Chap 4 PDF
Chap 4 PDF
Chap 4 PDF
amperage range
arc length
cellulose-based fluxes
chill plate
electrode angle
lap joint
mineral-based fluxes
rutile-based fluxes
square butt joint
stringer bead
tee joint
weave pattern
Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), or stick welding, is the most often
used method of joining plate. This method provides a high temperature and
concentration of heat, which allow a small molten weld pool to be built up
quickly. The addition of filler metal from the electrode adds reinforcement
and increases the strength of the weld. SMAW can be performed on almost
any type of metal 1/8 in. (3 mm) thick or thicker. A minimum of equipment
is required, and it can be portable.
High-quality welds can be consistently produced on almost any type of
metal and in any position. The quality of the welds produced depends
largely upon the skill of the welder. Developing the necessary skill level
requires practice. However, practicing the welds repeatedly without
changing techniques will not aid in developing the required skills. Each
time a weld is completed it should be evaluated, and then a change
should be made in the technique to improve the next weld.
66 Section 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
(25 mm)
(19 mm)
Shielded Metal Arc Welding Safety
Using a welding work station, welding machine, weld-
ing electrodes, welding helmet, eye and ear protection,
welding gloves, proper work clothing, and any special pro-
tective clothing that may be required, demonstrate, to your
instructor and other students, the safe way to prepare your-
self and the welding work station for welding. Include in
your demonstration appropriate references to burn protec-
tion, eye and ear protection, material specification data
sheets, ventilation, electrical safety, general work clothing,
special protective clothing, and area clean-up.
Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report” listed
in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
Striking the Arc
Using a properly set up and adjusted arc welding
machine, the proper safety protection, as demonstrated in
F IGURE 4-2 Striking the arc. Photo courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
Practice 4-1, E6011 welding electrodes having a 1/8-in.
(3-mm) diameter, and one piece of mild steel plate, 1/4-in.
(6-mm) thick, you will practice striking an arc, Figure 4-1.
With the electrode held over the plate, lower your hel- desired size. Slowly lower the electrode as it burns off and
met. Scratch the electrode across the plate (like striking a move it forward to start the bead.
large match), Figure 4-2. As the arc is established, slightly If the electrode sticks to the plate, quickly squeeze the
raise the electrode to the desired arc length. Hold the arc electrode holder lever to release the electrode. Break the
in one place until the molten weld pool builds to the electrode free by bending it back and forth a few times. Do
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 67
Practice starting the arc until you can start it within
Striking the Arc Accurately 1/4 in. (6 mm) of the desired location. Turn off the weld-
Using the same materials and setup as described in ing machine and clean up your work area when you are
Experiment 4-1, you will start the arc at a specific spot in finished welding.
order to prevent damage to the surrounding plate. Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report”
Hold the electrode over the desired starting point. After listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
lowering your helmet, swiftly bounce the electrode
against the plate, Figure 4-4. A lot of practice is required Effect of Too High or Too Low
to develop the speed and skill needed to prevent the elec-
trode from sticking to the plate. Current Settings
A more accurate method of starting the arc involves Each welding electrode must be operated in a particular
holding the electrode steady by resting it on your free hand current (amperage) range, Table 4-1. Welding with the cur-
like a pool cue. The electrode is rapidly pushed forward so rent set too low results in poor fusion and poor arc stability,
that it strikes the metal exactly where it should. This is an Figure 4-5. The weld may have slag or gas inclusions
excellent method of striking an arc. Striking an arc in an because the molten weld pool was not fluid long enough for
incorrect spot may cause damage to the base metal. the flux to react. Little or no penetration of the weld into the
Electrode Classification
F IGURE 4-6 Welding with too high an amperage. F IGURE 4-7 Hard weld spatter fused to base metal.
Courtesy of Larry Jeffus. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
base plate may also be evident. With the current set too low,
the arc length is very short. A very short arc length results in
frequent shortening and sticking of the electrode.
The core wire of the welding electrode is limited in the
amount of current it can carry. As the current is increased,
the wire heats up because of electrical resistance. This pre-
heating of the wire causes some of the chemicals in the cov-
ering to be burned out too early, Figure 4-6. The loss of the
proper balance of elements causes poor arc stability. This
condition leads to spatter, porosity, and slag inclusions.
An increase in the amount of spatter is also caused by
a longer arc. The weld bead made at a high amperage set-
ting is wide and flat with deep penetration. The spatter is
excessive and is mostly hard. The spatter is called hard
because it fuses to the base plate and is difficult to remove,
Figure 4-7. The electrode covering is discolored more
than 1/8 in. (3 mm) to 1/4 in. (6 mm) from the end of the
electrode. Extremely high settings may also cause the
electrode to discolor, crack, glow red, or burn.
Effects of Amperage Changes
on a Weld Bead
For this experiment, you will need an arc welding
machine, welding gloves, safety glasses, welding helmet,
appropriate clothing, E6011 welding electrodes having a
1/8-in. (3-mm) diameter, and one piece of mild steel plate,
1/4 in. (6 mm) to 1/2 in. (13 mm) thick. You will observe
what happens to the weld bead when the amperage set-
F IGURE 4-8 Weld before cleaning and after cleaning.
tings are raised and lowered. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
Starting with the machine set at approximately 90 A
AC or DCRP, strike an arc and make a weld 1 in. (25 mm)
long. Break the arc. Raise the current setting by 10 A, Cool and chip the plate, comparing the different
strike an arc, and make another weld 1 in. (25 mm) long. welds for width, buildup, molten weld pool size, spatter,
Repeat this procedure until the machine amperage is set slag removal, and penetration, Figure 4-8 (A) and (B). In
at the maximum value. addition, compare the electrode stubs. Turn off the
Replace the electrode and reset the machine to 90 A. welding machine and clean up your work area when you
Make a weld 1 in. (25 mm) long. Stop and lower the cur- are finished welding.
rent setting by 10 A. Repeat this procedure until the Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report”
machine amperage is set at a minimum value. listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 69
F IGURE 4-9 The effect on the shape of the molten weld F IGURE 4-10 Welding with too short an arc length.
pool caused by the heat input. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
70 Section 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
F IGURE 4-13 The arc may jump to the closest metal,
reducing root penetration.
