go ahead. Spread your fingers
apart. You can still see the webs, between your fingers just as frogs
have today. Your webs are the pieces of flesh that connect the fin-
gers together.
Plate 88 Plate 89
Tadpoles Sperm
There is all interesting fact that most people don’t know about your
skin. As you know when people die, the body of that person goes
back into the ground and decomposes back into the Earth and air as
atoms, particles and molecules. These very particles are breathed
into your nostrils which triggers the nerves in your sinus cavity
which filters these particles to make skin, thus the human flesh is
reanimated (given new life), because the sinus cavity functions just
like a kidney and sifts out unwanted particles. Thus, the chemical
composition is related to that of the kidney, which in turn keeps
material that is needed in the mother’s blood to nurture the baby
and help form the child’s flesh. This material is how the child gets
flesh or form from.
Ques: Does all of this happen before the mother’s first month
of pregnancy?
Ans: Yes! The moment of conception is really the end of the third
month of perfect ovulation, because it is in this third month that the
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male and female come together to conceive.
Ans: Yes! Nine months after conception when a baby is born the
baby is already 1 year old. Do you follow? No? Okay, look at it
like this:
What this all adds up to is when you are born you are already 1
years old. So by the time your first birthday comes, or what you
refer to as your first birthday, you are really 2 years old.
Ans: No! You mean do you stay a reptilian? You were once a
baby weren’t you? It is only when a woman is in her third month
of pregnancy that the child that is developing is in the reptilian
stage; this is called the first trimester of a pregnancy. You contin-
ue your journey into the sixth month where you become a
Rumardian, which is a humanoid grey. This is called the second
trimester of a pregnancy.
There is an area of the human brain to this day known as the rep-
tile brain. Within the brain is the original segment to which all
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Diagram 12
Stages of fetal development
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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history, apart from those who are still born with
tails. Scientists say that the R-complex represents a
core of the nervous system and originates from a
"mammal-like reptile" that was found all over the
world in the Triassic period (205-240 million years
ago.) It is believed this was an extraordinary like
between the dinosaurs and the mammals. … All
mammals have this reptilian part of the brain."
The outer layer, called the epidermis or cuticle, is several cells thick
and has a layer of dead cells on the top, which constantly wears
away and is replaced from below. This cycle of living cells to dead
skin flakes takes about 21 to 40 days, but slows down, as we get
older. Webs between fingers, obsession with bathing and shower-
ing, swimming, deep sea diving, and steam baths, are all reptilian
We are not the only one to bring this to the public. The reptilian
agenda are now coming forth by many authors in many books such
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1. The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom ISBN# 0-932813-51-8,
by Mark Amaru Pinkham;
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(M.E.M.P.S.) ISBN #1-884855-14-8, when he tried to inform the
lost but now found tribe of Shabazz in the wilderness of North
America, that they were living with devils, and the bible interpre-
tation of the devil in Genesis 3:1 is a serpent.
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'pearl' couloured skin and 'bluish-purple' eyes that
appeared to be electrically charge somehow: like
laser eyes."
Plate 90
David Icke, Author
(1952 A.D. - still living)
The stories of cannibalism as found in The Holy Bible,
Deuteronomy 28:53-57 are related to flesh eating humanoids.
"53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body,
the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the
LORD thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in
the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall dis-
tress thee: 54 So that the man that is tender among
you, and very delicate, his eye shall be evil toward
his brother, and toward the wife of his bosom, and
toward the remnant of his children which he shall
leave: 55 So that he will not give to any of them of
the flesh of his children whom he shall eat: because
he hath nothing left him in the siege, and in the
straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress
thee in all thy gates. 56 The tender and delicate
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woman among you, which would not adventure to
set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicate-
ness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the
husband of her bosom, and toward her son, and
toward her daughter, 57 And toward her young one
that cometh out from between her feet, and toward
her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat
them for want of all things secretly in the siege and
straitness, wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee
in thy gates."
So you are living today with beings that are in the form of humans,
some that can shape shift or transfigure for good or for evil and the
evil ones seem to have a great hate for the good ones for no appar-
ent reason. They give it a term: racism.
The Noble's Koran 5:60 "Tell them, 'May I declare unto you some-
thing worse than Allaah's punishment?' Whomever Allaah has
cursed has brought a wrath upon himself and he has made them
like apes (hairy human beings who act foolish) and swine (filthy
unsanitary and gluttonous) and they are servants who worship the
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devil (At Taghut). These are they who are in a wicked state and are
far away from the right path!"
As you can see, all of these reptilian accounts are found hidden
right in their Holy Bible and The Noble’s Koran, and now it is
time for it to be revealed to you. We are living in a day and time
where you will come to the reality that the facts were there, but the
interpreters were part of the conspiracy. The Jesus story, the son of
god, the crucifixion, the resurrection, the celibacy, and the miracu-
lous or magic gifts are all a part of a conspiracy by the albino rep-
tilian to utilize racial superiority and domination by the black and
white principal that bred an inferiority complex, so that the divine
gene in the original beings would not sprout in these latter days,
each of your biblical stories and characters can be traced back into
Egypt. This can be found in a series of book now that are pub-
lished such as:
Many things that were kept from the public are being revealed now
as mentioned before. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ of Christianity,
mentioned to have happened some 2,000 years ago, had been
uncovered to merely be a replica of a series of men or beings from
different cultures whose lifestyle from birth to death to resurrection
to divinity, predate the Christian or Muslim concept. As found in
series of books called:
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Tempest & Exodus, By Ralph Ellis, ISBN #09328139-84;
Time and the Bible's Number Code, by Bonnie Gaunt, ISBN
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Ans: They do not have a nose like a full grown human; they have
a nose like you when you’re between 3 to 6 months inside the
womb, when your nostrils appear to be just two slits. If you have
ever seen a picture of a baby at this stage, their mouths appear to be
a small slit also. The fetus and Rumardian appear to have no ears.
I keep describing both simultaneously because I know it’s hard for
humans to accept that they were once other than human. But you
have to face it!
Plate 91
Person born with six fingers
Ans: Yes! Just look at your hands, you still have the traits.
Rumardian’s hands are also web like, except they only have four
fingers, or six fingers (2 Samuel 21:20), where most humans if they
are lucky are born with five on each hand, and the unlucky are born
with six. (This trait is described in the Holy Bible in 1 Chronicles
20:6; characteristic of the Nodites who had six fingers and six
toes.) Rumardians’ arms are long and muscular reaching just
above the knees. Their torsos are human in appearance; their legs
are short and muscular.
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This is what will soon happen to human beings because of all the
air pollution, radiation from the sun, and other environmental prob-
lems, the body will naturally protect itself. Thus, the nostrils will
become smaller. Not only will your nostrils become smaller but
also your head will expand because your brains will become larger.
The Devil Was Cast Out of Heaven To
Earth To Dwell As A Man
(Read The Book Of Job)
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And your eyes will become much larger, blacker, and you will not
have any pupils.
Ans: First of all let me explain. There are many devils or what you
refer to as devils. Each having a different personality, at different
times or places, it depends on a lot of factors. Many things come
into play when talking about the devil. First you have Zuen or
Tarnush the father, and then you have Lucifer or Satan the son of
Tarnush. The Devil has many names. He was called different
things at different times Here are the names in Modern Arabic and
Ancient Arabic (Sabean) Script:
In the Heavens:
Haylal (|½R, ) “The scape goat”
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When cast down to earth:
Azaaziyl (|¦`A`k, ) “One cast down, removed ”
Satan and Lucifer are one and the same. They are both referred to
as “the shining light” and “the son of dawn”, which is the meaning
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of the word “Lucifer”. The Second Testament confirms this in
Luke 10:18, where it states, “...I beheld Satan as lightning fall from
heaven” and in 2 Corinthians 11:14 “...Satan himself is trans-
formed into an angel of light”. In Sumerian Doctrine he is known
as SHAM.GAZ In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic), this brightness is
defined as Zuharat (©Z¡`, ) and it has many meanings which
describe the paleman or physical Satan, Shaytaan, Devil.
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(©Z¡`A, ) AZ ZUHARAH: A certain star, well
known, white and brilliant in the third heaven.
When he was cast down to the Earth he was called Azaazil (|¦`E`k,
) and also Shaytaan (áBi¦c, ). The word Shaytaan
stems from the verb Shatana (áic, ) which means “a thing
of clay”. The word Shaatan (áiBc, ) from the same root,
means “the one who goes far from the truth; the wicked one”.
When Ibliys took a body on Earth he became a Shay (§c,
)which means “thing”, of iyn (á¦i, ) which means “clay” or “a
thing of clay”.