F IGURE 4-11 Welding with too long an arc length.
Courtesy of Larry Jeffus. See SMAW video series.
Effect of Changing the Arc Length
on a Weld
Using an arc welding machine, welding gloves, safety
glasses, welding helmet, appropriate clothing, E6011
welding electrodes having a 1/8-in. (3-mm) diameter, and
TOUCHES BASE METAL one piece of mild steel plate, 1/4 in. (6 mm) to 1/2 in. (13
mm) thick, you will observe the effect of changing the arc
length on a weld.
Starting with the welding machine set at approximately
90 A AC or DCRP, strike an arc and make a weld 1 in.
(25 mm) long. Continue welding while slowly increasing
the arc length until the arc is broken. Restart the arc and
F IGURE 4-12 Welding with a drag technique. make another weld 1 in. (25 mm) long. Welding should
Courtesy of Larry Jeffus. again be continued while slowly shortening the arc length
until the arc stops. Quickly break the electrode free from
Some welding electrodes, such as E7024, have a thick the plate, or release the electrode by squeezing the lever on
flux covering. The rate at which the covering melts is slow the electrode holder.
enough to permit the electrode coating to be rested Cool and chip both welds. Compare both welding
against the plate. The arc burns back inside the covering beads for width, reinforcement, uniformity, spatter, and
as the electrode is dragged along touching the joint, appearance. Turn off the welding machine and clean up
Figure 4-12. For this type of welding electrode, the arc your work area when you are finished welding.
length is maintained by the electrode covering. Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report” listed
An arc will jump to the closest metal conductor. On in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
joints that are deep or narrow, the arc is pulled to one side
and not to the root, Figure 4-13. As a result, the root Electrode Angle
fusion is reduced or may be nonexistent, thus causing a
The electrode angle is measured from the electrode
poor weld. If a very short arc is used, the arc is forced into
to the surface of the metal. The term used to identify the
the root for better fusion.
electrode angle is affected by the direction of travel,
Because shorter arcs produce less heat and penetration,
generally leading or trailing, Figure 4-14. The relative
they are best suited for use on thin metal or thin-to-thick
angle is important because there is a jetting force blow-
metal joints. Using this technique, metal as thin as 16 gauge
ing the metal and flux from the end of the electrode to
can be arc welded easily. Higher amperage settings are
the plate.
required to maintain a short arc that gives good fusion with
a minimum of slag inclusions. The higher settings, however, Leading Angle A leading electrode angle pushes
must be within the amperage range for the specific electrode. molten metal and slag ahead of the weld, Figure 4-15.
Finding the correct arc length often requires some trial When welding in the flat position, caution must be taken
and adjustment. Most welding jobs require an arc length to prevent cold lap and slag inclusions. The solid metal
of 1/8 in. (3 mm) to 3/8 in. (10 mm), but this distance ahead of the weld cools and solidifies the molten filler
varies. It may be necessary to change the arc length when metal and slag before they can melt the solid metal. This
welding to adjust for varying welding conditions. rapid cooling prevents the metals from fusing together,
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 71
The “T” pattern works well with fillet welds in the ver-
tical (3F) and overhead (4F) positions, Figure 4-26. It
also can be used for deep groove welds for the hot pass.
The top of the “T” can be used to fill in the toe of the weld
to prevent undercutting.
The straight step pattern can be used for stringer beads,
root pass welds, and multiple pass welds in all positions.
For this pattern, the smallest quantity of metal is molten NO METAL
at one time as compared to other patterns. Therefore, the WAS DEPOSITED
weld is more easily controlled. At the same time that the
electrode is stepped forward, the arc length is increased so
that no metal is deposited ahead of the molten weld pool, F IGURE 4-28 The electrode does not deposit metal or melt
Figure 4-27 and Figure 4-28. This action allows the the base metal. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
molten weld pool to cool to a controllable size. In addi-
tion, the arc burns off any paint, oil, or dirt from the metal
before it can contaminate the weld. These patterns deposit a large quantity of metal at one
The figure 8 pattern and the zigzag pattern are used as time. A shelf can be used to support the molten weld pool
cover passes in the flat and vertical positions. Do not when making vertical welds using either of these patterns,
weave more than 2 1/2 times the width of the electrode. Figure 4-29.
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 75
F IGURE 4-29 Using the shelf to support the molten pool Students will find it easier to start with butt joints. The
for vertical welds. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus. lap, tee, and outside corner joints are all about the same
level of difficulty.
Starting with the flat position allows the welder to
Positioning of the Welder build skills slowly, so that out-of-position welds become
easier to do. The horizontal tee and lap welds are almost
and the Plate as easy to make as the flat welds. Overhead welds are as
The welder should be in a relaxed, comfortable posi- simple to make as vertical welds, but they are harder to
tion before starting to weld. A good position is important position. Horizontal butt welds are more difficult to per-
for both the comfort of the welder and the quality of the form than most other welds.
welds. Welding in an awkward position can cause welder
fatigue, which leads to poor welder coordination and Electrodes Arc welding electrodes used for practice
poor-quality welds. Welders must have enough freedom welds are grouped into three filler metal (F number) classes
of movement so that they do not need to change position according to their major welding characteristics. The groups
during a weld. Body position changes should be made are E6010 and E6011, E6012 and E6013, and E7016 and
only during electrode changes. E7018.