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(With Modern Hebrew Script)
“Set thou a wicked man over him: and let satan stand at his right
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
“And the( Yahayyu “Living One, Existing One”) ‘Lord’ said unto
Satan, from whence comest thou? And Satan answered the lord, and
said, from going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and
down in it.”
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This has come to pass as we are beyond the year 2000 A.D.,the end-
ing of the Moon Cycle. In the following quote, you will see that
the Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ" , of 2,000 years ago was not the only one called the “Son
Of Man”. Azaaziyl, who has now become Shaytaan, is being
called a man also. So you better stop looking at him as a spirit or
a spook. This verse tells you that he is a man walking in the earth.
This is going to be his biggest deception, because people are not
going to know who he is or even that he will come in human form.
As the saying goes, the biggest accomplishment of Satan, Shaytaan,
Devil was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
“Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the master
(Yahayyu “Living One, Existing One”) ‘Lord’ ; Because thine heart
is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a (El “God, Judge, Angel”)
‘God’ , I sit in the seat of (Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”)
‘Gods’ , in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not (El
“God, Judge, Angel”) ‘God’ , though thou set thine heart as the
heart of (Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”)‘Gods’: ”
This is Satan, Shaytaan, Devil, also called the son of man. Also in
the book of Ezekiel it continues to tell us that the paleman who is
of the image of the physical Satan, Shaytaan, Devil has control over
all the wealth of the nations by his wit.
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The Holy Bible, Ezekiel 28:4-5
(With Modern Hebrew Script)
“With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten
thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures: by
thy great wisdom and by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches,
and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches:”
The evil Reptilian has been successful thus far in putting the
“Image of The Beast”, which is the Euro-Jew (Jebusite)- who is
supposed to be Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ" of 2,000 years ago, in your mind. My question
is who cares what race Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih,
Jesus the Messiah "Christ" was? Yet they continue to plant this
image in your head. He plants this seed of deception from child-
hood. Doesn’t he know?
You may ask how do you find Satan, Shaytaan, Devil? You find a
devil by focusing on any negativity around you. When a wrong or
detrimental act is in process, Satan usually has his hand in it.
Racism is “the belief that members of one or more races are infe-
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rior to that of another”. Racism is widespread and has caused
major problems even though there is no scientific proof to support
racist claims. Claims of racial superiority and inferiority have been
used to justify discrimination, segregation, slavery, and even
genocide (mass murder). Often times racism is very subtle because
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil is a master of disguises. He is an expert in
the field of subliminal suggestion.
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by the Editors of the American Heritage
Dictionary, ISBN 0-39582-51-72 Houghton
Mifflin Publishers)
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The King James Version of the Holy Bible
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facts, be they scientific, historic, mathematic, geographic etc. The
facts are just that, the facts! The fact is they plant these things in
your minds as children, never even giving you a chance to learn the
truth about any one thing. They just induce your minds with lies
and deceit hoping you’ll grow up and never really find out how it
all happened, why it all happened, and when it all happened.
Ans: All right let me take you back. You remember nursery
rhymes? Yes, well one of his most favorite Nursery Rhymes is
“Mary Had a Little Lamb,” Remember?...
Now what you didn’t realize was that the “Mary” mentioned was
the mother of the Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ". The “Lamb” is symbolic of her son; but look
at the description of him. Fleece as white as snow. The fleece rep-
resents his skin, which according to Satan, Shaytaan, Devil, is
white as snow; therefore leaving in your mind the thought that the
Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ" was a white man. Can’t you see the trick that the evil rep-
tilian is playing on your mind? The Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al
Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" of 2,000 years ago said that
the “only came to the lost sheep of the House of Israel” (Matthew
15:24 ),which is the pure Negroid seed, of the Tribe of Yehudaw,
Yahudah, Judah. So you see the Jebusite of the fourth seed of
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan is implying that they are the Lost
Sheep. The Lost Sheep are the Israelites. The truth is the lamb
isrepresented as Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ" because of his woolly hair, which is 9 ether
hair, tight kingly curls that shape into a 9. The Negroid being is the
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Diagram 13
Genealogy from Adam to Noah
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Diagram 14
Genealogy from Shem, Ham and Japheth to Nimrod
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Diagram 15
Genealogy from Nimrod’s seed to the Canaanites
only being that has this Eloh “God, Judge” like quality, the sheep
is the only animal that also has this type of hair. So even when they
try to say, white as snow, accept it, because look at snow - its just a
white natural, it’s tight balls of hair also. It sure isn’t wavy like
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This same type of subliminal seduction has you emulating the
Caucasoid by wearing blue contact lenses, straightening your hair,
dyeing it blond or putting greasy Jheri curls in it. Just so you can
live in the Image of The Beast. The evil reptilian makes you, the
Negroid hate yourselves because of your skin color and pro-
nounced features. He makes you think that according to the
Caucasoid standards that you were created ugly, and that he
thought nothing of its affect on you. This is blasphemy (contemp-
tuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning god or a
sacred entity)!
Because of the seed of racism implanted by the Satan, Shaytaan,
Devil, dark-skinned people are seen as less than and light-skinned
people as more attractive. This has its roots in Israel, because of
Israelite’s Mulatto, I am beautiful”. The plight of dark-skinned
blacks being looked down upon by other light-skinned blacks is
also depicted in stories such as “The Ugly Duckling” and
“Cinderella”. It also appears in Songs of Solomon 1:6: “Look not
upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon
me: my mother’s children were angry with me; they made me the
keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.”
The remedy and cure for the disease is always given to us. The anti-
dote to the effects of racism is given in the word of Alyuwn El,
‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El “Most High God” in the descriptions of his
son as “having hair of lamb’s wool” and “feet of burnished brass.”
This true image will help break the spell.
For those who are not familiar with the knowledge of Leviathan,
Leviathan literally means, “Spiritually Bound”. You, the seed of
Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA) from 49,000 years ago are
under a deep spell, which could not be lifted before the Opening of
the Seventh Seal in 1970 A.D, when all lies were revealed. This
spell is a worldwide conspiracy by which the evil reptilian plants a
mental and a physical germ. The mental germ is the most danger-
ous. The spell makes you feel incompetent and although you may
not openly state it, subliminally you will want to be white.
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That is the reason he created bleaching creams, Jheri-curls, blue
contact lenses and a “God” in his image called Michael Jackson.
It’s funny because no matter how much you try to get away from
where or what you came from, you always have to go back. I guess
that’s what they meant when they said go back to your roots. In
1995 A.D. Michael Jackson was interviewed on the ABC News
Magazine Primetime Live with Diane Sawyer and commented on
his skin. He states, “He loves being black.” However principali-
ties in high places are still trying to convince Michael Jackson that
he should be in their image and after their likeness. As of 2002
A.D., look at him, he is completely in their image and after their
These are the sons of Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan; they are the
race of devils who have wreaked havoc throughout the earth, so no
longer refer to them as Irish, Polish, English, American, or
Jewish, but refer to them by their names:
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Figure 53
Canaan (2326-1660 B.C.E.) son of Ham
and Haliyma
Figure 54 Figure 55
Salha the wife and Nubian sister of Shingarah the Anakite wife of
Canaan Canaan
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Figure 56
Figure 57
Hildar a Horite wife of
Hitarah, a Flugelrod wife of Canaan
Figure 58 Figure 59
Sidon, son of Canaan Samaat, wife of Sidon
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Figure 60 Figure 61
Ginna, wife of Sidon Heth, son of Canaan
Figure 62 Figure 63
Willat, wife of Heth Sybil, wife of Heth
Figure 64 Figure 65
Jebus, son of Canaan Salima, wife of Jebus
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Figure 69 Figure 70
Girgash, son of Betha, wife of
Canaan Girgash
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Figure 71
Figure 72
Qamar, wife of
Hiwiy son of Canaan
Figure 74
Figure 73
Zaynab, wife of
Mayya, wife of Hiwiy
Figure 75 Figure 76
Arkiy, son of Canaan Nayyat, wife of Arkiy
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Figure 77 Figure 78
Amma, wife of Arkiy Siniy, son of Canaan
Figure 79 Figure 80
Yabanat, wife of Siniy Zillah, wife of Siniy
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Figure 87 Figure 88
Hamath, son of Canaan Gwin, wife of Hamath
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Figure 90
Figure 89
Konan the Barbarian the
Bada’a, wife of Hamath
father of Hitarah
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Japanese, Indonesia, Pakistanis, Malayans, Eskimo, Some
Chinese, And East Indians. They are Black!!! Although they have
violated the commandment of a Yahayyu Elohyeem “Lord of the
Gods, Judges, Angels”, (Genesis 24:3) they are not the Sons of
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan (even though they’ve mixed blood
with them), fourth son of Kham, Haam, Ham and Haliyma, was
the father or the Adam of the Caucasoid race. Libana, which was
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan’s name at birth, had 4 wives and 11
sons who were all named after the event that was going on at the
time or at the time of the child’s birth. (Read Book #48 Sons Of
Canaan by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,ISBN 1-59517-
140-1 distributed by Egipt Publishers and Book #250 Was Adam
Black Or White? by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN
1-59517-047-2 distributed by Egipt Publishers).