When the welding helmet is down, the welder is blind
F3 E6010 and E6011 Electrodes
to the surroundings. Due to the arc, the field of vision of
the welder is also very limited. These factors often cause Both of these electrodes have cellulose-based fluxes. As
the welder to sway. To stop this swaying, the welder a result, these electrodes have a forceful arc with little slag
should lean against or hold on to a stable object. When left on the weld bead.
welding, even if a welder is seated, touching a stable
object will make that welder more stable and will make F2 E6012 and E6013 Electrodes
welding more relaxing. These electrodes have rutile-based fluxes, giving a
Welding is easier if the welder can find the most com- smooth, easy arc with a thick slag left on the weld bead.
fortable angle. The welder should be in either a seated or a
standing position in front of the welding table. The welding F4 E7016 and E7018 Electrodes
machine should be turned off. With an electrode in place in Both of these electrodes have a mineral-based flux. The
the electrode holder, the welder can draw a straight line resulting arc is smooth and easy, with a very heavy slag
along the plate to be welded. By turning the plate to several left on the weld bead.
different angles, the welder should be able to determine The cellulose- and rutile-based groups of electrodes have
which angle is most comfortable for welding, Figure 4-30. characteristics that make them the best electrodes for start-
ing specific welds. The electrodes with the cellulose-based
fluxes do not have heavy slags that may interfere with the
Practice Welds welder’s view of the weld. This feature is an advantage for flat
Practice welds are grouped according to the type of tee and lap joints. Electrodes with the rutile-based fluxes
joint and the type of welding electrode. The welder or (giving an easy arc with low spatter) are easier to control and
instructor should select the order in which the welds are are used for flat stringer beads and butt joints.
made. The stringer beads should be practiced first in each Unless a specific electrode has been required by a
position before the welder tries the different joints in each Welding Procedure Specification (WPS), welders can
position. Some time can be saved by starting with the select what they consider to be the best electrode for a
stringer beads. If this is done, it is not necessary to cut or specific weld. Without a WPS a recommendation can
tack the plate together, and a number of beads can be be made and should be tried, but often the welder has
made on the same plate. the final choice. An accomplished welder can make
76 Section 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
F IGURE 4-31 Porosity is found on the starting tab where it F IGURE 4-33 New welders frequently see only the arc and
will not affect the weld. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus. sparks from the electrode. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
F IGURE 4-32 Stringer bead. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus. F IGURE 4-34 More experienced welders can see the
molten pool, metal being transferred across the arc, and
penetration into the base metal. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
defect-free welds on all types of joints using all types of
electrodes in any weld position.
Electrodes with mineral-based fluxes should be the last the surrounding plate, Figure 4-34. Often, at this skill level,
choice. Welds with a good appearance are more easily made the welder may not even notice the arc.
with these electrodes, but strong welds are hard to obtain. A straight weld is easily made once the welder develops
Without special care being taken during the start of the the ability to view the entire welding zone. The welder
weld, porosity will be formed in the weld. Figure 4-31 will occasionally glance around to ensure that the weld is
shows a starting tab used to prevent this porosity from straight. In addition, it can be noted if the weld is uniform
becoming part of the finished weld. More information on and free from defects. The ability of the welder to view the
electrode selection can be found in Chapter 18. entire weld area is demonstrated by making consistently
straight and uniform stringer beads.
After making practice stringer beads, a variety of
Stringer Beads weave bead patterns should be practiced to gain the
A straight weld bead on the surface of a plate, with little ability to control the molten weld pool when welding
or no side-to-side electrode movement, is known as a out-of-position.
stringer bead. Stringer beads are used by students to practice
maintaining arc length, weave patterns, and electrode angle
so that their welds will be straight, uniform, and free from PRACTICE 4-2
defects. Stringer beads, Figure 4-32, are also used to set the Straight Stringer Beads in the Flat
machine amperage and for buildup or surfacing applications.
Position Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes,
The stringer bead should be straight. A beginning welder
needs time to develop the skill of viewing the entire welding E6012 or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or
area. At first, the welder sees only the arc, Figure 4-33. With E7018 Electrodes
practice, the welder begins to see parts of the molten weld Using a properly set up and adjusted arc welding
pool. After much practice, the welder will see the molten machine, proper safety protection, as demonstrated in
weld pool (front, back, and both sides), slag, buildup, and Practice 4-1, arc welding electrodes with a 1/8-in. (3mm)
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 77
diameter, and one piece of mild steel plate, 6 in. (152 mm)
long 1/4 in. (6 mm) thick, you will make straight
stringer beads.
■ Starting at one end of the plate, make a straight
weld the full length of the plate. TRAVEL
■ Watch the molten weld pool at this point, not the SPEED
end of the electrode. As you become more skillful, CORRECT
it is easier to watch the molten weld pool. SHELF SIZE
■ Repeat the beads with all three (F) groups of elec-
Stringer Beads in the Vertical Up Position F IGURE 4-36 E7018 vertical up weld. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
Horizontal Stringer Beads Using E6010
or E6011 Electrodes, E6012 or E6013
WELD Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018
Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as
listed in Practice 4-2, you will make horizontal stringer
beads on a plate.
F IGURE 4-35 Once the 45° angle is mastered, the plate When the welder begins to practice the horizontal
angle is increased successively until a vertical position (90°) stringer bead, the plate may be reclined slightly, Figure
is reached. 4-37. This placement allows the welder to build the
78 Section 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
required skill by practicing the correct techniques suc- Square Butt Joint
cessfully. The “J” weave pattern is suggested for this prac- The square butt joint is made by tack welding two
tice. As the electrode is drawn along the straight back of flat pieces of plate together, Figure 4-39. The space
the “J,” metal is deposited. This metal supports the between the plates is called the root opening or root
molten weld pool, resulting in a bead with a uniform con- gap. Changes in the root opening will affect penetra-
tour, Figure 4-38. tion. As the space increases, the weld penetration also
Angling the electrode up and back toward the weld increases. The root opening for most butt welds will
causes more metal to be deposited along the top edge of vary from 0 in. (0 mm) to 1/8 in. (3 mm). Excessively
the weld. Keeping the bead small allows the surface ten- large openings can cause burn-through or a cold lap at
sion to hold the molten weld pool in place. the weld root, Figure 4-40.