Diagram 16
Map: Caucasus Mountains
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n/Aramic/ Siyduwn Sidon Sammayil Ginna
Chaldean “Fortified” “To hide,
to conceal,
Red Hair, or to cover
Blue Eyes up”
n/Aramic/ Heththaa Heth Hakail Sybele
Chaldean “Terrible” “The
Blond Hair,
Blue Eyes
n/Aramic/ Al Yabuwsiy Jebusite Jitryl Shaloma
Chaldean “Dryness” “Peaceful”
Black Hair,
Dark Brown
Phoenicia Al Amuwriy Amorite Asmudius Dina
n/Aramic/ “ Mountain “In debt”
Chaldean Dweller”
White Hair,
White Eyes
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Hair, Grey
/Aramic/ Al Hiwwiy Hivite Himah Zaynab
Chaldean “Tent “Fornication”
Blond Hair,
Silver Eyes
/Aramic/ Al ‘Arqiy Arkite Araqial Amma
Chaldean “Those who “My Nation”
Hair, Hazel
Phoenician As Siyniy Sinite
/Aramic/ “Yearly”
Dark Brown
Hair, Brown
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Language Pronunciation Name and Demon Wife’s
Description Name
/Aramic/ As Siyniy Sinite Satrina Zillah
Chaldean “Yearly” “Show
Dark Brown
Dark Brown
/Aramic/ Al Arwaadiy Arvadite Adyush Sadaw
Chaldean “Desires” “Wronged”
Dark Brown
Hair, Dark
Brown Eyes
/Aramic/ As Samaari Zemerite Zar Sakina
Chaldean “Counsel”
Blonde Hair,
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He was a
Nubian with
a Nordic wife
from his
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Figure 91
Adam (Adapa), Son of Atum (Enki) and Lillith
Adam, a successor on Earth was fashioned after the likeness of the
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”, (Genesis 1:27) 49,000 years ago.
“Adam” means “life blood”. He was what you would refer to as the first
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Figure 92
Noah (Zuisudra) (Utnafishtim) Son of Lamech and Kamiylah
Noah (Utnafishtim) was “perfect in his generations” (Genesis 6:9) and the grand-
father of Cush. Noah (Utnafishtim) was the first farmer and the first to plant a
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Figure 93
Abraham, son of Terah (Tirhu) and Nuwna
Abraham, (Ibru-um) “the father of many nations”, was the son of Terah and
Nuwna. He was a pure seed descendant of Cush, the son of Ham (Genesis
10:6). Through his travels, Abraham met the scientist Imhotep, who told him of
his mission by Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels (Anunnaki)” to go into Haran
(Genesis 11:31) and cleanup the leprous afflictions of the Canaanite tribes who
lived up in the mountains, and created the Khinzeer “pig” through cloning.
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Figure 94
Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar
He was the first son of Abraham, whom Hagar (the daughter of Imhotep
of Egipt) bore, he received the covenant of the flesh or circumcision and
kept the language of his father Abraham who spoke Syriac Arabic and
Chaldean, and AramicHebrew.
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Figure 95
Isaac son of Abraham and Sarah
Isaac was the second son of Abraham whom Sarah bore. He was the son to be
sacrificed and not the apostle Ishmael. He received the covenant of promise or
prophethood and didn’t keep the language of his father that was a Chaldean,
and he also spoke Aramic Hebrew and Suriac, Arabicdue to his living with other
than his people.
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Figure 96
Moses son of Amram and Jochebed
Moses was a direct descendant of Avram, Ibrahim, Abraham through his
father Amram. He received 613 laws, ten of which appear in the Holy Bible
as the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20 1-17). In the Holy Torah, 2 books are
attributed to Moses, Exodus and Leviticus, which was the portion of the
scriptures that were revealed to him.
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Figure 97
Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" son of
Gabriel and Mary
The Messiah, Son of 'Elyon El, “Most High God” Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ", was born to the
“Holy Ghost”, the Angel Gabriel (who carried the seed of 'Elyon El)
and Mary. He died at the age of 120 years old. He was also called
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Figure 98
The Arabian Prophet As Sayyid: Mustafa Muhammad Al-Amin (570 - 632
A.D.) son of Abdullah and Amina
Muhammad was born to Abdullah and Aamina, daughter of Wahhab. He was
a direct descendant of Yishmael, Ismail, Ishmael (Genesis 16:11) through the
sons of the Tribe of Kedar (Genesis 25:13).
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because this was the name of their first town, which was strong.
Then she bore him a son named Girgash which meant “rough
ones”. He was named this because during the time of his birth, the
Canaanites had lost their land and this made it hard for them.
Hildar bore Libana two more sons, one named Arkiy , who was
born when the Canaanites began to work the fields, thus, his name
meant “Those Who Sweat”. Siniy meaning “yearly” because he
was born at the time when they were to harvest their yearly crops.
Now for the second fold of his being. Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa
Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" had the breath of life in
him like all other human beings. He was given an equal portion of
Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” own breath as in, “He breathed
into man the breath of life and man became a living soul” (Genesis
2:7). He was also given the same light as the “Light which lighteth
every man that cometh into the world” (John 1:9), the light that is
the life in man. So Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus
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the Messiah "Christ" had the same portion of Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels” life in his body as all other human beings.
The third fold: He was baptized in his 29th year in the River
Jordan and received his divinity in the form of the Holy Spirit
descending like a dove (Luke 3:22, John 1:32). Then he became
the Bane Elohyeem “Son of the Gods, Judges, Angels”, and the
“visible image of the invisible (Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”)
‘God’” as explained in Colossians 1:12 -15:
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Now in Genesis 6:3, Yahayyu “Living One, Existing One” tells
you how many years his soul will be in humans. And the exact
number he gives is 120 years. “And the (Yahayyu “Living One,
Existing One”)‘Lord’ said, My spirit shall not always strive with
man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and
twenty years”. This verse reminds you that Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh,
Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" is man who is also
flesh. So the spirit of Yahayyu “Living One, Existing One” lived
on to 120 years. The Son of Man, the mortal part of Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ", was cru-
cified when he gave up the ghost (John 19:30).
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This subject goes on and most of them have already been solved to
date. The only ones still questioning are the Muslims, who are hav-
ing a hard time translating The Noble’s Koran, being it is in a lost
language. So much doctoring, alteration and additions from the
original language of The Noble’s Koran have changed the lan-
guage to what they have now. And they don’t have any originals
of The Noble’s Koran.
But what you do read in The Noble’s Koran is that the so-called
Jews claimed that they crucified him. They don’t even use the name
of Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ" , that’s how uncertain they are, yet this holy book is sup-
pose to be word for word from the mouth of Allah, Allaah, Alah
“God, source” and it had no verses and it had no chapters. The men
that originally memorized it were murdered, so to this date no
Muslims have read the original Noble’s Koran in the original
language in which it was revealed. Why are they confused? The
verse does not say Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus
the Messiah "Christ" was not crucified and did not die on the
cross. The fact is the verse is only denying Jewish claims to have
been the ones who crucified Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih,
Jesus the Messiah "Christ" of 2,000 years ago. When in fact it
was the Romans not the Jews. And because the whole world is
under the assumption that the Jews did it when they did not, you
get the impression that it was made to look that way, because that
is how it looks to everyone today.
But it’s strange that Allah, Allaah, Alah “God, source”, an all
knowing Eloh “God, Judge, Angel” did not say Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" the son of
Miriam, Maryam, Mary was never on a cross, nor did he die on a
cross by the Euro-Jews, the Romans or anyone else. Remember
this is supposed to be the all-knowing Eloh “God,Judge, Angel”.
How can he leave a verse in what they call the last revelation to all
humanity that is unresolved, but rather leave it as mere conjecture?
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Simply because they don’t recognize the other places in The
Noble’s Koran where Allah, Allaah, Alah “God, source” makes
reference to who Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ" was, what he was capable of doing, how he left
earth, who took them to himself and how he will return at the end
to judge those who lied on him. So the Allah, Allaah, Alah “God,
source” of The Noble’s Koran left the solution to the problem in
the hands of Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ" himself.