F IGURE 4-40 Effect of root opening on weld penetration.
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 79
After a butt weld is completed, the plate can be cut apart PRACTICE 4-5
so it can be used for rewelding. The strips for butt welding
should be no smaller than 1 in. (25 mm) wide. If they are Welded Square Butt Joint in the Flat
too narrow, there will be a problem with heat buildup. Position (1G) Using E6010 or E6011
If the plate strips are no longer flat after the weld has Electrodes, E6012 or E6013 Electrodes,
been cut out, they can be tack welded together and flat-
and E7016 or E7018 Electrodes
tened with a hammer, Figure 4-41.
Using a properly set up and adjusted arc welding
machine, proper safety protection, arc welding electrodes
having a 1/8-in. (3-mm) diameter, and two or more pieces
of mild steel plate, 6 in. (152 mm) long 1/4 in. (6 mm)
thick, you will make a welded square butt joint in the flat
position, Figure 4-42.
WELD Tack weld the plates together and place them flat on
the welding table. Starting at one end, establish a molten
weld pool on both plates. Hold the electrode in the molten
weld pool until it flows together, Figure 4-43. After the
gap is bridged by the molten weld pool, start weaving the
ANVIL electrode slowly back and forth across the joint. Moving
the electrode too quickly from side to side may result in
slag being trapped in the joint, Figure 4-44.
Continue the weld along the 6-in. (152-mm) length
of the joint. Normally, deep penetration is not required
for this type of weld. If full plate penetration is required,
F IGURE 4-41 After the plates are tack welded together, the edges of the butt joint should be beveled or a larger
they can be forced into alignment by striking them with a than normal root gap should be used. Cool, chip, and
hammer. inspect the weld for uniformity and soundness. Repeat
(152 mm)
(38 mm)
(38 mm)
(A) F IGURE 4-44 Moving the electrode from side to side too
quickly can result in slag being trapped between the plates.
Courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
plates, Figure 4-45. Build the bead size slowly so that the
molten weld pool has a shelf for support. The “C,” “J,” or
ARC STRIKE square weave pattern works well for this joint.
BEING WELDED As the electrode is moved up the weld, the arc is
OVER lengthened slightly so that little or no metal is deposited
ahead of the molten weld pool. When the electrode is
brought back into the molten weld pool, it should be low-
ered to deposit metal, Figure 4-46.
As skill is developed, increase the plate angle until it is
vertical. Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity
(B) and defects. Repeat the welds with all three (F) groups of
F IGURE 4-43 (A) After the arc is established, hold it in one electrodes until you can consistently make welds free of
area long enough to establish the size of molten weld pool defects. Turn off the welding machine and clean up your
desired. (B) Weld back over the arc strike to melt it into work area when you are finished welding.
the weld. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus. See SMAW video series. Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report”
listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
the welds as needed to master all three (F) groups of Welded Horizontal (2G) Square Butt Weld
electrodes in this position. Turn off the welding mach-
ine and clean up your work area when you are finished
Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, E6012
welding. or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018
Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report” Electrodes
listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆ Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as
described in Practice 4-5, you will make a welded hori-
zontal square butt joint.
PRACTICE 4-6 ■ Start practicing these welds with the plate at a slight
E6012 or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or molten weld pool until it bridges the gap.
E7018 Electrodes If the weld is started on the top plate, slag will be
Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as trapped in the root at the beginning of the weld because
listed in Practice 4-5, you will make vertical up-welded of poor initial penetration. The slag may cause the weld to
square butt joints. crack when it is placed in service.
With the plates at a 45° angle, start at the bottom and The “J” weave pattern is recommended in order to
make the molten weld pool bridge the gap between the deposit metal on the lower plate so that it can support
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 81
(152 mm)
45° *
1" 1"
1 1
Edge Joint in the Horizontal Position
Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, E6012
or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018
F IGURE 4-53 Watch the trailing edge of the weld pool to Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as
judge the correct travel speed. listed in Practice 4-8, you will make a horizontal weld on
an edge joint. When you begin to practice the horizontal
weld, the plate may be reclined slightly, Figure 4-54. This
This technique is the same as that used to make verti- placement allows the welder to build the required skill by
cal up welds. However, a lower level of skill is required at practicing the correct techniques successfully. The “J”
45°, and it is easier to develop your skill. After you master weave or stepped pattern is suggested for this practice. As
the 45° angle, the angle is increased successively until a the electrode is drawn back to the back edge of the weld
vertical position is reached, Figure 4-52. pool, metal is deposited. Use the metal being deposited to
Before the molten metal drips down the bead, the back support the molten weld pool.
of the molten weld pool will start to bulge, Figure 4-53. Angling the electrode up and back toward the weld
When this happens, increase the speed of travel and the causes more metal to be deposited along the top edge of
weave pattern. the weld. Keeping the bead small allows the surface ten-
■ Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity and sion to hold the molten weld pool in place.
defects. Gradually increase the angle of the plate until it and the
■ Repeat the welds as needed with all three (F) weld bead are horizontal.
groups of electrodes until you can consistently ■ Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity and
make welds free of defects. Turn off the welding defects.
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 85
Edge Joint in the Overhead Position Using
E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, E6012 or E6013
Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018 Electrodes
Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as ELECTRODE
listed in Practice 4-8, you will make an overhead weld on
an edge joint.
■ With the electrode pointed in a slightly trailing
angle, Figure 4-55, strike the arc in the joint. F IGURE 4-56 Step the electrode. Courtesy of Larry Jeffus.
■ Keep a very short arc length.
shrink, move the arc back near the center of the weld.
■ Hold the arc in this new location until the molten
weld pool again grows to the correct size.
■ Step the electrode forward again and keep repeating
this pattern until the weld progresses along the Icicles
entire weld joint length. F IGURE 4-57 Welding too slow or with too high of an
■ Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity and amperage setting will result in the weld metal dripping
defects. down like icicles.