“9 Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up:
he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who
shall rouse him up? 10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor
a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him
shall the gathering of the people be.”
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all egw thn alhyeian legw umin sumferei umin ina egw
apelyw ean gar mh apelyw o paraklhtov ouk eleusetai
prov umav ean de poreuyw pemqw auton prov umav
Big lips are ugly, only because he was born with thin Ape like
lips and that blue eyes are beautiful and black eyes are unat-
Translated by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM
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As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
"On the day (Judgment day) in which the trumpet will be blown (by
the angel Raphael), we will gather the guilty blue eyed."
Translated by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM
As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
In the above quote, the guilty blue-eyed will be the guilty ones on
the Day of Standing (Yawmul Qiyaamah ª}B¦w{A ~¥¦,
). Now who are the blue eyed ones? The Canaanites are the
descendants of Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan, the fourth son of
Kham, Haam, Ham. Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan was cursed
because of a sin that his father committed by looking on the naked-
ness of his father (Leviticus 18:7) with the thoughts of fornication
(Genesis 9:25-27). Yet, Kham, Haam, Ham did not lay with his
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Or To Cover Up”
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“Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bot-
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tle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on
their nakedness!”
“We said, All of you get down from here, guidance shall come to
you from me, and as for those who follow my guidance, they shall
not grieve nor have anything to fear. “
Translated by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM
As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi
The punishment for Kham, Haam, Ham act comes out in the
Caucasoid’s genes through Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan. When
Kham, Haam, Ham looked at his father’s nakedness it was wrong,
resulting in a curse. Because of this they knew to make this act
against the law because in Kham, Haam, Ham’s case, the result
was the placing of curse of death on the Caucasoid. They cannot
come in the sun without being burnt by the sun, the sun of right-
eousness who comes with healing in his wings (Malachi 4:2).
They are dead because Caucasoids have a tail, and are also called
Caucasians, Carcass - Asians, deteriorating flesh. When Kham,
Haam, Ham looked upon his father with Sodomite intentions, he
got scared, which was a shock to his nervous system. When
extreme shock of this sort happens, the nervous system goes out of
whack and then your sinus gets blocked up, two traits of Hanson’s
(Ham-son’s) disease. In Genesis 9:25 where it states “Cursed be
Canaan” in the Hebrew they use “harra” which means “an infec-
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tious disease”; that is what the curse is .
Races of Mankind
First Man and Woman Created by Jehovah God
Gen. 1:27 "God proceeded to create the man in his
image, in God's image he created him: male and female he cre-
ated them. "
Gen. 2:21, 22 "Jehovah God had a deep sleep fall
upon the man and, while he was sleeping, he took one of his
ribs and then closed up the flesh over its place: And Jehovah
God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken from the man
into a woman and to bring her to the man."
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a single family and have a common origin. Science describes
the intricate make-up of the human body: all its different
organs cooperating in keeping us alive, its curious anatomy
that couldn't possibly have 'just happened' to be the same in all
men if they did not have a common origin.
…The fact of the unity of the human race is proved, therefore,
in its anatomy….all the racial differences among them are in
nonessentials such as texture o head hair, amount of body hair,
shape of the nose or head, or color of the eyes and the skin.
…The races of mankind are what the Bible says they are-broth-
ers."-The Races of Mankind, by Prof. Ruth Benedict and Dr.
Gene Weltfish, Public Affairs Pamphlet #85 (New York: 1956),
Sixteenth Edition, pp. 3-5.
"All of us, if we went back far enough, hundreds of
generations, would arrive at the same place-the base of the
human family tree with the first Homo sapiens….Our common
ancestor could as well be called Adam, which also means man
in Hebrew, for the familiar Biblical story foreshadowed the
evidence of science that present men derive from a common
stock."- What is Race?, published by the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Paris;
1952), pp. 11, 12
See also the main heading "Evolution," pages 177-
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Noah according to their family descents, by their nations, and
from these the nations were spread about in the earth after the
"A race is simply one of the partially isolated gene pools into
which the human species came to be divided during and fol-
lowing its early geographical spread. Roughly one race had
developed on each of the five major continental areas of the
earth…. Man did indeed diverge genetically during this phase
of history and we can measure and study the results of this
divergence in what remains today of the old geographical
races. As we would expect, divergence appears to be correlat-
ed with the degree of isolation…. When race formation took
place on the continents, with the bottlenecking of thousands of
populations in isolated gene pools all over the world, the gene-
frequency differences we now see were established… The par-
adox which faces us is the each group of humans appears to be
externally different yet underneath these differences there is
fundamental similarity."-Heredity and Human Life, by
Hampton L. Carson, Columbia University Press (New York:
London; 1963), pp.151, 154, 162, 163.
"Black Race" from Cush, Not Due to Curse on
Canaan, Whose Descendants were White
Gen. 10:6 "The sons of Ham were Cush and Mizraim
and Phut and Canaan."
Gen. 9:25 "At this [Noah] said:'Cursed be Canaan.’”
Gen. 10:15-18 "Canaan became father to Sidon his
first-born and Heth and the Jebusite and the Amorite and the
Girgashite and the Hivite and the Arkite and the Sinite and the
Arvadite and the Zemarite and the Hamathite; and afterward
the families of the Canaanite were scattered."
Gen. 10:7 "The sons of Cush were Seba and Havilah
and Sabtah and Raamah and Sabteca."
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Rom. 3:9-12 "What then? Are we in a better postion?
Not at all! For above we have made the charge that Jews as
well as Greeks are all under sin; just as it is written: 'There is
not a righteous man, not even one; there is no one that has any
insight, there is no one that seeks for God. All men have
defected, all of them together have become worthless; there is
no one that does good, there is not so much as one.
Acts 10:34, 35 "At this Peter opened his mouth and said: 'For
a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every
nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is
acceptable to him'"
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skin of his flesh, and the great priest shall pronounce him unclean,
and he shall not shut him up: for he is unclean.
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who was born 6,000 years ago. (Read Book # 133 The Melanin-
ite Children by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN
1-59517-015-4, distributed by Egipt Publishers). The paleman
(cursed Canaanite) tries to hide the truth from you of his past. The
fact is that his blue eyes, pale skin and stringy hair stem from
Yaaquub’s graftation of the East Indian resulting in Halaabeans
(Flugelrods) by genetic splicing of 8,400 years ago. The
Flugelrods found their way into the inner caverns of the planet
through Greece in the mountain range of Thessaly in the Isles of
Pelion, mistakenly spelled Pelan in Grotto or Grotte meaning
“Caves”. If Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El (“Most High
God”) wanted to say “White-eyed” he would have used the word
Abyad (h¦IA, ) which means “white”, in The Noble’s Koran
20:102 . If Alyuwn El, ‘Elyown El, ‘Alyon El “Most High God”
wanted to say “Blear-eyed” he would have used the word ‘amash
(d}k, ).
(fBeZ, ) (Rasaasiy) Lead, colored dull grey steel blue like
(d}k, ) (A’mash) Affected with an eye disease, blear eyed.
(ªUi{, )(Latkha) Smear, blotch, spot, stain, blemish, blot,
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(ªM ¥{, ) (Lautha) Stain, blot, spot.
(´ X, ) (Duwiy, Diwiy) Sound noise, ring, rang, roar, thunder
drone echo.
(|l{, ) (la’la)To resound, reverberate, clang, roar, boom
(ZA``, ) (zaa’ra) To roar, bellow.
(uZ Y, ) (dharafa) To flow, well forth (tears) to shed tears,
said of the eye (dam’a) to water (eye) (adma’a) to cause to weep,
invoke tears.
(S¦Ze, )(saraiyh) Pure, un-adulterated, un-contaminated;
clear, distinct, plain, obvious, evident, patent, manifest, unambigu-
ous, unequivocal, open, frank, sincere, candid, free, open-hearted.
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(Bte, ) (safaa) To be or become clear, unpolluted, limpid.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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et and that all others, Mongoloids and Caucasoids, come out of
their genes. Canaanites are of their father of the Devil, Yashu'a
Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" is
child of the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”. We are the off-
spring of Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”, that made us, so we
are the children of Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels”. By not
acknowledging this fact, the Caucasoids are dishonoring us, their
parents, who Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ" is coming back to claim
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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know the Caucasoid would not be able to survive without raping
Negroid people and sucking the life out of us. They have no place
in history, so he takes on other people’s way of life and culture,
mixes his seed into their seed, and uses his influence and wealth to
take control. He starts off subtle by taking over major events like
the Carnival of the Portuguese Blacks in Brazil, which has been
going on for hundreds of years.The Devil took over the Carnival
gradually, he started by controlling the floats, then the images on
the floats, which became implanted in the minds of the onlookers.