86 Section 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
■ Repeat the welds as needed with all three (F) face buildup. The back side of an outside corner joint can
groups of electrodes until you can consistently be used to practice fillet welds, or four plates can be made
make welds free of defects. Turn off the welding into a box tube shape, Figure 4-59.
machine and clean up your work area when you are
finished welding.
Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report” PRACTICE 4-13
listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆ Outside Corner Joint in the Flat Position
Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, E6012
Outside Corner Joint or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018
An outside corner joint is made by placing the plates at Electrodes
a 90° angle to each other, with the edges forming a V Using a properly set up and adjusted arc welding
groove, Figure 4-58. There may or may not be a slight root machine, proper safety protection, as demonstrated in
opening left between the plate edges. Small tack welds Practice 4-1, arc welding electrodes with a 1/8-in. (3-mm)
should be made approximately 1/2 in. (13 mm) from both diameter, and two pieces of mild steel plate 6 in. (152
ends of the joint. mm) long 1/4 in. (6 mm) thick, you will make a weld
The weld bead should completely fill the V groove on an outside corner joint.
formed by the plates and may have a slightly convex sur- ■ Starting at one end of the plate, make a straight
■ Repeat the welds as needed with all three (F)
F IGURE 4-59 Box tube made from four outside corner joint welds.
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 87
PRACTICE 4-14 This technique is the same as that used to make ver-
tical up welds. However, a lower level of skill is required
Outside Corner Joint in the Vertical Down at 45°, and it is easier to develop your skill. After the
Position Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, welder masters the 45° angle, the angle is increased suc-
E6012 or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or cessively until a vertical position is reached, Figure 4-61.
Before the molten metal drips down the bead, the back
E7018 Electrodes
of the molten weld pool will start to bulge, Figure 4-62.
Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as listed When this happens, increase the speed of travel and the
in Practice 4-13, you will make a vertical down weld on an weave pattern.
outside corner joint. Start with the plate at a 45° angle.
■ Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity and
This technique is the same as that used to make verti-
cal down welds. However, a lower level of skill is required
■ Repeat the welds as needed with all three (F)
at 45°, and it is easier to develop your skill. After you mas-
ter the 45° angle, the angle is increased successively until groups of electrodes until you can consistently
a vertical position is reached, Figure 4-60. make welds free of defects. Turn off the welding
■ Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity and
machine and clean up your work area when you are
finished welding.
■ Repeat the welds as needed with all three (F) Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report”
groups of electrodes until you can consistently listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
make welds free of defects. Turn off the welding
machine and clean up your work area when you are PRACTICE 4-16
finished welding.
Outside Corner Joint in the Horizontal
Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report” Position Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes,
listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
E6012 or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or
E7018 Electrodes
PRACTICE 4-15 Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as
Outside Corner Joint in the Vertical Up listed in Practice 4-13, you will make a horizontal weld on
an outside corner joint. When the welder begins to prac-
Position Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes,
tice the horizontal weld, the joint may be reclined slightly,
E6012 or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or Figure 4-63. This placement allows the welder to build
E7018 Electrodes the required skill by practicing the correct techniques suc-
Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as cessfully. The “J” weave or stepped pattern is suggested
listed in Practice 4-13, you will make a vertical up weld on for this practice. As the electrode is drawn back into the
an outside corner joint. Start with the plate at a 45° angle. weld pool, metal is deposited. This metal supports the
PRACTICE 4-17 As the molten weld pool gets larger it has a tendency to
quickly become convex. If you keep the arc in the molten
Outside Corner Joint in the Overhead weld pool once the joint is filled and the weld face is flat
Position Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, it will quickly overfill and become convex. This can result
E6012 or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or in the weld face forming drips of metal hanging from the
weld like icicles, Figure 4-67.
E7018 Electrodes
■ When the molten weld pool cools and begins
Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as
to shrink, move the arc back near the center of
listed in Practice 4-13, you will make an overhead welded
the weld.
outside corner joint.
■ Hold the arc in this new location until the molten
■ With the electrode pointed slightly into the joint,
weld pool again grows to the correct size.
Figure 4-65, strike the arc in the joint.
■ Step the electrode forward again and keep repeating
■ Keep a very short arc length.
this pattern until the weld progresses along the
■ Use the stepped pattern and move the electrode for-
entire weld joint length.
ward slightly when the molten weld pool grows to
■ Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity and
the correct size, Figure 4-66.
■ Repeat the welds as needed with all three (F)
Lap Joint
A lap joint is made by overlapping the edges of the two
plates, Figure 4-68. The joint can be welded on one side
or both sides with a fillet weld. In Practice 4-7, both sides
should be welded unless otherwise noted.
As the fillet weld is made on the lap joint, the buildup
should equal the thickness of the plate, Figure 4-69. A
good weld will have a smooth transition from the plate
surface to the weld. If this transition is abrupt, it can cause
F IGURE 4-65 Strike arc in the joint. stresses that will weaken the joint.
F IGURE 4-66 Stepping the electrode to control weld size.
90 Section 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
F IGURE 4-67 Welding too slowly or with too high of an
amperage setting will result in the weld metal dripping
down like icicles.
(152 mm) 1"
(13 mm)
(38 mm)
Welding Principles and Applications
F IGURE 4-72 Lap joint in the flat position.
(6 mm)
(6 mm)
top plate, Figure 4-74. Follow the surface of the plates weld is completed. Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for
with the arc. Do not follow the trailing edge of the weld uniformity and defects. Repeat the welds with all three
bead. Following the molten weld pool will not allow for (F) groups of electrodes until you can consistently
good root fusion and will cause slag to collect in the make welds free of defects. Turn off the welding
root. If slag does collect, a good weld is not possible. machine and clean up your work area when you are fin-
Stop the weld and chip the slag to remove it before the ished welding.
92 Section 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
TRAILING EDGE OF root. The fillet must be equally divided between both
WELD BEAD plates for good strength. After completing the weld, cool,
chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity and defects.