He made the pink, pale skin seem beautiful. He then took himself
Plate 93
Carnival Goer Cheryl Devers, a business analyst, is dressed to represent
the fruits of the Caribbean at the Caribana festival
and bred among the natives until the pure seed of the Negroids in
Brazil are not only the underclass but becoming an extinct class.
He does this then gradually moves through the rest of the
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Another example is how they are taking over the Pow-Wow of the
Native American and planting themselves within it. He takes it to
the point of actually taking over Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al
Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ", and making a Yashu'a Ha
Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah "Christ" in the
image and likeness of the beast, and giving it life. That is, it can talk
through Movies, Videos, DVD’s, etc. to deceive viewers into think-
ing that is what he really looks like, Caucasoid. That is the point of
this new movie “The Passion” the reinforce this image in your
They preach the gospel as if it is theirs and they bring in their
demonic spirit, - called Legion of Devils (Luke 8:30) vexed devils
- to possess you.
Ques: Do Caucasoids know that they are from the cursed seed
of the Albino Canaan?
Ans: Yes! In spite of their tireless effort to cover up the truth of the
origin of life and the original people, it still stands that the genetic
superiority of the Negroids, by itself, is evidence of his originality
and the genetic inferiority of all other races proves that they, the
Europeans are mutants. They were living in what is called the
Dark Ages which was only 1,000 years ago; the Canaanites were
living up in caves dying from all kinds of diseases. Living and
cohabitating with the dogs in the caves. Joshua 10:23, Job 12:23-
25, and Job 30:3-8 also confirms that these Canaanites lived in
caves. For example Saul, Shaool, Paul went to the Galatians who
were located in Turkey, a Roman Province in the central region
of the peninsula of Asia Minor; the Geographer and Philologist
Al-Bakri during the time of 1094 C.E. describes the Galatians:
“They are treacherous, dirty, and bathe once or twice a year; then
with cold water. They never wash their clothes until they are worn
out because they claim that the dirt accumulated as the result of
their sweat softens their body”. (Read Anwar G. Chejne, Islam
and the West: The Moriscos, State University of New York Press,
ISBN 0-87395-603-6). This is hundreds of years after the coming
of Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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"Christ", Saul, Shaool, Paul even brought his version of what
Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus the Messiah
"Christ" came bringing. Now when you look at Galatians 4:8-9,
“Howbeit then, when ye knew not (Thehos, Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels”)‘God’, ye did service unto them which by nature
are no (Thehos, Elohyeem)‘gods’ . 9 But now, after that ye have
known (Thehos, Elohyeem) ‘God’ , or rather are known of (Thehos,
Elohyeem) ‘God’, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly ele-
ments, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?” As shown in
the quote, they as Europeans went back to their disgusting habits
outlined clearly by the Geographer and Philologist Al-Bakri.
They, like all Europeans, were later civilized and became the prop-
agators of the myth that they are supreme when less then 1000
years ago, Caucasoids were crawling around on all fours eating
raw flesh and they call it the Dark Ages, which was ended by the
the Age of Enlightment brought by the Maur, Muurs, Moors,
Negroids. (Read African Presence in Early Asia Edited by Ivan
Van Sertima, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 0-88873-871-79
Golden Age of the Moor, Edited by Runoko Rashidi Co-Edited by
Ivan Van Sertima,Transaction Publishers, Noble: Dr. Malachi Z.
York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-56000-58-15 distributed by Egipt
Publishers and “He Is A Disease” by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-226-2, distributed by Egipt Publishers ).
Another Holy Bible that shares this same point is the Zondervan
N.A.S.B. (New American Standard Bible) Study Bible, on page 17
within the commentary in reference to Genesis 9:25, It states
“…Noah’s prophecy cannot be used to justify the enslavement of
Blacks, since those cursed here were Canaanites, who were CAU-
CASIAN”. This version of the Holy Bible was edited by: General
Editor, Kenneth Barker, and several associate editors such as:
Donald Burdick, John Stek, Walter Wessel, Ronald
Youngblood, Consulting Editor Kenneth Boa, NASB Notes
Adaption William M. Kruidenier, published by The Zondervan
Publishing House Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530, USA. The
Contributors for this text are as follows:
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Ronald Youngblood Genesis
Ronald Youngblood And Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. Exodus
R. Laired Harris And Ronald Youngblood Leviticus
Ronald B. Allen And Kenneth L. Barker Deuteronomy
Earl S. Kalland And Kenneth L. Barker Joshua
Arthur Lewis Judges
John J. Davis And Herbert Wolf Ruth
Marvin R. Wilson And John H. Stek 1,2 Samuel
J. Robert Vannoy 1,2 Kings
J. Robert Vannoy 1,2
Raymond Dillard Ezra
Edwin Yamauchi And Ronald Youngblood Nehemiah
Edwin Yamauchi And Ronald Youngblood Esther
Raymond Dillard And Edwin Yamauchi Job
Elmer B. Smick And Ronald Youngblood Psalms
John H. Stek Proverbs
Herbert Wolf Ecclesiastes
Derek Kinder Song of
John H. Stek Isaiah
Herbert Wolf and John H. Stek Jeremiah
Ronald Youngblood Lamentations
Ronald Youngblood Jeremiah
Mark Hillmer Ezekiel
Gleason L. Archer, Jr. and Ronald Youngblood Daniel
Jack P. Lewis Hosea
Jack P. Lewis Joel
Allen R. Millard and John H. Stek Amos
John M. Zinkand Obadiah
Marvin R. Wilson and John H. Stek Jonah
Allen A. MacRae Thomas E. McComiskey Micah
G. Herbert Livingston and Kenneth L. Barker Nahum
Ronald K. Harrison and William C. Williams Habakkuk
Ronald K. Harrison Zephaniah
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Herbert Wolf Haggai
Kenneth L. Barker and Larry L. Walker Zechariah
Herbert Wolf and John H. Stek Malachi
Ralph Earle and Walter W. Wessel Matthew
Walter W. Wessel and William L. Lane Mark
Lewis Foster Luke
Leon Morris John
Lewis Foster Acts
Walter W. Wessel Romans
W. Harold Mare 1 Corinthians
Philip E. Hughes 2 Corinthians
Robert Mounce Galatians
Walter L. Liefeld Ephesians
Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. Philippians
Gerald F. Hawthorne and Wilber B. Wallis Colossians
Leon Morris 1,2
Walter W. Wessel and George W. Knight, III 1,2 Timothy
D. Edmond Hiebert Titus
John Werner Philemon
Philip E. Hughes and Donald W. Burdick Hebrews
Donald W. Burdick James
Donald W. Burdick and John H. Skilton 1,2 Peter
Donald W. Burdick 1,2,3 John
Donald W. Burdick and John H. Skilton Jude
Robert Mounce Revelation
So you see what we are saying is definitely not racism because they
are saying this themselves. Right from the horse’s mouth, the
Caucasoid man has the curse of Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan not
Negroids, who are indeed the true and only pure seed of the Tribe
of Yehudaw, Yahudah, Judah.
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editors among them Jerry Falwell D.D., D. Litt., LL.D. who is the
leader of the Moral Majority on page 24 under cursed be
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan, it states and I quote and make note
these are white people saying this "Canaanites were white, in no
way is this to be interpreted as a curse on the black race." It goes
on to tell you that they, the Canaanites "the white race" practiced
ritual prostitution, homosexuality and various orgiastic rites, and let
me add, they are the mothers and fathers of perversion and bestial-
ity and according to Deuteronomy 26:21 it states and I quote
"Cursed be he that lieth with any manner of beast. And all the peo-
ple shall say, amen." Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Jesus
the Messiah "Christ" said in John 8:44 and I quote "Ye are of
your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do…"
(also refer to Psalms 81:12, Proverbs 6:25 and 1 Thessalonians.
4:5). The previous word comparison shows you that no mistake
has been made in distinguishing who the paleman (Canaanite) is.
That alone does not just make him a devil because there are also
black devils. The devil is in the genes of the Negroid through the
mixing of the seed. (Read Book #1 Are There Black Devils, by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°©TM, ISBN 1-59517-014-6,
distributed by Egipt Publishers) A gene is defined by The
American Heritage Dictionary, by the Editors of the American
Heritage Dictionary , ISBN 0-39582-51-72, Houghton Mifflin
Publishers as: “A hereditary unit that occupies a specific location
on a chromosome and determines a particular characteristic in an
organism”. We also have the blood of the Elohyeem “Gods,
Judges, Angels” within us that serves as an antidote to the venom
of Satan, Shaytaan, Devil that is also within us. Those who are bit-
ten by the beast, the serpent Leviathan and injected with his venom
can become black devils, those who will turn on their own to the
Don’t let him mislead you into thinking that he did not descend
from the cursed seed. The Negroid has always been a beautiful
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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race of people, full of Melanin. It is a known fact that the tone of
our Negroid skin is determined by a pigment that is called
Melanin. This Melanin is produced by cells in the Epidermis
called Melanocytes.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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appears to be, all genes in all creatures on this planet are black
because they are all coated with Melanin. Melanin also acts as a
filter to prevent damage to the delicate deeper layers of the skin, by
the penetration of Ultraviolet light, which is light “of or relating to
the range of invisible radiation wavelengths”. Melanin is one of
the basic sources of life needed for human existence.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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The Holy Bible, Genesis 3:15
(With Modern Hebrew Script)
awh herz Nybw Kerz Nybw hsah Nybw Knyb tysa hbyaw
bqe wnpwst htaw sar Kpwsy
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
bruise his heel.”
The King James Version of The Holy Bible
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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I repeat, there are also black devils, don't fool yourselves. They
Plate 94
The devil makes the loathsome disease called leprosy seem appealing,
yet Leviticus Chapter 13 describes these Canaanites as having leprosy
(Hansen's disease or Ham’s son’s disease); a not so appealing thing.
let Negroids in, and then they tear Negroids down, bit-by-bit,
piece- by-piece; they character assassinate Negroids. Never letting
Negroids die with an untarnished reputation. They have to take
Negroids apart before they die. And let’s not forget the color red.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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The Paleman "Caucasoid" makes you love the color red, every
thing in your house is red. With most Negroid women, that is the
only color they wear. Then he turns around and says "The Devil's
Color Is Red." can't you see his tricks? This is why the scriptures
are constantly warning us about the evil reptilian coming to deceive
you as a man (Genesis 3:13).
But one thing is for sure, the evil Reptilian (Ibliys, Shaytaan, etc.)
has already been tried; this is why the race of the malevolent beings
are called the guilty blue-eyed (The Noble’s Koran 21:02). Why
do you think the Elohyeem “Gods, Judges, Angels” gave you gold,
silver, platinum, diamonds, jade, emeralds, and oil? Why do you
think they were placed in Africa? Students of earth sciences will
tell you that Africa and oil rich Saudi Arabia were all one conti-
nent, just as it states in Revelation 18:12, and I quote: "The mer-
chandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and
of fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thine wood,
and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most pre-
cious wood, and of brass and iron, and marble." Simply stay out
of his pathof destruction by rejecting his image and his ways. We
are coming up slowly but steadily.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Afrika, Llaila O. Nutricide: The Nutritional Destruction of the
Black Race , ISBN# 1-88643-33-05, A&B Publishers Group,
Brooklyn, 1993 A.D.
Cheine, Anwar G. Islam and the West: The Moriscos, ISBN# 0-
87395-603-6, State University of New York Press, Albany
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Pinkham, Mark Amaru. The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom,
ISBN# 0-93281-357-8, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton,
1997 A.D.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
___________________Part One of Four ___________________
York-El, Dr. Malachi Z. Book #93 Does God and the Devil
Exist?, ISBN# 1-59517-057-X, Egipt Publishers, Athens,
York-El, Dr. Malachi Z. Book #174 El’s Holy Injiyl - The Book
of Revelation, ISBN# 1-59517-118-5, Egipt Publishers, Athens,
Georgia, 1996 A.D.
York-El, Dr. Malachi Z. Book #70 Let’s Talk About the End,
ISBN# 1-59517-069-3, Egipt Publishers, Athens, Georgia
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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York-El, Dr. Malachi Z. Book#15 Leviathan - 666, ISBN# 1-
59517-143-6, Egipt Publishers, Athens, Georgia, 1996 A.D.,
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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59517-133-9, Egipt Publishers, Athens, Georgia, 1997A.D.
York-El, Dr. Malachi Z. Book #83 Who Lived Before the Adam
and Eve Story?,ISBN# 1-59517-078-2, Egipt Publishers, Athens,
Georgia, 2002 A.D.,
York-El, Dr. Malachi Z. Book# 156 The Year 2000 A.D. And
What To Expect, ISBN#, 1-59517-078-2, Egipt Publishers,
Athens, Georgia, 1999 A.D.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Table of Plates
Plate 1 This is The Zapper that will be used as crowd
control 15
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Plate 14 Skeleton of a Morganucodon, an early mammal 63
Plate 18 A Meteor 79
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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in the Sistine Chapel painted by an Italian,
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564 A.D.) 125
Plate 33 These are the images that the Beast wants your
children to live in, the image of the Harlot (lust,
sex and greed) 141
Plate 34 Minister Louis Farrakhan (1933- still living) of
the now defunct Nation of Islam at the Million
Man March in October 1995 145
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Plate 41 Prince Charles (1948 A.D. - still living) 153
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Plate 58 “Godfather of Soul” James Brown with
Noble of Al Mahdi Shrine 180
Plate 67 The Prophet Noble Drew Ali (1883 -1929 A.D.) 183
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Plate 73 El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X)
(1925 - 1965 A.D.) 185
Plate 74 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968 A.D.) 185
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Plate 88 Tadpoles 310
Table of Figures
Figure 1 The Serpent on two feet 39
Figure 9 Dracos 55
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(2470 - 1870 B.C.E.) 128
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Figure 41 All the Negroid Leaders we didn’t mention 186
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Figure 56 Hildar, a Horite wife of Canaan 340
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Figure 74 Zaynab, wife of Hiwiy 343
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INDEX Amorite 211, 214, 383
Amun 67
18th Galaxy 208 Amunet 67