Repeat the welds using all three (F) groups of electrodes
until you can consistently make welds free of defects.
Turn off the welding machine and clean up your work
area when you are finished welding.
Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report”
listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
Lap Joint in the Vertical Position (3F)
Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, E6012
BE WELDED or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018
F IGURE 4-74 Follow the surface of the plate to ensure Electrodes
good fusion. Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as
listed in Practice 4-18, you will make a vertical up
welded lap joint.
Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report” listed
in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆ ■ Start practicing this weld with the plate at a 45°
■ Gradually increase the angle of the plate to vertical
PRACTICE 4-19 as skill is gained in welding this joint. The “J” or
Welded Lap Joint in the Horizontal “T” weave pattern works well on this joint.
Position (2F) Using E6010 or E6011 ■ Establish a molten weld pool in the root of the
Electrodes, E6012 or E6013 Electrodes,
and E7016 or E7018 Electrodes ■ Use the “T” pattern to step ahead of the molten
weld pool, allowing it to cool slightly. Do not
Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as deposit metal ahead of the molten weld pool.
listed in Practice 4-18, you will make a welded horizontal
lap joint. ■ As the molten weld pool size starts to decrease,
The horizontal lap joint and the flat lap joint require move the electrode back down into the molten weld
nearly the same technique and skill to achieve a proper pool.
weld, Figure 4-75. Use the “J,” “C,” or zigzag weave pat- ■ Quickly move the electrode from side to side in the
tern to make the weld. Do not allow slag to collect in the molten weld pool, filling up the joint.
■ Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity and
■ Repeat the welds as necessary with all three (F)
groups of electrodes until you can consistently
make welds free of defects. Turn off the welding
LEG machine and clean up your work area when you are
finished welding.
Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report”
LEG listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
Lap Joint in the Overhead Position (4F)
Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, E6012
or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018
Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as
F IGURE 4-75 The horizontal lap joint should have a fillet listed in Practice 4-18, you will make an overhead welded
weld that is equal on both plates. lap joint.
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 93
F IGURE 4-78 Overfilling the molten weld pool will result in
drips of metal called icicles.
CORRECT FILL ■ Step the electrode forward again and keep repeating
this pattern until the weld progresses along the
entire weld joint length.
■ Cool, chip, and inspect the weld for uniformity and
■ Repeat the welds as needed with all three (F)
UNDER FILL groups of electrodes until you can consistently
F IGURE 4-77 Correct fillet weld size for overhead welds. make welds free of defects. Turn off the welding
machine and clean up your work area when you are
finished welding.
Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report”
listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
■ With the electrode pointed slightly into the joint,
Figure 4-76, strike the arc in the inside corner of
the lap joint. Tee Joint
■ Keep a very short arc length. The tee joint is made by tack welding one piece of metal
on another piece of metal at a right angle, Figure 4-79. After
■ Use the stepped pattern and move the electrode for-
the joint is tack welded together, the slag is chipped from the
ward slightly when the molten weld pool grows to
tack welds. If the slag is not removed, it will cause a slag
the correct size, Figure 4-77.
inclusion in the final weld.
As the molten weld pool gets larger it has a tendency to
The heat is not distributed uniformly between both
quickly become convex. If you keep the arc in the molten
plates during a tee weld. Because the plate that forms the
weld pool once the joint is filled and the weld face is flat
stem of the tee can conduct heat away from the arc in only
it will quickly overfill and become convex. This can result
one direction, it will heat up faster than the base plate.
in the weld face forming drips of metal hanging from the
Heat escapes into the base plate in two directions. When
weld like icicles, Figure 4-78.
using a weave pattern, most of the heat should be directed
■ When the molten weld pool cools and begins to to the base plate to keep the weld size more uniform and
shrink, move the arc back near the center of the to help prevent undercut
weld. A welded tee joint can be strong if it is welded on both
■ Hold the arc in this new location until the molten sides, even without having deep penetration, Figure 4-80.
weld pool again grows to the correct size. The weld will be as strong as the base plate if the size of
94 Section 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report”
listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
Tee Joint in the Horizontal Position (2F)
Using E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, E6012
or E6013 Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018
F IGURE 4-80 If the total weld sizes are equal, then both
tee joints would have equal strength. Electrodes
Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as
listed in Practice 4-22, you will make a welded tee joint in
the horizontal position.
the two welds equals the total thickness of the base plate. Place the tack welded tee plates flat on the welding
The weld bead should have a flat or slightly concave table so that the weld is horizontal and the plates are flat
appearance to ensure the greatest strength and efficiency, and vertical, Figure 4-83. Start the arc on the flat plate
Figure 4-81. and establish a molten weld pool in the root on both
plates. Using the “J” or “C” weave pattern, push the arc
PRACTICE 4-22 into the root and slightly up the vertical plate. You must
keep the root of the joint fusing together with the weld
Tee Joint in the Flat Position (1F) Using metal. If the metal does not fuse, a notch will appear on
E6010 or 6011 Electrodes, E6012 or E6013 the leading edge of the weld bead. Poor or incomplete
Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018 root fusion will cause the weld to be weak and easily
cracked under a load.
Electrodes When the weld is completed, cool, chip, and inspect
Using a properly set up and adjusted arc welding it for uniformity and defects. Undercut on the vertical
machine, proper safety protection, arc welding electrodes plate is the most common defect. Repeat the welds with
having a 1/8-in. (3-mm) diameter, and two or more pieces all three (F) groups of electrodes until you can consis-
of mild steel plate, 6 in. (152 mm) long 1/4 in. (6 mm) tently make welds free of defects. Turn off the welding
thick, you will make a welded tee joint in the flat position, machine and clean up your work area when you are fin-
Figure 4-82. ished welding.
After the plates are tack welded together, place them Complete a copy of the “Student Welding Report”
on the welding table so the weld will be flat. Start at one listed in Appendix I or provided by your instructor. ◆
end and establish a molten weld pool on both plates.
Allow the molten weld pool to flow together before start-
ing the bead. Any of the weave patterns will work well on
this joint. To prevent slag inclusions, use a slightly higher PRACTICE 4-24
than normal amperage setting. Tee Joint in the Vertical Position (3F) Using
When the 6-in. (152-mm) -long weld is completed,
cool, chip, and inspect it for uniformity and soundness. E6010 or E6011 Electrodes, E6012 or E6013
Repeat the welds as needed for all these groups of elec- Electrodes, and E7016 or E7018 Electrodes
trodes until you can consistently make welds free of Using the same setup, materials, and electrodes as
defects. Turn off the welding machine and clean up your listed in Practice 4-22, you will make a welded tee joint in
work area when you are finished welding. the vertical position.
F IGURE 4-81 The stresses are distributed more uniformly through a flat or concave fillet weld.
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 95
90° +
– 5°
(76 mm) 1"
(38 mm)
(152 mm)
The shielded metal arc welding process is most often the end of the electrode. But, with time, as you develop
referred to in welding shops as stick welding. Some people your skills, your visual field will increase, allowing you
say that it gets this name for one of two reasons. The first to see a much larger welding zone. This skill comes
is most obviously as a result of the stick shape of the elec- with time and practice. Developing this skill is essential
trode. The second reason is experienced by all new for you to become a highly proficient welder. Nothing
welders; it is the tendency for the electrode to stick to the enhances your welding skills more than time under the
workpiece. All new welders experience this, and your abil- hood, actually welding, cleaning off the weld, inspect-
ity to control the sticking of the electrode can be improved ing it, determining the necessary corrections to be
as you develop the proper arc-striking techniques. made, and immediately trying to produce the next weld
For a new welder, it is often difficult to concentrate with a higher level of quality.
on anything other than the bright sparks and glow at
Achieving “Surface-Quality”
Wet Welds
While underwater wet welding offers advantages, such
as speed, versatility, and cost effectiveness, the ship classifi- The pad eyes that will hold this cofferdam to the side of
cation societies consider wet welds temporary repairs, that the ship were welded using A-class wet welding proce-
must be redone in drydock. dures. As a result, the welds were classified as a permanent
AWS D3.6 divides underwater wet welds into four classes— repair, which will not have to be reworked when the vessel
A, B, C, and O—based on varying sets of required properties goes into drydock. (Photo courtesy of Miami Diver, Inc.)
defined by mechanical tests, surface appearance, and nonde-
structive examination requirements. The specification defines “When you’re accustomed to a certain rod for so long, to
the four classes as follows: get [the welders] to switch was somewhat of an obstacle.”
■ Class A welds “are intended to be suitable for applica-
tions and design stresses comparable to their conven-
tional surface welding counterparts by virtue of speci- Intensive Training
fying comparable properties and testing As they practiced with the new electrode, the welders
requirements.” found they were not getting enough penetration. Although
■ Class B welds “are intended for less critical applica- adjustments were made following a series of phone calls
tions where lower ductility, moderate porosity, and between Miami and the United Kingdom, where Hydro-
other limited discontinuities can be tolerated.” Weld is headquartered, the problem was not solved. Peters
decided to bring in experts from the electrode manufacturer
■ Class C welds “need only satisfy lesser requirements
and conduct a training class.
than class A, B, and O and are intended for applica-
Joining forces with Trident BV and Cores Diving, Peters
tions where the load-bearing function is not a pri-
shipped over a pallet of electrodes for the class. The com-
mary consideration.”
panies’ goal was not only to become proficient in using the
■ Class O underwater welds must also meet the new electrode but also to become the first diving contrac-
requirements of another code or specification. tors in the underwater ship repair industry to offer “surface-
Two years ago, in anticipation of possible changes in the quality, structural wet welds” that could be accepted as per-
American Bureau of Shipbuilding’s regulations and believ- manent wet welding repairs. HydroWeld wrote the wet
ing the company could provide added value to its cus- welding procedure specifications the welders would follow
tomers by qualifying its welders to the requirements of the and conducted the ten-day-long training program.
D3.6 standard, Peters began researching wet welding elec-
trodes. While certain that he and the other welders could
meet the B and C class requirements, Peters was not as opti-
Involving the Classification
mistic about meeting the requirements of the all-weld- Societies
metal tensile test for A-class welds. The specification Miami Diver brought in representatives from the six
requires a minimum of 14% elongation. Less elongation can largest ship classification societies—American Bureau of
result in a lack of weld ductility. Shipping, Lloyds Register of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas,
Peters purchased quantities of each brand of underwater Bureau Veritas, Rina, and Germanischer Lloyd—to witness
welding electrode. Welds were made in the training tank at the qualification of the welding procedures and welder
the company’s Miami office, then subjected to visual and qualifications. An independent laboratory was hired to per-
destructive testing. “In the end, we found one electrode we form tests on the weld coupons.
had never used before called Hydro-Weld FS,” Peters Three positions were used to produce the coupons: 2F
recalled. “We found that electrode exceeded any of our horizontal, 3F vertical, and 4F overhead. Groove weld spec-
expectations as far as elongation.” imens for the Charpy impact and all-weld-metal tensile tests
A transition to the new electrode proved somewhat dif- as well as a longitudinal fillet weld shear strength test spec-
ficult, however. The electrode the company had been using imen were produced.
was equivalent to an E7014 shielded metal arc welding elec- In the end, the classification societies confirmed that the
trode, while the new electrode was an E6013 equivalent. specimens complied with, or exceeded, the requirements of
“Even topside, those have different arcs,” Peters said. AWS D3.6M for class-A welds.
98 Section 2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
The bolts are underwater wet welds that held the gagging A diver/welder welding the gagging plates to the Azipod.
plates to the housing of the propulsion pod. (Photo courtesy of (Photo courtesy of Miami Diver, Inc.)
Miami Diver, Inc.)