9 Ether 259-260, 264 Anath 246
Aaron 216, 290 Ankh 103, 259
Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud 147 Anti-Christ 252
Abdul Muttalib 151 Antioch 252
Abel 236, 244, 246-248, 274 Anu 40, 212, 225-227, 229,
Abraham 149, 186, 195, 218- 231-233, 244, 403
220, 293-294, 302, 307 ANUN.NA.QI 93-95, 130, 180,
Accad 211 210-211, 215-216, 229, 233,
Accadian 219, 236 242-244, 246-251, 261, 264,
Accadian, 236 275-278, 292, 295, 363
Adam 118, 127, 193, 233-237, Anunnaqi 233, 237, 287
241, 244, 246, 248-249, 256, Apollyon 14
274, 287, 292, 385 Apophis 230
Adamic 236 Aquarian Conspiracy 168
Adamites 233-234, 236-237, Aquarian Era 194
241, 248 Arabia 219
Adbeel 219 Arabs 149, 219, 302
Adrenal Gland 384 Aramean 219
Africa 203, 246, 388 Aramic 236
Ahmad 363 Arishkegal 236
Akumeem 113, 115, 127 Arkite 214
Al Shaytaan 209 Arkiy 215
Al-Abbas 151 Arnold Schwartznegger 196
Albinism 213 Arphaxad 220
Albino 377 Arvad 215
Algerians 149, 214 Arvadite 214
Alternative 2 21 Arward 350
America 195 Ashtoreth 230
American 385 Asians 376
American Indian 162 Asiatic Black Man 234, 237
Amor 214 Asiatics 220
Asshur 212
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Assyrians 212 Brotherhood of the Snake 6
Astara Order 6 Caananites 376
Atum 193, 237 Caesar 297
Avram 373 Caesars 98
Avram, Ibrahim, Abraham Cain 236, 240-241, 244, 246-
195-196 248, 274
Azaaziyl 323, 327 Cainites 233
B.E.T. 159 Calneh 212, 233
Baal 116 Canaan 34, 36, 98, 191-193,
Babylonia 300 196, 210, 212-215, 281-282,
Babylonian 299, 301 294, 304-305, 350, 373, 376-
Babylonian Empire 233 377, 382
Babylonian Talmud 301 Canaanite 192, 228, 377
Bali 235 Canis Minor 71
Balus 116 Carcass 376
Bar Jesus 259 Carl Clay 160
Barathary Gland 3, 248, 275, Carl Stokes 177
384 Carotid Body 384
Bashemath 219 Carthage 212, 214
Beast 39 Carthaginians 212
Beastiality 308 Casluhim 212
Beatles 168-169 Caucasians 19, 105, 306, 368,
Behemoth 69 373, 376-377
Belos 116 Caucasoid 194-195, 197, 199,
Bethuel 220 203, 213, 261-262, 265, 376
Beverly Heard 173 Caucasoids 22, 27, 33-34, 76,
Biggie Smalls 135 94, 110, 115-117, 119, 121, 129-
Bilhah 290 130, 132, 147, 153, 159, 195-
Bill Murray 160 196, 214, 259, 265, 272, 277,
Billie Holiday 178 282, 295, 306-307, 368, 373,
Bio-rhythm 202 376-377, 379-380
Black Canaanites 212 Caucasus Mountains 196, 305,
Black Panthers 134 350, 373
Blinding Effect 257 Caucus Mountians 195
Brotherhood of the Dragon 6 Central America 203
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Central Nervous System 384 Cynodonts 62
Chaldea 212 Cynognathus 62
Chaldean 219, 236 Dagon 72, 228-229
Cher 134 Dammuzi 361
Cherubeem 100 Damon Wayans 160
Chevy Chase 160 Dan Akroyd 160
Chief Judicial Council of the David Allen Grier 160
Supreme Courts 296 Dawg 228
Christianity 251 Day of Pentecost 277-279
Christism 254 Deceptive Effect 257
Clairvoyance 3 Demolay Society 6
Clarence Thomas 175 Destructive Effect 257
Claude Van Damme 196 Diabolos 292
Cleopatra 116-117, 160 Dick Cheney 11, 21
Cleophas Jesus 116 Dimetrodon 63, 69-70
Clone 199, 202 Dina 250
Clones 202 Dinoman 48
Cloning 199, 201, 203 Dinosaurs 40
Cog 18 Dirga 233
Colin Powell 158 Discrimination 329
Columbine High School 34 DNA structures 274
Condoleeza Rice 158 Dogir 209
Congressman Mel Reynolds Dogon 71
173 Dogons 72
Congresswoman Cynthia Dolph Lundgren 196
McKinney 159 Dr. Martin Luther King 158
Congresswoman Maxine Draco 40, 56, 58-59, 65, 74,
Waters 159 100, 208
Council of the Sanhedrin 296- Draconis 208
297 Dracos star constellation 40
Crystal City 82 Dracula 58, 74
Cuneiform 236, 280 Drago 208
Cush 211, 214, 217 Dragon 39
Cuth 233 Dumah 219
Cuthites 233, 240 Duplicates 202
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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E.DIN 50 Euro-Jew 301, 328
East Indian 235, 324, 374 Euro-Jews 297, 299-300, 303,
East Indians 235, 240, 376 362, 373
Eber 219 Europe 305
Eberites 219 European 385
Eddie Murphy 160 Europeans 201
Edom 220 Eve 50, 193, 236, 241, 244,
Edomite 130-131 246-248, 256, 274, 287
Edomites 220 Extraterrestrial biological
Egipt 229, 248 Entites 209
Egiptian 219 Ezra 299
Egiptians 203, 361 FEMA 13, 16
Egypt 295, 361 Flugelrods 374
Elisha 216 Forrest Whitaker 160
Elizabeth Taylor 134 Free Mental Activity 273
Emperor Constantine 127 Frightening Effect 257
EN.QI 40 Gabriel 361
Enki 74 Gamaliel 299
Enlil 74, 102, 230-233, 244- Ganawa 246
245, 403 Gargoyles 56
Enoch 101, 151, 202, 221, 240- Garrett Morris 160
241, 245, 370, 392 Gautama Buddha 117
Enos 228, 241-242, 248-249, Gehazi 216
274 Gemara 299
Enosite 274-275 Gemini Constellation 78
Enosites 233, 241-242, 246, genocide 329
249, 274 Gentile 282, 301
Enqi 102, 230-233, 236, 244- Gentiles 281-282, 301
245, 403 George Bush Jr 199
Equinox 191-193, 236 George H.W. Bush 22
Erech 211 George W. Bush 21
Esau 130, 220, 244 George W. Bush Jr. 11
Ethiopia 297 Gergesenes 197
Ethnos 281 German 294
Euphrates 219 Gestation 311
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Ghibbore 211 Hebrews 219, 297
Gilda Radner 160 Heh 67
Girgash 196, 214 Hehet 67
Girgasite 214 Hemophilia 58, 377
Girgisheans 196 Hemophiliacs 265
Gog 18-20 Herod 298
Gomorrah 215 Herod the Great 131
Goyeem 113, 115, 127 Heth 214, 281, 350
Grand Dragon 74 Hildar 196, 350, 373
Grand Wizard 74 Hindi 236
Greece 374 Hindu 251, 324
Greek 199, 210, 268, 282, 292, Hitarah 373
301 Hittites 281
Gregor Johann Mendel 213 Hivite 214, 281-282, 290
Greys 72 Hivites 281
Grotto 374 Hiviy 215
Guardians 6 Holy Seed 212, 218-219, 221,
Haam 211 256-259, 264-265, 269, 282,
Hadar 219 361
Hadith 300 Holy Spirit 278
Hagar 219 Homo Erectus 192
Haiti 203 Hopis 203
Halaabeans 374 Horite 350
Haliyma 191, 213-214 Hudlin Brothers 160
Halle Berry 160 Hughes Brothers 160
Ham 109, 210, 213-215, 218- Humans 66
219, 373, 376 Humbaba 229
Hamath 212, 215, 350 Hu-shen 153
Hamathite 214 Hypsilophodon 53
Hamathites 212 Iblis 116
Hammurabi 308 Ibliys 292, 325, 388
Hamor 290 Ichthyosaurus 52
Hansen’s Disease 372 Idumean 298
Haylal 190, 210 Illuminati 6
Heart 384 Illyuwn 2
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Image Of The Beast 129, 133 Jesus Justus 116
Imhotep 195 Jetur 219
India 203 Jewish 362
India Arie 140 Jewish Reformation 298
Indonesia 235 Jim Bakker 297
Intuition 3 Jim Carrey 160
Ionians 210 Jimmy Swaggart 297
Iraq 211 Jinn 323
Iris 210, 282 John Belushi 160
Isaac 220, 244 John Lennon 168
Ishmael 219 John Singleton 160
Ishtar 230, 244, 250 John son of Zebedee 18, 96
Isis 361 Joktan 219
Islam 300 Jonah 305
Isles Of Pelion 374 Josephus ben Pandera 361
Israel 298 Judah 221, 290
Israelite Tribe 289 Judahites 300-301
Israelites 295, 302 Judas 96
Issachar 221 Kadmon 193
Jaan 323 Kadmonite 246
Jacob 112, 130, 220, 244, 289- Kedar 146, 219
290 Kedemah 219
Jacobites 296-297, 299 Keenan Ivory Wayans 160
James 96 Kek 67
James Brown 179 Keket 67
Jamie Foxx 160 Kenneth Gibson 177
Japheth 210, 281 Khaliyfah 385
JASONSOCIETY 6 Khanaas 229
Javan 210, 281 Khudri 218
Jebus 214, 373 Kim Coles 160
Jebusite 214 Kim Wayans 160
Jebusites 290, 294, 296-297, KIN.GUB 50, 52, 246
299, 301 King James I 105
Jesse L. Jackson 158 Kingu 192, 249
Jesuits 6 Knights of Columbus 5
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Knights of the Ku Klux Klan 6 Madame Blatavasky 117
Komodo dragon 39, 308 Madonna 134
Koran 362 Magog 18-20
Krishna 251 Magus 259
KRS-One 137 Mahalath 219
Land of Canaan 294 Malcolm X 158
Last Supper 114 Maldek 230
Laurence Fishburne 160 Maldekians 208
Law of Nimrod 308 Marcus Garvey 161
Le Serpent Rouge 6 Marilyn Monroe 168
Lebanon 212-213 Mario Van Peebles 160
Leo constellation 79 Mark Anthony 116
Leonard De Vinci 111, 114 Markabian 48
Leprosy 372 Mary 259, 264, 361
Levi 289-290 Mass Media 273
Leviathan 24, 190, 192, 207, Massa 219
214, 218, 228, 245, 249-250, Mayor Marion S. Barry Jr.