“When the whole thing was over, it was probably in the The A-class wet welding procedures were key to the
neighborhood of $75,000, $80,000, to run that course repair, Allen said, because Det Norske Veritas classified the
[because] you have to take that many men off hire and pay wet welds used to join the twelve pad eyes that would hold
the manufacturer,” Peters said. “The consumables alone the cofferdam to the hull as permanent. Classified as per-
were in excess of $10,000. Then [you have to pay] the class manent, the welds did not need to be reworked in drydock.
societies.” Once the cofferdam was pumped dry, the pad eyes needed
As a result, some wet welds previously considered tem- to hold 50 tons to the hull in a watertight seal.
porary are now deemed permanent. The customer can also “Obviously, the welds have been proven now that
avoid unscheduled drydocks, even for repairs that continue they’ve actually held the box under,” Peters said.
to be classified as temporary. “You can get a temporary
repair that will allow the vessel to trade on its normal char-
ter until the next scheduled drydock,” Peters said.
Securing a Propulsion System
The company also followed the A-class wet welding pro-
cedures when it performed temporary repairs on a cruise
Underwater Welding Jobs ship stuck at the Port of Miami dock.
The A-class weld procedures proved useful during a A leak had developed in the starboard Azipod, the part of
recent repair job in the Indian Ocean. The vessel, a semi- a pod propulsion system that eliminates the need for a rudder
submersible drill rig modified into a platform from which or stern thrusters, which hangs below the vessel and can
rockets launch satellites, is paired with a command ship. The rotate 360°. Because of the leak, the ship needed to go to
platform’s drydock schedule is once every ten years. The Newport News, Virginia, to be placed into drydock for repair.
owner tries to avoid unscheduled drydocks because the ves- While the ship could run on its own power using the port pod,
sel is so large the only available drydock is in Asia. Moving any movement of the propeller blades inside the leaking pod
the vessel there and back is extremely expensive. could damage its armature and the ship’s electric motor. Time
A problem developed in the bow thrusters, an integral was critical because the cruise line estimated each day the ship
part of the platform’s dynamic positioning system that lim- remained off hire cost the company $1 million in lost revenue.
ited its ability to pitch. The only way to fix the problem was It was first suggested the propeller blades be removed,
in a dry environment, so workers from Miami Diver West but no one was sure how long that would take. Miami Diver
(the California subsidiary of Miami Diver) welded 13-ft came up with what it thought was a better solution. “We
13-ft cofferdams, which could be attached to the side of told them, ‘We have wet weld procedures with Lloyds,
the ship. under A class,’ ” Peters recalled. “ ‘We’ll make gagging
Jim Allen, president of Miami Diver West, explained they plates and wet weld them to the Azipod—to the outer hous-
built the cofferdam large enough so that, if necessary, the ing of the pod—and we’ll prevent the prop from rotating,’ ”
entire bow thruster could be disassembled, removed, and The A-class wet welding procedures helped sell the concept,
replaced with a new one. Using an enclosed cofferdam to Peters said, because the classification society had already
create a dry welding environment has been done many approved those procedures. The cruise line agreed to the
times before, Allen said, but this one was different because proposal, as did the pod manufacturer, provided the welds
they built interchangeable feet, which would allow it to could pass a 50-ton load test. The manufacturer was con-
meet the curvature of either the platform or the command cerned because the pod was under warranty.
ship. “That way we can utilize the same box for different “We removed two of the main fastenings to the hub and
repairs,” Allen said. we fabricated new bolts that were studs,” Peters explained.
Chapter 4 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate 99
“This enabled us to lay a 1 1/2-in. plate over the hub of the was spent in preparation, such as cutting plates, machining
propeller and bolt it to the propeller. Then the remaining the bolts, and removing an epoxy coating from the pods.
part of the plate, approximately 1 ft, crossed over the pod In all, they fit and welded four gagging plates onto the
housing, and it was welded with a full 1-in. by 2-ft-long fil- housing of the Azipod. “The load test was not even an issue
let weld.” with us,” Peters said. “We put four plates on, but we could
The company brought in four welders from Los Angeles, have held it with one plate.” Once the propeller blades
welders from Holland, and part of its Miami-based crew for could no longer move, the cruise ship successfully made its
the project. They worked around the clock—four hours at a journey to Newport News.
time in the water—to complete the job. Much of that time Photos and article courtesy of the American Welding Society.
1. Describe two methods of striking an arc with an 12. Describe the difference between using a leading and
electrode. a training electrode angle.
2. Why is it important to strike the arc only in the 13. Can all electrodes be used with a leading angle?
weld joint? Why or why not?
3. What problems may result by using an electrode at 14. What characteristics of the weld bead does the
too low a current setting? weaving of the electrode have?
4. What problems may result by using an electrode at 15. What are some of the applications for the circular
too high a current setting? pattern in the flat position?
5. According to Table 4-1, what would the amperage 16. Using a pencil, draw two complete lines of the
range be for the following electrodes? weave patterns you are most comfortable making.
a. 1/8 in. (3.2 mm), c. 3/32 in. (2.4 mm), 17. Why is it important to find a good welding
E6010 E7016 position?
b. 5/32 in. (4 mm), d. 1/8 in. (3.2 mm), 18. Which electrodes would be grouped in the follow-
E7018 E6011 ing F numbers: F3, F2, F4?
6. What makes some spatter “hard”? 19. Give one advantage of using electrodes with
cellulose-based fluxes.
7. Why should you never change the current setting
during a weld? 20. What are stringer beads?
8. What factors should be considered when selecting 21. Describe an ideal tack weld.
an electrode size? 22. What effect does the root opening or root cap have
9. What can a welder do to control overheating of the on a butt joint?
metal pieces being welded? 23. What can happen if the fillet weld on a lap joint
10. What effect does changing the arc length have on does not have a smooth transition?
the weld? 24. Which plate heats up faster on a tee joint? Why?
11. What arc problems can occur in deep or narrow 25. Can a tee weld be strong if the welds on both sides
weld joints? do not have deep penetration? Why or why not?