256-258, 262, 265, 270-273, 176
283, 289, 308, 383 Mayor Shirley Franklin 159
Leviathans 229 Mayor Tom Bradley 177
Levites 289-290 Mediterranean Sea 212
Libana 350, 372-373 Megazostrodon 63
Libyans 214 Melanin 377, 383-385
Lillith 193 Melanin. 384
Lizard 74 Melanism 384
Lucifer 112, 223, 283, 323 Melanocyte 384
Luciferian 283 Melanocyte Stimulating
Luciferian Conspiracy 38, 256 Hormone 384
Luciferians 143, 157, 208, 223, Melanocytes 384
228-229, 283 Melchizedek 102
Luke Skyywalker 139 Mibsam 219
Lulu Amelu 237 Michael 35, 74, 76, 100
Luna 223, 235 Michael Jackson 189, 337
Luther Campbell 139 Michael 225
Luther Vandross 137 Michelangelo 122, 127, 133
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Michelangelo Buonarroti 114 Muslims 302, 361-362
Mike Tyson 174 Mylitta 287
Mike Tyson, 175 Mystery Harlot 330
Milkani 218 Naana 250
Milky way 208 Naatas 208
Millennium 6 Nahor 220
Min Al Kaafireena 323 Nakhash 74, 225, 228, 287,
Minister Louis Farrakhan 145 292, 325
Miriam 216, 218 Nakhashites 229
Mishma 219 Nammu 247
Mishnah 295, 299 Naphish 219
Mitochondrial DNA 215 Nat King Cole 178
Mitre 298 Native Americans 153
Mizraim 212, 214 Native American 162
Mizraimite 219 Nazi Party 6
Mongoloid 220, 376 Nebajoth 219
Monodappa 237 Negroid 207, 210-212, 214,
Moon cycle 191-193, 327 216, 218-219, 261, 281-282,
Moon God 250 294-295, 297, 350, 373, 377,
Moors 213 383
Morganucodon 62 Negroids 194-195, 212-213,
Mosaic Law 298 234, 265, 295, 376, 386
Moses 112, 216-218, 264, 270, Nergal 233, 236
290, 295-296 Neteraat 229
Mosesism 254 Neutranoid 140
Mt. Sinai 295 New World Order 8, 12, 17,
Muhammad 151, 219, 265, 363 19, 89
Muhammad Duse Ali 161 New York City 337
Muhammadans 250, 300 Nibiru 40, 71, 80, 83, 203
Muhammadism 254 Nimrod 211
Murdoq 74, 226 Nine Ether 97
Murduk 225-226 Ninth Hour 259
Muse 134 Nirvana 235, 324
Music 167 Nixon 17
Musiq Soulchild 140 Noah 117, 120, 122, 128-129,
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150-151, 210-211, 213-214, 252, 258-260, 269, 283, 286,
218-221, 264, 281, 333, 337, 297, 299-301
352, 370-371, 376, 380, 401- Paulism 258
402, 405, 407 PCP 3
Nod 240 Pelan 374
NU.DIM.MUD 40, 230-231, Peleg 220
233 Pennsylvania 270
Nubia 297 Pentacostalists 279
Nummos 72 Pentacostals 279
Nun 67 Pharisees 293-297, 299-302
Nunet 67 Philadelphia Experiment 193
Nuwaubians 203 Philistim 212
Nuwaubu 4 Philistine 228
Nuwaupic 280 Phoebe 227
O.J. Simpson 189 Phoenicia 212-213, 230
Odd Fellows 6 Phoenician 212
Ogdoads 67 Phoenicians 212
Olmecs 153 Phut 214
One World Order 10, 156-157 Pied Piper 135
Open Friendly Secret Society Pineal Gland 384
6 Piscean Era 194
Ophiacadon 63 Pituitary Gland 384
Order of Luciferians 6 Pleiades 201
Order of Sin 247 Pope 134
Order of Sion “Zion” 6 Procyon 324
Order of the Quest 6 Prophecy fulfilled 196, 225
Orientals 220 Psychometry 3
Orion 208 Ptah 246
Osama Bin Laden 147 Ptahite 246
Osiris 40, 231, 361 Raasi 216, 218
Ottoman Arabs 246 Racism 328-329
Ovulation 311 Raelians 207
Palestinians 213 Raphali 237
Pan 135 Rebekah 220
Paul 94-97, 104, 126-127, 251- Reformer 191
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Religion 250-251 Salha 350, 373
Remus 308 Sammy Davis Jr 179
Reptilian 53, 66, 208-209, 225, Sammy Davis, Jr 178
328, 337, 386, 388 Sananda 361
Reptilian humanoid 51 Sanhedrin 296
Reptilians 40, 54, 72-73, 157, Sanhedrin Council 298
208-209, 229 Sanskrit 251
Reu 220 Sardius 225
Reuben 290 Satan 191, 209, 323, 325, 329,
Rev. Jesse Jackson 175 331
Rev. John Bathrust Deane 201 Satanas 210
Revolutionary Cycle 192 Satanic Order 6
Rhodesia 237 Satanists 229
Right Knowledge 191, 260, Saturn 223, 227, 229
262-263 Saturnalia 229
Right Overstanding 191, 260, Saudi Arabia 388
262 Scroll and Key 6
Right Reasoning 191, 260 Secrets of the Ages 6
Right Wisdom 191, 260, 262 Segregation, 329
Rizq 2 Serapheem 100
Robert Townsend 160 Serpent 210, 256, 265
Roman 302 Serpent people 208
Roman Empire 296 Serpent race 209
Romans 227, 298, 303, 362 Serug 220
Rome 229, 296-297, 308 Seth 121, 210, 235, 237, 240-
Romulus 308 241, 246-248, 274
Ronald Wilson Reagan 12 Sethites 241
Rosicrucians 6 Seven Plagues 80, 203
Rumardian 320 Seven Thunders 80
Rumardians 50, 60, 72, 319- Seventh Seal 194
320 Shaatan 323
Rylo 7 203 Shadow Government 11, 17
S.S. 6 Shakir 214
Sadducees 296-298, 300 Shawn Wayans 160
Salah 220 Shaytaan 191, 201, 308, 323,
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327, 385, 388 Subliminal 329
Shechem 290 Subliminal Seduction 163,
Shem 129, 210-211, 218-220 165, 273
Shen 102 Subliminal Suggestion 329-
Shiloh 363 330
Shingarah 373 Sumeria 229, 361
Silas 258 Sumerian 229-230, 233-234,
Simon 289-290 236-237, 240, 245-247, 249,
Simon Bar Jesus 259 350
Sin 250 Sumerians 212, 361
Sinite 214 Sun Cycle 24, 191-192, 194,
Siniy 215 260
Sistine Chapel 132 Sun of Righteousness 260
Six Ether 97, 99, 223, 258-260, Sutukh 40, 231
264 Syretic 236
Sixth Hour 259-260 Syria 215
Skull and Bone 6 Syrian 219-220
Slavery 329 Syrians 212
Snoop Doggy Dogg 137 T.H.E.L 226
Sodom 215 Taaghuwt 323
Solomon 271 Talmud 295, 299-301
South Africa 237 TAM.MUZ 87, 93-96, 98-99,
Southern Africa 237 103, 114, 120, 124, 129, 144,
Spell Of Kingu 4, 92, 180, 266 186
Spell of Leviathan 38, 91-92, Tama-Re 27, 40
134, 156, 165, 180, 266-267 Tammuz 234, 245, 249, 361
Spell of Sleep 134 Taniyn 308
Spell of The Dollar Bill 92, 134 Tarnush 225-226, 287
Spike Lee 160 Tau 102, 104
Spirit forces 99 Tavistock 168
St. Germain 117 Tavistock Institute For
State Of Israel 226 Human Relations 169
Stenonychosaurus 50 Telepathy 3
Stenonychosaurus Inequalis Tema 219
40, 45 Temple of Solomon 300
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Ten Commandments 270 Ultraviolet light 385
Tents of Judah 127 Underground Government 11
Tents of Judah 221 United States 226
Terah 220 V.H.1 159
The Cave of Treasures 248 Vatican 6
The Council of the Sanhedrin Walter Washington 177
297 Watergate 17
The Honorable: Elijah Wisemen 143
Muhammad 314 World Trade Center 14, 16
Therapsid 62 Yaanuwn 2
Thessaly 374 Yaaquub 374
Thomas Hobbes 5 Yamassee 203
Three Reptilian Men 258 Yaqov 112
Thrones 102 Yashu’a 18, 96, 98-99, 111,
Thymus Gland, Parathyroid 114-115, 118, 120, 122, 124,
384 126-127, 129, 131, 133, 144,
Thyroid Gland 384 176, 186
Tigris 219 Yoruba 279
Tillu Laser Gun 225 Yubin 214
Tillu Weapon 225 ZAHRA 324
Titan 223, 225, 227 Zakar 193
Titus 258 Zemar 215
Tommy Davidson 160 Zemarite 214
Trans-Europe Express 167 Zeus 115, 134
Transylvania 167 Zimbabwe 237
Tribe of Judah 129, 221, 256, Zoser 195-196
261, 269, 278-279, 282, 294, Zuen 210, 230, 233, 244-245
297, 301, 361, 382 Zulu 237
Tribe of Levi 289, 297-298
Trichina worms 196
Truth 263
Tupac Shakur 135
Twin Towers 14
Ugaric 236
Ugarit 219, 236